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Tempeltagung – The Discourse between Tomb and Temple

P r a G U E X I X / 2017
P R I C E 2 5  E U R

Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

e GYPTOLOGICAL Czech Institute of Egyptology

Between 24th and 27th May 2017, the Czech Institute of Egyptology organised an international conference,
the XI. Tempeltagung. Occurring regularly since 1990, the Tempeltagung was originally exclusively held
at German universities. Since 2002, it travelled throughout Europe and was held in Leiden (2002),
Leuven (2005), Warsaw (2008) and in May 2017, for the first time in Prague.

Drilling for powder

The  Tempeltagung aims to gather scholars working on specific aspects of ancient Egyptian temples
from all periods of history. Each conference centers around one particular theme, and during the
XI. Tempeltagung, scholars focused on the interaction between two crucial expressions of ancient Egyptian The mastaba of
thought, belief and culture: the temple and the tomb. Twenty-nine international scholars presented the chief physician,
papers on the transmission and exchange of specific texts, decorative patterns or architectural elements Nfr-Hr-PtH
between temple and tomb; the interchangeability of rituals; the economic interdependence and the
priesthood and administration involved with both types of structures, and much more.

Exploration of
structures AS 66
and AS 69

The conference was opened by Professor Tomáš Zima, the Rector of Charles University, and his Excellency
Mr. Abderahman Salah, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Czech Republic. The opening
lecture was presented by Dr. Hisham Elleithy, General Director of the Center of Documentation of Egyptian
Antiquities and the Scientific Publication Department, Ministry of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Photo Petr Košárek

The household of
an Egyptian dignitary
P r a G U E X I X / 2017
Czech Institute of Egyptology

Dear readers,
Editorial board
Prof. Mgr. Miroslav Bárta, Dr. We are delighted to present the third English issue of Prague Egyptological Studies, a peer-reviewed
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter- journal that concentrates on studies in the history, archaeology, architecture, religion, language and art
Christian Jánosi of the Third Millennium BC Egypt. In addition, we likewise include book reviews concerning recently
Prof. Peter Der Manuelian published monographs in the above-mentioned fields.
Juniorprof. Dr. Joanne Rowland
Mgr. Renata Landgráfová, Ph.D. In the current issue, several recently uncovered tombs and structures from the excavation works at Abusir are
Dr. Gabriele Pieke presented, including the mastabas of Kaisebi and Ptahwer (AS 76 and AS 76b), the tomb of Neferherptah
Dr. Teodozja Rzeuska (AS 65) and anonymous structures AS 66, AS 69 and AS 91 at Abusir South. Besides these, we are pleased
to include a report on the 2016 season conducted at the pyramid complex of King Djedkare at South Saqqara.
Executive editors
Mgr. Katarína Arias
Our journal also aims to provide more theoretical studies and in this particular edition, it focuses
Kytnarová, Ph.D. on a few select questions concerning the archaeology, architecture and social enquiries of the Third
Mgr. Marie Peterková Millennium BC. These include a new interpretation of enigmatic limestone fragments from the Memphite
Hlouchová necropolis, an analysis of an Old Kingdom household based on research of reliefs in the mastaba of Vizier
Ptahshepses from Abusir and a short study of decorated blocks uncovered in the tomb of Rashepses at
Publisher Saqqara. Additionally, one paper is devoted to the analysis and significance of satellite imagery during
Charles University, Faculty the survey and interpretation of the sun temples of Abu Ghurab.
of Arts, Czech Institute
of Egyptology, Celetná 20, Furthermore, the presented issue also commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor
110 00 Praha 1, Zbyněk Žába, one of the founders of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, and with regret presents eulogies dedicated to the memory of the recently deceased Egyptologist Ahmad El-Sawi.

The study was compiled within Katarína Arias Kytnarová

the framework of the Charles
University Progress project Contents
Q11 “Complexity and resilience.
Ancient Egyptian civilisation REPORTS
in multidisciplinary and The tombs of Kaisebi (AS 76) and Ptahwer (AS76b) at Abusir South (Veronika Dulíková –
multicultural perspective” Lucie Jirásková – Hana Vymazalová – Katarína Arias Kytnarová – Petra Havelková) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The mastaba of the chief physician, Nfr-Hr-PtH (AS 65) (Peter Jánosi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
and illustrations Djedkare’s pyramid complex: Preliminary report of the 2016 season (Mohamed Megahed –
Archive of the Czech Institute Peter Jánosi – Hana Vymazalová) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
of Egyptology FA CU, A preliminary report on the excavations of tomb AS 91 at Abusir South (autumn season 2016)
ASI – Agenzia Spaziale (Marie Peterková Hlouchová – Dana Bělohoubková – Zdeňka Sůvová – Petra Havelková) . . . . . . . . 53
Italiana, Andrzej Ćwiek, Hany Exploration of structures AS 66 and AS 69 in Abusir South: Preliminary report
El-Tayeb, Sandro Vannini on the 2015 and 2016 seasons (Hana Vymazalová) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Language review ANNIVERSARY

