THDPP TermsConditions 1
THDPP TermsConditions 1
THDPP TermsConditions 1
Term of Coverage: The term of the Service Plan coverage begins im- with a product with similar features, (3) reimbursement for authorized
This is a legal contract (referred to hereinafter as the “Plan”). By pur- repairs or replacement of your product, or (4) the price that you paid
chasing it, you understand that it is such a contract and acknowledge mediately following the expiration of the manufacturer’s labor war-
ranty and remains in effect unless cancelled or fulfilled pursuant to for the product (excluding any delivery charge and sales tax). The total
that you have had the opportunity to read the terms and conditions set liability under this Plan is the purchase price you paid for the product,
the provisions below for the term indicated on your sales receipt. Our
forth herein. This is not a contract of insurance. including sales tax, as indicated on your sales receipt; in the event that
obligations under this Plan will be considered fulfilled if we provide
Obligor: The Company obligated under the Plan in all states except you with a replacement product, a check, or Home Depot gift card (a) the total of all repairs exceeds the purchase price you paid for the
Florida N.E.W. Customer Protection Company, Inc., whose address for the original purchase price of your product, including taxes as product, excluding sales tax, (b) we reimburse you for the purchase price
is 300 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1350, Chicago, Illinois 60606, telephone indicated on your sales receipt. of your product or (c) we replace your product with a product of like kind
1-866-856-3882. In Florida the company obligated under this Plan is and quality that performs to the factory specifications of the original
How it works: If your product experiences a breakdown, contact customer product, we shall have satisfied all of our obligations under this Plan.
National Electronics Warranty Corporation of Florida, (a service at 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) to process your claim.
Service Warranty Association), P.O. Box 1340, Sterling, Virginia 20167, If in-home service is provided for the full term of your manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Responsibilities: Parts and services covered during the
telephone 1-866-856-3882. warranty, then it will be provided under this Plan. If in-home service is manufacturer’s warranty period are the responsibility of the manufacturer.
Definitions: (1) “we”, “us”, or “our” refer to the company obligated under not provided, we will pay for the cost of shipping your product back for Deductible: There is no deductible required to obtain service for your
this Plan, as referenced above; (2) ”administrator” refers to (a) National repair or replacement. At our sole discretion, we may require that you covered product.
Electronics Warranty, LLC in all states and DC except in AL, AZ and FL; (b) return the covered product to us as a condition to receiving a replace- Transferable: This Plan may be transferred to a subsequent owner of
N.E.W. Customer Protection Company, Inc. in AL and AZ; and (c) National ment product. Once your product has been replaced all of our obligations the Product at no additional charge. To transfer, call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT
Electronics Warranty Corporation of Florida (a service warranty associa- under this Plan have been fulfilled in their entirety. (1-800-466-3337). Proof of purchase receipt, as well as any service re-
tion) in FL (NEW refers collectively to National Electronics Warranty, LLC, No Lemon Policy: After three (3) service repairs have been completed on pair receipts must be transferred to the new owner. The Lifetime Service
N.E.W. Customer Protection Company, Inc. and National Electronics War- an individual product for the same breakdown or component, and that Plan is non-transferable.
ranty Corporation of Florida)The administrator can be contacted at: P.O. product requires a fourth (4th) repair for the same breakdown or com-
Box 1340, Sterling, Virginia 20166; (3) “retailer” refers to Home Depot Moving: Except for coverage for water heaters, in the event you move
ponent, as determined by us, we will replace it, at our discretion, with
U.S.A., Inc.; (4) “breakdown” refers to the mechanical or electrical failure or relocate, please contact us so we may update your service address.
a new or remanufactured product of like kind and quality that performs
of the products caused by: a) defects in materials/and or workmanship, to the factory specifications of the original product or provide you a gift Replacement Products: We may replace your product with a NEW, RE-
b) normal wear and tear c) dust, heat, or humidity, and d) power surges; card or check with a value equivalent to the original purchase price of the MANUFACTURED, OR A PRODUCT OF LIKE KIND AND QUALITY THAT PER-
(5) “product” refers to the consumer item which you purchased concur- product, including sales tax. This Plan shall be satisfied upon replace- FORMS TO THE FACTORY SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT.
rently with and is covered by this Plan; and (6) “you”, “your”, and “ser- ment of your product or issuance of your Home Depot gift card or check. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS: THESE PLANS DO NOT COVER: (1) INCIDENTAL,
vice contract holder” refers to the individual who purchased the product CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SECONDARY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT
and the Plan or the individual to whom the Plan was transferred to as Service Plans for Hot Water Heaters:
per these terms and conditions. What is Covered: This Plan covers labor costs to repair your product in LOSS OF USE DURING THE PERIOD THAT THE PRODUCT IS AT A REPAIR
Instructions: You must keep the receipt for your product; it is an integral the event your product experiences a breakdown which is not concurrent- CENTER OR OTHERWISE AWAITING PARTS; LOSS OF BUSINESS; LOSS
part of this Plan and you may be required to reference it to obtain ser- ly covered under any insurance policy or any other service contract. If we OF PROFITS; LOSS OF DATA; AND DOWN-TIME AND CHARGES FOR TIME
vice. This Plan, including the terms, conditions, limitations, exceptions determine that we cannot service your product as specified in this Plan, AND EFFORT; (2) ANY AND ALL PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS THAT EX-
and exclusions, and the receipt containing the length of this Plan and we may replace it with a replacement product or we may at our discre- ISTED PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS PLAN; (3) DAMAGE FROM
product identification, constitute the entire agreement. tion issue you a Home Depot gift card or check for the original purchase ABUSE, MISUSE, INTRODUCTION OF FOREIGN OBJECTS INTO THE PROD-
price of that product, including taxes, as indicated on your sales receipt. UCT, UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCT MODIFICATIONS OR ALTERATIONS; (4)
Replacement Plans (products less than $300):
What is Covered for Lifetime Hot Water Heaters: This Plan covers FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS (5) THIRD
What is Covered: This Plan covers the replacement of your product in the parts and labor costs to repair your product in the event your product PARTY ACTIONS (INSECT INFESTATION, FIRE, COLLISION, VANDALISM,
event the product experiences a covered breakdown which is not concur- experiences a breakdown which is not concurrently covered under any THEFT, ETC.); (6) LOSS OR DAMAGE DUE TO THE ELEMENTS OR ACTS OF
rently covered under any insurance policy or any other service contract. insurance policy or any other service contract. If we determine that we GOD; (7) LOSS OR DAMAGE DUE TO WAR, INVASION OR ACT OF FOREIGN
We may replace your product with a replacement product or we may, at cannot service your product as specified in this Plan, we may replace ENEMY, HOSTILITIES, CIVIL WAR, REBELLION, RIOT, STRIKE, LABOR
our discretion, issue you a Home Depot gift card or check for the original it with a replacement product or we may at our discretion issue you a DISTURBANCE, LOCKOUT OR CIVIL COMMOTION; (8) DAMAGE COVERED
purchase price of that product, including taxes, as indicated on your Home Depot gift card or check for the original purchase price of that BY ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR SERVICE PLAN; (9) PREVENTATIVE MAIN-
sales receipt. product, including taxes, as indicated on your sales receipt. Non-original TENANCE; (10) DAMAGE WHICH IS NOT REPORTED WITHIN THIRTY (30)
This Plan includes the following enhanced coverage beginning on your manufacturer’s parts may be used for repair of the product if the manu- DAYS AFTER EXPIRATION OF THIS PLAN; (11) PRODUCTS WITH ALTERED
date of purchase: facturer’s parts are unavailable or more costly. OR MISSING SERIAL NUMBERS; (12) DAMAGE CAUSED BY UNAUTHOR-
• Surge protection These Plans include the following enhanced coverage beginning on
your date of purchase:
Term of Coverage: The term of the Replacement Plan coverage begins ETC.); (14) COSMETIC DAMAGE AND PROBLEMS DUE TO IMPROPER
immediately following the expiration of the manufacturer’s labor war- • Surge protection AND/OR NON-FACTORY AUTHORIZED INSTALLATION OR REPAIRS; (15)
ranty and remains in effect unless cancelled or fulfilled pursuant to • Re-installation labor in the event a water heater cannot be repaired PRODUCTS USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES (MULTI-USER ORGANI-
the provisions below for the term indicated on your sales receipt. Our and needs to be replaced. ZATIONS) PUBLIC RENTAL OR COMMUNAL USE IN MULTI-FAMILY HOUS-
obligations under this Plan will be considered fulfilled if we provide you ING (USE OF A PRODUCT FOR THESE PURPOSES WILL VOID THIS PLAN);
with a replacement product, a check, or Home Depot gift card for the Term of Coverage for Hot Water Heaters: The term of the water heater (16) PRODUCTS THAT ARE NOT LISTED ON THIS PLAN; (17) ANY FEES
service begins upon the expiration of the manufacturer’s labor warranty RELATED TO THIRD PARTY CONTRACTS; (18) “NO PROBLEM FOUND”
original purchase price of your product, including taxes as indicated on
and remains in effect unless cancelled or fulfilled pursuant to the provi- DIAGNOSIS OR FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUC-
your sales receipt.
sions below for the term indicated on your sales receipt. Our obliga- TIONS; (19) ANY FAILURES, PARTS AND/OR LABOR COST INCURRED AS
How it works: If your product experiences a breakdown, contact cus- tions under this Plan will be considered fulfilled if we provide you with a A RESULT OF A MANUFACTURER’S RECALL; (20) REPAIR OR REPLACE-
tomer service at 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) to process your replacement product, a check, or Home Depot gift card for the original MENT CAUSED BY DEFECTS THAT EXISTED PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE OF
claim. At our sole discretion, we may require that you return the covered purchase price of your product, including taxes as indicated on your THIS PLAN; (21) SERVICE OR REPLACEMENT OUTSIDE OF THE USA; (22)
product to us as a condition to receiving a replacement product. We will sales receipt. CLEANINGS AND ALIGNMENTS; (23) THEFT OR LOSS; (24) HOT WATER
pay for the cost of shipping your product back to our authorized service RE-INSTALLATION COSTS OUTSIDE OF LABOR, SUCH AS ADDITIONAL
Term of Coverage for Lifetime Hot Water Heaters: The term and cover-
center for replacement. Once your product has been replaced, all of our LICENSING, PERMITS, OR OTHER PARTS REQUIRED BY LOCAL, COUNTY,
age of this Plan begins upon the expiration of the manufacturer’s labor
obligations under this Plan have been fulfilled in their entirety. OR STATE REGULATIONS; (25) LIABILITY OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, OR
warranty and continues for the life of the water heater.
Service Plans (products $300 and over other than Hot Water Heaters): INJURY OR DEATH TO ANY PERSON ARISING OUT OF THE OPERATION,
How it works: If your product experiences a breakdown contact customer MAINTENANCE OR USE OF THE PRODUCT; (26) COST OF PREVENTATIVE
What is Covered: This Plan covers parts and labor costs to repair your service at 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) to process your claim. MAINTENANCE, OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY IMPROPER PREVENTATIVE
product in the event your product experiences a breakdown which is not If in-home service is provided for the full term of your manufacturer’s MAINTENANCE; (27) SEIZED OR DAMAGED PARTS RESULTING FROM
concurrently covered under any insurance policy or any other service con- warranty, then it will be provided under this Plan. Once your product has FAILURE TO MAINTAIN PROPER LEVELS OF LUBRICANTS OR COOLANTS,
tract. If we determine that we cannot service your product as specified been replaced all of our obligations under this Plan have been fulfilled USING CONTAMINATED OR IMPROPER LUBRICANTSOR USING STALE,
in this Plan, we may replace it with a replacement product or we may at in their entirety. CONTAMINATED, OR IMPROPER FUEL, OR RESULTING FROM FREEZING
our discretion issue you a Home Depot gift card or check for the original
No Lemon Policy: After three (3) service repairs have been completed on OR OVERHEATING; AND (28) PRODUCTS WITH SAFETY FEATURE(S) RE-
purchase price of that product, including taxes, as indicated on your
an individual product for the same breakdown or component, and that MOVED, BYPASSED, DISABLED OR ALTERED.
sales receipt. Non-original manufacturer’s parts may be used for repair
product requires a fourth (4th) repair for the same breakdown or com- Renewal: The Replacement Plan is not renewable. The Service Plan may
of the product if the manufacturer’s parts are unavailable or more costly. ponent, as determined by us, we will replace it, at our discretion, with a be renewed at our discretion.
