Chembio-DPP-ifu - 0 - Antibody Testing #1
Chembio-DPP-ifu - 0 - Antibody Testing #1
Chembio-DPP-ifu - 0 - Antibody Testing #1
20 Test Kit
Results are for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are generally
detectable in blood several days after initial infection, although levels over the course of infection
are not well characterized. IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 become detectable later following
infection. Positive results for both IgG and IgM could occur after infection and can be indicative of
acute or recent infection. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to
report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.
Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for
patient management decisions. Results must be combined with clinical observations, patient
history, and epidemiological information. IgM antibodies may not be detected in the first few days
of infection; the sensitivity of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System early after infection is unknown.
False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross-reactivity from pre-existing
antibodies or other possible causes.
At this time, it is unknown for how long IgM or IgG antibodies may persist following infection.
The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System is only for use under the Food and Drug Administration’s
Emergency Use Authorization. For prescription use only. For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The top test strip is for the detection of IgM antibodies to SARS CoV- 2 and the bottom test strip is for
the detection of IgG antibodies to SARS CoV-2. To initiate the test, a 10 µL specimen is diluted with buffer
and applied to the SAMPLE+BUFFER well located in the middle of the sample transfer strip of the DPP
COVID-19 IgM/IgG Test Device. The sample flows in both directions along the sample path membrane
and is delivered to the Top and Bottom test (T1 and T2) and process control (C) areas. SARS CoV-2
antibodies, if present in the sample, bind to the immobilized Nucleocapsid Protein (NP) antigen on the
test areas, while non-specific antibodies bind to the Protein A in the control areas. Five minutes after
adding the sample/buffer mix, 9 drops (~250 µL) DPP IgM/IgG Buffer is added to the BUFFER Well. The
buffer flows onto both test strips, hydrates the two dried antibody- binding colored conjugates, which
migrate to the two test areas. If the sample contains SARS CoV-2 antibodies, the conjugate binds to the
antibodies (IgM or IgG or both if present) captured in the test areas. If only one of the two species of
antibodies is present (IgM or IgG), the conjugate will be captured only at the location of the IgM (top
strip) or IgG (bottom strip) test line.
At the time of reading the results, the DPP Micro Reader or DPP Micro Reader 2 MUST BE USED to
obtain the test results and reports a reactive, nonreactive, or invalid result for the IgM and IgG test lines.
The results must not be visually interpreted.
Each kit contains the items to perform 20 tests:
• 20 Individually Pouched DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG Test Devices, each containing a Desiccant
• 20 Disposable 10 µL Sample Loops
• 20 Sample Vials/Tubes
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• 20 Transfer Pipets (100 µL)
• 20 Bandages
• 20 Sterile Safety Lancets
• 1 DPP IgM/IgG Buffer
• 9.5 mL, a phosphate buffer containing sodium chloride, EDTA, NP-40, Tween 20, and chicken
serum, urea, antimicrobials and sodium azide as preservative
• 1 Product Insert for the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
• 1 Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers
• 20 Fact Sheets for Patients
For IN VITRO Diagnostic Use under Emergency Use Authorization only.
1. Use of this product is limited to laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. §263a, to perform moderate and high
complexity tests.
2. Read the Product Insert completely before using this assay. Follow the instructions carefully as
not doing so may result in inaccurate test results.
3. Use of this test kit with sample types other than those specifically approved for use with this
device may result in inaccurate test results.
4. This test should be performed at 18 to 30oC (64 to 86oF). If stored refrigerated, ensure that
the pouch and buffer are brought to operating temperature before performing testing.
1. Specimens may be infectious. Use Universal Precautions when performing this assay.
2. Use routine laboratory precautions. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the area where samples and
kit reagents are handled. Avoid any contact between hands, eyes or mouth during sample
collection and testing.
3. Wear protective clothing such as laboratory coats, disposable gloves and eye protection when
handling patient samples. Wash hands thoroughly after handling specimens and kit reagents.
4. Dispose of all samples and materials used in the test procedure in a biohazard waste container.
Lancets should be placed in a puncture-resistant container prior to disposal. Proper handling
and disposal methods should be established according to local regulations.
1. If Desiccant Packet is missing, DO NOT USE. Discard test device and use a new test device.
2. Do not use any test device if the pouch has been perforated.
3. Each test device is for single use only.
4. Do not use the test beyond the expiration date printed on the pouch. Always check expiration
date prior to testing.
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5. Do not mix reagents from different lot numbers of kits.
6. Ensure finger is completely dry before performing fingerstick.
7. Perform test procedure and read results in a well-lit area.
The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System must be performed on fingerstick whole blood, venous whole
blood, serum, or plasma samples (lithium heparin or EDTA).
• Draw blood following laboratory procedure for obtaining serum or plasma samples.
• Collect samples in tubes that do not contain any anticoagulant (serum), or in a tube
containing anticoagulant (plasma).
• Be sure that the tube of serum or plasma is well mixed before sampling.
• Serum and plasma specimens may be tested immediately after collection. If specimens are
not tested immediately, refrigerate them at 2 to 8°C (36 to 46°F) following collection. These
specimens should be tested within 3 days of collection. If specimens are not tested within 3
days of collection, serum or plasma specimens should be frozen at -20°C (-4°F) or colder.
If venous whole blood, serum, or plasma specimens are to be shipped, they should be packed in
compliance with regulations covering the transportation of etiologic agents. Venous whole blood,
serum and plasma specimens should be shipped refrigerated with cold packs or wet ice. Fingerstick
specimens must be tested immediately after collection.
All components for the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System are ready to use as supplied. Follow
directions as indicated. If the sample and / or kit components have been refrigerated, remove them
from the refrigerator and allow them to come to a temperature of 18 to 30° C (64 to 86°F) prior to
3a. Prepare to perform the fingerstick 3a. For whole blood, serum or plasma
collection procedure. Clean the finger of samples, use a laboratory pipette to draw
the person being tested with an antiseptic 10 µL of the sample from the sample
wipe. Allow the finger to dry thoroughly or collection tube.
wipe dry with a sterile gauze pad.
Using a sterile lancet, puncture the skin just
off the center of the finger and wipe away
the first drop of blood with sterile gauze.
Avoid squeezing the fingertip to accelerate
bleeding as this may dilute the blood with
excess tissue fluid.
Collect the sample from the second drop,
laying the disposable sample loop
provided against the drop of blood until
the sample loop is full as shown below.
4. Wait 5 minutes. The blue (IgM) and yellow (IgG) colored lines should have disappeared from the
rectangular TEST and CONTROL windows. The green colored line may or may not disappear.
If the BLUE and YELLOW colored lines do not disappear, DO NOT USE, discard Test Device and use
a new Test Device.
5. Invert the DPP IgM/IgG Buffer bottle (Blue Cap) and hold it VERTICALLY (not at
an angle) over Well 2 (Buffer).
Add 9 drops of Buffer (~250 µl) slowly, dropwise, into Well 2 (Buffer).
A reddish color should begin to flow across both strips within 2-3 minutes.
Otherwise, stop and repeat the test with a new test device.
6. Read the test results using the DPP Micro Reader or DPP Micro Reader 2 between 10 and 15
minutes from the addition of the DPP IgM/IgG Buffer to Well 2 (Buffer) following the
instructions outlined in the DPP Micro Reader or DPP Micro Reader 2 Manual.
NOTE: Discard the used Sample Loop, Test Device, and any other test materials into a
biohazard waste container.
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Read the Product Insert accompanying the DPP Micro Reader (or DPP Micro Reader II) completely
before using the product.
The Test Result is interpreted as NON-REACTIVE (i.e. negative). However, a negative result does not
exclude possible infection with COVID-19, particularly in those who have been in contact with the
virus, and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment, patient management decisions, or to
rule out active infection
If only IgM antibodies were detected, the result is consistent with an active or recent SARS-CoV-2
virus infection.
If only IgG antibodies were detected, the result is consistent with a recent or previous infection.
If the reader returns an INVALID result for IgM OR for IgG, the entire test results are INVALID. An INVALID
test cannot be interpreted. It is recommended that the specimen be re-tested with a new test device.
