Nyadi PQ Document - March - 10
Nyadi PQ Document - March - 10
Nyadi PQ Document - March - 10
General information
1. The project company, NHL, is a public limited company formed as a joint venture
company of Butwal Power Company Limited with Lumjung Electricity
Development Company, Nepal. NHL is arranging sufficient funds from the various
funding agencies for the successful execution of the Nyadi Hydropower Project.
2. Prequalification (PQ) will be conducted following the Evaluation criteria contained
in the PQ documents and is open to all eligible national and international
contractors or their joint ventures. Only the bidders who satisfy the Evaluation
criteria shall be considered for further bidding by the Employer.
3. The Invitation to Prequalification (ITP) consists of three (3) sections. Section 1 is
the Invitation to Prequalification. Section 2 is the scope of works for the Project
Contract Packages, Lot-1: Civil Works including Underground Construction, Lot-2:
Electro-mechanical Works, Lot-3: Hydro-mechanical Works and Section 3 is
4. The works for the above mentioned contract packages are described in the Scope
of Works section of this prequalification document.
5. The prequalification is carried out in a single stage process. Bidders are required
to submit the complete Bid comprising of all necessary information.
6. No application fee is required for bidding this PQ. All costs incurred by the Bidder
in connection with, or costs arising out of the preparation of his Bid shall be borne
by the Bidder himself. NHL, in no case, shall be responsible or liable for any such
costs. It is recommended that interested eligible contractors familiarize
themselves with the local conditions and visit the project site. Costs incurred for
site visits are to be borne by the applicant. .
7. NHL will charge application fee of Nepalese Rupees Five Thousand Only (NPR
5000.00) or US $ 65.00 (American Dollar Sixty Five only) to the prequalified
bidders to obtain Bidding Documents in order to participate in the Bidding
8. NHL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications for
prequalification and cancel the prequalification process and reject all applications
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Section 1 1
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
9. The interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from the
Employer’s address or from the URL address www.bpc.com.np.
Method of applying
10. The Invitation to Prequalification (ITP) documents can be obtained free of cost
from the NHL office located at Buddanagar, Kathmandu or can be downloaded
from the web-site www.bpc.com.np.
11. The ITP document comprises three Packages from Contract package 1 to Contract
package 3. Bidders can bid for one or more Contract Packages. Each Contract
Package will be separately evaluated. Bidders wishing to Bid for more than one
Contract Package are required to submit complete Bidding document for
individual Contract Packages.
12. The Bid shall be signed on each page by a duly authorized person holding Power
of Attorney for signing the Bid. A certified copy of the Power of Attorney shall
accompany the Bid in such cases. Bids submitted without such document shall be
automatically disqualified.
13. The Bidders shall submit the documents mentioned in the sub-section
“Submission of Documents”, in Form B of Section 3 and all other necessary
documents mentioned in this ITP. It is the responsibility of the Bidders to submit a
complete set of documents. The Employer deserves the right to disqualify all the
incomplete Bids.
14.Two or more Contractors can apply for PQ in joint venture. The number of
partners in Joint Ventures is limited to three and share of each partner in the Joint
Venture shall not be less than 20% while the share of lead partner shall be more
than 40%.
15. Bidders may request for any clarification regarding ITP documents and other
relevant information. A request for clarification shall be made in writing to
Employer’s address indicated in this document. The Employer will respond to any
such requests for clarification within reasonable time.
16.Each joint ventures shall be experienced in work of similar nature to that included
in the contract for which the prequalification is sought, and each joint venture
partner should be experienced in the field in which he is proposed as specialist
contributor for the contract works. The capacity of a partner to carry out his
responsibility in accordance with either the joint venture agreement or the
declaration of intent to form such an agreement will be assessed in terms of
experience, technical qualifications and financial capacity.
