03 0 Industrial Refrigeration PDF
03 0 Industrial Refrigeration PDF
03 0 Industrial Refrigeration PDF
Energy Efficiency
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refrigeration
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refrigeration
1 Introduction 4
Appendix D Glossary 32
Table of Contents i
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refrigeration
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table of Contents 3
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refrigeration
1 Introduction
This document is a step-by-step guide to improving The guide has been developed to lead decision makers
energy efficiency in medium to large-scale industrial and service providers through system changes; it is not
refrigeration systems for industry. It provides best intended to be a thorough technical guide. References
practice information on system operation and outlines for more detailed technical information are provided.
opportunities for improving system performance and
efficiency, which will lead to benefits for your business.
Introduction 4
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refrigeration
Refrigeration systems consume large amounts of electricity Energy efficiency can deliver a range of savings,
and thereby contribute greatly to the running costs of such as:
businesses with considerable cooling requirements. In • reduced energy costs
industry, refrigeration can be responsible for up to 85% • reduced operation and maintenance costs
of total energy consumption, depending on the industry • improved system reliability
sector, as shown in Table 1. Improvements to technical • improved safety
elements of modern refrigeration systems have the • increased productivity
potential to reduce energy consumption by 15%–40%. • better matching of refrigeration load
Improving simple operational practices with minimal and equipment capacity
expense can often reduce energy costs by 15% or • a better working environment
more. This will become more important as a price is • reduced resource consumption and greenhouse
placed on greenhouse gas emission in future years and gas emissions1.
as energy prices rise. Its importance also relates to an
increased focus on reducing fugitive emissions from Money saved on power bills improves the bottom line,
industrial systems such as refrigerant gas1. meaning it can be of greater value than increased sales.
For example, if a company had a gross margin of 10%,
Table 1: Typical refrigeration-related electricity use.2 then saving $1 in operational costs is like achieving $10
Industry Sector Electricity Used for Refrigeration in additional sales revenue.
Liquid milk processing 25%
Breweries 35%
Confectionery 40%
Delivering the best outcome for your business requires • Solution 1: Improve the efficiency of
a whole-systems approach to the design, installation, your existing system
operation and maintenance of your refrigeration system. Do you have a refrigeration system that could be
Energy efficient operation of each individual component running more efficiently? If a complete upgrade
can achieve gains in overall system efficiency. However, cannot be achieved, incremental improvements can
the operation of each individual component can be limited often be made by making small alterations and
by or impact the operation of other components. For conducting simple maintenance practices.
this reason, the greatest system efficiencies can generally
be achieved by taking a system approach,whether an • Solution 2: Design a new system
existing system is being improved upon, a new system Are you planning a brand new refrigeration system?
is being designed, or a service provider is involved. The costs of a new refrigeration system can
Appendix A provides an overview of components used sometimes quickly be recovered in energy savings
in industrial refrigeration systems. over an old system. Life cycle costing analysis of
existing systems should be undertaken to determine
Defining the limitations of your current refrigeration when it is viable to replace it. (Refer to Appendix B for
system is the key to finding the best solution to how to conduct a life cycle analysis).
achieving energy efficiency for your business:
Are you expanding your premises and need to ensure
• Can I make my system more efficient? that your refrigeration system will work effectively?
• Do I need a new refrigeration plant or This will involve elements of both solutions. Firstly,
system components? ensure your existing system is running efficiently
• How do I expand my existing system? (Solution 1) and secondly, if your system needs to
• What do I need to know to install a new system? be expanded, design the new components (Solution
2). Following this process will ensure that you are not
This guide offers step-by-step solutions to help you wasting money purchasing more than you actually
identify opportunities to implement best practice to need. Additionally, information gained from reviewing
achieve energy efficiency of your refrigeration system. efficiency may guide the selection and design of the
new components of the system.
4.1.1 Assess the cooling load 1. Calculate/estimate all theoretical cooling loads at
Making a comprehensive list of products and cooling the heat exchanger, cool store or process where
processes, and their specific cooling requirements, the refrigeration load is occurring.
helps you to understand: 2. Calculate/estimate the refrigeration energy provided
by the centralised system.
