Wiffe N 1995
Wiffe N 1995
Wiffe N 1995
WIFFEN J., DE BUFFRI~NIL V., DE RICQL]~S A. & MAZIN J.M. 1995. Ontogenetic evolution of bone structure
in Late Cretaceous Plesiosauria from New Zealand. [Modifications ontog6n~tiques de la structure osseuse chez les
pl~siosaures du Cr6tac6 terminal de Nouvelle-Z61ande]. GEOBIOS, 28, 5 : 625~640. Villeurbanne le 31.10.1995:
Histological observations of homologous bones (vertebrae, ribs, humerus, phalanges) among conspecific juvenile
and adult Upper Cretaceous plesiosaurs from New Zealand (e!asmosaurs and pliosaurs) demonstrates a unique
"ontogenetic trajectory" of skeletal histogenesis in these animals. While juveniles demonstrate a ,pachyosteosclero-
tic" condition of the skeleton, adults have a very light "osteoporotic-like" bone structure. Until now, one or the
other of these histological specializations was known among aquatic tetrapods, adapted along contrastir~g pa-
thways to this environment, either by ballasting (pachyosteosclerosis : e.g. sirenians) or by lightening (osteoporo-
tic-like adaptation : e.g. modern cetaceans) of the skeleton. The successive occurrence of these constrasting condi-
tions during ontogenesis of a single organism had never been reported, as far as we know, but could well be an
ontogenetic characteristic of Plesiosaurs sensu lato. The significance of these findings are discussed in various
phylogenetical, functional and paleoecological contexts. The ontogenetic trajectory of the plesiosaur skeleton is
interpreted within the general framework of developmental heterochrony. Specifically, it suggests that juvenile
plesiosaurs kept a conservative (plesiomorphic) ecology for sauropterygians, as poorly mobile, lagoon or shore
dwellers while, in contrast, the adults would shift towards much more active ]ocomotory behaviours in the open
L'observation histologique d'os homologues (vert~bres, c6tes, hum6rus, phalanges) chez des juveniles et des adultes
consp6cifiques de pl6siosaures du Cr6tac6 sup6rieur de Nouvelle-Z61ande (61asmosaures et pliosaures) r6v~le l'ex-
istence d'une "trajectoire ontog6nique" tr~s particuli~re, int@essant l'histog6n~se du squelette, chez ces organis-
mes. Tandis que les juv6niles pr6sentent une nette "pachyost6oscl@ose", les adultes ont, au contraire, une struc-
ture osseuse tr~s all~g6e, "ost6oporotique", sans que ces termes aient ici de connotation pathologique. Jusqu'~
pr6sent, l'une o u l'autre de ces sp6cialisations histologiques n'6tait connue que chez des t6trapodes aquatiques
adapt6s ~ ce milieu selon des modalit6s tr~s distinctes, voire oppos6es, correspondant soit ~ l'alourdissement
(pachyost6oscl~rose : ex. les sir~niens), soit ~t l'all~gement Cost6oporose" : ex. c6tac~s modernes) du squelette. Leur
presence successive au cours de l'ontog6n~se d'un m~me organisme n'avait jamais, a notre connaissance, 6t6 signa-
t~e mais pourrait 6tre une caractSristique du d6veloppement propre aux pl~siosaures s e n s u l a t o . Les implications
de ces observations sont discut6es selon divers contextes : phylog6n~tique, fonctionnel et pal6o6cologique. On inter-
prate la "trajectoire ontog6nique" particuli~re du squelette des pl6siosaures en t e r m e s d'h6t6rochronie. Celle-ci
r6v~lerait le maintien, chez les juv6niles, d'une 6cologie d'animaux c6tiers et relativement peu mobiles, condition
sans doute pl~siomorphe chez les sauropt@ygiens, qui serait suivie, chez les pl6siosaures adultes, par une adapta-
tion diff6rente, li6e ~t une active locomotion en haute mer.
as more or less important remnants, in the me- regions in both adult and juvenile specimens.
dullary regions of the bones. 2) The periosteal They represent the ~wo taxa of Plesiosauria
cortices are generally compact, with a moderate found in the Late Cretaceous sediments of New
vascularisation. Moreover, they display very ob- Zealand, and commonly discovered at this site,
vious evidence of a cyclic growth. 3) Endosteal re- the Plesiosauroidea (the long necked type) and
modeling involves mainly deep (perimedullar) re- Pliosauroidea (the short necked, long headed
gions of the cortices. However, some Haversian type). In each taxon, adnlt and juvenile speci-
substitution is also noticeable within the cortices. mens share the same basic morphological featu-
res, and can be considered as conspecific with
This general picture of plesiosaurian bone struc- high plausibility (see on this topic Wiffen & Meis-
ture deals only with genera representing a rather ley 1986).