17. Any formation of a joint venture after prequalification and any change in a
prequalified joint venture will be subject to NHL approval in writing prior to the
deadline set for the receipt of the bids. Such approval will not be granted if,
among other things, the proposed formation or change will result in NHL ‘s
opinion in (i) a substantial reduction in completion, (ii) the inclusion of a firm
which had not previously been prequalified (either individually or as part of a joint
venture), (iii) the lowering of a joint venture’s qualifications below the minimal
standards stated as acceptance in the prequalification documents
Section 1 2
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Submission of documents
18. The deadline for submission of Documents for PQ is 12:00 pm (Nepal Standard
Time) on the 22nd day from the date of the first publication of the ITP. If the
deadline falls on the public holiday of the Government of Nepal, the deadline will
be the following working day at the same time.
19. The document for PQ shall be prepared in one (1) original and two (2) copies. The
original and the copy sets shall be clearly marked Original and Copy, respectively
on the front cover of each set. In the event of discrepancy between original and
copy, the original shall prevail.
20. Document for PQ for individual Contract Package shall be submitted in one (1)
sealed envelope. The sealed envelope must be either delivered by hand or by
registered mail, on or before the time and date of submission deadline to the
address of the Employer mentioned in this document.
21.The sealed envelope enclosing Document for PQ shall be legibly marked:
“PQ document for NHP/C No.: (Please specify Contract Package number here)”;
and shall include the name, mailing address, telephone, fax and email address of
the Bidder.
22. All information requested shall be furnished in English. Any certificates and
relevant documents not in English shall be accompanied by the official translated
copy(ies). This requirement maybe waived for the official documents in Nepali
language issued by the offices of the Government of Nepal.
23.All documents submitted by the applicants shall be treated as confidential and
will not be returned.
Evaluation criteria
24. The prequalification will be subject to Bidder’s fulfillment of the Evaluation
Criteria set and stipulated in Section 3, Form A, and substantiated by authentic
and relevant information and details in the prescribed formats. Additional
information in support of the Bidder’s claims of achievements may be furnished in
suitable form of their device and/or design.
25. The Evaluation criteria in Form A are set forth as the minimum. Contractors with
proven experience and qualification are highly encouraged to apply for PQ.
26. Arbitrary Contract Package Value (ACPV) has been defined by NHL for every
Contract Package as a parameter for Evaluation criteria. It is an indicative value
and shall not be interpreted for other purposes.
27. The Employer considers the Evaluation Criteria as transparent as possible. The
total mark for Evaluation is set at 20. To be prequalified, the Bidders shall pass
the individual criteria and shall also score a minimum of 8 out of 20.
28. Documents which are received after the above deadline will not be considered for
evaluation. The Applications will be opened on the next day of the submission
deadline. The results of the PQ will be posted within one week of the opening of
Employer’s Address:
Project Director, Nyadi Hydropower Project
Nyadi Hydropower Limited
Section 1 3
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 1 4
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 4 1
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
1 General, Headworks
1.1 Site Clearence m2 4000.00
2 Coffer Dam
2.1 Earthwork in backfilling m3 1680.00
2.2 PVC sheet 1 mm thick m2 640.00
2.3 Hard stone lining ( 0.4m thick) m2 80.00
2.4 Removal of coffer dam No 2.00
2.5 Water control in coffer dam Day 10.00
3 Weir and Undersluice
Section 4 2
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
4 Control Building
4.1 Earthwork in Excavation m3 20.29
4.2 Granular Material m3 124.26
4.3 Blinding Concrete (C15) m3 2.54
4.4 Formwork m2 259.48
4.5 Reinforced Cement Concrete (C25) m3 60.30
4.6 Reinforcement Tons 4.73
4.7 Brickwork m3 89.45
4.8 Steel Railings rm 40.50
5 River Protection
5.1 Earthwork in excavation m3 1315.60
5.2 Gabion works m3 965.00
6 Anchor blocks/ Support piers
6.1 Rock Excavation m3 432.88
6.2 Boulder mix soil excavation m3 8947.39
6.3 Blinding Concrete (C15) m3 70.44
6.4 Structural Concrete (C25) m3 3116.92
6.5 Rebar Ton 122.34
6.6 Formworks m2 1904.00
6.7 Back Filling m3 3728.67
6.8 Subbase Preparation m2 875.24
7 Switchyard and River Training works
7.1 Gravel filling m3 414.00
7.2 Gabion mattress as launching apron m3 150.00
7.3 Backfilling m3 7901.50
7.4 Rip rap m3 900.00
7.5 1:4 C/S Stone Masonry m3 601.50
7.6 C15 Concrete Blinding m3 14.44
7.7 C20 Concrete Slab m3 7.00
7.8 C25 concrete for machine foundation m3 127.47
7.9 Formworks m2 387.08
7.10 Reinforcement ton 21.15
Section 4 3
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 4 4
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
S.N Uni
Item Descriptions Quantity
. t
Section 4 5
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
S.N Uni
Item Descriptions Quantity
. t
6.2 Rock Excavation m3 1803.41
6.3 2m long 25mm dia grouted rock bolts at 1.5m*1.5m c/c spacing no 540.00
6.4 50 mm unreinforced shotcrete m2 1271.70
6.5 Gravel fill m3 58.56
6.6 Subbase preparation m2 30.00
6.7 C15 Blinding Concrete m3 2.07
6.8 C25 Concrete m3 68.52
6.9 Formworks m2 53.27
6.10 Rebar Ton 5.38
6.11 1:4 stone masonry works m3 540.00
6.12 Grouting kg 9811.00
Surge adit , Surge Tank and Ventillation adit , Gravel Trap with
7 flushing and spoil tips
7.1 Boulder mix soil excavation m3 2311.35
7.2 Rock Excavation m3 2650.58
7.3 Blinding Concrete (C15) m3 32.99
7.4 Structural Concrete (C25) m3 574.67
7.5 Rebar Ton 60.45
7.6 Formworks m2 1035.66
7.7 Subbase Preparation m2 458.30
7.8 50 mm of steel reinforced shotcrete m2 1133.73
7.9 100 mm of steel reinforced shotcrete m2 628.32
7.10 2 m long 25 mm dia. Grouted rock bolts at 1.5m*1.5m c/c no 481.12
7.11 1.5 m long 25 mm dia. Grouted rock bolts at 1.3m*1.3m c/c no 330.00
7.12 Landscaping spoil tip m2 6500.00
7.13 1:4 Stone masonry wall m3 663.40
7.14 75mm HDP Pipes for weep holes m 360.00
7.15 Ge--textile m2 120.00
7.16 Filter materials m3 60.00
8 Vertical Shaft
8.1 Rock Excavation m3 1651.58
8.2 Structural Concrete (C25) m3 1076.60
8.3 Rebar ton 84.51
8.4 70 mm of steel reinforced shotcrete m2 1954.65
8.5 2 m long 25 mm dia. Grouted rock bolts at 1.5m*1.5m c/c no 830.00
8.6 Double grouting kg 52659.68
9 Powerhouse Main Building
9.1 Rock Excavation m3 10558.54
9.2 200mm thick Shotcrete m3 336.00
9.3 25mm dia 4m long rock bolts @1.2m C/C no. 1260.00
9.4 Shotcrete ribs@2m C/C m3 264.00
9.5 Rebar in Shotcrete ribs ton 14.98
9.6 Water control in cavern 50-70 l/s day 180.00
Section 4 6
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
S.N Uni
Item Descriptions Quantity
. t
9.7 Cement grout Kg 9056.12
9.8 Concrete (C25) m3 298.93
9.9 Reinforcement ton 19.52
9.10 Formwork m2 1048.53
9.11 Steelwork t 23.52
9.12 CGI sheets 20 gauge m2 575.00
9.13 CGI sheet ceiling accessories m2 575.00
9.14 Finishes LS 1.00
10 Powerhouse Control building
