Understanding Decimals

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Understanding Decimal Fractions
What is a decimal fraction?

As we already know, a fraction is a part of a whole number and may be written, for example, as ⅞ where 7
is the numerator (number of items selected) and 8 is the denominator (total number of items).

There is another way of writing fractions which may be a little simpler. This other way makes use of the
decimal system, where everything is based on the number 10, using tens and units or hundreds and thou-
sands or tenths and hundredths, etc., to count with. These are all called powers of 10. The word ‘decimal’
comes from the Latin word for 10, decem. So the decathlon is a sport with 10 events, and a decagon is a ten
sided figure. The month of December has the same root, but it is the twelfth month. Find out why this is

Consider this: Suppose that the fastest runner in your

school can run 100 metres in 11 seconds. His/her
time would be recorded as 11,0 seconds, which
means exactly 11 since the digit after the decimal
comma is 0.

There may be another runner who is a little slower

and finishes the race in 11½ seconds. This is record-
ed as 11,5 seconds, since a half of 10 is 5 and the dec-
imal system is based on 10.

With better electronic timing, a slower runner may be recorded as having finished in 11,62 seconds, or even
in 11,627 seconds if the timing is very accurate.

Lesson Topics

Place Values

Place Values and Fractions

Number Systems

Activity 1.1

Activity 1.2

Forming Decimal Fractions

Forming Fractions Using Division

Another Example

Reverse Process
Another Example

Reverse Process

Exercise 1.1

Exercise 1.2

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derstanding-decimal-fractions] .
Place Values
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Very long numbers can be quite difficult to read, especially if we need to be counting in millions or billions
for the education budget or that sort of thing. We make this simpler by putting in spaces to divide things
up. So the number “three thousand” is written as 3 000 and “two million, four hundred and twenty-seven
thousand, eight hundred and fourteen” would be 2 427 814.

Place Values
When we get to the fractions, we separate these from the rest of the number by using a decimal comma.
Thus we could have 0,5 (“zero comma five”) or 1,6 or 2,39 etc. The decimal comma is used mainly because
we don’t want it to look like a full stop somewhere in the middle of a number!
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This system (comma notation) varies all over the world but this is how we use it in South Africa; our
Very long numbers can be quite difficult to read, especially if we need to be counting in millions or billions
When we budget or that
are working sort
with of thing.
money, we doWenot
usethis simpler“Six
a comma. by putting in spaces to divide
Rand, twenty-seven cents”things
is writ-
up. So the number “three thousand” is
ten as R6.27. Banks have their own rules!written as 3 000 and “two million, four hundred and twenty-seven
thousand, eight hundred and fourteen” would be 2 427 814.

Look at this number: 7 602,957. You may already know that we would say “Seven thousand, six hundred
When wecomma
and two, get to the fractions,
nine we separate
five seven” (not “ninethese fromand
hundred thefifty-seven”
rest of the for
number by using
the decimal a decimal comma.
Thus we could have 0,5 (“zero comma five”) or 1,6 or 2,39 etc. The decimal comma is used mainly because
we don’t want it to look like a full stop somewhere in the middle of a number!
Now you can easily hear the difference in what you are talking about as well as see it.

Note 1: This system (comma notation) varies all over the world but this is how we use it in South Africa; our
Consider this illustration:

What this table is trying to show is that each column to the left of the decimal comma has a “place value”
Note 2: When we are working with money, we do not use a comma. “Six Rand, twenty-seven cents” is writ-
that is ten times higher than the figure to its own right. Thus the 7 means 7 000 (7 x 1 000) and the 6 means
ten as R6.27. Banks have their own rules!
600 (6 x 100), because of the columns that they fill. There are no tens (0 x 10) this time, so a zero is used as
a “place holder” (it keeps a place open for when it is needed). The 2 represents 2 units only (2 x 1).
Look at this number: 7 602,957. You may already know that we would say “Seven thousand, six hundred
and two, comma nine five seven” (not “nine hundred and fifty-seven” for the decimal places).

Now you can easily hear the difference in what you are talking about as well as see it.

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Consider this illustration:

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What this table is trying to show is that each column to the left of the decimal comma has a “place value”
that is ten times higher than the figure to its own right. Thus the 7 means 7 000 (7 x 1 000) and the 6 means
This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/place-values] .
600 (6 x 100), because of the columns that they fill. There are no tens (0 x 10) this time, so a zero is used as
a “place holder” (it keeps a place open for when it is needed). The 2 represents 2 units only (2 x 1).

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Place Values and Fractions
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In the previous lesson we were discussing the number 7 602,957. Now let’s look at the fraction.

1 1
The 9 means nine tenths extra 9 x 10 after the 7 602 and the 5 means five hundredths (5 x 100 )after that,
with the last 7 meaning seven thousandths (7 x 1000 ). Each digit is ten times smaller than the figure to its
left. So the figures to the right of the decimal comma are smaller and smaller fractions when compared
with the whole numbers on the left of the comma.

Note: Extra zeroes before the number or after the decimal have no value, e.g. 07 602,957 0 is still the same
number. That is

07 602,957 0 = 7 602,957.

Please make sure that you understand why this is so.

In our number just above, the zero to the left of the first 7 means that there are no ‘ten thousands’, and
clearly the biggest significant digit is the 7 which means 7 thousand. It is irrelevant that there are no ten
thousands (or hundred thousands, or millions, etc….). Or, for that matter, that there are no hundred thou-
sandths or millionths…….

However, the zero between the 6 and the 2 is an important digit. If it were not there, the number would
‘collapse’ and become 762,957. In that case, the 7 has become 7 hundreds (7 x 100) and the 6 has become
6 tens (6 x 10).

So it is important that there is a zero in the space for the tens when there are digits on either side of it.

So, only zeroes that are “place holders” mean anything.

Let us try another example:

If we break down the number 3 520,705.


number now represents:

1 1 1
3 x 1 000 + 5 x 100 + 2 x 10 + 0 x 1 + 7 x 10 + 0 x 100 + 5 x 1000

Note there are 2 zeroes here that are placeholders. There is one in the Units column and one in the hun-
dredths column. Make sure you understand why they are important and why we need to have them in the
1 1 1
3 x 1 000 + 5 x 100 + 2 x 10 + 0 x 1 + 7 x 10 + 0 x 100 + 5 x 1000

Note there are 2 zeroes here that are placeholders. There is one in the Units column and one in the hun-
dredths column. Make sure you understand why they are important and why we need to have them in the

There is one time when we do use a zero in a decimal fraction when it is not a placeholder and that is for a
number which has no whole number part. So we would write 0,5 and NOT ,5 (without the zero).

Note also that 0,5 and 0,05 are different numbers.

0,5 = 5 x 10 (the first digit to the right of the comma is tenths)

= 10

5÷5 1
= 10÷5 = 2 (using what we know about converting fractions to simplest form)

1 1
0,05 = 0 x 10 + 5 x 100

= 100

5÷5 1
= 100÷5 = 20

In this case, the zero to the right of the decimal comma is a placeholder for the tenths.

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This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/place-values-and-frac-

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Number Systems
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Think about this

Working with the number 10 is very helpful because as the power of 10 increases, it has very useful values.

And look! The number of zeroes is the same as the power of 10.

Another interesting set of numbers comes from the powers of 2.

As you can see, every power of 2 doubles the previous number – i.e., multiplies it by 2. That’s what you’d
expect. The odd thing about these numbers is that with the help of the number 1, they all add up to the
next number – like this:

1+2 = 3, that’s one short of 4.

1+2+4 = 7, that’s one short of 8.
1+2+4+8 = 15, that’s one short of 16.
1+2+4+8+16 = 31, that’s one short of 32.
1+2+4+8+16+32 = 63, that’s one short of 64.

So, by adding the powers of 2, we can make all numbers. Nothing else will work like that!

And now, a quick look at the powers of 3.

Lastly, a hint:

Look at the values of the power of 2 again. Going backwards from 64, we have 32; 16; 8; 4; 2. So if we di-
vide by 2 again, we will reach 1. That means that 22=4 and 21=2, and therefore, dividing by 2 again, 1 must
be the equivalent of 20. (The power of 2 decreases every time you divide by 2.) That’s a new idea! 20
means something! It means 1, it has to mean 1, so that it can fit in with the table we have drawn up. One
Lastly, a hint:

Look at the values of the power of 2 again. Going backwards from 64, we have 32; 16; 8; 4; 2. So if we di-
vide by 2 again, we will reach 1. That means that 22=4 and 21=2, and therefore, dividing by 2 again, 1 must
be the equivalent of 20. (The power of 2 decreases every time you divide by 2.) That’s a new idea! 20
means something! It means 1, it has to mean 1, so that it can fit in with the table we have drawn up. One
day we may find this idea, x0, to be very helpful. Wait and see!

Note: Some teachers may like the idea of using different colours when they write down thousands or
hundreds, etc., as we have done in the previous section, but writing the figures in the correct columns
will ensure that the work is correct. The old Grade 1 idea of “bundles of ten” may also be useful – a
bundle of ten sticks held together by a rubber band has the same value as a “ten stick” of another

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This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/number-systems] .

Activity 1.1
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Take a sheet of A4 paper and cut it so that it measures 20cm by 20cm. We will call this The Square. It is 1
Unit. Draw ten lines across The Square (Unit) 2cm apart so that the page now has 10 narrow rows. In each
row write 0,1.

You can see that The Square is now made up of 10 rows, each of
which is 0,1 (or 10 of the Unit Whole). Now, on the back of the page, draw the same lines and then another
ten lines down the sheet, also 2cm apart. Now we have 100 Square Decimal Fractions. In every block, write
down the number 0,01.

You can see that the back of The Square is now made up of 100 blocks, each of which is 0,01 (or 100 of the
Unit Whole) By turning the page backwards and forwards you can see how 1 unit can be divided into 10
decimal fractions, each of them equal to 0,1 of the Unit Whole, and also how 10 decimal fractions, each of
them equal to 0,1 can be sub-divided into 100 decimal fractions, each of them equal to 0, 01.
Activity 1.2
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If you like, you can do this instead of Activity 1.1. Take a loaf of bread and cut it into ten equal slices. Now
each slice is the fraction 0,1 ( 10 ) of the original loaf. Cut each slice down the middle so that you have 20
parts, and cut each of these parts into five equal pieces. Now you have 100 small sections, and each one is
equal to the fraction 0,01 ( 100 ) of the original loaf. Then you can eat the bread. Which method is better for
helping you to understand decimal fractions?

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This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/activity-1-2] .

Forming Decimal Fractions
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A decimal fraction is equivalent to other forms of fraction; it is another way of writing the same thing. Con-
14 10 15
sider the improper fraction 5 . Since 5 = 2 and 5 = 3, our number must lie between 2 and 3 and in fact
it can be written as 2 5 . The way to calculate this is to divide 14 (the numerator) by 5 (the denominator).

14÷5 = 2 remainder 4. This means that we have 2 wholes and four fifths ( 5 ). If you do not remember how
to do this, return to the Unit on Improper Fractions in the Fraction Course and revise it.

But what about the 5 ? How do we convert this to a decimal fraction?

Remembering that decimal fractions are all really fractions with denominators that are powers of 10 (10,
100, 1 000 and so on), we need to convert the denominator of our fraction to 10 (or to 100, or to1 000, or
some other power of 10).

So using what we know about equivalent fractions,

4 4×2 8
= 5×2 = 10 .

(Can you see why we converted this fraction to a fraction with denominator 10?)

And 10 = 0,8

So 2 5 = 2,8

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Forming Fractions Using Division
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Another way to do this would be to remember that the line in a fraction can be seen as a division sign:

So, we could also say:

14 ÷ 5 = 2 remainder 5 .

We now think of an imaginary 0 next to the 4, making it into a 4,0 then write down the decimal comma, and
divide the 4,0 by 5.

5 will not divide into 4, so we write down a zero, and carry the 4 over the decimal comma and then divide:

So we now have 2 + 0,8 and that is 2,8.

You can check this answer using an electronic calculator; just divide 14 by 5.

Remember, adding zeroes at the end of a decimal number does not change its value. But you cannot add a
zero at the end of a whole number because then 6 (for example) would become 60!

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This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/forming-fractions-using-

division] .
Another Example
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Now let’s try converting the fraction 4 into a decimal.

Again, we need to convert the 4 to a number with denominator which is a power of 10 (10, 100, 1 000…….).


3 3×25 75
= 4×25 = 100 (using what we know about equivalent fractions)

To convert 100 to a decimal, the 5 needs to be in the hundredths space. This means that the 7 will be in
the tenths space.

So 4 = 0,75

Can you see why we multiplied by 25?

Can you also see what a powerful tool the conversion of fractions to equivalent fractions is? Make sure
your learners are able to make these conversions with ease. They need to do plenty of examples.

Now let’s try converting the fraction 4 into a decimal by division.

We now think of an imaginary 0 next to the 3, making it into 3,0 then divide 3,0 by 4.

4 will not divide into 3, so we write down a zero and the decimal comma, and we carry the 3 over the deci-
mal comma and then divide.

4 divides into 30 7 times remainder 2.

So we write down the 7 and carry the remainder 2. This means we have to write another imaginary 0.

4 divides into 20 5 times exactly:

So we write down the 7 and carry the remainder 2. This means we have to write another imaginary 0.

4 divides into 20 5 times exactly:

Answer: 4 = 0,75. Check this with your electronic calculator.

You can use your electronic calculator to check all your working, but it is important that both you and your learn-
ers understand how to find the correct answer and why it is the correct answer. The process of finding the an-
swer is far more important than the answer itself.

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This entry was posted on 30 September 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/another-example] .

Reverse Process
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Decimals, you can see, are equivalent to other types of fractions, i.e. 1 4 = 1,75. In reverse, we could say
that 1,75 = 1 4 . This is because 1,75 means 1+ 75/100.

75 75÷5÷5 3
Now 100 = 10÷5÷5 = 4 using our equivalent fractions again.

In order to convert a decimal fraction into a fraction with a numerator and denominator (which we call a
vulgar fraction), we write the decimal part as a fraction using a denominator of 10, or of 100, or of 1 000,
depending on how many decimal places there are. Change that answer to its lowest terms to get the final

Example 1.1

To change 0,6 into an ordinary fraction, write 10 . Then:

6 6÷2 3
= 10÷2 = 5

Answer: 5

Example 1.2

To change 1,008 into a mixed fraction, write 1 + 1000 (three zeroes for the three decimal places).

8÷2÷2÷2 1
= 125

Answer: 1 125

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Exercise 1.1
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Convert the following fractions into decimal fractions and check your answers with an electronic calculator.

1. 4
2. 5
3. 8
4. 2
5. 5
6. 8
7. 8
8. 8
9. 3
10. 7

Click here to see the answers.

Exercise 1.2
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Convert the decimal fractions into fractions with a numerator and denominator.

1. 0,2
2. 0,7
3. 0,8
4. 0,25
5. 0,375
6. 1,4
7. 1,5
8. 2,6

Additional question

Yesterday at the Johannesburg Securities Exchange the Top 40 Index increased by 0,1% while the All Share
Index increased by 0,04%. Which one increased the most?

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Quizzes Status

1 Decimal Fractions Lesson 1 Quiz 2

Answers to Decimals Exercise 1.1
1. 4,5
2. 3,6
3. 2,25
4. 0,5
5. 0,6
6. 0,375
7. 0,625
8. 0,875
9. 0,33333… Never-ending!
10. 3,1428571… Never-ending!

