Concept of Self-Health

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SUBJECT- Advance Nursing Practices


HOD OBG(N) (N) Pre. year
GCON, Jodhpur GCON, Jodhpur


Concept of Self Health
Health is considered to be one of most important values.
Health should be protected and enhanced as much as possible.
Health is a notion primarily applicable to a human being as whole.

Definition of Health
 Health is individually defined by each person.
On a personal level, individuals define health according to
- How they feel
- Absence or presence of symptoms of illness
- And ability to carry out activities

“A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.” -WHO

 Health is constituted by bodily and mentally balance.
 The Yajurveda tradition in India declares that there are three humour’s acting in the
body the breaths (Vata), the bile(Pitta) and the phlegm (Kapha). The proportions of the
three humours vary from person to person and their actions vary according to the
season, the environment, the life style of the individual, and his or her diet.
 Disease is the result of their imbalance.

 In homeostasis various physiological functions of the body control each other and
interact in feedback. -Walter Cannon
 Balance is a concept pertaining to the relationship between a person’s abilities and
his goals. The healthy person is the person who can realize his goals as thus retain a
balance between abilities and goals. – Ingmarporn
 A healthy body is one where the primary properties (wet, dry, cold, hot) of the
body balance each other. - Hippocrates and Galen


- It is an important aspect of health that the body and mind are well, both in order
and functions.
- When a person feels well, then he or she is healthy.
- Well-being or absence if ill being is an important trait in health, most modern
positive characterization of health’s has focused on other traits. One such trait is
health as a condition for action.
- Health is a common theme in almost all countries.
- Absence of disease.
Health=Harmony=Being in peace
- Health is the presence of a positive capacity to lead energetic satisfying and
productive life.
- Health is a state of optimal physical, mental and social adaptation to one’s
- Health is a relative not an absolute concept always involves many levels or

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

 ADLs are used as a measurement of a person’s functional status

 First proposed in 1950 by Sidney Katz, who developed the first evaluation tool called
the Katz ADL scale
 Other assessment methods include the Barthel ADL Index, as well as the Roper–
Logan–Tierney model of nursing
 ADLs consist of Basic ADLs and Instrumental ADLs
 Basics ADLs are more essential for survival than IADLs
 Instrumental ADLs (IADLs) are not necessary for fundamental functioning, but they let
an individual live independently in a community
Basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Activities of daily living (ADLs) are basic tasks that must be accomplished every day for an
individual to thrive. Generally, ADLs can be broken down into the following categories:

 Personal hygiene
Bathing, grooming, oral, nail and hair care.
 Continence management
A person’s mental and physical ability to properly use the bathroom.
 Dressing
A person’s ability to select and wear the proper clothes for different occasions.
 Feeding
Whether a person can feed themselves or needs assistance.
 Ambulating
The extent of a person’s ability to change from one position to the other and to walk

Instrumental Activities of Daily living (IADLs)

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) are somewhat more complex but nevertheless
also reflect on a person’s ability to live independently and thrive. IADLs thus include
securing assistance for:

 Companionship and mental support

This is a fundamental and much needed IADL for daily living. It reflects on the help
that may be needed to keep a person in a positive frame of mind.
 Transportation and shopping
How much a person can go around or procure their grocery and pharmacy needs
without help.
 Preparing meals
Planning and preparing the various aspects of meals, including shopping and storing
 Managing a person’s household
Cleaning, tidying up, removing trash and clutter, and doing laundry and folding clothes.
 Managing medications
How much help may be needed in getting prescriptions filled, keeping medications up
to date and taking meds on time and in the right dosages.
 Communicating with others
Managing the household’s phones and mail and generally making the home hospitable
and welcoming for visitors.
 Managing finances
How much assistance a person may need in managing bank balances and check books
and paying bills on time.


ADL’s Measurement in relation with health status: -

a) Requires No Assistance- Person is independent i.e., healthy.

b) Some Assistance Needed- Partially dependent.
c) Complete Assistance Needed- Dependent on other for work i.e., Unhealthy.
1. Biomedical Concept-
Health is the absence of disease (Germ Theory), normal functioning ability, activities that
leads to the survival of the species.

2. Ecological Concept-
Health is a dynamic equilibrium between man and his environment. Imbalance results
disease. Adaptation of man to his environment leads to better health and longer life
expectancy even in the absence of modern health services.

3. Psychological Concept-
Health is not only a biomedical phenomenon, but one which is in influenced by social
psychological, cultural, economic and political factors of the people concerned. Mental and
emotional fulfilment self-actualization. Absence of neurosis and psychosis.

4. Holistic Concept-
It emphasizes on promotion and protection of health. It includes all the factors of the other
concepts in addition to all human activities such education, communication, agriculture,
industry, housing, recreation, etc.
It also implies that, all sectors of society have effect on health.

5. Spiritual concept-
Profound awareness, appreciation of truth and a sense of bliss. Communication with the
higher power Enlightenment.

