50+ Entrances That 10+2 Students Must Not Miss

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1. What after 10+2: Entrance exams 3

2. Medicine 4

3. Management 8

4. Engineering 17

5. Law 37

5. Design 47

6. Hospitality 52


What after 10+2: About Entrance exams
Every year, after completing their 10+2, about 7 – 8 million students seek
higher education opportunities. And there is a sky full of umpteen career
options that they can shoot for. With over 1.8 million seats, engineering
appears to be the most visible career option. Medicine still remains an
exceptionally tough stream to get in with just over 90,000 seats. While there
is no authoritative figure on arts and science colleges, the number is about
another 1.5 million seats. Many students have now shifted their interest
from these conventional courses to the new, promising ones like Hospitality,
Design and Law.

The struggle is lopsided because the numbers in the top 1% of the institu-
tions are way behind the top 1% of the aspirant class. In other words, good
institutions are woefully inadequate. With degree/diploma/certificate offer-
ings in 350-odd disciplines, the study choices before a young aspirant are
indeed vast.

To ease the lack of information on entrances, we have compiled a list of 50+

entrance examinations in different streams namely Medicine, Engineering,
Law, Design, Management, Hospitality a crucial information for any students
currently pursuing or recently completed 10+2.




The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is deducted for every incorrect attempt. The total
is a national-level single entrance test conducted marks of NEET are 720.
for admissions to approximately 90,000 MBBS
and BDS seats across the country. NEET ena- Some topics covered in Physics section are Laws
bles admissions to all Government, Private and of Motion, Magnetic Effects of Current and Mag-
Deemed medical universities across the coun- netism, Work, Energy and Power, Electromagnetic
try. It is conducted by CBSE in a pen and paper Induction and Alternating Currents, Properties of
based format in the month of May. Candidates are Bulk Matter, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation,
required to fulfil the eligibility criteria mentioned Thermodynamics, Atoms and Nuclei etc. Those
below in order to appear for NEET: covered in Chemistry are States of Matter: Gases
●● Candidates must have qualified class 12 in Physics, and Liquids, Surface Chemistry, Thermodynamics,
Chemistry and Biology. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of
●● Candidates must have qualified Class 12 with a mini- Elements, Equilibrium, p-Block Elements, Redox
mum of 50% for General category students and 40% Reactions, d and f Block Elements, Hydrocarbons,
for SC, ST and OBC. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Envi-
●● NEET follows an upper age limit. General category ronmental Chemistry, Biomolecules, Polymers,
aspirants should not be above 25 yrs of age and SC, Chemistry in Everyday Life etc and syllabus of
ST and OBC category candidates over the age of 30 Biology covers topics like Diversity in Living World,
years are not eligible. Reproduction, Structural Organization in Animals
and Plants, Genetics and Evolution, Cell Structure
Application Form and Admit Card and Function, Biology and Human Welfare, Plant
The application forms of NEET are usually released Physiology, Biotechnology and Its Applications,
in the last week of January every year. The last Human Physiology, Ecology and Environment.
date to submit the completely filled application
form along with submitting the application fee lies Result & Counselling
in March. The application fee for NEET is Rs.1400 CBSE declares NEET result in May. NEET result
for General/OBC candidates and Rs.750 SC/ST/ also displays the All India Ranks secured by the
PH candidates. The admit cards are issued to all candidates. Candidates who quality NEET are
candidates in the month of April. eligible to apply for further counselling sessions.
During the counselling process, the authorities of
Exam Pattern & Syllabus NEET 2018 release merit lists containing names or
NEET is held in offline mode and the duration of ranks of candidates called for various rounds of
the same is 3 hours. The exam consists of 180 counselling and offered admission.
MCQs. The question paper is divided into 3 sec-
tions namely Physics (45 questions), Chemistry For more details, visit https://medicine.careers360.com/
(45 questions) and Biology (90 questions). Each articles/neet
correct answer is awarded 4 marks while 1 mark


The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions),
MBBS Entrance Examination is a national-level Biology (60 questions) and General awareness (20
undergraduate medical entrance exam conducted questions). A candidate can score total marks of
by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 200. Each correct answer is awarded 1 mark and
New Delhi, for admissions to MBBS programmes 1/3rd mark is deducted for every incorrect answer.
offered at New Delhi and the eight other campuses
located at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Result & Counselling
Raipur, Rishikesh, Guntur and Nagpur. AIIMS The results for AIIMS entrance test is announced
MBBS is conducted in online mode as a computer- in June. Only those candidates who successfully
based Test (CBT) for admission to as many as secure the AIIMS Qualifying percentile are pro-
807 MBBS seats. Among these 807 MBBS seats vided ranks and called for counselling process.
offered by AIIMS, 107 are in AIIMS Delhi. As many
as 600 seats are evenly distributed across the 6 For more details, visit https://medicine.careers360.com/
other AIIMS. AIIMS Guntur and AIIMS Nagpur offer articles/aiims-mbbs
50 seats each. The eligibility criteria for appearing
for AIIMS is mentioned below:
●● Candidates must have cleared class 12 from a recog- JIPMER
nised education board. JIPMER MBBS is a national level undergrad-
●● Candidates must have qualified class 12 with a mini- uate medical entrance examination conducted
mum of 60% for General Category candidates and by Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical
50% for SC/ST/OPH candidates. Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry,
●● Applicants must be a minimum of 17 years of age. for admissions to 150 MBBS seats in JIPMER
Puducherry and 50 MBBS seats in JIPMER Karai-
Application Form & Admit Card kal. The exam is conducted as a Computer Based
The application forms of AIIMS are released online Test (CBT) in online mode and taken by almost 1.5
in the month of February and are available until lakh candidates every year. Candidates can check
March. The application fee to be deposited along the eligibility criteria of JIPMER below:
with the application form is Rs.1500 for General ●● Candidates must be a minimum of 17 years of age.
and OBC candidates and Rs.1200 for SC/ST can- There is no upper age limit.
didates. The admit cards are issued in the month ●● Candidates should have cleared their Class 12 or
of May. equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/
Biotechnology (PCB) and English as the mandatory
Exam Pattern & Syllabus subjects
AIIMS is held in an online mode or computer- ●● General Category candidates should have cleared
based format. The exam is held in 4 sessions over Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology with
a two-day window. The total number of questions a minimum aggregate of 60% while OBC/SC/ST/
in AIIMS are 200 divided into 4 sections namely General-OPH candidates should clear these subjects
with a minimum aggregate of 50%.


Application Form & Admit Card

The application forms of JIPMER are released in March and are available
until April. The application fee for JIPMER is Rs.1500 for General and OBC
candidates and Rs.1200 for SC/ST candidates. The admit cards of JIPMER
are issued sometime in the last two weeks of May.

Exam Pattern & Syllabus

JIPMER is conducted in online mode in a computer-based format. The dura-
tion of the exam is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The total number of questions
are 200 divided into 5 sections which are Physics (60 questions), Chemistry
(60 questions), Biology (60 questions), Logical and Quantitative Reasoning
(10 questions) and English Comprehension (10 questions). Every correct
answer is awarded 4 marks while every incorrect attempt will attract a pen-
alty of 1 mark.

The syllabus of JIPMER includes all topics of Classes 11 and 12 of State

Board and CBSE.

Result & Counselling

The result of JIPMER gets released in June in online mode. The JIPMER
MBBS Result is in the form of a merit list and contains important details
including All India Rank and Percentile Score. Only those candidates who
qualify JIPMER MBBS by securing the required marks and percentile will be
invited for the counselling session.

For more details, visit https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/jipmer-mbbs




The Delhi University Joint Admission Test (DU JAT) ●● Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
is conducted by University of Delhi. DUJAT is held ●● Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
to shortlist candidates for admission to under- ●● Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College
graduate management programmes at institutes
affiliated under Delhi University. The exam is con- Application Form & Admit card
ducted annually in June. The scores of DU JAT are DUJAT application form is released in May. The
accepted by over 15 colleges offering Bachelor of application process is online. Application fee is
Management Studies (BMS), B.A (Hons) Business Rs 500 for General and OBC category while it is
Economics and BBA (FIA) programmes. To be Rs 250 for SC, ST, PWD which can be paid online.
eligible for the exam, candidates have to fulfil the Admit cards are issued to registered candidates
following eligibility criteria: in June.
●● Passed Class 12 from a recognised board
●● Must have obtained 60 % in the examination Exam Pattern and Syllabus
●● Candidates belonging to SC/ST category must have The entrance test is held in computer-based online
minimum 50% while it is 54% for CW/PWD candi- mode. As per the exam pattern, there are four sec-
dates. tions - Quantitative Ability, Reasoning & Analytical
Ability, General English, and Business & General
Bachelor of Management Studies Awareness. Total 100 questions are asked which
(BMS) candidates have to answer in 2 hours. Total marks
●● Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies of the exam is 300. For each correct answer, can-
●● Deen Dayal Upadhyay College didates will score 3 marks and one mark will be
●● Keshav Mahavidyalaya deducted for incorrect answer.
●● Ramanujan College
In Quantitative Ability, candidates should prepare
Bachelor of Business topics like Numbers, Averages & Percentages,
Administration (Financial Roots, Indices, Surds, Simple & Compound Inter-
Investment Analysis [BBA(FIA) est, Profit & Loss, Algebraic Formulae, Linear
●● Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies & Quadratic Equations, Ratio & Proportion etc.
In Reasoning and Analytical Ability, candidates
B.A.(Hons.) Business Economics should prepare Coding & Decoding, Symbol Based
●● B.R. Ambedkar College Logic, Family Tree & Directions, Arrangements:
●● College of Vocational Studies Linear, Circular, Matrix Arrangements, Groups
●● Gargi College & Conditionality, Logical Series, Selection Cri-
●● Lakshmibai College teria, Sequential O/P Tracing, Analogies, Odd
●● Maharaja Agrasen College one out, Logical Puzzles, Calendar. In General
●● Aryabhatta College English, candidates should prepare topics like
●● Shivaji College Etymology & Roots, Idioms & Phrases, Analogies,


Antonyms-Synonyms, Foreign Words Noun & Pro- 12/HSC or equivalent examination.

noun Errors, Subject-Verb Agreement, Prepo- ●● Candidates have to secure 55 % in Class 10/SSC and
sitions and Conjunctions, Tenses, Modifiers & Class 12/HSC or equivalent examination.
Parallelism, Reading Comprehension, Inference
based passages Syllogisms, Logical Consistency, Application Form & Admit card
Deductive Reasoning. In Business & General The application form of IPMAT is released in
Awareness. In Business and Economy candidates March. Candidates are required to apply online.
should prepare topics like Awards and Honors, The fee for general and NC-OBC is Rs. 3000 while
Brands, logos, taglines, Company/Business enti- it is Rs. 1500 for SC, ST and PWD (DA) and can
ties, Days and Dates, Government and Politics etc. be paid online through credit/debit card or net
banking. The admit card for the exam is released
Result & Counselling online in May.
The result of DU JAT declares the result in July.
The result will be available online. The examina- Exam Pattern and Syllabus
tion authority releases the result in the form of IPMAT is a computer-based test conducted for two
ranks. The participating institutes select candi- hours. The question booklet carries total 100 ques-
dates based on DU JAT scores and performance tions from Quantitative Ability (Multiple Choice
in Class 12 board exam. The allotment of college Questions), Quantitative Ability (Short Answer
and course is done in July. Candidates are called Questions- SA) and Verbal Ability (Multiple Choice
for counselling as per their ranks in the merit list. Questions). Each question carries four marks. For
each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted.
For more details visit, https://bschool.careers360.com/ Negative marking is not applicable for Quantitative
articles/du-jat Ability (Short Answer Questions).
Topics for Quantitative Ability are Number Sys-
tem, Arithmetic, Percentage, Profit and Loss and
IPMAT Discount, Algebra etc. In Verbal Ability candidates
The Integrated Programme in Management Apti- can prepare topics like Reading Comprehension,
tude Test (IPMAT) is conducted by Indian Institute Para Jumbles, Word Usage, Fill in Blanks and
of Management (IIM) Indore. The exam is con- Grammar etc.
ducted for admissions to the Five-Year Integrated
Management Programme at IIM Indore. The test is Result and Counselling
conducted in May. Over 17,000 candidates apply The result is announced in May and is available in
for IPMAT. Candidates have to fulfil the following the form of scores/percentiles. Candidates short-
eligibility conditions: listed on the basis of result are called for WAT and
●● The age limit for general category is maximum 20 PI. The final result is announced in June.
years while it is 22 for SC/ST category.
●● General and NC-OBC category candidates are For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/
required to secure 60 % in Class 10/SSC and Class articles/ipmat


SET BBA General English syllabus comprises topics like

Symbiosis Entrance Test is conducted by Symbio- Synonyms, Antonyms, Word formation, Fill in the
sis International University (SIU) for admission to blanks, Identification of common errors, Error spot-
undergraduate management programme at their ting, Contextual vocabulary, Using the same word
affiliated institutes. There are six participating insti- with different meaning, Verbal reasoning, Analo-
tutes that accept the scores of SET BBA. Around gies etc. Analytical & Logical Reasoning comprises
11,000 to 12,000 candidates appear for the exam. topics from Syllogism, Number and letter series,
To be eligible for the exam, candidates have to fulfil Clocks, Cubes, Venn diagrams, Blood relations,
the following eligibility criteria. Seating arrangements, Logical sequences etc.
General Awareness comprises topics from com-
Have passed Class 12 examination from any rec- panies and their founders, Science, Books and
ognised board with a minimum of 50% marks or authors, Awards, Sports, Current affairs, Quota-
45% marks depending on the programme/institute tions from important personalities and History etc.
they are seeking admissions to. Students we have
appeared for Class 12 final exams and are awaiting Result and Counselling
results can apply. The result of SET BBA is declared in May. SET
BBA result is available online in the form of score-
Application Form & Admit card card. The result displays the overall and sectional
The application form is made available in January. scores. The scores are valid for admission for a
The application process is online. The application year. Counselling is based on merit and is con-
fee is Rs 1750 and can be paid both online and ducted in June.
offline. Applicants are also required to pay a regis-
tration fee of Rs 1000 per programme. Admit card For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/
is issued to candidates in April to candidates who articles/set-bba
register successfully for the exam.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus GGSIPU CET BBA

