Bangok Model Compact City
Bangok Model Compact City
Bangok Model Compact City
the 21st century being called the age of are associated with less automobile use for
urbanization, during which period towns improving sustainability, and more creation
and cities have experienced an increase of of pedestrian areas in order to support the
50% in population. The effects of development of a “health city”. However,
urbanization are not the same world-wide; there is a limitation for Asian mega cities.
rather, they differ regionally. While the Bangkok Mega-city also has been
situation in the industrialized nations of experiencing a rapid increase in automobile
the world is challenging, it is still under use, and empirical studies in the high-
control. However, we have to face the fact density context have been scarce. The
that the inferior situation in the mega- studies have shown that the process of
cities of developing nations is escalating urbanization presents enormous challenges
and is, in many cases, out of control. for government, social and environmental
Hence, development of the subcenters planners, architects, and inhabitants of the
concept was selected as the solution to city. There are three points, as follow: (1)
Bangkok Metropolis’ problems. Nine What urban population should be realized
subcenters were developed in Bangkok to mega-city growth? (2) How should
Mega-city. The subcenters within the compact city policy and subcenter policy6
jurisdiction of Bangkok Mega-city serve serve as guidelines for the mega-city? And
the purposes of travel time and metropolitan (3) how should the urban population
structure, of improving the quality of life commute in order to carry out urban
in the mega-city in view of the current activities in the mega-city?
state of urban problems, and of discussion
of ideal urban infrastructures from the
standpoint of realizing the feasibility of
the paper proposed for land-use planning
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
growth in the BMR has been slowing mixing of conflicting functions, such as
down and turned negative between the the mixing of residential and industrial
years 2000 and 2006, dropping from 4.5% areas, which is potentially hazardous to
per annum during 1960–1970 to –1.0% per residents, insufficient provision of public
annum during 2000 to 2006. According to services, and the resultant deterioration of
the Department of City Planning, BMA, the living environment. However, the
the built-up area had expanded by nearly majority of economic and social activities
10% per annum from 1993 to 1995. are still located in Bangkok Metropolis
Depicted by aerial photography in 1995, and its vicinity. In addition, Table 2
there were about 39% of the built-up areas indicates a real household income of
in the BMA. Subsequently, the built-up 18,800 baht per month in the BMA and of
area is 700 kilometers2, out of a total of 18,000 baht per month in the BMR in
1,568 kilometers2 in the city’s administrative 2000. Moreover, the employment structure
area. However, the population density of in Bangkok varies greatly across its area.
Bangkok Metropolis increased from 4,001 Secondary employment structures such as
to 7,001 inhabitants per by 2006 commercial, financial, and service sectors
(Bang Kapi), from 1,001 to 4,000 play an important role as major sources of
inhabitants per in Lat Krabang, and employment. In the vicinity of Bangkok,
from 500 to 1,000 inhabitants per in the production sector was still the major
Bang Phli (see Figure 3). The characteristics source of employment in 2000 (see Table
of urbanization that indicate a change to 3). Thus, urban sites are initiated primarily
urban sprawl are as follows: (1) residential by the private sector. This is thought to be
population has declined in the central area; one of the reasons why the road network is
(2) commercial and office buildings are to poorly designed in built-up areas, and this
be found in areas such as Petchaburi, Rama I, situation is causing serious congestion in
Rama IV, Sukhumvit, Asok-Rachadapisek, town.
Victory Monument, and Central Plaza; (3)
suburban residential developments are
expanding in the eastern and northern
corridors; (4) areas within a 10 kilometers
radius from the center have vertical
extension; and (5) areas outside 10 kilometers
have horizontal extension. Unplanned
urban sprawls are currently in progress.
They cause not only traffic jams, but also
various problems relating to the urban
living environment. Problems include the
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City
Table 1: Total population of the Bangkok Metropolitan Regions (BMR) and its growth rate
classified by province in 1980, 1988, and 2006 (Unit: 1,000,000)
Total population (millions) Annual growth rate (%)
Province 1960 1970 1980 1990 2001
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006 – – – – –
1970 1980 1990 2000 2006
Bangkok Metropolitan
2.1 3.1 4.7 5.9 6.3 5.7 4.8 5.2 2.6 0.7 -1.0
Area (BMA)
Samut Prakan
Pathum Thani Vicinity 1.2 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.8 4.3 1.7 3.6 4.2 4.7 1.3
Samut Sakhon
Nakhon Pathom
Total BMR 3.3 4.8 6.6 8.6 10.1 10.0 4.5 3.7 3.0 1.7 -0.1
Sources: Population and Housing Census, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and Preliminary Report of
Population and Housing Census, 2000,
*National Statistical Office (NSO); National Economic and Social Development Board
Name of Province 1995 2000 1995-2000 Name of Province Primary Secondary Tertiary
Bangkok 21,000 18,800 -2.19%
Bangkok 1.90% 34.70% 63.40%
Nakhon Pathom 15,100 13,500 -2.22%
Nakhon Pathom 41.20% 31.90% 26.90%
Nonthaburi 27,100 24,200 -2.44%
Nonthaburi 18.10% 39.70% 42.30%
Pathum Thani 17,700 15,800 -2.25%
Pathum Thani 14.40% 59.50% 26.00%
Samut Prakan 15,200 13,600 -2.20%
Samut Prakan 7.80% 65.00% 27.20%
Samut Sakhon 13,000 11,600 -2.25%
Samut Sakhon 15.60% 62.20% 22.20%
BMR 20,100 18,000 -2.18%
BMR 7.60% 41.20% 51.20%
Source: UTDM (1995) and URMAP (2000)
Source: URMAP estimates (2000)
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
Table 6: Passenger-kilometer traveled and vehicle-kilometer traveled in Bangkok in 2005 for
various transports modes
Tables 5 and 6 show that city buses and integration of all public transportation
private-car users are potential shareholders modes with smooth transit systems are
in the issue of alleviating congestion necessary to compensate for the comfort
problems and air quality issues. Prior to that will have to be sacrificed by private-
taking this action, expansion of excellent car users. There are encouraging signs
but affordable public transportation and that some car users have changed to the
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
transit systems.
10 20 30 40 50
Activities and travel in three
subareas Distance from resident to downtown (km)
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City
work from home. Location of the residence Urban structural Number of residents
in hierarchy relation centers in the factor for traveling to
metropolitan area has some influence on downtown (%)
the frequency of participation in different Less 21– 31– 41–
than 30 40 50
activities. Visits to typical “urban” facilities 20 km km km
like cinemas and restaurants are more km
common among inner city dwellers, while Number of grocery
residents of outer suburbs go to other stores within 1.5 km
200 - -
distance of the
provinces more frequently, and spend dwelling
more time on recreation (see Table 7). Distance from
residence to closest 1 km - - -
primary school
Distance from
Table 7: Number of residents and urban residence to closest
- - -
structural characteristics of dwellers grouped kindergarten
Distance from
into three subareas near Suvarnabhumi residence to closest
- -
Airport daycare
Distance from
residence to closest - - -
Urban Number of residents for m
post office
structural traveling to downtown (%) Proportion of
factor Less 21– 31– 41– residence with a
than 30 40 50 green recreational 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1
20 km km km area of at least 5 rai
within 1 km distance
Distance from
residence to
14.39 16.19 24.46 44.96
downtown BKK Figure 5 shows daily commuting and
Distance from traveling that demonstrates the visual
residence to activity by using 3D graphical program
closest second 55.04 44.96 - - presentation. This figure aims to describe
order urban
center (km) the activity through urban facilities like
Distance from convenience shops, workplaces, and other
residence to facilities around their residential area.
30.58 69.42 - -
closest urban
rail station (km) Residents in three subareas, Bang Kapi,
Local area Lat Krabang, and Bang Phli, use the
population 18– 18– 18–
20 20 20
nearest urban facilities to their homes and
(dwellers/rai) commute around 41–50 kilometers to their
Local area workplaces. In daily life, travelers start
workplace 3:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
density (jobs/rai)
from home, take breakfast around their
Distance from residential area, and take a bus to the
residence to
railway station, a distance of 12 kilometers
closest grocery - - -
stores m with a trip duration of 30 minutes. After
spending 30 minutes on the bus, they
switch to various other modes of
transportation, such as the sky train, i.e.,
Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS), or
the subway i.e., Mass Rapid Transit System
(MRT), which takes only 10–30 minutes
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
of travel to the vicinity of their workplace. minutes and 10–20 minutes for doing
Then they go to their place of work on other activities and participating in other
foot, which takes less than 10 minutes. So urban services also situated near their
it can be assumed that the shorter distance workplace. After finishing work they will
may take a longer time and the longer go to department stores for relaxation,
distance may take a shorter time if they other venues for recreational activities,
use an appropriate mode of transportation. and then back home using the
At lunch time people will go for lunch transportation modes mentioned above.
near to their workplace for about 5–10
A behavioral model
N u m b er o f
This is a simplified behavioral model of r e s p o n d e n ts
the residential urban structure and other 70
social conditions which individuals are 60
assumed to influence daily through 40
traveling distances, accessing facilities, 30
meeting friends and on other activities, Distance of commuting to social functions for
250 baht on social work, and 3,500 baht residents in Bang Kapi subarea
on travelling to other provinces (see Table Number of
8). residents
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City
Figure 8 shows the distance and time that Table 10: Cost of commuting to social
residents of the Lat Krabang subarea spent functions for residents in Bang Kapi
commuting to engage in certain social subarea (Baht)
functions. The satisfaction of Lat Krabang
residents to perform social functions, go
shopping, watch movies, meet family, Cost of travel Min Max Mean SD
meet friends, and engage in other activities Shopping 7 100 37.94 26.016
is correlated with a distance of less than 20 Movie 0 0 0 0
kilometers and a time of less than 30 Meeting 30 1,800 379.17 703.821
minutes. Table 10 shows the cost of Meeting 6 100 68.67 54.271
commuting to social functions for friends
Other 200 2,800 914.29 933.503
residents in the Bang Kapi subarea. The provinces
cost for commuting to meet friends is 6– Social work - - - -
100 baht less than that for other activities, Others 14 500 184.67 273.396
such as meeting family at 30–1,800 baht
and shopping at 7–100 baht. Figure 9 shows the distance and time that
residents of Bang Phli subarea spent
T ime of commuting to social functions for commuting to engage in certain social
Number residents functions. The results for social functions
of in Lat Krabang subarea in Bang Phli show that the residents are
16 satisfied with doing these activities near
their homes, and this minimizes time and
10 cost. The distances shown for shopping,
watching movies, meeting family, meeting
4 friends, going to other provinces, doing
0 social work, and other activities are less
Less than 30 31-60 61-90 91-120 More than
than 20 kilometers and time is less than 30
minutes, with the minimum cost being
around 7–80 baht and the maximum cost
Time of commuting to social functions for residents
being around 150–2,000 baht (see Table
in Lat Krabang subarea
Number of 11).
Less 31-60 61-90 91-120 More
than 30 than 120
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
based not only on job and housing balance
20 but also on technical points of view
measured by activity and functionality.
These are important when considering the
0 quality of life in mega-cities. Although
Less t han 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 M or e t han
government policy is attempting to
Shopping Movie
relatives develop new connections between urban
Social work structures and various dimensions of
Others poverty affecting quality of life through
mega housing projects for low income
people, the low income people still meet
Time of commuting to social functions for the problems of which points of view are,
residents in Bamg Phli subrea
Number of
for example, considerations of the meaning
residents of cities as fields of transportation, as well
35 as those for securing urban spaces suitable
30 as a rearing environment for children
where such children can come into contact
with nature.
Neuman has proposed the compact city
0 fallacy on problems of urban sprawl and
Less t han
31-60 61-90 91-120 M or e t han
how to mitigate it. This is the goal of
Shopping Movie
relatives sustainability, which should focus on the
Social work process more than the form (Neuman,
Others 2005). He has argued that a compact city
should be created in the form of new
Figure 9: Distance and time for commuting
urbanism, and health community in such a
in Bang Phli subarea
way that social interaction is fostered
when communities are closer to one
another. Also it should be more pedestrian
Table 11: Cost of commuting to social
friendly, more convenient in terms of mass
functions for residents in Bang Phli
transit, and generally more sustainable
subarea (Baht)
than urban sprawl. Our study agrees with
Cost of travel Min Max Mean SD
Neuman. It concurs with “the compact city
(Baht) form of urbanism” and shows that the
Shopping 7 300 42.92 61.078 residents in three study areas enjoy living
Movie 7 150 52.33 58.078
Meeting relatives 7 1,200 156.19 307.195
in these projects with accessibility to
Meeting friends 7 500 98.60 166.650 facilities and services.
Other provinces 80 2,000 787.06 555.965
Social work 50 250 133.33 104.083
Others 10 300 114.50 124.761 We found that low-income residents enjoy
living there and having their workplace
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City
near their living area (not more than 20 unit areas under separate administrative
kilometers distant). Upper middle income zones, thus enhancing the quality of daily
groups, on the other hand, still work in the life.
Center Business District, commuting a
distance of 41–50 kilometers. For holiday The BMA’s policy has solved these
activities, most of them prefer staying at problems and the future of mega-cities,
home rather than participating in holiday with view over the growth stages of those
shopping around residential areas. Moreover, cities. The role of the mega-city, however,
the project location of Bang Chalong is far with large-scale urbanization, has taken a
from the public transportation project. toll in lifestyle terms, with Bangkok
residents sacrificing affluence and healthy
This study reveals that the urban structure living. A network structure has now been
of Bangkok Metropolis is close to the formed by transferring the functions to
compact city form of urbanism. This means Bangkok Metropolis vicinity areas, while
that the residents utilize urban structures promoting compact city policies from the
such as grocery stores, kindergartens, day- standpoint of residents, such as the
care centers, schools, post offices, etc., in division of mega-city areas into unit areas
and around the area of their residences or under separate administrations as places
not more than 20 kilometers distant. In for everyday life...
addition, the residents’ time for daily life
travel and distance for accessibility to The conclusion of this study shows that (1)
urban facilities, activity participation, and the problems facing the Bangkok mega-
local activities were related to the city have to be solved to a significant
efficiency of the transport infrastructure. extent; (2) the low-income quality of life
This implies that the urban structure has to be improved, although access and
directly affects travel behaviour through approach remain problems; (3) there is
car ownership and transport attitudes. inadequate low-income housing due to
Hence, the compact city policy in BMR high land prices around the restructured
should plan to use urban land for city; and (4) mega-cities create urban
sustainable development. There are three sprawl, which is not beneficial to the
aspects which must be emphasized in environment or the national economy.
Bangkok Mega-city, as follows:
1. Urban redevelopment projects
should be resized and the number of large- This study has included some measures of
scale urban redevelopments should be the urban living environment. The examination
reduced from now on, while a large number of the Compact City concept could provide a
of small-scale unit area development guideline for policy development for
projects should be promoted. mega-cities in the future. However, city or
2. Building of a network structure urban plans should be promoted as small-
should now be formed by transferring its scale urban redevelopments in each
functions to Bangkok Metropolis vicinity subcenter, connected with each other by
areas. mass rapid transportation (BTS or MRT).
3. Mega-city policies should be Additionally, Bangkok Sustainable City
promoted from the standpoint of residents, conditions should consist of the most
such as the division of mega-city areas into efficient social structures and balance of
MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities 11.2, 2008
Compact City Strategy of Bangkok Mega City