Blood Distribution System Using Data Mining

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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 4 Issue: 3 88 – 92

Blood Distribution System using Data Mining

Ankita Dambhare, Gayatri Dubele, Prof. N. Telrandhe
KDKCE Nagpur

Abstract – Blood is a saver of all existing lives in case of emergency needs. During the blood transfusion process, the acceptor receiving blood
should be considered before donating the blood. The blood donor information should be checked before displaying their details on the website.
In this paper, we propose a web application to timely update the information regarding the donors, acceptor and patients where the
administrator access the whole information about blood bank distribution system. It also maintains the amount of each available blood groups,
if the stock of a particular blood group is lower than the required amount then the proposed method notifies the donor to donate blood. The web
based application is readily scalable, efficient and adaptable to meet the complex need of blood bank who is key facilitators for the healthcare
sector. Hence the life at threat can be saved by this optimization technique.

Keywords—Blood bank, donors, acceptors, administrator, Blood Distribution.


I. INTRODUCTION transferring the data entered by the users to the data

The need for the blood is important for treating in storage.
medical field. For every second someone needs blood to This paper is organized as follows: Section II the related
save their life. The task of blood bank is to receive blood work of the paper is illustrated. The problem faced in
from various donors, to monitor the blood groups database existing system is explained in Section III. The introduction
and to send the required blood during the need to the to the proposed system is stated in Section IV. At last, the
hospital in case of emergencies. In developing countries, conclusion and the future work is stated in the final part.
especially like India, the blood resource lacks in quantity
which is a barrier to others life. The Southern regions of II. RELATED WORK
Asia are weak in regulation of BTS and sometimes Bidirectional way of communication is a problem
transferring the real time data are difficult. There are many in pull technology; communication between server and
shortcomings like decentralized nature of donor and client using push technology is solved by push server seen
required blood is needed at serious times. Manually is here[1]. Communication process between the blood center
difficult in the current existing system and tracking the department and hospitals using Geo-location RVD Scoring
database for particular blood group is complicated. The Algorithm is proposed [2] with an easytoorganize database
aim of serving an efficient quality of blood to the of contact details and their blood groups are displayed for
patient.[1] acceptors. Large amount of time is taken to analyses the
The last minute update of information are done in data of donor in online is solved here [3].So extract
bidirectional way. So the information regarding the Blood knowledge of blood donor’s classification to aid clinical
Transfusion Services(BTS) is explained as entering the decisions in blood bank center is retrieved. [4] Medications
details about the blood groups, members, contact details, for patients are often packed with reminder systems to
etc. and finding the donor with GIS. The update about the remind about the day and/or time to take the prescribed
information after the donation of the blood by a donor is medicine as per their health conditions. Some of these
not entered in the system. The online blood bank reminder systems has integrated with portable
management system helps to maintain the database and telecommunication devices especially like the mobile
quality of blood. This increases reliability, fault tolerance phones.(SMS System);mtechnology and Patient Compliance
and availability. The online blood bank management methodology is proposed to process dosage adjustment of
system with integration of GIS is important because when medication and other general information that highlights
the lives are at stake than using the web based application correction of life styles, changes in diet and physical
searching for nearby blood donor is done where it is based exercise and to live in a better way. Previously we could not
on nearby location. Further, these details are accessible by implement large dataset classification and separation [5]
anyone, so a strong authentication mechanism is needed. classification, clustering, association, prediction and
The services used in the proposed system are web services sequential patterns to store all the important details. The
and domain services. Web services are used for Advanced Data Mining Techniques with KDD are used to
implement data mining techniques for predicting the blood
IJFRCSCE | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 88 – 92
donor’s behavior and attitude on blood donor’s data set, present which are not reliable since they don’t get often
which have been collected from the blood bank center. In updated. At present there are no proper websites.
recent years, smart phone applications could not open The primary disadvantage of BTS is that there is a
directly in emergency time. An Emergency Panic Button [6] concern of many discomforts in immediately following the