Anthony Patrick Arias, B.A. Professor Zbyněk Žába (1917–1971) (Břetislav Vachala) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
PhDr. Oleg Man
In memoriam Ahmad El-Sawi (Zahi Hawass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Typesetting and print Prof. PhDr. Ahmad Abdel-Qaser El-Sawi (Miroslav Verner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
SERIFA, s. r. o., Jinonická 80,
150 00 Praha 5 STUDIES
Drilling for powder. Enigmatic limestone fragments explained (Andrzej Ćwiek) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
ISSN 1214-3189
The household of an Egyptian dignitary – the case of Ptahshepses (Věra Nováková) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Copyright Glossing the past: the Fifth Dynasty sun temples, Abu Ghurab and the satellite imagery
Charles University (Massimiliano Nuzzolo – Patrizia Zanfagna) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Some newly uncovered blocks from the tomb of Rashepses at Saqqara (Hany El-Tayeb) . . . . . . . . 124
Photograph on the front page
The eastern wall of the burial BOOK REVIEW
chamber of Pepiankh, Djedkare’s Roeten, Leo: 2016 Chronological Developments in the Old Kingdom Tombs in the Necropoleis
pyramid complex, South of Giza, Saqqara and Abusir. Toward an Economic Decline during the Early Dynastic
Saqqara (photo S. Vannini) Period and the Old Kingdom, Oxford: Archaeopress (review by Miroslav Bárta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
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Fig. 1 The pyramid complex of King Djedkare in South Saqqara, with the Dahshur pyramids in the background (photo H. Vymazalová)

Djedkare’s pyramid complex:

Preliminary report of the 2016 season
Mohamed Megahed – Peter Jánosi – Hana Vymazalová

Documentation work carried out by the Egyptian mission in the pyramid complex of King Djedkare at South
Saqqara continued between October 8 and November 10, 2016 (fig. 1). It was noticed during the earlier
documentation seasons that the only available architectural plans of the pyramid complex, which were published
by the Italian architects Vito Maragioglio and Celeste Rinaldi in 1962 and 1977, not only contain a number of
inaccuracies, but are also inconsistent among themselves (Megahed 2011a; Megahed 2011b; Megahed 2014;
Megahed et al. 2016; Megahed 2016: 13–14, 81; Megahed – Jánosi 2017). Therefore, it is the aim of the current
Egyptian mission to confirm or correct their plan in the areas of the mortuary temple of Djedkare, excavated in
the 1940s and 1950s. In addition, the mission intends to protect, consolidate and restore the royal monument
as well as the surrounding structures including non-royal tombs.

The work in 2016 concentrated on four areas of the The magazine rooms to the south of the entrance hall
pyramid complex:1 (pr-wrw) (T.f 3–9)
1. The magazine rooms to the south of the entrance hall
(pr-wrw) (T.f 3–9); Temple area T.f features two distinct parts (see fig. 2). The
2. The western end of the causeway (C) and its connection western part is badly preserved, only containing a few floor
to the entrance hall (pr-wrw); blocks indicating the existence of a corridor in the southern
3. The area to the south of the causeway (C); half, while the northern part of the area presents itself as
4. Restoration and consolidation works inside the pyramid an open courtyard (T.f 1–2).2 The eastern half of T.f is
of Djedkare. situated between the entrance hall (T.a) in the north and
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the massif (T.i) to the south. It consists of a corridor (T.f 3) The corridor (T.f 3) was 1.6 m wide and the length of the
running east-west from which six doors opened into six preserved parts reached 14.25 m. Its outlines are fairly well
rooms (magazines?) to the north (T.f 4–9). The area was visible, although large areas of its limestone floor blocks,
selected with regard to the other parts of the funerary especially in the western part, are missing today. The
temple, which were documented during the previous eastern part is better preserved. Enough remained,
seasons, including T.a – T.b – T.c – T.d and the however, to show that at its western end a door existed,
northwestern part of the open courtyard T.e (Megahed – clearly marked by the traces of a door socket and faint
Jánosi 2017). As in the previous seasons, the aim of the traces of typical scratches of a door wing on the floor’s
work in 2016 was to fully document this part of the temple surface (see fig. 4). No masonry between the corridor and
and to cover it again for protection. Thus, the site was the core of the massif (T.i) to the south has survived. The
carefully cleared of the sand and rubble debris, and the outlines on the floor blocks and the narrow space make it
large limestone blocks that were lying on the floor of that clear, however, that no doors opened to the south and simply
area were moved aside. A large part of the original a plain wall of about 2 m thickness formed the bonding
limestone pavement survived in good condition. The device between the corridor and the southern massif.
floor was built of good quality limestone showing the Two of the pavement blocks under the south wall of the
characteristic patchwork pattern already observed in corridor bear so-called quarry marks of a cross in a circle
other parts of the pyramid temple (see e.g. Megahed 2016: written in red paint on their sides (once hidden, now
84–85). Even though no traces of walls remained in situ, looking south). These marks are known from other royal
the surface of the floor featured the smooth and rough monuments as well.3 In addition, an inscription in black
parts clearly indicating the outlines of the individual rooms paint was added onto one of these blocks, perhaps
that once existed in this area (figs. 3–4). It is also typical referring to one of the work gangs (fig. 5a, b).
that the floor blocks of the rooms and corridor were generally Several more hieratic inscriptions were recorded on the
smaller in size, while larger blocks once supported the blocks of the north wall of the southern massif (T.i), which
side walls. was cleaned to its foundation. The bottom of this massif

