MV Switchgear 24kV PDF
MV Switchgear 24kV PDF
MV Switchgear 24kV PDF
UP TO 24kV
Type SBV 24
Maximum rating: 24 kV 1 250A 25
kA 125 kV BIL. This version is for 22
kV indoor utilisation and is of single Rhino: 6 panel outdoor compact medium voltage substation.
busbar configuration.
Ring main units Rhino
Vacuum Interrupters Ring main units are available with oil The Rhino is a free standing, compact
Vacuum interrupters are manufac- or SF6 insulating mediums. MV substation designed to provide al-
tured in a dedicated factory situated ternative solutions to medium voltage
at Knights, the only facility of this type The K-range oil switchgear provides network systems in that it replaces
in the Southern Hemisphere. Sophis- a versatile and cost effective solu- traditional brick built substations.
ticated and technologically advanced tion with ratings available for most The units can be customised to most
manufacturing methods are used to distribution applications. The design requirements up to 24 kV.
produce vacuum interrupters that allows for both extensible and non-
meet the exceptionally high standards extensible configurations. Mobiles and skids
required. The vacuum interrupters are These products are available for the
used in Alstom switchgear and also We also offer SF6 gas filled ring main mounting of MV switchgear for both
exported for use by other switchgear units in various combinations surface and underground applica-
manufacturers. including a 630 A circuit breaker T-off. tions. Designs are based on specific
customer specifications and require-
Outdoor equipment ments.
Alstom can offer locally developed
and manufactured equipment as
well as products imported from our
overseas network. The local products
include compact mini subs, extensible
and nonextensible ring main units,
Rhino compact substations, mobiles
and skids for special applications. All
equipment is fully type tested to the
latest international and local speci-
Alstom Medium Voltage Switchgear
email: [email protected]