Analyzing HardFaults On Cortex-M CPU
Analyzing HardFaults On Cortex-M CPU
Analyzing HardFaults On Cortex-M CPU
Analyzing HardFaults on
Cortex-M CPU
Document: AN00016
Revision: 10
Date: January 23, 2017
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Print date: January 23, 2017
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
This application note describes the Cortex-M fault exception handling from a program-
mer’s view and explains how to determine the cause of a hard fault.
Fault exceptions in the Cortex-M processor trap illegal memory accesses and illegal
program behavior. The following conditions are detected by fault exceptions:
• Bus Fault: detects memory access errors on instruction fetch, data read/write,
interrupt vector fetch, and register stacking (save/restore) on interrupt (entry/
• Memory Management Fault: detects memory access violations to regions that are
defined in the Memory Management Unit (MPU); for example code execution from
a memory region with read/write access only.
• Usage Fault: detects execution of undefined instructions, unaligned memory
access for load/store multiple. When enabled, divide-by-zero and other unaligned
memory accesses are also detected.
• Hard Fault: is caused by Bus Fault, Memory Management Fault, or Usage Fault if
their handler cannot be executed.
After reset, not all fault exceptions are enabled, and with every fault the Hard Fault execp-
tion handler is executed.
DCD Reset_Handler
DCD NMI_Handler
DCD HardFault_Handler
DCD MemManage_Handler
DCD BusFault_Handler
DCD UsageFault_Handler
The Hard Fault exception is always enabled and has a fixed priority (higher than
other interrupts and exceptions, but lower than NMI). The Hard Fault exception is
therefore executed in cases where a fault exception is disabled or when a fault occurs
during the execution of a fault exception handler.
All other fault exceptions (Memory Management Fault, Bus Fault, and Usage Fault)
have a programmable priority. After reset, these exceptions are disabled, and may be
enabled in the system or application software using the registers in the System Con-
trol Block.
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
void HardFault_Handler(void) {
_Continue = 0u;
// When stuck here, change the variable value to != 0 in order to step out
while (_Continue == 0u);
If you run this example with your debugger, it will run into the while loop in the Hard
Fault handler. You may set a breakpoint there:
Change the variable _Continue to any other value than zero in a local window or
watch window:
Afterwards you can step to the end of the Hard Fault handler. If you step out of the
Hard Fault handler, you will reach the first instruction after the instruction which
caused the hard fault.
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
NVIC register
The Cortex-M NVIC includes several register that help to investigate the cause of the
hard fault.
Register Description
SYSHND_CTRL System Handler Control and State Register
CFSR Configurable Fault Status Register, combines MFSR, BFSR and UFSR
MFSR Memory Management Fault Status Register
BFSR Bus Fault Status Register
UFSR Usage Fault Status Register
HFSR Hard Fault Status Register
DFSR Debug Fault Status Register
BFAR Bus Fault Manage Address Register
AFSR Auxiliary Fault Status Register
Table 2.3: NVIC register
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
M write buffer system, the program counter might have advanced slightly before the
actual bus write took place, hence you need to look back slightly to find the errone-
ous write.
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
;* (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG *
;* The Embedded Experts *
;* *
;File : HardFaultHandler.S
;Purpose : HardFault exception handler for IAR, Keil and GNU assembler.
;-------- END-OF-HEADER ---------------------------------------------
#ifndef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__
#ifndef __CC_ARM
#ifndef __GNUC__
#error "Unsupported assembler!"
;* Forward declarations of segments used
#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__
#elif defined __CC_ARM
;* Publics
#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__
PUBLIC HardFault_Handler
#elif defined __CC_ARM
EXPORT HardFault_Handler
#elif defined __GNUC__
.global HardFault_Handler
.type HardFault_Handler, function
;* Externals, code
#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__
EXTERN HardFaultHandler
#elif defined __CC_ARM
IMPORT HardFaultHandler
#elif defined __GNUC__
.extern HardFaultHandler
;* CODE segment
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
#ifdef __GNUC__
.syntax unified
.balign 4
;* Global functions
;* HardFault_Handler()
;* Function description
;* Evaluates the used stack (MSP, PSP) and passes the appropiate
;* stack pointer to the HardFaultHandler "C"-routine.
;* Notes
;* (1) Ensure that HardFault_Handler is part of the exception table
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if (defined (__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__) && (__ARM6M__) && (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__)) || \
(defined (__CC_ARM) && (__TARGET_ARCH_6S_M)) || \
(defined (__GNUC__) && (__ARM_ARCH_6M__))
;// This version is for Cortex M0
movs R0, #4
mov R1, LR
tst R0, R1 ;// Check EXC_RETURN in Link register bit 2.
bne Uses_PSP
mrs R0, MSP ;// Stacking was using MSP.
b Pass_StackPtr
#ifdef __GNUC__
mrs R0, PSP ;// Stacking was using PSP.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#ifdef __CC_ARM
ldr R2,=HardFaultHandler
bx R2 ;// Stack pointer passed through R0.
;// This version is for Cortex M3, Cortex M4 and Cortex M4F
tst LR, #4 ;// Check EXC_RETURN in Link register bit 2.
ite EQ
mrseq R0, MSP ;// Stacking was using MSP.
mrsne R0, PSP ;// Stacking was using PSP.
b HardFaultHandler ;// Stack pointer passed through R0.
#ifdef __GNUC__
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
* (c) SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG *
* The Embedded Experts *
* *
File : SEGGER_HardFaultHandler.c
Purpose : Generic SEGGER HardFault handler for Cortex-M, enables user-
friendly analysis of hard faults in debug configurations.
-------- END-OF-HEADER ---------------------------------------------
* Defines
// System Handler Control and State Register
#define SYSHND_CTRL (*(volatile unsigned int*) (0xE000ED24u))
// Memory Management Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_MFSR (*(volatile unsigned char*) (0xE000ED28u))
// Bus Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_BFSR (*(volatile unsigned char*) (0xE000ED29u))
// Usage Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_UFSR (*(volatile unsigned short*)(0xE000ED2Au))
// Hard Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_HFSR (*(volatile unsigned int*) (0xE000ED2Cu))
// Debug Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_DFSR (*(volatile unsigned int*) (0xE000ED30u))
// Bus Fault Manage Address Register
#define NVIC_BFAR (*(volatile unsigned int*) (0xE000ED38u))
// Auxiliary Fault Status Register
#define NVIC_AFSR (*(volatile unsigned int*) (0xE000ED3Cu))
* Static data
static volatile unsigned int _Continue; // Set this variable to 1 to run further
static struct {
struct {
volatile unsigned int r0; // Register R0
volatile unsigned int r1; // Register R1
volatile unsigned int r2; // Register R2
volatile unsigned int r3; // Register R3
volatile unsigned int r12; // Register R12
volatile unsigned int lr; // Link register
volatile unsigned int pc; // Program counter
union {
volatile unsigned int byte;
struct {
unsigned int IPSR : 8; // Interrupt Program Status register (IPSR)
unsigned int EPSR : 19; // Execution Program Status register (EPSR)
unsigned int APSR : 5; // Application Program Status register (APSR)
} bits;
} psr; // Program status register.
} SavedRegs;
union {
volatile unsigned int byte;
struct {
unsigned int MEMFAULTACT : 1; // Read as 1 if memory management fault
// is active
unsigned int BUSFAULTACT : 1; // Read as 1 if bus fault exception is active
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
union {
volatile unsigned int byte;
struct {
unsigned int IBUSERR : 1; // Instruction access violation
unsigned int PRECISERR : 1; // Precise data access violation
unsigned int IMPREISERR : 1; // Imprecise data access violation
unsigned int UNSTKERR : 1; // Unstacking error
unsigned int STKERR : 1; // Stacking error
unsigned int UnusedBits : 2;
unsigned int BFARVALID : 1; // Indicates BFAR is valid
} bits;
} bfsr; // Bus Fault Status Register (0xE000ED29)
volatile unsigned int bfar; // Bus Fault Manage Address Register
// (0xE000ED38)
union {
volatile unsigned short byte;
struct {
unsigned short UNDEFINSTR : 1; // Attempts to execute an undefined
// instruction
unsigned short INVSTATE : 1; // Attempts to switch to an invalid state
// (e.g., ARM)
unsigned short INVPC : 1; // Attempts to do an exception with a bad
// value in the EXC_RETURN number
unsigned short NOCP : 1; // Attempts to execute a coprocessor
// instruction
unsigned short UnusedBits : 4;
unsigned short UNALIGNED : 1; // Indicates that an unaligned access fault
// has taken place
unsigned short DIVBYZERO : 1; // Indicates a divide by zero has taken
// place (can be set only if DIV_0_TRP
// is set)
} bits;
} ufsr; // Usage Fault Status Register (0xE000ED2A)
union {
volatile unsigned int byte;
struct {
unsigned int UnusedBits : 1;
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
union {
volatile unsigned int byte;
struct {
unsigned int HALTED : 1; // Halt requested in NVIC
unsigned int BKPT : 1; // BKPT instruction executed
unsigned int DWTTRAP : 1; // DWT match occurred
unsigned int VCATCH : 1; // Vector fetch occurred
unsigned int EXTERNAL : 1; // EDBGRQ signal asserted
} bits;
} dfsr; // Debug Fault Status Register (0xE000ED30)
* Global functions
* HardFaultHandler()
* Function description
* Generic hardfault handler
void HardFaultHandler(unsigned int* pStack);
void HardFaultHandler(unsigned int* pStack) {
// In case we received a hard fault because of a breakpoint instruction, we return.
// This may happen when using semihosting for printf outputs and no debugger
// is connected, i.e. when running a "Debug" configuration in release mode.
if (NVIC_HFSR & (1uL << 31)) {
NVIC_HFSR |= (1uL << 31); // Reset Hard Fault status
*(pStack + 6u) += 2u; // PC is located on stack at SP + 24 bytes;
// increment PC by 2 to skip break instruction.
return; // Return to interrupted application
// Read NVIC registers
HardFaultRegs.syshndctrl.byte = SYSHND_CTRL; // System Handler Control and
// State Register
HardFaultRegs.mfsr.byte = NVIC_MFSR; // Memory Fault Status Register
HardFaultRegs.bfsr.byte = NVIC_BFSR; // Bus Fault Status Register
HardFaultRegs.bfar = NVIC_BFAR; // Bus Fault Manage Address Register
HardFaultRegs.ufsr.byte = NVIC_UFSR; // Usage Fault Status Register
HardFaultRegs.hfsr.byte = NVIC_HFSR; // Hard Fault Status Register
HardFaultRegs.dfsr.byte = NVIC_DFSR; // Debug Fault Status Register
HardFaultRegs.afsr = NVIC_AFSR; // Auxiliary Fault Status Register
// Halt execution
// If NVIC registers indicate readable memory, change the variable value
// to != 0 to continue execution.
_Continue = 0u;
while (_Continue == 0u);
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
// Read saved registers from the stack
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.r0 = pStack[0]; // Register R0
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.r1 = pStack[1]; // Register R1
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.r2 = pStack[2]; // Register R2
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.r3 = pStack[3]; // Register R3
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.r12 = pStack[4]; // Register R12 = pStack[5]; // Link register LR
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.pc = pStack[6]; // Program counter PC
HardFaultRegs.SavedRegs.psr.byte = pStack[7]; // Program status word PSR
// Halt execution
// To step out of the HardFaultHandler, change the variable value to != 0.
_Continue = 0u;
while (_Continue == 0u) {
// If this module is included in a release configuration,
// simply stay in the HardFault handler
do {
} while (1);
AN00016 Analyzing HardFaults on Cortex-M CPU © 2014 - 2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG