KSU Immunization Form 2016
KSU Immunization Form 2016
KSU Immunization Form 2016
Students born before Jan. 1 st, 1957 are exempt from Part I. All other students must complete and submit Part I
International students must also complete Part II.
Requirement: TWO doses of MMR vaccine after the age of one Date: #1 ___________________
and separated by at least one month
#2 ___________________
If immunizations were NOT given in the MMR combined vaccine – please indicate dates received:
If you previously received a BCG vaccine, a blood test such as Quantiferon Gold is the preferred test to indicate absence of TB.
Date:__________________ Result (Check one) □ Positive □ Negative
If a current or past TB screening or Quantiferon Gold Test was positive, you will need to complete the following:
Chest X-ray date: ___________________ Result(Check one) □ Positive □ Negative
Treatment: □ YES □ NO – Document drug/dose/frequency____________________ Date and length of treatment_________________________