SET BBA is an objective test conducted in online Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, com-
mode. The duration of the exam is 150 minutes. monly known as Indraprastha University (GGSIPU),
The exam pattern comprises four sections - Gen- conducts GGSIPU CET for admissions to its
eral English, Quantitative, General Awareness and undergraduate courses. The application procedure
Analytical & Logical Reasoning. The total marks for the GGSIPU CET BBA generally begins in the
of the exam is 150. There is no negative marks for first week of February. The test is conducted for
wrong answers. admissions to BBA programmes of GGSIP Univer-
sity and its affiliated colleges. The eligibility criteria
Quantitative Aptitude carries questions from Num- for GGSIPU CET BBA is as follows:
ber System, Decimals, Fractions HCF and LCM, ●● To be eligible for the entrance exam, a candidate
Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Averages etc. must have passed class 12 in CBSE or equivalent


board with a minimum of 50 percent marks in aggre- For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/
gate. They must also have passed English as a core articles/ggsipu-cet-bba
or elective or functional subject.
●● Candidates who have appeared for the 10+2 board
exams may also apply, only if they are able to submit
the proof of candidature within the stipulated date.
Bharati Vidyapeeth University, commonly known
Application Form & Admit Card as BVU, conducts BUMAT in June for admissions
The application form of GGSIPU CET BBA gets to its undergraduate management programme.
released in February. The last day for application Candidates aspiring for Bachelor of Business
process is in May. An application fee of Rs.1000 Administration from Bharati Vidyapeeth University
has to be paid along with the application form. need to fill BUMAT application form before the
This fee can be paid in cash or by Net Banking, closing date. Before applying for BUMAT, candi-
Debit card or Credit card. The admit card is issued dates must ensure that they meet the eligibility
usually one week after the closing of application. criteria given below:
●● Candidates must have passed higher secondary
Exam Pattern & Syllabus from a recognised university with minimum 45 per
GGSIPU CET BBA is an objective type multiple cent marks.
choice offline test. The exam has a total of 150 ●● Candidates belonging to SC/ST category must have
questions to be answered in three hours dura- 40 per cent aggregate marks at 10+2 level.
tion. The paper has four sections namely English ●● Candidates should be Indian Nationals.
Language & Comprehension, General Awareness,
Logical and Analytical Ability and Communication Application Form and Admit Card
Aptitude. The application form of BUMAT is released in
the month of February. Candidates have to pay
Each question has four marks. There is negative Rs.1200 as BUMAT application and examination
marking of one mark for every incorrect answer. fee. The fees can be paid via Credit/Debit Card or
through Net banking when applying online. The
Result & Counselling admit cards are issued immediately upon receipt
The result of GGSIPU CET BBA is released in the of BUMAT Application Form.
month of June every year. The University declares
and displays the ranks of only those candidates Exam Pattern & Syllabus
who are declared as qualified in the CET. The BUMAT is conducted in offline mode for 2 hours 30
candidates are called for counselling/admission minutes duration. It has a total of 200 MCQs across
depending upon the number of seats available in 4 sections - Numerical Aptitude (60 questions),
each programme. The admissions are made only Reasoning and Logical Aptitude (60 questions),
out of these qualified candidates strictly in order Verbal Ability (60 questions), Reading Comprehen-
of merit. sion (20 questions). Each question is awarded one
mark with no negative marking.


The syllabus of BUMAT covers four sections: ●● Candidates should not be more than 22 years of age
●● Numerical Aptitude has topics related to numbers, at the time of the registration.
numerical calculations, ratios, proportions, basic
mathematical formulae, speed, accuracy, data inter- Application Form & Admit Card
pretation, graphs, charts etc. The application form of UGAT is released in March.
●● Topics covered through Logical Aptitude include Candidates can fill the application form of UGAT
figures, series, missing links and abstract reasoning. BBA via online and offline mode. Candidates can
●● Syllabus for Verbal Ability includes English Grammar, either purchase the form for Rs.650 or can down-
vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, words, expres- load it online and make the same payment online
sions, phrases and sentence completion. via Net Banking, Credit Card, and Debit Card or
●● Passages form the basis of Reading Comprehension through the Demand Draft. The last date to submit
which is the final section. the registration form is in May. The admit cards
are issued after the application process is closed.
Result & Counselling
The result of BUMAT is released in the month Exam Pattern & Syllabus
of June. After the announcement of the BUMAT UGAT is conducted in online and offline mode. In
results, candidates are called for counselling the computer-based mode, a candidate can only
rounds. The candidates are shortlisted as per the choose Delhi/NCR as their test centre whereas, in
merit list after which the final seat allotment takes the Paper-based mode, a candidate can choose
place. any of the test centres mentioned in the applica-
tion form. UGAT BBA has a total of 130 questions
For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/ divided into four sections. The duration of the
articles/bumat exam is 2 hours.

The English language section of UGAT BBA has

UGAT 40 questions, Numerical and Data Analysis has 30
The Under Graduate Aptitude Test (UGAT), com- questions, Reasoning and General Intelligence - 30
monly known as UGAT BBA is an undergraduate questions and General Knowledge has another 30
entrance exam for BBA, integrated MBA courses questions.
etc. The test is conducted by the All India Man-
agement Association (AIMA). UGAT is conducted Result & Counselling
in both paper-pencil as well as computer-based The result of UGAT BBA is announced towards
mode. Given below is the eligibility criteria of May end on the official website of AIMA. They are
UGAT: released in the form of a scorecard. The scorecard
●● Candidates must have passed in 10+2 from a recog- will also be sent individually to every candidate on
nised board. their registered address. The selection procedure
●● Candidates appearing in 10+2 can also apply, consid- of UGAT BBA starts after a candidate qualifies for
ering they will pass in that year because the score- the exam. The selection procedure of every partici-
card of UGAT BBA will be valid for a year. pating management institute/ university is different


and it might conduct a Group Discussion (GD) or descriptive type questions. Every correct answer
a Group Discussion (GD) along with a Personal is awarded 1 marks and 1/4th mark is deducted
Interview (PI). for every incorrect answer.

For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/ Results

articles/ugat-bba The result of NPAT BBA is announced in May in
online mode only. The merit list of the selected
NPAT BBA candidates comes out in three sessions. The first
The NMIMS Programs After Twelfth (NPAT) BBA is list comes out in May and second and third list in
conducted by NMIMS University for admissions to the month of June.
its undergraduate management programme. This
national level test is conducted in the month of For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/
May over a window of 2 days in an online mode. articles/npat-bba
Candidate must meet the conditions given below
in order to be termed eligible for appearing in NPAT
BBA: Christ BBA Entrance Test
●● Aspirants must have passed or at least appeared The Christ University BBA entrance test is con-
for 10+2 Board exam from a recognised board with ducted by Christ University, Bengaluru. The test
Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects is conducted for admissions to its undergradu-
and should have cleared it in first attempt. ate management programme, every year around
●● Candidates should secure at least 60 percent marks April. The BBA programmes offered by the univer-
at 10+2 level. sity include BBA Honours, BBA Programme, BBA
●● Candidates should not be above 25 years of age. Finance & IB, BBA (Travel & Tourism Management.
The eligibility criteria for appearing in Christ BBA
Application Form & Admit Card Entrance Exam is listed below:
The application forms of NPAT BBA are released ●● Candidates should pass their Class 12 (Karnataka
in the month of January till May every year. The PUC/ISC/CBSE/NIOS/State Boards) in any stream
University also issues the admit card in the month (Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce & Manage-
of May. In 2018, the exam was conducted on May ment, Sciences) from any recognised Board in India.
12 and 13. ●● Candidates pursuing International curriculum must
have AIU approval and must obtain a grade of not
Exam Pattern & Syllabus less than ‘C’ or its equivalent.
NPAT BBA is conducted in an online mode over a 2
days window. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. Application Form & Admit Card
The test carries 120 objective type multiple choice The application form of Christ BBA Entrance exam
questions (MCQs) from three sections, Proficiency is released in the month of December every year.
in English Language (40 questions), Quantitative & The last date to fill the completely filled application
Numerical Ability (40 questions) and Reasoning & form is in April. The admit cards are also issued in
General Intelligence (40 questions). There are no the same month. After the conduct of entrance exam,


the selection process includes candidates to appear St. Xavier’s BMS Entrance Test
for a Skill Assessment test, Micro Presentation for St Xavier’s College, Mumbai conducts BMS
90 seconds and Personal Interview. The final selec- entrance exam for its full-time Bachelor of Man-
tion is based on the overall performance at all the agement Studies programme. BMS Entrance Test
stages including past academic performance (X and is conducted in paper pencil based mode and the
XII). The selection process is held at different centres questions are multiple choice objective type. The
including Christ University campus (Bengaluru), NCR intake of the programme is 60. Candidates must
(National Capital Region) and Kolkata. make sure that they satisfy all the St. Xavier’s BMS
eligibility conditions given below for appearing in
Exam Pattern & Syllabus the test:
Christ BBA Entrance Exam is held in offline mode ●● The candidate must have passed Class XII exam or
or pen and pencil mode. The duration of the exam equivalent in the same year as of BMS admission
is 2 hours and the total number of questions is conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Higher
120 divided into 5 sections. The question paper Secondary Education.
will include all MCQs and every correct answer will ●● The minimum passing marks in Class 12 is 65%
get 1 mark and every incorrect answer will have a for General category candidates, 60% and 55% for
negative marking of 0.25 marks. Christian Minority and SC/ST candidates respectively.
●● Candidates holding a diploma degree in any Engi-
The topics covered in the entrance exams include neering branch with two, three or four years duration
English Language, Comprehension Skills, Verbal after passing Class 12 conducted by the Board of
Reasoning (30 questions), General Knowledge, Technical Education, Maharashtra State or equivalent
Current Affairs (25 questions), Quantitative Apti- examination are also eligible to apply.
tude, Numerical Ability, Fundamental Mathemati-
cal Operations (25 questions), Critical, Analytical Application Form & Admit Card
and Logical Reasoning (20 questions) and Data The application form of St. Xavier’s BMS entrance
Analysis and Data Interpretation (20 questions). exam are released in the month of May every year.
Usually, the last date to submit the completely
Result filled form is one month after the release date. The
The result of Christ BBA entrance test is declared admit card of St. Xavier’s BMS is available after
in the month of May in online mode after which confirmation of payment of application fee in the
selected candidates are called for the next round month of April.
of the selection process which is Micro Presenta-
tion, Skill Assessment Test and Personal Interview. Exam Pattern & Syllabus
Post these rounds, the university declares the list St. Xavier’s BMS is conducted in offline mode
of the students selected for the admission. and the duration of the exam is 2 hours. The total
marks of the question paper is 100 marks (Subjec-
For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/ tive for 30 marks and Objective questions of 70
articles/christ-university-bba marks). The sub sections of the exams are:
●● General Knowledge


●● Current Affairs
●● Data Interpretation and Basic Mathematics
●● English Language and Comprehension Skills
●● Logical Reasoning
●● Critical Analysis
●● Creative Thinking
There will be no negative marking.

The syllabus of ST. Xavier’s BMS includes the below topics. One must pre-
pare for them thoroughly before sitting for the exam:
●● General Knowledge, Current Affairs
●● Data Interpretation and Basic Mathematics
●● Language Skills
●● Reasoning/ Critical Analysis & Creative Thinking

The result is generally declared in the month of June and those candidates
scoring the cutoff marks will be selected for admission.