Fig. 2 General plan of Djedkare’s

pyramid temple. The areas
marked in grey represent
the cleaned and documented parts
of the precinct in 2013–2016,
thick lines show the preserved
parts of the rooms. The layout
and size of the rooms in white
areas are based on Maragioglio’s
and Rinaldi’s plan (1977)
(drawing P. Jánosi)
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Fig. 3 Rooms 3–9 of area T.f (view from west to east), showing the preserved parts of the floor, outlines of the storerooms and the corridor situated to
the south of the entrance hall (photo P. Jánosi)

was built of large blocks of grey limestone, on which the area, no walls exist anymore, but the outlines of the
same sign repeated several times in red paint (fig. 6a, b). missing walls of almost all the rooms are clearly visible on
It is clearly a sign of a building, similar to the shape of the preserved surface of the floor blocks. None of the
the Snw-sign (Gardiner 1957: 498, O 51). However, the storerooms has its outline preserved in full, however, the
Snw-sign usually has its side walls oblique and the strokes missing parts of individual rooms can be reconstructed
inside short (Goedicke 1988: 30a; Möller 1909) even accordingly. The walls between the rooms have more
though variants with two vertical lines can be found as well or less the same width of 1.05 m to 1.10 m (corresponding
(Ransom-Williams 1932: pls. Ij and IIb). With no further to 2 cubits). Rooms T.f 5–T.f 9 measured 2.50–2.60 m
context, the interpretation of this hieratic sign is not easy; (ca. 5 cubits) in width.
it might also represent an aH-shrine (Gardiner 1957: 495, It is worth mentioning that the thickness of the walls and
O 21) or a pr-nw-chapel (Gardiner 1957: 495, O 20). It the widths of the rooms are comparable to the storerooms
perhaps designates the structure itself, but further exploration located to the north of the pr-wrw, which were explored
of the pyramid complex is needed to confirm or correct this in 2015. In that area, however, only a very small part of the
hypothesis. Outlines on the pavement, which supported the floor blocks survived until today. The floor outlines show
massif’s northeastern corner, showed that the eastern that the walls of these rooms did not run entirely straight.
façade of the temple was once adorned with a pair of torus As the pavement did not survive in the southern parts of
moldings. One was at the southeast corner of the massif, the the magazines, it is difficult to determine precisely their
other marked its northeastern corner, which was hidden original lengths. Based on the preserved northern outlines
behind the temple’s façade. A cavetto cornice crowned the of T.f 6–T.f 7 and the southern outlines and door sockets
top of the cased massif, as is shown by large limestone of T.f 3 and T.f 5, it can be calculated that the original length
blocks still lying in this area and displaying these features. of each room was ca. 8.75 m (ca. 16.5 cubits).
The north wall of the corridor (T.f 3) featured six doors
leading to six rooms or magazines (T.f 4–9). Only two of
The western end of the causeway (C) and its
these entrances can be traced on the preserved parts of
connection to the temple’s entrance hall (pr-wrw)
the pavement today, namely the doors to magazines T.f 4
and T.f 5. The back (north) walls of these rooms were Today the original course of the temple’s causeway leading
constructed against the southern side of the south wall of down into the valley can clearly be discerned.4 Its entire
the entrance hall (pr-wrw, T.a). As in other parts of this length remains unknown, however, since the position of the
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Fig. 4 Archaeological plan of rooms 3–9 of area T.f (drawing P. Jánosi, H. Vymazalová)
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Fig. 5a, b Hieratic inscription on

a pavement block of corridor T.f 3
(photo and drawing
H. Vymazalová)

valley temple – which is lost under the modern houses the foundation of the causeway’s north wall. From the
of Saqqara – is also unknown.5 In 2016 season an area of actual pathway, only three blocks of white limestone
ca. 13 × 8 m in front of the entrance into the pr-wrw was remained, which sit on small coarse limestone blocks of
cleared in order to document the remaining parts of the different quality. The width of the pathway did not exceed
western end of the causeway (C) and its connection to the 2.6 m (5 cubits) and the causeway walls were ca. 2.4 m
temple. Part of the causeway’s southern side is still quite thick, but no masonry remained and these measurements
well preserved and visible (fig. 7). Only five large limestone are only inferred from the sizes of and the traces on the
blocks remained on its north side, which once belonged to existing foundation blocks.6 Unfortunately, also no blocks

Fig. 6a, b Hieratic sign repeated twice on one of the blocks in situ in the north wall of the so-called southern massif (photo and drawing H. Vymazalová)
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with architectural features could be found, which would is not evenly cut out of the hard stone and shows a
help to reconstruct the original form of the causeway’s puzzling variation of depth from very shallow at 3 cm to as
architecture.7 Contrary to Nyuserre’s causeway (Borchardt deep as 8 cm. The broadest section varies between 10 to
1907: 45), where basalt blocks formed the dado of the 16 cm. Crude limestone blocks forming part of the
inner walls, not a single fragment of this kind of stone has foundation covered these drain blocks. The joints and gaps
come up thus far, and it must be concluded that Djedkare’s between the quartzite blocks were patched with thick white
causeway was entirely built of white limestone as Sahure’s plaster, some of it covering even the inside of the drain.
causeway (Borchardt 1910: 39). The total height of the The cutting, setting, and bonding of these blocks are rather
passage remains unknown.8 However, the causeway was carelessly executed11 and one wonders for how long this
once certainly covered and had a ceiling decorated with drain functioned after the temple was finished.12
stars. Some blocks decorated with the typical star pattern Further to the west, following the path into the temple,
were found during the clearance of that area. The inner the drain disappears under the floor blocks of the
side walls were vertical and certainly decorated with fine causeway. After a distance of 6 m, it reappears again in a
raised relief. A fragment showing female personifications huge hole, which was obviously dug by stone robbers in
of funerary domains or offering bearers, which might have the entrance of the pr-wrw. On the other side of this hole,
originated from the causeway’s south wall, was retrieved a further drain block is present, clearly indicating the
from the pit in the entrance into the pr-wrw (DJ 216). course of the drain ran through the entire length of the
By cleaning down to the causeway’s foundation, we pr-wrw. It might be supposed that, as in the temple of
revealed part of a well-preserved water drain, which Nyuserre, the drain ran straight to the centre of the
consists of oblong quartzite blocks of differing lengths.9 The columned courtyard, where a basin set in the pavement
entire length excavated in the causeway is 6.5 m. The collected the rainwater (Borchardt 1907: 61). Thus far, no
orientation of the drain does not strictly follow the east-west traces of this drainage system have been uncovered in the
alignment of the causeway, but angles slightly from pr-wrw or in the courtyard.
southwest to northeast. At a certain point to the east, the
drain shows a marked bend to the northeast and runs for
The area to the south of the causeway: a private
another 4 m. No further blocks were found there, but it
necropolis of the late Old Kingdom
seems likely that the end of this drain was constructed
similarly to the water conduit found at the western end of The area located to the south of the causeway and
Nyuserre’s causeway, where the drain ends above a huge immediately adjoining the temple’s eastern façade is one
sandstone basin to collect the liquid.10 The drain channel of the most intriguing parts of Djedkare’s pyramid complex.

