Thermal Applications Category

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Thermal Applications

Integrated Environmental Solutions

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 1

1. What is the Thermal Applications Category? .................................................................................... 3
1.1. <Virtual Environment> Compliance View ................................................................................... 3
1.2. Apache Application View ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3. ApacheHVAC Application View .................................................................................................. 4
1.4. MacroFlo Application View.......................................................................................................... 4
1.5. Vista Application View ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Data Requirements for Thermal Applications .................................................................................... 5
2.1. Site Location and Weather Data ................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Constructions .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3. Profiles ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4. Internal Gains .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.5. Infiltration and Ventilation ............................................................................................................ 7
2.6. Plant and Controls ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.7. Heating and Cooling Zones ........................................................................................................ 7
3. <Virtual Environment> Compliance Checks ...................................................................................... 8
4. Industry-standard Thermal Calculations (ApacheCalc) ..................................................................... 9
4.1. Heat Loss .................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Heat Gain .................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Industry-standard Thermal Calculations (ASHRAE Loads) ............................................................ 11
5.1. Heating Loads ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.2. Cooling Loads ........................................................................................................................... 11
6. Thermal Simulation (ApacheSim) .................................................................................................... 13
7. HVAC System Simulation (ApacheHVAC) ...................................................................................... 15
8. Natural Ventilation Simulation (MacroFlo) ....................................................................................... 17
9. Viewing and Exporting Simulation Results (Vista, OutView, PlotView)........................................... 19

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 2

1. What is the Thermal Applications
The Thermal Applications Category of the Virtual Environment is set of software
facilities for the thermal analysis of buildings, the capabilities of which are
outlined in this document. Guidance on the views and applications contained
within this Category and their calculation methods is set out in separate
Applications in the Thermal Applications category fall into three main groupings:
 <Virtual Environment> compliance checks
o Analysis to test compliance with Part L of the UK Building
Regulations (2010) – England & Wales
o Analysis to test compliance with Part L of the UK Building
Regulations (2010) – England & Wales
o Analysis to test compliance with Section 6 of the Building
Regulations (2010) - Scotland
 Industry-standard thermal calculations
o CIBSE heat loss calculations (ApacheCalc, Vista)
o CIBSE heat gain calculations (ApacheCalc, Vista)
o ASHRAE heating loads calculations (ASHRAELoads, Vista)
o ASHRAE cooling loads calculations (ASHRAELoads, Vista)
 Dynamic simulation (ApacheSim & related programs)
o Building dynamic thermal simulation (ApacheSim)
o Natural ventilation simulation (MacroFlo)
o HVAC system simulation (ApacheHVAC)
o Results viewing and analysis (Vista, OutView, PlotView)

These applications are accessed via Application Views as follows.

1.1. <Virtual Environment> Compliance View

 Preparation of input data for England & Wales Building Regulations
 Preparation of input data for Scottish Building Regulations compliance.

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 3

1.2. Apache Application View
 Preparation of input data for ApacheCalc ASHRAELoads and
 Calculations and simulations using ApacheCalc, ApacheSim,
ApacheHVAC and MacroFlo.

1.3. ApacheHVAC Application View

 Preparation of input data for ApacheHVAC.

1.4. MacroFlo Application View

 Preparation of input data for MacroFlo

1.5. Vista Application View

 Presentation and analysis of results from ApacheSim, ApacheHVAC
and MacroFlo

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 4

2. Data Requirements for Thermal
In common with other Virtual Environment applications, the Thermal
applications derive their geometrical data from the ModelBuilder. This is
supplemented with application-specific data provided within the Thermal
Application Category.
The input data requirements of the thermal applications are summarised below.
The data is managed by utility programs invoked from the Application Views.
Where possible, applications access common data so that it is never necessary
to re-enter values in order to carry out different types of analysis. The efficiency
of data input is further enhanced by the use of objects called Templates.
Templates bring together groups of thermal input variables so that they can be
assigned collectively to sets of rooms, building elements or other objects.
Construction Templates store descriptions of constructions for the various
categories of building element (walls, floors, windows and so on). Room
Thermal Templates store sets of casual gains, air exchanges, plant operation
parameters and zoning information associated with rooms of a given type. After
a Room Thermal Template is assigned to a room it may be overridden by
subsequent ad hoc changes. Templates can be transferred between projects.
They offer a powerful means for imposing structure on the input data,
maintaining data quality and saving the user time.
The following is a summary of the data required by the thermal applications and
the utility programs that manage this data.