early radiation of the Plesiosauria, whereas the
evolution of this order continued up to the end of 1 Elasmosauridae (Plesiosauria, Plesiosauroi-
the Cretaceous. In the various lineages of ma- dea). This is a large long necked form, u p to 7-9
rine tetrapods, the histologic features of the ske- m in length, found only from the Upper Creta-
leton show distinctive evolutionary modifications, ceous in New Zealand, and relatively common in
while adaptation to an aquatic habitat becomes the marine sediments of Mangahouanga Stream.
more and more specialized (see e.g. the case of Though not identifiable with certainty at a gene-
the ichthyosaurs : de Buffr6nil & Mazin 1990, or
ric level on the basis of our material (isolated bo-
that of the cetaceans : de Buffr~nil et al 1990a ;
nes ; ef Wiffen & Moisley 1986), this form might
see also Nopcsa 1923a ; Nopcsa & Heidsieck
eventually be Mactisaurus. Eight skeletal ele-
1934; de Ricql~s 1989). Hence, the descriptions
dealing with Jurassic forms provide only a par- ments (Fig. 2), belonging either to juvenile or to
tial information. adult specimens were used for this study.
The distinction between juvenile and adult bones
The present study provides complementary data refers to several criteria : small size ; absence or
about adult and juvenile plesiosaurian specimens poor development of insertionaI surfaces for mus-
from the U p p e r Cretaceous, thus allowing a more cles ; poor development of articular heads of limb
detailed interpretation of the evolutionary trends bones (especially absence of separation between
in plesiosaurian skeletal specializations. capitulum and trochanter or tuberosity) ; poor de-
velopment of perforated surfaces at the extremi-
ties of limb bones ; unfused vertebral processes.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The paleontological material of the family Elas-
mosa~ridae includes : 2 vertebrae (one from a ju-
The paleontological sample for this study consists venile), 2 ribs (one from a juvenile), 2 phalanges
of 10 bones (Fig. 1, 2) from the Campanian-Maas- (one from a juvenile), and 2 humeri (one from a
trichtian m a n n e sediments of Mangahouanga juvenile),
Stream (Hawkes Bay ; New-Zealand). During the
last t e n years, a rich paleofauna was discovered 2 Pliosauridae (Plesiosauria, Pliosauroidea).
at this site, including terrestrial (cf. Wiffen & This large headed, short necked form is widely
Molnar 1988, 1989) and aquatic reptiles (cf. Wif- distributed in the Upper Cretaceous of Europe,
fen 1980, 1990 ; Wiffen & Moisley 1986). North America and the Pacific region, though
less commonly found at the Mangahouanga site.
Our bone samples (as indicated on Fig. 1), ver- Two pliosaur vertebrae (Fig. 2) were examined,
tebrae, ribs, limb bones and phalanges, have one of which being from a juvenile. Again, this
been selected from approximately the same material belongs to a series of isotated bones (cf
Figure 1 - Paleontological sample : general view of a plesiosaur skeleton, indicating the bones (in black) included in our sample.
Echantillon paldontologique : rue gdndrale du squelette d'un pldsiosaure, indiquant les os (en noir) qui figurent dans Fgchantillon.
Figure 2 Paleontological
sample : a d u l t a n d j u v e n i l e bo-
n e s used in this s t u d y , a -
A d u l t e l a s m o s a u r vertebra in
4cm l a t e r a l v i e w . The hatched a r e a
localises the position a n d
orientation of the cross sec-
tions (the same symbol is u s e d
for the other bones), b - J u v e -
nile elasmosau-r vertebra (la-
teral view), c - Adult pliosaur
vertebra ( l a t e r a l v i e w ) , d - J u -
venile pliosaur vertebra ( l a t e r -
x al view), e - Adult elasmosaur
humerus ( l a t e r a l v i e w ) , f - J u -
x\ x
i i
venile elasmosaur humerus
(lateral view), g - Adult elas-
m o s a u r phalanx ( l a t e r a l v i e w ) .