This Plan includes the following enhanced coverage beginning on your new or remanufactured product of like kind and quality that performs to
date of purchase: the factory specifications of the original product or provide you a Home Cancellation: This Plan can be cancelled by you at any time for any rea-
Depot gift card or check with a value equivalent to the original purchase son by surrendering or providing written notice to the administrator at
• Food Spoilage – You will be reimbursed up to $300 per appliance for the address below. For the first ninety (90) days you may return to your
food losses resulting from the covered breakdown of your refrigerator price of the product, excluding sales tax. This Plan shall be satisfied
upon replacement of your product or issuance of your gift card or check. local Home Depot store for a full refund. If the Plan is cancelled: (a)
or freezer during the term of this Plan; proof of loss is required. within ninety (90) days of the receipt of this Plan, you shall receive a
• Pickup and delivery for products with an original purchase price of The following terms apply to All Plans: full refund of the price paid for the Plan, provided no service has been
$799 and above. Limit of Liability: For any single claim, the limit of liability under this performed, or (b) after ninety (90) days of the receipt of this Plan, you will
receive a pro rata refund, less the cost of any service received. This Plan such damages or conditions are known to you or reasonably should have pany. A ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall be added to a refund
shall be cancelled by us or NEW for fraud or material misrepresentation, been known to you. that is not paid or credited within forty-five (45) days after return of the
including but not limited to commercial or rental use. Unauthorized re- Illinois Residents: You may cancel this Plan for any reason at any time. Plan to us. If the Insurance Company does not resolve such matters within
pair or replacement of covered equipment shall result in the cancellation If you cancel within thirty (30) days of contract purchase, and we have sixty (60) days of proof of loss, they may contact the SC Department of
of this Plan by us. In the event of cancellation by us, written notice of Insurance, P.O. Box 100105, Columbia, SC 29202-3105, (800) 768-3467.
not paid a claim, you will receive a full refund, less a cancellation fee of
cancellation shall be mailed to you not less than sixty (60) days before $50.00 or 10% of the Plan price. If you cancel after thirty (30) days or Texas Residents: If you purchased this Plan in Texas, unresolved com-
cancellation is effective. plaints concerning a provider or questions concerning the registration
anytime after we pay a claim, you will receive a pro-rata refund of the
Mail cancellation request along with this document and all original Plan price based on the days remaining, less any claims that have been of a service Plan provider may be addressed to the Texas Department
receipts to: paid, less a cancellation fee of $50.00 or 10% of the Plan price. of Licensing and Regulation, P.O. Box 12157, Austin, Texas 78711, tele-
P.O. Box 1818 phone number (512) 463-6599 or (800) 803-9202. You may apply for
Nevada Residents: You are entitled to a “Free Look” period for this
reimbursement directly to the insurer if a refund or credit is not paid
Sterling, VA 20166 Plan. If you decide to cancel this Plan within thirty (30) days of pur-
before the forty-sixth (46th) day after the date on which the Plan is re-
Insurance Securing this Plan: Insurance: This Plan is not a contract of chase, you are entitled to a one hundred percent (100%) refund of any
turned to the provider.
insurance. Obligations of the Obligor under this Plan are insured under fees paid. If you cancel this Plan after thirty (30) days from purchase,
you will receive a pro rata refund based on the days remaining, less a Utah Residents: NOTICE. This plan is subject to limited regulation by
a service contract reimbursement insurance policy issued by Virginia
cancellation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or ten percent (10%) the Utah Insurance Department. To file a complaint, contact the Utah
Surety Company, Inc. In AL, AR, AK, AZ, CT, GA, IL, KY, MO, MT, NH, NC,
of the Plan fee, whichever is less. If we fail to pay the cancellation re- Insurance Department. Coverage afforded under this Plan is not guar-
NY, OH, TX, UT, WA, WI, and WY only: If you have filed a claim in writing
fund within 45 days of your written request we will pay you a penalty of anteed by the Utah Property and Casualty Guarantee Association. This
under this Contract and the Obligor fails to pay or provide service within
ten percent (10%) of the purchase price for each thirty (30) day period Plan may be cancelled due to unauthorized repair which results in a
sixty (60) days of filing such a claim, or if You are otherwise dissatisfied,
or portion thereof that the refund and any accrued penalties remain material change in the nature or extent of the risk, occurring after the
please submit your claim in writing and a copy of this Contract and
unpaid. If this Plan is canceled by Us, no cancellation may become ef- first effective date of the current policy, which causes the risk of loss to
the sales receipt for the Product to Virginia Surety Company, Inc., 175
fective until at least 15 days after the notice of cancellation is mailed be substantially and materially increased beyond that contemplated at
West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois 60604, Attention: Service Contract
to you. We can cancel this Plan due to unauthorized repairs which the time the policy was issued or last renewed. Failure to notify within
Claims, 1-800-209-6206.