Fig. 7 The western part of the causeway with partly preserved pavement and foundation blocks, showing the remains of a drain (photo P. Jánosi)
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Fig. 8 The mud brick structures located to the southeast of the funerary temple at the beginning of the work (photo H. Vymazalová)

The site was explored by Ahmed Fakhry in late 1952 of this wall in the lowermost courses of the shafts. On the
during his excavations in the pyramid complex, but except eastern side, a narrow corridor between MS 1 and another
for a very brief account (Fakhry 1959: 30), the importance tomb to the east (which was not explored in 2016) was
of this private necropolis remains enigmatic (cf. Porter – uncovered. This corridor continues about 2 m to the south,
Moss – Málek 1979: 672). According to the excavator’s but was not further explored. The floor of the corridor
report “seventeen tombs which had all been robbed” were consisted of a mud layer, still partly preserved, which
discovered and obviously explored.13 These structures, featured discoloring in various parts, indicating some kind
constructed entirely of mud bricks (but see the limestone of ancient use. The southern side of the structure is also
burial chamber in shaft 5), made them susceptible to not entirely explored and the southern side of MS 1 – if
damage and destruction, and most of them have been there was any – not yet detected. The remains of a mud
covered again by wind-blown sand (fig. 8). Presently, the brick wall running east-west in this part do not belong to
layout of these tombs is difficult to understand without the original tomb structure; it seems to be of a much later
further exploration. The goal of the 2016 season was, date (Late Period?), although the mud bricks are the same
therefore, to start documenting the northwestern part of as used in the construction of MS 1. In later periods, temple
the still visible structures, consolidate them and to squatters reused old building material for their own
ascertain their relationship to the temple architecture. purposes at the site, a feature that can be observed in
various parts of the temple precinct.
Tomb MS 1 The area immediately to the south of shafts 2, 4 and 6
Several tombs, respectively tomb shafts, could be was cleaned as well, which in the upper layers revealed
distinguished on the surface of the site, but the work debris probably left by Fakhry’s workmen. About 1.3 m
in 2016 focused on the northwestern part of a mud brick deeper and below the debris, a simple burial placed in an
structure (mastaba MS1) comprising several shafts. east-west direction was found together with a complete
This tomb measures ca. 5.5 × 4.0 m and is adjoined by pottery jar of a Late Period date. Further south, another
other structures on its eastern and southern side (fig. 9). structure was located, which was not explored in 2016.
The complex consisted of 40–70 cm thick mud brick walls The inner compartments of the tomb included five shafts
built in a north-south and east-west direction forming six (1–5) and a small burial place (6). The shafts are arranged
inner compartments. The north wall of the tomb, i.e. the in two rows comprising three shafts each. It becomes clear
north wall of shafts 1, 3 and 5 is almost completely that shaft 5 in the northeastern corner is the main shaft of
destroyed. It was only possible to ascertain the existence the tomb building. All shafts were uncovered and emptied
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by Fakhry’s workmen. Fakhry mentioned that all the shafts Shafts 2 and 4
were robbed (Fakhry 1959: 31). In some of them, various These two shafts are located in the southern part of the
finds (including bones) were redeposited. tomb and were apparently built together. Shaft 2 is located
to the south of shaft 1; it is 1.05 × 0.95 m wide at its
Shaft 1 opening and reached 2.80 m deep (mud brick of 32/33 ×
This shaft is located in the northwestern corner of the tomb × 16 × 8 cm). Shaft 4 is situated to the east of shaft 2; it is
complex. The shaft is 1.26 × 0.82 m wide at its opening 1.10 × 1.10 m wide at its opening and reached 2.80 m
and reached 4.73 m deep (mud brick size: 33 × 16 × 9 cm). deep (the same depth as in shaft 2). The fill of the shafts
The north wall of this shaft is almost entirely missing due consisted of brown sand, limestone chips, stones, rubble
to long exposure to weather and destruction. The other and very fine dust.
three walls are better preserved. At the bottom of the The burial chambers of the shafts were constructed to
shaft, rows of well laid mud bricks were found, but these the south and were both oriented north-south. The
do not cover the entire floor area of the shaft. The fill entrance to the burial chamber of shaft 2 was 1.08 m high
of the shaft (certainly the backfill from Fakhry’s work) and was built in the form of a semi-circular arch. The
consisted of limestone chips of different sizes and brown chamber of this shaft was 3.50 × 0.95 m. The entrance
sand. to the burial chamber of shaft 4 was 1.14 m high and was
The burial chamber was constructed to the south of the built in the form of a semi-circular arch. The chamber
shaft, and it reaches under the bottom of shaft 2 to the south. was 3.50 × 0.95 m. While Fakhry refilled the shafts, both
The entrance to the burial chamber was 1.24 m high and burial chambers were found empty of any fill. The burial
was built as a semi-circular arch. The chamber was 2.64 × chamber of shaft 2 contained a few scattered human
× 0.85 m large with a north-south orientation, and it was remains.
found empty of any fill. As the walls of the shaft, the walls The chambers were constructed entirely of mud bricks
of the chamber were constructed entirely of mud bricks, and each had a vaulted ceiling. No floor was detected on
as was its vaulted ceiling. At the southern end of the the bottom of the two shafts, and their chambers and the
chamber we found scattered human remains, however, lowermost course of the mud brick walls was built directly
not in their original place. In the same area, waste and on sand mixed with rubble. Older, disturbed mud brick
old plastic bags from the remnants of the old excavation masonry with limestone pieces can be seen underneath
work were also found. the southern and eastern wall of the chamber in shaft 4.

