University of Calcutta: Environmental Science PROJECT
University of Calcutta: Environmental Science PROJECT
University of Calcutta: Environmental Science PROJECT
Air pollution is a gas (or a liquid or solid dispersed through ordinary air) released in a big enough
quantity to harm the health of people or other animals, kill plants or stop them growing properly,
damage or disrupt some other aspect of the environment (such as making buildings crumble), or
cause some other kind of nuisance (reduced visibility, perhaps, or an unpleasant odor).
As with water pollution and land contamination, it's the quantity (or concentration) of a chemical
in the air that makes the difference between "harmless" and "pollution." Carbon dioxide (CO2),
for example, is present in the air around you at a typical concentration of less than 0.05 percent
and breathing it in usually does no harm (you breathe it out all day long); but air with an
extremely high concentration of carbon dioxide (say, 5–10 percent) is toxic and could kill you in
a matter of minutes. Since Earth's atmosphere is very turbulent—many of us live in windy
countries—air pollution will often disperse relatively quickly. In less enlightened times, factory
operators thought that if they built really high smokestacks, the wind would simply blow their
smoke away, diluting and dispersing it so it wouldn't be a problem. The only trouble was, Earth
is a much smaller place than we think and pollution doesn't always disappear so conveniently.
Natural air pollution
Forest fires (which often start naturally) can produce huge swathes of smoke that drift for miles
over neighboring cities, countries, or continents. Giant volcanic eruptions can spew so much dust
into the atmosphere that they block out significant amounts of sunlight and cause the entire
planet to cool down for a year or more. Radioactive rocks can release a gas called radon when
they decay, which can build up in the basements of buildings with serious effects on people's
health (each year, around 21,000 people die of lung cancer, due to radon gas in the United
All these things are examples of serious air pollution that happen without any help from humans;
although we can adapt to natural air pollution, and try to reduce the disruption it causes, we can
never stop it happening completely. For the rest of this article, we'll consider only the
"unnatural" types of pollution: the problems that people cause—and the ones we can solve.
Where, then, does modern air pollution come from? By far the biggest culprit today is traffic,
though power plants and factories continue to make an important contribution. Before we start
laying the blame for air pollution, let's remember one very important thing: most of us drive (or
travel in) cars, use electricity, and buy goods made in factories. If we're pointing fingers,
ultimately we're going to have to point them at ourselves.
Now let's look a bit more closely at the three key sources of air pollution.
There are something like a half billion cars on the road today—one for every two people in rich
countries such as the United States. Virtually all of them are powered by gasoline and diesel
engines that burn petroleum to release energy. Petroleum is made up of hydrocarbons (large
molecules built from hydrogen and carbon) and, in theory, burning them fully with enough
oxygen should produce nothing worse than carbon dioxide and water. In practice, fuels aren't
pure hydrocarbons and engines don't burn them cleanly. As a result, exhausts from engines
contain all kinds of pollution, notably particulates (soot of various sizes), carbon monoxide (CO,
a poisonous gas), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and lead—and
indirectly produce ozone. Mix this noxious cocktail together and energize it with sunlight and
you get the sometimes brownish, sometimes blueish fog of pollution we call smog, which can
hang over cities for days on end.
Smog isn't the stuff that pumps from a car's tailpipe
or drifts from a factory smokestack—it's the nasty
brown or blue haze that builds up over a city as a
Although smog can happen in any busy city, it's a particular problem in places such as Los
Angeles where the local climate (influenced by the ocean and neighboring mountains) regularly
causes what's known as a temperature inversion. Normally, air gets colder the higher up you go
but in a temperature inversion the opposite happens: a layer of warm air traps a layer of cold air
nearer the ground. This acts like a lid over a cloud of smog and stops it from rising and drifting
away. Largely because of their traffic levels, smog afflicts many of the world's busiest cities,
including Athens, Beijing, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, and Tokyo.
Power plants
Renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines are helping us generate a
bigger proportion of our power every year, but the overwhelming majority of electricity (around
70 percent in the United States, for example) is still produced by burning fossil fuels such as
coal, gas, and oil, mostly in conventional power plants. Just like car engines, power plants should
theoretically produce nothing worse than carbon dioxide and water; in practice, fuels are dirty
and they don't burn cleanly, so power plants produce a range of air pollutants, notably sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. (They also release huge amounts of carbon dioxide, a
key cause of global warming and climate change when it rises and accumulates in the
atmosphere. We discuss this a bit more down below.)