result in a material change in the nature or extent of the risk, occur- the prescribed time will not invalidate the claim if you can show that
STATE VARIATIONS ring after the first effective date of the current Plan, which causes the notification was not reasonably possible. If we cancel this contract due to
The following state variations shall control if inconsistent with any other risk of loss to be substantially and materially increased beyond that fraud or material misrepresentation, you will be notified thirty (30) days
terms and conditions: contemplated at the time the Plan was issued or last renewed. If we prior to cancellation. If we cancel this Plan due to nonpayment, you will
cancel this Plan no cancellation fee will be imposed and no deduction be notified ten (10) days prior to Plan cancellation.
Alabama Residents: You may cancel this Plan within twenty (20) days of
the receipt of this Plan. If no claim has been made under the Plan, the for claims paid will be applied. If your covered failure results in a WASHINGTON RESIDENTS: You may apply directly to the insurance company.
Plan is void and we shall refund to you the full purchase price of the Plan loss of heating, cooling, or electrical power to your air conditioner or
including any premium paid for the applicable insurance policy. Any refrigerator/freezer, repairs on your covered product will commence BY THE WISCONSIN OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE.
refund due to you will be credited to any outstanding balance of your ac- within 24 hours after you report your claim. If these repairs cannot This Plan shall not be cancelled due to unauthorized repair of the cov-
count, and the excess, if any, shall be refunded to you. A ten (10) percent be completed within three (3) calendar days, we will send you a report ered equipment, unless we are prejudiced by your failure to obtain such
penalty per month shall be added to a refund that is not paid or credited indicating the status of these repairs. authorization. Section 10 of the “What is not Covered” section of this
within forty-five (45) days after you cancel the Plan. If you cancel this New Mexico Residents: If this Plan has been in force for a period of Plan does not apply. We will not deny Your claim solely because You did
Plan after twenty (20) days of receipt of this Plan, we shall refund to seventy (70) days, we may not cancel before the expiration of the Plan not obtain pre-authorization if We are not prejudiced by Your failure to
you the unearned portion of the full purchase price of the Plan including term or one (1) year, whichever occurs first, unless: (1) you fail to pay any notify Us. If the Plan is cancelled: (a) within thirty (30) days of the receipt
the unearned portion of any premium paid for any applicable insurance amount due; (2) you are convicted of a crime which results in an increase of this Plan, you shall receive a full refund of the price paid for the Plan
policy. Any refund due to you will be credited to any outstanding balance in the service required under the Plan; (3) you engage in fraud or material or (b) after thirty (30) days of the receipt of this Plan, you will receive a
of your account, and the excess, if any shall be refunded to you. misrepresentation in obtaining this Plan; (4) you commit any act, omis- pro rata refund.
Arizona Residents: If your written notice of cancellation is received prior sion, or violation of any terms of this Plan after the effective date of this Wyoming Residents: This Plan will be considered void and we will refund
to the expiration date, the Administrator shall refund the remaining Plan which substantially and materially increase the service required you the full purchase price of the Plan or credit your account if you have
pro-rata price, regardless of prior services rendered under the Plan. The under this Plan; or (5) any material change in the nature or extent of the not made a claim under this Plan and you have returned the Plan to us
pre-existing condition exclusion does not apply to conditions occurring required service or repair occurs after the effective date of this Plan and a) within 20 days after the date we have mailed the Plan to you, b) within
prior to the sale of the consumer product by the Obligor, its assignees, causes the required service or repair to be substantially and materially 10 days after you have received the Plan if the Plan was furnished to you
subcontractors and/or representatives. increased beyond that contemplated at the time you purchased this Plan. at the time the Plan was purchased, or c) within a longer time period
Connecticut Residents: The expiration date of this Plan shall automati- North Carolina Residents: The purchase of this Plan is not required ei- if specified in the Plan. A ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall
cally be extended by the duration that the product is in our custody while ther to purchase or to obtain financing for a home appliance. be added to a refund that is not paid or credited within forty-five (45)
being repaired. In the event of a dispute with the Administrator, you may days after return of the Plan to us. The right to void the Plan provided
Oklahoma Residents: The “Cancellation” section is deleted in this subsection applies only to the original Plan purchaser and is not
contact The State of Connecticut, Insurance Department, PO Box 816, and replaced by the following: you may cancel this contract
Hartford, CT 06142-0816, Attn: Consumer Affairs. The written complaint transferable. If we cancel this Plan for reasons other than nonpayment,
must contain a description of the dispute, the purchase price of the prod-
at any time by surrendering it or providing written notice to a material misrepresentation made by you to us or because of a substan-
uct, the cost of repair of the product and a copy of the Plan. the retailer at the address where you purchased this Plan. tial breach of duties by you relating to the product or its use, we will mail
You may also cancel this Plan by surrendering it or providing a written notice to you at least ten (10) days prior to cancellation. The
Florida Residents: The Plan shall be cancelled by us for fraud or ma- notice of cancellation shall state the effective date of cancellation and
terial misrepresentation, including but not limited to commercial or
written notice to NEW at the address listed below. You may
cancel this Plan for any reason. In the event you cancel this the reason for cancellation. In the event covered service is not provided
rental use. Unauthorized repair or replacement of covered equipment by us within sixty (60) days of proof of loss by you, you are entitled to
shall result in the cancellation of the Plan by us. In the event of cancel- Plan within 30 days of receipt of the Plan, You shall receive apply directly to the reimbursement insurance company.