h - Juvenile elasmosaur pha-
,%' \
b ¢
lanx (lateral view), i - Adult
elasmosaur rib (fragment in
lateral view), j - Juvenile elas-
m o s a u r rib (fragment in l a t e r -
a l v i e w ) . Echantillon palgonto-
logique : os adultes et juvgniles
utilisds dans cette gtude, a,
Wiffen & Moisley 1986), which are identifiable At low magnification, the cross sections of the
with certainty only at the level of the family. vertebral centra of juvenile specimens display an
All these fossils are fairly well preserved, and extremely compact structure (Fig. 3a). However,
perfectly suited to histological studies since they a cavity is visible in the middle of each centrum.
are free of crushing or severe epigenization. They This represents a large vascular sinus, from
were imbedded in an epoxy resin, and several which some vascular canals with a small diame-
sections 3 to 4 mm thick were sampled from ter radiate. Medullary and cortical regions form a
them. The position and orientation of these sec- homogeneous, solid mass, quite deprived of
tions are indicated on Figure 2. These various spongy component. At higher magnification, the
samples were finally used to make thin sections vascularization of bone appears rather abundant,
50 to 80 gm thick, which were observed at low (x with narrow vascular canals showing irregular
25) to medium (x 100) power magnification, un- orientations. No qualitative difference is noticea-
der ordinary or polarized transmitted light. ble between the elasmosaurid and pliosaurid ver-
tebrae. The bulk of each centrum is mainly com-
posed of calcified cartilage. Under transmitted or-
OBSERVATIONS dinary light, this tissue typically appears to be
formed of a vitrous intercellular matrix, perfora-
VERTEBRAL STRUCTURE ted by numerous chondrocyte lacunae, more or
Juveniles less connected to each other, and disposed wi-
The inner structure of the vertebral centra of
adult individuals (Fig. 3b) shares nearly no com-
m o n feature with that of juveniles. In t1~e elasmo-
saurid and pliosaurid adults, the vertebral centra
have orlly a thin cortex (1 to 2 mm thick) of com-
2 crn pact periosteal bone ; the greater part of the sec-
tional area being occupied by a loose spongiosa,
the trabeculae of which are thin and form a
honeycomb-Iike network (absence of a predomi-
n a n t spatial orientation).
F i g u r e 3 - General a s p e c t of t h e cross sections in t h e verte-
brae. The s q u a r e s a n d rectangles localize the p h o t o g r a p h s dis-
played on F i g u r e 4. a, juvenile : b. adult. Aspect ggndral des At medium magnification, the outermost region
coupes transversales de vert~bres. Los carrds et rectangles indi- of the periosteal cortex appears to be m a d e of a
quent !es champs photographiques reprgsentOs it la figure 4. a. thin layer Qf primary lamellar-zonal bone tissue,
juvdnile, b, adulte. with evidence of a cyclic growth in form of trans-
luscent annuli and more opaque zones (for the
terminology of these structures, see Castanet et
thout obvious spatial structuration (Fig. 4a,b). al. 1993). The underlying part of the cortex is ex-
Polarized light reveals that the intercellular ma- tensively occupied by secondary osteons, a n d
trix is composed of numerous birefringent sphe- turns to a dense Haversian bone tissue (Fig. 4d).
rules forming polarization crosses. This peculiar Some rare erosion lacunae are aiso visible at this
histological organisation is characteristic of glo- love1. It is noteworthy that the secondary osteons
bular calcified cartilage (cf. Orvig 1951 : de are not composed of true lamellar bone, as such
Figure 4 - Histological characteristics of elasmosaur vertebrae, a - compact mass of calcified cartilage forming the vertebral
centra in juvenile individuals. Natural transmitted light, b - calcified cartilage in the same individual, viewed in polarized light.