2.1. Site Location and Weather Data

Data on the global location of the building and the climate to which it is
exposed are specified using the program APlocate.
The location data includes the latitude and longitude of the site, together with
information about the local time zone and any summertime clock adjustment.
The weather data covers the requirements of both the heat loss and heat gains
calculations and the thermal simulation program.
For the heat loss calculation the weather data takes the form of a single
outside winter design temperature.

For the heat gains calculation the data provides hourly dry-bulb temperatures,
wet-bulb temperatures and solar data for one design day per month.
For thermal simulation the weather data is more extensive and is stored on a
simulation weather file. This file contains the values of the following weather
variables measured at hourly intervals over a year:
 Dry-bulb temperature
 Wet-bulb temperature

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 5

 Direct beam solar radiation
 Diffuse solar radiation
 Wind speed
 Wind direction
 Cloud cover
Weather data in these formats is available for a large number of sites world-

2.2. Constructions
The material composition of the walls, windows and other elements of the
building fabric are described using the program APcdb (Apache constructions
database manager). APcdb provides databases of materials and constructions
which may be imported into the building and edited as necessary.
Constructions are built up from layers with specified thermophysical properties
and widths. In the case of glazing constructions the layer properties include
solar transmittance, absorptance and reflectance characteristics.
Construction details may be passed between projects using a Construction
The following utilities are also provided:
 Calculation of U-values and admittance parameters
 Calculation of glazing angular solar transmission properties
 Condensation analysis

2.3. Profiles
Profiles provide the means for describing the time variation of input variables.
They are used to specify how quantities such as casual gains, ventilation rates
and set-points vary over the hours of the day, the days of the week and the
months of the year. ‘Formula profiles’ allow inputs to vary in response to room
or external conditions arising during simulations.
Profiles are managed by the program APpro.

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 6

2.4. Internal Gains
Information on heat gains from occupants, lights and equipment is required as
input to heat gain calculations and thermal simulation. Heat gains may be
sensible or latent, and sensible gains are characterised by a radiant fraction.
The magnitude and types of these casual gains, together with profiles to
indicate their time variation, may be specified individually for each room or
incorporated within a Room Thermal Template.

2.5. Infiltration and Ventilation

Infiltration and ventilation rates for rooms are specified by assigning them a
maximum value and a profile. Ventilation rates can represent either mechanical
or natural ventilation. The source of the ventilation may be outside air, air from
another room or air at a specified (possibly time-varying) temperature. Like
casual gains, air exchanges may be incorporated within a Room Thermal
These pre-specified air exchanges may be supplemented by natural and
mechanical ventilation air flows calculated dynamically at simulation time by
the programs MacroFlo and ApacheHVAC.

2.6. Plant and Controls

Where rooms are conditioned by heating, cooling, humidification or
dehumidification systems the characteristics of these systems must be
specified. The specifications for room control include set-points, heating and
cooling capacities and radiant fractions, together with profiles defining periods
of plant operation. These parameters form part of the Room Thermal Template
In the case of thermal simulation, these idealised room control parameters may
be overridden by detailed HVAC system models constructed in ApacheHVAC.