lation by us, written notice of cancellation shall be mailed to you not a full refund of any payments made by you under this Plan.
less than sixty (60) days before cancellation is effective. This Plan can In the event you cancel this Plan after 30 days of receipt of To Obtain a large type copy of the Terms and Conditions
be cancelled by you at any time for any reason by emailing, mailing or this Contract, You shall receive a refund based upon 100% of this Contract, please call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT
delivering to us notice of cancellation. If the Plan is cancelled: (a) within of the unearned pro-rata premium less an administrative (1-800-466-3337)
thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Plan, you shall receive a full refund fee not to exceed 10% of the unearned pro-rata premium or Administered by:
of the price paid for the Plan provided no service has been performed, $25, whichever is less, and less the cost of claims paid. We N.E.W.
or (b) after thirty (30) days, you will receive a refund based on 100%
of unearned pro rata premium less any claims that have been paid or
or NEW may not cancel this Plan except for fraud, material P.O. Box 1340 Sterling, Virginia 20167
less the cost of repairs made by us. If we cancel the Plan, the return misrepresentation or non-payment by you; or if required to Form #(085) 3/11
premium is based upon 100% of the unearned pro rata premium. If we do so by any regulatory authorization. If we or NEW cancel
determine in our sole discretion that your product cannot be repaired or this Plan, you shall receive a refund of 100% of the un- EXTENDED PROTECTION PLAN (EPP)
your product provides for replacement instead of repair, we will replace earned pro-rata premium. We or NEW may not cancel this
your product with a product of like kind and quality that is of compa- Plan without providing you with written notice at least thirty CUSTOMER INFORMATION
rable performance or reimburse you for replacement of the product with days prior to the effective date of cancellation. Such no- (SERVICE CONTRACT HOLDER)
a check, at our discretion, equal to the original purchase price of the tice shall include the effective date of cancellation and the FIRST NAME:
product, as determined by us, not to exceed the original purchase price
including all applicable taxes.
reason for cancellation. The following sentence is added to LAST NAME(S):
this contract: Coverage afforded under this contract is not
Georgia Residents: This Plan shall be non-cancelable by us except for guaranteed by the Oklahoma Insurance Guaranty Associa- ADDRESS: APT. NO./OFFICE:
fraud, material misrepresentation, or failure to pay consideration due
therefore. The cancellation shall be in writing and shall conform to the
tion. Oklahoma service warranty statutes do not apply to CITY: STATE: ZIP:
requirements of Code 33-24-44. You may cancel at any time upon de- commercial use references in this Plan.
mand and surrender of the Plan and we shall refund the excess of the South Carolina Residents: To prevent any further damage, please refer
consideration paid for the Plan above the customary short rate for the to the owner’s manual. In the event the service Plan provider does not
expired term of the Plan. This Plan excludes coverage for incidental and provide covered service within sixty (60) days of proof of loss by the Plan ©2011 N.E.W. Customer Service Companies, LLC. All rights reserved.
consequential damages and pre-existing conditions only to the extent holder, the Plan holder is entitled to apply directly to the Insurance Com- HDP023_TNC_nwen_0411