Plan Lectie Reading Lesson - Clasa 11

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Class: 11 (Maths-IT)
Subject: English language
Class level: upper-intermediate
Lesson title: All you need to know about Sudoku
Topic of the lesson: Leisure interests
Lesson type: Reading lesson

Google Apps
Google Search ✓ Docs

YouTube ✓ Spreadsheet

Blogger Presentation ✓

Calendar ✓ Forms

Maps Drive ✓

Hangouts GMail


 Reading
 Speaking
 Listening
 to practice reading, at the same time providing a basis for speaking
 to give students practice in listening for specific information
 to develop vocabulary related to leisure interests
OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 find specific information in a written text
 use vocabulary related to leisure interests
 use the phrasal verbs in the text in speaking about leisure activities
 group work
 pair work
 specific vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises (multiple choice,
true/false, matching)
 debate

 Material resources: workbook (Straightforward Upper Intermediate), Sudoku
grids, computer with an internet connection, overhead projector, Youtube video,
the students’ phones/ tablets
 Space resource: the classroom
 Time resources: 50 minutes


Timing The students’ activity The teacher’s activity Lesso

5’ The students receive Sudoku The teacher elicits answers about the rules Lead in
grids and are encouraged to of the game, its inventor, the name of the
search for information about this game, the skills needed in solving Sudoku
game on the internet, using games
Google Search, in order to be
able to answer the teacher’s
8’ Ss find the answers to the The teacher checks the answers at the end Listening
questions about Sudoku that the of the allotted time. comprehen
teacher asked by watching a
short presentation on Youtube
Then, the students listen to the
article “All you need to know…
about Sudoku” to find additional
information about the history of
the game.
10’ In pairs, students read the text of The teacher provides assistance, checks Reading
the article so that they can answers comprehen
match the paragraphs to the list
of headings provided in ex. 1
page 8.
Working in pairs, the students
do the true/false exercise in the
workbook (ex. 2 page 8) and the
matching exercise (ex. 3 page 8)
10’ Students access a multiple The teacher checks the students’ Vocabulary
choice exercise made by using understanding of the phrasal verbs first in phrasal ver
Google Forms and uploaded on the context provided by the article, then in
Google Drive and choose the the exercise.
correct particles to fill in the
sentences, so that they can to
identify the meaning of and
practice using the 7 phrasal
verbs in the article (take off,
pick on, fill out, get through,
work out, turn into, slip up)
15’ In groups of four, students read The teacher gives Students practice in Speaking
the statements in ex 5 page 8 asking and answering questions about free Feedback
and find the one that is closest time activities, reinforcing and recalling
to their opinion, providing a the information acquired during the lesson
reason for their choice; then Ss
ask and answer questions about
their leisure activities, trying to
identify one they all have in
common; at the end, groups
report back to the class on their
2’ Students shall have to make a The teacher explains the homework Homework
presentation in Google assignment
Presentation about a game they The teacher sends reminders to all the
like playing, researching students using Google Calendar, to make
information about its history and sure all the students understand the
popularity (Google Search) homework and know when it is due


 Straightforward, Upper intermediate – Philip Kerr and Ceri Jones, Macmillan

 The Practice of English Language Teaching –Jeremy Harmer, Longman

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