Us 687292

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No. 687,292. C. G. ARMSTRONG. Patented Nov. 26, 1901.


(Application filed Sept. 6, 1900.)
(No Model.)


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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 687,292, dated November 26, 1901.
Application filed September 6, 1900, Serial No, 29,53. (No model.)
To all, whon, it inctly concei'i. in the accompanying drawings, A is a driv 5.o.
Beitknown that I, CHARLESG. ARMSTRONG, ing-wheel having a peripheral surface which
a citizen of the United States, residing at Chi is subject to magnetic induction. A series of
cago, county of Cook, and State of Illinois, radial electromagnetic cores are designated
have invented certain new and useful Im by a and are surrounded by coils a'. - The
provements in Power-Transmitting Devices, cores d are numbered from 1 to 14, inclusive. 55
(Case No. 2;) and I do hereby declare the foll C is a commutator. The commutator-sec
lowing to be a full, clear, and exact descrip tions thereof are numbered from 1 to 14, in
tion, such as will enable persons skilled in the clusive, to correspond with the cores and coils
o art to which it appertains to make and use
the same.
of the magnetic wheel.
The coils a' are connected in series, and a
My invention relates to improvements in branch wire joins the said connections to a re
power-transmitting devices. Spective commutator -section. The driven
It consists, essentially, of a prime mover, Wheel A' is provided with a series of projec
5 such as a wheel, having its peripheral sur tions similar to cores C of the driving-wheel
face or a portion thereof energized with mag A. These projections are numbered in a se
netic lines of force. The said wheel is caused ries of 1 to 14, inclusive. They are separated
to revolve in close proximity or in actual con the same distance apart as the projections a
tact with a driven wheel which is suscepti on the driving-wheel. The projections on the
ble of magnetic influences and a portion of driving and driven wheels are adapted to come
which is within the magnetic field of the driv coincidently into position when the driving
ing or prime mover. wheel is turned for the purpose of revolving
The object of my invention is to provide a the driven Wheel, in which event the shafts
device whereby power may be transmitted are preferably placed such a distance apart
from one shaft to another by a means employ that the projections do not quite touch each
ing magnetic lines of force, and as a result other when they occupy a position in a plane 75
the operation of the said device is noiseless, drawn through the two centers of the said .
efficient, and easily controlled. Wheels, as shown.
In carrying my invention into practical op B is a battery which is an illustrative means
3o eration I am enabled to transmit the rotary used to energize the coils a'. The battery is
motion of a driving-wheel to a driven wheel connected in circuit by wires 1, 2, 3, and 4
through the intermediary effect of magnetic to a commutator C and to a resistance device
lines of force without actual contact of the R. Brushes b and b' bear upon the periph
wheels and without any mechanical wear or eral surface of the commutator C. The re
35 noise resulting from the contact of the sur sistance R is used for the purpose of control
faces of the respective moving parts. ling the strength of the current that flows
In the dra Wings, Figure I shows a driven through the coils on the driving-wheel A.
Wheel and a driving-wheel magnetically en The wheel A" may be provided with coils
ergized in the positions they occupy when in and a commutator, electric battery, and cir
Operation. Fig.2 shows a diagram of a source cuit similar to that shown in connection with
of current, the electrical circuit, and a com the driving-wheel A, if desirable. The ar 9o
mutator for directing the current into the re rows around the outside periphery of the
spective coils that are placed upon the mag wheels A and A'show the direction of their ro
netic driving-wheel and which constitute a tation. The circuit through the coils of the
45 part of said circuit. Fig. 3 is a fragmentary driving-wheel is as follows: The current leav
Section through the driven wheel A" and com ing the battery by wire No. 1 will pass by the 95
mutator C. brush b to the commutator-section I, thence
In all of the views the same characters of through the coil No. 1, and thence through
reference are used to indicate similar parts, the coil No.2, and thence through the coil No.
2 687,292
3 to the brush b', over the wires 2 and 3, the re- movement of the arm r over the contacts r",
sistance-arm r, through the resistance to the then the magnetic effect of the projections
wire 4, and back to the battery, energizing on the driving-wheel will not be so strong by
coils 1, 2, and 3. Another circuit will be from reason of the reduced current by the inter
the brush b through the coils 14 to 4, inclu posed resistance and the projections on the
sive, and back through the same circuit. This driven wheel will not in every case register
shows the coils 1, 2, and 3 in parallel with the with those of the driving-wheel, the result of
remaining coils upon the limbs of the said which is that the driving-wheel will then ro
driving-wheel. By this arrangement the cir tate proportionately faster and the speed of
O cuit in the driving-wheel is never broken the driven wheel will be correspondingly re 75