For more details, visit https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/st-xaviers-bms-





Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination (AEEE) is To prepare for AEEE entrance exams, candidates
conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham in the must thoroughly prepare topics like Complex Num-
month of April every year on an all India level for bers, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial
admission to 4-year B.Tech. Degree programmes. Theorem, Relations and Functions, Trigonometry,
Admission to undergraduate engineering courses Vector Algebra, Two Dimensional Geometry etc in
offered in the three campuses at Amritapuri (Kol- Mathematics. For Physics, one must be well versed
lam), Bengaluru and Ettimadai (Coimbatore) is with topics like Units and Dimensions, Heat and
done through AEEE. In order to be termed eligible Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Current Electricity
for AEEE, candidates are required to meet the con- and Magnetostatics etc and in Chemistry topics like
ditions listed below: Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular
●● All candidates should not be more than 20 years of Structure, Basic Organic Chemistry and Techniques,
age. Environmental Chemistry must be studied.
●● The candidates should have qualified 10+2 (or equiv-
alent) examination. Result & Counselling
●● An aggregate of 60% marks should have been The result of AIEEE is released online in the month
secured by the candidates in Mathematics, Phys- of May. The All India Ranks of the candidates will
ics and Chemistry. In each subject, the candidates be displayed in the rank list of AEEE. Thereafter,
should have scored not less than 55%. the counselling process begins towards the end of
May concluding with the seat allotment.
Application Form & Admit Card
The application form of AEEE 2018 is made avail- For more details of AEEE exam, visit: https://engineering.
able for all candidates in both online and offline careers360.com/articles/aeee
mode from the month of November till April. Candi-
dates will have to register themselves before being
able to fill the application form. The admit card of Amity JEE
AEEE is made available at the beginning of April. Amity University conducts Amity Joint Entrance
Examination (Amity JEE) in online mode in the
Exam Pattern & Syllabus months of April and May every year for admissions
The exam with objective type question paper is to its BTech programmes. In order to be termed
held both in offline (paper and pencil) and online eligible for Amity JEE, candidates must fulfil the
mode (computer-based test) and is of 2 hours and conditions listed below:
30 minutes duration. It carries a total number of ●● English should be the mandatory subject in 10+2 level
100 multiple choice questions for a total score ●● Candidates who completed 10+2 in regular mode are
of 300. While every correct attempt is awarded 3 eligible, only
marks, an incorrect attempt attracts a penalty of 1 ●● PCM should be the mandatory subject in 10+2 level
mark. The exam is divided into 3 sections namely, ●● In the calculation of aggregate percentage, Physical
Mathematics (40 questions); Physics (30 ques- Education, Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Vocational and
tions) and Chemistry (30 questions). other Non-Written subjects will not be considered


●● Candidates having compartment will not be offered Cell Structure and Function, Human Physiology,
admission Biotechnology and its Applications, Ecology and
Environment etc.
Application Form & Admit Card
The application form for Amity JEE releases in Result & Counselling
online and offline mode. Candidates will have to The result of Amity JEE is released in the third
pay application fees of Rs.1100 while submitting week of May. The selection process of Amity JEE
the Amity JEE 2018 application form. The admit comprises of the test result followed by GD/per-
card of Amity JEE are made available in the month sonal interview. A student needs to carry all the
of March and are available 48 hours prior to the mark sheets as well as essential credentials in
entrance exam date. original along with the copy of admit card.

Exam Pattern & Syllabus For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/

The Question paper of Amity JEE, the exam con- articles/amity-jee
ducted in online mode, has a total of 90 objective
type questions. The duration of the exam is 120
minutes. The Amity JEE question paper has four AMUEEE
sections - General English (15 question), Phys- Aligarh Muslim University conducts AMUEEE for
ics (25 question), Chemistry (25 question) and admissions to undergraduate engineering pro-
Mathematics/ Biology (25 question). In section 4 grammes. AMUEEE is a university level exam
candidates have to attempt either Mathematics/ which is conducted both online and offline once
Biology as per the eligibility of the programme every year. Only candidates who fulfil the eligibility
applied. 4 marks will be awarded for each correct criteria can sit for AMUEEE.
response and 1 mark will be deducted for every ●● Candidates should have passed class 12th or equiva-
incorrect answer. lent from a recognized central or state board with at
least 50% aggregate marks in the qualifying exam.
The English section of Amity JEE includes Read- ●● The candidates must have studied Physics, Chem-
ing Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Ver- istry, Mathematics and English in their qualifying
bal Ability and Logical Ability. Physics section examination.
includes topics like Vector Algebra, Newton’s ●● Candidates who have done diploma in engineering
Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Properties of Solids from Aligarh Muslim University with at least 50%
and Liquids, Electrostatics, Dual Nature of Mat- aggregate marks are also eligible to apply.
ter and Radiation etc. Chemistry section covers ●● (Only for B.E. evening) Diploma holders in engineer-
topics like Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding ing, in same or relevant branch from AMU with at least
and Molecular Structure, Ionic Equilibrium, Redox 50% marks in aggregate are also eligible to apply.
Reactions, Chemical Kinetics etc. While Math-
ematics sections cover topics like Binomial Theo- Application Form and Admit Card
rem, Permutation and Combinations, Parabola, AMUEEE application forms are made available in
Ellipse and Hyperbola etc., Biology section covers the month of February and are available till March


every year. The admit cards are released online in used posters /graphics, greeting cards, book cover
the month of April. design, hoardings, logos, wallpapers, flooring pat-
terns etc.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus ●● Creative design & presentation of day-to-day objects
AMUEEE entrance exam includes 150 questions /artifacts like candle stand, toilet fixtures, furniture,
of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects. soap case, chandelier etc. and futuristic automobiles,
The paper conducted in offline mode includes airplanes, mobiles, computers etc.
objective type questions and carry 1 mark for ●● Creative composition (Geometric or otherwise) that
every correct answer, while.25 or 1/4th marks are depicts visual harmony or contrast using elements
deducted for each incorrect answer. The duration like colours, shapes etc.
of exam for B.E. Evening programme is 2 hours
and for B.Tech, B.Arch (paper I and II) is 3 hours. Result
Aligarh Muslim University declares the result of
The syllabus of AMUEEE covers various topics of AMUEEE in the month of June every year. Candi-
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects. dates scoring at least the cut off score of AMUEEE
Physics section covers topics like Laws of Motion, will be considered for admission. Those with their
Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Oscillations and names in the Merit List of AMUEEE are the short-
Waves, Electromagnetic Waves etc. Chemistry listed candidates selected for final admissions.
syllabus includes topics like Structure of Atom,
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Environmen- For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
tal Chemistry, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic articles/amueee
Acids, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
-amines, Cyanides and Isocyanides, Diazonium
salts and more. Syllabus of maths covers topics BITSAT
namely Trignometric Functions, Permutations And Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admis-
Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Mathematical sion Test (BITSAT) is conducted every year by the
Reasoning etc. Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)
for granting admissions to various Integrated First
The Architecture Aptitude Test determines the Degree Programmes of Engineering at its Pilani,
aesthetic sensitivity & drawing aptitude of candi- Goa and Hyderabad campuses. Around 3 lakh
dates through the test of perception, observation, candidates compete every year for approximately
imagination, creativity, presentation & architectural 2,000 seats available in various BE (Hons.) pro-
awareness to be presented in the visual format grammes. The national level engineering entrance
relating to:Freehand sketching of scenes and exam is conducted across various exam cities in
activities observed by candidates from rural/urban India and Dubai annually in the month of May in
life commonly observed such as markets, streets, online mode.
bus/rail, station, ghats, waterfront, monuments
etc. Given below is the eligibility criteria to apply
●● Design, drawing & presentation of commonly seen/ and appear for BITSAT:


●● Candidates must have passed class 12 or equivalent 4 each from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
examination (from any state/central board). However, (PCM), in case they still have time within the allotted
they have to score 75% aggregate marks in Physics, 3 hours.
Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology in the qualifying
exam. Also, in each of the 3 subjects, they must also The paper of BITSAT has questions from different
secure 60% marks separately. topics from the following sections:
●● Aspiring candidates should also have proficiency in ●● Physics
English to be able to appear in BITSAT. ●● Chemistry
●● Candidates with Rank 1 in state or central boards in ●● Mathematics
India will be offered seats of their choice, despite their ●● English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning
rank/score in BITSAT. However, these candidates
should meet all the eligibility conditions mentioned The Physics syllabus includes topics like Kinemat-
above. ics, Impulse and Momentum, Oscillations, Waves,
Magnetic Effect of Current, Electromagnetic etc.
Application Form and Admit Card Mathematics syllabus covers topics like Trigo-
BITS Pilani releases the BITSAT application forms nometry, Differential and Integral calculus, Math-
in the month of December every year. The last ematical Modelling etc. Syllabus of Chemistry
date to submit the completely filled application covers topics like Chemical Bonding & Molecular
form along with application fee (Rs.2950 for male Structure, Chemical Kinetics, Stereochemistry,
candidates and Rs.2450 for female candidates) is Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry
in March. The admit card of BITSAT is available and more.
through April and May.
Result & Counselling
Exam Pattern & Syllabus BITSAT result is released in the month of June
BITSAT follows the below exam pattern: every year. BITSAT result has two parts – in one
●● BITSAT is held in online mode and has 4 sections – part, the candidates get to know their score imme-
Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV. diately after the entrance test gets over, in the
●● Physics and Chemistry sections have 40 questions other, the result is announced in the form of admit
each, while Mathematics has 45 questions and Eng- list and waitlist of Iteration.
lish Proficiency and Logical Reasoning have 10 and
15 questions respectively. For participating in the counselling of BITSAT,
●● The time allotted to complete BITSAT exam is 3 hours candidates have to apply and fill the application
(without break). form for admission. The seat allotment of BITSAT
●● All the questions are objective in nature or MCQs. takes place in the month of July in the form of
●● Each correct answer will be given 3 marks, each Iteration rounds for which cutoff and waitlist cutoff
incorrect -1 and unattempted questions will be given are released.
zero or no marks.
●● If any candidate finishes answering all the 150 ques- For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
tions, then he/she can opt for 12 extra questions, articles/bitsat


COMEDK UGET 1 mark. There is no negative marking. COMEDK

The Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental UGET has 3 sections namely Physics, Chemistry
Colleges of Karnataka conducts COMEDK UGET and |Mathematics (60 questions each).
for admissions to the various engineering and
medical degree undergraduate courses across the The syllabus of Physics section of COMEDK UGET
institutes affiliated to it. COMEDK UGET is a state includes topics like Thermal and Chemical Effects
level entrance test which is conducted for admis- of Currents, Oscillations, Electrostatics, Motion in
sion B.Tech courses available in 181 engineering One Dimension, Motion in Two and Three Dimen-
colleges of Karnataka. Around 70,000 candidates sion, Heat and Thermodynamics etc. Mathematics
appear for the entrance test every year. Candi- covers topics like Differential Calculus, Matrices
dates have to apply online for the COMEDK UGET and Determinants, Probability, Integral Calculus,
after meeting the eligibility criteria specified below: Vector Algebra etc and Chemistry includes Nuclear
●● Candidates should have cleared 10+2 (or equivalent) Chemistry, Biomolecules, Polymers, Environmen-
examination from a recognized board or University by tal Chemistry, Chemistry in Action, Coordination
state or central government. Chemistry and more topics.
●● Should have studied Physics, Mathematics and
English as compulsory subjects and any one of the Result & Counselling
optional subjects – Chemistry, Biology or Biotechnol- COMEDK UGET result is released in the month of
ogy or any other technical vocational courses. May every year. To be eligible for admissions, the
●● The General category candidates should have scored candidates will have to secure the required cutoff
45% marks while SC/ST/OBC category candidates marks.
should have secured 40% in PCM in class 12. All
candidates should have also passed in each subject The counselling process of COMEDK UGET is
separately. conducted in offline mode in the months of June
or July. It consists of steps like registration, choice
Application Form and Admit Card filling, allotment of seats, fee payment and docu-
The application form of COMEDK UGET is released ment verification.
in the month of January till April every year. Can-
didates are required to register themselves, fill the For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
form, upload documents, pay the application fee articles/comedk-uget
and select test centres before submitting the appli-
cation form. The admit cards are released in May.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus Galgotia University conducts Galgotia Engineer-
The duration of COMEDK UGET, which is held ing Entrance Examination (GEEE) in June in offline
in online mode is 3 hours. The question paper mode every year for admissions to undergraduate
is objective type and has MCQs. There are total engineering programmes. The qualifying candi-
180 questions and each correct answer will carry dates have to appear in Galgotia University’s Noida
campus for counselling of GEEE. Candidates


are allotted seats in undergraduate engineering GEEE counselling and seat allotment take place in
programmes based on qualifying scores in GEEE offline mode.
through counselling. The eligibility criteria for
appearing in GEEE states that candidates must
have cleared their class 12 with Physics, Chemistry GITAM GAT
and Mathematics and an aggregate of 50% marks. Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management
(GITAM) conducts GITAM Admission Test, com-
Application Form and Admit Card monly known as GITAM GAT, in April in online
The application forms of GEEE are released in the mode for offering admissions to undergraduate
month of December every year and are available engineering and technology courses across its
until March. An application fee of Rs.500 needs to three campuses located in Bengaluru, Hyderabad
deposited along with submitting the application and Vishakhapatnam. Candidates are offered
form. GEEE admit cards are released online to be admission to various B.Tech programmes based
downloaded in June. on their ranks in GITAM GAT. 25% of the total seats
are reserved for meritorious students from Karna-
Exam Pattern & Syllabus taka State for admission at Bengaluru Campus.
GEEE question paper includes 90 multiple choice In order to be eligible for GITAM GAT, candidates
questions to be answered in 90 minutes. While must have passed class 12th or any equiva-
every correct answer will carry 1 mark, there is lent exam. They must have obtained at least
no negative marking. The exam has 3 sections – 60% aggregate marks in Chemistry, Physics and
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Mathematics. Candidates seeking admissions into
Physics section covers topics like Motion of Sy, B.Tech Biotechnology are required to pass class
Sequence and Series, Permutation and Combina- XII or equivalent with a minimum 60% aggregate
tion, Integration and Differential Equations, Mag- marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and
netic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Atoms and Biology. First Rank Holders of the central and all
Nuclei etc. Mathematics section covers Sequence state board exams in 2018 will be eligible for direct
and Series, Permutation and Combination, Trigo- admissions to the university. They are not required
nometric and Inverse Trigonometry Functions, to appear for GITAM GAT.
Vectors and Three Dimensional Geometry etc.
Chemistry section covers Chemical Thermody- Application Form and Admit Card
namics, Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry, The university releases the application for all can-
Transition Elements Including Lanthanoids, Mol- didates in online and offline mode in November
ecules of Life, Polymers and more. and is available till March every year. The applica-
tion fee to be paid by candidates is Rs.1000 for
Result & Counselling males and Rs.600 for females. The admit cards are
The result of GEEE is released in June in online made available in early April.
mode. The seat allotment of GEEE is done as per
the merit list of GEEE and the choices filled in by Exam Pattern & Syllabus
the candidates of courses in the application form. GITAM GAT is conducted in online mode. The total


marks it carries is 400. The paper of GITAM GAT an online and offline exam in May every year.
comprises of questions from Physics, Chemis- (ITSAT) is a national level examination which offers
try, and Mathematics. 40 questions are asked in admission to under graduate courses in engineer-
Mathematics section, while Physics and Chemistry ing programmes (B.Tech/ B.E.). The admission is
sections carry 30 questions each. The duration of conducted at various IFHE campuses which are
the exam is 2 hours. Each correct answer fetches Hyderabad, Dehradun, Tripura, Jharkhand, HP,
4 marks, while 1 mark is deducted for every incor- Jaipur and Raipur.
rect answer.
Candidates are required to check for the eligibility
The important topics covered in Physics section criteria of ITSAT for that year as it varies for every
are Elements Of Vectors, Centre Of Mass, Colli- participating institute. Example: For ICFAI Univer-
sions, Fluid Mechanics, Wave Optics, Electrostat- sity, Himachal Pradesh, the eligibility criteria for
ics And Capacitors, Atoms And Nuclei, Semi-Con- ITSAT 2018 states that:
ductor Devices And Communication Systems etc. ●● Candidates must have passed class XII or any
Topics covered in Chemistry are Classification Of equivalent examination with minimum 55% marks in
Elements And Periodicity Of Properties, Chemical aggregate with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Ionic Equi- English as subjects.
librium, General Principles Of Metallurgy, Practi- ●● Candidates must have qualified JEE Main 2018.
cal Organic Chemistry, Polymers, Biomolecules ●● Candidates must have completed 12 years of formal
etc. Mathematics syllabus covers Permutations & schooling in order to apply for the program.
Combinations, Matrices And Determinants, Vector ●● Admission in ITSAT 2018 will be based on candi-
Algebra, Three Dimensional Geometry, Indefinite dates’ scores in ITSAT 2018, JEE Main 2018, State
Integration, Probabilities, Random Variables & level or any other National level Engineering Entrance
Distributions Statistics and more. Tests 2018.
●● Candidates must fulfil the minimum age requirements
Result & Counselling as prescribed by the respective Board through which
The university releases the result of GITAM GAT in they have appeared for the qualifying examination.
April in online mode. After the announcement of ●● It is important to know that all admissions will be
result, the counselling of GITAM GAT is conducted subject to verification of facts from the original cer-
offline by the university for all the qualified candi- tificates/ documents of the students.
dates of the entrance exam.
Application Form and Admit Card
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ Icfai University releases the ITSAT application form
articles/gitam-gat in October every year. The forms are available
until the second week of April. The mode of ITSAT
application form is both online and offline. ITSAT
ITSAT admit cards are released online for all candidates
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) con- in the third week of April.
ducts ICFAI Tech School Admission Test (ITSAT),


Exam Pattern & Syllabus entrance test every year for admission to its under-
ITSAT entrance exam is conducted in both online graduate engineering courses at Indraprastha
and offline mode. It carries a total of 120 multiple University and its participating institutes. Apart
choice questions, 30 questions each for Phys- from the university, 21 engineering colleges accept
ics, Chemistry, Maths and English. Every correct the score of IPU CET for admission to B.Tech
answer will be awarded 1 mark while there is no programmes. Approximately 70,000 candidates
negative marking in the examination. appear in IPU CET every year. The entrance test
is conducted by the university in offline mode at
ITSAT syllabus includes topics like Description of various cities across India.
Motion in One Dimension, Laws of Motion, Gravita-
tion, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electrostatics etc Candidates seeking admission to B.Tech courses
in Physics; Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry, at GGSIPU must meet the eligibility criteria of IPU
Chemical Families – Periodic Properties, Transi- CET listed below:
tion Metals, Synthetic and Natural Polymers, Bio ●● Candidates must have passed the class 12th exami-
Molecules and Biological Processes etc in Chem- nation of 10+2 system from a recognised central or
istry; Sets, Relations and Functions, Matrices and state board or any equivalent exam.
Determinants, Permutations and Combinations, ●● The candidate must have obtained a minimum of
Integral Calculus in Mathematics and Reading aggregate 55% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Math-
Comprehension, Diction, Formation of Effective ematics, and have passed each of these subjects
Sentences, Vocabulary etc in English. separately.
●● Candidate must have passed English as a subject of
Result & Counselling study (core/elective or functional).
The result of ITSAT is usually announced in the
month of may every year. ITSAT result is sent Application Form and Admit Card
individually to the successful candidates through Indraprastha University releases the IPU CET
email or post. The admission process like counsel- forms in the month of February every year. The
ling and seat allotment is followed with only those last date to submit the completely filled applica-
candidates who will qualify in ITSAT result. tion form along with the application fee of Rs.1000
is usually early May. The admit card is released by
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ the end of first week of May.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus
The question paper of IPU CET 2018 is in English
IPU CET and pen-and-paper based. IPU CET for B.Tech
Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test consists of 150 MCQs and carries a total of 600
(IPU CET) is a university-level undergraduate engi- marks. The duration for B.Tech exam is 2.5 hours.
neering entrance exam conducted by Guru Gobind IPU CET for B.Arch carries 200 MCQs for a total
Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) in the of 800 marks. The duration of exam is 3 hours.
month of April every year. GGSIPU conducts the Each correct attempt carries 4 marks. For every


incorrect attempt, 1 mark is deducted. holders of JEE Main. A candidate can attempt this
exam a maximum of two times and that too in con-
The question paper of IPU CET includes three secutive years. JEE Advanced is the gateway for
sections - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. admissions to 10,988 seats at the IITs. Following is
Each section carries equal weightage. IPU CET the eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced:
Maths syllabus covers topics like Statistics and ●● General Category candidates must be below 25 years
probability, Vector algebra, Mathematical reason- of age, while candidates belonging to ST/SC/PwD
ing, Sequences and series, Lbw, continuity and categories will get 5 years relaxation.
differentiability etc. IPU CET Physics Syllabus cov- ●● Candidates can sit for JEE Advanced a maximum of
ers topics like Thermodynamics, Atoms and nuclei, two times in consecutive years.
Electrostatics, Rotational motion, Communication ●● Aspiring candidates are required to have passed their
systems, Electronic devices etc. And syllabus of 12th exam.
Chemistry covers topics like Chemical thermo- ●● Candidates who have been earlier admitted to IITs/
dynamics, Redox reactions and electrochemistry, ISM will not be eligible to apply for JEE Advanced.
Chemical kinetics, Surface chemistry etc. ●● Candidates are required to have qualified JEE Main
and meet the required cutoff ranks set by the con-
Result & Counselling cerned authorities.
The result of IPU CET are announced in May, on
the basis of which candidates are shortlisted are Application Form and Admit Card
called for counselling. The registration for IPU CET IIT releases the application form of JEE Advanced
counselling begins in June in online mode. The for 7 days for all candidates in May in online mode.
counselling of IPU CET is conducted in multiple The application fee is Rs. 2600 for General catego-
rounds and includes steps like registration, choice ry male candidates and Rs.1300 for females, SC,
filling and locking, payment of admission fee and ST PwD candidates. The admit card is released in
reporting at the allotted institute. mid-May.

For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ Exam Pattern & Syllabus

articles/ipu-cet JEE Advanced consists of 2 papers (Paper I and
Paper II) and both are mandatory to attempt. Both
the papers are conducted for 3 hours each. The
JEE Advanced examination are held in English and Hindi lan-
Joint Entrance Examination Advanced (JEE guage.
Advanced) is a national level engineering entrance
exam conducted in online mode by seven zonal Both Paper I and Paper II have questions from 3
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) under the sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
guidance of Joint Admission Board (JAB) every JEE Advanced involves full marking, partial mark-
year, for admissions to 23 Indian Institutes of Tech- ing, zero marking and negative marking.
nology (IITs). JEE Advanced is the second stage ●● Questions with one or more correct option (s) - in
of JEE and is conducted for top 2,24,000 rank these questions +4 are awarded if all correct options


are answered, +1 for each correct option answered, in online (computer-based test) and Offline (Pen &
0 when no answer is given and -2 for a wrong answer Paper based test) mode.
●● Single digit integer - (0-9) - 3 marks are awarded in To be eligible to write JEE Main paper I, a candi-
case of correct answer and in case of no answer. date should be:
There is no negative marking for these questions ●● Below 25 years of age. 5 years grace for SC, ST, PwD
●● Questions with a single correct option - 3 marks are category students.
awarded for a correct answer, 0 for no answer and -1 ●● Candidates must have passed class 12th (or equiva-
for a wrong answer. lent) examination.
●● Candidate must have cleared 5 subjects including
The syllabus of JEE Advanced covers topics a language, Maths, Physics and any one of (Chem-
like Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Ther- istry, Biology, Biotechnology, Technical Vocational
mal Physics, Optics, Modern Physics in Physics; Subject).
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical ●● Note: For admissions to IITs, NITs, IIITs and CFTIs,
Chemistry in Chemistry and Algebra, Integral Cal- General Category candidates must have minimum
culus, Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Differen- 75% marks (for SC/ST category - 65%) or should be
tial Calculus, Vectors in Mathematics. in the top 20 percentile of their respective boards.

Result & Counselling Application Form and Admit Card

IIT Kanpur declares the result of JEE Advanced in The JEE Main application form releases in the
June in online mode. IIT releases the cutoff which month of December. The last day to submit the
is the minimum score a candidate needs to score completely filled application form is in December.
in order to be eligible for admission. Those scoring The admit cards are available in the month of
equal to or above the cutoff marks will be eligible March in online mode.
to get into IITs.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus
JEE Main Paper I JEE Main Paper I is conducted in online and offline
Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main is the national mode. The questions paper consists of MCQs.
level undergraduate engineering entrance exam Every correct answer is awarded 4 marks and a
conducted in April every year by Central Board mark is deducted for every incorrect attempt. The
of Secondary Education for admission to BTech/ total marks for the 3 hours duration exam is 360.
BE programmes in 31 NITs, 23 IIITs and 22 CFTIs. Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics sections
JEE Main also acts as the first stage or prelimi- contain 30 questions (Total marks 120) each.
nary exam for admission to 23 IITs including ISM
Dhanbad. Along with NITs, IIITs and various cen- The mathematics section of JEE Main paper I
trally funded technical institutions (GFTIs), some include topics like Matrices and determinants,
private universities consider the score of JEE Main Lbw, continuity and differentiability, Differential
for admission to their UG engineering courses. equations, Vector algebra, Co-ordinate geom-
Around 12 lakh candidates appear for JEE Main etry etc. The Physics sections include Kinemat-
every year. CBSE conducts the entrance test both ics, Thermodynamics, Oscillations and waves,


Electromagnetic waves, Optics etc. Chemistry Exam Pattern & Syllabus

section consists of topics like Equilibrium, Redox KIITEE is held in online mode and the duration of
reactions and electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics, the exam is 3 hours. Maximum marks a candidate
Surface chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Chemistry in can score in KIITEE is 480. The exam consists of
everyday life, Principles related to practical chem- 3 sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
istry, Environmental chemistry, General principles Every correct response is awarded 4 marks while 1
and processes of isolation of metals etc. mark is deducted for wrong attempt.

Result & Counselling The syllabus of KIITEE Physics section includes

The result of JEE Main paper I is announced in the topics like Description of Motion in Two and
month of April every year in online mode. Candi- Three Dimensions, Solids and Fluids, Oscillations,
dates who achieve the cutoff of JEE main Paper Waves, Heat and Thermodynamics, Transference
I are eligible to appear for JEE Advanced and of Heat etc. The Chemistry section includes Redox
admissions to NITs, IIITs & CFTIs. Reactions and Electrochemistry, Rates of Chemi-
cal Reactions and Chemical Kinetics, Surface
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ Chemistry, Chemical Families Periodic Proper-
articles/jee-main ties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure,
Chemistry of Non-Metals - 1, Chemistry of Non-
metals-II, Chemistry of Lighter Metals, Heavy
KIITEE Metals etc. Mathematics topics include Differen-
KIIT Entrance Exam (KIITEE) is a Computer Based tial Equations, Two Dimensional Geometry, Three
Test (Online) held by the Kalinga Institute of Indus- Dimensional Geometry, Vector Algebra, Measures
trial Technology (KIIT). The exam is conducted by of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Probability,
the university for admission to its UG engineering Trigonometry and more.
courses in the month of April. In order to appear
for KIITEE, candidates need to fulfil certain require- Result & Counselling
ments listed below: KIITEE result is announced and the Rank Card
●● The candidates should have completed their 12th released in the month of April in online mode. On
standard (or equivalent) examination through regular the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in
full-time formal schooling. the exam, the admission committee will prepare a
●● Minimum aggregate marks of 60% should have been cut off list. The candidates who meet the cutoff list
score by the candidates in all subjects – Physics, will be able to participate in the counselling ses-
Chemistry and Mathematics. sion. KIITEE counselling is an offline process which
commences in May.
Application Form and Admit Card
The application form of KIITEE is released in For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
November and goes on till March. There is no articles/kiitee
application fee for KIITEE. The admit card is issued
in early April.