Remark the presence of birefringent cartilage globules, and that of intracartilagineous "pipes" of endosteal bone (arrow). e -
Woven-fibered periosteal bone (right side), flanking the calcified cartilage in the ventral region of a juvenile centrum. Polarized
light, d - Dense Haversian bone forming the cortex of the vertebral centrum in an adult individual. Natural t r a n s m i t t e d light, e
- Secondary osteons made of pseudolamellar bone tissue in the cortex of an adult vertebra. The left half is viewed in polarized
light, f - Trabeeulae of remodeled endosteal lamellar bone tissue in an adult individual. Remnants of calcified cartilage (arrow)
are still visible in the core of the trabeculae. The right half is viewed in polarized light. Caract~res histologiques des vert~bres
d ~ l a s m o s a u r e s , a - M a s s e compacte de cartilage calcifid f o r m a n t les c e n t r u m s vertgbraux des juvdniles. L u m i ~ r e ordinaire trans-
raise, b ~ Cartilage calcifid chez le m~rne individu. L u m i ~ r e polarisde. A noter la prdsence de globules cartilagineux birdfringents et
celle de gros c a n a u x i n t r a c a r t i l a g i n e u x bordds d'os endostdal, e - Os pdriostique "& fibres enchev~trdes" (c6tg droit) b o r d a n t le
cartilage calcifid d a n s la rdgion ventrale d'un c e n t r u m juvdnile. Lumi~re polarisde, d - Os haversien dense f o r m a n t le cortex d u
c e n t r u m vertdbral chez l'adulte. Lurni~re naturelle transrnise, e - Ostdones secondaires compos~s de tissu p s e u d o l a m e l l a i r e d a n s le
cortex d~un c e n t r u m adulte. L a moitid g a u c h e est vue en lurni~re poIarisde, f - Travdes d'os endostgal lamellaire r e m a n i d chez
l'adulte. Des restes de cartilage calcifid (fl~che) d e m e u r e n t au coeur des travdes. Moitid droite : lurni~re polarisge.
The trabeculae of the spongy formations are typi-
"'"" 6a cally composed of true lamellar bone tissue, with
evidence of an intense remodeling (Fig. 4f). Near-
ly all trabeculae are thus built of a more or less
complex set of bone platings, separated from each
other by reversion lines. Moreover, the presence
of numerous Howship's lacunae on the surface of
the trabeculae is quite general. In the central (in-
nermost) region of the vertebral centra, some tra-
becutae retain scarce remnants of calcified carti-
lage, under the superficial platings of Iamellar
bone tissue (Fig. 4f).
F i g u r e 6 - Histological c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t h e p h a l a n g e s a n d h u m e r u s in t h e e l a s m o s a u r s p e c i m e n s , a - P e r i o s t e a l cortex a n d
s u b j a c e n t c a r t i l a g i n o u s m e d u l l a in a j u v e n i l e p h a l a n x . N a t u r a l t r a n s m i t t e d light, b - Detailed view of t h e p r i m a r y t r a b e c u l a e in
t h e m e d u l l a r y region. T h e t r a b e c u l a e a r e m a d e of a t h i c k core of calcified cartilage, covered by p l a t i n g s of p s e u d o l a m e l l a r
e n d o s t e a l bone. N a t u r a l t r a n s m i t t e d light, c - R e m o d e l e d e n d o s t e a l t r a b e c u l a e in t h e m e d u l l a y region of a n a d u l t p h a l a n x . A t
l e a s t two s u c c e s s i v e cycles of r e s o r p t i o n a n d r e c o n s t r u c t i o n a r e visible. Polarized light, d - H u m e r a l cortex of t h e j u v e n i l e
i n d i v i d u a l . T h e cortex is c o m p o s e d of woven-fibered b o n e t i s s u e , w i t h a n a b u n d a n t plexiform-like v a s c u l a r s u p p l y . N a t u r a l
t r a n s m i t t e d light, e - Calcified c a r t i l a g e in t h e m e d u l l a r y region of t h e j u v e n i l e h u m e r u s . N a t u r a l t r a n s m i t t e d light, f - Cortex
m a d e of d e n s e H a v e r s i a n bone in t h e a d u l t h u m e r u s . N a t u r a l t r a n s m i t t e d light.
Caraet~res histologiqaes des p h a l a n g e s et de F h u m d r u s chez les dlasrnosaures, a - Cortex pdriostique et rnddulla cartiIagineuse
d a n s la p h a l a n g e juvdnile. L u m i ~ r e ordinaire transmise, b - Ddtail des trav~es p r i m a i r e s de la rdgion mgdullaire. Les travdes sont
formdes de cartilage caleifid recouvert de placages d'os endostdal pseudolamellaire, lumi~re ordino ~re transrnise, c - Trav~es endos-
tgales r e m a n i d e s d a n s la rdgion m d d u l l a i r e d'une p h a l a n g e adulte. A u mo~ns d e u x cycles r~sorption et de reconstruction suceessifs
sont visibles. Lurni~re polarisde, d - Cortex de l ' h u m d r u s d ' u n spdcirnen juvdnile. Le cortex est forrnd d'os "h fibres enchev~trdes",
p o u r v u d ' u n a b o n d a n t rdseau vasculaire de type plexiforrne. Lumi~re ordinaire transrnise, e - Cartilage caleifid d a n s la m d d u l l a de
l'hurndrus juvgnile. Lurni~re ordinaire transmise, f - Cortex composd de tissu haversien dense ehez l'adulte~ lumi~re ordinaire
The sections examined here suggest that the mo-
S rnm dalities of osteogenesis, as it occurred in the ver-
tebrae, ribs and appendicular skeleton of the ple-
siosaurians, had certain original features that
were not hitherto encountered among other
groups of aquatic tetrapods.