10.1 Rock Excavation m3 1119.38
10.2 120mm thick Shotcrete m3 29.81
10.3 25mm dia 4m long rock bolts @1.2m C/C no. 264.00
10.4 Cement grout Kg 1707.01
10.5 C25 Concrete m3 105.89
10.6 Rebar t 8.31
10.7 Formwork m2 690.94
10.8 Finishes LS 1.00
10.9 Doors and windows m2 31.33
0 Plumbing & pipework LS 1.00
1 Miscellaneous steelwork; covers, handrails LS 1.00
11 Access Tunnel
11.1 Portal excavation and support LS 1.00
11.2 Water control in adit on incline 25-25 l/s day 50.00
11.3 Rock Excavation m3 3640.00
11.4 120mm thick Shotcrete m3 226.20
11.5 25mm dia 2.4m long rock bolts @1.5m C/C no. 968.00
11.6 Cement grout Kg 7267.26
11.7 C25 Concrete in floor m3 125.30
11.8 Rebar for C25 Concrete in floor ton 9.84
11.9 Rock bolts for cable rack no. 383.00
12 Tailrace Tunnel
12.1 Rock excavation m3 50.00
12.2 C20 Concrete m3 5,358.84
12.3 Formwork for C20 Concrete m2 363.42
12.4 Reinforcement Steel for C20 Concrete kg 1,360.31
12.5 Steel Ribs (H Beam: 150mmx150mmx5.4mm) kg 690.94
12.6 100 mm thick shotcrete m3 7,267.26
12.7 20mm dia 2m long rock bolts no. 125.30
12.8 Water control in tailrace tunnel 20-25 l/s day 60.00
Section 4 7
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 4 8
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
a) Three (3) Horizontal shaft Pelton type hydraulic turbines each to develop
rated output capacity of 10,900 kW with their accessories
i. Three (3) sets of governor
ii. Three (3) sets of main inlet valve an bypass valve
iii. Cooling Water System
iv. Drainage and Dewatering System
b) Three (3) alternating current generators each of 12.5 MVA, with their
c) Four (4) 11/132 kV, 12.5 MVA main transformer, Single phase with their
d) One (1) 11/0.4 kV, 500 kVA station service transformer and their
e) One (1) 11/33 kV, 1000 kVA Distribution transformer and its accessories
f) Two (2) 33/0.4 kV, 250 kVA distribution transformer and accessories, one
each for dam site and housing area.
g) One (1) lot of ancillary equipment such as: overhead travelling crane,
diesel generator set (350 kVA), two sets of oil handling & purifying
equipment one for lubricating oil and the other for transformer oil, tools
and meters, air conditioning & ventilating unit and fire fighting systems
all complete with their accessories.
h) All complete switchgear equipment for indoor 11 kV system and for
outdoor 132 kV system with accessories.
i) Control and protection equipment for generating units, transformer, plant
equipment and line protection, etc. complete with accessories.
j) Instrument transformers with accessories.
k) Low voltage distribution panels with accessories.
l) All complete Power, control and communication cables with accessories.
m) Storage battery and battery chargers for 110V DC, 48V DC and 24V DC
n) Miscellaneous material such as electrical conductor, cable insulators, steel
structure and all other necessary materials, their accessories.
o) All complete Communication equipment with their accessories.
p) Steel structure for takeoff / gantry, busbars, equipments mounting.
q) Illumination of powerhouse, diesel generator room, switchyard areas etc.
r) Illumination and electrical works for headworks area.
s) All complete Earthing work of powerhouse and switchyard
All works under the electromechanical contract necessary for the proper completion
and smooth operation of plant whether specified here in detail or not shall be carried
out by the Tenderer/Contractor in accordance with the specifications and the
conditions mentioned within the complete tender document and it Single Line
Section 4 9
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
The major item of works for Nyadi Hydropower project is tabulated in Table 3.
2 Generators
12.5MVA Alternating current generator, excitation system,
other auxilliary equipment and accessories lot 3
a)ii Alternative Offer
b) Spare Parts lot 1
3 Power Transformers
a)i 11/132 kV, 12.5 MVA Single phase, power transformer,
ONAN/ONAF type complete with necessary accessories no 3
a)ii Alternative Offer
b) Spare parts lot 1
5 Ancillary Equipment
(a) Crane
i Overhead crane, 45 tons + 10 tons with accessories lot
ii Spares for above lot
(b) Emergency DG Set
Section 4 10
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Items No. Particulars Unit y
i 350kVA DG set accessories lot
ii Chain hoist with mono rail lot
iii Spares for above lot
(c) Oil handling equipment
i Lubricating Oil Purifying Equipment with accessories
ii Transformer Oil Purifying Equipment with accessories
iii Oil transfer pump with accessories
iv Insulation oil tester with accessories
v Spare Parts for above lot
(d) Tools and testing instruments
i Workshop machines with accessories lot
ii Mechanical tools with accessories lot
iii Electrical tools & meters with accessories lot
(e) Air conditioning and ventilation system
i Packaged type Air conditioning equipment with
ii Ventilation equipment with accessories lot
iii Ducting material with accessories LS
iiv Ceiling mounted exhaust fans lot
v Embedded components LS
vi Spares for above items lot
(f) Fire fighting system
i Transformer water deluge/sprinkle system with
ii Firehose cabinet, spray nozzles with accessories for
iii Hydrant equipment with accessories for switchyard lot
iv Portable Dry chemical extinguishers (DCE) and carbon
dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers with accessories
v Generator CO2 release system with control system
complete with accessories lot
Section 4 11
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Items No. Particulars Unit y
a) Generator control panel complete with accessories lot 2
Transformer and line protection panel complete with
b) accessories lot 1
e) Control Desk complete with accessories lot 1
Station service and auxillary Control Panel complete with
f) accessories lot 1
Automatic synchronizing and PLC Panel Complete with
g) accessories lot 1
h) Water level indicator & Telemetry Equipment Cubicle lot 1
i) Spare parts lot 1
8 Instrument Transformers
132 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer complete with
a) accessories no 3
b) 132 kV Voltage Transformer complete with accessories no 9
c) Spare parts lot 1
9 12kV Switchgear
a) 12kV generator breaker cubicle complete with accessories set 3
Service station transformer breaker cubicle complete with
b) accessories set 1
12 kV busbar cubicle complete with accessories (if
c) applicable) set 1
d) Excitation transformer cubicle with accessories set 3
(supplied under chapter 2)
e) Spare parts for above lot 1
11 Cables
a) 12kV Power Cable and necessary equipment including
termination kits to complete the specified scope of works lot 1
b) Control and instrumentation cable with accessories to
complete the specified scope of work
c) Communication and Telemetry Cables and necessary
equipment to complete the specified scope of work lot 1
d) Spare Parts lot 1
12 Lightning Arrestor
a) 120kV, 10kA lightning arrester complete with accessories no 6
b) Spare parts lot 1
Section 4 12
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Items No. Particulars Unit y
13 Storage Battery and Battery Charger
110V/48V, minimum 400 Ahr Vented Lead Acid stationery
type battery and battery charger panel and DC/DC
a) converter complete with necessary accessories lot 1
24V, minimum 250 Ahr Vented Lead Acid stationery type
battery and battery charger panel complete with
b) necessary accessories lot 1
c) Spare parts lot 1
15 Steel Structures
a) Steel structure for 132kV take off, gantry, and mounting lot 1
b) Steel structure for post, beam and equipment supporting
frame complete with bolts, nuts and all accessories lot 1
16 Illumination System
a) Powerhouse Illumination lot 1
b) Intake Site Electrical Works lot 1
c) Substation Illumination lot 1
d) Spare parts lot 1
Section 4 13
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
4. Gravel trap flushing Gate Set 1 Size 5.0 m x 3.2 m, Motor operated
hoisting system, Design head 10.3 m
5. Gravel trap intake tunnel Set 1 Size 2.1 m x 3.1 m, Motor operated
Gate hoisting system, Design head 8.8 m
Section 4 14
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
14. Hydraulic water Pump Sets 2 5.2 lit./sec., Design head 15.2 m
18. Bulkhead gate at Naiche Set 1 Size 2.5 m x 2.0 m, motor operated
Adit hoisting system, Design head 29.3 m
19. Bulkhead gate at Surge Set 1 Size 2.5 m x 2.0 m, motor operated
Adit hoisting system, Design head 21.3 m
21. Water tight stoplog at Set 1 Size 3.2 m x 3.2 m, motor operated
tailrace hoisting system, Design head 20.0 m
Steel penstock pipe, Ton 129 Diameter 1750 mm, Gross head
Thickness 16 mm, length covered by this stretch 157 m
177 m
Section 4 15
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 4 16
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Length 148 m.