when a commutator-section passes out from duced.
under the brushes b and b'; but by this ar As shown in Fig. 3, the commutator-sections
rangement the coils 1, 2, and 3, or the coils care built up on a ring or wheel c and held
which may at the time occupy the position in place in a recess c' common with commu
between the brushes shown to be occupied tators of this character.
now by the coils 1, 2, and 3, will always be I do not desire to limit myself to tie exact
from four to five times magnetically stronger construction of the devices shown and de
than the remaining coils upon the said wheel. scribed for the purpose of carrying into ef
More current will flow through them, because fect my invention, for I believe that I am the
of their lower resistance, than the joint resist first to employ magnetic lines of force for
ance of all of the remaining coils. Coils Nos. 1, the purpose of transmitting rotary power
2, and 3 are now about five times the magnetic without material contact of the rotary driva
strength of the remaining coils on the wheel, ing device and a similar driven device.
for the reason that nearly five times as much I have used the accompanying drawings for
25 current passes through these coils in the posi the purpose of showing how my invention 9O
tion they now occupy as passes through the re may be carried into effect,
maining coils on the wheel. The object of con Having described iny invention, what
tinuing the circuit through the coils 14 to 4, claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters
inclusive, is to prevent the violent flash and Patent of the United States, is--
30 disruptive discharge that would ensue if the 1. A power-transmitting device comprising 95
circuit was broken as the coils pass out from a rotary driving member, a rotary driven
under the commutator-brush and to prevent member, both members susceptible of mag
the violent molecular disturbance that would netic influences, coils for magnetizing both
heat the magnetizable elements and decrease members and a means for maintaining a higher
35 the efficiency of the device. Cores Nos.1 and 2 magnetic strength in a portion of both or either dO
form the terminals of a horseshoe-magnet and of said members while said portion is within
tend to thread the lines of force through the a definite location with reference to the lo
projections 1 and 2 of the wheel A". If coil No. tary path thereof, Substantially as Set forth.
lon the driving-wheel is raised in the process 2. A power-transmitting device comprising
of its rotary motion, it will also raise the pro a rotating driving member having a magnet IC5
jection No. 1 of the driven wheel, and coil and ized periphery, a means for maintaining a
core No. 2 will in like manner raise by attrac higher magnetic strength in that portion of the
tion projection No. 2, and in this way the coils said driving member that is within a definite
on the driver in their rotation will effect cor location with reference to the driven member,
responding projections on the driven wheel and a driven member having a peripheralsur IO
through the intervening space by the mag face susceptible of magnetic influence, the
netic lines of force and in this way produce two members placed so that their magnetized
the rotation of the driven wheel A'. The surfaces confront each other, substantially
brushes b and b may be adjusted so that the as set forth.
maximum current may be directed through 3. A power-transmitting ?ievice comprising II5
any number of coils desirable which will ex a rotating driving member having a magnet
ercise the greatest influence upon the projec ized periphery, a driven member having ape
tions of the wheel A". When the coil No. 1 ripheral surface susceptible of magnetic in
has passed to the position occupied by coil 14, fluence, the two members placed so that their
55 the magnetic effect will be so reduced and peripheral surfaces confront each other, and
the space so increased that it will not have a means for decreasing the attractive strength
much, if any, retarding effect upon the pro of the magnetic couple of that portion of the
jection 14 of the wheel A". The current respective surfaces that are receding from
through the operative coils is very strong. each other to a lower magnetic condition,
The projections on the wheel A" will register substantially as set forth. I 25
exactly with the projections on the wheel A, 4. A power-transmitting device comprising
and in that Way a certain definite relation of a rotating, driving member, having a magnet
speed is established and maintained. If, how ized periphery, a driven member, having ape
ever, the current be reduced by the introduc ripheral surface susceptible to megnetic in
65 tion of resistance from the rheostat R by fluence, the two members placed with their I 30
687,292 3
peripheral surfaces in juxtaposition, a means specification, in the presence of two subscrib
for increasing the attractive strength of the ling witnesses, this 31st day of August, A.D. Io
magnetic couple of said surfaces as they ap- 1900.
proach each other, and for decreasing the at- r
5 tractive strength of the magnetic couple of CHARIES G. ARMSTRONG.
said surfaces as they recede from each other, Witnesses:
substantially as set forth. ALICE M. SPRINGER,
In testimony whereof I have signed this M. F. ALLEN.

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