Sop Sdidtkdoc
Sop Sdidtkdoc
Sop Sdidtkdoc
THIS SERVICE CONTRACT IS INCLUSIVE OF THE take effect immediately and will cover Your Product up to
the coverage end date on the Declarations Page or until
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cancelled by either You or Us.
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AND BEYOND THE TERM OF THE MANUFACTURER’S If You purchased this Service Contract on a date later than
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WARRANTY. LOSSES COVERED BY THE the purchase of Your Product, this Service Contract will
MANUFACTURER DURING THE MANUFACTURER’S take effect immediately and will cover Your Product up to
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WARRANTY PERIOD ARE NOT COVERED UNDER the coverage end date or until cancelled by either You or
PL Us. Please see Your coverage start date and coverage
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term on the Declarations Page for Your coverage specifics.
You/Your means the owner of the Product covered under
this Service Contract.
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Service Contract Provider/We/Us/Our means the entity MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN – This
that is contractually obligated to You under the terms of this Service Contract provides repair or replacement coverage
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Service Contract. The Service Contract Provider is Federal for Product hardware failures due to normal wear and tear.
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Warranty Service Corporation, P.O. Box 105689, Atlanta, Should We repair Your Product, We will restore its
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GA 30348-5689, 1-877-881-8578 in all states except in hardware and preloaded manufacturer’s software
California where the Service Contract Provider is Sureway, functionality to the manufacturer’s written specifications.
Inc. P.O. Box 105689, Atlanta, GA 30348-5689,
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1-877-881-8578; in Florida where the Service Contract MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN AND
Provider is United Service Protection, Inc., 11222 Quail ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE – This Service Contract provides
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Roost Drive, Miami, FL 33157, 1-877-881-8578; and in repair or replacement coverage for Product hardware
Oklahoma where the Service Contract Provider is Assurant failures due to normal wear and tear including accidental
Service Protection, Inc., P.O. Box 105689, Atlanta, GA damage (such as drops, liquid spills, and cracks). Should
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30348-5689, 1-877-881-8578. We repair Your Product, We will restore its hardware and
preloaded manufacturer’s software functionality to the
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1) Replace Your Product with a new, refurbished, or MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY: During the
recertified product of like kind and quality if We are manufacturer’s warranty period, the Seller or the
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manufacturer will pay for items covered under its express
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unable to repair Your Product or if the repair cost
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exceeds the current retail replacement value of warranty; and We will pay for other covered items herein,
Your Product. While We will try to accommodate not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. If You should
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specific replacement preferences such as call for service on an item covered under the
manufacturer’s warranty We will refer Your call to the
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equipment color, cosmetics, or features, this
request is not guaranteed. The price of the
replacement product shall not exceed the
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maximum replacement value of the original
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Product less any applicable deductible. If We
replace Your Product, We will ship the
excludes: any loss, repair or replacement necessitated
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replacement product to You; or by acts of God; accidental, consequential, incidental
2) Issue a cash credit equal to the value of the or intentional damage; misuse, abuse, neglect, or
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replacement product, not to exceed the maximum services (or damages caused) by non-authorized
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replacement value of the original Product less any repair personnel; pre-existing conditions known to
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applicable deductible. The cash credit, with Your You that occurred prior to the coverage start date;
authorization, will be deposited in Your account rust, corrosion, spilled liquids, insect infestation or
with Google and may be used by You toward the fire; theft or burglary, mysterious disappearance,
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purchase of any eligible replacement product of vandalism, transport, riot, environmental conditions,
Your choice; or sand, dirt, damage from exposure to weather
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3) Provide a settlement equal to the value of the conditions, power reductions or fluctuations; loss or
replacement product, not to exceed the maximum damage to or of antennas, external housing, or
replacement value of the original Product less any casings that does not affect the mechanical or
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credit, or settlement, the damaged/unrepairable Product software that is added after the original Product
becomes Our property. You are responsible for returning purchase; “no problem found” diagnosis or any
the damaged/unrepairable Product to Us and any defects that are subject to a manufacturer’s warranty;
subsequent shipping costs such as express or expedited claims for any loss caused by the use of the Product
shipping, or any reshipping expenses. in a manner not recommended by the Manufacturer;
Once We receive the damaged/unrepairable Product, We claims arising from any breach of implied or
will inspect the Product and validate that the reported expressed warranty of merchantability or fitness of the
hardware failure is covered under this Service Contract. Product from the manufacturer.
Should We determine that the failure resulted from an MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN AND
Exclusion in this Service Contract, We will contact You with ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE excludes: any loss, repair or
Our findings and arrange either to: replacement necessitated by acts of God;
1) Charge to You the difference between the value of consequential, incidental or intentional damage;
the replacement product, cash credit, or misuse, abuse, neglect, or services (or damages
settlement and the current market value of the caused) by non-authorized repair personnel; pre-
damaged/unrepairable Product; or existing conditions known to You that occurred prior
2) Return the Product to You and charge You the to the coverage start date; rust, corrosion, insect
value price of the replacement product, cash infestation or fire; theft or burglary, mysterious
credit, or settlement; or disappearance, vandalism, transport, riot,
WHAT YOU MUST DO: In order to keep this Service Declarations Page.
Contract in force during the coverage term, You must
maintain the Product in accordance with the service We reserve the right to collect any Fee due to Us under
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requirements set forth by the manufacturer’s this Service Contract prior to issuing a replacement
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specifications, including cleaning and maintenance. It is product, cash credit, or settlement.
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Your responsibility to protect the Product from further
damage and comply with the owner’s manual. You must TRANSFER: This Service Contract is transferable.
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notify the Service Contract Administrator in writing if Your
address changes.
PL RENEWAL: For monthly term programs, We reserve the
right to change the provisions of this Service Contract
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INELIGIBLE FOR COVERAGE: This Service Contract (including Price and Deductible) upon giving You at least
thirty (30) days written notice prior to the date of renewal.
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does not provide any service for property held in inventory
or property held as Your stock in trade. Enrollment in this For term programs, We may, at Our option, renew this
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Service Contract is only available for new communications Service Contract; however, We are not obligated to offer
devices under manufacturer’s warranty or, at Our You another Service Contract upon the coverage end date
of this Service Contract or to accept a Service Contract
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cancellation or calling the Service Contract Administrator notice prior to the date of renewal.
at the toll free number indicated on the Declarations Page.
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If You cancel this Service Contract within the first thirty (30)
days of the coverage start date, and the Price has been READ THE FOLLOWING ARBITRATION PROVISION
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paid, and no claims have been paid, the contract is void (“PROVISION”) CAREFULLY. IT LIMITS CERTAIN OF YOUR
and You will receive a full refund. In the event this Service RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO OBTAIN RELIEF OR
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Contract is cancelled after thirty (30) days or within the first DAMAGES THROUGH COURT ACTION.
thirty (30) days and You have made a claim, We will refund
to You the unearned pro rata Price, less any claims paid As used in this Provision, “You” and “Your” mean the
up to the date of cancellation. If this Service Contract was person or persons named in this Service Contract, and all
inadvertently sold to You on a product which was not of his/her heirs, survivors, assigns and representatives.
intended to be covered by this Service Contract, We will “We” and “Us” shall mean the Service Contract Provider
cancel this Service Contract and return the full Price to identified above and shall be deemed to include all of its
Provision is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall claimants pertaining to any claim.
not invalidate the remaining portions of the Provision,
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