Fig. 9 Plan of tomb MS 1.

The substructures are
indicated in dashed lines
(drawing P. Jánosi)
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Fig. 10 The vaulted burial

chamber in shaft 4, showing
the passage into the chamber
of shaft 2 on the right side
(photo H. Vymazalová)

The mud brick masonry of the burial chamber of shaft 1 chamber was easily accessible. As expected, this was the
(namely its outer south wall) was detected underneath the decorated burial chamber dated to the Sixth Dynasty
central part of both burial chambers. To the south of it, the (Fakhry 1961: 181; Moursi 1988a).
two chambers of shafts 2 and 4 were connected through a The burial chamber, constructed of mud bricks, is
1 m wide opening in the dividing wall (fig. 10). located to the south of the shaft with a north-south
orientation, and it is 3.0 × 1.3 m large and 1.8 m high, with
Shaft 3 a plastered vaulted ceiling. This chamber contained the
Shaft 3 is located to the east of shaft 1; it is 1.30 × 1.05 m proper burial chamber built of limestone, which measured
wide at its opening and reached 4.96 m deep. The north 2.90 × 1.02 × 1.07 m and was once closed with limestone
mud brick wall of the shaft is almost entirely destroyed, only slabs found at the bottom of the shaft. Its floor is made of
1.70 m remained. No floor was detected on the bottom of limestone blocks and is well preserved (fig. 11). Its flat
the shaft and the fill of the shaft contained limestone chips ceiling made of 12–25 cm thick slabs is painted in red and
of different sizes and brown sand. black to imitate red granite; it is not preserved in the
The burial chamber was constructed to the south of the southern part of the chamber, thus revealing the mud brick
shaft, and its entrance was built in the form of a semi- vault above. The side walls of ca. 10 cm thick slabs bear
circular 1.55 m high arch. The chamber has a north-south painted decoration in good quality and a good state of
orientation, and it measures 2.62 × 1.05 m. The walls and preservation (figs. 12–13).
the vaulted ceiling of the chamber are constructed entirely The west wall is the most complete in the chamber but
of mud bricks. The entrance to the burial chamber was is missing part of its southern end. The scenes on this wall
found blocked by a modern wall built by the previous represent various offerings, e.g. numerous jars, jewelry, oil
excavator, perhaps to protect the neighboring shaft 5 vessels, ornaments jars, folded cloth, and mirrors. Beside
(see below) as well as an uninscribed offering table with a them, a depiction of the palace façade (false door) follows,
Htp-sign and two shallow basins on its sides (DJ-F15/2016; further followed by at least three registers of chests (the
40 × 26.5 × 12 cm), which was left inside the chamber. upper slab is missing in this scene). Above the offerings a
single line of inscription runs: Htp dj nzwt Inpw xntj zH-nTr jmj
Shaft 5 wt, nb tA Dsr qrs.t(w).f m Xrt-nTr jmAxw Ppjj-anx, “A boon which
This shaft is the most important part of MS 1; it is the the king gives and Anubis, foremost of the divine booth,
largest shaft in the tomb, measuring 1.46 × 1.30 m at its who is in the embalming place, lord of the sacred land, that
opening and reaching 4.75 m deep. The top of this shaft he be buried in the necropolis, the revered one Pepyankh”.
was partly reconstructed and protected by a modern Of the southern wall of the chamber, only the bottom
wooden roof and a wooden door, installed by the previous section is preserved; the scene depicts heaps of different
excavators; these installations were in bad state and no kinds of grain. Interestingly, a picture of the chamber
longer played their protective role. Therefore, a new iron published by Moursi in 1988 shows that the southern wall
roof and an iron door were installed on this shaft. was complete at that time (Moursi 1988a: 65–68) and also
The shaft was found free of any fill and contained a contained scenes of four granaries.
wooden ladder left by the previous explorers, which is The east wall of the chamber is missing a large part of
strong enough to be used again. After a simple cleaning of its southern end. The wall exhibits paintings in the northern
fine dust collected at the bottom of the shaft, the burial part, with various food offerings, e.g. meat, bread, and
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 46


Fig. 11 Plan and section

(view to the east) of shaft 5
in tomb MS 1
(drawing P. Jánosi)

geese together with different types of jars. Above the Ranke 1935: 298, no. 17; Ranke 1952: 385; Dobrev 1996:
offerings, the offering formula is written with the title and 105–106, figs. 1–5, photos 3, 5). The offerings are followed
another name of Pepyankh, it reads: Htp dj nzwt Wsjr prt- by a depiction of the palace façade (false door) and further
xrw n smr-waty Sps-nzwt jmAxw %Tw, “A boon which the king by an offering list, of which only a small part is preserved.
gives, and Osiris, an invocation offering to the sole- Underneath the offering list, there is a small part of a scene
companion, the noble of the king, Setju” (for the name %Tw: of slaughtering animals.

