Self Health Concept
Self Health Concept
Self Health Concept
Definition of Health:-
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.” -WHO
Health as balance:-
It is an important aspect of health that the body and mind are well, both in order and functions.
When a person feels well, then he or she is healthy.
Well-being or absence if ill being is an important trait in health, most modern positive
characterization of health’s have focused on other traits. One such trait is health as a condition
for action. Health is a common theme in almost all countries.
In homeostasis various physiological functions of the body control each other and interact in
feedback. -Walter Cannon
Balance is a concept pertaining to the relationship between a person’s abilities and his goals. The
healthy person is the person who can realize his goals as thus retain a balance between abilities
and goals. –Ingmarporn.
A healthy body is one where the primary properties (wet, dry, cold, hot) of the body balance each
other. - Hippocrates and Galen
Self-care theory operates on the assumption that all individuals have a need to care for
themselves. While this premise may be true, it poses difficult questions for the nurse who must
intervene with patients who refuse to achieve their maximum level of independence.
When a disease process occurs that alters self-image, some patients (particularly elderly
females who have cared for others most of their adult lives) may consciously opt to become the
ones cared for. This choice gives them a temporary sense of control over a situation in which
they feel helpless. When nursing care is directed toward returning control of the situation to the
patient, the process of self-care and healing can begin.
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental,
emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very
often overlook. Good self-care is the key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also the
key to a good relationship with oneself and others.
Knowing what self-care is not might be even more important. It is not something that we
force ourselves to do, or something we don’t enjoy doing.
As Agnes Wainman explained, self-care is “something that refuels us, rather than takes
from us.”
Self-care isn’t a selfish act either. It is not only about considering our needs; it is rather
about knowing what we need to do in order to take care of ourselves, being subsequently,
able to take care of others as well.
e.g. That is, if I don’t take enough care of myself, I won’t be in the place to give to my
loved ones either.
Self-care Concepts
• Biomedical Concept- Health is the absence of disease (Germ Theory), normal functioning
ability, activities that leads to the survival of the species.
• Ecological Concept- Health is a dynamic equilibrium between man and his environment.
Imbalance results disease. Adaptation of man to his environment leads to better health and longer
life expectancy even in the absence of modern health services.
Psychological Concept- Health is not only a biomedical phenomenon, but one which is in
influenced by social psychological, cultural, economic and political factors of the people
concerned. Mental and emotional fulfilment self-actualization, Absence of neurosis and
Holistic Concept- It emphasizes on promotion and protection of health. It includes all the
factorjn s of the other concepts in addition to all human activities such education,
communication, agriculture, industry, housing, recreation, etc. It also implies that, all sectors of
society have effect on health.
In the self care concept the physical health is very important as well as we have needed to
manage the stress and psychological health so we have need to use the :
Protective practices:-
Help compartmentalize work from the rest of life – identify ways to leave the job behind
Clarify and support staff in establishing professional boundaries
Promote emotional and physical health, and
Include regular self-care techniques for managing stress.
Protective skills in dealing with complex interactions can:
Have a process to actively manage distress and dysfunction of their staff members
Create opportunities for debriefing
Focus on effective teamwork
Promote areas of work autonomy for staff, and recognize achievements
Promote a workplace culture which supports a balance between home and work life, and
actively encourage staff to set appropriate limits on expectations, and
Provide access to confidential supportive services including counseling.
Self-care Plans
The concept of an individualized self-care plan for palliative care providers focuses on four self-
care domains:
Emotional / cognitive
Relational, and
The plan encourages a systematic approach to identifying warning signs of stress and burnout in
each area, and the development of protective practices. This process has not yet been formally
validated, but has the potential to be used by individuals, or incorporated into mentoring and
supervision relationships within palliative care teams.
1. Stick to the basics. Over time you will find your own rhythm and routine. You
will be able to implement more and identify more particular forms of self-care
that work for you.Self-care needs to be something you actively plan, rather than
something that just happens. It is an active choice and you must treat it as such.
Add certain activities to your calendar, announce your plans to others in order to
increase your commitment, and actively look for opportunities to practice self-
E,g. Create a “no” list, with things you know you don’t like or you no longer want to do.
Examples might include: Not checking emails at night, not attending gatherings you don’t like,
not answering your phone during lunch/dinner.
e.g:-Do at least one pleasurable activity every day; from going to the cinema, to cooking or
meeting with friends.Look for opportunities to laugh!
First proposed in 1950 by Sidney Katz, who developed the first evaluation tool
called the Katz ADL scale.
ADLs consist of Basic ADLs and Instrumental ADLs
Basics ADLs are more essential for survival than IADLs
Instrumental ADLs (IADLs) are not necessary for fundamental functioning, but
they let an individual live independently in a community
Basic Activities of Daily Living :-(ADLs) Activities of daily living (ADLs) are basic tasks
that must be accomplished every day for an individual to thrive. Generally, ADLs can be broken
down into the following categories:
Fundamental right
Integral part of development
Central to quality of life
Social investment
Worldwide social goal
Involves individuals, families, communities, local, national and international
1. Movement to the right on the arrows (towards high level wellness) equals an increasing level
of health and well-being. Achieved in three steps:
i. Awareness
ii. Education
iii. Growth
2. Movement to the left on the arrows (towards premature death) equates a progressively
decreasing state of health. Achieved in three steps:
i. Signs
ii. Symptoms
iii. Disability
If towards high-level health, a person has a genuinely optimistic or positive outlook despite
his/her health status.
If towards premature death, a person has a genuinely pessimistic or negative outlook about his,
her health status.
E.g.: a hypertensive client who only takes his medications without making any other life-style
b) If a wellness model is used, an individual can move right past the neutral point
E.g.: a hypertensive client who not only takes his medications, but stops smoking, looses weight,
starts an exercise program, etc.
Illness-Wellness Model:-
Absence of symptoms of illness and ability to carryout activities.
A state in which the person fills unhealthy may or maynot related to disease.
A state of optimal health or optimal functioning.
Most of us think of wellness in terms of illness; we assume that the absence of illness indicates
wellness. There are actually many degrees of wellness, just as there are many degrees of illness.
The illness wellness continuum, illustrate the process of change, in which the individual
experiences various states of health and illness (ranging from extremely good health to death that
fluctuate throughout life. People move back and forth with in this continuum day by day) the
illness wellness continuum composed of two arrows pointing in opposite direction and joined at
neutral point.
1. Movement to the right on the arrows (towards high level wellness) equals and increasing
level of health and wellbeing.
Achieved in three stages.
a Awarness
b Education
c Growth
2. Movement to the left on the arrows (towards pre matured death ) equals a progressively
decreasing state of health.
Achieved in three stages.
a Signs
b Symptoms
c Disability
3. Most important is the direction the individual is facing on the pathway.
a If towards high level heath, a person has a positive outlook despite is/her health status.
b If towards premature death, a person has negative outlook about is/her health status.
4. Compares treatment model with wellness model
a If treatment model is used and individual can move right only to the neutral point. (eg.) client
with hypertension takes only medication without making any other life style changes.
b If a wellness model is used, and individual can move right past the neutral point. (eg) client
with hypertension not only takes his medication but stops smoking, loose weight etc.
Wellness is an approach to recognize the risk factors of different diseases and to reduce them in
preventing diseases. Therefore, wellness implies a constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy
with positive lifestyle habits to :-Improve health and quality of life , Prolong life ,Achieve total
Travis believed that a medical approach that relied on the presence or absence of symptoms of
disease to demonstrate wellness was insufficient. As shown in the Continuum. The right side
reflects degrees of wellness, while the left indicates degrees of illness. The model has been used
to describe how, in the absence of physical disease, an individual can suffer from depression,
anxiety or other conditions
He contends that medicine typically treats injuries, disabilities, and symptoms, to bring the
individual to a "neutral point" where there is no longer any visible illness. However, the
Wellness Paradigm requires moving the state of wellbeing further along the continuum towards
optimal emotional and mental states. The concept assumes that wellbeing is a dynamic rather
than a static process.
The Illness-Wellness Continuum proposes that individuals can move farther to the right, towards
greater health and wellbeing, passing through the stages of awareness, education, and
growth. Worsening states of health are reflected by signs, symptoms and disability.
In addition, a person's outlook can affect wellness. According to the concept, a positive outlook
will enhance health and wellbeing, while a negative outlook will hinder it, independent of the
current health status. For example, a person who demonstrates no symptoms of disease, but is
constantly complaining, will be facing the left side of the Continuum and away from a state of
high-level wellness. Conversely, a person with a disability, but who maintains a positive outlook,
will be facing to the right, toward a high level of wellness. It is less important where a
person is on the Continuum than the direction they are facing.
The Illness-Wellness Continuum has been viewed as promoting preventive treatment, which
improves wellbeing before an individual presents with signs or symptoms of illness, as well as
educating people to be aware of and avoid risk factors, in order to protect against pathology and
premature death.
If an individual shows sign and symptoms of any kind of disease, disability and is also at
risk of developing the disability and require disease management and proper care of their
self health.
The treatment paradigm can bring the individual to the neutral point, where the
symptoms of disease have been alleviated.
If an individual is not treated properly then he can move towards premature death and
this leads to bad/death health status of the person.
Wellness is not a static state.
High level wellness involves giving good care physically, using mind constructively,
expressing emotions effectively being creativity involved with those around us and being
concerned about physical, psychological and spiritual environments. It is less important
where client are on the continuum, it is more important which direction he/she is facing-
toward illness or wellness.
Bibliography –
Book references-
1. “Kumari Neelam”, text book of Advance nursing practice, edition-Ist, Published by
S.Vikas and company, pageno.122-127.
2. “P.Basheer shebeer & Khan S Yasean ” A Concise text book Advance nursing
practice, edition 1st Published by EMMESS ,page no. 65-68.
3. “Joan M.Stanley” text book of Advanced practice Nursing, edition-3rd ,
Published by F.A. Davis Company .philadelphia , page no.123.
Net reference
iv. https//