Jaap Kunst - Ethnomusicology
Jaap Kunst - Ethnomusicology
Jaap Kunst - Ethnomusicology
Photomechanical Reprint, I974
of the Third much enlarged edition of 'Musicologica'
and of the Second edition of the supplement
This booklet hardly needs a preface; the contents, I think. speak for
themselves. It contains a short and carefully brought up to date resume
of all that I. as a private University Lecturer in Amsterdam. have tried to
teach my pupils.
It is intended as a general introduction to ethnomusicology, before going
on to the study of the forms of separate music-cultures.
I sincerely hope that those, who wish to teach themselves and to qualify
in this branch of knowledge, will find a satisfactory basis for selftuition
in the matter here brought together.
Regarding the possibility of a new edition, any critical remarks or infor-
mation as to possible desiderata would be very gratefully received.
My request for critical remarks and desiderata has not been ignored. My
sincere thanks to all who took the trouble to let me know what they missed
in my booklet. Through their collaboration the contents have undergone a
considerable improvement and enlargement as compared to the original
edition issued in 1950 by the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam. under
the title 'Musicologica'.
I have taken care to add many particulars from non-European sources.
with the result that now the book is no longer so Europe-centric as it was.
Furthermore, I have done my best to mention in a special bibliography
all the more important ethnomusicological publications, with the exception
of those issued in the Russian, Arabic. Chinese, Indonesian, Javanese.
Sundanese and Japanese languages and in the languages of the Indian
subcontinent. Besides. inserted are only books and articles specialized in
the field of ethnomusicology, and not the (numerous) reports and studies
on ethnology in general, in which are included some (often important) data
concerning the music of the peoples treated. Nor are inserted articles con-
taining too many faulty data and those that are quite antiquated or too
superficial. Admittedly, often I had to make a rather subjective choice; it
has already become an impossibility to give a really complete bibliography.
For many more titles I may refer the reader to the lists found in the works
marked by an asterisk, especially - for the musics of Asia - to the excellent
and comprehensive bibliography by RICHARD WATERMAN C.s. (4307) 1;
for Indonesia to 2399, 2417 and 2418; for India to 43; for Negro Africa
to 4196 and 2853; for China to 4531a, and for American Indian music (but
only till 1909) to 4088.
Finally, I feel impelled to thank Messrs MARTINUS NIJHOFF for the great
care they have given to my booklet and the patience they have shown
in regard to my wishes.
1 Figures printed in bold type refer to the publications contained in the bibliography on p. i9
et seq.
The second edition was soon exhausted, so now I have the opportunity
to add many new (and many abusively omitted old) titles, and to correct
some mistakes.
The capitals A- Mbehind many titles in the bibliography, representing resp.
eight Dutch libraries, one Belgian, two English, one Danish and one German,
indicate where the publications thus marked can be found. As far as the
library of the British Museum (represented, by the capital I) is concerned,
only books and pamphlets have been indicated in this way; publications in
periodicals may easily be found by consulting the British Union Catalogue
SAENGEN (London, 1955 onward). For publications in periodicals to be
found in the libraries of the U.S.A. and Canada, the reader should consult
WINIFRED GREGORY, Union list of serials in libraries of the U.S.A. and
Canada (New York, 2/1943).
As for my own publications, I have omitted - as I have done in the
second edition - those which have served as preliminary studies only and
which therefore are no longer required, being incorporated, often in a better
form, in the publications referred to in this bibliography. This bibliographic
list, now containing about 5200 entries, goes up to September 1st, 1958.
For publications of a later date I may refer to the bibliographies, issued
three times a year in the periodical 'Ethnomusicology' of the 'Society for
Ethnomusicology' (1134) (of which everybody interested in this field of study
should be a member, as well as of the 'International Folk Music Council').
In preparing this new edition I, again, owe many thanks to many people,
in the first place to Miss MAUD KARPELES, hon. seer. of the Intern. Folk
Music Council, who purified the text from idiomatic blunders and 'holland-
isms' and gave many a good hint; to Miss MARIJim CHARBON, who made,
on her own initiative, that very useful Index of periodicals; to Miss EVA-
BRITT HELLIESEN, assistant at the Royal Library, Copenhagen; to Miss
ELISABETH SMIT, ass.-librarian at the Library of the University, Groningen;
to Dr. OLGA BOONE, curator at the Congo Museum, Tervueren, Belgium; to
Dr. G. D. VAN WENGEN of the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leyden; to
professor MARIUS SCHNEIDER, head of the Institute of Musical Sciences,
Cologne, and his assistant ROBERT GUNTHER; to Dr. D.A. GROSHEIDE, librarian
of Utrecht University; to Miss MARIANNE REYERS, assistant at the Library
of the Department of Cultural and Physical Anthropology of the Royal
Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, and to my assistant FELIX VAN LAMS-
WEERDE. Many others also, who, I hope, will not resent their being not
mentioned here nominatim, can be sure of my lasting gratitude.
Amsterdam, 1st September, 1958. J. K.
N.B. The author wishes to appeal to the clemency
of his readers should they occasionally stumble on an inaccuracy: it was found impossible
to check each separate item of the generously submitted contributions.
Wer sich selbst und andre kennl,
Wird auch hier erkennen:
Orient und Occident
Sind nicht mehr zu trennen.
Sinnig zwischen beiden Welten
Sich zu wiegen, lass' ich gelten;
Also zwischen Ost und Westen
Sich bewegen sei's zum besten!
(GOETHE, 'Epigrammatisch')
'Wer die dominierende Stellung der Musik in primitiveren Kultur-
zustanden, die Vielheit ihrer Formen, die iiberraschenden Ahn-
lichkeiten und Unterschiede, wer den Zusammenhang der darauf
beziiglichen Untersuchungen mit den allgemeinsten Fragen nach
den Urspriingen und Formen menschlicher Ziviiisation, nach der
Entwicklung und Ausbreitung der Menschenrassen bedenkt, fiir
den bedarf die Wichtigkeit der Erforschung aussereuropaischer
Musik fiir die allgemeine Ethnologie und Geschichte des Menschen-
geschlechts keines Beweises. Auch jeder Psychologe, jeder Asthe-
tiker, der aus dem Bannkreis der Gelehrtenstube und der Selbst
beobachtung hinausstrebt, urn seinen Horizont durch objektive
Untersuchung menschlichen Denkens und Fiihlens in andern
Zeiten und Raumen zu erweitern, sieht hier fruchtbare Aufgaben
vor sich. Je unaufhaltsamer europaische Kultur in fremde Erdteile
eindringt und abweichende Formen, wenn nicht sogar ihre Trager,
zum Absterben zwingt, urn so mehr ist es an der Zeit, jene Formen
zu sammeln und zu studieren.'
specialization renders them difficult to grasp for us Westerners, who are
equally specialized, but in a different direction. The differences are frequently
felt as deficiencies, and strike the hearer more forcibly than the elements
which both types of music have in common.
The position, after all, is that each race, each population group has
its own manner of musical expression, and this special manner strikes
a different race or people, on first acquaintance, as strange. This manner
of expression, characteristic of a race or people, is not only bound to its
specific psychic structure, but is also physiologically conditioned. The
problems which this situation raises constitute a field of investigation par
excellence of ethnomusicology. WILHELM REINITZ (1649-1684) in his article
Musikwissenschaft und Volkerkunde (1680), formulated this principle - with
real German thoroughness - as follows: 'In Wirklichkeit kann es eine
grundlegende Musikwissenschaft nur geben, wenn man die musikalische
Gestaltung ansieht als korrelativ bedingte Transgredation seelisch-korper-
licher Bewegungsprozesse, die kategorisch ihr subjectives Gleichgewicht
finden in dem funktionellen Bezugsystem biologischer Dynamik'. (i.e.:
Actually, there cannot exist any well-founded musicology unless one
regards musical formation as a correlatively conditioned transposition of
psychophysiological motorial processes, which categorically find their
equilibrium in the organic-functional relative system of biological dy-
namics). We in the Netherlands have a simpler interpretation of the con-
dition laid down in this pronouncement, namely that 'elk vogeltje zingt
zoals het gebekt is', i.e. each bird is known by its song.
non-harmonic Scales, (1884), revised and enlarged a year later, and published,
under the title of On the Musical Scales of Various Nations, in the 'Journal
of the Society of Arts'. In 1922, ERICH VON HORNBOSTEL gave an excellent
German translation of it in the first volume of the 'Sammelbande fur
vergleichende Musikwissenschaft' (1924).
ELLIS, in his treatise - originally an address with demonstrations -
gives an account and the results of his tone-measurements, made on a
large number of exotic instruments with fixed scales and on string- and
wind-instruments tuned by experts, and preceded by a survey of some
theoretically known Arabian and Indian scales. He was assisted in his
measurings by the musically gifted ALFRED JAMES HIPKINS (1826-1903)
(1841-1844) .
ELLIS concludes with a summary of what their investigation taught
them, in which he says: 'The final conclusion is that the Musical Scale
is not one, not 'natural', nor even founded necessarily on the laws of the
constitution of musical sound so beautifully worked out by HELMHOLTZ,
but very diverse, very artificial, and very capricious' (1082, p. 526).
In more than one respect ELLIS and HIPKINS did pioneering work with
their investigation. Not only because they at last opened the eyes of European
musicologists to the fact there could exist, apart from Western scale con-
structions, other ones built on totally different principles, which, by ears
accustomed to them, were experienced as normal and logical, but they
were also the first to apply a method of representing intervals which, since
then, has found general acceptance, because it offers the Westerner ad-
vantages far exceeding all other methods of presentation.
I should like to go into this point in some detail. The pitch 01 a tone is de-
termined by the number of vibrations, i.e. the number of movements made
by some part of the material which is made to sound (string, key, aircolumn,
tongue, membrane etc.), during one second: the so-called c.p.s. (= cycles per
second) or double vibrations (in French: vibrations doubles (v.d.), in German:
hertz (H.)), counting the swing to both sides as a single movement. An
interval is expressed by a fraction, of which the vibration figures of the two
tones bordering the interval are the numerator and denominator.
In certain cases this fraction will, of course, be a simple one; thus, the
octave may be represented by the fraction 2 : I, the perfect fifth by 3 : 2,
the perfect fourth by 4 : 3 - which is to say that the higher tone of each
of these pairs forming the intervals has, respectively, 2, 1 1/2 and 1 1/3 times
as many vibrations as the lower.
When, however, the vibration figures of two tones have no largest
common divisor, the numerator and the denominator remain unsurveyable
large numbers. The so-called Pythagorean comma, i.e. the excess of
twelve successive leaps of a perfect fifth over seven octaves, for instance,
has to be expressed by the fraction (3/ 2)12: 27 = 531441 : 524288, or,
which may be easier to grasp, by the decimal fraction 1,0136. Often, it is
also impossible, without the aid of intricate computations, to determine
which of two intervals is the larger; for instance, the fact that the intervals
799 : 634 and 592 : 470 are equally large, can hardly be realized at first
It has been attempted in different ways to simplify this presentation
of intervals; in the first place by the use of logarithms. By this method
the ratios are reduced to a single figure. This method also removes the
complication of the increase of the number of vibrations in respect to the
same interval towards the treble (each next-higher octave having twice
the number of vibrations of the preceding one).
Although this does, indeed, facilitate the getting of a mental picture
of a given ratio, the result is not yet quite satisfying. For, it still remains
impossible to see at a glance what the relation is between a given interval
and the tone-distances in common use in European music - which, after
all, to Westerners, constitutes the basis of all musical determination of
For this reason another method was adopted; namely, that of dividing
the octave, theoretically, into a large number of very small equal parts,
as units in which to express the size of intervals. Thus, for instance, the
French physicist SAVART (1791-1841), who, because log. 2 is 0.301(03),
proposed a division of the octave in 301 intervals of equal size (called,
after him, savart). In the 19th century this interval-representation in
savarts has also been accepted by other investigators, but later on it was
generally superseded by other systems, among which I may mention one
that, for obvious reasons, uses the milli-octave (M.a.) C~2) as a unit. By
applying this M.a.-system it is possible, without further mathematical
computations, to form a mental image of, at any rate, some of the most
important intervals; as, for example, the tempered tritone of 500 M.a.,
the tempered major third of 333, and the tempered slendro-interval of
200 M.a. Other intervals, on the other hand, do not convey much to the
mind when expressed in M.a.; which means that we cannot directly compare
their size with that of the intervals already known to us; - the fifth, for
instance, which is such an important interval, being rendered by the
completely meaningless figure 583.
Now it is ELLIS' great merit to have proposed and put into practice,
in this cents system, a manner of representation that creates the possibility
of immediate comparison with all our western scale-steps. For he took
- it was the egg of Columbus! - the tempered European semitone as
unit of measurement, and divided this into 100 equal parts called cents
CV~2 =1~2).
The expression of intervals in cents is sufficiently accurate, both the-
oretically and in practice (d. below p. II).
The only remaining difficulty is that the conversion of intervals into
cents is rather a time-devouring task which, moreover, is not everybody's
job; as it requires the knowledge and manipulation of logarithmic tables.
A logarithm table for the conversion of ratios (and therefore of intervals)
into cents and vice versa is given by ELLIS himself in his treatise, referred
to above: On the Musical Scales ot Various Nations (p. 487). A description
of the same process is also to be found in Appendix XX of the second
edition (from 1885) of ELLIS' translation of HELMHOLTZ' Lehre von den
Tonempjindungen (Sensations ot tone) (174); in VON HORNBOSTEL'S
German translation of ELLIS' treatise 1, and, in a slightly different and per-
haps clearer form, originating from T. B. W. SPENCER, in A. H. Fox
STRANGWAYS, The Music ot Hindostan (1283), pp. lIS and II6. In the
treatise Vorschliige tur die Transkription exotischer M elodien (1895), written
in collaboration between OTTO ABRAHAM (1882-1885, 1889, 1895, 1931)
and ERICH VON HORNBOSTEL, one will find this same kind of table, but in
a slightly simplified form.
In the first four publications mentioned, also a second - arithmetical -
procedure is given which, besides, is reproduced in GROVE'S Dictionary
ot Music and Musicians, 3rd. ed., vol. II, p. 7I8a, and in CURT SACHS,
The Rise ot Music in the Ancient World, East and West (3567, p. 28). This
second process, however, is not so accurate as the other one, apart from
its taking more time.
Here follows ELLIS' exposition of the two processes:
'If of the two numbers expressing the interval ratio, 3 times the larger
is not greater than 4 times the smaller, multiply 3A77 by their difference,
and divide by their sum to the nearest whole number, adding I to the
result if over 450. Thus, if the ratio is 4 : 5 (where 3 times 5 the larger
number = IS, is less than 4 times the smaller number = 16), the differ-
ence is I, and sum 9, and dividing 3A77 by 9, the result is 386, the cents
If the ratio is greater than 3 : 4 and less than 2 : 3, multiply the larger
number by 3, and the smaller by 4, proceed as before, and finally add
498 to the result. Thus for 32 : 45, multiply 45 by 3, and 32 by 4, giving
128 : 135, difference 7, sum 263 Then 7 X 3A77 : 263 gives 92, and
92 + 498 gives 590, the cents required.
Lastly, if the ratio exceeds 2 : 3, multiply the larger number by 2 and
the smaller by 3, and proceed as in the first case, adding 702 to the result.
Thus for 5 : 8, take 3 X 5 : 2 X 8 or IS : 16; difference I, sum 31; then
1 192 4. p. 8, note I.
3.477 : 31 = 1I2. and this added to 702. gives 814. the required number
of cents.
This process is sometimes very convenient. but tedious when a large
number of results have to be obtained. In this case, those who can use
logarithms, will find the following table very simple, and it will give the
result to one-tenth of a cent.
science, but which has hitherto been concealed in a somewhat inaccessible
periodical (1923) - together with its author's commentary:
'The reduction of logarithms, even when done with the aid of the familiar
tables, suggested by ELLIS, is always a boring and time-devouring affair.
The methods described by ELLIS and T. B. W. SPENCER, i.e. the direct
conversion of ratio figures into cents without the use of logarithms, are
both complicated and inaccurate. It is possible, however, to make the
whole business much easier by means of a very simple expedient. This is
the computation, once and for all, of the ratios between all integers from
n to 2n, and n into cents. We shall then find that the cents figure for the
ratio between any two numbers P: q (between nand 2n) is equal to the
difference between the cents figure for P : nand q : n, since qln : Pin = qlp.
The criterion for the choice of n must be the degree of accuracy needed
in the computations, and further the absolute magnitude of the numbers
most generally involved. The table attached hereto is intended to serve
the need of the acoustic specialist who wishes to determine vibration
figures chiefly in the middle register, say, between 400 and 800 v.d., neg-
lecting, as a rule, interval differences of 5 C. in the lower, and 2 C. in the
higher part of this register. Numbers outside the range covered by the
computation should first be either multiplied or divided (octave transpo-
sition) by 2n; for this reason it was thought desirable to extend the range
of the table over more than one octave; it covers - without thereby be-
coming unwieldy - a minor tenth (I500 C.).1 The tens of the vibration
figures are placed right and left, the units above and below in the margin.
Finding the cents figures is simplified by means of group-lines and difterent
Here follow a few examples to illustrate the manner of using the table.
(1) Having measured the vibration figures 435 (a') and 652 v.d., we
wish to find the cents figure (z) for the ratio. For 652 we find in the table
II26 C.; for 435, 426 C.; so z = II26 - 426 = 700 C. (tempered fifth).
(2) Given 290,3 : 435, wanted z. The smaller number has to be brought
within the range of the table by octave transposition: 2 X 290,3 = 580,6;
we then get, instead of the interval wanted, its extension into the octave:
I200 - z = 926 - 426 = 500; z = 700 C. (The value for 580,6 is found
by interpolation). Or, direct: z = (I200 +
426)- 926 = 700 c.
(3) What is the cents-number that corresponds to the perfect fifth 2 : 3 ?
Answer: 2 : 3 = 400 : 600; z = 98] - 28I = 702 C.
(7) Find the interval 443 : 541 based on 613 v.d. (N.B. All numbers in
these problems are prime-numbers). Answer: 804 - 458 = 346 C. (one of
the 'neutrals' that occur so often in exotic music, i.e. an interval between a
major and a minor third); I020 + 346 = I366; 443 : 541 = 613 : 749.
(8) Calculate a cycle of fifths of 678 C. (too small by a Pythagorean
comma = 22 C.), downwards from the Chinese diapason (pitch-tone) 732
v.d., gathering all the tones within the range of a single octave. To this
end we alternately go down 678 C., and upward by I200 - 678 = 522 C. ;
I327 - 678 = 649; 649 + 522 = II7 I , etc.; we then get: 732, 4941/2, 669
v.d., etc.
(9) Calculate the Siamese scale of seven equal steps as from 378 v.d.:
I200 : 7 = I7 I ,43 C.; I83 + I7 I ,43 = 354,43; 354,43 + I7 I ,43 = 525,86;
.... 697,]; 868,7; I040; I]II,6 C. Result: 378; 4171/2; 461; 509; 562;
620; 685 v.d.
(10) Enlarge a curve by the ratio 509 : 57!. What parameter p2 does
the point pI = 601 get in the new scale? Answer: 897 - 698 = I9W
986 + I99 = II85; p2 = 6741/2.'
In the last named treatise Mrs. GERSON says:
'A decisive step in this direction (i.e. the direction of avoidance of lengthy
and troublesome logarithmic or arithmetic calculations) has recently been
done by the construction of a technical device, worked out by M. REINER
(of Technical College, Haifa), and called the 'Music Rule'. Generally,
logarithmic calculation can be facilitated by using the slide rule. In a
similar way, the Music Rule consists of two separate double-scales the
first of which (A-B) confronts the vibration numbers (scale A) in hertz
with the respective cent-numbers (or ellis) (scale B) in a way, that any
required pitch can be read off directly, without calculation. The second
double-scale (C-D) confronts the ellis-number (scale C) with the main
musical intervals (scale D) (p 234, fig. 64).
The scale A represents the tones c' - c" with frequencies of 264 to 528
hertz. Each division on scale A is equivalent to 2 hertz, and each division
on scale B to 10 ellis. (As for other octave ranges one has to multiply or
divide the figures of scale A by 2 (or adding or subtracting 1200 on scale
B).) Now shift the C-scale against the A-scale, until the base-line of the
C-scale is opposite the vibration number of the lower tone of the interval
to be measured. Then read directly from the C-scale, opposite the vibration
number of the higher tone of the interval to be measured, the size of that
interval expressed in ellis'.
Another recent contribution in this field, made by the Hamburg musi-
cologist HEINRICH HUSMANN, excels in that it meets all possible demands
of exactness and is especially useful for those unaccustomed to intricate
calculations. His publication has been issued under the title Funt- und
siebenstellige Centstateln zur Berechnung musikalischer Intervalle (2003).
Then there is FRITZ BOSE'S system (430). It closely resembles that of
Prof. REINER, mentioned above.
And recently, CURT SACHS has shown us in his book Our musical heritage
(3578), p. 12 ff., a simple and easy way of interval calculation.
How is the pitch of a tone measured? For this, some or other measuring
instrument is indispensable. However sharp one's musical ear may be,
however firmly one may be convinced of the infallibility of one's 'absolute
pitch', without a measuring instrument it is impossible to objectivate
one's auditory experience more accurately than by recording, say, a' +;
'between e and t', or, as regards intervals, 'a fourth on the small side',
'fifth-like intervals'; 'about 3/4 of a tone', and so on.
Our organ of hearing, moreover, has an unconscious inclination to
'correct' tones and intervals that do not fit in with our own familiar tonal
system, in such a way that they will appear to fit in with it. Hence the
mistaken idea on the part of musically gifted, retired officials from Indo-
nesia that the Javanese slendro scale can be truly played on the five black
keys of the piano. In other words: without recourse to a measuring instru-
ment it is absolutely impossible to fathom the nature, the structure of an
exotic scale and to communicate it to others.
In the course of time, the sciences of phonetics and musicology have
developed and obtained the use of a large number of such measuring instru-
ments. Of these, it may broadly be asserted that their precision is in inverse
proportion to their usefulness in 'field work', which after all, demands
that the instrument shall be easily transportable, of a simply manipulated
construction, and able to stand a certain amount of knocking about. It
should further, for preference, not be too expensive to buy and maintain:
musicologists do not, as a rule, excel as possessors of earthly riches, and
only a very few are privileged to receive adequate financial assistance
from scientific institutions or interested private persons.
In a modernly equipped laboratory it is possible to perform tone-measure-
ments with amazing accuracy. The so-called 'electric eye' allows of determi-
nations of pitches down to particles of vibrations. Other instruments are,
for instance, tuning forks with adjustable weights that change the pitch as
they are shifted, and with a scale-division on the prongs; ApPUNN'S tono-
meter (sequences of reed-pipes); tuning- or pitch-pipes; slide- or piston-
pipes (i.e. with an air-column of adjustable length) with scale-division (e.g.,
the Tonvariator of W. STERN, that made by Messrs. PHILIPS, and other
types); the 'Schwebungstongenerator' (heterodyne tone generator) of W.
LEHMANN 1; VON HORNBOSTEL'S 'Reisetonometer' (a small wind instrument
with freely vibrating reed, adjustable air-column length and graduation
scale indicating pitches). We further know the method followed by E. W.
SCRIPTURE (enlargement and analysis of gramophone curves) 2, the oscillo-
scope method of GRUTZMACHER and LOTTERMOSER 3, the so-called 'soot
method' of MARBE 4, METFESSEL'S method of phonophotography (2866),
the chromatic stroboscope as described by R. W. YOUNG and A.
LOOMIS 5 and the ingenious photographic method used by OLAV GURVIN
(1560). ELLIS, in his classic investigations, used a - very extensive - series
of tuning forks 6.
My own experience has taught me that, as regards field work, the most
1 WERNER LEHMANN, Helv. Phys. Acta 6, p. 18 ft. (1933).
2 E. W. SCRrPTuRE, Researches in Experimental Phonetics (1906). Ci. also STUMPF, Die An/tinge
der Musik (3995), p. 80/8r.
3 'Akustische Zeitschrift' 1937, p. 247 ft.; ibid. 1938, p. 183 if.
4 'Zeitschriit fUr Psychologie', Vol. 49, p. 206 ft.
e In 'Journal Acoust. Soc. Amer'. X, p. 112 ft. (1938). See about this apparatus also FRITZ A.
KUTTNER (2445) and MILTON E. MET FESSEL (2867).
6 ELLIS, 1082, p. 486.
satisfactory instrument is the old, well-tried monochord, fitted with a
proper graduation scale. This instruments embodies a generally acceptable
compromise: (I) fairly great precision; (2) easy transportability; (3) it is
practically unbreakable; (4) has good resistance to climatologic influences;
(5) is quickly and easily operated, (6) the cost of purchase is small and cost
of maintenance nil (fig. 59).
The results obtained with the monochord may in most cases be deemed
sufficiently accurate for musicological purposes. Instrumental tone-sequences
- such as played, for instance, on the melody-instruments of Javanese,
Balinese or Siamese orchestras - show slight internal differences in pitch
which are not intended, and, therefore, do not require the use of a more
precise measuring-instrument.
Among the sources of errors in measurements such as these, we must
mention in the first place the investigator's organ of hearing, since there
are limits to its precision. He bases himself on the sharpness of his musical
(a) when, in tuning the string of the monochord to a calibrated tuning
fork, identity of tuning is attempted between a vibrating metal rod and a
string; (in this, the difference in tone-quality (timbre) is a disturbing
factor) ;
(b) in equalizing the pitch of the monochord string with that of the
tone to be measured (here, too, there is usually difference in both material
and timbre).
There are further the following unfavourable factors:
(c) always the relative inaccuracy of the graduation scale attached to
the monochord, and
(d) sometimes the extra source of error arising as soon as a tone has to
be measured which lies outside the register covered by the monochord.
For in this case one has to have recourse to the next higher or lower octave;
and the equalization of the tone to be measured with its octave on the
monochord - as has been proved empirically - cannot be effected with the
same precision that can be obtained in equalizing two tones in the same
In causing to correspond, first, the tones of the tuning fork and the
monochord string, and, later, that of the latter with the sound-source to
be measured, attention should be given to the 'beats' which are heard
as soon as the two tones approach each other. When the beats have disap-
peared, equality has been attained. If beats are still audible, their number
per second should be estimated as nearly as possible. This number is equal
to the difference between the respective numbers of vibration per second
of the two tones.
It is further advisable to repeat, if possible, the measurements after
some time. It will then be seen that the results slightly differ here and
there. One may be better disposed at one time than at another; I have
also noticed that the state of the weather (extreme moisture or drought,
excessive heat or cold) may influence either the investigator's hearing, the
instrument to be measured or the monochord in some way or other; the
sources of error mentioned above may make themselves felt, now in this,
now in that direction. It is, therefore, advisable, to measure twice, with
an interval of some days in between, to add the results of both measure-
ments and divide the sum by 2, or, better still, a third measurement is
made with the hope that this will confirm the relative accuracy of one of
the two preceding ones.
Ethnomusicology could never have grown into an independent science
if the gramophone had not been invented. Only then was it possible to
record the musical expressions of foreign races and peoples objectively;
it was no longer necessary to make do with notations made by ear on the
spot, which notations, however well-intended, usually fell short in every
respect - i.e. both rhythmically and as regards pitch. And in addition it
now became possible to incorporate the style of performance - that extremely
important element - into the subject-matter of the investigation.
Truly, it is not only the intervals and the rhythm which, next to the
special musical forms, are characteristic of the manifestations of a race.
The manner, the style, of performance is at least as important. One must
have heard them to realize this to the full extent: the mobile, amazingly
fast melos of the pygmies, sung with a high head-voice; the passionately
'pinched' vocal sound of the Japanese and Chinese actors; the nasalized
melodies of the Indonesian women; the pathos in the vocal rendering of
the American Indians; the vital jollity as well as the sonorous seriousness
of the Negro singing - one must have heard them to realize to the full the
degree to which a race is characterized by its style of interpretation. More
and more this is being acknowledged and understood. An important treatise
in this special field is WERNER DANCKERT'S Musikwissenschajt und Kultur-
kreislehre (793). I would further mention, in the same connexion, GEORG
HERZOG'S article The Yuman Musical Style (1702); VON HORNBOSTEL'S
review in 'Baessler Archiv' (1947); VON HORNBOSTEL and LACHMANN,
Asiatische Parallelen zur Berbermusik (1956) j EICHENAUER, Musik und
Rasse (1058) ; WILHELM HEINITZ' articles Die vergleichende Musikwissen-
schajt im Dienste der Volkerkunde (1665), Die vergleichende Musikwissen-
schalt als Instrument der Stil- und Rassenkunde (1676), Was kann die ver-
gleichende Musikwissenschajt zur Indogermanenjrage beitragen? (1678), Die
Erjorschung rassischer Merkmale aus der Volksmusik (1681) and Rassische
Merkmale an alrikanischem Musikgut (1683) j G. WALDMANN, Musik und
Rasse (4269) j BELA BARTOK'S Rassenreinheit in der Musik (278) j HERBERT
HUBNER'S study Die Musik im Bismarck-archipel (1987) j ROBERT LACH,
Das Rassenproblem in der vergleichenden Musikwissenschalt (2472) j MARIUS
SCHNEIDER'S Geschichte der Mehrstimmigkeit (passim) (3734) j by the same
author: Die musikalischen Beziehungen zwischen Urkulturen, Altptlanzern und
Hirtenvolkern (3745), and par. Vof his contribution Die Musik der N aturvolker
(3773), FRITZ BOSE'S Klangstile als Rassenmerkmale (424) and Messbare
Rassenunterschiede in der Musik (438b); and, finally, E. KLUSEN'S article Der
Stammescharakter in den Weisen neuerer deutschen Volkslieder (2248).
Ethnomusicology derives still further advantages from the invention of
the gramophone. The phonographic method makes it possible to collect
vastly more material in the available - usually awkwardly restricted - time,
than formerly, when everything heard had to be noted down then and
there - a very troublesome and wearying task. At the same time, too, the
strain on the patience of the players and singers is reduced to a minimum.
Formerly, whenever the melody to be recorded was very complicated,
these people would be asked to repeat it many times over, if possible in
bits at a time; a proceeding which, in actual practice, mostly amounted
to starting right from the beginning over and over again (since the repetition
of a passage in the middle of a piece, as one may imagine, causes con-
siderable difficulty). Now, on the contrary, the players can usually content
themselves - and the recorder - with 'doing their stuff' once only.
As in the case of tone-measurement, so with the sound-recording there
exist a number of different apparatuses, and here, too, the same applied
until recently, i.e. that the technically best method proved less useful in
practice, owing to the size, weight, fragility and costliness of the apparatus
demanded by it.
Until World War II, therefore, - at any rate when dealing with a territory
where conditions had remained more or less primitive (lacking for instance
motor roads and electric current), and especially in difficult mountainous
or wooded parts where carriers were the only possible means of transport -
the general opinion was that the old-fashioned springdriven phonograph
with wax-cylinders, recorder and reproducer, such as the 'Edison-Amberola'
and the 'Excelsior', was the proper instrument for this purpose.
Since then, this situation has undergone a remarkable change, as every-
body knows. Various electromagnetic systems, by which the pieces are
recorded on metal wire or on a metallized paper or plastic strip or band
(called 'coated tape'), have summarily caused all other recording methods
to become antiquated. For a survey of various systems in existence I refer
the reader to S. J. BEGUN, Magnetic Recording 1. The new apparatuses not
1 New York/Toronto, I95I.
only enable us to obtain an infinitely better rendering - hardly, if at all,
inferior to the original performance; they also allow of uninterrupted record-
ng lasting, if desired, several hours; their manipulation is simple; they are
readily transportable and not very vulnerable or fragile, and, last not least,
their purchase price, although higher than that of the phonograph or
gramophone, is not an unsurmountable obstacle, whereas their cost of main-
tenance is even less. The only thing most of them require is the presence of
a power source. If there is no local electric network to which the recording
apparatus (which also reproduces the sound) can be connected, one has to
have a transportable power source at one's disposal.
However, recently several new types of tape recorders have appeared,
especially suited for research in areas without electric power. This type
of recorder, made both in the United States and in GermanyandSwitzerIand,
is powered by dry cell batteries (for the microphone) and has a mechanical
drive. The weight and the bulk have been reduced seizably. According to
reports this new type is greatly facilitating field recording.
For the spoken word, the wire- and tape-recordings are equally satis-
factory; for the recording of music it appears that a tape-apparatus is
preferable, the more so as it seems that wire-recording has a 'constitutional'
drawback in so far that the wire is subject to the danger of getting tangled. 1
Now whatever apparatus the field worker may have at his disposal,
one thing is certain: on arriving in the locality of his researches, he will
often find himself faced with a certain diffidence and even suspicion on
the part of the population. He will not always find someone who is immedi-
ately eager or even prepared to play or sing to the visiting stranger with
his mysterious-looking instruments. The general - quite understandable
- tendency is 'to wait for the cat to jump'.
All the same, my experience is that it is not so difficult to get the people
to sing, or dance, unless abnormal circumstances - such as, in North-
Nias, the fear of the Christian mission's hostility to the ancient folk-song
and -dance - have gained the upper hand over the people's natural curiosity
and willingness to perform. The well-tried recipe: first to perform a tune
oneself, say, a European folk-song or a piece on the violin, or to execute a
Western folk-dance, has often worked wonders among the Indonesian
peoples in whose midst I have made my investigations. They didn't like to
be left behind; they, too, wanted to let you hear or show you something of
their own - and this the sooner, once they found that every performance
was followed by some little reward.
1 See on the question, which recording equipment one should buy, also the article by ALAN P.
MERRIAM (2854) and the Manual, edited for the I.F.M.C. and the R. Anthrop. lnst. by MAt;D
KARPELES (2I44a). - For historic data concerning the recording of sound I may refer to ROLAND
GILATT, The story of the gramophone from tinfoi.l to high fidelity (London, 1956).
As regard these rewards: a systematic record of the preference on the
part of a given population group for particular objects would be most
useful. The old Dutchmen - crafty traders as they were - realized the
desirability of this policy right from the start, and acted accordingly.
The Corte Verclaeringhe per CORNELIS DE HOUTMAN van de Landen ghenaemt
Oost Indien olte Conquisten van Portugal - the report of a study trip to
Portugal in preparation of 'D'Eerste Schipvaerf of 1595-'97 - already
contains a lengthy list of articles which, from Portuguese experience, were
readily accepted by the peoples of the Archipelago in exchange for their
products 1.
For those who contemplate making a study trip to Nias or to Flores,
the following suggestions may prove useful.
I found that, in Nias, the people were most impressed by necklaces of
'gold' beads (which were made of coloured glass); the red coral necklaces,
which, in my eyes, were much prettier, found but scant favour there;
and neither did flashlights, unless they were longer than two batteries.
In Flores, on the contrary, they sniffed at the 'golden' beads, whereas the
red corals were all the rage. They also fell violently in love with a rather
complicated type of pocket-knife, while the smaller flashlights were also
much in favor. Tobacco, in the form of lumps of chewing tobacco, and
cigarettes, as well as chocolate drops and sweet biscuits, proved a universally
appreciated reward; I could not bring a sufficient store of these to satisfy
all demands. In South-Nias, the 'Bensdorp' flat round chocolate drops
were at first taken to be some sort of money, as they were wrapped in silver
A most important factor for the success of a musicological expedition
is some knowledge of the language current in the territory of your in-
vestigation. You should at least know a sufficient number of words and
expressions to enable you to ask a person to sing at the right moment and
in the right way, or that will be helpful in establishing a friendly contact
with the person you are talking to. In Nias, for example, a set of fourteen
terms have helped me through many difficulties and smoothed my way
towards obtaining the goodwill of the population. I was able to say 'yes'
(la'u) and 'no' (lifo); express thanks (sauhagolo); welcome somebody
(ya'ugo; literally: ('is that) you?') and say good-day (yahel); express my
admiration for a fine song- or dance-performance (sochi-sochi = 'fine, fine!'),
and my affection by a frienqly tap on the shoulder while pronouncing
the word silahuhu (= 'friend'). Singing into the horn of the phonograph
was directed by the words lona ('not yef), taborogo ('starf), honelgo ('stop,
silence'), alio ('quick'), balo'i (North Nias) or besto (Central Nias) (= 'wait
1 See: J. C. M. W ARNSINCK, De wetenschappelijke vOO1'bereiding van onze eerste schipvaart naar
Oost-Indie (inaugural address), 1936, p. 9.
a moment'), ebua 0 liu ('louder!'); while I was able to express sympathy
with the experimental persons at the end of the singing or dancing, by
asking in kind, thoughtful tones: erege dodo? or marase?, meaning 'are you
tired now?'.
For the rest there is needed a little tactful handling, a lot of patience, a
smile at the right moment, and the sympathy which will enable you to
detect whether your informants' initial shyness is giving way to some
sort of confidence, whether he is getting tired and in consequence a little
irritable or easily distracted, and whether the psychological moment has
arrived to show a little generosity - in short, intuition and tact, one either
has th'TI or has them not, but they are indispensable if satisfactory results
are to b\. o'ltained.
The first phonograms of exotic music to benefit our science were made
by Dr. WALTER FEWKES in 1889, from the singing of the Passamaquoddy
and Zuni Indians. These records were passed on for analysis and elaboration
to Dr. B. I. GILMAN of Harvard University, and this led to the publication
of his study Zuni Melodies (1438), which paper has served as example
to many later treatises based on phonographic material.
Once the importance and necessity of phonographic recording was
generally realized, many larger and smaller phonogram-archives came
into being; the oldest established being in the U.S.A. Some American
universities now have extensive collections. The American stock of phono-
grams was estimated in 1933 at about 17.000 different records, including
Honolulu. The majority of these are recordings of American Indian vocal
music, and are mostly, as far as I know, on cylinders. 1
Since then the important and rapidly growing collection of records of
the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., the majority of which were
recorded by means of the most modern apparatuses, have been added to
these as well as the splendid collection, brought together by GEORGE
HERZOG, formerly at Columbia University, New York, and afterwards
transferred by him to the Anthropology Department of the University of
Indiana, Bloomington (Ind.), where he is now teaching.
This material has been gathered, studied and still is studied by a number
of meritorious ethnomusicologists. I already mentioned the names of
FEWKES, GILMAN and GEORG HERZOG (172-175). Next to them worked
FRANCES DENSMORE (fig. II) (855-949), HELEN H. ROBERTS (fig. 28)
(3430-3451), EDWARD SAPIR (3648, 3649), FREDERICK R. BURTON (554),
CHARLES K. WEAD (4315-4317), ROSE BRANDEL (468-470a), GERTRUDE P.
KURATH (1225, 1226, 2419-2438), WILLARD RHODES (3399-3405a), ALAN
P. MERRIAM (fig. 43) (2845-2860), DAVID McALLESTER (2797-2802), E. R.
CLARK (686), RICHARDA. WATERMAN (171,437-4312) and many others. Af-
ter 1933 American ethno-musicology received a fresh impetus when, owing to
the rise of Nationalsocialism in Germany, SACHS (fig. 3) (1913, 3526-3579g),
VON HORNBOSTEL (figs. 12 and 18) (1882-1963) and BUKOFZER (fig. 31)
(533-538) came to the United States and were called to university chairs.
In 1952 MANTLE L. HOOD (fig. 44) from the University of California, Los
Angeles, came to Europe and specialized in Indonesian music (1877-1879).
French Canada, also, boasts a large and excellent collection of phono-
grams of French-Canadian, English-Canadian and (more than 2600) Cana-
dian-Indian folksongs, brought together by M. MARIUS BARBEAU (fig. 19)
(233-242, 1360) and housed in the National Museum of Canada at Ottawa.
As far as Europe is concerned, the best known and most important
collections were found in Vienna and Berlin. Of these two, the Viennese
one - the property of the Academy of Sciences - is the older. Its estab-
lishment dates from about 1900; apart from a few thousand speech- and
language-phonograms, it contained, in 1933, about 1500 music records.!
The Academy issued many ethnomusicological studies, based on its phono-
gram collection. Of those I may mention the publications by EXNER and
P6CH (II39), TREBITSCH (4139-4141), FELBER (1217-1222), VAN OOST
(3066-3069), MURKO (2934, 2935), BIRO (361), IDELSOHN (2018, 2020),
LACH (fig. 17) (2460-2462, 2480-2485, 2493), NADEL (2956, 2960), GRAF
(1488), JANSKY (2067) and TRUBETSKOY (4152). Recently Dr. WALTERGRAF
has been appointed as its director.
The Berlin archives - which were destroyed or, at least, dispersed without
the slightest chance of getting them together again 2, during the second
world war - were much larger. They were established in 1902, at the insti-
gation of the great physiologist and psychologist CARL STUMPF (fig. 2),
and were at first - until 1932 - housed in the Psychological Institute of
the University of Berlin, and later in the Staatliche Hochschule fiir Musik;
after 1933 they have been incorporated with the collections of the Museum
fiir Volkerkunde 3.
STUMPF, as far as his musicological work is concerned, lives on in the
grateful remembrance of ethnomusicologists not only on account of having
founded this richest and best organized of all European phonogram archives,
1 Ibid., p. 15.
2 Dr. EMSHEIMER told me that four crates with about 1300 cyllnders have been recovered; the
rest, packed in 20 crates, the Russians took with them and, therefore, it is lost for Western science.
- See also KURT REINHARD (3376).
3 Since 1948 some young musicologists, in the first place KURT REINHARD (337G-3388b) and
HANS HEINZ DRAGER (loo7-looga), try to revive this Berlin centre by lecturing at the recently
founded 'Freie Universitat' and rebuilding the phonogram-archives.
but also as the man who, in collaboration with Dr. OTTO ABRAHAM (1882-
1885, 1889, 1895, 1931), made the first musicological phonographic records
in Germany (from the music of the Siamese court-orchestra which was per-
forming in Berlin at the time), and also as the author of that masterly
treatise Tonsystem und Musik der Siamesen (3993), of a larger work, Anfange
der Musik (3997), and a number of other publications (3984-3999).
However, the extraordinary growth of the Berlin phonographic archives
is not so much due to STUMPF'S work, but rather to that of his pupil and
younger friend ERICH M. VON HORNBOSTEL - tacile princeps among all
those who have made ethnomusicology the chosen subject of their study.
Under his direction the phonographic collection grew rapidly, until, in 1933,
when VON HORNBOSTEL left Berlin, it comprised no less than 10.000 records.
VON HORNBOSTEL - at first with the co-operation of Dr. OTTO ABRAHAM,
later alone - published a series of brilliant studies, based on the analysis
and transcription of the phonograms acquired by the Berlin Archives,
and dealing with the musical expressions of peoples from all parts of the
world (1882-1963, 2509, 2510, see also 2373 and 3579b). Unfortunately
these studies are scattered over countless periodicals and accounts of travels,
often difficult to obtain. The author never got as far as publishing that
part of his life's work in a single volume of 'Collected Musicological Essays';
only his articles dating from before 1908 may be found together in the first
volume of the 'Sammelbande fiir vergleichende Musikwissenschaft'. 1
The marvellous clarity of mind and wellnigh infallible intuition with
which VON HORNBOSTEL penetrated into the - at the time practically
virgin - field of exotic musical cultures will rarely be equalled. He was
for all of us a shining example and unattainable ideal.
The remarkable thing is that his greatest service to the science of ethno-
musicology was probably the fact that he put forward a theory which
might be considered untenable - that is, if later investigators, MANFRED
F. BUKOFZER (534, 535, 537) and KATHLEEN SCHLESINGER (3719), who
have attempted to disapprove it, (though with, in my opinion, unsufficient
arguments) are right - but which has, at any rate, succeeded in bringing
clarity into certain very thorny problems in connexion with the structure of,
and possible relationship between, instrumental scales of different peoples
living remote from each other, and of both former and present times. I am
of course referring to VON HORNBOSTEL'S famous hypothesis of the cycle
of blown fifths, which the reader no doubt knows by name. For the content
of this hypothesis, and the criticism levelled at it, I may refer those interested
to my brochure Around Von Hornbostel's theory of the cycle of blown fifths
1 A complete bibliography of VON HORNBOSTEL has been published in Newsletter No.2 (Aug.
(2394) and to the articles by HANDSCHIN (fig. 12) (1593) and LLOYD (2639).
VON HORNBOSTEL trained a number of talented pupils, several of whom
worked for some years as his assistants. I would mention GEORG HERZOG
(fig. 4ca) (172-175), now a prominent authority on North American
Indian Music and attached to the University of Indiana, (as an anthro-
pologist), and ROBERT LACHMANN (fig. 20) (2496-2515) who specialized in
the Japanese Noh- and the Arab and Berber music, and to whom we owe
one of the cleverest and best written ethno-musicological publications, i.e.
Musik des Orients (2502). There is further WALTER WIORA (fig. 29), author
of several elaborate and dependable essays on Central European folk-music,
its nature and methods of investigation (4394-4420a) ; the prolific HANS
HICKMANN (fig. 30), an authority in the field of Egyptian and North
African music (1753-1840C); HEINRICH HUSMANN (200o-2008a), and the
many-sided MARIUS SCHNEIDER (fig. 24) (2785, 3734-3774b) who, in the first
place, has occupied himself with typology of melodies and their transforma-
tion in the course of history, in the different cultures, races or by migration
(3744, 3747, 3749, 3768, 3773) ; further with the formation of tonesystems
(3767a), music philosophy (37 69), symbolism in music (3750, 3752, 3753,
3756, 3764, 3770), sound-languages (374 8, 3755), talking drums (3761),
multipart music (3734) and the spreading of musical forms (3739, 3745,
3746, 3757). Also MIECZYSLAW KOLINSKI (fig. 22) (2282-2292) may be
reckoned among VON HORNBOSTEL'S pupils, as well as FRITZ BOSE (415-438a
and 4492).
But his sphere of influence did not and does not confine itself to his direct
pupils. Among those who have been inspired by his personality and publi-
cations I may mention, for instance, HEINRICH SIMBRIGER (3839, 3840),
MANFRED F. BUKOFZER (533-538), SIEGFRIED NADEL (2954-2961), and
myself (2358-2418).
VON HORNBOSTEL confined himself chiefly to 'home-work'. Most of his
'field-work' was done in the beginning of his career, among the Pawnee
Indians. It is probable that his physique would not have stood the strain
of much field-work. In other ways, however, he possessed all the necessary
qualities for it, especially tact and intuition, and it is indeed to be regretted
that circumstances finally forced him to work mainly at home. This was a
pity - in the first place for himself. For it is precisely the variation between
the two so diametrically opposed operations, in the field and in the study,
which can make the life of an ethnomusicologist so rich and so eminently
worth living. The man to whose lot it falls to be permitted the study of our
science from both angles, may, indeed, consider himself lucky. He lives a
'double life' in the right sense of the word; on the one hand a life of ad-
venture: enjoying contact with strange peoples, experiencing the enchant-
ment of penetrating into less known regions; on the other hand his scientific
and esthetic inclinations find satisfaction in thorough, far-reaching analysis
of the material collected, which, moreover, is so much more alive for him,
having gathered it himself, than for others who receive the records, musical
instruments and comments by mail or investigate them in a museum.
However, experience teaches us that the position is often different
in that the two aspects of ethnomusicological investigation must necessarily
be kept apart. A. H. Fox STRANGWAYS (fig. 7) (1282-1290,2515) the author
of Music 01 Hindostan (1283) - that work beyond praise - in an opening
article entitled East and West in the first volume of the 'Zeitschrift fur
vergleichende Musikwissenschaft', gave the following qualification of the
two categories of ethnomusicologists: 'The workers are in two classes.
There are those who have the health, energy and personality, provided they
have the time and the means, to go and collect material. It is hard to say
which of these is the most important, but the right personality is the
rarest. Without the willing co-operation of the singers and dancers they
will do little, and that willingness is only to be bought with unfeigned
sympathy, inexhaustible curiosity, lively gratitude, untiring patience
and a scrupulous conscience. It is easy to fake a tune till it fits a theory.
It is easy to be content with a dozen specimens, and not to plough on
and get the thirteenth which would have been worth them all. It is easy
to think that it is we who confer the honour by collecting and recording,
until a singer says, as she said to me, that she is not going to deliver her
soul to a piece of wax which may get broken in the train.
And there are those who sit at home and shift and sort. Material comes
in from diverse places and very various minds. How much credence are
we to attach to each? How are we to fill the lacunae? How reconcile contra-
dictions? What advice is to be given to young collectors? The bare facts
are not of much use without the ideas on which to string them, and the
natural enthusiasm of the collector benefits by being set in the proper
1 See 3951.
a In 1952 Unesco published.a catalogue of the collection of the last named institute (123). It
contains no less than 4564 numbers. In the same year appeared, under the auspices of the Ciap,
SIMONE ROCHE'S Catalogue of the collection of the Musee de I'Homme (3458).
does not, as in the case of the EDISON phonograph, move vertically, cutting
deeper and less deep cuts into the sensitive wax cylinder, but is moved in a
horizontal plane on a circular wax plate. (The Viennese archives, until
recently, employed an intermediate form between phonograph and gramo-
phone: with the former it had the variable depths of groove in common,
with the latter the wax plates).
In Budapest there is the large collection of phonograms chiefly con-
sisting of Hungarian and Rumanian folk music; it comprises over 30.000
records, collected for the greater part by the late BELA BARTOK (fig. 9)
(256-283) in collaboration with ZOLTAN KODALY (fig. 10) (261, 265, 266,
283, .2267-2272).
The Musicological Institute at Stockholm (director: Dr. ERNST EMS-
HEIMER) (fig. 26) (1091-IIOI), also possesses a collection of discs containing,
among others, a series of valuable Mongolian and Caucasian records, whilst
the Archives of Dialect and Folklore, Uppsala, contain a large collection of
records of all Swedish provinces, including Lappland.
Further the phonogram archives of Leningrad must be mentioned,
containing, it appears, mainly records of the music of the peoples living
inside the borders of the Soviet Union. The scientific output of the Russian
ethnomusicologists since the war is considerable. Because of their publi-
cations being written only in the Russian language and apparently not
available for investigators on this side of the iron curtain, with a few
exceptions they have not been included in the bibliography on p. 79 ff.
Many of them, however, one can find in the bibliography of Asiatic musics
by WATERMAN C.S. in 'Notes' (4307).
Many other national institutes also - for the greater part after World
War II only - try to preserve on tape or wire the inheritance of traditional
folk songs and folkdance melodies of their countries. So, for instance, in
France (Paris) the 'Musee National des Arts et Traditions populaires'
(CLAUDIE MARCEL-DuBOIS (fig. 31) and MAGUY ANDRAL); in England
(London) the 'Music Department of the B.B.C.' (MARY SLOCOMB, PETER
KENNEDY) and the 'British Institute of Recorded Sound' (HYATT KING,
PATRICK SAUL); in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) the 'Netherlands Section
of the International Folk Music Council' and the 'Codification Committee'
of the 'Raad voor de Nederlandse Volkszang' (Father ELls. BRUNING,
MARIE VELDHUYZEN); in Scotland (Edinburgh) the 'School of Scottish
Studies of Edinburgh University' (STEWART F. SANDERSON); in West-
Germany (Regensburg) the 'Schallarchiv des Institutes fur Musikforschung'
(FELIX HOERBURGER) (1858) and in Freiburg iJBr. the 'Deutsches Volkslied-
Archiv' (ERICH SEEMANN, WALTER WIORA (fig. 29)); in Italy (Rome) the
'Centro Nazionale Studi di Musica popolare' (GIORGIO NATALETTI); in
Yugoslavia the 'Serbian Academy of Sciences' in Beograd (MIODRAG
VASIL] EVIC) (fig. 41) and the Folkloristic Institutes at Zagreb (VINKO
ZGANEC (fig. 35), ZORAN PALCOK), Sarajevo (CV]ETKO RIHTMAN (fig. 36)),
ROLT (t), VALENS VODUCEK (fig. 35)), e.t.q.
As for the study of folk music behind the Iron Curtain, I might quote the
composer and musicologist ANDREY OLKHOVSKY, who, in his recent book
Music under the Soviets 1, says: 'The organisation of Soviet folklore studies
is concentrated chiefly in the Institutes of Folklore, attached to the
All-Union and Republic Academies of Sciences and in the folklore depart-
ments of a number of conservatories (e.g. those of Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov,
and Minsk). The most important work in the study of the theoretical
problems of folk music has been done by a group of collaborators of the
folklore department of the All-Union Academy of Sciences in Leningrad,
particularly YE GIPPIUS and Z. EWALD; by K. KVITKA, a member of the
folklore department of the Moscow Conservatory who specialized in the
study of Ukrainian folklore; by the Kiev Institute of Folklore (especially
Prof. HRINCHENKO); by the Kiev Conservatory (BEREGOVSKI), and by the
Kharkov Conservatory (STEBLYANKO).'
At the time of writing it seems that the central position taken up by the
Berlin phonogram archives until the second world war, will in future, at
least partly, be occupied by the 'Archives internationales de musique
populaire', established at Geneva under the auspices of the UNESCO and
the CIA(T)P (= Commission Internationale des Arts et Traditions populaires).
This institution is under the direction of Professor CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU
(figs. 12 and 37) (458-467), formerly co-worker of BELA BARTOK and, next
to ZOLTAN KODALY, the authority in the field of Rumanian and other East
European musical folklore.
On reading an enumeration of the contents of the phonogram archives, 2
many will have wondered whether the large gramophone companies have
not made very considerable contributions towards the work of recording
what is still alive and being played in the way of exotic music. The answer
to this question, it must be said, is rather disappointing; these companies,
being run as they are on a purely commercial basis, have not rendered so
much service to ethnomusicology as could be expected. The reason for
this is threefold:
(a) the records of exotic music, which they have made, have usually
been on sale only in the country in which the music was collected;
(b) these companies were prepared to supply copies of the records in
question elsewhere on condition that at least 25 copies were taken simul-
taneously, a condition which hardly suited the convencience of most mu-
sicologists or even museums;
(c) they usually only produced records when they had reason to expect
them to be sold in quantities; in other words, they usually pandered com-
pletely to the - often regrettable - taste of the larger public and fought
shy of the rarer musical expression-forms which are important by virtue
of their being ancient, but (possibly for that very reason) no longer generally
current, let alone popular. They also avoided, if possible, making records
exceeding the limit of one side of a disc. There are but sporadic exceptions:
Columbia has recorded Javanese vocal plays (langendrya) at Surakarta
in the Mangku Nagaran in their entirety; the Karl Lindstrom Concern
published an album of records, selected and with a commentary by VON
HORNBOSTEL, containing examples of Japanese, Chinese, Balinese, Siamese,
Javanese, Sundanese, Indian, Persian, Egyptian and Tunesian music.
And if the war had not intervened to spoil my own plans, I should have
been given opportunity to produce, in collaboration with the Netherlands
Indian Radio Omroepmaatschappij (NIROM), 60 large, double-sided records
with examples of all the musical scales used in Java and Bali; of the sound
produced by, and the manner of playing all instruments used by the native
musicians in these islands, and of all types of orchestras and all forms of
If the gramophone companies had only heeded the examples mentioned
above, they might have rendered inestimable services to the science of ethno-
musicology. Now, they will have to hurry: for as fast as the recording
processes are being perfected, the musical expressions eligibe for repro-
duction are, under the influence of western civilization and the intensificaton
of world trafic, declining in purity and musical value. In the course of the
years much that was once beautiful and remarkable has gone to perdition,
without a trace or record remaining. Moreover, instead of giving (or selling)
to a scientific institution the matrices of recordings which, after some
years, have been deleted from their catalogues (often containing music
that can no longer be found, even by field-workers), these companies
usually have destroyed them, and so, also in this way, much irreplaceable
material is lost for ever. 1
1 'The gramophone companies had noteworthy classical renderings but of these even the master
records had been subsequently destroyed. For the policy of the gramophone companies subsequently
developed a new commercial outlook which had a bad effect on our art. On the one hand, they began
to employ for renderings a bizarre background of a variety of instruments, and on the other, flooded
the market with cheap cinema tunes and song hits' ... (V. RAGHAVAN, 332, p. 79).
'The preparation of a catalogue of recorded music in India is, in a way, a distressing task, for
the best of the music recorded has been destroyed without any regard for its artistic value.
Further, the gramophone companies should always assure themselves of
the cooperation of a specialist who is familiar with the music to be recorded
- as Odeon, very luckily, did at the time, in Bali, where the gifted painter-
musician WALTER SPIES acted as their advisor. This measure would not
only ensure a correct and varied choice of recordings, but would also lead to
a greater likelihood oUhe records turning out truer to reality. To give an
example of this latter point: existing records of Javanese gamelan music
which include the vocal element often allow the voice to be far too promi-
nent, as if it were a solo with accompaniment, while in reality the solo-
and choral voices are nothing more than equivalent elements in an otherwise
instrumental-1onal texture; in other words, the singers ought not to have
been placed right in front of the microphone.
By utilizing the knowledge and advice of a musical specialist it will
also be possible to prevent the titles on the records from containing such
an annoyingly large number of spelling mistakes.
Fortunately, in this regard also, the last years have shown a noticeable
improvement. We have already mentioned the widely known album
'Musik des Orients', issued by the Karl Lindstrom Concern, Berlin. ERICH
VON HORNBOSTEL chose for it from among the records, published in previous
years (more for commercial, rather than musicological purposes) by Odeon
and Parlophon. 1
After Worldwar II, however, there resulted, in the nick of time, from the
fertile collaboration of ethnomusicologists with gramophone- or broad-
castingcompanies a number of splendid collections. Of those I will cite the
a) issued by the American Columbia (799, 7th Avenue, New York) under the general
editorship of ALAN LOMAX:
SL. 204. Ireland (ree. and ed. by SEAMUS ENNIS) ;
SL. 205. French Africa (regions: Hoggar, Fezzan, Upper Volta, Somaliland, Niger
Territory, French Sudan, French Guinea, Madagascar, Togo, Gabon,
Congo) (tribes: Ambilube, Babinga BabenzeIe Pygmies, Babinga Ban-
gombe Pygmies, Babinga Pygmies, Badouma, Bawanji, Bongli, Dankali,
Dogon, Gwin, Jarma, Kabre, Koukouya, Kourroussa, N(o)gundi, Okande,
Sakalava,Somali, Sonray, Tuareg, Vezo, Wara) (ed. by ANDRE SCHAEFF-
NER (fig. 14) and GILBERT ROUGET (fig.34));
SL. 206. England (ed. by PETER KENNEDY);
SL. 207. France (and Corsica) (instr.: barrel organ, accordeon, hurdy-gurdy,
bag-pipe (biniou), musette, tamburine, galoubet, oboe, clarinet, bombarde)
(ed. by CLAUDIE MARCEL-DuBOIS (fig. 30) and MAGUY ANDRAL));
Some of the most important recording companies were and stiU are mainly foreign concerns and
have no responsible artistic adviser.
If the sales of a record fail to reach a certain figure during a three-monthly period, the record is
automatically destroyed.... Almost all the records of musicians of the past generation have been
destroyed.' (ALAIN DANIELOU, 815, Foreword).
1 Recently Decca has re-issued this collection on two L.P. records (No. DX 107).
SL. 208. Australia and New Guinea (regions and tribes: Arnhemland, Melville
and Bathurst Island, Djuan, Unpelli, Karkar, Tami, Wabaga, Orokaiva,
Yule Island, Gerebi, Kunimaipa, Fuyuge, Lake Murray region etc.)
(instr.: didjeridu); (ed. by A. P. ELKIN, with contrib. by Father ANDRE
DUPEYRAT and the Australian Broadcasting Coy.);
SL. 209. Scotland (regions: Hebrides, Barra, Lewis, Uist, Skye, Mull, Islay, CoIl;
Shetlands; Highlands, Lowlands) (ed. with the assistance of the MAc-
SL. 210. Indonesia (islands: East- and West-Guinea, Aru Islands, Babar,
Manuwoko, Kai Islands, Banda, Ambon, Bali, Borneo (Dayak) and
Java) (instr.: New Guinea: flute, jew's harp; Moluccos: gongs, drums,
gambus; Borneo: ierupai) shawm with free tongue), drums, gongs, sapoh
(lute); Bali: gamelans Angklung, Gang, Gambuh and Joged; gender
wayang, flute, jew's harp; Java: the different instruments of the
gamelan (ed. by J. KUNST);
SL. 211. Canada (tribes: French Canadians, English Canadians, Iroquois, Kwa-
kiutl, Huron, Seneca, Cayuga, Scots-Gaelic, Caribou Eskimo) (ed. by
MARIUS BARBEAU) (fig. 18);
SL. 212. Venezuela (tribes: a.o. Puinabe, Maquiritare, Guaharibo, Kalina,
Yayuro, Piaroa) (instr.: bark horns, pan-pipes, bamboo horns, bull-
roarers, nose-flutes, grass- oboe's', birimbao, bandola, cuatro, maracas,
harp, stamping tubes, musical bow, guitar, drums (a.o. mina)) (ed. by
SL. 213. British East Africa (tribes: Bukusu, Chewa, Chopi, Ganda, Girimaya,
Haya, Hehe, Karanga, Luba, Luo, Ndau/Garwe, Nyamwezi, Nyoro,
ShonajKaranga, Shona/Ndau/Garwe, Sotho, Swahili, Zaramo, Zezuru)
(instr.: drums, sanza (mbira), musical bow, flutes, zithers, lyres) (ed. by
HUGH T. TRACEY) (fig. 23);
SL. 214. Japan, Ryu-kyu's, Formosa, Korea) (peoples and tribes: Japanese,
Vunun, Saisett, Pyuma, Ami) (instr.: shamisen, koto, shakuhachi, fue,
taiko, shirabe or shime-daiko, tzusumi, kane or surigane, samshin, mouth-
harp, ianggo, Korean vertical flute, Korean transversal flute, harp) (rec.
and ed. by GENJIRO MASU) ;
SL. 215. India (tribes and peoples: a.o. Gand) (instr.: shahnai, dholak, jhori,
nagara, dukkar, kasavar, do-tara, chang, ekatara, karatala, tippera, vina,
sarangi, svaramandala, tampura, tabla) (rec. and ed. by ALAIN DANIELOU) ;
SL.216. Spain (provinces: Galicia, Asturias, Santander, Leon, Castilla, Andalucia)
(instr.: a.o. bagpipe, castanets, drums, tamburine, guitar, payecha (scra-
ped skillet), ximbomba, rabel, pandero, banduria, oud) (ed. ALAN LOMAX);
SL. 217. Yugoslavia (regions: Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Hercegovina,
Montenegro, Serbia) (instr.: tamburiza orchestra, different types of
bagpipe (dude, gaide, diple), sopele, gusle, dvoinice, tapan, tambura, frula,
kaval, daire, kemane, darbuka, oud, mandola, def) (rec. by PETER KENNE-
DY; notes by ALBERT LORD);
and by the same firm: 'Dancers of Bali' (instr.: gamelan Gong, gamelan
Angklung, gender wayang) (notes by COLIN MCPHEE) (ML 4618) ;
b) issued by the American Indian Soundchief: a series of 78 and 33 rpm records
'Songs of the Redman' (tribes: Arapaho, Caddo, Canada Chippewa, Cherokee,
Cheyenne, Chippewa, Choctaw-Chickasaw, Comanche, Creek-Seminoles, Crow,
Geronimo Apaches, Kiowa, Montana Plain Cree, Navajo, Otoe, Pawnee, Ponca,
Sioux, South Dacota Oglala Sioux, Taos Pueblo, Wichita, Zuni Pueblo) (for more
particulars see 1134 NO.9);
c) issued by the Argo Record Company Ltd. (George Street, London WI): two
L.P. records 'Music from Bali', played by the gamelan from Pliatan, South Bali,
under the direction of ANAK ANAK GDE MANDERA (instr.: gamelan Gong, gamelan
Angklung) (ARS 1006 and 1007) = B.A.M., Paris, Nos. L.D. 017 and 018;
d) recorded and edited by Arthur S. Alberts: Tribal, Folk and Cafe Music of West
Africa (3 albums) with text and commentary by MELVILLE J. HERSKOVITS,
Recordings, New York, 1950);
e) issued by the Barclay Disques, Paris: 'Musique pygmee' (rec. by the Ubangi-Congo
Expedition) (No. 86.019);
f) issued by the 'Boite a Musique', (133 Boulevard RaspaiI, Paris): a series of
Central African music,. recorded by the Ogowe-Congo Mission (Messrs. A. DIDIER
and GILBERT ROUGET) (regions: Middle-Congo, Gabon, Ogowe, Upper-Volta, as
well Negro- as Pygmee-music) (instr.: a.o. sanza, musical bow, harp-zither,
drums, trumpets, marimba); and further:
L.D.o14. 'Musique traditionelle de nnde';
L.D.oI5. 'Musique religieuse de nnde' (both collected by DEBEN BHATTA-
L.D.3IO. 'Chants folkloriques du Bengale' (sung by LOKENATH BHATTACHARYA);
L.D.314. 'Musique de la haute foret amazonienne' (rec. by FRANCIS MAZIERE)
(tribes: Boni and Oayana);
L.D.326. 'Tribus Proto-Indochinoises Mois' (rec. by FRANTZ LAFOREST; notes
by id. and L. BERTHE) (tribes: Bahnar, Die, Maa, Sedang, Yarai)
(instr.: bamboo xylophone (tatung) , bar-zither (bro or tingning) ,
hydraulic bamboo carillon (tang koa), bamboo zither (roding) , gong
(gok); drum (gorr), small gongs (tong-tieng), small cymbals (rong ruyh),
mouth-organ (kom boat), jew's harp (toong) , handclapping-bamboos
(pah pung) ) ;
L.D.331. (M.) Musique du Nord-Cameroun (tribes: Foulbe, Kirdi, Lamido,
Massa, Matakam, Moundang) (instr.: agaita (wooden trumpet), kakaki
(long metal trumpet), goundi (harp), drums, flute, horns) (rec. and
g) issued by the Capitol firm: Music of Belgian Congo (Kasongo) (T 10005);
h) issued by 'Chant du Monde' (32, rue Beaujon, Paris 8e): 'MongoliejSin-kiang'
(tribes: Mongolians, Uigurs, Kazaks) (instr.: ma ya li, tam po-euhr) (LDY 4039)
(rec. by CLAUDE RoY);
and PIERRE GOUGUIDIS; notes by LOUIS BERTHE) (instr.; violin, lauto, santuri
(beaten zither, derived from the Persian santur and played like the Basque
tun-tun)) ;
Chansons populaires du Vietnam (notes: NGUYEN-NGHE) (LDY 4.046);
i) issued by the 'Club Fran4;ais du Disque' : Rythmes et Melodies de Turquie (instr.:
different kinds of saz, tulum (bagpipe), darbuka, mey (shawm), zurna, kemence)
(rec. and notes: BLAISE CALAME);
i) issued by the Colosseum firm:
No. 174. Caucasus (Azerbajjan);
No. 175. Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia);
No. 198. Central Asia (Turkmenia, Uzbekistan);
k) issued by the Commodore firm: Music of Belgian Congo (Comm. 30005);
I) issued by 'Contrepoint' (52, rue HauteviIle, Paris loe):
MC 20.045. Music of the Malinke and the Baoule tribes, Upper Guinea, French
West Africa (instr.: a.o. balaton, harp, flute) (rec. by GILBERT
ROUGET with the aid of JEAN KOROMA);
MC 20.093. Music of Dahomey (ree. by GILBERT ROUGET, in collaboration with
MC 20.103. 'Chants et danses folkloriques d'Armenie et du Caucase';
MC 20.110. 'Musique populaire de nnde du Nord' (ree. by DEBEN BATTA-
MC 20.112. 'Borneo' (tribe: Pnihing) (instr.: suling, sapeh, gongs, drums) (ree.
MC 20.113. 'Bali' (ree. by PIERRE IVANOFF);
MC 20.119. Tibetans of Sikkim (ree. in 1953 by the expedition-BoURGUIGNON
and ed. by GILBERT ROUGET);
MC 20.137. Bresil (tribes: Gorotire, Kubenkranken, Kwikuru, Yaulapiti,
Kamayura, Kayapo, Kaingang) (ree. and notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-
MC 20.138. Bresil (music of the Negroes of Bahia) (instr.: musical bow (birimbau),
flat drum (pandeiro), bamboo scraper (reeo-reco), rattling instrument
(eaxixi)) (rec. and notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-RoCHE);
MC 20.146. Dahomey (musique du roil et Guinee (tribe: Malinke) (instr. seron
(harp-lute), kora (other type of harp-lute), drums, balaton, a.o.)
(rec. and notes: GILBERT ROUGET);
EXTP 1033 and 1034)' Musique Persane (instr.: tar, tabla (drum) (rec. and
notes: NOEL BALLIF);
m) issued by the Cook Laboratories Inc. (101, 2nd Street, Stamford (Conn.) U.S.A.)
'The Japanese Koto' (LP II32);
n) issued by the Discotheque Contemporaine (Place St. Jean 5, Brussels): a set of
eight 78-records of Copt music (rec. during the Congress of Arab music, Cairo
1932) (Nos. HD 14-21);
0) issued by the Disques Africavox: a series of 78-records from all parts of the
French African Empire: Niger-Sudan (tribes: Haussa, Songhai-Zerma, SarakoIe,
Bambara, Senoufo); French Guinea (tribes: Bambara, Malinke, Torna); Upper-
Volta (tribes: Senoufo, Dioula, Gwin); Ivory Coast (tribes: Baoule, Ebrie, Kono);
Senegal (tribes: Wolof, Lebou, Peul); Mauritania (Moors); Dahomey (tribes:
Yoruba, Goun, Fon); Togo; Cameroons; French Equatorial Africa (Middle-Congo:
tribes: Kuyu, Balali, Bateke, Mbochi, Ngundi; Ubangi-Chari-region (tribes:
Baya, Bugongo); Gabon (tribes: Baduma, Bawanji, Boungomo, Okandi));
P) issued by Ducretet-Thomson (41, rue Washington, Paris 8e) an 'Anthologie de la
rnusique classique de l'Inde' (performers: MOHIN UDDIN DAGAR, AMIN UDDIN
LUR KRISHNAMURTI SHASTRI) (instr.: shahnai, sitar, flute, sdrang, vind, mrangga,
tabla, sarode, nagasvaram, gottuvadyam); (ree. and notes by ALAIN DANIELOU);
further: 'A travers la Grece' (No. 260 V 062);
q) issued by Electra, Stratford: 'Voices of Haiti' (L.P. Ekl 5) (rec. by MAYA DEREN) ;
r)i ssued by Elektra Records (361, Bleecker Str., New York 14): Steelband music
from Trinidad (EKL 139);
s) issued by the English Columbia: a series of 78-recordings, mostly from South-
India, among which:
GA 731. (performer: RAJARATNAM PILLAI) (instr.: nagasvara, ottu, tavil);
GE 980. (perf.: VEENAI DHANAM) (instr.: vina);
GE 6173. (singer: PATTAMAL);
GE 6240. (singer: id.);
GE 6347. (singer: MADURA MANI lYER);
GE 17505. (perf.: ABDUL KARIM KHAN)) (instr.: vinal (North India!);
A 106. (singer: RAMANuJA IYENGAR) (instr.: violin, mrangga);
LBE 30. (singer: SUBRAHMANYA IYER) (instr. violin, mrangga);
t) issued by the English Decca: a series of L.P.-records, collected by HUGH T.
TRACEY (fig. 23):
LF 1084. Songs and instrumental music of Tanganyika {tribes: Nyarnwezi, Hehe,
Haya; instruments a.o. sanza, ligombo (zither), nanga (trough zither),
enkoito drums);
LF 1120. The drums of East Africa (tribes: Nyamwezi, Nyoro/Haya, Ganda,
(Wa)tu(t)si; instruments a.o. enkoito drums, entenga drums);
LF 1121. Kenya (tribes: Nandi, Kipsigi, Luo, Nyika/Kambe, Nyika/Chonye,
Nyika/Girimaya; instruments a.o. kibukandet (lyre), chepkong (lyre),
oruto (lute), thum (lyre), gara (leg bells), kayamba (castanets), rattles);
LF 1169. Talking and Royal Tutsi (Watusi) drums; (tribes: Tutsi, Lokele);
LF 1170. The guitars of Africa (tribes: Swahili, Zulu/Ndebele, Nubi, Luo, Luba/
Sanga, Ngala) ;
LF 1171. The African Music Society's choice (tribes: Luba/Sanga, Ganda,
Mbunda, Medje, Zande/Bandiya, Nande, Tutsi, Luo; instruments a.o.
guitar, ennanga (harp), kathandi (sanza), neikembe (id.), kundi (harp),
nyamulera (flute));
LF 1172. Congo songs and dances (tribes: Genya, Tutsi, Zande, Luba, Bobwa,
Buudu, Yogo, Mbuti Pygmies, Batwa, Zande/Bandiya; instruments a.o.
chizanshi (xylophone), lisanzo (id.), drums, rattles, flutes, kponingbo
(xylophone) );
LF 1173. Music of the Uganda Protectorate (tribes: Ganda, Nyoro/Toro, Nyoro,
Ganda/Soga, Bamba; instr.: drums, mbira, xylophone, flute, calabash-
horn, harp, lyre) ;
LF 1224. Music of the Malinke, BaouIe, Yoruba, Swahili, Sudan, Ganda, Lonzo,
Mulari, Ekondo, Tabwa;
LF 1225. Music of the Girimaya, Luo, Gogo, Thonga, Bembe, Ndebele-Zulu,
Chopi, Sotho (Basutoland);
u) issued by the Esoteric firm:
Eso 513. Tribal music and dances of Africa;
Eso 537. Music from Dahomey;
Eso 547. Arabian music;
Eso 2004. Indians of the Upper Amazon;
v) issued by Ethnic Folkways (Folkways Reeords and Service Corp.) (117 W. 46th
Street, New York 36, (N.Y.)):
FE 4401 (P 401). Music of the Sioux and the Navajo (rec. and notes by WILLARD
FE 4402 (P 402). Music of Equatorial Africa (tribes: Baduma, Baya, Bongili,
Kukuya, Mboko, Ngoundi, Okandi, Yaswa) (ree.: ANDRE DIDIER;
FE 4403 (P 403). Drums of Haiti (ree. and notes: HAROLD COURLANDER);
FE 4404 (P 404). Folk and traditional music of Turkey {instr.: cura, baglama,
bozuk, meydan sazi, asik saz (5 different kinds of saz), qanun, kemence
(bowed lute with 3 strings), kasik (castanets), zil (fingerbells), zurna,
kaval, darbuka, davul (large drum)) (notes: TARIK BULUT);
FE 4405 (P 405). Folk music of Ethiopia (and Erithrea) (instr.: begenna (harp),
tcherawata (fiddle), m'bilta (flute), masonquo (lyre), drum) (ree. and
FE 4406 (P 406). Music of Indonesia (Java, Minangkabau, Batak, Bali, Malaya)
(notes: R. SUWANTO);
FE 4407 (P 407). Folk music of Haiti (rec. and notes: HAROLD COURLANDER);
FE 4408 (P 408). Folk music of Palestine (Bokhara, Palestine, Yemen, Persia)
(instr.: doyra, tar, durbukki, qanun) (rec. Dept. of Folk music Anthrop.
Inst. of Israel; introd. by RAPHAEL PATAI; notes and transcriptions by
FE 4409 (P 4(9). Folk music of India (Punjab, Bengal, Rajastan, South
India) (instr.: esrai, sitar, flute, gopijantra, dholak, ~arangi, pakavai,
kartal, vani, mnjangga, shahnai, tabla, baya, tappu) (notes: HAROLD
FE 4410 (P 410). Cult music of Cuba (Lucumi, Abakwa, Kimbisa, Djuka,
AraTa) (ree. and notes: HAROLD COURLANDER);
FE 4411 (P 411). Music of Spain (Navarre, Galicia, Asturias, Catalonia, Majorca)
FE 4413 (P 413). Indian music of Mexico (tribes: Yaqui, Seri, Huichol, Cora,
Tzotzil) (instr.: huehuetl, harp, flute, drum, violin, rasping sticks, water
drum, music bow (mitote) ); (rec. HENRIETTA YURCHENCO; notes: GORDON
FE 4414 (P 414). Folk music of France (Berry, Normandy, Provence, Orleans,
Bretagne, Vendee (Poitou), Anjou, Corsica, Angouleme) (instr.: hurdy-
gurdy, tamburine, fluviol (txistu, galoubet), tamboril (tun-tun), bagpipe)
(notes: PAUL ARMA);
FE 4415 (P 415). Music of Peru (Aymara, Queehua, Mestizos) (notes: HARRY
FE 4416 (P 416). Music of the Russian Middle East (Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Uzbekistan) (notes: HENRY COWELL);
FE 4417 (P 417). Negro Folk music of Alabama. 1. secular (ree. and notes:
FE 4418 (P 418). Negro Folk music of Alabama. II. religious (rec. and notes:
FE 4419 (P 419). Folk music of Rumania (rec. BELA BART6K; notes: HENRY
FE 4420 (P 420). Music of the American Indians of the Southwest (Navajo,
Zuiii, Hopi, San Ildefonso, Taos, Western Apache, Yuma, Papago,
Walapai, Havasupai) (ree. and notes: WILLARD RHODES);
FE 4421 (P 421). Music of South Arabia (Bedouin, Yemenite Jews) (rec. and
notes: WOLF LESLAU);
FE 4422 (P 422). Traditional and classical music of India (instr.: dholak, tabla,
sitar, sarinda, algoza, tambura, gharghar, nugara) (performers: TURAYUR
FE 4423 (P 423). Music of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia,
Burma, Malaya) (notes: HENRY COWELL);
FE 4424 (P 424). Folk and classical music of Korea (notes: KYUNG Ho PARK);
FE 4425 (P 425). Folk music of Pakistan (ree. Government of Pakistan);
FE 4426 (P 426). Spanish and Mexican Music of New Mexico (ree. and notes:
J. D. ROBB);
FE 4427 (P 427). Folk Music of the Western Congo (tribes: Bambala, Bunda,
Kwesi, Pende, Pindi) (instr.: talking drums, sanza, horns, rattles,
marimba's) (rec. and notes: LEO A. VERWILGlIEN);
FE 4428 (P 428). Songs of the Watutsi (rec. and notes: LEO A. VERWILGHEN);
FE 4429 (P 429). Folk music of Japan (instr.: a.o. samisen, koto, surigane) (ree.
and notes: EDWARD NORBECK);
FE 4430 (P 430). Songs and Pipes of the Hebrides (ree. and notes: POLLY
FE 4431 (P 431). Religious music of India (a.o. Vedic chant) (instr. a.o. ghungarus,
karatali) (performers: T. M. KRISHNASWAMI IYER, P. R. BALASUBRAH-
FE 4432 (P 432). Songs and dances of Haiti (rec. and notes: HAROLD COURLANDER) ;
FE 4433 (P 433). Maori songs of New Zealand (ree. by the New Zealand Broad-
casting Service; notes: HARRY TSCHOPIK and ULRIC WILLIAMS);
FE 4434 (P 434). Folk music of Yugoslavia (ree. LAURA BOLTON; notes by id.
FE 4435 (P 435) The Black Caribs of Honduras (ree. by PETER KITE SMITH;
notes: DORIS STONE);
FE 4436 (P 436). Burmese folk and traditional music (instr. a.o. patt waing,
maung saing, saung, pattala, kim si daw, shwe-bo, do butt, 0 zi) (notes:
FE 4437 (P 437) Spain: flamenco music of Andalusia (introd. and notes:
FE 4439 (P 439). Tribal music of Australia (Arnhemland) (instr.: didje~idu) (rec.
and notes: A. P. ELKIN);
FE 4440 (P 440). Religious songs and drums in the Bahamas (rec. and notes:
FE 4441 (P 441). Drums of the Yoruba of Nigeria (instr. a.o. dundun, gungan,
igbin, kanango, ke~ike~i, gudugudu, bata, sheke~e) (ree. and notes:
FE 4442 (P 442). Music of the Falashas (instr.: gongs, drums) (rec. by WOLF
FE 4443 (P 443) Music of the Ukraine (instr. a.o. duda (bagpipe), balalaika)
(notes: HENRY COWELL);
FE 4444 (P 444) The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska (tribes: Aevilikmiut,
Okomiut), (rec. by LAURA BOULTON; notes by id. and HENRY COWELL) ;
FE 4445 (P 445) Songs and dances of the Flathead Indians (ree. by ALAN P.
FE 4446 (P 446). Music from Mato Grosso (tribes: Camayura, Chavante,
Iwalapeti, Kayabi) (rec. by EDWARD WEYER; notes: HARRY TSCHOPIK);
FE 4447 (P 447) Folk music of South Asia (Nepal, Pakistan, Kashmir, India);
FE 4448 (P 448). Folk music of the Amami islands (instr. : a.o. jyabisen (primitive
shamisen) (rec. and notes: DOUGLAS G. HARING);
FE 4449 (P 449). Japanese Buddhist rituals (rec. and notes: DOUGLAS G.
FE 4450 (P 450). Music of Cape Breton Island (Nova Scotia) (Gaelic songs);
FE 4451 (P 451). Music of the Bulu of Cameroon (rec. and notes: EDWARD
FE 4453 (P 453). Folk music of Jamaica (ree.: EDWARD SEAGA);
FE 4454 (P 454) Folk music of Greeee (Epirus, Rhodos, Cyprus, Naxos,
Peloponnesos, Macedonia, Pontus) (instr.: Pontic lyre (kemence), Cretan
lyre, lute, bagpipe (gainda, askaulos, tzambuna, askomandu~a), pipiza,
santu~i, kanonion, clarinet (su~avli, tzama~a, phiamboli, pithkiavli),
drums, horns) (ree.: JAMES A. NOTOPOULOS; notes: G. A. MEGAS);
FE 4458 (P 458). Indian music of the Upper Amazone (tribes: Campa, Cocoma,
Conibo, Shipibo) (ree.: HARRY TSCHOPIK; notes by id. and WLLARD
FE 4460 (P 460). Temiar dream songs of Malaya (rec. and notes: D. NOONE);
FE 4461 (P 461). Jamaica cult rhythm (rec. and notes: GEORGE EATON SIMPSON);
FE 4462 (P 462). Wolof music of Senegal and Gambia (rec.: DAVID AMES);
FE 4464 (P 464). Indian music of the Canadian plains (tribes: Assiniboin,
Blackfoot, Blood, Cree) (rec.: KEN PEACOCK);
FE 4465 (P 465). Music of Liberia (tribes: Bassa, Gio, Kpelle, Kru, Loma,
Mandingo) (instr.: drums, slitdrums, musical bow, balaton) (ree.:
FE 4466 (P 466). Music of the Philippines (tribe: Hanunoo) (instr.: gitgit (3-
stringed bowed lute), kudyapi (6-str. plucked lute), lantuy (flute), agung
(gong), tangkup, pitu (whistles), kudlung (bamboo idiochord), batiwtiw
(id.), kalutang (musical sticks) (notes: HAROLD CONKLIN and JosE
FE 4467 (P 467). Folk dances of Greece (Epirus, Cyprus, Crete, Naxos, Pelo-
ponnesos, Macedonia, Pontus) (instr.: bagpipe, Cretan lyre, a.o.) (rec.:
FE 4469 (P 469). Kurdish folk songs and dances (Iraq) (instr.: juzale (double
clarinet) and tapil (drums)) (ree.: RALPH S. SOLECKI, LAWK, BESTA,
and HAIRAN);
FE 4471-4474 (P 471-474). Negro folk music of Alabama III-VI (ree. and
FE 4476 (P 476). The Baoule of the Ivory Coast (instr.: horns, whistles, flutes,
harp, gourd, balafon, rattles, drums) (rec. and notes: DONALD THUROW);
FE 4480. Arabic and Druse music (Palestine) (instr.: shabbabi, yaroul, durbakki)
(rec.: SAM ESKIN);
FE 4482. Folk music of French Canada (rec.: LAURA BOULTON, SAM GESSER and
from the Archives of the National Museum of Canada; notes: MARIUS
BARBEAU, BIDOU, prince EUGtNE a.o.);
FE 4483. Music of the Ituri forest (tribes: Bandaka, Banguana, Bira, Mandaka,
Mbudo, Mbuti) (instr.: drums, slitdrum, clappers, boardzither, guitar,
musical bow, flute) (rec. and notes: COLIN T. TURNBULL and FRANCIS
FE 4500 (P 500). Negro folk music of Africa and America (tribes and countries:
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Baduma, Erithrea, Ethiopia, lbo, Yoruba,
Zanzibar, Zulu; Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Trinidad,
E. ALEGRIA, Odeon, Singer and FUENTES) (notes: HAROLD COURLANDER) ;
FE 450IA/D (P 50IA/D). Folk music of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Sardinia, Alba-
nia, Syria, France, Egypt, Morocco, Italy, Tunis, Greece, Turkey, Spain,
Serbia, Libya and Palestine) (instr.: beating sticks, double clarinet, oboe,
drum, guitar, oud, qanun, rebab tamburiza orchestra, violin, accordeon,
tamburine, fife (galoubet, fishialetto)) (selection and notes: HENRY
FE 4502A/D (P 502A/D). African and Afro-American drums (Watusi, Baya,
Yoruba, Madagascar, Bambala, Mahafaly, Haiti, Virgin islands, Puerto
Rico, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, Surinam, Brazil, Trinidad, U.S.A.)
FE 4503 (P 503). Africa South of the Sahara (tribes: Amakwavi, Babinga,
Bambara, Bashi, Bechuana, Boungomo, Bulu, Bushmen, Hororo,
Ibani, Kwiri, Mahafaly, Makwa, Mbuti, Mboko, Pende, Pindi, Sudan,
Twa, Wolof, Yoruba, Zulu) (ed.: HAROLD COURLANDER);
FE 4504 (P 504). Music of the world's peoples (Madagascar, Caucasus, Greece,
Japan, Nigeria, India, Russia, U.S.A., Ireland, France, Bali, Arabia,
Tahiti, Tibet, Iceland and Spain) (instr. a.o. harp, koto, sho, sanai,
esraj, jalatarang) (selection and notes: HENRY COWELL);
FE 4505 (P 505). Music of the world's peoples, vol. II (Serbia, Iran, Albania,
China, Congo, Finland, French Canada, Ukraine, Chile, Italy, Kashmir,
Australia, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Palestine Jews, Sioux) (selection and notes:
FE 4506 (P 506). Music of the world's peoples, vol. III (American Northwest
Indians, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Dahomey, Egypt, England, Hunga-
rian Gypsies, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Thailand
Trinidad, Turkey, Vietnam, Zulu,) (selection and notes: HENRY COWELL);
FE 4520 (P 520). Folkmusic from Italy (Albanian villages in Southern Italy,
Calabria, Campobasso, Capri, Frosinone, San Paolo Matese, Sardinia,
Sicily) (instr.: brocca, cornamusa, flute, guitar, jew's harp, organetto,
zampogna, zufolo) (ree.: WALTHER HENNING);
FE 4525 (P 525). Man's early musical instruments (instr.: foot stamping, hand
clapping, tapping sticks, cymbals, pounding bamboos, beaten pots,
rattles, scrapers, slit drum, finger drum, water drum, frame drum,
hollow log drum, drum chimes (patt vaing), gong chimes (chaing vaing),
bells, xylophone, sanza, jew's harp, trumpets, horns, oboe, clarinet,
double clarinet, bagpipe, accordeon, vertical flute, transverse flute,
whistle flute, one hand flute, panpipe, nose flute, ground harp, musical
bow, arched harp, stick zither, tubular zither, bowl zither, langleik, lyre,
long lute, samisen, banjo, guitar, gusla, sarinda, hu ch'in, spike fiddle,
lira, Hardanger violin, hurdy-gurdy, gender wayang, Burmese orchestra,
Siamese orchestra, Rumanian orchestra, cobIa) (compiled and edited by
FM 4000 (P 1000). Hungarian folk songs (instr. a.o. bagpipe) (rec. BELA BART6K;
notes: HENRY CoWELL);
FM 4003 (P 1003). Songs and dances of Great Lake Indians (tribes: Algonquians
(Meskwaki), Chippewa (Ojibwa), Ottawa, Iroquois (Onondaga, Cayuga,
Tutelo)) (rec. and notes: GERTRUDE P. KURATH);
FM 4007 (P 1007). Lappish joik songs from Northern Norway (rec.: WOLFGANG
FM 4008 (P 1008). Songs and dances of Norway (instr. a.o. Hardanger fiddle,
langleik) (ree. by Norwegian Performing Rights Soc.; notes: O. M.
FM 4009 (P 1009). Lithuanian folk songs (ree. and notes: JONAS BALYS);
FM 40Il (P lOll). The big drum dance of Carriacou (ree. and notes: ANDREW
FW 6808 (FP 8). Calypso, meringues, native music (Caribbean);
FW6812 (FP 12). Chinese classical instrumental music (instr.: ehr-hu, p'i-p'a,
hsiao, t'i, yangchung, yuan, sin se) (ree.: RAYMOND WONG; notes:
FW681S (FP IS). Songs of Mexico;
FW6817 (FP 17). Scottish bagpipe tunes, played by Pipe Major JOHN MACLELLAN;
FQ 8366 (FP66). Classical music of India (perf.: NAZIR ALI JAIRAZBHON;
FW8801 (FP 80/1). Songs and dances of Turkey (instr.: clarinet, violin, drum,
cura, darbuka, bagpipe (tulum), baglama, saz, zurna, duval, flute, kaval,
kemence) (ree.: LAURA BOULTON);
FC 3S76 (FP 76/1). Folk songs and dance tunes of the Netherlands (colI.,
harmonized, annotated, sung and played by JAAP KUNST, ace. by
FE 4438 (FP 438). Cajun songs from Louisiana;
FW6802 (FP 802). Folk songs and dances of China;
FW680S (FP 80S). Songs and dances of Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Hercegovina,
Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia) (instr.: gusle, tapan,
zurla, frula, kaval, gajde, dude) (ree. and notes: LAURA BOULTON);
FW6806 (FP 806). Songs and dances of Armenia (instr.: duduk, tar, kemenche,
FW68I1 (FP 8I1). Haitian folk songs;
FW6814 (FP 814). Songs and dances of Greece;
FW6820 (FP 820). Russian folk songs;
FW6830 (FP 830). Songs and dances of the Basques (instr.: txistu, tun-tun a.o.);
FW6834 (FP 834). Folk music of Honduras (instr.: marimba )(notes by DORIS
FW88so. Indian music of the Southwest (tribes: Apache, Hopi, Mohave, Navajo,
Papago, Pima, San Ildefonso Indians, Santa Ana Indians, Taos, Zuni)
(rec. and notes: LAURA BOULTON);
FW88SI: Music of Indians of Mexico (tribes: Zapotees, OtOIni, Yaqui, Maya)
FW88S2. African music (French Sudan. Southern Nigeria, Cameroon) (tribes:
Bambara, Bini, Kwiri, Kru, Malinke, Tuareg) (instr.: drums, lute,
musical bow, rattles, balafon) (ree.: LAURA BOULTON);
FW882I. Yemenite Passover, the Hagadah (ree.: SAM ESKIN; notes: THEODOR
FW6840 (FP 840). Caribbean dances (Virgin Islands, Martinique, Guadeloupe,
Trinidad, Antigua, Cura~ao) (instr.: steelband, a.o.) (ree.: LISA and
FW6865 (FW 865). Steelband. Trinidad Panharmonic Orchestra;
FW 6916 (FP 916). Folk music of the S.S.R. Middle East (Georgia, Tadjik,
Daghstan, Kazak, Azerbaijan, Kabardinian, Tatar Tadjik) (instr.: doira,
dombara, dutar, duduk, kaval, kobuz, nagara, nai, tambur, zurna) (notes:
FW6957 (FP 957). Yaqui dances (instr.: harp, violin, rattle) (rec.: SAMUEL B.
FW 88I1. Carribbean rhythms (San Andres) (instr.: mandolin, guitar, maraca,
horse's jaw, 'tub'-stringbass) (rec.: THOMAS J. PRICE);
FG 350Z. 'My life in recording Canadian Indian folklore' (by MARIUS BARBEAU) ;
FR 8975. Mushroom ceremony of the Meztec Indians of Mexico (rec. and notes:
V. P. and R. G. WASSON);
w) issued by His Master's Voice:, some fine 78-records, mostly from North India,
among which:
N 5961. (instr.: tabla, tampura, sarangi, kattyavana vinal (performer: MANAHAR
N 5994. (instr.: flute) (perf.: D. AMEL);
N 6687. (singer: KAMALA (JHARIA));
N 698z. (instr. : vichitra vina, tabla) (perf.: ABDUL AZIZ KHAN);
N 14564. (instr.: shahnai, duggi) (perf.: BISMILLAH);
N 15906. (instr.: two-headed drum, sarangi) (perf.: KHAN SAHIB AHMADJANA
N 16764. (instr.: sarode, tabla) (perf.: ALI AKBAR KHAN);
N 16781. (instr.: sarode, tabla) (perf.: id.);
N 18z19. (instr.: violin, mrangga) (singer: SM. N. C. VASANTHAKOKILAM)
(South India!);
N zooz7. (instr.: sarangi, tabla) (singer: RAVINDIA SHANKAR);
HQz. (instr.: sarangi, tabla) (singer: BAI KESARBAI KERKAR);
HQ 83. (instr.: sarangi, tabla) (perf.: BUNDU KHAN);
N 166zz. Thibetan instrumental and vocal music;
further some L.P.-recordings, of which I mention:
ALPC z, a really superb rendering of North Indian music, performed by ustad
ALI AKBAR KHAN (sarode) , pandit CHATUR LAL (tabla) and SHIRISH
GOR (tampura), and preceded by an introduction by JEHUDI MENUHIN;
ALPC 7, a no less excellent recording of the sitar playing of RAVI SHANKAR, ace.
by CHATUR LAL (tabla) and PRODYOT SEN (tanpura);
OALP 7504 and 7505. Music of the Australian aboriginal (tribes of Arnhem-
land) (instr.: beating sticks, didieridu) (rec. and notes: A. P. ELKIN);
x) issued by the Malaya Broadcasting Corporation: a collection of music from the
Ple-Temiar, a small tribe of forest nomads in Perak (rec. by the protector of
aborigines, the late H. D. NOONE) (presumably = Ethnic Folkways No FE 4460
(P 460 ));
y) issued by 'Musica Viva', Cairo, more than zoo 78-record of Egyptian and Sudanese
(Shilluk) folk music and of an Ethiopian Mass;
z) issued by'Musique Monde' (Z9, rue Vernet, Paris): Chants Kalina (of the Coast-
Caribs) and chants Oayana (from the Upper Mar(lwijne (= Maroni), Dutch or
French Guyana) (red.: G. CHARPENTIER);
aa) issued by 'Pacific' (Paris): Chant religieux du Raab de Tlemcen (chante en
Yiddish) (Morocco) (No. CO 9009);
bb) issued by the Period firm (304 East, 74th Street, New York ZI):
No. 16I1. Armenian and Caucasian music;
No. 161z. Music from Borneo;
No. 1613. Music from Bali;
cc) issued by the Philips Concern (Baarn, Holland): 'Begdja, the Gamelan boy (a
story of the Isle of Java, written and told by JAAP KUNST, with musical illustra-
tions by the Study Group for Gamelan Music 'Babar layar') (N 00165 L);
'Feerie sud-Marocaine' (ree. and notes: JEAN MAZEL) (N 76.048 R);
dd) issued by the Reeves Sound Studios Inc., New York: 6 reeords of African music,
made by the DENIS/RooSEVELT African Expedition (tribes: Man(g)betu, Babira,
Bapere, Mbuti, Batwa, Watu(t)si, Bahutu) (instr.: the Royal Watusi drums,
trumpets, xylophones, beating sticks a.o.);1
ee) issued by the Riverside Records (125, La Salle Str., New York 27 (N.Y.)):
RLP 4001. African Coast rhythms (tribes: Ashanti, Fanti, Ga (all Gold Coast),
Ba'ule (Ivory Coast), Buzi or Loma, Mano (both Liberia), Bambara,
Mossi (both Upper Volta), Kissi, Malinke (both French Guinea)),
(instr.: drums, balaton, gong-gong, rebec, kora (harp), Kru-harp)
and RICHARD A. WATERMAN) (this record is partly a dubbing from
the album mentioned under d) ) ;
RLP 4002. 'Voice of the Congo' (instr.: trough zithers, umunahi (musical bow),
Royal Tutsi drums, ndingiti (one-stringed violin), ndongo (7-str. harp),
boyeke (scraper), lukombe, menda (blown jug)) (tribes: Bashi, Batwa,
Ekondo, Hema, Hutu, Koga, Mbuti, Ngala, Rundi, Tutsi) (rec.:
RLP 4006. Music of the Belgian Congo (tribe: Ekondo);
If) issued by the Stinson Records :
SLP 50. Folk and devotional music of India (singer: SANGITHA VIDWAN BALA-
gg) issued by the Tempo firm:
TT 2252. Drums over Afghanistan (tribes: Pashtun, Parsi) (instr.: drums (resp.
daira, dholak, dumbek, tabla), kettle drums (dum tek) , plucked lute
(rebob) , sarangi, sitar, dilruba, zurna, triangle) (rec.: LEO SARKISIAN);
hh) issued by 'Vitadisc', Port of Spain, Trinidad: many steelband- and Calypso-
recordings, among which some outstanding, as, for instance, TC 134 and TC 148;
ii) issued by 'Vogue' (54, rue Hauteville, Paris IOe):
LDM 30.051. Espagne I (Baleares: Majorca, Ibiza) (ree.: ALAN LOMAX);
LDM 3.52. Espagne II (lota Aragonaise and folk dances from Majorca) (rec.:
MC 20.147. Afghanistan and Iran (tribes: Afghans (Pashtun), Kurds, Tadjik,
Turkmenes, Uzbek) (rec.: J. C. and S. LUBTCHANSKY);
LDM 30.057. Gavotte de Bretagne;
ii) issued by Westminster (375, 7th Avenue, New York I):
WL 5332/4' Bedouin tribal songs from Oran;
XWN 2210. Music of India (perf.: GAURANG YODH (sitar) and DINESH PATEL
(tabla)) ;
XWN 18096. EDRIC CONNOR sings calypso;
WP6037 JEAN RITCHIE sings songs from Kentucky (instr.: dulcimer);
XWN 2209. Music of Bali (gam. Gong, gam. Angklung) (leader: ANAK AGUNG
WP 6055. Music of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Georgia;
kk) issued by the World Collection of Recorded Folk Music (p/a Unesco, Avenue
KIeber, Paris 16e) (editor: CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU in collaboration with Unesco):
albums with music resp. from:
I. the Haussa, German Switzerland, Scotland, Rumania, Italy;
II. Caribou Eskimo, (incl. Aevilikmiut, PadleirIniut), France, Serbia, the
Spanish Jews, Greece;
III. Tuareg, Ireland, Turkey (Anatolia), Sardinia, Hindostan (Benares) (instr.:
bagpipe, kaval, saz, launneddas, a.o.);
IV. Fulah (Peul), Rumania, Flanders, Esthonia, Bosnia (instr.: zazakuat
(flute), musical bow, carillon, jew's harp, bagpipe, bowed bow, gusle,
dvojnice, tamburiza);
V. Formosa (tribes: Bunun, Tsarisen, Sazek), England (Somerset, Oxford-
shire, Northhumberland, Norfolk, Wales), Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia
(distr. Pskoff) (instr.: beakflute (flilte a bee), bagpipe, gadulka);
VI. Japan, France (Brittanny), Belgium (Wallonia), Austria (Tirol), Ethiopia
(Amhara, Kerker);
VII. Middle Congo (tribes: Ngundi, Babinga), Ivory Coast (tr.: Ba'ule), France
(Basques), Norway, Formosa, China (Canton), Algeria (Kabyls);
VIII. Georgia (West-), Corsica, Macedo-Rumanians (Greece), Portugal (Beira-
Baixa), Germany (Suebia, Bavaria, Saxony, Wolga-Germans, Czecho-
slovakian Germans) (instr.: drum, flute, violin, bagpipe);
Il) issued by IRAMA, the Indonesian Music Company Ltd. :
LPII7501. Javanese gamelan music (region: Jogjakarta) (notes: Mr. KAWAT);
LPI17506. Music of (South-)Bali (gamelan Gong, condo by Tjokorda Mas)
(notes: Mr. KAWAT);
LPI17503. Sundanese music (regions: Chiandjur, Sumedang) (performers: IBU
HAD]I RESNA and AD]ENG) (instr.: kachapi, suling, tarawangsa) (rec.
Also a number of scientific institutions have, during the past few years,
issued some collections of exotic records.
So, for instance, the Musee de l'Homme, to which the musicological world owes the
publication, first of a large series, on 78-records, of Malgassian music (recorded by the
CLERISSE mission); then, at the end of 1949 another, still larger one, containing music, in-
strumental and vocal, of Negro- and Pygmee-tribes from French Central Africa, recorded
by Mr. A. DIDIER during the Ogowe-Congo Mission (1946); in 1950 an album of Rumani-
an folk music, recorded by CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU; in 1952 an album of African music,
this time especially from the Hoggar, Fezzan, Adrar des Iforas, Tamasna and In
Salah (peoples: Tuareg and Arabian) (instr.: amzad (bowed lute)) (rec. by HENRI
in 1953 an album with music of the Upper Orinoco (tribes: Guarahibo, Maquiritare,
Piaroa and Puinave), recorded by PIERRE GAISSEAU; notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-
ROCHE (E 1-5); and another from the Niger (tribes: Haussa and SonghaijZerma)
(rec. by J. ROUCH and R. ROSFELDER; notes by GILBERT ROUGET); further a reeord
from Dahomey (tribes: Fon, Goun) (rec. by GILBERT ROUGET); another from the
Sudan, ree. by Mrs. DIETERLEN; notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-ROCHE (Nos I and 2);
yet another, from the same region, rec. by Mrs. PAQUES; notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-
ROCHE in 1954 and following years an album with musie of the Upper Amazone
(tribes: Iawa, Bora) (ree. by BERTRAND FLORNOY; notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-RoCHE)
(L.D. 3); another album with music of French Guinea (tribe: Toma) (ree. by PIERRE
(L.D. 4); yet another of the singing of the Yayuro-tribe (Southern Venezuela) (ree. by
H. LE BESNERAIS; notes by SIMONE DREYFUS-ROCHE (L.D. I); Musique Bantou
d'Afrique Equatoriale Fran~aise (tribes: Baduma, Bongili, Bongongo, Boungomo,
Kukuya, Mbeti, Mboko, Ngundi, Porno, Yassua) (rec. by A. DIDIER; ed. by GILBERT
ROUGET) (L.D. 13); Musique pygmee de la Haute Sangha (tribes: Babinga, Babinga
Babenzele, BangomM) (ree. by A. DIDIER; ed. by GILBERT ROUGET) (L.D. 14);
Musique des Indiens du Rio Xingu et des Kaingang de Santa Catarina (ree. and notes
by SIMONE DREYFUS-RoCHE) (L.D. 15); Popular North Indian musie (ree. by DEBAN
BHATTACHARYA; ed. by GILBERT ROUGET) (L.D. 8); Malaya, songs of the Semang and
Sakai and songs from New Caledonia, ree. resp. by JEANNE CUISINIER and MAURICE
LEENHARDT (Z. I); Pondo kakou, musique de societe secrete (tribes: Ba'ule and
others from French Guinea and Dahomey) (MC 20.141); Bushman music (rec. by
the MARSHALL expedition 1953) and Pygmy music (rec. by the Ogowe-Congo expedi-
tion 1946) (tribes: lKung Bushmen, Babinga pygmies) (notes by GILBERT ROUGET and
Of the Phonotheque Nationale, Paris (123) I may mention an interesting 78-recording
from New Caledonia (Nos. 3970 and 3972).
The Intern. Library of African Music issued, among others, in 1957 African dances
of the Witwatersrand Goldmines (Nos. LF 1254 and 1255) (tribes: Bacca, Mpondo,
Mpondomisi, Ndau, Sotho, Xhosa, Zingili, Zulu) (for commentary see 4126).
Also the Library of Congress, Washington, caused many collections of exotic music
to be made, of which I will mention the records, made of Zuni and Sioux Songs and
Dances (recorded by CHARLES HOFFMANN); of Iroquois songs (vol. VI, recorded by
WILLIAM N. FENTON); of Indian and. Negro Folk Music of Venezuela (vol. XV,
recorded by JUAN LISCANO and CHARLES SEEGER); of Seneca Music (vol. XVII,
recorded by WILLIAM N. FENTON) ; of Brazil (Afro-Bahian Religious Songs) (vol. XVIII,
recorded by M. J. HERSKOVITS); of Mexico (vol. XIX, recorded by HENRIETTA
This Library has issued a series of L.P. reeords which were copied from the original
recordings on wax-cylinders, made many years ago by FRANCES DENSMORE (855-949).
These contain some hundreds of songs from different American Indian tribes: vol.
XXII (Chippewa), XXIII (Sioux), XXIV (Yuma, Cocopa, Yaqui), XXV (Pawnee
and Northern Ute), XXXI (Papago), XXXII (Nootka and Quileute), XXXIII
(Menomenee, Mandan, and Hidatsa). To each of those volumes is added an excellent
commentary written by FRANCES DENSMORE herself. This series has been followed in
1954 by yet another, recorded and with notes by WILLARD RHODES, containing
American Indian music from the Northwest (Puget Sound) (tribes: Lummi, Makah,
Quinault, Skokomish and Swinomish) (L 34); Kiowa (L 35), Indian songs of today
(L 36), Delaware, Choctaw, Creek and Cherokee (L 37), Great Basin, Paiute, Washo,
Ute, Bannock and Shoshone (L 38), Plain-Indians: Comanche, Cheyenne, Kiowa,
Caddo, Wichita and Pawnee (L 39), Sioux (L 40), Navaho (L 41), Apache (L 42),
Pueblo: Taos, San Ildefonso, Zuni, Hopi (L 43).
The Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (= Society for International Cultural Relations),
Tokyo, issued in 1949 an album of Japanese music, containing music of all kinds
(gagaku, Buddhist chant, noh-music, biwa-, koto-, samisen-music and many folk songs),
with notes by KASHO MACHIDA (2686);
the Peabody Museum of Harvard University in 1952 an album 'Navajo Creation
Chants' (notes by DAVID McALLESTER) (2799);
the 'Institut Fran~ais d'Afrique Noire' (Dakar, Senegal, A.O.F.) two albums, i.e.
Musique Sosso et MaHnke (Guinee Fran~ise) (instr.: balaton, kora, drums, flute) (ree.:
MAURICE HOUIS and P. POTENTIER), and Musique Maure et Peule (resp. from Mauri-
tania and French Guinea) (instr.: kerona (lute), gourd-rattles, one-stringed bowed
lute, tobol (drum), tidinit (string-instrument) (rec. P. POTENTIER).
With regard to recordings of Asiatic music I may also refer to the Survey
of recordings of Asiatic music in the United States (4308) and the Catalogue
of recorded classical and traditional Indian music (815) ; for South African
recordings to the large collection brought together under the auspices of the
African Music Research, since 1946, by the Hon. Secretary of the African
Music Society, the indefatigable HUGH T. TRACEY (23, 4115-4136); for
Negro music in general to GAY'S recent discography (1378), for the Belgian
Congo to PIERRE DENYS' discography (950) and for Australia and New
Guinea to the article in 'Oceania' by A. P. ELKIN (1063a).
In recent times the number of ethnic records has increased in such a way,
that it has become almost impossible to mention them all in a booklet like
this one. Fortunately, they are for the greater part incorporated in the
catalogue made for the International Folk Music Council and Unesco by
NORMAN FRASER (1298)l. For the Americas see also DUNCAN EMRICH (1090).
Starting with No.8 of September 1956, the Society for Ethnomusicology
regularly gives in its periodical lists of recently issued ethnic recordings
The transcription of exotic phonograms is one of the most difficult and
intricate tasks which ethnomusicological research has ever put before
its devotees. BELA BARTOK says about this task: 'Although perfection
cannot be attained in transcribing folk music, we must always endeavour
to approach an ideal of perfection We should never tire of improving
and changing our methods of work in order to accomplish this task as well
as is humanly possible' (282, p.20). Often, in the beginning, one finds
oneself faced with apparently unsurmountable difficulties, inextricable
rhythmic constructions, indeterminable tones.
Each individual investigator will invent his own method, manners and
expedients. I only recount my own experiences in this field of work, where
each is free to surmount the difficulties according to his own personal insight.
It is best, when proceeding to transcribe a phonogram, to start early
in the morning; the fresher one feels, the sharper one's hearing, the greater
one's patience, and the more subtle one's acoustic imagination. I would
remind those who are blessed (or cursed) with 'absolute pitch' that fatigue
causes the inner norm of hearing to rise; in other words, that, when one is
tired, as at the end of a long day's work, one is inclined to hear everything
slightly sharper (up to half a tone) than it sounds in reality.
When transcribing from flat gramophone records, one should, if at all
possible, obtain the use of an electric gramophone with a pick-up; this
obviates repeated interruption and rewinding of the mechanism, and in
addition ensures constancy of speed, and, with that, of pitch.
One need not stress that the room in which transcription takes place
can never be too quiet; the slightest outside sound distracts the ear and
the mind; more or less 'musical' sounds even make transcription totally
impossible. This is another reason why transcription should preferably
be done in the very early morning, when most mortals are still asleep.
The gramophone, phonograph or recorder should be placed at one's left
hand. Before setting anything on paper - apart from the title of the piece
to be transcribed and the number of the phonogram - play the whole record
1 to which supplements will from time to time be issued.
once through, so as to get a general impression of the piece, and to know
whether to put a treble- or a bass-clef at the beginning of the stave. (Ulti-
mately, one generally transcribes in the treble-clef as far as possible, if
necessary with a note to the effect that everything sounds one octave lower
or higher). Another advantage of this preliminary hearing is that it gives
one an opportunity to learn something of the tonality, the rhythm and the
general structure.
We then start on the actual work of transcription. We first playa few
tones - say, a melodic fragment, somewhat rounded-off for preference,
of a few seconds length - and endeavour to write this down at the right
pitch and in the correct rhythm. We repeat this first attempt a few times,
until we are perfectly sure that the transcription approximates melodically
and rhythmically as closely as possible to the real thing, after which we
take a step forward, also of a few tones, each time again playing the record
right from the beginning and taking great pains to check up whether what
has already been written down tallies with what one hears. The result
will frequently be only an approximation - be it a rather close one - to
reality. For, most exotic peoples use tonal sequences and intervals differing
from those of us Westerners; and rhythmically ,too, they often do things
that strike us as incomprehensibly complicated and inimitable. The diffi-
culty in this, moreover, is to know what is essential in what we have heard,
and what is due to imperfection of the singer's voice or the player's instru-
mental technique, or his rhythmic feeling. In the case of primitive peoples
we may say: the way they perform a piece is the way it is intended; there
is usually no standard model, no norm hallowed by tradition; what is
played or sung is the emotion, rendered audible, of that particular person
at that particular moment; a subsequent performance by the same player
or singer of the same piece would turn out differently in many respects,
because the performer's emotion at that moment would be different, for
instance, it would be experienced either more or less intensely.
However, even apart from this difficulty, there is another, more or less
akin to it; how far should the precision of the transcription be allowed
to go? It is possible, by applying a mechanical-visual method of sound-
registration (e.g., by recording the sound-curves on a rotating cylinder)
to carry the exactitude of a transcription to a point where one cannot
see the wood for trees, so that the structure of the piece transcribed has
got completely out of hand. In my own view, the transcription by ear,
in European notation, as nearly exact as possible, combined with the
measurement of the actually used intervals is nearly always sufficient
for ethnomusicological purposes. In that case, however, it is to be recom-
mended, when publishing the results, to give some sort of account, by
way of introduction to, and justification of, the transcription. For this
purpose, I myself use the following method. On a set of horizontal lines,
each representing the sound-continuum, I place (a) on one of them the
tone-points of the European tempered scale (either all, or only those used
in the transcription of the piece in question), and (b) on the other(s) the
tone-points of the scales actually used by the performers of the piece
transcribed. One of the tonal points of each of the respective scales is made
equal to the other(s), and, therefore, placed on the same point on both
(or, as the case may be, all) lines; and these corresponding tone-points
are then connected by a vertical dotted line. From the other tone-points
on the lines of the measured scales also vertical dotted lines, intersecting
the European scale-line, are either raised or dropped, to show the extent
to which the tones - and with those, the intervals - of the piece tran-
scribed deviate from the European tones approximating them in the tran-
scription. In addition, the sizes of the intervals are given in cents, and
vibration figures of the scale-tones are also added.
The example on p. 233, fig. 62, in which a comparison is drawn between
the Javanese pelog- and slendro- and the European tempered chromatic
scale, may clarify this.
Accidental, involuntary deviations in pitch may be indicated in the tran-
scription itself by some mark or other above the notes to which they belong.
Apart from the exact rendering of pitch and rhythm, it may reasonably be
expected that a good transcription gives as many indications as possible
with regard to the style of interpretation. Experience has shown that the
marks used for this purpose in our European notation are inadequate to
this end.
This led OTTO ABRAHAM and ERICH VON HORNBOSTEL to the publication
of their treatise Vorschlage tiir die Transkription exotischer Melodien (1895).
In spite of this, unification of the transcription is still far from being
attained; and so, the ClAP finally convened, in July 1949, a conference
of specialists at Geneva, with instructions to effect, if possible, this unifi-
cation. Naturally the recommendations formulated at this conference
possess no legal sanction and cannot be enforced; it remains to be seen
whether ethnomusicologists in general will be prepared to avail themselves
in future of the transcription-rules recommended by the conference. 1
The musicologist's skill in transcribing must, of course, have attained
a certain level of faithful interpretation if his rendering is to satisfy us.
As we said before, practice plays a considerable part. I further believe
that having 'absolute pitch' can be a factor of great utility in this work.
Its possession, however, is no conditio sine qua non; those who do not enjoy
this faculty - and they constitute the majority, also among the musically
lOne will find a summary of the results, attained by this conference, in the ClAPInformation
No. 15/16 of Nov./Dec. 1949 and in a brochure, issued by the same institution in 1952 (3044).
talented - have generally developed their relative hearing to a far finer
pitch than their 'absolute' colleagues, and are able, it seems, to arrive at
most acceptable results also by this means.
But for either of them the all-important thing is to have a perfectly open
mind as regards the piece to be heard and transcribed. One must be on
one's guard against the temptation to presuppose or imagine the presence,
in exotic phonograms, of the particular rhythmics and the equality of bar-
length typical of most Western music, or of involuntarily hearing the strange
melody 'harmonically', i.e. as if it were based on unplayed harmonies.
For the sake of legibility, however, it is advisable to put a bar-line in
those places where the rhythm seems to call for one (roughly, always before
a prominent accent or 'down-bea!'), as well as vertical dotted lines whenever
the 'bars' created thereby contain complicated rhythmic formations - in
order to indicate the more elementary rhythmic units. Greater melodic
periods might be closed by a double bar-line.
No doubt one will frequently feel, when tackling the same phonogram
some days later, an inclination to distribute the bar-lines differently.
The reason for this is the fact that accentuation in the music of many
exotic peoples is much weaker than that in Western music; in some cases
this accentuation is put into it by the investigator, because we Westerners
seem to feel the need of making what is heard more comprehensible by
'phrasing' it in some way or other.
When dealing with vocal records one should also try to get hold of the
text which, especially in the case of the primitives, is anything but easy
unless one masters the native language (as many missionaries do), so as
to understand the words sung in spite of their being recorded only indis-
tinctly by the phonogram. To ask for the text just sung, after the per-
formance, will generally prove futile; for the texts are very often im-
provised during the performance itself. This difficulty is not present to
the same extent in the case of peoples on a higher cultural level, for in
their case one frequently has to deal with existing, standardized texts.
But even there it is necessary to collate the text with the vocal tune on
the spot (that is, if one has been able to put the melody approximately
on paper during recording), since the manner in which the words are dis-
tributed over the notes usually deviates considerably from the way in which
we Westerners would proceed. A correct knowledge of the text will often have
influence on the manner in which one thinks the melody should be phrased.
The complexity and arbitrariness of the rhythm of some exotic melodies
may be evident from the example on p. 234, fig. 63, which I transcribed
some years ago from a phonogram taken in Central Flores. When in addition,
the voice moves in intervals deviating from our own Western ones (which
was not the case in the district in question), it is easy to imagine the trouble
that must be taken before the melody has been faultlessly caught 'in the
little cage of our musical staves' - as the late Father HEERKENS (1639), an
authority on Florinese music, expressed it.
Recently many difficulties in the realm of rhythm have been eliminated
by the ingenious contraption, constructed and used by Father A. M. JONES
(2093, p. 59 ff.), whilst in regard to melody (and rhythm also), OLAV
GURVIN'S photographic method (1560) and SEEGER'S Melograph (3797, 3800)
deserve to be broadly known, as well as, in regard to the difficulties in
general to be met with when transcribing phonograms of non-Western
music, the clever article by ZYGMUNT ESTREICHER (fig. 12), Une technique
de transcription de la musique exotique (II33).
I have further found - especially in the case of vocal, but also in string-
instrumental performances - that the 'corresponding' tones are not quite
stable. Moreover, the entire pitch is, on occasion, gradually raised or
lowered in the course of the performance. In such cases it may be advisable
to indicate this alteration of pitch in the transcription by inserting the
vibration figures above different notes whose pitch could readily be de-
termined (i.e. often those with a fairly long time-value).
This peculiarity is, for that matter, by no means a monopoly of exotic
musical expressions. Western vocal music, including that sung by really
good singers, knows similar deviations from the theoretical scale, as is
clearly evident from the tone- and interval-measurements made by OTTO
ABRAHAM from the performance of a song by a well-trained European
singer. 1
It may be apposite at this point to say a word or two about the fairytale
of the 'simple ratios', which, according to the opinion of many, characterize
the European tonal system as the perfect and chosen one. STUMPF 2, indeed,
was able to prove that intervals which are heard and felt to be perfectly
true by musically trained European ears, are precisely the ones that escape
all attempts at representing them by one of the simple ratios in question;
their constituent tones have only approximately such ratio; in reality,
consonant intervals felt to be perfectly true proved to be slightly greater
than those which could be represented by the simple proportions (while
the subjective tendency to enlarge them increased in accordance with the
size of the consonant intervals).
There are yet other deviations from this numerical simplicity to be
noted in musical practice, apart from those just mentioned.
Thus, European music has for some centuries known the so-called 'equal'
(better: 'proportional') temperament, i.e. the 12 steps into which the
even then the fact remains that other peoples have taken quite different
principles as their starting point in constructing their tonal system; or,
rather - since these words, in effect, represent the course of affairs in
reverse order of sequence (i.e., -as if the scales came first and the music
afterwards), and, moreover, attribute to the whole process a far too conscious
and purposive character - that their musical expressions often appear to
rest upon entirely deviating foundations: foundations which, in the last anal-
ysis, would sometimes seem to derive essentially from a non-musical source.
In many primitive musical expressions we may distinguish a number of
'Geriisttone' ('skeletal tones'), which are more or less consonant with respect
to one another, and form the larger intervals (octaves, fifths, fourths);
these are then subdivided by intermediary, not quite constant tones.
In this subdivision, what is important is not so much the size of the intervals,
but rather the direction (rising or falling) of the melodic line. To use a
felicitous comparison of the musicologist ROBERT LACHMANN, it is something
like the sketching of dance-steps: their direction and order of sequence,
not the precise length of the steps, is what matters (2502, p. 10). Never-
theless, as VON HORNBOSTEL ascertained, it appears that the smaller
intervals thus formed do divide the 'skeletal' intervals according to ratios
found in intervals which are formed according to the consonance principle
(23 66 , p. 14/ 15, note 24).
As one of the, in effect, non-musical elements referred to above, we
may mention the visual-esthetic feeling which demands, for example,
that the stops on a flute shall be placed at equal distances from each other,
or - as on some bamboo flutes - always in the middle of each internode;
or, again, that strings shall be subdivided in a certain manner according to
some hieratic standard.
This latter point leads us to another non-musical element, namely the
sanctity of a given standard of measurement or a given number. The
fact that so many scales contain either 5 or 7 steps to the octave is sometimes
attributed to the sanctity of the numbers 5 and 7. This belief in the holiness
of certain numbers is found in large parts of the world; in the majority
of cases it is the number 7. COMBARIEU, in his Histoire de la Musique (731,
vol. I, p. 39), asserts this in respect of the Chinese, the Hindus, the Chaldeans
(Babylonians), the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Persians, the Arabs and
the Turks. In the Indian archipelago, too, this special position of the number
7 is upheld. Dr. A. C. KRUYT, in his treatise Measa, een biy"drage tot het
dynamisme der Bare'e-sprekende Toradja's en enkele omwonende volken 1,
gives several examples of this. And as regards the sanctity of a linear
measure I refer the reader to VON HORNBOSTEL'S important article Die
Maassnorm als kulturgeschichtliches F orschungsmittel (1941).
1 Second part ('Bijdragen Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde', Vol. 75 (1919), p. 36 H. (114 H.)).
Conceptions such as these hold that there is - or rather, that there
ought to be - a relation between a tonal system and the structure of the
universe; the harmony of the spheres must be reflected in the harmony
of music. Also the contradistinction between the two basic principles
of Life - i.e. the male and female principles, Yang and Yin - finds expression
in certain scale systems, as, for instance, in the Chinese tonal system.
Tone systems resting on foundations other than the consonance principle
often generate melodies which are essentially unsusceptible to harmoni-
zation, unless the deviation from the scales based on the consonance
principle is so slight as to be negligible in practice, as in the case of the
European tempered chromatic scale.
In contrast to this, West-European melodies are always susceptible
to being harmonized; even the seemingly monodic West-European folk-
music, in so far as it is not modal, is usually based on unsung and unplayed
simple harmonies, and in this forms a sharp contrast with other, non-
European, as well as many East-European, tunes, which in many cases are
purely and simply melodic.
This, however, does not say that there exists no non-European multi-
part music. On the contrary, Javanese and Balinese orchestral music
- to mention only some very conspicuous examples - are there to prove
the opposite. But this multi-part music is not a harmonic one; it knows
of no teaching of the construction of chords; its harmony has, one might
say, a more or less incidental character. Often we have to do with so-called
'heterophony', a term which, in this meaning, was first used by STUMPF 1
This heterophony is the result of the playing around, and making variations
on, a nuclear theme by different instruments simultaneously. Besides this
heterophony we often find multi-part music, based on 'overlapping' and
so leading to primitive forms of polyphony, even real canons (2401).
Exotic music which gives the impression of being built entirely on the
consonance principle, and in which, therefore, real fifths, fourths and
thirds (including the notorious 'interlocking' and 'pendular' thirds) are
heard, may be found, for instance, in places where a negroid element plays
a role in the miscegenation, as, of course, in Negro Africa, but also in large
parts of New Guinea (2402), in the districts Nage and Ngada in midwest
Flores (2383), and in Melanesia (d., for instance, 1911).
About the beginning of the 20th century the gradually gathered fact-
material had become already so extensive and variegated, that examination
1 It may be noted that the term heterophony is used, in later years, again in the sense which it,
apparently, originally had in PLATO'S famous locus of'the dialogue 'Laws' (812 D). Cf.]. HANDSCHIN,
Musikgesckickle (Bille, I948), p. 61.
could be made regarding its serviceableness for investigation as to racial
and cultural relationship.
Of the elements brought into question may be mentioned, in addition
to the already discussed characteristics of musical expression (p. 12/13) :
a) identity of scale systems, both as regards structure (identity of intervals),
and as regards absolute pitch (identity of diapason) (d. 1903, 1941 and
2394) ;
b) identity of melodies or of melodic fragments (d. 1258, 2339, 2412 and
445) ;
c) concurrence in structural melodic characteristics 1;
d) preference for certain rhythms, intervals and tone-successions 2;
e) the occurrence in different regions of the same, exceptionally formed,
musical instruments 3 ;
I) the occurrence of musical instruments concurring not only in their
essentiality, but also in typical details, which are absolutely unnecessary
for the sound-production. 4
contested 'Blasquintentheorie' (i.e. theory of blown fifths), the activity,
also of other investigators, was roused.
In this connection I may mention the FrenChman GEORGES DE GIRON-
COURT, who in his book La Geographie musicale (1445), an enthusiastically
written synopsis of the differences in musical expression among the peoples
of the world, time and again points out the common elements that suggest
a (? racial, ?cultural) relation, a subject which he, in other publications 1,
worked out at a later date. 2,3.
How did music come into being? Theories galore have been propounded
to explain this phenomenon; one might almost say, as many theories as
there have been investigators of the problem.
Articles summarizing the various hypotheses may be found in, among
other works, STUMPF'S Die Anjiinge der Musik (3995), and G. REVESZ'
themselves are soundless. It is, of course, certain, that music proved capable
of lightening communal labour once it had come into existence; as it hap-
pens, however, really primitive peoples do not know any such common
labour necessitating rhythmic movements that might lead to the pro-
duction of working songs. And even at present the number of such working
songs is only small among more primitive peoples; much smaller, for
instance, than that of their magico-religious songs and dance melodies.
(4) A fourth hypothesis derives music from sounds uttered under the
stress of emotion. 1 These sounds, however, are too spontaneous, too
instinctive; they are too much in the nature of unchangeable reflex-ex-
pressions of affective states to be able to lead to the creation of vocal
music, which precisely presupposes a psychic state that has risen above
the primary affects.
(5) Professor REVESZ also rejects the theory according to which vocal
music arose from the lulling of an infant. 1 This 'singing' is either produced
quite unconsciously and instinctively, or - even at an early stage - melodic;
in that case, however, it is undoubtedly pre-influenced by the singing of
6lder persons, or by the child's hearing instrumental music. 2
(6) Finally, there is the theory of 'the melody of speech'. 3 This hy-
pothesis, too, according to both STUMPF and REVESZ, is untenable. The
laws of sound governing speech are completely different from those of
music. Speech - and this surely is the main contra-argument - knows no
fixed intervals; the movement of its tones depends exclusively on the
person's mood prevailing at the moment of speaking. In contradistinction
to this point of view, see sub (8)).
(7) Both the authors cited above, as well as Father SCHMIDT, conclude
as the most plausible explanation, that it is the call from the distance, of
one human being to another, which should be regarded as the origin of
vocal music 4. I am fully inclined to agree with this hypothesis; indeed,
as early as 1922, and without being aware of the content of the existing
treatises at the time, I myself, (in a paper on Het Volkslied, published in the
Flemish periodical 'De Muziekwarande') mentioned, more or less in passing,
the call as being the 'germinal cell' of folk-song.
(8) However, one more hypothesis, recently suggested by MARIUS
SCHNEIDER (3768, p. 6/7), must be mentioned here, i.e. a common origin
for a very long time, with hardly any mutual connexion. For, as is con-
vincingly evident from customs and traditions still found today all over
the world, instrumental music, taken as a whole, derives from the world of
magic ritual; vocal music, although in later periods certainly also used for
magical purposes (incantation!), originating as we suppose, from the call,
will have been, in the first instance, discharge of affects.
We modern Westerners are able to imagine ourselves in the emotional
world of the primitive mind only to a small degree; most readily, maybe,
during our dreams. In the waking state, we are too analytically-minded;
we have become too intellectual. Being, thinking, experiencing, feeling:
these are categories which we shall not easily confuse. But the primitive
hardly, if at all, makes these distinctions. He lives far more subconsciously,
and infinitely more from an inner unity of being. His distinction between
Ego and the outer world, too, is more vague; macrocosmos and micro-
cosmos do not, as in our own case, confront him with analogies and paral-
lelisms; they rather appear to him as identical.
On this level of consciousness, the aim of all actions is the preservation
of life.
SACHS, in a masterly and fascinating pericope, has explained this in a
convincing manner; he supports his argument with a wealth of documentary
evidence, mainly derived from the history of the development of two
musical instruments; the drum and the flute.
These two instruments, for that matter, are not by any means the most
ancient that man learned to fabricate when he awoke to consciousness
- however early in the history of human development they may have
appeared on the scene. The oldest instruments were found by man on his
own body; stamping and clapping of hands must have provided the first
'instrumental' accompaniment to the dance. 1 Also beating on one's but-
tocks - an illustration of which may still be seen on an ancient Greek
vase (3553, Table I, fig. 3) - will have provided the rhythmic background
to certain dances (fig. 45).
We may remark in this connexion that primitive man has the greatest
difficulty - nay, often finds it totally impossible - when singing, to refrain
from making other physical movements. I have repeatedly noticed this
during my fieldwork in New Guinea. But even we, cultured as we are,
sometimes catch ourselves gently moving our head to and fro when hearing
certain melodies, or find, when playing ourselves, that we cannot keep
our torso still. This, surely, is the last - evidently ineradicable - rest of
the irrepressible inclination of the primitive (who, thank God, still slumbers
in everyone of us!), to let himself go when hearing rhythmic sounds, and
join in with them with his whole being.
1 VIDE also 3680.
Even when a people has already reached a high level of culture, this
inclination may still be present to a marked degree. We can see this, for
instance, on some ancient Egyptian sepulchral paintings which have
come down to us, and on which the singers are invariably depicted as
gesticulating; the basic signification of the ancient Egyptian word for
singing is playing with the hand, and is represented by a hieroglyph in the
form of a lower arm with a hand (see fig. 45). From these, at first quite
involuntary, movements there later grew a kind of sign-language, in which a
given gesture expressed a certain interval, or, at any rate, the direction
in which the melody was expected to move. This is the famous cheironomy
of the ancient Egyptians, which served to replace, in this way, a probably
non-existing musical script that thus remained unnecessary, and from
which, it seems, the early Christian neum-notation ultimately developed
in later centuries (3544, p. 9). The Vedic recitations, too, it appears, used to
have a cheironomic accompaniment.
The musical instruments - apart from those directly placed at man's
disposal by nature, such as rattles made from the outer shells of fruits -
which we have sound reason to regard as the most ancient, represent,
as it were, the objectivation and intensification of the clapping hands,
stamping feet, beating of rolls on the performer's buttocks; in brief, of the
'music' produced by the body; technically put, they are extensions of
bodily organs, just as, in another field of human activity, the fork is an
extension of the hand and fingers, the spoon of the scoping hand, and the
hammer of the fist. They are the instruments which we class as beating-
sticks, stamping tubes, clappers etc. From these, in the course of untold
thousands of years, there originated those countless instrumental forms
we know today, the majority, of course, not for the purpose of serving
the cause of Beauty, but with the aim of obtaining possession of instruments
charged with magical power; others, also, as accompaniment to the (origin-
ally magico-religious) dance.
It was once again SACHS who gave us a concise and striking account
of this development in his book Die Musikinstrumente (3529, p. 9). He puts
forward the plausible theory that man learned how to increase the sound of
stamping by performing it on a flat piece of wood, a rudimentary plank,
instead of on the bare soil, and suggests how the result was found to be
still further improved by digging a cavity underneath the plank. (An
instrument of this kind is still found among the negritos (negroid pygmies)
in the Andamans (Bay of Bengal); among some South-American Indian
tribes, and among the North-Papuas). Or - another evolution - the stamping
leg was replaced by a bamboo stamping tube (such instruments are still
found, among other places, in the Indian archipelago, in East Africa, the
Pacific, and in South-America).
From the clapping of hands there arose, by way of extension-forms
of bodily organs, the countless different type~ of clappers, beating sticks,
beating tubes, 'cymbals', and, finally, gongs; and from the 'snapping'
of the fingers - ultimately, via many more primitive forms - the castanets.
The beating of the player's buttocks was refined and the sound made
louder by using a stick instead of the bare hand, and another stick, a
tube, or a flat piece of wood in stead of the performer's body. It must
then have become obvious that hollow objects make so much louder noises
than solid ones, and further, that smaller and shorter objects produce
higher tones than larger and longer ones. Gradually, the players must
have taken pleasure in the alternation of high and low sounds; at first,
however, without striving to obtain a particular pitch or tuning. This
may have led to that peculiar subdivision into two or three groups, which
were identified with the two sexes or the family relationships. The largest
instrument, with the deepest sound, would then be designated as the
'man'; a smaller, higher-sounding one, as the 'woman', and the smallest
and highest of all as the 'child'. Of this, too, the present time still provides
many examples. As we already have noted above, the Chinese still know, in
musicalibus, the contradistinction yang - yin = male - female. But also
the Sundanese in West Java distinguish, in their panpipes, between indung
= mother and anak = child; and allover Java and Bali we find 'male'
and 'female' drums, gongs and kenongs. (A curious thing is that, in the
latter islands, the instrument with the largest dimensions and the deepest
sound is experienced by the people as female, and the smaller one with the
higher pitch, as male).
~n the beginning, instruments of different pitches were probably mani-
pulated each by a different player; later on, as people learned how to com-
bine them, a single player could handle the lot equally well, or even better.
The observation that a stamping plank sounds better when a hole is
dug underneath, finally leads to the discovery that a beaten soundtube
or -rod also sounds better when a calabash-gourd is placed under it. In
this evolutionary direction lies the development of the later xylophones
and metallophones, which either have a separate sound-body under each
key or sound-kettle (as, for instance, on the Javanese and Balinese gender
and the African marimba, derived from it), or a common sound-box under
the entire range of keys (as in the case of the Javanese saran).
No doubt the wind instruments developed much later than the very
simple instruments of the kinds discussed so far, as they do not constitute
an extension of bodily organs.
Perhaps the most ancient form was a simple bamboo tube. The incidental
discovery that it issued a tone, when the wind blew against it, may have
been the incentive to produce the aircurrent by mouth. A combination
of such tubes of different lengths again produced the pleasant alternation
of high and low tones. At first, each tube will probably have been blown
by a separate individual (as is the case to this day with the West Florinese
hoi, a set of loose pipes, but which belong together) (fig. 58); later on, these
tubes were combined into a one-man instrument, and with this the pan-
pipes were born (fig. 57).
The players further learned how to produce both high and low notes
on one and the same tube, by the discovery of the 'stops' or fingerholes
- an invention which, no doubt, was hailed at the time as a stroke of genius.
And the difficulty of blowing into an uncut tube was overcome by fashioning
some sort of mouth-piece, at first by a simple small notch in the upper
edge of the tube (a modern example of this is the West-Javanese chalintu);
afterwards by constructing, by some means or other, a slit which should
drive the whole of the air blown into the tube against a sharp edge - which,
as we know, is the origin of the sound produced by a flute.
A similar development may be observed in the case of the 'reed'-instru-
ments or glottophones.
The most ancient and simplest example of this group of musical in-
struments is surely the blade of grass which is held tightly between the
thumbs of both hands, as we all know from the days of our youth. Then
follows a tube with a folded blade stuck in the top opening, or a pair of
reedleaves, tied together and stuck on top of a tube; or, again, a tube
into which, by means of a slightly oblique, either up- or downward cut,
a so-called beating reed has been fashioned. (In the first case we are dealing
with a 'free' aerophone, i.e. a so-called 'interruption'-aerophone; in the last
case, with a clarinet; in the other cases, with simple types of the oboe family).
In the East (and for that matter also in Europe until the 17th century),
the players of these oboe- and clarinet-forms manage to get a continuous
sound out of these instruments, by taking the entire mouthpiece into their
mouth. They breath through the nose, and feed the air into the tube by
pressure of the cheeks, just enough to cause the instrumental 'reeds' to
keep vibrating, also during inhalation. At a later stage, the mouth is
replaced as air-reservoir by a calabash-gourd (we think here of the well-
known snakecharmer's shawm of India Proper), and later still, by a flexible
animal skin, sewn together in the form of a sack. This, then, leads to the
development of the bagpipes, and, still later, to t4e church organ.
Of the trumpets - these are the instruments, in which the lips of the
player function as a double reed - the oldest forms were also, without
doubt, stout bamboo segments. Such bamboo trumpets are still to be
found, for instance, in New-Guinea. The wooden ones, which presuppose
a fairly well developed boring- and cauterizing-technique, must surely
belong to a later period.
We see from all this how important was the role played by bamboo
in the generation of the most ancient musical instruments; clappers,
beating sticks, slit-drums, xylophones, flutes, clarinets, oboes, trumpets:
they were all originally fabricated out of bamboo.
Of hardly lesser importance, it appears, was the calabash-gourd, which
was especially used for all kinds of rattles, and as sound-intensifying body
or as air-reserve.
The above considerations lead us to the assumption that the first musical
instruments were invented and developed in tropical or subtropical regions.
The two materials mentioned must also have provided the means of
producing the oldest types of drums; for the other materials: the hollowed
out tree-trunk and the earthenware vessel - though already existing in
ancient times - belong to a later cultural-historical period than those from
which the drum originated. SACHS suggests that the drum was invented
from calabash- or coconut-shells containing victuals, which were protected
against dust, loss, decay, or insects by covering them with a tight-fitting
bladder or skin.
But calabash and bamboo fulfilled their most important musical function
in the creation - in a much later period - of the first string instruments.
Probably the most ancient, but, especially in Indonesian cultural regions,
to this day still perfectly vital form thereof, is the bamboo zither, with
its string(s) 'lifted' out of the tube-wall. It was at first one-stringed and used
alone; later - as in the case of the wooden or bamboo keys of the xylophone
and of the flute (see above) - it was combined into series: the so-called raft-
zithers (fig. 49).
In a later phase, the string lifted out of the tube-wall is replaced by a
stretched string made of another material, at first - and here and there
(for instance, in the Nicobar Islands) even today - of rattan; this turns
it from an idiochord into a heterochord. A parallel development transforms
this bamboo zither from a monochord into a polychord instrument i.e. one
with more than one string. In order to lay the instrument down flat, it is
cut in half along its longitudinal axis, a proceeding which, later on, leads
to the long-drawn zither forms of China (k'in), Japan (koto) and Further
India (mi gyaung, the crocodile zither of Burma and the Siamese chaM,
which although closely akin, has lost its crocodile shape). This sliced bam-
boo zither still survives in a primitive, still idiochord, but already poly-
chord form in Flores and Timor (fig. 48).
Another chain of development sees the fixing of a resonator - again,
of course, a calabash - to the bamboo tube; and along this line there develop
the instruments that culminate in the royal instrument which, in North
India, is called bin (fig. 47), and in South India vina.
In addition to all these, a large number of stringed instruments are
gradually developed from the hunter's bow, whose string, when the arrow
is shot, produces a humming sound; this development proceeds, via differ-
ent stages during which the mouth serves as sound-intensifier. Later on
a calabash is added which evolves into the actual body of the instrument.
The primitive 'musical bow' (fig. 52), which is still found in the most
unlikely corners of the world, and which has been the subject of a con-
siderable literature, particularly the writings of HENRY BALFOUR (fig. 8)
(210), TOBIAS NORLIND (fig. 5) (3039), PERCIVAL R. KIRBY (fig. 21) (2214,
2223, p. 171 ff., 2225), and CAMP and NETTL (fig. 42) (570), also survives
in the mythology of many peoples: Apollo is an archer and at the same time
the god of music; Shiwa, too, is both archer and Lord of the musical bow;
the Japanese godhead Ameno Kamato constructs a string instrument from
a number of hunter's bows (d. the African lu(n)komba) (fig. 52) 1.
The musical bow with resonator is the common ancestor of all higher
developed forms such as harps, lyres and lutes. Their manner of playing
varies greatly; some are beaten with a small stick, others are plucked.
Stroking the strings (,bowing') is the youngest playing method. There
are some indications, that the use of the bow was first practized in Central
Asia (Mongolia) and, if that is true, a long period must have elapsed 2 before
the use of the bow reached West Europe.
Thus far our bird's eye view of the development of musical instruments.
Before proceeding now to give an exposition of the system of classification
designed by SACHS in collaboration with his colleague VON HORNBOSTEL,
following the Belgian musicologist VICTOR MAHILLON, which system
constitutes a most succesful attempt to arrange in logical order all those
instrumental forms, I will first give the reader a brief general survey of the
One of the features of civilization in its later phases of development is
a certain inclination to classify the available material and to construe
some kind of system on the basis of this classification. As far as I am aware
this has been done, in respect of musical instruments, three times: i.e. in
China, in India and in modern Europe.
The Chinese classification is based on the material from which the instru-
ments are chiefly fabricated. This classification includes eight groups:
1 Vide also ]. MAES, Les Lukombe ou instruments de musique Ii cordes des populations du Kanai
-Lac Leopold - Lukenie (2702).
2 See, however, our figure 50, on which apparently a bow is used. It is regrettable that no one
knows in which period this prehistoric painting was made. It was found by G. W. STOW in the
Maluti Mountains of Basutoland and copied in situ. Cf. PERCIVAL R. KIRBY, The Musical Instru-
ments of the Native Races of South Afrim (2223, p. 193 ff. and front picture). Perhaps it is very old;
perhaps made by Bushmen only recently.
kin (metal), ehe (stone), t'u (earthenware), ko (skin), hien (strings), p'o
(calabash), ehu (bamboo), and mu (wood) (3895, p. 25; 750, p. 80). But
however attractive, owing to its simplicity, this classification has never been
adopted by Western scientists, because, after all, several instruments are
made from a variety of materials, from the combination of which the
instrument in question acquires its suitability to produce sound.
On the contrary, the old Indian classification in four groups: ghana
(cymbals, gongs etc.), avanaddha (drums, tamburines etc.), tata (string
instruments) and fushira (wind instruments), which is already to be found
in the Natya-fastra, - that large encyclopedic work, attributed to the
great BH.ARATA and dating from before our era, - strongly appeals to
the Western mind. When, as l?-te as 1880, Europe at last arrives at a
classification of its own, fulfilling all reasonable demands, it appears to
base itself on exactly the same principles as this ancient Indian one.
Until that year, a hopeless confusion generally prevailed in this respect,
also in professional circles. In that same year there appeared the extensive
Catalogue deseriptil et analytique du Musee instrumental du Conservatoire
de Bruxelles, from the pen of the then Conservator of that museum, the
musician and instrument-maker VICTOR MAHILLON (1841-1924). In this
work, a logical system of classification, comprising all instruments housed
in the Brussels museum, was for the first time put into practice (2707).
However, owing to the relatively small number of exotic instruments
present in the said museum, the system, in the state it was published
at the time, was still far too much concerned with European musical instru-
ments alone, with the result that, on the one hand, certain features were
given a relatively too important place in the subdivisions (e.g., whether
or not they had a keyboard), while, on the other hand, distinct groups
had been formed which, seen from a more general point of view, were not
logically coordinated (as, for example, the division of aerophones into
(a) reed-, (b) mouth-hole-, (c) polyphonous instruments with air-reservoir,
and (d) funnel-mouthpiece-instruments). It further appeared, when more
exotic instruments gradually became known, that several of them could
find no place in this system.
With these facts in mind, VON HORNBOSTEL and SACHS proceeded,
while preserving the main lines of the system, to extend it in such a way
as to ensure that it would cover all instrumental forms known to them
at the time, as well as any others which, although not yet discovered,
might quite possibly be extant. VON HORNBOSTEL and SACHS, indeed,
succeeded in bringing the task they had set themselves to a most felicitous
conclusion, making use of the decimal system of DEWEY (1913).
But although we had, at last, an excellent system of classification at
our disposal, there was still a long way to go before it was generally used
in literature and in the existing museum catalogues. We still find, in many
museums, completely unacceptable headings and subdivisions, in which,
for instance, the mouth-organ (a wind-instrument) and the mouth-harp
or jew's (=? jaw's) harp (an instrument with vibrating lamella) are united
in one and the same group, or in which the most dissimilar forms, such
as drums and gongs, are classed together under the heading 'percussion-
It is further usual to add, in addition to the group of Percussion-instru-
ments, another two groups, viz. String-instruments and Wind-instruments.
However, various other types of instruments cannot be brought under those
headings and these are usually put collectively in a questionable fourth
category 'Miscellaneous' !
In the subdivisions there prevails an even worse anarchy. A large number
of curators and ethnologists do not know the difference between clarinets,
oboes and flutes, while an oboe, if it happens to possess a 'bell' (soundfunnel)
made of tin or other metal, is often listed as a 'trumpet'.
In connexion with this, it may be remarked that the indication of the
native names is frequently anything but helpful, since the same names are
used for different instruments in different places, and sometimes even in
one and the same region. Thus, in a large of part Central Africa, the name
marimba is given to a xylophone, while in the Congo-basin it is also frequently
used to designate quite a different lamella-instrument, usually called
sanza. The chelempung is, in West Java, a bamboo idiochord with either
one or two strings; in Central Java it is a form of heterochord zither with
13 double strings. But in Siak (Central Sumatra) it is a metallophone
consisting of a range of either 5 or 10 small horizontally placed gongs!
In Siam, the name klu'i is given to wind instruments of the most divergent
character, etc. etc.
But where musicologists were completely at a loss was in the case of the
Aeolian harp - a stringed instrument played by the wind - and in that
of the piano and the cembalo, which, although stringed instruments, are
beaten by means of small hammers, and therefore perhaps ought to be filed
with the percussion group.
A further point to be noted is the customary subdivision of orchestral
wind instruments into the 'brass' and the 'wood-wind' groups, a most
peculiar and, surely, equally unsatisfactory classification, since several
instruments of the 'brass' group - particularly the more ancient ones -
used to be made of wood (in some cases ivory), e.g. the 'Zinken' (a primitive
type of cornet), the 'Serpents' and the Bass-horns, whereas, on the other
hand, many of the 'wood-wind' group are often - or always - made of
metal (flutes, saxophones, sarrusophones, etc.).
Not only in the museum catalogues, but also in the musicological liter-
ature, we find, even to this day, years after the creation of such a logical
system of classification, the queerest subdivisions. As one of the most
appalling examples we may mention STEPHEN CHAUVET'S beautifully
edited book La Musique Negre (629), in which this author follows a twofold
classification, namely (a) 'les instruments de rhythme' (according to him,
these are the drums, the horns ('trompes'), signalling whistles ('sifflets')
and rattles ('hochets')), and (b) 'les instruments de musique proprement
dits' (i.e. genuinely musical instruments). It would be hard to think of a
more unsatisfactory classification.
However, the majority of musicologists today adhere to the system
proposed by MAHILLON, SACHS and VON HORNBOSTEL. A few, who, for
some reason or other, do not or only partly agree with this, apply a classifi-
cation of their own, for example GEORGES MONTANDON in his Genealogie des
instruments de musique et les cycles de civilisation (2907), and ANDRE
SCHAEFFNER (3676-3692) the leader of the musicological department of
the Musee de l'Homme at Paris, in his treatises D'une nouvelle classification
methodique des instruments de musique (3677) ; Note sur la filiation des instru-
ments a cordes (3678) and in his book Origine des instruments de musique
(3681). TOBIAS NORLIND, in his excellent Systematik der Saiteninstrumente
(3039, 3040), has practically adopted in its entirety the classification of
SACHS and VON HORNBOSTEL (without the decimal system), except for the
fact, that he unites the idiophone and the membranophone groups 1 under
the heading autophones (3041) and has carried the subdivisions much
further. The above-mentioned, antiquated division into three classes - still
followed at as late a date as 1904 by HENRY BALFOUR in his Musical
instruments from the Malay Peninsula (214) and again, in 1929, in his Music
(218) - is deficient not only in its failure to comprise all instrumental
forms, but also in its lack of homogeneity: on the one hand it places
the method of playing as the criterion (i.e. in regard to the percussion- and
wind-instruments), and on the other the material which primarily is made
to sound (i.e. as regards the group of stringed instruments).
MAHILLON'S classification, on the contrary, puts forward only one single
criterion for the division into the main groups, namely, the material which
is made to sound in the first instance. This author distinguishes four main
classes of instruments, i.e.:
(a) Autophones, whose material itself produces the sound, without
being previously stretched in any way whatever;
(b) Membranophones, made to sound by means of a skin or membrane
stretched over the instrument;
(c) Chordophones, made to sound by means of stretched strings;
primarily, the air) - SCHAEFFNER points out that, in that case, instruments
such as the African sanza have, in effect, been mistakenly classified with the
idiophones. For here, it is the plucked metal or wooden tongues and not
the body - a flat piece of wood or a sound-box - that constitute the primarily
sounding material. (These instruments with 'hard' tongues also led Professor
A. E. CHERBULIEZ, the Ziirich musicologist, to distinguish, in addition to
the four main groups, as classified by MAHILLON-SACHS-VON HORNBOSTEL,
a fifth, which he calls the linguaphone group. With this group CHERBULIEZ
classes, for instance, besides the sanza, the mouth-harps, and the imitation
drum of the Javanese kowangan (2399, p. 200, and fig. 92).
According to SCHAEFFNER the same applies - be it in a lesser degree -
to many East-Asiatic and African xylophones and their family. Here
also, it is not the body (a wooden box, a wooden frame with bamboo tubes,
c.q. with calabash-gourds) that sounds in the first instance - although it
does function secondarily - but another part of the instrument, viz. the keys.
As regards MONTANDON'S system, SCHAEFFNER'S special grievance is
the use of the general criterion of the playing method all along the line.
For, he says, if we do that, then we must class a plucked lute with a different
group from that of a bowed lute, despite of the fact that the two are con-
structed exactly alike; one and the same instrument may quite well have
started its career as a plucked one, and developed only centuries later into
one played with a bow, for example the ancient Celtic crwth (Latin: chrotta).
And what is one to do about the guitar, which, as occasion may demand,
is made to sound in glissandi, by beating the sound-box, or plucking the
strings? And what about the violin, which, though mostly played with a
bow, is also plucked from time to time? And what are we to do with the
bamboo idiochords, some of which are plucked, whereas others are beaten
with a stick?
Taking all this into consideration, SCHAEFFNER finally preferred to
design a classification system of his own. This - two-part - system dis-
(a) instruments whose primarily vibrating material is a solid;
(b) instruments whose primarily vibrating material is a gas, namely,
the air.
The first group, in its turn, is split into two, viz. (I) the sub-group charac-
terized by ... vibration d'un corps solide, non susceptible de tension, et
a intonations invariables ou indeterminables', and (2) the sub-group charac-
terized by ... vibration d'un corps solide tendu, a intonation variable'.
In 1936 he made this subdivision threefold: from the first sub-group
he detached as an independent one a sub-group 'corps solides flexibles',
among which, he, fOI instance, classified the sanzas and the mouth-harps
(3681, p. 371 ff).
There is certainly much to be said for this classification of SCHAEFFNER;
it cannot be denied that it is logical. Nevertheless, in my opinion his ob-
jections to MAHILLON'S system do not hold water; there is not the slightest
reason, for instance, to take that definition of MONTANDON as a standard;
after all, it is neither the sound-box of a xylophone nor that of a sanza,
in short, not the body of those instruments, but the keys themselves which
comply with the criterion of being able to produce a tone without having
been previously stretched, as a string or a membrane is. And although
a homogeneous criterion for the main groups is desirable, it is, in my
opinion, a matter of complete indifference whether one waives this desire,
purely from considerations of expediency, in the case of the subdivisions,
providing always that they are consistent within the range of each sub-
group, that is, neither overlap nor leave part of the field uncovered.
In 1948 a new, very detailed, classification system was proposed by
HANS HEINZ DRAGER in his brochure Prinzip einer Systematik der M usik-
instrumente (1007). It is constructed on the foundations laid by MAHILLON,
SACHS and VON HORNBOSTEL, but attempts to achieve a greater homogeneity
in the criteria. The utility of this system will have to be proved in practice,
but, personally, I think it is too detailed to be easily handled. The already
existing systems are quite serviceable, and this new one will probably have
difficulty in getting a foothold.
In my work, in common with WALTER KAUDERN in his Musical Instru-
ments in Celebes (2178), K. G. IZIKOWITZ in his Musical and other Sound-
instruments of the South American Indians (2044), CLAUDIE MARCEL-DuBOIS
in her Instruments de Musique de l'Inde ancienne (2732), and HANS HICK-
MANN in his large Catalogue (1757), I have thought best to adhere to MA-
HILLON'S system, as perfected by VON HORNBOSTEL and SACHS; my own
experience being that only in extremely rare cases does it let the investi-
gator down. Only, when dealing with modern European organology, one
has to add a supplementary group, namely that of the electrophones, of
which, during the last decades, many different types have been created
(for instance, the Trautonium, MARTENOT'S Ondes sonores e.t.q.). 1
It was CURT SACHS who first made an attempt to order and classify
the infinite variety of sound-instruments from the cultural-historical
angle. In his book Geist und Werden der Musikinstrumente (3553), a masterly,
authoritative and comprehensive work, he has succeeded in laying down
the main lines of investigation, thus creating a firm basis for subsequent
workers to build upon with confidence. In a later work, The History of
Musical Instruments (3564), SACHS once again ordered and arranged the
1 In his article Musikinstru~ntenkunde (I009a), HANS HEINZ DRAGER gives a clear survey of
the classification problem as it now stands.
entire organological material, starting from a somewhat different stand-
point, but with every sign of still deeper and more mature insight.
In the first-named work, the Berlin musicologist enumerates four ways
along which we may come to a classification as intended by him, namely:
(a) the purely musicological way, in which the guiding principle is the
greater or lesser development of an instrument. Here, however, we are
faced with unsurmountable difficulties: where are we to look for the evi-
dence of this higher development? In the volume of tone? In the reduction
of the size of the intervals? In the greater purity and refinement of the
tone-quality? In the increasing possibilities to produce rhythmic or dynamic
variety? And again, is it possible to test the degree in which each of these
elements is present in each particular case by trying an instrument found
in a museum, and without the cooperation of a player who is familiar with
its manipulation?
(b) the 'ergological' method, in which account is taken of the qualities
showing the degree of craftsmanship needed to fabricate it;
(c) the classification according to the 'Kulturkreise' (i.e. cultural regions)
in which the instrument is found, as FROBENIUS, GRAEBNER, Foy, ANKER-
MANN and Father WILHELM SCHMIDT have adopted;
(d) the theory that the further an instrument is found from its centre
of origin, the older it is. One could call it the geographical method. This
method can be applied only by the ethnomusicologist who, in the con-
troversy 'Entlehnung oder Volkergedanke' (i.e. assimilation or pluri-
genesis) has voted for 'assimilation'. And, as SACHS rightly remarks, the
evidence of migration, and adoption by other peoples, of different instru-
mental forms is so overwhelmingly convincing, that musicologists can
hardly be expected to be other than adherents of the 'Entlehnung' theory.
One of the primary reasons for rejecting the idea of plurigenesis (i.e. the
independent appearance of the same instrument in different regions) is the
presence, in so many cases, of perfectly identical, non-essential features of
the instruments in question.
On the ground, therefore, of geographic diffusion, but also and unmis-
takably guided here and there by the 'Kulturkreislehre' (i.e. cultural
regions-doctrine) of the Viennese ethnological school, as well as taking
into account, where necessary, the structure and craftmanships shown
by the various instruments, SACHS- aided by his phenomenal knowledge
of facts, both in the field of the actual organology and that of comparative
linguistics (he began his career as a man of letters and as historian of art) -
was able to put some order into the instrumental chaos. He divides his
subject-matter into three main parts, namely, the Stone Age, the Metal
Age and the Middle Ages. The first period is again subdivided into no less
than 12, the metal age into 7, and the middle ages into 4 periods.
What strikes one in this is that, generally speaking, the most ancient
strata comprise a wider field than the later ones - resembling what happens
when a stone is thrown, into water: the first circles - i.e. the outer ones -
cover the greatest area. My late colleague J. S. BRANDTs Buys (471-49),
who made a most meritorious study of the music of Central Java and
Madura, spoke of this phenomenon and the conclusions which were drawn
from it, as the 'fairy circle theory'.
There are many things which point to the probability that this wealth
of instrumental forms for the greater part owes its existence to two very
ancient cultural centres, namely, the Egyptian-Mesopotamian centre and
the ancient Chinese. Also there are a few indications which suggest that,
behind these two civilizations, there must have been a still more ancient
one from which they both originated, and which was probably located
somewhere in Central Asia.
In this booklet many ethnomusicologists of great merit have not yet
been mentioned, because it so happened that they did not fit into the
scheme followed in its composition. For instance the Finnish musicologists
OTTO ANDERSSON (83-94) and A. P. VAISANEN (4167-4179a) ; the French
investigators Father AMIOT (1779)!) (70), ALEXIS CHOTTIN (644-663, 1783),
GROSSET (1534, 1535), RAOUL and MARGHERITE D'HARcouRT (98, 309,
1599-1607, 1929, 2489, 2490), Mrs. HUMBERT-SAUVAGEOT (1995, 1996,
4IIO), VICTOR LORET (2657-2660), LOUIS LALOY (2526-2531), A. MACHABEY
(2678-2684), NOEL PERI (3158), GILBERT ROUGET (1524, 3498-3502), a.o.;
the Mongol princess NIRGIDMA DE TORHOUT (4IIO) j the Turkish musicolog-
ists ADNAN AHMED SAYGUN (3665-3668) and RAouF YEKTA (4452, 4453) ;
the Swiss SAMUEL BAUD-Bovy (fig. 13) (294-300) ; the Angelsaxon scholars
(II56-1210, 3456), EMANUEL WINTERNITZ (4393), COLIN MCPHEE (2803-
2817), A. C. MOULE (2923-2926), FRANCIS PIGGOTT (3183-3185), LAURENCE
PICKEN (3174-3181), and many others; the Danes ERIKDAL (fig. 33) (780-
783a) and NILS SCHl0RRING (fig. 4) (136, 3703-3705) j the Dutchmen J. A.
VAN AALST (I), A. A. BAKE (fig. 22) (17O-198c, 1289), J. P. N. LAND (487,
2533-2537) and CASPAR H6wELER (1867); the African experts K. P.
WACHSMANN (fig. 36) (4254-4262) and HERBERT PEPPER (3135-3152);
the Indian scholars N.V. BHATKHANDE (353-355), ANANDA COOMARA-
SWAMY (739-743), C. S. AIYAR (34-41), SRI PADABANDOPADHYAYA(226-
229), V. RAGHAVAN (3252-3308c), K. V. RAMACHANDRAN (33 14-3320a),
Pandit RATANJANKAR (3348-3357), P. SAMBAMURTHY (3605-3623a) e.t.q.;
the Japanese SHIGEO KISHIBE (2238-2241, 4138), GENJIRO MASU (2779,
2780), TARO OTA (3091), K. SUNAGA (4003), HIDEO TANABE (4041, 4042),
KIYOSI TAKANO (4035, 4036), S. TANAKA (4046) a.o.; the Chinese EN
SHAO WANG (4288) and KUANG CHI WANG (4289-4292) j the Siamese
(4229) j the Burmese U KHIN ZAW (4477-4478a) j the Bulgarians STOYAN
(fig. 38) (2156-2176), VASIL (STOIN 3958-3965) a.o.; the Yugoslavs VLADIMIR
DJORDJEVIC (979-984), MIODRAG VASILJEVIC (fig. 41) (4198-4201),
CVJETKO RIHTMAN (fig. 36) (3422-3424a ), GIVKO FIRFOV (1245-1248a) a.o.;
the Rumanian TIBERIU ALEXANDRU (51-54a) j the Australian experts
HAROLD E. DAVIES (830) and A. P. ELKIN (1063-1063b) ; the Maori specialist
JOH. C. ANDERSSEN (77-80) j the Hungarians ZOLTAN KODA.LY (fig. 10)
(261, 265, 266, 283, 2267-2272) and LASZLO LAJTHA (fig. 40) (2520-2525) j
the Belgians OLGA BOONE (392, 393) and PAUL COLLAER (719-728a); the
Korean scholar CHUNG SIK KEH (2186) j the Cuban investigators FERNANDO
ORTIZ (3073-3080) and EDUARDO SANCHEZ DE FUENTES (3627-3634) j the
Uruguayan LAURO AYESTARAN (155, 156) j the Mexicans CARLOS CHAVEZ
(633) and GABRIEL SALDIVAR (3591) j the Brazilians LUiz HEITOR CORREA
DE AZEVEDO (157-161), Mrs. ONEYDA ALVARENGA (63-67) and RENATO
ALMEIDA (60) j the Argentine CARLOS VEGA (4207-3213) j the German
Japan-specialists ETA HARICH-SCHNEIDER (16 I 2-1 6 I 8a) and HANS ECKARDT
(1044-1050a), and many others who, I hope, will not resent my omissions.
A variety of subjects, too, some of them most important, have been
hardly, if at all, touched upon in the above. Thus, for example, the different
tonal systems and scale systems in practical use in the world 1, the various
melodic formulae and tonal patterns so characteristic of many non-European
musical cultures (as in the ancient Greek nomoi, the Japanese No-music,
the raga's of India Proper, the Hebrew nigun, the Javanese pa!et, and
the Persian-Arab maqamat); the forms of multi-part music 2; problems
of metre and rhythm 3; the cultural-historical currents in so far as they
1 For the demonstration of the structure of exotic scales there has been developed at the Royal
Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, a polychord, provided with 12 graduated scales, moveable bridges
and tuning pegs, which can duplicate any kind of scale of known vibration numbers (fig. 60). It is
available for any serious musicologist at a moderate price (address: Royal Tropical Institute,
Department of Anthropology, Linnaeusstraat 2A, Amsterdam Oost).
2 See, for instance: II3, 324,405, 550, 1524, 1747, 1794, 1822, p. 97 if., 1899, 1965, 2104, 2209,
221 3, 23 2, 24 1, 2499, 262 5, 2999, p. 77 ff., 3 174, p. 239, 3 176, 3327a, 34 23, 34 24, 3428a, 3551, 3635,
3730, 373 1, 3734, 3739, 3757, 3954a , and 4 12 3.
8 In regard tb rhythm, West-European musicians and musicologists are inclined to forget that
the greater part of the white race is decidedly inferior to many non-European peoples, especially
the African negro-peoples. Ample evidence of this may be found in 1384, 1432, 2093 II, 2104, 3523,
and 4310. - For intricate (East-)European rhythmic structures, I may refer the reader to 120, 462,
464,771,985,987,2921,323, .4199, and 4200. - For problems of metre and rhythm in general, see:
75, 467, 645, 1504, 1868, 2008b, 2401, 2943, 2944, 3576, 3577, 3774a , 4033, 4274, 4372, and 43 8 1.
found expression in music 1; problems of style 2 and form 3; the various
exotic musical scripts 4; music and magic 5; music in its relation to work 6,
music and philosophy 7, psychology of music 8, music as a sociological
factor 9, music and religion 10, music and medicine 11, classification of melo-
dies 12, music and mission 13, music and language 14, melodic typology 15,
etc., etc.
For a more general and systematic exposition of the objects, technical
means and subject-matter of ethnomusicology I may refer the reader to
ROBERT LACH, Die vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, ihre Methoden und
Probleme (2478); WILHELM HEINITZ, Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft
(1659); ROBERT LACHMANN, Musik des Orients (2502); CURT SACHS,
Vergleichende M usikwissenschaft (3554) ; BELA BART6K, Pourquoi et com-
ment receuille-t-on la musique populaire (281); FRANK HOWES, Man,
Mind and Music (1972) ; WILL G. GILBERT, Buiten-Europese muziek (1435) ;
A. A. BAKE and MAUD KARPELES, Manual for Folksong Collectors (187);
GLEN HAYDON, Introduction to Musicology (1632, p. 216 ff.); FRITZ BOSE,
Musikalische Volkerkunde (432) ; BRUNO NETTL, Music in primitive culture
(2999) ; the chapter 'Music' in 'Notes and Queries on Anthropology' (6th
ed., p. 315 ff.) (3045), and, for a standard example, how an investigation
into the music of a 'primitive' people should be made, for instancp., to the
'En fait, les etudes ethnomusicologiques n'ont pas encore fait leur entree,
jusqu'ici, dans les Universites belges. La musicologie est, en somme, une
branche relativement toute nouvelle dans ce domaine, et son enseignement
s'attache principalement a l'histoire de la musique europeenne de l'occident,
telle qu'elle est exposee dans les manuels classiques (RIEMANN, ADLER,
SMIJERS, Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft, etc.). Depuis que l'ethnomusico-
logie a pris une place exceptionnellement importante dans Ie monde entier,
on tend cependant a attirer l'attention des etudiants sur son existance et
sur son interet. Mais cela ne se fait que d'une falt0n assez sporadique et
superficielle, notamment quand Ie professeur se trouve dans la necessite
(sic) de s'occuper des origines de la musique ou plus specialement, de la
chanson populaire. Mais il est sans conteste qu'a l'avenir ces 'embryons' ne
manqueront pas de se developper. Comment pourrait-il en Hre autrement,
quand on est temoin de l'action d'un homme comme M. PAUL COLLAER,
qui a si profondement penetre dans ce domaine, et qui fait tant pour en
faire comprendre l'importance par des conferences et par des colloques,
comme ceux de Wegimont, si intelligemment organises par Mme. CLERCX-
LEJEUNE, mon ancienne eleve, qui m'a succede a lachair de musicologie de
l'Universite de Liege?
Le cycle ethnomusicologique, qui a eu lieu a l'Institut des Hautes Etudes
de Belgique, est, de son cote, un temoignage significatif de l'interet croissant
qui s'attache a cette nouvelle discipline. Mais vous Ie voyez, il n'y a encore,
la, qu'une esquisse preparatoire. Ce qu'il faudrait, c'est pouvoir faire du
travail de seminaire, sous la direction permanente d'un specialiste comme
PAUL COLLAER. rai Ie ferme espoir que son esprit d'entreprise l'amenera,
un jour ou l'autre, a mettre sur pied un centre d'etudes de cette espece.
Mais encore faudra-t-il trouver, sur place, des elements assez serieux pour
poursuivre ces etudes en dehors de tout amateurisme. Les trouvera-t-on? -
that is the question!'
liaison avec Ie Musee de l'Homme, et se place dans Ie cadre du '3ieme Cycle'
actuellement en formation a la Sorhonne pour la preparation au Doctorat'.
'Voraussetzung fiir das Studium der Ethnomusikologie ist das Ahitur einer
Realschule oder eines Gymnasiums. Die Studenten miissen einen kompletten
Lehrgang in allgemeiner Musikgeschichte, Akustik und vergleichender Musik-
wissenschaft horen (Naturvolker, Hochkulturen, Instrumentenkunde). Fer-
ner miissen sie teilnehmen an drei Seminaren (je zwei Semester pro Seminar)
und einem 'privatissime' Seminar (1-2 X wochentlich) zum Ahschreiben
von Bandaufnahmen und Schallplatten wahrend der ganzen Studienzeit.
Jedes Jahr muss ein Referat abgehalten werden iiber ein von mir gestelltes
Thema. Als Nebenfach muss Ethnologie studiert werden.
Man kann aber auch als Hauptfach Ethnologie nehmen und Musikethno-
logie im Nebenfach studieren. Dann braucht man keine allgemeine Musik-
geschichte. Der Titel ist Dr. Phil.
Ich habe viele Horer unter den Kandidaten fiir Kirchen- und Schulmusik,
die an der Hochschule fiir Musik studieren, aber gleichzeitig 6 Semester an
der Universitat studieren miissen, urn spater an einem Gymnasium auch
andere Nebenfacher unterrichten zu konnen'.
'Fiir die Freie Universitat gelten dieselben Bedingungen wie fiir alle Univer-
sitaten in Westdeutschland. Nur die Universitaten im sowjetisch besetzten
Teil Deutschlands und in Ost-Berlin haben eigene Regelungen des Studien-
ganges, die von denen in Westdeutschland erheblich abweichen.
Das Studium der Musik-Ethnologie ist an der Freien Universitat kein
eigenes Studienfach, sondern ein Teilgebiet des Faches Musikwissenschaft.
Der angehende Musikethnologe ist also verpflichtet, das gesamte Gebiet der
Musikforschung zu studieren. Er muss sich zu diesem Zweck in der philoso-
phischen Fakultat immatrikulieren lassen. Das Fach Musikwissenschaft
gilt als ordentliches Studienfach und selbstandiges Hauptfach. Der Ordina-
rius dieses Faches ist hier wohl iiberall ein Musikhistoriker. Der Dozent iir
Musikethnologie ist Professor Dr. KURT REINHARD, zugleich Leiter des
Phonogramm-Archivs beim Volkerkunde-Museum in Berlin-Dahlem.
Voraussetzung fiir die Zulassung zum Studium der Musik-Ethnologie:
zunachst dieselbe wie fur das Studium aller Facher der philosophischen
Fakultat, namlich ein Abschlusszeugnis (Abiturium) eines Gymnasiums,
bezw. in Berlin Oberschule wissenschaftlichen Zweiges mit 13 Klassen.
Dazu noch wie fUr alle Studierenden der Musikwissenschaft Nachweis aus-
reichender Kenntnisse in praktischer und theoretischer Musik.
Studiengang: im Hauptfach Musikwissenschaft Teilnahme an Vorlesungen
und Ubungen aller Teilgebiete. Fur die Zulassung zu den Seminar-Ubungen
sind Aufnahmeprufungen erforderlich:
a) in das Pro-Seminar, wobei vor allem Kenntnisse in den musikalischen
Fertigkeiten gepruft werden, die zum Studium der Musikgeschichte
notwendig sind, wie Harmonielehre und Kontrapunkt und das Spielen
einfacher Partituren vokaler und instrumentaler Musik u.a.;
b) fur das Hauptseminar, wobei bereits musikwissenschaftliche Kenntnisse
und Fertigkeiten gepruft werden, wie z.B. musikgeschichtliche Daten
und Zusammenhange, das Ubertragen von Musikdenkmalern aus alten
Drucken und Handschriften u.a. 1m Hauptseminar werden die Studie-
renden zu eigenen Forschungsarbeiten angehalten; es werden schrift-
liche Arbeiten und mundliche Referate verlangt. Das Teilgebiet Musik-
ethnologie ist ein Pflichtfach fUr alle Studierenden der Musikwissen-
schaft. Diejenigen, die sich hierauf spezialisieren wollen, arbeiten inten-
siever in den Ubungen des Phonogramm-Archivs mit und treten mit
eigenen Versuchen der Ubertragung von exotischer Musik usw. hervor.
Ais Nebenfacher wahlen die Studierenden der Musik-Ethnologie meist
Volkerkunde, Philosophie und Psychologie. Das Studium ist zeitlich nicht
begrenzt, doch wird es allgemein nicht weniger als 4 Jahre dauern k6nnen.
Der Abschluss kann erfolgen durch Erlangung des Titels eines Magisters
der freien Kunste (Mag. Art. libr.), der dem Namen mit den beiden Buch-
staben M.A. nachgesetzt wird, oder durch Erlangung des Doktorsgrades
(Dr. phil.) der dem Namen vorangestellt wird. Die Wurde dieses M.A. wird
nach mindestens 8 Semestern verliehen, wenn der Kandidat in einer schrift-
lichen Hausarbeit, die innerhalb von 3 Monaten angefertigt sein muss, die
Fahigkeit zu selbstandiger wissenschaftlicher Arbeit und in jeweils 4-stund-
lichen Klausurarbeiten sowie mundlichen Prufungen im Hauptfach und in
zwei gewahlten Nebenfachern die Beherrschung des Stoffgebietes nachge-
wiesen hat. Fur die Erlangung des Doktorsgrades ist eine umfassende wissen-
schaftliche Dissertation vorzulegen, die gedruckt werden muss, und es wird
ein Examen im Hauptfach Musikethnologie und Musikgeschichte sowie in
zwei Nebenfachern nach Wahl, z.B. Volkerkunde, Geographie, Anthropolo-
gie, Philosophie, Psychologie usw. verlangt'.
'A l'Universite de Budapest, des 1949 jusqu'a 1954, fonctionnait un cours
de la musique populaire hongroise, attache a la chaire de l'Ethnographie.
Le but de ce cours facultatif etait de faire connaitre aux etudiants de
l'ethnographie la musique populaire du pays, mais sans etudes approfondis,
- en consequence, sans aucun examen.
A l'Ecole Superieure de Musique de Budapest on a cree en 1951 une
Section de Musicologie. Cette section etait divisee en trois sous-sections
dont chacune etait autonome et a donne des diplomes aux eleves qui ont
passe l'examen du dit cours avec succes. Les trois sous-sections etaient les
suivantes: a) cours d'histoire, b) cours de theorie et esthetique, c) cours de
la musique populaire.
La sous-section 'musique populaire' a fonctionnee des octobre 1951 jusqu'a
juin 1956. La duree du cours etait cinq ans. 11 y avait un concours d'entree
et des examens a la fin des semestres et a la fin de l'annee. Tout eleve qui
s'est presente ace cours a du avoir l'oreille musicale et certain connaissance
theorique. M. ZOLTAN KODALY a eu des cours tMoriques et pratiques sur
les problemes de la musique populaire hongroise, moi-meme j'ai eu la prati-
que de la notation musicale, systematologie et ethnomusicologie. En surplus,
les etudiants ont do suivre des cours de l'histoire de la musique, de l'harmonie
et contrepoint analytiques, chant gregorien, paleologie et solfege. l'Ecole
Superieure de Musique a eu des cours, ou les eleves pouvaient suivre des
etudes preparatoires pour les trois cours de la musicologie'.
aspirants for preparatory scientific research work for a period of three years.
They are then required to write and defend a dissertation. If this is success-
fully accomplished, the aspirant receives the degree of Candidate (Bachelor)
of Arts.
As you will see from the above, the system here differs considerably from
that in use in your country'.
bildung in Schweden. Besondere Forderungen an den Studenten der Musik-
ethnologie haben sich noch nicht herauskristallisiert. Instrumentenkund-
liche Arbeiten setzen bekanntlich nicht notwendig das Studium der Musik-
wissenschaft voraus, hingegen aber das Studium der Ethnologie. Bei anderen
Arbeiten empfiehlt sich naturgemass die Kombination des Studium der
Ethnologie mit demjenigen der Musikwissenschaft, gleichviel ob der Be-
treffende anfangs die Ethnologie oder die Musikwissenschaft als Hauptfach
Ich muss darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es hier bisher nur sehr sehr
wenige gibt, die sich musikethnologisch spezialisiert haben. Sie lassen sich
mit Hilfe einiger weniger Finger aufzahlen'.
existence of a section for musicological research in the Department of India,
Pakistan and Ceylon under my supervision with the assistance of Mr.
JAIRAZBHOY who has been specially appointed to further research in this
The possibilities of making this a subject for degree studies are earnestly
explored by the authorities of the School of Oriental and Mrican Studies
and the University.
The extra-mural department has arranged a series of six lectures on the
history and scope of ethnomusicology scheduled for the beginning of session
1958-59' at the British Institute of Recorded Sound.'
U.S.A. I
'Since I am more or less camped in the wild, I cannot give you all the data
I could wish in answer to your question about requirements for ethno-
musicologists. Courses offered you have, from Nettl's compilations in a
couple of the past issues of 'Ethnomusicology' (No.3, p. 5, No.6, p. 10,
No.8, p. 6, No. II, p. 18, vol. II NO.2, p. 88). 1 These courses are, in effect,
the training facilities offered in this country. If you are thinking of oppor-
tunity to learn exotic instruments and equipment for accurate tuning to
their scales etc., the only place I know of, that has this sort of thing, is
U.C.L.A., where Hood is carrying on your own good work.
'Requirements for ethnomusicologists' suggests degrees specially in that
field. Unless U.C.L.A. has such a degree I don't know of any institution
that has one. The degrees amongst us, who are ethnomusicologists, are in
anthropology and music with a specialty somehow developed in ethno-
musicology. I don't know of a 'Department of Ethnomusicology' in this
The usual procedure is for a student in anthropology, who shows interest
in this field, to get special training from a man in the department, if they
have one, who can prepare him to do field work and write a dissertation
in the subject. If the student is in music, he takes courses in anthropology.
Rather than departments, we have individuals scattered about in a few
institutions who encourage people to go into the field: MERRIAM (North-
western), HERZOG (Bloomington), RHODES (Columbia), WATERMAN (Wayne),
HOOD (U.C.L.A.). MERRIAM is compiling a bibliography on M.A. and Ph.D.
dissertations in ethnomusicology. From this he could tell you what institu-
tions are actually producing active workers in the vinyard.
As for Wesleyan University (really a small liberal arts college), the
facilities and requirements are informal and adapted to the condition of the
1) See hereafter p. 168. No. 2993 of the Bibliography.
student. For the course I give, there is an extensive record collection of folk
and ethnic music, a museum of exotic instruments which the students can
use and are expected to familiarize themselves with, and recording equip-
ment. Some of the students have had an opportunity to learn techniques
of recording in short field sessions. We haven't the equipment to go into
the physics of scale and tuning, but are now building a laboratory where
this can be done. We hope to obtain one of Seeger's melographs also'.
(University of California)
B. Berkeley
'In view of the rapid development of facilities for ethnomusicology on the
Los Angeles campus and in accordance with the general policy of the
University of California not to duplicate special fields on each campus, the
Berkeley campus is not attempting to develop an extensive program in,
or comprehensive facilities for, ethnomusicology. However, there are a
number of tape recording collections on campus: ALFRED 1. KROEBER,
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. is working on a collection of California
Indian music which he recorded on wax cylinders in the early 1900'S; the
Museum of Anthropology possesses a relatively large collection of tapes
which it is expanding continually; Professor MARY HAAS in the Linguistics
Department has access to some tapes of California Indian music. During
the fall semester 1957, WILLIAM R. BASCOM, Director of the Museum of
Anthropology, conducted a special studies course in ethnomusicology for
several advanced undergraduates majoring in anthropology'.
(University of Indiana, Bloomington)
K. the Royal Library, Copenhagen;
L. the Institute of Musical Sciences
V. the Library of the University
L2. the Library of the Ethnographical Museum (Rautenstrauch-
Joest-Museum) of Cologne
the Seminary of Ethnographical Studies University;
the Seminary of Oriental Studies
the Library of the Museum of East-Asiatic Art
the Library of the Institute of Prehistory
the Library of the Congo Museum, Tervueren (Belgium).
I. Aalst, J. A. van, Chinese music (1884, 16. Adalid y Gamero, Manuel, La mUSJca
2/1933). ABCGI hondurena ('Rev. del Archivo y Bibliote-
2. Aarftot, Olav, Kinesisk Musikk ('Han- ca Nacionales'), Tegucigalpa, 1938.
beken utgitt av Etnografisk Museum' 16a. Adand~, A., L'evolution de la musique
No.2), Oslo, 1948. AIJ africaine ('Notes Africaines' No 54, p. 39
3. Abas, S. P., De muziek der Bataks if.), 1952. M
('Caecilia-Muziekcollege'), May 1931. 17. Adler, Bruno, Pfeifende Pfeile und
ACDIFGH Pfeilspitzen in Sibirien ('Globus'
4. Abbasuddin Ahmed, Folksongs of 'East LXXXI), 1902. DIL2M
Pakistan (July 1956). AF 18. Adler, Cyrus, The shofar, its use and origin
5. Abdu-I-wahab, Le developpement de la {SmithsonianReport for 1892, P.437 if.).J
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6. Abel, M. S. C., Father, Knabenspiele auf p. 17 H.), 1909. CGKLLI
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I, p. 818 if.), 1906. DIGKLIL2M ('Speculum' XXV, p. 49 if.), 1950.
7. Abert, Hermann, Die Lehre vom Ethos DIKLI
in der griechischen Musik (Leipzig, 1899). Adriani, N., see No. 2343.
ACHIK 21. Advielle, V., La musique chez les Persans
8. - - Antike (neu-bearbeitet von Curt (Paris, 1885). CI
Sachs) (in Guido Adler, 'Handbuch der 22. Affelen van Saemsfoort, C. A. van, Feest-
Musikgeschichte' I, p. 35 ff.), 2/1929. vreugde ('De Indische Gids' XXXIX,
ACDEF p. 477 if.), Amsterdam, 1917. ABDIH
9. Abes, M., Chansons d'amour chez les 22a. Agbayani, A. T.,Philippine music ('Asia-
Berb8res ('France-Maroc' 1919). na' I, No.2, p. 49 if.), 1957.
10. Abrahamsen, Erik, and H. Gruener Niel- 23. African Music, Gramophone Records of,
sen, Danmarks gamle folkeviser (Copen- (' African Music Transcription Library'),
hagen, 1935 H.). K Catalogue July 1951 (Johannesburg,
I I. Absolon, K., and H. Kallik, Die altesten 1951). A
M usikinstrumente der Welt in Mahren 24. Agnew, R. Gorden, The Music of the
entdeckt (Tagesbote' No. 184 d.d. 19th Ch'uan M iao ('J ournal of the West China
April 1936, p. 4 H.), Briinn (Brno). A Border Research Soc.' XI, p. 9 fl.), 1939.
12. Acharya, B. T., Haridasa sahitya, the 25. Agrawala, V. S., Some early references
Karnatic mystics and their songs (Indian to musical ragas and instruments ('The
Inst. of Culture, Basavangudi, Banga- Journal of the Music Academy, Madras'
lore), 1953. XXIII, p. 113 if.), 1952. AC
13. Ackerman, Phyllis, The character of 26. Aguero, Gaspar, El aporte africano a la
Persian music (in Pope and Ackerman, musica popular cubana ('Estudios afro-
'A Survey of Persian Art. From pre- cubanos' V), Habana, 1940/46.
historic times to the present', vol. III, 27. Aguero, Salvador Garda, Presencia Afri-
p. 2805 if.), Oxford, 1939. A cana en la musica nacional ('Ultra',
14. Acquarone, F., Historia da musica Bra- Habana, Dec. 1936), p. 519.
sileira (Livraria Francisco Alves, Rio 28. Aguilar y Tejera, Augustin, De mllsica
de Janeiro, undated), p. 99 H. marroqui ('Revista de la Raza' 1928i.
15. Adaiewsky, E., Quelques chants tartares 29. Ahlbrinck, W., Encyclopaedie der Karai-
('Rivista Musicale Italiana' XXV), 1921. ben (Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetenschappen,
. CKL Amsterdam, 1931), passim. BDIGH
30. AhlstrOm, 300 nOt'diska folk visor, har- 52. - - Tilinca, ein uraltes rumanisches
moniskt behandlade (1855). Volksinstrument ('Studia Memoriae Belae
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derlandsch Indie Cud & Nieuw' XV, 223. - - Music of the Af1'ican 1'aces ('West
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207. - - Eigenartige Musikinstrumente (The 223a. Banaitis, W., Kanonformen in der Li-
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207a. - - Oostersche oorsprong van Wester- I, p. 4 ft.). A
sche muziekinstrumenten ('Kroniek van 224. Baftas y Castillo Raymundo, The Music
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and Perak (,Fasciculi Malayenses', An- Temps (Montreal, 1919).
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Peninsula ('Fasc. Malayenses' 1901-'02, Press, 1925).
Part. II), Liverpool, 1904. AC 235. - - Songs of the Northwest ('The Musical
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('Report of the British Association, 236. - - Folk Songs of Old Quebec (Nat. Mus.
South African Meeting, 1905'), p. 528 ft. of Canada, 1935). A
217. - - The Friction Drum (,Journal of the 237. - - Asiatic survivals in Indian Songs
R. Anthrop. Inst. of Gr. Britain and ('The Musical Quarterly' XX, p. 107 ft.)
Ireland', XXXVII, p. 67 ft.), 1907. 1934, (C) = 'The Scientific Monthly',
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218. - - Musical Section in 'Notes and 238. - - Alouette (Montreal, 1946).
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R. Anthrop. Inst., p. 295 ft., (5/1929). A (Montreal, 1946, '47, '48).
219. - - Ritual and secula1' uses of vibrating 240. - - Come a Singing (in collab. with
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Ireland' XXXVIII), London, 1951. 241. - - The Dragon Myths and ritual songs
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ti musicali d'ell A frica Orientale I taliana 261. - - and Zoltan Kodaly, Chansons popu-
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251. Barriuso, P. G., La musica hispano musul- Eng!. trans!.: Hungarian Folk Music
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252. Barrow, John, Voyage en Chine (traduit 19 2 7).
de l'anglais par J. Castera), Paris, 1805. 269. - - Slovakische Volkslieder (1928/'29).
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schung ('Acta Musicologica' VIII, p. 38 nepzeneie (Budapest, 1934). - German
if.), 1936. CDEHIKLLl trans!.: Die Volksmusik der M agyaren
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Volksmusik (' Archiv f. Musikforschung' buchlein' XV, p. 194 if.), Berlin, 1935.
VI, fasc. I and 4), 1941. CHIKL (I) - French trans!.: La musique popu-
254a. - - Avarische Doppelschalmei von laire des H ongrois et des peuples voisins
janoshida (Budapest, 1934). L (' Archivum Europae Centro-Orientalis'
255. Bartholomew, Wilmer T., Acoustics of II), Budapest, 1937. DIK
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256. Bartok, Bela,l) Cdntece popolare roma- (i.e. Christmas songs), Vienna, 1935.
nesti din Comitatul Bihor (Chansons ACKL
populaires roumaines du Departement 275. - - Auf Volkslied-Forschungsfahrt in
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315. Beichert, E. A., Die Wissenschaft der faedrelandske og fremmede I-XI), Copen-
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G 334. Bergstrasser, GoUhelf, Ramadan-Kinder-
316. Beier, H. Ulli, Yoruba folk operas ('Afri- lieder aus Kairo ('Z. t Semistik' VIII,
can Music' I, p. 32 ff.), 1954. ACJLM p. 149 ff.), 1932. KL4
317. - - The talking drums of the Yoruba 335. Bernard, R., Congres de musique maro-
(ibid. p. 29 ff.), 1954. ACJLM caine Ii Fes ('Revue musicale' 1939).
318. - - Yoruba vocal music ('African Music' DGKL
I W.3, p. 23 ff.), 1956. ACJLM 336. Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf, Afrikanische
318a. Belayev, Viktor, Khoresmian notation Musikinstrumente ('Atlantis' VI, p. 645
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319. - - Turkomanian Music ('Pro Musica 336a. - - Afrika, Handbuch der angewand-
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322. - - Muzykalnye instrumenty Uzbekis- 338. - - Neue Bestrebungen der arabischen
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324. - - Early Russian Polyphony ('Studia des rois de Nikki, au Dahomey ('Notes
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kownyv Kodaly Zoltan 70. sZiiletesnap- anthropologiques dans la Berberie Orien-
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ff.), Kassel/Basel, 1952. ACDEFGH1KL of the Intern. Folk Music Council' VIII,
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cal' IV), 1949. CL Gjelsvik, I826-I886 (Arbok for Nord- og
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1924). II, Chapter XII. Vocal and instru- Museums Arbok, 1945, Historiskantik-
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347. Betz, R., Die Trommelsprache der Duala 369. Blacking, John A. R., Some notes on a
('Mitteil. aus den deutschen SChiitzge- theory of African rhythm advanced by
bieten' XI, p. Iff.), 1898. GKL2 Erich von Hornbostel ('African Music' I,
348. Bevan, P., Harmonies in Japanese music No.2, p. 12 ff.), 1955. ACJLM
(London, 1898). 370. - - Eight flute tunes from Butembo
349. - - Japanese music ('Transactions and (ibid., p. 24 ff.), 1955. ACJLM
Proceedings of the Japan Soc.' V,
371. - - Musical instruments of the Malayan
p. 312 ff.), 1901. J aborigines. A short description of the
350. Beyer, Herman, Mexican bone rattles
collections in the Perak Museum, Tai-
(Mari publication, No. V-7), Tulane
ping, the Selangor Museum, Kuala Lum-
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pur, and the Raffles Museum, Singapore
351. Bhandankar, Rao P. R., Contribution to
('Federation Museums Journal' N.S.
the study of ancient Hindu music (,Indian
Antiquary' 1912). GK vols. I and II, p. 35 ff.), 19541'55.
352. Bhanu, Dharma, Promotion of music by 372. Blackwood, Beatrice, Both sides of Buka
the Turko-Afghan rulers of India ('Isla- passage (Oxford, 1935), p. 52 ff.: Musical
mic Culture' XXIX), Jan. 1955. G instruments. J
353. Bhatkande, N. V., A short historical survey 373. Blaes, Jacob, Die Kinder-Singspiele auf
of the music of Upper India(Bombay,1934). der I nsel A Ii, nordost N eu-Guinea
354. - - A Comparative Study of some of the ('Anthropos' XLI-XLIV, p. II9 ff.),
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and I8th Centuries (Madras, 2/1949). 373a. Blaho, Jonas, ZahordckC pjesnicky (vols.
355. - - Short historical survey of the music I and II), Bratislava 1952 and 1954.
of Upper India (Bombay, 1934). I 373b. Blainville, de, Histoire generale, critique
355a. Bielawski, Ludwik, and Jan Steszewski, et philologique de la musique (Pissot,
Le folklore musical (,Feuilles Musicales' Paris, 1767): chapters on Turkish and
XI, Nos. 2 and 3, Numero special sur la Hebrew music with pictures and musical
vie musicale en Pologne), 1958. examples. C
356. Bielenstein, J., Lettische Volkslieder 374. Blanco, Pedro, La musique populaire
(Riga, 1918). portugaise ('Revue musicale Bull. fran-
357. Bigoshak, Music, light or classical! ~aise de la Societe Intern. de la Mus.',
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358. Birket-Smith, Kaj, The Eskimos (trans!. Volksliedweise (Giitersloh, 1953). L
from the Danish by W. E. Calvert), 375. Blaukopf, K., Musiksoziologie (1950).
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359. Birnbaum, Martin, The long-headed 375a. Block, Edward A., Chaucer's Millers and
Mangbetus (,Natural History' XLIII, their Bagpipes ('Speculum' XXIX, p.
p. 73 ff.), Febr. 1939 239), 1954
360. Biro, Ludwig, Beschreibender Katalog der 376. Blockmann, H., The Naqqarahkhanah
ethnographischen Sammlung aus Deutsch- and the imperial musicians (in Surindro
Neu-Guinea (A strolabe-Bai) , Budapest, Mohun Tagore, 'Hindu music from
1901 (p. 176 ff.). J various authors', p. 209 ff.), Calcutta,
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aufnahmen (1913). 377. Blume, Friedrich, Das Rasseproblem in
362. Bishop, Marcia Brown, Hawaiian life of der Musik (Wolfenbiittel, 1938).
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380. - - The Central Eskimo (1884), p. 648ff. I'Homme. Ethnographie, vol. I). Ter-
381. Boden Closs, C., Malayan musical instru- vueren, 1951. ACIJM
ments (' Journal of the Royal Asiatic 393a. Boots, Mrs. J. L., Korean musical instru-
Society Malayan Branch' XLV, p. 285 ments and an introduction to Korean
ff.), 1906. DIKL5 music (Transactions of the Korean
382. Bodrogi, Tibor, Yabim drums in the Branche of the R. Asiatic Soc.' XXX, p.
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383. Boehme, Franz Magnus, Deutsches Kin- Museum zu Kairo ('Melanges Maspero'
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383a. - - Altdeutsches Liederbuch (Leipzig, 395. Borde, Jean Benjamin de la, Essai sur
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1552 ff.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL if.), 1933. CDIEKLLI
391. Bonvin, L., On Syrian liturgical chant 409. - - Sur la musique secrete des tribus
('The Musical Quarterly' IV, p. 593 ff.), turques AlBvi ('Revue des Etudes Islami-
1918. ques' VIII, p. 241 if.), 1934. CGKLI
392..Boone, Olga, Les Xylophones du Congo 410. --Le crise de la musique en Orient
Beige (Annales du Musee du Congo ('Guide musical', Paris, 1934).
Beige, Ethnographie, Serie III, Notes 4II. --La musique turque (in Norbert Du-
analytiques sur les Collections du Musee fourc, 'La Musique des origines a nos
du Congo Beige, vol. III, fasc. 2. p. 69 jours', ed. Larousse, p. 433 if.), 1946.
fL), Tervueren, 1936. ABCJM ACDEFHJK
412. --Les poetes Kizil Bach et leur Zither Europas ('Atlantis' XXIV, p. 328
musique ('Revue des Etudes Islamiques' ff.), 1952. Dl
XV, p. 157 ft.), 1947. GKLl .432. - - . Musikalische Volkerkunde (Frei-
412a. Borris, S., Einfluss und Einbruch burg i/Br., 1953). AJL
primitiver Musik in die Musik des 433. - - Die Tonqualitaten. Erich M. von
Abendlandes ('Sociologus' II, p. 52 ft.). Hombostel zum Gedachtnis (1877-1935)
1~2. V (,Z. f. Phonetik u. allgem. Sprachwissen-
413. Borsy, Istvan, and EmO Rossa, Tiszan schaft' VII, p. 283 ft.), 1953. AGHKLI
innen, dunan tul, I50 magyar nepdal IV, 434. - - Volksmusik in Indien ('Musica'
javitott kiadas (Budapest, 1954). K VIII, p. 178 ft), 1954. ACDKLLl
414. Bosanquet, R. H. M., On the Hindoo 435. - - Instrumentalstile in primitiver
Division of the Octave, with some ad- Musik ('Kongressbericht Bamberg 1953',
ditions to the Theory of Systems of Higher p. 212 ft.), 1954. ACDEFL
Orders (,Proc. of the R. Soc. of London' 436. - - Indische Musik ('Atlantis' XXVI,
XXVI, p. 372), 1877 (DIHLl); reprinted p. 17 ft.). 1954. Dl
in S. M. Tagore, 'Hindu Music from 437. - - Musik und Folklore in Amerika
various authors' (Calcutta, 1882), p. ('Atlantis' XXVII, p. 319 ft.), July 1955.
317 ft. CFIKL2 DI
415. Bose, Fritz, Die Musik der Vitoto ('Z. f. 438. - - Folk music research and the culti-
vergl. Musikw.' II, p. I ft.). 1934. ACK vation of folk music (' J. of the Intern.
416. --Lieder der Volker. Die Musikplatten Folk Music Council' IX, p. 20 ft.), 1957.
des Instituts fur Lautforschung. Katalog ACJKL
und Einfuhrung. (Berlin, 1935). L 438a. - - Law and freedom in the interpret-
417. - - Musik der aussereuropaischen Vol- ation of European folk epics ('J. of the
ker ('Atlantisbuch der Musik' 1/1937, Intern. Folk Music Council' X, p. 29
8/1953), p. 789 ft. CEF ft.), 1958. ACIJKL
418. - - Typen der Volksmusik in Karelien 438b. Bose, Narendra Kumar, Melodic types
(' Archiv f. Musikforschung' III, p. 96 of Hindustan, a scientific survey of the
ft.), 1938. CDHIKL Raga system of Northern India ('The J. of
419. - - Musik und Musikinstrumenle des the Music Academy Madras' XXVII, p.
Balkan ('Atlantis' 1938, fasc. II). DILlL2 151 ft.), Madras, 1957. A
420. - - Klangprobleme in der Musik aus- 439. Bose, S., The Theory of Melodies; Some
sereuropaischer Volker (,Z. f. Instrumen- Aspects of Indian Music ('Perspective'
tenbau' LVII, p. 214. 217), 1938. DIL II, p. 47 ft.), Sept. 1947.
421. - - Introduction and some chapters in 440. Boshoff, S. P. E., and L. J. du Plessis,
Elsa Ziehm, 'Rumanische Volksmusik' Afrikaanse volksliedjes. Piekniekliedjes
(Berlin, 1939). I (Ballade-Poesie) vol. 1. Woorde met Toe-
422. - - Einfluss der Musikerziehung auf ligtinge; vol. II. Woorde met Wijsiemu-
Begabung und Leistung ('Der Erzieher' siek (Pretoria/Amsterdam, 1918). AF
No. 37, 194 0 , p. 3 ft.). 440a. Bossche, A. van den, Art Bakuba
423. - - Musikpolitische Aufgaben in Afrika ('Brousse' N.S. I, p. II ft.), 1952. M
('Koloniale Rundschau' 1941). L2M 441. Boucheman, A. de, Quartorze chansons de
424. - - Klangstile als Rassenmerkmale ('Z. l' Arabie du Nord accompagnees Ii la
f. Rassenkunde' XIV, p. 78 ff. and p. 208 rababa ('Bull. d'Etudes Orientales' 1945/
ff.), 19431'44. GHL2 '46). KL4
425. - - Rassentheorie und Rassenforschung
442. Bouisset, Max, La Musique au Viet-
in der vergleichenden Musikwissenschaft
Nam ('Sud-Est' Dec. 1950, p. 48 ft.). A
('Musikblatter' No. 16, 1948. p. 5 ft.).
426. - - Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft 443. Boulton, Laura C., West African music
heute ('Musica' III, p. 255 ft.), 1949. ('Man' XXXVII, p. 130 ft), Aug. 1937
427. - - Das Verstehen exotischer Musik 444. - - Bronze artists of West Africa
('Melos' XVII, p. 244 ff.), 1950. KL ('Natural History' XXXVI, p. 17 ff.),
428. - - Das Sprache-Musik-Problem ('Mu- New York, 1935. G
sica' V, p. 82 ft.), 1951. CDKLLI 445. Bouteiller, Marcelle, Chamanisme et gue-
429. - - Messbare Rassenunterschiede in der rison magique (Paris, 1950).
Musik ('Homo' II. Heft 4, p. 147 ft.), 446. Bouveignes, Olivier de, La musique indi-
GOttingen, 1952. DIGHM gene au Congo Beige ('African Music
430. - - Ein Hilfsmittel zur Bestimmung der Society Newsletter' I, NO.3, p. 19 ft.).
Schrittgrosse beliebiger Intervalle ('Die 1950. ACJM
Musikforschung' V, p. 205 ff.). 1952. 447. - - Les danses negres (ibid. I NO5,
ACEIKLLl June 1952, p. 21 ft.). ACJM
431. - - Die finnische Kantele, die aelteste 448. - - Le rythme dans la musique negre
('Revue nationale' XXI, p. 193 if.), 465. - - Sur une melodie russe (in Pierre
Brussels, 1949. Souvtchinsky, 'Musique Russe' vol. II,
448a. - - De inheemse muziek in Belgisch- p. 329 if.), Paris, 1953.
Kongo ('Band' X, p. 95 if.), 1951. M 466. - - Le vers populaire Roumain chante
448b. - - La musique indigene au Congo ('Revue des etudes roumaines' 1956,
Beige ('Trait d'Union' XXI, p. 13 if.), p. 7 H.). AK
19~. M 467. --Le rythme enfantin ('Les Colloques
448c. - - De inheemse muziek in Belgisch de Wegimont' I, p. 64 H.), Brussels,
Kongo ('Kengele' XXI, p. 13 if.). 1953. 1956. ACL
M *467a. --l'Ethnomusicologie (in: jacques
448d. - - Musica indigena nel Congo Belga Chailley, 'Precis de Musicologie'), Paris,
'Aifrica' VI, p. 323 if.), 1951. M 1958 (Chapter IV, p. 41 H.). A
448e. - - La musique indigene au Congo 468. Brandel, Rose, Sounds from the equator
Beige ('Les arts au Congo Beige et au (New York Univ., master's thesis, 1950).
Ruanda-Urundi' 1950, p. 72 if.). M 469. - - Music of the Giants and Pygmies of
449. Bouws, Jan, Zuid-Afrikaanse volksmu- the Belgian Congo (Watusi, Bahutu, Bat-
ziek ('Mens en Melodie' V, p. 125 if.), wa) ('Journal of the Amer. Musicol.
1950. AC Soc.' V, p. 16 H.), 1952. ACFKL
450. - - Afrikaanse volksmuziek ('Die Tijd- 470. - - The music of African circumcision
skrif vir Wetenskap en Kuns', April rituals (ibid. VII, p. 52 H.), 1954. ACFK
1951, p. 123 if.). ADIFGM 470a. - - Review of Sukehiro Shiba, 'Score
451. - - Musiek in Suid-Afrika (Brugge, of Gagaku, japanese classical court
1946). K music' vol. I: Kangen-orchestra in
452. - - In die voetspore van die Afrikaanse Haya-gaku and Haya-tada-byoshi' (' j.
volkslied ('Tijdskrif vir Wetenskap en of the American Musicological Soc.' X,
Kuns', April 1956), p. 51 if. ABDIG No. I, p. 39 H.), 1957. A
453. Bowers, Faubion, Theatre in the East. 471. Brandts Buys, J. S., Over het onderzoek
Asian dance and drama (Thomas Nelson, der J avaansche en daarmee verwante mu-
LondonjEdinburghjParisjMelbournejTo- ziek ('Koloniale Studien' IV, no. 3, p.
rontojNew York, 1956). 455 H.), 1920. ABDIDGH
454. - - Japanese theatre (London, no date). 472. - - Over de ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden
C van de muziek op Java ('Djawa' I, Preli-
455. Bowles, E. A., Haut and Bas: the group- minary Advices, vol. II, p. I if.), 1921.
ing of musical instruments in the middle- ABDIG
ages (Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 473. - - (in collab. with A. Brandts Buys-
nology Publ. No. 13). AC Van Zijp) Snorrepijperijen ('Djawa' IV
456. Bowles, Paul, Calypso-music of the A n- (1924), p. 18 H.; ibid. VI (1926), p. 318
tilles ('Modern Music' XVII, p. 154 if.), ff.; ibid. XI (1931), p. 133 H.; ibid. XII
jan.jFebr. 1940. (1932). p. 50 H.; ibid. XIII (1933). p. 205
457. Boys, R. S., Music in Toowoomba H. and 341 H.). ABDIG
(Queensland) ('The Canon' IV, p. 300 474. - - Uitslag van de prijsvraag inzake
if.), 1951. een Javaans muziekschrift ('Djawa' IV,
458. Brailoiu, Constantin, Cantece bcitraneti p. I ft.), 1924. ABDIG
din Oltenia, Muntenia, Moldova si Buco- 475 - - (in collab. with A. Brandts Buys-
vina ('Publ. of the Folklore Archives', Van Zijp), Oude klanken (ibid. V, p. 16
Bukarest, 1932). I H.), 1925. ABDIG
459. - - Esquisse d'une methode de folklore 476. - - (in collab. with id.), Toeters en
musical ('La Revue de Musicologie' piepers (ibid. V (1925), p. 311 H.; ibid.
No. 40), 1932. CDIEKLLI VI (1926), p. 27 H., 76 if. and 318 if.).
460. - - Die rumanische Volksmusik ('Me- ABDIG
langes oifertes a Zoltan Kodaly' p. 300 477- - - (in collab. with id.), Over muziek in
if.), 1943. ACK het Banioewangische (ibid. VI. p. 205 H.),
461. - - Le Folklore musicale ('Musica Ae- 1926. ABDIG
terna', French edition, vol. II, p. 277 478. - - (in collab. with id.), Over fluiten
if.). 1948. A ('Ned.-Indie Oud & Nieuw' XI, p. 57 H.
462. - - Le rhytme Aksak (Abbeville, 1952). and 155 H.), 1926/'27. ABDIGH
AL 479. - - (in collab. with id.), Over spleet-
463. - - A propos du iodel ('Kongressber. tromorkesties ('De Muziek' II, p. 389 H.
Intern. Musikges., Basel 1949', p. 69) and 437 H.), 1928. ACDEFH
ACDEFL 480. - - (in collab. with id.), De toonkunst
464. - - Le giusto syllabique bichrone (,Poly- bij de Madoereezen ('Djawa' VIII, p. I
phonie' 1948, No.2, p. 26 H. (K) and if.). 1928. . ABDIGJ
'Anuario musical' VII, 1952). CL 481. - - (in collab. with id.), Een en ander
over J avaansche muziek ('Program of the Contributii la cunoasterea unei provin-
Java-Congress, held on 27-29 Dec. 1929 cii'), Bucarest, 1943.
at Solo, on the occasion of the 10th 498. Brehmer, Fritz, Melodieauffassung und
anniversary of the Java-Institute' p. 45 melodische Begabung des Kindes ('Z. f.
ff.), 1929. A angewandte Psychologie' 1927, Beiheft
482. - - (in collab. with id.), Inlandsche 36). DlHKLl
dans en muziek ('Timboel' III, nrs. 13, 499. Breloer, Bernhard, Die Grundelemente
15, 16, 17 and 18), 1929. der altindischen Musik nach dem Bhara-
483. - - Tooverklanken. Muzikale pikoelans tiya-natya-Mstra (Bonn, 1922). G
('Djawa' XII, p. 341 ff.), 1932. ABDlG 500. Brenecke, Ernest, The 'Country Cryes' of
484. - - De tiantang baloeng's (ibid. XIII, p. Richard Deering ('The Musical Quar-
258 ft.), 1933. ABDlG terly' XLII, p. 366 ft.), 1956. CDFKLl
485. - - De muziek van de Sekaten-gamelans 501. Briceno, Olga, Musica folkl6rica venezo-
(ibid. XIV, p. 243 ft.), 1934. ABDlG lana ('Bol. de la Union Panamericana'
486. - - (in collab. with A. Brandts Buys- LXXXII), Washington, 1948.
Van Zijp) , Omtrent notaties en tran- 502. Bricqueville, Eugene H. de, Notice sur la
scripties en over de constructie van game- vielle (Paris, 2/1911). A
lanstukken (ibid. XIV, p. 127 ft.), 1934. 503. --Lesmusettes (Paris, 1894).
ABDlG 504. Brinton, G., Native stringed musical
487. - - (in collab. with id.), Lands tran- instruments ('American Antiquarian'
scripties van gendings (ibid. XV (1935), 1897).
p. 174 ft.; ibid. XVI (1936), p. 230 ft.; 505. Bris, E. Ie, Musique annamite: Airs
ibid. XVIII (1938), p. 182 ft.). ABDlG traditionnels. ('Bull. des Amis du Vieux
488. - - (in collab. with id.), Omtrent de Hue' IX, p. 255 ft.), 1922.
rebab (ibid. XIX, p. 368 ft.), 1939. 506. - - Musique annamite: les musiciens
ABDlG aveugles de Hue (ibid. XIV, p. 137 ft.),
489. - - Het gewone Javaansche tooncijfer- 19 2 7.
schrift (het Solosche kepatihan-schrift) 507. Briton, H. H., Philosophy of Music
(ibid. XX, p. 87 ft.), 1940. ABDl (19 11 ).
490. - - Roneographieen van de gereconstru- 508. Broadwood, Lucy, and J. A. Fuller Mait-
eerde gending-transcripties van Prof. Dr. land, English county songs (London,
J. P. N. Land (Jogjakarta, 1939). AC 1893). K
491. Braschowanow, St., Das bulgarische 509. Broholm, H. C., J. P. Larsen and G.
Volkslied als Brauchtum und Kunst Skjerne, The Lures of the Bronze Age
(' J ahrbuch des Auslandamtes der deut- (Copenhagen, 1949). ACGL
schen Dozentenschaft', Leipzig, 1942). 510. BrOmse, Peter, Fliiten, Schalmeien und
492. - - Bulgarische Musik ('Die Musik in SackPfeifen Sudslawiens ('Veroffentl. des
Geschichte und Gegenwart' II, col. 453 Musikw. Inst. der deutschen Univ. in
ft.), 1952. ACEFGHlKL Prag'), Brunn, 1937. CL
493. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne, 511. - - Von sudslawischer Volksmusik
Gramatica de la lengua quiche. Gram- (,Musikbla.tter der Sudetendeutschen'
maire de la langue Quichee-espagnole- II).
franyaise ... servant d'introduction au 512. Bronson, Bertrand Harris, Mechanical
Rabinal A chi drame indigene avec sa n.
help in the study of folk song of Amer.
musique originale etc. (Paris, 1862). Folklore' LXII, p. 81 ft.), 1949. GK
493a. Brauns, D., Traditions iaponaises sur 513. - - Melodic stability in oral trans-
la chanson, la musique et la danse mission (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music
(Paris, 1890). Council' III, p. 50 ff.), 1951. AC
493b. Braunwieser, Martin, 0 Cabayal ('Bol. 514. - - Folksong and the modes ('The
Latino-Americano' VI, vol. I, p. 601 ff.), Musical Quarterly' XXXII No. I, p. 37
Rio de Janeiro, 1946. AGL ft.), Jan. 1956. CDFKLl
494. Brazys, Th., Die Singweisen der litaui- 515. - - About the commonest Biritsh ballads
schen Daina (in 'Tauta ir todis' IV), (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music Council'
Kaunas, 1918. IX, p. 22 ff.), 1957. ACKL
495. BreazuI, G., (= G. Georges Cu-BreazuI), 516. Bruce-Mitford, R. L. 5., The Sutton
Patrium carmen. Contributie la studiul Hoo Ship Burial ('Comm. of the R.
muzicii Rominesti (Craiova, 1941). Inst. of Great Britain', 21th Oct. 1949).
496. Bredicianu, Tiberius, Historique et etat A
actuel des recherches sur la musique 517. Briicker, Fritz, Die Blasinstrumente in
populaire roumaine ('Art populaire' II, der altfranzosischen Literatur (Giessen,
p. 133 ft.), Paris 1931. A 1926).
497. - - Muzica populara din Banat. Cerce- 518. Bruning, Father Ells., Nederlandse volks-
tatorii si cultivatorii ei (in vol. 'Banatul. muziek (,Elsevier's Encyclopedie van de
Muziek' II, p. 388 ft.), Amsterdam, 1957. gen? ('Anthropos' XXXII, p. 402 ft.),
518a. - - Volkslied (ibid. II, p.678), Am- 536. - - The Evolution 01 Javanese Tone-
sterdam, 1957. ACDEFHl systems ('Papers read at the Intern.
518b. - - Het Nederlandse Kerstlied (Til- Congress of Musicology, held at New
burg, 1941). ACL York, Sept. lIth to 16th, 1939', p. 241
519. Bryan, Charles Faulkner, American lolk ft.). New York, 1944. AC
instruments. I. The Appalachian moun- 537. - - Blasquinte (in 'Die Musik in Ge-
tain dulcimer ('Tennessee Folklore So- schichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 1918 ff.),
ciety Bulletin' XVIII), March 1952. C 1951. ACDEFGHIKL
520. - - American lolk instruments. II. The 538. - - Observations on the study 01 non-
hammered dulcimer (ibid. XVIII), June western music ('Les Colloques de Wegi-
1952. C mont' I, p. 33 ff.), Brussels, 1956. ACL
521. - - American lolk instruments. III. 539. Bukoreschliev, A., Vasil Stoin and Raina
Improvised instruments (ibid. XVIII). Katzarova, Rodopski pesni (colI. of 1252
Sept. 1952. C songs) ('Sbomik za narodni umotvore-
522. Buchanan, Annabel Morris, Modal and niya' XXXIX), Sofia, 1934.
melodic structure in Anglo-American lolk 540. Bunting, Edward, A ncient music 01
music - a neutral mode ('Papers read at Ireland (Dublin, 1796).
the Intern. Congress of Musicology, 541. - - Ancient music 01 Ireland (Dublin,
held at New York, Sept. 1939', p. 84 ff.), 1809).
Richmond, 1944. AC 542. - - Ancient Irish music (London, 1840).
543. Burlin, Nathalie, The Indian's Book
523. Buchner, Alexander, Musikinstrumente
(New York/London, 1907, 3/1935). I
im Wandel der Zeiten (Artia, Prague,
544. - - Songs and tales Irom the Dark
1956). CL
Continent (New York, Schirmer, 1920),
524. - - Musical instruments through the
p. 81 ft.
ages (London, 195. ?). J
545. - - American Indian cradle-songs ('The
525. Buck, Peter H., (= Te Rangi Hiroa) Musical Quarterly' VII, p. 549 ff.), 1921.
The material culture 01 the Cook Islands 546. Burnier, Th., Chants zambt!ziens (Paris,
(New Plymouth, N.l., 1927), p. 354 ff.: undated).