• what your theoretical refrigeration load should be 3. The difference between these two numbers would
• which processes dominate your cooling be ‘unaccounted for heat gain’.
energy consumption
• which refrigeration load temperature needs can Figure 1 represents a typical energy balance for a cool
be grouped together, with potential benefits to store and two other refrigeration processes in which the
your central system operation. system is providing 30% more refrigeration energy than
the load demands.
A typical refrigeration load is made up of process
cooling requirements (that is, cooling the product Figure 1: Cooling energy balance.
or space itself) and unwanted other heat gains as
listed below:
Process 2 Process 1
20% 20%
Heat load in a cold store Excessive heat and moisture Improve door closing ‘discipline’
higher than expected; ingress through cool store doors Check door seals, airlock,
ice build higher than expected strip curtains
Evaporator fans or pumps run Excessive auxiliary Ensure control systems maximise
when product has reached power possibilities to switch auxiliaries
target temperature off or reduce their speed
Cool store temperature Inadequate cooling Check that load is not too high (for
too high example, doors left open, excessive
warm product load) Ensure
evaporators are defrosted. Check
refrigeration plant performance
(for example, control system
problem, fouled heat exchangers)
New types of compressors are also now on the market; 4.4.9 Reduce temperature lift
one is an oil free, magnetic bearing, variable-speed, Temperature lift is the difference between the
centrifugal compressor that was originally designed in evaporating and condensing temperatures.
Australia. Its full load coefficient of system performance The importance of minimising lift requirements is
(COP – refer to cycle and system efficiency in Appendix essential, as a 1°C reduction in temperature lift can
A for more information on COPs) of approximately 5.5 improve plant efficiency by 3–4%.6 Temperature lift
increases towards a COP of 12 at part load. It is most reduces if the condensing temperature is lowered
suited to water-cooled applications and can be retrofitted. and/or the evaporating temperature is raised. The
Its higher efficiency is due in part to its very high rotational COP of refrigeration systems is greater at lower
speed and use of magnetic bearings. temperature lifts.
Excessive ice might indicate that a drain is blocked or 4.5.4 Improve maintenance on expansion valves
that the unit is too close to the thermostat. Evaporator Expansion valve problems are generally caused by
fans should be cycled by the control system such that the valve being open or closed when it shouldn’t be,
they are only used when needed. Most evaporator increasing compressor head pressure. Electronic
faults create a heat transfer problem that in turn causes valves with direct expansion evaporators can reduce
evaporator inefficiencies, which results in low compressor compressor head pressure, and can have a good
suction pressure. payback – up to 20% in some situations.
4.6 Step 6: Measure the Power input includes the total consumption of all the
components associated with the refrigeration system;
improvement that includes compressors, pumps and fans. A good
way to assess refrigeration plant performance is to
Throughout the improvement process, you can assess ask the plant supplier or maintenance contractor
changes in performance quickly by comparing baseline to prepare a table of estimated COP for different
performance to actual performance after individual operating conditions (ambient temperature and part-
system modifications have been completed. There loading) and then assess this against the actual
are two ways of measuring plant performance and chiller and system COP over time. Tracking specific
improvement. The first is to take an ‘instantaneous’ refrigeration consumption and cooling energy under a
snapshot of the system. Measurements that should range of conditions before and after the improvements
be taken and compared to design parameters are: are made gives a good indication of the savings that
have been made. Some examples of COPs for different
• condensing temperature at the inlet and outlet compressor types are presented in Section 5.3.
• evaporator temperature at the inlet and outlet
• compressor pressure and temperature at the inlet
and outlet
• power to the compressor
• ambient temperature
• brine temperature.
• compressors
• auxiliary equipment (pumps and fans).
5 Solution 2 – Design a
new system
Quite often, refrigeration systems are designed for
the peak cooling demand (which occurs for less than
5% of the year8 ). That means the systems run for 0.25
considerable periods at part load, which can be highly
The capacity of a centrifugal compressor can be varied 0.40
by a set of vanes at the compressor inlet to 0.30
vary the refrigerant flow through the compressor. 0.20
Capacity of centrifugal chilled water units would usually
start at about 800–1000 kWr up to 4000 kWr or more. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 3 illustrates a typical energy consumption curve % load
for a centrifugal compressor.