The characteristics of bone structure in the juve-
niles fit exactly the definition of pachyosteosclero-
sis (cf. Domning & de Buffr6nil 1991) : periosteal
cortices are most often hyperplasic, whilst the
medullary region is solid and compact. However,
it is not quite obvious that all the bones of the
skeleton shared the same peculiarities. The gir-
dles seem to have had a rather unspecialized di-
plo~ structure (Wiffen pers. obs.). It is also to be
kept in mind that, in the long limb bones and
phalanges, the sections are at a metaphyso-dia-
physeal level, not in the middle of the diaphyses.
Hence, the presence of calcified cartilage at this
level in our bone samples, though much more ex-
5mm tensive than in "normal" bones, could be partly
related to topographical reasons (relative proxi-
F i g u r e 8 - G e n e r a l a s p e c t of t h e cross sections in t h e ribs. a,
j u v e n i l e ; b, a d u l t . Aspect ggngral des coupes transversales de
mity of the epiphyses).
c6tes, a, juvgnile, b, adulte.
The osteosclerotic features in the skeleton of the
young plesiosaurians are exactly similar to the
dicular elements (calcified cartilage associated structural peculiarities described in the ribs,
with "pipes" of endosteal pseudolamellar bone). limbs and some skull bones of the sirenians
Evidence of a resorptive activity, in the form of (Fawcett 1942 ; de Buffr6nil & Schoevaert 1988).
large erosion lacunae, is present, but less pro- As first demonstrated by Nopcsa & Heidsiek
nounced than in the diaphyseal medulla of the (1934), several other groups share the same spe-
humerus. cialization of bone structure, sometimes extended
to the whole skeleton : various rachitomous and
In the adult (Fig. 8b), the general texture of bone stereospondylous stegocephalians (de Ricql6s
is extremely cancellous, as in the other skeletal 1975a), mesosaurs (de Ricql6s 1974, 1975a,b.),
elements. In the central region of the diaphysis, champsosaurs (de Buffr6nil et al. 1990), pachy-
the fusion of several large erosion lacunae creates pleurosaurids (Zangerl 1935 ; Sander 1990), Ce-
a wide axial cavity with an irregular outline. nomanian snake-like squamates (Nopcsa 1923b,
Morphologically, this can be considered as a me- 1925 ; de Buffr6nil & Rage 1993), and even the
dullary cavity. primitive cetaceans (Basilosauridae), the ribs of
which are highly pachyosteosclerotic (de Buffr6nil
The cortical region is more or less spongy in tex- et al. 1990a). In all cases, the peculiarities of
ture (numerous resorption cavities scattered ran- bone structure arise apparently from the same
domly), and made of a dense Haversian tissue cause : a steep inhibition of chondroclastic and, to
displaying several subsequent generations of se- a lesser extent, osteoclastic activities, which fi-
condary osteons. In deeper territories, the trabe- nally results in a delay or a deficit in endochon-
culae forming the spongiosa are composed of a dral bone differentiation. In the young plesio-
complex set of endosteal platings, produced by an saurs, the destruction of calcified cartilage by the
layers of compact cortices, This led to a n osteopo- This hypothesis could eventually account for ~he
retic-tike state quite similar to that described in presence of osteosclerosis in the young plesiosau-
the dolpMns or the ichthyosaurs (int. al, de Buf- rian specimens, but it does not seem relevant to
f r g ~ 1990). explain the complex evolution of this character in
the course of ontogeny.
