Planning Tokyo's Urban Development: Master Plan For City Planning
Planning Tokyo's Urban Development: Master Plan For City Planning
Planning Tokyo's Urban Development: Master Plan For City Planning
The Bureau of Urban Development has established as its main plans, the urban
development Vision for Tokyo, the Master Plan for City Planning, and the Master Plan
for Housing, to clarify its basic policies related to future urban planning in Tokyo.
Urban Vision
As a regional urban structure, while continuing to draw on the diversity of functions
concentrated in the city, the region will come together socially and economically to pursue
construction of thecircular megalopolis structure,which will allow the entire region to fully
demonstrate its functionality. On the local level, we will move forward with plans to create more
compact city hubs,through higher concentration of urban functions around train stations and
other central locations.
The vision divides Tokyo into ve Urban environment Central core
zones and sets out the role each zone will revitalization zone revitalization zone
hold in the Greater Tokyo Area as well
as the urban image that will be pursued,
detailing an image for each area based on
a wide perspective.
Measures and Mechanisms Natural environment
preservation and
In order to actively pursue policy-led utilization zone
Master Plan for City Planning (3) Policy for Development and Improvement
In FY2014, the metropolitan government of Residential Districts
made revisions to its city plans in which the This is a long-term, comprehensive master plan
following four policies are stipulated. Individual for the development of quality residential districts
city plans stipulated for city planning areas formulated in accordance with the Act for Special
must adhere to these policies, which are Measures to Promote the Supply of Housing and
outlined below. Housing Lands in Urban Districts.
(1) Master Plan for City Planning Areas (4) Policy for the Development of Disaster
This plan denes th e future vision of the Resistant Blocks
city from a long-term perspective and the path This policy was formulated in accordance with
to follow to make that vision a reality. The the Act for Promoting the Development of
direction urban development must take in Disaster Resistant Blocks in Concentrated Urban
order to realize the future vision claried in Areas and stipulates matters such as in which
the City Planning Vision for Tokyo is specic areas integrated and comprehensive
positioned within the city planning scheme, redevelopment should be advanced from a
and serves as the foundation for drafting disaster resistance standpoint.
individual city plans.
Conceptual Chart of the Master Plan for City Planning
(2) Policy for Urban Redevelopment (Formulated for each city planning area) (Formulated when necessary)
This was formulated in accordance with the (Obligatory) Policy for urban redevelopment
Urban Renewal Act and stipulates matters Master plan for city
Policy for development and im-
5) Revitalize suburban residential districts 10) Plan for recovery after earthquakes