If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support: +001 631 924 1135 or 1-844-Chembio
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information
Good laboratory practice suggests that positive and negative controls are run routinely to ensure
that test reagents are working and that the test is correctly performed. External positive and
negative controls should be used in accordance with local, state, federal accrediting organizations,
or your lab’s standard Quality Control procedures, as applicable.
• Authorized laboratories1 using your product will include with result reports of your product, all
authorized Fact Sheets. Under exigent circumstances, other appropriate methods for
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disseminating these Fact Sheets may be used, which may include mass media.
• Authorized laboratories using your product will use your product as outlined in the Instructions
for Use. Deviations from the authorized procedures, including the authorized instruments,
authorized, authorized clinical specimen types, authorized control materials, authorized other
ancillary reagents and authorized materials required to use your product are not permitted.
• Authorized laboratories that receive your product will notify the relevant public health
authorities of their intent to run your product prior to initiating testing.
• Authorized laboratories using your product will have a process in place for reporting test
results to healthcare providers and relevant public health authorities, as appropriate.
• Authorized laboratories will collect information on the performance of your product and report
to DMD/OHT7-OIR/OPEQ/CDRH (via email: [email protected]) and Chembio
Diagnostics, Inc. ([email protected]) any suspected occurrence of false positive
or false negative results and significant deviations from the established performance
characteristics of your product of which they become aware.
• All laboratory personnel using your product must be appropriately trained in
immunochromatographic techniques and use appropriate laboratory and personal protective
equipment when handling this kit, and use your product in accordance with the authorized
labeling. All laboratory personnel using the assay must also be trained in and be familiar with
the interpretation of results of the product.
• Chembio Diagnostics, Inc., authorized distributors, and authorized laboratories using your
product will ensure that any records associated with this EUA are maintained until otherwise
notified by FDA. Such records will be made available to FDA for inspection upon request.
1 The
letter of authorization refers to, “Laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. §263a, to perform high complexity tests” as “authorized laboratories.”
Endemic, Symptomatic Subjects
Positive agreement was evaluated using plasma or venous whole blood samples collected from
symptomatic subjects. All subjects were confirmed positive for 2019 Novel Coronavirus by RT-
PCR. The positive population consisted of the following subjects.
• Living in New York during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
• Living in East Asia during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Table 1: Positive Agreement of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System According to Days Post Onset of
Symptoms: Endemic Symptomatic Subjects
DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
Days from
2019-nCoV Result as compared to PCR
Symptom Onset Number of
to Blood Samples
Result IgM (+) IgG (+) IgM (+) and/or IgG (+)
≤6 days 4 Pos 1/4=25% 4/4=100% 4/4=100%
7-10 days 10 Pos 7/10=70% 6/10=60% 8/10=80%
11-14 days 4 Pos 3/4=75% 4/4=100% 4/4=100%
15-18 days 11 Pos 11/11=100% 11/11=100% 11/11=100%
19-21 days 2 Pos 2/2=100% 2/2=100% 2/2=100%
24/31=77.4% 27/31=87.1% 29/31=93.5%
Total 31 N/A
95% CI: 60.2% - 88.6% 95% CI: 71.1% - 94.9% 95% CI: 79.3% - 98.2%
*Development of an antibody response to SARS-COVID-2 can take up to 14 or more days post symptom onset1.
Juanjuan Zhao et. al, Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of novel coronavirus disease 2019, Clinical Infectious Diseases, ,
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The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was evaluated using serial plasma (lithium heparin) samples
collected from symptomatic subjects. All subjects were confirmed positive for 2019 Novel
Coronavirus by an FDA EUA RT-PCR. The positive population consisted of 9 subjects from the United
States (New York), from whom 22 specimens were drawn. Plasma samples were collected and
tested 1-22 days after onset of symptoms and within 1 to 16 days after the respiratory specimen
was collected for PCR. Test evaluation results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Testing Seroconversion Samples from USA using the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System. Results
are presented as Reflectance Units where ≥25 is reactive and < 25 is nonreactive
nCoV- Days Between DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
Patient ID # 2 PCR Symptom Onset & IgG IgM (+) and/or
IgM (+)
Result Blood Collection (+) IgG (+)
022-01 POS 2 7 2 NR
022-02 N/A 11 129 364 R
027-01 POS 15 4 3 NR
027-02 N/A 20 72 260 R
033-01 POS 9 12 3 NR
033-02 N/A 14 172 87 R
057-01 POS 1 4 6 NR
057-02 N/A 5 57 297 R
081-01 POS 10 13 10 NR
081-02 N/A 14 110 107 R
081-03 POS 17 158 360 R
093-01 POS 15 12 7 NR
093-02 N/A 19 7 10 NR
093-03 N/A 22 163 387 R
114-01 POS 9 8 5 NR
114-02 N/A 13 26 131 R
118-01 POS 9 10 10 NR
118-02 N/A 13 36 136 R
118-03 N/A 15 158 363 R
119-01 POS 12 6 5 NR
119-02 N/A 16 11 5 NR
119-03 N/A 19 107 192 R
R = Reactive, NR = Nonreactive; N/A= Not Applicable
Endemic, Symptomatic Subjects
Negative agreement of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was evaluated using 41 samples
collected from symptomatic subjects; two (2) subjects were residing in East Asia (venous whole
blood samples were collected) and thirty-nine (39) subjects were residing in New York (plasma
samples were collected). Samples were collected during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and all were
confirmed negative for 2019 Novel Coronavirus by RT-PCR. Results are shown in Table 3a below.
Table 3a: Negative Agreement of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System: Endemic, Symptomatic Subjects
2019-nCOV DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
Number of results as compared to PCR
Origin RT-PCR
Result IgM (-) IgG (-) IgM (-) and IgG (-)
2 East Asia Neg 2/2 = 100% 2/2 = 100% 2/2=100%
39 NY, USA Neg 38/39 = 97.4% 36/39=92.3% 35/39=89.7%
40/41 = 97.6% 38/41=92.7% 37/41=90.2%
TOTAL = 41 N/A N/A
95% CI: 87.4% - 99.6% 95% CI: 80.6% - 97.5% 95% CI: 77.5% - 96.1%
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Endemic, Asymptomatic Subjects
The specificity of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was also evaluated using 49 presumed negative
EDTA venous whole blood specimens collected from asymptomatic individuals from the United
States. The samples were commercially sourced from a blood donation center and collected during
the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The resulting negative agreement of the DPP® COVID-19 IgM/IgG
System compared to the expected result was 100% (49/49 = 100%) for IgM and 95.9% (47/49 =
95.9%) for IgG. Results are shown in Table 3b below.
Table 3b: Negative Agreement of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System for Presumed Negative Samples:
Endemic, Asymptomatic Subjects
DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
Number of
results as compared to expected
IgM (-) IgG (-) IgM (-) and IgG (-)
49/49=100% 47/49=95.9% 47/49=95.9%
95% CI: 92.7% - 100.0% 95% CI: 86.3% - 98.9% 95% CI: 86.3% - 98.9%
In addition, the specificity of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was evaluated using 32 presumed
negative plasma specimens and 68 presumed negative serum specimens collected from asymptomatic
individuals residing in Brazil. The samples were collected prior to March 2019 before the COVID-19
outbreak. The resulting negative agreement of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System compared to the
expected result was 97% (97/100 = 97%) for IgM and 96% (96/100 = 96%) for IgG and as shown in Table
The performance of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was evaluated using fresh, fingerstick
samples prospectively-collected from 11 individuals, 7 of whom were presenting with symptoms.
All samples were collected from hospital workers in the United States (New York), an area endemic
for COVID-19 during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Samples had confirmed results with an
FDA-authorized RT-PCR. Test evaluation results are presented in Table 5.
Total Agreement
8/11=72.7% 11/11=100% 11/11=100%
Total=11 N/A N/A
95% CI: 43.4% – 90.3% 95% CI: 74.1% - 100.0% 95% CI: 74.1% - 100.0%
1 For 2 samples the day of symptom onset is unknown
2 For 4 samples the day of symptom onset is unknown
The performance of the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System was evaluated using prospectively-
collected matched EDTA venous whole blood, EDTA plasma and capillary (fingerstick) whole blood
samples from a total of 15 individuals, 6 of whom were presenting with symptoms. All samples
were collected from hospital workers in the United States (New York), an area endemic for COVID-
19 during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Five (5) of the samples from those presenting
with symptoms had PCR-positive confirmed results with an FDA-authorized RT-PCR and are also
discussed in Table 5 above. The results of the plasma and fingerstick samples are compared to the
matched venous whole blood result for each subject. Test evaluation results are presented in Table
Table 6: DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System: Matched venous whole blood, plasma and fingerstick
specimens: Endemic, Hospital Workers
DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
Whole Blood Plasma Fingerstick
IgM (+) only 3 3/3=100% 3/3=100%
IgG (+) only 1 7 7/7=100% 7/7=100%
IgG (+) and IgM (+)2 5 5/5=100% 43/5=80%
15 15/15=100% 14/15=93.3%
95% CI: 79.6% - 100.0% 95% CI: 70.2% - 98.8%
1 nCoV-2 PCR+ results were available for 2 IgG (+) only subjects. The fingerstick results are also presented in
Table 5 above.
nCoV-2 PCR+ results were available for and 3 IgM (+) and IgG (+) subjects. The fingerstick results are also
presented in Table 5 above.
3 One specimen was IgM negative. A PCR result was not available for the subject with the discordant (IgM(-))
fingerstick result.
Cross Reactivity
The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System did not cross react with samples positive for: antibody to
Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, Zika virus, or Yellow fever virus (post-immunization); human
coronaviruses (NL63 and OC43), antigen to Flu A, Flu B; heterophile antibodies for mononucleosis.
Cross reactivity was observed on the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System with one specimen positive for
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Human Coronavirus 229E and one specimen (of five) positive for human coronavirus HKU1.
Table 8: Testing of serially-diluted plasma samples on the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System. Results
are presented as Reflectance Units where ≥25 is reactive and <25 is nonreactive.
DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System – Sample 1 DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System – Sample 2
Dilution IgM IgG IgM IgG
Result Result Result Result
1:15 36 290 128 310
1:30 16 197 223 348
1:60 11 66 140 302
1:120 16 66 62 237
1:240 16 32 49 218
1:580 24 15 49 85
1:1160 12 23 14 54
1:2320 17 9 19 74
1:4640 NT NT 8 21
1:9280 NT NT 11 11
= R, for Reactive; NT= Not Tested
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Figure 1: Dilution of IgM-Antibody Positive Figure 2: Dilution of IgG-Antibody Positive
Samples Samples
DPP® Micro Reader II Kit for Use with DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System 70-1070-0
Manufactured by:
Tel: +001 631 924 1135
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
The DPP Micro Reader is maintenance free and not configurable by the user and is operated by a
single, multi-function button.
DPP Micro Reader Kit for use with DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System (Catalog 70-1069-0) Each kit
• 1 DPP Micro Reader (includes 3 batteries)
• 1 Holder for use with DPP Test Device
• 1 Microfiber cloth
• 1 Adapter Cable (5V/1000mA)
• 1 RFID Card for use with DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
• 1 User Manual
For IN VITRO diagnostic use
The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG Assay System test results must be read using the DPP Micro
Reader. The DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG Assay System test results and must not be visually
• The DPP Micro Reader is calibrated and checked before shipping under strict quality
control measures in order to guarantee a high degree of quality. Do not attempt to
open, re-configure or re-calibrate the DPP Micro Reader.
• The correct RFID cards are required for running the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System tests.
Each RFID card is specific to the assay type being conducted and will transfer test specific
information to the reader before each measurement. Using an RFID card intended for a
different test type than the one performed can result in incorrect test results.
• The DPP Micro Reader requires three (3) CR2032 (3 V/230 mAh) batteries to operate.
Alternatively, it can be powered through the adaptor cable connected to an external
power source.
• Do not use the DPP Micro Reader in direct sunlight or exposed to bright light while reading
• The DPP Micro Reader is designed for use on a clean, flat, horizontal, surface.