The abundance of resorption lacunae in the deep
cortical regions, as well as the intense remodel-
The second hypothesis, already suggested by No-
ling to which the trabeculae of the spongy forma-
pcsa (e,g. 1923a) and developed by de Ricql~s
tions were submitted, both suggest that the os-
(1975a, 1989) relies on a general interpretive
tegp0rotic,like state of adult plesiosaurs probably
r e s ~ t e d f r o m a quantitative imbalance between frame which refers to the knowledge hitherto
thel destructive (osteoclastic) and reconstructive available about the heterochronic development
(os:teobas~ic) stages involved in bone remodelling. (paedomorphism by neoteny) of the skeleton in
A similar mechanism has been described in ceta- some urodeles: Ifor a definition of the terms used
ceans (de BuffrSnil & Schoevaert 1988) and could in the studies of developmental heterochrony, see
have occurred as well in the ichthyosaurs (of. de Goutd 1977 ; Alberch et al. 1979}. This interpre-
B u ~ n i l & Mazin 1990). tation involves a rather complex cascade of phy-
siologic and genetic determinisms.
The possibility of a reversion in the pattern of
oste0geny; which would turn a pachyosteosclero- It may be appropriate here to review first the
tie s t a t e into a n osteoporotic-like one during onto- data relevant to the immediate, physiologic, de-
geny' h a s specific bearings on the interpretation terminisms that may be involved, at the indivi-
of the d e t e ~ i n i s m s of these states. Rather dif- dual level, in the heterochronic development of
ferent hypotheses have indeed been proposed to the skeleton, and then to discuss how such a pro-
e ~ I N n ~he presence of osteosclerosis in aquatic tess could have a bearing on adaptive and phylo-
te~rapods: genetic issues.
In the tetrapods re-adapting to an aquatic habi- minism of this developmental pattern was essen-
tat, the light, pressure and temperature cons- tially epigenetic (Baldwin effect). This would by
traints which characterise this medium have an no means involve a Lamarckian interpretation,
influence on hypophyseal activity (via a direct ac- but a shii~ (towards paedomorphy) in the genetic
tion on the epiphyso-diencephalic complex), and program of skeletal development, by means of a
tend to inhibit the production of thyreostimuline genetic selection under definite selective pressu-
hormone (TSH), while the production of prolac- res from the aquatic habitat.
tine is conversely increased. The secretion of
growth hormone (GH), which is involved in the In its main aspects, this hypothesis could account
control of dermo-periosteal ossifications, is but rather well for the observations made herein,
slightly modified, or can be increased, in this con- whether bone osteosclerosis of the juveniles is
text. considered as an epigenetically-derived (purely
somatic) heterochrony of skeletal development, or
Hence, the general endocrinian equilibrium of the as the result of a (more probable) genetic evolu-
organism is finally modified, with a level of circu- tion. The action of epigenetic factors only (espe-
lating thyroxine (and perhaps also parathormone) cially the thermic constraints of sea water), ac-
more or less steeply reduced, and a level of calci- ting specifically on juveniles in relation, for
tonine (produced by the activation of ultimobran- example, to their small body mass and limited
chial body by prolactine), and perhaps also thermal inertia, seems to be possible, but would
growth hormone, increased. Thyro~dian hormones have to face some contradictory elements. Indeed,
have an activating effect on the basal metabolic the rapid periosteal accretion visible on most bo-
level of the organism, and also on the clastic cells nes suggests that the growth rate of the juveni-
involved in the resorption of cartilage and bone. les, and perhaps also their metabolic activity,
Conversely, calcitonin inhibits the activity of the- were high and sustained (int. al. de Ricql~s 1972,
se cells. In reference to these elements, it can be 1976a). In this respect, the hypothesis of e.g. a
admitted that the general endocrine terrain indu- systemic thyro~dian deficiency would seem unlik-
ced by the abiotic parameters of an aquatic habi- ely.
tat could explain the persistance of calcified carti-
lages (inhibition of chondroclasts activity), the Conversely, the hypothesis of an evolutionary
consecutive regression of endochondral ossifica- modification of the program controling the timing
tion, and, to a lesser extent, the hyperplasy of pe- of skeletal development might seem more easily
riosteal cortices (action of growth hormone). Such acceptable. Within this frame, one could suppose
determinisms would exist in amphibians, where that the new programm would integrate a com-
they were principally studied, but also in various plex information involving an early inhibition,
groups of aquatic tetrapods with an osteosclerotic followed by a later increase, of clastic cells activi-
skeleton (see references in e.g. de Ricql~s 1975a, ties, the whole pattern taking place on the back-
1989). ground of a high growth rate of the body.
