Dracula Tooth

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Case Report

Dracula tooth: A very rare case report of

peg‑shaped mandibular incisors
Ashwin Devasya,
Mythri Sarpangala1
Department of Pedodontics
and Preventive Dentistry and Abstract
Periodontology, Kannur Dental
College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Microdontia is a term used to describe teeth which are smaller than normal. Peg-
Kerala, India shaped teeth are type of microdontia, a developmental disturbances of teeth mainly
due to congenital reasons. Most commonly affecting single teeth, that is maxillary
lateral incisors. Incidence of peg shaped tooth in maxillary laterals are usually seen
Address for correspondence: and reported. But in mandibular arch it is very rare. Present case, it affected all the
Dr. Ashwin Devasya, incisors of mandibular arch and also the laterals of maxillary arch which is rarest of
Department of Pedodontics and
condition. This case report presents a non syndromic, peg shaped mandibular incisors
Preventive Dentistry, Kannur
Dental College, Anjarakandy, in a 11 year old male patient.
Kannur, Kerala, India.
E‑mail: ashwindkumbla@gmail. Key words: Incisors, mandibular, microdontia, peg‑shaped teeth

Introduction Peg shaped incisors are commonly seen affecting the maxillary
lateral incisors. The prevalence reported varies from 0.8% to

P eople of all ages are increasingly concerned about 8.4% of the population.[6] The prevalence rates are higher among
their smile and overall appearance. Dental anomalies Mongoloid people, orthodontic patients, and women. Although
such as alterations in shape, size, position, color, or texture the prevalence of unilateral and bilateral lateral incisors are the
may have a negative influence on the harmony of smile.[1] same, the left side of arch is twice as common as the right side.[7]
Dental anomalies can result from numerous genetic and
Peg shaped mandibular incisors are mostly associated with
environmental factors. Even though both prenatal and
syndromes [Table 1].[8] Very few case reports have mentioned
postnatal period are blamed for anomalies in tooth
peg‑shaped central or lateral incisors in the mandible. This
dimensions, position, and number; events in the prenatal case report will help clinicians to look at a different possibility
period has the most influence on these defects.[2] of occurance of peg-shaped tooth in a non syndromic
condition and will help to explore more. We present a very
Peg‑shaped laterals are dental anomalies that are likely to rare case report of nonsyndromic peg shaped mandibular
be connected to defects in certain genes. There is a strong incisors and maxillary lateral incisors in an individual.
component of heredity, and peg‑shaped lateral incisors have
been linked genetically with tooth agencies.[3,4] A peg‑shaped Case Report
incisor has a marked reduction in diameter, extending from
the cervical region to the incisal edge.[5] A healthy 11‑year‑old boy reported  to our dental clinic with a
complaint of his pointy shaped front tooth. Ethical clearance

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others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact: [email protected]

DOI: How to cite this article: Devasya A, Sarpangala M. Dracula tooth: A

10.4103/0975-1475.195123 very rare case report of peg-shaped mandibular incisors. J Forensic
Dent Sci 2016;8:164-6.

164 © 2016 Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Devasya and Sarpangala: Peg‑shaped mandibular incisors

was taken from a local review board of Indian Dental that a periodic check up every 6 months to follow‑up the
Association and Informed consent was taken from the parent eruption and fate of the canine and other permanent teeth
especially mentioning for the publication purpose. All of should be scheduled.
his classmates ridicule him by calling him “Dracula tooth”
which emotionally disturbs the boy. His past medical history Ethical clearance was taken from a local review board of
was not contributory, and family history revealed that his Indian Dental Association and also informed consent was
maternal uncle had congenitally small sharp teeth. taken from the parent to publish this rare case.

The patient had no history of trauma or extraction. Extra‑ and Discussion

intra‑oral examinations showed no abnormalities. Clinical
examination showed normal skin, nail, and hair. Intraoral Anomalies of tooth number, structure, and morphology
hard tissue examination revealed a mixed dentition stage. can occur within human dentition secondary to genetic and
epigenetic influences. These aberrations can manifest as
In his mandible, peg‑shaped permanent central, lateral, and microdontia, macrodontia, hypodontia, and oligodontia.[9]
right permanent canines are present. The left permanent Koch et al.[10] defined tooth size as abnormal, when dimensions
canine is partially erupted hence there is no confirmation deviate two standard deviations from average. This
of that tooth being peg shaped. In the maxilla, permanent size abnormality can manifest either as macrodontia or
lateral incisors are peg shaped; central incisors were of microdontia. Microdontia is used to describe teeth which are
normal shape with mamelons. Based on these findings, smaller than normal, i.e. outside the usual limits of variation.
it was diagnosed as nonsyndromic bilateral microdontic The deciduous dentition appears to be affected more by
peg‑shaped mandibular incisors [Figures 1 and 2]. maternal intrauterine influences; while the permanent teeth
seem to be more affected by the environment.[5] Single tooth
Permission from his parents for orthopantomogram (OPG) microdontia is a common condition. One of the most common
to be taken for further diagnosis and given the treatment forms of localized microdontia is that which affects the lateral
options as composite restorations to improve the esthetics maxillary incisors, called a “peg lateral.”[5] Peg‑shaped teeth
of the tooth. Parents refused the treatment. Parents advised are anterior teeth in the primary or permanent dentition with a
crown diameter that decreases markedly from cervical margin
to incisal edge, thus resulting in the characteristic peg shape.[11]
Table 1: Syndromes associated with mandibular peg shaped
The endocrine disturbances may affect the size/form of the
William’s syndrome
crown of teeth in utero or in the first year of life. Size and
Gorlin‑Chaudhry‑Moss syndrome
shape of the root, however, may be altered by disturbances
Ullrich‑Turner syndrome
in later periods. Disturbances in morphodifferentiation
Chromosome 13 syndrome
may affect the form and size of the tooth without impairing
Rothmund–Thomson syndrome
the function of the tooth and the function of ameloblasts/
Hallermann–Streiff syndrome
odontoblasts, thus, the result may be a peg‑shaped/
Orofaciodigital syndrome (type 3)
malformed tooth with enamel and dentine that may be
Oculomandibulofacial syndrome
normal in structure.[11] Documentation of discrepancies
Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome
helps in assessing the evolutionary structural and
Type 1 branchiooculofacial syndrome
morphological changes in human dentition.[11,12]

Figure 1: Peg-shaped maxillary incisors Figure 2: Peg-shaped mandibular incisors

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Devasya and Sarpangala: Peg‑shaped mandibular incisors

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