Musical instruments. J 546a. - - Notes d'ethnographie zambesienne
526. - - Samoan material culture (Honolulu, ('Arch. Suisses d'Anthropologie generale'
1930), p. 575 ff.: Musical instruments. J XII, p. 92 ff.), 1946. M
527. - - Pan-pipes in Polynesia (,Journal 547. Burrows, Edwin G., Some Paumotu
of the Polynesian Soc.' L, p. 173 ff.), chants ('Journal of the Polynesian Soc.'
1941. ABGL2 XII, p. 221 ft.), 1903. BGL
528. - - The coming 01 the Maori (Welling- 548. - - Native music 01 the Tuamotus
ton, N.l., 1950), Chapter X, p. 252 ft.: ('Bull. No. 109 of the Ber. F. Bishop
Musical instruments. J Mus.'), Honolulu, 1933. IL
528a. - - Arts and cralts 01 Hawaii (Publ. 549. - - Music 01 the Tahaki chants (in J. F.
No. 45 of the Bernice P. Bishop Mus.), Stimson, 'The legends of Mani and
Honolulu, 1957 (p. 387 ff.). AB Tahaki') (Bull. No. 127 of the Ber. F.
529. Budde, Karl, Das Schwirrholz Werk- Bishop Mus.), Honolulu, 1934.
zeug der alttestamentlichen Totenbeschwo- 550. - - Polynesian part singing ('l. f. vergl.
rung? ('l. f. d. Alttest. Wiss.' XLVI, p. Musikw.' II, p. 69 ff.), 1934. ACK
75 ff.), 1928. DIGHKLl *551. - - Polynesian music and dancing
530. Biicher, Karl, Arbeit und Rhythmus (' Journal of the Polynesian Soc.' XLIX,
(1896, 5/1918). CJL2 p. 331 ff.), 1940. ABGL
531. Biirchner, L., Criechische Volksweisen 552. - - Songs 01 Uvea and Futuna ('Bull.
('Sammelb. d. Intern. Musikges.' III), No. 183 of the Ber. F. Bishop Museum'),
1901/'02. CDFHIL Honolulu, 1945. ABL
532. Buhle, E., Die musikalischen Instru- 552a. - - Music on Ilaluk atoll in the Caro-
mente in den Miniaturen des Iruhen line islands ('Ethnomusicology' II, No. I,
Millelalters (Leipzig, 1903). C p. 9 ff.), Jan. 1958. AGL
533. Bukofzer, Manfred, Magie und Tech- 553. Burssens, A. Le Luba, langue a into-
nik in der Alpenmusik ('Schweizer An- nation et Ie tambour-signal (,Proc. of the
nalen' 1926, Heft III, p. 205). Third Intern. Congress of Phonetic
534. - - Priizisionsmessungen an primitiven Sciences, Ghent, 1938', p. 503 ff.).
Musikinstrumenten ('l. f. Physik' vol. 554. Burton, Frederick R., A merican primi-
99, p. 643 ff.), 1936. CDIGHLI tive music, with especial allention to the
535. - - Kann die Blasquintentheorie zur songs 01 the Ojibways (New York, 1909). I
Erkliinmg exotischer Tonsysteme beitra- 555. Buttree, Julia M., The rhytm 01 th~
red man: in song, dance and decoration musical bow in Southern Africa ('Anthro-
(Barnes, 1930). pos' L, p. 65 ft.), 1955. BDIGHJKLIL2M
556. Buvarp, Hans, Studiet av Folkemusik- 571. Campbell, Notes on the musical instru-
ken. Problemer verdrerende det metodiske ments of the Nepalese (in S. M. Tagore,
Grunnlag ('Norveg' II, p. 133 fl.), Oslo, 'Hindu Music from various authors'),
1~2. AK Calcutta, 1882 (vide below No. 4031).
557. - - Review of Christian Leden, 'Ueber CFIKL2
die Musik der Smith Sund Eskimos und 572. Campbell, A., Herdman's songs and yoik
ihre Verwandtschaft mit der Musik der in northern Sweden (' J. of the Intern.
amerikanischen Indianer' ('Norveg' III, Folk Music Council' III, p. 64 ft.), 1951.
p. 233 ft.), Oslo, 1953. K AC
558. Cabral, Jorge, La musica incaica (Buenos 573. Campbell, J. L., Gaelic folksongs from
Aires, 1915). the Isle of Barra (ed. by the Folklore
559. Cabussi-Kabusch, N., Bulgarische Volks- Institute of Scotland), undated. G
musik ('Die Musik' 1931). CDFKL 574. Campen, C. F. H., Eenige mededeelingen
560. Cadilla de Martinez, Maria, La musica over de Alfoeren van Hale-Ma-Hera ('Bij-
popular en Puerto Rico (San Juan, 194. ?). dragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenk.
561. Cadman, Charles W., The 'idealization' van Ned.-Indie' 4th series, VIII, p.
of Indian music ('The Musical Quarterly' 187 ft.). The Hague, 1884. ABDIGL2
I, p. 387 ft.), 1915. 575. Campos, Ruben M., El folklore y la
562. Cadwell, Helen, Hawaiian music ('Ha- musica mexicana (Publ. of the Secr. of
waiian Annual' 1916, p. 71 ft.). Publ. Educ.), Mexico, 1928. I
563. Cafero~lu, Ahmed, 75 azerbayganische 576. - - El folklore musical de Mexico ('Es-
Lieder 'Bayaty' in der Mundart von tudios Latino-americanos' III, p. 137
Ganga nebst einer sprachlichen Einleitung ft.), 1937.
('Mitt. d. Seminars f. Orientalischen 577. --La musica popular de Mexico
Sprachen zu Berlin' XXXII, 2 Abt. ('Revista de estudios musicales' I, p. 81
p. 55 ft. (1929), p. 105 ft. (1930). DIL2 ft.), Mendoza, Argentina, 1949. AKL
564. Cahen, Abraham, Hebreux (undated, but 577a. Candied, Fr., Muziek en zang in Kongo
before 1913) (in Lavignac, 'Hist. de la ('Toren', Sept. 1951, p. 23 ft., Oct. 1951,
Mus.' I, p. 67 ft.), 1922. ACDEFHJK p. 37 ft.). M
564a. Calame-Griaule, Genevieve, Note com- 578. Cano, D. M., Fiesta en un poblado Bubi
plimentaire sur Ie symbolisme du tambour ('Africa' (Madrid), No. 114, p. 23 ft.),
kunyu (Soudan fran~ais) ('Notes afri- 1951. M
caines' Oct. 1956, p. 62 ft.). GL2M 579 Canteloube, J., Anthologie de chants po-
564b. - - and Blaise Calame, Le probleme pulaires fran~ais groupes et presentes par
des langages tambourines ('La Revue pays ou provinces (4 vols.) (Paris, 1951).
Fran,.aise' Jan. 1956, p. 68 ft.). L
564C. - - and id. Symbolisme de la musique 580. Canto popular, El, - Documentos para el
africaine ('Essec', Reflets d'une promo- etudio del folk-lore argentino, vol. I. Mu-
tion, 1956, p. 73 ft.). sica precolombiana (Buenos Aires, 1923).
564d. - - and id. Introduction Ii l'etude de K
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Musical Quarterly' XXVII, NO.3), 1941. 768. - - Song and dance in St. Lucia ('Eth-
HI nomusicology Newsletter' NO.9, p. 4 ff.),
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XXVIII, p. 227 ff.), 1942. CHI 769. Cruz, Clement da. Les instruments de
756. Cousins, Margaret, E. The music of musique dans Ie Bas-Dahomey (popu-
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des Flamands de France (Gent, 1856). Novo, 1954. GL2M
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757a. Coutts, P. G., Some musical instruments gyujtes a magyarorszdgi cigdnyok kOz6tt
of Usuku ('Uganda Journal' XIV, No.2, (A collection of folkmusic among the
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758. Couvreur, J . Over krontjongmuziek en
a Zoltan Kodaly a l'occasion de son
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759. Cowell, Henry, Dos estudios: la musica
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77la. Cudjoe, S. D., Art in Africa ('West
York, 1950. L2
African Revue' XXIV, p. 434), 1953.
759b. Cox, John Harrington, Folk songs main- 772. - - The techniques of Ewe drumming
ly from West Virginia (with an introduc- and the social importance of music in
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by Herbert Halpert) (National Service 772a. Cuisinier. Jeanne. Le theatre d'ombres II
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759.c Coyne, A. E., Visual indication of pitch L'orchestre (p. 59 if.). A
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NO.4, p. 19 ff.), 1951. ACJM 193 6).
760. Crampton, H. E. The songs of Tahiti 774. Culwick. A. T. A Pogoro flute ('Man'
('American Museum Journal' XII, p. XXXV, p. 40 (No. 39)), 1935
141 ff.), 1912. BDIGKLlL2M
761. Crawfurd, Music and dancing (in Suren- 775. Culwick, G. M. Degeneration of a wind
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761b. Cresson, H. T., Aztec music ('Proc. 777. Cuney-Hare. Maud. Negro musicians and
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phia' XXXV (1883), p. 86 ft.), Phila- 778. Cunningham, Eloise, The Japanese Ko-
delphia, 1884. uta and Ha-uta, the 'little songs' of the
762. Cringan. Alexander T., Iroquois Folk I7th century ('The Musical Quarterly'
Songs ('Archeological Report, Appendix XXXIV, p. 68 if.), 1948. CDFKLI
778a. Cunnison, I., Central African chronology Ges. Wien' LXVII, P.53 ff.), 1937.
('Man' LV, p. 143, No. 157), 1955. DIGHL2
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779. Curtin, M., Das serbische Volkslied (Leip- frage volkskundlicher Musikforschung
zig, 1905). ('Archiv L Musikforschung' II, p. 101
Curtis, Natalie, see Burlin. ff.), 1937. CDHIKL
780. Dal, Erik, Scandinavian Folk Music ('J. 796. - - Grundriss der Volksliedkunde (Ber-
of the Intern. Folk Music Council' VIII, lin, 1938). IL
p. 6 ff.), 1956. ACJKL 797. - - Das europaische Volkslied (Berlin,
781. - - Glimt af international folkemusik- 1939). DFHIJL
forskning ('Nordisk Musikkultur' I, p. 798. - - Die altesten Spuren germanischer
340 ff.), 1952. AK Volksmusik (,Z. f. Volkskunde' XLVIII,
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I800 (Copenhagen, 1956). ACK 799. - - A telhang nelkUli pentatonica erdete
783. - - Opgaver og muligheder i folkemusik- (The origin of anhemitonic pentatonic
forskningen belyst gennem anmeldelser af scales) in 'Melanges offerts a Zoltan
ny udenlandsk litteratur (= Problems and Kodaly a l'occasion de son 60ieme
possibilities in folk music research, illus- anniversaire', p. 9 ff.), Budapest, 1943.
trated by reviews of recent foreign liter- ACK
ature) ('Dansk Musiktidsskrift' XXXII, 800. - - .if lteste M usikstile und K ulturschich-
p. 69 ff.), Copenhagen, 1957. AK ten in Ozeanien und Indonesien ('Z. f.
783a. - - The Faroese folk-song chain dance Ethnologie' vol. 77, p. 198 fL), 1952.
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783b. - - The linked stanza in Danish im Mythos ('Archiv f. Musikw.' XII,
ballads: its age and its analogues ('J. of p. 97 ff.), 1955. ACDFGKLLI
the Intern. Folk Music Council' X, p. 35 802. - - M elodiestile der finnisch-ugrischen
ff.), 1958. ACIJKL Hirtenvolker ('Studia Memoriae Belae
784. Dalal, Navinkumar, Die Pflege der in- Bart6k Sacra', p. 175 ff.), Budapest,
dischen Kunstmusik ('Musica' VIII, p. 1956. AC
182 ff.), 1954. CKLLI 803. - - Tonmalerei und Tonsymbolik in der
785. Dalberg, F. H. von, Ueber die Musik der Musik der Lappen ('Die Musikforschung'
Indier (ein Abhandlung des Sir William IX, p. 286 ff.), 1956. ACEFIKLLI
Jones), translated from the English, 804. - - Hirtenmusik (' Archiv f. Musikwiss.'
with additions by --), Erfurt, 1802. C XIII, p. 97 ff.), 1956. DFGKLLI
786. Dalman, G., Arabische Gesange (,Palas- 805. - - Melodiestile der Ob-Ugrier ('Acta
tina-Jahrbuch' 1924, p. 77 fL). DIK Musicologica' XXVIII, p. 122 ff.), Basel,
787. - - Nachlese arabischer Lieder aus Pa- 1956. ACDGHIKLLI
lastina ('Beitrage zur alttestamentischen 806. Daniel, F., Note on a gong of bronze from
Wissenschaft' 1920, p. 43 ff.). Katsina, Nigeria ('Man' XXIX, No. II3,
787a. Dalyell, John, Musical memoirs of Scot- p. 157 ff.), 1929. BDIGKL2M
land, with historical notes and anno- 807. Daniel, Gaston, La musique au Congo
tations (Edinburgh, 1849). ('J. de la Soc. Intern. de Musique' VIII,
788. Dam, Theodore van, The influence of the p. 56 ff.), Paris, 19II.
West African songs of derision in the 808. Danielou, Alain, Introduction to the
New World ('African Music' I, p. 53 ff.), Study of Musical Scales (London, 1943).
19~. M ACJ
789. Damais, E., Chants Africains notes (in 809. - - The categories of intervals or Sruti
Hubert Caron, 'Rybani'), Le Havre, ]atis ('The Journal of the Music Aca-
193 6 . demy Madras' XVII, p. 74 ff.), 1946. C
790. Dam Bo, The music of the Pemsians 810. - - The different schools of Indian
('The Journal of the Music Academy, Music (ibid. XIX, p. 165 ff.), 1948.
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794. - - Musikethnologische Erschliessung (ibid. XXII, p. 129 ff.), 1951. AC
der Kulturkreise ('Mitteil. d. Anthrop. 814. - - Some Problems facing research on
Indian Literatures on Music (ibid. XXIII 832. Dawes, F., Six essays on the ancients,
p. II7 ff.), 1952. AC their music and instruments. 1. Chinese,
815. - - Catalogue of Indian Music (Unesco, Japanese, Hindoos (Oxford, 1893). C
Paris, 1952). ACGJL 833. Dawson, Warrington, Le caractere spe-
816. - - Research on Indian Music ('The cial de la musique negre en Amerique
Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' (' Journal de la Soc. des Americanistes'
XXIV, p. 57 H.), 1953. AC XXIV, p. 273 H.), Paris, 1932. GL2
8 I 7. - - Les arts traditionels et leur place 834. Day, Charles Russell, The Music and
dans la culture de l'Inde ('L'originalite Musical Instruments 0/ Southern India
des cultures', p. 200 if.), Paris (Unesco), and the Deccan (New York/London,
1953, 2/1954 1891). CL
818. - - Can harmony be introduced in 835. - - Music and musical instruments of
Indian music? ('Silver Jubilee Souvenir Southern India (London, 1891). I
of the Marris College of Hindustani 836. - - Native musical instruments (in:
music, Lucknow, Nov. 1952'), Lucknow, A. F. M. Ferryman, 'Up the Niger',
1953 Philip, 1892), p. 264 H. I
818a. - - Ethno-musicology ('The J. of the 837. - - Notes on Indian Music ('Froc. of
Music Academy Madras' XXVII, P.47 the Mus. Ass.' XX, p. 45 ff.), 18931'94.
ff.), Madras, 1957. A 838. - - Denkmiiler der iapanischen Ton-
818b. - - La musique du Cambodge et du kunst (Tokyo, 1930).
Laos (Pub!. of the Institut Franyais 839. Deacon, A. Bernard, Malekula, a vanis-
d'Indologie NO.9), Pondichery, 1957. A hing people in the New Hebrides (London,
819. Darmsteter, James, Chants populaires 1934), p. 41 ff., 391 ff. and 498 H. B
des Afghans ('Soc. asiatique, Collection *840. Dean-Smith, Margaret, A guide to
d'ouvrages orientaux', 2nd series), Paris, English folk song collections I8Z2-I95z
1880-1890 (2 vols.). (Liverpool,1954)
820. - - Afghan Songs ('Selected Essays' p. 841. - - Hornpipe ('Die Musik in Geschichte
105 H.), Boston, 1895. u. Gegenwart' VI, col. 756 H.), 1957.
821. Das, K. N., The Music of Assam ('The ACDEFGHIKL
Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' 842. Dechevrens, S. J., Etudes de science
XXI, p. 143 ff.), 1950. AC musicale (Paris, 1898), 4 vols, containing
822. - - Time Theory of the Ragas (ibid. a.o.: Systeme model de Pythagore et des
XXII, p. 69 H.), 1951. AC Grecs posterieurs; La musique greco-
822a. Das, J. Srinivasa, Music phonography romaine et l'octoechos; Chants liturgiques
('The J. of the Music Academy, Madras' chez les ]uifs et les Orientaux; Melodies
XVII, p. 41 ff.), 1946. C armeniennes, etc.
*823. Daugherty, D. N., A bibliography 0/ 843. - - Etude sur Ie systeme musical
periodical literature in musicology and chinois (,Sammelb. d. Intern. Musikges.'
allied fields and a record 0/ graduate II, p. 485 H.), 1901. CDFHIL
theses accepted (American Council of 843a. Degani, Mario, La musica nella preisto-
Learned Societies, Washington, 1940). ria e nelle antiche civilta (no place, 1939).
824. Daumas, G.,L'A/rique qui chante ('Revue L
Gregorienne' XXI, p. 165), 1938. 844. Dejardin, A., Alain Gheerbrant aux
825. Davenson, Henri, Le livre des chansons sources de l'homme ('Syntheses' VII, No.
(Neucha.tel, 1946). 78, p. 50 H.), 1952.
825a. - - Introduction a la chanson popu- 844a. Delachaux, Theodore, Omakola (ekola) ,
laire franyaise (Paris, 1944). L instrument de musique du Sud-Ouest de
826. David, Ernst, La musique chez les ]uifs I'Angola ('Anthropos' XXXV-XXXVI,
(Paris, 1873). C p. 341 H.), 19401'41. BDIGHJKLIL2M
827. - - and M. Lussy, Histoire de la notation 845. Delavignette, Robert, Du tam-tam Ii
musicale depuis ses origines (Paris, 1882). l'imprime ('La Revue de Paris' LXII,
*828. David, Paul, Basque Folk Music ('Gro- Dec. 1955, p. 64 if.). GHK
ve's Dictionary' 5th ed. vo!. III, p. 193 846. Delgadillo, Luis A., La Musica Indigena
ff.), 1954. ACFHIK y Colonial en Nicaragua ('Estudios Musi-
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in Egypt (,Musical Courier', New York, gentina, 1950. A
193 2). 847. Deliz, Monserate, Renadi6. Del cantar
830. Davies, Harold E., Aboriginal Songs folkl6rico de Puerto Rico (Madrid, 2nd
0/ Central- and South-Australia ('Ocea- ed. 1952).
nia' II, p. 454 if.), 1932. BDIGJL2 848. Delmas, Simeon, Ami hune (chant de
831. Davy, J., Music of Ceylon (in: S. M. cannibales) ('Bull. de la Soc. d'Etudes
Tagore, 'Hindu Music from various Oceaniennes' III, p. 254 H.), 1929.
authors'), Calcutta, 1882. CFIKL2 849. Delphin, H., and L. Guin, Notes sur la
poesie et la musique al'abes dans Ie Congress of Americanists', Washington
Magh1'eb algel'ien (Paris, 1886). 1915. (Reprinted in 'Scientific Amer.
850. Demieville, Paul, La Musique ~ame Supplement', April 20, 1918).
au Japan ('Etudes Asiatiques', vol. I, p. 869. - - The l'hythm 01 Sioux and Chippewa
199 ff.), 1925. ABG music ('Art and Archaeology' IX, p. 59
851. Denes, Bartha, and Kiss, J6zsef, Ot6d- ff.), 1920. G
ftJlsztiz enekek (Budapest, 1953). 870. - - Music 01 the Papago and Pawnee
852. Denis, Valentin, De muziekinstl'umenten ('Exploration and Fieldwork Smithson-
in de N edel'landen en in I talie naal' hun ian Inst. in 1920', pi 102 ff.), 1921.
albeelding in de I5de eeuwsche kunst 871. - - Northern Ute Music ('Bull. of the
(Leuven, 1944). AGL Bureau of American Ethnology' No. 75),
852a. - - Het volkslied in Vlaandel'en tot om- 1922. CDIHIJKL2
stl'eeks I600 (Brussels, 1942). L 872. - - Mandan and Hidatsa Music (ibid.
853. Denny, So Ro, Some Zambesi boat songs No. 80), 1923. CDlHIJKL2
('Nada' XIV, p. 35 ff.), 1936/'37. M 8n - - Music in the treatment 01 the sick
854. Dennys, No, Shol't notes on Chinese instl'u- by Amel'ican Indians ('Hygeia' April,
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North-China branch' VIII, p. 93 ff.). 8]4. - - Field studies 01 Indian music
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Philippinos ('Amer. Anthrop.' VIII No. 875. - - Rhythm in the music 01 the American
4, p. 61I ff.), 1906. GL2 Indian ('Annales XX Congress Interna-
856. - - Scale 1000mation in pl'imitive music cional de Americanistas' Rio de Janeiro,
(ibid. N.S. XI, p. Iff.), 19090 GL2 1924, p. 85 ff.).
857. - - Chippewa Music ('Bull. of the 876. - - Field studies 01 Indian music
Bureau of American Ethnology' Nos. 45 ('Exploration and Fieldwork Smithso-
and 53), 1910 and 1913. ACDIGHIJKL2 nian Inst. 1923, p. 1I9 ff.), 1924.
858. - - The study 01 Indian music ('The 87]. - - Study 01 Tule Indian music ('Explo-
Musical Quarterly' I, p. 187 ff.), 1915. ration and Fieldwork Smithsonian Inst.
859. - - Pl'ese1'Vation 01 Indian music ('Ex- in 1924', p. 1I5 ff.), 1925.
ploration and Fieldwork Smithsonian 879. - - The music 01 the Amel'ican Indians
Inst. in 1915', p. 81 ff.), 1916. ('Science' LXII, p. 565 ff.), 1925.
860. - - Study 01 Indian music ('The DIGHLI
Musical Quarterly' II, p. 108 ff.), 1917. 880. - - Music 01 the Tule Indians 01
861. - - Music in its l'elation to the l'eligious Panama ('Smithsonian Miscellaneous
thought 01 the Teton Sioux (in: 'Anthropo- Collections' vo!. 77, No. II, pub!. No.
logical essays presented to William Hen- 2864), 1926. I
ry Holmes') ('Holmes Anniversary Vo- 881. - .- Studies 01 Indian music among the
lume'), p. 67 ff. (1916). Menominee 01 Wisconsin ('Exploration
862. - - Study 01 Indian music (,Explo- and Fieldwork Smithsonian Inst. in
ration and Fieldwork Smithsonian Inst. 1925', p. 1I9 fL), 1926.
in 1916', p. 108 ff.), 1917. 882. - - The songs of the Indians ('The
863. - - Recent developments in the study 01 American Mercury', Jan. 1926, p. 65 ff.).
Indian music ('Proc. 19th Intern. K
Congress of Americanists, Washington 883. - - 'Sep', an Indian song-game ('Music
1915'), 1917. and Youth', May 1926).
864. - - The l'hythm 01 Indian songs ('Music 884. - - The Amel'ican Indians and theil'
correspondence Bureau, Theosophical Music (New York, 1926, 2/1936).
Soc., Amer. Section', June/ July Letter, 885. - - The Study of Indian Music in the
1917). I9th centul'y ('American Anthropologist'
865. - - Teton Sioux Music ('Bull. of the XXIX, p. 77 ff.), 1927. GL2
Bureau of Amer. Ethnology' No. 61), 886. - - Field studies 01 Indian music
1918. CDlHIJKL2 ('Exploration and Fieldwork Smithso-
866. - - The study 01 Indian music ('Scien- nian Inst. in 1926', p. 247 ff.), 1927. Dl
tific American' Supp!. 2207), April 20th, 887. - - Handbook 01 the collection 01 musical
1918. instruments in the U.S.A. National
867. - - Indian action songs. A collection 01 museum (Washington, 1927). CGIJL2
descl'iptive songs 01 the Chippewa Indians, 888. - - The study 01 Indian music in the
with dil'ections 101' pantomimic l'epresen- nineteenth century (' Amer. Anthropolo-
tation in schools and community en- gist' XXIX, p. 77 ff.), 1927. GL2
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868. - - Recent developments in the study 01 American Indians ('Amer. Speech' II,
Indian music (,Proc. of the 19th Intern. p. 393 ff.), 1927). K
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Musical Quarterly' XIII, p. 555 if.), 912. - - A Study of Indian Music in the
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891. - - How the Indian seeks power through XXXVI, p. 386 ff.), 1934. GL2
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11th, 1927). (ibid., p. 487 ff.), 1934. GL2
892. - - Some results of the Study of Ameri- 914. - - 'Four' Saints' and some American
can Indian Music (' Journal of the Indian music ('Musical America' Aug.
Washington Acad. of Science' XVIII). 12th, 1934).
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893. - - Music of the Winnebago Indians States ('Explor. and Fieldwork Smithso-
('Exploration and Fieldwork Smith- nian Inst. in 1933), 1934. Dl
sonian Inst. in 1927', p. 183 if.), 1928. Dl 916. - - A study of Cheyenne and Arapaho
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songs ('Journal of the Washington Acad. ff.), Southwest Mus., Los Angeles, 1935.
of Sciences' XVIII, p. 16 if.), 1928. H L2
895. - - Some results of the study of Indian 917. - - Cheyenne and Arapaho Music
music ('J. of the Washington Acad. of (Publ. of the S. W. Museum, No. 10),
Sciences' XVIII, p. 395 ff.), 1928. H 193 6 .
896. - - Papago Music ('Bull. of the Bureau 918. - - The Alabama Indians and their
of American Ethnology' No. 90), 1929. music ('Straight Texas', No. 13, p. 270
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897. - - Pawnee Music (ibid. No. 93), 1929. 919. - - Music of Santo Domingo Pueblo,
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898. - - Music of the Winnebago and Meno- seum, No. 12), 1938.
minee Indians of Wisconsin ('Explo- 920. - - The influence of hymns on the form
ration and Fieldwork Smithsonian Inst. of Indian songs ('Amer. Anthropol.' XL,
in 1928', p. 189 ff.), 1929. Dl p. 175 ff.), 1938. GL2
899. - - What intervals do Indians sing~ 921. - - Musical instruments of the Maidu
('Amer. Anthropo!.' XXXI, p. 271 if.), Indians ('Amer. Anthropo!.' XLI, p. 113
1929. GJL2 ff.), 1939. GL2
900. - - The music of the American Indians 922. - - The use of the term 'tetrachord' in
at public gatherings ('The Musical Quar- musicology ('Journal of Musicol.' 1, p. 16
terly' XVII, p. 464 ff.), 1931. C . ff.), 1940.
901. - - Pecularities in the singing of the 923. - - Nootka and Quileute Music ('Bull.
American Indians ('Amer. Anthropol.' of the Bureau of American Ethnology'
XXXII, p.651 ff.), 1930. GJL2 No. 124), 1939. ABCDIHIJKL2
902. - - Music of the Winnebago, Chippewa 924. - - Native songs of two hybrid cere-
and Pueblo Indians ('Explor. and Field- monies among the A merican Indians
work of the Smithsonian Inst. in 1930', ('Amer. Anthropo!.' XLIII, p. 77 ff.),
Pub!. 3111, p. 217 ff.), 1931. 1941. BGL2
904. - - Recording Indian music ('Explor. 925. - - Music of the Indians of British
and Fieldwork Smithsonian Inst. in Columbia ('Anthropol. Papers' No. 27,
1931', p. 183 ff.), 1932. Dl Bull. No. 136 of the Bureau of American
905. - - The native music of A merican Samoa Ethnology' p. Iff.), 1943.
('Amer. Anthropologist' XXXIV, p. 415 ABDIHIJKL2
ff. and 694 if.), 1932. GL2 926. - - ChoctawMusic ('Anthropol. Papers,
906. - - Menominee Music ('Bull. of the No. 28, Bull. No. 136 of the Bureau of
Bureau of Amer. Ethnology', No. 102), American Ethnology', p. 101 ff.), 1943.
907. - - Yuman and Yaqui Music (ibid. No. 927. --La musica de los indios norte-
110), 1932. ABDIIDJKL2 americanos ('Boletin Latino-Americano
908. - - The music of the North American de Musica' V, p. 363 ff.), 1941. ABL
Indians ('Proc. of the XXV Congress of 928. - - The study of Indian music ('Annual
Americanists, 1932', p. 119 if.), 1932. Report, Smithsonian Inst. for 1941', p.
909. - - A resemblance between Yuman and 527 ff.), 1942. DIJL2
Pueblo Songs ('Amer. Anthropologist' 929. - - The use of meaningless syllables in
XXXIV, p. 694 ff.), 1932. GL2 Indian songs ('Amer. Anthropol.' XLV,
910. - - Re~ording Seminole songs in Florida p. 160 ft.), 1943. GL2
('Explor. and Fieldwork Smithsonian 930. - - Traces of foreign influences in the
Inst. in 1932', p. 93 ff.), 1933. Dl music of the American Indians (,Amer.
911. - - The songs of Indian soldiers during Anthropo!.' XLVI, p. 106 ff.), 1944. G
931. - - The survival of Omaha songs Beige ('Les Colloques de Wegimont' I,
('Amer. Anthropol.' XLVI), 1944). BG p. 222 ff.), Brussels, 1956. AC
932. - - A search for songs among the 951. - - Derwil, G., and Essati, Chansons
Chitimacha Indians of Louisiana ('Bur. marocaines ('Revue Mediterranee', June
Amer. Ethnol. Bull. No. 133, Anthropol. 193 2 ).
Papers No. 19, p. Iff.), 1944. ABDIKL2 952. Desai, Vibhukumar S., Hazrat Inayat
933. - - The origin of a Siwah song ('Amer. Khan, the Sufi musician of Baroda (' J.
Anthropol.' XLVII, p. 173 ff.), 1945. BG of the Oriental Inst., Baroda' III, p. 28s
934. - - Prelude to the study of Indian music ff.), 19531'54. Dl
in Minnesota ('The Minnesota Archeolo- 953. - - Ragatattvavibodha of Srinivasa
gist' XL, p. 27 ff.), 1945. (Gaekwad's Oriental series, No. CXXVI,
935. - - The importance of recordings of Oriental Institute Baroda, 1956). A
Indian songs ('Amer. Anthropol.' XLVII 954. Desprez, Adrien, La musique dramatique
p. 4), 1945 G en Perse ('Revue et Gazette musicale
936. - - The uses of music in the treatment of de Paris' XL, p. 236 ff.), 1873. C
the sick by American Indians ('Music 955. Desvallons, Gilbert, Musique et danse du
and Medicine' p. 25 ff.), New York, 1947. Gabon ('La Revue Musicale' XXX, p.
937. - - What the Indians knew about 215 ff.), Paris. DGK
musical therapy ('Musical Courier', March 956. Deuber, Arnold, Musikinstrumente und
15th, 1948). K Musik der Arapai (in Felix Speiser, '1m
938. - - The music of the Sioux Indians Duster des Brasilianischen Urwaldes'),
('Program National Folk Festival St. Stuttgart. 1926.
Louis', April, 1948). 957. Deubner, Ludwig, Die viersaitige Leier
939. - - Folk songs of the American ('The ('Mitt. d. Deutschen ArcMologischen
Masterkey' XXIV, No. I), Los Angeles, Inst., Athenische Abt.' LIV, p. 194 fl.),
1950. GL2 1929. GLI
940. - - The use of music in the treatment of 958. Deutsches ] ahrbuch fur Volkskunde (Ber-
the sick by American Indians ('Annual lin, 1955 - in progress). A
Report of the Smithsonian Inst. for 959. Deutsche Volkslieder mit ihren Melodien
1952', p. 439 ff.), 1953. DIBJL2 (herausg. vom Deutschen Volkslied-
941. - - Technique in the music of the archiv). vols. I (i935), III (1937), 11 2
A merican Indians (' Anthropol. Papers' (1939), IIIl (1939), 111 2 (1954). B
Bull. No. 151, p. 213 fl.), 1953 AJ 960. Dev, G., Essai nouveau sur la musique
942. - - The belief of the Indians in a chez les Chinois ('Magasin pittoresque'
connection between song and the super- 1885, tome 3 etc.). CK
natural ('Anthropological Papers' Bull. 961. Deval, K. B., Music East and West
No. 151, p. 219 ff.), 1953. compared (Poona, 1908).
943. --Importance of rhythm in songs for 962. - - The Hindu musical scale and the zz
the treatment of the sick by American shrutees (Poona, 1910). I
Indians ('Scientific Monthly' LXXIX, 962a. - - Theory of Indian music as expound-
p. 109 ff.), 1954. G ed by Somanatha (Poona, 1916).
944. - - The music of the American Indians 963. Deveria, Charlotte, Essai nouveau sur la
('Southern Folklore Quarterly', Sept. musique chez les Chinois ('Magasin pitto-
1954) resque' pp. 234 ff., 287 ff., 327 ff., 390
945. - - For the sake of Indian songs ('The fL), 1885. CK
Masterkey' XXIX, No. I, p. 27 ff.), Los 964. Devi, Ratan, Thirty Indian songs with
Angeles, 1955. GL2 texts and translations by A. K. Coomaras-
946. - - Music of the Maidu Indians of wamy (London, 1913).
Northern California (in preparation). 965. Devigne, Roger, Rapport sur les Phono-
947. - - Seminole music ('Bull .of the theques et leur r~le dans la culture musicale
Bureau of American Ethnology', No. mondiale ('OrpMe I, 4th quarter, p. 30
161), 1956. B ff.), 1953. A
947a. - - Music of Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti 966. - - L'Indochine folklorique. Chants et
and Zuni Pueblos ('Bur. Amer. Ethnol. musique du Laos, du Cambodge et de
Bull.' No. 165). 1957. BCJL2 l'Annam ('OrpMe' I, 4th quarter, 1953,
948. - - Songs of the Chippewa (notes for p. I I ff.). A
the album XXII and the L.P. record 967. - - Ethnographie sonore. Musiques af-
L 22 issued by the Library of Congress), ricaines, melanesiennes, malaises, islami-
Washington, undated. B ques, hindoues ('Revue de Psychologie
949. - - Songs of the Sioux (notes for the des Peuples' XI, p. 425 ff.), 1956. AB
L.P. record L 23, issued by the Library 968. Deydier, B., Notes sur' un tambour de
of Congress), Washington, undated. B bronze au Musee de Batavia ('Bull. Soc.
950. Denys, Pierre, Discographie du Congo Etudes Indochinoises' 1943). L3
969. Dharma, P. C., Musical Culture in the Bulgarian folk music) (with an English
Ramayana ('Indian Culture' IV, P.447 summary) ('Revista de Folclor' III No.
ff.), 1937. DIG 2, p. 7 ff.), Bucarest, 1958. A
969a. Dieterlen, Germaine, La morphologie et 989. - - Le folklore musical en Bulgarie
la symbolique de deux instruments de ('Revue Intern. des Etudes Balkani-
musique bambara: la guitare du Sema et ques' IV), Beograd, 1936.
Ie tambour royal (Proc. of the 'Seances 990. - - Melodies Bulgares de l'Albanie du
de !'Inst. Fran~ais d'Anthropol.' L, 3rd sud (Beograd, 1936).
fasc., p. 13 fl.), 19471'49. M 990a. Djuri~-Klajn, Stana, Yugoslawien. II.
970. Dincser, Oszkar, Wogulische und ost- Die Volksmusik. 3b. Montenegro ('Die
jakische Melodien ('A Neprajzi Muzeum Musik in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VII,
Ertesitoje' 1938, No. I). col. 364), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL
971. - - Ket Csiki hangszer mozsika es 991. Dobroni~, Anton, A study of Jugoslav
gardon (i.e. Two musical instruments music ('The Musical Quarterly' XII, p.
from the district Csfk), Budapest, 1943. 56 ft.), 1926. C
A 992. Dodge, Ernest, and Edwin T. Brew-
972. - - Die Probleme der Varianten in der ster, The acoustics of three Maori flutes
Musikforschung (Geneva, 1947). ('Journal of the Polynesian Soc.' LXIV,
973. Din folc/orul nostru. Culegere de Texte si p. 39 ff.), 1945. BGL2
Melodii (prefata de M. Beniuc), Buka- 993. Doine, Cintece, Strigaturi (Bukarest,
rest, 1953. 1955)
974. Dirr, A., 25 Georgische Volkslieder ('An- 994. Doke, Clement M., Games, plays and
thropos' V), 1910. *
dances of the Khomani Bushmen ('Bantu
975. Dittmer, Kunz, Musikinstrumente der Studies' X, p. 461 ff.), 1936. KL2M
Volker. Einfuhrung in die Musikinstru- 995. - - The Lambas of Northern Rhodesia
mentenkunde der aussereuropaischen V01- (London, 1931), Chapter XXII, P.352:
ker (Hamburg, 1947). A Folklore and music. J
976. - - Zur Entstehung der Kernspaltflote 995a. Dolanska, Vera, Volkslieder aus der
(,Z. f. Ethnol.' LXXV, p.83ff.), 1950. Tschechoslowakei (Prague, 1955).
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977. Dixon, Roland B., The musical bow in ('Mexican Folkways'), Mexico, July
California ('Science' N.S. XIII, P.274 1937
ff.), 1901. ALl 997. Domokos Pal, Peter, and Benjamin
978. Djarwo, 5., and M. M. Daroesman, Rajeczky, Csdngo nepzene vol. I (coli. of
Krontjongmuziek ('Contact' IV, p. 152 folksongs of Hungarians, who have been
ff.), 1937. AB immigrated from the Moldau to Hun-
979. Djordjevic, Vladimir R., Skopke gai- gary) (Budapest, 1956).
dardjie i njihovi musilki instrumenti 998. Donington, Robert, Instruments ('Grove's
(Skopje, 1926). A Dictionary' 5th ed., vol. IV, p. 487 ft.),
980. - - Nekoji delji narodni muzilki in- 1954. ACFHIK
strumenti ('Svete Cecilije' XXII), 1928. 999. Donostia, Father Jose Antonio de,
A Basken ('Die Musik in Geschichte und
981. - - Melodies populaires serbes (Serbie Gegenwart' I, col. 1366 ft.), 1949-'51.
du sud) (Skoplje, 1928). A ACDEFGHIKL
982. - - Melodies populaires serbes (Beo- 1000. - - Instrumentos musicales del pueblo
grad, 1931). A vasco ('Anuario Musical' VII, p. 3 ft.),
983. - - Collection of I25 serbian folk songs Barcelona, 1952. CL
(Beograd, 1933). A 1001. - - Les instruments des danses popu-
984. - - 55 Serbian folkdance melodies laires espagnoles ('Journal of the Intern.
harmonized for small orchestra (Beo- Folk Music Council' VI, p. 26 ft.), 1954.
grad, 1934). A ACJKL
985. Djoudjeff, Stoyan, Rythme et Mesure 1002. - - La musica popular vasca (Bilbao,
dans la Musique populaire Bulgare 1918).
(Paris, 1931). AHIL 1003. - - and J. Tomas, Instrumentos de
986. - - Bulgarska narodna horeografia (So- musica popular espanola. Terminologia
fia, 1945). general. Ensayo de c/asificaci6n (' Anua-
987. - - Teoria na Bulgarskata musika. vol. rio Musical' II, p. 105 ft.), 1947. CL
I. Ritmika i metrika (Bulgarsko duriavno 1004. - - Notas acerca de las canciones de
izdatelstvo), Sofia, 1950. trabajo en el pais vasco (' Anuario musi-
988. - - Teoria na Bulgarskata musika, vol. cal' III, p. 163 ff.), 1948. CL
II. Melodica (ibid., 1954). 1005. - - Tipologia musical y literaria de la
988a. - - Ritmul $i masura in muzica popu- canciOn de cuna en Espana (ibid. III,
lara bulgara (Rhythm and measure in p. 3 ft.), 1948. CL
1005a. - - EI modo de mi en la canci6n popu- 1019. Duesel, Jakob, Der Jodel und das Jodel-
lar espanola ('Anuario musical' I), lied in der Schweiz ('Heimatleben'
1946. CL XXVIII, No.2), 1955.
1005b. - - Historia de las danzas de Guipuz- 1020. Dufays, Felix, Lied und Gesang bei
coa con sus melodias anticuas (ibid. IX), Brautwerbung und Hochzeit in Mulera-
1954. CL Ruanda ('Anthropos' IV, p. 847 ff.),
1006. Dounias, Minos E., Griechenland. C. 1909. DIGKVL2M
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Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' V, origines Ii nos fours (Paris, ed. Larousse,
col. 882 ff.), 1956. ACDEFGHIKL 1946, 2/1957) ACDEFHJK
1007. Drager, Hans Heinz, Prinzip einer
1022. Duhamel, M., Les IS modes de la mu-
Systematik der Musikinstrumente (Kas-
sique bretonne (' Annales de Bretagne'
sel, 1948). ACI
1008. - - Das Instrument als Trager und XXVI NO.4), 1911. I
A usdruck des musikalischen Bewusstseins 1023. Dumont, Louis, Une sous-caste de
('Kongress-Bericht Bamberg 1953' p. 67 I'Inde du Sud. Organisation sociale et
ff.), 1954. C religion des Pramalai Kallar (The
1009. - - H ackbrett ('Die Musik in Geschich- Hague, 1957), P33, 47, 49, 217 ff.,
te und Gegenwart' V, col. 1210 ff.), 239,24 6 ff., 349, 354, 381 , 386-7, 394. B
1956. ACDEFGHIKL 1023a. Dumoutier, G., Les chants et les tradi-
*1009a. - - Musikinstrumentenkunde ('Die tions populaires des A nnamites (Paris,
Musik in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VI, 1890). C
col. 1288 ff.), 1957. ABCDEFGHIKL 1024. Duncan, T., South African songs and
1010. Dragoi, Sabin, Musical folklore re- Negro Spirituals ('Music Journal' VIII),
search in Rumania and Bela Bartok's May/June 1950.
contribution to it ('Studia Memoriae 1025. Duran, Sixto M., La musique aborigene
B6lae Bart6k Sacra', p. 9 ff.), Buda- et populaire de I' Equateur ('Art popu-
pest, 1956. AC laire' II, p. 117 ft.), Paris, 1931. A
1010a. - - 20 colinde din comuna Zam- 1026. Duriyanga, Phra Chen, A Talk on the
Hunedoara ('Revista de Folclor' II, Technic of Siamese Music in relation to
NO.3, p. 55 ff.), Bucarest, 1957. A Western Music ('Newsletter of the
1011. Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut, Siamsange African Music Soc.' I, No. 4, p. 2 ft.),
(Leyden, 1955). 1951. AC
1012. Driver, Harold E., The Spatial and 1027. - - Thai Music (3rd ed., Bangkok,
Temporal Distribution of the Musical 1954) = Siamese music in theory and
Rasp in the New World ('Anthropos' practice as compared with the West
LVIII, p. 578 ff.), 1953. and a description of the piphat band
BDIGHJKLIL2M (Bangkok, undated). AGL
1013. Drost, Dietrich, Tonerne Trommeln in 1028. Dutt, Benoy Krishna, Music, a vital
Afrika ('Jahrbuch des Museums f. Vol- democratic art ('Entally Cultural Confer-
kerkunde, Leipzig' XIV, p. 31 ff.). ence, 8th session, Jan. 1955'), Calcutta,
1955. GKL2 1955
1014. Drucker, Philip, Indians of the North- 1029. Duyse, Florimond van, De melodie van
west Coast (New York/Toronto/London, het N ederlandsche volkslied en haar
1955.) AB rhythmische vormen (The Hague, 1902).
1015. Dubois, Henri, Le repertoire africain DHIL
(Rome, St. Claver Soc., 1932). *1030. - - Het oude Nederlandsche lied (Den
1016. Dubois, H. M., Monographie des Betsi- Haag, 1903-'05). ACDFH
leo (Madagascar) ('Travaux et m6moires 1031. Dworakowska, Maria, The origin of bell
de l'Institut d'Ethnologie' XXXIV, and drum (,Prace Ethnologizne' 1938).
p. 1156 ff.: Instruments de musique, 1032. Dybeck, Richard, Svenska folkmelodier
etc. ABJ (Stockholm, 1853-'56). K
1016a. DucheInin, G. J., Autour d'un arc 1033. Dyer Ball, J., and E. Chalmers Werner,
musical du Saloum oriental ('Proc. of Things Chinese, or notes connected with
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of the West' vol. II, p. 248 ff.), 1951. M 68, 69, 114, 404, 406, 408-413, 658,
1017. Duchenet, Edouard, Le chant dans Ie 659, 674, 715.
folklore Somali ('Revue de folklore 1034. Dygacz, Adolf, Piesni ludowe slaska
Fran~ais' IX, p. 72 ff.), 1939. opolskigo (Krakau, 1954)'
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La harpe en A sie occidentale ancienne tur' VII, No. 12, p. 77 ff.), Moscow,
('Revue d'Assyriologie' XXXIV). 1937. 1939
GHKLI 1036. Eastlake, F. W., The "sho" or Chinese
I'eed ol'gan ('China Review' XI, p. 33 und deutschel' Minnesang: ein motiv-
ft.), Hongkong, 18821'83. G geschichtliche Untel'suchung (Bern/Leip-
1037. Ebeling, F., and J. Ittmann, Religiose zig, 1934).
Gesltnge aus dem n6l'dlichen Waldland 152. Edelman, Albert, Toggenbul'gel' Liedel'
von Kamel'un ('Afrika und Uebersee' (Basel, 1/1945, 2/1955).
XXXIX, p. 169 ff., XL, p. 39 ft.), Nov. 1052a. Edge-Partington, J., A new Zealand
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138. Eberhard, W., Chinas Geschichte (Bern, 1053. Edwards, Arthur C., The al't of melody
1948) (Trans!. of "History of China"), (New York, 1956). AE
pp. 123, 194, 196, 294 1053a. Edwards, E. D., Pl'inciples of whistling
1038a. Eberhardt, Ch. C., Sound signalling by - Hsiao chih - anonymous ('Bull. of
Indians of tl'opical South Amel'ica (in: the School of Oriental and African
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection' Studies' XX, p. 217 ft.), London, 1957.
LII, vol. 2, No. 1823), Washington, BM
1928. L2 1054. Edwards, L. F., Notes on the ol'iental
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auf del' Gazelle-Halbinsel (Neu-Pom- p. 14 ft.), June 1922.
mel'n) ('Anthropos' V, p. 635 ft.), 1910. 1055. Edwards, S. Hylton, Music in Afl'ica
DIGKLIL2M ('J. of the R. Soc. of Arts' CIII, p. 704
1040. Ebner, Carlos Borromeu, Beitl'ltge ZUI' fL), 19 Aug. 1955.
Musikgeschichte am Amazonas ('Anais 1056. Eggen, Erik, Skalastudiel' (Oslo, 1923).
missionarios do preciosissimo sangue'), 1056a. Egorova, V., Muzikalnaia kultul'a
Belem, 1950. Avtonomnii Respublik (= The musical
141. Eboue, Felix, The Banda, theil' music culture of the Autonomous Republics),
and language ('Revue du Monde Noir' Moscow, 1957.
April 1932. 1057. Ehrenreich, Paul,. Del' Flotentanz del'
I04Ia. - - La clef musicale des langages Moki ('Z. f. Ethnol.' XXXII, p. 494 ft.),
tamboul'ines et siffles ('Bull. de la So- 1900. BDIGHKLIL2M
ciete des Recherches Congolaises' 1058. Eichenauer, Musik und Rasse (Munich,
XXVIII, p. 89 ft.), Brazzaville, 1941. 1932). I
1042. Echegaray, Carlos Gonzalez, La musica 1059. Elbert, Johannes, Die Sunda-Expedi-
indlgena en la Guinea Espanola ('Ar- tion des Vel'. f. Geogl'. u. Stat. zu Fl'ank-
chivos del Instituto de Estudios Afri- fUl't aIM. Festschl'ift, vo!. II, p. 70 ft.
canos' No. 38), 1957. B Die Insel Sumbawa. I. Das Sultanat
1043. Eckardt, Andreas, KOI'eanische Musik Bima. Religion und Gebl'ltuche del'
('Mitteil. d. deutsche Ges. f. Natur- u. Donggos (Frankfurt aiM. 1912). AB
Volkerk. Ost-asiens' XXIV, B), Tokyo, 1060. Elbert, Samuel H., Chants and love
1930. AGI songs of the Marquesas Islands, Fl'ench
1044. Eckardt, Hans, Die Ei und Saezul'i, Oceania ('The J. of-the Polynesian Soc.'
vel'schollene melismatische GesangsfOl'- L, p. 53 ft.), Wellington N.Z., 1941.
men im iapanischen Tanz ('Kongress- ABGL2
ber. D.G.M., Liineburg 1950', p. 170 1061. Ella, Piero, La canzone napolitana
ft.), 1951. ACDEFKL (Rome, 1952).
1045. - - Ry6w6 ('Sinologica' III No.2, p. 1062. Ellade, Mircea, Le chamanisme et les
IIO ff.), 1952. ADIGKLI techniques al'chaiques de I' extase (Paris,
1046. - - Asiatische Musik ('Die Musik 195 1).
in Geschichte und Gegenwart' I, co!. 1063. Elkin, A. P., Amhemland Music
750 ft.), 19491'51. ACDEFGHIKL ('Oceania' XXIV, p. 81 ft., XXV, p. 74
1047. - - Chinesische Musik ('Die Musik in ff., XXVI, p. 59 ft., p. 127 ft., p. 214 ft.,
Geschichte und Gegenwart' II, col. 1205 252ft., resp. Dec. 1953, Dec. 1954,
ft.), 1952. ACDEFGHIKL Sept. 1955, Dec. 1955, March 1956,
148. - - Somakusa ('Sinologica' III NO.3, June 1956). ABDIGL2
p. 174 ft.), 1953. ADIGKLI 1063a. - - Australian and New Guinea
1049. - - Die geistige Umwelt des Tachibana' musical I'ecol'ds ('Oceania' XXVII,
Nal'isue ('Nachrichten der ost-asiati- NO.4, p. 313 ft.), Sydney, June 1957. B
schen Ges.' No. 34), Hamburg, 1953. A 1063b. - - and Trevor A. Jones, Arnhem-
1050. - - Das, Kokonchomonsha des Tachi- land Music (Oceania Monograph NO.9),
bana N al'isue als musikgeschichtliche Sydney, 1957. (being a combination of
QueUe (Wiesbaden, 1956), CL Nos. 1063 and 2106).
*1050a. - - japanische Musik ('Die Musik 1063c. - - The Austl'atian aboriginats (Syd-
in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VI, col. ney/London/Melbourne/WeIlington,
1720 ft.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL 1938, 3/1956), Chapter X. Music and
1051. Ecker, L. E., Al'abischel', pl'ovenzalischel' dancing. Dl
1064. Elkin, Clarence, MaOYi Melodies (Syd- Literature of Hawaii. The sacred songs of
ney, 1923). the Hula ('Bull. of the Bureau of Ame-
1065. Elling, Catharinus, Voye Folkemelodier rican Ethnology' No. 38), Washington,
('Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter' II, 1909.
Hist.-fil. Klasse, Oslo, 1909, p. 5 ft.). 1089. Emmanuel, Maurice, Grece (Art Greco-
1066. - - Vore Kjaempeviser belyst fra mu- Romain) (191I) (in Lavignac, 'Hist. de la
sikalsk synspunkt (ibid. 1913, p. 4 ft.). Musique' I, p. 377 ff.), 1922.
1067. - - Norsk Folkemusik (Oslo, 1922). ACDEFHJK
1068. - - Vore Slaatter ('Videnskabsselska- 1090. Emrich, Duncan, Folk Music of the
bets Skrifter', Oslo, 1915, p. 4 ft.). United States and Latin America (com-
106g. - - Vore religiese folketoner (Oslo, bined catalogue of phonograph records)
19 2 7). (The Library of Congress, Washington
1070. Ellis, Alexander J., On the Conditions D.C., 1948). A
of a Perfect Musical Scale on Instru- 1091. Emsheimer, Ernst, Drei Tanzgesange
ments with Fixed Tones (Pub!. of the der Akamba ('Ethnos' 1937). L2M
Royal Society, 1864). DI *1092. - - Ueber das Vorkommen und die
1071. - - On the Physical Conditions and Anwendungsart der Maultrommel in
Relations of Musical ChOYds (Pub!. ofid. Sibirien und Zentralasien ('Ethnos'
1864). DI 1941, p. 109 ft.). AL2M
1072. --On the Temperament of Instru- 1093. - - The Music of the Mongols. Music
ments with Fixed Tones (Pub!. of id., of Eastern Mongolia ('Reports from the
1864). DI scientific expedition to the NW provin-
1073. --On Musical Duodenes (Theory of ces of China under the leadership of Dr.
Constructing Instruments with Fixed Sven Hedin', publ. 21, p. 69 ft.), Stock-
Tones in just or practically just Into- holm, 1943. ACIK
nation) (Pub!. of id., 1874). ADI *1094. - - Musikethnographische Bibliogra-
1074. - - Translation of and Commentary phie der nichtslavische Volker in Russ-
on Helmholtz, 'Lehre von den Tonem- land ('Acta musicologica' XV, P.34
pfindungen' (1875). ft.), 1943. ACEKLLI
1075. - - Translation of and commentary 1095. - - Zur I deologie der lappischen Zau-
on Preyer, 'Ueber die Grenzen der Ton- bertrommel ('Ethnos' 1944, p. 141 ft.).
wahrnehmung' (1876/'77). AL2M
1076. --On the Measurement and Settle- 1096. - - Schamanentrommel und Trommel-
ment of Musical Pitch (Publ. of the baum (ibid. 1946, p. 166 ft.). AL2M
Musical Association, 1877). 1097. - - Eine sibirische Parallele zur lap-
1077. - - The Basis of Music (Publ. of id., pischen Zaubertrommel? (ibid. 1948, p.
1877). 17 ft.). AGL2M
1078. - - Pronunciation for Singers (Publ. of 1098. - - A Lapp musical instrument (ibid.
id., 1877). 1947, p. 86 ft.). AGL2M
1079. - - Speech in Song (Publ. of id., 1878). 1099. --Lappischer Kultgesang ('Kongress-
C bericht Deutsche Ges. f. Musikfor-
1080. - - The History 01 Musical Pitch schung, Liineburg, 1950" p. 153 ft.)
(1880/'81). AI Kassel/Basel, 1951. ACDEFKL
1081. - - Tonometrical Observations on some 1I00. - - Schallaulnahmen georgischer Mehr-
existing non-harmonic Scales (,Proc. of stimmigkeit (ibid. p. 172 ft.), Kassel/
the R. Soc.', 1884). DIHIL! Basel, 1951. ACDEFKL
1082. --On the Musical Scales 01 Various 1I01. - - Singing contests in Central Asia
Nations ('Journal of the Soc. of Arts', (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music Council'
1885) (Cf. No. 1924). BCI VIII, p. 26 ft.), 1956. ACJKL
1083. Elwin, Verrier, Folksong 01 the Maikal 1I02. Ende, A. von, Die Musik der amerika-
hills (1944)' nischen Neger ('Die Musik' V, fasc. 24),
1084. - - Folksongs of Chhattisgarh (1946). 1905/'06. CDFKL
1085. - - Musical instruments 01 tribal 1I03. - - Die Musik der nordamerikanischen
India ('Ill. Weekly of India' 27 Nov. Indianen ('Die Musik' II, fasc. 10),
1955, p. 26 ft. and 4 Dec. 1955, p. 48 ft.) 1903. CDFKL
1086. - - The Muria and their Ghotul (Ox- *lIo4. Endo, Hirosi, Bibliography of Oriental
ford Univ. Press, 1947), Chapter XX, and Primitive Music (Tokyo, The Nanki
p. 521: Musical instruments. J Music Library, 1929). K
1087. Emerson, Joseph, S., Music of the lIaS Engel, Carl, The music of the most
Hawaiians. Singing, musical instru- ancient nations, particularly 01 the
ments ('Mid-Pacific Magazine' XII, p. Hebrews, with special reference to recent
579 ft., XIII, p. 249 ff.), 1916 and '17 discoveries in Western A sia and in Egypt
1088. Emerson, Nathaniel H., Unwritten (London, 1864)' JLL2
1I06. - - Musical myths and facts (London, musicales ordorico, Bilbao, 2/1951).
18 76). 1I24. Estreicher, Zygmunt, The Music of the
1I07. - - Musical instruments (London, Caribou-Eskimos ('Encl. Arctica' II:
1875. CJ Anthropology), New York, 1931.
1108. - - Researches into the early history 1I25. --Zur Polyrhythmik in der Musik
of the violin family (London, 1883). CJ der Eskimos ('Schw. Musikzeitung'
1I09. - - Musical instruments (Handbook LXXXVII, p. 411 ft.), 1947. A
Victoria & Albert Museum), London, 1I26. - - La musique des Esquimaux-Cari-
1908 . J bous ('Bull. de la Soc. neuchateloise de
11I0. Engel, Hans, Ueber indische Musik Geographie' LIV, p. I ft.), 1948. AG
('Arch. f. Musikforschung' IV, p.202 1I27. - - Teoria dwytonowych melodii
ft.), 1939. CDHIKL ('Kwartalnik Muzycky' VI, p. 208 fL),
11I1. English Folk Dance and Song Society, Warschau, 1948. A
Journal of the, (London, 1932 - in pro- 1I28. - - La polyphonie chez les Esquimaux
gress). A ('J. de Soc. des Americanistes'
I I 12. Enright, D. J., Arab music ('Music & XXXVII, p. 259 fL), 1948. AGL2
Letters' XXXIII, p. 27 ft.), 1952. KLI 1I29. --Die Musik der Eskimos ('Anthro-
11I2a. ErdcHyi, Janos, c.S., Magyar Nepkol- pos' XLV, p. 659 if.), 1950.
tesi Gyujtemenyi (Budapest, 1846- ABDIGHIJKLLIL2M
194 1). 1I30. - - Eskimo-Musik ('Die Musik in Ge-
I I 13. Erdmann, Hans, Zur musikalischen Pra- schichte und Gegenwart' III, col. 1526
xis des mecklenburgischen Volkstanzes ft.), 1954. ACDEFGHIKL
('Deutsches Jahrbuch ftir Volkskunde' 1131. - - Chants et rhythmes de la danse
II, p. 212 ft.), Berlin, 1956. A d'hommes Bororo ('Bull. de la Soc.
1I14. Erk, Ludwig, and Father M. BOhme, Neuchateloise de Geographie' LI, fasc.
Deutscher Liederhort (Leipzig, 1893-'94), 5, p. 57 ft.), 19541'55 ABM
3 vols. DIH 1I32. - - Cinq chants des Esquimaux A hear-
I I 15. Erkmann, R., Der Einfluss der arabisch- miut (in Geert van den Steenhoven,
spanischen Kultur auf die Entwicklung 'Research-report on Caribou Eskimo
des Minnesangs ('Deutsche Viertel- law'), The Hague, Aug. 1956. AB
jahrschrift f. Literatur' 1931, p. 240 1I33. - - Une technique de transcription de
ft.). DIKLI la musique exotique (experiences prati-
11I6. Erlanger, Rodolphe d', La musique ques) ('Rapport des BibliotMques et
arabe ('Revue musicale' XIII, No. 128), Musees de la Ville de Neuchatel, 1956'),
July/Aug. 1932. CDIGKL NeucMtel, 1957. AL
1I17. --La musique arabe (5 vols.), Paris, *1I34. Ethnomusicology, Newsletters No. I
1931'49. (Dec. 1953),2 (Aug. 1954),3 (Dec. 1954)
A (vol. I only) CD (1-4 only), GIKL 4 (Apr. 1955), 5 (Sept. 1955), 6 (Jan.
1I18. --L'Archeologie musicale. Un vaste 1956), 7 (April 1956), 8 (Sept. 1956),
champ d'investigations pour les musi- 9 (Jan. 1957), 10 (May 1957), I I (Sept.
ciens de la jeune generation ('Revue Mu- 1957), 12 (Jan. 1958) (= Elhnomusi-
sicale' XI, part 2, p. 45 ft.), 1930. cology II No. I), (in progress) issued
CDGKL bij Alan P. Merriam C.S., c/o Dept. of
11I9. - - Mtlodies tunlsiennes (Hispano- Anthropology, Northwestern Univ.,
arabes, arabo-berb~res, juive, n~gre) Evanston (Ill.), U.S.A. AL
(Paris, 1937). K 1I35. Evans, Ivor H. N., A brass drum from
1I20. Erzakovitsch,' B., Narodnya pesni Ka- Borneo ('Man' XVIII), 1918.
zakhstana (i.e. Folksongs of Kazakh- BDIGKL2M
stan), . 1136. - - Among primitive peoples in Bor-
1I21. - - Istoritsheskiye sviazi russkoi i neo (London, 1922), Chapter XIV, p.
kazakhkoi muzyki (i.e. Historical con- 130 fL, Musical instruments, music and
nections between Russian and Kazakh dancing. BJ
music), ..... 1137. - - The Negritos of Malaya (Cam-
1I22. Espinet, Charles S., and Harry Pitts, bridge Univ. Press, 1937), Chapter XII,
Land of the Calypso: the origin and deve- p. 114 ft.: Musical instruments, singing,
lopment 0/ Trinidad's folk song (Port dancing. J
of Spain, Guardian Commercial Prin- 1138. Evrard, W., Sur les xylophones a/ricains
tery, 1944). ('Brousse' 1940), II). M
1122a. Esser, J., Musique de l'A/rique noire 1139. Exner, F., and R. Pilch, Phonographi-
('Revue Congolaise Illustree' XXVI, sche Autnahmen in Indien und Neu-
NO.3, p. 17 ft.), 1954. M guinea (1905).
1123. Estella, Pe. H. Olazaran de, Txistu. 1140. Ezgi,Suphi, Amett ve Nazar! Turk
Tratado de /lauta Vasca (Ediciones Musikisi (i.e. Practice and Theory of
Turkish Music), vols. I and II (1953), of the R. Asiatic Soc. of Gr. Britain and
III (undated), IV (1940)' V (1953). Ireland' 1925). DIGIKLl
1141. Faber, E., The Chinese theory of music 1159. - - Byzantine Musical Instruments in
('China Review' 1873). the Ninth Century ('ibid. 1925, p. 299
1142. Faber, G. H. von, Van krontjonglied H.). CDIGIKLI
tot 'lagoe modern' ('Cultureel Nieuws' 116o. - - The A rabian influence on musical
1951, NO.9, p. 23 H.). AB theory (London, 1925). GI
1143. FabO, Bertalan, A magyar nepdal zenei *1161. - - The Arabic musical MSS. in the
fej16dese (i.e. The development of Hun- Bodleian Library (Lo'ndon, 1925). K
garian folksong), Budapest, 1908. I 162. - - Facts concerning the A rabian mu-
1144. Faddegon, Barend, Studies on the Sama- sical influence (,Musical Standard'
veda, Part I. ('Verhand. Kon. Akad. v. XXVI, p. 215 H.; XXVII, p. 9 H.,
Wetensch.' Afd. Letterk. N.S. LVII, 29 H., 43 H., 61 H., 75 H., 98 H., 113 H.,
No. I), Amsterdam 1951. ADIEGHKLI 132 H., 161 H., 175, and 196 H.), 1925
1145. Fagg, Bernard E. B., The cave paintings and '26. Dl
and rock gongs of Birnin Kudu ('Proc. 1163. - - The influence of music: from Ara-
3rd Pan-African Congress of Prehistory' bic sources. Lecture delivered before the
1955), in the press. Musical Association (London, 1926). I
1146. - - The discovery of multiple rock 1164. - - The Canon and Eschaquiel of the
gongs in Nigeria ('Man' LVI, p. 17 H., Arabs (,Journal of the Royal Asiatic
No. 23), Febr. 1956. BDIGKLIL2M Soc.' 1926, p. 239 H.). ADIGIKLI
repro in 'African Music' I NO3, P.5 1165 - - The old Persian musical modes (,J.
H.), 1956. ACJL of the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1926, p. 93 H.).
1147. - - Rock gongs and rock slides ('Man' DIGIKLl
LVII, p. 30 H., No. 32, and p. 112, No. 1166. - - Ibn Kurdadhbih on MusicalInstru-
142), 1957. BDIGKLIL2M ments (' Journal of the Royal Asiatic
1148. Fagg, William, A Yoruba xylophone of Soc.' 1928, p. 509 H.). DIGIKLl
musical type ('Man' L, p. 145, No. 234), 1167. - - A North African folk instrument
1950. BDIGKLIL2M (guenvri) ('J. of the R. Asiatic Soc.',
1148a. - - A drum probably from the Ivory Jan. 1928). DIGIKLI
Coast ('British Museum Quarterly' XV, *1168. - - A History of Arabian Music
p. 109 H.), 19411'5. 1M (London, 1929). ABCGIKL
1149. Falconi, Gerardo, Geografia y paisaje 1169. - - The evolution of the tambur or
del ritmo (' Anales Universidad Central pandore ('Transactions of the Glasgow
del Ecuador' LXXXII, No. 337, p. 195 Univ. Oriental Soc.' V), 1930.
H.), 1954. 1170. - - Greek Theorists of Music in Arabic
1150. Falla, Manuel de, El canto jondo: canto Translation ('Isis' XIV, p. 325 H.),
primitivo andaluz (Granada, 1922); 1930. GLI
(French translation in 'Revue musicale' 1171. - - Historical facts for the Arabian
IV, p. 256 H.), 1923. CDFGHKL musical influence (London, 1930). GIL
1151. Falls, J. C. E., Beduinenlieder der liby- 1172. - - Studies in Oriental musical Instru-
schen Wiiste (Cairo, 1908). ments (1st series), London, 1931. con-
1151a. Faly, I., Musique indigene, musique taining:
religieuse ('Revue du Clerge Africain' A. The Medieval Psaltery in the Orient
IV, No. I, p. 34 H.), 1949. B. The Origin of the Eschaquiel
1152. Fara, Giulio, Su uno strumento musi- C. Two Eastern Organs
cale sardo (Turino, 1913). D. A North African Folk Instrumen
1153. - - Giocattoli di musica rudimentale in E. Ninth Century Musical Instrumetnts
Sardegna (Cagliari, 1916). F. A Note on the Mizmar and Nay
*1154' --L'anima della Sardegna. La mu- G. Meccan Musical Instruments
sica tradizionale (Udine, 1940). H. The Origin of the Arabian Lute and
1155. Farago, Jozsef, and Janos Jagamas, Rebec ACGIJ
Moldvai csang6 nepdalok es nepballadek 1173. -.- The Organ of the Ancients: from
(Bukarest, 1954). Eastern sources (Hebrew, Syriac and
1156. Farmer, Henry George, The music and Arabic) (London, 1931). CI
musical instruments of the A rab, by F. 1174. - - Music (in Arnold and Guillaume,
Salvador-Daniel (London, 1915). I 'The Legacy of Islam'), London, 1931.
1157. - - The Arab Influence on Music in the 1175. - - The influence of AI-Farabi's 'Ihsii
Western Sudan, including References to 'al-'ulum' (De Scientiis) on the writers on
Modern Jazz ('Musical Standard' N.S. music in Western Europe (,Journal of
XXIV, p. 158 H.), 1924. D1I the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1931, p. 349 H.;
1158. - - Clues for the Arabian Influence on ibid. 1932, p. 99 H. and 379 H.).
European Musical Theory ('The Journal DIGIKLI
II76. - - The 'Usa 'al- 'ulum' ('Journal of lI92. - - Wechselwirkungen mittel- und ost-
the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1933, p. 906 ff.). asiatischer Musik ('Melanges offerts a.
DIGIKLI Zoltan Kodaly' p. 32 ff.), 1943. ACK
II77. - - Maimonides on listening to music lI93. - - The Music of the Arabian Nights
(ibid. 1933, p. 867 ff.). DIGIKLl (' Journal of the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1944,
II78. - - A fUrlher Arabic-Latin writing on p. 172 if.; ibid. 1945, p. 39 ff.).
Music ('Journal of the Royal Asiatic DIGIKLI
Soc.' 1933, p. 307 ff.). DIGIKLl 1194. - - The Minstrelsy of the Arabian
II79. - - Al-Farabi's Arabic-Latin Writings Nights (Bearsden, 1945). IK
on Music (Glasgow, 1934). A lI95. - - 'Ghosts'; an Excursus on Arabic
II80. - - Ancient Egyptian instruments of Musical Bibliographies ('Isis' XXXVI,
music ('Transactions Glasgow Univ. p. 123 if.), 19451'46. GLI
Oriental Soc.' VI), 1934. lI97. - - Oriental Studies, mainly musical
II8l. - - Sa'aiJyah Gaon on the Influence of (London, 1953):
Music (Glasgow, 1934, London 1943). A. What is Arabian Music?
CHK B. Arabian Musical Instruments on a
II82. - - Turkish Instruments of Music in Thirteenth Century Bronze Bowl
the Seventeenth Century, as described in C. Turkish Musical Instruments in the
the Siyahat Nama of Ewliya Chelebi Fifteenth Century
(Glasgow, 1937). CGJ D. The Importance of Ethnological
1183. --Outline History of Music (in Studies
Arthur Upham Pope, 'Survey of Per- E. Early References to Music in the
sian Art'), London, 1938. Western Sudan
II84' - - Ancient Arabian musical instru- F. The Musical Instruments of the
ments (translation of the 'Kitab al- Sumerians and Assyrians
malahi' by James Robson; Notes on G. An early Greek Pandore ACIL
the instruments by Farmer), Glasgow, *II98. - - Arabian Music ('Grove's Diction-
1938. ACG ary' 5th ed., vol. I, p. 179 if.), 1954.
II8S. - - Studies in Oriental musical instru- ACFHIK
ments (2nd series), Glasgow, 1939, con- *lI99. - - Berber Music (ibid. vol. I, p. 632
taining: if.), 1954. ACFHIK
A. Reciprocal Influences in Music *1200. - - Egyptian Music (ibid. vol. II, p.
'Twixt the Far and Middle East 891 ff.), 1954. ACFHIK
B. A M aghribi Work on Musical Instru- *1201. - - Iraquian and Mesopotamian Mu-
ments sic (ibid. vol. IV, p. 529 if.), 1954.
C. An Old Moorish Lute Tutor AG ACFHIK
D. The Lute Scale of Avicenna *1202. - - Maghribi Music (ibid. vol. V, p.
E. Was the Arabian and Persian Lute 504 ff.), 1954. ACFHIK
fretted? *1203. - - Moorish Music (ibid. vol. V, p.
F. The Instruments of Music on the Tiiq- 868 if.), 1954. ACFHIK
i-Bustan Bas Reliefs *1204. - - Persian Music (ibid. vol. VI, p.
G. The Structure of the Arabian and 676 if.), 1954. ACFHIK
Persian Lute in the Middle Ages *1205. - - Syrian Music (ibid. vol. VIII, p.
ABC 251 if.), 1954. ACFHIK
II86. - - The music of the Sumerians ('J. of *1205a. - - Turkestani music (ibid., vol.
the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1939). VIII, p. 610 if.), 1954. ACFHIK
ACDIGIKLl -1206. - - The Music of Ancient Mesopota-
II87. - - Early References to Music in the mia ('The New Oxford History of
Western Sudan (' Journal of the Royal Music', 3rd ed., vol. I, p. 228 if.), 1957.
Asiatic Soc.' 1939, p. S69 ff.). DIGIKLI ABCDIFGHIJK
lI88. - - Turkish Instruments of Music in *1207. - - The Music of Ancient Egypt
the Fifteenth Century ('J oumal of the (ibid., vol. I, p. 255 if.), 1957.
Royal Asiatic Soc.' 1940, p. 195 if.). . ABCDIFGHIJK
DIGIKLI *1208. - - The Music of Islam (ibid., vol. I,
-lI89. - - The Sources of Arabian Music, an p. 421 if.), 1957. ABCDIFGHIJK
Annotated Bibliography (Bearsden, 1209. - - Pandur or Pantur ('Grove's
1940). GHIK Dictionary of Music and Musicians'
1190. - - The Jewish Debt to Arabic Writers 5th ed., vol. VI, p. 535). 1954. ACFHIK
on Music ('Islamic Culture' XV, p. 59 1210. - - Pandoura (ibid. vol. VI, p. 534),
ff.), 194I. G 1954. ACFH1K
lI9I. - - Music: The Priceless Jewel (from 1211. Farnsworth, P. R., J. C. Trembley,
the 'Kitab al-iqd al-farid' of Ibn 'Abd and C. E. Dutton, Masculinity and
Rabbihi (d. 940)), Bearsden, 1942. A Femininity of musical phenomena(' J our-
nal Aesth. Art. crit.' IX, NO.3, p. 257 ('Bureau of Amer. Ethnology, Smith-
ff.), 1951. K sonian Inst., Bull. No. 156'), 1953. BF
1212. Faroughy, A., A concise Persian 1227. - - Songs from the Iroquois longhouse:
Grammar (New York, Orientalia Inc., program notes for an album of American
1944), p. 174 ff. Indian music from the Eastern wood-
12I2a. Faub"~e, J., L'ethnographie de Mada- lands (Washington, Smithsonian Inst.,
gascar (with the collaboration of R. 1942). AK
Falck, R. Hartweg, G. Rouget), Paris, 1227a. Fenwick Jones, G., Witten wiler's Becki
1946. JM and the medieval bagpipe (' J. of English
1212b. Faulkner, Maurice, Korean music and and Germanic philology' XLVIII, pp.
A merican military government (' Korean 209 ff. and 219 ff.), 1949.
Survey' V, p. 10 ff.), Jan. 1956. 1228. Ferand, Ernst Th., The 'howling in
1213. Favari, Alberto, Corpus di musiche seconds' of the Lombards ('Musical
popolari siciliane, a cura di Ottavio Tiby Quarterly' XXV, p. 313 ff.), 1939. ACD
('Acad. di Scienze, lettere e arti' I, 1229. - - Die Improvisation in der Musik
p. 172 ff., II, p. 582 ff.), Palermo, 1957. (Ztirich, 1939), Chapter II. Die Primi-
L tive, der Orient und das alte Hellas. C
-1214. Feather, Leonard, The encyclopedia of 1230. Ferguson, John, Two bronze drums (Pei-
jazz (New York, Horizon, 1955). ping, 1932).
1215. Fedeli, Vito, Zampogne Calabrese ('Sam- 1231. Fernald, Helen E., Ancient Chinese
melb. der Intern. Musikges.' XIII, p. Musical Instruments (,Journal of the
433 ff.), 19II/'I2. CDFHIL Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum' XVII,
-1216. Feilberg, C. G.,Les Papis (tribu persane p. 325 ff.). 1926. GJ
de nomades montagnards du sudouest de 1232. - - Ancient Chinese musical instru-
I'Iran ('Nationalmuseets Skrifter', Eth- ments as depicted on some early monu-
nografisk Raekke IV, p. 156 ff.), Co- ments (in Hsiao Ch'ien, 'A harp with a
penhagen, 1952. AK thousand strings: a Chinese anthology')
1217. Felber, Erwin, Die Musik in den London, 1944.
Mitrchen und Mythen der verschiedenen 1233. - - A selection of Chinese music and
Volker ('Report of the 4th Congress of songs (ibid., p. 515 ff.).
the Intern. Musicol. Soc., London 19II', 1234. Ferreira, Ascenso, 0 Bumba-Meu-Boi
p. 167 ff.), London, 1912. CF ('Arquinos' 1/11, p. 121 if.), Recife,
1218. - - Das Gesetz der Zahlenverschiebung 1944
im M itrchen und M ythos und sein 1235. Ferrero, E., La musica dei negri ame-
Einfluss auf die Skalenbildung ('Report ricani ('Rivista musicale Italiana'
of the 4th Congress of the Intern. XIII), 1906. CKL
Music Soc. London, 1912', p. 178 ff.), 1236. Fewkes, J. W., On the use of the phono-
London, 19II. CF graph among the Zuni Indians ('Amer.
1219. - - Die indische Musik der vedischen Naturalist' XXIV, p. 687 ff.), 1890.
und der klassischen Zeit ('Sitzungsber. d. 1237. Ficker, Rudolf von, Primttre Klang-
Kais. Akad. d. Wiss., Wien', Phil.-hist. formen ('Jahrbuch-Peters' XXXV),
Kl. vol. 170 NO.7), 1912. ACDIGILl 1929. CGKLl
1220. - - Oost en West in de muziek ('De 1238. Fiedler, Hermann, Die Insel Timor
Muziek' III, p. 398 ff.), 1929. ACDEFH (1929), III. Sitten und Gebrauche bei
1221. - - Der Gesang im Orient und bei den Atoni und Belu. o. Musikinstrumente
Naturvolken ('Die Musik' XXII, p.828 (p. 53 if.). AB
ff.), 1930. CDFKL 1239. Fillmore, John Comfort, The harmonic
1222. - - New approaches to primitive music structure of Indian Music ('Archiv f.
('The Musical Quarterly' XIX, p. 288 Anthropologie' I, Fasc. 2), 1899.
ff.), 1933. C DIGKL2
1223. Feline, Pierre, Le plaisir musical chez 1240. - - What do Indians mean when they
I'Europien et chez l'Arabe ('Mercure de sing and how far do they succeed? (' J. of
France', 15th Febr. 1937). Dl Amer. Folklore' VIII, p. 138 ff.), 1895.
1224. Fel1erer, Karl Gustav, Die Musik im GK
Wandel der Zeiten und Kulturen (Re- 1241. - - The harmonic structure of Indian
gensberg/Mtinster, 1948). A music ('Amer. Anthropol.' I, p. 297 if.),
J 225. Fenton, William N., and Gertrude P. 1888. GL2
Kurath, The Feast of the Dead, or 1242. - - A woman's song of the Kwakiutl
Ghost Dance at Six Nations Reserve, Indians (ibid. VI, p. 285 if.). 1893. GL2
Canada (Bureau of Amer. Ethnol., 1243. Finesinger, Sol Baruch, Musical Instru-
Smithsonian Inst., Bull. 149, NO.7), ments in the Old Testament (Baltimore,
Washington, 1951. B 1926).
1226. - - and - - The Iroquois Eagle Dance 1244. Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm, Notizen uber
Musik und Gesdnge der malaiischen Ethnology' No. 45, p. 529 ff.), 1927/
Eingebornen auf den sundischen und '28, publ. in 1930. BGKL2
molukkischen I nseln (Ost-I ndien). Von 1261. Fletcher, Alice Cunninham, A Study of
einem Ohrenzeugen ('Allgem. Musikal. Ohama Indian music (Harvard Univ.
Zeitung' XLII, p. 1057 ff.), 1840. CDIK Cambridge Mass., 1893). IL
1245. Firfov, Givko, Makedonski musicki folk- 1262. - - Indian Story and Song from North
lore (Macedonian Music Folklore), America (1900).
Skopje, 1953. 1263. - - The Hako ('Annual Report of the
1246. - - Les caracteres metriques dans la Bureau of Amer. Ethnol.' No. 22, part
musique populaire macedonienne (' J our- 2), Washington D.C., 1904.
nal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' 1264. - - Music and musical instruments
IV, p. 49 ff.), 1952. ACJKL (in: Fred. Webb Hodge, 'Handbook
1247. - - Makedonski narodni pesni vols. 1- of American Indians north of Mexico'
IV (Skopje, 1956). part I), Washington D.C., 1907.
1248. - - and Paitonjiev, Gancho, Makedon- 1265. - - The Osage Tribe ('Annual Report
ski narodni ora (Macedonian Folk of the Bureau of American Ethnology',
Dances) vol. I (Skopje, 1953). A No. 36, p. 37 ff.), 1914-'15. GKL2
1248a. - - Yugoslawien. II. Die Volks- 1266. - - and Francis la Flesche, The
musik. 4. Mazedonien ('Die Musik in Omaha Tribe ('Annual Report of the
Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VII, col. 364 Bur. of Amer. Ethnology' No. 27), 1906,
ff.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL pub!. in 19II. GKL2
1249. Fischer, Adolf, Die Herkunft der Shan- 1267. - - Indian games and dances (Boston,
trommeln ('Z. f. Ethnologie' XXXV, p. 1915).
668 ff.), 1903. BDIGHKLIL2M 1268. Flood, William H. Grattan, The story of
1250. Fischer, E., Patagonische Musik ('An- the bagpipe (London, 19II). ACJ
thropos' III), 1908. DIGKLIL2M 1269. - - The story of the harp (London,
1251. - - Beitrdge zur Erforschung der chine- 190 5). CJ
sischen Musik ('Sammelb. d. Intern. 1270. Focke, H. C., De Surinaamsche neger-
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1252. Fischer, Hans, Zwei einfache Musik- 1271. FOkOvi, Die Zigeunermusik in Ungarn
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f. Ethnol.' LXXXII, p. 58 ff.), 1957. Music of the Holy Land Christian Arab
(New York, 1953).
*1253a. - - Schallgerttte in Ozeanien. Bau 1274. Folklore musicale (ed. by the Intern.
und Spieltechnik; Verbreitung und Inst. f. Intellectual Co-operation),
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1254. Fischer, H. W., Een rammelaar als 1275. Folk-Song Society, Journal of the, (Lon-
hulpmiddel bij de vischvangst ('Intern. don, 1899-1931 - 35 Nos.). A (partly)
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the United States (with a foreword by 1277. Foucart, F., La musique dans l'ancienne
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Robert Frost), New York, Farrar, 1279. Fowke, Edith Fulton, and Richard
Straus and Young, 1953. Johnston, Folk songs of Canada (Water-
1257. Fleischer, Oskar, Ein Kapitel verglei- loo, Ontario, 2/1955).
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d. Intern. Mus. Ges.' I), 1900. CDFHIL lyre (in Surindro Mohun Tagore. 'Hindu
1258. - - Zur vergleichenden Musikforschung music from various authors', p. 191
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1282. Fox Strangways, A. B., The Hindu 1303. Fredin, August, Gotlandstoner ('Svenska
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VI, p. II9 ff.), 1925. KLI LVIII, p. 464 ff.), 1956. ABGL2M
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1909. GJKL2 Folk-songs ('Report of the 4th Congress
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I von A. B. Meyer und W. Foy und 648 ff.), Berlin, 1901. G
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saire du Comite specialise du Katanga) 1313. Furer-Baimendorf, Christoph von, Folk
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1297. Fraser, A. D., Some Reminiscenses and 1314. Furst, B., Musiques persanes ('Revue
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ed. vol. III, p. 361 ff.), 1954. ACFBIK l'occasion de son 60ieme anniversaire',
1300. Fraser,S., The airs and melodies pe- p. 139 ff.), Budapest, 1943. ACK
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the isles (Edinburgh, und.). (Buenos Aires, 1944).
1301. ,Frederic, Louis, La danse sacrie de 1317. Furness, Clifton Joseph, Communal
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liederen van v66r de godsdienstige be- ff.), 1930. C
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1319. Gabus, Jean, Vie et coutumes des Esqui- and Letters' X, p. 108 If.), 1929. AKLl
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1322. Gailhard, A., Theatre et musique mo- 1342. - - A Textbook of European Musical
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1325. Gallop, Rodney, Music of the Southern 1346. - - Hydraulis (ibid. vol. IV, p. 423
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1329. - - The folk-music of Eastern Portugal 1349. Gangadhara, Theory and practice of
('The Musical Quarterly' XX, p. 96 Hindu music and the vina tutor (Madras,
if.), 1934. CD 1914). I
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1936. CD study of Indian musical modes, based on
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1332b. Galmes, Antonio, Mallorca, Menorca, Oriental Research Inst.' XIX, p. 263
Ibiza Folklore (Mallorca, 1950). L If.), 1938.
1333. Galpin, Francis W., Aztec Influence on 1353. - - Visual aspects of Hindu melodies
American Indian Instruments ('Sam- ('Entally Cultural Conference, 8th
melb. d. Intern. Musikges.' IV, p. 661 Annual session, Jan. 1955'), Calcutta,
If.), 1902/'03. CDFHIL 1955
1334. - - The Whistles and Reed Instru- 1353a. - - The manner of 'applause' in
ments of the American Indians of North- ancient Indian stage ('The J. of the
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quary and Illustr., Archaeologist', 194). Ragas and Raginis. A pictorial icono-
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1337. - - Old English Instruments of Music 1354a. Gani, 0., Notes sur les coutumes fune-
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1338. - - The origin of the clarsech or Irish nes' IV. p. 13 if.), 1950. M
harp ('Report of the Congress of the 1355. Garay, Narciso, Tradiciones y cantares
Intern. Mus. Soc., May/June 1911'). C de Panama (1930). A
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folcloricos e tradiyoes brasileiras (Belo ff.), 1956. AD
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1357. Garcia Barriuso, Patrocinio, La Musica Ein bibliografi (Oslo, 1951).
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la investigaci6n hispano-arabe, Ser. VI, 1377. Gay, R., Les 'constantes negres' dans la
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canos, Madrid, 1950). IL que' No. 26, p. 316 fL), 1954. AGJKM
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1917). K 1379. GazimiUl, Mahmut R., Aperyus preli-
1359. Gardonyi, Zoltan, Nepzenenk es a Zenei minaires sur l' origine asiatique de quel-
Forma Elemei (i.e. our popular music ques instruments turcs (Uvodni pogledi
and the elements of musical form) (in na azijsko porijeklo nekih Turskih
'Emlt~kkonyv Kodaly. I, 70 Zsuletes- muzickih instrumenata) ('Bilten Inst.
napjara' p. 405 ff.), Budapest, 1953. A za proucavanje folklora Sarajevo' III,
1360. Garfield, Viola E., Paul S. Wingert p. 125 ff.), Sarajevo, 1955. A
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primitieve muziek ('T. v. Nederl. Mu- G
ziekgeschiedenis' IX, p. I ff.), Amster- 1381. - - Beat of the Master Drum (ibid.
dam, 1909. ACFHl XXII, p. 1263 ff.), Nov. 1951. G
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1363. Garnault, Paul, La trompette marine 1383. - - The Indigenous Gold Coast Music
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1364. Garner, F. H., and Alan P. Merriam, May-June 1951 = African Music Soc.
Jazz (a definition), 1955. A Newsletter I NO.5, p. 30 ff.), 1952. eM
1365. Garnot, Jean Sainte-Fare, L'offrande 1384. - - Cross Rhythm in African Music
musicale dans l'Ancienne Egypte ('Me- ('West African Review' XXIII, p. II
langes d'histoire et d'esthetique musi- ff.), Jan. 1952. G
cales, offerts it Paul-Marie Masson', p. 1385. - - Music of the Gold Coast ('African
89 ff.), Paris, 1955. F Music' I, No.1, p. 62 ff.), 1954. ACJLM
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danse ('Revue Coloniale Beige' VII, II, p. 37 ff.), 1950. AC]
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Luzerner Wiggertal und Hinterland Jahre I830 (Bern, 1912).
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1369. - - Naturiodel des Josef Felder am schichte der europaischen Laute (,Z. f.
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1370. Gaster, Theodor Herzl, Thespis; ritual, 1390. - - Musical Instruments. Their his-
myth and drama in the ancient near east tory from the stone age to the present day
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1371. Gastoue, Amedee, L'Armenie et son art
traditionnel ('Revue de Musicologie' 1391. Gelats, Joan Amades, Ritos primitivos
XIII, p. 194 fL), 1929. CDIEKLLI de Siembra ('Miscelanea de Estudios
1372. --Lamusique byzantine (in Dufourcq,
dedicados al Dr. Fernando Ortiz' vol. I,
'La Musique des origines a nos joms', p. 63 ff.), La Habana, 1956.
ed. Larousse, p. 69 ff.), Paris, 1946. 1392. Geller, H., I pifferari (Leipzig, 1954). AC
ACDEFHJK 1393. Genin, Auguste, Notes sur les danses,
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Lavignac, 'Histoire de la Musique' I, anciens et modernes (Paris, 1913). C
p. 547 ff.), Paris, 1922. ACDEFHJ 1394. - - Notes on the Dances, Music, and
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europeennes. Le peuple arabe ('Revue de cans (Publ. Smithsonian Inst., Report
for 1920) p. 657 if.), Washington D.C., Svenska folk-visor fran forntiden I-III
1922. CDIJK (Stockholm, 1814-'16).
1395. - - The Musical Instruments of the 1406. - - and - - Svenska folkvisor, n:}', be-
Ancient Mexicans ('Mexican Magazine' tydligt tillokad upplaga ved R. Berg-
III, p. 355 if.), 19 27. strom & L. Hoijer (Stockholm, 1880). K
*1396. George, Zelma Watson, A guide to 1407. Geurtjens, Father H., Het leven en stre-
Negro music. An annotated bibliography ven der Inlanders op de Kei-eilanden
of Negro folk music and art music by ('S Hertogenbosch, 1921). Chapter XI.
Negro composers or based on Negro Spel en dans (p. 69 if.). AB
thematic material (Ann Arbor Univ. 1408. Ghose, Loknath, The music and musical
Microfilms, Pub!. No. 8021), 1953. notation of various nations (Calcutta,
1397. Georgiades, Thrasybulos, Der griechi- 1874). K
sche Rhythmus. Musik, Reigen, Vers und 1409. Gibling, R. Styx, Notes on the Latin
Sprache (Hamburg, 1949). A merican national dances (' African
1397a. - - Greek music, verse and dance Music Society Newsletter' I, NO,4, p.
(Merlin Music Books vo!. V), New York, 32 if.), 1951. ACJM
1410. Gibson, H. E., Music and musical instru-
195 8 .
*1397b. - - Musik und Rhythmus bei den ments of the Shang (' J. of the R.
Griechen. Zum Ursprung der abend- Asiatic Soc., North-China Branch'
landischen Musik (Rowohlts deutsche LXVIII, p. 8 if.), Shanghai 1937. KL5
Enzyklopadie, Hamburg, 1958). A 1411. Gide, Andre, Musiques et danses au
1397c. Germann, P., Zwei Trommeln aus Da-
Tchad ('Revue musicale' IX, p. 97 if.),
1927). CDFGHKL
homey im Leipziger Museum fur Volker-
1412. Gigliolo, Enrico H., La kpwen, tromba de
kunde ('Jahrb. d. Museums f. Volkerk.'
guerra delle A mazzoni del Dahomii
XI, p. 101 if.), 1953. M
('Archivio per l'Antropologia e la
1398. Gerson-Kiwi, Edith, The transcription Ethnologia' XXVI, p. 106 if.), Floren-
of Oriental Music ('Communities' III, ce, 1896. L2
p. 181 if.). 19471'48, (A) = 'Edoth' III, 1413. Gil Garcia, Bonifacio, Cancionero popu-
p. 17 if. (19471'48). AK lar de Extremadura (I (1931); II (Bada-
1399. - - Wedding Dances and Songs of the joz, 1956).
jews of Bokhara (' Journal of the Intern. 1414. - - Romances populares de Extrema-
Folk Music Council' II, p. 17 if.), 1950. . dura (Badajoz, 1944).
ACJKL 1415. - - Folklore musical extremeno. Prin-
1400. - - Migrations and Mutations of cipales rasgos de su origen y riquiza
Oriental Folk Instruments ('J ournal of tonal ('Revista del Centro de Estudios
the Intern. Folk Music Council' IV, p. Extremenos' IX), 1935.
16 if.), 1952. ACJKL 1416. - - Folklore musical Extremeiio. La
1401. - - Towards an exact Transcription of cancion extremeiia en el folklore espanol.
Tone-Relations ('Acta Musicologica' Comparaciones textuales e influencias
XXV, p. 80 if.), 1953. ACDEFGHIKLLI reciprocas (ibid. X), 1936.
*142. - - jewish Folk Music ('Grove's Dic- 1417. - - Folklore extremeilo. Extremadura y
tionary' 5th ed., vol. III, p. 304 if.), la posible ..regionalizaci6n" de su musica
1954. ACFHIK popular. La tradici6n en la canci6n
*1402a. - - j udische Volksmusik ('Die Mu- extremena y suevoluci6n (ibid. XI), 1937.
sik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' VII, 1418. - - El canto de relaci6n en el folklore
col. 261 if.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL infantil de Extremadura (ibid. XVI),
1402b. - - Musicology in Israel ('Acta Mu- 194 2.
sicologica' XXX, p. 17 if.), 1958. 1419. - - Cancionero infantil universal (in
ACDEFGHIKLV preparation) .
1402C. - - The musicians of the Orient 1420. - - Folklore infantil (in preparation).
('Edoth' I), Jerusalem, 1945. K 1421. - - Madrid en la tradici6n popular (in
1402d. - - Musique dans la Bible ('Diction- preparation) .
naire de la Bible', Suppl. vol. V), Paris, 1422. - - Mosaico folklorico de Extremadura
1957 ('Estudios musicales' I, NO3, p. 197
1403. Gersoni, C., I canti popolari lettoni if.), 1950.
(Rome, 1933). 1423. Gilbert, Dorothy R., The lukumbi, a six-
1404. Gesemann, Gerhard, Ueber jugoslawi- toned slit drum of the Batetela ('African
sche Volksmusik oder zur Wahrung des Music' I, No.2, p. 21 if.), 1955.
kulturellen Ansehens vor der Welt ('Sla- ACJLM
wische Rundschau' III, p. 5 if.), 1931. 1424. Gilbert, Henry F., Folk-music in Art
GK music, a discussion and a theory ('TheMu-
J405. Geijer, E. G., and A. A. Afzelius, sical Quarterly' III, p. 577 if.), 1912. C
1425. Gilbert, Will G., Een en ander over 1444. Girard, Rafael, Ein Mythos aus Guat
negroide muziek van Suriname (Meded. mala iiber den Ursprung der Kalebassen-
van het Kon. Inst. voor de Tropen No. Tassel ('Paideuma' VI, Heft 4, p. 235
LV), Amsterdam, 1940. ABCFGHLM ff.), Nov. 1956. B
1426. - - Gewijde trommen op Haiti en in 1445. Gironcourt, Georges de, La Geographie
Suriname ('N. Rotterdamsche Crt.' musicale (Nancy, 1932). AI
31th Dec. 1939). 1446. - - Recherche de geographie musicale
1427. - - Authentieke Negro-Spirituals dans Ie Sud tunesien ('La Geographie' I,
('Studien' LXXII), 1940. AC No.2, p. 65 fL), 1939. CD1GKLl
1428. - - Negermuziek uit de Nederlandsche 1447. - - Motils de chant cambodgiens ('Bull.
West ('N. Rotterdamsche Crt.' loth de la Soc. des Etudes Indochinoises',
Febr. 1940). N.S. XVI no. I), 1941. ABL3
1429. - - Onderzoek naar het ontstaan van de 1448. - - Recherches de Geographie musicale
anhemitonische pentatonische toonladder en Indochine (ibid. XVII no. 4), 1942.
in verband met de spraakmelodie ('De ABCL3
Wereld der Muziek' VIII, NO9, p. 277 1449. - - Recherches de Geographie musicale
ff.), Juni 1942. ACDEFGH auCambodge et aJava (ibid. XIX no. 3),
1430. - - Muziek uit Oost en West (The 1944. ABCL3
Hague, 1942). ACFI 1450. - - Enquete de geographie musicale
1432. - - Negerrhythmen (ibid. IX, p. 131 aux les Marquises et aux Samoa ('Bull.
ff.), Jan. 1943. ADEFGH de la Soc. des etudes oceaniennes' IX,
1433. - - De cultuurhistoriscke beteekenis van No. 106, p. 212 ff.), Papeete, 1954.
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rite d'Harcourt) La musique des Incas 1618. - - The earliest sources of Chinese
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fabrication de certains grelots metalliques p. 85 if.), 1955. AGLIL5
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gresso intern. degli Americanisti' I), in Japan ('Kongressbericht Ges. f.
Rome, 1928. Musikforschung, Hamburg 1956', p.
1602. - - and - - Chants populaires du Pe- 107 if.). CEL
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1931. GL2 1620. Harrington, J. P., and Helen H. Ro-
1604. - - Sittlets et ocarinas du Nicaragua et berts, Picuris children's stories with
du Mexique ('J. de la Soc. des Ameri- texts and songs (,Annual Report of the
canistes', Paris, 1941). GL2 Bur. of Amer. Ethnology' No. 43
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jours', ed.-Larousse, p. 465 if.), Paris, 1621. Harris, P. G., Notes on Drums and
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1606. - - Les formes du tambour Ii membrane Province, Nigeria (' Journal of the Royal
dans l'ancien Perou (,J. de la Soc. des Anthropol. Inst. of Gr. Britain and
Americanistes' XLIII), 1954. BGL2 Ireland', 1932). BGIJKLIL2M
1607. - - and Margherite d', Chansons folk- 1622. Hartmann, Arthur, The Czimbalom,
loriques fran~aises au Canada. Leur Hungarys national instrument ('The
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versitaires de France, 1956). C 1623. Hartmann, M., Arabische Lieder aus
1607a. --La musique chez les Maya ('Bull. Syrien (,Z. der DeutschenMorgenl. Ges.'
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III, p. I if.), Geneva, 1951. 1624. Hasan Husni 'Abd AI-Wahhab, Le de-
1608. Hardiment, Melville, A master of Indian veloppement de la musique arabe en
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38), Dec. 1956. B 1918).
1609. Hare, Maud Cuney, Negro musicians 1625. Haslund-Christensen, H., On the trail
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Islands ('Crisis' XL, p. 83 if.), New western provinces of China under the
York, 1933. leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. Publ. 21
16n. - - Negro music in Porto Rico (in VIII. Ethnography. 4. The music of the
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nard, p. 400 if.), Wishart, 1934. 1626. Hasselt, A. L. van, Volksbeschrijving
1612. Harich-Schneider, Eta, Japanische Im- van Midden-Sumatra (Leiden, 1882),
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if., NO.4, p. 129 if., No.6, p. 205 if.), 1627. Haupt, Leopold, and Johann Ernst
Kassel, 1949. CKLLI Schmaler, Volkslieder der Sorben in der
1613. - - A survey of the remains of Japanese Ober- und Nieder-Lausitz (Anastatic
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1953. L ('Asia Major' VIII, fasc. 3, p. 519 H.),
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Soc.', LXVIII, No. I), Jan.fMarch DIGLI
1948. ADIGKLI 1646. - - Trommelsprachen ohne Trommeln
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the Alaskan Eskimo ('Univ. of Pennsyl- ADIGHKLIL2M
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1630. Hawley, E. H., Distribution 01 the the Netherlands Indies' New York,
notched rattle ('American Anthropolo- 1945, p. 129 H.), p. 145 H. A
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1631. - - An inverted double reed (,Amer. ('India Antiqua', a vol. of oriental
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*1632. Haydon, Glen, Introduction to Musi- 1947, p. 167 H. A
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1632a. Hayes, Gerald R., Notes on the crwth in Afrika und in der Sudsee (in colJab.
('Y Cerddor', 2nd series, p. 417 H., with Prof. Thilenius and Prof. Meinhof)
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1633. Hayward, Richard, The story 01 the 1650. - - Musikinstrumente und Phono-
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1636. Heekeren, H. R. van, Bronzen ketel- H.), 1920. CDHIKL
trommen ('Orientatie' No. 46, p. 615 H.), 1653. - - Eine lexikalische Ordnung lur die
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1637. Heepe, M., Trommelsprache der Jaunde ('Archiv f. Musikwis.' III, p. 247 H.),
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1638. Heerkens, A., Musical instruments gelegten Texten ('Vox' 1921, p. 187 H.).
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maar, undo (prob. 1956). 1655. - - Ein Materialbeitrag zur Kenntnis
1639. Heerkens, S. V. D., Father P., Lieder der arabischen Musik (,Z. f. Musikw.'
der Florinesen, Sammlung I40 Florine- IV, p. 193 H.), 1922. CDHIKL
sischer Lieder und I62 Texte mit Ueber- 1656. - - Musikalisch-dynamische Textaus-
setzung aus dem Sprachgebiete der Lio- lese in /aer6ischen und /aer6isch-dani-
nesen, Sikanesen, Ngada's und Mang- sehen Reigentanzen ('Festschrift-Pip-
garaier (Supplement to vol. XLVI of ping', p. 160 H.), Helsingfors, 1924. L
the 'Intern. Arch. of Ethnogr.'), Ley- 1657. - - Grammophonaufnahmen im Dien-
den, 1953. ABCDIGHLL2M ste der Musikwissensehalt ('Z. f. Mu-
1640. HeCny, Mahmoud EI, Ibn Sin'as Musik- sikw.' VI, p. 332 H.), 1924. CDHIKL
lehre (Berlin, 1931). G 1658. --Lieder aus Ost-Neumeeklenburg
1641. - - Music in Egypt ('Egypt in 1945', ('Z. f. Musikw.' VII, p. 257 H.), 1925.
p. 218 H.), Calcutta, 1946. CDHIKL
1641a. - - Aegyptische Musik von einst bis 1659. - - Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft
heute (Cairo, 1956). L ('Z. f. Musik' XCII), 1925. L
1642. Heger, Franz, Alte Metalltrommeln aus 1660. -.- Musik und Arbeit (ibid.), 1925. L
sudost-Asien (Leipzig, 1902). 1661. - - Statistik und Experiment bei der
1643. Heilfurth, Gerhard, Das Bergmanns- musikalisehen Melodievergleiehung ('Z.
lied: Wesen, Leben, Funktion; ein Bei- f. Musikw. 'VII, p. 221 if.), 1925.
trag zur Erhellung von Bestand und CDHIKL
Wandlung der sozial-kulturellen Ele- 1662. - - Vier Lieder aus Ost-Neu-Mecklen-
mente im A ulbau der industriellen Ge- burg ('Z. f. Musikwiss.' VIII, p. 257 fL),
sellschaft (Kassel/Basel, Barenreiter 1926. CDHIKL
Verlag, 1954). L 1663. - - Analyse eines abessinischen Hay-
1644. Heine-Geldern, Robert von, Bedeutung lenliedes ('Festschrift-Meinhof, p. 263),
und Herkunft der liltesten hinter-indi- 19 2 7.
1664. - - Ein Beitrag zum Problem der 1685. Heintze, R., Ueber Batakmusik (in W.
Trommelsprache ('Vox' 1927, p. 29 if.). Volz, 'Die Bataklander', p. 373 if.),
G 1919. AB
1665. - - Die ve'Ygleichende Musikwissen- 1685a. Heiffer, Mireille, La musique classique
schaft im Dienste der V6lkerkunde ('Ber. de l'Inde et un de ses plus grands inter-
d. Deutschen Anthropol. Ges. iiber pyetes actuels: Ravi Shankar ('Arts
ihre 50. Verso zu Hamburg'), 1928. Asiatiques' IV, NO.4, p. 3II ft.), Paris,
1666. - - Analyse eines Mende-Liedes ('Vox' 1957. B
IX, p. 40 if.), Hamburg, 1928. G 1686. Helfritz, Hans, Muziek en Muziekbe-
1667. - - Instrumentenkunde (in Ernst Biic- oefening in Arabie ('De Muziek' V, p.
ken, 'Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft' 145 ft.), 1931. ACDEFH
vol. II, p. I if.), 1929. CDEFGHIJKLL2 *1686a. Helgason, Hallgrimur, Island ('Die
1668. - - Versuch einer Analyse des Berliner Musik in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VI,
Notenpapyrus P. 6870 ('Z. f. Musikw.' col. 1438 if.), 1957. ACDEFGHIKL
XI, p. 222 if.), 1929. ACDEHIKL 1687. Hemsi, A., La musique de la Torah
1669. - - A nalytische Betrachtung eines mon- (Alexandria, 1929).
golischen Liedes ('Vox' XVII, p. 65 ff.), 1688. Hen, F. J. de, Tamtams in Belgisch
1931. Congo (Licentiaatsverhandeling, Uni-
1670. - - Eine Melodieprobe von den Sara- versitair Inst. voor de Overzeese ge-
Kaba (ibid., p. 69 if.), 1931. bieden), 1954-'55. CM
1671. - - Strukturprobleme in pyimitiver *1689. Henderson, Isobel, Ancient Greek
Musik (Hamburg, 1931). AIJL2 Music ('The New Oxford History of
1672. - - Die Erfassung des subiektiv-moto- Music', 3rd ed., vol. I. p. 336 ft.), 1957.
rischen Elements in der musikalischen ABCDIFGHIJK
Produktion Primitiver ('Kongressber. 1690. Henriques-Urena, Pedro, Musica popu-
der Intern. Ges. f. Musikw., Liitich lar de America ('Conferencias' I), La
1930" p. 148 if.), 1931. Plata, 1930.
1674. - - Organologische Studie an den Vari- 1691. Herbig, Reinhard, Griechische Harten
anten eines Dronning Dagmar-Liedes ('Mitt. des Deutschen ArcMologischen
('Acta Musicologica' III, p. 156 if.), Inst. Athenische Abt.' LIV, p. 164 if.),
1932. CDEKLLl 1929. GLI
1675. - - Chirimia- und Tamb6'Y-Phono- 1692. Hermann, Eduard, Schallsignalsprachen
gramme aus Nordwest-Guatemala ('Vox' in Melanesien und Afrika ('Nachrichten
XIX, p. 4 if.), 1933 d. Akad. d. Wiss. in GOttingen' 1943).