Lovely Professional University conducts Lovely Pro- register for LPUNEST is in March and May for
fessional University National Eligibility and Scholar- Phase 1 and 2 respectively. The application fee
ship Test (LPUNEST), for offering admissions to vari- for LPUNEST is Rs.700. Candidates will be able to
ous graduate-level engineering (B.Tech) programmes download their LPUNEST admit card online after
at the university. LPU NEST is conducted online slot booking.
in different slots of dates across India. The candi-
dates should be of Indian nationality. Candidates Exam Pattern & Syllabus
are required to fulfil the eligibility requirements given The duration of LPUNEST is 2.5 hours and it is
below to appear for LPUNEST: conducted in online mode. The question paper
●● Candidate should have completed or should be appear- consists of 110 MCQs from Physics (30 questions),
ing for the final examination of 10+2 from Central Board Chemistry (30 questions), Maths (30 questions) and
of Secondary Education (CBSE) or The Council for English (20 questions) sections. For each correct
Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE) or State answer in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/
Board or any other council, institution, college and more Biology section, the candidate will be awarded 4
declared recognized by COBSE, New Delhi or any other marks. In the English section, each correct answer
concerned apex body as applicable. will fetch 2 marks. There is no negative marking for
●● Candidates should have passed 10+2 (or equivalent) wrong attempts or unanswered questions.
examination with 60% aggregate marks in Physics, Math-
ematics and English. If the candidates have secured more While preparing for LPUNEST, candidates need
than 90% in the qualifying examination, then they will be to go through Atomic Structure, States of Matter
exempted from the LPUNEST and JEE Main qualification & Thermodynamics, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics
criteria and may directly apply for admission. & Surface Chemistry, Hydrogen & s - Block Ele-
●● Subjects like Physics, Chemistry, English & either Maths ment, p, d & f block Elements and Environmental
or Biology or Biotechnology will be considered for the Chemistry, Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry,
courses of Biotechnology, Food Technology, Biomedical Oxygen, Nitrogen, Polymers & Bio molecules
Engineering and Integrated Biotechnology. For Chemi- topics in Chemistry. Motion, Kinematics, Gravita-
cal Engineering and Petroleum, the subjects of Physics, tion & Oscillations, Thermal Physics, Electricity &
Chemistry, Mathematics and English will be considered. Magnetism, Atomic Structure & Optics, Electrical
Finally, the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Electronics topics in Physics; Algebra, Matrices,
and English or 10+2 (Agriculture) will be considered for Vectors & Reasoning, Permutation-Combinations
Agricultural Engineering. & Binomial Theorem, Limit, Integration & Differ-
entiation, Geometry, Probability & Trigonometry in
Application Form and Admit Card Mathematics; Diversity & Structural Organisation,
LPUNEST is conducted in 2 phases. The appli- Plant Physiology, Human Physiology, Reproduc-
cation forms of LPUNEST are made available in tion, Genetics and Evolution, Biology, Biotechnol-
November and May. Those who are not able to ogy and Human Welfare, Ecology and environment
appear for the exam in slot 1 can register them- in Biology; and Grammar, Associative Language
selves for LPUNEST in Phase 2. The last day to Skills in English.


Result & Counselling entrance exam conducted in the months of April

The result of LPUNEST is declared in the month and May. All candidates will be required to obtain
of May and June for Phase 1 and 2 every year. 50% marks in order to qualify the entrance exami-
Thereafter, the process of counselling and seat nation. MU OET admit card can be downloaded
allotment begins. after 24 hours of the slot booking.

For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ Exam Pattern & Syllabus

articles/lpunest MU OET entrance exam is conducted in online mode.
There are a total of 200 multiple choice questions
which are to be answered in a total of 150 minutes.
MU OET The paper has 4 sections - Physics (50 Questions),
Manipal University Online Entrance Test (MU OET) Chemistry (50 Questions), Mathematics (70 Ques-
is a university-level undergraduate engineering tions), English & General Aptitude (30 Questions).
entrance exam conducted by Manipal University
every year for admission to its 16 undergraduate Physics section covers topics like Dynamics, Heat,
engineering courses. The exam is conducted in Geometrical Optics, Physical Optics, Electrostat-
the months of April and May. Over 50,000 candi- ics, Current Electricity, Atomic Physics etc. Topics
dates appear in MU OET every year for admission in Chemistry include Stoichiometry, Atomic Struc-
to 2,160 B.Tech seats. MU OET is conducted by ture, Periodic Properties, Oxidation Number, Gase-
the university in online mode across various cities ous State, Chemical Kinetics, Organic Compounds
of India. with oxygen-2, amines, Hydrocarbons – 2, Haloal-
The eligibility criteria for appearing in this exam is kanes etc. Syllabus of Mathematics covers Ele-
listed below: ments of Number Theory, Group Theory, Vectors,
●● The candidates should have successfully completed Matrices and Determinants, Analytical Geometry,
their 10+2 (or equivalent) examination. 50% marks Circles, Conic Sections (Analytical Geometry), Trig-
should have been secured in Physics and Mathemat- onometry etc and English section includes Ques-
ics and any one of the optional subjects in 10+2 or tions on general English like spotting of errors,
A level or IB or American 12th grade or equivalent. sentence improvement, vocabulary and more.
●● The candidates should have compulsorily studied
Physics, Mathematics and English. Chemistry/Biol- Result & Counselling
ogy/Biotechnology or any technical vocational sub- The result of MU OET is released in May. The result
ject should be optional subjects. shares the scores of candidates. The ranks and
●● In the entrance examination of MU OET, candidates merit list is announced a few days later. The pro-
will be required to secure 50% marks. cess of counselling begins in the month of June.

Application Form and Admit Card For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
The online application form of MU OET is made articles/mu-oet
available in March and April every year. Candidates
have the option to appear thrice in the MU OET


PES Scholastic Aptitude Test (PESSAT) is a part Result & Counselling
of the PES University admissions process which The result of PESSAT is declared in the month of
has to be taken by all students who are applying May in online mode. Candidates are then called
for PES University B.Tech programs. PESSAT is for PESSAT counselling based on their scores in
conducted every year in the month of May in online the entrance examination. There are two rounds of
mode at various locations across the Country for counselling - the first round is conducted in June.
admissions to Engineering Programs. The eligibil- The second round is held to fill seats that are left
ity requirement to appear for PESSAT mentions vacant after Round I.
that a candidate must score a minimum of 60% in
aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathemat- For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
ics in 10+2 or equivalent exam from a recognized articles/pessat
institute. Additionally, candidates need to qualify
PESSAT to be in contention for a B.Tech seat.
Application Form and Admit Card SRM University conducts SRM Joint Engineering
The university releases the application form of Entrance Examination (SRMJEEE) in April every
PESSAT in October every year. The application year for granting admissions to fill nearly 7,000
fee of Rs.1050 is also to be paid along with the undergraduate engineering seats across its four
application form. The last day for registration is in campuses - Kattankulathur, Ramapuram, Rama-
April and May. The admit cards are issued in the puram Part– Vadapalani and NCR Ghaziabad.
month of April. Candidates are given admissions to B.Tech pro-
grammes on the basis of their SRMJEEE perfor-
Exam Pattern & Syllabus mance. In order to be eligible for SRMJEEE:
PESSAT is conducted in online mode. The duration ●● All candidates should have qualified 10+2 (or equiva-
of the exam is 180 minutes in which a candidate lent) examination in regular stream from any recog-
is required to answer 180 questions. The question nized board from any state board within India, CBSE,
paper of PESSAT involves questions from 4 sub- ISCE, Matriculation, or NIOS.
jects namely Physics (60 question), Chemistry (60 ●● Candidates must have studied Physics, Chemistry
question), Mathematics (40 question) and English and Mathematics / Biology / Botany & Zoology/
(20 question). Biotechnology as major subjects in their 10+2 or
The syllabus of PESSAT is based on the CBSE ●● Candidates who have NOT studied Mathematics as
syllabus of class 11 and 12. So to prepare for one of the subjects in their 10+2 or equivalent will be
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects, eligible only for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineer-
candidates simply need to follow the topics listed ing programmes.
against them in the CBSE syllabus. For English, ●● Only those candidates who have passed the above-
candidates can follow any good grammar book to mentioned qualifying examination in not more than 2
strengthen their basics. attempts will be considered for B.Tech admissions


Application Form and Admit Card Welfare in Botany and Human Physiology, Microbi-
The application forms of SRMJEEE are released ology, Immunology, Modern Genetics and Animal
in the month of November and are available until Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Applied
November. The application fee of Rs.1100 has to Biology, Theories of Evolution in Zoology.
be paid along with submitting the application form.
The admit cards of SRMJEEE are issued in the Result & Counselling
month of April. The result of SRMJEEE is declared in the month
of May and thereafter the process of counselling
Exam Pattern & Syllabus begins. Candidates who have achieved the cutoff
SRMJEEE is conducted in online mode for the total score are called for the counselling process.
duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes. The question
paper has 105 MCQs from Physics (35 ques), For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
Chemistry (35 ques) and Mathematics (35 ques) articles/srmjeee
section. Every correct answer will carry 3 marks
whereas there is no negative marking in the exam.
The Physics section of SRMJEEE consists of The UPES Engineering Aptitude Test (UPESEAT) is
topics like Electronics and Communication, Dual a state level undergraduate engineering entrance
Nature of Matter and Nuclear Physics, Atomic exam conducted every year in May by University of
Physics and Relativity, Electricity and Magnetism, Petroleum & Energy Studies for admission into the
Ray and Wave Optics and Magnetism, Heat and university. Admission to B.Tech/B.E.programmes
Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Wave Optics at the varsity is offered for Dehradun and Delhi
etc. Topics covered in Chemistry include Chem- campuses based computer-based test conducted
istry in Everyday Life, Biomolecules, Polymers, once a year. 80% of the seats in the university are
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Puri- filled through UPESEAT, while 20% seats are filled
fication and Characterization of Organic Com- based on candidates’ board merit and JEE Main
pounds, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics merit. The eligibility criteria for this exam is listed
and Catalysis, Organic Compounds Containing below.
Oxygen, Hydrocarbons etc. Mathematics sec- ●● The candidates should have secured at least 60%
tion includes Conic Sections in Two Dimensions, marks at Higher and Senior Secondary Level (10th
Sequences and Series, Binomial Theorem and and 12th).
its Applications, Mathematical Induction and its ●● Should have scored minimum 60% aggregate marks
Applications, Permutations and Combinations, in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at Senior
Circles in Two Dimensions, Straight Lines in Two Secondary level (12th).
Dimensions, Differential Equations, Integral Cal-
culus, Applications of Differential Calculus etc. Application Form and Admit Card
Syllabus of Biology includes Taxonomy of Angio- The application forms of UPESEAT are released in
sperm, Plant Anatomy, Cell Biology and Genetics, the month of September. They are to be submitted
Biotechnology, Plant Physiology, Biology in Human along with an application fee of Rs.1850 before


the last date in the month of April. The admit cards VITEEE every year. Generally, seats are allotted
are issued to all candidates in the month of April to only those candidates, who are ranked 99,999
in online mode. Candidates have to download it or above. The eligibility criteria for the exam is as
and carry it to the exam centre on the day of exam. follows:
●● Candidates who are appearing or have passed the
Exam Pattern & Syllabus 10+2 higher secondary exam can apply for VITEEE.
UPSEAT question paper consists of 200 multiple ●● NIOS candidates are also eligible to apply.
choice questions (Mathematics- 50, Physics-50, ●● Candidates of General category should have scored
Chemistry- 50, English Language Comprehension- an aggregate of 60% in Maths, Physics and Chem-
30, Current Affairs Awareness- 20). The duration istry in 10+2 whereas that of SC, ST, J&K, North
of the exam is 3 hours and every correct attempt Eastern states- Candidates should have scored an
is awarded 1 mark. There is no negative marking. average 50% marks in Physics, Maths and Chemistry
in 10+2 or its equivalent exam
The syllabus of UPESEAT has the same syllabus as
that of class XI & XII of CBSE board for Mathemat- Application Form and Admit Card
ics, Physics and Chemistry. The application from of VITEEE is made available
online and offline in the month of November. Last
Result & Counselling date for submitting the completely filled applica-
The results of UPSEAT exam is declared in the tion form falls in March. The application fee for
month of May in online mode. Candidates who online application is Rs.1150 and that for offline
score the cutoff marks will be called for the pro- application is Rs.1200. The admit card is issued
cess of counselling. Candidates are to carry the in March.
necessary documents for verification and seat
allotment for counselling. Exam Pattern & Syllabus
VITEEE is conducted in online mode in 3 sessions
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ daily in April. The paper has total 125 questions
articles/upeseat the exam is held in 2.30 hours. 125 questions are
asked from Physics (40 ques), Chemistry (40 ques)
and Mathematics (40 ques). Candidates are also
VITEEE tested in their grasp of English (5 ques). There is
VIT Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) is con- no negative marking for the entrance test.
ducted by the VIT University for granting admis-
sions to various undergraduate engineering pro- Topics covered in Physics include Laws of Motion
grammes. Admissions to its two campuses, Chen- & Work, Energy and Power, Properties of Mat-
nai and Vellore, are done on the basis of the ter, Electro-statistics, Current Electricity, Magnetic
marks secured in the VITEEE. Around two lakh Effects of Electric Current, Electromagnetic Induc-
candidates appear every year for nearly 5,000 tion and Alternating Current etc. Those for Chem-
B.Tech seats. There are nearly 5,000 B.Tech seats istry include Isomerism in Organic Compounds,
for which around two lakh candidates register for Alcohols and Ethers, Carbonyl Compounds,


Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives, Organ- ●● It is mandatory for candidates to have secured 50%
ic Nitrogen Compounds and Biomolecules etc. marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Math-
Biology topics include Plant Physiology, Human ematics as one of the subjects.
Physiology, Biotechnology and its Applications, ●● Candidates pursuing or have completed 10+3 Diplo-
Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment etc and ma (any stream) recognized by Central/State Govts
Mathematics include topics like Analytical Geom- need 50% aggregate marks with Mathematics to be
etry of Three Dimensions, Differential Calculus, NATA 2018 eligible.
Integral Calculus and its Applications, Differen- ●● It is mandatory for candidates to have secured 50%
tial Equations, Probability Distributions, Discrete marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Math-
Mathematics etc. English section tests candidates ematics as one of the subjects.
on topics like Comprehension Questions, English ●● Candidates pursuing or have completed 10+3 Diplo-
Grammar and Pronunciation. ma (any stream) recognized by Central/State Govts
need 50% aggregate marks with Mathematics to be
Result & Counselling NATA 2018 eligible.
The result of VITEEE is released in the month of
April in online mode. The counselling of VITEEE is Application Form and Admit Card
conducted in offline mode in two phases. It is held The application form of NATA is released in the
for candidates who have cleared VITEEE exam. month of January and are available till March. The
Candidates will have to carry the specified docu- admit card is issued to all candidates in the month
ments in original along with two sets of photocop- of April. The application fee for NATA for General
ies at the time of counselling. candidates is Rs.1800, for SC/ST candidates it is
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
articles/viteee Exam Pattern & Syllabus
The question paper of NATA is divided into 2 parts
– Part A is conducted online and cover two sub-
NATA (for Architecture) jects - Mathematics and General Aptitude, while
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) Part B includes Drawing which has to be answered
is a national level aptitude test for 5 year B. Arch. on A4 size drawing sheets. The duration of NATA is
aspirants. As per the Council of Architecture, a 3 hours (180 minutes). The first 90 minutes are for
candidate applying to any school/ college of Archi- Mathematics and General Aptitude and remaining
tecture in India is required to have achieved 40% 90 minutes for Drawing.
score in NATA. NATA is conducted by Council of
Architecture and offers admissions at all institutes/ The Mathematics section has 20 questions and
schools/colleges of Architecture in India, including General Aptitude has 40 questions. Part B has 2
Government, Government-aided, Private Unaided, questions of 40 marks each. NATA exam does not
University Departments, Deemed Universities. In have negative marking.
order to be termed eligible for appearing in NATA,
a candidate should be: The syllabus for Mathematics includes topics like


Coordinate Geometry, 3 Dimensional Coordinate or preliminary exam for admission to 23 IITs includ-
Geometry, Theory of Calculus, Application of Cal- ing ISM Dhanbad. Along with NITs, IIITs and vari-
culus, Permutation and Combination, Statistics ous centrally funded technical institutions (GFTIs),
and Probability etc. The General Aptitude sec- some private universities consider the score of
tion will test on Visualising different sides of 3D JEE Main for admission to their UG engineering
objects, Objects, texture related to architecture courses. Around 12 lakh candidates appear for
and built environment, Mathematical Reasoning JEE Main every year. CBSE conducts the entrance
and Sets and Relations. NATA Syllabus for Drawing test in Offline (Pen & Paper based test) mode.
Test includes Conceptualization and visualisation To be eligible to write JEE Main paper II, a candi-
and Drawing of patterns - both geometrical and date should be:
abstract. ●● Below 25 years of age. 5 years grace for SC, ST, PwD
category students.
Result & Counselling ●● Candidates must have passed class 12th (or equiva-
NATA result is declared in June. Candidates are lent) examination.
considered as qualified in NATA only if he or she ●● Candidate must have cleared 5 subjects including
fulfils all three conditions mentioned below: a language, Maths, Physics and any one of (Chem-
●● Minimum 25% must be secured in MCQ portion (30 istry, Biology, Biotechnology, Technical Vocational
out of 120) Subject).
●● Minimum 25% must be secured in Drawing portion
(20 out of 80) Application Form and Admit Card
●● Overall qualifying marks (out of 200) would be based The JEE Main application form releases in the
on post-exam statistics and at the discretion of the month of December. The last day to submit the
Council. completely filled application form is in December.
The admit cards are available in the month of
Candidates have to apply to their preferred college March in online mode.
to attend the counselling of NATA and take the
admission procedure further. Exam Pattern & Syllabus
The JEE Main Paper II exam is held in pen and
For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/ paper mode only. The duration of the exam is 3
articles/nata hours. Candidates are tested on Mathematics,
General aptitude and drawing skills. The total num-
ber of questions are 82 out of which Mathematics
JEE Main Paper II (for Architecture) has 30 questions, Aptitude has 50 questions and
Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main Paper II is the drawing has 2 questions. While Mathematics and
national level undergraduate engineering entrance Aptitude have objective type questions, drawing
exam conducted in April every year by Central has questions that will test the candidates in their
Board of Secondary Education for admission to drawing and sketching capabilities. The objec-
B.Arch/ B.Planning programmes in 31 NITs, 23 IIITs tive questions are awarded 4 marks for a correct
and 22 CFTIs. JEE Main also acts as the first stage answer and a negative mark for every wrong


answer, the drawing questions are for a total of 70 marks. The total marks
one can score is 390.

The Part I of JEE Main Paper II will test a candidate on Awareness of per-
sons, places, Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture
and build—environment. Visualising three-dimensional objects from two-
dimensional drawings. Visualising. different sides of three-dimensional
objects. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).

The Part II of JEE Main Paper II will test a candidate on Three dimensional
- perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of
objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast.
Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pen-
cil. Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation,
development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and
3 D views of objects. Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional com-
positions using given shapes and forms.

Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public

space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces,
ect.), landscape (river fronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc.) and rural life

Result & Counselling

The result of JEE Main paper II is announced in the month of May every year
in online mode. Candidates who achieve the cutoff of JEE main Paper II are
eligible for admissions to NITs, IIITs & CFTIs.

For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main




The National University of Advanced Legal Stud- are awarded 1 mark for each correct answer and
ies Kochi (NUALS Kochi) conducts Common Law 0.25 mark is deducted for incorrect response.
Admission Test (CLAT) in May. CLAT is held online There is no deduction for unattempted ques-
across 65 examination centres in India. The exam tions. The question paper includes the following
offers admissions to five-year integrated law pro- sections-English (Comprehension passage and
grammes, such as BA LLB, B.Com LLB, B.Sc LLB grammar, vocabulary, etc.), General Knowledge
and BBA LLB. Qualified students get admission (Static general knowledge and current affairs),
to 19 National Law Universities, including MLNU Mathematics (number system, percentage and
Mumbai, MNLU Nagpur and MNLU Aurangabad. profit and loss), Legal Aptitude (legal proposi-
Candidates are required to fulfill the following cri- tions) and Logical Reasoning (syllogism, logical
teria to be eligible for appearing CLAT. sequences and analogies).
●● Candidates must have qualified Higher Secondary
School/ Intermediate or equivalent examination. Result and Counselling
●● Candidates must secure at least 45% marks in aggre- The result of CLAT is declared in the month of May.
gate of the total marks. Students belonging to SC/ST In addition to scores, the result also includes All
category have to secure at least 40%. India Rank (AIR), State Rank (SR) and Category
●● There is no upper age limit for applying and appear- Rank (CR) of candidates. The examination commit-
ing in CLAT. tee starts the counselling process in June.

Application Form and Admit Card For more details, visit https://law.careers360.com/articles/
The conducting NLU releases CLAT application clat
form in online mode in January and candidates can
submit the form until March. It is important to reg-
ister for CLAT to fill the application form. The CLAT AILET
application fee for general, other backward classes National Law University Delhi (NLU-D) conducts
and specially abled is Rs.4000 while it is Rs.3500 All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) in May. The
for schedule caste and schedule tribes which can exam offers admissions to five-year integrated
be paid online through Debit Card/ Credit Card/ undergraduate and two-year postgraduate law
Net Banking/ Mobile Payment App. programmes. AILET is held online in 40 examina-
tion centres across 21 cities in India. AILET is
NUALS, Kochi issues CLAT admit card in April. conducted annually for admissions to 83 BA LLB
Candidates can download the Admit Card by using and 20 LLM programmes. The eligibility criteria for
their registered CLAT account until May. applying for AILET are:
●● Candidates must have passed Higher Secondary
Exam Pattern and Syllabus School Examination/12th Examination of the 10+2
Candidates have to answer 200 questions. The education system or any other equivalent examina-
questions asked in the exam are objective in nature tion.
with multiple-choice answer options. Candidates ●● Candidates must have scored at least 50% marks in


aggregate of all subjects. takers. The counselling of AILET is held in May.

●● There is no upper age limit. Candidates are required to reach the venue in per-
●● Candidates with compartmental subjects are not son to attend the counselling.
eligible to apply

Application Form and Admit Card For more details,https://law.careers360.com/

National Law University Delhi (NLU-D) releases articles/ailet
AILET Application Form in January and candi-
dates can fill the form till mid of April. Candidates
must note that the application form is available
only in the online mode. Candidates can submit LSAT India
the application form after paying the fee through Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is conducted in
credit card/ debit card/ net banking. The applica- offline (paper-pencil based) mode by Law School
tion fee for General, OBC and Kashmiri Migrants Admission Council (LSAC) in May. LSAT is a law
is Rs.3050 while it is Rs.1050 for SC, ST and PwD. entrance exam, which offers admissions to five-
NLU Delhi issues AILET admit card in April in online year integrated undergraduate law programmes.
mode only. The LSAT India is conducted across 16 cities in
India, including Delhi (NCR), Hyderabad, Bhopal
Exam Pattern and Syllabus and Ranchi. The entrance test gives admission to
The question paper of AILET comprises 150 ques- candidates in more than 85 law schools in India.
tions, which are of objective nature with multiple The following are the eligibility criteria for applying
choices. The total marks allotted to the question LSAT:
paper is 150. According to AILET marking scheme, ●● Candidates must have qualified Higher Secondary
candidates are awarded one mark for each correct School/ Intermediate or equivalent examination.
answer. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks is ●● He/She must be a citizen of India.
deducted. There is no deduction for questions ●● The minimum passing percentage may vary for each
that are not answered. The following subjects are of the participating institutes of LSAT India.
covered for BA LLB test- English (Comprehension
passages, synonyms, antonyms), General Knowl- Application Form and Admit Card
edge (History, Geogrophy, General Science), Basic The application form of LSAT is released in Octo-
Mathematics (Profit and Loss, Speed and Distance ber and candidates can fill the form until first week
and Time and Work), Logical Reasoning (Logical of May. Before filling the application form for LSAT
and Analytical reasoning skills) and Legal Aptitude India, candidates need to register themselves
(Study of Law, Research Aptitude and Problem online through the official website. The application
solving ability). fee is Rs.3800 which can be paid through online
and offline mode. Pearson Vue releases admit card
Result and Counselling of LSAT in second week of May and candidates
NLU Delhi announces AILET in May in the online can download the same until third week of May.
mode. It mentions the qualifying status of test


Exam Pattern and Syllabus ●● Candidates must have passed 12th from CBSE Board or
Pearson VUE on behalf of LSAC conducts LSAT equivalent exam with English as a compulsory subject.
India in pen and paper mode. The exam duration ●● Candidates must have secured at least 50% marks in
is 2 hours and 20 minutes. The question paper of aggregate of the subjects.
LSAT India consists of 92 to 100 questions, which
are of objective nature with multiple choices. The Application Form and Admit Card
marks are calculated based on the total number of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University releas-
correct attempts and the score will be percentile es IPU CET Law application form in the third week
based. There is no negative marking for any wrong of February. The last day to submit the application
attempts. The questions asked in LSAT India are form is first week of May, along with a fee. The fee
majorly from three sections-Analytical reasoning, can be paid either online (Debit card, credit card
Logical reasoning and reading and comprehen- or net banking) or offline (bank challan or demand
sion. Each of the section consists of 24 questions. draft). The application fee for all the categories is
Rs.1000. Indraprastha University issues the admit
Result and Counselling card in the first week of May in online mode.
Pearson VUE releases the result of LSAT India in
June. The result is based on a percentile basis. Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Candidates receive a list of colleges where they The IPU CET law exam is held in the offline mode.
can participate in the counselling post declaration The exam is conducted for two hours and thirty
of LSAT India result. The counselling process var- minutes. The number of questions asked in the
ies for different law schools. entrance test is 150, which are multiple choice
questions. The exam is conducted for 600 marks.
For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/lsat- Candidates are awarded four marks for every cor-
india rect answer and one mark is deducted for every
incorrect answer. The questions are asked from the
IPU CET Law following sections-English Language and Com-
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSI- prehension, General Knowledge, Reasoning and
PU) conducts Indraprastha University Common Legal Aptitude.
Entrance Test (IPU CET law) for law admissions in
May. The entrance test is conducted in the offline Result and Counselling
mode. The university offers admissions to five-year GGSIPU announces IPU CET Law result in the last
integrated law programmes, including BA LLB week of May in the online mode. The result of IPU
and BBA LLB. Students can get admission in UG CET Law includes candidate’s name, roll number,
law programmes at eight different colleges having category, rank or qualifying status etc. The coun-
affiliation with GGSIPU. A total number of seats selling of IPU CET Law begins from June, after the
offered through this exam is 1700 for BA LLB and declaration of the result.
660 for BBA LLB. Candidates must ensure that
they fulfill the following criteria before applying for For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/
the IPU CET Law. ipucet-law


Himachal Pradesh National Law University and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English
(HPNLU) conducts law entrance test HPNET in Comprehension.
May in the offline mode. The law admission test
HPNET offers 69 seats for BA LLB/BBA LLB Result and Counselling
(Hons.) programmes. Aspirants are advised to HPNLU declares the result of HPNET in the online
check eligibility criteria given below before filling mode in June. The result mentions the overall
the application form: marks scored by candidates. Post announcement
●● Candidates must have passed 10+2 examination of result and merit list, shortlisted candidates
from any recognised board with minimum 50%. For receive a call letter from the university for counsel-
SC and ST, the passing marks should be 45%. Only ling.
candidates who pass the exam in one attempt can
apply. For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/
●● Students who have appeared for their H.S.C finals hpnet
and awaiting results are also eligible to apply.