Industrial plants and factories
Plants that produce the goods we all rely on often release small but significant quantities of
pollution into the air. Industrial plants that produce metals such as aluminum and steel, refine
petroleum, produce cement, synthesize plastic, or make other chemicals are among those that can
produce harmful air pollution. Most plants that pollute release small amounts of pollution
continually over a long period of time, though the effects can be cumulative (gradually building
up). Sometimes industrial plants release huge of amounts of air pollution accidentally in a very
short space of time. One notable case happened in Bhopal, India in December 1984, when a large
chemical plant run by the Union Carbide company released a poisonous gas (methyl isocyanate)
that hung over the local area, killing around 3000 people and injuring thousands more.
(Wikipedia's article on the Bhopal Disaster gives a comprehensive account of what happened.)
Although traffic, power plants, and industrial and chemical plants produce the majority of Earth's
manmade air pollution, many other factors contribute to the problem. In some parts of the world,
people still rely on burning woodfuel for their cooking and heating, and that produces indoor air
pollution that can seriously harm their health (solar cookers are one solution to that problem). In
some areas, garbage is incinerated instead of being recycled or landfilled and that can also
produce significant air pollution unless the incinerators are properly designed to operate at a high
enough temperature (even then, there is a toxic residue left behind that must be disposed of
Human health
We know air pollution is a bad thing without even thinking about it. Have you ever coughed
when a truck drove past belching out its sooty exhaust? Instinctively, you cough to clear your
lungs and protect your body and you might even cover your face with your handkerchief or
sleeve to filter the air until it feels safe to breathe deeply again. You don't have to be told that
pollution like this might harm your health to want to steer clear of it: your body takes action
automatically. The only trouble is, we can't always see or smell air pollution, tell when it's
affecting us, or know how it might harm us days, months, or even years in the future.
Sometimes the connection between air pollution and
human health is obvious, as in the Bhopal Disaster.
Another notable incident happened in London,
England in 1952 when thick, deadly pollution known
as the Great Smog, caused by people burning coal in
home fires and coal-fired power plants, killed an
estimated 4000 people. Other times, it's much more
difficult to make the link. Some estimates suggest
perhaps 10–20 percent of cancers are caused by air
pollution of one kind or another, but cancers can take
a long time to develop and many other things can
cause them too. Proving a direct link with a particular
kind of air pollution (say, a garbage incinerator in
your community or a neighbor who persistently burns
plastic on garden bonfires) is very difficult.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is one of the world's biggest
killers: it causes around three million people to die prematurely each year. Many of these deaths
happen in developing countries (over half a million in India alone), but wealthier industrial
nations suffer too: in the United States, for example, around 41,000 people a year are estimated
to die early because of air pollution. Imagine how much media coverage there would be if
several million people (that's roughly the population of Houston, Texas or the West Midlands
conurbation in England) were killed in a terrorist incident or an earthquake. Because air pollution
kills quietly and relentlessly, and its finger is hard to detect on the trigger, people barely seem to
notice—or care.
Deaths aren't the only human consequence of air pollution. For every person who dies, hundreds
or thousands more suffer breathing problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Workers exposed to
high levels of dust sometimes suffer years of misery before dying from illnesses such as silicosis.
Agricultural effects
Farming is as much of an art as a science; crops can thrive—or fail—for all sorts of reasons. One
of the things that characterized the 20th century was the huge growth in industrial agriculture—
using fertilizers, pesticides, and so on to increase crop yields and feed the world's ever-growing
population. These aren't the only chemicals that crops are exposed to, however. We know that air
pollution (in common with water pollution) can seriously affect the growth of plants. At one end
of the spectrum, it's easy to find chemical residues (everything from toxic heavy metals such as
lead to cocktails of brake fluids and other chemicals) in plants that grow alongside highways. At
the opposite extreme, the huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide now causing global
warming and climate change is expected to have a major impact on the world's agriculture
(reducing crop yields in some places but potentially increasing yields elsewhere).