1676. - - Die vergleichende Musikwissen- ADIGHLl
schatt als Instrument der Stil- und Ras- Hernandez de Alba, Gregorio, see Alba,
senkunde ('Forschungen und Fort- Gregorio Hemandez de.
schritte' XI NO.3, p. 30 ff.), 1935. 1693. Herscher-CI~ment, Mad. J., Chants
1677. - - Musikwissenschaftliche Vergleiche d'Abyssinie ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' II, p.
an vier afrikanischen (Diarma- Ewe- und 51 if.), 1934. . ACK
Yefe-) Gesangen ('Vox' 1935, p. 23 if.). 1694. - - Notes musicologiques. Chants indi-
1678. - - Was kann die vergleichende Musik- genes de la Nouvelle Guinee ('La Revue
wissenschaft zur Indogermanenfrage bei- Musicale' No. 173, p. 223), 1937
tragen? ('Festschrift-Herman Hirt' DGKL
1935, p. 125 if.). 1695. - - Quelques mots sur la musique indi-
1679. - - Neue Wege der Volksmusikfor- gene en Nouvelle Guinee ('L'Ethnogra-
schung (Hamburg, 1937). I phie' No. 35/6, p. 51 if.), 1938. DIGK
1680. - - Musikwissenschaft und V6lker- 1696. Herskovits, Melville J., El estudio de la
kunde ('Mitteilungsblatt der Gesell- musica negra en el hemisferio occidental
schaft f. Volkerkunde', No.8, P.43), ('Bol. Latino-Americano de Musica' V),
Hamburg, 1938. Montevideo, 1941. AGL
1681. - - Die Erforschung rassischer Merk- 1697. - - Dahomey (New York, 1938), p. 31g
male aus der Volksmusik (Hansischer if.
Gildenverlag, Hamburg, 1938). I 1698. - - Drums and Drummers in A fro-
1682. - - Zum Problem der afrikanischen Brazilian Cult-life ('The Musical Quar-
Trommelsprache (' Afrika-Rundschau' terly' XXX, NO4. p. 477 ft.), 1944
VII, p. 142 if.), 1941. M ACHI
1683. - - Rassische Merkmale an afrikani- 1699. - - Tambores y tamborileiros no culto
schem Musikgut (,Z. f. Rassenkunde' afrobrasileiro ('Bol. Latino-Americano
XII, p. 9 ft.), 1941. GH de Musica', VI, p. 99 ft.). Rio de
1684. - - Problerne der afrikanischen Trom- Janeiro, 1946. AEL
melsprache ('Beitrage zur Kolonial- 1700. - - Patterns of Negro music (undated).
forschung' IV, p. 69 if.), 1943. DIG 1701. - - and Richard A. Waterman, Mu-
sica de culto Afrobahiana ('Revista de of the Amer. Council of learned So-
Estudios Musicales' I, No.2, p. 65 ff.), cieties'), 1936. AI
1949. (also in 'Bol. Latino-Americano 1720. - - Die Musik der Karolinen-Inseln
de Musica' VI, vol. II). AKL ('Ergebnisse der Siidsee-Expedition
1702. Herzog, George, The Yuman musical 19081'10', Part lIB, vol. 9, 2nd. 'Halb-
style (' Journal of American Folklore', band' of Eilers, 'West-Carolinen'), 1936.
vol. 48). 1928. AGK A
1703. - - Musical styles in North America 1721. - - A Comparison of Pueblo and Pima
('Proc. 23rd Intern. Congr. of America- Musical Styles (' Journal of American
nists', New York 1928, p. 455 ff.). 1930. Folklore' XLIX, p. 286 ff.), 1936. GIK
A 1722. - - Musical typology in folksong
1704. - - Transcription of two Kru melo- ('Southern Folklore Quarterly' I, p.
dies in Melville J. Herskovits, 'Kru 49 ff.),1937
proverbs' ('J. of Amer. Folklore' XLV, 1723. - - Stability of Forms in Traditional
p. 259 and 269 ff.), 1930. GKL2 and Cultivated Music ('Papers read by
1705. - - Transcription of four Pueblo melo- members of the Musicol. Soc.' Annual
dies in Bessie and May G. Evans, meeting 1938, p. 69 ff.).
'American Indian dance steps'), New 1724. - - Rhythmic cadence in primitive
York, 1931, p. 54 ff. and 65 ff. music ('Bull. of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.'
1706. - - Die Musik auf Truk (in 'Ergeb- III, p. 19 ff.), 1939.
nisse der Siidsee-Expedition 1908-'10', 1725. - - Transcription of two Comox melo-
part II, Ethnogr. of Mikronesia, vol. V), dies with comments (in: Edward Sapir,
Hamburg, 1932. 'Songs for a Comox dancing mask')
1707. --On primitive music ('Amer. An- ('Ethnos' IV. p. 52 ff.), 1939. L2M
throp.' XXXIV, p. 546 ff.), 1932. GL2 1726. - - The work of A. Z. Idelsohn in the
1708. - - The collections of phonographic light of modern research (,Jewish Music
records in North A merica and Hawaii Forum' II, p. 6), 1941. .
('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 58 ff.). 1933. 1727. - - Transcription and Analysis of
ACK Tutela Music (in Speck, 'The Tutelo
1709. - - Maricopa Music (in L. Spier, Spirit Adoption Ceremony'), Harris-
'Yuman tribes of the Gila River'), burg, 1942.
Chicago, 1933. 1728. - - Research in Primitive and Folk
1710. - - Speechmelody and primitive music Music in the United States (1936). I
('Musical Quarterly' XX, p. 452 ff.), 1729. - - Music in the thinking of the
1934. ACD American Indian ('Peabody Bull.' May
1711. - - Recording primitive music in Afri- 1938), p. I ff.
ca and America ('Bull. Folk Song Soc.'), 1730. - - The study of folksong in America
1934 ('Southern Folklore Quarterly' II, p.
1712. - - African Songs of the Chewa tribe in 59 ft.), 1938.
British East Africa (in Nancy Cunard, 1731. - - Etats-unis d'Amerique ('Folklore
'Negro-Anthology'), 1934. Musical' ed. by the Intern. Inst. of
1713. - - Songs (of the Coast Salish) (in Intellectual Cooperation, p. 85 ft.).
T. Adamson, 'Folk tales of the Coast 1939. A
Salish' ('Mem. Amer. Folkl. Soc.' XXVI 1732. - - Music's dialects - a non-universal
p. 422 ff.)), New York, 1934. BDIGH language (,The Independent Journal
1715. - - Remarks on Ovimbundu singing of Columbia Univ.' VI, p. Iff.). 1939.
and drumming; transcriptions of four 1733. - - Expression in primitive and folk
melodies and three drum rhythms in: music ('Bull. of the Amer. Musicol.
Wilfrid D. Hambly, 'The Ovimbundu Soc.' IV. p. 25), 1940.
of Angola' ('Field Museum of Natural 1734. - - Stability of form in traditional and
History, Anthropol. Series' XXI, p. cultivated music ('Papers read by
217. 219 and 223), 1934. members of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.,
1716. - - Special song-types in North Ame- Annual Meeting 1938', p. 69 ff.), New
rican Indian Music (,Z. f. vergl. Mu- York, 1940.
sikw.' III, p. 23 ff.), 1935. ACK 1735. - - Investigaci6n sabre la musica pri-
1717. - - Plain ghost dance and Great Basin mitiva y folkl6rica en los Estados Unidos
Music ('Amer. Anthrop.' XXXVII), ('Boletin Latino-Americano de Musica'
1935. AGJL2 V, p. 393 ff.). 1941. AGL
1718. - - Special song types in North Ame- 1736. - - Do animals have music? ('Bull. of
rican Indian music ('Z. f. vergl. Mu- the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' V, p. 3 ff.).
sikw.' III. p. 23 ff.). 1935. ACK 1941.
1719. - - Research in primitive and folk 1737. - - The study of native music in
music in the United States ('Bull. No. 24 America ('Proc. of the 8th Amer.
12 9
Scientific Congress, held in Washington 1752. Hichens, William, Music: a triumph of
D.C., May 1940' II, p. 203 ft.), Wash- African art ('Discovery' XII, p. 192
ington, 1942. ft.), 1931; repro in 'Art & Archaeology'
1738. - - General characteristics of primitive 1932, p. 36 ft. G
music ('Bull. of the Amer. Musicol. 1753. Hickmann, Hans, Das Portativ (Kassel,
Soc.' VII, p. 23 ft.), 1943. 1936). C
1739. - - Anthropological bases of Jewish 1754. - - La trompette dans l' Egypte ancien-
music ('The Jewish Music Forum' IV, ne (Cairo, 1945). ACJ
p. 17 ft.), 1943. 1755. - - Un instrument a cordes inconnu de
1740. - - African Influences in North Ame- l'epoque copte ('Bull. de la Soc. d' Ar-
rican Indian Music ('Papers of the cheol. copte' XII, p. 63 ft.), 1946/'47.
Intern. Congress of Musicology, New AGK
York, 1939', p. 130 ft.), 1944. AC 1756. - - Terminologie arabe des instruments
1741. - - Drum-signalling in a West African de musique (Cairo, 1947). L
tribe ('Word' I, p. 217 ft.), 1945. DIGK 1757. - - Catalogue General des Antiquites
1742. - - Comparative Musicology ('Musical egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos.
Journal' IV, p. I I and 42 ft.), 1946. 6920I-698S2 Instruments de Musique
1743. - - Some primitive layers in European (Cairo, 1949). ACGJKL
folk music ('Bull. of the Amer. Musicol. 1758. - - Ueber den Stand der musikwissen-
Soc.' IX-X, p. I I ft.), 1947. schaftlichen Forschung in Aegypten
*1744. - - Song - Folksong and the music of ('Kongress-bericht d. Intern. Ges. f.
folksong (in: Funk and Wagnall, Musikwiss., Basel 1949' p. 150 ft.),
'Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology Basel, 1950. ACDEFL
and Legend' II, p. 132 ft.), 1950. A 1759. - - Miscellanea musicologica ('Anna-
1744a.-- Review of Karl Tiren, 'Die lap- les du Service des Antiquites de I'Egyp-
pische Volksmusikaufzeichnungen von te' XLVIII, p. 639 ft.), Cairo, 1948: I.
Juoikos-melodien bei den schwedischen Note sur une harpe au Musee du Caire;
Lappen' ('American Anthropologist' II. Sur l'accordage des instruments a
L, p. 672 ft.), 1948. AGHL2 cordes (lyres, harpes, luths). ACG
1744b. - - Review of H. E. Hause, 'Terms 1760. - - ibid., XLIX, p. 417 ft. (Cairo,
for musical instruments in the Sudanic 1949): III. Sur les survivances de la
languages' ('Word' IV, p. 131 ft.), 1948. chironomie egyptienne dans Ie chant
ADIGK lithurgique copte; IV. Un sittlet de
1744c. - - Recent publications of music in l'epoque prehistorique; V. Note sur une
the Dutch East Indies ('American An- petite harpe en forme de beche ou de
thropologist' XLIX, p. 299 ft.), 1947. pelle; VI. Quelques precurseurs egyptiens
AHL2 du luth court et du luth echancre. ACHL
1745. - - The Music of Yugoslav heroic epic 1761. - - Un luth inconnu de l'epoque copte
folk poetry ('Journal of the Intern. Folk (,Bull. de la Soc. d'Archeololie copte'
Music Council' III, p. 62 ft.), 1951. XII), 1949.
ACJKL 1762. - - Music under the Pharaohs (Cairo,
1746. - - Salish music (in': Marian W. Smith 1949). A
'Indians of the urban Northwest', New 1763. - - L'etat actuel des recherches musi-
York, 1949), p. 93 ft. cologiques en Egypte ('Comm. au IVieme
1747. - - Canon in West African xylophone Congres de la Soc. Intern. de Musicolo-
melodies (' Journal of the American gie, Bale 1949'). A
Musicol. Soc.' II, p. 196 ft.), 1949. CFKL 1764. - - En marge d'une publication par Dr.
1748. - - Foreword to Bela Bart6k and Hilde Zaloscher ('La Semaine Egyp-
Albert Lord, 'Serbo-Croatian folk songs' tienne' XXIII), Jan. 1949.
(New York, 1951). 1765. - - La cliquette, instrument de percus-
1749. - - Song: folk song and the music of sion de l'epoque copte ('Bull. de la Soc.
folk song (in Funk and Wagnall, d'Archeol. copte' XIII), Cairo, 1950.
'Standard Dictionary of Folklore, My-. AJL
thology and Legend'), New York, 1766. - - Cymbales et crotales dans l' Egypte
1949/'50. A ancienne ('Annales du Service des An-
1750. - - Review of Marius Schneider, 'A tiquites de l'Egypte' XLIX), Cairo,
proposito des influjo arabe: essayo de 1950. ACGHL
etnografia musical de la Espana medie- 1767. - - Die kultische Verwendung der alt-
val' (' Journal of the Amer. Musicol. agyptischen Trompete ('Die Welt des
Soc.' IV, p. 43 ft:), 1951. CFKL Orients' V), Stuttgart, 1950. AK
1751. Heymann, Mrs. Alfred, La guimbarde 1768. - - The Rattle-drum and Marawe-
('Revue musicale' 1923), p. 236 ft. sistrum (' Journal of the R. Asiatic Soc.',
1769. - - A brege de l' histoire de la musique en 1787. - - Armenische Musik (ibid. col. 654
Egypte ('Revue de Musicologie' XXXII ff.), 1951. ACDEFGHIKL
Nos. 93--94), Paris, 1950. ACDIEFKLl 1788. - - Le metier de musicien au temps des
1770. - - ' Ein unbekanntes agyptisches Sai- Pharaons ('Cahiers d'histoire egyptien-
teninstrument aus koptischer Zeit ('Die nes' IV, 2), Cairo, 1952, 2/1954 (ibid.
Musikforschung' III), 1950. VI, 5/6). AG
ACEIKLV 1789. - - Miscellanea musicologica ('Anna-
1771. - - FabYikationsmarken an alttigypti- les du Service des Antiquites de I'Egyp-
schen Blasinstrumenten (ibid. III, p. 241 te' LII, p. 161 if.), Cairo, 1952: XI.
if.), 1950. ACEIKLV Les luths aux frettes du Nouvel Empire.
1772. - - A brege de l' histoire de la musique en ACGL
Egypte ('Revue de Musicologie' XXXII 1790. - - Das Harfenspiel im alten Aegypten
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Prensa, Cairo', (Cairo, 1950). 1791. - - The antique cross-flute ('Acta Musi-
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1774. - - Quelques observations sur la musi- ACDEFHIKLLI
que lithurgique des Coptes (Communi- 1792. - - Quelques observations sur la musi-
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les du Service des Antiquites de l'Egyp- 1793. - - La daraboukah (,Bull. de I'Inst.
te' L, p. 523 if.), Cairo 1950: VII. Les d'Egypte' XXXIII, p. 229 if.), Cairo,
harpes de la tombe de Ramses I I I; VIII. 1952. ACGL
Deux vases siffleurs de l' Egypte ancien- 1794. - - La musique polyphonique dans
ne; IX. Le fragment d'un instrument a l' Egypte ancienne (ibid. XXXIV, p.
cordes. AGJL 229 fL), 1953. AGL
1776. - - Miscellanea egyptologica ('Journal 1795. - - Le jeu de la harpe dans l' Egypte
of the Galpin Soc.' I, p. 25 if.), London, ancienne ('Archiv Orientalni,' XX Nos.
1951. CJ 3-4, p. 449 if.), Prague, 1952. ABGK
1777. - - Ueber den Stand der musikwissen- 1796. - - The Egyptian 'Uffatah' Flute
schaftlichen Forschung in Aegypten (' Journal of the R. Asiatic Soc.' Oct.
('Kongressber. des IV. Kongress der 1952). DIGIKV
Intern. Ges. f. Musikw., Basel' p. 150 if), 1797. - - Quelques nouveaux documents con-
Basel 1951. AC cernant le jeu de la harpe et l'emploi de la
1778. - - Miscellanea musicologica ('Anna- chironomie dans l' Egypte pharaonique
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te' LI, p. 317 if.) (Cairo 1951): X. Le p. 263 if.), Amsterdam, 1953. ACDEF
tambourin rectangulaire du Nouvel Em- 1798. - - Die Anftinge eines geordneten Mu-
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sica' V, p. 89 ff.), 1951. CDKLLI Vienna 17-24th May, 1952), Vienna,
178o. - - Classement et classification des 1953. AB
flfJtes, clarinettes et hautbois de l' Egypte 1799. - - Quelques considerations sur la
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Music Council' III, p. 108 if.), 1951. (Essai d'une nouvelle classification)
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1782. - - La castagnette egyptienne (' Anna- p. 309 if.). Cairo, 1954. AGL
les du Service des Antiquites de I'Egyp- 1801. - - Miscellanea musicologica ('Anna-
te' LI), Cairo 1951. G les du Service des Antiquites de I'Egyp-
1783. - - Arabische Musik (in collab. with te' LIII) , Cairo, 1953: XII. La scene mu-
Alexis Chottin) ('Die Musik in Ge- sicale d'une tombe de la VIieme dynastie
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1951. ACDEFGHIKL objet en forme d'instrument de percus-
1784. - - Aegyptische Musik (ibid., col. 92 sion; XIV. Une nouvelle cymbalette a
if.), 1951. ACDEFGHIKL manche? G
1785. - - Aethiopische Musik (ibid., col. 105 1802. - - Review of Max Wegner, 'Die
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1786. - - Afrikanische Musik (ibid., col. 123 (1950) ('Orientalische Literaturzeitung'
if.), 1951. ACDEFGHIKL 1954, Nos. 1/2, p. 34). ADIHKLI
13 1
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1804. - - Dieux et deesses de la musique 1822. - - Musicologie pharaonique. Etudes
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1805. - - Fidel I. Orientalische Vorlaufer 1823. - - Handzeichen. I. Altertum und aus-
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zeuge. I. Schwirrholz und Schwirrscheibe 1956. ACDEFGHIKL
('Die Musikforschung' VIII p. 151 ff.); 1824a. - - Une scene de musique pharaoni-
II. Muschelpfeifen und Gefassfloten que (analyse iconographique) ('Revue
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fen; Blockfloten; Sackpfeife; Querflote 1825. - - La flate de Pan ('Chronique
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1836. - - Un zikr dans Ie mastaba de Deb- 1848. Hoboken, P. C. J. van, De vertolkers van
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1909. - - Arbeit und Musik ('Z. d. Intern. noco', vol. III, p. 395 ff.), 1923. ABIJ
Mus. Ges.' XIII, p. 341 ff.), 1912. 1926. - - Review of Kurt Huber, 'Der Aus-
ABCDFHIIKL druck musikalischer Elementarmotive',
1910. - - and Karl Theodor Preuss, Zwei Leipzig, 1923) ('Deutsche Literaturzei-
Gesange der Cora Indianer (in K. Th. tung' XLVII), 1926. ABDIGIK
Preuss, 'Die Nayarit-Expedition' vol. I, 1927. - - Die Entstehung des jodelns ('Be-
p. 367 H.), 1912. ABI richt Ml!sikw. Kongress, Basel 1924'),
19II. Hornbostel, Erich M. von, Die Musik p. 203 ff. ABI
auf den nordwestlichen Salomo-Inseln (in 1928. - - Geschichte des Phonogramm-Ar-
R. Thurnwald, 'Forschungen auf den chivs der Staatlichen Hochschule fur Mu-
Salomo-Inseln und Bismarck-Archipel' sik in Berlin (1925). ABI
vol. I, p. 461 ff.). 1912. ABCI 1929. - - Review of R. et M. d'Harcourt,
'La musique des Incas et ses survivan- 1931) ('Baessler Archiv' XV, p. 55 ft.),
ces' Paris, 1925) (' Anthropos' XXII), 1932. ABDIGIKL2
192 7. ABDIGIKLIL2M 1948. - - Review of Andreas Eckardt,
1930. - - Die Musik del' Semai auf Malakka 'Koreanische Musik' (Leipzig 1930)
('Anthropos' XXI, p. 277), 1926. ('Orientalische Literaturzeitung' 1931,
ABDIGIKLlL2M No. 9/10). ABD1mK
1931. - - and Otto Abraham, ZUI' Psycho- 1949. - - Review of Kanetune-Kiyosuke and
logie del' Tondistanz ('Z. f. Psychologie Syioti Tudi, 'Die geschichtliche Denk-
und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane' vol. maier der japanischen Tonkunst', Abt.
98), 1926. ABCDIGm I, Hofmusik, Heft I, Saibara ('Z. f.
1932. Hornbostel, Erich M. Yon, Psycho- Musikwiss.' XIV, p. 235 ft.), 1932.
logie del' Gehol'sel'scheinungen ('Hand- ABCEHIIKL
buch der Physiologie'. XI, p. 701 ft.), 1950. --Zum Kongress jul' al'abische Mu-
1926. ABI sik, Kairo I932 (,Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I,
p. 16 ft.), 1933. ABCIK
1933. - - Amel'ican Negro Songs (review),
1951. - - Carl Stumpf und die vergleichende
('The Intern. Review of Missions' XV,
Musikwissenschaft (,Z. f. vergl. Mu-
No. 60), 1926. ABI
sikw.' I, p. 25 ft.), 1933. ABCIK
1934. - - Laut und Sinn ('Festschrift-Mein- 1952. - - Review of P. G. Harris, 'Notes on
hof), 1927. ABI Drums and Musical Instruments seen in
1935. - - Musikalische Tonsysteme (in Gei- Sokoto Province, Nigeria' (' Journal of
ger und Scheel, 'Handbuch der Physik', the Royal Anthropological Inst. of Gr.
vol. VIII, p. 425 ft.), 1927. ABI Britain and Ireland' 1932) ('Z. f. vergl.
1936. - - Ethnologisches zu Jazz ('Melos' Musikw.' T, p. 63 ft.), 1933. ABCIK
VI), 1927. ABIK 1953. - - The Ethnology of African Sound
1937. - - Review of Walter Kaudern, Instruments ('Africa' VI, p. 129 ft. and
'Musical Instruments in Celebes', Gote- 277 ft.), London, 1933.
borg, 1927 ('Ethnologische Anzeiger ABCGIKLlL2M
II), 1927. ABGIKL2 1954. - - Das Berlinel' Phonogrammal'chiv
1938. - - Review of Fritz Brehmer, 'Melo- (,Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 40 ft.), 1933.
dieauftassung und melodische Bega- ABCIK
bung des Kindes' ('Z. f. angewandte 1955. - - Phonographiel'te isliindische Zwie-
Psychologie' 1927, Beiheft 36) (Ll) gesange ('Deutsche Islandforschung
('Deutsche Literaturzeitung' XLVIII, 1930" p. 300 ft.), Breslau, 1933. ABI
p. 220 ft.), 1927. ABDIGHIK 1956. - - and Robert Lachmann, Asiati-
1939. - - African Negro Music ('Africa' vol. sche Pal'allelen ZUI' Berbermusik ('Z. f.
I no. I), 1928. ABCIK vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 4 if.), 1933.
1940. - - M usik des Ol'ients (Commentary to ABCIK
an album of exotic records, edited by 1957. - - and - - Das indische Tonsystem
Carl Lindstrom A.G.,), 1928. ABC! bei Bhal'ata und sein Ul'sprung ('Z. f.
1941. - - Die Maassnorm als kulturhistori- vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 73 if.), 1933.
sches FOl'schungsmittel ('Festschrift- ABCIK
Wilhelm Schmidt', p. 303 ft.), 1928. 1958. Hornbostel, Erich M. Yon, Review of
ABIL2 Helen H. Roberts, 'Form in Primitive
1942. - - Tonart und Ethos ('Festschrift- Music' (New York, 1933) ('Z. f. vergl.
Johannes Wolf p. 73 ft.), 1929. ABI Musikw.' II, p. 60 ft. and 39), 1934.
1943. - - Review of Charles W. Mead, 'The ABCIK
Musical Instruments of the Incas' 1959. - - Review of Heinz Wieschhoft, 'Die
('Ethnol. Anzeiger' II, p. 72 ft.), 1929/ afrikanischen Trommeln und ihre aus-
'30. ABGIKL2 ser-afrikanischen Beziehungen' (in 'Stu-
1944. - - Gestaltpsychologisches zur Stilkri- dien zur Kulturkunde' ed. by L. Frobe-
tik ('Festschrift-Guido Adler'), 1930. nius, vol. II), 1933 (,Z. f. vergl. Mu-
ABCI sikw.' III, p. 88 ft.), 1935. ABCIK
1945. - - Musik des Orients auj del' Schall- 1960. - - Review of Percival R. Kirby,
platte ('Kultur und Schallplatte', Ber- 'The musical instruments of the native
lin, 1931 and 'Die Musik' XXIII, p. 829 races of South Africa' ('Nature'
ft.), 1931. ABCDFIKL CXXXVI, p. 3 ft.), 1935. ABDIGHLl
1946. - - Uebel' Verschiebung del' TonMhe 1961. - - Fuegian Songs ('American An-
(,Z. f. Laryngologie' XXI, p. 100 ft.), thropologist', New Series, vol. 38, p.
1931. ABDIGILl 357 ft.), 1936. ABGIJL2
1947. - - Review of Walter Konig-Beyer, 1962. - - The Music of the Fuegians ('Eth-
'Volkerkunde im Lichte vergleichender nos' 1948, p. 61 ft.). ACGIL2M
Musikwissenschaft', (Reichenberg, 1963. --La musica de los Makuschi, Tauli-
pang y Yekuana ('Archivos venezolanos 'Hist. de la Mus.' V, p. 3065 ft.), 1922
de Folklore' IV/V, vo!. III No. 41, p. AC
137 if.), Caracas, 19551'56. (Trans- 1981. Huber, Kurt, Frauengesiinge aus Birma
lation of No. 1925). (in Lucian und Christine Scherman,
1964. Homburg, Friedrich, Die Musik der '1m Stromgebiet des Irawaddi, Birma
Tiv ('Die Musikforschung' I, p. 47 if.), und seine Frauenwelt'), Miinchen-Neu-
1948. ACKLLl biberg, 1922.
1965. - - Phonographierte afrikanische 1982. - - Ponnakultlied aus Mandalay
Mehrstimmigkeit (ibid. III, p. 120 if.), ('Asia major' I, p. 453 ft.). DIGLl
1950. ACEIKLV 1983. Hubers, Father Hubert, Kleine musik-
1966. Houston, John, Aotea (chants and ethnologische Beitriige von der I nsel
songs) (' Journal of the Polynesian Soc.' Karkar in Neu-Guinea ('Anthropos'
XLIV, p. 36 if.), 1935. BGL2 XXXVII, p. 122 ft.), 19421'45.
1967. Houston-Peret, Elsie, Chants popu- BDIGHJKVL2M
laires du Bresil ('Bib!. mus. du Musee de 1984. Huchzermeyer, Helmut, Aulos und
la Parole et du Musee Guimet', 1st Kithara (Diss., Miinster, 1931).
series, vo!. I), Paris, 1930. KL *1985. Hudec, Konstantin, Slovak Folk Music
1968. Howard, Albert H., The aulos or tibia ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III,
(,Harvard Studies of Philology' IV), p. 355 ft.), 1954 ACFHIK
18 93. 1986. Hiibner, Herbert, Studien zur Musik
1969. Howard, Walter, Chinesische und euro- im Bismarck-A rchipel (' Anthropos'
piiische Musik (in: Richard Wilhelm, XXX,p.669ft.),1935. ABDIGHKVL2M
'Chinesische Musik'), Frankfurt, 1927. G 1987. - - Die Musik im Bismarck-Archipel
1970. Hough, Walter, The Hopi Indian col- (Berlin, 1938). BCIK
lection in the United States National 1988. - - Melodiestile und Kulturschichten
Museum (Washington D.C.), 1918, p. im Bismarckarchipel ('Archiv f. Musik-
291 if.: Musical instruments. J forschung' IV, fasc. 4), 1939. CDHIKL
1971. Howes, Frank, Anthropology and Music 1989. Huettner, Johann Christian, Ein Ruder-
('Man' XLV, p. 107 if. (no. 83)), Sept.! liedchen aus China mit M elodie ('J. des
Oct. 1945. ABDIGKLIL2M Luxus und der Moden' XI), 1796. K
1972. - - Man, Mind and Music, Studies in 1990. Huggler, Rudolf, Das Alphorn im Ber-
the philosophy of music and in the ner Ober-Land ('Heimatleben' XXVIII,
relations of the art to anthropology, No.2), 1955.
psychology and sociology (London, 1948). 1991. Hulbert, Homer B., The passing of
A Korea (London, 1906), Chapter XXIV,
1973. Howitt, A. W., Songs and songmakers p. 314 if.: Music and poetry. J
of some A ustralian tribes (' Anthrop. 1992. Hulstaert, G., Note sur les instruments
Journal' XVI, p. 327). de musique Ii l' Equateur ('Congo' Oct.
1973a. Howland Rowe, John, An ethnographic 1935, p. 356 ft.). GKVL2
sketch of Guambia, Colombia ('Tribus' 1992a. - - Musique indigene et musique
N.S. IV/V, p. 48 if.), Stuttgart, 1956. sacree ('Aequatoria' XII, p. 86 ft.),
BGLl 1949. L2M
1974. Hrovatin, Radoslav, Les rapports reci- 1993. - - De telefoon der Nkundo ('Anthro-
proques du folklore et de la creation mu- pos' XXX, p. 655 ft.), 1935.
sicale artistique en Slovenie (' J. of the ABDIGHKLIL2M
Intern. Folk Music Council' IV, p. 35 1993a. Hulstijn, P. van, Soela-eilanden ('Me-
ft.), 1952. ACJKL ded. v. h. Encycl. Bureau' XV, p. 87
1975. Hsiao Shu Hsien, A Harp with a ft.), Weltevreden, 1918. B
thousand Strings (London, 1944). 1994. Hultkrantz, Ake, Some Notes on the
1976. - - La chanson populaire chinoise Arapaho Sun Dance ('Ethnos' XVII, p.
('Sinologica' I, p. 65 ft.). 1947. DIGKLl 24 ft.), 1952. BJL2M
1977. Hsing Chi, China's klassieke opera 1995. Humbert Sauvageot, Mrs. M., La musi-
(Publ. of the Exotic Music Soc.), Am- que Ii travers la vie laotienne ('Z. L
sterdam, 1957. A vergl. Musikw.' II, p. 14 ft.), 1934. ACK
1978. Huard, Paul, Les instruments de musi- 1996. - - Quelques aspects de la vie et de la
que chez les Unong ('Bull. et travaux de musique dahomeennes (ibid. II, p. 76 ft.),
I'Inst. indochin. pour l'etude de l'hom- 1934. ACK
me' II, fasc. 1, p. 135 ft.), 1939. K 1996a. Hunter, G., Hidden drums in Singida
1979. Huart, Cl., Etude biographique sur trois district ('Tanganyika Notes and Re-
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8th series, NO.3, p. 141 fL). 1884. 1997. Huntington, Mary, Man and Music
DIGHKV ('Natural History' XLIV, p. 107 ft.),
1980. - - Mttsique persane (in Lavignac, New York, 1939. BJ
1998. Hurston, Zora, Dance songs and games 2014. Huyser, J. G., Mokko's ('Ned.-Indie
from the Bahamas (,Journal of Amer. Oud & Nieuw' XVI, p. 225 ft., 279 ft.,
Folklore' XLIII, p. 294 ft.), 1930. GKL2 309 ft. and 337 ft.), 1931. ACDIGHL2
1999. Hurt, Ambra H., The music of the Congo *2015. Hwei, Li, A comparative study of the
('Etude' LIII, p. 402 ft.), July 1935. Jew's harp among the aborigines of For-
2000. Husmann, Heinrich, Marimba und mosa and East Asia (in Chinese with
Sansa der Sambesikultur ('Z. f. Ethno- Eng!. summary) ('Bull. of the Inst. of
logie' vol. 68, p. 14 ft.), 1936. Ethno!. of the Academia Sinica' I, p.
ABDIGHKLIL2M 85 ft.), March 1956. AB
2001. - - Sieben afrikanische Tonleitern 2016. Hyslop, Graham H., The choice of
(' J ahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters', music for festivals in Africa ('African
1937). ACGKLI Music' I, No.2, p. 53 ft.), 1955
2002. - - Olympos, die Anfiinge der griechi- ACJLM
schen Enharmonik (' J ahrb. der Musik- 2016a. Ibarrola, R., La musica y el baile en
bibl. Peters' 1937, p. 29 ft.). ACGKLI los territorios del Golfo de Guinea
2003. - - Fiinf- und siebenstellige Centstafeln ('Africa' (Madrid) XXVII, vol. I, p. 254
zur Berechnung musikalischer Intervalle ft.), 1953. M
(Leyden, 1951). ACIL 2017. Idelsohn, A. Z., Die Maqamen der
2004. - - Afghanistan ('Die Musik in Ge- arabischen Musik ('Sammelbande der
schichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 121 ft.), Intern. Mus. Ges.' XV, p. I I ft.), 1913.
2005. - - Das neuentdeckte Steinzeitlithophon 2019. - - Hebriiisch-Orientalischer Melodien-
('Die Musikforschung' V, p. 47 ft.), schatz (Leipzig, 1914 and following
1952. ACEIKLLI years). C
2006. --Zu Kurt Reinhards 'Tonmessungen 2020. - - Phonographierte Gesiinge und A us-
an fiinf ostafrikanischen Klimpern' sprachsproben des Hebriiischen der ieme-
('Die Musikforschung' V, p. 218 ft.), nitischen, persischen und syrischen J u-
1952. ACEIKLLI den (Vienna, 1917).
2007. - - Nochmals die Mwera-Sansen (ibid. 2021. - - Parallelen zwischen gregorianischen
VI, p. 49 ft.), 1953. ACEIKLLI und hebriiisch-orientalischen Sangeswei-
2008. - - Ursprung und Entwicklung der sen ('Z. f. Musikw.' 1921). CDHIKL
Tonsysteme (in preparation). 2022. - - Musical characteristics of Eastern
2008a. - - A ntike und Orient in ihren B edeu- European Jewish folksong ('The Musical
tung fiir die europiiische Musik ('Kon- Quarterly' XVIII, p. 634 ft.), 1932. C
gressbericht Ges. f. Musikforschung, 2023. - - Jewish music in its historical
Hamburg 1956', p. 24 ft.). CEL development (New York, 1929, 2/1948).
2008b. --Zur Grundlegung der musikali- ACGL
schen Rhythmik ('Archiv f. Musikw.' 2024. - - Der iiidische Tempelgesang (in
IX, p. 2 ft.), 1952. CDEKL Guido Adler, 'Handbuch der Musik-
2008c. - - Eine neue Konsonanztheorie (ibid. gesch.' I, p. 149 ft.), 2/1929. ACDEF
X, p. 219 ft.), 1953. CDEKL 2025. - - Die Maqamen in der hebriiischen
2009. Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard, Ballad books Poesie der orientalischen Juden ('Monat-
and ballad men. Raids and rescues in schr. f. d. Wissenschaft des Judentums'
Britain, A merica and the Scandinavian LVII, p. 314 ft.). CG
north since I800 (Cambridge Mass., 2026. - - The Features of the Jewish Sacred
193 0). Folk Song in Eastern Europe ('Acta
2010. Hutchings, Arthur, Music in Bengal Musicologica' IV, p. 17 ff.), 1932.
('Music and Letters' XXVII, p. 26 ft.), CDEKLLl
1946. KLI 2027. - - Der Volksgesang der osteuropiii-
201l. - - Indian traditions, classical and schen Juden (Leipzig, 1932).
popular ('Music & Letters' XXVII, p. 2028. - - Parallels between the Old-French
29 ft.), 1946. KLI and the Jewish Song ('Acta Musicolo-
2012. Huth, Arno, Die Musikinstrumente Ost- gica' V, p. 26 ft. and VI, p. 15 ft.), 1933/
Turkestans (Diss., Berlin, 1928). '34. CDEHIKLLl
2012a. - - Instruments of Eastern Turkestan 2029. Dyin, A., Muzikalnoye tvortshestvo al-
('Grove's Dictionary of Music and taitsev (i.e. Musical creativity among
Musicians' vol. VIII, p. 608 ft.), 1954. Altai peoples) ('Sovetskaya muzyka'
ACFHIK 1950, No.8, p. 63 ft.).
2012b. Huth, E. von, Gesiinge und Miirchen aus 2030. International Folk Music Council,
Ponape ('Globus' XCV), 1909. DIGL2M Jour.nal of the, (edited by Maud Karpe-
2013'. Huxley, H. M., Syrian songs, proverbs les),London, 1949-in progress. ACJKL
and stories (' J. of the Amer. Oriental 2031. Irish Folk Song Society, Journal of the,
Soc.' 1902, p. 175 ft.). DIGKLI (London, 1904 ff.).
2032.lsamitt, Carlos, Cuatro instrumentos 246. - - Les instruments de musique des
musicales araucanos ('Estudios. Latino- Indiens Uro-Chipaya ('Revista de Inst.
americanos' III, p. 55 H.). 1937. de Etnolog1a' II, p. 263 H.), 1932. GLl
2033. - - Los instrumentos araucanos ('Bol. 2046a. J., Musica indigena da Lunda ('Estu-
Latino-Americano de Musica' IV, p. dos Coloniais' II, No. I, p. 99 fl.), 1950.
310 H.), Bogota, 1938. M
2034.lsawa, Sh., Collection of Koto Music 2046b. Jabavu, D. D. T., The origin of 'Nkosi
(Tokyo, 1888 and 1913). Sikelel'i Afrika ('Nada' '1949, No. 26,
2035 Ito,S., Comparison of the Japanese p. 56 H.). M
folk-song and the Occidental ('Univ. of
California Publications in Psychology' 2047. Jackson, G. Pullen, Some enemies of
folk-music in America ('Papers read
vol. II NO.5), 1916. I'
at the Intern. Congress of Musicology,
2036. Ivens, W. G., Melanesians of the South-
New York, 1939, p. 77 H.), New York,
east Solomon Islands (London, 1927),
Chapter VII. Feasts, dances, gongs, 1944 AC
pipes. B 2048. Jackson, Wilfrid, Shell-trumpets and
2037. Iyengar, R. Rangaramanuja, Kriti their distribution in the Old and New
M ani Mala, vols. V and VI (Madras, world ('Memoirs of the Manchester
1953) Literary Soc.' LX, fasc. 8), 1916. G
2038. Iyengar, V. V. Srinivasa, Masters of 2049 Jacobs, j., Signaaltrommeltaal bij de
music in South India (' J. of the Music Tetela ('Kongo-Overzee' XX, fasc. 4-
Acad.' XXIV), Madras, 1953. AC 5), 1954 DIGKL2M
2039. Iyer, E. Krishna, Personalities in present 2050. - - Nkumi-zang, Tetela ('ibid.' XXI,
. day music (Madras, 1933). p. 42 H.), 1955. DIGKL2M
2040. - - Misconceptions about Bharata Na- 2051. Jacobson, E., and J. H. van Hasselt, De
tya (,Annual Music Festival Souvenir, gongfabrikatie te Semarang (Leiden,
Madras, 1953'). 1907). ABCHL2
2040a. Iyer, K. Bharatha, Kathakali, the 2052. Jacovleff, A., and Tchou-Kia-Kien,
sacred dance-drama of Malabar (Lon- Le theatre Chinois (Paris, 1922). C
don, 195.). 2053. Jadot, M. Pj., Literature and music in
2040b.lyer, Mudikondan C. Venkatarama, Belgian Congo ('Native Arts and
Review of Sri B. Subba Rao, 'Raga Craftmanship in Belgian Congo', p. 23
Nidhi' ('The J. of the Music Academy H.), place and date unknown. C
Madras' XXVII, p. 172 fl.), Madras, 2054. Jagamas, loan, Cfntecul satului ('Re-
1957. A vista de folclor' II, Nos. 1-2, p. 93 H.).
2041. Iyer, S. Venkatasubramania, The raga- Bucarest, 1957. AC
malikas of Svati Tirunal (' J. of the 2055. Jagamas, Janos, Beitrage zur Dialekt-
Music Acad.' XXIV), Madras, 1953. AC frage der ungarischen Volksmusik in
2042. - - Some composers of Malayalam Rumanien ('Studia Memoriae Belae
music (' J. of the Music Academy, Bart6k Sacra', p. 469 H.), Budapest,
Madras' XXV, p. 101 H.). Madras. 1956. AC
1954. AC 2056. Jager, H. de, De sociologische benade-
2043. Iyer, T. L. Venkatarama, The scheme ringswijze van de muziekgeschiedenis
of 72 melas in Carnatic Music ('The ('Mens en Maatschappij' XXXII, p. 22
Journal of the Music Academy' XI, p. H.), 1957. BDIHLl
80 H.), Madras 1940. 2056a. Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali, Bharata's con-
2043a. - - The padas of Sri Svati Tirunal cept of sadharana ('Bull. of the School
('The J. of the Music Academy, of Oriental and African studies' 1958,
Madras' XVII, p. 157 H.), 1946. C p. 54 H.). ABM
2043b. - - The personality of Sri Muthu- 2057. Jaina data about musical instruments
swami Dikshitar (' Annual Music Festival (' J. of the Oriental Inst. Baroda' II,
Souvenir, Madras 1953'). p. 276 H. and 377 H.), 19521'53. Dl
2043c. Iyer, Vina Vidvan A. Sundaram, Sri 2058. Janatek, Leo, 0 lidove pisni a lidove
M uthuswami Dikshitar's Kritis (']. of hudbl (Prague, 1955).
the Music Academy, Madras' XXV, p. 2058a. - - and P. Vasa, Moravske pisnl mi-
76 H.), Madras, 1954. AC lostne, vol. I (Prague, 1930).
*2044. Izikowitz, Karl Gustav, Musical and 2059. Jankovic, Danica 5., 40 Serbian dance
other Sound-instruments of the South melodies (Beograd, 1937). A
American Indians (G6teborg, 1927). 2060. - - and Ljubica Jankovic, Narodne
ACGIJL2 igre (Dances populaires) , vol. I-VI (Beo-
2045. - - Le tambour a membrane au Perou grad, 1934-1951), with a summary in
(' Journal de la Soc. des Americanistes' French.' A
XXIII, p. 163 ft.), Paris, 1931. GL2 2061. - - and - - Melodije narodnih igara
(i.e. Melodies of folk dances) (Beograd, 2079. - - Le chant lithurgique syrien ('J our-
1937) nal asiatique' 1912, p. 295 H.; 1913, p.
2062. - - and - - Narodne Igre, vol. VII 65 H.). DIGHKLI
(Beograd, 1949). AL 2080. Jeffreys, M. D., A musical pot from
2063. - - and - - Pravilno u Nepravilnome Southern Nigeria ('Man' XL, p. 186
(i.e. Regularity in irregularity) ('Zvuk, (No. 215 H.)), 1940. BDIGKLlL2M
Jugoslovenska muzicka revija', Junel 2080a. - - The bull-roarer among the Ibo
July 1955, p. 65 H.). A ('African Studies' VIII, p. 23 H.), 1949.
2064. - - and - - Narodne igre, vol. VIII KL2M
(Beograd, 195.). 2081. Jenkins, B., Notions of ancient Chinese
2065. - - and - - Prilog prouchavaniju os- music ('J. ofthe R. Asiatic Soc., North-
tataka orskih obrednik igara u Yugosla- China Branch' 1868). KLs
vije (A contribution to the study of 2082. Jenkinson, N. H., and E. Morris, Bells
the survival of ritual dances in Yugo- and gongs of old Japan ('Apollo', Nov.
slavia), Beograd, 1957. A
1939) C
2066. Jans, P., Essai de la musique religieuse
pour indigenes dans Ie Vicari at apostoli- 2083. Jenness, D., Eskimo music in Northern
que de Coquilhatville ('Aequatoria' XIX, Alaska ('The Musical Quarterly' VIII,
No. I), Coquilhatville, 1956. GL2M p. 377 H.), 1922. C
2067. Jansky, Herbert, Vergleichende Volks- 2083a. Jensen, A. E., Hainuwele, Volkserziih-
liederkunde als Hilfsmittel der Volker- lungen von der Molukken-Insel Ceram
psychologie ('Froc. Anthropol. Congress, (s.v. Flaute, Gong, Gesang, Muschel-
Vienna, 1-8 Sept. 1952' II. Ethnologica, trompete (tahuri)), Frankfurt aiM,
1St vol., p. 79 H.), Vienna, 1955. AB 1939. B
2068. Janus, Carolus,Musici scriptores Graeci. 2083b. Jhering, H. von, Nasenflote ('Globus'
Supplementum, melodiarum reliquiae LXXV), 1899. DIGM
(Leipzig, 1899). A 2084. Jiranek, Jaroslav, Volkschina in der
2069. Japanese Radio Institute, Sixteen Ainu Musik (Dresden, 1955).
songs, recorded in Karafuto (Saghalien) 2085. Joest, W., Malayische Lieder und Tiinze
and Hokkaido (I947-I95I) ('Colloques aus Ambon und den Uliase (Molukken)
de Wegimont' I, p. 195 H.), Brussels, ('Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.' V, p. I
1956. AC fL), 1892. BDIGHKL2
2070. Jardanyi, Pal, A kidei magyarsag 2086. John-Laugnitz, A., Neue Beitriige zur
vilagi zeneie (i.e. The wordly music of chinesischen Musikaesthetik ('Allgem.
the Hungarians of the village Kide), Musikzeitung' XXXII), 1905. DIL
Kolozsvar, 1943. A 2087. John, J. T., Village music of Sierra
2071. - - The determining of scales and Leone ('West African Review' XXIII,
solmization in Hungarian musical folk- p. 1043 fL), 1952. G
lore ('Studia Memoriae Belae Bart6k 2088. Johnson, Guy Benton, The Negro
Sacra', p. 301 H.), Budapest, 1956. AC spiritual: a problem in anthropology
2072. - - Hangnem-tipusok a Magyar Nep- ('Amer. Anthrop.' XXXIII, p. 151
zeneben (Le. The typical tonalities of H.), 1931. GL2
the Hungarian folk music) (in 'Em- 2089. Johnson, Orme, Musical instruments of
lekkonyv Kodaly. I. 70 Zsuletes nap- ancient Hawaii ('The Musical Quarter-
jara' p. 255 H.), Budapest, 1953. A ly' XXV, p. 498 H.), 1939. CDHI
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Pakistan (' Journal of the Intern. Folk 1934. KL2M
Music Council' III, p. 41 H.), 1951. 2092. - - The study of African musical
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U.S. Information Service), 1957. 20<)3. - - African Music in Northern Rho-
2076. Jaunimo saviveiklos scena No. I I and desia and some other places (Rhodes-
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tianus' new series, III, p. 82 ff. and stone Museum, Occasional Papers, N.S.
277 f.). DIGHKLI NO.4, O.S. No.2).
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the African Music Soc.' I no. 3, p. 13 nifestations musicales observees en Haute
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Club in Sept. 1950 (ibid. 1 no. 3, p. 16 tions musicales observees en H aute-
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210!. - - Blue Notes and Hot Rhythm (ibid. 2II7. Judd, Neil M., The material culture of
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leila Dance Old Style (publ. by the ton D.C., 1954). p. 304 ff.: Musical
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the Intern. Folk Music Council' V, p. 36 schen Volksliedes in B6hmen (Prag,
ff.), 1953. ACJKL 19 1 3).
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2105a. - - European and African music. pular trasmontana I. A danfa dos
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cast talk from the Lusaka station) ('East dade Portuguesa de Antropologia e
Africa and Rhodesia' XXIII, No. II64, Etnologia' VI, p. 33 ff.), Porto, 1935.
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an Music' I NO.4, p. 4 ff.), 1957. ACJLM fais) (ibid. VIII, p. 95 ff.), Porto, 1937.
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Part II. A musical survey ('Oceania' piano of the Tsopi tribe ('Bantu Studies'
XXVI, p. 252 ff. XXVIII, p. Iff.), III, p. 275 ff.), Johannesburg, 1929.
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2123. - - Les chants et les contes des Ba-
2107. Jones, William, On the musical modes
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p. 55 ff.), 1792 (reprinted in S. M.
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authors', p. 123 ff.), Calcutta, 1882, II, pp. 276 ff., 423 and 484.
2125. Jurjans, A., Lettische Volkslieder (Riga,
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kie, vol. I (Cracow, 1900).
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indigenas de MOfambique ('Eol. da So- 2127a. Kahan, Y. L., Yidishe folkslider mit
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2129. Kamburov, Ivan, Chants de Noel bul- 2143. - - Cecil Sharp, collector 01 English
gares (Paris, 1929). lolk music ('Studia Memoriae Belae
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dated). 1956. AC
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194 1). 1956). AL
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na naschia musikalen folklore ('Izvestia other ethnomusicological material. A
narodnija etnografski musey' V, fasc. manual for field workers (considerably
I-IV), Sofia, 1925. enlarged and partly rewritten ed. of
2133. - - Naschite narodni napevi i teoriite No. 2141, issued by the I.F.M.C. and
na Riemanna (Sofia, 1926). the R. Anthrop. Inst. of Gr. Br. and
2134. Kamel EI-Kholay, Kitabu 'l-musiqi Ireland), London, 1958. A
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Ll 2149. - - The musical bow in Formosa
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Die geschichtlichen Denkmaler der japa- if.), 1903.
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('Oriental Economist' XXIV, p. 186 l, publ. by the Bulgarska Akademia na
if.), April 1956. Naukite), Sofia, 1952.
2137. Kantor, S. A., and S. Ladiiinsky, 2151. - - Svirkarstvoto v selo schipka (ibid.
Piesne SSSR pre ienske a detske spe- II-III), Sofia, 1956.
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2138. Kao Tung Chia, Le Pi-pa-ki ou l'his- deltschev (ibid. II-III), Sofia, 1956.
toire de luth (French translation by 2153. - - Bulgarski narodni pesni za rusia
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2138a. Kappe, Gustav, Tanz und Trommel der Naukite), Sofia, 1953.
Neger (Festschrift-Prof. Schauinsland), 2154. - - Sustoyanieto na narodnata musika
Bremen, 1927. v Rodopite (Report of the Rodopska
2138b. Karabai~, Nedjeljko, Muzilki folklor Ekspeditia 1953, publ. by the Bulgars-
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2139. Karabey, LlUka, and fellow-workers, Dobrudia (Report of the Dobrudtanska
Musiki Mecmuasi (i.e. Music Magazine), Expeditia 1954, publ. by the Bulgarska
a monthly periodical, published since Akademia na Naukite), Sofia, 1956.
1948, containing exclusive studies and 2155a. - - Instruments de musique anciens
articles on theory, application, history ('La Bulgarie d'Aujourd'hui' April
etc. of Turkish music. 1958, NO.7, p. 24 if.).
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monichni osnovi na bulgarskata narodna menski maystor ('Izvestia na narod-
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2140a. Karpeles, Maud, Folk songs from New- 193 6 .
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Folk Music Collectors (1951). A III), Beograd, 1937.
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men ('Festschrift-Dr. Erich Muller von dramaturgy by Bharata and others (Sri
Assow), Berlin, 1942. Venkatasvara Oriental Inst., Tirupati,
2164. - - Dances of Bulgaria (Parrisch and 195 1).
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tia na narodnia etnografski musey' BDIGKL2M
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district Lovetch). Sofia, 1956. A musicologica' dedicated to Floris van
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sche Reisebesch1'eibung fremder Lande1' p. 757 ft.), 1910. Dl
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2245. - - Neue Anleitung zum Schwegeln Italiana' XXXI and XXXIII), resp.
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*2246. - - Volkstumliche Musikinstrumente 2265. - - Le probleme de la musique exotique
in den Alpen (Kassel/Basel, 1956). CJL ('Rivista Musicale Italiana' XXXII, p.
2247. Klose, H., Musik, Tanz und Spiel in 566 ft.), 1925. CKL
Togo ('Globus' 89), 19II. 2265a. Knott, C. G., Remarks on Japanese
2248. Klusen, Ernst, Der Stammescharakter in musical scales ('Transactions of the
den Weisen neuerer deutschen Volks- Asiatic Soc. of Japan' XIX), 1891.
lieder (Bad Godesberg, 1953). CL 2266. Knudsen, Thorkild, Praemodal og pseu-
2248a. - - Die rheinische Fassungen des do-gregoriansk struktur i danske folke-
Liedes von den I2 heiligen Zahlen im visemelodier ('Dansk Musiktidsskrift'
Z usammenhang der europaischen Ueber- XXXII, p. 63 ft.), Copenhagen, 1957. A
liefe1'ung (Cologne, 1956). L 2266a. - - Structures premodales et pseudo-
2248b. - - Deutsch-niederlandische Bezieh- grtigoriennes dans les melodies des balla-
ungen im Volkslied (Cologne, 1956). L des danoises (' J. of the Intern. Folk
2248c. Knosp, Gaston, Les chants d'amour Music Council' X, p. 4 ft.), 1958.
'dans la musique orientale ('Mercure ACIJKL
Musical' IV, p. 785 ft.), 1908. 2266b. Kochnitzky, L., D'un carnet de route
2249. - - Annamitische Melodien ('Die Mu- musical ('Jeune Afrique' VI, p. 27 ff.),
sik' I II, fasc. 24), 1931'04. CDFKL 1952. M
2250. - - La Birmanie (1906) (in Lavignac, 2267. Kodaly, Zoltan, Kelemen k6mies balla-
ddja. Egy dallam 38 vdltozatban (i.e. Beziehungen zur samoanischen Musik
A ballad-melody with all its varia- ('Anthropos' XXV, p. 588 ft.), 1930.
tion in 38 stanzas) ('Zenei Szemle' ADIGKLIL2M
II, p. 37 ft.), 1926. *2283. - - Suriname Music (in M. J. and
2268. - - Niprajz is zenetorUnet (i.e. Folc- F. S. Herskovits, 'Suriname Folklore',
lore and Musical history) ('Ethnogra- New York, 1936). BI
phia' 1933, p. 4 ft.). 2284. - - Suriname music (Columbia Univ.
2269. - - Ot/oku zene I-IV (i.e. Pentatonic contributions to Anthropology XXVII)
music), Budapest, 19431'47. A New York, 1936. IJ
2270. - - A magyar nipzene (i.e. The 2285. - - Musica de Culto A/robahiano
Hungarian folk music), Budapest, 3/ ('Revista de Estudios Musicales' I, No.
1952. AK 2, p. 65 ft.), Mendoza, Argentina, Dec.
2271. - - Eine Vorbedingung der verglei- 1949. AKL
chende Lied/orschung ('Studia Memoriae 2286. --La musica del Oeste A/ricano.
Belae Bart6k Sacra', p. 7 ft.), Budapest, Musica Europea y extraeuropea ('Re-
1956. AC vista de Estudios Musicales' I, No.2, p.
2272. - - Die Ungarische Volksmusik(transl. 191 ft.), Mendoza, Argentina, 1949.
by Bence Szabolsci from the Hungarian) AKL
(No. 2270), Budapest, 1956. ACFL 2287. - - Die Musik Westa/rikas (deposited
2273. Kodikar, Mukta, Role 0/ classical music at the Dept. of Anthropology of North-
in Indian films ('Lakshya Sangeet' I), western University). A
Delhi,19541'55 2290. - - Ethnomusicology, its problems and
2274. Kohl, Louis von, Tonende Amtsem- methods ('Ethnomusicology' Newsletter
bleme. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der X, p. I ft.), May 1957. AGL
chinesischen Musik ('Sinica' VII, p. 5 2291. - - The structure 0/ melodic movement,
ft.), 1932. GK a new method 0/ analysis (in 'Miscelanea
2275. - - Die Grundlagen des altchinesischen de estudios dedicados al Dr. Fernando
Staates und die Bedeutung der Riten Ortiz', vol. II, p. 881 ft.), La Habana,
und der Musik ('Baessler Archiv' 1956. A
XVII), 1934. DIGKL2 2292. - - The determinants 0/ tonal con-
2276. Kohlbach, B., Das Widderhorn (,Z. struction in tribal music ('The Musical
des Ver. f. Volksk.' XV, p. 113 ft.), Quarterly' XLIII, p. 50 ff.), 1957.
2277. Kolari, Eino, Musikinstrumente und 2293. Koller, Oswald, Die Musik im Lichte
ihre Verwendung im alten Testament. der Darwinschen Theorie (' J ahrb. der
E in lexikalische und kulturgeschicht- musikbibl. Peters' VII, p. 35 ft.), 1901.
liche Untersuchung (Helsinki, 1947). G CGKLLI
2277a. Kolberg, 0., Lud (29 vols.), 18651'9. 2294. - - Die beste Methode, Volks- und
2278. Kolessa, Philaret, Phonographierte Me- volksmassige Lieder nach ihrer melodi-
lodien der ukrainischen rezitierenden Ge- schen (nicht textlichen) Bescha//enheit
sange ('Dumy') (vol. XIII of the 'Bei- lexikalisch zu ordnen.' ('Sammelba.nde
tra.ge zur Ukrainischen Ethnologie') der intern. Musikges.' IV), Leipzig,
Lemberg, 1910. 19021'03. CDFHIL
2279. - - Ueber den rhythmischen Au/bau 2295. Kollmann, Paul, Flaten und P/ei/en aus
der ukrainischen (klein-russischen) All-Mexico ('Bastian Festschrift'), Ber-
Volkslieder ('Report 4th Congress I.M.S., lin, 1896.
1911', p. 184 ft.), London, 1911. CF 2296. - - The Victoria Nyanza (London,
2280. - - Volkslieder aus dem galizischen 1899). Music: p. 37 ft., 60 ft., 94 ft.,
Lemkengebiete ('Beitrage zur Ukraini- 116 ft., 161 ft., 205 ff. J
schen Ethnologie' vol. XXXIX), Lem- 2297. Komitas, La musique rustique arme-
berg, 1929. nienne ('Revue Musicale Mensuelle'
2280a. - - Das ukrainische Volkslied, sein 1907, p. 472 ft.). DIK
melodischer und rhythmischer A u/bau 2298. - - A rmenische Dor/lieder (Leipzig,
('Oesterreichische Monatschrift fur die 1913) (2 vols.).
Orient' XLII), 1916. 2299. KOnig-Beyer, Walter, Volkerkunde im
2281. Kolff, D. H., Reize door den weinig be- Lichte vergleichender Musikwissenscha/t
kenden Z uidelijken M olukschen A rchipel (Reichenberg, 1931). L
en langs de geheel onbekende Z uidwest- 2299a. Kono, Tama, Utsuhomonogatari as a
kust van Nieuw-Guinea, gedaan in de glorification of the music of kin ('Ocha-
jaren r8z5 en r8z6 (Amsterdam, 18281, nomizu Joshi Daigaku Jombun kagaku
p. 176, 178, 181 and 208. AB kiy6' VIII, p. 283 ff. (in Japanese), p.
2282. Kolinski, Mieczyslaw, Die Musik der 149 ff. (Eng!. summary), March 1956.
Primitivstamme au/ M alakka und ihre 2300. Koole, Arend, Report on an inquiry
into the music and instruments of the 2315. Kreemer, j., Atjeh (Leyden, 1922), vol.
Basutos in Basutoland ('Kongressbe- I, p. 391 ff. AB
ncht Intern. Ges. f. Musikwissenschaft, 2316. - - Javaansche kinderspelen met zang
Utrecht 1952', p. 263 ff.), 1953. ('Mededeelingen vanwege het Nederl.
ACDEF Zendelinggenootschap' XLII, p. 229
2301. - - The history, study, aims and ff.), 1898. B
problems of comparative musicology 2317. Krehbiel, H. E., Afro-American Folk
('South African Journal of Science' LI songs (G. Schirmer, New York, 1913). F
No.8, p. 227 ff.), March 1955. AGM 2318. - - Afro-American folksongs. A study
2302. Korda, Viktor, Genuine folk polyphony in racial and national music (New York/
in the Austrian Alps ('J. of the Intern. London, 1914). K
Folk Music Council' IX, p. 9 ff.), 1957 2319. Kremenliev, Boris A., Bulgarian-Mace-
ACJKL donian Folk Music (Berkeley/Los An-
2303. Koritschoner, H., Some East African geles, 1952). ACIL
native songs ('Tanganyika Notes and 2320. - - Some social aspects of Bulgarian
Records' IV, p. 51 ff.), 1937. folksongs ('J. of American Folklore'
2304. Kornfeld, Fritz, Die tonale Struktur LXIX, p. 310 ff.), July/Sept. 1957. GK
Chinesischer Musik (Modling bei Wien, 2320a. Krenn, Ernst, Fdroyische Spiele, Tanze
Skt. Gabrieler Studien, vol. XVI), und anderer Zeitvertreib ('Worter und
1955. L Sachen' XXII, p. 217 ff.), 1942.
2305. Kortshmarov, K., Notation of over 200 2321. Kresanek, Jozef, Slovenskd l'udovd
traditional melodies (Place and date piesen so stanoviska hudobneho (Bratis-
unknown). lava, 1951). A
2305a. Koutev, Philip, and Maria Kouteva, 2321a. - - Bart6k's Sammlung slowakischer
Folk dance instruments. Kaval ('The Volkslieder ('Studia Memoriae Belae
Folklorist' IV No. I, p. 12 ff.), Man- Bart6k Sacra', p. 51 ff.), Budapest,
chester, 1957. A 1956. AC
2305b. - - and - - Folk dance instruments: 2322. Krieg, Hans, Palestina ('Encycl. v. d.
Gadulka ('The Folklorist' IV, NO.4, Muziek' I, p. 64 ff.), 1956. ACDEFGHI
p. III), Manchester, Winter 19571'58. 2323. Krieger, Herbert W., Material culture
A of the people of South-Eastern Panama
2306. Kozaky, St., A haldltdncok t6rtenete ('Bull. of the Smithsonian Inst.' No.
(Geschichte der Totentanze) vols. I-III 134), Washington D.C., 1926, p. II5
(Budapest, 1936-'44). C ff.: Musical instruments. J
*2307, Kraeling, Carl H., and Lucetta Mowry, 2323a. Krishnacharya, Vidvan Hulugur, Fret-
Music in the Bible ('The New Oxford ting musical instruments ('The J. of the
History of Music', 3rd ed., vol. I, p. 283 Music Academy, Madras' XVI, p. 85
ff.),1957' ABCDIFGHIJK ff.), 1945. C
2308. KrAmer, Augustin, Die Malanggane von 2323b. - - The intonation of Karnataka
Tombara (Miinchen, 1925), PP.54 and Raga M elas ('The J. of the Music Aca-
56 ff. AB demy, Madras' XVII. p. 51 ff.), 1946. C
2309. Kraus, Alex., La musique au Japon 2324. Krishna Rao, H. P., The Psychology of
(Florence, 1878). C Music (Mysore, 1916).
2310. Kraus, AI., Di alguni strumenti 2325. - - The Psychology of Music (Ban-
musicali della Micronesia e della Mela- galore, 1923). I
nesia regalati al M useo N azionale d'an-
tropologia e di etnologia dal dott. Otto 2326. Kristensen, Evald Tang, Jy(d)ske Folke-
Finsch (' Archivio per I' Anthropologia e minder. I. Jydske Folkeviser og Toner,
la Etnologia' XVII, p. 35 ff.), Florence, samlede at Folkemunde, isaer i Hamme-
rum-Herred (1868-'71); II. Gamle Jyske
1~7. V Folkeviser (1874-'76); X. IOO gamle
2311. Krause, Eduard, Trommeln aus vorge-
schichtlicher Zeit (,Z. f. Ethnologie' jyske Folkeviser (1889); XI. Gamle
XXIV, p. (97) ff.), 1892. Viser i Folkemunde (1891). K
BDIGHKVL2M 2327. Kristit, Augustin, Alat majstora tam-
2312. - - Die altesten Pauken ('Globus' bura iz kreeva ('Bilten Inst. za prouca-
LXXVIII, p. 193 ff.), Brunsvik, 1900. vanje folklora Sarajevo' III, p. 153 ff.),
DIM Sarajevo, 1955. A
2313. Krauss, H., Altchinesische Militarmusik 2328. Krohn, IImari, Geistliche Melodien
und Militarsignale ('Deutsche Militar- ('Suomen Kansan Savelmia' I), 1898.
Musiker-Zeitung' 1907). 2329. - - Ueber die Art und Entstehung der
2314. Krawc, Bjarnat (= Bernard Schneider), geistlichen Volksmelodien in Finland
Dreiunddreissig Wendische Lieder (Leip- (1899).
zig, 1925). 2330. - - De la mesure a 5 temps dans la mu-
sique populaire finnoise ('Sammelb. der 2347. Kuba, Ludvik, The folksongs of White-
Intern. Musikges.' II), 1901/'02. Russia ('Music', Chicago, 1898).
CDFHIL 2347a. - - Ceska muzika na Domallicku
2331. - - Ueber die chinesischen Melodien (Prague, 1894, 2/1947).
von P. du Halde ('Allgem. Musikzeitung' 2348. - - Slovanstvo ve svych zpevech (16
1900-'01). DIL vols.) (= The Slavs and their songs)
2332. - - Welches ist die beste Methode, um (Prague, 1884-1929).
Volks- und volksmlissige Lieder nach 2349. - - Piesmei napievi iz Bosne i Herce-
ihrer melodischen Beschaffenheit lexi- govine ('Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u
kalisch zu ordnen ('Sammelbande d. Bosni i Hercegovine' XVIII, 183 ft.,
Intern. Musikges.' IV, p. I ft.), 1902/ 354 ft., 499 ff.; ibid. XIX, p. 103 ft.,
'03. CDFHIL 273 ft., 405 ft., 629 ft. ; ibid. XXI, p. 303
2333. - - Weltliche Melodien ('Suomen Kan- ft., 581 ft.; XXII, p. 513 ft.), Sarajevo,
san Savelmia' II), 1904. I resp. 1906, 1907, 1909 and 1910.
2334. - - Tanzmelodien (ibid. III), 1905. 2350. - - Einiges uber das istro-dalmatini-
2335. - - Mongolische Melodien ('Z. f. Mu- sche Lied ('Ber. 3. Kongress d. Intern.
sikw.' III, p. 65 ft.), 1920. CDHIKL Musikges.' 199, p. 271 ft.). C
2336. - - Melodien der Permier ('Mem. de 2351. - - Pisen jihoslovanska (Prague,
la Soc. Finno-Ugrienne' LVIII), Hel- 19 2 3).
sinki, 1929. G 2352. - - Cesty za Slovanskou Pisni. II.
2337. - - Die finnische Volksmusik ('Ber. Le Midi slave (Prague, 1935).
a.d. Inst. f. Finnlandkunde', Greifs- 2353. Kuha~, F., julnoslavenske narodne po-
wald, 1935). IL pijevke (5 vols.) (Zagreb, 1878-1919,
2338. - - Merkmale der finnischen Volks- and 1941).
musik ('Allgemeine Musikzeitung' 1938, 2354. - - Das turkische Element in der Volks-
No. II). DIL musik der Croaten, Serben und Bulgaren
2339. - - M6dszertani kirdesek az osszeha- (Vienna, 1899).
sonlit6 nepdalkutatasban (Zur Methode 2355. KUhnert, F., Zur Kenntniss der chine-
der vergleichenden Volksmelodien!or- sischen Musik ('Wiener Zeitschr. fur die
schung) (in 'Melanges ofterts a. Zoltan Kunde des Morgenlandes' XIV, p. 126
Kodaly a. l'occasion de son 60ieme ft.), 1900. HDIGKLI
anniversaire', p. 97 ft.), Budapest,1943 2356. - - Bestehen Beziehungen zwischen chi-
ACK nesischer und ungarischer Musik? ('Ke-
2339a. Krojer, P. S. M., Het Chineesch tooneel leti Szemle' III, p. I ft.). 1902. GKL2
(Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, 1946). C 2356a. Kumer, Zmaga, Yugoslawien. II. Die
2340. Krumscheid, A., Die Alalas aus Galicia Volksmusik. I. Slowenien ('Die Musik
('Pro Musica' 1955, p. 7 ft.). A in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VII, col.
2341. Kruyt, Albert C., Huwelijk en geboorte 336 ft.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL
in den Banggai-archipel ('T. v. h. Kon. 2357. Kunike, Musikinstrumente aus dem
Bataviaasch Genootschap' LXXII, p. alten Michoacan ('Baessler Archiv' II,
13 ft. (p. 52 ft.)), 1932. ABDIGH p. 282 ft.), 1911. BDIGKL2
2342. - - De fluit in Indonesie ('Tijdschrift .2358. Kunst, Jaap, Terschellinger Volks-
van het Bataviaasch Gen.' LXXVIII, leven (1st. ed. 1914; 2nd and 3rd. ed.
p. 246 ft.), 1938. ABDIGH The Hague, 1938 and 1950). AFGHI
2343. - - and N. Adriani, De Bare'e spreken- 2359. - - Het levende lied van Nederland
de Toradias van Midden-Celebes ('Verh. (1st. ed. 1918/'19; 4th. ed. Amsterdam,
Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetensch., Afd. 1948). ACGH
Letterk., N.S., vol. LVI, No. I), Am- 2359a. - - Open brief naar aanleiding van de
sterdam, 2/1951. Vol. III, Chapter gestelde vragen omtrent de ontwikkelings-
XXV. Dans en Muziek. AB mogelijkheden van de muziek op java
2344. - - Verslag van een reis over het eiland ('Djawa', Prae-adviezen II, p. 123 ff.),
Soemba ('Tijdschr. v. h. Kon. Ned. 1921. ABDIG
Aardrijksk. Gen.' 2nd series, XXXVIII, 2359b. - - and R. T. Wiranatakusuma, Een
p. 533, 538), 1921. ABDIGHL2 en ander over Soendaneesche muziek
2345. - - De Soembaneezen ('Bijdr. t. d. ('Djawa' I, p. 235 ft.), 1921. ABDIG
Taal-, Land- en Volkenk. v. Ned- 2359C. - - and C. A. J. Kunst-Van Wely,
Indie' LXXVIII (The Hague, 1922), Over toonschalen en instrumenten van
P.488, 538, 561, 563, 590, 591, 601. West-java ('Djawa' III, p. 26 fl.), 1923.
2346. - - Verslag van een reis door Timor 2359d. - - De muziek in den Mangkoe Na-
('Tijdschr. v. h. Kon. Aardrijksk. Gen.' garan ('Djawa' IV, Mangkoe Nagara-
2nd series, XXXVIII, p. 769 fL), 1921 Jubilee-number, p. 24 ft.). 1924.
(p. 773, 803). ABDIGHL2 ABDIG
2360. - - and C. J. A., Kunst-van Wely, of Chinese musical art' ('T'oung Pao'
De toonkunst van Bali (Weltevreden, XXXIII, p. 184 ff.), 1937. ABGK
1925). ABCDGHIJKL 2375. - - New Light on the early History of
2361. - - and - - De toonkunst van Bali II the Malay Archipelago ('Indian Art and
(Tijdschrift v.h. Kon. Bataviaasch Letters' XII, p. 99 ff.), 1938. ABGK
Genootschap' LXV, p. 369 vv.), 1925. 2376. - - Music in Nias (Leyden, 1938).
.2362. Kunst, Jaap, (in collab. with R. 2377. - - In Memoriam Robert Lachmann
Goris), Hindoe-Javaansche muziekin- ('Cultureel Indie' I, p. 298), 1939.
strumenten (Weltevreden, 1927). ABDlGHLL2
ABCDEFGHIJK 2378. - - Een onbekend Javaansch muziek-
2363. - - Over eenige Hindoe-Javaansche instrument ('Cultureel Indie' 1, p. 140
muziekinstrumenten ('Tijdschrift v.h. ff.), 1939. ABDlGHL2
Kon. Bataviaasch Genootschap' 2378a. - - In contact met Jogia's grootsten
LXVIII, p. 347 ff.), 1929. ABCDlGH nog levenden kunstenaar ('Djawa' XIX,
2364. - - Een overwalsche bloedverwant van p. 238 ff.), 1939. ABDl
den Javaanschen gamelan (,Ned.-Indie 2379. - - Een merkwaardig blaasinstrument:
Oud & Nieuw' XIV, p. 79 ff.), 1929. de M aleische duivenlokfluit ('Cultureel
ABDlGHL2 Indie' II, p. 47 ff.). 1940. ABCDlGHL2
2365. - - De l'origine des echelles musicales 2380. - - Indonesische muziek en Gouverne-
iavano-balinaises ('Journal of the Siam mentszorg (' Kroniek van Kunst en
Soc.' XXIII, p. III ff.), 1929. Kultuur' V, p. 243 ft.), 1940. A
ABDFGK 2381. - - Review of Claudie Marcel-Du-
.2366. - - A Study on Papuan Music bois, 'Les instruments de musique
(Bandung, 1930). ABCDFGHK de l'Inde ancienne' ('Cultureel Indie'
2367. - - Songs of North New-Guinea (Pub!. IV, p. 226 ff.), 1942. ABCDlEFGHL2
No.2 of the Neth.-Indian Musicological .2382. - - De waardeering van exotische
Archives). 1931. ABCDEGHJK muziek in den loop der eeuwen (inau-
2368. - - Verslagen van den ambtenaar voor gural oration) (The Hague, 1942).
het systematisch musicologisch onderzoek ABCDEFGHK
in den Nederlandsch-Indischen Archipel 2383. - - Music in Flores, a Study of the
omtrent de door hem verrichte werkzaam- vocal and instrumental Music among
heden, J anuari I930-December I933: the Tribes living in Flores (Leyden,
benevens een voorlopige catalogus van de 1942). ABCEFGIJKL
zich in het N.I. Musicologisch Archief 2384. - - Barabu{iur-Iuiten met stemmen
. . .. bevindende inheemsche muziekin- ('Cultureel Indie' V, p. 30), 1943
strumenten (with 8 supplements). ABDlGHL2
ABCFG 2384a. - - Een en ander over de J avaansche
2369. - - Oude Westersche liederen uit Oos- waiang (Pub!. No. LIIlof the R. Tropic-
tersche landen (Bandung, 1934). al Inst., Amsterdam). Amsterdam,
2370. - - De toonkunst van Java (2 vols), .2385. - - Een en ander over de muziek en
The Hague, 1934. ABCGIKL den dans op de Kei-eilanden (Public.
2371. - - Musicological Exploration in the LXIV of the Royal Tropical Institute,
Indian Archipelago (,The Asiatic Re- Amsterdam), 1945. ABCDEGHJL
view' October 1936). ABDl 2386. - - Het lot der Javaansche gamelans
2372. - - A musicological argument for cul- ('Indonesia' 8th Sept. 1945). A
tural relationship between Indonesia 2387. - - Review of F. Baltazard Solvijns,
- probably the Isle of Java - and 'Les Hindous' ('Cultureel Indie' VII,
Central Africa ('Proc. of the Musical p. 197 ft.), 1945. ABDlGHL2
Association', Session LXII). 1936, 2388. - - Muziek en Dans in de Buitengewes-
(ABC) = Ein musikologischer Be- ten (Pu b!. LXVII ofthe R. Tropicallnst.,
we is fur Kulturzusammenhiinge zwischen Amsterdam), 1946. ABCDEFGHJLL2
I ndonesien - vermutlich Java - und 2389. - - Een novum op Indonesisch muziek-
Zentral-Afrika ('Anthropos' XXXI, p. gebied ('Cultureel Indie' VII, p. 200 ff.),
131 ff.), 1936. ABDlGHKLlL2M 1945 (ABDlGHL2) = 'Mensch en Me-
2373 - - Bij den dood van Erich von Horn- lodie' I, p. 23 ff., (1946). ABCDF
bostel ('Orgaan der Federatie van Ned. 2390. - - Teylers muzikale prijsvraag
Toonkunstenaarsvereenigingen', ] an. ('Mensch & Melodie' I, p. 19 ff.), 1946.
1936) (ABCFGH) = Zum Tode Erich ABCDF
von Hornbostels ('Anthropos' XXXII, 2391. - - Walter Spies alsmusicus ('Cultu-
p. 239 ff.), 1937. ABDIGHLlL2M reel Indie' VIII, p. 25 ff.), 1946.
2374. - - John Hazedel Levis' 'Foundations ABDlGHL2
2392. - - De Inheemsche muziek en de Zen- 2408. - - Kulturhistorische Beziehungen zwi-
ding (Publ. LXXII of the R. Tropical schen dem Balkan und Indonesien
Inst.), 1947. ABCDEFGHJLL2M (Publ. CIII of the R. Tropical Inst.,
2393. - - Musicology ('Report on the Scien- Amsterdam), 1953. ABGIDL
tific Work done in the Netherlands on 2409. --Gamelan Music ('Kongressbericht
behalf of the Dutch Overseas Territories Intern. Mus. Ges., Utrecht 1952', p.
during the period between approxi- 271 ff.), 1953. ACDEF
mately 1918 and 1943', publ. by the 2410. - - Een en ander over auteursrecht op
Werkgemeenschap van Wetensch. or- volksliederen ('Mens en Melodie' IX, p.
ganisaties in Nederland, and compiled 15 fL), 1954. ACF
by Dr. B. J. O. Schrieke), p. 194 ff. 24II. - - Alexander john Ellis ('Die Musik
(1948). AB in Geschichte und Gegenwart' vol. III,
2394. - - Around Von Hornbostel's theory col. 1284 ff.), 1954. ABCDEFGHIKL
of the cycle of blown fifths (Publ. LXXVI 2412. - - Cultural Relations between the Bal-
of the R. Tropical Inst.), 1948. kans and Indonesia (Publ. CVII of the
ABCEGH Royal Tropical Inst., Amsterdam),
2395. - - A hypothesis about the origin of the 1954. ABCDEFGHJ
gong ('Ethnos' 1947, p. 79 ff. and 147) 2413. - - Flores (,M.G.G.' vol. IV, col. 415
(ABCFGL2M) (also in: 'Melanges offerts ff.), 1954. ACDEFGHIKL
a Zoltan Kodaly a l'occasion de son .2414. - - Gamelan (ibid. vol. IV, col. 1351
60ieme anniversaire, p. 84 ff.). ACK ff.), 1955. ABCDEFGHlKL
2396. - - The Music ot Bali and its emotio- .2415. --Gong (ibid. vol. V, col. 517 ff.),
nal appeal ('Britain and Holland' 1949). 1956. ABCDEFGHIKL
AB 2416. - - Hindu-javanische Musik (ibid.
2397. - - Sundanese Music ('Art and Let- vol. VI, col. 451 ff.), 1957.
ters': India and Pakistan' New Series ABCDEFGHIKL
vol. XXII no. 2, p. 54 fL), 1949. AGK .2417. - - Indonesische Musik (ibid. vol.
2398. - - The cultural background ot Indo- VI, col. II85 ff.), 1957.
nesian Music (Pub\.. LXXXII of the R. ABCDEFGHIKL
Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1949. 2418. --javanische Musik (ibid. vol. VI,
ABCDEFGHL col. 1784 ff.), 1958. ABCDEFGHIKL
2399. - - Music in java, its History, its 2418b. Kuong-Hong-Sen, Note additionelle a
Theory and its Technique (2 vols.), The l'tftude du M. Nguyen-dinh-Lai sur la
Hague, 1949. ABCDHIJK musique sino-vietnamienne et les chants
2400. --La Musique indonesienne ('Revue populaires du Viet-Nam ('Bull. de la
du Monde Nouveau' 1950, No. I, p.86 Soc. des Etudes Indo-chinoises' N.S.
ft). A XXXI, p. 87 ff.). 1956. ABL3
2401. - - Metre, Rhythm and Multipart 2419. Kurath, Gertrude P., Iroquois mid-
Music (also in a French and a Dutch winter medicine rites (' Journal of the
edition) (Leyden, 1950). ABCDGJ Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. 96
2402. - - De Inheemse muziek in Westelijk ff.), 1951. ACJKL
Nieuw-Guinea (Publ. XCIII of the R. 2420. - - Local Diversity in Iroquois Music
Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1950. and Dance (in William Fenton, 'Sym-
ABCDEFGHJL posium on Local Diversity in Iroquois
2403. - - Die 2ooo-jahrige Geschichte Siid- Cultus') ('Bull. of the Bureau of Amer.
Sumatras gespiegelt in ihrer Musik Ethnology' No. 149, p. 109 ff.), 1951.
('Kongress-Bericht, Liineburg 1950')' BCDIKL2
1951. ABCDEFKL 2421. - - Syncopated Therapy ('Midwest
2404. - - In Memoriam Dr. Ernest Diamant Folklore' I, p. 179 ff.), 1951.
('Mens en Melodie' VII, p. 60 ff.), 2422. - - Therapeutic Dance Rhythms ('Dan-
1952. ACF ce Observer', Oct. 1952, p. II7 ff.).
2405. - - Nederlandse Volksdansen ('Pro- 2423. - - An Analysis ot the Iroquois Eagle
gram of the National Folkloristic Dance and Songs ('Bull. of the Bureau
Festival, Hengelo, 17th Aug. 1952'), of Amer. Ethnology' No. 156, p. 223
p. 18 ff. A ff.), 1953. BDIKL2
2406. - - Sociologische bindingen in de mu- 2424. - - The Tutelo Harvest Rite: a musical
ziek (inaugural oration) (The Hague, and choreographic analysis ('Scientific
1953). ABCEIJL Monthly' LXXVI, p. 153 ff.), 1953. G
247. - - Begdja the gamelan boy, a story ot 2425. - - The Tutelo Fourth Night Spirit
the Isle ot java with musical illustra- Release Singing ('Midwest Folklore' IV,
tions by the Study Group for Gamelan p. 87 ff.), Bloomington, Indiana Univ.,
Music 'Barbar Layar' (L. P. record No. 1954. A
00165 L, made by Philips), 1953. ABFL 2426. - - Rhythms ot Work and Play
(' Journal of Health, Phys. Education Beziehungen zwischen Sprache und
and Recreation' IX, p. 5 ft.), 1938. Musik, (dargestellt am Beispiel Chinas)
2427. - - Los Concheros (,Journal Ameri- ('Musica' V, p. 13 ft.), 1951. CDKLLI
can Folklore' LIX, p. 234 ft.), 1946. 2443. - - The Musical Significance of ar-
. ' GK chaic Chinese]ades of the Pi Disc Type
2428. - - Los Arrieros of Acapulco ('Western ('Artibus Asiae' XVI fasc. 1-2, P.25
Folklore' VI, p. 3 ft.), 1947. ft.), 1953. BGL5
2429. - - Bronze Ceremonials (,Journal of 2444. - - Nochmals: die Steinzeit-Lithophone
Health, Phys. Education and Recrea- von A nnam ('Die Musikforschung' VI,
tion' XIX, p. 4 ft.), 1948. p. I ft.), 1953. ACEIKLLl
2430. - - Mexican Moriscas (ibid. LXII, 2445. - - Der stroboskopische Frequenzmes-
p. 244 ft.), 1949. A ser (ibid. VI, p. 235 ft.), 1953.
2431. - - The Feast of the Dead ('BulL of ACEIKLLl
the Bureau of Amer. Ethnology' No. 2446. Kutz, Adalbert, Musikgeschichte und
149), 1951. B Tonsystematik (Berlin, 1943).
2432. - - Matriarchal Dances of the Iro- 2447. Kuusisto, Taneli, Kansansiivelmiitoisin-
quois (,Proc. Intern. Congress of Ameri- to jen osoittaminen siikeittiiisen vertailun
canists' 1952). avulla (Feststellung von Volksmelodie-
2433. - - Chippewa Sacred Songs in Reli- varianten durch Vergleichung der einzel-
gious Metamorphosis (,Scientific Month- nen M elodiezeilen) (J uhlakirj a Ilmari
ly' LXXIX, p. 5 ft.), 1954. G Krohnille), Helsinki, 1927.
2434. - - Modern Ottawa Dancers ('Mid- 2448. Kuypers, John M., Music of the West
west Folklore' V, p. I fL), 1955. and the classical music of India; a study
2435. - - Ceremonies, songs and dances of in values ('The Viswabharati Quarterly'
Michigan Indians ('Michigan History' XIX, p. 272 ft.), Santiniketan, 1953/
XXXIX, NO.4, p. 566 ft.), 1955 '54. G
2436. - - Songs of the Wigwam (Coopera- 2449. Kvitka, Melodies populaires ukrainien-
tive Recreation Service, Delaware, nes (Kiev, 1922). K
Ohio, 1955). 2450. Kyagambiddwa, Joseph, African music
2437. - - Antiphonal songs of Eastern Wood- from the source of the Nile (New York,
land Indians ('The Musical Quarterly' Fred. A. Praeger, 1955). ACJLL2M
XLII, p. 520 ft.). Oct. 1956. 2450a. Ky6kai, Nihon H6sll, Nihon Minyo
ACDFKLI Taikan, Chiihu-hen (= A comprehen-
2438. - - Dance-Music interdependence sive treatise on Japanese folk songs:
('Ethnomusicology' Newsletter X, p. 8 Chubu region, Hokuriku district), To-
ft.), May 1957. AGL kyo, 1955.
2438a. - - Local diversity in Iroquois music 2450b. - - Tohoku Minyoshu, Aomori-ken
and dance ('BulL of the Bureau of (= Folk songs of the Tohoku area,
American EthnoL' No. 149, p. 109 ft.), Aomori prefecture), Tokyo, 1956.
Washington D.C., 1951. KL2 2451. Labat, J. B., Relation historique de
2438b. - - A new method in dance notation l' Ethiopie Occidentale, voL II, Chapter
('American Anthropologist' LII, p. 120 IV. De la musique des Negres et de leurs
ft.), 1950. BGHL2 danses (Paris, 1732). TransL from a
2438c. - - Memorial to Francis Densmore work by P. Cavazzi.
('Ethnomusicology' II NO.2, p. 70 ft.), *2452. Labouret, Henri, Langage tambourine
May 1958. AGL et siffli ('Bull. du Comite d'etudes hist.
2438d. - - Rhapsodies of salvation: Negro- et scientifiques de l'A.O.F.' VI, p. 120
responsory hymns ('Southern Folklore ft.), 1923.
Quarterly' XX, p. 178 ft.), 1956. A 2453. - - Un grand tambour de bois ebrie
2439. Kurosawa, Takatomo, The Musical (,Bull. du Musee d'Ethnographie du
Bow of the Bunun Tribe in Formosa and Trocadero' II, p. 48 ft.), Paris, 1931.
suggestion as to the Origin of the Pen- 2454. - - Les tribus du rameau Lobi (PubL
tatonic Scale (' Journal of the Soc. f. of the Institut d'Ethnologie, Paris,
Research in Asiatic Music' No. 10-1 I, 1931). Chapter III, p. 192 ft.: Musique,
p. 2 fL), Dec. 1952. A chants, danses. J
2440. Kurth, E., Musikpsychologie (1931). 2455. - - and Moussa Travele, Le tMatre
244oa. Kutahialian, Jean Onnik, Ecriture mandingue (Soudan franfais) ('Africa'
musicale arabe moderne (1957). I, p. 73 ft.), London, 1928. BGKLlL2M
2441. Kutter, Wilhelm, Radio as the destroyer, 2456. Lach, Robert, Natur- und orientali-
collector and restorer of folk music ('J. sche Kulturvolker ('Studien zur Ent-
of the Intern. Folk Music Council' IX, wicklungsgeschichte der ornamentalen
p. 34 ft.), 1957 ACJKL Melopoie. Beitrage zur Geschichte der
2442. Kuttner, Fritz A., Die verborgenen Melodie', p. 93 ft.), Leipzig, 1913. C
2457. - - Der Einfluss des Orients auf die Zunftwesens (Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien,
Musik des Abendlandes ('Oesterr. Mo- Phil.-hist. Klasse, Sitzungsber., vol.
natschrift flir den Orient' XL, p. 327 199), 1923. ADIGIKLl
ff.), 1914. 2474. - - Der Orient in der altesten abend-
2458. - - Orientalistik und vergleichende Mu- landischen Musikgeschichte ('Ber. d.
sikwissenschaft ('Wiener Zeitschrift flir Forschungsinst. f. Osten u. Orient' III,
die Kunde des Morgenlandes' XXIX, p. 162 ff.), Vienna, 1923. GK
p. 463 ff.), Vienna, 1916. DIGHKLl 2475. - - Die Musik der Natur- und orien-
2459. - - Das Kadenz- und Klauselproblem talischen Kulturvolker (in Guido Adler,
in der vergleichenden M usikwissenschaft 'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte' vol.
('Z. f. d. oesterr. Gymn.', LXVII, p. 601 I), 1924, 2/1930. ACEF
ff.). 1916. DIGK 2476. - - Das Konstruktionsprinzip der Wie-
2460. - - Vorlaufiger Bericht uber die im derholung in Musik, Sprache und
Auftrage der kais. Akad. d. Wiss. Literatur (Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien,
erfolgte A ufnahme der Gesange russicher Phil.-hist. Kl. Sitzungsber. No. 201,
Kriegsgefangener im August und Sep- Bd. z), 1925. DIGIKLl
tember I9I6 (Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, 2477. - - Das musikalische Konstruktions-
Phil.-hist. kl., Sitzungsber. No. 183, prinzip der altmexikanischen Tempel-
Abh. 4 = 46. Mitteilung der Phono- gesange ('Johannes Wolf-Festschrift'
gramm-archiv-Kommission), 1917. 1929), p. 88 if.
DIGIKLI 2478. - - Die vergleichende Musikwissen-
2461. - - id. im August bis Oktober I9I7 schaft, ihre Methoden und Probleme
(Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Phil.-hist. kl., (Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Phil.-hist.
Sitzungsber. No. 189. Abh. 3 = 47. Klasse, Sitzungsber., vol. 200), 1924.
Mitteilung der Phonogramm-archiv- ADIGIKLLl
Kommission), 1918. DIGIKLI 2479. - - Vergleichende Kunst- und Musik-
2462. - - Die Musik der turk-tatarischen, wissenschaft (ibid. vol. 201), 1925.
finnisch-ugrischen und Kaukasusvolker ADIGKLLI
in ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen und 2480. - - Gesange russischer Kriegsgefange-
psychologischen Bedeutung fur die Ent- ner, part I, Finnisch-ugrische Volker,
stehung der musikalischen Formen ('Mit- 1st section: Wotiakische, syrianische und
teil. der Anthropol. Ges., Wien', vol. permiakische Gesange (transcr. and
50, p. 23 ff.), 1920. transl. by Bernard Munkacsi and Ra-
2463. - - Das Phonationsproblem in der ver- phael Fuchs) (ibid. vol. 203), 1926; id.
gleichenden Musikwissenschaft ('Wiener part III, Kaukasusvolker, 1st section:
Medizinische Wochenschrift', 1920, Nos. Georgische Gesange (transcr. and transl.
16, 18 and 19: PP749-752, 738-84 by A. Dirr) (ibid. vol. 204), 1928; id.
and 881-884). DIHLI part 1, Finnisch-ugrische Volker, 3rd
2464. - - Eine Studie uber Vogelgesang section: Tscheremissische Gesange
('Musikalischer Kurier' II, p. 22 ff.), (transcr. and transl. by Beke Oedoen)
Vienna, 1920. (ibid. vol. 24), 1929; id. part II, Turk-
2465. - - Musik im Islam ('Der Auftakt' I, tatarische Volker, 1st section: Krim-
p. 282 ff.), Prag, 1920/'21. tatarische Gesange (transcr. and transl.
2466. - - Das Problem des Sprachmelos by Herbert Jansky) (ibid. vol. 211),
('Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift', 1930; id. part III, Kaukasusvolker, 2nd
1922, No. 27, p. 1173 ff.). DIHLI section: Mingrelische, abchasische, sva-
2467. - - Musik in China ('Der Auftakt' III nische und ossetische Gesange (transcr.
p. 35 ff.), Prag, 1922. and trans!. by Robert Bleichsteiner)
2468. - - Musik der Japaner (ibid. II, p. (ibid. vo!. 205), 1931. ADIGIKLLI
167 ff.), Prag, 1922. 2481. - - part I, Finnisch-ugrische Volker,
2469. - - Die Musik Ostasiens ('Faust', vol. 2nd section: Mordwinische Gesange
1922, fasc. 8, p. 26 ff.). K (transcr. and trans!. by Ernst Lewy)
2471. - - Der Ursprung der Musik im (ibid. vo!. 205), 1933; id. part II, Turk-
Lichte des Tiergesanges ('Wiener Medi- tatarische Volker, 2nd section: Basch-
zinische Wochenschrift', 1923, Nos. 28 kirische Gesiinge (transcr. by Herbert
and 30/31, p. 137-1310 and 1401- Jansky; trans!. by Tagan Galimdschan)
1406). DIHLI (ibid. vo!. 218),1939; id. partI Finnisch-
2472. - - Das Rassenproblem in der ver- ugrische Volker, 4th section: Tschu-
gleichenden Musikwissenschaft (,Berich- waschische Gesange (transcr. and trans!.
te des Forschungsinstitutes ftir Osten by Kaare Gmnbeck) (ibid. vo!. 218),
und Orient' III, p. 17-122), Vienna I~O. M
1923. GK 2482. - - Georgische Gesange (' Anzeiger der
2473. - - Zur Geschichte des musikalischen phil.-hist. Klasse der Akad. d. Wis-
sensch. in Wien' vol. LXIII, p. 13 ff.), pythische Nomos (,Festschrift-Johan-
1926. Ll nes Wolf, p. 97 H.), 1929. A
2483. - - Tscheremissische Gesiinge (ibid. 2502. - - Musik des Orients (Breslau, Jeder-
vol. LXIII, p. 138 ff.), 1926. LI mann's Biicherei, 1929). AKL
2484. - - Mingrelische, abchasische, svani- 2503. - - Die Musik der aussereuropiiischen
sche und ossetische Gesiinge (ibid., vol. Natur- und Kulturvalker (in Biicken,
LXIII, p. 140 ff.), 1926. Ll 'Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft'),
2485. - - Mordwinische Gesiinge (ibid., vol. 1929. ACDEFGHIIKL2
LXIII, p. 145 ff.), 1926. Ll 2504. - - Musikalische Forschungsaulgaben
2486. - - Vergleichende Sprach- und Musik- im Vorderen Orient ('Bericht iiber die
wissenschalt (,Paul Kretschmer-Fest- 1. Sitzung der Ges. zur Erforschung der
schrift', p. 128 ff.), 1926. Musik des Orients am 27. April 1930'
2487. - - Die Musik der Inkas ('Der Auf- p. 3 H.), Berlin, 1930. A
takt' VI, p. 124 H.), Prag, 1926. 2505. - - Musikwissenschaltliche Forschun-
2488. - - Die Musik der Inkas ('Der Zu- gen in Tunesien ('Forschungen und
schauer' 1925/26, fasc. 8, p. 6 H.). Fortschritte' VI), 1930. ADIGL2
2489. - - Review of R. et M. d' Harcourt, 2507. - - and Mahmud El-Hefny, Ja'qiih Is-
'La musique des Incas et ses survivan- hak al-Kindi Risiila Ii hubr ta' lil al-
ces' ('Mitteil. der Anthropo!. Ges. in alhan (i.e. About the composition of
Wien' LVII, p. 73 fL), 1926/'27. melodies), Leipzig, 1931. AI
DIGHL2 2508. - - Von der Kunstmusik des vorderen
2490. - - Review of R. et M. d'Harcourt, Orients ('Kultur und Schallplatte' II,
'La musique des Incas et ses survivan- p. 164 H.), 1931. A
ces' ('Z. L Musikw.' IX, p. 240 H.), 2509. - - Asiatische Parallelen zur Berber-
Leipzig, 1926/'27. CDHIKL musik (in collab. with E. von Horn-
2491. - - Die physiologischen Urtypen der bostel) ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 4
musikalischen Formen ('Wiener Medi- fL), 1933. ACK
zinische Wochenschrift' LXXVII, col. 2510. - - Das indische Tonsystem bei Bha-
15 H.), 1927. DIHV rata und sein Ursprung (in collab. with
2492. - - Die vergleichende Musikwissen- E. von Hornbostel) (ibid., I, p. 73 H.),
schalt ('Forschungen und Fortschritte' 1933. ACK
III, p. 210 ff.), Berlin, 1927. DIG 2511. - - Die Vina und das indische Tonsy-
2493. - - Kaukasische Volksgesiinge (ibid. stem bei Bharata (ibid. II, p. 57 H.),
IV, p. 43 ff.), 1928. DIG 1934. ACK
2494. - - Musikalische Ethnographie ('Mit- 2512. - - Musiksysteme und Musikauftas-
teil. der Anthrop. Ges. in Wien' LX, sung (ibid. III, p. 1 H.), 1935. ACK
p. 356 H.), 1930. DIGHL2 2513. - - Mustaqbil al-mii.siqa l-'arabijja
2495. - - Volksgesiinge von Valkern Russ- ('AI Kullijja l-'arabijja' XVI, vol. I p.
lands (Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Phil.- 17 H.), 1935.
hist. Klasse, Sitzungsber., vo!. 227, 2514. - - Jewish Can/ila/ion and Song in the
4th section), Vienna, 1952. Part II. Isle 01 Djerba ('Archives of Oriental
Turktatarische Volker. K asantatarische, Music', The Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem,
mischiirische, westsibirisch-tatarische, no- 1940). A
gai-tatarische, turkmenische, kirgische 2515. - - and A. H. Fox Strangways Mu-
und tscherkessisch-tatarische Gesiinge hammedan Music ('Grove's Diction-
(transcr. and trans!. by Herbert Jans- ary of Music' 4th ed., vol. III, p. 575
ky). ADIGIKV H.), London, 1940. F
2496. Lachmann, Robert, Die Musik in den 2516. Lacouperie, Terrien de, On antique and
tunesischen Sttidten ('Archiv f. Musikw.' sacred bronze drums 01 Non-China
V), 1923. ACFHIKLLI ('Babylonian and Oriental Record' VII,
2497. - - Ein grundlegendes Werk iiber die p. 193 H., p. 217 H.; VIII, p. 1 H.),
Musik Indiens ('Archiv f. Musikw.' VI, 1894 and 1895. CGK
p. 484 fL), 1924. ACDFHIKLLI 2517. Laforest, Franz, Une boUe a musique
2498. - - Musik und Tonschrilt der No unique au monde ('Le Courier de
('Proc. Musicol. Congress, Leipzig, June l'Unesco' IX, p. 12 H.). Paris, July/
1925', p. 80 H.), 1925. AC Aug. 1956. ABDIK
2499. - - Z ur aussereuroptiischen M ehrstim- 2518. Lagus, Ernst, Nyliindska lolkvisor I-
migkeit (Beethoven Festival, Vienna II = Nyland, samlingar utgifna af ny-
1927; Kongressbericht, p. 321 H.). liindska afdelningen III, Va-b (Helsing-
2500. - - Ostturkestanische Gesiinge (in A. fors, 1887-1900).
von Lecoq, 'Von Land und Leuten in 2519. Lai, Nguyen-Dinh, Etude sur la musique
Ostturkestan'), 1928. Sino- Vietnamienne et les chants popu-
2501. - - Die Weise vom Lawen und der laires du Viet-Nam ('Bull. de la Soc.
des Etudes Indochinoises' N.S. XXXI, 60ieme anniversaire', p. 219 ff.), Buda-
p. I H.), Saigon, 1956. ABL3 pest, 1942. ACK
2520. Lajtha, Laszlo, A tarogat6 utja Perszi- 2520q. - - Egy magyar raoIvas6 enekelt t6-
db61 Eur6pdba (i.e. Migration of the redeke (i.e. A song fragment) ('Ethno-
tarogat6 from Persia to Europe), Buda- graphia' LVIII, Nos. 1-2), Budapest,
pest, 1923. 1947
2520a. - - Bdrtok Bela zenetolklorisztikai 2521. - - Sziki gyujtis (Le. The collection
munkdi (i.e. Bela Bartok's works on of Szek), Budapest, 1954.
music folklore) ('Ethnographia' 2522. - - Korispataki gyujtes (i.e. The col-
XXXVI, Nos. 7-12), Budapest, 1925. lection of Korispatak), Budapest, 1955.
2520b. - - Ket regi lantr61 (i.e. Of two lutes) 2523. - - Szipkenyeruszentmdrtoni gyujtis
('Zenei Szemle' XI, Nos. 3-5), Buda- (i.e. The collection from Szepkenye-
pest, 1927. riiszentmarton), Budapest, 1955.
252oc. - - A magyar ntfpzene kora (i.e. The 2524. - - Ugor reteg a magyar nepzeneben
age of Hungarian folkmusic) ('Debre- (i.e. The Ugrian elements in the Hun-
ceni Szemle' I, NO.9), Debrecen, 1929. garian folk music) (in: 'Emlekkonyv
2520d. - - Diszitett hangszerek (i.e. Deco- Kodaly. Zenetudomanyi tanulmanyok'
rated instruments) ('Magyar Miiveszet' I, p. 611 H.), Budapest, 1953. AC
V, NO.3). Budapest, 1929. 2525. - - A propos de Tintonation tausse'
2520e. - - Magyar hangszerdbrdzoldsokr61 dans la musique populaire ('Les Col-
(i.e. Hungarian drawings of instru- loques de Wegimont' I, p. 145 H.),
ments) ('Muzsika' I, No. 10), Budapest, Brussels, 1956. ACL
19 29. 2525a. Lakatos, Istvan, A romdn nepdal es
2520f. - - Nepzenei tormaprobtemak (i.e. irodalma (i.e. The Rumanian folksong
Form problems in folk music) ('Muz- and its literature) (diss.), Budapest,
sika' I, NO.3), Budapest, 1929. 1939
2520g. - - Az I930 evi nepzenei gyujtisek 2526. Laloy, Louis, Musique et danses cam-
(Le. Folk music collected in the year bodgiennes ('Mercure Musical' 1906, p.
1930) ('Ethnographia' XLII, No.2), 98 H.).
Budapest, 1931. 2527. - - Notes sur la musique cambod-
2520h. - - A nepzener61 (i.e. Of folk music) gienne ('Ber. iiber den 2. Kongress der
('Nyugat' XXVI, No. I), Budapest, Intern. Musikges. zu Basel'), Leipzig,
1933 197, p. 61 H. C
2520i. - - Kuruc eredetU dallam a magyar 2528. - - La musique chinoise (Paris, 1910).
nepdalgyujtisben (Le. Melody of Kuruc ACFGIKL
origin in the Hungarian folk music 2529. - - Hoaf-Nan Tze et Ia musique
collection) ('Ethnographia' XLVII, ('T'oung Pao' XV, p. 501 H.), 1914. GK
Nos. 1-2,) Budapest, 1936. 2530. - - Les principes de Ia danse cam-
2520j. - - and Sandor Veress, Nepdal, nep- bodgienne ('Revue musicale' III, No.
dalgyujtis (i.e. Folksong, folksong- 9), 1st July 1922. CD1FGHKL
collecting) ('Magyar Muzsika Konyve'), 2531. - - La Musique et Ies philosophes
Budapest, 1936. chinois ('Revue Musicale' VI, p. 132
2520k. - - and Sandor GOnyei, A magyar H.). 1925. CDGHKL
neptdnc (i.e. The Hungarian folkdance) 2531a. Lambert, H. E., Some songs trom the
('A Magyarsag Neprajza' IV), Buda- Northern Kenya coast (' J. of the East
pest, 1937. African Swahili Committee' XXVI,
25201. - - and Oszkar Dincser, A teker6 (i.e. p. 49 H.), June 195 6 .
The hurdy-gurdy) ('A Neprajzi Mu- 2532. Lamson, Roy, English Broadside Ballad
zeum Ertesitoje' Nos. 2-4). Budapest, tunes ot the I6th and I7th centuries
1939 (,Proc. Intern. Congress of Musicology,
2520m. --La musica d'oggi e it pubblico New York 1939' p. 112 H.), Richmond,
(,Prec. of the Intern.' Congress of 19. M
Music, Florence, 1940'). 2532a. Lamsweerde, Felix van, many de-
2520n. - - Erdelyi nepk6ltes (i.e. Transyl- scriptions of exotic instruments in
vanian folk poetry) ('Pasztortiiz' 'Elsevier's Encyclopedie van de Mu-
XXVII, Nos. 3--9), Kolozsvar, 1941. ziek' I and II, and small articles on
25200. --Les origines de l'art populaire gamelan (I, p. 518 H.), Krontjong (II,
('Nouvelle Revue de Hongrie' Buda- p. 254). Luit (II, p. 298), and Trom (II,
pest, 1941). D1K p.640), Amsterdam, 19561'57.
2520P' - - Ojra megtaldlt magyar nepdal- ACDEFGHl
stilus (Le. Discovery of an ancient type 2532b. Land, J. P. N., Over de toonladders der
of folk song) (in 'Melanges offerts a Arabische muziek ('Verslagen en Mede-
Zoltan Kodaly a l'occasion de son delingen der Kon. Akademie v. Weten-
schappen', Afd. Letterkunde, 2de reeks, 2549. Laoye, I. H. H., Time of Ede. Yoruba
vol. IX, p. 246 ff.), 1880. ADIGH drums ('Nigeria' XLV, p. 4 ff.), 1952.
2533. - - Recherches sur l'histoire de la GL2M
gamme arabe (,Proc. of the 6th Intern. 2550. Laparra, R., La musique et la danse
Congress of Orientalists, Leyden 1883', populaires en Espagne (1920) (in La-
vol. II, 1st section, p. 35 ff.), Leyden, vignac, 'Histoire de la musique'), Paris,
1884. C 1922. C
2534. - - Essais de notation musicale chez les 2551. Lara, M. de, and Escobar, M. L.,
aI'abes et les persans ('Etudes archeologi- Ritmo y melodia nativos de Venezuela
ques, linguistiques et historiques dedi- ('Estudios Latino-americanos' III, p.
ees a M. Ie Dr. C. Leemans', p. 315 ff.), 121 ff.), 1937.
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proben aus dem muhammedanischen Espanola. I. Canciones J oglarescas de
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2538. Landstad, M. B., Norske Folkeviser 2556. Larsson, Karl-Erik, Snticktrumpeterna
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ff., 359 ff., 400, 452, 454 ff., and 481 ff. 2559. Launis, Armas, Lappische Juoikosme-
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1925. CDIGHKL zur Feier d. 25. jahr. Best. d. Frank-
2569. Lawirdi, Mikha'il Khalil AI., Falsafat furter Ges. f. Anthrop., Ethno!. u.
al-musiqi a-arqiyya fi asrar al-fasin Urgesch.'), Frankfurt aiM, 1925.