can be used to provide facility to the customer who suffers process. Discomfort in the process is typically minor.
from the accident. We can more implement this application However, the users feel weak and light-headed for several
using android operating system since it is open source hours following the procedure. [4]There is no proper care of
software which says that the collection of the blood donor person who donates blood to patients. That is the medical
data from the smart phone application is not safer. Using history about the donor is not available with the website. If a
cloud with data mining techniques, the implementation of donor has or had any medical problem comes forward to
blood donor recruitment strategies are recorded, where the donate blood to a patient then it may lead to threat.[13]
information about the recruitment is to be considered by Medical history like:
focusing on social networks and community rather than • A person who have anemia or are underweight for height
intrinsic altruism [7]. from their height should not donate blood.
To improve data confidentiality using Novel Techniques by • People who have diseases that are transmissible via
data mining where this novel technique in blood donor blood are disqualified from donating.
recruitment information and management system for smart • Donors who have had ear, tongue, or other body part
phone app user is seen here[8]. In the developing countries, piercing are allowed to donate blood as long as the
the rate of population is regarded to increase public relations needle used in the piercing was sterile. If it was not or if
and effective communication between each other, blood this is unknown, the potential donor must wait 12
donor issues in disaster management, the donor interest is months from the time of the piercing.
discussed in this paper. Most of the app could not provide • Being positive for the AIDS or hepatitis viruses ruled out
location and spatial search for geographical Location for as a blood donor.
blood donors. By using GPS and GSM with blood donor • Pregnant women and recent childbirth ruled out as a
app in smart phones they are tracked [9]. It can provide the blood donor. This is because considering the safety of
location of the donor and spatial search for geographical donating during and shortly after pregnancy has not been
location for blood acceptor. fully established. There may be medical risks to the
Discovering the knowledge behind all data blood mother and baby during this time.
stock from the databases are separated where it consumes Thus the above following reasons are not
more time. Using Data Mining with Interactive Knowledge considered in any websites. These kinds of information are
Discovery, the discovery of new and interesting patterns in notprovided by the current system where it may lead to dead
large datasets in blood donors is proposed here [10]. In in person. Because the main reason is that the donor and the
some places like where there are more than 50 hospitals and patient’s body condition will not match all the time. There
only 6 blood banks are available then the problem of low are short comings in web based application in the blood
stock is maintained.[11] Then there should be recruitment of donation system:
voluntary blood donor, retaining and recognising them. But • Difficulty in handling emergency situation,
the problem is the information while retrieving fails in this • Slow internet access in some regions.
system. • No proper security for personal details.
• Misuse by third parties.
III.EXISTING SYSTEM • No proper update about recent details.
The recruitment of blood donor when compared • Needs a intermediate to work manually on information
with other countries is very less in overall blood donating update.
percentage annually. [14]Besides this recruitment, the • Time consuming (call or SMS to reach the donors).
screening of donor and the management system is not well • Leads to error prone results.
maintained. The details of the information of donors are
given for the usage of the users for contacting them when in
need of blood in case of any emergency. The problem which
currently exists in the medical field is that blood is needed The system to be developed will be consisting of roe based
immediately for an injured person or for any major login for each and every type of user in the system. The user
operation, it is not easily available even though blood banks can be a clerk for blood donation camp, a doctor at
are present. [3]There are some websites present for hospital,clerk at Blood bank hospitals and an Admin for
donating blood were the phone numbers of the donors are Blood monitoring and distribution systems.

IJFRCSCE | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 88 – 92
Basic Data Flow

Modules 4. Admin Panel for Monitoring.

1. Authenticated Logins with Encryption scheme with SQL 5. Email Services for user verification and forgot password
Injection prevention services.
2. Data Upload and Dataset Generation Modules
3. Mining Engines for Blood Distribution.


Fig: Admin Page

IJFRCSCE | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 88 – 92

Fig: New User Registration

Fig: Add and Distribute Blood

Fig: Request Blood

IJFRCSCE | March 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 88 – 92
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IJFRCSCE | March 2018, Available @

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