1. These items are subjected to change during detail design.
2. The mentioned quantity is based upon the design adopted in feasibility study.
Section 4 17
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Section 3: Forms
Section 4 18
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Past 5 years' relevant 0,1,2 if installed capacity less than 5 MW, 5- 2 1 The experience earned in
experience of the sole 50 MW, >50MW a JV shall be factored by
or lead partner in a the JV proportion.
single largest
hydropower project.
If JV, sum of all parties
8 Past 10 years' total 0 or 1 if total installed capacity <100 MW or 1 0 for the
relevant experience in >100 MW Relevant lot. The
hydropower project as experience
the sole or lead earned in a JV shall be
partner factored
by the then JV
Section 4 19
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
otherwise 0
14 Office location 1 if head office or branch office with the 1 0
capacity to sign the contract is in Nepal,
otherwise 0.
15 Claim and litigation 2 if no claims, 1 if have claims but settled 2 1
history through negotiation and arbitration but with
no delay in project
Overall 20 8
1. To be successful in PQ, the bidder shall fulfill the mandatory criteria ,receive pass mark in each items and
receive a minimum overall score of 8
2. Prequalified bidders will be asked to submit Technical and Financial proposal during Tendering.
3. PQ will have a weightage of 30% in the overall Evaluation of Contractors.
4. Arbitrary Lot Value (ALV) for each lot is mentioned in the scope of Works for each lot.
Section 4 20
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
6 and facilitiesSubmit a list of equipment and facilities owned by theSubmitting documents In case of JV, provide
bidder. Include the status and current location of these documents for individuall
machine, equipment, laboratory and workshops Parties.
7 5 years' relevant experience
Submit experience certificate for the successful completion
Submitting document
of the sole or lead partner in aof the project
single largest hydropower project
8 10 years' total relevant Submit experience certificates for 10 projects Submitting documents In case of JV, at least 3
experience in hydropower from either party.
project as the sole or lead
9 Experience in the Submitting Documents
construction Submit experiance certificates
10 of5 Underground
Past structures
years' relevant experience
Provide experience certificate for a maximum of 3 projects
Providing documents
in construction other than
Construction experience inProvide
Nepal experience certificate for a project Providing documents In case of JV, experience
of one party is enough.
12Office location Provide office registration in Nepal along with objective
Providing documents
statement of the office, contact details and site map
Claim and litigation history
Compulsorily submit the complete claim and litigation
Providing documents
history for the past three years (2007 to 2009); if no claim
and litigations, state accordingly.
14Current work load Submit a complete list of currently ongoing projectsSubmitting
which documents
the bidder is undertaking solely or in consortium
Awards and prizes Provide a list of awards and prizes (maximum 10) with
Providing documents
supporting documents as the evidence.
Note: All the required information shall be duly `filled by the bidders.
Section 4 21
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
B. Attach copies of audited financial statements (profit/loss, assets/liabilities) for the last three
financial years and summarize data in the following table.
1. Total Assets
2. Current Assets
3. Total Liabilities
5. Working Capital
Section 4 22
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
C. Available Credit:
1. Name/ Address of Commercial Bank providing credit line:
Telephone: ………………………………….. Tele fax ………………………………………..
Section 4 23
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
Project Director
Nyadi Hydropower Limited
Ganga Devi Marga-313
Buddanagar, Kathmandu, NEPAL
P.O. Box 26305
Tel: +977-1-4785392,4785736
Fax: +977-1-4785393
Email: [email protected]
3. The names and positions of persons who may be contracted for further
information, if required, are as follows:
Section 4 24
Nyadi Hydropower Limited Invitation for Prequalification
a) Technical: ………………………………………………………………………………….:
b) Financial: …………………………………………………………………………………..
c) Personnel: …………………………………………………………………………………..
4. We declare that the statements made and the information provided in the
duly competed applications are complete, true and correct in every detail.
(Authorized representative of
Date: …………………………………..
Section 4 25