• Always ensure that the DPP Micro Reader is positioned correctly in the DPP test device
holder, as described in Operation of the Micro Reader below. Incorrect positioning may
lead to incorrect results.
• The DPP Micro Reader should be operated at 18 to 30°C (64 to 86°F) and between 20% and
85% humidity. Ensure that the DPP Micro Reader is brought to operating temperature before
• Protect the DPP Micro Reader from liquids. Any liquid entering the DPP Micro
Reader may damage it permanently.
• Please follow the instructions in the product insert provided with the test kit regarding the
disposal of DPP test devices containing hazardous or infectious material.
• The DPP Micro Reader itself contains no biological hazards. However, contamination during
use with biological hazards is possible. For cleaning and maintenance, refer to section
Under continuous use, one set of batteries will last for approximately 250- 300 reads (exact number
may vary depending on battery quality, temperature, and length of storage between uses). The status
of the batteries is being monitored and shown on the reader display every time the reader is turned
ON. Verify that the battery symbol is not blinking nor has any bars left. Replace the batteries when
the battery symbol starts to blink. The batteries cannot be recharged and have to be disposed
according to local regulations. Always have a spare set of three batteries. Please see section on
BATTERY INSTALLATION below. Alternatively, the DPP Micro Reader can be powered using the USB
power cable connected to a power source.
1. Ensure that the reader and components are clean. Remove any dust or debris from
bottom camera window. Insert DPP Micro Reader into the supplied holder as shown.
DPP Micro Reader DPP Test Device Holder DPP Micro Reader with Holder
a. Connect the DPP Micro Reader to the supplied holder. Insert the base of the reader so that the
“slanted” edge meets the corresponding “slanted” corner in the holder cavity. The reader should
lay flat in the holder and the button and battery compartment should face the user. The label on
the reader should face the “Chembio" logo on the test device holder, as shown in this figure.
NOT seated
Label properly
“Slanted” Edge
b. At the time indicated for reading the test results, place the
reader and holder on the TOP IgM Test Window of the device
and push the button. “ON” will appear in the display window.
Press the button again; the display will read Press the button again; the display will read
“RFID”. Place the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG RFID “RFID”. Place the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG RFID
card on top of the reader and a beep will card on top of the reader and a beep will sound.
Remove the card from the top of the reader Remove the card from the top of the reader
and “TEST” will appear in the display window. and “TEST” will appear in the display window.
Press the button and “RUN” will appear in the Press the button and “RUN” will appear in the
display window. display window.
WARNING: The reader will turn off automatically after approximately 50 seconds of
There is no active function to shut off the DPP Micro Reader or to recall the last test
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information.
If only IgG antibodies were detected, the result is consistent with a recent
or previous infection.
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information.
A REACTIVE IgM and a REACTIVE IgG test result means that IgM and IgG
antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 have been detected in the specimen. The IgG 25/R
result is IgM and IgG reactive, suggesting current or recent SARS-CoV-2
virus infection.
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information.
If the reader returns an INVALID result for IgM OR for IgG, the entire test
results are INVALID. An INVALID test cannot be interpreted. It is
recommended that the specimen be re-tested with a new test device.
Before each use, make sure that the window under the reader is clean of finger marks, dust and
lint, which may interfere with the results. It can be wiped with the provided dry microfiber cloth, or
the microfiber cloth lightly moistened with 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
As the DPP Micro Reader may be contaminated by infectious material, it should be disinfected
according to the CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE section above before disposal. Remove the batteries
before disposing of the expired device and dispose of the batteries in accordance with local regulations.