Fig. 12 The vaulted mud brick

chamber in shaft 5 containing
the limestone burial chamber
of Pepyankh Setju
(photo H. Vymazalová)
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 47


Fig. 13 The painted burial

chamber of Pepyankh Setju
(photo H. Vymazalová)

In the space between the flat ceiling of the limestone “Shaft” 6

burial chamber and the mud brick vaulted ceiling, an “Shaft” 6 is rather a mere burial chamber, measuring 1.20 ×
offering table of a certain Isesy was found (DJ-F12/2016; × 1.30 m and reaching only 0.90 m deep. Like the other
44 × 27 × 16 cm), apparently left there by the earlier shafts and chambers, it has no floor but ends on natural
excavator (fig. 14). It shows a Htp-sign and two shallow gravel. The walls of this shaft were all built of mud bricks,
basins on its sides and the base of the Htp-sign bears a adjoining the south wall of shaft 5 and east wall of shaft 4.
line of hieroglyphic inscription reading: Htp dj nzwt Inpw From its layout and the structure, it becomes clear that this
tp-Dw.f prt-xrw nt Sps-nzwt mt-n-zA Izzjj, “A boon which the chamber is a “cheap” addition created as an afterthought
king gives like Anubis who is upon his mountain, an to the tomb’s structure. The room has a vaulted roof, which
invocation offering for the noble of the king and the was disturbed in its southern part. The ancient looters
regulator of a phyle, Isesy”. This basin was moved to evidently entered through this opening, and certainly also
the Saqqara storeroom of Ministry of Antiquities no. 1. did the previous excavator. Piled up in the upper layer of

Fig. 14 The offering table

of Isesy found in shaft 5
(photo H. Vymazalová)
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 48


temple’s sanctity no longer existed. How far the tomb

builders respected the temple’s architecture cannot be
stated at the moment. Were these mud brick tombs built
directly against the sloping southern face of the
causeway’s embankment? To answer this question, further
clearance along the causeway’s south side is needed.
After having explored the extant structures, it became
clear that shaft 5 (the burial of Pepyankh Setju, see above)
was the main shaft of this complex. Shafts 1 and 3 were
built against shaft 5, followed by the construction of the
southern two, shafts 2 and 4, which do not reach deep into
the ground but “sit” on the substructures of 1 and 3. “Shaft”
6 in the southeastern corner seems to be the youngest; it
Fig. 15 The stamp seal found in “shaft” 6 (photo H. Vymazalová) was a simple addition in order to create more space for
burials. These six shafts were constructed within a short
period of time or even in one building period as is indicated
its fill, human remains were found in the northeastern by the same building material and the bonding method.
corner of the chamber, including four skulls. The The original height of the tomb structure (the shafts) is
assemblage of such a large number of skulls renders it nowhere preserved.
doubtful that four individuals were buried in such a narrow During the clearance and documentation of tomb MS 1,
chamber. Thus, the origin of these bones remains obscure. a number of finds were uncovered, which were undoubtedly
This deposit of bones was probably left by Fakhry’s already found by Fakhry in 1953. These include not only the
workmen. From the fill, some small faience beads and a above-mentioned offering tables but also the many human
small stamp seal (DJ-F10/2016; 13.5 × 12.5 × 8.0 mm) bones (in shafts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) and fragments of a large clay
were retrieved. The stamp-seal has a pyramidal shape coffin (in shafts 2 and 4 and to the south and east of the
(Wiese 1996: 54–55, Typ SF-BB3) and contains a small tomb). We presume that Fakhry left these finds, which in
hole at the top in which the remains of a string were still those days were deemed inappropriate to be moved to
preserved. The stamp face of the amulet bears an incised magazines, in the places where he found them. But
decoration of a simple figure of a seated lion facing right, concerning the find spots of the many bones, it cannot be
and another simplified crouching enemy (fig. 15) (for ascertained if they really originated from the place we found
comparison, see e.g. Wiese 1996: nos. 426, 427). This type them (see “shaft” 6). On the other hand, several finds which
of stamp seal can be dated to the Sixth Dynasty or the First seem to have come from this particular area were removed
Intermediate Period (Wiese 1996: 55, 65, 81–83), and this by Fakhry, and a few of them were later published, including
dating corresponds with the Sixth Dynasty date of the e.g. the false door and offering table of Setju (Moursi
decorated burial chamber in another shaft of tomb MS 1.14 1988b). These objects might have come from one of the
As MS 1 is built surprisingly close to the royal temple, tombs explored in 2016 season.
one of the objectives of the 2016 season was to investigate
the space between the private tombs and the royal temple.
Restoration and consolidation works inside
As it turned out, the narrow corridor separating these two
the pyramid of Djedkare
structures suffered from heavy damage and looting.
Presently, the area is filled with clean yellow sand and huge The substructure of Djedkare’s pyramid is unique since it
limestone blocks fallen from the temple and causeway. It is features several architectural elements that appeared for
not quite clear how much of this accumulated debris is the the first time in an Old Kingdom pyramid building. These
result (backfill) of Fakhry’s work. As it turned out, no intact include, e.g., the entrance into the substructure of the
layers seem to exist anymore, and by excavating deeper it pyramid located on the floor of the northern chapel. Its
soon became apparent that eventually more of the position is shifted out of the pyramid axis to the west. For
temple’s still intact parts to the east would inevitably the first time, the existence of a northern chapel is attested,
collapse without further measures to consolidate the which became standard from then on (Maragioglio –
architecture, especially the foundations. This coincides with Rinaldi 1977: 74, tav. 10, fig. 1; Jánosi 1995: 146–147).15
the fact that due to this destruction (in ancient times) large The subterranean rooms show an enlargement to the east
parts of the tomb’s northern side are missing today. of the antechamber, the so-called serdab, which features
Nevertheless, at the bottom of the northernmost three three small compartments (Megahed 2016: 75).
shafts (1, 3 and 5), it was possible to observe that tomb The substructure of the pyramid was badly damaged by
MS 1 was obviously built right upon the natural floor level looters and stone robbers over the course of time. This was
of the plateau, consisting of dense sand and huge flint already clear in 1945 when Abdel Salam Hussein and his
stones that formed a compact and hard layer. At the bottom team entered the pyramid (Drioton 1947: 520). The burial
of shaft 5, rough limestone blocks were visible, which are chamber and the antechamber built of fine white Tura
probably part of the base of the causeway’s south limestone were painstakingly quarried and moved out of
embankment. the pyramid. Of the side walls, only a few blocks survived
For the time being, it seems that these mud brick in the western part of the burial chamber. Thus, the
structures were built when restrictions regarding the substructure presents itself as one huge hall allowing a
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 49


Fig. 16 The antechamber

of Djedkare’s pyramid before
the 2016 season
(photo S. Vannini)

direct view “behind” into the masonry supporting the roof However, the antechamber and the burial chamber have
as well as into the pyramid’s core masonry. This consists not been consolidated yet (Megahed et al. 2016). The wall
of irregular blocks and small chips of local limestone piled that originally separated the two chambers is completely
up in an irregular manner to form the inner structure of the missing as well as some of the ceiling blocks and parts of
pyramid (Megahed 2016: 74–75). Only the serdab with the the north, south and west walls (fig. 16). During the past
three niches/chambers to the east escaped vandalism and seasons, we monitored the falling of limestone pieces of
presents itself as fairly intact, exhibiting a flat roof. The masonry from the exposed core of the pyramid.
antechamber and the burial chamber have a vaulted Consolidation of the substructure became, therefore, very
saddle back ceiling made of large limestone blocks urgent and a 3D scan of the substructure was carried out
measuring over 10 cubits (5.25 m) in length. in 2015, documenting the state of preservation before the
Previous expeditions (Egyptian and French) consolidated reconstruction (Megahed et al. 2016).
only parts of the entrance passage of the pyramid (Mathieu During the course of the 2016 season, the reconstruction
2001: 545–546, no. 22; Mathieu 2002: 527, no. 21). works in Djedkare’s substructure focused on the core

Fig. 17 The consolidation

works of the eastern wall
of the antechamber
(photo M. Megahed)
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 50


Fig. 18 The consolidated east

wall of the antechamber
of Djedkare’s pyramid
(photo H. Vymazalová)

above the serdab and the east wall of the antechamber Maragioglio – Rinaldi 1977: tav. 12 fig. 2) seems not to
where a large part of the pyramid’s core was missing have been used in Djedkare’s pyramid. Even though
(Megahed et al. 2016: Abb. 10, 16). Before the work the reconstruction eliminates this advantage by hiding
started, the area of the missing floor and the adjoining the exposed parts of the pyramid, it is necessary for the
masonry was carefully examined and the remains of stability of the pyramid, its safety, and preservation.
hieratic builders’ inscriptions on the foundation blocks, the
floor blocks and the blocks of the masonry behind the
missing south wall of the antechamber were documented. Notes:
The missing part of the floor was then filled with clean sand 1
As for the numbering of the different parts of the pyramid temple,
to support the stability of the reconstructed part of the see Megahed (2016: Pl. 1).
antechamber (fig. 17). 2
This part of the temple needs further cleaning and documentation.
The method suitable for the consolidation of the The more so since in their plans Maragioglio and Rinaldi offer three
antechamber was consulted with authorities of the possible ways of reconstructing the access into T.f from the east
Saqqara Inspectorate of the Ministry of Antiquities and its wall of the transverse corridor (Maragioglio – Rinaldi 1962: tav. 6;
Conservation Department. The missing part of the Maragioglio – Rinaldi 1977: tav. 13 and 14).
pyramid’s core was entirely filled with limestone blocks, 3
For other examples, see, for instance, the pyramid complex of
chips, and mortar, and the outer casing was constructed Sahure (Borchardt 1910: 90, M49), the pyramid complex of
of smoothed white limestone blocks. The mortar Neferefre (Verner et al. 2006: 187–204, nos. 1, 10, 33), also the
consisted of a mixture of kaolin and lime, which has also mastaba of Ptahshepses (Verner 1992: nos. 29, 34, 58, 115, 119,
been used in the restoration of the Step Pyramid in 122, 129, 139, 181, 238, 298, 300, 379, 390, 408, 416), and other
Saqqara (this method and material is required by the tombs at the royal necropolis of Abusir. For discussion on this
Conservation Department of the Saqqara Inspectorate). geometric mark, see e.g. Verner (1992: 164–165).
The reconstructed part of the east wall of the 4
Thus far, it cannot be confirmed that the causeway deviated to
antechamber is clearly distinguishable from the original the south from the axis of the pyramid temple as stated by
part of the wall (fig. 18). Maragioglio – Rinaldi (1977: 86): “The direction of the causeway is
During the work, also eastern sections of the north and not exactly east-west but inclined a few degrees to the south”. The
south walls of the antechamber near the serdab had to be western end of the causeway investigated thus far does not yield
reconstructed. It is planned in the future to continue the such a deviation but runs straight into the temple.
consolidation in the other areas inside the pyramid, where 5
See the remarks in Grinsell (1947: 143), furthermore Megahed
the walls, as well as parts of the pyramid’s core, are also (2016: 87); Maragioglio – Rinaldi (1977: 86) give a length of 220 m.
missing (Megahed et al. 2016: 46, Abb. 11, 14, 16). It is Thus, it seems that Djedkare’s causeway might have been as long
worth mentioning that the missing parts of the walls that as Sahure’s causeway, 235 m (Borchardt 1910: 11–12). For the
reveal the core of the pyramid enable us to peer into the position of the valley temples in the Old Kingdom, see Klemm –
pyramid itself and help us understand the construction Klemm – Murr (1998: 173–189).
methods of the ancient builders. For instance, two layers 6
Our measurements do not contradict the reconstruction by
of the saddle ceiling blocks are clearly visible, exhibiting Maragioglio – Rinaldi (1977). The only point on which we differ is
shallow holes on their sides for their manipulation with the exit in the north wall of the causeway as suggested by the Italian
the help of wooden beams, while the third layer (see scholars (Maragioglio – Rinaldi 1966: tav. 6; Maragioglio – Rinaldi
PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 51


1977: tav. 13). This exit was proposed based on the door in the Drioton, Étienne
opposite, south wall. No architectural remains confirm this 1947 “Les travaux archéologiques du Service des antiquités de
suggestion, and we find it quite unlikely. Further cleaning along the l’Égypte en 1946–47”, Comptes rendus de l’Académie des
northern façade of the temple and the northern massif should settle inscriptions et belles-lettres 91, pp. 519–527.
this question. It should be noted, however, that an exit at the west Dulíková, Veronika – Odler, Martin – Březinová, Helena – Havelková,
end of Unas’ causeway is proposed based on the evidence of Petra
Djedkare, Pepy II and possibly Pepy I (see Labrousse – Moussa 2015 “A burial with a stamp seal depicting a Bes-like figure from
2002: 11, figs. 6–8). Abusir”, Prague Egyptological Studies XV, pp. 69–75.
Maragioglio – Rinaldi (1977: 96, Obs. 18, tav. 14, fig. 5) suggested Fakhry, Ahmed
that the causeway had a form similar to Unas’ causeway, showing 1959 The Monuments of Sneferu at Dahshur I. The Bent Pyramid,
no cornice at the top. Nothing is known about the slope of the Cairo: General Organization for Government Printing Offices.
outside walls. 1961 The Pyramids, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Borchardt assumes an inner height of 10 cubits for Nyuserre’s Gardiner, Alan
causeway (Borchardt 1907: Bl. 6 and 7). Unas’ causeway has a 1957 Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of
height of 3.93 m (= 7.5 cubits) (Labrousse – Moussa 2002: 8, fig. 5). Hieroglyphs, London: Oxford University Press.
Whether the top of the causeway was adorned with a cavetto Goedicke, Hans
cornice (as reconstructed for Nyuserre) is not known, but feasible 1988 Old Hieratic Palaeography, Baltimore: Halgo.
(see also footnote 7 above). Grinsell, Leslie
Neither Fakhry nor the Italian architects mention drains in their 1947 Egyptian Pyramids, Gloucester: Bellows.
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excavators Hussein, Varille or Fakhry. 1995 “Bemerkungen zu den Nordkapellen des Alten Reiches”,
The only difference is, however, that the drain blocks and their Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 22, pp. 145–168.
covering slabs in Nyuserre’s temple were made of red sandstone, Jéquier, Gustave
see Borchardt (1907: 45, 62–63, Abb. 28, Bl. 6), foldout map at the 1929 Tombeaux de particuliers contemporains de Pepi II, Le Caire:
end of the book; Maragioglio – Rinaldi (1977: 34). Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Compare the solid and exact construction in Sahure’s temple, Klemm, Rosemarie – Klemm, Dietrich – Murr, Andreas
where in the drain blocks a pipeline made of copper was carefully 1998 “Zur Lage und Funktion von Hafenanlagen an den Pyramiden des
set (Borchardt 1910: 76–83). Alten Reiches”, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 26, pp. 173–189.
For further thoughts on the effectiveness of the drains, see Labrousse, Audran – Moussa, Ahmed M.
Borchardt (1907: 62) and Borchardt (1910: 83). The fact that 2002 La chaussée du complexe funéraire du roi Ounas, Le Caire:
Sahure’s system was not repeated in other temples seems to show Institut français d’archéologie orientale [Bibliothèque d’étude 134].
that the Egyptians quickly realized that the effectiveness of such a Maragioglio, Vito Giuseppe – Rinaldi, Celeste Ambriogio
complex drainage system was limited. 1962 Notizie sulle piramidi di Zedefra, Zedkara Isesi, Teti, Torino:
Due to the lack of any detailed information or documentation from T. Artale.
Fakhry’s excavations regarding this part of the site, we were not 1977 L’architettura delle piramidi menfite VIII, Torino: T. Artale.
able to identify his system of numbering the mastabas and shafts Mathieu, Bernard
(Fakhry 1959: 30) (for the identification of shaft 5, see pp. 43–44, 2001 “Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en
fig. 9 above); therefore, we gave them new numbers starting from 2000–2001”, Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale
west to east (the west represents the closest shafts to the funerary 101, pp. 449–610.
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addition to the private tombs surrounding Pepy II’s complex further 2001–2002”, Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale
south, see Jéquier (1929). 102, pp. 437–614.
It is worth mentioning that an example of a pyramid-shaped stamp- Megahed, Mohamed
seal with a Bes-figure was uncovered in 2010 in Abusir (Dulíková – 2011a “Neue Forschungen im Grabbezirk des Djedkare-Isesi”, Sokar
Odler – Březinová – Havelková 2015). 22, pp. 25–35.
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a northern chapel at the entrance. This part was, however, never Preliminary Report 2010”, in: Bárta, Miroslav – Coppens, Filip –
properly excavated and awaits further exploration. Krejčí, Jaromír (eds.). Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010/2,
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PES XIX_2017_reports_3-89_PES 14.12.17 9:32 Stránka 52


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