Application Form and Admit Card MH CET Law

HPNLU releases the application form of HPNET Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra
in January. Aspirants can fill the application form (DHE) conducts MH CET law to five-year law
until mid of April in the online mode. Candidates integrated programmes in April. The seats avail-
also need to pay an application fee for HPNET. able for candidates appearing in MH CET Law for
The application fees can be paid in any of the admissions to five-year integrated law programme
online payment options– Net Banking/ Debit Card/ is 10,060 in 153 colleges. Candidates must read
Credit Card. The application fee for General/OBC/ the eligibility criteria given below before applying
Kashmiri migrants is Rs.3000 whereas it is Rs.1000 for the MH CET law.
for SC/ST/PwD. BPL candidates are not required ●● Candidates must have qualified Class 12/ Interme-
to pay any fee. HPNLU releases the admit card of diate Examination/ from a recognized University of
HPNET in May in the online mode. India or abroad
●● Candidates must have secured a minimum of 45%
Exam Pattern and Syllabus marks in aggregate of the subjects. Candidates falling
HPNET is conducted in paper/pen mode. The under SC/ST category have to obtain 40%.
duration of the exam is 2 hours. Candidates are ●● Candidates appearing for the qualifying examination
required to answer questions of 150 marks. Stu- of 10+2 are also eligible to apply. They, however, need
dents will be awarded one mark for each correct attain the minimum marks required and show a proof
answer and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every of the same during admission.
incorrect answer. ●● According to new regulations of Bar Council of India,
there is no upper age criterion for MH CET Law.
The questions in HPNET will include questions
based on General Awareness, Legal Awareness


Application Form and Admit Card Result and Counselling

The application forms of MH CET Law are released MH CET Law result are announced in May in online
in February and candidates can fill the same until mode. DHE Maharashtra starts counselling for MH
end of March. Candidates have to fill MH CET Law CET Law from June. The qualified candidates are
application form online following the payment of invited for Centralised Admission Process (CAP).
application fee. The application fee of MH CET law
for General category is Rs.800 while it is Rs.400 For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/mh-
for OBC, SC and ST. DHE Maharashtra releases cet-law
the MH CET Law Admit Card in April for five year
integrated law programme.
Exam Pattern and Syllabus The Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) Law or SET law
MH CET Law is conducted in pen and paper mode. is conducted by Symbiosis International University
The test has 2 papers – Paper I (Mathematics) & in May. The entrance test is held across 21 cities in
Paper II (Physics & Chemistry). All candidates are India in pen and paper mode. Qualified candidates
required to appear in both the papers. The duration can get admissions in the three institutes of Sym-
for each paper is 1.30 hours and both the papers biosis Law Schools (SLS) located in Pune, Noida
include questions of 100 marks. Paper I has total and Hyderabad. The number of seats these insti-
50 questions, while Paper II carries 100 questions, tutes have for BBA LLB is 420 and 300 for BA LLB.
50 questions each from Physics and Chemistry. Students must go through the following eligibility
Candidates are given 2 marks for each correct criteria before applying for SET Law:
response in paper I while 1 mark is awarded for ●● Candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent
every correct response in paper II. There is no qualifying examination from recognised board.
negative marking in the entrance test. ●● Candidates must have scored at least 45% marks
in aggregate of the subjects in the qualifying exam
The syllabus of MH CET gives 20% weightage to whereas candidates from SC/ST categories need to
class XI topics and 80% weightage to class XII have 40% marks in aggregate of all subjects.
topics. The MH CET syllabus include topics and ●● Candidates who have passed qualifying examination
chapters from Physics, Chemistry and Mathemat- from open universities or distance education are not
ics. The syllabus for Physics is circular motion, eligible to apply for the exam
rotational motion, oscillations, gravitation and
elasticity, force, measurements and ray optics. Application Form and Admit Card
Chemistry covers topics such as solid state, elec- Symbiosis International University releases SET
tro-chemistry, elements, chemical kinetics, redox Law application form in January. Candidates can
reaction and surface chemistry. In maths, the submit the application form until mid of April. The
sections candidates have to cover are matrices, application fee for the entrance exam is Rs.1500
straight line, circle, line, conics, vectors, probabil- which can be paid either online or offline. The
ity and plane. admit card of SET Law is released in April in online


Exam Pattern and Syllabus equivalent in any discipline (Commerce/Science/Arts/

SET Law is held for 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Humanities) under state/national board of educatioo.
total number of questions asked in the exam is ●● Candidates needed to have secured a minimum of
150, which are of 150 marks. The questions are 50% marks in aggregate of core subjects and English
of objective type and 1 mark is allotted for each Language subject.
correct answer. There is no negative marking. The
subjects that students need to be thorough with Application Form & Admit Card
before appearing for SET Law is Logical Reason- The application forms of JMI BA LLB are released
ing, Legal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Read- in February and are available until March begin-
ing Comprehension and General Knowledge. ning. An application fee of Rs.700 is to be remit-
ted in an online mode using any of the payment
Result and Counselling options Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. The
The result of SET law is released in May in the admit card is released in May.
online mode. The SET Law results specify qualify-
ing status of candidates. Based on the cutoff and Exam pattern & Syllabus
SET Law results, the university invites candidates JMI BA LLB exam is of 2 hours duration and con-
for admission and counselling rounds. sists of 150 questions. The questions of JMI BA
LLB are based on Current Affairs, Legal language
For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/set- English including Comprehension, General Stud-
law ies, Legal Aptitude/Legal Reasoning and Elemen-
tary Mathematics. There will be one mark each for
correct answers and negative marking for each
JMI BA LLB wrong answers.
JMI Law Entrance is conducted by Faculty of Law,
Jamia Milia Islamia University for admissions to BA Result & Counselling
LLB programme. There are as many as 120 BA LLB The result of JMI BA Llb is released in the month of
seats offered by Faculty of Law, JMI University. June. Candidates meeting the minimum qualifying
The university level entrance exam is conducted in marks criteria are shortlisted in the order of merit
offline mode for two hours. The test paper of JMI rank and be called for the process of counselling.
BA LLB comprises of 100 objective type questions
based on General Knowledge & Current Affairs, For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/jmi-
General English, Elementary Mathematics, Logical ba-llb
Reasoning and Legal Aptitude. The counselling
and seat allotment is organized on the basis of
merit list prepared as per the results of the quali- AMU BA LLB
fied candidates in the JMI Law entrance exam. AMU Law Entrance Exam is conducted by Aligarh
The eligibility criteria for appearing in JMI BA LLB Muslim University for admissions undergraduate
is given below: law programmes including BA LLB programme in
●● Candidates need to pass 10+2 qualifying exam or May every year. There are as many as 220 seats at


Aligarh, Malappuram and Murshidabad campuses. Result & Counselling

The exam is conducted in online mode for dura- The result of AMU BA LLB is released in July in
tion of 2 hours duration. The test paper consist of online mode. Candidates are shortlisted as per
75 objective type questions and 10 short answer the minimum qualifying marks criteria or cut off
type questions for a total of 100 marks. Moreover, of AMU BA LLB set by the university. AMU BA
there is negative marking scheme of 0.25 marks LLB merit list will be released thereafter which will
for each wrong answer. The exam is based on sub- include the names of those candidates who qualify
jects including General English, Current Affairs & for the process of counselling.
General Knowledge, with emphasis on legal issues
and Reasoning & Aptitude. Candidates are allotted For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/
seats on the basis of rank obtained by them in the amu-ba-llb
merit list of AMU Law Entrance Exam. The eligibil-
ity criteria for AMU BA LLB is given below:
●● Aspirants must have passed 10+2 qualifying exami- PU BA LLB
nation from any recognised state board/ national Panjab University, Chandigarh conducts PU BA
board of education. LLB in June for admission to its five year integrated
●● Aspirants need to have scored at least 50% marks law programme B.A. LL.B (Hons.) and B.Com.
in aggregate of all subjects under 10+2 qualifying LL.B (Hons.) programmes. The exam is conducted
examination. in offline mode to fill its 360 seats to three law
●● Aspirants who have qualified with Bridge Course schools affiliated to Panjab Universty i.e i.e. UILS
(Graduate of Deen Madarsa) with at least 50% marks Chandigarh, Hoshiarpur and UIL Ludhiana. The
in aggregate are also eligible to apply. number of seats is segregated in two courses,
namely - 240 seats to B.A.LL.B (Hons.) and 120
Application Form & Admit Card seats for admissions to the B.Com. LL.B (Hons.).
The application form of AMU BA LLB is released in The eligibility criteria for PU BA LLB is mentioned
February and are available until March. The admit below:
card are issued in May. ●● A candidate should have passed his/her 10+2 from a
recognized institute/university or council.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus ●● There is no age bar to appear in PU BA LLB 2018.
AMU BA LLB is conducted in offline mode or in
pen and paper mode. It has subjective as well Application Form & Admit Card
as objective type questions. The total questions Panjab University, Chandigarh releases the Appli-
asked are 85 (75 Objective type questions and 10 cation Form of PU BA LLB in March in online
short answer type questions) for total 100 marks. mode. Candidates who wish to seek admission
AMU BA LLB syllabus covers the following topics: in the five year integrated law programme have
●● General English to appear in the university level law examination
●● Current Affairs in offline mode. The admit cards are issued in the
●● Reasoning and Aptitude month of May.
●● General Knowledge


Exam pattern & Syllabus after declaration of CUSAT CAT BBA LLB results.
PU BA LLB is conducted in offline mode in June. The eligibility criteria of CUSAT CAT is listed below:
Candidates appearing in PU BA LLB are tested on ●● At the time of admission the candidate should have
General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Mental passed plus two examinations with at least 60%
Ability, Aptitude for law and on English language. marks including languages in Science/ Commerce
PU BA LLB is of 100 marks where 1 marks is group or with at least 55% marks including languages
awarded to each correct answer and ¼ marks are in Arts/ Humanities stream.
deducted for every wrong answer. There are a total ●● Candidates belonging to SC or ST communities or
of 100 questions from four sections namely Gen- belonging to OEC communities with a pass in the
eral Knowledge and Current Affairs (60 questions), plus two examinations with 50 percent marks are
Aptitude for Law (20 questions), Mental Ability (10 entitled to seek.
questions) and English Language (10 questions). ●● There is no age bar to appear in CUSAT CAT BBA
Result & Counselling
The result of PU BA LLB is announced in June. Application Form & Admit Card
The result consists of score and complete marks Law aspirants can get access to the Application
secured in PU BA LLB. The merit list of PU BA LLB Form of CUSAT CAT BBA LLB in February in online
will be released in June containing the names of mode. The admit cards are released in April.
candidates shortlisted for the round of counselling.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus
For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/pu- CUSAT CAT is held in offline mode. The topics from
ba-llb which total 150 questions are asked are from - Law
related matters (25 questions), Reasoning/ Logical
thinking (50 questions), General English (50 ques-
CUSAT CAT tions) and GK/Current Affairs (25 questions). The
CUSAT Common Admission Test for BBA LLB law applicants are awarded 3 marks for each cor-
programmes popularly known as CUSAT CAT rect answer on a total of 450 marks. No negative
BBA LLB is conducted by Cochin University of marking is there.
Science and Technology for admissions five-year
integrated law programmes including B.Com LLB Result & Counselling
and BBA LLB programmes. The university level The result of CUSAT CAT is released in May. The
entrance exam is conducted in offline mode for law aspirants who qualify CUSAT CAT and meet
duration of 3 hours and comprises of 150 objec- the criteria of merit list, will be called for the Coun-
tive type questions for a total of 450 marks. The selling process. Candidates are required to appear
questions of CUSAT CAT BBA LLB are based on in counselling in offline mode.
four subjects including General English, Reasoning
& Logical Thinking, General Knowledge & Current For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/
Affairs and Law Related Matters. Candidates are cusat-cat-bba-llb
allotted seats on the basis of merit list prepared


BHU Law Admission Test (BLAT) is conducted for admissions to five-year
integrated law programme offered at Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu Univer-
sity. The university level admission test is conducted in offline mode for two
hours duration. The test paper of BLAT is based on four subjects including
General Awareness and Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude, Mental Ability and
English Comprehension. There are 150 objective type questions for a total of
450 marks. There is negative marking scheme followed and for each wrong
answer one mark is deducted from total scored marks. The exam is con-
ducted in as many as eight test cities in India. The candidates are shortlisted
on basis of merit list prepared after announcement of BLAT results. Given
below is the eligibility criteria for BLAT:
●● Candidates should be passed in 10+2 level qualifying examination from a recog-
nised state or national board of education of India.
●● Candidates need to obtain at least 50% marks in aggregate of all subjects in the
qualifying examination.
●● Candidates belonging to OBC category must have scored at least 45% in aggre-
gate of all subjects in the qualifying examination.
●● Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidates need to obtain minimum 40%
marks in aggregate of all subjects in the qualifying examination.

Application Form & Admit Card

The application forms of BLAT are released in January and are available
until February. The application fee for General/OBC candidates is Rs.500
while that for SC/ST candidates is Rs.250. The admit cards are issued to all
candidates in April.

Exam Pattern & Syllabus

BLAT is conducted in offline mode in English and Hindi medium. The 2 hours
30 minutes exam consists of 150 MCQs from 4 different sections namely
General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude, Mental Ability,
English Comprehension. The total marks of the exam is 450. Every incorrect
attempt will attract a penalty of 1 mark.

