Applying Simulation Technique of Vapor C

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Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Vol.7 No.

4 2010-2015 (2021) 2010 E-ISSN: 2349 5359; P-ISSN: 2454-9967

Applying Simulation Technique of Vapor-Compression

Namrata Tripathi1, Yudhveer Kumar Verma2, Gurusharan Kaur3
Department of Mathematics, Govt. PG. College, Rajgarh(M.P) 465661, India
2Department of Mechanical, Dronacharya College of Engineering Gurugram (Haryana) 123506, India
3Department of Mathematics, Career College, Bhopal (M.P) 462023, India

ABSTRACT: Calculation intensive courses lead to the need to integrate computer technology into the
classroom, especially in courses such as The Refrigeration and air conditioning at then Dronacharya College
of Engineering Gurugram (Haryana). Therefore the opportunity arises for the implementation of interactive
tools for ease of calculations. Once the students have mastered the concepts and ability to perform the
necessary manual calculations, computer programs can be used to allow the students to study more
advanced topics in the material without being bogged down in the calculations. To ease the considerable
calculations involved in solving vapor-compression refrigeration (VCR) cycle. This program has recently
been revised to be compatible with the Microsoft Windows operating environment prevalent today in
engineering software. In addition, a fourth refrigerant, R-134a, was added to account for the addition of new
refrigerants in use today. Another modification made to the program was the addition of a tutorial for the
thermal system analysis of a VCR cycle. This tutorial emulates the general solution methodology used in the
course and reinforces the concepts with the students. The program is available via current web pages for
the described course.

KEYWORDS: Refrigeration, air conditioning, Simulation ©2021, All rights reserved

1. INTRODUCTION rate and the isentropic efficiency of the

The evaluation of thermodynamic systems can compressor [2] (see Figure 1). The program was
become a long and tedious process, though an originally written in FORTRAN and has been
important one for students to learn and master. recently converted to Microsoft Visual Basic to
Several cycles are continually taught in applied allow for a graphical user interface (GUI). Along
thermodynamics courses such as the Rankine with this conversion, a tutorial was added which
cycle for steam power systems, the Brayton cycle defines the working components of the system and
for gas turbine systems, vapor-compression for steps through the methodology for solving the VCR
refrigeration systems. Within the applied cycle which would allow the student to begin to
thermodynamics course at the RGPV Bhopal, these gain insight into how various changes effect the
cycles are taught along with deviations from these heat transfer, coefficient of performance (COP),
cycles. A thorough investigation into the operation and required work [3].
of these cycles can be facilitated with the use of the
computer to ease the property evaluation process
[1]. There are several good, commercially available
programs and solvers for implementing such
solutions; however, for economic reasons we have
chosen to develop an in-house program. Beyond
the economics of the situation, it is also the belief
of the authors that value exists in writing and
understanding thoroughly the ’black box’ being
used by students for solving problems. The
computer program utilizes equations of state and
fundamental thermodynamic relations to perform
a systems analysis. The first law of
thermodynamics is used to evaluate the energy
transfers for the ideal vapor compression
refrigeration (VCR) cycle with the operating Figure 1(Input Dialogue Box Property Evaluation)
temperatures or pressures known, the mass flow
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Received: 11.04.2021 Accepted: 21.05.2021 Published on: 31.05.2021

Namrata Tripathi et al.,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Vol.7 No.4 2010-2015 (2021) 2011 E-ISSN: 2349 5359; P-ISSN: 2454-9967

The program gives the user the option to work certain fundamental concepts and laws may not be
with one of four refrigerants: steam, R-22,R-12, second nature yet. The following gives some
and R-134a. Both R-22 and R-12 are no longer excerpts from the tutorial (italicized titles are
endorsed as common refrigerants, but are still in taken directly from the program)[8].
use in older systems. For this reason and the
ability to compare, both were left as options in the
revision of the program. The properties are
evaluated from accepted and well-published
equations of state and Maxwell’s fundamental
relations [4]. The Basic Cycle, the ideal vapor
compression refrigeration cycle that is utilized is
outlined in Cengal1 and is summarized here.