Dimensions: L x W x H: Approx. 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.6 in. (41 x 41 x 40 mm)
Weight: Approx. 1.4 oz (40 g)
Operation: One button operation
Display: 14-segment LCD
Storage capacity: None
Device measurement period: Approx. 3 seconds
Power supply: 3 batteries CR2032 (3 V/230 mAh)
Or Micro-Reader power cord/USB cable
Interface: 4 pole – 0.1 in (2.5 mm) jack plug for power supply (instead of
Configuration: Specific configuration program; RFID technology
Measuring field: Min. 0.2 in. (4 mm) width; Max. 0.7 in. (18 mm) length
Lighting: Wavelength 525 nm
Signaling device: Buzzer
Operating conditions: Between 18 and 30°C (64 to 86°F);
between +20 % and +85 % humidity
Storage conditions: Between -20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F)
between +20 % and 85 % humidity
Degree of protection: IP 20
Lifetime: 3,000 reads
Manufactured by:
Tel: +001 631 924 1135
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
The DPP Micro Reader II is maintenance-free, is not configurable by the user and is operated with a
single, multi-function button.
DPP Micro Reader II Kit for use with DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System (Catalog 70-1070-0) Each kit
• 1 DPP Micro Reader II
• 3 AA batteries (1.5 V)
• 1 Battery Holder
• 1 RFID card specific for use with the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System
• 1 Micro-USB Cable
• 1 Cleaning brush (for use on the glass of the camera unit under the bottom cover)
• 1 User Manual
For IN VITRO Diagnostic Use
• DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System test results must be read using the DPP Micro Reader II (or
DPP Micro Reader) and cannot be visually interpreted.
• The DPP Micro Reader II is calibrated and checked before shipping under strict quality
control measures in order to guarantee a high degree of quality. Do not attempt to open, re-
configure or re-calibrate the DPP Micro Reader II.
• The correct RFID cards are required for running the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System tests.
Each RFID card is specific to the assay type being conducted and will transfer test specific
information to the reader before each measurement. Using an RFID card intended for a
different test type than the one performed can result in incorrect test results.
• The DPP Micro Reader II requires three (3) AA (1.5 V) batteries to operate. Alternatively, it
can be powered through the Micro-USB Cable connected to an external power source.
• Do not use the DPP Micro Reader II in direct sunlight or exposed to bright light while reading
• The DPP Micro Reader II is designed for use on a clean, flat, horizontal surface.
• The DPP Micro Reader II should be operated at 18 to 30°C (64 to 86°F) and between 20%
and 85% humidity. Ensure that the DPP Micro Reader II is brought to operating temperature
before use.
• Protect the DPP Micro Reader II from liquids. Any liquid entering the DPP Micro Reader II
may damage it permanently.
• Please follow the instructions in the product insert provided with the test kit regarding the
disposal of DPP devices containing hazardous or infectious material.
• The DPP Micro Reader II itself contains no biological hazards. However, contamination
during use with biological hazards is possible. For cleaning and maintenance, refer to section
The DPP Micro Reader II is powered by 3 AA (1.5 V) batteries. Whereas the batteries should allow to
read well over 1,000 tests, always have a spare set of three batteries available. Please see section on
BATTERY INSTALLATION below. Alternatively, the DPP Micro Reader II can be powered using the Micro-
USB cable and USB power source, like a computer USB outlet connection.
NOTE: In order to maintain Date and Time settings during battery replacement, it is recommended
to replace the batteries within 5 minutes from removal. If the date and time is present on the display
at the time the batteries are removed for replacement, the date and time settings will not be affected.
If incorrect date and time settings are observed after battery replacement, refer to the following
instructions in the section on SETTING THE DATE AND TIME to correct the Date and Time settings.
If you have any questions, please contact Chembio Customer Support at:
+001 631 924 1135 or 1-844-CHEMBIO.
1 2 3 4
1 To set the date and time, if the instrument is off, briefly press the operating button (less than
one second) or insert a DPP test. The display turn will turn on.
Cassette compartment
Main Screen when turned “on”.
2 Hold the button down for >1 second. The 3 Use the single operating button to scroll
menu “option” will appear on the screen. down to “Setup” in 3 short presses (<1
4 Hold the button down for >1 second to enter 5 Hold the button down for >1 second to enter
“Set-up” mode. Use the single operating “Set clock and date” mode. Using short
button to scroll down to “Set clock and date” presses (<1 second), set the clock and date.
in 2 short presses (<1 second).