2.7. Heating and Cooling Zones

In the Thermal view, rooms may be grouped together into Heating Zones and
Cooling Zones for the purpose of aggregating results from a calculation or

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 7

3. <Virtual Environment> Compliance
The <Virtual Environment> compliance programs assess regulatory compliance
for four building regulation methodologies:

 Analysis to test compliance with Part L1 (Dwellings) of the UK Building

Regulations (SAP9.80) – England & Wales
 Analysis to test compliance with Part L2 (Non-domestic buildings) of the
UK Building Regulations (2010) – England & Wales
 Analysis to test compliance with UK Dwellings
 Analysis to test compliance with Section 6 of the Building Regulations
(2010) – Scotland

Information required for these compliance checks is explained in the following

documents that can all be found in the manuals directory of the IES <Virtual
Environment> installation:

 <Virtual Environment> Compliance View User Guide

 Part L1 (2010) Methods
 Part L2 (2010) Methods

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 8

4. Industry-standard Thermal Calculations
The program CIBSE Heat Loss & Heat Gain (ApacheCalc) performs heat loss
and heat gain calculations according to the procedures laid down in CIBSE
Guide A (1995, 1999, 2001).

4.1. Heat Loss

Heat Loss provides for the calculation of room heating requirements and the
sizing of heating plant.
Steady-state room heat losses are calculated in the absence of casual and
solar heat gains. The calculation optionally includes conduction heat gains
from adjacent rooms and the effects of mechanical and natural ventilation air
Results are presented (in the program Vista) as tables or histograms of room
or zone heat loss, broken down by heat loss mechanism. Losses can be
expressed on a floor area or room volume basis. Room temperatures are also
displayed. The data may be exported to other applications such as
spreadsheets and word processors.

Post-processing options include the following:

 Inclusion of a factor for intermittent plant operation
 Radiator selection

4.2. Heat Gain

Heat Gain calculates room cooling requirements and summertime

Room cooling loads and free-floating temperatures are calculated using the
CIBSE admittance procedure. The calculation is carried out for a user-selected
range of months using weather data provided in APlocate. The calculation
takes into account the timing and nature of each gain, applying the appropriate
radiant fraction to all sources of heat and cooling. Inter-room dynamic
conduction and ventilation heat transfer is accounted for. Glazing solar
transmission properties are treated using an analysis based on the Fresnel
equations. At the user’s option the effects of ventilation air exchanges and
external solar shading, as calculated by SunCast, may be incorporated.

The program Vista presents the results in tabular or graphical form in a variety
of formats. Gains are broken down by heat transfer mechanism and by type
(sensible or latent). Results may be displayed by room, by zone or totalled over

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 9

the building and peak loads are identified. Various measures of room
temperature are displayed, together with room relative humidity. Data may be
exported to other applications.

Post-processing facilities are provided as follows:

 Calculation of ventilation supply conditions that will meet the calculated
cooling loads
 User-definable tables of loads

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 10

5. Industry-standard Thermal Calculations
(ASHRAE Loads)
The program ASHRAE Heating and Cooling Loads (ASHRAELoads) performs
heating and cooling load calculations according using the ASHRAE Heat
Balance Method

5.1. Heating Loads

Heating Loads provides for the calculation of room heating requirements and
the sizing of heating plant.
Steady-state room heat losses are calculated in the absence of casual and
solar heat gains. The calculation optionally includes conduction heat gains
from adjacent rooms and the effects of mechanical and natural ventilation air
Results are presented (in the program Vista) as tables or histograms of room
or zone heat loss, broken down by heat loss mechanism. Losses can be
expressed on a floor area or room volume basis. Room temperatures are also
displayed. The data may be exported to other applications such as
spreadsheets and word processors.
Post-processing options include the following:
 Inclusion of a factor for intermittent plant operation
 Radiator selection

5.2. Cooling Loads

Cooling Loads calculates room cooling requirements and summertime

Room cooling loads and free-floating temperatures are calculated using the
ASHRAE Heat Balance Method. The calculation is carried out for a user-
selected range of months using weather data provided in APlocate. The
calculation takes into account the timing and nature of each gain, applying the
appropriate radiant fraction to all sources of heat and cooling. Inter-room
dynamic conduction and ventilation heat transfer is accounted for. Glazing
solar transmission properties are treated using an analysis based on the
Fresnel equations. At the user’s option the effects of ventilation air exchanges
and external solar shading, as calculated by SunCast, may be incorporated.