Figure 4: Typical energy consumption curve for
0.40 screw compressor – inverse of COP9
0.30 5.4 Step 4: Select evaporators
0.20 and condensers
Condenser and evaporators should be sized to maintain
0.00 the lowest practical condensing temperature and
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the highest effective evaporating temperature – key
% load
considerations in any whole-system design approach.
The use of common evaporator suction pipes and
Figure 3: Typical energy consumption curve for
condenser pipework should be considered.
centrifugal compressor – inverse of COP.9
5.4.1 Evaporators
A new high-speed compressor is an oil-free, magnetic
The cooling effect of the evaporator is determined by
bearing, variable speed centrifugal compressor that
the size and design of the evaporator and the difference
was originally designed in Australia.
in temperature between the process/product being
Its full load COP of approximately 5.5 improves
cooled and the evaporating refrigerant. The wider the
remarkably at part load to over 10. It is most suited
temperature differences between the process/product
to water cooled applications, and can be retrofitted.
and refrigerant, the greater the rate of transfer of heat.
5.3.3 Screw compressors
A larger evaporator will generally be able to achieve
A screw compressor tends to be more compact than
higher evaporator efficiencies. The design of the
an equivalent centrifugal compressor and operates
evaporator should be chosen for the specific
with less vibration. Capacity is varied by a slide valve.
application. There are a number of types including:
Similar to centrifugal compressors, the screw
compressor water chiller units commence at between
• direct expansion coolers
800 kWr and 1000 kWr capacity. Whilst screw
• pumped liquid air coolers
compressors have traditionally operated more
• shell and tube liquid coolers
efficiently than centrifugal and reciprocating
• plate heat exchanger liquid coolers
compressors, their part-load performance without
• baudelot liquid coolers.
a variable-speed drive is far worse. Figure 4
illustrates a typical energy consumption curve.
To avoid inefficient use of the evaporator, superheating
in the evaporator should be limited to 5ºC above the
evaporating temperature. When defrosting the evaporators,
a defrost operation should be done using the most
efficient method possible, only initiated when necessary
to prevent a loss of performance, and stopped as soon
as the fins are clear of ice. The best way to initiate defrosting
is using sensors, an approach which is always more
efficient than timers.
5.4.2 Condensers
The more surface area a condenser has, the closer
5.5 Step 5: Select the refrigerant
the condensing temperature is to the temperature Refrigerant selection is important, as the type of
of the cooling medium, whether air or water. Lower refrigerant can affect the efficiency of a system by
condensing temperature results in lower energy up to 10%.10 With the phasing out of fluorocarbon
consumption. Best practice design takes a balanced chemicals (CFC, HCFC), due to their detrimental
approach toward the consumption of water and effects on the environment, ammonia is still currently
energy, particularly taking into account the atmospheric the dominant refrigerant for industrial refrigeration in
temperature and humidity. Condensing pressure should Australia.11 It is the least expensive of the common
be enabled to ‘float’ with ambient temperature to take refrigerants, has good heat transfer properties in both
advantage of cooler temperatures. When this floating liquid and vapour states – it is thermodynamically
is allowed to occur, more advanced expansion valves 3–10% more efficient than HCFC-22 and HCFC134a12
should be used (such as electronic).
Transfer fluids must be compatible with the materials VSD on motors 20%
in the distribution system. They should also be safe
VSD on evaporator and 2–3% of total refrigeration costs
and economical to use. When subjected to the condenser vans
lowest temperatures in the system, the fluid should
allow satisfactory heat transfer and reasonable Evaporator pressure 2.5% greater compressor capacity
pressure drop. The advantages of using a transfer regulators for each degree of saturated suction
fluid distribution system include:
• Using a secondary fluid separates potentially Evaporator pressure 2% for each degree increase in
dangerous chemicals from food processing plant regulators saturated suction temperature
and working areas.