In the amphibian taxa for which a developmental It is noteworthy that the hypothesis of hetero-
heterochrony is facultative, the constraints of an chronic mechanisms for explaining the peculiari-
aquatic habitat have a direct, epigenetic action. ties of bone in the juvenile plesiosaurs would also
Hence, their ultimate effect on e.g. skeletal struc- integrate a complementary aspect, dealing with
ture may admit some lability (see discussion in phylogenetic trends within the Plesiosauria,
Breuil 1992). Conversely, in the taxa for which a which will be discussed in the following section.
developmental heterochrony is not facultative
(e.g. proteids and sirenids), it seems likely that PHYLOGENETICAL CONSIDERATIONS
one or several mutations of regulatory genes,
with inhibiting or activating effects at any level The most generalized, or plesiomorphic, Plesio-
of the cascade of factors controlling osteogenesis, sauria are supposed to be the pistosaurs, from
have been positively selected during evolution, as the Upper Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic). They
a relevant answer to the adaptive requirements represent a transition with the paraphyletic
of life in water. grade of primitive Triassic sauropterygians, col-
lectively designated under the term nothosaurs.
It is noteworthy that this genetic control of a The latter are supposed to have had an amphi-
paedomorphic skeletal development could well be, bious, but mainly aquatic, habitat in neritic zones
within a given taxonomic lineage, evolutionary (int. al. Saint-Seine 1955 ; Mazin 1988). Among
subsequent to an initial stage at which the deter- these forms, pachyosteosclerosis has been re-
cognized and described histologically in several thors (see Introduction) give a reasonable t e r m of
genera : e.g. Pachypleurosaurus, Seresiosaurus, comparison between early (Early or Middle Ju-
Neusticosaurus, Proneusticosaurus, all being rela- rassic) and late (Late Cretaceous) plesiosaurians.
tively small forms (see. int. al. Nopcsa & Heid- Two main differences distinguish the structural
sieck 1934 ; Zangerl 1935 ; Sander 1990 ; de characteristics of bone between these two groups:
Ricql~s 1992). This structural specialization of 1) The rate of periosteal accretion seems much
the skeleton can be understood as a skeletal pae- higher in the Late Cretaceous forms. Moreover,
domorphosis, at the histological level. Indeed, the the evidence of a cyclicity in growth rate is very
"ontogenetic trajectory" of the endoskeleton is not faint in these animals, whereas it is quite ob-
completed, due to the relative retardation of en- vious in the Jurassic specimens. A rapid perios-
dochondral ossification. Hence, according to the teal accretion would thus be a derived condition.
terminology of Alberch et al. (1979), the morpho- 2) Remodelling activity (occuring either as Hayer-
logical condition (paedomorphosis) would be the sian substitution or as a superficial remodelling
result of a neotenic process. of the medullary trabeculae) is more pronounced
in the Late Cretaceous forms, with a typical im-
There is a very close histological similarity be- balance between resorption and reconstruction
tween the Triassic nothosaurs and the Upper leading to a cancellous structure of periesteal cor-
Cretaceous juvenile plesiosaurs and pliosaurs tices. This would also be a derived condition.
described above. This similarity obviously invol- Conversely, the persistance of calcified cartilages
ves the osteosclerotic state of endochondral ossifi- in the juvenile skeletons would have been already
cation, and the pachyosteotic hyperplasy of pe- present (though less spectacular) in Plesiosaurus,
riosteal cortices. In this respect, the ontogenic as shown by Kiprijanoffs ilustrations. Hence, this
trajectory of skeletal histogenesis in our Creta- would indeed represent a primitive (plesiomor~
ceous sauropterygians could readily be interpre- phic) condition.
ted as an excellent example of '!recapitulation", as
defined by Alberch et al. (1979). Indeed, the juve- These elements would suggest t h a t the more par-
nile individuals of the advanced forms would re- simonious hypothesis remains, for the present,
produce, during their ontogenetic development, that of a historical continuity of a specialized on-
structural stages which were those of adults in togenic trajectory, which would be maintained,
the primitive forms of the lineage. Later on, the for some of its aspects (histological paedomorpho-
end of their ontogenic development would be sis with extensive and protracted persistance of
characterized by the final addition of a new, ori- calcified cartilages), within the Sanropterygia,
ginal stage in their developmental program, not from the Triassic up to the Late Cretaceous In
present in ancestral forms. spite of the geological durations involved, the per-
sistance of such a specialization is likely : among
An alternative to this scenario would be to consi- sirenians, the specialized histogenesis of the ske-
der a phenomenon of evolutionary parallelism : leton appears to be one of the most constant
i.e. the original ontogenic trajectory of the Upper characteristics of the clade (int. al. Savage 1976).