2020-31-03 02:49 PM 2020-31-03 02:49 PM
Setup Set Clock and date
Back to main Back to main
Device Information HH : MM 24 hr 14:09
Set clock and date Year / Month Day 2020-31-03
Select Language Date format YDM
LCD configuration
Device configuration Set clock/date --> back to main
5 After seting the clock and date, hold the button down for >1 second to go “back to main”
Arrow Micro-USB
RFID card
Cassette holder
2 For one-step reading of the test results: insert the RFID card in the holder on the back of the
3a Insert the cassette fully in the front opening. The 3b The following will be
IgM and IgG Test Windows and Well 1 (Sample + displayed on the screen:
Buffer) should be completely embedded in the
DPP Micro Reader II. Only Well 2 (Buffer) should
remain visible. The white arrow on the starting evaluation
instrument should line up with the area for
writing the patient ID. capturing
The instrument will turn on automatically when
the cartridge is fully and correctly inserted. It will calculating
then read the RFID card, display the test name and
information, start the reading sequence and
display the test results.
4 When the read is complete, the test results will appear on the display for each line.
If the line in the IgM and/or IgG CONTROL (C) area is too weak or absent, the DPP Micro Reader II will
display “INV”, indicating that the test is INVALID.
An invalid result indicates a problem with running the test, either related to the specimen, the device,
or the procedure followed. An invalid test cannot be interpreted;
it is recommended that the specimen be retested with a new device.
A NON-REACTIVE Test Result means that antibodies to SARS- CoV-2 were not detected in the
The Test Result is interpreted as NON-REACTIVE (i.e. negative). However, a negative result does not
exclude possible infection with COVID-19, particularly in those who have been in contact with the
virus, and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment, patient management decisions, or to
rule out active infection
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information
A REACTIVE IgM test result (i.e., presumptive SARS-CoV-2 IgM positive) from the DPP® COVID-19
IgM/IgG System indicates that IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were detected in the specimen.
If only IgM antibodies were detected, the result is consistent with an active or recent SARS-CoV-2
virus infection.
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information
A REACTIVE IgG test result (i.e., presumptive SARS-CoV-2 IgG positive) in the IgG test window means
that IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were detected in the specimen.
If only IgG antibodies were detected, the result is consistent with a recent or previous infection.
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information
A REACTIVE IgM and a REACTIVE IgG test result means that IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2
have been detected in the specimen. The result suggests a current or recent SARS-CoV-2 virus
Please also refer to the Fact Sheet for Health Care Providers for More Information
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If the reader returns an INVALID result for IgM OR for IgG, the entire test results are INVALID. An INVALID
test cannot be interpreted. It is recommended that the specimen be re-tested with a new test device.
If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support: +001 631 924 1135 or 1-844-Chembio
If the inside of the DPP Micro Reader II becomes contaminated by a DPP test, a cotton swab with IPA
or 10% bleach solution may be used to clean hard to reach surfaces. Be sure that the windows
(accessed through the hatch on the bottom of the reader) are clear of dust and lint, and use provided
brush to clean if required.
As the DPP Micro Reader II may be contaminated by infectious material, it should be disinfected
according to the CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE section above before disposal. Remove the batteries
before disposing of the expired device and dispose of the batteries in accordance with local regulations.
Description: Reader for quantifying lateral flow assays from Chembio
Test format: Test cassette DPP
Measurement: Device for quantification, semi-quantification or qualification of test-
line intensity – also adaptable for multiple test-line measurements
Dimensions: L x W x H: Approx. 3.9 x 3.9 x 4.2 in. (100 x 98 x 106 mm)
Weight: 9.4 oz (267.6 g); with batteries inserted: 11.9 oz (337 g)
Operation: One button operation
Display: 240x160 pixel, monochrome LCD
Storage capacity: 7000 test results
Device measurement period: Approx. 90 seconds
Power supply: 3 AA batteries (1.5 V), or DPP Micro Reader II-Micro-USB cable
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Ordering Information
Product Catalog Number
DPP® COVID-19 IgM/IgG System 65-9569-0
DPP® Micro Reader II Kit for Use with DPP® COVID-19
IgM/IgG System
Manufactured by:
Tel: +001 631 924 1135
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: