Torsion Lab 2013
Torsion Lab 2013
Torsion Lab 2013
For a shaft in torsion the relation ship, the torque, stress induced and the
angle is twist, and the dimensional characteristics is given by the following
T τ Gθ
= =
J r L
Given torque and twist data the modulus of rigidity would be determined by:
Therefore in the case where a range of torque and angular data is obtained in
an experiment is would then be necessary to plot TL vs. J θ in order to find
G from the slope of the graph. N.B. In torsion problem angles are in radians.
The apparatus is configured so that
1. On the left hand a mechanism is provided to allow the user to apply a
specified angular rotation to that end. (A protractor is provided to
enable reading of the angle.)
2. The left hand end is fitter with a lever arm attached to a force readout?
The lever-arm has a length of 50mm therefore the T = 0.05F. This
enables to torque induced to be determined.
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ME3 Mechanics Practicals
1. Measure and take note the diameter of steel bar.
2. Fit the steel bar from the left.
3. Measure and take note the free length.
4. Unscrew the angle mechanism to its ‘below zero’ limit.
5. Tighten both chucks.
6. Next adjust angle mechanism to zero degrees.
7. Zero the force gauge.
8. Adjust the angle until the force readout reads 1 Newton. Note the angle.
9. Repeat this process in increments of 1 Newton up to a maximum of 5 N,
noting the angle each time.
10. Calculate torque and insert in torque column.
The deliverable for this assignment will be as follows.
• Statement of objective
• Measure results, calculated results, graphs.
• Comparison of data / Conclusions.
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ME3 Mechanics Practicals
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