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dition ('Z. der Intern. Musikges.' XII, April 1957, p. 14 ft.). AC
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2577c. Lee, Kang Nyum, Korean folk songs les chants chez les femmes a M eknis
(authentic songs, but with piano-ac- ('Revue de musicologie' VIII No. 12),
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musica folkl6rica en Cuba (Habana, rika', p. 84 if.), 1947. B
1948). 2610. Ligeti, Gyllrgy, Egy Arademegyi Roman
2593. - - El patrimonio folk16rico musical Egyiittes (i.e. A Rumanian ensemble
cubano (Habana, 1952). from the Comitat of Arad), (in 'Em-
2593a. Leport, J. M., Vervlogen tijden ('Nieuw lekkonyv Kodaly. 1. 70 ZsuJetesnap-
Afrika' LXVIII, p. 200 if.), 1952. M jara', p. 399 if.), Budapest, 1953. A
2594. Leriche, A., Instruments de musique 26II. Ligtvoet, A. W., Exotische en oude euro-
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2595. Leroux, A., Rapports entre la musique ABCDIGHJK
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1891). I call, as it was, and as it should still be,
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japonaise (19II). I Mirror' I, p. 9 if.), 19II.
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segna di studi Etiolici' VI, p. 130 if.), bienne ('Acta Musicologica' II, P.92
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zog). 2615. - - La chanson populaire en Colombie
2598. Lethbridge, H. 0., Australian aboriginal (ibid. IV, p. 128 if.), 1932. CDEKLLI
songs (Melbourne, 1937). 2616. - - Las flautas indigenas colombianas
2599. Levi, Leo, On the tape recording project ('Estudios Latino-americanos' III, p.
of 500 Jewish melodies in Italy ('Yeda- 67 if.), 1937
Am' III, p. 58 if.), 1955 2617. - - Diverses manifestations folklori-
2600. Levi-Proven~al, E., Un chant populaire ques sur la cdte des A ntiUes en Colombie
religieux du Djebel Marocain ('Revue (' Acta Musicologica' VII, p. 167 if.),
Africaine' 1918, p. 215 if.). G 1935. CDEHIKLLI
2601. Levis, John Hazedel, The Musical 2618. Limbert, Francis L., Beitrag zur Kennt-
Art of Ancient China ('Tien Hsia nis der volkstiimlichen M usik, insbeson-
Monthly' I, p. 404 if.), 1935. dere der Balladenkomposition in Eng-
2602. - - Fundamentals of Chinese melody, land (Diss.), Strassburg, 1895. L
rhythm and form as seen through the 2619. Lindblom, Gerhard, Die Stosstrommel,
music poems of A ncient China (Peiping, insbesondere in Afrika ('Ethnos' 1945,
1933) p. 17 if.). ACL2M
2603. - - Foundations of Chinese Musical 2620. - - The Akamba in British East
Art (Peiping, 1936). ACGIJK Africa (Archives d'Etudes orientales
2604. --Chinese Music ('Asia' XXXVII XVII), Uppsala ,1920, p. 398 if.; Music
p. 863 if.), 1937. ADI and dancing. J
2605. Levy, J., Die Signalinstrumente in den 2621. Lindeman, L. M., Aeldre og nyere
altfranzosischen Texten (Diss., Halle, norske Fjeldmelodier I-XIII (1853-
19 10). '67), (d. No. 3887).
2606. Lhote, Henri, La documentation sonore 2622. Linder, Sven, Palastinische Volksgesan-
(chant, musique et poesie) etablie chez les ge (aus dem Nachlass herausgeg. und
Touareg du Hoggar en I948 ('Cahiers mit Anmerkungen versehen von Helmer
Charles de Foucauld' XXVII, p. II4 Ringgren), Uppsala{Wiesbaden, 1952
if.), 1952. 'Uppsala Universtets Arsskrift'
Li, Hwei, see; Hwei, Li (2015). 1952, fasc. 5, p. I if.
Li, Yuang-Ching, see; Yuan-Ching Li 2623. Lindsay, Maurice, Scottish Folk Music
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l'ancien Hainaut vol. I (Brussels, 1939), 2624. Lineff, Eugenie, Peasant songs of
vol. II (ibid. 1941), vols. III and Great Russia as they are in the folk's
(with collab. of Roger Pinon) (ibid. harmonization I (Moscow, 1905), II
1951 and 1957). A (Moscow, 1911).
2607. Lichtheim, J., The songs of the harpers 2625. - - A musical tour in the Caucasus
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DIGHKLI XIII, p. 552 fl.). 1911/'12. CDFHIL
2608. Lichtveld, Lou, De muziek der Rood- 2625a. - - Psalms and religious songs of
huiden ('Leven en Werken' IV, N.S., Russian sectarians in the Caucasus
No. I, p. 3 if.), Januari 1940. ADI ('Report of the 4th Congress of the
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don, 1911. CF ACFHIK
2626. Lineman, W., Traces of a bronze age 2642. - - . Trumpet marine ('Grove's Dic-
culture associated with I ron age imple- tionary of music and musicians' 5th
ments in the regions of Klang, Selangor ed., vol. VIII, p. 572 if.), 1954. AC
('J. of the Malayan branche of the R. 2643. - - The bagpipe scale ('Monthly
Asiatic Soc.' XXIV, part 3, p. I if.), Musical Record' LXXX, No. 921).
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the Paulson coUection in the Ethnogra- 2645. Lo Liang Chu, Hauptwerke chinesischer
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NO.5), Honolulu, 1923, p. 403 if.:
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Song: U.S.A. The I I I Best American
2629. Liscano, juan, Baile de tambor ('Bo!. de
Ballads (New York, 1947). AK
la Soc. Venezolana de Ciencias Natura-
2648. Long, Kenneth R., African Folk-
les' VIII), Caracas, 1943. Dl Song. Some notes on the Music of the
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('Acta Asiatica' I No. I, p. 54 if. (p. 73 vo!. I (Harvard Univ. Press, 1954).
if.): Rag-dun. A 2654. - - Serbo-croatian heroic songs collected
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2658. - - Les fltltes egyptiennes antiques 2678. Machabey, A., La musique des Hittites
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1889. CDIGEUKLI ff.), 1944. CDIKLl
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Lavignac, 'Hist. de la Mus.' I, p. I if.), des origines It nos jours', ed. Larousse,
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V), 1902. K 63 ff.), 1946. ACDEFHJK
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2667a. Lussy, K., Some aspects of work and 2688. - - The Shantu music of the Harims
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2669. Lyle, Robert, The music of the ancient 2688b. - - and Augustine Ene, The A tilogwu
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Amsterdam 1956. .ACHI
ff.), Helsinki, 1923.
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dam 1956. ACHI Press, 1928).
2673. Mac Culloch, J. A., Horns (in: Hastings, 2690. Maclaud, Note sur un instrument de
'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics' musique employe au Fouta-Dialon
VI). London, 1909. ('L'Anthropologie' XIX, p. 271 ff.),
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IX). London, 1909. 2691. Maclean, Charles, The Principle of
2675. Macdonald, D. B., Emotional religion in the Hydraulic Organ ('Sammelb. der
Islam as affected by music and singing Intern. Musikges.' VI, p. 183 ff.), 1905.
('J. of the Royal Asiatic Soc.' 1901, p. 2 CDFHIL
if.). DIGIKLl 26g2. Macleod, afterwards Lady A. C. Wilson,
2676. - - Irish music and Irish scales Short account of the Hindu system of
(Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, 1910). I music (Lahore, 1904). I
2677. Maceda, Jose, Philippine music and 2693. Macler, Frederic, La musique en Ar-
contemporary aesthetics (in: Herbert menie (Paris, 1917). I
Passin, 'Cultural Freedom in Asia' 2694. Madhi, Barkashli, La gamme de la mu-
(Vermont/Tokyo, 1956), p. 116 ff. A sique iranienne (' Annales des Tele-
2677a. - - Chants from Sagada mountain communications' V, p. 5 ff.), May 1950.
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musicology' II No.2, p. 45 ff.). May ('African Affairs' LII, Jan. 1953, p. 63
1958. AGL ff.). BKLlL2M
2696. Madrid, Esther Samonte, The structure Eshowe ('Travel' LVIII, p. 30 ff.), Dec.
of Philippine music ('Diliman Review' 1931.
Quezon City, II, No. 4, p. 373 ff.), 2713. Ma, Ko, Chinese folk song ('People's
1954 China', March 1957, p. 1014 ff.). A
2697. - - What is Philippine folk music? 2714. Mammery, A., La musique andalouse a
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2698. Maes, Joseph, On xylophones of Bakuba blanca.
('Man' XII, p. 90 ff. (No. 46)), 1912. 2715. - - La musique et Ie theatre populaires
BDIGKL2M a Marrakech ('1'Atlas', special issue,
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Congolaise' III, p. 116 ff.), 1912. 2716. Manga, Janos, A torok htiboruk emtekei
AL2 a magyarorsztigi szlovtik nepdalokban
(i.e. Reminiscences of the Turkish wars
2700. - - Les tams-tams du Congo BeIge
in the slovak folksongs of Hungary)
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revue generale de la colonie beige', Budapest, 1956. B
1921). AKM 2717. - - N6grtidi dudasok (i.e. The bagpipe
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Kanai - Lac Leopold - Lukenie ('Z. 2717a. Mangahas, Ruby K., Philippine music
f. Ethnologie' LXX, p. 240 ff.), 1939. ('Philippine Life' 1957(?)).
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Kwilu ('Man' XXIX No. 128 (p. 167), ('Sbornik muzei antropol. i. etnogr.
1929. BDIGKL2M pri ross. akad. nauk.' V), Petrograd,
2704. Maeyens, L., Het inlandsch lied en het 1918.
muzikaal accent met semantische functie 2719. Manker, Ernst, Die Lappische Zau-
bij de Babera ('Kongo-Overzee' IV, p. bertrommel. I. Die Trommel als Denkmal
250 ff.), Dec. 1938. DIGL2M materieller K ultur (' Acta Lapponica' I),
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Indian music (Indian music series, vol. 2720. Manoylovi~, K. P., (Narodne melodije
I), Jaffna, Ceylon, 1930. iz intotzne Serbije (Melodies populaires
2704b. - - Veena tutor (Indian music series, de fest de la Serbie) (Monographies of
vol. II), Jaffna, Ceylon, 1935. the Serbian Academy of Sciences, vol.
2705. Ma Hiao-Ts'iun, La musique chinoise CCXII), Beograd, 1953.
de style europeen (Paris, 1941). G 2721. Manrato, A., Musica ed instrumenti
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du Conservatoire de Bruxelles (5 vols.), Council' V, p. 51), 1953. ACJKL
Bruxelles/Gand 2/1893-1922. A (ed. in 2724. Manusama, A. Th., Krontjong als mu-
one vol., 1880) CD (ed. in one vol.) GI ziekinstrument, als melodie en als ge-
2708. Mahler, Elsa, Altrussische Volkslieder zang (Batavia, 1919). A
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Ratoromanische Volkslieder. I. Die Lie- V, p. 72 ff.), 1919.
der des Consolaziun dell'olma devoziusa 2726. Maquet, J. N., La musique chez les
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2710. Maitra, Radhika Mohan, Some recent trale' No. 26, p. 299 ff.), 1954.
trends of instrumental music (' Jhankar AGJKM
music circle 1953 souvenir'), Calcutta, 2727. - - Initiation a la musique congolaise
1953 ('Jeunesses Musicales' No. 21, Dec.
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music circle 1954 souvenir'), Calcutta, No. I, p. 64 ff.), 1954. AM
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2711a. Makiling, Juan, Music of the Philip- l'Union des Femmes Colonialcs', Jan.
pines ('Larawan' series I, Nov. 4th, p. 1954. p. 31 ff.). M
Iff.), 1955. 2729. - - La musique chez les Pende et les
2712. Makin, William J., The Zulus dance at Tschokwe ('Les COlloques de vVegi-
mont' I, p. 16<) ff.), Brussels, 1956. ACL Musical Instruments (in J. G. Scott,
2730. --Les instruments Ii vent du Congo 'Burma, a Handbook of Practical In-
beIge (' J. mensuel de la Fed. nationale formation', London, 3/1921), p. 360 ff.
des Jeunesses musicales de Belgique', 2143. - - Samples of Burmese music (in:
March, 1956) . Max and Bertha Ferrars, 'Burma'),
2731. - - Note sur les instruments de musi- London, 1900.
que congolais (Brussels, 1956). AB 2743a. Marie-Elisabeth, Mother, La musique
2731a. - - Initiation Ii la musique congolaise et Nducation sociale dans l' Urundi
('Micro Magazine' X, Nos. 462, p. I I ('XXIe Semaine de Missiologie', p. 128
ff.; 463, p. 9 ff. and 26; 464, p. I I; 465, ff.), 1951 (pub!. 1953). M
p. 9; 466, .p. 8 ff. and 14; 467, p. 8 ff., 2744. Marijic, Father Branko, Die Volks-
468, p. 8 ff.; 469, p. 9; 470, p. 9 ff.; 471, musik Bosniens und der Herzegovina
p. 10 ff.; 472, p. 9 ff.; 473, p. 9: 474, p. (1936).
12 and 14), 1954. M 2745. - - Hercegovatke svirale (Sarajevo,
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caux' I, NO.3, p. 25 ff.), 1955. 2746. - - Pentatonika u Bosansko-Hercego-
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de Musique de Z'Inde ancienne (Paris, Zagreb, 1938. A
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laires (in Dufourcq, 'La Musique des brabanyon' XIII, Nos. 73-74), Brussels,
origines a nos jours', ed. Larousse, p. 1933. AGLl
53 ff.), Paris, 1946. ACDEFHJK 2748. - - Chanson populaire - chanson folk-
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ff.), 1946. ACDEFHJK Council' VI, p. 21 ft.), 1954. ACJKL
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1954. ACFHIK IX, p. 15 ff.), 1957. ACJKL
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tions directes en ethnographie musicale Instruments of Ancient China ('The
fran~aise ('Les Colloques de Wegimont' Musical Quarterly' XVIII, p. 593 ff.),
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les ioncs' (' Arts et traditions populaires' folk music (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music
P.D.F. No.2), Paris, 1953. AHK Council' IV, p. 4 ff.), 1954. ACJKL
2737a. - - La 'Saint-Marcel' de Bariols 2753. Marques, A., Ancient Hawaiian music
(' Arts et traditions populaires' Jan) ('Hawaiian Annual' 1914, p. 97 ff.).
March 1957, p. 3 fL). AK 2754. - - Music in Hawaii Nei (ibid. 1886,
2738. - - and Maguy Andral, Musique po- p. 51 ff.).
pulaire vocale de nle de B atz (' Arts et 2755. Marques, Belo, Musica Negra (Edicao
Traditions populaires' July/Sept. 1954), da Agenda Geral das Colonias, Lisbon,
p. 13 ft. AHK 1943)
2739. Marchal, H., Orchestre cambodgien 2756. Marr, John, Oriental influence on Wes-
('Sud-Est', Saigon, Dec. 1950, p. 27 ff.). tern music (']. of the Music Academy,
A Madras' XXV, p. 62 ff.), Madras, 1954.
2740. Marchal, Sappho, Danses Cambodgien- AC
nes (Saigon, 1926), p. 30: Instruments. B 2756a. - - Review of C. S. Ayyar, '108 kritis
2740a. Marchesseau, G., Quelques elements of Sri Tyagaraja' ('Bull. of the School
d'ethnographie sur les Mofu du massif de of Oriental and African Studies' XIX,
Durum ('Bul!. de la Soc. des Etudes p. 595 ff.), London, 1957. BM
Camerounaises' No. 10, p. 7 fL), 1945 2757 Marsden, William, The History of Su-
M matra (3rd. ed., London, 1811), p. 195
2740b. Marcu, G., Cintecele polifonice aromine ff. AB
(The Arumanian polyphonic songs) (with 2758. Marshall, Harry Ignatius, Karen bronze
an English summary) ('Revista de drums (' J. of the Burma Research Soc.'
FolcIor' III No.2, p. 79 ff.). Bucarest, XIX, p. I ff.), Rangoon 1929. GJ
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and the bull-roarer (in 'The Threshold 2761. Martens, Frederick H., Music in the
of Religion'), London, 1914. life of the Aztecs ('The Musical Quar-
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2742. Mariano, P. A., Burmese Music and p. 376 If.), 1926.
2763. - - The influence of music in world coreografico y costumbrista) (436 docu-
history (ibid. XI, p. 196 ff.), 1925. CF mentos musicales ineditos), Madrid, un-
2764. - - Music in Chinese fairytale and dated (after 1931). AL
legend (ibid. VIII, p. 528 ff.), 1922. CHI 2784. - - Cante flamenco. Algunas de sus
2765. - - The musical observations of a presuntos origenes ('Anuario Musical de
M aroccan ambassador (I690-I69I) ('The l'Instituto de Musicologfa' V, p. 97 ff.),
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2766. Marti, Samuel, Precortesian music de Madrid, vol. I. Edicion critica por
('Ethnos' XIX, p. 69 ff.), 1954. Marius Schneider y Jose Romeu
ABJL2M Figueras (Barcelona/Madrid, 1951). A
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sianos (Mexico, 1955). A drid, 1953, Nos. 3-4, p. 41 ff. and No.6,
2768. - - Musica de las Americas ('Cuader- p. 3 ff.).
nos Americanos' LII, No. 4), Mexico, 2787. - - Instrumentos musicales folkloricos
1950. de Espana. I. Las 'Xeremies' de la Isla
2769. - - Organograjia Precolumbina (ibid. de Ibiza ('Anuario Musical' IX, p. 161
LVI, No.2), Mexico, 1951. ff.), 1954. CL
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LXXII, No.6), Mexico, 1953. samisen music ('Contemporary Japan'
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LXXVI, NO.4), Mexico, 1954 2788a. Mattfeld, Julius, The folk music of the
2772. Martin, E., Trois documents de musique Western hemisphere; a list of references
grecque. Transcriptions commenties de in the New York Public Library ('Bulle-
Deuxieme hymne delphique Ii Apollon, tin of the New York Public Library'
Epitaphe de Seikilos (JIe s. ap. f.-C.) XXVIII, No. II, p. 799 ff., No. 12, p.
et fragment d'un Choeur d'Oreste d' Euri- 864 ff.), resp. Nov. and Dec. 1924.
pide (1953). 2789. Matthews, Basil, Calypso and Pan
2773. Martin, Rudolf, Die Inlandstamme del' America ('The Commonweal' XXXVII,
Malayischen Halbinsel (Jena, 1905), p.
p. 91 ff.), 13 Nov. 1942.
913. A
2773a, Martinengo-Ceraresco, E., Essays in 2790. Matthews, F. Schuyler, Field book of
t~ study of folk songs (London, 1936).
wild birds and their music: a description
2774. Marx, 'B. L., The Hawaiian mele from a of the character and music of birds,
musical standpoint ('Hawaiian Annual' with songs reproduced in musical no-
1904, p. 154 ff.). tation (New York, 1904).
2775. Mdek, N., Tambours eneolitiques en 2790a. Matthews, W., The basket drum
Boheme et en Moravie ('Archeologicke (' American Anthropologist' VII, p. 202
rozhledy' VI, fasc. 5), 1954 ff.), 1894. L2
2776. Mason, Otis T., Music in Honduras 2791. Matthieu, G., Le Systeme musical
('Amer. Anthropol.' II (0.5.), p. 158 (T'oung Pao' XV (1915); p. 339 ff.;
ff.), 1889. GL2 XVII (1917); p. 489 ft.; XVIII (1918),
2777. - - Geographical distribution of the p. 31 ff.; XIX (1819/,19), p. 41 ft.; XX
musical bow (ibid. X (0.5.), p. 377 ff.), (1920/,21), p. 40 ft. and p. 355 ft.). GK
1897. GL2 2792. Maures, N. G., Contribution Ii l'etude de
2778. Maspero, Gaston C. C., Chansons popu- la chanson populaire egyptienne (Alexan-
laires receuillies dans la Haute-Egypte drie, 1931).
de I900 Ii I9I4 ('Annales du Service 2793. Maybon, A., Le theatre japonais (Paris,
des Antiquites de l'Egypte', 1914). DIG 1925). C
2779. Masu, Genjiro, The place of folk music 2794. Maynard Araujo, Alceo, Instrumentos
in the cultural life of the present day in musicais e implementos ('Revista do
Japan (,Journal of the Intern. Folk Arquivo' 157, p. 147 ff.), Sao Paulo,
Music Council' V, p. 64 ff.), 1953 . 1954
ACJKL 2795. Mayr, Franz, Short study on Zulu music
2780. - - Japanese Music and]apanese Life ('Annals of the Natal Museum' I, p.
('Japanese Music'), Tokyo, 1953. A 241 fL), Pietermaritz, 1908.
2781. Matchinsky, A., A propos'de la gamme 2796. Mazzini, G., Etn%nia sud-americana
musicale egyptienne ('Publ. du Musee de (del Cili e del Peru) ('Rivista musicale
I'Hermitage' II, p. 9), 1935 Italiana' XLVII, fasc. 5-6), 1943. CKL
2782. Matlova-Uhrova, Ludmila, Hanacki 2796a. Mbiye, B., Kasala des Mulumba
tance z Tovacovska ('Orbis' 1954). (ntiite) ('Kongo-Overzee' XXI, p. 160
2783. Matos, Manuel Garcia, Lirica popu- ft.), 1955. M
lar de la Alta Extremadura (folklore 2797. McAlIester, David P., Peyote Music
('Viking Fund Pub!. in Anthrop.' stein, 'Childhood in contemporary cul-
XIII), New York, 1949. ACFGHK tures' Univ. of Chicago Press, 1955), p.
2798. - - Menomini Peyote Music (in J. S. 79 ff. B
Slotkin, 'Menomini Peyotism') (Phila- 2817. - - Music in Bali I93I-I939 (in
delphia, Transactions of the Amer. preparation).
Phil. Soc.' XLII, part 4, p. 681 ft.), 2818. Mead, Charles W., The Musical Instru-
195 2 . ments 01 the Incas (' Anthrop. Papers
2799. - - Notes on the Music 01 the Navajo of the Amer. Mus. of Natural Hist.'
Creation Chants (in Record album XV, part III), New York, 1924. GL2
'Navajo Creation Chants', issued by 2819. Meadows, Capt. Taylor, Catalogue 01
Peabody Museum, Harvard Univ., p. Indian musical instruments presented
33 ft.), 1952. A by Colonel French (,Prec. of the R.
2800. - - Enemy Way Music. A Study 01 Irish Acad.' IX, vol. I).
Social and Esthetic Values as seen in
2820. Meeteren, N. van, Volkskunde van Cu-
Navaho Music ('Papers of the Peabody
Museum of American Archaeology and rafao (Willemstad, Cura~ao, 1947),
Chapter II, p. 37 ft.: Muziek en zang;
Ethnography' XLI, NO3), 1954.
p. 241 ft.: Musical examples. B
2801. - - American Indian songs and pan- 2820a. Meeus, F. de, Musique alricaine ('L'art
tribalism (,Midwest Folklore' V, p. 132 negre du Congo Beige' Brussels, 1950,
ft.), Summer 1955. p. 55 ft.). M
2802. - - An Apache liddle ('Ethnomusi- 2821. Mehta, Manharram H., Twenty-two
cology' Newsletter No.8, p. I ft.), shrutis and two gramas 01 Indian music
Sept. 1956. AGL (Bombay, 1938). I
2803. McPhee, Colin, The 'absolute' music 2821a. Meier, John, Deutsche Volkslieder.
in Bali ('Modern Music' XII, no. 4, p. Balladen (4 vols.), Berlin, 1935, 1939,
163 ft.), 1935. 19541'57, 1957 L
2804. - - Figuration in Balinese Music 2822. Meijer, D. H., De spleettrom ('Tijd-
('Peabody Bull.', May 1935). schr. v. h. Batav. Gen.' LXXIX, p.
2805. - - The Balinese Wajang koelit and 415 ft.), 1917. ABDIGH
its music ('Djawa' XVI, p. I ft.), 1936. 2823. Meinhof, Carl, Die Geheimsprachen
BDIG Alrikas ('Globus' LXVI, p. II7 ft.),
2806. - - Angkloeng gamelans in Bali ('Dja- Aug. 1894. DIM
wa' XVII, p. 322 ft.), 1937. BDIG 2824. Meinhof, Carl, Thilenius and Wilhelm
2807. - - Children and Music (ibid. XVIII, Heinitz, Die Trommelsprache in Alrika
p. 309 ff.), 1938. BDIGJ und in der Sudsee ('Vox' IV, p. 179 ft.),
2808. - - Musical Exploration in Bali ('Mu- 1916. G
sical America' LX, NO.3, p. 12, 263), 2824a. Mello Carvalho, Irene da Silva, 0
10 Febr. 1940. Fado. Um problema de aculturapio
2809. - - The Music 01 Bali, recorded by musical luso-brasileiro ('Bo!. Latino-
Colin McPhee, Benjamin Britten and Americano' VI, YO!. I, p. 225 ff.), Rio
Georges Barrere (Schirmer's Library de Janeiro, 1946. AGL
of recorded music' No. 17), New York, 2825. Melo, Guilherme, T. P. de, A Musica
194 Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 1947). A
2810. - - Balinese Ceremonial Music, tran- 2826. Melo, Verissimo de, Rondas inlantis
scribed lor two pianos, lour-hands (New brasileiras ('Revista do Arquivo' CLV,
York, 1940). A p. 227 ft.), Sao Paulo, 1953. A
28II. - - The technique 01 Balinese Music 2827. Mendizabel, Miguel Oth6n de, La poesia
(,Bull. of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' No. indigena y las canciones populares
6, p. 4 ft.), 1942. ('Boletin del Museo Nacional de Ar-
2812. - - Eight to the bar (,Modern Music' queologfa, Hist. y Ethnogr.' II, 4th
XX, p. 235 ft.), 1943. A period, No. 4), Mexico, 1923.
2812a. - - A house in Bali (New York, 1944). 2828. - - Los cantares y la musica indigena
AB ('Mexican Folkways' II, p. 109 ft.),
2813. - - Dance in Bali (in Marian Eames Mexico, 1929.
and Lincoln Kirstein, 'Dance Index' 2829. Mendoza, Vicente T., Los percutores
VII, Nos. 7/8, p. 156 ft.), 1948. precortesianos ('Anales del Museo Na-
2814. - - The live-tone Gamelan Music 01 cional de Arqueologfa'), 1913.
Bali ('The Musical Quarterly' XXXV, 2830. - - Los teponazlis en las civilizaciones
no. 2, p. 250 ft.), 1949. ACDFK precortesianas (ibid.), 1933.
2815. - - A club 01 small Men (1947). 2831. - - Musica indigena Otomi vol. I ('Re-
2816. - - Children and Music in Bali (in: vista de Estudios Musicales' VIVI,
Margaret Mead and Martha Wolfen- p. 351 ft.; II (ibid. VII, p. 221 ft.),
Mendoza, Argentina, 1951 and 1954. Light of New Materials from the Belgian
AEKL Congo and Ruanda-Urundi ('Zaire' VII,
2832. - - Musica precolombiana de America p. 245 if.), March 1953. AGDIKLIL2M
('Bol. Latino-Americano de Musica' 2850. - - ' Les Styles Vocaux dans la Musique
IV), Bogota, 1938. du Ruanda-Urundi ('Jeune Afrique'
2833. - - Tres instrumentos musicales pre- VII, p. 12 ff.), 1953. M
hispanicos (' Anales del Inst. de In- 2851. - - Recording in the Belgian Congo
vestigaciones esteticas' No. 7), Mexico, (,African Music Society Newsletter' I,
1947 No.5, June 1952; p. 15 ff.). ACJM
2834. - - Supervivencias de la cultura Azte- 2852. - - Song text of the Bashi ('Zaire'
ca. La canci6n y baile del musica indigena VIII, p. 27 ff.), 1954. (ADIGKLIL2M)
de Mexico ('Rev. Mexico en el Arte' = 'African Music' I, No. I, p. 44 ff.
IX), Mexico, 1950. (1954)). ACM
2835. - - Musica indigena de Mexico (ibid. *2853. - - An annotated bibliography of
IX),1950. African and African-derived music
2836. - - Folklore y Musica tradicional de since I936 ('Africa' XXI, p. 319 if.),
la Baja California (' Anuario de la Soc. London, Oct. 1951. AGBJKLIL2M
Folkl6rica de Mexico' X, p. 53 if.), 2854. - - The selection of recording equip-
1955 ment for field use (in: Kroeber, 'Anthro-
2836a. --La canci6n de Mayo en Mexico pological Soc. Papers' X, p. 5 if.), Ber-
('Bol. Latino-Americano' V, p. 491 if.). keley, 1954. A
Montevideo, 1941. AGL 2855. - - The use of music in the study of a
2836b. - - Panorama de la musica tradicio- problem of acculturation (' Amer. An-
nal de Mexico ('Estudios y Fuentes del thropol'. LVII, p. 28 if.), 1955.
Arte in Mexico' VII), Mexico, 1956. ABGL2M
2837. Meng Chih, Remarks on Chinese 2856. - - Musical instruments and tech-
Music and Musical Instruments (China niques of performance among the Bashi
Institute, New York, 1932). ('Zaire' IX, p. 123 ff.), 1955.
2837a. Mengrelis, Th., La voix des 'niamou' ADIGKLIL2M
chez les Guerze de Guinee Franyaise 2857. - - and Barbara W. Merriam, Flat-
('Notes Africaines' 1948, No. 38, p.8). head Indian Music. Report on Field
M Research (Evanston, 1950), re-issued,
2838. Menon, Narayana, Music of India and in enlarged form, in 1955 ('Western
its role in Indian dance ('Atlantic Anthropology' No.2). AF
Monthly' CXCII, p. 152 fL), 1953. A 2858. - - Music in American culture ('Amer.
2839. --Gustav Holst's 'Savitri' (,J. of the Anthropol.' LVII, p. 1173 if.), 1955.
Music Academy, Madras' XXV, p. 60 AGL2M
if.), Madras, 1954. C 2859. Merriam, Alan P., Sara Whinery and B.
2840. - - The musical instruments of India G. Fred, Songs of a Rada Community in
('Curtain Call', Dec. 1954)' Trinidad ('Anthropos' LI, p. 157 if.),
2841. Meny de Marangue, La musique Maro- 1956. BDIGHJKLIL2M
caine (analyses des modes; vues sur la 2860. - - Songs of the Ketu cult of Bahia
musique populaire), Imprimerie Dau- (' African Music' I, NO.3, p. 53 ff. and
phinoise, Nyons (undated). No.4, p. 73 fL), 1956 and 1957. ACJLM
2842. Merian, W., Das schweizerische Volks- 2860a. - - The African background ('Record
lied in musikalischer Beziehung ('Garbe' Changer' XI, p. 7 if.), 1952.
Nos. 4-6), Basel, 1918. 2861. Mersmann, H., Grundlagen einer musi-
2843. Merlier, Melpo, Essai d'un tableau du kalischen Volksliedforschung (Leipzig,
folklore musical grec (Athens, 1935). L 1930). A
2844. - - TpIXyou8tIX Tr,C; POUILe:);1JC; (Tragou- 2861a. - - Volkslied und Gegenwart (Pots-
dia tes Roumeles), Athens, 1931. dam, 1937). L
2845. Merriam, Alan P., Instruments and 2862. --Dasdeutsche Volkslied(undated). D
instrumental usages in the history of 2863. - - c.s., Europaische Lieder in den
jazz (diss.) (Evanston, Ill., 1948). Ursprachen (im Auftrage der Deutschen
2846. - - Notes on Cheyenne Songs ('Journal Unesco Kommission herausgegeben von
of the American Musicol. Soc.' III, Josef Gregor, Friedrich Klausmeier
p. 289 if.), 1950. CFK und Egon Kraus). Berlin, 1957. A
*2847. - - A bibliography of Jazz (un- 2864. Merton, Hugo, Forschungsreise in den
published MS, 1950). sud-astlichen Molukken (Aru- und Kei-
2848. - - Flathead Indian Instruments and Inseln), (Frankfurt, 1910). p. 198 ff. AB
their Music (,Musical Quarterly' 2865. Merwin, B. W., A vodoo drum ('The
XXXVII, p. 368 ff.), July 195i. CDFK Museum Journal' VIII), Philadelphia.
2849. - - African Music Reexamined in the L2
2866. Metfessel, Milton Eo, Phonophotography ments in North America ('Hobbies'
in Folk Music (Univ. of North Carolina LVII, p. 134 ff.), 1953.
Press, 1928). IK 2882a. Miller, Philip L., The record archive in
2867. - - The Strobophotography ('Journal the New York Public Library ('Bull. of
of Gen. Psychology' II, p. 135 ff.), 1929. the British Inst. of Recorded Sound'
DIH V, p. 20 ff.), summer 1957. I
2868. Metraux, Alfred, Le baton de rhytme. 2883. Millet, Ll., De la canyo popular catalana
Contribution Ii I' etude de la distribution (Barcelona, 1917).
geographique des elt!ments de culture 2884. Milosevic, Vlado, Bosanske narodne
d'origine melanesienne en Amerique pjesme (i.e. folk songs of Bosnia), vol.
du Sud ('Journal de la Soc. des Ameri- I (red. of the texts by LjubomirTrivi~),
canistes', N.S. XIX, p. I I ] ff.), Paris, Banja Luka, 1954. A
1927. GL2 2885. - - Bosanske narodne pjesme (i.e.
2869. - - La civilisation materielle des tribus folk songs of Bosnia) vol. II (red. of
Tupi-Guarani (Paris, 1928), Chapter the textes by Ljubomir Trivi~; musical
XXVII. Instruments de musique. AB transcription by Branislav Golubovic),
2870. - - La causa y el tratamiento magico de the textes by Ljubomir Trivic; musical
las enfermedados entre los Indios de la transcription by Branislav Golubovic),
region tropical Sud-A mericana (' Ame- Banja Luka, 1956. A
ricana indigena' IV, p. 157 ff.), April 2886. Mincoff-Marriage, Elizabeth, Souter-
1944 liedekens (The Hague, 1922). FL
2871. - - Le shamanisme chez les I ndiens de 2886a. Minderovic, Co, Yugoslav folk poetry
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320 ff.), 1944. 2887. Mingote, Angel, Cancionero musical
2871a. Meulen, R. van der, Die Naturverglei- de la provincia de Zaragoza (Zaragoza,
che in den Liedern und Totenklagen der 1950). KL
Lithauer (Leyden, 1907). L 2888. Mirinov, No N., Tadshikskaya muzyka
2872. Meyer, A. B., Die Nasenflote im Ost- (i.e. Tadshik music), 1932.
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No. 12, p. 195 ff.), Braunschweig, 1899. ('Silver Jubilee Souvenir of the Marris
DIM College of Hindustani music, Lucknow,
2873. Meyer, A. B., and W. Foy, Bronzepau- Nov. 1952'), Lucknow, 1953.
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2874. - - and - - Bronzepauken aus dem Lucknow, 1955).
ostindischen Archipel (Dresden, 1897). 2891. Mitchison, William, Handbook of the
2875. Meyer, Gustav William, Tonale Ver- songs of Scotland, with music and
haltnisse und M elodiestruktur im ost- descriptive and historical notes (London!
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kopf und Hartel, 1956). L 2892. Moberg, Karl-Allan, Tvd kapitel om
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VI, p. 1I5 ff.), 1929. 2893. - - Swedish Folk Music ('Grove's
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2877. Michaelides, Solon, The Neohellenic musikaliska organisation (Ueber Kuh-
Folk Music (Limassol, Cyprus, 1948). A reigen, eine musikalische Organisation
2878. - - Greek Folk Music, its preservation der schwedischen Sennhiitten) ('Svensk
and traditional practice (' Journal of the Tidskrift for Musikforskning' XXXVII,
Intern. Folk Music Council' I, p. 21 ff.), p. 7 ff.), 1955. K
1949. ACKL 2895. Moeck, Hermann, Ursprung und Tra-
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('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, paischen Folklore und die Herkunft der
p. 268 fL), 1954. ACFHIK musikgeschichtlichen Kernspaltfloten-
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Intern. Folk Music Council' VIII, p. 2896. - - Die skandinavischen Kernspaltflo-
37 ff.), 1956. ACJKL ten in Vorzeit und Tradition der Folk-
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('Man' XX, p. 40 ff.), 1920. BDIGKL2M ning' XXXVI, p. 56 ff.), 1954. ACK
2882. Miles, Co, Aboriginal musical 'instru- 2897. Mohler, A., Gedanken iiber die Musik
der alten Hebriier und der vorklassischen 2914. Moreux, Serge, La musique japonaise
Antike ('Die Musik' I, NO.4), 1902. (in Duiourcq, 'La musique des origines
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2898. M6ller, H., Spanische, katalanische, Paris, 1946. ACDEFHJK
portugiesische und baskische Volkslieder 2915. Morici, G., Canti popolari lituani
(Mainz, 1924). (Rome, 1925).
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('Lakshya Sangeet' I), Delhi, 19541'55. ('Apollo', Sept. 1938). C
2900. Moheyeddin, K., Muslim contribution to 2917. Morris, Frances, Catalogue of the musi-
Indian music ('Pakistan Review', cal instru,nents of Oceania and America
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2901. Mojzisek, Sebral Josef, Lidove pisne z Catalogue of the Crosby Brown Col-
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2902. Mokri, M., Kurdish songs with trans- New York, 1914. CI
literation, Persian translation and glossa- 2917a. Morton-Williams, P., A cave painting,
ry (Teheran, 1951). rock gong and rock slide in Y orubaland
2903. Molitor, H., La musique chez les negres ('Man' LVII, P.170, No. 213), Nov.
du Tanganyika ('Anthropos' VIII, p. 1957. BDIGKLIL2M
714 if.), Vienna, 1913. DIGKVL2M 2918. Moseley, A. B., More about music
2904. Molnar, Antal, A Nepzenekutatas Ker- ('Central Africa' LII, p. 54 if.), 1934.
deseibOl (i.e. Problems of musical 2918a. Moser, Hans Joachim, T6nende Volks-
etl)nography) (in 'Emlekkonyv Kodaly. altertumer (Berlin, 1935). L
I. 70 Zsuletesnapjara' p. 331 if.), Bu- 2919. Mosharrafa, M. M., Music Eastern and
dapest, 1953. A Western (Egyptian Institute, London,
2905. Moloney, C. Alfred, On the melodies of 1946). I
Ewe people of West Africa (,J. of the 2920. Moss, Claude Russell and A. L. Kroe-
Manchester Geogr. Soc.' V, p. 277 if.), ber, Nabaloi Songs ('Univ. of California
1889. K Pub!. in Amer. Archeo!. and Ethnol.'
2906. Mondon-Vidailhet, M., La musique XV, p. 187 if.), Univ. of Ca!. Press,
Ethiopienne (before 1910) (in Lavignac, May 1919. A
'Hist. de la Mus.' V, p. 3179 if.), 1922. 2921. Motzev, Aleksandre, Ritm i takt v
ACDEFHJ Bulgarskata narodna musika (Pub!. of
2907. Montandon, Georges, Genealogie des the Bulgarska Akademia na Naukite),
instruments de musique et les cycles de Sofia, 1949.
civilisation ('Archives suisses d'Anthro- 2922. - - Bulgarskata narodna pesen (pub!.
pologie generale' III, fasc. I), 1919. C by Nauka i izkustvo), Sofia, 1954.
2908. - - La musique en Roumanie (in La- 2923. Moule, A. C., A List of the Musical
vignac, 'Hist. de la Musique' V, p. Instruments of the Chinese (' Journal of
2656 if.), Paris, 1914. ACDEFH the North-China Branch of the Royal
2909. - - Nouveaux exemplaires africains de Asiatic Soc.' XXXIX), 1908.
la cithare en radeau ('L'Anthropologie' BCIJKL5
XLII, p. 676 if.), 1932. DIGH 2925. - - and F. W. Galpin, A western
2910. Mooney, James, The Ghost-dance reli- organ in medieval China (' J. of the R.
gion and the Sioux outbreak of r890 Asiatic Soc. of Gr. Britain and Ireland'
('Annual Report of the Bur. of Amer. 1926, p. 193 if.). ADIGIJKV
Ethnol.' No. 14, part 2), Washington 2926. Moule, G. E., Notes on the Ting-chi,
D.C., 1896. GKL2 or half-yem'ly sacrifice to Confucius
2911. Moor, Arthur Prichard, Oriental Music (with an appendix on the music by A. C.
(in Oscar Thompson, 'Intern. Cyclo- Moule) ('Journal of the North China
pedia of Music and Musicians' 4th ed., Branch of the R. Asiatic Soc.' XXXIII,
p. 1322 if.), 1946. CK p. 37 if.), Shanghai, 1901. CKL5
2912. Moore, George F., Symphonia not a MudaIiar, A. H. Chinnaswamy, see:
Bagpipe ('Journal of Biblical Lite- Chinnaswamy, Mudaliar, A. H.
rature' XXIV, p. 166 if.), 1905. K 2927. Miiller, H., Einige Notizen uber die japa-
2913. Moreno, Segundo Luis, Musica y danzas nische Musik ('Mitt. der Deutschen
autoctonas del Ecuador (Indigenous mu- Ges. f. die Natur- und Volkerk. Ost-
sic and dances of Ecuador), Quito, 1949. asiens' I, fasc. 6), 1876. G
A 2927a. MUller, Salomon, Land- en Volken-
2913a. --La musica de los Incas. Rectifi- kunde. Bijdragen tot de kennis van
caci6n a la obra intitulada 'La musique Timor. Tweede afdeling: Ethnographi-
des Incas et ses survivances' par R. y M. sche berigten ('Verhandelingen over de
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ecuatoriana, 1957). landsche overzeesche gebieden'
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C. J. Temminck). p. 256, 265, 269, 270, I, p. 397 fL), 1905. DIGHK
271), Leiden, 1839-'44. AB 2945. - - Traces of African melody in Ja-
2928. Mukerji, D. P., Indian Culture and maica (in Walter Jekyll, 'Jamaica song
Music (in 'The Cultural Heritage of and story', Pub!. of the Folk Lore Soc.
India' III, p. 601 ft.), Calcutta, 1939. LV, p. 278 ft.), 1907.
2929. - - Indian Music (Bombay, 1945). BG 2946. - - The ethnological study of music
2930. Mukhopadhyaya, Debabrata, Musical (in 'Anthropological essays presented
instruments of ancient India ('Entally to Edward Tylor'), Oxford, 1907. jL2
Cult. Conference, 8th Annual Session, 2947. - - Music of the Veddas (in Selig-
Jan. 1955'), Calcutta, 1955 mann, 'The Veddas'), Cambridge, 1911.
2931. Munkacsi, Bernhard, Volksbrauche und j
Volksdichtung der Wotiaken (Aus dem 2948. - - The Study of Primitive Music
Nachlass herausgeg. von D. R. Fuchs), ('Musical. Antiquary' III, p. 121 ft.),
Helsinki, 'Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seura' 1912. DI
XXXVI), 1952 = 'Suomalais-Ugrilai- 2949. - - Music (in 'Reports of the Cam-
sen toimituksia (i.e. Memoires de la bridge Anthrop. Exped. to Torres
Soc. finno-ougrienne'), No. 102. K Straits' IV), 1912. j
2932. Munoz Sanz, La musica ecuatoriana 2950. - - The beginnings of music (in
(Quito, 1938). 'Essays and Studies presented to
2933. Murdoch, john, The whizzing-stick or William Ridgeway', p. 561 ft.), 1913.
bull-roarer on the Westcoast of Africa jL2
('Amer. Anthropo!.' (O.S.) III, p. 258), 2951. - - A Study of Sarawak Music ('Sam-
1890. GL2 melbande der Intern. Musikges.' XV,
2934. Murko, M., Phonographische Aufnah- p. 296 ft.). 19131'14. CDFHIL
men epischer, meist mohammedanischer 2952. Naar een nationale Indonesische mu-
Volkslieder im nordwestlichen B osnien ziek ('De Vrije Pers' 18th Jan., 1951,
(19 12). reprinted in 'Indonesische Documen-
2935. - - Phonographische Aufnahmen epi- tatie' March 1951, p. 405 ft.). B
scher Volkslieder im mittleren Bosnien 2953. Nabaraoui, Ceza, Le conservatoire de
und der Herzegowina (1915). musique orientale ('l'Egyptienne' 1930).
2935a. Murray, K. C., Music and dancing in 2954. Nadel, Siegfried, Gesiinge der iemeniti-
Nigeria ('African Music Soc. News- schen Juden; Versuch einer neuen Ein-
letter' I, NO.5, p. 44 ft.), 195 2. ACjM teilungsweise fur alte Melodien ('Die
2936. Mursell, james L., Psychology and Musik' XIV, NO.4), 19141'15. CEF
the problem of the scale ('The Musical 2955. - - The Origins of Music ('The Musi-
Quarterly' XXXII, p. 564 ff.), 1946. cal Quarterly' XVI, p. 531 ff.), 1930. C
CDFK 2956. - - Marimba-Musik ('Sitzungsber.
*2936a. Music of Latin America (Club and der phi!.-hist. Klasse der Akad. d. Wiss.
Study Fine Art Series), Pan American zu Wien' CCXII), 1931. AM
Union, Washington D.C., 3/1953. A 2957. - - Sur la structure des systemes de
2937. Musique et chansons populaires (ed. by gammes et le probleme du 'cycle' dans la
the Intern. Inst. L Intellectual Co- musique primitive ('Art populaire' vo!.
operation), Paris, 1934. A II, p. 102 ft.), 1931. A
2938. Mutatkar, Mrs. Sumati, Alap in Hin- 2958. - - Musikalische Astrologie ('Der Erd-
dusthani music ('The Journal of the ball' V, p. 441 ft.), 1931. Dl
Music Academy, Madras' XXIV, p. 2959. - - Zur Ethnographie des afrikani-
77 ff.), 1953. AC schen Xylophons ('Forschungen und
2939. - - A short account of the development Fortschritte' VIII, p. 444 ft.), 1932.
of Islamic music ('Lakshya Sangeet' ADIGL2
I), Delhi, 19541'55. 2960. - - Georgische Gesiinge (Berlin, 1933).
2940. - - The basic pattern of Indian music 2961. - - Messungen an kaukasischen Griff-
(ibid. I), Delhi, 19541'55. 10chPfeiten ('Anthropos' XXIX, P.469
2941. - - Indian music: the classical tra- ff.), 1934. DIGHKLIL2M
dition ('Roopa-Lekha' XXVI, No. I), 2961a. Nakaseko, Kazu, Symbolism in an-
1955. G cient Chinese music theory (' J. of
2942. Muziek uit Olievaten ('Terpsichore' Music Theory', a pub!. of the Yale
VII, p. 52 ft.), May, 1954. A school of music, I NO.2, p. 147 ft.),
2943. Myers, Ch. S., The Rhythm-Sense of Nov. 1957. ABC
Primitive Peoples ('Transactions 5th 2962. Narasimhan, V. M., Temple Curiosi-
Intern. Psycho!. Congress in Rome ties. Some strange musical obiects ('The
194'). March of India' VI, NO.3, p. 41 ft.),
2944. - - A Study of Rhythm in Primitive Jan./Febr. 1954. A
2963. Nasto, L., Die Volkslieder der Litauer Musical Style ('Journal of the Amer.
(1893). Musicol. Soc.' V, p. 144 ff.), 1952.
*2964. Nataletti, Giorgio, El folklore musical CFKLL2
en Italia desde I9I8 hasta I948. En- 2979. - - . Stylistic Variety in North A meri-
sayo bibliografico ('Revista de Estudios can I ndian Music (' Journal of the Ame-
musicales' I, No.2, p. 153 ff.), Men- rican Musicol. Soc.' VI, p. 160 ff.),
doza (Arg.), Dec. 1949. AKL 1953. CFKL
2964a. - - II folklore musicale in Italia dal 2980. - - The Shawnee musical style ('South-
I9I8 ad oggi (Rome, 1948). western J. of Anthropology' IX, p. 277
2965. Nathan, J., Music of the Hindus (in ff.), 1953. DIGL2
Surindro Mohun Tagore, 'Hindu music 298 I. - - Observations on meaningless Pey-
from various authors', p. 229 ff.), Cal- ote song texts ('J. of Amer. Folklore'
cutta, 1882. CFIKL2 LXVI, p. 161 ff.), 1953. GK
2966. Nathan, M. Montague, Armenian Folk 2982. - - Notes on Musical Composition in
Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. Primitive Culture ('Anthropological
vol. III, p. 184 ff.), 1954. ACFHIK Quarterly' XXVII (N.S. II), p. 81 ff.),
2967. Nau, Walter G., A triptych from the July 1954
A rbatsky collection at the Newberry 2983. - - Ibo Songs from Nigeria, Native
Library, Chicago (Ill.) (Chicago, 1954). and Hybridized ('Midwest Folklore' III,
A p. 237 ff.), 1954
2968. Nayudu, B. Chitti Babu, A key to Hindu 2984. - - Text-music relationships in Ara-
music (Madras, 1925). I paho songs ('SouthwesterT'. Journal of
2968a. N'Doye, M. C., Le son du tabala dans Anthropology' X, p. 192 ff.), 1954.
Ie Rip (Senegal) ('Notes Africaines' DIGL2
1948, No. 38, p. 9 ff.). M 2985. - - Stylistic change in folk music
2969. Needham, Joseph, Science and civilisa- ('Southern Folklore Quarterly' XVII, p.
tion in China, vol. IV, Chapter h (in 216 ff.), 1953.
collab. with Kenneth Robinson): Sound 2986. - - North American Indian Musical
(Acoustics) (University Press, Cam- Styles ('Journal of American Folklore'
bridge, England) (in preparation). A LXVII, p. 45 ff., p. 297 ff. and p. 351
2970. Neefe, Konrad, Die Kriegsmusik der ff.), 1954 = Memoir 45 of the American
Chinesen im vorchristlichen Zeitalter Folklore Soc. (Philadelphia, 1954).
('Allgemeine Musikzeitung' 1890). DIL FGKL2
2971. - - Die Tonkunst der Babylonier und 2987. - - Ukrainian polyphonic choral songs
Assyrer ('Monatshefte ftir Musikge- ('The Ukrainian Trend' VI, p. 18 ft.),
schichte' XXII No. I), 1890. C 1954
2972. Nekes, Hermann, Trommelsprache und 2988. - - Recording primitive and folk music
Fernruf bei den faunde und Duala in in the field (' American Anthropol.' LVI,
Sud Kamerun ('Mitteil. d. Seminars f. p. 110 ff.), 1954. BGL2M
Orientalische Sprachen: Afrikanische 2989. - - Musical culture of the Arapaho
Studien' XV, p. Iff., 69 ff.), Berlin, ('Musical Quarterly' XLI, p. 325 ft.),
1912. 1955. CDFHIKLI
2973. Neog, Sri Maheswar, An old Assa- 2990. - - and Iva Moravcik, Czech and
mese work on timing in music ('The Slovak songs collected in Detroit ('Mid-
Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' west Folklore' V, No. I, p. 37 ft.), 1955.
XXII, p. 147 ff.), 1951. AC *2991. - - Musicological studies in American
2974. - - Sankarananda and his predeces- ethnological journals ('Notes of the
sors (Lawyers Bookstall, Gauhati (As- Music Library Association' XIII, p.
sam),1953 205 ff.), 1955. DKL
2974a. - - Medieval Assamese dramas and 2992. - - Ukrainian polyphonic folksongs
contemporary dance-dramas of other ('J. of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' VII),
parts of India ('J. of the University of 1954 CK
Gauhati' VI, p. 151 ff.), 1955. 2993. - - A survey of courses on ethnomusi-
2975. Nesselmann, G.H. F., Lithauische Volks- cology and related fields ('Ethnomusi-
lieder (Berlin, 1853). coly', Newsletter vol. I NO.3, p. 5, No.6
2976. Nettel, Reginald, Sing a song of p. 10, No.8 p. 6, No. I I p. 18, vol. II
England. A social history of traditional No.2 p. 88), resp. Dec. 1954, Jan. '56,
song (Denver, Col., 1954). Sept. '56, Sept. '57, June '58. AL
2977. - - Seven centuries of popular song; 2994. - - La musica folklorica ('Folklore
a social history of urban ditties (London, Americas' XIV), 1954.
1956). F 2995. - - Notes on infant musical develop-
2978. Nettl, Bruno, Historical Per.spective ment ('The Musical Quarterly' XLII,
in Primitive Music: the Shawnee p. 28 ft.), 1956. ACDFKLI
2996. - - Infant musical development and Nguyen-Dinh Lai, see Lai, Nguyen-
primitive music ('Southwestern Journal Dinh,
of Anthrop.' XII, p. 87 ft.). 1956. 3013. Nguyen Van Huyen, Les Chants alternes
DIGL2 des gar(:ons et des filles en Annam
2997. - - Change in folk and primitive music: (Paris, 1934). I
a survey of methods (' J. of the Amer. 3013a. N.H.D.S., Mutivi ('Nada' 1950, No. 27,
Musicol. Soc.' VIII), 1955. ACFKL p. 56 ft.). M
2998. - - Folk hymns of the Amish in Indi-
3014. Nielson, A. C., Folkvisor ('Studium
ana ('J. of the Amer. Folklore' LXIX), Generale' II, p. 75 ft.), Leyden, March
1956. GK
1956. A
2999. - - Music in primitive culture (Har-
vard Univ. Press, Cambridge Mass., 3015. Niemeyer, Wilhelm, Fl6teninstrumente.
1956). ABCL
Vor- und Fruhgeschichte ('Die Musik in
3000. - - Musikalische V6lkerkunde in Ame- Geschichte und Gegenwart' IV, col.
rika ('Die Musikforschung' IX, p. 303 330 ft.). 1956. ACDEFGHIKL
ft.), 1956. ACEFIKLV 3016. --Germanische Musik (ibid. IV, col.
301. - - Michigan Indian music ('Michigan 1809 ft.), 1956. ACDEFGHIKL
History' XXXIX, p. 471 ft.), Dec; 1955. 3017. Nieuwenkamp, W. O. j., De trom met
3002. - - The musical style of English Bal- de hoofden te Pedjeng op Bali (,Bijdr.
lads collected in Indiana ('Acta Musico- Kon. Inst. v. Taal-, Land- en Volkenk.'
logica' XXVII, p. 77 ft.). 1955. LXI, p. 319 ft.), 1908. BDIGL2
ACDEFGHIKLLI 3018. - - Drie keteltrommen op Leti ('T. Kon.
33. - - Relaciones entre la lengua y la Aardr.k. Gen.' 2nd series, XXXV, No.
musica en el folklore ('Folklore Ameri- 6, p. 818 ft.), 1918. ABCDIGHL2
cas' XVI, p. I ft.), June 1956. 3019. - - lets over een Mokko poeng Djawa
3005. - - Aspects of primitive and folk music noerah van Alor (ibid. XXXVI, p. 220
relevant to music therapy ('Music Thera- ft.), 1919. ABDIGHL2
py' 1955, p. 36 ft.). A 3020. - - Over de verschillende soorten van
*3005a. - - Indianermusik ('Die Musik in mokko's van Alor (ibid. XXXVI, p.
Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VI, col. 1140 222 ft.), 1919. BCDIGHL2
ft.), 1957. ACDEFGHIKL 3021. - - Mokko's (ibid. XXXVI, P.332
3005b. - - Some linguistic approaches to ft.), 1919. BCDIGHL2
musical analysis (' J. of the Intern. 3022. - - Een kort bezoek aan deeilanden
Folk Music Council' X, p. 37 fL), 1958. Kisar, Leti en Roma (,Ned.-Indie Gud
ACIJKL & Nieuw' VIII, p. 104 ft.), Aug. 1923.
3005c. - - Transposition as a composition ABDIGHL2
technique in folk and primitive music 3022a. Niggemeyer, H., Trommelsprachen
('Ethnomusicology' II No.2, p. 56 ft.), ohne Trommeln (,Paideuma' I, p. 191
May 1958. AGL ft.), 1938. B
3006. Neus, H., Esthnische Volkslieder (Reval, 3023. Nikolov, Kosla, Beitriige zum Studium
1850). des bulgarischen Volksliedes. Metrik,
37. Nevermann, Hans, Hawaii. Musik Rhythmik, Tonalitiit (Berlin, 1942).
('Die Musik' XX, p. 818 ft.), 1928. 3023a. Nikolskji, N. W., Uebersicht uber die
CDFKL Geschichte aer Volksmusik bei den W olga-
3008. Neves e Mello, Adelino A. Das, Musicas v6lkern (Kazan, 1920).
e can(:oes populares colligidas da tradi- 3023b. Nimuendaju, Curt, Die Palikur-India-
(:ao (Lisbon, 1872). ner und ihre Nachbarn (G6teborg, 1926),
3008a. Neves, Victor, Musica folkl6rica do Chapter 17 (p. 54 ft.): Musikinstru-
Rio Grande do SuI ('Bol. Latino-Ameri- mente. B
cano' VI, vol. II), Rio de Janeiro, 19 ... 3024. Nketia, J. H., The role of the drummer
3009. Nevin, Arthur, Two summers with the in Akan society ('African Music' I,
Blackfeet Indians of Montana ('The No. I, p. 34 ft.), 1954. ACJLM
Musical Quarterly' II, p. 258 ft.), 1916. 3025. - - Funeral dirges of the Akan people
3010. Newman, A. K., and W. H. Warren, (Achimota Press, Goldcoast, 1955). L
On the musical notes and other features 3025a. - - Modern trends in Ghana music
of the long Maori trumpet ('Transactions ('African Music' I NO.4, p. 13 ft.), 1957.
of the New Zealand Inst.' XXXVIII, ACJLM
p. 134 ft.), 1906. 3026. Noguera, A., Memoria sobre los cantos
3011. Newmarch, Rosa, Rumanian Folk bailes y tocatas populares de la Isla de
'Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. Majorca (Palma, 1893).
vol. III, p. 342 fL). 1954. ACFHIK 3027. Nolasco, Florida de, La musica en
3012. - - Russian Folk Music (ibid., vol. Santo Domingo y otros ensayos (Ciudad
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DIGIKLl 3190. Pinches, T. G., Babylonian and Assy-
3171. Philharmonic Society of Western India, rian music ('Hasting's Encycl. of Re-
The, The Ragas of Hindustan (with an ligion and Ethics'), Edinburgh, 1917.
introduction on the theory of Indian DIGH
music by E. C. Clements), ;Poona, 1918. 3191. Pinck, Louis, Verklingende Weisen 1-
3172. Phillips, Ekundayo, Yoruba Music IV (Heidelberg 1926-1939). A(III only).
(Johannesburg, 1953). ALM 3192. Pingle, Bhavanrao A., Indian music
3173. Phillips, W. J., Maori bird calls or (Byculla, 2/1898).
whistles ('Ethnos' XV, p. 201 if.), 1950. 3193. Pinon, Roger, La nouvelle Lyre Malme-
BJL2M dienne ou la vie en Wallonie malme-
*3174' Picken, Laurence, Chinese Music dienne reflCtee dans la chanson folklori-
que ('Folklore Stavelot-Malmedy' vol. 3211. Polin, Claire C. J., Music ot the ancient
XIII, p. 35 H. (1949), XIV, p. 77 H. Near East (New York, 1955).
(1950), XV, p. 65 H. (1951). XVI, p. 3 3212. Pollmann, J., Ons eigen volkslied (Am-
H. (1952), XVII, p. 53 H. (1953), XVIII, sterdam, 1936). C
p. 81 H. (1954), XIX, p. 59 H. (1955)). A 3213. Poloczek, FrantiAek, Slovenskt! Ludove
3194. Piobaireachd, edited by the Pio- Piesne (' Academiae Scientiarum Slo-
baireachd Society (several volumes), vacae Corpus musicae popularis' I-III),
Glasgow 1921-1931. Bratislava 1950 1), 1952 and 1956. AK
3195. Pischner, Hans, Musik in China (Ber- 3214. - - Slovakian tolk song and tolk dance
lin, 1955). ACL in the present day (' J. of the Intern.
3196. Plath, Joh. Heinrich, Die Religion und Folk Music Council' IX, p. 13 H.), 1957.
der Cultus der alten Chinesen (,Abhandl. ACJKL
d. k. bayer. Akad. d. W.' 1. Klasse, 3215. Ponce, M. M., Apuntes sobre musica
Bd. IX, Section III), Miinchen, 1862 mexicana ('Estudios Latino-americanos'
(Part II. Der Cultus der alten Chinesen, III, p. 37 H.), 1937
p. 70 H.: Von der Musik und den Tdn- 3216. Poona Academy, Philharmonic Society
zen bei den Optern der Kaiser). of Western India, The ragas ot Hin-
3197. Platt, W., Child music. A study ot dostan. Skeleton melodies collected and
tunes made up by young children (Lon- arranged by the executive committee
don, 1905). I (Poona, 1918). I
3198. Plessis, I. D. du, Die bijdrae van die 3216a. Pop, M., Nunta din Seliste (Wedding in
Kaapse Maleiers tot die Atrikaanse S.) (with an English summary) ('Re-
volkslied (Nasionale Pers, Capetown, vista de Folclor' III No.2, p. 47 H.),
1935) Bucarest, 1958. A
3199. - - Die Maleise samenlewing aan die *3217. Popley, Herbert A., The Music ot
Kaap (Nasionale Pers, Capetown, India (Calcutta/London, 1921, 2/1950).
1939). ACFHJ
3200. Pli~ka, Karel, Songs ot the Slovak 3218. Poree-Maspero, Eveline, Mythes du De-
mountains (' J. of the Intern. Folk luge et tambours de bronze ('Actes du
Music Council' VIII, p. 30 H.), 1956. IVe Congres intern. des sciences anthro-
ACJKL pologiques et ethnologiques, Vienne,
3201. Plischke, Hans, Geistertrompeten und 1-8 Sept. 1952', Tome II, Ethnologica,
Geistertloten aus Bambus vom Sepik, Ire partie, p. 246 H.), Vienna, 1955. B
Neuguinea ('Jahrbuch des Mus. f. 3219. Portmann, M. V., Andamanese Music
Volkerk. zu Leipzig' VIII, p. 57), 1922. ('J ournal of the R. Asiat. Soc.' XX, p.
GL2 181 H.), 1888. DIGIKLl
3202. Poduval, R. V., The music ot Kerala 3219a. Possoz, E., Negermuziek ('Band' IX,
and other essays (Gemini StUdios, Ma- p. 190 H.), 1950. M
dras, 1954). 3220. Pott, A. F., Namen musikalischer In-
3203. - - Music and the Muslim courts ot strumente bei den Kurden (no place,
India ('The Madras Music Acad. An- no date). C
nual Conf. Souvenir, Dec. 1953'), 1954. 3221. Pott, P. H., Musique tibtftaine du Sikkim
3204. - - The imperial city ot music (ibid., ('Gramofoon voor kenner en liefhebber'
Dec. 1954), 1955 Amsterdam, Juli 1956, p. 14 H.). A
3205. Poensen, C., De waiang ('Mededeelingen 3222. Poueigh, J., Chansons populaires des
vanwege het Nederl. Zendelinggenoot- Pyrenees Franyaises. Traditions,
schap' XVI, p. 59 H, 204 H., 233 H., moeurs, usages. Rapport a. M. Ie Mi-
and 253 H.), 1872. B nistre de l'Instruction publique et des
3206. Polacek, Jan, Slovacke Ptsnilky (2 vols.) Beaux-Arts (Paris, 1926).
Prague, 1950. 3223. Pound, Ezra, 'Noh' plays ('The trans-
3207. Poladian, Sirvart, Armenian Folk Songs lations of Ezra Pound', p. 211 H.), Lon-
(Publ. in Music of the Univ. of Cali- don, Faber & Faber, undated.
fornia, II, no. I), Berkeley/Los Angeles, 3224. Pradines, Emerante de, Instruments ot
1942. GH Rhythm ('To Morrow' III No. I, p. 123
3208. - - The problem ot melodic variation in H.), 1954.
tolk song (' J. of Amer. Folklore' LV, 3225. Prajnanananda, Swami, Music ot Hin-
p. 204 H.), 1942. GK du and Buddhist India ('Entally Cult.
3209. - - Armenian Folksongs (1942). Conf., 8th Annual Session, Jan. 1955).
3210. Polak, A. j., Die Harmonisierung Calcutta, 1955.
indischer, tUrkischer und iapanischer 3226. Pratella, F. B., La musica nelle nostre
Melodien (Leipzig, 1905). AFI colonie d'Atrica ('Musica d'ogni', 1927).
3226a. Price, E. W., Native melody and 3246. - - The music of ancient Egypt (,Proc.
christian hymns ('Congo Mission News' of the Musical Association', London,
No. 135, p. 14), 1946. M 19211'22). I
3227. Prichici, Constantin Gh., I25 melodii de Quaritsch Wales, H. G:, see: Wales, H.
jocuri din Moldova (Bucarest, 1955). G. Quaritsch,
3228. - - Metodd de tambal (Bucarest, 1956). 3247. Quasten, Johannes, Musik und Ge-
J sang in den Kulten del' heidnischen
3228a. - - Geneza melodica a baladei lui A ntike und christlichen Fruhzeit (Mun-
Pintea Viteazul ('Revista de Folcior' ster, 1930).
II, NO.4, p. 7 ff.), Bucarest, 1957. A 3248. Quenum, Maximilien, A u pays des
3229. Prick van Wely, Max, Het bloeitijdperk Fons: la musique ('Bull. du Com. d'Etu-
van het N ederlandse volkslied van het des Histor. et Scientif. de I'Afrique
ontstaan tot de zeventiende eeuw (Heem- Occidentale Fran~aise' XVIII, p. 323
stede, 1949). AF ff.), Paris, 1935.
3230. Prietze, Rudolf, Haussa Sanger (Got- 3249. Querino, Manuel, Costumes africanos no
tingen, 1916). Brasil (Rio de J aneiro, Civiliza~ao
3231. --Liedel' des Haussavolkes ('Mitt. d. Brasileira).
Seminars f. Orientalische Sprachen' 3249a. Rabesahala, E., Evolution de l'art
XXX, p. 5 ff.), 1927. DIL2 malgache et culture franraise ('Encycl.
3232. Prin, J. B., Memoire SUI' la trompette Mens. Outre-Mer' VI, vol. V, No. 64, p.
marine (1742), publ. by L. Vallas 517 ff.), 1955. M
('Sammelb. d. Intern. Musikges.' IV, 3250. Rabinovitch, M. G., Les instruments de
p. I I 76 ff.), 1908. CDFHIL musique chez les troupes de I' ancienne
3233. Prince, J. D., Muhammadan music (in: Russie et les instruments populaires de
Hasting. 'Encycl. of Religion and musique ('Sovetskaia Etnografiia',
Ethics' IX, p. 53 ff.), Edinburgh, 1917. 1956, p. 142 ff.). DIKM
DIGH 3250a. Raemsdonck, M. van, Jazz et musique
3234. Pringsheim, Klaus, Music of Thailand Bantoue ('Jeune Afrique' VI, p. 7 ff.),
('Contemporary Japan' XIII, p. 745 1952. M
ff.), 1944. G 3251. Raffles, Thomas Stamford, The History
3235. - - Musik in Siam ('Stimmen' I, p. 46 of Java (1817), p. 469 ft. B
ff.), 19471'48. L 3252. Raghavan, V., Some names in earll'
3236. - - Siamesische Opern ('Stimmen' Sangita literature (' J. Music Acad. III,
1950, fasc. 18, p. 520 ff.). L p. I I ff. and 154), Madras, 1932.
3237. Pritchard, W., The music and musical 3253. - - Some more names in early Sangita
instruments of Wales, and its bards literature (ibid. III, p. 94 ft.), Madras,
and minstrels (und., 1880?). I 193 2 .
3238. Proca, Vera, Despre notarea dansului 3254. - - Later Sangita literature (ibid. IV,
popular Rominesc (,Revista de folcior' p. 16 fL and 50 ff.), Madras, 1933.
I, Nos. 1-2, p. 135 ff.), Bucarest, 1956. 3255. - - The Rasaratnakosa, the Nataratna-
A kosa and the Sangitaraja (' Annals of the
3239. - - Despre notarea dansului popular Bhandarkar Oriental Research Inst.,
Rominesc (,Revista de folclor' II, Nos. Poona' XIV, p. 258 ft.), 19321'33.
1-2, p. 65 ff.), Bucarest, 1957. AC 3256. - - (under the pseudonym 'Bhavu-
3239a. Procope, Bruce, The Dragon band 01' ka'): Papanasam Sivan: Sound and
Devil band ('Caribbean Quarterly' IV, Shadow (Madras, 1933), p. 59 ff.
p. 275 ff.), March/June 1956. B 3257. - - Sanskrit music manuscripts in the
3240. Psachos, C. A., Le chant populaire B.O.R.I., Poona ('J. Music Acad. V,
hellenique de I' antiquite a nos jours p. 89 fL), Madras, 1934.
('Art populaire' II, p. 126), 1931. A 3258. - - The Aiankaracandrika of king Na-
3241. - - 50 lllliLW811 !X0'!J.()('t'()( 7te:),.07tovVl)O'ou rayana (' Annals of the Bhandarkar
)(()(t Kell"ll<; (50 Demode asmata Pelo- Oriental Research Inst., Poona' XVI,
ponnesou kai Kretes), Athens, 1930. p. 129 ft.), 19341'35
3242. Pujol, F., L'oeuvre du chansonnier 3259. --Life of Sri Muthusvami Diksitar
populaire de la Catalogne (Barcelona, (publ. by the Triplicane Club, Madras),
192 7). 1935
3243. - - Clasificacion de las canciones popu- 3260. - - Music in the Brhaddharma-Purana
lares. Metodologia (' Annuario musical' I, ('J. Music Acad.' IX, p. 37 ft.), 1938.
p. 19 ff.), 1946. C 3261. - . - Music in Jain works (ibid. IX, p.
3244. Pulestone, F., African drums (London, 40 ft.), 1938.
1930). C 3262. - - Music in the Hamsavilasa (ibid.
3245. Pulver, Jeffry, Israel's music-lesson in IX, p. 42 ft.), 1938.
Egypt ('Musical Times' LVI), 1915. 3263. - - Daksina Citra (' J. of the Indian
Soc. of Oriental Art' VI, p. 195 ff.), Acad. 24th Conf. Souvenir 1950" p. 5
193 8 . ff.).
3264. - - Sangitasudha of king Raghunatha 3290. - - Sri Tyagaraja (Calcutta, 1950).
of Tanjore (publ. by the Music Acad., 3291. - - The music works of Samanna Suri
Madras, Series I), 1940. ('J. Music Acad.' XXI, p. 190 ff.), 1950.
3265. - - The so-called Akalanka of the San- AC
gitasara-Sangrahamu ('J. Music Acad.' 3292. - - Papanasam Sivan ('Papanasam
XII, p. 38 ff.), 1941. Sivan Shastiabdapurti Souvenir'), Ma-
3266. - - Venkatamakhin and the 72 Melas dras, 1950, p. 7 ff.
(ibid. XII, p. 67 ff.), 1941. 3293. - - Tyagaraja songs in manuscript ('J.
3267. - - Nati's songs in the Abhjnana Sa- Music Acad.' XXII, p. 161 ff.), 1951.
kuntala (ibid. XLL, p. 92 ff.). 1941. AC
3268. - - Music contributions in other jour- 3294. - - An Outline Literary History of In-
nals (ibid. XX, p. 96 ff.), 1941. dian Music (ibid. XXIII, p. 64 fL),
3269. - - Sangita-Saramrta of king Tulaja of 1952. AC
Tanjore (publ. by the Music Acad., 3295. - - Sabdas (ibid. XX, p. 160 ff.), 1949.
Madras, Series 5), 1942. AC
3270. - - Merattur Kasintha, a composer of 3296. - - Some early references to Musical
sabdas of the I8th century A.D. ('J. Ragas and Instruments (ibid. XXIII, p.
Music Acad.' XIV, p. 130 ff.), 1943. II5 fL), 1952. AC
3271. - - Ragas in Kerala (ibid. XIV, p. 3297. - - Syama Sastri ('The Mylapore Fine
135 ff.), 1943 Arts Club Souvenir 1952', p. 25 ff.).
3272. - - Music in Palikuriki Somanatha's 3298. - - Why is the mrdangga so calledl
works (ibid., XIV, p. 140 ff.), 1943. ('J. Music Acad.' XXIV, p. 135 ff.),
3273. - - Soma raga (ibid. XIV, p. 145 ff.), 1953. AC
1943 3299. Another rare composition of Merattur
3274. - - Two new sabdas on Sri Maharaja Veerabdhadrayya (ibid., XXIV, p. 151
Svati Tirunal (ibid. XV, p. 22), 1944. ff.), 1953. AC
3275. - - Music in the Adbhuta-Ramayana 3300. - - The so-called Svararnava ('Suppl.
(ibid. XVI, p. 65 ff.), 1945. C to the J. Music Acad.' XXIV), 1953. AC
3276. - - Some musicians and their patrons 3301. - - The Music Academy, Madras Sil-
about I800 A.D. in Madras city (ibid. ver Jubilee and Festival ('Indian Re-
XVI, p. 127 fL). 1945. C view' LIV, p. 54 fL), 1953.
3277. - - Hyderabad as a centre of Sangita 3302. - - The present state of music education
(in: 'Krishnagana Sabha Souvenir', in the Asiatic continent (India) ('Music
repro in 'J. Music Acad.' XVI, p. 116 Acad. 27th ConL Souvenir'), 1953, repro
ff.)' 1945. C as 'Music in Education' by Unesco,
3278. - - A note on 'Applause in ancient Paris, 1955, p. 72 ff.
India' (ibid. XVII, p. 144 fL), 1946. C 3303. - - Music in ancient drama ('Art &
3279. - - The Useni svarajati (ibid. XVII, Letters' XXVIII), 1953. GK
p. 149 ff.), 1946. C 3305. - - Music in ancient Indian drama
3280. - - Tyagaraja ('Tyagaraja Centenary (' J. of the Music Academy, Madras'
Conf. Souvenir')' 1946. XXV, p. 79 ff.), Madras, 1954. AC
3281. - - The vina (ibid.), 1946. 3306. - - The multi-faced drum (ibid. XXV,
3282. - - Two manuscripts of Tyagaraja p. 107 ff.), Madras, 1954. AC
songs ('J. Music Acad.' XVIII, p. 133 3307. - - The music of the Hebrews: resem-
ff.), 1947. blances to Samaveda chant (ibid. XXV,
3283. - - Saint Tyagaraja ('Vedanta Kesari' p. 109 ff')' Madras, 1954. AC
XXXIV and XXXV, p. 291 ff.), Ma- 3308. - - Music in ancient Indian drama
dras, 19471'48 and 19481'49. ('Sangeet Natak Akadami, Bull. NO.4,
3284. - - Music in the Lingapurana (,J. p. 5 ff.), New Delhi, March 1956. A
Music Acad.' XIX, p. 203 fL), 1948. 3308a. - - Upanishad Brahma Yogin, his
3285. - - Chunguru, a rare musical instru- life, works and contribution to Carnatic
ment (ibid. XIX p. 206), 1948. music ('The J. of the Music Academy
3286. - - The Indian origin of the violin Madras' XXVII, p. II3 ff.), Madras,
(ibid. XIX, p. 65 ff.), 1948. 1957. AC
3287. - - Nagasvara (ibid. XX, p. 155ff.), 3308b. - - Music in the Adbhuta Ramayana
1949. AC ('The J. of the Music Academy, Madras'
3288. - - Some non-musical works of some XVI, p. 65 ff.), 1945. C
ieading music writers (ibid. XX, p. 152 3309. Rajagopalam, N., Kirtana Ratnakaram.
ff.; ibid. XXI, p. 182 fL). 1949 and Vol. I: Tyagaraia Pancharatna Kirtanas
1950. AC (Madras, 1955).
3289. - - Music in ancient literature ('Music 3310. Rajagopalam, T. K., The Music of the
Sama- Veda Chants (The Journal of the 3328. Ramos, Arthur,O negro Brasileiro (Sao
Music Academy, Madras' XX, p. 144 Paulo, 2/1940), p. 223 ft.
ft.), 1949. A 3329. - - The negro in Brazil (Washington,
3311. Rajamannar, P. V., Standards in music Ass. Publishers, 1939). p. 107 ft.
('Annual Music Festival Souvenir, 3329a. Ramwong (folk dance) songs (Fine
Madras, 1953'). Arts Department, Bangkok, 1957). AB
3312. Rajeczky, Benjamin, Parallelen spat- 3330. Ranade, G. H., The Indian music of
gregorianischer Verzierungen im unga- the Vedic and the classical period ('The
rischen Volkslied ('Studia Memoriae Journal of the Music Academy, Madras'
Belae Bart6k Sacra', p. 337 ft.), Buda- XIX, p. 71 ft.), 1948. A
pest, 1956. AC 3331. - - Hindusthani Music, an Outline of
3313. - - Typen ungarischer Klagelieder its Physics and Aesthetics (Sangli, 1938,
('Deutsches Jahrbuch fUr Volkskunde' 2/1951, Luzac & Co. London). I
III, p. 31 if.), 1957. ALl 3332. - - Hindusthani music (Poona, 1939).
3314. Ramachandran, K. V., Carnatic Ragas 3333. - - Hindusthani music (pub!. by the
from a new angle - Sankarabharana Univ. of Bombay).
('Journal of the Music Academy, 3334. - - The function of music ('Silver Jubi-
Madras', XXI, p. 88 ft.), 1950. AC lee Souvenir of the Marris College of
3315. - - Carnatic Ragas and the textual Hindusthani music, Lucknow, Nov.
Tradition (Madras, 1950). A 1952'), Lucknow, 1953.
3316. - - Apurva Ragas of Tyagaraja's 3334a. Rangeley, W. H. J., Two Nyasaland
Songs (Madras, 1950). A rain shrines ('Nyasaland Journal' V,
3317. - - Music and Dance in Kalidasa No.2, p. 31 ft.), 1952. M
(Madras, 1950). A 3335. Ranki, GyOrgy, Indokinai dallamok
3318. - - Subandhu's Overtones ('Journal of (= Indochinese melodies) (in 'Emlek-
the Music Academy, Madras', XXIII, konyv Kodaly Zoltan 70. sztiletesnap-
p. 3 ft.), 1953. AC jara', p. 412 ft.), Budapest, 1953. A
3319. - - Music in Subandhu ('Silver Jubi- 3335a. Rao, Sri B. Subba, Raga Nidhi, a
lee Souvenir of the Marris College of comparative study of Hindustani and
Hindustani music, Lucknow, 1953'). Karnatik ragas (Poona, 1957).
3320. - - The grace-notes of dance (' J. of the 3335b. Rao, Bahadur N. M. Adyantayya, The
Music Academy, Madras' XXV, p. 93 therapeutic qualities of music ('The J. of
ft.), Madras, 1954. AC the Music Academy, Madras' XVII, p.
3320a. - - Gopala N ayaka ('The J. of the 58 ft.), 1946. C
Music Academy, Madras' XVII, p. 66 Rao, H. P. Krishna, see Krishna Rao,
ft.), 1946. C H.P.
3321. Ramachandran, N. S., The evolution 3335C. Rao, Srinivasa, Sri Tyagaraja ('The J.
0/ the theory of music in the Vijaya- of the Music Academy, Madras' XVI,
negara Empire ('S. Krishnaswami Aiy- p. 92 ft.), 1945. C
angar Commemoration Volume', 1936). 3336. Rao, T. V. Subba, Modernity of Tyaraga
3322. - - The Ragas of Karnatic Music (J. Music Acad.' XXII, p. 138 ft.),
(Univ. Madras, 1938). K Madras, 1951. AC
3322a. Raman, C. V., On some Indian stringed 3337. - - Desadi and Madhyadi Talas (ibid.
instruments (,Proc. Indian Ass. of Cult. XXIII, p. 92 ft.), Madras, 1952. AC
Sciences' VII, p. 29 ft.), 1921/'22. 3338. - - The glory of music ('Silver Jubilee
3323. Ramanujachariar, A., On music and on Souvenir of the Marris College of Hin-
drama ('Annual Music Festival Souve- dusthani music, Lucknow, Nov. 1952'),
nir, Madras, 1953'). Lucknow, 1953.
3324. Ramaswami Aiyar, M. S., The question 3339. - - 'Vachamagochara' and' Banturiti'
of Gramas ('J. of the R. Asiatic Soc.' (J. Music Acad.' XXV, p. 53 ft.),
1936, p. 629 ft.). D1GIKLl Madras, 1954. AC
3325. Ramirez, Aracelio, Marimba ('Revista 3340. - - Giripai of Tyagaraja (ibid. XXIV,
Municipal de Guayaquil'), Guayaquil, p. 98 ft.), 1953. AC
1929. 3340a. - - Mukhari raga ('The J. of the
3326. Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe, Polirit- Music Academy Madras' XXVII, p. 168
mia y mel6dica independiente ('Archivos ft.), Madras, 1957. A
Venezolanos de Folklore' I), Caracas, 3340b. - - Teaching of music ('J. of the
1952. Music Acad. ,Madras' XXVI, p. 76 ft.),
3327. - - Cantos de trabajo del pueblo Vene- 1955. C
zolano (Fundacion Eugenio Mendoza, 334OC. - - The ragas at the Sangita Saramrta
Caraeas, 1955). ('The J. of the Music Academy, Madras'
3327a. - - La polifonia popular de VeHezuela XVI, p. 45 ft.; ibid. XVII, p. 104 ft.),
(Buenos Aires, 1949). L 1945 and 1946. C
3340d. - - A Hero as a composer: Sri Tya- 3354. - - The cultural aspect of Indian music
garaja ('Souvenir Volume of the Tya- ('Lakshya Sangeet' I), Delhi, 19541'55.
garaja Mahotsava' 1945). 3355. - - Music as a career 01' profession
33400. - - Sri Muthia Bhagavatar ('The J. (ibid.).
of the Music Academy, Madras' XVII, 3356. - - Raga, its meaning and purpose
p. 134 ff.), 1946. C (ibid.).
3341. Rao, Vissa Appa, The Vizianagaram 3357. - - The two systems of Indian music
music manuscript (J. Music Acad.' (ibid.).
XXIII, p. 153 ft.), Madras, 1952. AC 3358. Rattray, R. 5., Ashanti (Oxford Univ.
3342. - - Arohana and Avarohana kala sva- Press, 2/1955), p. 242 ff. (The drum
ras of 94 Carnatic ragas taken from the language).
Vizianagaram manuscripts (ibid. XXIV 3359. - - The drum language of West Africa
p. 125 ft.), Madras, 1953. AC ('J. of the African Soc.' XXII, p. 226
3342a. - - The science of Music ('J. of the ff., 302 ft.), 1923. J
Music Acad., Madras' XXVI, p. 81 ft.), 3360. - - What the African believes, as re-
1955. C vealed by the talking drums ('West Afri-
3342b. - - A note on a musical reference in can Review' VI, p. 12 ft.), Liverpool,
the Lankavatara sutra - a Mahayana 1935
text of the first century A.D. ('The J. of 3361. Raudkats, A., Estnische Volkstiinze und
the Music Academy, Madras' XVI, p. Kinderspiele (Tartu, 19261'27).
37 ft.), 1945. C 3362. Raven-Hart, Major R., Musical accul-
3342C. - - A note on the Raga Tala Chinta- turation in Tonga ('Oceania' XXVI, p.
mani, an unpublished Telugu manu- 110 ft.), 1955. ABDIGJ
script work written nearly 250 years 3362a. - - A village in the Yasawas (Fiji)
back (ibid. p. 39 ft.), 1945. C (' J. of the Polynesian Soc.' LV, p. 95
3342d. - - A note on the Sringara Rasaman- ft. (136 ff.)), June 1956. BGL2
jari (an unpublished Telugu manuscript,
3363. Read, F. W., A new interpretation of the
containing roo unpublished Muvva Go- Phaestos disk: the oldest music in the
pala Pada, composed by Kshetrajna world? ('The Quarterly Statement, a
(ibid. p. 41 ft.), 1945. C journal of Palestine Research and
3343. Rasmussen, K., Observations on the Discovery' Jan. 1921, p. 29 ft.).
intellectual culture of the Caribou Eski-
mos ('Rep. 5th Thule Exp.' 17-2), 3364. Rebel, Juanita de, Van Zamba tot Sam-
Copenhagen, 1930 (with music). ba, een zwerftocht door de Zuid-Ameri-
3344. - - The Netsilik Eskimos (ibid. 8, kaanse volksmuziek en volksdansen
1-2), Copenhagen, 1931 (with music). (Leyden, 1955). A
3345. - - Intellectual culture of the Copper 3365. Receuil des traveaux du Congrcs de mu-
Eskimos (ibid. 9), Copenhagen, 1932 sique arabe, tenu au Caire en r932
(with music). (Cairo, 1934).
3346. Rasmussen, P., and R. Nyerup, Udvalg 3366. Reche, Otto, Zur Ethnographie des ab-
af Danske Viser fra Midten af det r6de flusslosen Gebietes Deutsch-Ostafrikas
Aarhundrede til henimod Midten at det (Hamburg, 1914). B
r8de, med Melodier (Copenhagen, 1821). 3366a. Redinha, J., Campanha etnogrdfica ao
K Tchiboc (Alto-Tchicapa) ('Publica~oes
3347. Rason, Marie-Robert, Etude sur la mu- culturais, Museu do Dundo' 1953, p. I I
sique malgache ('Revue de Madagascar' ft.). JM
I, p. 41 ft.), Antananarivo, 1933. AB 3367. Regelsperger, Gustave, Les instruments
3348. Ratanjankar, S. N., The closed Forms de musique dans le pays du Chari-Tchad
of Hindusthani Music (,The Journal ('La Nature' XXXVII, p. 19 ft.), Paris,
of the Musical Academy, Madras' XX, 1908. Ll
p. 78 ft.), 1949. A 3367a. Reignighaus, Fr. W., Die Trommel-
3349. - - Tana Sangraha (Lucknow, und.). und Pfeifsprache ('Archiv f. Volkerk.'
3350. - - Just Intonation in Hindusthani V, p. 187 ft.), Vienna, 1950.
Raga Singing ('The Journal of the 3368. Reinach, Theodore, La musique Grecque
Musical Academy, Madras' XX, p. 89 (Paris, 1926). AK
ft.), 1949. A 3369. Reiner, M., The Music Rule ('Expe-
3351. - - Points of Affinity between Hin- rientia' V, p. 441 ft.), Basel, Oct. 1949.
dusthani and Carnatic Music (ibid. ADIGHLI
XXI, p. 73 ft.), 1950. AC 3370. Reinhard, Kurt, Die Verwendung del'
3352. - - Ragas in Hindusthani Music (ibid. Shantrommeln ('Ethnologischer Anzei-
XXII, p. 97 ft.), 1951. AC ger' IV, p. 95 ft.), Stuttgart, 197. GL2
3353. - - Raga Expression in Hindusthani 3371. - - Die Musik Birmas (Wiirzburg-
Music (ibid. XXIII, p. 56 ft.), 1952. AC Aumiihle, 1939). ABCGIK
3372. - - Die Musik exotischer Volker (Ber- oflazz. A preliminary bibliography (Ne w
lin, 1951.) ACJL York, The N. Y. Public Library, 1954).
3373. - - Bedeutung, Wesen und Erfor- 3391. Relayao dos discos gravados no estado do
schungsmoglichkeiten primitiver M usik Goias (Publica~aes do Centro de pes-
('Sociologus' N.S. I, p. 81 ft.), 1951. quisas folkl6ricas, Escola nacional de
DIGHKLlL2L3 mlisica, Universidade do Brasil. No.
3374. - - Exotismen in der abendlandischen 2), Rio de Janeiro, 1942. A
Gegenwartsmusik ('Melos' XVIII, p. 129 3392. Relayao dos discos gravados no estado do
ft.), 1951. KL Ceara (ibid. NO.3), Rio de Janeiro,
3375. --Zur Frage der Klimpernmessung 1943. A
('Die Musikforschung' V, p. 373 ft.), 3393. Relafao dos discos gravados no estado do
1952. ACEIKLLI Minas Gerais (ibid. NO.4), Rio de
3376. - - Das Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv Janeiro, 1956. A
('Die Musikforschung' VI, p. 46 ft.), 3393a. Renou, L., Sanskrit et culture, p. 34
1953. ACEIKLLI ft.: Recitation du Vida (Paris, 1950).
3377- - - Tonmessungen an funf ostafrikani- *3393b. Rensch, R., The harp. A history from
schen Klimpern ('Die Musikforschung' the earliest times in Egypt. Its intro-
IV, p. 366 ft.), 1951. ACEIKLLl duction and development in Europe.
3378. - - Die Musik des mexikanischen Flie- With details of instruments and advanced
gerspiels (,Z. f. Ethnologie' LXXIX technique, bibliography and extensive
p. 59 ft.), 1954. ABDIGHJLLIL2M lists of harp music (New York, 1950).
3379. - - Angewandte Musikethnologie ('Z. 3393c. Requile, Ch., Quand l'Afrique chante
f. Musik' 1954, p. 222 ft.). L et danse ('Messager de St. Joseph' XXII,
3380. - - Konsonanz und Dissonanz in ia- p. 125 ft.), 1952. M
panischer Sicht ('Das Musikleben' VII, 3394. Revesz, Geza, Der Ursprung der Musik
p. 171 ft.), 1954. CL ('Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.' XL, p.
3381. - - Juwelenstrom (chinesisches Schat- 65 ft.), 1941. ABDIGKLIL2M
tenspiel) ('MusikbHi.tter' VIII, p. 195 3395. - - Einfuhrung in die Musikpsycho-
ft.), 1954. logie (Bern, 1946). ACH
3382. - - Die Musik der Lolo ('Baessler Ar- 3396. Revue des traditions populaires I-VI
chiv' N.S. Fasc. 3), 1955. ACDIGKL2 (Paris, 1886/'91). C
3383. --Zur Quellensituation der Musik- 3397. Rexroth, Kenneth, A merican Indian
ethnologie in Deutschland ('Die Musik- songs: the United States Bureau of
forschung' IX, p. 196 ft.), 1956. Ethnology Collection ('Perspectives
ACEFIKLLI USA' XVI, p. 197 ft.), summer 1956.
*3384' - - Chinesische Musik (Eisenach! 3398. Rhesa, L., Betrachtung uber die lithau-
Kassel, 1956). ACJL ischen Volkslieder (Kaunas, 1935).
3385. --Zustand und Wandel des bttuer- 3399. Rhodes, Willard, Acculturation in North
lichen Musiklebens in der turkischen American Indian Music ('Selected
Provinz Adana ('Sociologus' N.S. VI, Papers of the XXIXth Intern. Con-
p. 68 ft.), Berlin, 1956. ADIGHKLIL3 gress of Americanists', p. 127 ft.), Chi-
3386. - - A cht Lieder sinisierter Lolo ('Baess- cago, 1952. A
ler Archiv' N.S. IV, p. 105 ft.), 1956. *3400. - - North American Indian Music: a
ABGKL2 Bibliographical Survey of A nthropolo-
3387. - - Types of Turkmenian songs in gical Theory ('Notes' X, p. 33 ft.), 1952.
Turkey (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music DKL
Council' IX, p. 49 ft.), 1957. ACJKL 3401. - - On the subiect of Ethno-musicology
3388. - - Review of Fritz Kornfeld, 'Die ('Ethno-musicology' Newsletter NO.7,
tonale Struktur Chinesischer Musik' p. 1 ft.), April 1956. AGL
('Ethnomusicology' Newsletter No. II, 3402. - - Towards a definition of Ethno-
p. 34 if.), Sept. 1957. ACGJL musicology (' Amer. Anthropologist'
3388a. - - On the problem of pre-pentatonic LVIII, p. 457 ft.), June 1956. ABGL2M
scales: particularly the third-second 3403. - - American Indian music ('Tomor-
nucleus (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music row' IV, p. 97 ft.), 1956.
Council' X, p. IS ft.), 1958. ACIJKL 3404. - - Music of the American Indian.
3388b. - - Tanzlieder der Turkmener in der Northwest (Puget Sound) (notes for an
Sud-Turkei ('Kongressbericht Ges. f. album of music of the Lummi, Makah,
Musikforschung, Hamburg 1956', p. 189 Quinault, Skokomish and Swinomish),
ft.). CEL Washington, Library of Congress, un-
*3389. Reinholm, A., Finnish Folk Music dated. A
('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, 3405. - - Music of the American Indian
p. 237 ft.), 1954. ACFHIK Kiowa (Washington, Library of Con-
*3390. Reisner, Robert George, The literature gress, undated). A
3405a. - - A study of musical diffusion based *3424a. - - Yugoslawien. II. Die Volksmu-
on the wandering of the opening peyote sik. 5. Bosnien und Herzegowina ('Die
song (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music Musik in Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VII,
Council' X, p. 42 if.), 1958. ACIJKL col. 371 if.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL
3406. Ribeiro, Darcy, Music of the American 3425. Rio, J080 do, Fados, Canyoes e dansas
Indian (10 vols.), Washington, Library de Portugal (Paris, 1909).
of Congress, 1954-'55. 3425a. Risari, P. M., Musique congolaise de
3407. - - Noticia dos Ofaie-Chavante ('Re- demain ('Voix du Congolais' IX, p. 725
vista do Museu Paulista', N.S. V, p. 105 ff.), 1953. M
ff.), Sao Paulo, 1951. GL2
3408. Ribera y Tarago, J., Music in Ancient 3426. Ritter, Helmuth, Der Reigen der
Arabia and Spain (New York, 1950). tanzenden Derwische (,Z. f. verg!.
GHI Musikw.' I, p. 28 ff.), 1933. ACK
3409. - - La musica de las cantigas (Madrid, 3427. - - Mesopotamische Studien. II. Vier-
1922). English trans!. by E. Hague and zig arabische Volkslieder ('Der Islam'
M. Leffingwell, as Music in Ancient 1920, p. 120 ff.). DIGHKV
Arabia and Spain (1927)' GI 3428. - - M esopotamische Studien. I II. A ra-
3410. - - Historia de la musica arabe medie- bische Kriegspoesie aus Mesopotamien
val y su influencia en la Espanola und den Irak (ibid. 1923, p. 268 ff.).
(Madrid, 1927). G
3411. Ricard, P., Essai d'action sur la musi- 3428a. Riverson, I. D., The growth of music
que et Ie theatre populaire marocain in the Gold Coast ('Transactions of the
(? Rabat, 1936). Gold Coast and Togoland Historical
34 I 2. - - La renovation des arts musicaux au Soc.' I, part IV, p. 121 ff.), 1955. M
Maroc ('Revue d'Afrique', 1936). 3429. Robb, John Donald, Hispanic folk
3413. - - Le conservatoire de musique maro- songs of New Mexico (Albuquerque,
caine Ii Rabat ('France-Outre-Mer' 1932). 1954)'
3414. Ricard, R., A propos du langage sifflt! 3430. Roberts, Helen Heffron, Some songs
des Canaris ('Hesperis', 1932). DIGKL2 of the Puget Sound Salish (in collab.
3415. Richard, Mrs. Timothy, Paper on Chi- with H. K. Haeberlin) (' Journal of
nese Music (Shanghai, 1899,2/1907). I Amer. Folklore' XXXI), 1918. GK
3416. Ridgeway, Origin of the guitar and 3431. - - Chakwena Songs of Zuni and La-
fiddle ('Man' 1908, NO.7). BDIGJKL2M guna (ibid. XXXVI), 1923. GKL2
3417. Riedel, J. G. F., De sluik- en kroesharige 3432. - - Folksgames of jamaica, collected
rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua (1886), by Martha Warren Beckwith, with
p. 241 if. AB music recorded by Helen H. Roberts
3418. Riegler Dinu, Emil, Studien iiber das (Poughkeepsie, New York, Vassar
rumanische Volkslied (1927). College, 1922).
3419. --La Hom, la Maquam et la chanson 3433 - - Christmas mumming in jamaica
populaire de I'Orient europeen ('Art po- by Martha Warren Beckwith, with
pulaire' II, p. 140 if.), Paris, 1931. A music recorded by Helen H. Roberts
3420. - - Das rumanische Volkslied (Berlin, (Poughkeepsie, New York, Vassar
194 2). College, 1923).
3420a. Riemann, Hugo, FOlkloristische Tona- 3434. - - Some' drums and drum rhythms in
litatsstudien (Leipzig, 1916). L Jamaica (,Natural History' XXIV, p.
342 I. Riemann, Ludwig, Ober eigentiimliche 241 ff.), 1924. G
bei N atur- und orientalischen K ultur- 3435. - - Jamaica Anansi stories by Martha
valkern vorkommende Tonreihen und Warren Beckwith, with music recorded
ihre Beziehungen zu den Gesetzen der in the field by Helen Roberts (pub!.
Harmonie (Essen, 1899). XVII of the Amer. Folklore Soc.), New
3422. Rihtman, Cvjetko, Polyphonic Forms York,1924. BH
in Bosnian and Hercegovinian Folk- 3436. - - Songs of the Copper Eskimo
music ('Bilten Inst. za proucavanje (' Report of the Canadian Arctic Exped.
folklora u Sarajevo' I, p. 7 if.), Sara- 1913/,18' XIV) (in coHab. with D.
jevo, 1951. AK Jenness), Ottawa, 1925. I
3423. - - Les formes polyphoniques dans la 3437. - - Ancient Hawaiian Music ('Bull.
musique populaire de Bosnie et d'Her- No. 29 of the Ber. P. Bishop Mus.'),
ztfgovine (' Journal of the Intern. Folk Honolulu, 1925.
Music Council' IV, p. 30 if.), 1952. 3438. - - A study of folk song variants based
ACJKL on field work in jamaica (' J. of the
*3424. - - Yugoslav Folk Music ('Grove's Amer. Folklore' XXXVIII, p. 149 ff.),
Dictionary' 5th ed. vo!. III, p. 412 ff.), 1925. GKL2
1954. ACFHIK 3439. - - Possible survivals of African song
in Jamaica ('Musical Quarterly' XII), words ('Bull. of the School of Oriental
1926. AD and African Studies' XX, p. 501 ft.),
3440. - - Variation in melodic renditions as London, 1957. BM
an indicator of emotion ('Psychological 3454. Robinson, Arthur E., Sudan drums
Review' XXXIV), 1927. ADIHLI ('Man' XXXII, p. 259 ft.), 1932.
3441. - - New Phases in the Study of Primi- ABDIGJKLIL2M
tive Music ('Amer. Anthrop.' N.S. 3455. Robinson, Kenneth, Chinesische Mu-
XXIV, p. 144 ft.), 1928. GL2 sik ('Die Musik in Geschichte und
3442. - - Jamaica Folklore, collected by Gegenwart' II, col. 1195 ft.), 1952.
Martha Warren Beckwith, with music ACDEFGHKL
recorded by Helen H. Roberts (New 3456. Robson, James, Ancient Arabian mu-
York, 1928). sical instruments as described by AI-
I Mufaddal ibn Salama (9th century)
3443. - - How the Hawaiian instrument, the (including notes on the instruments by
Ukulele, received its name (' Journal of H. G. Farmer), Glasgow, 1938. I
the Polynesian Soc.' XL, p. 175 ft.), 3457. - - Tracts on listening to music (Lon-
1931. BGL2 don, 1938).
3444. - - Suggestions to field workers in col- 3458. Roche, Simone, Collection Musee de
lecting folk music and data about instru- I'Homme (Paris), Catalogue prepared
ments (' Journal of the Polynesian Soc.' by the Intern. Commission on Folk
XL, p. 103 ft.). 1931. BGL2 Arts and Folklore (C.LA.P.), Unesco,
3445. - - Melodic composition and scale Paris, 1952. C
foundations in primitive music ('Amer. 3458a. Roda, Cecilio de, Les instruments de
Anthrop.' N.S. XXXIV, p. 79 ft.), musique en Espagne au XIlIe siecle
1932. AGJL2 ('Report of the 4th Congress of the
3446. - - Form in Primitive Music (New Intern. Musical Soc.', p. 322 ft.), Lon-
York, 1933). ACI don, 1911. CF
3447. - - Modern Tahitian popular songs or 3459. Rodan-Kahane, Mariana, Clntece si
ute, sung by A rmstrong Sperry (Inst. of jocuri de nunta din tinutul Padurenilor,
Human Relations, Yale Univ., Pub!. in regiunea Hunedoara (i.e. Wedding
Anthrop., 1932). songs and dances of the Padureni
3448. - - The pattern phenomenon in primi- district, Hunedoara region) ('Revista
tive music ('Z. f. verg!. Musikw.' I, de Folclore' I, No. 1-2, p. 172 ft.), Bu-
p. 49 ft.). 1933. ACK carest, 1956. A
3449. - - Musical areas in aboriginal North 3460. Rodger, George, Ceremony in Bunyoro
America ('Yale Univ., Publ. in An- ('Natural History' LXIV, NO4. p. 184
throp.' XII), 1936. AHIJL fL). 1955. B
3450. - - The Viewpoint of Comparative 3461. Rodrigues, J. Barbosa, 0 canto e la
Musicology ('Proc. Music Teachers Nat. dan~a selvicola ('Revista Brazileira' III.
Ass.' XXXI, p. 233 fL), 1936. vol. IX, p. 32 ft.), Rio de Janeiro; 1881.
3451. - - and Morris Swadesh, The Songs of 3462. Rodriguez Valle, Flausino, Elementos de
the Nootka Indians of Western Vancou- folklore musical brasileiro (' Archivo
ver Island ('Transactions of the Ameri- Municipal' LVII, p. 83 ft.). Sao Paulo.
can Philosophical Soc.', Philadelphia, 193 6 .
1955). ADIFI 3463. Rohrer, Ernst Friedrich, Ein Tanz-
3451a. - - Primitive music ('Encycl. of So- trommel del' Goldkuste (' J ahrbuch des
cial Sciences'). Bernischen Historischen Museums'
3451b. - - Variation in melodic renditions XXV, p. 147 ft.). 1946. G
as an indicator of emotion ('Psychol. 3464. Rojo, Casiano, and German Prado, EI
Review' XXXIV), 1927. DIHLI canto mozarabe (Barcelona. 1929). G
3451c. - - Indian music of the Southwest 3465. Roman, Marcelino M., America criolla.
('Natural History' XXVII, p. 257 ft.), Canciones y poemas sobre motivos ameri-
1927. B canos (Panama, 1953).
3452. Robertson, J. W. R, Further notes on 3466. Romansky, L., Die einfachen Koledo-
the Ingessana tribe ('Sudan Notes and Refrains del' bulgarischen Weihnachts-
Records' XVII, Part. I, p. 118 ft.), lieder (Sofia, 1942).
1934. L2 3467. Romero, Fernando, Instrumentos musi-
3453. Robins, R. H., and Norma McLeod, cales de la Costa Zamba ('Turismo' XIV,
Five Yu..ok Songs: a musical and textual p. 137 H.). Lima. T939
analysis ('Bull. of the School of Orien- 3468. Romero, Jesus, Musica precortesiana
tal and African Studies, Univ. of Lon- (' Anales del Inst. Nacional de Antro-
don' XVIII, p. 592 ft.), 1956. BM pologla e Historia' II). Mexico. 1947.