• The primary refrigerant is used in the refrigeration- Reduced temperature lift 3–4% improvement for 1°C reduction
plant room area only, which means leak detection
Conversion from liquid injection Over 3%
and repairs are more easily undertaken. Less primary oil cooling to external oil coolers
pipework also means that pressure drops are reduced.
Refrigeration system replacement if Up to 30–40%
The disadvantage of this type of system is that a higher older than 10 years
temperature lift is required, due to loss in the heat
Refrigerant selection 3–10%
exchange transfer with the secondary fluid.
Upgrading and improving your refrigeration system Will the provider examine the demand side as well
can take considerable time depending on your as the supply?
circumstances. While you may want to follow the steps While the supply side equipment such as the compressor,
in this guide, you may not have the time or resources condenser, expansion valve and evaporator are important
available to do so. Refrigeration service providers can considerations, the provider should also be investigating
supply the services required to assess, upgrade or the demand side of your system, including the distribution
install your refrigeration system. You may wish to ask network, temperature regulation, the end uses and the
them to assist you with some or all of the process. profile of the demand.
In either case, there are some questions you should
ask before you begin. What analysis services do they offer?
In order to ensure your refrigeration system runs as
Will the provider take a systems approach? efficiently as possible, the provider must first conduct
It is important that your service provider considers a detailed analysis of various aspects of your system.
how to optimise your entire refrigeration system, Your provider should also be able to measure and
not only one or two of its components. analyse the load profile of your system and the
Ensure that the provider will include the following related power consumption to report on performance.
in their investigation if asked: Other questions to ask of your provider include:
Appendix A
Industrial refrigeration system overview
Cycle and system efficiency A chiller with a high COP under common
There are two commonly quoted refrigeration operating conditions is a good starting point for an
efficiencies: the efficiency of the chiller subcomponent energy‑efficient system. Although chiller manufacturers
and the efficiency of the system as a whole. Efficiency can accurately measure and quote the chiller COP
is denoted as the coefficient of performance (COP) and over a wide range of conditions, the end user should
is calculated by dividing the cooling duty (the amount ultimately be concerned with optimising the total
of cooling being carried out) by the power input: system COP over a typical production schedule, as
this will determine the cost of supplied refrigeration
COP = cooling duty (kW) / power input (kW) energy. Taking a whole-system approach is the best
way of achieving energy-efficiency gains and represents
The theoretical COP of the chiller includes only the industry best practice.
compressor power input at a nominal load, whereas
a real ‘as installed’ system COP includes the power A pressure-enthalpy diagram, as illustrated in Figure 6,
input to fans and pumps, and takes into account the is a common means of representing the work done in
part-load operation over time. The whole-system COP the refrigerant cycle. The COP can be thought of as the
is therefore less than the chiller COP. The system COP enthalpy change in the evaporator divided by the enthalpy
varies with refrigeration temperature, heat rejection change in the compressor. Without going into too much
temperature, outdoor temperature and humidity, detail, an efficient system minimises the work done by
condenser type, pipe size and length, production the compressor, and maximises the heat transferred
profile, and many other factors. out of the process through the evaporator.
Pressure Pressure
4 3
1 2
Enthalpychange Enthalpychange
in evaporation in compression
System Components
Refrigerant in liquid form first passes through an There are different types of compressors, including
expansion device, dropping in pressure and temperature, screw, centrifugal and reciprocating. More information
and then enters the evaporator where it ‘boils’ into is provided in Solution 2 on determining which type
gas and chills the air or liquid flowing past the tubes. should be used. Screw compressors are most
Evaporators come in many forms, for example: commonly used in industrial situations, but many
• shell and tube or plate heat exchangers sites also have reciprocating units.
• wet geo-fabrics
• coil in tank Condensers
• jacketed vessels where the evaporation occurs Condensers reject heat from the refrigeration system
on the external wall of the vessel. and come in many forms, including:
• evaporative condensers (water and air is used
Compressors in a cooling tower type arrangement for cooling
Compressors are usually run by an electric motor the refrigerant)
and are the main power consumers in refrigeration. • dry condensers (air is passed directly over
The compressor is the driver of the refrigerant and the condenser)
serves two main functions: • water-cooled condensers
• To compress low-pressure refrigerant gas to a • plate heat exchangers.
higher pressure (and therefore higher temperature)
so that heat can be more easily rejected. A comparison between the three main types
• To remove vapour from the evaporator to maintain of condensers is presented in Table 11
a low boiling point (and hence low temperature for
cooling brine or process flows).
