Language and Level / Grade: Appendix I. Standards-Based Unit Template by Clementi & Terrill November 2013
Language and Level / Grade: Appendix I. Standards-Based Unit Template by Clementi & Terrill November 2013
Language and Level / Grade: Appendix I. Standards-Based Unit Template by Clementi & Terrill November 2013
3 weeks
Length of Unit
ELD Designated
Language and Approximate
Expanding (Intermediate Mid)
Level / Grade Number of
(9-10 grade) 275
Theme/Topic Belonging – Environmental sustainability
How can participating in environmentally sustainable practices help us understand our interconnectedness and
Essential Question
responsibility to all life and each other?
Goals Learners will be able to:
- Describe human actions that are harmful to the environment and ones that encourage sustainability
What should learners know - Identify cultural perspectives when interacting with nature, use of resources, and sustainability
and be able to do by the - Distinguish main ideas in texts related to environment
end of the unit? - Ask questions and present findings about community activism toward sustainability
Interpretive Mode
Performance Students will read a short article and Students will select an environmental threat to
watch related clip “How will we source Students will distinguish the focus on. They will then explore readings about
Assessment clean energy for all? ” from the BBC. main ideas in “The case for solutions. Students will interpret such readings
They will summarize it and give their optimism on climate change” with a summary along with a SPECIFIC
These tasks allow opinion about how mentioned counties’ TED talk video. organization that is working on minimizing the
learners to demonstrate culture and perspectives place value on impact on the environment.
how well they have met these renewable energy sources. How ie.
the goals of the unit. does that predict the future these? down-on-global-fish-crime
They are integrated
throughout the unit.
The template encourages Presentational Mode Interpersonal Mode
multiple interpretive In groups students investigate programs, projects of Students work in pairs to create questions which
tasks. organizations, or policies that aim at protecting the community members will answer. The questions ask
The interpretive tasks environment at a local, national or international about daily practices and attitudes about environmental
inform the content of the level. Students will write an article which will be sustainability, such as water conservation and recycling.
presentational and published in the school newspaper with information Students then survey people, compile, analyze, and
interpersonal tasks.
The tasks should about their research. Embedded should be their interpret their results. Finally, they share their results with
incorporate 21st Century interpersal research with local community to tie into other classmates by asking and answering questions about
Skills. before finally presenting to their classmates. each other’s findings.
Indicate the relationship Product: Camping, Hiking, and RV roadtrips in nature (ie. National Parks)
between the product, Practice: Experience nature up-close to make a personal connection
practice, and perspective.
Perspective: Importance of disconnecting from routine obligations and urban settings to remember that we
co-exist in a planet full of other habitats and living organisms
Connections Making Connections Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives
(Sample Evidence) Environmental Science Websites (articles, research tool, interactive games)
Videos (info with supporting graphics, audio lectures)
Language Comparisons Cultural Comparisons
Uniqueness of local celebrations throughout the nation of a
Comparisons globally recognized holiday (Earth Day)
Depending on prior knowledge, the use of
(Sample Evidence) technical science terms combined with
Drawing from student diversity in class, as they may be
comparable accessible ones such as “dirty”
from varying cultures and habitats, including having direct
when first describing “pollution”
connection to nature, near a desert for example, or an
engulfed city dweller.
School and Global Communities Lifelong Learning
Communities Small groups communicate and work with
(Sample Evidence) Ongoing awareness and action working toward
community members about environmental
sustainability through self-assessment of progress
challenges and contribution to solutions
Reading 2- Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective
summary of the text.
Reading 7- Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums, determining which details are emphasized in each
Connections to Writing 4- Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Common Core Writing 6-Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
Speaking and Listening 1- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, building on others’ ideas
and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Speaking and Listening 5- Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings,
reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
Language 4-Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases.
Vocabulary Expansion
Language Functions Related Structures / Patterns
Tier 1
Identify threats to the environment … is when… Tree, forest, outdoors, Earth, use
Describe sustainable practices By… (verb) we can help reduce… up, trash, go green, greed
Assess comprehension on
Articles from different regions Interpretive
various topics by
+ TED talk lecture assessment Presentational
extracting main ideas
Create survey and inquire about community needs Real world connections to
Also teach how to research local organization theme (Belonging)
Prepare for subtopic and Interpretive
NOAA projects and research other organizations that protect
specific organization Interpersonal
the environment
research Presentational
Present findings of specific organization, issues, and solutions Present to class Presentational
Technology Integration
Community links
region Water quality
Interactive and games