3453a.-- and - - A Yurok song without KL2
3469. Romeu Figueras, Jose, El canto dia- (1916-'17), p. 25 fL) (p. 450 if.: Musi-
logado en la canci6n popular. Los can- cal and other sound instruments),
tares a desafio ('Anuario musical' III, Washington D.C., 1924. ABGKL2
p. 133 fL), 1948. C 3488. Rothmiiller, A. M., The music of the
3470. - - El cantar paralelistico en Cataluna; Jews. An historical appreciation (Lon-
sus relaciones con el de Galicia y Portu- don, 1953).
gal y el de Castilla (ibid. IX, p. 3 if.), 3489. Rouanet, Jules, La chanson populaire
1954. C arabe en Algerie ('Revue Musicale' V,
3471. Romualdez, Norberto, Filipino Mu- p. 161 if.), 1905. K
sical Instruments and Airs of long ago 3490. - - Esquisse pour une histoire de la
('Encycl. of the Philippines' IV, p. 86 musique arabe en A 1gerie ('Mercure
if.). Manilla, 1935. Musicale' I, p. 553 if.; II, p. 128 if.,
3472. Rookmaker, H. R., Neger-volksmuziek 208 if.), 19051'06. A
('Cramofoon voor kenner en liefhebber', 3491. - - La musique arabe (in Lavignac,
April 1956, p. 22 if.), ed. Charles, Am- 'Hist. de la Mus.' vol. V, p. 2676 if.).
sterdam. A 1922. ACDEFHJ
3473. Roo van Alderwerelt, J. de, Eenige me- 3492. --La musique arabe dans Ie Maghreb
dedeelingen over Soemba ('Tijdschr. v. h. (in Lavignac, 'Hist. de la Musique' V,
Kon. Bat. Cen.' XXXIII, p. 565 if.), p. 2813 if.), 1922. ACDEFHJ
1890 (p. 576 and 586). ABDIGH 3493. - - Les visages de la musique musul-
3474. Roscoe, John, The Baganda (Macmil- mane ('Revue musicale' V, No. I), 1st
lan, 1911), p. 25 if. Nov. 1923. KL
3475. Rose, Algernon S., African primitive 3494. - - La suite dans la musique musulmane
instruments (,Proc. Music Teachers' ('Revue musicale' VIII), 1927. CDGHKL
National Association' XXX, P.91 if.). 3495. - - and E. N. Yafil, Repertoire de mu-
194 sique arabe et maure (1904)'
3476. - - South African 'clickers' ('Z. d. 3495a. Rouche, J., Culte des genies chez les
Intern. Musikges.' VI), 19041'05. CF Sonray (' J. de la Soc. des Africanistes'
3477. Rosenthal, Ethel, Indian music and its XV, p. 15 if.), 1945. GL2M
instruments (London, 1928). C 3495b. - - La danse (,Presence Africaine'
3478. - - The story of Indian music and its 1950, Nos. 8/9, p. 219 if.). M
instruments (London, 1929). CIJK 3496. Rouffaer, G. P., Keteltrommen (bron-
3479. - - Tyagaraja: a great South Indian zen) ('Encycl. v. Ned.-Indie' 2nd ed.,
Composer ('Musical Quarterly' XVII, p. vol. II, p. 305 if.), 1917. B
14 if.). 1931. C 3497. Rouger, G., Chansons berberes ('France-
3480. Rosner, Victor, Tribal drums ('The Maroc' 1920).
March of India' VII, NO.9, p.26 if.), 3498. Rouget, Gilbert, Anthologie de musique
July 1955. B centre-africaine ('Presence africaine'
3480a. Rosovsky, Solomon, The cantillation of 1949, NO7, p. 324 if.).
the Bible: the five books of Moses (New 3499. - - A propos de la forme dans les musi-
York, 1957). ques de tradition orale ('Les Colloques
348ob. Ross, Uilleam, Pipe Music (new edi- de Wegimont' I, p. 132 if.), Brussels,
tion), 1875. A 1956. ACL
3481. Rossat, Arthur, Les chansons populaires 3500. - - Chroniques musicales. Nouvelles
de la Suisse romande I. Les chansons des Griots (,Presence Africaine' N .5. Nos.
traditionelles (Basel, 1917). 1-2, p. 153 ff.). April/July 1955. B
3483. - - and E. Piguet, Les chansons popu- 3501. - - La musique (du Senegal, de Casa-
laires de la Suisse romande. II, I. Chan- mance et de Guinee) (,Presence Afri-
sons des fetes de l'annee (Basel, 1930). caine' N.S. NO.5, p. 108 ff.), Dec. 1955/
3484. - - and - - Les chansons populaires Jan. 1956. B
de la Suisse romande. II, 2. Vies et mi- 3502. - - La musique a Madagascar (in: J.
racles de Jesus, de la Vierge et des Saints, Faublee, 'Ethnographie de Madagas-
Complaintes et Chansons de couvent car', Paris, 195.), p. 85 ff. JM
(Basel, 1931). 3502a. - - Note sur les travaux d'ethnogra-
3485. Roth, Henry Ling, The natives of Sara- phie musicale de la mission Ogooue-
wak and British North Borneo (London, Congo ('Proc. Conferencia Internacio-
1896), Chapter XXVI, p. 257 if. BJ nal' V, p. 193 ff.), Bissau, 1947, Lisboa,
3486. - - The aborigines of Tasmania (Hali- 1952. M
fax, 1899), p. 134 if.: Music. J 3502b. - - Les travaux d'ethnographie musi-
3487. Roth, Walter Edmund, An introductory cale de la mission Ogooue-Congo ('Ploc.
study of the arts, crafts and customs of of the 'Seances de l'Institut Franc;:ais
the Guyana Indians ('Annual Report of d'Anthropol.', XLIII, 3rd fasc., P.4
the Bur. of Amer. Ethnology' No. 38 if.), 19471'49. M
3502C. - - La musique (,Presence Africaine' Intern. Congress of Musicol.', Paris,
1955, p. 71 ff.). BM 1914). C
3503. Roumain, Jacques, Le sacyifice du tam- 3519. Rullins, Vera, Latvians and their folklore
bouy Assoto (Port-au-Prince, 1943). ('The Folkdancer' III, p. 88 ff.), Sept./
3503a. Rousseau, M., La musique et la danse Oct. 1956. A
en Afyique Occidentale ('Musee Vivant' 3520. Runge, Paul, Die Notation des Soma-
XII, Nos. 36-37, p. 21 ff.), 1948. M natha ('Monatshefte f. Musikgeschichte'
3504. Routledge, W. S. and K., With a pye- XXXVI, p. 56 if.), 1904. CKL
histoyic people: the A kikuyu of Byitish
3521. RusH!, Branislav, Prilepski guslar Apos-
East Afyica (London, 1910), p. I II if.:
tol (Prilozi proucavaniu narodne poezije)
Music. J ('Veroeifentl. d. deutschen wissensch.
3505. Roy, Carmen, La litteyatuye orale en
Inst. in Belgrad', Sonderausg. No.2),
Gaspesie. Les chansons (Bull. No. 134
du Musee National du Canada', p. 235 194
ff.), 1955. 3522. Ryckmans, A., Etude sur les signaux
3506. Roy, Dilip Kumar, Music ('The March de 'mondo' (tambour-telephone) chez les
of India' VII NO.3, p. 55 ff.), 1955. B Bayaka et Bankanu du territoire de
3507. Roy, Hemendralal, Problems of Hindo- Popokabaka ('Zaire' X, p. 493 ff.),
stani Music (Calcutta/London, 1937). A May, 1956. DIGKLIL2M
3508. Roy, Robindralal, Hindusthani Ragas 3523. Rycroft, David R., Tribal style and fyee
('Musical Quarterly' XX, p. 320 ff.). expYession ('African Music' I, No. I, p.
1934. CD 16 if.), 1954. ACJLM
3509. - - North Indian Ragas and Melas 3523a. - - Zulu male traditional singing
('The Journal of the Music Academy, ('African Music' I NO,4, p. 33 if.), 1957.
Madras' XIII, p. I ff., XIV, p. 51 if.), ACJLM
194 2-'43. 3524. Ryden, Stig, Notes on some archaeolo-
3510. - - Philosophy of Music: number in gical whistling arrowheads trom Peru
sensation, feeling, and thought ('The ('Comp. ethnogr. studies' IX), Gote-
Journal of the Music Academy, Ma- borg, 1930.
dras' XXII, p. 106 ff., XXIII, p. 75 ff., 3525. Sachau, Eduard, Arabische Volkslieder
XXIV, p. 104 ff., XXV, p. 112 fl., aus Mesopotamien ('Abhandl. d. kais.
XXVI, p. II3 ff.), 1951-'55. AC Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin', Phil.-hist.
3511. - - On Transformation of Sthayas by Kl., 1899), Berlin, 1899.
Alteration of Sruti and Consequent 3526. Sachs, Curt I), Ueber eine bosnische
Importance of 32 Melakartas as Spe- Doppelfl6te ('Sammelb. der Intern.
cially Suited to Musical Composition Musikges.' IX, p. 313 ff.), 1907-'08.
(ibid. XXIV, p. 70 ft.), 1953. AC CDFHIL
3511a. Roy, Trina, Outlines of Tagore's music 3527. - - Lituus und Karnyx ('Festschrift-
('Festschrift-Schmidt-Gorg' p. 235 if.), R. von Liliencron'), 1910. C
Bonn, 1957. E *3528. - - Reallexikon der Musikinstrumen-
3512. Rubec, A., Collection of Ukraine tolk te (Berlin, 1913). ACFGIKLL2
songs (Moscow, 1872). K 3528a. - - Die Hornbostel-Sachs'sche Klassi-
3513. Rubin, R., Nineteenth-century yiddish tikation der Musikinstrumente ('Die
love songs ot East Europe ('J. of the Naturwissenschaften' II, p. 1056 if.),
Intern. Folk Music Council' VII, p. 44 19 14.
ff.), 1955. ACJKL 3529. - - Die Musikinstrumente (Breslau,
3514. Rudyar, D., The rebirth of Indian music Jedermann's Biicherei, 1923). AC
(Adyar, 1928). I 3530. - - Die litauischen Instrumente ('In-
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Grosso ('Anuario Musical' VII). 1952. 195 8 ).
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120 if.), 1952. M du Roi, depuis I774 jusqu'en I782
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used by the Babembe ('Ethnos' XVII, 3894a. Sonobe, Saburo, 0 iaposkikh musykan-
p. 51 fL), 1952. (ABCJM) (= African takh ('Sovetskaia muzyka' 1956 No. 5,
Music Soc. Newsletter, vol. I no. 6, p. 169 if.).
p. 46 ff.), 1953. ACJM 3895. Soulie, Georges, La Musique en Chine
3883a. - - Afrikans musik ('L>stergotlands (1911). ACIJKL
Dagblad' ]th Dec. 1946). 3896. - - Theatre et musique modernes en
3883b. - - Sdngen och musiken i nedre Kon- Chine, avec une etude technique de la
go (in: J. E. Lundahl, 'Guds fotspflr musique chinoise et transcriptions pour
i dagens missionsvarld', p. II4 if.), piano (Paris, 1926). GI
1946 . 389]. Souriau, E., Autorite humaine de la
*3884. --Les instruments de musique du musique ('Polyphonie' 1950, No. ]-8,
Bas-Congo et dans les regions avoisi- p. 24 ff.). K
nantes (Stockholm, 1956). AJL 3898. Sousberghe, L. de, Les danses rituelles
3884a. - - Can African music be useful in mungonge et hila des Bapende (Congo
missionary work? ('Congo Mission News' Beige) ('Acad. Royal des Sciences colo-
No. 129, p. 10 if.), 1945. M niales, classe des Sciences morales et
3884b. - - The influence of African music politiques' N.S. Memoires in 8vo., vol.
on European tunes ('Congo Mission IX, No.1 (Ethnographie), p. 62 ff.),
News' No. 135, p. 16), 1946. M Brussels, 1956.
3885. Soepardi-Handjakiswara, De heilige 3899. Southgate, T. L., On a pair of Egyptian
gong van Lodojo (Blitar) ('long-Java' double flutes (,Proc. of the Musical
V, Nos. 3 and 4, p. 124 ff.). Association' XVII), 1890/'91. C
3886. Soeriadiningrat, Soewardi, Kinanthie 3900. - - Communication on the ancient
Sandoong. C Egyptian scale (ibid. 1890/'91). C
3886a. Soerjowinoto, R., Beschrijving van ga- 3901. - - Some ancient musical instruments
melaninstrumenten ('Ned.-Indie Oud & ('Musical News' XXV), 1903.
Nieuw' V, p. 26] fL), 1920/'21. 3902. - - Musical instruments in Indian
ABDIGHL2 sculpture ('Z. d. Intern. Musikges.' X),
388]. Sohne, L. S., Aeldre og nyere norske 1908/'09. CDFHIKL
Fjeldmelodier XIV (190]) (d. No. 2621). 390 3. - - A ncient flutes from Egypt (' J. of
Hellenic Studies' XXXV), London, 3921. Spies, Walter, Bel'icht ilbel' den Zu-
1915. CDlGHKLl stand von Tanz und Musik in del'
3904. Sowande, Fela, Afl'ican music ('Africa' Negal'a Gianial' ('Djawa' XVI, P.51
XIV, p. 340 ff.), London, 1944. ff.), 1936. ABDlG
BGKLlL2M 3922. - - De Gamelanwedstl'ijd te Gianial'
3904a. - - Three YOl'uba songs ('Odu' NO.3, (ibid. XIX, p. 197 ff.), 1939. ABDl
p. 36 ff.), 1955 (?). M 3923. - - and Beryl de Zoete, Dance and
3905. Spanke, H., La teol'ia al'abe sobl'e el Dl'ama in Bali (London, 1938, 2/1953).
origen de la lil'ica 1'0manica a la luz de BJ
las ultimas investigaciones (' Anuario 3924. Spreen, Hildegard N., Folkdances of
musical' I, p. 5 ff.), 1946. CL South India (London, 2/1948). ABC
3906. Spannaus, Guenther, Musik und Musik- 3925. Springer, George P., Language and
instrumente ('Die Kulturen der ausser- music: parallels and divel'gencies (in:
europli.ischen Erdteile in Uebersicht') 'For Roman Jakobson', p. 504 ff.),
(Fiihrer durch die Schausammlungen Rijswijk (Neth.), 1956.
des Inst. f. Volkerkunde, Univ. GOt- Sri B. Subba Rao, see: Rao, Sri B.
tingen), p. 91 ff. (Gottingen, 1954). BJ Subba,
3907. Spasow, Vasil, Volksmusik, Musikin- 3926. Srinivasan, M. A., The IUl'e of music
strumente und Tiinze del' Bulgal'en ('Annual Music Festival Souvenir,
(Diss. Vienna, 1931). Madras, 1953').
3908. - - Bulgal'skite besmensurni pesni i 3927. Srinivasan, R., The swal'as fl'om basis of
technata ornamentika ('Izvestia na l'agas ('Silver Jubilee Souvenir of the
narodniya etnografski musey' XIV), Marris College of Hindusthani music,
Sofia, 1943. Lucknow, Nov. 1952'), Lucknow, 1953.
3909. Speck, Frank G., Cel'emonial songs of 3928. - - Democl'acy and cl'eative music
the Cl'eek and Yuchi Indians ('Anthrop. (ibid.), Lucknow, 1953.
Publ. Mus. Univers. Pennsylvania' II, 3928a. - - Teaching of Music-theol'Y (,J. of
p. 155 ff.), 19II. GIKL2 the Music Acad., Madras' XXVI, p. 73
3910. - - Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians ff.), 1955.
(Philadelphia, 1909). 3929. Stafford, William C., 01'iental music.
3911. - - Penobscot man (Philadelphia, The music of Hindustan 01' India (in
1940) (with transcr. by Edw. Sapir). Surindro Mohun Tagore, 'Hindu music
3912. - - The Tutelo spirit adoption cel'emo- from various authors', p. 217 ff.), Cal-
ny (with transcr. by George Herzog), cutta, 1882. CFIK
Harrisburg, 1942. 3930. Stainer, John, Music of the Bible
3913. Spector, Johanna, On the tl'ail of (new ed. by Fr. Galpin), London, 1914.
Oriental music: among the yemenites IJ
('The Reconstructionist' XVIII. NO.5, 3931. Stankovic, Zivojin, Nal'odne pesme Kl'a-
p. 7 ff.), April 18th, 1952. iina (i.e. Folk melodies of the Krajina)
3914. - - Anthropological approach to Je- (Monographies of the Serbian Academy
wish music ('Jewish Music Notes' IX, of Sciences, vol. CLXXV), Beograd,
p. 3 ff.), Oct. 1954. 1951.
3915. - - FUl'thel' excursions on the tl'ail of 3932. Stannus, Hugh, A l'al'e type of musical
01'iental Jewish music ('The Recon- instl'ument from Central Afl'ica ('Man'
structionist' XVIII, No. II, p. 37 ff.), XX 3, No. 20), 1920. BDlGJKL2M
1955 3933. - - The Wayao of Nyasaland (Har-
3915a. - - Musical styles in Neal' Eastern vard African Studies III), Cambridge,
Jewish lithul'gy ('J. of the Music Acad., Mass., 1922 (p. 365 ff.). K
Madras' XXVI, p. 122 ff.), 1955. C 3934. Starkie, Walter, Gypsy Music ('Gro-
3916. Speight, W. L., Notes on South Afl'ican ve's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 859
native music ('Musical Quarterly' XX, ff.), 1954. ACFHlK
p. 344 ff.), 1934. CD *3935 - - Raggle Taggle (London, 1949).
3917. - - The evolution of native music ('The 3936. - - Spanish Raggle Taggle (London,
Sackbut' XIV, p. 18 ff.), 1933. 1934)
3918. Speiser, Felix, Ethnogl'aphische Mate- 3937. - - Don Gypsy: adventul'es with a
l'ialien aus den Neuen Hebl'iden und fiddle in Barbary, Andalusia and La
den Banks-Inseln (Berlin, 1923), p. 420 Mancha (New York, 1937).
ff.: Music and dance. J 3938. - - Auf Zigeunel'spul'en, Von Magie
3919. Speiser, W., Eine Komposition des und Musik. Spiel und Kult del' Zigeuner
Dschou Wen-Gil (London, 1917). in Geschichte und Gegenwal't. Mit einem
3920. Spencer Pryse, G., Talking dl'ums and Beitl'ag von W. Dostal (trans!. from
stools of sovel'eignty (,Ill. London News' the English by E. Zehnden-Bohm),
CLXXII, p. 390 ff.), 1928. Miinchen, 1957.
3939. Statius Muller, Wim, Enkele aanteke- chine et de l'Inde ('Revue musicale' V,
ningen over de A ntilliaanse dansmuziek NO.4), 1st Febr. 1924. CDIFGHKL
('Christoftel' I, p. 500 ft.), June 1956. 3953. Stevenson, Robert, Music in Mexico
BDIGH (New York, 1952). B
*3939a. Stauder, W., Die Harfen undLeiern 3954. Stewart, J. L., Northern Gold Coast
der Sumerer (Frankfurt aiM., 1957). AL Songs ('African Music Society News-
3940. Stayt, Hugh A., The Bavenda (Oxford letter' I, NO.5, p. 39 ft.), 1952. ACJM
Univ. Press, 1931), Chapter XXIII, p. 3954a. Stockmann, Erich, Kaukasische und
3 16. J albanische Mehrstimmigkeit ('Kongress-
3940a. Stearns, Marshall, The story of the bericht Ges. f. Musikforschung, Ham-
fazz (New York, Oxford Univ. Press, burg 1956', p. 229 if.). CEL
1956). 3955. Stoln, Elena, Suvremennata Bulgarska
3940b. Stechenko-Kouftina, V. K., Drevnefs- pessen ('Izvestia na Instituta za musika'
hie instrumentalnye osnovy gruzinskof I, publ. by the Bulgarska Akademia na
narodnof musyki. I. Flefta pana (= Naukite). Sofia, 1952.
The most ancient instruments of the 3956. - - Lazaruvane v selo naguschevo
Georgian folk music. I. The Pan-pipe), (ibid. II-III), Sofia, 1956.
Tiflis, 1936. 3957. - - Narodni partizanski pesni (publ.
3941. Stefaniszyn, B., The Hunting Songs by the Bulgarska Akademia na Nau-
of the Ambo ('African Studies' X, p. I kite), Sofia, 1955.
ft.), March 1951. BGKM 3958. Stoln, Vasil, Kum Bulgarskite narodni
3941a. Stein, 0., Musik in Indien ('Der Auf- napevi ('Izvestia na narodniya etno-
takt' 1921). grafski musey', fasc. III and IV, 4th
Stein Callenfels, P. V. van, see Callen- year), Sofia, 1924.
fels, P. V. van Stein, 3959. - - Hypothese sur l'origine bulgare de
3942. Steinen, Karl von den, Die Marquesaner la diaphonie (Sofia, 1925).
und ihre Kunst (Berlin, 1928), vol. II, 3960. - - Bulgarska narodna muzika: me-
p. 58 ft. J trika i ritmika (Sofia, 1927).
3943. Steinitz, Wolfgang, Deutsche Volkslieder 3961. - - Narodni pesni ot Timok do Vita
demokratischen Charakters aus sechs (Sofia, 1928). A
Jahrhunderten ('Verbftentl. d. Inst. f. 3962. - - Bulgarski narodni pesni ot is-
Deutsche Volkskunde d. Deutschen tochna i zapadna Trakia (i.e. Bulgarian
Akademie d. Wiss. zu Berlin' IV), folk music from eastern and western
Berlin, 1954. Thracia), Sofia, 1929.
3944. - - Lied und M iirchen als 'Stimme des 3963. - - Narodni pesni ot sredna severna
Volkes' ('Deutsches J ahrbuch fur Volks- Bulgaria (i.e. Folk music from north
kunde' II, p. I I ft.), Berlin, 1956. ALl Central Bulgaria), Sofia, 1931. A
3945. Steinmann, Alfred, Ueber anthropo- 3964. - - Svirka Dvoyanka ('Bull. du Musee
morphe Schlitztrommeln in Indonesien Nat. d'Ethnogr.' XII, p. 86 ft.), Sofia,
(' Anthropos' XXIII, p. 240 ft.), 1938. 1936.
ADIGHKLlL2M 3965. - - Narodni pesni ot zapadnite pok-
3946. - - Een fragment van een keteltrom raynini (in preparation).
van het eiland Koer ('Culturee1 Indie' 3966. Stoll, Dennis Gray, The 'Graces' of
III, p. 157 ft.), 1941. ABDIGHL2 Indian Music ('Asiatic Review' N.S.
3946a. - - Die Verwendung von Baumwur- XXXVIII, p. 167 if.), 1942. DIH
zein als naturliche Gongs (' Anthropos' 3967. - - The elements of Indian music ('The
XXXIII), 1938. DIGHKLlL2M Asiatic Review' XLI, No. 146), April,
3947. Stephan, S. H., The smell of the Lebanon: 1945. ADIH
24 Syrian folk-songs (' J. of the Palestine 3968. Stone, William H., Panpipes (Pandean
Oriental Soc.' 1921, p. 199 ft.). G pipes) ('Grove's Dictionary of Music
3948. Sterling, Adeline, Drama and Music in and Musicians' 5th ed., vol. VI, p. 538
Siam ('Inter-Ocean' XIII, p. 139 ft.), if.), 1954 (with additions by Anthony
1932. DIG Baines). ACFHIK
3949. Stern, Philippe, The music of India 3969. Stooke, Herbert J., and K. Khandala-
and the theory of the raga ('Indian Arts vala, The Laud ragamala miniatures. A
& Letters', N.S. VII, p. I ft.), 1933. GK study in Indian painting and music
3950. - - La musique hindoue. Les ragas (Oxford, 1953).
('Revue musicale' III), 1923. CDIFGHKL 3970. Stowel, H. M., An ancient 'flute-song'
395 1. - - Une nouvelle collection musicale (' J oumal of the Polynesian Soc.'
consacree principalement aux musiques XXVII, p. 222 if.), 1918. BG
de l' orient et des contries lointaines (Pa- 3971. Strang, Gerald, The sliding tones in
ris, no date). A oriental music ('Bull. of the Amer.
3952. - - Sur les danses de Java, de l'Indo- Musicol. Soc.' VIII, p. 29 fl.), 1945.
3971a. Strekelj, K., and J. Glonar, Sloven- 3991. - - M aassbestimmungen uber die Rein-
ske narodne pesmi iz tiskanih in pisanih heit konsonanter Intervalle (in collab.
virov (Ljubljana, 1895-1923). with M. Mayer) ('Z. f. Psycho!. und
3972. Strelnikov, J. D., La musica y la Physio!. der Sinnesorgane' XVIII),
danza de las tribus indias Kaa-Ihwua 1898. DIGH
(Guarani) y Botocudo (,Proc. of the 3992. - - Tontabellen (in collab. with K. L.
23rd Congr. of Americanists' 1928, p. Schaefer) ('Beitrage zur Akustik und
796 If.), New York, 1930. Musikw.', fasc. 3), 1901. L
3973. Strehlow, T. G. H., Australian abo- 3993. - - Tonsystem und Musik der Sia-
riginal songs (' Journal of the Intern. mesen (ibid., fasc. 3, 1901 (L); 'Sam-
Folk Music Council' VII, p. 37 If.), melb. f. verg!. Musikw.' I, 1922).
3974. Strickland-Anderson, Lily, Rabindra- 3994. - - Das Berliner Phonogrammarchiv
nath Tagore, poet-composer ('The Musi- ('Intern. Wochenschr.', 1909). CHK
cal Quarterly' X, p. 463 If.), 1924. C 3995. - - Die Anftinge der Musik ('Intern.
3975. - - Music in Malaya (ibid. XI, p. 506 Wochenschr.' 1909). HK
If.), 1925. CF 3996. - - Ueber die Bedeutung ethnologischer
3977- - - The Cambodian ballet (ibid. XII, Untersuchungen fur die Psychologie und
p. 266 If.), 1926. Aesthetik der Tonkunst (in collab. with
3978. - - Aboriginal and animistic influen- E. M. von Hornbostel) ('Kongressbe-
ces in Indian music (ibid. XV, P.371 richt 4th Congress of the Gesellsch. f.
If.), 1929. C experimentelle Psychologie 1911'). ABI
3979. - - The mythological background of 3997. - - Die Anftinge der Musik (Leipzig,
Hindu music (ibid. XVII, p. 330 If.), 1911). BCEFJLL2
1931. C 3998. - - Singen und Spreehen ('Z. f.
3980. - - Devil dances amid eternal snows Psycho!. U. Physio!. der Sinnesorgane'
('Asia' Dec. 1925, p. 1039 If.). ADI XCVI), 1923. DIGH
3981. - - A sketch of the origin and de- 3999. - - Die Sprachlaute. Experimentell-
velopment of Egyptian music ('Calcutta phonetische Untersuchungen nebst einem
Review' II), 1924. A nhang uber I nstrumentalkltinge (Ber-
3982. Struck, Bernhard, Afrikanische Kugel- lin, 1926).
floten ('Ko!. Rundschau' Heft 2-6, pp. 4000. Style, E., Musical notations of the
56 If., 190 If., 236 If.). 1922. DIL2 Chinese ('J. of the R. Asiatic Soc.,
3983. Stumme, H., Tripolitanisch-tunesische North-China branch', O.S. No.2, p.
Beduinenliedey (Leipzig, 1894). 176). 1859. KL5
3984. Stumpf, Carl, Musikpsychologie in Subba Rao, Sri B., see: Rao, Sri B.
England. Betrachtungen uber die Her- Subba,
leitung der M usik aus der Sprache Subba Rao, T. V., see: Rao, T. V.
und aus dem tierischen Entwicklungs- Subba,
prozess, uber Empirismus und Nativis- 41. Subrahmanya Sastri, Pandit S., The
mus in der Musiktheorie ('Viertel- mela raga malika of M aha Vaidyanatha
jahrschr. f. Musikw.' I, 1885). CDFKL Sivan (Madras, 1937).
3985. - - Lieder der Bellakula-Indianer 42. Suchy, Frantii!iek,Lidove pis-ne a tance z
(ibid. II, 1886 (CDFKL); repr. in: polabi na kralovemeUecku (Prague,1955).
'Sammelb. f. verg!. Musikw.' I, 1922). 4003. Sunaga, Katsumi, Japanese Music
3986. Review of Alexander J. Ellis, 'On 4004. Susil, F., Moravski narodni pisne s
the musical scales of various nations' napevy do textu vradenymi (Prague,
('Vierteljahrschr. f. Musikw.' II, p. 511 18 32-'60, 3/ 194 1, 4/ 195 1).
If.), 1886. CDFKL 4004a. Svabe, A., K. Strauberg, E. Hauzen-
3987. - - Mongolische Gestinge (ibid. III, berga-Sturma, LatvieSu tautas dziesmas
1887 (CDFKL); repro in 'Sammelbande (Copenhagen, 1952).
f. verg!. Musikw.' I, 1922). ACGHlIKLLI 45. Svensson, Sven E., Studier i eskimo-
3988. - - Tonpsychologie, vo!. I (1883); vo!. musikens intervallforrad och tonalitet
II (1890). ('Svensk tidskrift for musikforskning'
3989. - - Ueber Vergleichungen von Tondis- XXXVIII, p. 135 If.), Stockholm, 1957.
tanzen ('Z. f. Psycho!. und Physio!. der K
Sinnesorgane' I), 1890. DIGH 4006. Swan, A., The nature of Russian folk-
3990. - - Phonographierte Indianermelodien song ('The Musical Quarterly' XXIX,
('Vierteljahrschr. f. Musikw.' VIII, p. 498 If.), 1943. CHI
1892 (CDFKL); repro in 'Sammelb. f. 4007. Swanton, John R., Religious beliefs and
verg!. Musikw.' I, 1922). medical practices of the Creek Indians
ACDFGHlIKLV ('Annual Report of the Bur. of Amer.
Ethnology' No. 42 (19 24-'25), P.477 *402IC. SZiillosy, Andras, Bart6k Bela valo-
ff.), Washington D.C., 1928. BGKL2 gatott zenei trasai (= Selected articles
48. Swartz, J. F. A., A hobbyist looks at on music by Bela Bartok), Budapest,
Zulu and Xhosa songs ('African Music' 1948. Among them the following may
I, NO.3, p. 29 ff.), 1956. ACJLM be mentioned:
4009. Swarup, Rai Bahadur Bishan, Theory 4. Magyar nepzene es uj magyar zene
oj Indian Music (Swarup Brothers, (1928) (= The Hungarian folk music
Maithan, Agra, 1933). I and the new Hungarian music) ;
4009a. Swets, W., Het ensemble van de Bul- 5 A rigi magyar nepzenerol (1933)
gaarse republiek ('Grammofoon voor (= About the ancient hungarian folk
kenner en liefhebber' Dec. 1957, p. 18 music);
ft). A 6. Mi a nepzene? (1931) (= What is
4010. Sykes, M., Notes on Musical Instru- folk music ?) ;
ments in Khorasan with special rejerence 7. A parasztzene hatasa az ujabb muze-
to the Gypsies ('Man' IX, p. 161 ff., nire (1931) (= The influence of peasant
No. 94), 1909. ABDIGJKL2M music on the modern art music);
4012. Szabolcsi, Bence, Nepvandorlaskori ele- 8. A nepzene jelentoseger61 (1931) (=
mek a magyar nepzeneben ('Ethnogra- On the importance of folk music);
phia' 1934, p. 138 fL). - Eng!. trans!.: 9. Az osszehasonlit6 zenejolklore (1912)
Eastern relations oj early Hungarian (= The comparative musical folklore);
jolk music) ('J. of the R. Asiatic Soc.' 10. M agyarorszagi nepzenei kutatasok
1935, p. 483 ff. (1929) (= Hungarian investigations in
4013. - - Egyetemes muvel6destortenet es ot- the field of folk music) ;
joku hangsorok (i.e. The spread of II. Magyar nepzene (1935) (= Hun-
pentatonic scales and their importance garian folk music);
for musical history) ('Ethnographia' 12. Roman nepzene (1935) (= Ruman-
1936, p. 233 ff.). ian folk music) ;
4014. - - Ueber Kulturkreise der musikali- 13. Szlovak nepzene (1935) (= Slovak-
schen Ornamentik in Europa ('Z. L ian folk music);
Musikw.' XVII, p. 65 ff.), 1935 14. Nepdalgyujtis Torokorszagban
CDHIKL (1937) (= Collecting folk songs in
4015. - - Morgenland und Abendland in der Turkey) (d. No. 275);
ungarischen Volksmusik ('Ung. ]ahrb.' 15. Az ugynevezett bolgar ritmus (1938)
XVIII, p. 202 ff.), Berlin, 1928. (= On the so called Bulgarian rhythm) ;
4016. - - Adatok a kozepazsiai dallamtipus 16. Miirt es hogyan gyujtsunk nepzenet
elterjedesehez (i.e. About the spread of (1936) (= Why and how should we
the Central-asian melodytype), Buda- collect folk music) (d. No. 281);
pest, 1950, 2/1957 17. N epdalkutatas es nacionalizmus
4017. - - A primitiv dallamossag: a hang- (1937) (= The study of folk music and
lejtestol az otjokusasig (i.e. Primitive nationalism) ;
Melodik: vom Tonfall zur Pentatonie) 18. Zene es jaji tisztasag (1944) (=
(in: 'Melanges offerts it Zoltan Kodaly a Music and racial purity) (d. No. 278);
l'occasion de son 60ieme anniversaire', 24. Ciganyzene' Magyar zene? (1931)
p. 19 fL), Budapest, 1943. ACK (= Gypsy music? Hungarian music?);
4018. - - Five-tone scales and civilization 28. Vita a roman nepdalgyujtisrol Sere-
('Acta Musicologica' XV, p. 24 ff.), ghy Elemerrel es Hubay Jenavel (1920)
1943. CEKLLI I-VI (= Discussion with E. Sereghy
4019. - - A mel6dia tortenete (i.e. Studies and J. Hubay on the collecting of
on the development of melody), Buda- Rumanian folk music) I-VI.
pest, 1950,2/1957. 4022. Tagore, Surindro Mohun, Short Notices
4020. - - Nepzene es Tortinelem (i.e. Folk oj Hindu Musical Instruments (Cal-
music and History), Budapest, 1954. cutta, 1877). ACFG
4021. - - A XVII. szarad Magyar vilagi 4023. - - Hindu music, vo!. I (Calcutta,
dallamai (i.e. Hungarian wordly melo- 1875). CH
dies from the XVII. century), Buda- 4024. - - Theory oj Sanskrit music, com-
pest, no date. K piled jrom the ancient authorities (Cal-
4021a. - - Osztyak es vogul dallamok (= cutta, 1875). CHK
Ostyak and Wogulian melodies) ('Eth- 4026. - - Yantra Kosha, or a treasury oj
nographia' XLVIII NO.4). Budapest, the musical instruments oj ancient and
1937 oj modern India, and oj various other
4021b. Szendrey, Zsigmond, and Zolhl.n Ko- countries (Calcutta, 1875). CG
daly, N agyszalontai guyjtis (Budapest, 4026a. - - Theory oj Sanskrit music (Cal-
19 2 4). cutta, 1875). CF
4026b. - - Six principal ragas (Calcutta, Revue Sincere' XI, p. 274 H.), Brussels,
1875). F 1933
4026c. - - A Vedic hymn (Calcutta, 1878). 4050. Tannery, P., L'invention de l'hydraulis
F ('Revue des Etudes grecques' XXI).
4027. - - A few specimens of Indian songs 1908. DIGLI
(Calcutta, 1879). CF 4051. Tantawi Gawhari, Al-musiqa al-Ara-
4028. - - The ten principal avatara of the biyya (Alexandria, 1914). G
Hindus (Calcutta, 1880). CF 452. Tappert, Wilhelm, Wandernde Melo-
4029. - - The eight principal rasas of the dien (Leipzig 1868, 2/1890).
Hindus (Calcutta, 1880). CF 4053. Tarenne, G., Recherches sur les Ranz
4030. - - The five principal musicians of the des vaches, ou sur les chansons pastorales
Hindus (Calcutta, 1880). CFGK des bergers de la Suisse (Paris, 1813). C
4031. - - Hindu Music from various authors 4054. Tate, H., A ustralian aboriginal music
(Calcutta, 1882). CFIKL2 ('Canon' V, p. 249 H.), 1951.
4032. - - The musical scales of the Hindus 4055. Tauem, O. D., Patasiwa und Patalima
(Calcutta, 1884). CFK (Leipzig, 1918), s.v. Lieder (p. 73 H.
4033. Taig, Th., Rhythm and Metre (1930). and 193 If.). B
4034. Takacs, Jenll von, Arabische Musik in 4056. Tavares de Lima, Rossini, Melodia et
Aegypten ('Auftakt' IX, p. 241 If.), ritmo no folclore de Sao Paulo (Sao
1929. Paulo, 1954).
4035. Takano, Kiyosi, Theorie der japanischen *4057. Taylor, C. R. H., A Pacific Biblio-
Musik ('Tohoku Psychologica Folia' graphy (Wellington, 1951), pp. 46, 79,
III, fasc. 2-3), Sendai, 1935. G 129, 188, 227, 24 2, 256, 298, 319, 333,
4036. - - Beitrage zur Geschichte der japa- 345, 381 , 434, and 446. AB
nischen Musik ('Archiv f. Musikfor- 458. Taylor, M., Did Pharaoh Necho's min-
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hai 1923, fasc. 4). ('Mercure musical', 1911).
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and 210 H.). de la 2Ie session du Congres Intern. des
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4070. - - Legendes et chants esquimaux du ges.' XI, p. 141 if.), Leipzig, 19091'10.
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land (Santpoort, 1933). (Dutch transl. 4090. - - La musique chez les negres d'Afri-
by Annie Posthumus). AK que (in Lavignac, 'Hist. de la Musique'
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4073. Thornton, P., The voice of Atlas: in Ueber den Gesang der Vagel, insbe-
search of music in Morocco (London, sondere uber Tonsprache und Form des
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tunes (1906-'09). K 4093. Til, Salomon van, Digt-, sang- en speel-
4075. - - Folkelig Sang og Musik paa Island konst, soo der Ouden, als bysonder der
('Nordisk Kultur. Musikk och Musikk- Hebreen (Dordregt, Dirk Goris, 1692).
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d. Intern. Musikges.' III, p. 222 if.), instrumenten (de kediree) ('Tropisch Ne-
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aus Ostgranland: Eskimoische Phono- 1890).
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lari Siciliane (2 vols.) (Palermo, 1957). 4103a. Tonkovi~, Pavol, Spevy z Oravy (Bra-
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noble, 1903). 4106. Torday, Emil, Songs of the Balubaof Lake
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(in 'Emh~kkonyv Kodaly. 1. ]0 Zsu-
IV, NO.5, p. 489 H.), 1950. DIGKLIL2M
letesnapjara' p. 56] ft.), Budapest,
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4205. Vazquez Santana, Biginio, Histoyia de in Geschichte und Gegenwart' III, col.
la canci6n Mexicana. Canciones, canta- 1582 vv.), 1954. ACDEFGHIKL
yes y coyyidos (Mexico, Talleres Graficos 4223. - - Griechenland. A. A ntike ('Die Mu-
de la Naci6n), 1931. sik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' V,
4205a. Vechi cintece de Viteji (culegere alca- col. 840 fL), 1956. ACDEFGHIKL
tuita sub ingrijirea Institutului de 4224. --Ost und West in der Musikge-
Folclor), Bukarest, 1956. schichte ('Die Musikforschung' I), 1948.
4206. Vechten, C. van, The Music of Spain CEIKLLI
(London, 1920). C 4225. Vetterl, Karel, Folk songs of East
4206a. Veeder, P. V., Japanese musical intey- Czechoslovakia (' J oumal of the Intern.
vals ('Transactions of the Asiatic Soc. Folk Music Counc;il' I, p. 35 ft.), 1949.
of Japan' VII), 18]9. ACKL
420]. Vega, Carlos, La flauto de Pan andina *4226. - - Czech Folk Music ('Grove's Dic-
('Proc. 25th Congress of Americanists, tionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 216 ft.),
Buenos Aires 1932', p. 333 ft.), Buenos 1954. ACFHIK
Aires, 1934. A 422]. - - Lidove pisne a tance z valafskoklo-
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Plata ('La Prensa', Buenos Aires, 1932). 4228. Veurman, B., and D. Bax, Liederen en
4209. - - Los instyumentos musicales aboyi- dansen uit West-Friesland (The Hague
genes y cYiollos de la Aygentina (Buenos 1944). A
Aires, 1949) J 4229. Vichitr-Vadakarn, H. E. Nai V., The
4210. - - Danzas y canciones Aygentinas Evolution of Thai Music ('Pub!. of
(Buenos Aires, 1936). the Dept. of Fine Arts, Thailand'), 1942.
4211. - - Tonleitem mit Halbti5nen in dey A
Musik der alten Peruaner ('Acta Mu- 4230. Viellard, Gilbert, Le chant de l' Eau et
sicologica' IX, p. 41 H.), 1939. du Palmier Doum, poeme bucolique
CDEHIKLLI du mayais nigerien ('Bull. de !'Inst.
4212. - - Panorama de la musica popular Franyais d' Afrique Noire' II, Nos. 3-4,
argentina (Buenos Aires, 1944). p. 299 H.), 1940. GL2M
4213. - - Las danzas populares argentinas 4231. Viggiano Esain, Julio, Tnstrumentologia
(Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Educa- musical popular argentina (Buenos
ci6n, Direcci6n General de Cultura, Aires, 1948).
Instituto de Musicologia, 1952). 4232. - - La musicalidad de los Tupi Guarani
4214. Vela, David, Noticia sobre la marimba (Cordoba, Argentina, 1954).
(Guatemala, 1953). 4233. Viglieti, Cedar, Folklore en el Uruguay:
Venkatarama Iyer, Mudikondan C., see: la guitarra del Gaucho, sus danzas y
Iyer, Mudikondan C. Venkatarama canciones (Montevideo, 194]).
Venkatarama Iyer, T. L., see: Iyer, T. 4233a. Villemarque, Chants populaires de la
L. Venkatarama Bretagne, Barzaz Bretz (186]).
4216. Verbeken, A., Le tambour-telephone chez 4234. Villoteau, G. A., Abhandlung uber die
les indigenes de I' A frique centrale ('Congo' Musik des allen Agyptens (transl. from
1920, p. 253 ft.), Brussels, 1920. K the French), Leipzig, 1821. CK
421]. --La communication Ii distance chez 4235. - - Sur la musique en Egypte (Paris,
les Noirs (Elisabethville, 1920). 1822/'23). C
4236. Vinogradov, V., Muzuka sovetskoj Kir- respublik (i.e. Musical culture in the
gizii (Moscow, 1939). Usbek republic), Moscow, 1954.
4237. - - Uzeir Gadzhibekov i azerbajdzhans- 4254. Wachsmann, Klaus, Untersuchungen
kaya muzyka (Moscow, 1938). zum vorgregorianischen Gesang (Regens-
4238. - - 0 traditsiyakh narodnoi muzyki i burg, 1935). K
razvitii khorovoi kultury (i.e. On tradi- 4255. - - An approach to African Music
tions of folk music and the develop- ('Uganda Journal' VI, NO.3, p. 148
ments of choral culture), ('Sovetskaya if.), 1939. L2M
muzyka' 1951, NO.7, p. 49 if.). 4256. - - The Transplantation of Folk Mu-
4239. - - Piat duganskikh pesen (i.e. Five sic from one social enviro'nment to
Dugan songs) ('Sovetskaya muzyka' another (' Journal of the Intern. Folk
1950, NO.5, p. 51 fL). Music Council' VI, p. 41 if.), 1954.
4240. Virollaud, Ch., and Fernand Pelagaud, ACJKL
La musique Assyro-Babylonienne (1910) 4257. - - An Equal-stepped Tuning in a
(in Lavignac, 'Hist. de la Mus.' I, p. 35 Ganda Harp ('Nature' Jan. 7th., 1950,
if.), 1922. ACDEFHJ p. 40 fL). ADIGLIM
Vissa Appa Rao, see: Rao, Vissa Appa, 4258. - - Tribal Crafts of Uganda (in collab.
4241. Vloten, van, and M. A. Brandts Buys, with Margaret Trowell), Part II. The
Nederlandsche baker- en kinderrijmen Sound Instruments (p. 309 if.), 1953
(Leyden, 3/1874). H ABJLM
4242. Voegelin, Erminie Wheeler, Shawnee 4259. - - .~Iusicology in Uganda ('Journal
musical instruments (' Amer. Anthro- of the R. Anthrop. Inst. of Great
pol.' XLIV, p. 463 if.). 1942. GLZ Britain and Ireland' LXXXIII, p. 50
4243. Voigt, Alban, Chinesische Musikinstru- if.), 1953. BGIKLIL2M
mente ('Deutsche Instrumentenbauzeit- 4260. - - Harp songs from Uganda (' J. of
schr.' XXXII), 1931. the Intern. Folk Music Council' VIII,
4244. Vois, P., La musique des vieux ('Etudes p. 23 if.), 1956. ACJKL
Melanesiennes', No.2, p. 10 if.), Nou- 4261. - - Folk musicians in Uganda (Ugan-
mea 1939. da Museum occasional papers ~o. 2),
4245. Voja~ek, I., Folklore musicale du chant Kampala, 1956. ABJ
populaire de Boheme ('Rivista Musicale 4262. - - A study of norms in the tribal
Italiana' 1909). CKL music of Uganda ('Ethnomusicology'
4246. Volland, Beitrage zur Ethnographie Newsletter No. II, p. 9 fL), Sept. 1957
der Bewohner von Armenien und Kur- AGL
distan ('Archiv f. Anthropologie' 4262a. - - A century of change in the folk
XXXVI), 1909. DI music of an African tribe n. of the
4247. Voskuil, J., De spreekmachine in de loop Intern. Folk Music Council' X, p. 52
der eeuwen ('Luister' No. 44, p. 217 if.), 1958. ACIJKL
if.), Amersfoort, 15th May 1956. AK 4263. Waddell, L. A., The 'Lepchas' or
4248. Vries, H. de, Sprekende trommen van .Rongs' and their Songs ('Intern. Archiv
Afrika (Pub!. No. IX of the Exotic f. Ethnogr.' XII, p. 41 if.), 1899.
Music Soc.), Amsterdam, 1957. A BDIGKL2
4248a. - - The Exotic Music Society: its 4264. Waengler, Hans-Heinrich, Ueber sud-
aims and activities ('Ethnomusicology' west-afrikanische Bogenlieder ('Afrika
II No.2, p. 68 if.), May 1958. AGL und Uebersee' XXXIX, p. 49 if., XL,
4249. Vulpesco, M., La chanson populaire en p. 163 fL), March 1955 and Sept. 1956.
Roumanie ('Revue musicale' XI, No. GKM
24), Nov. 1927. CDIGKL 4265. Wagener, G., Bemerkungen uber die
Vuong Hong Sen, see: Sen, Vuong Theorie der chinesischen Musik und
Hong. ihren Zusammenhang mit der Philoso-
4250. Vyasa, Lakshmidasa Adityarama, Evo- phie ('Mitth. der Deutschen Ges. L
lution of Indo-Aryan music and its Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens' II,
present needs (Ahmedabad, 1916). I
p. 42 if.). 18n G
4251. Vyslouzil, Jiri, Folcloristica muzicala
n Cechoslovacia (' Revista de folcior' 4266. Wagner, Eduard, Verzeichnis chinesi-
II, Nos. 1-2, p. 182 if.), Bucarest, 1957. scher M usikinstrumenten (' J ahrb. d.
AC Museums L Volkerkunde zu Leipzig'
4252. Vyzgo, T., 0 rekonstruktsii uzbekskikh XI), 1952. M
narodnykh instrumentov (i.e. About the 4267. Wagner, 0., Das rumanische Volkslied
rebuilding of Uzbek national instru- ('Sammelb. der Intern. Musikges.'
ments ('Sovetskaya muzyka' 1954, No. 1902). CDFHIL
12, p. 56). . 4268. Waldmann, G., Sammlungen deutscher
4253. - - Muzykal'naja kul'tura sojuznych Volkslieder aus Rumanien ttnd Ungam
('Musik und Volk' III, p. 190 fl.), 1935/ nesische Musik'), p. 48 fl. (Frankfurt
'36. aiM., J927). G
,p68a. - - Zur Tonalitatdes deuts,lIen Voills- 4290. - - Ueber die ,hinesis'M NolenscA"f
liedes (Wolfenbiittel, 1938). L len ('Sinka' Ill, p_ 110 H.), 1928. GK
426<}. - - Musill und Hasse (Berlin, 1939). I 4291. - - Ueber die chinesis,he klllssiulie
426<}a. Wales, H. G. Quaritsch, The religious Oper (1550-1860), Geneva, 1934. IK
signi/iwwe of the early Dongson bronze 4292, - - Musikalische Beziehungen zwiscAeK
drums ('Proc. 23rd. Intern_ Congress of China und dem Westen im Laufe der
Orientalists', p. 270 If.), Cambridge, lahr/ausende {'Studien zur Geschkbte
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'P71. Wallaschek, Richard, Primitive Mu- den, 1935. A
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4272. --On the origin of music (London, ter VOl' der rang-Zeit ('Asia Major'
t89!) X), 1935. DIGLl
4273. - - Natural seltt/ion and musi, (Lon- 4295. Wang, Shih-Hsiang, and Wang Ti,
don, 1892). A :looo-yearold melody ('China recon-
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ber. der Wiener Kais. Akad. d. Wissen- 901 fl.), 1932. C
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1899) ('Oversea Education' V, p. 64 fl.), 1934.
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larged ed. of No. 4272). IK CAinese reed Ol'gan ("China Review'
4280. Walle, Job, van de, Walsen, danza's 18821'83)
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XLVII NO,5, p. II If.), 29th May, of the Ancients ('Ptoc. of the Musical
1954. ABDIG Association' 1903-'04).
4281. - - De Nederlrmdse Antillen (Baarn, 4303. Warmelo, Willem van, Afrikaanse lie-
1954), p. 79lf. and 89 ff. A derwijsies (UnieVolkspers, Capetown,
>\282. Walleser, SiJr.tus, Die Trmzgesli1lge der 1948).
EingebOl'nen auf Jap ('Anthropos', XI 4304. - - Ou Ajrikaanse volkswijsies ('Lan-
XI, p. 655 If.), 19151"16. DIGKLIL2M tern' III, NO.3, biz. 250 vv.). Jan./
4283. Walls y Merino, M., La musi,a popular Maart 1954. AC
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>\284. Walton, James, Iron gongs from the Zuid-Ajrika (Mens en Melodic' IX,
Congo and Southern Rhodesia p,lan' p.)21 fl.), 1954. ACF
LV, p_ 20, 1"0.29, and XVI, p. 16 No. 4306. - - He/ Nederlandse lied bij de Kaapse
20), resp. Febr. 1955 and Jan. 1956. Maleiers ('Mens en Melodic' X. P.351
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'P85. Waly, A., The No plays of Japan (Lon 4306a, Warner, W, Lloyd, A black tivilization
don, 1921). (a study of an Aus/ralian tribe), New
,p86. Wang, Betty, Folk Songs as a Means York, 1937. revised cd. 1958). p.26,
of Srx:ial C01l/rol ('Sociology and Social 292,502 fl. B
Research' XIX No. I, p. 64 fl.), Sept.' *4307. Waterman, Richard A., William Lich-
O<:t. 1934. LI tenwanger, Virginia Hitchcock Herr-
4287_ - - Folk Songs as Regulators of mann, Horace I. Poleman, and Cecil
Politi,s (ibid. XX, p. 161 if,). 1935. LI Hobbs, Bibliography of Asia/ic Mllsi,s
4288. Wang, En Shao, Chinesis,Ae Kammer- {'Notes', maga2ine devoted to music
lusik einst ulld ietzt ('Muska'IV, p. 131 and literature with bibliographies, rc-
fl.), 1950. CKLLI viev.-s of books, n~(;ords and music',
'1~89. Wang, Kuanb' Chi, Ueber die ,hinesi Second series, V, p. 11 fl'. (I. General).
,he Musill (in: Richard Wilhelm. 'Chi- p. 178 fl. (II. Southwest Asia), A.
General, B. Ancient Civilizations); p. 4318. Weber-Kellermann, Ingeborg, Ludolf
354 ff. (C. Jews: Ancient and Modern) ; Parisius und seine altmiirkischen Volks-
p. 549 ff. (D. Christians, 2. Caucasians lieder (for the melodies in collab. with
and Transcaucasians), VI, p. 122 ff. Erich Stockmann) ('VerOffentl. d. Inst.
(D. Christians cont., 3. Armenians, f. Deutsche Volkskunde d. Deutschen
4. Georgians; 5. Syrians a.o.); p. 281. Akademie d. Wiss. zu Berlin' VI),
(E. Moslems: I. General, 2. Arabic- Berlin, 1956.
speaking peoples); P.419 (3. Turkic- 4319. Weber, Max, Die rationalen und sozio-
speaking peoples, 4. Iranians a.o.); p. logischen Grundlagen der Musik (Mun-
570 ff. (III. India: A. General and Art chen, 1921). A
Music, B. Primitive and Folk Music, 4320. Wegelin, C. A., Chineesche muziek
C. Ceylonese Music); VII. p. 84 ff. ('China' IV, p. 129 ff. and 217 ff.), 1929.
(IV. SouthcEast Asia: A. General, DiGH
B. Burma, C. Siam, D. Indo-China, E.
4321. Wegner, Max, Das Musikleben der
Malaya and Malay Archipelago, F.
Philippine Islands); p. 265 (V. Central Griechen (Berlin, 1949). CKL
4322. - - Die Musikinstrumente des alten
East Asia: A. General, B. Japan, C.
Orients (Munster, 1950). ABCGL2
Korea); p. 415 ff. (D. China); p. 613
4323. - - Etrurien ('Die Musik in Geschichte
(D. China cont.); VIII, p. 100 ff. (VI.
und Gegenwart' III, col. 1595 vv.),
Central Asia and Siberia: A. General,
B. Tibetans, C. Mongols, D. Turkic 1954. ACDEFGHiKL
Peoples, E. Paleo-Siberians, Samo- 4324. - - Griechenland. B. Griechische /n-
strumente und Musikbriiuche ('Die Mu-
yeds, Tungus, and Manchus), p. 322
sik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' V,
ff. (Addenda), Washington D.C., 1947-
'51. DFKL col. 865 ff.), 1956. ACDEFGHiKL
*4325. - - Hethitische Musik ('Die Musik
4308. - - and - - Survey of Recordings of
in Geschichte und Gegenwart' VI, col.
Asiatic Music in the United States,
I9so-'SI ('Notes' VIII, p. 683 ff.),
330 H.), 1957. ACDEFGHiKL
Sept. 1951. DFKL 4326. Weinstock, Herbert, Mexican music
4309. Waterman, Richard A., African influ- (New York, Museum of modern art,
ence on the music of the Americas (in: May 1940). J
Sol Tax, 'Acculturation in the Ameri- 4326a. Weis, K., Cesky iih a Sumava v lidove
cas', p. 207 ff.), Chicago, 1952. AB pisni (Prague, 1928-1941).
4310. - - Hot rhythm in negro music ('J. of 4327. Weiss, Josef, Die musikalischen /nstru-
the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' I, No.2) mente des alten Testaments (Graz, 1895).
1948. CK 4328. Weiss, Rodica, and Pascal Bentoiu, IOO
4311. - - African patterns in Trinidad melodii de iocuri din Ardeal (Bukarest,
Negro music (unpublished MS., North- 1955)
western Univ., 1943). *4329. Weissmann, John S., Hungarian Folk
4312. - - Folk music of Puerto Rico (Library Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol.
of Congress, Washington, Album No. III, p. 277 H.), 1954. ACFHiK
18). I 4330. Wellek, Albert, Das Farbenhi5ren im
4312a. - - Music in Australian aboriginal Lichte der vergleichenden Musikwissen-
culture. Some sociological and psycho- schaft. Urgeschichte des Doppelempfin-
logical implications ('Music Therapy' dens im Geistesleben der Orientalen ('Z.
1955, p. 40 ff.), Kansas, 1956. f. Musikw.' XI, p. 470 ff.), 1929.
4313. Watson, R. W. S., Slovak peasant art ACDEHiKL
and melodies (London, 1911). I 4331. - - Begriff, Aufbau und Bedeutung
4314. W ... , C. P., The art of Ravi Shankar einer systematischen Musikwissenschaft
(repr. from 'The Times of India') ('Die Musikforschung' I, p. 157 ff.),
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Hague, 1957). A 4332. Wellesz, Egon, Der syrische Kirchen-
4315. Wead, Charles K., The Study of Primi- gesang ('Musica Divina' V, p. 215 ff.),
tive Music ('Archiv f. Anthrop.' II), 1917.
1900. DiGHKL2 4333 - - Die Kirchenmusik der Kopten und
4316. - - Contribution to the history of musi- Abessinier (ibid. p. 244 ff.).
cal scales ('Report of the Smithsonian 4334. - - Die armenische Kirche und ihre
Inst. for 1900', p. 417 ff.), Washington, Musik (ibid. VI, p. 16 ff.), 1918.
1902. CJL2 4335. - - Die armenische Kirchenmusik
4317. - - Early Musical Scales in the Light (ibid. p. 54 H.).
of the Twentieth Century ('Papers of 4336. - - Das armenische Hymnar (ibid.,
the Michigan Acad. of Science, Arts p. 99 H.).
and Letters' IV, p. 43 H.), 1924. 4337. - - Probleme der musikalischen Orient-
forschung (' J ahrbuch der Musikbibl. 4357. - - The ongm of the eight modes of
Peters' XXIV, p. I if.), 1917. CGKLl music (ibid. XXI), 1948. G
4338. - - Die Orgel im byzantinischen Reiche 4358. - - and Isaiah Sonne, The Philosophy
('Musicasacra'LI, p. 51 if.), April 1918. F and Theory of Music in Judaeo-Arabic
4339. - - Zur Entzifferung der byzantini- Literature ('Hebrew Union College An-
schen Notenschrift. Untersuchungen iiber nual' XVI), 1941. G
die Bedeutung der byzantinischen Ton- 4358a. - - Jewish music ('Grove's Dictio-
zeichen der mittleren und spaten Epoche nary of Music and Musicians' 5th ed.,
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if.), 1918. DIGKLI 4359. Werner, Heinz, Die melodische Erfin-
4340. - - Vom Geist der chinesischen Musik dung im friihen Kindesalter (Akad. d.
('Musikblatter des Anbruchs' I, P.42). Wiss. zu Wien, Phil.-hist. Kl., Sitzungs-
1919. L ber. No. 182, Abh. no. 4). 1917. DIGIKLl
4341. - - Vom Wesen der orientalischen Mu- 4360. Wertheimer, Max, Musik der Wedda
sik (ibid. II, p. 52), 1920. L ('Sammelb. der Intern. Musikges'. XI,
4342. - - Studien zur iithiopischen Kirchen- p. 300 ft.). 1909. ACDFHIL
musik ('Oriens Christianus' N.S. IX, 4361. Westarp, Alfred, A la decouverte de la
p. 74 ft.), 1920. DIGKLl musique J aponaise ('Bull. de la Soc.
4343. - - Byzantinische Musik (Breslau, Franco-Japonaise' XXIII/XXIV), Pa-
Jedermann's Biicherei, 1927). A ris, 1912. C
4344. - - Die Byzantinische und Orientali- 4362. Westerman, D., La langue du tambour a
sche Kirchenmusik (in Guido Adler, Togo ('Anthropos' 1),1906. DIGKLlL2M
'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte', vol. I, 4362a. Westphal, E., Linguistics and the Afri-
2nd ed. p. 126 ft.), 1929. ACEF can music research ('African Music Soc.
4345. - - Eastern Elements in Western Chant Newsletter' I, No. I, p. 15 ft.), 1948. C
(1947). AC 4363. Wetering, F. H. van de, De Savoeneezen
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Hymnography (Oxford, 1949). I V. Ned.-Indie' LXXXII), 1926 (p. 542
4374. Wilbert, johannes, Los instrumentos 4391. Winnington-Ingram, R. P., Mode in
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4375. Wilhelm, Richard, Das Wesen der chine- 1954. ACFHIK
sischen Musik ('Sinica' II, p. 203 ft.), 4393. Winternitz, Emanuel, Bagpipes and
1927. GK Hurdy-gurdies in their social setting
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M., China-Institut, 1927). G N.S. vol. II, No. I, p. 56 ft.), 1943. AJ
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landern ('Z. f. Ethnologie' XXXVI, f. Volksliedforschung' VI, p. 53 ft.),
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4378. Wilkes, j. T., La ritmica especifica del 4395. - - Das Alter der deutschen Volkslied-
cantar nativo ('Revista de Estudios weisen ('Deutsche Musikkultur' IV/I,
musicales' II, NO,4, p. 11 ft.), Mendoza p. 15 ft.), 1939. DIL
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scheinungen des Umsingens (,Jahrb. f.
4379. Willard, N. A., A Treatise on the Volksliedforschung' VII, p. 128 ft.),
Music of Hindoostan (in Surindro Mo- 1940. DiL
hun Tagore, 'Hindu Music from various 4397. - - Die Volksliedweise und der Osten
authors', p. I ft.), Calcutta, 1882. (1941). L
CFIKL2 4398. - - Zur Fruhgeschichte der Musik in
4380. Willekes Macdonald, P. J., Het Indone- den Alpenlandern (Basel, 1949). ACL
sische toonstelsel, hoe en waarom het 4399. - - Alpenmusik (in 'Die Musik in Ge-
afwijkt van andere ('Orientatie' No. 26, schichte und Gegenwart', vol. I, col.
p. 30 ft.), Nov. 1949. ABDIGH 359 ft.), 1949. ACDEFGHIKL
4381. Willems, Edgar, Le rythme musical: 4400. - - Alpenlandische Liedweisen der
rythme, rythmique, metrique (Presses Fruhzeit und des Mittelalters im Lichte
universitaires de France, 1956). AD vergleichender Forschung (' Angebinde
4382. Willems, J. F., Oude Vlaamsche liederen, ftir John Meier'), 1949. A
ten deele met de melodieen (Gent, 1848). 4401. - - Das echte Volkslied (Heidelberg,
L 1950). AL
4383. Williams, F. E., Papuans of the Tf'ans- 4402. - - Die vergleichende Fruhgeschichte
Fly (Oxford, 1936), App. 4, p. 435 ft.: der europaischen M usik als methodische
Musical instruments. j Forschung ('Kongressber. d. Intern.
4384. - - Bull-roarers in the Papuan Gulf Musikges., Basel, 1949', p. 212 ft.),
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1957. BGL2M 4548. SzegO, Julia, and Klara Sebestyen
4536a. Merriam, Alan P., Statistical classifi- DoM, K8t8ttem Bokretdt. ISO nepdal
cation in anthropology ('American An- (Bucarest, 1958).
thropologist' LVIII, p. 464 ff.), 1956. 4549. Truka, Jaroslav, La musique et Ie chant
BGL2M tcMchoslovaques dans Ie monde libre
4537. Moser, Hans Joachim, Die Musik der ('Rencontres' Nos. 14/15), Paris, 1958.
deutschen Stamme (Vienna, 1957). 4549a. Vos, F., De Koreaanse cultuur (Publ.
*4537a. Nettl, Bruno, Historical aspects of No. 17 of the Exotic Music Society),
ethnomusicology (' American Anthro- 1958. A
pologist' LX, p. 518 ff.), June 1958. 4549b. Wang, Kung Ki, Ueber die chinesi-
ABGL2M schen Notenschriften ('Sinica' III, p. lIO
4537b. - Unifying factors in folk and primi- fL), 1928. GK
tive music (' J. of the American Musicol. 4549C. Ware, James R., Query No. II4: Were
Soc.'), in preparation. CFKL the ancient Chinese weights and measures
4538. Norlind, Tobias, Strdkharpan ('Svensk related to musical instruments? ('Isis'
Tidskrift for Musikforskning' IV, fasc. XXXVII, p. 73 ff.), May 1947. AGLI
3),1922. CK 4550. Williams, C. F. Abdy, The story of
4539. Olrik, Axel, Middelalderens vandr. spil- notation (London, 1903).
lemaend i Norden og deres visesang 4551. Winstedt, Richard, Review of Qua-
('Opuscula philologica'), Copenhagen, ritsch Wales, 'Prehistory in Southeast
188 7. Asia' ('J. of the R. Asiatic Soc., Ma-
4540. Panoff, Peter, Die Volksmusik der Bul- layan Branche' XXX), 1957 (p. 86: a
garen ('Melos' IV, No. I), 1925. KL new hypothesis on bronze drum figu-
4541. Philippines Unesco National Commis- res). BD1GKL2L5
sion, Music in Southeast Asia (,Proc. of 4552. Zamfir, Constantin, Victoria Dosios,
the First Regional Music Conference of and Elisabeta Moldoveanu-Nestor, I3z
Southeast Asia, Manila, 1955'), Manila, cintece ~i jocuri din Naiisaud (Bucarest,
1956. A 1958).
2 15
Fig. I. A. J. ELLIS (1814-1890)1
21 7
Fig. 4. NILS SCHI0RRING (b. 1910) Fig. 5. TOBIAS ;'IIORLlND (1879-1948)
Fig. 8. HENRY BALFOUR (r863-r939) Fig. 9. BELA BARTOK (r88r-r945)
(Courtesy Messrs. LAFAYETTE Ltd., London)
Fig. ro. ZOLTAN KOD . \.LY (b. 1882) Fig. r 1. FRANCES DENSMORE
( r86 7- 1 957)
1935) (I.) with JACQUES HANDSCHIN 1893) (I). with LEON ALGAZ!. At the
(1886-195 6) background, from left to right:
Fig. 14. JAAP KUNST (b. 1891) Fig. 15. ANDRE SCHAEFFNER (b. 1895)
Fig. 16. A. O. VAISANEN (b. 1890)
Fig. 20. ROBERT LACHMANN (1892-1939) Fig. 21. PERCIVAL R. KIRBY (h. 1888)
Fig. 22. MIECZYSLAW KOLINSKI (b. 1901) Fig. 23. ARNOLD A. BAKE (b. 1899)
Fig. 24. HUGH T. TRACEY (b. 1903) Fig. 25. MARIUS SCHNEIDER (b. 1903)
Fig. 29. WALTER WIORA (b. 1906)
Fig. 33. ERIK DAL (b. 1922) Fig. 34. GILBERT ROUGET (b. 1902)
Fig. 35. VINKO ZGANEC (I) (b. 1890). Fig. 36. CVJETKO RIHTMAN (b. 1902)
and VALENS VODUSEK (b. 1912)
Fig. 37. KLAUS WACHSMANN (b. 1907) Fig. 38. (from l. to r.): CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU
(b. 1893), AHMED ADNAN SAYGUN (b. 1907)
Fig. 39. MARIAN (b. 1908) and ]ADWIGA Fig. 40. LASZLO LA]THA (b. 1892)
Fig. 45. Buttock-'music' on a ancient Greek vase
Fig. 50. Prehistoric lu(n)komba. Dra-
kensberg (Basutoland) rock-painting
Fig. 48. Bamboo zithers from Flores (after STOW). (Courtesy Mr.P. R. KIRBY
(A = full-tube, Band C = half-tube and the Trustees of the South African
instruments) Museum)
Fig. 54. "Kemanak" of the
Pangwe, West Central Africa
Fig. 59. Monochord with scale division
Fig. 60. Dodecachord provided with 12 graduated scales, moveable bridges and
tuningpegs, which can duplicate any kind of scale of known vibration numbers
23 1
1 80 M. It 71 I 84
127 1321 1:1& If I
H'I u:; 180 184
1M 201 I tot 210
228 28'.
187 17
!lS7 242 i46 2:>0 ~56
'dS _268 I 272 216.
40 -I,.l-"I"'j_
,-- ,- 111 111 III
.cHI 1 410
:: ::
I 832
~ I ::: I
8 2
.. --
500 &04 508 512 518 1>19
b2S 521 b30 534 518 542 548 549, 3 7
beG 5M 567 &71 575 b18 582 bllll. 58. 513
5". 800 804 607 811 1114 618 1122 I 112$ 829
U2 I3f 6~0 M3 846 850; 654 851 I' 880 6114
705 I 712 715 718 722 72b 728 732
771 :
745' 748
778 781
781 I 765
784 717
II 804 . 810 I 813 816 820 828' 826 821
838 f 842 8n 848 851 IU. 157880
... 872, 876 87' 882 885 888 891
8.7 tol' 906 tot .11 .1& IU8 til
.86 .lIt I
t71 ,,41
845 .48 .51
.77 I .80
1054 110M IOU
' . - tlO-
;:~ ~~~ :~~ ::~ :~~ :~ j :,~: :~:: ::
:: I
Jltl 112f 1116 1121 1134 1187 1140 lIf' 1145 16
Jl48 11$0
Jl7f 1 117
ltoO Itot
1180 1183
121t Illf
1It1! 11..' 1222
1117 1120
116' 11il
1m I 12t7 1180 121t' 1287 1240 l"'. Ih6 I Ih7
, I.. 'III
,. ! .. l1li 10
11 Itt8
1174 .176
1281 ' 1284
180& 111108 ::: I ;:~: I, :;~~ 1 :~~ . ::: ~
.UJ .UG 18&8 : 1155 13S8 ' 1380 I 1881 1884 1388 14
lset 1371 '1171 .876 Ull1 1180 1111 U8S 1387 138. 71
. ..
II" .llH I _ .SH 1401 71
11 .4.6 .f.' .I.t Ifn .414
1404 J40I 1408 1410 11412
.1426 1418 1430 1433 1486 17
JI 1417 ...0 ...t .444 .448 1448 IUO lua' 1455 1457 71
11 14 I .41. ._ .... 14.8 If70 1471 If74 1478 1478 11
80" "l~~ 80
Fig, 61. The cents-table of VON HORNBOSTEL
23 2
~ . ~ tl1~.'" . .~, /2l ~ II. 4:
~ (~ (1:;'.4) 7IiIt., (f-tot6..... "...,,/ (.~
I " d ~,t4 I ". ~ I ,61 : _ I 'II I ~t' I
I I I ' I I I J
I I II .1 \ I I " I
I I t : 1-: :. t
I I I . - I I I I
I ' I l I I 1 I
, ' . I ." I f
Fig. 64. The Music Rule of
* Figures between brackets refer to the Bibliography (p. 79 if.). As a rule a literature reference
is only given when the keyword behind which it appears is mentioned in the title of the work ron-
cerned or is treated extensively in it. - Figures in italics refer to the pages of this book.
baya 28 H.), 1807 I, 1844a, 2080a, 2545, 2583, 2741,
beak flute 35 2933, 3166, 35 28 (p. 341b), 3553 (p. 10 H.),
beaten pots 3I 3720, 4306a (p. 502 H.), 43 84. 4479, 4480).
beating sticks (1765, 1829a). 30. 3I, 33. 34, 25,66. See also: bamboo buzzer.
66 bulu ribut (= bulu perindu), see: Aeolian
begenna 28 bamboo
bells (1I2, 329a, 806, 131. 1818, 2082, 2664, buttock music (fig. 45), 5I, 52
2916, 3829a, 3841, 4284, 4366), 28, 3I buzzing disc (1807 I)
berimbau, see: birimbau buzzing wood, see bull-roarer
Berlin. phonogram collection of, (3376, 3994), calabash horn 28, 3I
I7, I8 calabash rattle (1444, 4481 ), 25, 33, 36
bhajan (1852) California. University of, 77, 78
Bharatanatya(m) (3623a) calypso (15, 456, 1I22, 2789, 3055, 371,
bible and music (154a. 529, 747. 1243, 1402d, 3 12 7a ), 3 2, 34
1514, 2277, 2307, 34 80a, 35 63a , 3564 (p. Canada, phonogram collection in, I7
105 H.), 3626. 3930, 4327) canonic forms (223a, 2383 (pp. 52. 76 H.),
bibliography of African music (2853, 4196) 3734 (p. 46 H.)), 44
bibliography of American Indian music (4088) cante flamenco (2784. 3766), 30
bibliography of Asiatic musics (4307) canto jondo (1I50)
bibliography of Chinese music (453Ia) canun. see: qanun
bibliography of Indian music (43) Capitol firm 26
bin (fig. 47) 54. See also: vina. carillon 35
biniou 24 cartography and ethnomusicology (728c)
bird voices (131, 1366, 195,2464,2471.279, castanets (1782, 1838).25, 28, 5I
3060, 409 2), 47 caxixi 27
birimbau 25. 27 cembalo (1622, 3228), 57
biwa (2686). 36 Centro Nazionale studi di musica popolare,
blowing gong (839, 2369 (p. 180/1), 2399 (p. Roma2I
240)) cents system (fig. 61) (1923, 2003. 4456),4 H.
blown fifths, cycle of, (534, 535, 537, 1918, cetar, see sitar
1935,2394.2639,296Ia,4549c)),I8,I9.46 chaing waing 3I
blown jug 34 chake 54
blues (33Ia) chalintu 53
board-zither 3I chang 25
'Boite a Musique' 26, 66 chantang balung (484)
bombarde 24 'Chant du Monde' 26
bonang (2399 (p. 153 if.)) charango (1472)
bow, origin of the, (3535). 55 charb yai (3832)
bowed bow 35 chelempung 57
bowed harp, see: strakharpan cheng (1557)
bowed lyre (4169) chepkong 28
bowl zither (= trough zither) 27. 32 34 children and music (498, 1938, 2816, 2995,
boyeke 34 299 6 ,3 197).48
bozuk (8-str. sai) 28 children's songs (283 (vol. I), 334. 373, 383,
brass (bronze) drums (1I2b. 566 968. 1I35. 498. 1418, 1419, 1420. 1620, 3819. 4155.
1230. 1249, 1292, 1459, 1460, 1461. 1462 4359, 447 8, 4499, 45O , 4507). 30. 48
1463. 1479. 153 1, 1635. 1636 , 1642 1644, ching (3832)
1645, 1647, 1648, 1845, 1846, 1865, 1866. chironomy (fig. 46) (176o III, 1797, 1823,
214, 2192, 2385, 2398, 2399, 2516. 2626. 1828,3874),5 I
2726, 2758, 2759, 2873, 2874.317,318. chizanshi 28
319, 3020, 321, 31I2, 31I3. 3218 , 3370, chordophones (339, 3040. 3107. 3 108 3543,
3496 37 21 , 37 23. 3724.37 25, 37 84b 3946 , 36 78 , 37 l I , 42 77), 58
4269a , 4349a , 455 1) choreographic script (341. 1301. 1451a, 1495,
Brhaddharma-Purana (3260) 2176 (p. 183 if.), 2438b, 3238, 3239)
British Institute of Recorded Sound 2I, 76 chou king (664)
br026 Christmas songs (518b)
brocca 3I chrotta (1632a, 3128a), 60
Budapest Highschool for Music 7I chunguru (3285)
Budapest, phonogram collection of, 2I churinga, see: bull-roarer
Budapest University 71 C.LA.(T.) P. 20, 22.39
Buddhist chant (3384 (passim)), 36 circumcision music (470, 2668)
bugaku (453, 1617) clappers (1765, 4518), 3I, 50
bull-roarer (41, 419, 529, 839, 1253a (p. 41 clarinet (37, 45 17), 24, 30, 32, 53
clarsech (1338. 1633) distance principle 43
classification systems for instruments (1003. do butt 30
1007, loo9a. 1780. 1800. 1913. 2907. 3033. dodecachord (fig. 60) 64
30 39. 3040 304 1. 3045. 35 28a 3677. 3678. doina (daino) (284. 494. 677. 993. 2126)
3681 ). 55 dombara 33
classification systems for melodies (IIO. 267. Dorian (1844)
302 . 16 53. 1661. 2289. 2294. 233 2 2447.- do-tara 25
25 61 . 2954, 3243, 3594, 4 178. 4497). 65 double bells. iron. (4284)
See also: typology of music. double clarinet (3899), 3I. 32. See also: yarul.
clephts. songs of the. (295. 296. 3ooa) double flute (2383 (p. 139 fL). 3526, 3899.
cliquers (3476) 3964, 4514). 25. 35
Club Fran~ais du Disque 26 double shawm (254a)
cobIa (343. 344. 344a. 3152a), 3 2 doyra 25. 28. 33. 34. 68
cobza (4472) Drehleier. see: hurdy-gurdy
collecting folk music. directives for. (2144a). drone (6II, 6IIb)
I4 ff. drums (217, 286, 393. 394, 564a. 564b. 689.
Cologne University 69 1013, 10 31 1095, 1096. 1097. 1253a (p. 96
coloured hearing, see: audition colonSe ft.), 1380 - 1385. 1443. 1443 a 1443b 1459.
Colosseum firm 26 1472. 1516. 1551a. 1553. 1606, 1621. 1699.
Commodore firm 26. 34 17 68 . 1793. 1834b, 1859. 1860, 1875, 1959.
conches. blowing-. see: shell-trumpets 1996a, 2045. 2105b, 2310, 2532a. 2549a.
consonance (2008c. 3991). 42. 43 2661. 2664. 2667. 2690. 2700. 2719, 2775.
Contrepoint' 26 279 0a. 286 5. 3 126. 3244. 3306. 3370, 3434.
Cook Laboratories Inc. 27 3454, 34 63. 34 80 35 0 3. 3557 a , 38 33. 3859b.
Copenhagen University 68 4 17,4373.4437).25 - 35,5.54. 66
copyright in folk songs (745. 2410) drum chimes3I. See also Index II s.v. Burma.
cornamusa 3I drum languages. see: talking drums
cornet 57 Ducretet-Thomson 27
cradle-songs (545) dude (duda) 25,30. 32
Cretan lyre 30 duduk 32.33
crocodile zither 54 duggi 33
cross flute, see :transversal flute dukkar 25
crotales (1766) dulcimer (27, 519, 520. 1009. 3800a), 34.
crwth (85 (p. 212 ft.). 1632a. 3128a). 60 See also: Hummel.
cuatro 25 dumbek 34
cura (3-str. saz) 28. 32 dum tek 34
~ushira 56 dumy (2278. 3697b)
cycles per second (c.p.s.) 3 dunda (fig. 56), 45
cymbalon (1622. 3228). 57 dundun (317). 30
cymbals (1766. 1801, 1839a. 2660. 3557a). 26, durbukki (durbakki) 28. 30
3I dutar 33
daino, see: doina duval32
daire, see: doyra dvojnice (2408, 24 12 . 4514), 25. 35
dance of death (2306. 3599) earthware drums (1875)
Danish Folklore Archives 68 Edinburgh, phonogram collection in, 2I
danza (4280. 4281) ehr-hu 32
dar(a)buka (1793). 25. 28. 32 ei (979)
davul28 ekatara 25
death. songs of. (2871a. 3025. 3599. 4II3a) ekola (844a. 2233)
def 25 Electra firm 27
delroba. see: dilruba electrophones 6I
Denver Art Museum (4508) Elektra records 27
Deutsches Volksliederarchiv. Freiburg i/Br. ellis 9
2I England. phonogram collections in. 2I
dholak 25. 28. 29. 34 English Columbia firm 23. 27
diaphony (3959) English Decca firm 27
didjeridu 25. 30. 33 enkoito 27, 28
dilruba 34. 66 ennanga 28
diple 25 entenga 28
disc-libraries (965). I6 ft . 20 ft. 'Entlehnung' 62
Discotheque contemporaine. La. 27 epinette des Vosges. see: Hummel
Disques Africavox 27 equidistancy (2638. 4043, 44 6 4257, 4447).
disc. wooden sounding-. (668) See also: tempered scale.
eschaquiel (II64, II72B) gamelan JogM (2360 (p. 126 H.)), 25
Esoteric firm 28 gamelan sekaten (sekati) (485. 2370 (p. 203
esraj (esrar) 28, JI H.), 2399 (p. 265 ft.))
Ethnic Folkways 28 H. Ghandara grama (190, 1287)
Ethnophilia 66 gangan (= gungan) 30
ethos (7. 1942, 4222) gara 28
euhl-ya (2256) garamut (1314a)
Exotic Music Society (4248a) garebeg (1530)
fado (374. 2824a. 34 25) Geige (1310)
'fairy circle theory' 62 gekkin (386a)
fandango (3767) gender (2399 (vol. I, p. 172 H.)), 52
feku (fig. 55) 45 gender wayang (2360 (p. IIO H.), 2631 (p.
female principle in music 44. 52 376 H.), 2805. 2809), 25, 32
fiddle (Fidel) (852 (p. 21 H.). 1805. 3416. geographie musicale 46
3837) Germany, phonogram collections in, I7, I8,
fidla (1686a) 21
fife (fifre) (3596), 3I. See also: galoubet. Geriisttone. see: skeletal tones
fifths. singing in. (165, 1955) Ghaghar 29
finas (2567a) ghana 56
fingerbells 28 ghungharus 29
fishialetto 3 I gigue (852 (p. 42 H.). 1310)
flamenco (2784, 3766), 30 gitgit (738), 30
flute a bec 35 glass accordeon (Glasharmonika) (207)
flutes (96, 320. 47 8, 510. 527. 598. 73 8 992. glottophones 53. See also: reed-instruments.
1052a. 1253a (p. 44 ff.). 1285, 12 9 1 147 2 gok 26
1486. 1506a. 1604, 1760 IV. 1780. 1791. gong (III. II2b, 2051. 2082, 2083a. 2395.
1796. 1807 VI, 1815, 1816. 1901, 19II. 2399 (vol. I p. 136 H.). 2415, 2916, 3840,
2044 (p. 327 H.). 2083a, 2083b. 2178 (p. 232 3885.4366).25.26,30,52
H.), 2219, 2242, 2243, 2245, 2295. 2342. gong chimes (3832. 3840),3I. Seealso: bonang.
2379, 2383. 2402 (p. 34 H.), 2616. 2658. gong-gong 34 .
2745, 2770, 2872. 28 96 29 61 , 3015, 3201 gong wong yai (2364. 3832)
3520, 3557 a , 3596 361 3. 373 2, 3899. 3903. gong wong lek (2364. 3832)
44 23, 4433. 44 66). 25-3 2 35. 50. 52, 57. gopi-jantra 28
66. See also: ocarina. gora (goura, hura) (212. 2214. 2225)
flu viol (3596). 29. See also: fife. galoubet. gOIT 26
foot stamping 3I gottuvadyam 27
form (1703, 1734. 1958, 2288. 2462, 2520f, goundi 26
2602. 3446, 3448. 3494, 3499), 64 goura, see: gora
frame drum (394, 1095, 1096, 2370 (esp. p. gourd (4387)
294), 2399 (s.v. terbang), 2719). 3I gourd drums 66
France. phonogram collections in. 20 gourd rattle (1444. 4481), 25. 33. 36
free reed instrument 53 grama(190, 1287, 2056a. 2821. 3120. 3324)
Freiburg iJBr. folk song collection in, 2I gramophone (1236, 1883, 4247)
Freie Universitat Berlin 69 gramophone companies 22 ff.
frets (II85E. 1810, 2323a. 2384) grass oboes 25
friction drum (217. 726, 2690. 3013a, 417) Gregorian chant (363, 4254)
frula 25.32 grelots. see: pellet bells
fue 25 griots (332, 2567a. 2594. 3500. 3501). See
gadulka (2305b). 35. See also: lirica. also: finas.
gagaku (453. 470a. 1613-1617,2686, 3829b), ground harp 32
36 gudu-gudu 30
gainda 30 guenvri (II67)
gajde 25.32 gugu (1443b)
galoubet (3596), 24. 29. 3I, 3 2 guignerou 66
gambus (342). 25 guilds of musicians (2473, 4544)
gamelan (1528. 2264, 2399 (vol. I p. 243 H.). guiro, see: wiri-wiri
2409. 2414, 253 2a, 325, 355 2, 3864), 25, guitar (160. 1472. 1817, 3416, 4233), 25, 28.
34. 35 3 I .32 .33,66
gamelan Angklung (2360 (p. 95 ff.). 2806), gungan 30
25.34 guslar (122a, 2655, 3521. 4440, 4441)
gamelan Gambuh (2360 (p. II2 H.)). 25 gusle (4442). 25. 32 35
gamelan Gong (2360 (p. 69 H.). 2814). 25, 34. gusH (4168)
35 Hackbrett. see: Hummel
Hamburg University 7I interruption aerophones 53
Hamsavilasa (3262) interval measurement (430. 3369), 3 ft.
handclapping (1829a). 3I, 66 Irama. the Indonesian Music Company 35
handclapping bamboo 26 Ihsa 'al-'ulum (1l75. 1176)
Hardanger fele (363. 1560a, 3082. 4516).32 jalatarang 3I
harmonics (overtones. partial tones) 42 jangg025
harmony of the spheres 44 Japanese Radio Institute (2069)
harmonization (1889. 3210). 44 jati (809)
harp (20. 62. 87. 132. 165a. 198c. 516, 742. jaw bone of an ass (371). See also: horse's
787a. 852 (p. 64 ft.). 1018, 1197F. 1269. jaw.
1281. 1309, 1338. 1339, 1341 (p. 26 ft.), jazz (714. 1157, 1214, 1364. 1856a. 1936.
1633, 1797. 1800. 1808. 1824. 2362 (p. 13 28 45. 28 47. 3250a 3390. 3940a, 4434)
ft.), 2732 (p. 80 ft.). 3049a, 3108 (pp. 56 jerupai 25
ft., 102 ft.), 3393b. 3536, 3553 (p. 144 ft.), jew's harp (mouth harp) (1092, 1253a (p.
3557 a , 355 8 3939a , 4 173. 4257. 4258 (p. 27 ft.), 1347, 1751, 2015, 2243, 2244. 2376
393 ft.). 4260. 4523), 25,26, 28, 29, 3I. 32. (p. 27 ft.), 2383 (p. 119 if.). 2631, 341 (pI.
33.34 19 and 20), 3177 (p. 185 ft.). 353 2. 3533,
harp-lute (1517. 1518),27 3539, 3553. 364 1 (pp. 147 ft., 212. 276),
harp-zither 26 3695,3664.3695.4422).25, 26.3I,35, 60
ha-uta (778) jhori 25
'haute' and 'basse' music (455) jig (1310)
heptatonic scales (4046). 43 jocuri (678, 681, 1451a, 3227. 3459. 3670.
herdepipe (3059) 43 28 , 456 , 455 2)
hertz (H.) 3 j(u)oik (572, 1497, 1744a . 2559, 4097), 32
heterochord 54 jota (2552a. 3774b, 4543), 34
heterodyne tone-generator IO juzale 30
heterophony (19. 2401. 3579). 44 jyabisen 30
His Master's Voice 33 kabuki (3785)
history and music (2763) kachapi 35
hoi (fig. 58) 52 kakaki26
hollow log drum 3 I kalutang (738), 30
hora (3419) kanang030
hom (852 (p. 193 ft.). 1839, 2673, 3557a). 26, kane, see: surigane
29. 30, 3I. See also: Alphorn. kangombiyo (134a)
hornpipe (= pibcorn) (208, 841, 3128a) kannel (85 (pp. 103 ft . and 136). 137)
horse's jaw 33 kanonion 30
hsia 32 kantele (85 (p. 100 ft.), 431. 332. 3039
hu ch'in 32 (col. 151 ft.), 4167. 4169. 4172, 4175. 4179a)
huehuetl (2767 (passim)) 29 karatali 25, 29
hula (1088) karnyx (3527)
Hummel (humle, Noordse balk, lang(e)leik. kartal28
langspU. Scheitholz, epinette des Vosges. kasavar 25
Hackbrett, dulcimer) (207, 400, 519. 520. kasik 28
1009. 1056. 1686a, 219, 2110. 3039 (col. kathandi 28
253 ft.). 3108 (p. 263 ft.). 3800a. 4270), 32 kattyavana vina 33
Hungary, phonogram collection in. 2I kaval (gaval) (2305a). 25, 28, 32, 33, 35
hurdy-gurdy (Drehleier. vielle) (54a, 207, kayamba 28
502. 852 (p. 55 ft.). 1345, 1475. 2200, 25201, kediree, see: kledi
3040 (col. 5 ft.). 3108 (p. 292 ft.). 4393). 24. kemanak (fig. 53) (2399 (p. 180 ft.)), 45
29,3 2 kemane 23, See also: kemence.
hydraulic bamboo carillon (1448. 2517). 26 kemence 26, 28, 30. 32
hydraulis (1335. 1346, 26 9 1, 3775. 4050. kenas (1471)
432) kenong (2399 (vol. I p. 160 if.)). 52
leila dance (2102) kerikeri 30
idiochords 54 Kernspaltfloten, see: slit stop flutes
idiophones 58 kerona 36
igbin 30 kettle drums (376. 852 (p. 242 ft.). 2312,
Indiana, University of, 78 369 1 ), 34
'indung' 52 khen (1448. 3875). 34. See also: kledi, sheng,
Institut Fran~ais d'Afrique Noire 36 shoo
instrumental music, origin of, 48 ft. khong vong lek, see: gong wong lek
interlocking thirds (1425, 2283). 44 khong vong yai. see: gong wong yai
International Library of African Music 36 kiku bandet 28
kimsidaw 30 livika (lapka, lunuat. nunut) (2308. 2612)
k'in (1555, 1556. 1557, 155 8, 2299a. 4144), lokole (1456)
54 lokombe. see: lukumbi
kipi (642) London. phonogram collections in. ZI
kirtan (184) lu(n)komba (figs. 50 and 51) (2702), 34. 55
kitab al-iqd al-farid (II91) lukumbi (1423, 1532a)
kitab al-malahi (II84) lunuat. see: livika
kithara (1552, 1984. 3034. 3094, 3585) lure (509, 15 84. 301 6, 3059)
kledi (3829. 4094), z6 lute (II2. 312. 852 (P.92 if.), II72H. II85C,
klong thad (3832) II85D, II 85F, II85G, 1389, 1641. 1759 II.
klu'i 57 1760 VI, 1761, 1789 XI. 2520b, 2532a,
kobuz. see: qopuz 30 39. 3108 (p. 407 if.). 3179. 3789. 4470a),
Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai 36 z5. z8.3 0,3z , 34,36
koledo (3466) lyre (957. 1309, 1759 II, 30 34, 3108 (pp. 9.
kolinde (274) 90 if.), 3557a 35 85, 3939a, 4 12 5, 4 169). z5.
kom boat z6 z8. 30, 3Z
k'ong-heou (k'ung-hou) (3134,4529) magic and music (II9. 128. 154a. 203. 219.
kora (1502. 3501). z7. 34. 3 6 28 5 (p. 53 if.), 445, 529, 533. 564d , 730.
koto (234, 2686.3049a. 383oa, 413), z5. 731,873,891,1062.196.197.1099,1225,
z7. z9, 31, 36, 54 1459. 2II9. 24 19, 24 21 24 22 , 24 25, 2545.
ko-uta (778) 2571. 2585 (p. 91 if.), 2741. 2870, 2871,
kowangan 60 2933. 3 152a, 3201 3334a 3446 (p. 37).
kponingbo z8 34 87. 349 1 (p. 2800), 3495a. 3518, 3529.
kpwen (1412) 3549a , 3670. 3753. 3763. 377 1 3892. 393 8
kronchong (758. 978. II42. 1430 (p. 63 if.), 4007,4437.4449. 4498). 65 See also: bull-
1857, 2370 (p. 300). 2399 (p. 375). 253 2a roarer.
2724. 2952, 3890) ma-grama. see: grama
Kru harp 34 Maheswara Sutra (812)
kudlung (738). 30 Malaya Broadcasting Corporation 33
kuhreigen (ranz des vaches) (2894. 4053, male principle in music 44. 5z
4100) mandola 25
Kulturkreise 6z mandolin 33
kudyapi (738), 30 maqam(at) (2017, 2025. 3419. 4162). 64
kundi z8 maraca(s) (1444), z5. 33, 36
k'ung-hou. see: k'ong-heou marimba (balafon) (145, 392. 634. 635. 1433,
kunyu (564a) 1443. 2000. 2122, 2134a, 2221. 2372. 2696.
lang(e)leik. see: Hummel 2699. 27 6 7. 295 6 2959. 3325. 35 0 1. 3932,
language and music (428. 564d. 1429. 1710. 4 108, 4 II 9. 4 149, 4214). z6. z7. z9. 30. 31,
2442. 2466. 2984, 300 3. 300 5b. 318 7. 3748, 3z, 34. 36. 5 z , 57
3755. 39 25. 3984. 3998 3999). 65 See also: masonquo z8
signalling. silbo. talking drums. whistle Mau-mau [61, 2572)
languages. maung saing 30
Lankavatara Sutra (3342b) ma ya li z6
lapka. see: livika mbila. see: marimba
lantuy (738),30 m'bilta z8
launeddas (II 52), 35. 66 mbira. see: sanza
lauto z6 medicine and music (II9, 873. 890, 936, 937,
leading notes 4z 940. 943. 24 21 2422, 268 3, 35. 3081.
Leningrad. phonogram collection in. ZI 3335 b 375 2 3780. 3859a, 4007), 65. See
Library of Congress. Washington D.C. (1090), also: magic and music.
16.36 medieval European musical instruments (93,
ligombo z7 13 2 208. 209. 342, 455. 5 17. 532, 841. 852,
Lindstrom concern. Karl. Z3. Z4 II08. 1269. 1310. 1312. 1338. 1363. 1389.
linga (3137) 1390. 1753. 265, 264 2, 303 1 3039. 3040.
Lingapurana (3284) 341. 317, 3108 , 3 109. 345 8a, 35 28 ,3539.
linguaphones 60 3553, 35 64. 3596 . 3672, 37 13, 4393. 45 25.
lira 32 4539). See also: Alp-horn. bag-pipe, hurdy-
lirica (1376, 3905) gurdy.
lisanzo z8 mela(-karta) (2043. 2323b, 2704b. 3266, 3509.
lithophones (II5, 676. 736. II45, II 46. II47, 35II. 3606. 4001 )
1473. 2005. 2399 (p. 294), 2444, 29 17a Melograph. Seeger's, (3797. 380()) , 41
29 62 3689. 387. 3839. 4455, 4535. 4543 a ) membranes, vibrating. (219)
lituus(3527) membranophones 58
menda 34 Khwarizm (3I8a)
meringue 32 Okinawa (3516)
metre 64. See also: rhythm. Persia (2534)
mey 26 Sumeria (1341 (Chapter IV))
meydan sa~i (I2-str. sa~) 28 Tibet (3892)
mganda dance (2096) Vietnam (2519 (p. 46 ff.)
midwinter horn (2586, 2588b) Musica Viva firm 33
mi gyaung 54 music rule (fig. 64) (3369), 8, 9
milli-octave (M.O) 4 Musique Monde 33
mina 25 mutivi (30I3a)
Minnesang (1051, III5) myth and music (801, 1217, 1218, 3979)
mission and music (I15Ia, I99Ia, 2066, 2392, nada (186)
2663, 2666, 3517, 388 4a , 3884b, 4349), 65 nagara 25, 33
mitote 29 nagaswara(m) (3287), 27
mizmar (I172F) nai, see: nay
mokko (2014, 319, 3020, 321 , 3724) nanga 27
mong (3832) Naqqarahkhanah (376)
monkeys and music 49 Nataratnakosa (3255)
monochord (fig. 59) (3108 (p. 188 ff.), 4296), Natya-~astra (190, I98C, 499, 2510, 25I1), 56
IO, II, I2 nay (I172F), 3I, 33
mouth harp, see: jew's harp ndingiti 34
mouth organ (3829, 4094), 26, 3I ndong034
mrdangga (3298), 27, 28, 33 negroid elements 44
multi-faced drum (3306) neikembe 28
multi part music (I13, 165, 223a, 324, 45, Netheriands, phonogram collections in the,
550, 15 24, 1747, 1794, 1899, 1965, 229, 2I
2213, 232, 2401, 2499, 262 4, 2740b, 2987, Netherlands section of the International
2999 (p. 77 ff.), 3 174 (p. 239). 3176 , 33 27a , Folk Music Council 2I
33 26 , 33 27a , 34 22 , 34 23, 355 1, 3635, 3730, neums 5I
373 1, 3734, 3739, 3746 , 3757, 386 7, 3954a , Nigerian Institute of Music (3OO5b)
4 12 3, 4238, 44 14), I9, 44, 64 nigfin 64
Musee de l'Homme, Paris 35 ff. Noordse balk (Noardske balke), see: Hummel
Musee des Arts et Traditions populaires en noh music (2498, 2686, 3223, 4285, 4438),
France 2I I9,3 6 ,64
musette (53), 24. noise making instruments (459, 4524). See
musical bow (fig. 52) (210,388,57,599,738, also: clappers, rattles, a.o.
839, 977, IOI6a, I253a (p. 36 ff.), 2148, nomos 64
2149, 2214, 2223 (p. 171 ff.), 2225, 2439, Nonnengeige, see: trumpet marine
2579, 2777, 30 39, 3523a, 3662), 25, 26, 27, nose flute (96, I253a (p. 52 ff.), 1291, 2044 (p.
29, 30 ,3 I ,32,34,35, 54,55 327 ff.), 2083b, 2178 (p. 232 ff,), 2402 (p.
musical instruments in general (341, 3109, 34 ff.). 28 72, 4433), 25, 32
35 28 , 35 29, 3539, 3553, 35 64, 3681 , 368 5, notation, mechanical methods of, (512, 822a,
369 2b , 3712, 37 I8a , 37 84a , 4439 a , 4543 b ) I453a, 1560, 2093, 2445, 2866, 2867, 3150,
musical script (general) (610, 827, 148, 2684, 3797), IO, 4I
3557a , 357 1, 485, 4430, 443 2, 4550); notation, musical, see: musical script
Arabia (244oa, 2534, 2537, 3491 (p. 2733)) notation of dances, see: choreographic script
Aztecs (346) notation of ethnic and folk music (344, 3665,
Babylonia (3546, 3548, 3568, 357oa) 3800, 4394), 37 ff. See also: transcription
Bali (2360 (p. 47 ff.)) of phonograms.
Byzantium (1373 (pp. 547 and 553 ff.), notched rattle (1630)
4339, 45IIb (p. 90 ff.)) nugara 29 -
China (750 (p. 156 ff.), 1555 (pp. 4/5 and nunut, see: livika
I14 ff.), 1919,2255,263,3174 (p. 239f.), nyamulera 28
4000,40II,4I44.4I46,4290,4549b) nyckelharpa (85 (p. 199 ff.), 3040 (col. 27 ff.),
Egypt (ancient) (1812, 1822 (p. 48 ff.)) 3108 (p. 312 ff.), 4508)
Greece (ancient) (I397a (p. 129 ff.), 4533c oboe (698, I7 8o ),24,3I , 53
(p. 78 ff.), 3545, 3547) ocarina (1603, 164, 1807 II, 2767, 395,
Hebrews (3480a, 4358a (p. 625)) 39 8 2, 496)
India (4Ia, 641, 8I1 II, 1535 (pp. 300 ff. octoechos (842, 2078, 4353, 4357)
and 324), 3520, 3844, 3846, 4144) Odeon firm 24
Japan (I050a (figs. 2, 5, 6 and 15). 1617, omakola (844a)
2498, 3184 (p. 124 ff.)) omichicahuaztli (582, 2627)
Java (474, 489, 2399 (p. 346 ff.)) ondes sonores 6I
onomatopoesis (693a) pifferari (1392)
organ (1I72C. 1173, 1335. 1753, 2691. 2925, pigeon (-tail) flutes (1881,2399 (p. 242
3710. 3775. 4338), 53 See also: hydraulis. pi nai (2364. 3832)
organett03I pincollos (1471)
origin of music (530. 1589. 2442. 2471. 2950, piobaireachd (1503. 3194)
2955, 3394, 3549. 3768 3802 3995. 3997. p'i-p'a (2138, 2238, 3179. 4038). 32
4272,4279) piphat (1027, 2364. 3832)
oruto 28 pipiza 30
Ottawa, phonogram collection in, I7 pitch (759c, 176, 108o, 2640. 2641). 3. 4. 42
oud 25, 3I. See also: lute. pitch pipes I7. I8
overtones. see: harmonics pithkiavli 30
zi 30 pitu (738). 30
pluriarc. see: lu(n)kombe
ottu 27
Pacific records 33 plurigenesis 62
pada (2043a) pochette (1311)
pah pung 26 pointed flute 45
pakavaj 28 polychord 64
pandero (3770), 25. 27 polyphony (324, 405. 1794, 229, 2740b.
pandore (pandura) (1169. 1197C. 1210) 2987. 3 176 , 33 27a . 34 22 , 34 23, 368 5). 44
pandur (1209) See also: multi part music.
pan-pipes (fig. 57 and 58) (50 (pp. 72 and Pontic lyre. see: kemence
192). 309, 311. 527, 839. 1252a (pp. 57 ff. portative (1753)
and 124 ft.). 1285. 1599 (p. 3345). 1825. pounding bamboo 3I. 50
1892. 1901. 1903. 1911. 1941, 2044 (p. 378 pounding drum (2619). 25. 34. 50
ft.). 2585 (p. 188 ft.). 2767 (passim and prehistoric music (II, 45. 509, 694, 736, 798.
especially p. 93 ff.). 3564 (pp. 62, 142. 164, 843a. 1145, 1146 1147. 1390. 1493, 15 61 .
176, 197. 247. 288). 35 81 3940b . 374 1, 1647.205.231 1,2444,2585 (passim). 2626.
3968. 427. 4465. 4466), 25. 32 52 2895. 2896. 3015, 3016. 3059. 384, 3127.
pantur (1209) 3363. 3524. 35 62 368 9, 383. 387, 3829a.
Paris, phonogram collections in, 20. 2I 3870. 4377. 43 86 43 88 44 66), 49
Parlophone firm 24 pre-pentatonic scales (3388a. 4415)
partial tones, see: harmonics psalterion (27, 1172A)
part singing. see: multi part music psychology and music (46. 611. 611b, 725.
patet (193. 194. 18n. 2399 (p. 71 ff.)). 64 1439. 1590, 1598. 1898, 1902, 1905. 1931.
pattala 30 193 2 , 197 2, 2067. 23 24. 2325, 2440. 2462.
patt waing 30, 3I 2875a. 2936, 3063. 3081 , 3395. 3776 . 3777.
Peabody Museum. Cambridge (Mass.) 36 3780, 3793. 3984. 3988 , 3989. 3996. 4222 .
pellet bells (1601. 1837. 2178 (p. 76 ft. 43 12a),65
pelog scale (fig. 62) (1877. 2399 (passim)), 39 Public Library. New York (2882a)
pendular thirds 44 Pythagorean komma 3
pentatonic scales (127. 139, 151. 283b. 606. quadruple flute (2766 (p. 76). 2767 (pp. 12,
799. 14 29. 21 7 1. 2237. 2269, 2365. 2370, 134. 140. I41, 163, 165. 182))
2372. 2394, 2399. 2439. 25 64. 2746. 281 4. qanun (1164), 28, 3I, 32. See also: kanonion.
3095. 33 88a 3993. 401 3. 4017. 4018 , 4390. quarter tones (34, 38. 129)
44 15).43 qopuz (3134). 33
Period firm 33 Raad voor de Nederlandse Volkszang 2I
peyote music (2797. 2798. 2981 3405 (p. 22). rabab(a) (441)
340 5a 453 6) rabel, see: rebec
phiamboli 30 race and music (278. 377, 424, 425. 429, 1058,
Philippine Unesco National Commission 1665, 1676. 1678, 1681. 1683, 1739, 2248.
(454 1) 247 2, 255 8. 3 16 , 3597, 3745. 4269), I2, I3
Philips concern 34 Radiodiffusion de la France d'Outre-mer 66
philosophy and music (55, 50 7. 564d. 1532. raftzither (2909). 54
1942. 1972, 2531, 3170. 3510, 3769. 4144. rag (a) (25. 227. 438b. 616, 692a. 692b, 811.
426 5. 4358. 4370), I9. 65 11.822. 1283 (p. 151 ff.), 1350, 1354. 2040b,
phonograph. see: gramophone 23 23b, 3171, 3216, 3271, 3273, 3296 , 3314.
phonophotography (1560. 2866). IO. 4I 33 15, 33 16 33 22 . 3335 a 3340a, 3342 , 3350.
Phonoteque Nationale 36 335 2, 3353. 335 6 . 35 08 359, 3606 . 361 4.
Phrygian (1844) 3927, 3949. 3950. 4026b ), 64
physiology and music (2491. 3081. 3776. Raga Tala Chintamani (3342C)
39 89) rag-dun (2636)
piano 57 Ramayana (969)
pibcorn (hornpipe, pibgorn) (208, 841, 3128a) ramshorn (18. 207, 2276)
ramwong (3329a) roga (II9)
ranad ek (2364, 3832) rommelpot (726). See also: friction drums.
ranad lek (2364, 3832) Rome, phonogram collection in. 2I
ranad thum(e) (2364, 3832) rongo (2134a)
ranz des vaches, see: Kuhreigen rong ruyh 26
rasa (4029) rumba (1434)
Rasaratnakosa (3255) Russia, phonogram collections in, 2I
rasping sticks (bones) (2627), 29 sabda (3270, 3274, 3295)
rasping instruments (1454, 1455, 2378, 2627), sackbut (1336)
29 saeta (2552)
rattle (350. 1444, 1630, 1809, 262 7, 3557a, saezuri (1044)
44 81 ). 27. 28, 29, 3 I 32 33 saibara (1615, 2136a)
rebab (488. 2399 (p. 220 ff.))' 3I sailor songs, see: shanties
rebec (852 (p. 42 ff.), II72H), 25, 34 sa-grama, see: grama
rebob 34,66 Samagana (II3c, II3d)
recorder (1807 IV). See also: slit stop flutes. Samaveda (1I3b, II3c, 178a, 1144, 188o,
recording (2851. 2854, 29 88 , 3150. 3444, 337, 3310). See also: Vedic chant.
4134), I2 ff. See also: notation, mechanical samba (3364)
methods of, samisen, see: shamisen
recording instruments, types of, I3 ff. samshin 25
reco-reco 27 sanai, see: shahnai
reed-instruments (1631), 53. See a.o. also: Sangita Damodara (813)
bagpipe, clarinet, double clarinet, duduk, Sangitaraja (3255)
free reed instrument, jerupai, khen, kledi, Sangita Saramrta (334OC)
launeddas, nagaswara(m), nay, oboe, pi Sangitasara-Sangrahamu (3265)
nai, shahnai, shawm, sheng, sho, sopele, Sangitasudha (3264)
tarogat6, zurna. santur 66
Reeves Sound Studios 34 santuri 26, 30
Regensburg, phonogram collection in, (1858), sanza (134a, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2701, 3138.
2I 3375, 3377), 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 3 I , 57. 59.
regos (4195a) 60
Reisetonometer I2 sapeh (sapoh) 25, 26
religion and music (12, 445, 596, 598, 603a, sarangi 25, 27, 28, 32. 34
603b. 603d, 675, 942, 1029 III, 1062, sardana (343, 344, 344a , 3152a). 32
1099, II51a, 1315. 1365, 15 25. 153 2, 1547, sarinda 29, 32
1698, 1699, 1717. 1767, 1844a, 1982. 1992a. sarod(e) 27, 33
2065, 2066, 2285. 2328, 2329, 239 2, 2572. saron (2399 (p. 164 ff.)), 52
260o, 2663, 2666, 2675. 2737a, 2860. 2910, sarusophone 57
29 26, 4 69, 4 II 5, 4269a, 433 2-433 6, 433 8, sa'ung 30
434 2, 4344, 434 6, 4349, 4370, 44 86 , 44 88 ). savart (S.) 4
64. See also: magic and music, mission and saxophone 57
music, spirituals. sat 26, 32, 35. See also: asik sa!, baglama.
rhythm (72, 75, 120. 331, 369, 44 8, 462 , 464, bozuk, cura, meydan sazi.