Air-cooled Fan power, higher compressor No risk of legionella Higher head pressures lead to
power input for a given refrigerant No water consumption lower COP
load No pumping
No spray drift
Appropriate in humid
Water cooled Circulating pump plus More efficient Water pumping and maintenance
cooling tower components Lower condensing Water consumption
pressures (higher COP) Higher maintenance costs
Higher summer capacity Legislative compliance on
legionella and other bacteria
Evaporative Fan and pump power Most effective in dry Water consumption
environments Water pumping and maintenance
Highest efficiency due to lowest Legislative compliance on
head pressure legionella and other bacteria
More refrigerant required
Appendix B
Life cycle assessment
The increased awareness of the importance of There are four phases in an LCA study:
environmental protection, and the possible impacts
associated with products, both manufactured and • The goal and scope definition phase – the scope,
consumed, has increased interest in the development of including the system boundary and level of detail,
methods to better understand and address these impacts. of an LCA depends on the subject and the intended
One of the techniques being developed for this purpose use of the study. The depth and the breadth of LCA
is life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA can assist in: can differ considerably depending on the goal of a
particular LCA.
• identifying opportunities to improve the environmental • The inventory analysis phase – the life cycle inventory
performance of products at various points in their analysis phase (LCIA phase) is the second phase
life cycle of LCA. It is an inventory of input/output data with
• informing decision makers in industry, government regard to the system being studied. It involves
or nongovernment organisations (for example, for the collection of the data necessary to meet the goals
purpose of strategic planning, priority setting, product of the defined study.
or process design or redesign) • The impact assessment phase – the life cycle
• the selection of relevant indicators of environmental impact assessment phase (LCIA) is the third phase
performance, including measurement techniques of the LCA. The purpose of LCIA is to provide
• marketing (for example, implementing an eco-labelling additional information to help assess a product
scheme, making an environmental claim, or producing system’s LCI results so as to better understand
an environmental product declaration). their environmental significance.17
• The interpretation phase – the final phase of an LCA.
LCA addresses the environmental aspects and potential The findings from the inventory analysis and the impact
environmental impacts (such as use of resources and assessment are combined together, or, in the case
the environmental consequences of releases) throughout of the life cycle inventory studies, the findings of the
a product’s life cycle from raw material acquisition through inventory analysis only, consistent with the defined
production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling and goal and scope in order to reach conclusions and
final disposal (that is, cradle-to-grave). recommendations.18
Appendix C
General maintenance checklist
Regularly: Monthly:
• Check the temperatures of cold stores. • Check compressor motor temperature and ensure
• Check evaporator and condenser coils for dirt it is operating as recommended by the manufacturer.
or debris and clean them if required. Also, check • Check and treat cooling water entering the system.
for missing or plugged nozzles. Reduce scale, corrosion and biological growth, as this
• Regularly check the entire piping system, especially ensures heat transfer is efficient.
joints, seals, valves and glands for leaks. • Check all oil pump and compressor joints and fittings
• Check the refrigerant sight glass for bubbles. and all relief valves in the system for leaks.
Bubbles in the sight glass often mean a system is • Check all insulation of pipes, valves and cooler or
leaking. Find the leaks and repair them before the freezer areas for condition and appropriate thickness.
system is recharged with refrigerant. Refrigerant
top‑ups should only need to be undertaken annually. Annually:
Contaminated refrigerant should be purged and
automatic purging controls are now readily available. • Check the compressor motor assembly and oil system
• Report and repair any vibrating pipe work, as this to ensure it is operating at maximum efficiency.
is likely to cause a leak over time. • Clean evaporator and condenser tubes during
• Check that compressor oils are at the right level. a shutdown.
• Check that product is not impeding the air flow
of evaporators.
• Ensure that fans, motors and belts have sufficient
air circulation.
• Check for plugged line filters.
• Check evaporators are defrosting and pan lines
are clearing properly.
• Report ice on the floor and walls of cold rooms as
this indicates that excessive air is entering the room,
which becomes a defrosting and safety problem.
Check usage procedures.
Appendix D
cooling duty The amount of useful cooling work being carried out
by a refrigeration system
Appendix D Glossary 32
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refigeration
mass flow rate The rate of movement of a given mass of fluid, usually
measured in kg per second
refrigeration/cooling load The amount of heat that must be rejected from an area
to keep a refrigerated area or process within permissible
specific heat capacity The amount of heat required to raise a given substance
by 1oC
Appendix D Glossary 33
Best Practice Guide
Industrial Refigeration
Appendix E
Further reading/references
The following articles and websites provide more detailed Good Practice Guide 280, Energy Efficient Refrigeration
technical information and exhaustive best practice Technology – the fundamentals
methods for improving industrial refrigeration efficiency: www.rit.edu/~jdweme/emem416/Fundamentals%20
Further reading How Continuous Energy Improvement Reduces
Costs and Improves System Performance,
Best Practice Design, Technology and Management,
Industrial Efficiency Alliance
Sustainability Victoria
Industrial Refrigeration Best Practices Guide,
Carbon Trust Networks Project: Operational Efficiency
Industrial Efficiency Alliance
Improvements for Refrigeration Systems, Guide 3, p4,
Carbon Trust, UK
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)
Energy Efficiency
Commercial Refrigeration, Energy Smart
10 Cooler Ideas For Refrigeration System Efficiency,
Variable-speed condenser fans, Douglas T. Reindl
Energy Audit Tool – Chillers Greenhouse Challenge, pp5&9
ater chiller selection and optimisation of operation,
Commercial Refrigeration, Energy Smart Sustainability Victoria
www.sedo.energy.wa.gov.au/uploads/ www.sv.sustainability.vic.gov.au/manufacturing/
comm_refrig_28.pdf sustainable_manufacturing/resource.asp?action=show
Carbon Trust 10
co-efficiency Toolkit for the Queensland Food
umping Tip Sheets (Sep 2005 to May 2007),
P Processing Industry, Queensland Government
US Department of Energy – Energy Efficiency and www.dtrdi.qld.gov.au/dsdweb/v3/documents/
Renewable Energy www1.eere.energy.gov./industry/ objdirctrled/nonsecure/pdf/6694.pdf
bestpractices/motors.html 11
ustainable Manufacturing, Sustainability Victoria
eco Australia
T www.seav.vic.gov.au/manufacturing/
www.teco.com.au sustainable_manufacturing/resource.asp?action=
show_resource& resourcetype=1&resourceid=42
.S. Gas Electric
ptimisation of Industrial Refrigeration Plants
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) 5624/ESL-IE-06-05-09.pdf?sequence=1
Energy Efficiency
nergy Efficiency Best Practice Programme –
acrobat/interimenergy.pdf www.resourcesmart.vic.gov.au
nergy Audit Tool Volume 3 Chillers, Australian
Peter Brodribb, Expert Air
Government Department of Climate Change
efrigeration – an introduction to the basics, p9, Danfoss
publications/pubs/energyaudit-vol3.pdf www.turbocor.com/literature/pdfs/product_literature/
arbon Trust Networks Project: Food & Drink Industry
Refrigeration Efficiency Initiative – Site Guidance
est results from a 25 kW DX plant: a comparison of
Topics,Guide 5, p4, Carbon Trust, UK thermostatic and electronic control, Landis & Staefa,
www.ior.org.uk/ior_/images/pdf/general/ Switzerland
ISO 14040:2006 Environmental management –
Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework
S/NZS ISO 14040:1998 Environmental
management – Life cycle assessment – Principles
and framework
Sustainability Victoria:
Urban Workshop
Level 28, 50 Lonsdale Street
Victoria 3000
Email: [email protected]
Sustainability Victoria would like to acknowledge
Climate Managers for preparing this report and Frigrite
Refrigeration Pty Ltd for their review of this guide.