Other effects
Have you ever sat on a train with someone who suddenly decided to start cleaning or varnishing
their nails? Acetone (a solvent in nail varnish remover) is a VOC (volatile organic compound),
so it evaporates and spreads very quickly, rapidly getting up the nose of anyone sitting nearby.
Open a can of gloss paint in your home and start painting a door or window and your house will
very quickly fill with a noxious chemical stench—VOCs again! Grill some toast too long and
you'll set the bread on fire, filling your kitchen with clouds of soot (particulates) and possibly
setting off a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector. These are three everyday examples of
how air pollution can work on a very local scale: the causes and the effects are close together in
both space and time. Localized air pollution like this is the easiest kind to tackle.
Detergents and household cleaners, aerosol sprays, shoe polish, hair wax, paints, and
glues are just a few of the everyday chemicals that can release air pollution into your
If you have a gas or oil-fired boiler or a coal- or wood- fired stove and it's not properly
ventilated, it will generate dangerous and toxic (but colorless and odorless) carbon
monoxide gas.
Surprisingly, even the water that pipes into our homes can be a source of air pollution.
Every time you heat water (on a stove, in a kettle, in a shower, or even when you're steam
ironing clothes), you can evaporate VOC chemicals trapped inside and release them into
the air.
Even your shiny new shower curtain could be releasing VOCs if it's made from a type of
plastic called PVC.
Maybe your building has air conditioning? Chances are, the air it blows through has
already circulated through other rooms in the same building or even other people's offices
or apartments.
Perhaps your building is located somewhere near a source of natural radioactivity so
radon gas is slowly accumulating inside?
None of these things are meant to scare you—and nor should they. Just remember that there's
pollution inside your home as well as outside and keep the building well ventilated. (If you're
worried about wasting energy by opening windows on cold days, there are systems that can let
air into a building without letting the heat escape, known as heat-recovery ventilation.)
How clean your air is depends on where you live: air is generally far cleaner in rural than in
urban areas, for example, where factories, chemical plants, and power plants are more likely to
be located and traffic levels are much higher. Exactly how clean your neighborhood is can also
depend critically on the weather, especially if you live somewhere prone to temperature
inversions and smog. Neighborhood air pollution problems are often best tackled through local
community campaigns.
Tall smokestacks designed to disperse pollution don't always have that effect. If the wind
generally blows in the same direction, the pollution can be systematically deposited on another
city, region, or country downwind. Sometimes air pollution is carried back down to Earth as
contaminated rain or snow, which dissolves in watercourses or oceans causing what's known as
atmospheric deposition. In other words, the air pollution becomes water pollution. According to
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): "Atmospheric deposition has been shown to be
a significant source of pollutants to the Great Lakes and other water bodies." Acid rain (see box
below) is the best known example of atmospheric deposition.
It's often said that pollution knows no boundaries—and that's particularly true of air pollution,
which can easily blow from one country or continent where it's produced and cause a problem
for someone else. Air pollution that travels like this, from country to country, is called
transboundary pollution; acid rain is also an example of this and so is radioactive fallout (the
contaminated dust that falls to Earth after a nuclear explosion). When the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant exploded in the Ukraine in 1986, wind dispersed the air pollution it produced
relatively quickly—but only by blowing a cloud of toxic radioactive gas over much of Europe
and causing long-lasting problems in a number of other countries (70 percent of the fallout
landed on neighboring Belarus).
Acid rain
When rain falls through polluted air, it can pick
up some of the pollution and turn more acidic—
producing what's known as acid rain. Simply
speaking, the air pollution converts the rain into
a weak acid.
Acid rain has caused major problems in lakes throughout North America and Europe. It also
causes the death of forests, reduces the fertility of soil, and damages buildings by eating away
stonework (the marble on the US Capitol in Washington, DC has been eroded by acid-rain, for
example). One of the biggest difficulties in tackling acid rain is that it can happen over very long
distances. In one notable case, sulfur dioxide air pollution produced by power plants in the UK
was blamed for causing acid rain that fell on Scandinavian countries such as Norway, producing
widespread damage to forests and the deaths of thousands of fish in acidified lakes. The British
government refused to acknowledge the problem and that was partly why the UK became known
as "the dirty man of Europe" in the 1980s and 1990s.
It's hard to imagine doing anything so dramatic and serious that it would damage our entire,
enormous planet—but, remarkable though it may seem, we all do things like this everyday,
contributing to problems such as global warming and the damage to the ozone layer (two
separate issues that are often confused).
Global warming
Every time you ride in a car, turn on the lights, switch on your TV, take a shower, microwave a
meal, or use energy that's come from burning a fossil fuel such as oil, coal, or natural gas, you're
almost certainly adding to the problem of global warming and climate change: unless it's been
produced in some environmentally friendly way, the energy you're using has most likely released
carbon dioxide gas into the air. While it's not an obvious pollutant, carbon dioxide has gradually
built up in the atmosphere, along with other chemicals known as greenhouse gases. Together,
these gases act a bit like a blanket surrounding our planet that is slowly making the mean global
temperature rise, causing the climate (the long-term pattern of our weather) to change, and
producing a variety of different effects on the natural world, including rising sea levels. Read
more in our main article about global warming and climate change.
Ozone holes
Technological solutions
Let's be optimistic, though. Just as technology has caused the problem of air pollution, so it can
provide solutions. Cars with conventional gasoline engines are now routinely fitted with catalytic
converters that remove some (though not all) of the pollutants from the exhaust gases. Power
plants are fitted with electrostatic smoke precipitators that use static electricity to pull dirt and
soot from the gases that drift up smokestacks; in time, it's likely that many older power plants
will also be retro-fitted with carbon capture systems that trap carbon dioxide to help reduce
global warming. On a much smaller scale, environmentally friendly people who want to ventilate
their homes without opening windows and wasting energy can install heat-recovery ventilation
systems, which use the heat energy locked in outgoing waste air to warm fresh incoming air.
Technologies like this can help us live smarter—to go about our lives in much the same way
with far less impact on the planet.
By itself, technology is as likely to harm the environment as to help it. That's why laws and
regulations have been such an important part of tackling the problem of pollution. Many once-
polluted cities now have relatively clean air and water, largely thanks to anti-pollution laws
introduced during the mid-20th century. In England, following the 1952 smog tragedy that killed
thousands in the capital city of London, the government introduced its Clean Air Act of 1956,
which restricted how and where coal could be burned and where furnaces could be sited, and
forced people to build smokestacks higher to disperse pollution. In the United States, a series of
Clean Air Acts were passed between the 1960s and 1990s. The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act
went even further, shifting the emphasis from cleaning up pollution to preventing it ever
happening in the first place.
National laws are of little help in tackling transboundary pollution (when air pollution from one
country affects neighboring countries or continents), but that doesn't mean the law is useless in
such cases. The creation of the European Union (now comprising around 30 different countries)
has led to many Europe-wide environmental acts, called directives. These force the member
countries to introduce their own, broadly similar, national environmental laws that ultimately
cover the entire European region. For example, the 1976 European Bathing Water Directive tried
to enforce minimum standards of water quality for beaches and coastal areas across Europe to
reduce pollution from sewage disposal, while the 1996 European Directive on Integrated
Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) attempted to limit air and water pollution from industry.
Other successful international laws include the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air
Pollution (1979), which has helped to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants and, of
course, the Montreal Protocol, which successfully brought 196 countries together to target ozone
depletion. Unfortunately, attempts to control global warming through international laws and
agreements have so far proved less successful.
Clean technologies can tackle dirty technologies, and laws can make polluters clean up their
act—but none of this would happen without people being aware of pollution and its damaging
effects. Sometimes it takes horrific tragedies (like the 1952 smog episode in London or the
Chernobyl catastrophe) to prompt action. Often, we pollute the environment without even
realizing it: how many people know that taking a shower or ironing a shirt can release indoor air
pollution from hot water that they immediately breathe in, for example? Helping people to
understand the causes and effects of pollution and what they can do to tackle the issue is very
important—that's why I'm writing these words now and probably why you're reading them. Air
pollution isn't someone else's problem: all of us help to cause it and we can all help to clean it up.
Starting now!
What can I do to help reduce air pollution?
So now you know the problems, but what's the solution? Here are ten simple things you can do
that will make a difference (however small) to the problem of air pollution.