Result & Counselling

The result of BLAT is announced in the last week of May. Thereafter, a merit
list is released with the names of shortlisted candidates selected for the
process of counselling.
For more details, https://law.careers360.com/articles/blat




NIFT Entrance Exam

NIFT entrance exam is a national level test that both B. Design and B.F. Tech programmes. For B.
is conducted by National Institute of Fashion Design programme, two more tests are conducted
Technology for admissions to Bachelor of Design i.e. Creative Ability Test (CAT) and Situation Test.
and Bachelor of Fashion Technology programmes Candidates are shortlisted on the basis of GAT
offered across 16 NIFT campuses across India. score for B.F. Tech programme and on the basis of
There are a total of 2370 seats including 2010 combined scores of GAT, CAT and Situation Test
seats for B. Design programme and 360 seats for for B. Design programme. NIFT does not follow
B. F. Tech programme. The Bachelor of Design negative marking.
programme is offered in Fashion Design, Leather
Design, Accessory Design, Textile Design, Knit- Creative Ability Test (CAT) tests the intuitive abil-
wear Design, Fashion Communication, whereas ity, power of observation in concept development
and Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. F. Tech) and design ability of the candidate. General Abil-
programme is offered in Apparel Production. ity Test (GAT) for B.Des is of 2 hours duration. It
has a total of 200 ques from 5 sections namely
The eligibility criteria for NIFT entrance exam is English comprehension (25 ques), Quantitative
given below: ability (20 ques), Communication ability (25 ques),
●● Candidates must not be more that 23 years of age. Analytical ability (15 ques), General knowledge and
The upper age limit may be relaxed by a period of current affairs (15 ques). Situation Test for B.Des
five years for the candidates belonging to Sched- programme evaluates the candidate’s skills for
uled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Differently Abled Person material handling and innovative ability on a given
(PHP). situation with a given set of materials.
●● Aspirants must have cleared the +2 level examination
in the 10+2 pattern of examination of any recognized General Ability Test (GAT) for B.F.Tech is of 3 hours
Central/State Board of Secondary Examination. duration with a total of 150 questions divided into
5 sections. The sections include Quantitative abil-
Application Form & Admit Card ity (30 ques), Communication Ability and English
The application form of NIFT is released in Octo- Comprehension (45 questions), Analytical and
ber. The last date for submitting application is Logical ability (25 questions), General Knowledge
December. The NIFT admissions application fee and Current Affairs (25 questions) and Case Study
is to be paid through online payment gateway or (25 questions).
through bank demand draft. The fee for General/
OBC Category is Rs.1500 while that for SC/ST/ NIFT syllabus includes English comprehension,
PHP Category is Rs.750. Admit cards are issued quantitative ability, communication ability, analyti-
in the month of January. cal & logical ability, General Knowledge and cur-
rent affairs.
Exam Pattern & Syllabus
NIFT entrance exam is conducted as a written Result & Counselling
examination called General Aptitude Test (GAT) for The result of NIFT is released in May every year.


The counselling process begins in the end of May/ is held in offline mode on an OMR sheet. Part 2
beginning of June. consists of subjective questions marked of 30
marks, with responses to be provided in visual
For more details, visit https://design.careers360.com/ and/or written formats. The duration of Prelims is 3
articles/nift hours. There is no negative marking. The NID DAT
Prelims evaluates on the following abilities:
●● Knowledge
NID DAT ●● Comprehension
National Institute of Design (NID) conducts NID ●● Analysis
Design Aptitude Test (DAT) for admissions to 4-year ●● Creativity
Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) programme offered at ●● Visualisation
NID, Ahmedabad. NID DAT is conducted in offline
mode for duration of three hours. The question paper Result & Counselling
of NID DAT carries 200 marks objective as well as The result of NID DAT (Prelims) is released in the
subjective type questions. Candidates are shortlisted month of March. The result of NID DAT (mains) is
on basis of prelims examination and main examina- declared in May in the form of merit list. National
tion. There are as many as 100 seats of Bachelor of Institute of Design conducts NID DAT Counselling
Design programme offered at NID Ahmedabad Cam- in the month of June.
pus. In order to appear for NID DAT, candidates need
to fulfil the eligibility criteria mentioned below: For more details, visit https://design.careers360.com/
●● Aspirants must be up to 20 years of age (relaxation of articles/nid-dat
three years for those belonging to reserved category).
●● Applicants must have passed higher secondary
(10+2) qualifying examination from any recognized SEED
board of education such as CBSE, IB, ICSE or their Symbiosis Institute of Design conducts Symbiosis
equivalent. Entrance Exam for Design (SEED) for admissions
to four major streamlines- Communication Design,
Application Form & Admit Card Fashion Communication, Industrial Design and
NID DAT application forms are made available from Fashion Design. Admissions are done on the basis
September every year. The last date to submit the of candidates’ score obtained in SEED. A total of
completely filled application form is in October. The 207 seats are allocated to qualified candidates
application fee for the exam is Rs.2000 for General across eight specializations. Symbiosis Institute
category candidates and Rs.1000 for SC/ST/PwD of Design offers four years degree programme,
candidates. The institute issues admit cards to all Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in below mentioned
the applicants in the month of December. eight specializations- 1. Graphic Design (GD) 2.
Video Film Design (VFD) 3. Animation Film Design
Exam pattern & Syllabus (AFD) 4. User Experience Design (UED) 5. Prod-
NID DAT prelims consist of 2 parts totalling 100 uct Design (PD) 6. Interior Space Design (ISD) 7.
marks. Part 1 consists of MCQs of 70 marks. This Fashion Design (FD) 8. Fashion Communication


(FC). The eligibility criteria for appearing in SEED For more details, visit https://design.careers360.com/
is listed below: articles/seed
●● Candidates must have passed 10+2 in any stream or
equivalent or 10+3 diploma approved by State Board of
Technical Education with a minimum of 50% aggregate FDDI AIST
marks in the final examination (45% for ST/SC). Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI)
●● Candidates must have creative aptitude and skills conducts All India Selection Test (AIST) for allocat-
required for pursuing design education along with ing a total of 1320 seats in BSc. in Retail & Fash-
adaptability to the professional situations. ion Merchandise, Footwear Design & Production
●● Those having relevant portfolio will be preferred by and Fashion Leather Accessory Design. These
Symbiosis Institute of Design. programmes are offered across a total of 12 cam-
puses of FDDI that are located in Noida, Chennai,
Application Form & Admit Card Kolkata, Rohtak, Jodhpur, Fursatganj (near Luc-
The application forms of SEED are released in know), Chindwara, Guna, Hyderabad, Ankleshwar
the month of January and are available till April in (Gujarat), Patna and Chandigarh. Aspirants seek-
online mode. The application fee is Rs.1750 which ing admissions to FDDI are required to appear in
is required to be paid via credit card/net banking/ FDDI AIST and qualify in it to be eligible for admis-
Indian Bank net banking/cash/demand draft. The sion procedure. Following is the eligibility criteria
admit cards are issued in the month of April. for appearing in FDDI AIST:
●● Candidates must have passed 10+2/intermediate.
Exam pattern & Syllabus ●● They should not be more than 25 years of age.
The duration of SEED is 150 minutes and the maximum
number of questions asked is 150. The question paper Application Form & Admit Card
consists of all MCQs. The maximum marks a candidate The application form of FDDI AIST is released in
can score is 150 and there is no negative marking. November till April every year in online mode. The
application fee is Rs.500. The admit cards are issued
SEED syllabus covers topics like Art, craft, cul- in April after the closing of application process.
ture, design and environment, Application of basic
knowledge of science and mathematics, Observa- Exam Pattern & Syllabus
tional, perceptual and reasoning abilities, Creative FDDI AIST is a computer-based test and is con-
and problem-solving abilities and Visualization. ducted over multiple sessions in a day in the month
of May. The question paper consists of 200 MCQs
Result & Counselling from 4 sections namely Quantitative Aptitude (50
The result of SEED is released in the month of questions), Verbal Ability (50 questions), General
May. Selection processes (studio test and personal Awareness (50 questions) and Business Aptitude
interaction) for qualified candidates is conducted Test (BAT) for B.Des- RFM or Design Aptitude Test
after the announcement of SEED result. Thereafter, (DAT) for Design Programmes (B.Des-FDP, B.Des-
merit lists are released with the name of the short- LGAD & B.Des-FD) (50 questions). The duration of the
listed candidates for admissions. exam is 2 hours 30 minutes. Every correct attempt is


awarded 1 mark while there is no negative marking. ●● Candidate should have passed the qualifying exami-
nation (12th standard or equivalent).
Questions in FDDI AIST evaluates quantitative
aptitude, verbal ability, general awareness and Application Form & Admit Card
design aptitude of a candidate. The syllabus com- The application forms of UCEED are released in
prises all the topics studied in class XI and XII. For October and are made available till November. The
General Awareness section, candidates are to be application fee for the exam is Rs.1180 for females
well-aware about the current affairs of the world. and SC/ST/Pwd candidates while it is Rs.2360 for
other candidates. The admit cards are issued to all
Result & Counselling applicants in January.
The result of FDDI AIST is released in May. The
process of counselling comprises allocation of the Exam Pattern & Syllabus
programme and campus to the qualified candidates UCEED is an online exam of 3 hours duration. The
based on their rank and preference. FDDI offers exam is of 300 marks and the questions are asked in
admissions solely on merit basis in the entrance test. 3 formats - Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions,
Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), Multiple Choice
For more details, visit https://design.careers360.com/ Questions (MCQ). Each NAT question carries 4 marks
articles/fddi-aist while no mark is deducted for the wrong attempt.
Each MSQ questions carry 5 marks and there is no
negative marking. Every MCQ questions is awarded 3
UCEED marks if answered correctly while 1 mark is deducted
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay conducts for incorrect attempt.
online Undergraduate Common Entrance Examina-
tion for Design (UCEED). The national level exam of The questions of UCEED covers topics like Visualiza-
UCEED is conducted for admissions to undergradu- tion and Spatial Ability, Observation and Design Sen-
ate designing programmes. The entrance exam is sitivity, Environmental and Social Awareness, Analyti-
conducted once in January every year for admission cal and Logical Reasoning, Language and Creativity
to B.Des and dual degree B.Des+M.Des offered in IIT and Design Thinking and Problem Solving.
Bombay campus, IIT Guwahati campus and IITDM
Jabalpur campus. The selected candidates qualify- Result & Counselling
ing UCEED will appear in the counselling session The result of UCEED is declared in February in
conducted by IIT Bombay for seat allotment based online mode. All candidates who manage to qualify
on merit list. The eligibility criteria for appearing in UCEED have to register themselves for the coun-
UCEED is as follows: selling session. The application form for UCEED
●● Candidate must not be more than 25 years of age. Upper Counselling is made available in June.
age limit is 30 years in case of reserved candidates.
●● Candidates are allowed to attempt UCEED for a For more details, visit https://engineering.careers360.com/
maximum two times in consecutive years. articles/uceed




National Council of Hotel Management and Catering offered to every correct answer whereas 0.25 mark is
Technology (NCHMCT) conducts National Council deducted for every wrong response. Candidates are
of Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination asked a total of 200 questions from 5 sections namely
JEE (NCHM JEE) every year in April. This exam General Knowledge & Current Affairs (30 questions),
offers admission to students in Bachelor of Science English Language (60 questions), Numerical Ability &
in Hospitality & Hotel Administration programmes. Scientific Aptitude (30 questions), Reasoning & Logi-
NCHMCT is an autonomous body under Ministry of cal Deduction (30 questions) and Aptitude for Service
Tourism, Government of India that regulates aca- Sector (50 questions).
demics for professional courses. that are offered at
the affiliated 21 central institutes of hotel manage- To score good marks in NCHM JEE exam, candi-
ment, 2 new state IHMs (subject to clearance), 20 dates must cover all these topics- Numerical Abil-
state government institutes of hotel management, 14 ity and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical
private institutes of hotel management and 1 public Deductions, English, General Knowledge and Cur-
sector undertaking. Candidates fulfilling the following rent Events. The syllabus for numerical ability ana-
criteria are eligible to appear for NCHM JEE: lytical aptitude is elementary mathematics, fractions
and decimals, time and distance, arithmetic, chain
Students must have passed 12th exam or any equiva- rule, clock and calendar. In Reasoning and Logical
lent exam with English as one of the subjects. Pass- Deductions, candidates must cover statements con-
ing English in the qualifying exam is mandatory. clusions, coding and decoding, statements assump-
tions and symmetry. In English, students must know
Students who are appearing for 12th or any equiv- sentence formation, idioms and phrases, sentence
alent exam can take NCHM JEE on a provisional reconstruction and sentence improvement among
basis. Students, however, are required to submit others. For General knowledge, students must cover
the documents as a proof to pass the exam. statistical data of the world, inventions and discover-
ies, earth, natural calamities and languages.
Application Form and Admit Card
NCHMCT releases the application form in the Result and Counselling
online mode in December. Candidates can fill the NCHMCT declares NCHM JEE result in the third week
application form till April. The application fee for of May in online mode. Candidates are shortlisted
the General and OBC candidates is Rs.800 while based on the minimum qualifying marks criteria of
for the SC/ST/Physically handicapped is Rs.400 NCHM JEE. The seat allotment is done based on the
which can be paid using debit or credit card. The merit list, which is prepared post release of result. The
admit card of NCHM JEE is released in April. process of counselling begins in the last week of May
or first week of June. A total of three rounds is held in
Exam Pattern and Syllabus the counselling for eligible and qualified candidates.
The exam is held offline and the duration for
the same is three hours. The questions asked For more details, https://hospitality.careers360.com/
in NCHM JEE are objective types. One mark is articles/nchm-jee?icn=nchm-jee_article&ici=nchm-


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