01 Syllabus Form 2
01 Syllabus Form 2
01 Syllabus Form 2
English Language
Form 2
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Secondary Form 2
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Secondary Form 2 English Language Syllabus
The aim of learning English in Form 2 is to continue providing pupils with positive and
successful experiences with English, along with an integrated focus on grammar and varied
and continued practice of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and
Literature in Action. This syllabus sets out the themes, topics, grammar and vocabulary
pupils will learn in Form 2. It also provides a list of suggested text types suitable for pupils in
Form 2.
The English Language Curriculum for Malaysian Secondary Schools emphasises the
importance of sustaining the use of the English language within and beyond the classroom.
The curriculum adopts an inter-disciplinary approach and this is reflected within the four
broad themes of:
The selected textbook for Form 2 (Pulse 2 Units 6 – 9) and the lessons that teachers will
create themselves (i.e. the non-textbook-based lessons) will all be based on the above four
themes. Details of themes and lessons can be found within the Scheme of Work document.
In Form 2 there will be a number of lessons where grammar is explicitly focused on. These
will cover a range of grammatical structures and functions at the A2 level of the CEFR.
Although grammar is explicitly taught, it should be noted that teachers will need to ensure
that grammatical structures and functions are integrated where possible within lessons
focusing on the four skills and Literature in Action. For this reason, the grammar lessons are
referred to as Language Awareness lessons within the Scheme of Work.
This syllabus will provide teachers with the list of grammatical structures and functions
covered within the Pulse 2 textbook, and an additional list which teachers will need to refer
to when creating their own non-textbook-based lessons.
The Form 2 syllabus lists vocabulary in two ways: by textbook unit and by category.
The words in the Form 2 wordlist come from the Pulse 2 textbook, Units 6 – 9. These words
are repeated within the textbook units, and so pupils will have the opportunity to recycle
them as they learn to use them. There is also a Study Guide section at the end of each unit
to provide consolidation of vocabulary (and of language structures). The non-textbook-based
lessons should ideally aim to recycle some of the textbook-based vocabulary whenever
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Pupils are not expected to learn all these words by heart, or to spell all of them with 100%
accuracy; although good accuracy in spelling is a requirement at A2 level, complete
accuracy in spelling is above the A2 target in the CEFR.
The wordlist does not show all the words which pupils will meet in Form 2. Teachers can, of
course, choose other words for pupils to learn or omit some words from the wordlist, if this is
appropriate to their local context.
In addition to the provided wordlist within this syllabus document, teachers are encouraged
to consult the following additional vocabulary resources:
1. English Vocabulary Profile (EVP): The EVP shows the most common words and
phrases that pupils need to know in British or American English. The meaning of
each word or phrase in the wordlist has been assigned a level between A1 and C2
on the CEFR. The EVP can therefore provide teachers with guidance on A2 –
appropriate words.
2. Cambridge English: Key for Schools Wordlist: Although this is a wordlist which
teachers can use to prepare their pupils for the A2 Key for Schools Examination,
teachers will find this to be a user-friendly resource as this provides A2 words within
an accessible wordlist document.
Pupils have frequent opportunities to develop thinking skills as they learn English in Form 2.
The Pulse 2 textbook offers pupils many opportunities to apply these thinking skills within the
classroom. For example in Unit 6 pupils read a message board with advice on making
money. Pupils are then asked to evaluate this advice by choosing the piece of advice they
think is best. They then compare their choices thereby giving them the opportunity to explain
and justify their choices and at the same time analyse and evaluate the choices of other
In the non-textbook-based lessons, teachers have the opportunity to expand their pupils’
higher order thinking skills according to observed needs within the class. A particularly good
opportunity to do this is within the Literature in Action lessons where pupils are encouraged
to respond to a range of texts. Here pupils can be encouraged to infer cause and
consequence, speculate on alternative outcomes to storylines, assess and criticise
characters’ behaviours or choices, invent new endings or outcomes and to create their own
expression of the themes explored by writing their own poems and stories.
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Text types:
It is important to ensure that pupils are exposed to a variety of text types. The selected text
types should be based on pupils’ needs and interests. The selected text types below are
varied and are appropriate to the A2 level within CEFR. The Pulse 2 textbook contains
several of the chosen text types below (e.g. magazine interview, online message board,
articles about present day issues etc.) Teachers are also encouraged to incorporate a range
of text types within their own non-textbook-based lessons. Teachers should note that other
text types which suit their pupils’ needs or interests are of course possible.
Articles Leaflets
Adverts Letters
Blog posts Maps
Brochures Message boards
Charts News reports
Comics Online articles
Dialogues Poems
Graphs Questionnaires
Guides Quizzes
Instructions Stories
Interviews Web pages
When creating, selecting or adapting text content for Form 2, teachers should focus on
content which is within their pupils’ interest or experience and can widen their world
knowledge. The concepts within the text should be varied in order to integrate concrete
specific and some abstract concepts such as national identity, cultural values etc.)
Text content should include support for pupils when suitable (e.g. pictures to support a text
about geographical descriptions). They should also provide opportunities for pupils to
engage with texts about real life appropriate to their age range and level. Where possible,
text content should reflect the Malaysian National Education Policy that aims to develop a
greater understanding and sensitivity of the different races and ethnic groups within
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Form 2 Textbook scope and sequence
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
People and 7 Journeys Present perfect Transport
Culture bicycle
a. affirmative caravan
I’ve seen lots of monuments. coach
He / She / [It]’s visited interesting places. ferry
You / We / They’ve lived in many different helicopter
countries. horse and carriage
b. negative hot-air balloon
I haven’t read the new novel. lorry
He / She / [It] hasn’t been on a yacht. motorbike
You / We / They haven’t flown by helicopter. plane
Questions the Underground
Have I / you / we / they been in the USA? yacht
Has he / she / [it] seen the TV programme?
Verbs of movement (1)
Short answers arrive
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. climb
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. crash
take off
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
People and 8 Good luck, bad luck Present perfect + for and since Sport and competitions
Culture captain
I’ve been a supporter for two years. champion
I’ve been a supporter since 2002. coach
I’ve been a supporter since I was 13. goal
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Health and 9 Take care Tense review Personal issues
Environment appearance
present simple arguments
present continuous bullying
past simple depression
past continuous diet
present perfect exercise
will health
be going to relationships
social life
should / shouldn’t stress
a. affirmative
You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. Health
b. negative backache
You shouldn’t forget to eat fruit and vegetables. bee sting
c. questions cold
Should you tell an adult? cough
d. short answers earache
Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t. eye strain
must / mustn’t mosquito bite
a. affirmative stomach ache
He must go to the hospital if his condition gets sunburn
serious. toothache
b. negative
You mustn’t react to a bully’s behaviour.
c. questions
Must I tell my teacher?
d. short answers
Yes, you must. / No, you mustn’t.
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Form 2 Vocabulary by category
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Money and shopping Personal issues Transport
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus
Grammar (Language Awareness) Syllabus
Many of the key grammatical areas at the A2 level are integrated explicitly in the four units of Pulse 2
textbook and these areas have been indicated in the above Form 2 textbook scope and sequence table.
Teachers will need to ensure that the following grammatical areas are also covered within their own
Form 2 non-textbook-based lessons.
8. Modal verbs to talk about rules and obligation in past and present
must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to, had to, didn’t have to
Secondary Form 2 Syllabus