These last 2 are very interesting decimals. We call them recurring decimals. You will see that the answer to 1.3.9
is 1,3333333…. And it doesn’t matter how long you go on dividing by 3, you will just keep repeating the same
process. We say that the decimal goes on repeating itself to ‘infinity’. In other words, we could go on and on di-
viding for our lifetimes and get someone else to go on after we had died and they could get someone else to go on
for all of time, and the number would just keep repeating itself for ever and ever.

We write this number like this:

The ‘dot’ on top of the 3 means the 3 is repeated to infinity.

Now if we look at exercise 10, it is even more interesting. Here a whole group of numbers will carry on
repeating to Infinity. One way of indicating this is to write the number with dots on top of all the repeated num-
bers, so our number 3,1428571……. in which the whole group of numbers 1428571 is repeated to infinity would
be written like this:


Both forms may be used.

Answers to Decimals Exercise 1.2
1. 5
2. 10
3. 5
4. 4
5. 8
6. 1 5
7. 1 2
8. 2 5

Additional question

Top 40 because 0,1>0,04.

Check the first figure after the decimal comma (1>0). The 4 is only the second-placed digit.

Make sure you understand why this is so.

Comparing Decimals

Suppose you are cooking supper and the recipe calls for 1,5kg of Mexican
beans. You measure them out carefully and put away the rest of the packet.
Just as you are about to start cooking, you find one more bean on the table.
You quickly throw it into the mixture and put the pot on the stove.

You are probably not worried that the mixture is now slightly heavier. The ex-
tra bean has made it now about ,002kg heavier. The mixture now weighs
1,5002kg. But the 2 is so far to the right of the decimal comma that it counts
for almost nothing.

Lesson Topics

Decimals on the Number Line

More difficult Examples

A Practical Example

Which Number is Bigger?

Activity 2.1

Activity 2.2
Decimals on the Number Line
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Draw a number line across your page, running from 1 to 3.

Now fill in the number 2 right in the middle.

Now, can you fill in 1,5 and 2,5?

1 1
From the previous Lesson, you will know that 1,5 is 1 2 , and 2,5 is 2 2 , so you should have no difficulty in
filling them in. 1,5 is exactly half way between 1 and 2 and 2,5 is exactly half way between 2 and 3.

But now, can you fill in 1,2 ?

2 5
You will now know that 1,2 is 1 10 and 1,5 is 1 10 , so 1,2 is more than 1, but less than 1,5. It must lie be-
tween 1 and 1,5.

Between 1 and 1,5 the interval can be broken up into tenths. These tenths are smaller intervals, each of
1 5
which is 10 of a Unit, and so between 1 and 1,5 (or 1 and 1 10 ) there must be 5 of these smaller intervals.

If we enlarge the interval between1 and 1,5 it will look like this:

And where is 1,2? It is at the end of the second interval.

So on our original Number Line, the 1,2 is slightly to the left of the midpoint between 1 and 1,5
So on our original Number Line, the 1,2 is slightly to the left of the midpoint between 1 and 1,5

And what about 1,6?

Again 1,6 is 1 10 , or one tenth bigger than 1,5.

Just as there are five intervals between 1 and 1,5, each equal to one tenth, so too there are also five inter-
vals each equal to one tenth between 1,5 and 2. And since 1,6 is one tenth bigger than 1,5 it lies at the end
of the first smaller interval.

And on our original Number Line, it lies slightly to the right of 1,5

Remember, to find the correct place for each number, we read from the left. So 1,6 >1,5 (“greater than”) be-
cause the first decimal 6 of that number is greater than the 5 of the other number. This means that 1,6 is
further along the number line than 1,5. And 1,2 < 1,5 (“less than”) for the same reason and so 1,5 is further
along the line than 1,2.

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More difficult Examples
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Example 1:

Using a Number Line (from 1 to 2) can you fill in approximate positions for 1,2 and 1,3 and 1,6 and 1,23?

Here is the Number Line with 1,2 and 1,3 and 1,6 filled in. If you do not understand this, go back to the pre-
vious Example.

But what about 1,23?

Now 1,23 is equal to:

2 3
1 + 10 + 100 , so it is bigger than 1,2, but smaller than 1,3.

Also the interval between 1,2 and 1,3 represents 10

This is very important. Make sure you understand that the number 1,23 lies between 1,2 and 1,3
and that each interval in the Number Line above represents 10 .

Now if we take the Interval from 1,2 to 1,3 and enlarge it, we can break this interval up into ten hundredths.

Ten hundredths is equal to one tenth.

And our Number Line looks like this.

And 1,23 is 3 hundredths bigger than 1,2, so its position is shown on this Number Line.

So, to find the right place for 1,23 on our original Number Line, we need to find a point that is to the right of
1,2 and to the left of 1,3, but it is closer to 1,2 than 1,3.

Here it is:
Example 2:

Find 1,5 and 1,52 and 2,8 and 2,79 on a Number Line.

By now you should have realized that all these numbers lie between 1 and 3 on the Number Line

So we will begin with a Number Line from 1 to 3.

And you should have no difficulty in filling in 1,5 and 2,8 on this line:

But what about the other two numbers?

So let’s start with 1,52.

We know that 1,52 is equal to

5 2
1 + 10 + 100 , and it is bigger than 1,5 but less than 1,6.

Again, if we expand the interval between 1,5 and 1,6 and break it up into hundredths, we will get a Number
Line that looks like this:

And, we can fill in 1,52

And we can see that 1,52 is also closer to 1,5 than 1,6.

Now, look at 2,79:

We know that 2,79 is equal to

7 9
2 + 10 + 100 and it is bigger than 2,7 but less than 2,8

Of we expand the Number Line between 2,7 and 2,8, and filling in 2,79, our new Number Line will look like
7 9
2 + 10 + 100 and it is bigger than 2,7 but less than 2,8

Of we expand the Number Line between 2,7 and 2,8, and filling in 2,79, our new Number Line will look like

We can see that 2,79 is far closer to 2,8 than 2,7

Now we can place 1,52 and 2,79 on our original Number Line and it looks like this:

Example 3

Find 1,6 and 2,5 and 2,52 and 2,59 on this Number Line.

The Number Line with these numbers in their places will look something like this:

Look carefully at 2,52 and 2,59. They find their places with 2,52 to the left of 2,59 because they both have a
first decimal of 5 but 9>2. In fact 2,59 is 100 bigger than 2,52.

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This entry was posted on 14 October 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/more-difficult-examples] .

Two brothers are cycling home. Johannes takes 37,159 min-
utesPractical Example
and Lunga takes 37,2 minutes. They arrive very close to-
gether, but which one has taken slightly longer?
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Two brothers are cycling home. Johannes takes 37,159 min-

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and Lunga takes 37,2 minutes. They arrive very close to-
gether, but which one has taken slightly longer?
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Which Number is Bigger?

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1. 29,8 or 29,09?

= 29 was posted
while 29,09on 14 9October 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/a-practical-example] .
= 29
10 100

29,8 is closer to 30 because 0,8 is bigger than 0,09. The decimal 9 is further to the right.

So you can see that 29,8 is bigger than 29,09.

2. 35,07 or 35,2?

And again, the decimal 7 is further to the right than the decimal 2, so 35,2 is bigger than 35,2

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This entry was posted on 14 October 2014 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/which-number-is-bigger] .

Activity 2.1
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Pick out the biggest number in each group.

1. 25,3 27,9 28,4 28,42 28,377

2. 11,3 11,6 11,9 11,099 11,1
3. 4,1 4,01 4,001 4,0001 4,00001
4. 2 000,39 2 013,39 2 008,39 20 008,39
5. 1,052 1,067 1,0072 1,048 1,101

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Activity 2.2
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Write these numbers in order, starting with the smallest one:

365,22 365,29 365,02 365,212 365,222 364,99

Click here for the answer.

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Answer to A Practical Example
Lunga has taken longer, because his first decimal place (2) is big-
ger than the 1 that applies to Johannes.

2 1
Lunga has taken 37 10 minutes and Johannes has taken 37 10 +
5 9
+ 1000 , and Johannes’ time is less than Lunga’s.