The program Vista presents the results in tabular or graphical form in a variety
of formats. Gains are broken down by heat transfer mechanism and by type
(sensible or latent). Results may be displayed by room, by zone or totalled over
the building and peak loads are identified. Various measures of room
temperature are displayed, together with room relative humidity. Data may be

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 11

exported to other applications.

Post-processing facilities are provided as follows:

 Calculation of ventilation supply conditions that will meet the calculated
cooling loads
 User-definable tables of loads

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6. Thermal Simulation (ApacheSim)
ApacheSim is a dynamic thermal simulation program based on first-principles
mathematical modelling of the heat transfer processes occurring in and around
a building. ApacheSim qualifies as a Dynamic Model in the CIBSE system of
model classification, and exceeds the requirements of such a model in many
The program provides an environment for the detailed evaluation of building and
system designs, allowing them to be optimised with regard to comfort criteria
and energy use.
Within ApacheSim, conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer
processes for each element of the building fabric are individually modelled and
integrated with models of room heat gains, air exchanges and plant. The
simulation is driven by real weather data and may cover any period from a day
to a year. The time-evolution of the building’s thermal conditions is traced at
intervals as small as one minute.

Results output by the simulation include:

 Comfort statistics
 Energy consumption data
 CO2 emission data
 Room load statistics
 Plant sizes
 Detailed performance measures including hourly room temperatures (air,
mean radiant and dry resultant), humidities, plant loads, casual gains and
air exchanges
 Surface temperatures for comfort studies or CFD boundary conditions

The simulation engine has the following features:

 Finite difference dynamic heat conduction modelling
 Dynamically calculated surface convection characteristics
 Air temperature, surface temperature and room humidity modelling
 Advanced solar and long-wave radiation exchange models
 External solar shading using data from SunCast
 Solar tracking through an arbitrary number of transparent internal
partitions using data from SunCast
 Angle-dependent glazing transmission, reflection and absorption

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 13

 Accurate accounting for the radiant/convective characteristics of casual
gains and plant heat inputs
 Room plant and control models allowing for limited heating or cooling
 Simultaneous solution of sensible and latent heat balance equations for
the whole building
 Optional integration with natural ventilation air flow simulation (MacroFlo)
or HVAC system simulation (ApacheHVAC)
 Simultaneous integration with both MacroFlo and ApacheHVAC for the
simulation of mixed-mode systems

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 14

7. HVAC System Simulation
ApacheHVAC simulates the performance of heating, ventilation and air
conditioning systems. It links dynamically to the building simulation program
ApacheSim, and optionally to MacroFlo.
ApacheHVAC extends the capabilities of ApacheSim by providing a detailed
representation of room heating and cooling units, air handling systems, central
plant components and controls. These capabilities give the user a means of
accurately assessing issues such as:
 Control operation and its impact on comfort performance
 Energy use
 Fresh air loads
 Free cooling
 Heat recovery
 Component sizing
 Sizing of mechanical air flows
 System psychrometrics
 Distribution efficiency
 Boiler and chiller performance
 Fan and pump energy
 Mixed-mode operation

Working through a graphical interface the user assembles a system schematic

on screen and sets operational parameters for its components. Editing features
facilitate operations such as copying and moving groups of components. The list
of available component building blocks includes:
 Rooms
 Radiators
 Direct-acting heaters and coolers
 Chilled ceilings
 Heating and cooling coils
 Ducts
 Fans
 Humidifiers

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 15

 Heat recovery devices
 Controllers
 Boilers
 Chillers

Controllers may be configured for both on-off and proportional control, and may
be cascaded to simulate complex control functions. Time variation of
operational parameters is handled with profiles, and formula profiles offer
additional flexibility in control specifications.

The component-based nature of the interface makes possible an almost

unlimited range of system types, of which the following are examples:
 Variable air volume (VAV)
 Constant air volume (CAV)
 Fan-coil
 Displacement ventilation
 Chilled beams
 Radiators
 Underfloor heating

If the MacroFlo check box is ticked at run-time the simulation will include natural
ventilation analysis. MacroFlo will then incorporate in its calculations any flow
imbalances arising in the system simulation, providing a route for the simulation
of mixed-mode systems.
ApacheHVAC generates an extensive range of outputs. At the detailed level it is
possible to trace individual psychrometric and control processes occurring
within a system. At the opposite extreme the program can supply aggregated
monthly energy loads and consumption totals, optionally broken down by fuel or
component type.

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 16

8. Natural Ventilation Simulation
MacroFlo is a simulation program for the design and appraisal of naturally
ventilated and mixed-mode buildings. MacroFlo runs as an adjunct to
ApacheSim, exchanging data at run-time to achieve a fully integrated simulation
of air and thermal exchanges.

The following issues may be addressed with MacroFlo:

 Infiltration
 Single-sided ventilation
 Cross-ventilation
 Natural ventilation as a whole-building strategy
 Temperature-controlled window opening
 Mixed-mode solutions (used in conjunction with ApacheHVAC)

MacroFlo simulates the flow of air through openings in the building envelope.
Openings are associated with windows, doors and ‘holes’ created in the
geometry model and may take the form of cracks or larger apertures. Air flow is
driven by pressures arising from wind and buoyancy forces (stack effect). It also
takes account of mechanical air flows set up in ApacheHVAC.
Wind pressures on the building exterior are calculated at each simulation time
step from data read from the weather file. Wind speed and direction data is
combined with information on opening orientations and wind exposures to
generate wind pressures on each external opening. The calculation involves
wind pressure coefficients derived from wind tunnel experiments. Buoyancy
pressures, varying with height in accordance with temperature-dependent air
densities, are then superimposed.
The flow through each opening is calculated as a function of the imposed
pressure difference and the characteristics of the opening. The height
dependence of the buoyancy pressures means that two-way flow can occur
through a single opening either side of a neutral pressure plane. Special
situations such as the Rayleigh instability are detected and modelled
appropriately. A network of pressure-flow relationships is solved to balance the
flows in and out of each room.
MacroFlo exchanges data with ApacheSim and ApacheHVAC dynamically to
achieve the simultaneous solution of the inter-dependent thermal and air flow
Input data for MacroFlo is prepared in the MacroFlo application. Working from
an editable database of Opening Types the user assigns opening properties to
windows and doors in the model. This process follows the same pattern as the
assignment of construction types for the thermal analysis.
Opening Type properties allow for the specification of crack characteristics, the

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 17

degree and timing of window opening and (as appropriate) its dependence on
room temperature. Opening Types may be stored in a Template.

VE 2015 Thermal Applications 18

9. Viewing and Exporting Simulation
Results (Vista, OutView, PlotView)
The Vista program provides facilities for the display, collation and export of data
generated by the Virtual Environment’s thermal simulation applications.
Vista is itself a component of the Virtual Environment and as such has access to
the geometry model stored in the ModelBuilder view. The geometry model
provides a natural framework for browsing simulation output datasets.
By pointing to rooms on the model image you can instantly call up graphs or
tables of room temperatures, plant loads, casual gains and other simulation
variables. Results for different rooms can be displayed on the same axes or
juxtaposed, and similar comparisons can be made between results datasets
derived from alternative design options.
Results from MacroFlo may be displayed at either the room level or the opening
level. To obtain a detailed picture of natural ventilation flows the user can point
to an opening to view graphs of in-flows, out-flows and the degree of opening.
Energy and load totals from ApacheHVAC can be displayed as hourly time
series or monthly totals.
All Vista outputs may be readily exported to external applications.

The programs OutView and PlotView provide additional facilities for viewing
simulation results.

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