1-2 Isentropic compression in a compressor

2-3 Constant pressure, heat rejection in a


3-4 Throttling in an expansion device

4-1 Constant pressure, heat adsorption in an


The solution method assumes saturated vapor at

state 1 and saturated liquid at state 3.Hence, with
this outline of the cycle a problem is completely Figure 2(Final Calculation Screen)
specified if the operating temperatures or
pressures are known. The compression process
may also be modeled with an isentropic efficiency 2.1 Purpose of a Refrigeration System
and a mass flow rate must be specified for the
calculation of power and rate of heat rejection or There are many applications for refrigeration
adsorption [5]. The calculations internal to the systems and the use of these systems is widely
program are done in SI units except where the used in personal, commercial, and industrial
equations of state are only specified in English applications. In industry, maintaining the required
units (see Downing) and then appropriate unit temperature for the transport and storage of food
conversions are made to maintain dimensional uses varied forms of refrigeration. The cooling
homogeneity. The input and output of the program load on a system for a refrigerated train car will be
may be in any mix of units (SI or English) selected different than for a refrigerated truck or for
from a pull down menu. The output is presented in refrigerated storage. Furthermore, the climate will
a tabulated form that is emphasized in lecture as a affect the selection as well; will the train be
general format for cycle analysis. After the moving through the Rocky Mountains or will it be
program has been executed, the user may convert traveling through an arid desert climate In this
the output to any units desired by making an type of application, refrigeration is required all the
appropriate selection from a pull down menu, time [9]. In an air conditioning application,
Figure 2[6]. refrigeration is only required part of any given
year depending on climate.
2.2 Rating Refrigeration Systems
The tutorial gives the user the option to step
through several screens that explain the To accomplish the cooling desired in
refrigeration system and then to solve a problem. refrigeration systems, several different
Each screen gives a brief explanation of either the combinations of equipment and refrigerants (the
system or a component, and then each step of the fluid used by the system, whose thermodynamic
problem solving methodology is explained while a properties make the system work) are used. In
problem is being solved. The tone of the tutorial is general, these systems may be compared to each
taken to be conversational and the screens, which other by looking at the ratio of the desired output
explain various operations of the VCR system, to required input [10]. Refrigeration systems
should be read with this in mind [7]. The directed require a work input to have a desired cooling
audience of the tutorial is the learning, load, which leads to a coefficient of performance
undergraduate thermodynamics student, to whom (COP), defined as the cooling load divided by the

Namrata Tripathi et al.,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Vol.7 No.4 2010-2015 (2021) 2012 E-ISSN: 2349 5359; P-ISSN: 2454-9967

work input. The COP is a non-dimensional 2. AN EXAMPLE SOLUTION

measure of the performance of the cycle. The To demonstrate how to solve problems that
higher the COP, the better the system is. The involve the vapor compression refrigeration cycle,
maximum cannot exceed the maximum set forth an example problem will be solved. Each step will
by a Carnot cycle operating in reverse [11]. be described, any assumptions will be explained,
and hints will be given to help make these types of
2.3 The Vapor Compression Cycle problems easier to solve.
The vapor compression cycle is based on using 3.1 Example Problem from Cengal and Boles1
the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant
to transfer heat from a colder source (inside your A refrigerator uses refrigerant-12 as the
house, for the example of a home air conditioner) working fluid and operates on an ideal vapor
to a warmer source (outside your house, for compression refrigeration cycle between 0.14 and
example). In order to simplify the explanation and 0.8 MPa. If the mass flow rate of the refrigerant is
calculations, we will study the ideal cycle [12]. 0.05 kg/s, determine the rate of heat removal from
Each of the assumptions made will be outlined the refrigerated space and the power input to the
during the calculations. This refrigeration system compressor, the heat rejection rate to the
is physically comprised of the following hardware: environment, and the COP of the refrigerator [13].
a compressor, condenser, expansion valve and
evaporator. 3.1.1 Setting up the Problem

2.3.1 Compressor The first step in the solution of problems such as

this is to set up a table as shown below. The table
The compressor raises the pressure of the should include each of the known states (in this
refrigerant from a saturated vapor state to a case one in between each of the components) and
superheated vapor state. During this process, all the properties associated with that state. In this
ideally modeled as isentropic, the temperature of case, we are interested in temperature, pressure,
the refrigerant is raised to well above that of the specific volume, enthalpy, entropy, quality and
warm source. phase, Figure 3[14].

2.3.2 Condenser

Entering the condenser, a heat exchanger, at a

higher temperature than the warm source
surrounding the condenser, the refrigerant is
cooled to a saturated liquid. This process releases
the heat removed from the cold source to the
warm source. It is assumed that there is no
pressure loss across the condenser.

2.3.3 Expansion Valve

This device throttles the pressure of the

incoming saturated liquid to the evaporator
pressure, resulting in a low-quality saturated
mixture. This process lowers the temperature of
the refrigerant to a level below that of the cold
source. Figure 3(Suggested Tabulated Format)
2.3.4 Evaporator

The actual cooling takes place here, where the 3.1.2 Input the Known Values
low quality saturated mixture refrigerant is heated Next, input the known values into the table. In
by the cold source to the state of saturated vapor. this case, we only know the two operating
By entering the evaporator at a lower temperature pressures of the system, 0.14 and 0.8 MPa. Since
than the cold source, the refrigerant removes heat
we assume no pressure loss over the evaporator
from the cold source. This heat is carried by the or condenser, the pressures of states 1 and 4 are
refrigerant and expelled to the warm source. It is the same, as are 2 and 3. In this case, states 1 and 4
assumed that there is no pressure loss across the are on the low-pressure side (0.14 MPa) and states
evaporator. 2 and 3 are on the high pressure side (0.8 MPa).

Namrata Tripathi et al.,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Vol.7 No.4 2010-2015 (2021) 2013 E-ISSN: 2349 5359; P-ISSN: 2454-9967

3.2 Solve for Known Saturation Values compressor, we will use the known mass flow rate
of the refrigerant (0.05 kg/s) and the known
In the ideal vapor compression refrigeration enthalpy values at each state. Below are the
cycle, it is assumed that the refrigerant is a reduced forms of the first law that we will use to
saturated fluid at the condenser outlet and a solve these problems. The value of the rate of heat
saturated gas at the evaporator outlet. Assuming removal from the refrigerated space turns out to
this and knowing the pressures at this point, we be 5.53 kW and the power input to the compressor
can use property tables for the refrigerant to find is 1.54 kW.
the temperature, specific volume, enthalpy and
entropy. We can also fill in the values for quality Ql = m (h1- h4)
and the phase information in our table [15]. In our
situation, the values for the saturated states of our W = m (h1- h2)
refrigerant at our given pressures are filled into
our table below. 3.3.2 Rate of Heat Rejection into the
3.2.1 Process Assumptions
The next value we need to solve for is the rate of
There are two more assumptions that are heat rejection into the environment. Again, we will
necessary in order to solve our ideal case. The first use the known mass flow rate of the refrigerant
is that isentropic compression is performed and the known enthalpy values at each state to
between states 1 and 2. The second assumption is solve for this value. The reduced form of the first
that the throttling process between states 3 and 4 law used for this solution is shown below. The rate
is isenthalpic. Using these two assumptions, we of heat rejection into the environment for our
can determine the entropy for state 2 and the situation is solved to be 7.07 kW. This value could
enthalpy for state4. These values are then used as also be determined by applying the first law to the
input in our Table [16]. cycle as a whole, as shown below [19].

3.2.2 Solving for the Remaining States QH = m (h2- h3)

Now that we have two properties for each of our QH = QL + W

remaining unknown states (pressure and entropy
for state 2 and pressure and enthalpy for state 4), 3.3.3 COP of the Refrigeration System
we can solve for the remaining unknown
Finally, we need to solve for the COP of the
properties for those states. Again, refrigerant
refrigerator. As defined previously, the COP of the
tables are used to find unknown properties and
system is defined as the cooling load divided by
then they are put into our table. The properties of
the work input. This is shown in the relationship
states 2 and 4 for our situation are in the table
below and turns out to be 3.59 for this particular
below [17].
system[20]. This is equivalent to saying that the
3.3 Solution of the Problem refrigerant removes 3.59 units of energy from the
refrigerated space for each unit of electric energy
Now that we have all the known properties for it consumes.
our system, solving the problem is just a matter of
solving the appropriate relationships. We need to COP = QL/ W
solve for the rate of heat removal from the
refrigerated space and the power input to the
So, after finding the properties at each state, we
compressor, the heat rejection rate to the
used the first law of thermodynamics for each
environment, and the COP of the refrigerator.
device to find that the rate of heat removal from
3.3.1 Rate of Heat Removal and Power Input the refrigerated space is 5.53 kW, the power input
to the Compressor to the compressor is 1.54 kW, the rate of heat
rejection into the environment is 7.07 kW, and the
We will be using the first law of COP for the system is 3.59. All of this was
thermodynamics for each control volume that is determined from only knowing the two operating
analyzed. The heat exchangers are assumed to pressures, the mass flow rate of the refrigerant,
have no work associated with the process and the and by making a few assumptions. This same
compressor is assumed to be adiabatic. The work problem could have been solved if the operating
or heat transfer will be specified as into or out of temperatures would have been known rather than
the system[18]. To solve for rate of heat removal the pressures. The procedure outlined here is
from the refrigerant and the power input to the applicable to any thermodynamic cycle and is

Namrata Tripathi et al.,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Vol.7 No.4 2010-2015 (2021) 2014 E-ISSN: 2349 5359; P-ISSN: 2454-9967

generally accepted as a solution methodology. The begin gaining understanding of a cycle analysis
use of the computer program eases the burden of beyond the burden of property evaluation which
property evaluation and allows for expanded students have a tendency to become mired down
analysis of the cycles. in. This type of program, for instance, allows the
students to gain an appreciation for how a change
Example Assignment in refrigerant can affect the overall operation of a
Several variations to the VCR cycle may be Future considerations to this program would be
investigated with this program: different to add more refrigerants such asGenetron-404a, a
refrigerants or changes in operating pressures and drop-in replacement for R-22. Also, the addition of
temperatures, and the analysis of the effects on net cascading systems and the versatility to build a
power and heat transfer rates by each of these system that deviates from the standard VCR
variations. An example of one such assignment is system are slated for future versions.
included here along with the required graphical
results from the students. The students are also REFERENCES
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International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

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Namrata Tripathi et al.,

International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering

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