The 5 and 9 count for less because they are smaller fractions (2nd
and 3rd decimal).

Answers to Comparing Decimals: Activity 2.1

1. 28,42
2. 11,9
3. 4,1
4. 20 008,39
5. 1,101

Answer to Comparing Decimals: Activity 2.2

Answer: 364,99; 365,02; 365,212; 365,22; 365,222; 365,29.

Rounding Off Decimals
Lesson Topics

The rule for rounding off decimals

Example 3.1

Example 3.2

Example 3.3

Example 3.4

Example 3.5

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The rule for rounding off decimals
This entry was posted in Maths Courses on 23 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/lessons/round-
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Suppose you are listening to the weather forecast and you hear that the tem-
perature tomorrow will rise to 23,22463921 degrees. That is not very useful,
and if someone were to ask you, you would probably say, “About 23 degrees.”
That is all we need to know.

If we were taking the temperature of a patient in hospital, or heating a liquid in

a chemistry lesson, we might want a more detailed figure. But very often we
simply round off our numbers, like this: “Table Mountain is about 1 000 me-
tres high.” “Swellendam is about 3 hours’ drive from Cape Town.” “That book has a couple of hundred
pages.” We don’t always need to be accurate.

Decimal fractions are sometimes so small that we can stop at the second or third decimal place. For exam-
ple, 7,239 is worth almost the same as 7,24. This figure is now “correct to the second decimal place”. That
means we have counted as far as the third decimal place and then moved back one place to round off the
figure. Since 9>5 (“greater than”, remember?) the 3 in the second place moves up to 4, because that is clos-

Let us be sure that we understand WHY we use this rule.

First we need to be sure we understand that 7,239 lies between 7,23 and 7,24 so when we round it off to 2
decimal places it will come out to be either 7,23 or 7,24.

Taking our number 7,239 and plotting it on the number line between 7,23 and 7,24:
First we need to be sure we understand that 7,239 lies between 7,23 and 7,24 so when we round it off to 2
decimal places it will come out to be either 7,23 or 7,24.

Taking our number 7,239 and plotting it on the number line between 7,23 and 7,24:

We have divided the number line between 7,23 and 7,24 into 10 intervals. Make sure that you understand
that each interval represents 1000 (or 0,001).

You can see that 7,239 is far closer to 7,24 than it is to 7,23. So we can round the number 7,239 off to 7,24.

If you look at this number line closely, it is clear that any decimal that is bigger than 7,235 (even
7,235000001) up to 7,24 on this number line is closer to 7,24 than it is to 7,23.

It is also true that any decimal that is smaller than 7,235 but bigger than 7,23 is closer to 7,23 than 7,24.
And so we would round such a number off to 7,23 if we had to round it off to 2 decimal places.

The only number that might give us a problem would be 7,235 which lies exactly half way between 7,23 and
7,24. By convention, we round it off to 7,24.

So here is the rule for rounding off decimals:

If you have to round off a decimal to a certain number of places, you

imagine a vertical line and look at the next decimal place – so 7.23|9. And then you move
back to correct the number in the required decimal place.

When you move back one place starting from a 5 or a bigger number, the original number
goes up.

If you move back from 4 or less, the original number does not change.

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This entry was posted on 23 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/the-rule-for-rounding-off-

decimals] .
Example 3.1
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Here are some examples that illustrate how we round off decimals.

Let us round off the following 2 numbers to 3 decimal places:

1. 2,5636
2. 2,5634


1. To illustrate how to round off 2,5636 to 3 decimal places we note that it lies between 2,563 and 2,564
on the number line.

And we draw the number line as we did before.

We notice that 2,5636 is more than half way between 2,563 and 2,564, so it is nearer in value to 2,564 than

So we have illustrated that rounded off to 3 decimal places, our number is 2,564.

To use our rule we look at the 4th decimal place (2,5636 ) which is a 6.

As 6 > 5, we round the third decimal place (2,5636) up one, and our number now becomes 2,564.

We say that 2,5636 is equal to 2,564 (correct to 3 decimal places).

2. To illustrate how to round off 2,5634 to 3 decimal places we now note that it also lies between 2,563
and 2,564 on the number line just as in Example A above.

And we draw the number line as we did before.

But now we notice that 2,5634 is less than half way between 2,563 and 2,564, so it is nearer in value to 2,563
than 2,564.

So we have illustrated that if we round off 2,5634 off to 3 decimal places, our number is 2,563.

To use our rule we look at the 4th decimal place (2,5634 ) which is a 4.
So we have illustrated that if we round off 2,5634 off to 3 decimal places, our number is 2,563.

To use our rule we look at the 4th decimal place (2,5634 ) which is a 4.

As 4 < 5, we keep the original third decimal place (2,5634) and our number is 2,563.

We say that 2,5634 is equal to 2,563 (correct to 3 decimal places).

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Example 3.2
1 Rounding off decimals - Quiz 1

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2 Afronding - Blitsvragies 1

Here is another example that illustrate some further points that might give your pupils some problems:

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This entry off
Rounding wasthe
posted on 23 February
next number, 2015
2,56349, may[http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/example-1]
cause more problems. .

But if we draw our number line and examine it carefully, we will understand the principles.
Firstly, we will notice that 2,56349 lies between 2,563 and 2,564. So if we round off 2,56349 to 3 decimal
places we will get either 2,563 or 2,564.
And we draw the number line as we did before.

Now 2,56349 is VERY CLOSE to 2,5635 and this is where the problem creeps in. But if we have drawn the
number line correctly, our number 2,56349 lies just to the left of 2,5635 and so is just closer to 2,563 than
to 2,564.

So we have illustrated that rounded off to 3 decimal places, 2,56349 is equal to 2,563.

To use our rule we look at the 4th decimal place (2,56349 ) which is a 4.

As 4 < 5, we leave the third decimal place (2,56349) as its original value and our number now becomes
2,563 when we round it off to 3 decimal places.

We say that 2,56349 is equal to 2,563 (correct to 3 decimal places).

This illustrates an important point:

If we are to round off to 3 decimal places, we ONLY look at the 4th decimal place (and no other dig-

Especially with a number like this where 2,56349 is very close to 2,5635, your learners will want to round off
the ‘4’ to a ‘5’, i.e. they will be rounding off to 4 decimal places, so getting 2,5635.

And then they will round off this number to 3 decimal places.

And as our rule says we round up the third decimal place when the 4th place is a 5, so they will make this
number become 2,564.

Clearly this is incorrect if you look at the illustration on the number line.

Give your learners plenty of examples of this nature so that they become aware of the pitfalls.

Example 3.3
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This entry was posted on 23 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/example-2] .
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Here is another example that illustrate some further points that might give your pupils some problems:


If we round this number off to 3 decimal places, and we use our number line to illustrate the example as
before, our rounded off decimal will lie between 2,569 and what?

Or to look at it in another way, between which two numbers, rounded off to the third decimal place
does the number 2,5695 lie?

Let us draw our number line again with 2,569 at the lower end. Can you see that the next number
rounded off to 3 decimal places is 2,570?

You will remember that by convention we round off the number up if the 4th digit is a 5, so we will round
this number 2,5695 up to 2,570.

Note that although the 0 has no significance numerically, in this example we have used it to show that the
number has been rounded off to 3 decimal places. In other words, we are showing the third decimal place
which happens to be ‘0’.

If we use our rule here:

number has been rounded off to 3 decimal places. In other words, we are showing the third decimal place
which happens to be ‘0’.

If we use our rule here:

We are rounding off to 3 decimal places, so we look at the 4th digit after the decimal comma. In our num-
ber 2,5695.

This number is a 5, and by convention we will round the 3rd decimal place up by adding one to the ‘9’.

When we add one to 9, we get 10. How do we deal with this?

We write the ‘0’ from the 10 in the 3rd decimal place and carry the ‘1’ to add it on to the ‘6’

Again, this type of question can lead to problems and so you need to give your learners plenty of examples
of this type and check carefully that they do understand what they are doing. Getting these questions right
now will make further work on estimating and using very large and very small numbers much easier in the
higher grades.

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Example 3.4
1 Rounding off decimals - Quiz 2

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Calculate 2,7863 correct to the second decimal place.

This entry was posted on 23 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/example-3] .

To illustrate this on the number line:

We know that the number 2,783 lies between 2,78 and 2,79 on the number line so we draw this part of the
number line.

We can see that 2,7863 is closer to 2,79 than it is to 2,78, so rounded off to 2 decimal places our number is

What we do using our rule: Go to the third decimal place (6). Because 6>5 the second decimal place now
moves up from 8 to 9.

Answer: 2,79 correct to two decimals.

Example 3.5
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Example 5.1

Calculate 14,1181 correct to the second decimal place.

Draw your own number line and answer this question using both the number line and our rule.

Answer: 14,12 correct to two decimals.

Example 5.2

Calculate 7,6429 correct to the second decimal place.

Draw your own number line and answer this question using both the number line and our rule

Answer: 7,64 correct to two decimals (the 2 is too small to change the 4 into a 5).

Example 5.3

Calculate 7,6499 correct to the second decimal place.

Draw your own number line and answer this question using both the number line and our rule

Answer: 7,65 correct to two decimals (the 4 changes to a 5 but the 6 does not change).

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1 Rounding off decimals - Quiz 3

2 Afronding - Blitsvragie 3
Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
Lesson Topics

Adding decimals

Subtracting decimals

More addition

More subtraction

Exercise in repeated addition

A practical example

Adding decimals
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This entry was posted in Maths Courses on 25 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/lessons/addi-

Topic Progress:
tion-and-subtraction-of-decimals] .
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Suppose that three workmen are clearing a space for a

school playground and all the sand that they find is to be
sold and needs to be carted away in a truck. The truck-dri-
ver weighs each man’s load so that he knows how much
to charge the school and how much sand there is to sell.

If the first man digs out 20,723kg of sand, the second man
digs out 19,005kg and the third man digs out 18,434kg,
how much sand have they removed?

Write the numbers down like this:

Your learners should have no difficulty in adding decimals as long as they take care to write the numbers
with the decimal commas all in the same column as we have done here. If this is done correctly, the hun-
dreds, tens, units, tenths, hundredths, etc. will all automatically fall under each other.
Your learners should have no difficulty in adding decimals as long as they take care to write the numbers
with the decimal commas all in the same column as we have done here. If this is done correctly, the hun-
dreds, tens, units, tenths, hundredths, etc. will all automatically fall under each other.

VERY IMPORTANT: Your learners should be encouraged to begin by making a rough estimate of
what the answer should be.

There is a tendency for all of us to use a calculator for every calculation and then we accept what-
ever we see on the calculator. At the earliest stage your learners should be trained to make a
rough estimate of what the answer should be for every calculation. They can then check whether
the answer they have is reasonable.

Can you see that our total will be between 50 and 70?

If you have difficulty with this, look at the numbers again. They are all roughly 20 (20,723 is slightly more
than 20, and the other two are slightly less). So our answer should be roughly 20 + 20 + 20 which is 60.

This is important. Now if your answer came out to be, say, 5,816 or 581,62, or even worse 5621,32 you
would know that there was something wrong.

Now, to add the numbers, starting from the extreme right, add the numbers in each column. If the column
total comes to more than 10, take the ‘tens’ digit across to the next column on the left and add it in there.
Remember, each column is worth ten times more than the one next to it, so that is why we “carry” the num-
ber to the left.

The last column adds up to 12 and so we write down 2 and carry 1 to the left. That column has a 2 and a 3
so with the 1 we have 6. The next column totals 11 so we write down 1 and carry the other one across the
decimal comma to the left. With the 9 and the 8 we have 17 and adding the 1 makes 18. We write down the
8 and carry the 1 to the tens column, where it now makes 5. Just the same as usual!

You can check this answer using an electronic calculator.

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Subtracting decimals
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Suppose that the school decides to keep 37,5kg of sand

to make a small sandpit. We can subtract that from the
total in the normal way,just as we did when we added the
numbers in the previous example.

Very Important: Before any of these calculations, ask

your learners what they think the answer will be.

So in this example, start by making a rough estimate of

what the answer should be. When we look at the num-
bers, 58,162 is pretty close to 60 and 37,500 is close to 40. So we expect our answer to be roughly 60 – 40
which is 20.

We begin by writing the numbers under each other in columns.

Remember to take care to write the numbers in the columns such that the decimal commas are all under-
neath each other.

We are now ready to subtract the numbers.

Subtracting the zeros is easy but to take 5 from 1 we have to “borrow” from the Units column, leaving 7
there instead of 8.Borrowing from the Units column makes the tenths column 11.Subtracting 5 from 11 in
the tenths column gives us 6. Subtracting another 7 in the Units column leaves 0. So the truck-driver rides
off with 20,66kg of sand (correct to the second decimal). See how close this is to our rough estimate.

Check this answer with an electronic calculator.

Remember, you can also check your work by adding upwards from the bottom line to see whether the
numbers add up to the same as top line.
Check this answer with an electronic calculator.

Remember, you can also check your work by adding upwards from the bottom line to see whether the
numbers add up to the same as top line.

(2 + 0 = 2; 6 + 0 = 6; 6 + 5 = 11, carrying 1 to the left across the decimal comma; 1 + 0 + 7 = 8; 2 + 3 = 5.)

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More addition
1 Adding and subtracting decimals
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Add the following decimals:

This entry was posted on 26 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/subtracting-decimals] .

63,342 + 12, 079 + 101,1073 + 28,343

As before, we begin by making a rough estimate of what the answer will be. Make sure you understand the
purpose of this step. It is there to make sure that your answer is reasonable. It must be just that, a rough es-

In our example, we estimate that our answer will be very roughly

60 + 10 + 100 + 30 = 200.

We are now ready to write the numbers in columns, making very sure that the decimal commas are all in
the same column under each other.

We add as we did before, starting at the right and working towards the left.

Our first column (the thousandths) comes to 21.

So we write down the 1 and ‘carry’ 2 into the hundredths column.

The hundredths column comes to 17.

So we write down the 7 and ‘carry’ 1 into the tenths column.

The tenths column comes to 8. (That one was easy)

The Units column comes to 14.

So we write down the 4 and ‘carry’ 1 into the Tens column.

The Tens column comes to 10, so we write down the 0 and ‘carry’ 1 into the Hundreds column.

Our answer is 204,871, which seems to be correct if we look at our rough estimate.

Check the answer with your calculator.

You will notice that we do suggest that you check your answers with your calculator. Your learners should
also be encouraged to do this. It will give them immediate feedback if their answers are wrong.

This is the first step to correcting problem areas. Your classroom should be a place where learners are not
afraid to make mistakes and are encouraged to ask for help.

Mark Complete

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This entry was posted on 26 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/more-addition] .

More subtraction
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Subtract these decimals:

23,403 – 18,216

Our first step is to make a rough estimate of the answer.

Our answer should be roughly 23 – 18, about 5.

We are now ready to write the numbers in columns.

So let’s do it! Simple table first:

So we begin from the right in the thousandths column as we did in the previous example.

We cannot subtract 6 from 3, so we have to borrow from the hundredths column, but we have a problem.
How do we borrow from 0? We are now forced to borrow from the tenths column as well.

Now the thousandths have become 13, and 13 minus 6 is 7.

The hundredths was 10 (after we borrowed from the tenths) and we borrowed one, so the hundredths is
now 9, subtract 1 which is 8.

The tenths was 4 and we borrowed one so the tenths is 3 subtract 2 which is 1.

In the Units column we cannot subtract 8 from 3, so we have to borrow from the Tens. So the Units is 13
subtract 8 which is 5.

The Tens is 1 (after we borrowed) subtract 1 which is zero.

Make sure you understand why we do not need to write this zero down.

We have found that 23, 403 – 18, 216 = 5,187.

Make sure you understand why we do not need to write this zero down.

We have found that 23, 403 – 18, 216 = 5,187.

This is in line with our rough estimate.

You could also check your answer with a calculator.

It is very important that you spend a good deal of time on this type of question with your learners and that

Exercise in repeated addition

they do many examples themselves. The more they practise, the easier the work will become for them.

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in repeated addition
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Progress: 1. Suppose that we want to fill an eye-dropper with a dose of 51cc of liquid. We
might start with 50cc and add 0,2cc at a time. The amount in the dropper would
This entry was posted on 26 February 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/more-subtraction] .
← Back to Lesson 1.
be 50cc,that
thenwe want
50,2 cc,to fill an
then eye-dropper
50,4, with a50,8
then 50,6, then dose of finally
and 51cc of51.
liquid. We
might start with 50cc and add 0,2cc at a time. The amount in the dropper would
be 50cc,that
thenwe want
50,2 cc,to fill an
then eye-dropper
50,4, with a50,8
then 50,6, then dose of finally
and 51cc of51.
liquid. We
Increase these decimals by adding 0,1 to each number.
might start with 50cc and add 0,2cc at a time. The amount in the dropper would
first be 50cc,
Increase thesethen 50,2 cc,
decimals bythen 50,4,
adding 0,1then 50,6,number.
to each then 50,8 and finally 51.
2,5 then 2,6….. up to 2,9.

Increase these decimals

2,5 then 2,6….. up to 2,9.by adding 0,1 to each number.
4,11 then 4,21….. up to 4,71.

2,5 then 2,6….. up to 2,9.

4,11 then 4,21….. up to 4,71.
3,01 then 3,11….. up to 3,91.

4,11 then
3,01 then 3,11…..
4,21….. up
up to
to 3,91.
6,6 then 6,7….. up to 7,3.

3,01 then6,7…..
6,6 then 3,11…..
to to 3,91.
8,123 then 8,223….. up to 8,823.

6,6 then
8,123 6,7…..
then up toup
8,223….. 7,3.
to 8,823.
Click here to see the answers.

8,123 thento
Click here 8,223…..
see theup to 8,823.
2. Increase these decimals by adding 0,03 to each number. It will help you if you place the numbers in the
proper columns.
Click here tothese
2. Increase see the answers.
decimals by adding 0,03 to each number. It will help you if you place the numbers in the
proper columns.
3,011 then 3,041….. up to 3,131
2. Increase these decimals by adding 0,03 to each number. It will help you if you place the numbers in the
proper columns.
3,011 then 3,041….. up to 3,131
2,222 then 2,252….. up to 2,342

2,222 then
then 3,041…..
2,252….. up
up to
to 3,131
0,944 then 0,974….. up to 1,064

0,944 then
then 2,252…..
0,974….. up
up to
to 2,342
Click here to see the answers.

Click 0,944 then

here to see0,974….. up to 1,064
the answers.
3. Subtract 0,2 from each of the following numbers.

3. here to0,2
Subtract seefrom
the answers.
each of the19,01
following numbers.
48,8; 22,2; 12,9; 7,367;

3. Subtract 0,2 from each of the following numbers.

Click here to see the answers.
A practical example
Topic Progress:

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Three brothers fill up their motor cars with petrol be-

fore going on a long journey to Laingsburg. The first
car needs 45,077 litres of petrol; the second car
needs 23,822 litres; and the third car needs 31,12
litres. How much petrol have they bought altogether?

First make a rough estimate of what the answer will

be: 50 or 80 or 100 litres?


You will notice that in nearly every column, 1 needs to be carried to the left. In the end, the brothers pur-
chased 100,02 litres of petrol (correct to the second decimal), or 100 litres to the closest litre. So we need an
extra column at the left! You can check this answer using an electronic calculator.

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1 Addition and subtraction of decimals - Final quiz

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Answers to exercise in repeated addition
Answers to 1

2,5; 2,6; 2,7; 2,8; 2,9.

4,11; 4,21; 4,31; 4,41; 4,51; 4,61; 4,71.

3,01; 3,11; 3,21; 3,31; 3,41; 3,51; 3,61; 3,71; 3,81; 3,91.

6,6; 6,7; 6,8; 6,9; 7; 7,1; 7,2; 7,3.

8,123; 8,223; 8,323; 8,423; 8,523; 8,623; 8,723; to 8,823.

You can check these answers using an electronic calculator.

Answers to 2

3,011; 3,041; 3,071; 3,101; 3,131.

2,222; 2,252; 2,282; 2,312; 2,342.

0,944; 0,974; 1,004; 1,034; 1,064.

You can check these answers using an electronic calculator.

Answers to 3

48,6; 22; 12,7; 7,167; 18,81.

You can check these answers using an electronic calculator.

Multiplication and Division of Decimals
Lesson Topics

Multiplying by 10

Multiplication by powers of 10

Multiplying by other powers of 10

Multiplying by powers of ten less than 1

Dividing by 10

Dividing by Other Powers of Ten

Multiplying and Dividing by Numbers that are not powers of 10

More Examples

Some practical examples

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This entry was posted in Maths Courses on 29 April 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/lessons/multiplica-

tion-and-division-of-decimals] .
Multiplying by 10
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Suppose that 3 brothers take a trip and they share

the cost of petrol. As it happens, petrol is very cheap
that day, and it is being sold for R10 per litre. The
drivers need to work out the total cost of the petrol
that they have bought.

They add the total amount of petrol that they buy and
this comes to 100,019 litres. To find the total cost,
they need to multiply the number of litres of petrol by
the cost per litre.

Then they are going to share it by dividing this total cost by three, even though one of them is only driving a
very small car.

Example 5.1 A Practical Example

We need to multiply 100,019 litres by R10. Luckily this is easy because each decimal place is 10 times big-
ger (or smaller) than the one next to it. So 100,019 multiplied by 10 becomes more (of course); in fact, it will
cost R1 000,19.

Multiplying by 10 moves the decimal comma one place to the right

because the number becomes ten times bigger.

If we were multiplying the litres by 100 instead of 10, we would get R10 001,9. The decimal comma has
moved another place to the right!

Dividing by 10 is the opposite. The decimal comma moves one place to the left.

36,8 litres of milk divided among ten families would give them 3,68 litres for each family.

Finally, the brothers want to share the cost of the petrol. They have to divide R1 000,19 by three.

Start from the extreme left (as you would normally do) and divide all the way through, carrying 1 whenever
you have to. Be very, very careful that you keep the decimal comma in the right place.

We cannot divide 3 into 1 (the digit in the thousands column) so we ‘carry’ that ‘1’ into the Hundreds col-
umn. The Hundreds now becomes 10, and we divide 3 into 10.
Start from the extreme left (as you would normally do) and divide all the way through, carrying 1 whenever
you have to. Be very, very careful that you keep the decimal comma in the right place.

We cannot divide 3 into 1 (the digit in the thousands column) so we ‘carry’ that ‘1’ into the Hundreds col-
umn. The Hundreds now becomes 10, and we divide 3 into 10.

This gives us 3, remainder 1.

We write the 3 under the Hundreds and carry the remainder ‘1’ into the Tens column.

So we now divide the 3 into the Tens column which has also become ‘10’. This gives us 3, remainder 1.

We write the 3 in the Tens column and carry the remainder ‘1’ into the Units column.

Carrying on from left to right, we divide the 3 into the Units column which is now also 10.

This again gives us 3, remainder 1.

We write the 3 into the Units column and carry the remainder ‘1’ over the decimal comma to the tenths col-

And so we carry on dividing the 3 into the tenths column which is now 11.

This gives us 3, remainder 2.

We write the 3 into the tenths column and carry the 2 over into the hundredths column.

Dividing the 3 into the hundredths column which is now 29, we get 9, remainder 2.

So we write the 9 in the hundredths column, but what do we do about the remainder, 2?

There are no thousandths in our example, so we can write a zero in that column, which means our thou-
Dividing the 3 into the hundredths column which is now 29, we get 9, remainder 2.

So we write the 9 in the hundredths column, but what do we do about the remainder, 2?

There are no thousandths in our example, so we can write a zero in that column, which means our thou-
sandths column becomes 20, once we have carried the remainder over.

And now we can divide the 3 into 20.

Which gives us 6, remainder 2.

We could carry on like this for ever, just adding more zeroes at the end of the number, but this would not
be helpful as we are trying to work out how much money the brothers each need to pay.

Notice that we have added a zero at the end of the number we are dividing into. This is so that we can car-
ry the 2.

The answer, then, is R333,396 each, or R333,40 correct to the nearest cent. (You can check this answer us-
ing an electronic calculator. Then try multiplying 333,4 by 3 and see what you get.)

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This entry was posted on 29 April 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/multiplying-by-10] .

Multiplication by powers of 10
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Firstly, we need to be clear what we mean by ‘Powers of 10’.

The powers of 10 are 10 ; 100 (10×10); 1 000 (10x10x10); 10 000 (10x10x10x10); 100, 000 (10x10x10x10x10)
and so on.

1 1 1
The numbers 0,1 ( 10 ); 0,01( 100 ); 0,001 ( 1000 ) and so on are also powers of 10.
But we will deal with these powers of 10 in another unit
when we discuss powers of numbers in general.

At the moment it is important that you do know that when we multiply a decimal by a power of 10 we sim-
ply ‘skip’ the decimal comma to the right. Here is an example:

Example 5.2.

Multiply all of these decimals by 10.

1. 3,345 2. 23,46 3. 298,376 4. 43,2 5. 0,582

We begin by noting that as we are multiplying by 10, the number needs to get bigger.

If the number gets bigger, the decimal will move to the right.

With your learners, it will be a good idea to start by asking them the question: ‘Is this number going to get
bigger or smaller?’ and make sure that they begin all of these examples with that question.
Since we are multiplying by 10 in all these examples, we ‘skip’ the decimal one place to the right.

Note that in No. 5, the zero

falls away.

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1 Multiply by power of 10 - Activity 5.1

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Multiplying by other powers of 10
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Multiplying by any of the powers of 10 bigger than 10 such as 100, 1000, 10 000, and so on is no different.

If we multiply by 100, we are making the number 100 times bigger so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 2 places.

If we multiply by 1000, we are making the number 1000 times bigger so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 3 places.

If we multiply by 10 000, we are making the number 10 000 times bigger so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 4

The rule is:

If we are multiplying by any power of 10 that is bigger than 1:

We count the number of zeroes in the power of 10 we are multiplying by.

Then we ‘skip’ the decimal comma that number of places to the right.

Remember, we are always going to begin by asking our learners: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or
smaller when we multiply it?’

Example 5.3

Multiply the following:

1. 43,24 x 1000
We begin by saying: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or smaller?’
Clearly it is going to get bigger.
This means we are going to ‘skip’ the comma to the right
Next question is: ‘How much bigger?’
As there are 3 zeroes in our power of 10 (1000), we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 3 places to the

Note that we had to add a zero for the last ‘skip’.

2. 5,3431 x 100
As in the previous example, we begin by saying: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or smaller?’
Clearly it is going to get bigger.
This means we are going to ‘skip’ the comma to the right
Next question is: ‘How much bigger?’
As there are 2 zeroes in 100, we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 2 places to the right.

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Multiplying by powers of ten less than 1
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The decimals 0,1; 0,01; 0,001 etc. are also powers of 10. And we can multiply by them by ‘skipping’ the
comma just as we did with the other powers of 10.

To do this we need to ‘skip’ the decimal to the left.

Why is this?
We are now multiplying by a fraction, and so the number will become smaller.
If we are multiplying a number by 0,1 we are multiplying it by ( 10 ), and so we are making the number
smaller. We are making the number 10 times smaller, so we ‘skip’ the decimal one place to the left.

If we are multiplying a number by 0,01 we are multiplying it by ( 100 ), and so we are making the number
smaller. We are making the number 100 times smaller, so we ‘skip’ the decimal two places to the left.

The Rule is:

If we are multiplying by any power of 10 that is smaller than 1:

We count the number of digits after the decimal in the power of 10 we are multiplying by.(Be Careful: Your

learners will want to count the number of zeroes and this will be incorrect)Then ‘skip’ the decimal comma
that number of places to the left.

Remember, we are always going to begin by asking our learners: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or
smaller when we multiply it?’

Example 5.5

Multiply these decimals:

1. 3,34 x 0,1
We begin by asking our question: ‘Is the answer going to bigger or smaller?’
The number is going to get smaller.
Are we going to ‘skip’ the decimal comma to the left or the right?
As the number will be smaller we are going to skip the comma to the left.

How many digits are there after the decimal in the power of 10?
There is one digit after the decimal comma so we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal one place to the left.

Note that we had to fill in the zero as a placeholder in front of the fi-

nal answer.

2. 66,5 x 0,0001Again we begin by asking our question: ‘Is the answer going to bigger or smaller?’
The number is going to get smaller.
Are we going to ‘skip’ the decimal comma to the left or the right?
As the number will be smaller we are going to skip the comma to the left.
How many digits are there after the decimal in the power of 10?
Note that we had to fill in the zero as a placeholder in front of the fi-
nal answer.

2. 66,5 x 0,0001Again we begin by asking our question: ‘Is the answer going to bigger or smaller?’
The number is going to get smaller.
Are we going to ‘skip’ the decimal comma to the left or the right?
As the number will be smaller we are going to skip the comma to the left.
How many digits are there after the decimal in the power of 10?
There are 4 digits after the decimal comma so we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 4 places to the

Note that we had to fill in extra zeroes as placeholders to

‘skip’ the decimal comma over.

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1 Multiplying Decimals - Activity 5.3

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This entry was posted on 29 April 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/multiplying-by-powers-of-ten-

less-than-1] .
Dividing by 10
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When we divide by 10, we are making a number ten times smaller.

So when we divide by 10 we move the decimal comma one place to the left.

Example 5.4 Dividing by 10

Divide all of these decimals by 10.

1. 3,345 2. 298,376 3. 0,582 4. 23,46 5. 43,2

We begin by noting that as we are dividing by 10, the number needs to get smaller.

If the number gets smaller, the decimal will move to the left.

With your learners, it will be a good idea to start by asking them the question: ‘Is this number going to get
bigger or smaller?’ and make sure that they begin all of these examples with that question.
Since we are dividing by 10 in all these examples, we ‘skip’ the decimal one place to the left.

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1 Dividing Decimals - Activity 5.4

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This entry was posted on 1 June 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/dividing-by-10] .

Dividing by Other Powers of Ten
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Dividing by any of the powers of 10 bigger than 10 such as 100, 1000, 10 000, and so on is no different.

If we divide by 100, we are making the number 100 times smaller so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 2 places to
the left.

If we divide by 1000, we are making the number 1000 times smaller so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 3 places to
the left.

If we divide by 10 000, we are making the number 10 000 times smaller so ‘skip’ the decimal comma 4
places to the left.

The rule is:If we are dividing by any power of 10 that is bigger than 1:

We count the number of zeroes in the power of 10 we are dividing by.Then we ‘skip’ the decimal comma

that number of places to the left. Remember, we are always going to begin by asking our learners: ‘Is this

number going to get bigger or smaller when we multiply it?’

Example 5.5 Dividing by Other Powers of 10

Divide the following:

43,24 ÷ 1000

We begin by saying: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or smaller?’

Clearly it is going to get smaller.
This means we are going to ‘skip’ the comma to the left
Next question is: ‘How much smaller?’
As there are 3 zeroes in our power of 10 (1000), we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 3 places to the left.
Note that we had to add a zero for the last ‘skip’ and the zero for the placeholder in front of the deci-
mal comma.

Note that we had to add a zero for the last ‘skip’ and the zero for the placeholder in front of the deci-
mal comma.

534,31 ÷ 100

As in the previous example, we begin by saying: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or smaller?’
534,31 ÷ 100
Clearly it is going to get smaller.
This means we are going to ‘skip’ the comma to the left
As in the previous example, we begin by saying: ‘Is this number going to get bigger or smaller?’
Next question is: ‘How much smaller?’
Clearly it is going to get smaller.
As there are 2 zeroes in 100, we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 2 places to the left.
This means we are going to ‘skip’ the comma to the left
Next question is: ‘How much smaller?’
As there are 2 zeroes in 100, we are going to ‘skip’ the decimal 2 places to the left.
Multiplying and Dividing by Numbers that are not
powers of 10
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Example 5.6

Three pals want to go to a 3D movie but they only

have R100 to spend. The tickets cost R27.88 each.
Popcorn Special is R8 per box. If they buy three tick-
ets, how many of them can also buy popcorn?

This problem requires everything – multiplication,

subtraction and division!

Step 1 – to multiply 27,88 by 3. Start at the extreme right, as in any multiplication exercise, and work
across, carrying the “extra” numbers to the left when needed.

3 x 8 = 24. Write down 4, carry the 2 to the next 8.

Notice that we are actually multiplying ( 100 ) by 3, so the 4 goes in the hundredths column and we carry the 2
into the tenths column.

3 x 8 again = 24, plus the 2 gives 26. Write down 6, carry the 2 across the decimal comma.

8 2
Again, we are now multiplying ( 10 ) by 3 and adding ( 10 ) (the 2 we carried), so the 6 goes in the tenths column
and we are carrying the 2 over the decimal comma into the Units column.

3 x 7 = 21, and the 2 gives 23. Write down 3, carry the 2 to the left.
3 x 7 = 21, and the 2 gives 23. Write down 3, carry the 2 to the left.

Notice where the decimal comma is in the answer.

And lastly, 3 x 2 = 6 and add the 2 we carried makes that an 8.

Cost of tickets: R83.64. The answer must still have two decimal places, just as it did when we started.

Step 2: Subtract the cost of the tickets from the total that they had. Borrow a 1 when you need it!

You can check your work by adding upwards in the columns (starting on the right), or you can see what
your electronic calculator says.

Now there is R16,36 to buy popcorn. Just enough for two of the boxes! (8 x 2 = 16). Maybe the youngest
person will have to go without.

So multiplying decimals by numbers that aren’t powers of 10 is exactly the same as the long multiplication
that you do with whole numbers. The only difference is the decimal comma. And this is where your learn-

ers need to be very careful. They must be very careful to keep the digits in columns with the decimal com-

mas underneath each other just as they did with addition and subtraction.

Mark Complete

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This entry was posted on 1 June 2015 [http://trainingteachers.org.za/topic/multiplying-and-dividing-by-

numbers-that-are-not-powers-of-10] .
More Examples
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Example 5.7

Multiply 18,207 by 4. Give the answer correct to two decimal places. Check your answer with an electronic

Remember to begin by estimating what the answer will be.

Very roughly, the answer to this example is going to be about 20 x 4 = 80

Multiply, starting from the right:

7 x 4 = 28, so we write the 8 in the thousandths column and carry the 2 into the hundredths

Now we multiply 4 x 0 = 0 and add the 2 we have carried. This gives us 2 in the hundredths column

Multiplying the 4 by the 2 in the tenths column, 4 x 2 = 8, so we write 8 in the tenths column and then
the decimal comma. Do you see that the decimal automatically falls between the tenths and the
Units now?

4 x 8 = 32 in the Units column. Write down the 2 and carry the 3 into the Tens.

And lastly 4 x 1 = 4. Add the 3 we have carried and we have 7 in the Tens column
And lastly 4 x 1 = 4. Add the 3 we have carried and we have 7 in the Tens column

We have been asked to give our answer correct to 2 decimal places, so we look at the third digit after
the decimal comma.
8 is bigger than 5, so we add one to the second decimal place when we correct to two decimal places.
Finally, check that this is agrees with our estimate earlier.
Our estimate was 80, and our answer is 72,83.
This is a reasonable answer.

Answer: 72.828 = 72,83.

Example 5.8

Divide 18,207 by 4. Give the answer correct to two decimal places. Check your answer with an electronic
To begin with we estimate what the answer will be.
16 ÷ 4 = 4 and 20 ÷ 4 = 5. As 18, 207 lies between 16 and 20, our answer should be between 4 and 5.

Remember that we are doing this so that we will know whether our answer is reasonable.

In this type of question, it is very common for your learners to end up with the decimal comma in the
wrong place. This means that their answers will be ten times too big, or ten times too small.

Starting from the left, 4 does not divide into 1, so we carry the ‘1’ into the Units column which becomes 18.

We now divide 4 into 18, which gives us 4 remainder 2.

We write the 4 in the Units column in the answer and carry the 2 (the remainder) over the decimal comma
into the tenths column

This is a very important step. Make sure that the decimal comma is in the right place in the answer.

We now divide 4 into 22 which gives us 5 remainder 2.

We write the 5 in the tenths column in the answer and carry the 2 (the remainder) into the hundredths col-
We write the 5 in the tenths column in the answer and carry the 2 (the remainder) into the hundredths col-

Now we divide 4 into 20 which gives us 5.

We write the 5 in the hundredths column in the answer.

We write the 1 in the thousandths column in the answer and carry the 3 (the remainder) into the next col-
umn.Now we divide 4 into 7 which gives us 1, remainder 3.

In order to do this, we only need the third decimal place.We could go on now, but we were asked to give the
answer correct to 2 decimal places.

The third decimal place is a 1. 1 is less than 5, so the second decimal place stays the same.

Our answer is 4,55, correct to 2 decimal places.

This is in line with our estimate of between 4 and 5.

Answer: 4,55175 = 4,55.

Some practical examples
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1. Whenever the shops have a sale, my wife uses her credit card. One
week she got carried away and spent R114,66 on pet food and on the
same day R298,45 on shoes and R836,12 on groceries. How much does
she owe now? Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: R1 249.23

2. I had to give my wife R2 000 to pay off her credit card. How much
change should she pay back to me? Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: R2 000 – R1 249.23 = R750.77

3. My uncle gave me a 2,5kg box of chocolates and told me to share it with

my two brothers. How much would we each get? (Correct to 2 decimal
places.) Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: 2,5 ÷ 3 = 0,833 kg = 0,83 kg

4. Then my cousin arrived, as he always does, so now there were 4 of us sharing. How much would we
each get now? Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: 2,5 ÷ 4 = 0,625 kg = 0,63 kg

5. I wanted some bags of oranges and the shop was selling 3,5kg in each bag. I ordered 12 bags. How
much did they weigh? Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: 12 x 3,5 = 42kg

3 beastly problems

1. The pet shop sells dog food in 7,5kg bags.

My dog eats 1,2kg every day. Will one bag
of dog food last him a week?

Answer: 7 days x 1,2kg = 8,4 so the answer is No.

2. In a one-day cricket match, “Mad Dog” McKenzie’s first over

recorded speeds of 122,7kph; 118,9kph; 124,6kph; 119kph;
120,4kph; and 91,8kph. What was his average speed? Check
your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: Total speed 697,4 kph ÷ 6 = 116,23 kph correct to the second
decimal place.

3. Animal Assistance wanted to

raise R500 to buy supplies
for stray dogs so they held a
“white elephant” sale. They
were able to sell the follow-
ing items:

1 china doll for R23.70

1 used rabbit hutch for R116.20
4 nature calendars at R3.50 each
1 painting of a horse for R99
5 tickets for the movie “Horsie Horsie” at R50 each
7 tins of cat food at R7.40 each.

They had to pay out R50 for use of the Scout Hall for the sale.
Did they reach their target of R500? Check your answer with an electronic calculator.

Answer: Total sales were R554.70 – R50 for the hall = R504.70, so the answer is Yes!


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