Biomedical + Ecological + Psychosocial

+ Holistic + Spiritual Concept = Concept of Self-Health
Types of Health






New Philosophy of Health

 Fundamental right
 Intersectoral
 Integral part of development
 Central to quality of life
 Social investment
 Worldwide social goal
 Involves individuals, families, communities, local, national and international

- A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism.
- Disease refers to any condition that impairs normal function.
- Illness and sickness occasionally used to refer specifically to the patient’s
personal experience of their disease.
- Disease is being, an exterior potency a remain attaching the man, penetrating
into him, fighting with him, dominating and killing him.
- Hippocrates stated the opinion that the disease was due to natural causes and
not to any demon.
 The continuum was first envisioned by Dr Travis in 1972.
 The continuum is a scale to show how life style choices can move a person between
high level wellness and premature death.
 Health and illness/disease can be viewed as the opposite ends of a health continuum
 Move back and forth within this continuum day by day wide ranges of health or illness.
 From high level of health, a person’s condition can move through good health –normal
health –poor health --extremely poor health --to death.
 People move back and forth within this continuum day by day.
 How people perceive themselves and how others see them in terms of health and illness
will also affect their placement on the continuum.
1. Movement to the right on the arrows (towards high level wellness) equals an
increasing level of health and well-being.
Achieved in three steps:
a. Awareness
b. Education
c. Growth
2. Movement to the left on the arrows (towards premature death) equates a
progressively decreasing state of health.
Achieved in three steps:
a. Signs
b. Symptoms
c. Disability
3. Most important is the direction the individual is facing on the pathway
a. If towards high-level health, a person has a genuinely optimistic or positive
outlook despite his/her health status.
b. If towards premature death, a person has a genuinely pessimistic or negative
outlook about his, her health status.
4. Compares a treatment model with a Wellness model
a. If a treatment model is used, an individual can move right only to the neutral
E.g.: a hypertensive client who only takes his medications without making
any other life-style changes.
b. If a wellness model is used, an individual can move right past the neutral
E.g.: a hypertensive client who not only takes his medications, but stops
smoking, loses weight, starts an exercise program, etc.

Characteristics of Illness-Wellness Model

- At any time, any person’s health status holds a place on certain point between two
- Any point on the continuum is a synthetically representation of various aspects of
individual in physiology, psychology and society.
- To help the client to identify their place on the health-continuum.
- To promote the health status of the human being by educating them, providing
knowledge regarding maintenance of personal hygiene.
- To explain and educate them the importance of balance diet.
- To assist the beings in doing exercises for staying healthy.
- To explain about the non-therapeutic techniques for relaxation of the body e.g.,
meditation, yoga etc.
- To help them to know about their vocational hazards and what safety measures
should a person take.
- To let them know the importance of regular health check-ups, so that early detection
can help to know the medical diagnosis of early stage of disease.
- Most important to explain and take care of vulnerable group members e.g., new-
born’s, older etc.
- Never take OTC drugs without any physician’s prescription because they can show
adverse reactions e.g., over dose of PCM can cause liver disorders.
- To explain them about model of an healthy lifestyle, behaviour and attitude.
- Facilitate client involvement in the assessment, implementation, and evaluation of
health goals.
- Teach clients self-care strategies to enhance fitness, improve nutrition, manage
stress, and enhance relationships.
- Assist individuals, families, and communities to increase their levels of health.
- Assist clients, families, and communities to develop and choose health-promoting
- Guide clients’ development in effective problem solving and decision making.
- Reinforce clients’ personal and family health-promoting behaviour’s.
- Advocate in the community for changes that promote a healthy environment.
General idea/Concept regarding self-health is that health status of an individual depends on
various aspects of life sessions related to health i.e. starting from neutral point on the health
illness continuum which proceeds towards high level wellness if a person is aware, educated,
and growing healthy status and is called as wellness.
If an individual shows sign and symptoms of any kind of disease, disability and is also at risk
of developing the disability and require disease management and proper care of their self-
The treatment paradigm can bring the individual to the neutral point, where the symptoms of
disease have been alleviated.
If an individual is not treated properly then he can move towards premature death and this
leads to bad/death health status of the person.
Wellness is not a static state.
High level wellness involves giving good care physically, using mind constructively,
expressing emotions effectively being creativity involved with those around us and being
concerned about physical, psychological and spiritual environments. It is less important
where client are on the continuum, it is more important which direction he/she is facing-
toward illness or wellness.
I would like to conclude up by saying that Health is a beautiful & precious jewel for a
person. It depends upon us that how we take care of our self because this is a parameter on
which whole other aspects of life depends e.g., physical, mental, social etc.
The state of week health will be going to invite many other diseases.
1- Audrey Berman, Shirlee Snyder, Geralyn Frandsen, KOZIER & ERB’S
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice, Publisher: Julie Levin
Alexander, Edition: 10th Year 2016, 2012, 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Page No. 13,14,170,244,253,262-265
2- Potter & Perry’s, Fundamentals of Nursing, Publisher: Elsevier Year Reprinted
2010, Edition 7nd, Page No. 410-424
3- Soni Samta, Textbook of Advance Nursing Practice, Publisher: Jaypee Brothers
Pvt.Ltd. Year 2013, Edition 1st , Page No.360,361,363,364


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