Cretaceous forms, especially the strong pachyos-
teosclerosis of the juveniles, would itself be an In this measure, the Late Cretaceous plesiosaurs
evolutionary novelty, derived from immediate an- would have retained, and even increased, during
cestors with a "normal" (non-pachyosteosclerotic) their juvenile stages of growth, a specialized pat-
development. Hence, this specialization would tern of skeletal development already present in
have been acquired recently, without close rela- the early plesiosaurids and their nothosaurian
tionship to the one (though identical) already pre- ancestors (histological paedomorphosis in en-
sent in Triassic nothosaurs. This hypothesis is doskeletal development). But they would have
plausible, if one takes into accoiunt the important added to this pattern two derived conditions. : a
geol0gical durations involved, a n d the frequent rapid postnatal growth, which would be consis-
r e c u ~ e n c y of pachyosteosclerosis among tetra- t a n t with their large size ; and a considerab!e in-
pods secondarily adapted to life in water (at crease in bone resorption during the late stages
least, in the early stages of this adaptation). Mo- of somatic growth.
reover, it could be possible to test this hypothe-
sis, since paleontolo~cal material from the Upper However, if one takes into account the probable
Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous would allow a re- functional consequences of a pachyosteosclerotic
construction of the ontogenic trajectory of the clo- state of t h e skeleton on the various ecological
ser ancestors of our Upper Cretaceous fossils. characteristics of the taxa, especially their loco-
motion and equilibration in water (see below), it
Nevertheless, in the absence of such material, seems hardly relevant to exclusively interpret the
the structural descriptions given by previous au- ontogenic trajectory of skeletal development in
the Upper Cretaceous forms as a consequence of have fed upon fixed organisms or non-elusive
"phylogenetic constructional constraints", which prey.
would be imposed to their developmental pattern,
with no reference to adaptive considerations (e.g. This conclusion, based on histological evidence,
de Ricql~s 1992, 1993). The geological durations would be in close agreement with some aspects of
involved are indeed so important, that natural the taphonomical interpretation of the Manga-
selection m u s t have had a bearing on all develo- houanga Stream site proposed by Wiffen & Mois-
pmental aspects. Hence, the peculiar ontogenic ley (1986). These authors indeed hypothesize that
trajectory of the Upper Cretaceous forms must the shallow water, coastal and/or estuarine envi-
have also m e t definite selective constraints ; in ronment once present locally (for description of
other words, it is consistent with a peculiar, eco- Mangahouanga Stream paleoenvironment, see
logical adaptation. At first glance, the histological Crampton & Moore 1990) would have been a con-
characteristics of the skeleton in the juveniles venient breeding ground for plesiosaurians ; a hy-
would suggest a poor mobility in animals living pothesis which would explain the rather high
in a neritic habitat ; conversely those of the proportion of juvenile specimens in the fossil re-
adults would be consistant with good swimming cord from this site.
abilities in open seas.
Conversely, adult bone structure typically corres-
Hence, the "recapitulation" observed at a histolo- ponds to that of large, pelagic predators, well "de-
gical level could actually be an indirect expres- signed" for long cruises in open waters (cf. Intro-
sion (and the evidence) of a biologically much duction). Hence, a drastic change in habitat pre-
more significant recapitulation, with an eco-etho- ferences and eco-ethologic adaptations most pro-
logic significance, which would bear on the deve- bably occurred during ontogeny in the plesio-
lopmental cycle of the animals. The young plesio- saurs. It is also possible that this change was cor-
saurs would have retained a "plesiomorphic" w a y relative of physiological modifications of the ani-
of life, as compared to the adults of their own mals, bearing especially on their thermal regime.
species, which would be reminiscent of their very In Dermochelys coriacea, the progressive increase
ancient ancestors : the neritic nothosaurs. This of body volume during growth leads to some type
of endotherm-homeotherm-like physiology in the
hypothesis will be developed with a different ap-
adult (mass endothermy or gigantothermy ; cf.
proach in the following section of the discussion.
Frair 1972 ; Rhoding et al. 1981 ; Paladino et al.
1990). One can hypothesize that the huge specific
size of the adults in the two taxa studied here,
led also to this type of thermal regime, and con-
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tributed to an improvement of the capabilities of
undoubtedly increased the mass of the skeleton the animals to resist heat loss by conduction in
and, as a consequence, the inertia of the body an open sea habitat.
moving in water. This most probably led to a
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