467. 530, 555, 645, 725, 77 1, 864. 869, 875, scabellum (4533)
943,985.987, 988a, II25, 1149. 13 81 , 13 84. Schallarchiv des Institutes ftir Musikfor-
1397. 1397a (p. 12 9 fL). 1397b, 143 2, 145 8 schung, Regensburg (1847), 2I
154, 1538, 1565, 1565a, 1617, 1724, 1868, Scheitholz, see: Hummel
2008b, 292, 293, 2104, 2163, 2279,2280a, School of Oriental and African Studies 75,76
2319, 241, 2422, 2551, 2602, 263, 2921, School of Scottish studies 2I
2943, 2944, 2973, 2999 (p. 61 ff.), 323, Schwebungstongenerator IO
3056, 33 26 . 357 6, 3577, 3628 , 3652. 396o, Schwegel (2245)
4021C (sub 15), 4033. 4056, 4199, 4200, 424, Scotland, phonogram collection in, 2I
4274, 4310, 437 2, 437 8, 4381, 444 8), 64 scrapers (1012, 1630, 2378), 3I, 34
rhythm, notation of, (1534 (p. 300 if.), 2093 seron 27
(p. 59 ff.)). 40, 4I serpent 57
richek (ritchak) 66 sex and music (12II, 2406 (p. II ff,), 3553)
ring stop flute (flute with double sound orifi- shabbabi, see: nay
ce) (2178 (p. 243 ff.). 2376 (p. 65 ff.)) shadow plays, Chinese, (4389)
Riverside Records 34 shakuhachi (3049a, 4062a). 25
robab. see: rebob shamisen (2685, 2686. 2788, 3049a. 3184),
rock gongs. see: lithophones 25, 29. 30, 32 , 36
roding 26 shahnai25, 27, 28, 3I, 33
roei (4516a) shanties (1509a, 2689a, 3124, 3659, 4365)
shantu (2688) style in music (424. 793. 800. 1676, 1702.
shark sistrum (215 (p. Iff.). 1254. 2402 (p. 170 3, 1944. 195 6 1988 , 2472, 2979. 2980.
3).3553 (p. 103)) 298 5, 2986 3743. 3745). 64
shawm (208. 510. 852 (p. 201 ff.)). 26 suling 26. 35
shekere 30 suravli 30
shell trumpets (642, 6<)4. 839. 1253a (p. 66 surigane 25. 29
ff.). 1807 II, 2048. 2083a. 2556. 2627) svaramandala 25
sheng (1036. 1474. 4145. 4301). See also: svirale (2745)
khen. kledi. shoo Sweden, phonogram collections in. 2I
shime-daiko. see: shirabe Swedish lute (3038)
shipalapala (2231) syakuhati. fee: shakuhachi
shirabe 25 symbolism in music (154a. 564a. 564C. 791,
sho (1036. 4138). 3I 15 16 29 61a, 3 15 2a, 3750. 375 2, 3753.
shofar (18. 207. 2276) 375 6.37 64. 3770. 37 84 b ). I9
shwe-b030 symphonia (2912)
signalling (1038a). See also: talking drums. synaesthesia (3081. 4330)
whistle languages. syrinx (311. 4465)
silbo (688. 688a. 688b. 3414) tabala (2968a)
sin se 32 tabla 25. 27, 28. 29, 33. 34. 66
sistrum (1757 (pi. XLIV ff.). 1768) tabor (3596)
sitar (4520) 27. 28. 29. 33. 34. 66 tahuri (2083a)
skeletal tones (German: Geriisttone) 43 taik025
skirl (706) tala (1283, 3337)
skull drums (385C. 4364). See also Index II talking drums (general) (97. 305. 564b, 845.
s.v. Tibet. 15 81a 1664. 33 67a 4547)
slendro scale (fig. 62) (18n. 2399 (passim)). Africa (general) (1472a. 1682, 1684, 2452.
39 282 3. 3580~ 379~ 3882~ 392~ 4182~
slit drum (594. 595. 73 8 839. 1253. 1253a (p. Central Africa (154C. 38 4. 553. 592. 593.
13 ff.). 1423. 1456. 1483. 1489. 1627a. 1688. 595. 597, 597 a . 687. 104 1a 1443b. 1688.
2453. 2700. 2731. 2822. 2830. 3028. 3061. 1993, 2049. 3151a. 3522. 4152a, 4216,
3062. 3139. 3945). 30. 3 I 4 21 7. 4218. 4248). 28 (Lokele). 29
slit stop flutes (976. 2895. 2896) (Bambala)
sociology and music (328. 375. 1038. 1478. West Africa (133. 134. 317. 1278. 1502.
153 2 1972. 2056. 2274. 2275. 2406. 2473. 1637. 174 1 2549. 2881. 297 2 335 8, 3359.
25 89. 2800. 3170. 3694. 3836. 3871. 4098, 3360. 3761. 3841. 4426). 30 (Yoruba)
4130. 4 286 4 28 7. 43 12a 43 19. 4393. 4434. Africa and Melanesia (1649. 1692. 2824.
4544). 65 47 2a )
solmisation (184C) Oceania and Southeast Asia (385b, 1039.
song dance (2880. 4435) 14 89. 1646, 2370. 2399)
songs of death (287Ia. 3025, 3599. 4113a) South America (3100)
sopele (2138b. 3851). 25. 66 tambal (3228)
sounding board 5I tambor (1472)
sound (or tone) languages (2442. 263, 3187. tamboril (3596). 29
3748.3755), I9. 48. See also: talking drums. tambura (tampura) (6I1a. 1169. 2327). 25.
signalling. silbo. whistle languages. 29.33. 66
spike fiddle 32. See also: rebab. tamburine (1778). 24, 25. 29. 3I
spirituals (1024. 1427. 2088) tamburiza 25. Jr. 35
spitted lute. see: rebab and spike fiddle tam po-eurh 26
Spitzflote (figs. 55 and 56). 45 tampura.see: tambura
Sringara Rasamanjari (3342d) tanbur (1169), 33. 36
sruti (691. 809. 962. 1283. 1287. 2821. 3097. tangkup(738).30
3098, 3099. 3511. 4062 ) tang koa 26
stamping drums (2619). 25. 34. 50 tapan 25. 32
stamping tubes 25, 3I. 30 tapil 3 I
steelband (105. 187.2942,371). 27. 33. 34 tapon(e) (2364. 3832)
Stinson Records 34 tapping sticks 30, 3I. See also: beating sticks.
Stockholm. phonogram collection in. ZI tappu 28
strAkharpan (32, 4538) tar 27.28,32
stress. see: accentuation tarantella (3752)
string instruments (3711. 3713. 4277). 54. tarawangsa 35
See also: chordophones. tarkas (1471)
string instruments. origin of, (4515) tarogat6 (2520)
stroboscope (2445. 2867), IO tata 56
tatung 26 3873, 416, 4086a), 65. See also: classifi-
tavil 27 cation systems for melodies.
ta'us (167) tzamara 30
tcherawata 28 tzambuna 30
telyn (3128a) tzusumi 25
tempered scale (fig. 62) (172, 4447), 39, 4I, ukelele (3443)
44. See also: equidistancy. umunahi 34
Tempo firm 34 Unesco 22, 34, 37
teponatzli (602, 2767 (passim), 2830) Uppsala, phonogram collection in, 2I
ternary rhythms 45 U.S.A., phonogram collections in the, I6, I7
thora (1687) ute (3447)
thum 28 vallhorn (3059)
thun lek (2364, 3832) vani 28
t'i 32 Vedic chant (ll3b, ll3c, 178a, 196 (p. 199
tibia (1968). See also: aulos. H.), 198a, ll44, 1219, 1880, 337, 3310,
tidinit 36 3330, 3393 a , 3846, 4026c ), 29, 5 I
'tiled' melodies (2366), 45 vibrations doubles (v.d.) 3
tilinca(52) vichitra vina 33
timbales, see: kettle drums vielle, see: hurdy-gurdy
tingning 26 Vienna, phonogram collection in, I7
tippera 25 vilancico (3156)
tobol36 violin (ll08, 3286, 3711, 3713, 3849), 26, 27,
tonality (3420a) 29, Jr, 32, 33, 35
tone languages, see: sound languages vina (198b, 741, 74 2, 743, 1290, 1349, 25ll,
tone measurement (38, 39, 534, 1082 (p. 486), 2704b, 3211, 3281), 2~ 27, 54
1560,2445,2866,2867),3 H. Vitadisc firm 34
tone quality (433) vocal music, origin of, 47 H.
tong-tieng 26 vodoo (290, 732a, 2865, 4063)
tonometers 9, IO, II Vogue firm 34, 66
toong 26 'Volkergedanke' 62
transcription of phonograms (ll33, 1398, water drum 29, 3I
1401, 1453a, 15 6o , 1895, 2445, 2866, 286 7, wayang (772a, 2370 (s.v. wayang etc.), 2384~
3044), 37 H. 2399 (s.v. wayang etc.), 2805, 3205, 3864)
transposition (3005C) Wesleyan University, Middletown (Conn.)
transversal flute (1791, 1807 VI, 2242, 2243) U.S.A. 76
trautonium 6I Westminster firm 34
triangle 34 whaling songs (3057)
triple clarinet (ll52), 35, 66 whistle (1561, 164, 1760 IV, 2613, 2627,
triple flute (lll7 (p. 268), 2383 (p. 142 H.), 27 25, 317~, 30 ,3 I , 32
2766 (p. 76), 2767 (p. 12,95)) whistle languages (35, 688, 688a, 688b, 1041a
tritone (2383 (p. 35 H.)), 45 245 2, 3367~ 34 14, 454~
Tropical Institute, Amsterdam 64, 72 whistling (I053a)
trough zither (= bowl zither) 27, 32, 34 whistling arrows (3524)
trumpets (211, 307, 339b, 642, 1253a (p. 64 whizzing stick, see: bull-roarer
H.), 1472, 1568, 1767, 1754, 1767, 223 2, whit-horn (209)
2636, 3010, 3201, 3557a, 369 1, 3810, 4437), willow pipe (1537)
26,3 I ,34,53,66 wiri(-wiri) (1454, 1455)
trumpet marine (Nonnengeige, Trumscheit) work and music (53,1660,1909,3327,4190),
(207,852 (p. 52 H.), 1312, 1340, 1363,2642, 65
331, 3108 (p. 252 H.), 3232) World Collection of Recorded Folk Music 22,
trumpet of human tibia (385a). See also 34
Index II s.v. Tibet. xalimba (2097)
Trumscheit, see: trumpet marine ximbomba 25
'tub'-stringbass 33 xylophones (145, 392, 634, 635, ll38, ll48,
tudumi (3049a) 1348, 1433, 1443, 1747, 2000, 2122, 2123,
tulum 26, 32 2134a, 2221, 2372, 2399 (p. 185 H.), 2699,
tumba (428o, 4281) 295 6 , 2959, 376 , 3146, 33 25, 35 01 , 3932,
tuning forks IO, II 4 108 , 4ll9, 4149, 4214), 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
tun-tim 26, 29, 32 3I , 3 2 , 34, 36, 52, 57, 60
tupan (120), 25, 32. See also: tapan. yang 44, 52
txistu (ll23, 3596), 29,32 yangchung 32
typology of music (438a, 1053, 1722, 2289, yang-ko (619)
2602, 2603, 3744, 3749, 3768 , 3773, 3872, yarul (double clarinet, arghul) 3I
yazl (2704b) zazakuat 35
yin 44,52 zerberali 66
yodeling (463, 1019. 1369, 1927, 25 80, 38 34. zil 28
4100, 4420a) Zink 57
y(u)oik (572. 1497, 1744a. 2559. 4097). 32 zither (1555, 1556. 1557, 155 8, 2034, 3039).
yuan 32 25, 27, 29, 3I 3 2, 34
Yugotone firm 66 zufolo 3I
zamba (3364) zurla (3851). 32
zambumbia (697, 3770) zurna 26, 28, 32, 33, 34
zampogna (1215). 3I
3834, 48 7, 4398, 4399, 4400. 4443, 45 06f). 2954, 348, 3409. 364. 39 13, 4150), 28. 29,
See also: Switzerland. 3I , 3 2 35
Altai-peoples (600, 2029) Arabian Spain (1115. 1185D, 1203. 1750,
Altmark (3644a, 4318) 3408 , 3409. 3410, 3495, 374 8, 376 5. 377 2
Alur (4187a, 4260) 4444)
Amakwavi 3I Aragon (255 2a, 4543), 34
Amami Islands (Northern Ryii-kyii's) 30 Arapaho (916,917. 1994. 2797.2984. 2989).25
Amazonas (inci. Caishana = Cayuishana, Arapai (956)
Mundurucu) (25, 1040, 2869, 3126, 3487), Arara 28
26,28,3 0 ,35 Araucanians (149, 232, 233, 2568. 2767
Ambilube 24. See also: Madagascar. (p. 59, 147))
Ambo (3941) Arecuna (3487)
Ambon (Amboina) (2085. 4183). 25 Argentina (inci. Araucanians, Fuegians, Pa-
Ambrym (155Ia) tagonians) (124. 124a, 149, 41, 58o, 586,
Amhara 35 1250, 1316, 1961, 1962, 232, 2033, 2552,
Ami 25 25 68 , 2579, 3095. 3740. 4208 . 4209, 4210.
Amish (2998) 4212 421 3, 423 1 437 8), 3 I
Anatolia (74, 139, 3 110 , 3 176 33 85, 3666, Armenia (728 (vol. I p. 262), 842, 1371, 1787,
3668),35. See also: Turkey. 2297. 2298, 2693, 2966, 3094a, 327, 3209,
Andalusia (1150, 2714. 3937). 25, 30 4 10 , 4246 , 4334, 4335. 433 6). 26,32, 33
Andamans (3219), 5I Arnhemland (1063, 1063b, 2106), 25, 3D, 33
Angami Naga 45 Aruaks (= Arowaks) (3487)
Anglo-Americans (33, 304, 304a, 522. 3002). Aruba (2609, 428o, 4281)
See also: English Canadian. Aru Islands (1864, 2281, 2864), 25
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, see: Sudan Arumanians (2740b)
Angola (inci. Bachioko, Chokwe, Lovale. Ashanti (2287, 3167, 3168, 3358), 34
Lunda, Ovimbundu) (844a, 1715, 2046a, Ashluslay (205)
33 66a ) Asia Minor (inci. Anatolia, Hittites, Phrygia)
Angouleme 29 (74, 139, 321,46.47,48,409,411, 1018.
Anjou (3842), 29 1182, 1188. 1884, 2678. 3110, 3132. 3176,
Annam (55, 506, 966, 1023a. 1460. 1462. 3210, 33 85. 3666, 3668 4010. 4322, 4325,
1463. 2005. 2249. 2251 (p. 3125 ff.). 2252, 4452), 26, 28. 30, 32. 34, 35. See also:
3 13, 3 177 (p. 15 6 ff.), 3335) Armenia. Pontic Greek, Turkey.
Antigua 33 Assam (44, 821, 1291, 2973. 2974- 2974a.
Antilles, see: West Indian Archipelago
Aotearoa (1481) Assiniboin 30
Apache (2802), 29.32,36 Assyria (776, 1197F, 1341, 1802, 2971, 3190,
Apiaka (2869) 3211,424.4322, 4533a (p. 60 ff.))
Appalachians (519, 2629a. 3800a, 3821) Astrolabe Bay (360)
Appenzell (4099. 4100) Asturias (565, 392, 4111), 25. 29
Arab music (general) (5, 55, 148, 154. 162, Atlas mountains (4073). See also: Morocco.
315, 330, 4 10, 59 1, 607. 639. 645, 661, 662, Atjeh (Achin) (2315)
669, 728 (vol. I p. 255). 729, 786, 787, 151, Atoni (fig. 55) (1238 (p. 53 ff.))
1112, 1116, 1117, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1160- Atorai (3487)
1166, 1168 - 1179, 1181. 1184, 1185. 1189, Aueto (2869)
1190, 1191, 1195 - 1198, 1208, 1223. 1317, /? Auni Bushmen (2227)
1374. 15 04, 162 4. 1640, 1655, 1750. 1756, Australia. aboriginals of, (211, 288, 401. 457.
1783, 1840d, 1950. 1979, 2017, 2134. 2201, 606a, 728 (vol. I p. 272), 830, 1063, 1063a,
2440a, 2465. 251, 25 0 7, 25 08 , 25 13, 25 15, 1063b. 1063C. 155, 1571, 1973, 2106. 2598.
253 2b 2533, 2534, 2535, 2537, 25 69, 2953. 3166,3486,3754,3973,4054,4306a,4312a.
3093, 3 153. 3233, 33 65, 34 26, 3456 , 3457. 4437), 25,30. 3 I 33, 45
349 1 - 3495, 3557, 35 64, 360 3, 364, 3697, Austria (1496, 1551, 2244, 2302. 3726a, 4443,
37 16, 37 17. 3735, 377 2, 3905, 434, 40 51, 44 66,4496,4497),35.
4 11 4. 4 16o , 4355, 435 8 443 1 4444, 4453. Austronesia, see: Indonesia, Oceania
4462, 45 16b). I9, 28, 29, 3I, 35, 43, 64. 65 Avars (254a)
See also: Algeria, Arabia, Arabian Spain. Aymara 29
Beduin, Biskra, Egypt (modern), Iraq, Azande. see: Zande
Libya. Maghreb, Mesopotamia, Morocco, Azera (1874. 1875)
Near East, Palestine, Persia, Syria. Azerbaijan (563, 4237). 26, 29, 3I, 32
Tripolitania, Tunisia, Turkey. Aztecs (76, 250, 575, 582, 601, 602. 603, 761b,
Arabia (incl. Mecca, Yemen) (441. I I 72G, 1333, 1393. 1394. 1395. 160 3, 1604. 2295,
1184, 1185E, 1575, 1686, 2020, 2127, 2762, 2477, 2761, 2766, 2767 (passim), 2769.
2771, 2829, 2830, 2832, 2833, 2834, 346, Bandya (4433 (p. 30))
34 68 , 3662, 3809, 3809a, 3809b), 65 Banggai archipelago (2341)
Babar 25 Bangombe 35
Babembe, see: Bembe Banguana 31
Babera, see: Bira Bankanu (3522)
Babinga (1524, 3502a, 3502b), 24, 31, 36 Banks Islands (3918)
Babinga/Babenzele 24, 35 Bannock 36
Babinga/Bangombe 24 Banten (Bantam) (1867)
Babira, see: Bira Bantu (1367a, 1565, 2208, 2209, 2212 - 2216,
Babunda, see: Bunda 2218--2225, 2230, 2231, 2234, 2648, 2649,
Babylonia (1018, 1341, 1344, 1802, 2546, 3250a, 3393c , 3792, 3833, 3833a, 4128,
297 1, 3190, 3546, 354 8, 35 64, 35 68 , 3570a, 4129, 4129d, 4131, 4132), 35. See also:
357ge, 4240, 43 22 , 4533a (p. 60 if.)), 43, Basuto, Chopi, Kenya, Mashona, Matabele,
65 Mozambique, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasa-
Bacca36 land, Shangaan, South Africa, Southern
Bachioko (2046a, 4366a) Rhodesia, Swazi, Tanganyika, Thonga,
Badaga (1478b) Uganda, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu.
Baduys (1867) Banyuwangi (477)
Baduma 24,27,28,31,35 Ba'oule, see: Ba'ule
Baganda, see: Ganda Bapende, see: Pende
Bagdad (148) Bapere, see: Pere
Bahamas (1090, 1998),30,31 Bapindi, see: Pindi
Bahia (599, 1234, 171, 2285, 2860, 3124), Barin Mongols (1093)
27,3 6 Baroda (952, 2197)
Bahnar 26 Baronga, see: Ronga
Bahutu, see: Hutu Barotse (546a)
Baiga (2182) Barra, Isle of, (573), 25
Bakalai, see: Kalai Barundi, see: Rundi
Bakongo (603c, 603d) Bashi, see: Shi
Bakuba, see: Kuba Bashkirs (1056a, 2481)
Bakwesi, see: Kwesi Basques (396, 397, 398, 399, 728 (vol. I p.
Balali 27 296),828,999,1000,1001,1002,104,1123,
Balanta (336) 13 26, 13 2 7, 1330, 1367, 28 9 8, 35 87, 3645,
Baleares (incl. Ibiza, Majorca, Minorca) 3646,4141),32,35
(1332b, 2787, 3026 ), 29, 34 Bassa30
Bali (1866, 236o, 2361, 2365, 2396, 2414, Basuto (fig. 50) (230,343,3791),28,55
2803, 2804 - 2817, 3017, 3177 (p. 170 if.), Bata (3684)
378, 379, 39 21 , 39 22 , 3923, 4532b), 23, Batak (3, 1685,4433 (p. 34 if.)), 28
24, 25, 27,28,3 1 ,33,34,35,5 2 ,65 Batanglupar, see: Sea Dyak
Balkans (general) (118, 122, 419, 462, 2408, Bateke 27
2412, 37O, 3784b). See also: Albania, Batetela, see: Tetela
Arumanians, Bulgaria, Greece, Greek-Ma- Bathurst Island 25
cedonia, Hebrew-Balkan, Rumania, Yugo- Batitu (732b)
slavia. Batwa, see: Twa
Baltic States (incl. Esthonia, Latvia, Lithua- Batz, Island of, (2738)
nia, Livonia) (91, 117, 137, 138, 223a, 284, Baule (Ba'oule) 26, 28, 31, 34, 35
356, 494, 682, 1403, 1484, 1485, 2076, 2125, Bavaria (1861, 377), 35
2125a, 2126, 2177, 2560, 2562a, 2563, 2650, Bavenda, see: Venda
2871a, 2915, 2963, 2975, 3006, 3119, 3122, Bawanji 24, 27
3361,3398,3530,4004a,4172,4494) Baya (3367), 27, 28, 31
Baluba, see: Luba Bayaka (3522)
Baluena, see: Luena Bechuana 31
Balunda, see: Lunda Bedouins (1151, 3983), 29, 34
Bamanga, see: Manga Beira-Baixa 35
Bamba 28 Belgian Congo (general) (Iooa, 101, 145a,
Bambala (4433 (p. 30)), 29, 31 329a , 38 4, 392, 393, 44 6 , 44 8, 44 8a-e , 470,
Bambara (969a), 27, 31, 32, 34 577a , 603a-e, 70 7, 728b , 749, 87, 950,
Bambuti, see: Mbuti 1122a, 1138, 1296, 1456, 1688, 1992, 1992a,
Bamende, see: Mende 1999, 253, 2066, 2699 - 273, 2727, 2730,
Banat (51, 497) 2731, 2731b, 2796a, 2820a, 2849, 2851,
Banda (Afr.) (1041) 2860d, 3013a, 3058, 3065a, 3094, 3123,
Banda (Indon.) 25 3 135,3 137, 3138,3139,3425a, 3498, 388 3b ,
Bandaka 31 3884, 4106, 417, 4 108, 4 109, 4 129 a , 4 13 1,
4 189, 4216, 421 7, 4218 , 4 221a 4 28 4. 4297). Bongong035
26. 28, 3I. 34. 35. 55. See also Azande. Boni26
Babinga. Bakongo. Bambala. Bambuti. Bonto bangun (1865)
Bandaka. Bandya. Banguana. Bankanu, Bora 35
Bashi. Batwa. Batitu. Bayaka. Bandya. Borneo (Kalimantan) (1135. 1136, 147,2379,
Bira. Bobwa, Bundu. Bushongo. Chokwe, 295 1, 34 85, 37 11 (p. 177 H.), 3829. 4094.
Ekondo, Genya, Gombe. Hema. Hutu, 4433 (p. 34 H.)). 25. 26. 33
Ituri-region, Kasai-region. Katanga, Koga, Bororo (Niger Terr.) (1131)
Kuba, Kwango-region. Kwesi, Lala, Lari, Bororo (South Amer.) (205)
Logo, Lokele, Lonzo, Luba, Mambudo, Bosnia (2349, 2351. 2352, 2744, 2746, 2884,
Mamvu. Mandaka, Mangbetu, Mangutu, 288 5. 2934, 2935. 34 22 , 34 23, 3424a. 35 26,
Mayomba, Mbala, Mbae, Mbele, Mbudo, 366 3, 3853, 4201 ), 25, 29, 3 2 35
Mbuti. Medje, Nande, Ngala, Ngbandi, Botocudos (3972)
Nkanu, Nkundjo. Oshwe, Pende, Pere, Bougainville (1911, 1915. 3061, 3062)
Ruanda-Urundi, Rundi, Shi, Tabwa, Te- Boungomo 27, 3I , 35
tela, Tumba, Tutsi. Twa, Viii, Walese, Brazil (incl. Afro-Bahia, Afro-Brazilians. A-
Watsa-Gombari, Watutsi, Yalemba, Yogo, mazonas, Apiaka, Arapai. Ashluslay, Aue-
Zande. to, Bahia, Boni, Boror6 (S. Amer.), Boto-
Belgium (incl. Flanders, Wallonia) (695, 74, cudos, Brazilian Guayana, Caingua, Cais-
705, 705a, 726, 746, 757, 852a, 1029, 1030, hana (= Cayuishana), Camayura, Campa,
132, 2606a, 3123, 3130a, 3193, 3698, 4382, Cashica, Cayap6, Cearea, Chaco. Chamaco-
45 06a 457, 453 2a), 34, 35 See also: ca, Chavantes; Chipaya. Chiriguano, Cho-
Netherlands. roti, Cocoma, Conibo, Curuana, Desana.
Bellakula Indians (3985) Gorotire, Goyas, Guapore, Guarani, Guara-
Belu (22 (p. 478 H.), 1238 (p. 53 H.)) yu, Hori6. Iwalapeti. Kaa-ihwua, Kain-
Bembe (3152, 3883), 28 gaing (Caingua), Karaja, Kayabi, Kuben-
Bena (775, 4433 (p. 30)) kranken, Makushi, Mato Grosso, Mauhe,
Benares 35 Mbaya, Minas Gerais. Mosho, Mundurucu,
Bengal (184, 613, 2010, 2074, 2075), 26, 28. O(a)yana, Ofaie-Chavantes, Omagua, 0-
See also: Indian subcontinent. yampi. Palikur Indians, Parintintin, Pau-
Benin (444. 1578) serna. Puinave, Quicuru, Rio Grande do SuI,
Benkulen (Bengkulu) (2369) Shipibo, Taulipang, Tembe. Tukan6, Tu-
Benue-Cross River region (134) mereha, Tupi-Guarani, Tupinamba, Uau-
Bera, see: Bira pes. Mitoto, Umauca, Wapishana, Xingu,
Berber tribes (9, 71, 290, 340, 652, 653, 655, Yaulapiti, Yekuana, Yuruna, Yuwuina)
658, 659, 661, 718.1119, 1199, 1956, 2509, (14, 60, 63-67, 95, 95a. 114, 157-161, 25,
3497, 4444), I9, 34 See also: Chleuh, Fu- 4 15, 493b, 599, 844, 956. 1040, 1131, 1234,
lah, Kabyls, Tuareg. 1356, 1698, 1699, 1701, 191, 1925, 1963,
Bern (4499) 196~ 2285, 258~ 2718, 2824~ 2825, 282~
Berry 29 2860, 2869.3008a. 3023b,3053, 3054, 3124,
Besisi (2773) 3 126. 3130, 3249. 33 29, 339 1. 339 2, 3393,
Betsiieo (1016) 3407, 34 61 , 3462, 34 8 7, 36 31, 3660, 3673,
Bhii (2119) 37 62 , 3861, 3877, 397 2, 45 6, 4186, 42 32,
Bhojpuri (4159a) 4433 (p. 51 H.), 4504), 27,3 0 3 I , 35, 36
Bihor (256) Brazilian Guayana (3023b)
Bima (1059) Bretagne, see: Brittanny
Binga, see: Babinga British Columbia (925. 1890)
Bini 32 British East Africa (1712, 2286, 2296, 2303,
Bira (470, 2704), 3I, 34 2450.2666,3063, 4129a, 4136c), 25, 27. See
Birma. see: Burma also: Chewa. Kenya, Northern Rhodesia,
Biskra (258) Nyasaland, Southern Rhodesia, Tanganyi-
Bismarck Archipelago (incl. New Britain. ka, Uganda.
New Ireland) (6. 385b, 1039, 1658. 1662, British Gu(a)yana (incl. Akawai. Atorai,
1892, 1986, 1987 1988, 2308, 2612, 4501) Makushi, Wai-Wai. Wapishana) (3487)
Biston Hilla (4512) British North Borneo (3485). 25, 26
Blackfeet Indians (309). 30 Brittanny (643. 1022, 1147,2595.2738,4140,
Blood Indians 30 4 2 33 a ). 29, 34, 35
Bobo (2112) Bubi (578)
Bobwa 28 Bugong027
Bohemia (2775). See also: Czechoslovakia. Buguni (3109a)
Bokhara (1399), 28 Bukovina (458)
Bolivia (39, 1471) Buka (372)
Bong(i)li 24, 28, 35 Bukusu 25
Bulgaria (incl. Rhodope mountains, Rumelia) Eskimo. Meskwaki (= Fox Indians), Nas
(3 00a, 491, 492. 539, 559, 67 1, 67 2 673, Indians, Northwest Indians, Nova Scotia,
674, 724, 728a. 985--990,2129-2133,214, Ottawa, Quebec, Six Nations, Tsimshian.
215-2154, 2155a. 2156-2161, 2163-2167. Canada Chippewa 25
2169-2176,2180. 2181. 2305a, 2305b, 2319. Canaries (incl. La Gomera, Guanche) (688,
2320. 2354, 2844, 2921, 29 22 , 302 3, 3050. 688a. 688b. 2253, 3048, 3414)
3466, 3700, 390 7, 3908 , 3955-3965, 4009a Canton 35
4021C (No. 15), 4180, 4 181 , 421 9, 4377. Cape Breton Island 30
4540), 3 I , 35. See also: Macedonia. Cape Malays (2229, 3198, 3199. 4306)
Bulu 30, 3I Capri 3 I
Bunda 29 Carelia (85 (p. 103 if.), 418)
Bunun (2439). 25. 35 Caribbean Islands, see: West Indian Archi-
Bunyoro (3460) pelago
Burgos (3064) Caribou Eskimo (incl. Aevilikmiut, Ahear-
Burma (incl. Karen, Shan States) (1249. 1847, miut. Padleirmiut) (1124, 1126, 1132, 1319.
1981. 198 2, 2202a. 2250. 274 2, 2743, 2758, 3343), 25, 34
3171. 3370, 337 1, 3533, 3697 a , 37 88 , 4433 Caribs (incl. a.o. Akawai, Arecuna, Makushi,
(p. 32), 4471. 447 8 , 447 8a, 4494 a , 4534). Umauca, Wai-wai) (29, 25, 723, 1925,
29,30 ,32 ,54 34 87), 29
Burundi (2593a) Carolines (incl. Haluk, Truk) (552a, 176,
Buryat Mongols (1056a, 1093. 3987) 1720)
Bushmen (fig. 50) (212,994, 1524,2217.2220. Carriacou 32
2223. 2224, 2227.2228, 2235, 2236). 3I, 36, Casamance (3501)
55 Cashica (205)
Bushong(o) (44oa, 4189) Castilla (3470), 25
Butembo, see: Nandi Catalinefio Indians (3446)
Buudu 28 Catalonia (343. 344, 344a , 583, 288 3, 28 98 ,
Buzi (= Loma) 30, 34 3 133, 3152a, 3242, 3470, 37 64), 29, 32
Byzantium (1159, 1372, 1373, 4095, 4219. Caucasus (incl. Abchases, Georgia, Mingrelia)
433 8,4339,4343,4344,4346 , 45 1Ib), 65 (202a, 325, 724, 728a, 974, 1100,2462.2480,
Caddo 25. 36 2482, 2484, 2493, 2625, 2625a. 2928, 2960.
Caingua (= Kaingang) (2869), 27 2961. 3746, 3940b, 3954a, 4377), 2I, 26, 3I.
Cairo (334) 33
Caishana (= Cayushana) (3487) Caverre (3487)
Cajun 32 Cayap627
Calabria (1215), 3I, 66 Cayuga (1227), 25. 32, 36
California (98, 921. 946, 977, 2767 (p. 21. 143), Cayushana (3487)
28 36) Cearea(3392)
Californian peninsula (97, 996. 2836) Celebes (Sula wesi) (1937, 21 78 2343. 4433
Camayura (2869), 27, 30 (p. 34 if.)), 60
Cambodia (818b, 966, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1533, Celts (728 (vol. II p. 219), 3639), 60
1645, 2251 (p. 3129 if.). 2526, 2527, 2530, Central Africa (719, 720, 778a, 2918, 3144,
2739, 2740. 3 177 (p. 159 if.), 3335, 3971. 3151a, 3932, 4216). See also: Angola, Bel-
4 1 4 8 ), 29 gian Congo, French Equatorial Africa,
Cameroons (incl. Bata, Bulu, Duala, Ewondo, Kenya, Northern Rhodesia. Nyasaland.
Fulbe, Jaunde, Kirdi, Lamido, Massa, Ma- Tanganyika, Uganda.
takam, Mbam. Mofu, Moundang) (219, Central America (incl. Mexico) (general) (627.
1037, 1278, 1521a, 1522, 1553, 1637, 1650, 1561, 1573, 157~ 27 68 , 2788~ 28 32, 29 17,
274 0a , 2972. 3 12 3, 3137, 35 89, 3679, 3684, 2936a, 3364, 3465, 3588, 3632, 3808. 3869a,
3761, 4152a, 4433 (p. 30 )),26,27,30,32 43 09, 4454), 32 , 33, 35 See also: Costa
Campa 30 Rica. Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico. Nica-
Campo basso 3I ragua, Panama, West Indian Archipelago.
Cam (850) Central Asia (incl. Altai-peoples, Bashkirs,
Canada (general) (233, 234, 235, 236,238 239. Bokhara, Circassian Tatars, Kafiristan
240, 241. 242. 289, 303. 304a, 925, 122 5. (= Nuristan), Kara-Kirghiz, Kazakhstan.
1279, 1321, 1360. 1607. 1890, 2434, 2788a, Khwarism, Kiptchak, Kirghiz. Lepcha,
3397.3654,488), I7, 25,30.32,33. See Misharia, Mongolia, Naimanes, Nogai Ta-
also: Algonquin, Assiniboin, Blackfeet In- tars, Nuristan (= Kafiristan), Ob-Ugrians,
dians, Blood Indians, British Columbia. Ordos (= Ortos. Urdus), Sarts, Siberia, Sik-
Canada Chippewa, Caribou Eskimo, Cree, kim, Tadjik. Tatars, Tibet, Toka, Tun
English Canadian, Fox Indians, French huang, Turfan, Turkestan, Turkmenes,
Canadian. Gaspe peninsula, Great Basin Uigurs, Uzbekistan) (15, 17, 62, 146, 162,
Indians, Great Lake Indians, Hudson Bay 318a, 319, 320, 322, 323, 585, 600, 765,
805. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1035. 10s6a. 1092. 33 81 , 33 82 33 84. 33 86 33 88 34 15, 3455.
1093. 1097. 1I01. 1I20. 1I21. 1I92. nosa. 35 64. 35 67. 3574. 3579f 3733. 3735. 3755.
12 94. 1295. 1337. 1399. 1437. 1459. 1669. 3786 33 88 34 15. 3455. 35 64. 35 67. 3574.
1854. 1904. 2012. 20na. 2029. 2067. 2240. 3579f 3733. 3735, 3755. 37 86, 3829a 3839.
2305. 2335. 24 62 ; 2480. 24 81 2490. 2495. 3894. 3895. 3896 39 19. 4000. 4038. 4044.
2500, 2635. 2888. 3066. 3067. 3069. 3085. 4060. 4142-4146. 4243. 4265. 4266. 4 28 6-
3093 a 3 105. 3 13 1 3221 33 8 7. 362 5. 37 15. 4295, 43 01 4320. 4349 a , 4370. 4375. 437 6
3781. 3812. 3866. 3867. 3892. 3980. 3987. 43 89. 44 24. 4447. 4448 4455. 445 8 45 04b
4012. 4016. 4037. 41I0. 4161. 4162. 4163, 45 000 45 1Ia 45 29. 453 1b 4549b. 4549C).
4170, 4 17 1 4 173. 4174. 4 19 2 4236. 4238 12. 23. 26. 31. 32 35. 43. 44. 48 55.63.
4239. 4252 4253. 426 3. 4439. 4449. 4473. 65
4474. 4475). 26. 29. 3 2 55. 63 Chindau. see: Mozambique
Central Eskimo (164) Chinook (378. 1014)
Ceram. see: Seran Chios (3160)
Ceylon (141. 225. 728 (vo!. I p. 404), 831. Chipaya (2869)
365 1 381 5, 449 8) Chipchin Mongols (1093)
Chaco (inc!. Ashluslay. Boror6 (S. Amer.). Chippewa (Ojibwa) (554. 857. 867. 869. 902.
Cashica. Chamakoko. Chane. Choroti. Ho- 948 2433), 25, 32 , 3 6
ri6. Makushi. Mbaya. Mosho. Taulipang. Chiriguano (2869)
Tumereha. Yekuana) (205. 1I31. 1925. Chiriqui (1873)
329) Chitimacha Indians (932)
Chahar Mongols (471) Chleuh (653. 655)
Chaldea (702. 20n. 2679. 4533a (p. 60 ff.)). 43 Choctaw (926. 2437). 25. 36
Chamakoko (205) Chokwe (2729. 3060a. 3366a)
Chane (205) Chopi (2122. 4120. 4123, 4136b), 25. 28
Chari region (inc!. Baya. Bugungo. Moundan, Choroti (205)
Sara, Tchad) (1348. 141I. 3367). 26. 27. 28, Chu'an Miao (24. 1498)
31 Chuwassians (I056a 2481.)
Chattisgarh (1084) Circassian Tatars (2495)
Chavantes (3407). 30 Coast Salish (1014. 1713. 1746. 3430). See
Chechino-Ingoutch (1056a) also: Salish.
Cheremiss (2270. 2272. 2480. 2483. 3123) Cochiti (947a)
Cherkessian. see: Circassian Tatars Cocoma (2869). 30
Cherokee (2437). 25, 36 Cocopa 36
Chewa (1712). 25 Coll 25
Cheyenne (916. 917. 2797. 2846). 25. 3 6 Colombia (incl. Chibcha. Chiriqui. Guambia.
Chhattisgarh. see: Chattisgarh Kogaba. Saliva. Umauca) (44. 45. 697.
Chiandjur 35 147 2 18 73. 1973a. 2614-2617. 2767 (p.
Chiapas (1550. 381I) 143). 3 12 3. 3 154. 3 155. 3 156 34 87.4 27.
Chibcha (4506b) 45 06b ), ] I
Chickasaw 25 Comanche (2797), 25. 36
Chile (inc!. Araucanians. Fuegians) (56. 57, Comox (1725. 3650)
58.149.1961.1962.232,233.2568,2796. Congo. see: Belgian Congo, French Equato-
3 12 3. 3157). 31 rial Africa
China (I, 2, 24, 47.49. 70.112. 112b, 252 395. Conib030
617.618. 619. 620,620a. 621. 630. 631,632. Cook Islands (525)
664, 676. 703. 715. 717. 728 (vo!. I p. 41I), Copper Eskimo (3345. 3436)
75.764.792.832.843.854,960.963.133. Copts (1755. 17 60 1765. 1770. 1774.4333).27
1036.1038,1046.1047. lo53a. 1141. 1185A. Cora Indians (1910.2767 (PP' 20. 40. 144. 147.
1I92, 1231. 1232, 1233. 135 1 1306. 1322. 151. 159)),28
1410. 1439. 1474. 149 8 15 0 1. 1509. 153 2 Corea. see: Korea
1554 - 1558. 1577. 1618. 1619. 1846. 1846a. Cordilleras de los Andes (309. 427). See also:
1854. 1869. 1881, 1919. 1969. 1975. 1976. Bolivia. Chile. Colombia. Ecuador. Peru.
1977. 1989. 252, 2081. 2084. 2086. 2138. Corsica 24, 29. 35
2192. 2205. 2207, 2238. 2239. 2240. 2255. Costa Rica (145. 4095)
2256. 2259, 2274. 2275. 2299a, 2304. 23 13, Cree Indians (3583). 30
233 1 2339~ 2355. 235 6 2374. 244 1 244 2 Creek Indians (2437. 3909. 4007). 25, 36
2443. 2467. 2469. 25 28 25 29, 253 1 2601. Crete (300. 1467. 3241). 30
2602, 2603. 2604. 2631. 2632. 2633. 2634. Crimea (2480)
2645. 2664. 2705. 27 06 27 13. 275 1 27 64. Croatia (inc!. Dalmatia. Istria. Medimurjc)
2791. 2837. 2923. 2925. 2926. 29 61a, 2969. (282. 1376, 1457, 1748. 2138b. 2350. 2354.
2970. 3035. 3068. 3134. JI.7 0 3174. 3 177 2654, 38 5 1 3855-3 858 4443 b .4482 -44 85.
(p. 83 ff.). 3179. 3180. 3 181 3195. 3 19 6 4490.4491),
Crow Indians 25 Ecuador (309. 634. 102 5. Il49. 2767 (p. 167),
Csik (971) 29 13. 293 2, 30 48a 420 7)
Cuba (incl. Abakwa. Arara. Djuka. Kimbisa. Efik (3841)
Lucumi) (26, 27. 589. 604. 755. 1507. 1512, Egina 26
259 2 2593. 3073-3080. 362 7-3 6 3 1 3633, Egypt (ancient) (fig. 46) (394, 698. 700. Il80,
3644. 3862. 4102). 28. 31 120 7, 12 77, 13 65, 1641a, 1755, 1757. 1759-
Cuna (2767 (p. 168. 169. 170)) 1782. 1784, 1788. 17 89. 1791. 1794 - 1801,
Cura<;ao (1454. 1455. 2609. 2820. 3939. 4280, 1804. 187-1814. 1816, 1819. 1822-1829a,
4281 ),33 1831-1838. 1839a, 1840. 1840a. 1840b.
Curuaya (2869) 2232. 2607. 2658. 2659. 2660. 2669. 2672.
Cyprus (140), 30 26 79, 27 81 . 3 Il 7, 3 2Il , 3 246 , 3393 b , 3534.
Czechoslovakia (incl. Moldau, Moravia. Slo- 353 6, 3540. 354 1, 354 2 3544. 354 6a 355 8
vakia) (II. 264, 269. 289a, 327, 609, 995a. 35 6 4. 3575. 35 84. 36 35. 377 8, 37 89. 38 99.
997. 1985, 20 58 2058a. 2Il8. 2321. 2321a, 3900, 3901 3903. 39 81 , 40 58 4234. 4235.
2347~ 235 2 271~ 2775. 2782. 2901. 299~ 43 22 , 43 68 44 65. 45 18 , 45 19, 45 20 . 4533 a
3200. 3206. 3213. 3214. 3700, 384. 385. (p. 65 ff.)). 19. 50. 51, 62
3806, 4002. 4004, 4004a. 4021C (No. 13), Egypt (modern) (168. 334. 337, 338, 728 (vol.
414. 4165. 4 166 422 5. 4226 422 7. 4 245, I. p. 508), 829. 1200, 1323, 1641. 1641a.
425 1,43 13. 43 26a 44 67. 4549).34.35 175 8, 17 8 4, 179 2, 1793. 1796. 1803, 1807.
Czechoslovakian Germans (2Il8). 35 1830, 1840b, 1840d, 2541. 2657. 2672.
Daghstan (I056a). 33 277 8 279 2 2953. 362 4. 36 75. 3747. 3899.
Daghur Mongols (1093) 434.4431.4520),23.27.30,31,33.63.65
Dahomey (incl. Adja. Aizo. Fon, Goun, Kata- Ekondo 28. 34
fon. Nikki, Peda, Pila) (339. 339a, 769, England (132. 208. 209. 375a, 500. 508. 516,
1354a. 1397c, 14 12 , 1697. 1996.2287.3123), 623. 63~ 84~ 841, 1111, 1275. 1337. 2142,
26.27.28, JI. 36. See also: Ewe. Yoruba. 2143. 2198, 2199. 2532, 2618. 2976. 2977.
Dakota (2797. 3123). 25 3 12 3, 3672 . 3821 3822 382 3. 382 4, 454 6 ),
Dalmatia (338a. 2138b, 2350). 29 24. 31 , 35
Dankali 24 English Canadian (303). 17, 25
Dauphine (4087) Epiros (3159), 30
Dayak. see: Borneo Equador. see: Ecuador
Delaware 36 Erithrea (244a). 28, JI
Denmark (10, 136. 728 (vol. I p. 464). 782, Eshira (153)
783b, 1539, 1540, 154 2 1545. 15 84. 16 74, Eskimo (incl. Aevilikmiut. Ahearmiut. Cari-
2090, 2266. 2266a. 2326. 2557, 30 49. 3346, bou Eskimo. Central Eskimo. Copper Es-
3703. 3704. 3705. 4082. 4082a. 4158). See kimo. Hudson Bay Eskimo. Netsilik. Oko-
also: Scandinavia (general). miut. Padleirmiut. Smith Sound Eskimo)
Desana (3487) (164, 358, 557.380. Il24-Il30, Il32. 1319,
Deutsch Ostafrika. see: Tanganyika 153 8 157 2 1629. 208 3. 2574. 2575, 2576.
Die 26 2577. 2577 a 27 88a , 3343, 3344, 3345, 3436 ,
Dioula 27 45. 4064 - 47 2. 40 78, 4080. 4081. 4083).
Djarma. see: Jarma 30. 34. See also: Greenland.
Djerba. see: J erba Esthonia (85 (p. 124 ff.). 91. 137. 138, 1484.
Djnepr (3707) 148 5, 2560. 2562a. 2563. 3006. 3361. 4172).
Djuan 25 35
Djuka 28 Ethiopia (106. 244a. 608. 728 (vol. I p. 522).
Dobrucha (2155, 2168. 4137) 75 2 1663. 1693. 17 85. 245 1. 2597. 2906
Dodecanesos (294, 297) 4333. 434 2).28. JI. 33. 35. See also: Amha-
Dogan (1517, 1518, 2583. 4470b), 24, 66 ra, Dankali. Harar. Kerker. Tigrai.
Dogon Pignari (2583) Etruria (48. 3564. 4323)
Donggo (1059) Ewe (444, 772. 1320. 1380. 1381. 1382, 1383.
Dong-s'on (1460. 1462, 3784b. 4269a. 4349a) 13 84, 1479. 16 77, 2247. 290 5. 374 8 437 1
Druses 31 44 26 44 27)
Duala (347. 297 2 3123. 3761) Ewondo (145a. 1553. 4152a)
Dutch Guyana. see: Surinam Extramadura (1413-1418, 2783)
Dyak. see: Borneo Faeror (782. 783a. 1541. 1543. 1544, 1656
East Africa. see: British East Africa 2320a, 3188. 476, 4077. 4082a, 4084). See
East Pakistan (2074. 2075) also: Scandinavia (general).
Easter Island (3157a) Falasha 30
East Germany (3595. 3598) Fang (pangwe. Pahouins) (fig. 54) (153. 1507.
East Greenland (4066. 4067. 471, 4083) 15 08 , 19 14. 4 149)
East Turkestan (2012. 20I2a. 2500) Fanti 34
Ebrie 27 Fatu hiva 66
Fes (644) 4470a), 26, 3I, 32, 35, 36, 66. See also:
Fezzan 24, 35 Ashanti, Ba'ule, Buguni, Dahomey, Do-
Fiji Islands (2190, 2191, 2556, 3362a, 4433 (p. gon, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal,
44 ft.)) Togo.
Finland (83, 85, 86, 90, 94, 431, 728 (vol. I p. Frosinone 31
54 2), 782 . 23 28 , 23 29, 2330, 2333, 2334, Fuegians (1961, 1962)
2337, 233 8, 251~ 256~ 2562, 2562~ 3123, Fulah (= Peul) (1131),27,35,36
33 89, 416~ 416~ 4 17 2, 417~ 417~ 4179~, Fulbe (Foulbe) (IOI7a, 3679), 26
3I. See also: Scandinavia (general). Fulup (336) .
Fin-Ugrians (802, 2336, 2462, 2480, 2481, Further India (728 (vol. I p. 232). See also:
2931, 4179). See also: Ob-Ugrians, Per- Annam, Burma, Cambodia, Dong-s'on,
miaks, Ugrians, Wotyaks. Karen, Laos, Moi, Pemsians, Siam, Ton-
Flanders (705a, 726, 746, 757, 852a. 1029, kin, Viet-nam.
1030. 3130a, 43 82 , 4506a, 4507, 453 2a ). 35 Futuna (552. 4433 (p. 44 if.))
See also: Netherlands. Ga34
Flathead Indians (2848. 2857), 30 Gabon (incl. Baduma, Bawanji, Boungomo,
Flores (figs. 48 and 58) (1639, 2369, 2383, Fang, Okandi) (fig. 41) (153, 955, 1507,
24 1 3), 15,40 ,44,5 2 ,54 1508, 1914, 4149), 24, 26, 27
Florida (910, 947) Gabrielino Indians (3446)
Fly River (4383) Gaels (573, 1597, 3826, 3827), 25. See also:
Fon (769, 3284), 27. 35 Hebrides.
Formosa (incl. Bunun, Tayal, Tsou) (2015, Galicia (Poland) (2280)
21 49, 2439, 4433 (p. 34 fl.)), 25. 35 Galicia (Spain) (2340, 3470), 25, 29
Foulbe 26 Galway (748)
Fouta Dialon (2690) Gambia (incl. Mandingo, Wolof) (332, 336,
Fox Indians (= Meskwaki) (2437, 2797), 32 1479, 152, 2455, 3 161 ), 30
France (135, 244, 52, 503, 517, 579, 581 , Ganda (2450, 3474, 381 3, 4 257, 4258, 4260,
643,716,717. 717a, 728 (vol. I p. 566), 757, 4261), 25, 28
825. 825a, 999, 1000, 1001. 1002, 1022, Ganda/Soga 28
2028, 2595, 2605, 2735-2738, 3123, 3191, Gaspesia peninsula (3505)
3222, 3396, 3842, 486, 4086a , 487, 4140, Gaule (Gallia) (582)
4 14 1, 4 159, 4 195 a , 4233 a , 4544), 24, 29, 31, Gazelle peninsula (1039)
34,35. See also: Basques. Genya 28
French Antilles (3115). See also: West Indian Georgia (202a, 325, 724, 728a, 974, 1100,
Archipelago. 2480, 2482, 2928, 2960, 3940b), 26, 33, 34,
French Canadian (233, 234, 236, 238, 1321, 35
167, 3505), I7, 25, 3 I Gerais (3393)
French Congo, see: French Equatorial Africa. Gerebi 25
French Equatorial Africa (incl. Baduma, German Czechs (2118), 35
Babali, Bateke, Bawanji, Baya, Bembe, German Switzerland (637, 152, 1368, 1515,
Bong(i)li, Bongongo, Boungomo, Eshira, 15 26 , 15 27, 1990, 4099, 4499), 34
Fang, Ivela, Kalai, Kukuya, Kuyu, Lari, Germany (Germans) (311, 383, 383a, 705a,
Loango, Mbeti, Mbochi, Mboko, Ngoma, 728 (vol. I p. 497), 798, 958, 959, 1113,
Ngundi, Okandi, Porno, Sara, Vali region, I I 14, 1227a, 1307a, 1485, 1548, 1627, 1643,
ViIi, Wasamba, Yaswa) (153, 219, 87, 1348, 1860, 1861, 1871, 2118, 2188, 2248, 2248a,
1507, 1508, 1914, 2646a, 2668, 3065a, 3123, 2248b, 2821a, 2862, 3016, 3057, 3383,3592,
3 135, 3 136, 3 138 - 3 14 1, 3 143, 3 144, 3 148, 3593, 3594, 3595, 3598, 3600, 36 44 a , 3696,
3 149, 3 15 1, 3 15 1a, 3 15 2, 3367, 349 8,35 02a , 3707, 3740, 37 8 3, 388 9, 3943, 4 137, 4 268 ,
388 3, 388 4, 4 149, 4433), 24, 27, 28, 31, 35 4 268a, 4318, 4395, 4407 - 44 13,44 17, 44 18 ,
See also: Cameroons, Gabon, Tchad, Uban- 4537), 35
gi-Chari. Geronimo Apache 25
French Guinea (2116, 2690, 3123, 3501), 24, Ghana, see: Gold Coast
26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 66. See Ghasis (3480)
also: Fulah, Guerze, Kissi, Kurussa, Ma- Ghonds (1523, 2182), 25
linke, Toma, Wolof. Gilbert Islands (2571)
French Guyana (incl. Kalina, Oayana, Rou- Gi0 3 0
couyenne) (3487,4433 (p. 51 ft.)), 26,33 Girimaya 25,28
French Sudan (1I2C, 564a, 2584a, 3109a, Gogadara (3736)
3500), 24, 27, 34, 35 See also: French Gogo 28
Guinea, French West Africa. Gold Coast (= Ghana) (73, 77la, 1383, 1385,
French Switzerland (3481, 3483, 3484) 3025a, 3082a , 34 28a . 3463, 3954, 429 8,
French West Africa (1I2C, 306, 629a, 1516, 4299, 4300), 34. See also: Akan, Ashanti,
25 8 4a , 2594, 3 12 3, 3359, 3500, 3501, 3682a, Ewe, Fanti, Ga, Kabre, Sena, Togo, Upper
Volta. Hainaut (2606a)
Golo (2134a) Haiti (285, 732a. 753. 754. 1426, 2661. 2662,
Gombe (3226a) 2865. 3224. 3503, 3847, 4063), 27, 28, 29.
Gomera. La, (688, 688a, 688b) 3I,3 2
Gonds, see: Ghonds Hako (1263)
Gorlos Mongols (1093) Halmaheira (574)
Gorotire 27 Hanunoo (738), 30
Gothland (1303. 2540, 3030) Harar (2597)
Goun 27,35 Haussa(1479. 2247. 3230. 3 23 1, 38 7 1). 27,34.
Goyas (3391) 35
Gran Chaco, see: Chaco Havasupai Indians 29
Great Basin Indians (1717). 36 Hawaii (362, 528a. 562. 1087. 1088, 1304a.
Great Britain (208. 303. 304a, 515. 728 (vol. 17 08 208 9. 2753, 2754, 2774. 307.3437,
I p. 629), 840. 1307a. 218 5. 2613, 2725. 3443. 4433 (p. 44 H.)). I6
2977. 3831, 4347, 43 65), 35 See also: Eng- Haya 25.27
land, Ireland. Man, Scotland. Wales. Hebrew (18. 154a. 373b. 5 29. 56 4. 567, 747.
Great Lake Indians 32 776. 84 2 1105. 1243, 1402d, 1482, 1514.
Greece (ancient) (fig. 45) (7, 8, 122. 230. 294. 2277, 2307. 2646. 268o, 2897. 3307,3480a,
297. 29 8 3 13. 3 14. 630. 84 2, 843 a , 957, 35 6 3a , 35 6 4, 35 67. 3626 , 3816 39 13. 3930,
1089, 1170. 1197G, 1229, 1343, 1397, 1397a , 4093. 43 27. 4354). 64 See also: Israel,
1397b. 1464. 1465. 146 7, 1468 , 1598, 1668, Jews. Palestine.
1689 (p. 336 H.), 1691. 1968, 1984. 2002. Hebrew-Balkan (48)
2068. 2501. 2681, 277 2, 28 97, 3034. 3240. Hebrew-Oriental (1399. 2020. 2021. 2025), 28
3 247. 33 68 3537. 3544. 3545. 3547.355 0 Hebrew-Persian (2020), 28
355 1 35 64. 35 6 7, 35 8 5. 36 35. 37 18 37 19, Hebrew-Syrian (2020)
4050, 422 3, 43 21 , 43 24. 439 1, 439 2 4533 c). Hebrew-Yemenite. see: Yemenites
43,64. 65 Hebrides (92, 573. 130,3826.3827).25,29
Greece (modern) (incl. Chios. Crete, Cyprus. Hehe 25. 27
Dodecanesos. Epiros, Greek Macedonia. Hellas, see: Greece (ancient)
Morea = Peloponnesos. Naxos. Pontic Hema 34
Greecs. Rhodos. Thracia) (122, 140, 294 - Hercegovina (2349. 2744, 2745. 2746 2935.
300a, 531. 728 (vol. I p. 622). 1006. 1328, 34 22 .34 23, 34 24a 366 3).25, 29.3 2
2170, 2843. 2877. 2878. 2879. 2880.3 12 3, Hessen (3889)
3159, 3160. 3240. 3241, 3518. 3962). 26, 27 Hidatsa Indians (872). 36
30, 3I, 32 34. 35 See also: Macedonia. Hill-Reddi tribe (1313)
Greek Macedonia 30 Hindu. see: Indian subcontinent
Greenland (2574, 2575. 257 6 . 2577, 2577 a Hindu-Java (2362, 2363. 2381, 2384. 2416)
4067. 46<)-4072, 47 8, 4080. 4081. 4083) Hispano-Arabs (1119. 4531). See also: Ara-
Guadeloupe 33 bian Spain.
Guambia (1973a) Hittites (2678. 4322. 4325, 4533a (p. 64 H.)
Guanche. see: Canaries Hoggar (1872. 2606),24. 35
Guapore (38n. 4433 (p. 51 ff.)) Hok (4433 (p. 44 H.))
Gua(rah)ibo (3487). 25. 35 Hokkaido (2069)
Guarani (2869. 3972, 4232) Honduras (16. 712. 2776). 29. 32
Guarao. Guarauno, Guarayu. see: Warrau Honolulu I6
Guatemala (605. 1444, 16 75. 4 21 4. 4459) Hopei (619)
Guayana. see: Guyana Hopi (1440. 1970). 29. 32. 36
Guayaquil (634) Hori6 (205)
Guerze (2837a) Horor03 I
Gulf of Guinea (2016a). See also: Ashanti, Hottentots (212. 2220, 2223. 2235). See
Dahomey. Ghana. Gold Coast, Ivory Coast. also: Korana.
Gulf States Indians (912. 915) Hova (3249a). See also: Madagascar.
Guyana (3023b. 3487). See also: Brazilian Hudson Bay Eskimo (3123). 30
Guayana. French Guyana, Surinam. Hue (506)
Guyuge 25 Huichol (2767 (pp. 20, 40. 44, 144, 147. 150.
Gwere (4260) 151. 154). 2797), 29
Gwin 24.27 Hunedoara (Ioloa, 2637, 3459)
Gypsies (28o, 728 (vol. II p. 712), 770, 1271, Hungary (151. 152. 246. 253. 254. 257. 260.
I 59.8a, 1654. 2263. 3111.3848.3934-3938, 261. 266. 267, 268. 270. 271. 273. 277. 279.
4010. 4021C (No. 24). 4429). 3I. 66 280, 283. 283a. 283b. 325a. 361. 413. 724,
Haida (1014) 7 28a, 770, 85 1 97 1 997. l1I2a, 1143, 1155.
Hailar Mongols (1093) 12 7 1 1359, 1598a 1622. 255, 2070 - 2073.
Hainan (2631. 4433 (p. 38 )) 2193. 2194, 2267. 2269, 2270. 2272, 2306.
2356, 2520-252oq, 2521-2524, 2637, 2665, a. tribal and folk music (fig. 49) (4, 181,
27 16, 2717, 30 9 6 , 3 128b, 3163, 3312, 3313, 613, 614, 1083 - 1086, 1523, 2011, 2074,
3602, 3935, 4012, 4015-4019, 4021, 4021b, 211 9, 2182, 2722, 2723, 348o, 4159a,
4021C , 4 11 3 a , 4 19 1, 4 19 2, 4 193, 4195, 45 12 ), 35
4 195 a , 4 195 b , 4 268 , 43 29, 44 29, 4469, b. classical music (fig. 47) (31, 40, 59, 172-
4509). 2I, 3I, 32 175, 178, 18 3, 184, 24, 220, 226-229,
Hunyad (257) 35 2, 353, 355, 35~ 37~ 43 8 , 43~ 611~
Huron(-Iroqois) 25 616, 628, 639, 665, 666, 691. 692, 692a,
Hutu (469, 36 55 a ), 34 73~ 811, 821, 83i, 952, 964, 1280, 1283,
Hyderabad (3277) 1318, 1349, 1577a, 1608, 1850, 1851,
Iawa 35 1852, 2010, 2040b, 274, 275, 217,
Ibani 3I 2108, 2241a, 2387, 2497, 2692, 2710,
Ibiza (1332b, 2787),34 2711, 2722. 2723, 2821, 29O, 2929, 2938,
Ibo (287, 1619a, 2080a, 2695, 2983, 3146, 2939, 2940, 294 1, 29 6 5, 2973, 2974, 3120,
43 6 9),3 I 3 17 1, 3 19 2, 3 20 3, 3 24, 3 216 , 333 1, 333 2,
Iceland (728 (vol. IIp. 76), 782, 1583, 1585, 3333, 3335 a , 334 8-3353, 3507, 3508 ,
1686a, 1955, 2582, 2582a, 3188, 3807a, 359, 35 11a, 35 20 , 35 82 , 36 5 8, 3830,
474,475,4428), 3I. See also: Scandinavia 38 38 , 3848a, 3849, 3850, 3891, 3929,
(general). 3974, 4022, 402 3, 4026b , 427, 428,
Ifaluk (552a) 4030, 431, 4032, 4 101 , 4159a, 4188,
Ifni (2554, 2555, 2555 a ) 4250, 43 14, 4379, 43 85, 45 20 ), 23, 25, 26,
Igorot (3759) 27,28,29,3 0 , 3I , 32, 33, 35, 54. See also:
Ila (3532a) Assam, Bhutan, Kashmir, Nepal, Sik-
Illyrians (2412) kim.
Incas (50 (pp. 192, 194.23). 68, 213. 39, 558, C. South India in and after the Moghul
1599, 160o, 1943, 2487, 24 88 24 89, 2490, period:
2818, 2832, 2913a, 3048a, 3656, 4211) a. tribal and folk music (182, 1023, 3608,
Indiana (2998, 3002) 392 4)
Indian subcontinent (excl. Assam, Ceylon, b. classical music (12, 34. 37. 38, 41, 41a,
Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim): 42.59,113.113d,636,641,834.835,953,
A. Before the Moghul period, and in gene- 962a, 2037, 2038, 239, 2040a, 2040b,
ral: 2041, 242, 243, 2043a, 2043b, 2043C;
a. tribal and folk music (170, 181, 185, 2197, 2323b, 2704a, 2704b, 2756a, 2962,
198a, 219, 434, 640, 1313, 2011) 2968,397,398,399.3116,3189.3202,
b. classical music (25, 35, 36, 43, 113c, 113d, 325 2-3 293. 3 295, 3 29 6, 3299, 33 0,
115, 167, 171-180, 186, 189-192, 196- 33 1, 3306 , 3308a, 339, 3314-3323,
19 8b, 204. 293, 35 1, 354, 4 14,43 6,499, 3335 a , 3335b, 3335c 333 6 , 3337, 3339-
561. 611, 611b, 612, 639, 675, 740-743, 334 2d , 335 1, 3357, 3479, 35 10 , 35 11 ,
761, 784, 785, 808, 8og, 810, 812, 818, 3605, 3606, 3612 , 3614, 3616-3623b,
822, 832, 837, 961, 962, 967, 969, 1028, 3 6 57 a , 382 5, 3844, 3845, 401), 25, 27,
1110, 1144, 1219, 1282, 1287, 1288, 1289, 28,29, 3I, 33, 54. See also: Ceylon.
1290, 1301, 1305. 1350,-1353a, 148, Indochina (incl. Annam, Cambodia, Dong-
1453, 1476, 1477, 147 8 , 1478a, 1521, s'on, Kachin, Karen, Laos, MOl, Pemsians,
1534, 1535, 1562a, 15 8 7, 1685a, 1848, Sedang, Tonkin, Viet-nam) (442, 55, 506,
1849, 1853, 1855, 188o, 1885, 1957, 2011. 728 (vol. I p. 232), 736, 790, 818b, 966,
2040. 2056a, 2657, 217, 2108, 2128a, 1023a, 1249, 1447, 1448 , 1449, 1460, 1462,
2184, 2273, 2323a , 23 81 , 2448, 2510, 1463, 1479. 1533, 164 2, 1644, 1645, 1845,
2511, 2692, 2721, 273 2, 2734, 2819, 2821, 1978, 1995, 205, 225 1, 2252, 2258, 226o,
2838, 2839, 2840, 2889, 2890, 2899, 2928, 2418b, 2274, 2444, 25 16, 25 17, 2519, 2525,
2929,293,3123,3210,3217,3225,3289, 2526, 2527, 2530, 25 8 7, 273 8 , 2739, 2740,
3294, 3297, 3298, 3302 -33 08 , 3308b , 2758, 2772a, 2873, 3013, 3 I12 , 3113. 3123,
33 10 , 33 11 , 33 22a , 33 24. 3330, 3334. 3 177, 3335, 337~ 368~ 37 23, 37 84 b , 381 4,
3335 a , 333 8 , 335 1, 3354-3357, 3393 a 38 39, 38 75, 395 2, 3977, 4 14 8, 4 197, 4 26 9 a ,
3477, 3478 , 3480, 35 06 , 35 10, 35 14, 353 1, 4349a), 26, 29, 3I. See also (in Index I):
3567, 3582, 367, 3609, 3610, 3611 , 361 3, brass (bronze) drums.
3614,3615,3652,3655,3714,3735,3838, Indo-Germans (1678)
3843, 3846, 3894, 3902, 3926-39 29. Indonesia (general) (figs. 36, 41, 53, 55, 57,
394 1a 3949, 3950, 395 2, 39 66 , 396 7, 58) (195, 206, 478, 482, 800, 967, 968, 978,
3969, 3978, 3979, 49, 4 24, 4026 , I139, 1142, 1449, 1531, 1646, 1647, 1744c,
4026a , 4026c , 432, 4062, 4250, 4433 (p. 1878, 1879, 234 2, 2365, 2368, 2369, 237 1,
31),4535a),43,53,55, 64, 65 2372, 2375, 2379, 23 8o , 23 81 , 23 82 , 23 88 ,
B. North India in and after the Moghul 2393, 2398, 24, 2408, 24 12 , 24 15, 24 17,
period: 2547, 254 8 , 27 24, 2822, 28 7 2, 28 73, 28 74,
2952. 30 42 353 1 37 21 37 23. 38 76 3894. 2779. 2780. 27 88 2793. 2876a. 2914. 2916,
3945. 4 183.4380 44 63. 446 4). I2. 23. 24. 25. 29 27. 30 49a 309 1 3 158 3 175. 3 177 (p. 144
26. 28. 3I .33. 34. 35. 39. 40. 43,44. 45. 46 ff.). 3183. 3184. 3185. 3223. 3380. 3586.
52. 54. 57. 60. 64. 65. See also: Alor, Am- 37 8 5. 382 9b. 3830a 38 35 a 3894 a , 4003.
bon. Aru Islands. Atjeh (Achin). Babar. 4035, 43 6, 44 1 44 2 4045. 4062a 4103.
Badujs. Bali, Banggai Archipelago, Ban- 4 138, 4206a 4 28 5. 4350. 43 61 443 8 4457.
yuwangi. Batak. Benkulen. Borneo. Cele- 4516a). I2. 23. 25. 27, 29.30 3I .35. 36.54.
bes. Flores, Halmaheira Hindu-Java. Java. 64, 65
Jogjakarta. Kai Islands. Kisar. Koer. Jarma (1677). 24
kronchong (in Index I). Kubu. Leti. Lio. Jaunde (1278, 1637, 2972)
Madura (Indon.). Manggarai. Manuwoko. Java (figs. 53 and 62) (III. 188, 193. 194,387.
Minangkabau. Moluccos. Nage. Ngada, 47 1 - 477.4 81 - 49 0,53 6 1449. 15 28 15 29.
Nias. Nicobars. Pantar. Pnihing. Roma, 1530. 1593. 1635, 186 7, 18 77. 2051. 2264.
Rote. Salayar. Sarawak. Savu. Semarang. 23 16, 2359 a 2359 d 23 63. 23 65. 237.2372.
Seran. Siak. Solor. Sula Islands, Sumatra, 2375, 237 8, 237 8a 23 81 23 84, 23 86, 2397.
Sumba. Sumbawa. Sunda districts. Sura- 2399, 2407. 24 09. 2414. 2418. 2536. 2822.
karta. Timor, Toraja. Uliasse. West-Java. 3 177 (p. 16 5 ff.), 3182. 3205, 3251. 3552.
Ingesana (3452) 374 2 386 4, 388 5. 3886 3886a 3890. 3952,
In Salah 35 453 2b). 23. 25. 28, 52.57. 60.
Iran, see: Persia 64. 65 See also: Hindu-Java. Sunda dis-
Iraq (162. 1201. 3428). 30 tricts.
Ireland (13 2, 144, 540. 541. 542, ]48. 1281. Jerba (2514)
133 8 1597, 1632a. 1633. 20 3 1 2113, 2114. Jews (154b. 529. 564. 826, 842. 1119, 1243.
2676, 3049b. 3086, 3087. 3088. 389, 3090, 12 93, 1399. 1402 1402a, 1402d. 1482, 1514,
3121.3123.3164,3165.4139). 24.]I. 35 1687. 17 26 , 1739. 2022. 2023, 2024. 2026.
Iroquois (241. 683. 762, 763. 1226. 1227.2419. 202 7. 2028. 251. 2127a. 2179. 2307. 2514.
2420. 242~ 2431. 2432. 2437. 2438~ 3 12 4), 2599, 26 46 . 34 88 35 13. 35 63a , 3580, 3626.
25, 3 2 3 6 3816 39 13. 435 8a 39 14. 39 15. 39 15a. 3930.
Islay 25 43 22 43 27, 435 2 4354. 4355, 435 8 445 1).
Isleta (947a) 3I. 34. See also: Hebrew etc. Israel. Pales
Israel (529. 564. 842. 1402b. 1482. 2127, 3123. tine. Tlemcen.
3245.3564.4354). See also: Hebrew, Jews. Jhabua (2119)
Palestine. Jivaro (2767 (p. 167), 4433 (p. 51))
Issansu (3366 (p. 89 ff.)) Jogjakarta (1528, 15 29. 1530. 2378a), 35
Istria (118. 2138b. 2350. 3851) Juchitan (2652)
Italy (ancient and medieval) (48. 231, 310. Jurupari (3487)
311, 313. 314. 708. 728 (vol. II p. 192). Jutland (2326)
842. 843a, 852, 1061. 1089. 1496, 1968. Kaa-ihwua (3972)
25 88a. 2682. 2683. 3527. 3787. 43 23. 4533C) Kabardinian 33
Italy (modern) (incl. Calabria. Capri. Lom- Kabre (4535) 24
bards. Naples. Sardinia. Savoy, Sicily) Kabyls (71. 290. 3818 ), 35
(390. 390a. 581, 708. 728 (vol. II p. Kachin (4433 (p. 32))
19 2). 1061. 1152. 1153, 1154. 1213, Kachinses (3085)
1215.1228,1392.2599.2964.2964a,3093b. Kadiri (III. 3864, 3885)
3123. 4085a. 4 18 7). 3I. 34. 66 Kafiristan (62)
Iteso (757a. 2570) Kagaba (4506b)
Ituri region (3693). 3I Kaibab Paiutes (3649)
Ivela (153) Kai Islands (1404 (p. 69 ff.). 1863, 2385,
Ivory Coast (incl. Baule. Ebrie. Kono) 286 4 (p. 198 H.). 3417). 25
(1I4 8a . 2453). 26. 27. 28. ]I. 34. 35 Kaingang. see: Caingua
Iwalapeti 30 Kairo. see: Cairo
Jabo (1710) Kalahari. see: Bushmen
Jalait Mongols (1093) Kalai (153)
Jamtland (386) Kalina 25. 33
Jamaica (2945. 343 2 3433. 3434. 3435. 343 8, Kalimantan. see: Borneo
3439. 344 2), 30. 3I Kamba (191, 2620)
Japan (130, 34 8 349. 386a 453. 454. 47 0a Kamyura. see: Camyura
493a. 581a. 63 2, 728 (vol. II p. 198). 751. Karaja (2869)
778, 832. 838, 850, 1044, 1045. 1048. 1049. Kara Kirghiz (600)
1050.1050a, 1442. 1612-1618a. 1876. 1882, Karanga 25
1949,234.235,2069. 2082,2136a, 2136b, Karelia (418. 1056a)
2136c. 2147. 2265a. 2299a. 2309, 2450a, Karen (275 8 4534)
2450b. 2468. 2469. 2498. 2596. 2685. 2686. Karesau (3727)
Karkar (1983). 25 Kukuya 24, 28, 35
Kasai region (419) IKung Bushmen (1524),36
Kashmir (31, 32, 33. 739, 21 45, 3178). 30, 3I Kunimaipa 25
Kasong026 Kurdistan (2902, 3220, 4246),30,34
Katafon (769) Kuruc (2520i)
Katanga (385a) Kurussa 24
Kate (667a) Kuyu 27
Kayabi 30 Kwakiutl (379, 1014. 1242), 25
Kayapo. see: Cayapo Kwango region (4109)
Kazakhstan (600, 1035. II20, 1121,3866).26, Kwesi (4108), 29
33.34 Kwikuru, see: Quicuru
Kazan Tatars (2495, 3781) Kwiri 3I, 32
Kei Islands, see: Kai Islands Lacand6n (2767 (pp. 105, 170), 2800)
Kelantan (772a) Laguna (3431)
Kentucky 34 Lake Murray 25
Kenya (inc!. Bukusu, Chewa, Girimaya. Ki- Lala (II2e, 2097, 3523a)
kuyu. Kipsigi, Luo, Nyika, Swahili) (61, La Mancha (3937)
1712. 2296. 253 1a, 257 2, 3063. 3 12 3, 3504, Lamba (995)
459).28 Larnid026
Kerala. see: Malabar Laos (818b, 966, 1448, 1995, 2251 (p. 3144
Kerker 35 if.), 3335, 3875), 29
Khabardo-Balhare (1056a) La Plata (4208)
Kharchin Mongols (1093) Lapps (572, 83, 1095 - 1099, 1497, I 744a,
*- Khomani Bushmen (994. 2227) 2559, 25 64, 27 19. 4097, 4443 c). 2I, 32
Khorasan (4010) Lari (3151), 28
Khorchin Mongols (1093) Latin America, see: Central America, South
Khorchin jasaktu Mongols (1093) America
Khwarism (= Khoresm) (318a, l205a) Latvia (356, 1403, 2125, 2126, 2177, 3122,
Kickapoo Indians (683, 2797) 35 1 9, 4004a)
Kigali (2266b) Lausitz (1627)
Kikiyu (3504) Ubou 27
Kimbisa 28 Leeward Islands, see: Antigua, Guadeloupe,
Kindiga (3366 (p. 19)) Virgin Islands
Kiowa Indians (2797, 3405). 25,36 Leon 25
Kipsigi 28 Lepcha (= Rong) (4263, 4439)
Kiptchak (600) Leti (3018, 3022 (p. 104 if.))
Kirdi (3679), 26 Lewis. Island of, (92), 25
Kirghiz (585, 600, 1904, 2495, 2635, 4236, Libanon (3947). See also: Druses.
4239,4474,4475),34 Liberia (inc!. Balanta, Bassa, Buzi, Fulup,
Kisar (3022) Gio, Kpelle, Kru, Loma, Mandingo, Mano,
Kissi (3688), 34 Mende) (336, 1479, 1666, 1704, 2087, 2455,
Kiwai (2539) 2630,2881),30,34
Klang (2626) Libya (773. II51), 3I
Koer (3946) Lio (1639, 2383)
Koga 34 Lithuania (223a, 284, 494, 682, 276, 2125a,
Konjo (370, 4 260) 21 77, 2871a, 2915, 2963, 2975, 3 II 9, 3398,
Kon027 353,4494),32
Korana (2217). See also: Hottentots. Livonia (Livland) (2650)
Korea (393a, 750, 1043. 12l2b, 1948, 1991, Loango (2646a, 4433 (p. 30))
2186, 2577b, 2577c, 3177 (p. 142 if.) 4504a, Lobi (2454)
4549 a ) Lodoyo (III, 3885)
Koukouya, see: Kukuya Logo (749a)
Kouroussa. see: Kurussa Lokele (593), 28
Kpelle 30 Lolo (3382, 3386. 4531b)
Krajina (3931) Loma (= Buzi) 3 D, 34
Krim Tatars (2480) Lombards (1228)
Krk (2138b, 3851). 66 Lorraine (3191)
Kroatia, see: Croatia Louisiana (932), 32
Kru (174),30,32 Lovale (4366a)
Kuala Lumpur (371) Lower California (97, 996, 2836). See also:
Kuba (44oa, 2698) Yaqui.
Kubenkranken 27 Loyalty Islands (inc!. Lifu, Uvea) (552, 4433
Kubu (1894) (p. 39 ff .))
Luba (553, 2796a, 4106), 25. 28 Mandaka 3I
Luba/Sanga 28 Mandalay (1982)
Lubaantum (2114a) Mandan (872), 36
Luchuans (2135. 3515, 35 16, 4445. 444 6) Mandingo (336, 1479, 2455, 2567a). 30
Luchazi (4366a) Manggarai (1639, 2383)
Lucumi (= Cuban Yoruba) (373, 3077). z8 Mangbetu (359),34
Luena (4366a) Mangutu (749a)
Luisei'io (3446) Man034
Luluabourg (2266b) Manuwok025
Lummi Indians (344), 36 Maori (77, 78, 79, 8o, 345, 346, 528, 992.
Lunda (2046a, 3060a, 3366a, 4366a) 1052a, 1064, 1481, 1506, 1966. 2189, 310,
Luo 25. 28 3 173, 3970 ,4433 (p. 44 ff.)), 29
Luoluo (3177 (p. 154)) Mapuche (4098)
Lusatians. see: Sorbes Maputo, see: Mozambique
Luzern (1368) Maquiritare 25, 35
Luzon, see: Philippines Maramures (263)
Maa 26 Maricopa (1709)
Mabuti, see: Mbuti Mariiske (1056a)
Macedonia (120, 121, I22a, 674, 771. 979, Marowijne River (3487), z6, 33
1245 - I248a, 1570. 23 19, 4150, 4200. 4433 Marquesas (incl. Fatu hiva, Uapu) (106o,
(p. 28 ff.)), 25, 29,30, 32 1450, 1595, 1596, 2628, 394 2, 4433 (p. 44
Macedo-Rumanians 35 ff.)). 66
Madagascar (incl. Ambilube, Betsileo, Hova, Marrakesh (1436, 2714, 2715)
Mahafaly, Sakalava, Vezo) (728 (vol. II Martinique 33
p. 37), 1016, 1212a, 1896, 2573, 2573a. Mashona (4116, 4118, 4119)
3 12 3, 3249a , 3347, 352, 35 61 , 3835, 4090) Massa 26
(p. 3214 ff.) 24,3 I , 35 Matabele (2046b)
Madiun (3864) Matakam 26
Madras (3276, 3617). See also: Indian sub- Mato Grosso (3762, 4433 (p. 51 ff.)). 30
continent. Mauhe (2869)
Madrid (2785, 3760) Maupiti (1451), 66
Madura (Indon.) (479,480) Mauritania, see: Moors
Mafulu (4384a) Maya (723, 1607a, 2767 (pp. 112, 169). 3661).
Magdenburg (3644a, 4318) 32
Maghreb (9, 290, 335. 849, 1172D, I I 85B, Mayo (]48)
1185C. 1202, 1357, 3233, 3492). See also: Mazur (3881)
Algeria, Berber tribes, Kabyls, Moors, Mbae (594)
Morocco, Tripolitania, Tunisia. Mbala (417)
Magude, see: Mozambique Mbam (1650)
Mahafaly ]I, 33 Mbaya (205)
Maidu (921, 946) Mbele (597a)
Maikal Hills (1083) Mbeti 35
Majorca (1332b, 3026), 29, 34 Mbochi 27
Makah Indians (3404). 36 Mboko 28, ]I, 35
Makalanga (4117) Mbud03I
Makushi (25, 1925, 1963, 3487) Mbunda 28
Makwa 3I Mbuti (3693), 28, 3I, 34
Mala (2036) Mecca (1I72G)
Malabar (242, 3202, 3271) Mecklenburg (1113)
Malaya (incl. Besisi, Kelantan, Klang, Sakai. Medimurje (4490, 4491)
Selangor, Semang, Pie, Temiar) (214, 371, Mediterranian (491). 3I. See also: a.o.
381, 772a, 967, 1137, 1569, 1930, 2282, Albania, Corsica, Cyprus. Egypt, France,
2379. 2626, 2773,3 859,3975.4433 (p. 32)). Greece, Israel, Italy, Libanon, Maghreb.
28,29,30 ,35 Palestine, Spain, Turkey, Yugoslavia.
Malekula (839, 4433 (p. 39 ff.)) Medje 28
MaHnke 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36 Mekeo (4384a)
Mamberamo Papuans (= Takutamesso) Meknes (2591)
(2366),45 Melanesia (general) (728 (vol. II p. 331), 967,
Mambudo, see: Mbudo 1571, 1692, 1893, 2310, 2868, 3682, 3728,
Mambuti, see: Mbuti 3754, 4057), 44 See also: Admiralties,
Mamvu (749a) Banks Islands, Bismarck Archipelago,
Man, Isle of, (2199) Buka, Fiji Islands, Futuna, Loyalty Is-
Mancha, La, (3937) lands, Malekula, Mortlock Islands, New
Britain, New Caledonia, New Guinea. New Montenegro (308. 990a, 4150), 25, 29, 32
Hebrides, New Ireland, Solomon Islands. Moorea66
Melville Island 25 Moors (657, II85C, 1203, 2594, 2594a , 3495,
Mende (1666,2087, 2630. 2881) 4160,423,4444),27,36
Menomenee (881. 898, 906, 2798. 3859a), 36 Moravia (II, 609, 2058a, 2775, 4004, 4004a,
Meskwaki, see: Fox Indians 422 7)
Mesopotamia (1201, 1206 (p. 228 ff.). 1824, Mordvinia (1056a, 2481, 2485, 4152, 4177)
2670, 32II, 3427, 3428, 3525), 63. See also: Morea. see: Peloponnesos
Assyria, Babylonia, Iraq. Sumerians. Morocco (incl. Atlas mountains, Chleuh, Fes,
Mexico (69, 250. 350, 575. 576. 577, 582, 601. Marrakesh, Meknes, Rabat) (9, 28, 251,
602, 603. 627. 633. 728 (vol. II p. 341), 996. 29 0,33 0 , 335, 644, 64 6, 649 - 657,659. 660 ,
1090, 1331. 133 2, 1332a, 1333, 1393, 1394. 663,718,951,127,134,1436,2590,2591,
1395, 1549, 1550. 155 0a 1573, 1574, 1599. 2600. 2714. 2715, 2765. 2841. 34II, 3412.
1603. 164, 1605. 2295. 2357. 2427-2430. 34 13. 3497. 35 60a 3937, 4073), 3I, 33, 34
2477. 2608, 2652. 27 66 27 67. 2769. 2771. See also: Moors.
2827, 2828, 2829 - 2836b. 3215. 3364. 3378, Mortlock Islands (4433 (p. 39 ft.))
3468, 3590. 359 1, 3662 3808 3809, 3809a, Mosho (205)
3809b. 3863. 3890a, 3953, 4 105. 420 5. 4326, Mossi (II2d), 34
4459. 4460, 44 61 ), 29, 3I, 32 , 33. 36. See Moqui, see: Moki
also: Aztecs. Chiapas, Juchitan, Lacandon, Moundan(g) (3367),26
Maya, Michoacan, Meztecs (= Mixtecs), Mozambique (incl. Chewa, Chindau, Chopi,
Otomi, Seri, Tarascans, Toltecs. Yaqui, Magude. Maputo, Ndau, Ronga, Shangaan,
Zapotecs. Shona, Thonga) (291,292,544, 1712, 21II,
Meztecs, see: Mixtecs 2122, 2123, 2124, 2231, 3523, 4II9, 4120,
Miao (24, 1498, 2015, 2632, 3177 (p. 150 ft.)) 4123), 25
Michigan Indians (2435, 3001) Mozarabs (3464)
Michoacan (601, 1550a, 2357, 2767 (pp. 87, Mpond0 36
108. 157)) Mpondomisi 36
Micronesia (incl. Hok, Haluk, Namoluk, Mpuzuma (2208)
Ponape, Satowal, Truk, Yap) (42, 552a, Mulari. see: Lari
176, 1720, 2012b, 2310, 4057, 4282 , 4433 Mulera-Ruanda (1020)
(p. 44 if.)) Mull 25
Middle East, see: Afghanistan, Armenia, Mundurucu (286g, 3487)
Central Asia, Persia Muntenia (458)
Minangkabau (1626), 28 Muria (1086, 1523)
Minas Gerais (3393) Mwera (2001. 2006, 207, 3377)
Mindoro (738) Mycenae (1467)
Mingrelia (248o, 2484, 2493) Nabaloi (2920)
Minjia (3177 (p. 154)) Naga tribes (44, 3 177 (p. 155)),45
Minnesota (934) Nage (2383), 44
Minorca (1332b) Naimanes (600)
Misharia (2495) Namoluk (4433 (p. 44 ft.))
Mixtecs (2767 (pp. 122, 170), 2800, 3186) Nandi (370)
Moche (50 (p. 72)) Naples (1061)
Modoc (1579) Nas Indians (242)
Mofu (2740a) Navajo (= Navaho) (1710,2799,2800, 3451c)
Mohave Indians 32 25,28,29,32,36
Moi (incl. Bahnar, Die, Maa., Sedang, Yarai) Navarre 29
(2517, 2587), 26 Naxos 30
Mojokerto (3864) Nazca (3657)
Moki (1057) Ndau 36
Moldau (997) Ndau/Garwe 25
Moldavia (II55, 322 7) Ndebele Zulu 28
Moluccos (1244, 2085, 2281, 23 85, 2864, 3417, Ndogo (2134a)
3946,455.4138 (vol. II p. 162 ft.)), 25 Ndut Lieng Krak (736)
Mongolia (incl. Barin, Buryats, Chahar, Near East (ancient and modern) (general)
Chipchin, Daghur, Gorlos, Hailar, Jalait, (842. 1018, II05. 1208 (p. 421 ft.), 1229,
Kharchin, Khorchin, Khorchin J asaktu, 1323. 1370. I402C, 1624, 1802, 1816, 2504,
Olot, Tumet) (1093, 1459, 1625, 1669, 26 75, 3 176 32II , 3233, 3557a, (XIII, p.
2335, 3066, 36 7, 306g, 3 177, 3987, 4037, 44 8 and 450), 3564, 3915a. 43 22 , 4337,
4IIO), 2I, 26, 55 4358), 3I, 32. 33, 34,62,63. See also: Arab
Montana (309), 25 music, Anatolia, Armenia, Assyria, Babylo-
Montana Plain Cree 25 nia, Chaldea. Hebrew, Hebrew-Oriental,
Hebrew-Persian, Hebrew-Syrian, Hittites, Nikki (339)
Iraq, Kurdistan, Libanon, Mesopotamia, Niue (4433 (p. 44 ft.))
Persia, Phoenicia, Sumerians, Syria,Turkey. Nkanu (= Bankanu) (3522)
Negritos, see: Pygmees, Asiatic, Nkumbi (3693)
Nepal (571, 3123, 4532), 30 Nkund(j)o (385, 1456, 1993)
Netherlands (518, 518a, 518b, 705a, 746, 852, Nogai Tatars (2495)
1029, 1030, 1302, 1361, 219, 2IIO, 2128, Nogundi, see: Ngundi
2248b, 2358, 2359, 245, 2586, 2588a, Nootka (923, 1014, 3451),36, 65
2588b, 2886, 3212, 3229, 3698, 4228, 4241, Norfolk 35
446,4421),32. See also: Flanders. Normandy 29
Netherlands Guyana, see: Surinam North America, see: Canada, Eskimo, United
Netsilik Eskimo (3344) States
Neu Mecklenburg, see: New Ireland North American Indians (general) (200, 237,
Neu Pommern, see: New Britain 504, 543, 545, 555, 557, 561 , 62 5, 85 8, 859,
New Britain (= Neu Pommern) (incl. Gazelle 860, 862, 863, 864, 868, 873 - 879, 882 -
peninsula) (1039, 1986 , 198 7, 1988,4433 (p. 892, 894, 895, 899, 900, 901, 904, 908, 911,
39 if.), 45 01 ) 9 13, 9 14, 920, 924, 927, 928, 929, 930, 935,
New Caledonia (372, 4244, 4433 (p. 39 if.), 93 6, 937, 939---945, II03, 12 39, 1240, 1241.
45 13), 35, 36 . 1262, 1267, 1334, 1703, 1716--1719, 1728,
New England (1256) 17 29, 173 1, 1735, 1740, 2262, 2421, 2422,
Newfoundland (1509a, 2140a) 2431, 2608, 2788a, 2801, 2882, 2979,
New Guinea (incl. Ali, Astrolabe Bay, Azera, 2981 , 29 86, 300 5a , 38 4, 3399, 3400, 346,
Fly River, Gogadara, Karesau, Karkar, 3449, 37 84, 3990, 4088 , 44 25, 45 09), I2, 25,
Kate, Kiwai, Lake Murray, Mafulu, Mam- 28, 29, 30, 3I, 32, 36. See also: Canada,
beramo Papuans, Mekeo, Orokaiva, Papua, United States.
Papuan Gulf, Ramu district, Sepik, Sialum, North American Negroes (686, II02, 1235,
Tami, Torres Straits, Trans-Fly, Yabim, 1255,2438d, 2860a, 356.3124,3472, 3671,
Yule Island) (37, 360, 373, 382, 642, 667a, 4310), 29, ]I. See also: Afro-Americans.
668, 1139, 1253, 1253a, 1314a, 1324a, 1483, North California (98)
1486, 1488, 14 89, 15 66 , 1567, 1568, 1694, Northern Rhodesia (219. 995, 2ag3, 2096,
1695, 1874, 18 75, 19 83, 2281, 2366, 2367, 2ag7, 2102, 3523a, 4136d. 4136h, 4136j,
2402, 253 8, 2949, 2950, 3177 (pp. 176, 178 4366a). See also: Ambo, Bachioko, Barotse,
if.), 3201, 3696a, 3727, 3729, 3736, 3810, Ila, Lala, Lamba, Luchazi, Luena, Mbun-
43 8 3, 43 84, 43 8 4a , 4422, 44 23, 4433 (p. da, Ovimbundu, Thonga, Zambesi.
39 if.)), 25, 44, 49, 50, 5 I , 53 Northumberland (144, 623), 35
New Hebrides (incl. Futuna, Malekula) (552, Northwest Greenland (4066)
839, 1253, 39 18 , 4433 (p. 39 ff.)) Northwest Indians (incl. Bellakula, Chinook,
New Ireland (= Neu Mecklenburg) (incl. Coast Salish, Haida, Kwakiutl. Nootka,
Tombara) (6, 1658, 1662, 1892, 1986, 1987, Salish, Tlingit, Tsimshian) (378, 379, 923,
1988, 2308, 2612) 9 25, 926, 1014, 1242, 1334, 1360, 1713.
New Mexico (919, 3127, 3429), 29 17 14, 1746 , 3404. 3430, 345 1 38agb, 3985).
New Zealand (4513). See also: Maori 25,3I
Ngada (1639, 2383), 44 Norway {30, 89,' 93, 333 II, 363-368, 400,
Ngala 28,34 728 (vol. II p. 400), 782, 1056, 1065-1069.
Ngbandi (447, 448) 1375, 1497, 15 13, 1537. 15 6o a, 1674.2538,
Ngoma (3148) 2621, 3082, 3636--3643, 3887, 4516), 32,
Ngundi24, 27, 28,35 35. See also: Scandinavia (general).
Nias (2376, 3177 (p. 170), 4433 (p. 34 if.)), I4, Nova Scotia (761a, 2689a), 30
I5, I6, 45 Novi Pazar (2654)
Nicaragua (846, 1604) Nubi 28
Nicobars (4433 (p. 34 ft)), 54 Nubia (1652)
Nieder-Lausitz (1627) Nuer (4153)
Nigeria (fig. 56) (134, 219, 444, 806, 836, Nuristan, see: Kafiristan
II45, II46, II47, II48, 158o, 1619a, 1621, Nyamwezi (1897), 25, 27, 28
1952, 2080, 2203a, 2544, 2687, 2688, 2688a, Nyasaland (incl. Chewa, Wayao) (1559, 1712,
2688b, 2935a, 3065b, 3604a, 4230), 30, 3I, 29 18 , 3344 a , 2933, 435 1), 25
32, 45. See also: Efik, Ewe, Haussa, lbo, Nyaturu (3366 (p. 65 ff.))
Sokoto, Tiv, Yoruba. Nyika{Chonye 28
Niger Territory (incl. Bambara, Ba'ule, Boro- Nyika{Girimaya 28
ro (AfL), Fulah, Haussa, Jarma, SarakoIe, NyikajKambe 28
Senoufo, Songhai{Zerma, Sonray, Yefe) Nyoro 25,28
(287, II31, 1479, 16 77, 2247, 3123, 3 161, NyorojHaya 28
3230,3231,3871),24,27,35 Nyoro{Toro 28
Oayana (Oyana) (3487), 26. 33 Papago (870. 896. 2767 (po 178). 3702), 29.
Ober-Lausitz (1627) 32 .3 6
Ob-Ugrians (805. 4170. 4173. 4174. 4192). See Papeete (45I3)
also: Cheremiss. Esthonia. Fin-Ugrians. Papi (1216)
Karelia. Livland. Mordvinia. Ostyaks. Papuans. see: New Guinea
Permiaks. Syrianes. Woguls. Wotyaks. Papuan Gulf (668. 4384)
Oceania (general) (2I9, 690. 800. 1252. I253a. Paraguay (inc!. Kaa ihwua) (3364. 3972)
1276. 1649. 282 4. 29 17. 3682 , 3754. 4057. Parikuta (3487)
4072a), 34. See also: Formosa. Hainan. Me- Parintintin (2869)
lanesia. Micronesia. Okinawa. Polynesia, Parsi 34
Ryukyus. Pashtun 34
Ochi region (4364) Passamaquoddy I6
Ofai~-Chavantes (3407) Patagonians (1250. 2579)
Oglala 25 Patamona (3487)
Ogow~ (3502b), 26. 35 Paumotu (547)
Ojibwa. see: Chippewa Pausema (286g)
Okandi 24.27,28 Pawnee (870,897. 2797). I9. 25. 36
Okinawa (2135. 21 36 . 35 15. 35 16 4445, 4446), Pecory district (2708)
30 6 5 Peda (769)
Okomiut Eskimo 30 Pedjeng (1866. 3017)
Olot Mongols (1093) Peloponnesos (= Morea) (3159. 3241), 30
Oltenia (458) 'Pemsians' (790)
Omagua (2869) Pende (2266b. 2726. 2727. 2728. 2729. 2731a.
Omaha Indians (931, 1261. 1266) 306 5a 3898). 29. 3 I
Oneida (1227) Penobscot (39II)
Onondaga (1227), 32 Perak (214.371).33
Oran 34 Pere 34
Ordos (= Orlos, Urdus) (3066, 3067) Permiaks (2336. 2480. 315). See also: Fin-
Orinoco (723. 844),35 Ugrians.
Orleans 29 Persia (inc!. Papi. Sassanids) (
Orokaiva 25 249. 639. 667. 954. 1165. 1183. 1185E.
Osage Indians (1259, 1265) II 85F. II 85G. II92. II93. II94. 1204.
Ossetes (lo56a. 2480. 2484) 1212. 1216. 1314. 1452. 1980. 2020. 2257.
Ost-Mbam-Land (1650) 2520. 2534. 2671. 2902. 4010). 23. 27. 28.
Ostyaks (85 (p. 148). 970. 402Ia. 4171) 3 I 34. 43. 64. 65 See also: Azerbaijan.
Otoe Indians 25 Hebrew-Persian. Khorasan.
Otomac (3487) Peru (inc!. Aymara. Inca. Moche. Nazca.
Otomi (1332. 2767 (pp. 19. 20. 122. 150. 151. Quechua) {50. 68. 128. 128a. 128b. 213.
154). 28 3 1).3 2 309. 493. 558. 606. 1599 - 1603. 1606. 1929,
Ottawa (2434), 3 2 1943. 2045. 2487 - 2490. 27 6 7 (pp. 96. 167.
Ovakuanyana (2233) 168). 2796. 2818. 2832. 29I3a. 3048a. 3123.
Ovambo (2233) 346 7. 35 24. 3653. 3656 3657. 4 182 4 27.
Ovimbundu (1715. 4366a) 4 2II ). 29. 3I
Oxfordshire 35 Peul. see: Fulah
Oyampi (286g) Philippines (incl. Hanun06. Igorot. Luzon.
Oyana. see: Oayana Mindoro. Sagada. Tinguian) (22a. 224. 738.
Pacific. see: Oceania 855. 13 24. 1520. 2677. 2677a. 26g6. 2697.
Padleirmiut Eskimo 34 27 Ila. 27 17a . 347 1. 3647. 36 74. 375 8. 3759.
Pahouins. see: Fang 4283.4433 (p. 34 ft.)). 30. 3 I
Paiute {3648. 3649).36 Phoenicia (32II. 4533a (p. 65)). 43
Pakistan (4. 2074, 27 22 27 23), 29. 30. See Phrygia (3132)
also: Indian subcontinent. Piaroa 25. 35
Palembang (2403) Picuris (1620)
Palestine (529. 564. 786, 787. II05. 1243. Pila (I354a)
1273. 1514. 1840d. 2277, 2307. 2322. 2622. Pima Indians (1721). 32
2646. 32II. 3580. 3930. 43 22 . 43 27. 4354. Pindi 29. 3I
4533a (p. 65 ff.)), 28. 3I. See also: Druses, Pl~ {4433 (po 3 2))
Hebrew. Israel. Jews. Pl~-Temiar (1569). 28. 30. 33
Palikur Indians (3023b) Pnihing 26
Pamitu (4187a) Pogoro (774. 2667a)
Panama (877. 880. 1355. 23 23. 4530) Poitou 29
Pangw~. see: Fang Poland (II2a. 200a, 329. 355a, 373a. 676a
Pantar {4202 (p. 267 ft.)) 1034. 1386. 1581. 2277a. 2280. 2875. 3042a
3602. 3700. 3879, 3880. 3881. 3882. 4103a. Rong, see: Lepcha
4181a 4390, 447 1) Rong? (2123).
Polynesia (general) (527. 547 - 552. 690, 728 Rote (2584)
(vol. II p. 471). 1276, 1571. 305 1. 3754, Roucouyenne (3487)
3859b, 4057). I6, 29, 3I, 66. See also: Ruanda/Urundi (393, 469, 470. 1020, 1916,
Aotearoa, Cook Islands, Fatu hiva, Fiji 2743a, 2849, 2850, 2860b, 2860d, 3125,
Islands. Futuna, Gilbert Islands. Hawaii, 3655a). See also: Batwa (Twa). Hutu,
Maori, Marquesas. New Zealand. Niue, Tutsi.
Paumotu. Samoa, Society Islands, Tahiti. Rumania (incl. Banat, Bu' ovina, Dobrucha,
Tonga, Tuamotu. Moldavia. Muntenia, Oltenia, Sieben-
Pom035 biirgen, Walachia) (51.52,53,54, 54a, 201,
Ponape (4433 (p. 44 ff.)) 202, 256, 257, 261, 262, 263, 265. 266, 274,
Ponca 25 33 1, 421 , 45 8, 460, 466 495, 49 6 , 497, 588 ,
Pontic Greeks 30 677-681, 709, 710, 733, 973, 1010, 101Oa,
Port au Prince (3503) 1155. 1451a, 2054, 255, 2155, 2168, 2520n,
Portugal (341. 374, 1327, 1329, 1480. 2120. 2525a, 2610, 2637, 2908, 30II, 314, 3123,
2121, 2824a. 28 9 8 3008, 3425. 3470. 3701. 3227,3228, 3228a, 3238, 3239. 3216a. 3418.
4 184).35 34 19, 34 20 , 3459, 3670, 3837a , 3935, 4021C
Portugese East Africa. see: Mozambique (Nos. 12 and 28), 4137, 4205a, 4227, 4249,
Portugese Guinea (1469a) 426 7, 4268 , 43 28 4377, 447 2, 449 2, 4493,
Portugese West Africa, see: Angola 45 2 , 453, 456, 4510, 4551), 2I, 29, 32,
Provence (I051,2737a).29 35. See also: Arumanians.
Pskoff35 Rumelia (3ooa, 2844). See also: Rhodope
Pueblo Indians (incl. Acoma. Bonito, Cochi- mountains.
ti. Hopi, Isleta, Moki. Santo Domingo Rundi (3047), 34. See also: Burundi.
Pueblo, Taos, Zuni) (902, 909, 919. 947a, Russia (incl. Caucasus) (II3, II3a, 202a,
1057. 1236, 1438. 1440, 1705. 1721, 2II7. 289a, 290, 324, 325. 465, 670, 724. 728a,
343 1 345 1C), 29. 32, 3 6 974, I056a, 1094. IIOO, 1594. 2137, 2146,
Puerto Rico (560, 847, 1090, 16II, 2652a, 2187. 2278, 2279, 2280, 2280a, 2336, 2347,
43 12 ), 3I 2449, 2462, 2480 - 2485. 2493. 2495, 262 4.
Puget Sound Indians (344, 343).36 2625, 2625a, 278, 2875. 2928. 2960, 2961,
Puget Sound Salish (3430) 2987. 2992, 3012. 315. 3106. 3 12 3, 3250,
Puinave 25. 35 3512, 3697b, 3700, 3707. 374 6 37 81 37 8 3,
Punjab (739). 28 3817,3888. 3889. 394 0b 3954 a ; 4006. 4152,
Pygmies, African (469. 3502a 3502b, 3693, 4 175, 4 177. 421 9, 4 238 4377). 3I. 3 2 , 35
3694, 4156, 4157), n. 26, 28, 36, 5I. See See also: Baltic States.
also: Babinga. Batwa (Twa), Mbuti Ryiikyii's (incl. Amami Islands, Luchuans,
Pygmies, Asiatic. (II37) Okinawa) (2135, 2136. 3515. 3516. 4445.
Pyrenees (3222) 4446), 25, 30, 65
Pyuma 25 Sagada (province) (2677a)
Quebec (236) Sahara (3123). See also: Tuareg.
Quechua (128a, 128b, 493, 3653), 29 Saisett 25
Queensland (457) Sakai (4433 (p. 32)). 35
Quicuru 27 Sakalava 24
Quilcute (923). 36 Sakhalin (2069)
Quinault Indians (344), 36 Salayar (1865. 3725)
Qunantuna (4501) Salish (1014, 1713, 1746, 3430)
Rabat (3413) Saliva (3487)
Rada (2859) Saloum (1016a)
Rajahstan (614). 28 Sambesi, see: Zambesi
Ramu district (1483) Samoa (526, 905, 1450, 2282, 3868, 4433 (p.
Reddi tribe (4512) 44 fL))
Rhaetoromania (2709) San Andres 33
Rhenania (3II) Sandchak (4201)
Rhodesia, see: Northern Rhodesia, Southern San Domingo (143. 744. 135 8 3027)
Rhodesia Sanga 35
Rhodope mountains (539, 2154). See also: San Ildefonso Indians 29, 32. 36
Rumelia. San Paolo Matese 3I
Rio Grande do SuI (3008a) San Salvador (232)
Rio Plata (586) Santa Ana Indians 32
Rio Xingu, see: Xingu Santa Catharina 35
Roanoke (622) Santander (565), 25
Roma (3022) Santo Domingo Pueblo (919)
Sara (1348) Siberia (general) (17, 1092. 1097, 2495, 4449),
Sara-Kaba (1670) 45. See also: Altai peoples, Bashkirs, Bok-
Sarakole 27 hara. Circassian Tatars, Kachinses. Ka-
Sarawak (2951, 3485, 3829) zakhstan, Kirghiz, Mongols, Nogai Ta-
Sardinia (II52, II53, II54, 4187), 3I, 35, 66 tars, Ordos, Ostyaks, Sakhalin, Sarts, Tad-
Sarts (146, 585) jik. Turkestan, Turkmenes, Uzbekistan,
Sassanids (249, 667, II92) Woguls, Wotyaks, Yakuts.
Satowal (4433 (p. 44 ff.)) Sicily (1213, 4085a), 3I. 66
Savoy (581, 4087) Siebenbiirgen (265)
Savu (4363) Sierra Leone (2087). See also: Mende.
Saxony 35 Sika (1639)
Sazek 35 Sikkim (1869, 3221, 4221, 4263, 4439), 27
Scandinavia (general) (85, 86, 88, 89, 93, 59, Silesia (609, 1548)
780, 782, 1056, 1537, 1584, 2009, 2896, Sin-kiang 26
3831, 4077, 4270, 4523). See also: Den- Sioux (861, 865, 869, 938, 949, 2910), 25. 28,
mark, Faeror, Finland, Iceland, Lapps, 3 I ,36
Norway, Sweden. Siriono (3737)
Scotch-Gaelic (573, 3826, 3827). 25. See also: Siuai (3062)
Hebrides. Siva Oasis (3699)
Scotland (92, 132, 144, 573, 63 8 , 706. 787a, Siwah (933)
1268, 1297. 1300, 1503, 1506. 15II, 2623, Six Nations (1225)
2891,3123,3194.3480b,3826.3827),25,32, SUne (81)
34 Skipetars, see: Albania
Sea Dyak (1470) Skokomish Indians (344),36
Sedang (1448. 2517), 26 Skye 25
Selangor (371, 2626) Slavs (2348, 3106, 3602, 3700). See also:
Semai (1930) Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia,
Semang (II37, 4433 (p. 32)), 35 Sorbes, Wends, Yugoslavia.
Semarang (2051) Slovakia (264, 269, 609. 1985, 2321, 2321a,
Seminoles (910, 947), 25 2716. 2990, 3200, 3206, 3213, 3214, 4021C
Sena (3953a) (No. 13). 4 14, 422 5, 43 13, 4467)
Seneca Indians (737, 1227), 25, 36 Slovenia (1974, 2356a, 2752, 3971a, 4476), 25,
Senegal (inc!. Lebou, Fulah (peuI) , Wolo) 29,3 2
(33 2, 336 , 1479, 152, 2455. 3 161 ), 3I Smith Sound Eskimo (2577)
Senegambia (inc!. Mandingo, Wolof) (332, Society Islands (inc!. Maupiti, Moorea, Tahi-
336.1479,1502,2455,3161),3I ti) (760, 3051, 3447). 3I, 66
Senouf027 Sokoto (fig. 56) (1621, 1952), 45
Sepik (1253, 3201, 4423) Solomon Islands (inc!. Ambrym, Bougain-
Seran (2083a, 3579i, 3579j, 4055) ville, Buka), (372, 1551a, 19II, 1915, 236,
Serbia (282, 779, 981 - 984, 1457, 1748, 259, 3061, 3062 )
2060 - 2064, 2354, 2571a, 2572a, 2654, Solor (4202 (p. 230, 238))
2720, 3521, 3860, 393 1, 4198, 4199, 4443b, Solothurn (1526)
4486, 4521), 25, 29, 3I, 32, 34. See also: Somali (1017, 1536, 1651). 24
Yugoslavia (general). Somerset 35
Seri (2767 (p. 177, 178),2800),29 Songhai/Zerma 27, 35
Severo-Ossetes (1056a). See also: Oss~tes. Sonora (2836)
Shan States (1249, 3370) Somay (3495a), 24
Shangaan (4II9) Sorbes (1627)
Shawnee (2978, 2980, 4242) Soss036
Shetlands 25 Sotho 25, 28, 36
Shi (2852, 2856), 3I, 34 Soule (1330)
Shilluk (4 153), 33 South Africa (fig. 50 and 52) (100, 109, 216,
Shipibo 30 21 9, 28 9, 389, 437, 440, 449, 450, 45 1, 45 2,
Shona/Karanga 25 570, 1024, 1362, 1960, 2046b, 2124, 2208,
Shona/Ndau/Garwe 25 229, 2210. 2212-2216, 2219, 2221-2225,
Shoshone Indians (2797), 36 2229, 2230, 2231, 2233, 2644, 2663, 343,
Siak 57 347 6, 3523, 3588, 3861, 39 16, 3917, 4058,
Sialum (667a) 4II5, 4II6. 4II7, 4II8, 4121, 4122, 4 126,
Siam (Thailand) (102, 214, 101I, 1026, 1027, 4129b, 4363, 4304, 4305, 4433 (p. 51 ff),
1028, 1499, 1920, 2364, 2759, 3177 (p. 162 4526, 4527, 4528) .. See also: Bacca, Bantu,
ff.), 3234, 3235, 3236, 3329a, 3832, 3875, Basuto. Bechuana, Bushmen, Cape Malays,
9348 , 3993, 446, 4 221 , 422 9), I8, 23,29, Matabele. Mpondo, Mpondomisi, Ndau,
3I, 32, 54, 57. See also: Laos. Mpuzuma. Ndebele Zulu, Shangaan, Sotho,
Swazi, Thonga, Venda, Waseruru, Xhosa, bu, Minangkabau, Palembang, Siak) (3,
Zingili, Zulu. 1626, 1685, 1894, 2315. 2369, 2375, 2379,
South America (general) (II4, 127, 388, 401, 2403, 2757, 3177 (p. 168),4433 (p. 34 if.)).
62 7, I038a, 1090, 1299, 149, 1430, 1471, 57
1573, 1574, 1605, 1690, 2044, 2608, 2768, Sumba (2344, 2345 (passim), 3473)
27 88a, 3741, 3784, 3869a, 43 09, 4425, 4480, Sumbawa (inci. Bima, Donggo) (1059)
4481), 5I. See also: Argentina, Bolivia, Sumerians (1018, I186. II97F. 1339, 1341,
Brazil, Caribs, Chili. Colombia, Ecuador, 1802,2679.3564. 3939a , 43 22 . 4533 a (p. 60
French Guyana. Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, ft.)), 65
Uruguay. Venezuela. Sundadistricts (2359b, 2359C, 2370 (p. 283ft.),
South Dakota Oglala Sioux z5 2397, 2399 (p. 356 ft.)). Z3, 35, 5Z
South East Asia (I12b, 728 (vol. I p. 232), Surakarta z3
2873, 3723. 4349a. 4532b, 4541). See also: Surinam (incl. Nickery, Oayana, Trio) (584,
Burma. Cambodia, Indochina. Indonesia, 734. 735, 1270, 1425. 1426, 1428. 228 3.
Laos, Philippines. Siam. Viet-nam. 228 4, 2609. 3100-3 13, 348 7. 3706 , 4433
South(east) Europe (4443a, 4468) (p. 51 ft.)). 3I 33
South India, see: Indian subcontinent Sutton Hoo (516)
Southern Rhodesia (incl. NdaufGarwe. Mas- Svanes (248o, 2484)
hona. Makalanga. Ndebele Zulu. Shangaan, Sverdlow (670)
Shona/Karanga. Shona/Ndau/Garwe. Zam- Swahili (3123), 25, z8
besi. Zezuru) (546. 2000, 3833, 3833a, 3878, Swazi (17)
4058, 4 I1 7, 4 I18 , 4I19, 4 136h , 4 136i , 4 136j, Sweden (incl. Gothland, Jamtland) (81, 82,
4284), z5, z8 83.85-91.94,142.386,572,587,782.132.
South Uist, see: Uist 1303. 145, 146, 1744a, 2540, 2892, 2893,
Southwest Africa (incl. Ovakuanyana, Ovam- 28 94, 301 4, 3030, 30 36, 30 37, 3038. 359,
bo) (2233, 4264) 306 5, 497, 4185. 4270, 4508). See also:
Spain (incl. Andalusia, Arabian Spain, Ara- Scandinavia (general).
gon, Asturias, Baleares, Basques, Catalo- Swinomish Indians (3404), 36
nia, Extramadura. Galicia (Sp.). Hispano- Switzerland (incl. French Switzerland, Ger-
Arabs. La Mancha, Leon, Madrid. Navarre, man Switzerland. Rhaetoromania) (637,
Santander, Spanish Jews, Zaragoza) (5, 728 (vol. II p. 717), 1019, 1052. 1348a,
25 1, 343, 344. 344a . 396 , 397, 398, 399, 1368, 1369. 1387, 1388. 1515. 15 26 , 1527,
56 5, 583, 624. 724. 728 (vol. I p. 296), 728a, 1563. 1990, 27 09, 28 42, 3 12 3, 3481 , 34 83,
828. 999, 1000. 1001. 1003. 104. 105, 34 84. 4053. 4099. 4 100, 4499, 4500. 454 2),
1005a. 1005b, I115. 1II9, I123, I150, 34. See also: Alp peoples, and in Index I:
I185D, 1203. 1326, 1327, 133 2b , 1357, Alphorn. yodeling.
1367, 1413-1422, 1575. 162 4, 1750, 2340, Syria (391. 702. II 73, 125, 1323, 1623, 2013.
255~ 2552~ 2651, 2714. 2783-2787. 288~ 2020. 2077. 2078, 279, 3132. 32II, 3947,
288 7, 2898. 3026, 3052, 364, 392, 3 12 9. 4332). 3I. See also: Hebrew-Syrian.
3 133, 3152a, 3242, 3408, 3409. 34 10, 345 8a, Syrianes (2480)
3464, 3469, 3470, 3495. 35 87, 3645. 3646 , Tabwa z8
371, 3749. 3750, 375 1, 375 2, 3753, 3760, Tadjik (146, 2888, 3812),33.34
37 64. 3764a , 3765. 3765a. 3766, 37 67, 3770, Tahaa (1451)
377 2, 393 6, 3937, 4 I I I , 4 I12 , 4 II 3. 4 14 1. Tahiti (76o, 3447, 4433 (p. 44 ft.)). 66. See
4147,4203,4206.4444,4543).Z5.29,30,3I, also: Maupiti, Moorea. Papeete, Society
34 Islands.
Spanish Guinea (142, 1469a, 2016a) Taiping (371)
Spanish]ews 34 Taiwan, see: Formosa
Spanish West Africa (inci. Ifni, Spanish Takutamesso. see: Mamberamo Papuans
Guinea) (25 1, 578. 142, 2554, 2555, 2555a) Tamasna35
Sporads, see: Dodecanesos Tambacunda (2567a)
St, Lucia (767, 768) Tami 25
Styria (4443) Tamil (636, 3098). See also: Indian subconti-
Sudan (incl. Azande, Ingessana, Nuer. Shil- nent (sub C).
luk) (I12C, 289, 769. II57, I187, II97E, Tanganyika (incl. Bena, Gogo, Haya, Hehe,
1443, 1443 a , 1443 b . 1443c , 1628. 1744b, Isansu, Kikuyu, Kindiga.. Mwera, Nyam-
1840d. 2134a, 25 84a 3 12 3. 345 2, 3454, wezi. Nyaturu, Nyoro/Haya, Pogoro, Wa-
4153, 4155), 28, 3I, 33. See also: French sukuma. Zaramo) (774, 775, 1897, 1900,
Sudan. 1996a. 2006, 207, 2296, 23 0 3. 2667a, 2903.
Suebia 35 3366, 3377, 4 136). 25, z7, z8
Sula Islands (1993a) Tanimbar Islands (2281 (p. 257 ft.))
Sula wesi, see: Celebes Tanjore (692b)
Sumatra (incl. Atjeh, Batak, Benkulen, Ku- Taos 25, z9, 36
2 65
Tarahumare Indians (2767 (p. 178). 2797) Tuamotu (548)
Tarascans (601. 1550a) Tuareg (1872. 2606). 24, 32 35
Tariana (3487) Tukan6 (3487)
Taruma (3487) Tule Indians (877, 880)
Tasmania (3486) Tumba (687)
Tatars (15. 1056a, 2067. 2462. 2480. 2481. Tumereha (205)
2495. 3093 a 3 105. 37 81 ). 33 Tumet Mongols (1093)
Tatar Tadjik 33 Tun Huang (3715)
Taulipang (205. 1925. 1963) Tunisia (5. II 19. II 49, 1446. 1624, 1891,
Tayal (44ss (p. 37)) 249 6 2505. 3983). 23, 3I
Tchad (1411. 3367) Tupi-Guarani (incl. Apiaka. Aueto. Caingua.
Tchuwassians (1056a. 2481) Camayura. Chipaya, Chiriguano, Cocoma,
Tembe (2869) Curuaya. Guarani. Guarayu. Karaja. Mau-
Tembeling (2618) M, Mundurucu, Omagua, Oyampi, Parin-
Temiar (Ple-Temiar) (1569). 28. 30. 33 tintin. Pausema, Tembe. Tupinamba.
Terschelling (2358) Yuruma, Ywuina) (159, 2869, 3487, 3972,
Tesot (4260) 4232), 27. 30
Tetela (1423, 1532a, 2049. 2050, 3819. 3820) Tupinamba (159, 2869)
Teton Sioux (861. 865) Turfan (3715)
Thailand. see: Siam Turkestan (146, I205a, 2012. 20I2a, 2500.
Thonga (N. Rhod. Mozamb.) (2124. 2231. 3131. 3177 (p. 136). 3715. 4162). See also:
2755, 301 3a 3523, 35 23a ). 25. 28 Kirghiz. Turkmenes, Uzbekistan.
Thracia (2170. 3962) Turkey (74. 139, 275, 321, 373 b 4 6, 47,
Tibet (385C. 765. 728 (vol. II p. 631), 1294, 48,409.411,412. 1140. 1182,1188,1197C,
1295. 1854. 1869. 2636. 3177 (p. 137 ft.). 1379. 188 4, 21 39. 2354. 3070. 3 IIO , 3176.
3221.3892. 3980), 27. 3I. 33. 65. See also: 3210. 3385, 3387, 3388b. 3426, 3666. 3668,
Sikkim. 4021C, (No. 14). 4452), 26, 28. 3I, 32, 35
Tigrai (752) Turkmenes (162, 319, 600. 2495. 3131, 3387.
Tiki, see: Marquesas 33 88b 4 161 ), 26, 34. 43
Timor (figs. 55 and 57) (incl. Atoni. Belu) (22, Turko-Afghans (352)
12 38,2346 , 29 27a ). 45.54 Turk Tatars (2462. 248o, 2481. 2495)
Tinguian (1324) Tutelo Indians (1727, 2424. 2425. 3912). 32
Tirol 35 Tutsi (469. 3655a), 28, 29. 3I. 34
Tiv (1964. 2542. 2543) Twa (469, 3655a). 28. 3I, 34
Tlemcen 33 Twi (73)
Tlingit (1014) Tzotzil29
Togo (747a. 2247. 3865. 43 62 , 43 64). 24, 27 Uapu (4433 (p. 44 ft.))
See also: Gold Coast, Otchi region. Uaupes (3487)
Toka (600) Ubangi (3155. 3137), 26
Toltecs (2767 (pp. 58. 90, 120)) Ubangi-Chari region (incl. Baya. Bugongo)
Toma 27,35 (3367). 27
Tombara (2308) Udmurske (I056a)
Tonga Islands (3362, 4433 (p. 44 ff.)) Uganda (incl. Alur, Bamba. Bunyoro, Ganda.
Tonga (Afr.). see: Thonga Ganda/Soga, Gwere. Iteso, Konjo. Nyorol
Tonkawa (2797) Toro, Tesot. Usuku) (370, 757a. 2450. 2667.
Tonkin (1448, 1460, 1462 , 3335) 3460, 3474. 373 8, 3790. 381 3. 3828 , 4257-
Toraja (2178, 2343. 4433 (p. 34 ft.)) 4262a),28
Torres Straits (1566. 1567. 2949. 2950) Ugrians (2524, 4193). See also: Fin-Ugrians,
Trans-Fly (4383) Ob-Ugrians.
Transylvania (261. 266. 2520n) Uigurs 26
Travancore (3825) Uintah Utes (3649)
Tres Zapotes (2767(PP. 95, 112)) Uist (3826, 3827), 25
Trinidad (105. 456, 590. 1122, 2789. 2859. Uitoto (415, 3487)
294 2 3055, 371. 3127a, 3239a 43 II ). 27. Ukraine (II3. 113a. 2278, 2279, 2280, 2280a,
3 I 33, 34 2449. 2987. 299 2, 35 12 3697b. 3700. 3889),
Trio Indians (3487) 30, 3I, 35
Tripolitania (163. 257. 3226 3699. 3983) Ulawa (2036)
Truk (1706, 4432 (p. 44 ft.)) Uliasse (2085)
Tsarisen 35 Umauca (3487)
Tsimshian (1014, 1360) United Kingdom, see: England. Great Bri-
Tschokwe, see: Chokwe tain, Ireland. Man, Scotland, Wales
Tshopi. see: Chopi United States (general) (237, 252a. 252b, 303.
Tsou (4433 (p. 37)) 304, 304a , 326, 385d , 437, 504, 5 19. 520.
521, 522 , 545, 554, 555, 626, 759C, 1090, Uzbekistan (322, 600, 3131,4162, 4163, 4238.
1255, 1307a, 1377, 1396, 1510, 1561, 15 80a, 4252 , 4253), 26, 29, 34
1605, 1634, 173, 1708, 17II, 1719, 17 28 , VaH region (3141)
1730, 173 1, 1735, 1737, 1906 , 20 47, 2647, Vancouver (923, 3451)
2797, 279 8, 2858, 29 17, 2981, 2985, 2986, Vedda (2947, 4360)
2990, 2999, 3 12 4, 3397, 3405, 34 05a , 3796, Venda (3940)
3801, 3821, 4088, 4309, 4365). See also: Vendee 29
Acoma, Afro-Americans, Alabama, Alaba- Venezuela (incl. Amazonas, Arecuna, Caribs,
ma Indians, Alaska, Albemarle, Amish, Guarahibo, Kalina. Maquiritare, Orinoco,
Anglo-Americans, Apache, Appalachians, Piaroa, Sheriana, Warrau, Yayuro) (29,
Arapaho, Bahamas, Bannock, Bellakula In- 125, 126, 127a, 25, 51, 723. 844, 140,
dians, Caddo, Cajun, California, Catali- 1925, 1963, 2551, 2629, 286 9. 3123, 3126.
neno Indians, Cayuga, Cherokee, Cheyen- 33 27, 33 27a , 34 87, 4374),25, 35,36
ne, Chinook, Chippewa, Chitimacha, Choc- Vez024
taw, Coast Salish, Cochiti, Cocopa, Coman- Victoria Nyanza (2296)
che, Comox, Cora, Cree, Creek, Dakota, Viet-nam (442. 736, 205, 2418b, 2444, 2517,
Delaware, Flathead Indians, Florida, Fox 25 19, 368 9, 3814, 4197), 26, 29, ]I, 65
Indians, Gabrielino Indians, Great Basin Viii (153, 3140)
Indians, Great Lake Indians, Gulf States Virginia (759b)
Indians, Hako, Havasupai, Hidatsa, Hopi, Virgin Islands (1610). 3I, 33
Huichol, Indiana, Iroquois Isleta, J abo, Volta (2II2, 2454), 24, 26, 27, 34
Kentucky, Kickapoo, Kiowa, Kwakiutl, Vunun, see Bunun
Laguna, Louisiana, Lummi Indians, Maidu, Wabaga 25
Makah Indians, Mandan, Maricopa, Meno- Wabena, see: Bena
menee, Meskwaki (= Fox Indians), Michi- Wai-wai (3487)
gan Indians, Minnesota, Mohave, Moki, Walapai Indians 29
Nabaloi, Navajo, New England, New Wales (766, II45, 1562, 3128a, 3237, 4139,
Mexico, Nootka, North American Indians, 4348),35
North American Negroes, Oglala, Ojibwa Walese (749a)
(= Chippewa), Omaha, Oneida, Onondaga, Wallachia (4227)
Osage, Otoe, Paiute, Papago, Pawnee, Pe- Wallonia (2606a, 3193),35
nobscot, Picuris, Pima, Pueblo Indians, Wanyamwezi. see: Nyamwezi
Puget Sound Salish, Quileute, Quinault Wapishana (3487)
Indians, Roanoke, Salish, San Ildefonso Wapogoro, see: Pogoro
Indians, Santa Ana Indians, Santo Do- Wara 24
mingo Pueblo, Seminoles, Seneca, Shaw- Warmii (3881)
nee, Shoshone Indians, Sioux, Siwah. Six Warrau (= Guarao, Guarauno, Guarayu)
Nations, Skokomisp. Indians, Swinomish (2869, 348 7, 4374)
Indians, Taos, Tarahumare Indians, Teton Wasamba (2668)
Sioux, Tonkawa, Tutelo, Uintah Ute, Ute, Washo (2797, 4536). 3 6
Vancouver, Walapai, Washo, West Vir- Wasukuma (1900)
ginia. Wichita, Winnebago, Wisconsin, Watsa-Gombari (749)
Woodland Indians, Yuci, Yuma, Yurok. Watu(t)si. see: Tutsi
Zuni. Wayao (3933)
Unong (1978) Wazeruru (2046b)
Unpelli 25 Wedda. see: Vedda
Upper Amazon 28, 30, 35 Wends (2314, 3700)
Upper Kwilu (2703) Wepses (4175)
Upper Orinoco 35 West Africa (general) (133,221,222,306,443,
Upper Lausitz (1627) 444. 77 1a, 788 , 845, 1016a, 1380. 1381,
Upper Volta (inc!. Bambara, Bobo, Di'ula, 174 1, 1747, 228 7, 2594, 2933. 3II 4, 3359.
Gwin. Lobi, Mossi, Senoufo. Wara) (2II2, 35 03a , 369 1. 3728, 3882a, 4535). See also:
2454). 24. 26, 27, 34 French Guinea, French West Africa. Gam-
Ur (1339) bia, Gold Coast. Ifni, Ivory Coast. Liberia,
Urdus, see: Ordos Nigeria, Senegal, Senegambia. Sierra Leo-
ne, Togo.
Uru-Chipaya (2046)
Westergothland (1303, 2540)
Uruguay (155, 15 6, 4233) West Indian Archipelago (general) (29, 456,
Urundi (1437a, 2743a). See also: Ruanda/ 1870, 3071, 3II5, 3128. 3235), 28, 30, 3I.
Urundi. 32,33. See also: Antigua, Bahamas, Carria-
Usuku (757a) cou, Cuba, Cura~ao, French Antilles, Haiti,
Ute (871. 2797, 3649), 3 6 Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, San
Uvea (552) Andres, San Domingo, San Salvador, St.
Lucia. Trinidad. Virgin Islands. Windward Yekuana (205. 1925. 1963)
Islands. Yemenites (2020, 2127. 2954, 3913, 4150),
West Java (2397. 2399 (vol. I p. 356 ff.)). 35. 28.29.3 2
52.57 Yog028
Westphalia (3592. 3593) Yoruba (316. 317, 318. 596, 598. 1148. 1479.
West Siberian Tatars (2495) 220 3. 2549. 29 17a 3172, 390 4a 4 249). 27,
West Virginia (759b) 28.30. Jr. See also: Ewe. Lucumi.
Wichita 25.36 Yuchi (2437. 3909. 3910)
Wielkopolski (3879) Yuchitan. see: Juchitan
Windward Islands 35. See also: Martinique. Yugoslavia (general) (282. 289a. 510. 511.
St. Lucia. 980. 991. 1325. 1376. 1404. 1457a 1457b.
Winnebago (893. 898. 902) 1745. 174 8 2060. 2061. 2063. 2065. 2305a.
Wisconsin (881. 898) 2305b. 2327. 2351. 2353. 2408. 2412. 26 53.
Woguls (970. 4021a. 4171) 2886a. 3123. 3125a. 3424. 3700. 3851. 3852.
Wolga Germans 35 3853. 3854. 4150. 4201 42ola 4377. 4440.
Wolga peoples (3023a. 4168). See also: Per- 444 1. 4443 a .4443 b 4486 448 7. 4488 . 44 89.
miaks. Tatars. Wotyaks. 4491a. 4495. 4514). 25. 29. 32. See also:
Wolof (1479). 27. 30. 3I Bosnia. Croatia. Dalmatia. Hercegovina.
Woodland Indians (1227. 2437).36. See also: Istria. Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. Slo-
Cherokee. Choctaw, Creek. Fox Indians venia.
(= Meskwaki). Iroquois. Yuchi. Yule Island 25
Woro (2134a) Yuma(n) (97.909, 1702, 179).29.36
Wotyaks (2480. 2931. 315). See also: Fin- Yunka (1601)
Ugrians. Yurok (3453, 3453 a 3702 )
Xhosa (48). 36 Yuruna (2869)
Xingu 35 Ywuina (2869)
Yabim (382) Zambesi (546. 853. 2000)
Yakuts (1056a) Zande (1443. 1443a, 1443b, 1443c. 4153). 28
Yalemba (597) ZandejBandiya 28
Yao (3933) Zanzibar (103). 3I
Yap (402. 4282) Zapotecs (1549. 2627 (pp. 122, 171 ff.)), 32
Yaqui (907. 996. 2767 (pp. 176. 177). 2836). Zaragoza (2887) Zaram025
Yarai 26 Zezuru 25
Yaruro. see: Yayuro Zingili 36
Yasawa (3362a) Zulu (568.569.2218.2712, 2795. 3523a, 3792
Yaswa (= Yassua) 28. 35 4 008 4 12 5). 3 I 3 6
Yaulapiti 27 ZulujNdebele 28
Yayuro 25. 35 Zulli (947a. 1236. 143 8 3431. 4151). I6. 25.
Yefe (1677) 29.3 2.36
Arbatsky, Yury, (ro8, II6--122a, 2967) Balys, Jonas, 32
Arends, H., (4504a) Banaitis, W., (223a)
Aretz-Thiele, Isabel, (124-127a) Banas y Castillo, Raymundo, (224)
Arguedas, Jose Maria, (128, 128a) Bandar, Mahawala, (225)
Arian, Emile, (129) Bandopadhyaya, Sri Pada, (226--229), 63
Arima, D., (130) Bank, J. A., (230, 231)
Arlton, Alexander V., (131), 47 Baratta, Maria de, (232)
Arma, Paul, 29 Barbeau, Marius, (fig. 19) (233-242, 1360),
Armstrong, Robert Bruce, (132) I7,25,3 I ,33
Armstrong, Robert G., (133, 134) BarMs, L.L., (243)
Arnaud, M., (134a) Barbier, Pierre, (244)
Arnaudin, Felix, (135) BarbIan, Guglielmo, (244a, 244b)
Arnholtz, A., (136) Bardos, Lajos, (245, 246)
Arro, E., (137, 138) Barkechli, Mehdi, (247, 248, 249)
Arsunar, Ferruh, (139) Barlow, Roberto, (250)
Artemides, Cleobulos, (140) Barrere, Georges, (2809)
Arvey, Verna, (141) Barriuso, P. G., (251)
Arwidsson, Adolf Iwar, (142) Barrow, John, (252)
Arzeno, Julio, (143) Barry, Phillips, (252a)
Askew, Gilbert, (144) Bartha, Denes von, (253,254, 254a)
Asturias, Miguel Angel, (145) Bartholomew, Wilmer T., (255)
Atangana, T., (145a) Bart6k, Bela, (fig. 9) (256--283a, 1748, 2321a,
Aubry, Pierre, (146, 147) 2520a, 4021C, 4503), I3, 2I, 22, 29, 32, 37,
AUdisio, G., (148) 65
Augusta, Fr. Felix, (149) Bart6k, Janos, (283b)
Avasi, Bela, (150-152) Bartsch, Christian, (284)
Avelot (153) Barve, Manahar, 33
Avenary, Hanoch, (154-154b) Barzaga, Margarita Blanco, (285)
Avermaet, E. van, (154c) Bascom, William R., (286), 30, 78
Avicenna (II85D) Basden, G. T., (287)
Ayestaran, Lauro, (155, 156) Basedow, Herbert, (288)
Ayyar, see: Aiyar Basile, P., (289)
Azevedo, Luiz Heitor Correa de, 157-161),64 Basoski, Cornelis, (289a)
Azevedo, Warren L., (4536) Basset, Rene (290)
Aziz Khan, Abdul, 33 Bastos, Maria Henriqueta Cal~ada, (291, 292)
Azzawi, Abbas al-, (162) Batra, Rai Bahadur R. L., (293)
Baud-Bovy, Samuel, (fig. (13) (294-300a),63
Baas, F., (164) Bauer, Marion, (310)
Bachmann, W., (165) Bax, D., (4228)
Bagatti, B., (165a) Bayard, Samuel Preston, (302-304a)
Baglioni, S., (166) Beart, Charles, (35, 306)
Bahadhurji, K. N., (167) Beaver, W. N., (307)
Baillet, A., (168) Becking, Gustav, (308)
Baillet, J., (168) Beckwith, Martha Warren, (3432, 3433, 3435,
Baines, Anthony, (3968) 344 2)
Bake, Arnold A., (fig. 23) (170-198b, 1289), Beclard-d'Harcourt, Margherite, (98, 309,
63, 65, 76 1600-1602, 1607, 1929,2489, 2490, 2913a),
Baker, St. B. R., (199) 63
Baker, Theodore, (200) Begun,S. J,I3
Bakova-Paulovovicova (200a) Behn, Friedrich, (310-314)
Balaci, Emanuela, (201) Beichert, E. A., (315)
Balakrishna, Sangitha Vidwan, 34 Beier, Uli, (316--318)
Balanchivadze, A., (202a) Belayev, Viktor, (318a-325a, 4164)
Balandier, Georges, (203) Belden, H. M., (326)
Balasubrahmaniam, G. N., (204) Belik, Vratislav, (327)
Balasubrahmaniam, P. R., 27, 29 Bellan, Ch., (4148)
Baldus, Herbert, (205) Belvianes, Marcel, (328)
Balfoort, Dirk J., (206, 207) Benet, Sula, (329)
Balfour, Henry, (fig. 8) (208-219),55,58 Beniuc, M., (973)
Bali, Roy Umanath, (220) Bennet-Clark, M. A., (329a)
Ball, James Dyer, see: Dyer Ball, J. Ben Smail (330)
Ballanta, Nicholas George Julius, (221-223) Bentoiu, Pascal, (331, 4328)
Balli, Noel, 27 Beregovski 22
Berendt, Joachim Ernst, (33Ia) Boden Closs, C., (381)
Berenger-Feraud, L. J. B., (332) &e, Fr., (438b)
Berggreen, A. P., (333) Bodrogi, Tibor, (382)
Bergstrlisser, Gotthelf, (334) BOhme, Franz Magnus, (383, 383a, 1114)
Berliner 20 Boelaert, E., (384, 385)
Bernard, R, (335) Boerens, H., (385a)
Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf, (336) BOmstein (385b)
Berner, Alfred, (337, 338, 4505) BOttger, Walter, (385c)
Bersa, Vladoje, (338a) Boggs, Ralph S., (385d)
Berthe, Louis, 26, 34 Bohlin, Karl, (386)
Bertho, Jacques, (339, 339a) Bois, F. du, (386a)
Bertholon, L., (340) Bojanus, Wilhelm, (387)
Besnerais, H. Le, 35 Bolinder, Gustaf, (388)
Bessa, Bento, (341) Bomos, J., (389)
Bessaraboff, N., (342) Bonaccorsi, A., (390, 390a)
Besseler, Heinrich, (343, 3H, 3Ha) Bonnet-Bourdelot 49
Best, Elsdon, (345, 346) Bonvin, L., (391)
Besta 3I Boone, Olga, (392, 393). 64
Betz, R, (347) Boots, Mrs. J. L., (393a)
Bevan, P., (348, 349) Borchart, L., (394)
Beyer, Hermann, (350) Borde, Jean Benjamin de la, (395)
Bhagavatar, Kalyana Krishna, 27 Bordes, Charles, (396-399)
Bhagavatar, Sri Muthia, (3340e) Borisoff, Boris, (400)
Bhandankar, Rao Sahib P. R, (351) Bormida, Marcelo, (401)
Bhanu, Dharma, (352) Born (402)
Bharata (190, 198b, 499, 1957, 2056a, 2184, Borneman, Ernest, (403)
2510, 2511), 56 Bornemann, Fritz, (404)
Bhatkande, Vishnu Narayan, (353-355, Borrel, E., (45-412)
3850), 63 Borren, Charles van den, 67
Bhattacharya, Deben, (1850), 26, 35, 66 Borris, S., (412a)
Bhattacharya, Lokenath, 26 Borsy, Istvan, (413)
Bhavuka, see: Raghavan, V., (3256) Bosanquet, R H. M., (414)
Bidou 3I Bose, Fritz, (415-438a, 4492, 4506b). 9, I3,
Bielawski, Ludwik, (355a) I9,4 6 ,65,70
Bielenstein, J., (356) Bose, Narendra Kumar, (438b)
Bierens de Haan, J. A., 49 Bose, S., (439), 26, 46, 64
Bighoshak (357) Boshoff, S. P. E., (440)
Billington, Ray Allan, (1255) Bossche, A. van den, (Hoa)
Biltgen, Claude, 26 Boucheman, A. de, (HI)
Biltgen, Jacques, 26 Bouisset, Max, (442)
Birket-Smith, Kaj, (358) Boulton, Laura, (443,444),29,30, 3I, 32
Birnbaum, Martin, (359) Bourguignon 27
Biro, Ludwig A., (360, 361, 382), I7 Bourinot, Arthur, (240)
Bishan-Svarup, Rai Bahadur, see: Swarup, Bouteiller, Marcelle, (H5)
Rai Bahadur Bishan, Bouveignes, Olivier de, (446-448e)
Bishop, Marcia Brown, (362) Bouws, Jan, (449-452)
Bismillah 33 Bowers, F., (453, 454)
Bj"rndal, Arne, (363-368, 1560a) Bowles, E. A., (455)
Blacking, John A. R, (369-371) Bowles, Paul, (456)
Blackwood, Beatrice, (372) Boys, R S. (457)
Blaes, Jacob, (373) Brahms (H07)
Blagden, C. 0., (3859) Brailoiu, Constantin, (figs. 13 and 38) (458-
Blaho, Jonas, (373a) 467a), 22, 34, 35, 68
Blainville, De, (373b) Brandel, Rose, (468-47), I7
Blanco, Pedro, (374) Brandts, Buys, Johann Sebastian, (fig. 6)
Blankenburg, Walter, (374a) (471-49), 62
Blaukopf, K., (375) Brandts Buys, M. A., (4241)
Bleichsteiner, Robert, (2480) Brandts Buys- van Zijp, Mrs, A., (473-482,
Block, Edward A., (375a) 486-488 )
Blockmann, H., (376) Braschowanow, St., (491, 492)
Blume, Friedrich, (377) Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne,
Blyau, A., (4506a) (493)
Boas, Franz, (378-380) Brauns, D., (493a)
27 1
Braunwieser, Martin, (493b) Campen, C. F. H., (574)
Brazys, Th., (494) Campos, Ruben M., (575-577)
Breazul, G., (495) Candied, Fr., (577a)
Brediceanu, Tiberius, (496, 497) Cano, D. M., (578)
Brehmer, Fritz, (498, 1938), 48 Canteloube, J., (579)
Breloer, Bernhard, (499) Canziani, Estella, (581)
Brenecke, Ernest, (500) Canzoneri, V., (581a)
Briceno, Olga, (501) Capitan (582)
Bricqueville, E. de, (52, 503) Capmaiiy, A., (583)
Brinton, G., (504) Cappelle, H. van, (584)
Bris, E. Ie, (55, 506) Capus, M. G., (585)
Briton, H. H., (507) Carambula, Ruben, (586)
Britten, Benjamin, (2809) Carlheim-Gyllenskiold (587)
Broadwood, Lucy, (508) Caron, Hubert, (789)
Bromse, Peter, (510, 5II) Carp, Paula, (588)
Broholm, H. C., (509) Carpentier, Alejo, (589)
Bronson, Bertrand Harris, (512-515, 638) Carpitella, Diego, 66
Bruce-Mitford, R L. S., (516) Carr, Andrew T., (590)
Briicken, Fritz, (517) Carra de Vaux (591)
Brugial, Jean, z6 Carreras y Candi, F., (4II3)
Bruning, Father Elis., (518, 518a, 518b), ZI Carrington, J. F., (592-597a)
Bryan, Charles Faulkner, (519-521) Carrol, Father K., (598)
Buchanan, Annabel Morris, (522) Carybe (599)
Buchner, Alexander, (523,524) Castagne, J., (600)
Buck, Peter H., (525-528a) Castaneda, Daniel, (601-603)
Bu~san, Andrei, (201, 4506) Casteele, J. M. van de, (603a-603e)
Budde, Karl, (529) Castellanos, Israel, (604)
Biicken, Ernst, (3968, 4506c) Castera, J., (252)
Biicher, Carl, (530), 47, 65 Castillo, Jesus, (605)
Biirchner, L., (531) Castro, Jose, (606)
Buhle, Edward, (532) Caughie, Catherine, (606a)
BUkofzer, Manfred F., (fig. 32) (533-538), I7, Caussin de Perceval, A., (607, 3153)
I8, I9 Cavazzi, P., (608, 2451)
Bukoreschliev, A., (539) Cesky, Lid, (609)
Bulut, Tarik, 28 Chailley, Jacques, (467a, 610, 610a, 36g2b,
Bundu Khan 33 45 0 6d) , 69
Bunting, Edward, (540-542) Chaitanya Deva, B., (6II, 6IIa, 6IIb)
Burlin, Nathalie, (543-545) Chaitanya Mabaprabu, Cri, (183, 198d)
Burnier, Th., (546, 546a) Chakravarthi, Suresh Chandra, (612-614)
Burrows, Edwin G., (547-552a), 63 Chalmers Werner, E., (1033)
Burssens, A., (553) Chambers, G. B., (615)
Burton, Frederick R, (554), I6 Chandra Vedi, Pandit R Dilip, (616)
Buttree, Julia M., (555) Chantre, E., (340)
Buvarp, Hans, (556, 557) Chao, Mei-Pa, (617)
Chao, Wei Pang, (618, 619)
Cabral, Jorge, (558) Chao, Y. R., (620, 620a, 621)
Cabussi-Kabusch, N., (559) Chapin, James P., (621a)
Cadilla de Martinez, Maria, (560) Chapman, Francis S., 3I
Cadman, Charles W., (561) Chappel, Louis W., (622)
Cadwell, Helen, (562) Chardon, Yves, 42
Caferoglu, Ahmed, (563) Charlton, George V. B., (623
Caben, Abraham, (564) Charpentier, G., 33
Calame, Blaise, (564b-564d), 26 Chartres, Samuel B., 33
Calame-Griaule, Genevieve, (564a-564d) Chase, Gilbert, (624-627), 30
Calleja, R, (565) Chatur La.!, Pandit, see: La.l, Pandit Chatur,
Callenfels, P. V. van Stein, (566) Chaubey, S. K., (628)
Calmet, Augustin, (567) Chauvet, Stephen, (629, 629a), 57
Caluza, Reuben Tolakele, (568, 569) Chavannes, Edouard, (630-632, 4506e)
Calvert, W. E., (358) Chavez, Carlos, (633). 64
Camp, Ch. M., (57),55 Chavez Franco, M., (634,635)
Campbell (571) Chelebi, Ewliya, (II82)
Campbell, A., (572) Chengalavarayan, N., (636)
Campbell, J. L., (573) Cherbuliez, Antoine E., (637, 4506f), 60
27 2
Chiang K'uei (3181) Cornell, C. R., (747)
Ch'ien, Hsiao, (1232) Comevin, R., (747a)
Child, F. J., (638) Costello, Edith, (748)
Chilesotti. 0., (639) Costermans, B., (749, 749a)
Chinchore, Prabhakar, (640) Courant, Maurice, (750, 751)
Chinnaswamy, Mudaliar, (641) Courlander, Emma, 31
Chinnery, E. W. P., (642) Courlander, Harold, (752-755), 28, 29, 31
Choleau, Jean, (643) Cousins, Margaret E., (756)
Chottin, Alexis, (644-663, 1783), 63 Coussemaker, E. de, (757)
Chowdhuri, B. K. Roy, (665,666) Coutts, P. G., (757a)
Christensen, A., (667) Couvreur, J., (758)
Christensen, Dieter, (667a), 32 Couzens, Edward, 3D, 33
Christian, Geoffry, (668) Cowell, Henry, (759, 759a), 29 3D, 32, 33
Christianowitsch, Alexandre, (669) Cox, John Harrington, (759b)
Christiansen, L., (670) Coyne, A. E., (759C)
Christoff, Dobri, (671-674) Crampton, H. E., (760)
Christy, A. E., (3569) Crawfurd (761)
Chrysander, Friedrich, (675) Creighton, Helen, (76Ia)
Cibot, Father, (676) Cresson, H. T., (761b)
Ciger, Anton, (676a) Cri Chaitanya Mahaprabu (183, 198d)
Ciobanu, Gh., (679, 68o, 314) Cringan, Alexander T., (762,763)
Ciortea, Vera Proca, (681), Crossley-Holland, P., (764-766)
Ciurlionyte, J., (682) Crowley, Daniel j., (767, 768)
Clandillon, S., (1597) Cruz, Clement da, (769, 769a)
Clapham, John, (683, 684) Cruz, Francisco Lopez, see: Lopez Cruz,
Claridge, G. Cyril, (685) Francisco,
Clark, E. R., (686), 17 Csenki, Imre, (no)
Clarke, Roger T., (687) Csenki, Sandor, (no)
Classe, A., (688, 688a, 688b) Cu. Breazul, G. Georges, see: Breazul, G.,
Claudius, Carl, (4508) Cuckov, Emanuil, (nl), 22
Cleather, Gabriel G.. (689) Cudjoe, S. D., (nla, n2)
Clemens, W. M., (690) Cuisinier. Jeanne, (n2a), 35
Clements, E. C., (691-692b, 3164, 3171) Cultrera, G., (n3)
Clercx-Lejeune, Suzanne, 67 Culwick, A. T., (n4)
Clerisse 35 Culwick, G. M., (n5)
Closson, Ernest, (693-705a) Cumming, Charles Gordon, (n6)
Clyne, Anthony, (706) Cunard, Nancy, (569, 16Il, 1712)
Coart, E., (707) Cuney-Hare, Maud, (n7)
Cocchiari, G., (708) Cunningham, Eloise, (n8)
Cocisiu, Ilarion, (709, 710) Cunnison, I., (n8a)
Cock, A. de, (4507) CurCin, M., (779)
Cocks, William A., (7Il) Curtis, Natalie, see: Budin, Natalie,
Cocq d'Oliveira, L. V. Ie, (95)
Coello Ramos, Rafael, (712) Dagar, Amin Uddin, 27
Coeuroy, Andre, (713, 714) Dagar, Mohin Uddin, 27
Cohn-Antenorid, W., (715) Dal, Erik, (fig. 33) (78o-783b), 63
Coirault, Patrice, (716, 717) Dalal, Navinkumar, (784)
Cole, Fay Cooper, (1324) Dalberg, F. H. von, (785)
Coliac (718) Dalman, G., (786, 787)
Collaer, Paul, (719-728c), 64, 67 Dalyell, John, (787a)
Collangettes. Father, (729) Dam, Theodore van, (788)
Combarieu, Jules, (730, 731), 43 Damais, E., (789)
Comettant, 0., (732) Dam, Eo, (790)
Comhaire-Sylvain, S., (732a, 732b) Danckert, Werner, (791-85). 12, 46
Comisel, Emilia, (733) Daniel, F., (806)
Comvalius, Theod, A. C., (734. 735) Daniel, F. Salvador, see: Salvador-Daniel, F.,
Condominas, G., (736) Daniel, Gaston, (807)
Confucius (3170) Danielou, Alain, (808-818b), 24, 25, 27, 63
Conklin, Harold C., (737, 738), 30 Darmsteter, James, (819. 820)
Connor, Edric, 34 Daroesman, M. M., (978)
Coomaraswamy, AnandaK.,(964, 739-743), 63 Das, J. Srinivasa, (8zza)
Coopersmith, J. M., (744) Das, K. N., (821, 822)
Corbet, August L., (746) Dattopant 29
Daugherty, D. N., (823) Djuric-Klajn, Stana, (990a)
Daumas, G., (824) DoM, Klara. Sebestyen, (4548)
Davenson, Henri, (825, 825a) Dobronic, Anton, (991)
David, Ernst, (826, 827) Dodge, Ernest, (992)
David, Paul, (828) Doke, Clement M., (994, 995)
Davidson, H. G., (829) Dolanska, Vera, (995a)
Davies, E. Harold, (830),64 Dominguez, Francisco, (996)
Davy, J., (83 1 ) Domokos Pal, Peter, (997)
Dawes, F., (832) Donadze, V., (202a)
Dawson, Warrington, (833) Donington, Robert, (998)
Day, Charles Russell, (834-838),63 Donostia, Father Jose Antonio de, (999-
Deacon, A. Bernard, (839) Io05b)
Dean-Smith, Margaret, (840, 841) Dosios, Victoria, (4552)
Dechevrens, A., (842, 843) Dounias, Minos E., (1006)
Degani, Mario, (843a) Drager, Hans Heinz, (1007-1009, 3837), I7,
Dejardin, A., (844) 6I
Delachaux, Theodore, (844a) Dragoi, Sabin V., (1010, 4510)
Delapraz, Alain, 66 Dravida, Pandit Ramji Shastri, 29
Delavignette, Robert, (845) Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut, (lOll)
Delgadillo, Luis A., (846) Dreyfus-Roche, Simone, (3458),27,35
Deliz, Monserate, (847) Driver, Harold E., (Iorz)
Delmas, Simeon, (848) Drost, Dietrich, (1013)
Delphin, H., (849) Drouart, Marie, (643)
Demieville, Paul, (850), 46 Drucker, Philip, (1014)
Denes, Bartha, (851) Dschou, Wen-GU, (3919)
Denis, Armand, 34 Dubois, Henri M., (1015, 1016)
Denis, Valentin, (852, 852a) Duchemin, G. J., (IoI6a)
Dencker, Nils, (3030) Duchenet, Edouard, (1017)
Denny, S. R., (853) Duchesne, J., (1018, 1552)
Dennys, N., (854) DUsel, Jakob, (1019)
Densmore, Frances, (fig. II) (855-949, 2438c), Dufays, Felix, (1020)
I6, 36 Dufourcq, Norbert, (Iozr)
Denys, Pierre, (950),36 Duhamel, M., (1022)
Deren, Maya, 27 Dumont, Louis, (1023)
Derwil, G., (951) Dumoutier, G., (I023a)
Desai, Vibhukumar S., (952, 953) Duncan, T., (1024)
Desprez, Adrien,. (954) Dupeyrat, Andre, 25
Desvallons, Gilbert, (955) Duran, Sixto M., (1025)
Deuber, Arnold, (956) Duryanga, Phra Chen, (1026, 1027),64
Deubner, Ludwig, (957) Dutt, Benoy Krashna, (1028) .
Dev, G., (960) Dutton, C. E., (I2II)
Deval, K. B., (961, 962, 962a) Duyse, Florimond van, (1029, 1030)
Deveria, Charlotte, (963) Dworakowska, Maria, (1031)
Devi, Ratan, (964) Dybeck, Richard, (1032)
Devigne, Roger, (965-967) Dyer Ball, J., (1033, 4504b)
Dewey 56 Dygacz, Adolf, (1034)
Deydier, H., (968) Dzhambul (1035)
Dhanam, Veenai, 27
Dharma, P. C., (969) Eames, Marian, (2813)
Diamant, Ernest, (2404) Eastlake, F. W., (1036)
Didier, Andre, 26, 28, 3 I , 35 Ebding, F., (1037)
Di Dio, Franc;ois, 66 Eberhard, W., (1038)
Dieterlin, Germaine, (969a, 1517),35, 66 Eberhardt, Ch. C., (I038a)
Dikshitar, Sri Muthuswami, (2043b, 2043C, Eberlein, P. J., (1039)
3259, 4 21 5) Ebner, Carlos Borromeu, (1040)
Dincser, Oszkar, (970-972, 25201) Eboue, Felix, (1041, I04Ia)
Dirr, A., (974, 2480) Echegaray, Carlos Gonzalez, (1042)
Dittmer, Kunz, (975,976) Eckardt, Andreas, (1043, 1948)
Dixon, Roland B., (977) Eckardt, Hans, (Io44-Iosoa, 45II), 64
Djajadipura, Raden Mas, (2378a) Ecker, L. E., (1051)
Djarwo, S., (978) Eckholm, Gordon F., 29
Djordjevic, Vladimir R., (979-984),64 Edison, Thomas Alva, 2I
Djoudjeff, Stoyan, (985-990), 64 Edelman, Albert, (1052)
Edge-Partington, J., (1052a) Falck, R. (1212a)
Edwards, Arthur C., (1053) Falconi, Gerardo, (1I49)
Edwards, E. D., (1053a, 1501) Falla, Manuel de, (1I50)
Edwards, L. F., (1054) Falls, J. C. E., (1151)
Edwards, S. Hylton, (1055) Faly, 1., (115Ia)
Eggen, Erik, (1056) Fara, Guilio, (1152-1154)
Egorova, V., (lo56a) Farag6, J6zsef, (II55)
Ehrenreich, Paul, (1057) Farmer, Henry George, (1156-1210, 3456,
Eichenauer (1058), IZ 364). 4 6, 63, 75
Elbert, Johannes, (1059) Farnsworth, P. R., (1211)
Elbert, Samuel H., (1060) Faroughy, A., (1212)
Elia, Piero, (1061) Faublee, J., (1212a, 3502)
Eliade, Mircea, (1062) Faulkner, Maurice, (1212b)
Elkin, A. P., (1063-1063C), z5, 30, 33, 36, 64 Favari, Alberto, (1213)
Elkin, Clarence, (1064) Feather, Leonard, (1214)
Elling, Catharinus, (1065-1069) Fedeli, Vito, (1215)
Ellis, Alexander John, (fig. I) (1070-1082, Feilberg, C. G., (1216)
24II, 3986), Z ff., IO Felber, Erwin, (1217-1222), I7
Elwin, Verrier, (1083-1086) Feline, Pierre, (1223)
Emerson, Joseph 5., (1087) Fellerer, Karl Gustav, (1224)
Emerson, Nathaniel H., (1088) Fenton, William N., (1225-1227, 2420), 36
Emmanuel, Maurice, (1089) Fenwick Jones, G., (1227a)
Emrich, Duncan, (1090), z6, 37 Ferand, Ernst Th., (1228, 1229)
Emsheimer, Ernst, (fig. 26) (1091-IIOl), I7, Ferguson, John, (1230)
2I, 75 Fernald, Helen E., (1231-1233)
Ende, A. von, (1I02, II03) Ferrars, Bertha, (2743)
Endo, Hirosi, (1I04) Ferrars, Max, (2743)
Ene, Augustine, (2688b) Ferreira, Ascenso, (1234)
Engel, Carl, (1I05-II09) Ferrero, E., (1235)
Engel, Hans, (11I0) Ferryman, A. F. M., (836)
Ennis, Seamus, 24 Fewkes, J. W., (1236), I6
Enright, D. J., (III2) Feys (4532a)
Erdelyi, Janos, (II 12a) Fichter, Jean, 35
Erdmann, Hans, (11I3) Ficker, Rudolf von, (1237)
Erk, Ludwig, (11I4) Fiedler, Hermann, (1238)
Erkmann, (1I15) Figueras, Jose Romeu, see: Romeu Figueras,
Erlanger, Rodolphe d', (II 16-II 19), 63 Jose,
Erzakovitsch, B., (1I20, 1I21) Filipovic, M.S., z9
Escobar, M. L" (2551, 2552) Fillmore, John Comfort, (1239-1242)
Eskin, Sam, 3I, 32 Finesinger, Sol Baruch, (1243)
Espinet, Charles 5., (II22) Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm, (1244)
Essafi (951) Firfov, Givko, (1245-1248a), ZZ, 64
Esser, J., (l12za) Fischer, Adolf, (1249)
Estella, Pe. H. Olazaran de, (II23) Fischer, E., (1250', 1251)
Estreicher, Zygmunt, (fig. 13) (1I24-1I33). Fischer, Hans, (1252, 1253, 1253a)
4I Fischer, H. W., (1254)
Eugene, Prince, 3I Fisher, Miles Mark, (1255)
Eulenstein, C., (3664) Flanders, Helen Hartness, (1256)
Evans, Bessie, (1705) Fleischer, Oskar, (1257, 1258)
Evans, Ivor H. N., (1I35-II37) Flesche, Francis la, (1259, 1266)
Evans, May G., (1705) Fletcher, Alice Cunningham, (1261-1267)
Evrard, W., (1I38) Flood, William H. Grattan, (1268, 126g,
Ewald, Z., 22 1506)
Exner, F., (1I39). I7 Florenz, Karl, (45IIa)
Ezgi, Suphi, (1140) Flornoy, Bertrand, 35
Focke, H. C., (1270)
Faber, E., (1I41) Fokovi (1271)
Faber, G. H. von, (1142) Foldes, A., (1272)
Fab6, Bertalan, (1I43) Foley, Rolla, (1273)
Faddegon, Barend, (1I44) Forde, F. von der, (1276)
Fagg, Bernard, (1I45-II47) Fortassier, Pierre, (451Ib)
Fagg, William, (1I48, 1I48a) Foucart, F., (1277)
Faiyaz Khan, Ustad, (628) Fourneau, J., (1278)
Fowke, Edith Fulton, (1279) Garcia Matos, Manuel, (2783-2787, 3759)
Fowke, Francis, (1280) Gardonyi, Z6ltan, (1359)
Fox, C., (1281) Garfield, Viola E., (1360)
Fox, H. Munro, 49 Garms, J. H., (1361, 1362)
Fox Strangways, A. H., (fig. 7) (1282-1290, Garnault, Paul, (1363)
2497,25 15,3 18 5),5,20 Garner, F. H., (1364)
Foy, Wilhelm, (1291, 1292),62 Garnet, Jean Sainte-Fare, (1365)
Fraknoi, Karoly, (1293) Garrat, G. T., (1288)
Francke, A. H., (1294, 1295) Garstang (1366), 47
Fran~ois, A., (1296) Gascue F., (1367)
Fraser, A. D., (1297) Gaspar, D., (1367a)
Fraser, Norman, (1298, 1299), 22, 37 Gassmann, A. L., (1368, 1369)
Fraser, S., (1300) Gaster, Theodor Herzl, (1370), 32
Fred, B. G., (2859) Gastoue, Amedee, (1371-1373)
Frederic, Louis, (1301) Gaubil, Father, (664)
FrMericq, Paul, (1302) Gaudefroy-Demombynes, J., (1374)
Fredin, August, (1303) Gaukstad, 0ystein, (1375)
Freeman, Linton C., (134, 1304a) Gavazzi, Milovan, (1376)
French, P. T., (1305) Gay, R, (1377. 1378),36
Friedenthal, Albert, (1306, 1307) Gazimih~l, Mahmut R, (1379)
Friedlander, Max, (1307a) Gbeho, Phillip, (1380-1385)
Frizzi (1915) Gebik, Wladislaw, (1386)
Frobenius, Leo, (1308, 1309), 62 Geeting, Arnold, (1387)
Frost, Robert, (1256) Geiger, P., (1388)
Fryklund, Daniel, (1310-1312) Geiringer, Karl, (1389, 1390)
Fuchs, D. R, (2931) Gelatsl, Joan Amades, (1391)
Fuchs, Raphael, (2480) Geller, H., (1392)
Fuentes, Eduardo Sanchez de, (3627-3634), Genin, Auguste, (1393-1395)
3I , 64 George, Zelma Watson, (1396)
Fiirer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, (1313, Georges cu-Breazul, G., (495)
45 12 ) Georgevic, see: Djordjevic
Fiirst, H., (1314) Georgiades, Thrasybulos, (1397, 1397a,I397b)
Fuhrmann, Ernst, (1314a) Germann, P., (1397c)
Fujii, Seishin, (1315) Gerson-Kiwi, Edith, (fig. 27) (1398-I402a),
Fuller Maitland, J. A., (508) 8,9
Funk (1744) Gersoni, C., (1403)
Furlong, Guillermo, (1316) Gesemann, Gerhard, (1404)
Furness, Clifton Joseph, (1317) Gesser, Sam, 3I
Fyzee-Rahamin, Atiya Begum, (1318) Geijer, E. G., (145, 1406)
Geurtjens, Father H., (1407)
Gabus, Jean, (1319) Gheerbrandt, Alain, (844)
Gadzekpo, Sinedzi, (1320) Gheorgiev, Christo, (2172)
Gagnon, E., (1321) Ghose, Loknath, (1408)
Gailhard, A., (1322) Gibling, R Styx, (1409)
Gairdner, W. H. T., (1323) Gibson, H. E., (1410)
Gaisseau, Pierre, 35 Gide, Andre, (14II)
Gale, Albert, (1324) Gigliolo, Enrico H., (1412)
Galimc;lschan, Tagan, (2481) Gil Garcia, Bonifacio, (1413-1422)
Galis, K. W., (I324a) Gilatt, Roland, I4
Gallop, Rodney, (I325-1332a) Gilbert, Dorothy R., (1423)
Galmes, Antonio, (I332b) Gilbert, Henry F. (1424)
Galpin, Francis W., (1333- 1347, 29 25, 3930) Gilbert, Will G., (1425-1437), 65
Ganay, Solange de, (1348) Gille, A., (I437a)
Gaud, Hanus in der, (1348a) Gilman, B. I., (1438-1441), I6
Ganeshan, K., 27 Gil-Marchex, Henri, (1442)
Gangadhara (1349) Giorgetti, Filiberto, (1443, 1443a-d)
Gangoly, Ordhendra Coomar, (135O-1353a) Gippius, Ye., 22
Gangopadhyaya, Ardhendra Kumara, (1354) Girard, Rafael, (1444)
Gani, 0., (1354a) Gironcourt, Georges de, (1445-1451,4513),46
Garay, Narciso, (1355) Giurchescu, A., (1451a)
Garcia, Angelica de Rezendi, (1356) Gjelavik, Martinus, (367)
Garcia Barriuso, Patricinio, (1357) Gladwin, Frances, (1452, 1453)
Garcia, Juan Francisco, (1358) Glonar, J., (3971a)
Goddard, P. E., (1453a) Groot, J. J. M. de, (1531, 1532)
Goeje, C. H. de, (1454, 1455) Grootaert, J. E. A., (153za)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, X Groslier, George, (1533)
Goethem, L. van, (1456) Grosset, Joanny, (1534, 1535),63
Goetz, Leopold Karl, (1457) Grottanelli, Vinigi L., (1536)
Gojkovic, Andrijana, (1457a, 1457b, 4514) Grove 5
Goldstein, Walter, (1458) Groven, Eivind, (1537, 1538, 1560a)
Goloubew, Victor, (1459-1463) Griiner Nielsen, H., (10, 1539-1544, 4084)
Golubovic, Branislav, (2885) Griitzmacher IO
Gombosi, Otto J., (1464-1469) Grundtvig, Svend, (1545)
Gones, A., (1469a) Gudenian, Haig, (1546)
Gomes, Edwin H., (1470) Guebels, L., (1547)
Gonzales Bravo, A., (1471, 1472) Guenther, E., (1548)
Good, A. I., (1472a) Guerrero, Raul G., (1549, 1550, 1.53oa, 3890a)
Goodwin, A. J. H., (1473) Gugitz, Gustav, (1551)
Goodrich, L. C., (1474) Guiart, Jean, (155Ia)
Goossens, Han, (1475) Guignes, De, (664)
Gor, Shirish, 33 Guillemin, Marcelle, (1018, 1552)
Goris, R., (2362) Guillermin, L., (1553)
Gosh, Jnan Prakash, (1476) Guin, L., (849)
Goswami, G. N., (1477) Gulik, R. H. van, (1554-1558)
Goswami, Kanai La.l, (1478) Gulliver, Pamela, (1559)
Goswami, 0., (1478a) Gurvin, Olav, (1560, 1560a), IO, 4 I , 73
Gouguidis, Pierre, 26 Gustaver, B., (1561)
Gover, Charles, (1478b) Gustavson, Herbert, (3030)
Governor of Lagos (1479) Gwynn Williams, W. S., (1562)
Grac;a, Fernando Lopez, (1480) Gyai, F., (1562a)
Grace, C. W., (1481) Gysi, Fritz, (1563)
Gradenwitz, Peter, (1482)
Graebner, F., (1483), 62 Haas, Mary 78
Graf, Walter, (1484-1496), I7 Haase, R., (1564)
Graff, Ragnwald, (1497) Habig, J. M., (1565, 1565a)
Graham, David Crockett, (1498) Haddon, A. C., (1566-1568)
Graham, W. A., (1499) Haden, R. Allen, (1569)
Grainger, Percy, (1500) Hadii Manov, Vasil, (1570)
Granet, Marcel, (1501) H<eberlin, H. K., (3430)
Granner, Erwin, (1502) Hagen, Karl, (1571)
Grant, John, (1503) Hague, Eleanor, (1572- 1575, 3409)
Grasserie, R. de la, (1504) Hahn, Kurt, (1575a)
Grattan, C. Hartley, (1505) Hairan 3I
Grattan Flood, William, see: Flood, William Hajek, L., (1576)
H. Grattan, Halde, Jean Baptiste du, (1577)
Gray, H. St. George, (1506) Halim, A., (1577a)
Grebert, M. F., (157, 1508) Hall,Henri Usher, (1578)
Green, G. P., (1509) Hall, Jody C., (1579)
Greenleaf, Elizabeth, (1509a) Hall, Leland, (1580)
Greenway, John, (1510) Halpert, Herbert, (759b, 1580a)
Gregor, Josef, (2863) Halski, Czeslaw R., (1581)
Greig, Gavin, (1511) Hambly, Wilfrid D., (1715)
Grenet, Emilio, (1512) Hambruch, Paul, (158Ia)
Greni, Liv, (15 13), 73 Hamilton, I., (1582)
Gressmann, Heinrich, (1514) Hammerich, Angul, (1583-1585, 4515)
Greyerz, O. von, (1515) Hand, Wayland D., 77
Griaule, Marcelle, (1516-1519) Handschin, Jacques, (fig. 12) (1586-1594), I9,
Griffith, Charles E., (1520) 44, 46
Griffith, John, (1521) Handy, E. S. C., (1595, 1596)
Griffith, W. J., (1522) Hanford, J. H., (122)
Grigson, W. V. (1523) Hannaas, Torleif, (4516)
Grimaud, Yvette, (1524), 36 Hannagan, M., (1597)
Groeger, H., (1525) Harap, Louis, (1598)
Gmnbech, Kaare, (2481) Haraszti, Emile, (1598a)
Grolimund, S., (1526, 1527) Harcourt, MargMrite (Beclard)-d', (98, 39,
Groneman, J., (15 28- 153, 2536) 1600-1602,167,1929,2489,2490, 2913a), 63
Harcourt, Raoul d', (1599-1607a, 1929,2489, Herskovits, Francis, (2283), 3I
2490, 2913a), 63 Herskovits, Melville J., (1696-1701, 1704,
Hardiment, Melville, (1608) 228 3), 26,3I, 34,36
Hare, Maud Cuney, (1609-16II) Herzog, George, (fig. 40a) (252b, 1702-1750,
Harich-Schneider, Eta, (1612-1618a, 4516a), 2597, 39 12 ), I2,I6, I9,49, 76,78
64 Heymann, Mrs, Alfred, (1751)
Haring, Douglas G., 30 Hichens, William, (1752)
Harlez, C. de, (1619) Hickmann, Hans, (fig. 30) (1753-184OC, 4517,
Harper, F. J., (1619a) 45 18 , 4519), I9, 6I, 7I
Harrington, J. P., (1620) Hillelson, S., (184OC)
Harris, P. G., (1621, 1952) Hindemith, Paul, 43
Hartmann, Arthur, (1622) Hipkins, A. J., (1841-1844), 3
Hartmann, M., (1623) Hiroa, Te Rangi, see: Buck, Peter H.,
Hartweg, R., (1212a) Hirschberg, Walter, (1844a)
Hasan Husni 'Abd al-Wahhab (1624) HiIth, F., (1845, 1846)
Haslund-Christensen, H., (1625) Hitchcock, Polly, 29
Hasselt, A. L. van, (1626) Ho Lu-Ting (1846a)
Hasselt, J. H. van, (2051) Hobbs, Cecil C., (1847, 4307, 4308)
Haulleville, A. de, (707) Hoboken, P. C. J. van, (1848-1855, 4520)
Haupt, Leopold, (1627) HodeiI, Andre, (1856, 1856a)
Hause, H. E., (1744b, 1628) Hodge, Fred. Webb, (1264)
Hauzenberga- ~turma, E., (4004a) Hoerburger, Felix, (1858-1862), 2I
Hawkes, E. W., (1629) Hoevell, G. W. W. C. Baron van, (1863-1866)
Hawley (1630, 1631) Hoevell, W. R. van, (1867)
Haydon, Glen, (1632), 65 Howeler, Casper, (1868), 63
Hayes, Gerald R., (1632a) Hoffmann, A., (1869)
Hayward, Richard, (1633) Hoffmann, Charles, 36
Haywood, Charles, (1634) Hofwijk, J. W., (1870)
Hazeu, G. A. J., (1635) Hohenemser, H., (1871)
Hazrat Inayat Khan, see: Inayat Khan, Holiday, Geoffrey, (1872)
Hazrat, Holmes, William Henry, (861, 1873)
Hedin, Sven, (1625) Holst, Gustav, (2839)
Heekeren, H. R. van, (1636) Holst, Imogen, (640)
Heepe, M., (1637) Holzknecht, K., (1874, 1875)
Heerkens, A., (1638) Honda, Yasuji, (1876)
Heerkens, S. V. D., Father P., (1639), 40 Hood, Mantle, (fig. 44) (1877-1879), I7, 76, 77
Heffening, W., (4292) Hoogt, I. M. van der, (1880)
Hefny, Mahmoud El, (1640, 1641, 1641a) Hoose, Hamed Pettus, (1881)
Heger, Franz, (1642) Hornbostel, Erich M. von, (figs. 12 and 18)
Heilfurth, Gerhard, (1643) (369, 696, 15 88 , 1882-1963, 2394, 2509,
Heine-Geldem, Robert von, (1644-1648) 2510, 3579b, 3996),3,5,6 ff., IO, I2. I7. I8,
Heinitz, Wilhelm, (1581a, 1649-1684, 2824, I9, 23, 24,39,43, 45, 46,55,56,58,59,60
4072a), 2, I2, 65 Homburg, Friedrich, (1964, 1965)
Heintze, R., (1685) Hough, Walter, (1970)
HeIck, W., (1834a) Houis, Maurice, 36
Helffer, MiIeille, (1685a) Houston, John, (1966)
Helfritz, Hans, (1686) Houston-Peret, Elsie, (1967)
Helgason, Hallgrimur, (1686a) Houtman, Cornelis de, I5
Hellman, Ellen, (2230) Howard, Albert H., (1968)
Helmholtz, H. L. F., 3, 5 Howard, Walter, (1969)
Hemsi, A., (1687) Howes, Frank, (1971, 1972),65
Hen, F. J. de, (1688) Howitt, A. W., (1973)
Henderson, Hamish, 25 Howland Rowe, John, (1973a)
Henderson, Isobel, (1689) Hrinchenko 22
Henning, Walther, 3I Hrovatin, Radoslav, (1974)
Henriques-Urena, Pedro, (1690) Hsiao, Shu Hsien, (1975, 1976)
Herbig, Reinhard, (1691) Hsing Chi (1977)
Heritier, Francis; 66 Huard, Paul, (1978)
Hermann, Eduard, (1692) Huart, Cl., (1979, 1980)
Hernandez de Alba, Gregorio, see: Alba, Hubay, Jenovel, (4021C (No. 28))
Gregorio Hernandez de, Huber, Kurt, (1926, 1981, 1982)
Herrmann, ViIginia Hitchcock, (4307; 4308) Hubers, Father Hubert, (1983)
Herscher-Clement, J., (1693-1695) Huchzermeyer, Helmut, (1984)
Hudec, Konstantin, (1985, 3Z13) Jagamas, Janos, (II55, z055)
Hiibner, Herbert, (1986-1988), I3, 46 Jagannatha, Panditaraja, (1577a)
Huettner, Johann Christian, (1989) Jager, H. de, (2056)
Hufu-anh (1840) Jahan, Shah, (1577a)
Huggler, Rudolf, (1990) Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali, (2056a), 32, 76
Hulbert, Homer R, (1991) Janacek, Leos, (2058, 2058a)
Hulstaert, G., (385, 1991a, 199z, 1993) Jancovic, Danica S., (259-2063)
Hulstijn, P. van, (1993a) Jancovic, Ljubica S., (2060-z065)
Hultkrantz, Ake, (1994) Jans, P., (2066)
Humbert-Sauvageot, Mrs. M., (1995, 1996, Jansky, Herbert, (2067, 248o, 2481, 2495), I7
4 IIO),63 Janus, Carolus, (2068)
Hunter, G., (1996a) Japanese Radio Institute (2069)
Huntington, Mary, (1997) Jardanyi, PiB, (2070-2073)
Hurston, Zora, (1998) Jargy, Simon, (4516b)
Hurt, Ambra H., (1999) Jasim Uddin (274, 2075)
Husmann, Heinrich, (zooo-zo08c) , 8, I9, 7I Jeannin, Dom J., (277-279)
Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard, (zoog) jeffreys, M. D., (208o, 2080a)
Hutchings, Arthur, (ZOI0, ZOII) Jekyll, Walter, (2945)
Hurth, Arno, (2012, 2012a) Jenkins, B., (2081)
Huth, E. von, (2012b) Jenkins, Jean, (45 22)
Huxley, H. M., (2013) Jenkinson, N. H., (2082)
Huyser, J. G., (2014) Jenness, D., (2083, 3436)
Hwei, Li, (2015) Jensen, A. E., (2083a)
Hyslop, Graham H., (2016) Jhering, H. von, (2083b)
Jiranek, Jaroslav, (2084)
Ibarrola, R., (2016a) Joest, W., (2085)
Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi (II91) John-Laugnitz, A., (2086)
Ibn Kurdadhbih (II66) John, J. T., (2087)
Idelsohn, A. Z., (1726, 2017-20z8), I7 Johnson, Guy Benton, (2088)
Idohou (1547) Johnson, Grme, (2089)
Ilitch, S. L., (4521) Johnsson, Bengt, (2090)
Ilyin, A., (20z9) Johnston, Richard, (1279)
Inayat Khan, Hazrat, (952) Jones, Father Arthur Morris, (Z09I-2105b),
Isamitt, Carlos, (2032, z033) 4I , 75
Isawa, Sh., (2034) Jones, Trevor A., (1063b, 2106)
Ito, S., (2035) Jones, William, (785, 217, 2108)
Ittmann, J., (1037) Jong Lsn., J. L., (2109, 2IIO)
Ivanoff, Pierre, 26, 27 Jonsson, F., (4523)
Ivens, W. G., (236) Jorge, Tomas, (2IIl)
Iyengar, Devakotai Narayana, 27 J oset, Alain, 35
Iyengar, Ramanuja, 27 Jourdain, M., (2112)
Iyengar, R. Rangaramanuja, (2037) Joyce, Patrick Weston, (2II3, 2114)
Iyengar, V. V. Srinivasa, (2038) Joyce, Thomas Athol, (2II4a, 417)
Iyer, E. Krishna, (2039, 2040) Joyeux, Charles, (2II5, 2II6)
Iyer, K. Bharatha, (2040a) Judd, Neil M., (2II7)
Iyer, Madura Mani, 27 Jungbauer, G., (2II8)
Iyer, Mudi Kondan C. Venkatarama, (2040b), Jungblut (2II9)
27 Junior, Santos, (341, 2120, 2121, 4183)
Iyer, Subrahmanya, 27 Junod, Henri A., (2122-2124)
Iyer, S. Venkatasubramania, (241-242),35 Jurjans, A., (2125)
Iyer, T. L. Venkatarama, (2043, 2043b) Jurk-Bauer, I., (4524)
Iyer, T. M. Krishnaswami, 29 Juskos, Antano, (2126)
Iyer, Vina Vidnan A. Sundaram, (2043C) Juszkiewicz, A., (2125a)
Izikowitz, Karl Gustav, (2044-2046), 6I
Kadman, G., (2127)
j., (20 4 6a) Kahan, Y. L., (2127a)
Jackson, G. Pullen, (2047) Kalff, G., (2128)
Jackson, Wilfrid, (2048) Kalidasa (3317)
jacobs, J., (2049,2050) Kallenberg, S., (2128a)
jacobson, E., (2051) Kamala (Jharia) 33
jacovleff, A., (2052) KambuTOv, Iwan, (2129-2133)
Jadot, M. Pj., (2053) Kamel el-Kholay (2134)
Jagamas, loan, (2054) Kamitin, F. R., (2134a)
Kamori'ki, Te Kautu, (Z571) Klausmeier, Friedrich, (224Ib, 2863)
Kanai, Kikoku, (Z135, Z136) Klier, Karl, (2242-2246)
Kaneko, Nobori, (zI36a) Klose, H., (2247)
Kenetune-Kiyosuke (1949, z136b, zI36c) Klusen, E., (2248, 2248a, 2248b), I]
Kantor, S. A., (zI37) Knosp, Gaston, (2248c-2265)
Kao Tung Chia (zI38) Knott, C. G., (2265a)
Kappe, Gustav, (zI38a) Knudsen, Thorkild, (2266, 2266a)
Karabaic, N., (zI38b), 66 Kochnitzky, L., (2266b)
Karabey, U.ika, (zI39) Kodaly, Zottan, (fig. 10) (261, 265, 266,283,
Karastoyanov, A., (ZI40) 2267-2272, 402Ib),21, 22, 64, 72
Karim Khan, Abdul, 27 Kodikar, Mukta, (2273)
Karl Gregorius, Duke of Mecklenburg (4519) Konig-Beyer, Walter, (1947, 2299)
Karpeles, Maud, (187, z030, z140a-z144a, Kohl, Louis von, (2274, 2275)
38z1, 38z4), 14, 65 Kohlbach, B., (2276)
Kasintha, Merattur, (3z70) Kolari, Eino, (2277)
Kaslik, H., (II) Kolberg, 0., (2277&)
Kastaljskij, A., (zI46) Kolessa, Philaret, (2278-2280a)
Kataoka, Gid6, (2147) Kolff, D. H., (2281)
Kate, ten, (2148, Z149) Kolinski, Mieczyslaw, (fig. 22) (2282-2292).
Katschulev, Ivan, (ZI5o-z155a). 64 U), ]1
Katzarova-Koukoudova, Raina, (fig. 38) Koller, Oswald, (2293, 2294)
(53 8, ZI56-Z176), 64 Kollmann, Paul, (2295, 2296)
Katzenellenbogen, D., (2177) Kombe, L., (2102)
Kaudern, Walter, (1937, Z178), 61 Komitas (2297, 2298)
Kaufmann, H. E., (404) Koole, Arend, (2300, 2301)
Kaufmann, F. M., (2179) Korda, Viktor, (2302)
Kaufmann, Nicolay, (2180, 2181) KoritschOner, H., (2303)
Kaufmann, Walter, (2182), 78 Kornfeld, Fritz, (2304. 3388)
Kavi, M. Ramakrishna, (2184) Koroma, Jean, 26
Kawat 35 Kortshmarov, K., (2305)
Keel, Frederick, (2185) Koutev, Philip, (2305a, 2305b)
Keh, Chung Sik, (2186), 64 Kouteva, Maria, (2305a, 2305b)
Keldis, Juri, (2187) Kozaky, St., (2306)
Keller, Gustav, (2188) Kraeling. Carl H., (2307)
Kennedy, Keith, (2189-2191) Kramer, Augustin, (2308)
Kennedy, Peter, 21, 24, 25 Kraus, Alex., (2309, 2310)
Keny, E. C., (219Z) Kraus, Egon, (2863)
Ken\nyi, Gyorgy, (283 I and II, 2193, Krause, Eduard. (23Il, 2312)
21 94) Krauss, H .. (2313)
Kerkar, Bai Kesarbai, 33 Krawc, Bjarnat, (2314)
Kertesz, Gyula, (2195) Kreemer, J., (2315, 2316)
Keyser, P. de, (2196) Krehbiel, H. E., (2317, 2318)
Khandalavala, K., (3969) Kreiger, Herbert W., (4530)
Khokar, Mohan, (2197) Kremenliev. Boris A., (2319, 2320)
Kidson, Frank, (2198-zzoo) Krenn, Ernst, (2320a)
Kiesewetter, R. G., (2201, 4525) Kresanek, Jozef, (2321, 2321a)
Kilpinen, Yajo, (4179a) Krieg, Hans. (2322)
Kimotsuki, Kanekazu, (2202) Krieger, Herbert W., (2323)
Kin, Maung Tha, (2202a) Krishnacharya, Vidvan Hulugur, (2323a,
King, Hyatt, 21 23 23b )
Kingslake, Brian, (2203, 2203a) Krishnamurti, Mrs. Kamala, 27
Kingsley, Victoria, (2204) Krishna Rao (2324, 2325)
Kingsmill, Thomas W., (2205) Kristensen, Evald Tang, (2326)
Kinkeldey, Otto, (2206, 2207) Kristic, Augustin, (2327)
Kirby, Percival R., (fig. 21) (1960, 2208- Kroeber, A. L., (2854, 2920, 3061), 78
2237, 45 26, 45 27, 45 28 , 4545), 55 Krohn, Ilmari. (2328-2339)
Kirfel, W., (4292) Krojer, P. S. M., (2339a)
Kirstein, Lincoln, (2813) Krumscheid, A., (2340)
Kirtikar, Padmavati, (2241a) Kruyt, Albert C., (2341-2346), 43
Kishibe, Shigeo, (2z38-zz4I, 4138, 45Il, Kshetrajna (3342d)
4529), 46, 63 Kuba, Ludvik, (2347-2352)
Kiss, J6zsef, (851) Kuhac, F., (2353, 2354)
Kiss, Ujos, (283 III) Kuhnert, F., (2355, 2356)
Kumaram, Muttu, 27 Laub, Th., (2557)
Kumaraswamy, see: Coomaraswamy, Anan- Laubenstein, Paul Fritz, (2558)
daK., Launis, Armas, (2559-2564)
Kumer, Zmaga, (2356a) Lavauden, Therese, (2566, 2567)
Kundu, Sri Tarapada, 29 Laveda, L., (2567a)
Kunike (2357) Lavin, Ch., (2568)
Kunst, Jaap, (fig. 14) (122, 1593, 1744c. Lawirdi, Mikha'il Khalil AI-, (2569)
2358-2418, 3742), 2I, 25, 32, 34, 45, 46, 72 LawkJI
Kunst-van Wely, Mrs. C. J. A., (2360,2361), Lawrance, J. C. D., (2570)
46 Laxton, P. B., (2571)
Kurath, Gertrude Prokosh, (1225, 1226. Lazarevic, Stojan, (2571a)
2419-2438d), I7, 32 Leach, MacEdward, (257Ib)
Kurosawa, Takatomo, (2439) Leaky, L. S. B., (2572)
Kurth, E., (2440) Lebesque, Ph., (2572a)
Kutahialian, Jean Onnik, (2440a) Leblond, A., (2573a)
Kutter, Wilhelm, (2441) Leblond, Marius-Ary, (2573, 2573a)
Kuttner, Fritz A., (2442-2445), IO, 48 Lecoq, A., (2500)
Kutz, Adalbert, (2446) Leenhardt, Maurice, 35
Kuusisto, Taneli, (2447) Leden, Christian, (557, 2574-
Kuypers, John M., (2448) 2577 a )
Kvitka, K., (2449),22 Lee, Hyeku, (2577b)
Kyagambiddwa, Joseph, (2450) Lee, Kang Nyum, (2577C)
Kyokai, Nihon Hoso, (2450a, 2450b) Leffingwell, Marion, (1575, .3409)
Kyung Ho Park 29 Lehmann, Dieter, (2187)
Lehmann, Johannes, (2578)
Laade, Wolfgang, 32 Lehmann, Henri, (250)
Labat, J. B., (2451) Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert, (2579)
Labouret, Henri, (2452-2455) Lehmann, Werner, IO
Lach, Robert, (fig, 17) (1491, 2456-2495), Lehtisalo, T., (2580)
I3, I7,47,65 Lehuraux, Leon, (2581)
Lachmann, Robert, (fig. 20) (2377, 2496- Leifs, J., (2582, 2582a)
25 15,39 12 ),I2,I9.43,4 6,65 Leiris, Michel, (2583)
Lacouperie, Terrien de, (2516) Lekis, Lisa, 33
Ladiiinski , S., (2137) Lekis, Walter, 33
Laforest, Frantz, (2517), 26 Lekkerkerker, C., (2584)
Lagus, Ernst, (2518) Lemm, F. H., (2584a)
Lahiri, J" (3652) Lennep, Jkvr. Henriette van, (2585-2588b)
Lai, Nguyen-Dinh, (2519) Lenoir, Raymond, (2589)
Lajtha, Laszl6, (fig. 40), 2520-2525), 64. 72 Lens, Therese de, (2590, 2591)
Lakatos, Istvan, (2525a) Leon, Argeliers, (2592,2593)
La.l, Kanhaiya, 29 Leport, J. M., (2593a)
Lil.l, Mishra Shyam, 27, 29 Leriche, A., (2594, 2594a)
Lal. Pandit Chatur, (1851), 27, 33 Leroux, A., (2595)
Laloy, Louis, (2526-2531), 63 Leroux, Charles, (2596)
Lambert, H. E., (253Ia) Leslau, Wolf, (2597), 29, 3I
Lamson. Roy, (2532) Lethbridge, H. 0., (2598)
Lamsweerde, Felix van, (2532a) Levi, Leo, (2599)
Land, J. P. N., (487,49, 2532b-2537), 63 Levi-Provenlfal, E., (2600)
Landstad, M. B., (2538) Levis, John Hazedel, (2374,2601-2604)
Landtman, Gunnar, (2539) Levy, J., (2605)
Landtmanson, Samuel, (2540) Lewy, Ernst, (2481)
Lane, E. W., (2541) Lhote, Henri, (2606), 35
Lane, M. G. M., (2542-2544) Liang, Tsai-Ping, (453Ia)
Lang, Andrew, (2545) Li Yuang-Ching, see: Yuang-Ching Li
Langdon, Stephen, (2546) Libiez, Albert, (2606a)
Lange, Daniel de, (2547, 254 8 ) Lichtenwanger, William, (437.4308)
Laoye, I. H. H., (2549) Lichtheim, J" (2607)
Laparra, R, (2550) Lichtveld, Lou, (2608,2609)
Lara, M. de, (2551,2552) Lieutenant R N., A, (2613)
Larrea Palacin, Arcadio de, (2553-2555a, Li6tard, Alfred, (453Ib)
453 1) Ligeti, Gyorgy, (2610)
Larsson, Karl Erik, (2556) Ligtvoet, A. W., (2611, 2612)
La Rue, Jan, see: Rue, Jan la, Lima, Emirto de, (2614-2617)
Limbert, Francis L., (2618) Mackenzie, Roy, (2689a)
Lindblom, Gerhard, (2619, 2620) Maclaud (2690)
Lindeman, L. M., (2621) Maclean, Charles, (2691)
Linder, Sven, (2622) MacLean family 25
Lindsay, Maurice, (2623) Maclellan, John A. 32
Lineff, Eugenie, (2624-2625a) Macleod (Lady A. C. Wilson) (2692)
Lineman, W., (2626) Macleod, Norma, (3453)
Linne,S., (2627) Macler, Frederic, (2693)
Linton, Ralph, (2628) Macmillan, Ernst, (242)
Liscano, Juan, (2629),25,36 Madrid, Esther Samonte, (2696, 2697)
Lismer, Arthur, (240) Madumere, Adele, (2695)
List, George, (2629a) Madura Mani Iyer, see: Iyer, Madura Mani,
Little, K L., (2630) Maes, Joseph, (2698-273),55
Liu, Charles, (2631) Maeyens, L., (2704)
Liu, Chungshee Hsien, (2632) Maheswari Devi, N., (2704a, 2704b)
Liu Fu (2633, 2634) Ma Hiao Ts'iun (275, 2706)
Livshitz, A., (2635) Mahillon, Victor, (2707), 55, 56, 58, 59, 6I
Llanos, Carlos A., (2636) Mahler, Elsa, (2708)
Lloyd, A. L., (2637) Maimonides (1177)
Lloyd, Llewelyn 5., (2638-2643). I9 Maissen, Alfons, (2709)
Lloyd, Theodosia, (2644) Maitra, Radhika Mohan, (2710, 2711)
Lobsiger-Dellenbach, M., (4532) Makin, William J., (2712)
Lo Liang Chu (2645) Ma, Ko, (2713)
Lods, Adolphe, (2646) Malm, William, 77
Loesche, E. Pechuel, (2646a) Mammery, A., (2714, 2715)
Lomax, Alan, (2647),25,34 Manctera, Anak Anak Gde, 25, 34
Lomax, John A., (2647). 24, 25, 66 Manga, Janos, (2716, 2717)
Long, Kenneth R., (2648, 2648a) Mangahas, Ruby K, (2716a)
Longmore, L., (2649) Mangkoe Nagara VII, His Highness Kang-
Loomis, A., IO jeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aria, (2359d)
Loorits, Oskar, (2650) Manizer, H. H., (2718)
Lootens (4532a) Manahar Barve, see: Barve, Manahar,
Lopez Chavarri, E., (2651) Manker, Ernst, (2719)
L6pez Chinas, Gabriel, (2652) Manoylovie, K P., (2720)
Lopez Cruz, Francisco, (2652a) Manrato, A., (2721)
Lord, Albert B., (282, 1748, 2653-2655), Mansfield, Grace Y., (1509a)
25 Mansoor Uddin, M., (2722, 2723)
Lorenc, Antoni, (2656) Manusama, A. Th., (2724)
Loret, Victor, (2657-2660) Manwaring, G. E., (2725)
Lorimer y Paul (2661, 2662) Maquet, J. N., (2726-273Ib)
Lottermoser IO Marbe IO
Louw, J. K, (2663) Marcel-Dubois, Claudie, (figs. 13 and 31)
Lubtchansky, J. C., 34 (2381, 2732-2738,4533b), 2I,24, 6I
Lubtchansky, 5., 34 Marchal, H., (2739)
Liibke, Anton, (2664) Marchal, Sappho, (2740)
Lugossy, Emma, (2665) Marchesseau, G., (2740a)
Lundahl, J. E., (3883b) Marcu, G., (2740b)
Lury, Canon, (2666) Marett, R. R., (2741)
Lush, Allan J., (2667) Marfurt, Luitfrid, (274la)
Lussy, K, (2667a) Mariano, P. A., (2742, 2743)
Lussy, M., (827) Marie, Father Branko, (2744-2746)
Lutter, E., (2668) Marie-Elisabeth, Mother, (2743a)
Lyle, Robert, (2669) Marinus, Albert, (fig. 40) (2747-2749)
Marks, R. W., (2751)
Maas, Chr. J., (2670-2672) Marolt, France, (2752),22
MacCulloch, J. A., (26]3, 2674) Marques, A., (2753, 2754)
Macdonald, D. B., (2675, 2676) Marques, Belo, (2755)
MacMa, Jose, (738,2677, 2677a, 4532b), 30 Marr, John, (2756, 2756a)
Machabey, A., (2678-2684, 4533, 4533a) 63 Marrou, Henri-Irenee, (4533C)
Machado, Guillermo Aguilar, (496) Marsden, William, (2757)
Machida, Kasho, (2685,2686),36 Marshall 36
Mackay, Mercedes, (2687,2688,2688a,2688b) Marshall, Harry Ignatius, (2758, 2759, 4534)
Mackensen, Lutz, (2689) Martenot 6I
Martens, Frederick, (2761-2765) Merton, Hugo, (2864)
Marti, Samuel, (2766-2771) Merwin, B. W., (2865)
Martin, E., (2772) Metfessel, Milton E., (2866, 2867), IO
Martin, Rudolf, (2773) Metraux, Alfred, (2868-2871)
Martinengo-Ceraresco, E., (2773a) Meulen, R. van der, (287Ia)
Marx, B. L., (2774) Meyer, A. B., (1292, 2872-2874)
Mas, Tjokorda, 35 Meyer, Gustav William (2875)
Masek, N., (2775) Meyer, Leonard B., (2875a)
Mason, Otis 1., (2776, 2777) Meyer, Max, (2876, 2876a)
Maspero, Gaston C. C., (2778) Michaelides, Solon, (2877-2880)
Masu, Genjiro, (2779, 2780), 25, 63 Migeod, F. W. H., (2881)
Matchinsky, A., (2781) Miles, C., (2882)
Matlova-Uhrova, Ludmila, (2782) Miller, Philips L., (2882a)
Matos, Manuel Garcia, (2783-2787, 3759) Miller, Ll., (2883)
Matsunaga, Susumo, (2788) Milosevic, Vlado, (2884, 2885)
Mattfeld, Julius, (2788a) Mincoff-Marriage, Elizabeth, (2886)
Matthews, Basil, (2789) Minderovic, C., (2886a)
Matthews, F. Schuyler, (2790),47 Mingote, Angel, (2887)
Matthews, W., (2790a) Mironov, N. N., (2888)
Matthieu, G., (2791) Mishra, Pandit Amarnatha, 29
Maung Tha Kin, see: Kin, Maung 1 ha, Mishra, Narayan Das, 27
Mauny, Raymond, (4535) Mishra, Sushila, (2889, 2890)
Maures, N. G., (2792) Mitchison, William, (2891)
Maybom, A., (2793) Moberg, Carl Allan, (2892-2894)
Mayer, M., (3991), 4I Moeck, Hermann, (2895, 2896)
Maynard Araujo, Alceo, (2794) Mohler, A., (2897)
Mayr, Franz, (2795) Mohammed (2762)
Mazaraki, Despina, 26 Mohan, B. S., (2899)
Mazel, Jean, 34 Moheyeddin, K., (2900)
Maziere, Francis, 26, 66 Mojzisek, Sebral Josef, (2901)
Mazzini, G., (2796) Mokri, M., (2902)
Mbiye, B., (2796a) Moldoveanu-Nestor, Elisabeta, (4552)
McAllester, David P., (2797-2802), I7, 36, 77 Molitor, H., (2903)
Mcleod, Norma, (3453, 3453a) Molnar, Antal, (2904)
McPhee, Colin, (2803-2817),25, 63 Moloney, C. Alfred, (2905)
Mead, Charles W., (1943, 2818) Mondon-Vidailhet, M., (2906)
Mead, Margaret, (2816) Montandon, Georges, (2907-2909), 58, 59.
Meadows, Capt. Taylor, (2819) 60, 6I
Mededovic, Avdo, (2655) Montez, C., (292)
Meertens, P. J., 2I Montgomerie, William, 25
Meeteren, N. van, (2820) Mooney, James, (2910)
Meeus, F. de, (2820a) Moor, Arthur Prichard, (2911)
Megas, G. A., 30 Moore, George F., (2912)
Mehta, Manharram H., (2821) Moravcik, Ivo, (2990)
Meier, John, (282Ia) Moreiio, Segundo Luis, (2913, 2913a)
Meijer, D. H., (2822) Moreux, Serge, (2914)
Meinhof, Carl, (1581a, 2823, 2824, 4072a) Morici, G., (2915)
Mello Carvalho, Irene da Silva, (2824a) Morris, E., (2082, 2916)
Melo, Guilherme de, (2825) Morris, Frances, (2917)
Melo, Verissimo de, (2826) Morton-Williams, P., (2917a)
Mendizabe1, Miguel Oth6n de, (2827,2828) Moseley, A. B., (2918)
Mendoza, Vicente T., (602, 603, 282g-2836b) Moser, Hans Joachim, (2918a, 4537)
Meng, Chih, (2837) Mosharrafa, M. M., (2919)
Mengrelis, Th., (2837a) Moss, Claude Russell, (2920)
Menon, Narayana, (2838-2840, 4535a) Motzev, Aleksandre, (2921, 2922)
Menuhin, Yehudi, (1851). 33 Moule, A. C., (2923, 2925, 2926), 63
Meny de Marangue (2841) Moule, G. E., (2926)
Merian, W., (2842) Mourinho, Father Antonio, (341, 4184)
Merlier, Melpo, (300a, 2843, 2844). 26 Mowry, Luct:tta, (2307)
Merriam, Alan P., (fig. 43) (1134, 1304, 1364, Mudaliar, A. H. Chinnaswamy, see: Chin-
2845-2860a, 4536,4536a), I4,I7,30,34, 76 naswamy Mudaliar, A. H.,
Merriam, Barbara W., (2857),30,34 Miiller, H., (2927)
Mersmann, H., (2861-2863) Miiller, Salomon, (2927a)
Mukerji, D. P., (2928, 2929) Norton, William Alfred, (3043)
Mukhopadyaya, Debabrata, (2930) Notopoulos, James A., 30
Mukhopadyaya, Dhurjati Presada, see: Mu- Nowotny, Karl Anton, (3046)
kerji, D. P. Ntahokaja, J. B., (3047)
Munkacsi, Bernard, (248o, 2931) Nuez Caballero, Sebastian de la, (3048)
Munoz Sanz (2932) Nunez, Julio Espejo, (3048a)
Murdoch, John, (2933) Nyerup, P., (349,3346)
Murko, M., (2934, 2935), I7
Murray, K. C., (2935a) Obata, J., (3049a)
Mursell, James L., (2936) O'Boyle, Jean, (3049b)
Mutatkar, Mrs, Sumati, (2938-2941) Obreschkoff, Christo, (3050)
Myers, Ch. S., (2943-2951),46 O'Brien, F., (351)
Myint, Maung Than, 30 Oc6n, E., (352)
Oderigo, Nestor Ortiz, (3053-3056)
Nabaraoui, Ceza, (2953) Oedoen, Beke, (2480)
Nadel, Siegfried, (2954-2961), I7, I9, 46 0rpen, Truls, (1560a)
Nakaseko, Kazu, (2961a) Oesau, Wanda, (3057)
Narasimhan, V. M., (2962) Okie, Packard L., 30
Nasto, L., (2963) Olbrechts, Frans M., (3058, 3058a)
Nataletti, Giorgio, (2964, 2964a), 2I Oldeberg, Andreas, (3059)
Nathan, J., (2965) Olds, W. B., (3060), 47
Nathan, M. Montague, (2966) Oliveira, J. O. de, (3060a)
Natrajan (692b) Oliver, D. L., (361, 3062)
Nau, Walter G., (50, 121,2967) Oliver, Richard A. C., (3063)
Nayaka, Gopala, (3320a) Olmeda, F., (3064)
Nayudu, B. Chitti Babu, (2968) Olkhovsky, Andrey, 22
N'doye, M. C., (2968a) Olney, Marguerite, (1256)
Needham, Joseph, (2969) Olrik, Axel, (1545, 2557, 4539)
Neefe, Konrad, (2970, 2971) Olrog, Ulf Peder, (3065)
Nekes, Hermann, (2972) Olympos (2002)
Neog, Sri Maheswar, (2973, 2974) Ombredane, A., (3065a)
Nesselman, G. H. F., (2975) Oost, P. J. van, (3066---3069), I7
Nettel, Reginald, (2976, 2977) Oransay, Gultekin, (3070)
Nettl, Bruno, (fig. 42) (570, 1579, 1629, Orden, Burt, (371)
297 8-3 00 3, 35, 300 5 a--c, 4537 a , 4537 b ), O'Reilly, Patrick, (3072)
48,55,65 Ortiz, Fernando, (3073-3080),64
Neus, H., (3006) Ortiz Oderigo, Nestor R., see: Oderigo, Nes-
Nevermann, Hans, (3007) tor R. Ortiz,
Neves e Mello, Adelino A. Das, (3008) Ortman, Otto, (3081)
Neves, Victor, (3008a) Ortutay, Gyula, (3081a)
Nevin, Arthur, (3009) Osa, Sigbj0rn B., (3082)
Newman, A. K., (3010) Osafo, F. Onwona, (3082a)
Newmarch, Rosa, (3012) Osanai, Tadao, (3083)
Nguyen-Dinh Lai, see: Lai, Nguyen-Dinh, Osburn, Mary Hubbell, (3084)
Nguyen-Nghe 26 Ostrowskich, P., (3085)
Nguyen Van Huyen (3013) O'Sullivan, Donal J., (386---390)
N. H. D. S. (3013a) Ota, Taro, (3091), 63
Nicewonger, Harriet, 78 Otano, N., (3092)
Nielson, A. C., (3014) Otto, E., (1834a)
Niemeyer, Wilhelm, (315, 3016)
Nieuwenkartlp, W. O. J., (3017-3022) Paasonen, H., (3093a)
Nikolov, Kosla, (3023) Paduano, Luigi, (3093b)
Nikolskji, N. W., (3023a) Pages, P., (3094)
Nimuendaju, Curt, (3023b) Paitonjiev, Gancho, (1248)
Nketia, J. H., (3 24, 325, 302 5a ) Palacin, Arcadion de Larrea, see: Larrea
Noguera, A., (3026) Palacin, Arcadion de,
Nolasco, Florida de, (3027) Paladian, S., (3094a)
Noone, H. D., 3D, 33 Palavicino, Enrique, (3095)
Norbeck, Edward, 29 Palcok, Zoran, 22
Nordenskjold, Erland; (3028, 3029) Palinkas, J ozsef, (3096)
Noreen, Erik, (3030} Panditar, M. Abraham, (3097-3099)
Norlind, Tobias, (fig. 5) (3031-3042a, 4538), Panhuys, Jhr. L. C. van, (3100-313)
55,58 Pann, Anton, (314)
Panoff, Peter, (315, 3106, 4540) Pike, Kenneth L., (3186, 3187)
Panum, Hortense, (317-319) Pilet, Raymond, (3188)
Piques, Mrs., (3I09a). 35 Pillai, T. N. Rajaratnam, 27, 29
Parisius, Ludolf, (3646a, 4318) Pillai, Vidvan Manpoondiya, (3189)
Parisot, J., (3 IIO) Pillai, Vidvan Palani Subramania, (3189)
Park, Kyung Ho, 29 Pinches, T. G., (3190)
Parker, D. C., (31II) Pinck, Louis, (3191)
Parmentier, H., (3II2, 3II3) Pingle, Bhavanrao A., (3192)
Parrinder, E. G., (3II4) Pinon, Roger, (2606a, 3193)
Parry, Milman, (282, 2654) Piquet, E., (3483, 3484)
Parsons, Elsie Clews, (3II5) Pischner, Hans, (3195)
Parthasarathi, S., (3II6) Pitts, Harry, (II22)
Parvatikar, Swami D. R., 27, 29 Plath, Joh, Heinrich, (3196)
Pasini, Fr., (3II7) Plato (3170), 44
Passin, Herbert, (2677) Platt, W., (3197),48
Pastor, Willy, (3118) Plessis, I. D. du, (3198, 3199)
Pataik, Raphael, 28 Plessis, L. J. du, (440)
Patel, Dinesh, 34 Plicka, Karel, (3200)
Paterson, A., (3II9) Plischke, Hans, (3201)
Paterson, J. D., (3120) Poduval, R. V., (3202-324)
Pattamal, Mrs. D. K., 27, 29, 35 Poch, Rudolf, (II39, 1488), I7
Patterson, Annie, (3121) Poensen, C., (325)
Paucitis, K., (3122) Pol, Balth, van der, 42
Pauli, F. W., (3123,3124) Polacek, Jan, (3206)
Pauwels, P. M., (3125) Poladian, Sirwart, (327-3209)
Payer (3126) Polak, A. J., (3210)
Peabody, Charles, (3127) Polin, Claire C. J., (32II)
Peaccock, Ken, 30 Poleman, Horace L., (4307, 4308)
Pearse, Andrew, (3127a, 3128),32 Pollmann, JoP, (3212), 2I
Peate, Iorwerth, (3128a) Poloczek, Frantisek, (3213,3214)
Peczely, A., (3128b) Ponce, M. M., (3215)
Pedrell, Felipe, (3129) Pop, M., (32I6a)
Pedrosa, Mario, (3130) Pope (13)
Peeters, R. P., (1547) Popley, Herbert A., (3217),63
Peeters, Theophiel, (3I30a) Poree-Maspero, Eveline, (3218)
Pekker, Ian, (3131) Portmann, M. V., (3219)
Pelagaud, Fernand, (3132, 4240) Potentier, P., 36
Pelay Briz (3133) Pott, A. F., (3220)
Pelliot, Paul, (3134) Pott, P. H., (3221)
Pepper, Herbert, (3135-3152), 63 Poueigh, J., (3 222)
Pepratx-Saisset, Henry, (3I52a) Pound, Ezra, (3223)
Percival, Coussin de, see: Caussin de Perci- Pradines, Emerante de, (3224)
val, A., Prado, German, (3465)
Perdomo Escobar, Jose Ignacio, (3154-3156) Prajnanananda, Swami, (3225)
Pereira Salas, Eugenio, (3157, 3I57a) Prasad, Nandan, 27
Peri, Noel, (3158), 63 Prasanna, Raghunath, 27
Peristeres, Spyros D., (3159),3 Pratella, F. B., (708, 3226)
Pernot, Hubert, (3160) Preuss, Karl Theodor, (1910, 3743)
Perron, Michel, (3161) Price, E. W., (3226a)
Petit, Raymond, (3162) Price, Thomas J., 33
Petneki, Jeno, (3163) Prichici, Constantin Gh., (3227, 3228, 3228a)
Petri, George, (3164, 3165) Prick van Wely, Max, (3229)
Pettazzoni, Raffaele, (3166) Prietze, Rudolf, (3230, 3231)
Pfister, G. A., (3167, 3168) Primovski, A., (4181)
Pfrogner, H., (3169) Prin, J. B., (1340, 3232)
Phelps, D. L., (3170) Prince, J. D., (3233)
Philips, Ekundayo, (3172) Pringsheim, Klaus, (3234-3236)
Phillips, W. J., (3173) Pritchard, W., (3237)
Pichiappa, K., 27 Proca, Vera, (3238,3239)
Picken, Laurence, (3174-3181), 63, 75 Procope, Bruce, (3239a)
Pigeaud, Th., (3182) Psachos, C. A., (324,3241)
Piggott, Francis, (3183-3185), 63 Pujol, F., (3242, 3243),
Piguet, E., (3483) Pulestone, F., (3244)
Pulver, J., (3245, 3246) Resna, Ibu Hadji, 35
Pythagoras (842) Revesz, Geza, (3394, 3395), 46, 47, 48
Rexroth, Kenneth, (3397)
Quaritsch Wales, H. G., see: Wales, H. G. Rhesa, L., (3398)
Quaritsch, Rhodes, Willard, (3399-3405a), I7, 28, 29,
Quasten, Johannes, (3247) 30,3 6,76
Quenum, Maximilien, (3248) Ribeiro, Darcy, (3406, 3407)
Querino, Manuel, (3249) Ribera y Tarago, J., (1575, 3408-34 10, 4543)
Ricard, P., (34II--3413)
Rabbihi, Ibn Abd, (II91) Ricard, R, (3414)
Rabesahala, E., (3249a) Richard, Mrs. Timothy, (3415)
Rabinovitch, M. G., (3250) Richter, 0., (1292)
Raemsdonck, M. van, (3250a) Ridgeway (3416)
Raffles, Thomas Stamford, (3251) Riedel, J. G. F., (3417)
Raghavan, V., (3252-3308b), 23, 63 Riegler-Dinu, Emil, (3418-3420)
Rajagopalam, T. K, (339, 3310) Riemann, Hugo, (3420a)
Rajamannar, P. V., (33II) Riemann, Ludwig, (3421)
Rajeczky, Benjamin, (997, 3312, 3313) Rihtman, Cvjetko, (fig. 36) (3422-3424a),
Ram, Radha Shiri, 27 22,64
Ramachandran, K V., (3314-3320a), 63 Ringgren, Helmer, (2622)
Ramachandran, N. S., (3321, 3322) Rio, Joao do, (3425)
Raman, C. V., (1433a) Risari, P. M., (3425a)
Ramanujachariar, A., (3323) Ritchie, Jean, 34
Ramaswami Aiyar, M. S., (42, 43, 3324) Ritter, Helmuth, (3426-3428)
Ramirez, Aracelio, (3325) Riverson, I. D., (3428a)
Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe, (127a, 3326, Robb, John Donald, (3429),29
33 2 7, 33 27a ) Roberts, Helen Heffron, (fig. 28) (1620, 1958,
Ramos, Arthur, (3328, 3329) 343D-3451C), I6, 65
Ranade, G. H., (3330-3334) Robertson, J. W. R, (3452)
Rangeley, W. H. J., (3334a) Robins, R H., (3453, 3453a)
Ranki, Gyergy, (3335) Robinson, Arthur E., (3454)
Rao, H. P. Krishna, see: Krishna Rao, H. P., Robinson, Kenneth (2969, 3455)
Rao, Sri B. Subba, (2040b, 3335a) Robinson, K R, (4543a)
Rao, Bahadur N. M. Adyantayya, (3335b) Robson, James, (II84, 3456, 3457)
Rao, Srinivasa, (3335c) Roche, Simone, see: Dreyfus-Roche, Simone,
Rao, T. V. Subba, (3336-3340e) Roda, Cecilio de, (3458a)
Rao, Vissa Appa, (3341-3342d) Rodger, George, (3460)
Rasmussen, K, (3343-3345) Rodrigues, J. Barbosa, (3461)
Rasmussen, P., (3346) Rodriguez Valle, Flausino, (3462)
Rason, Marie-Robert, (3347) Rohrer, Ernst Friedrich, (3463)
Ratanjankar, S. N., (220, 3348-3357), 63 Rojo, Casiano, (3464)
Rattray, R S., (3358-3360) Roman, Marcelino M., (3465)
Raudkats, A., (3361) Romansky, L., (3466)
Raven-Hart, R, (3362, 3362a) Romero, Fernando, (3467)
Ravindra Shankar, Pandit, see: Shankar, Romero, Jesus, (3468)
Pandit Ravindra, Romeu Figueras, Jose, (2785, 3469, 3470)
Ray, Kumari Juthika, 29 Romualdez, Norberto, (3471)
Read, F. W., (3363) Rookmaker, H. R, (3472)
Rebel, Juanita de, (3364) Roosevelt, Leila, 34
Reche, Otto, (3366) Roo van Alderwerelt, J. de, (3473)
Redinha, J., (3366a) Roscoe, John, (3474)
Regelsperger, Gustave, (3367) Rose, Algernon S., (3475, 3476)
Regner, Hermann, (4542) Rosenthal, Ethel, (3477-3479)
Reignighausen, Fr. W., (3367a) Rosfelder, R, 35
Reinach, Theodore, (3368) Rosner, Victor, (3480)
Reiner, M., (3369), 8, 9, I7 Rosovsky, Solomon, (3480a)
Reinhard, Kurt, (2006, 2007, 3370-3388b), Ross, Uilleam, (3480b)
I7,69 Rossa, Erne, (4I3)
Reinholm, A., (3389) Rossat, Arthur, (348I, 3483, 3484)
Reisner, Robert George, (3390) Roth, Henry Ling, (3485, 3486)
Renou, L., (3393a) Roth, Walter Edmund, (3487)
Rensch, R, (3393b) Rothmiiller, A. M., (3488)
Requile, Ch., (3393c) Rouanet, Jules, (3489-3495, 4441)
Rouch, J., (3495 a , 3495b), 35 Santesson, Hans Stefan, 34
Rouffaer, G. P. (3496) Santesteban, JoB., (3645, 3646)
Rouger, G., (3497) Santiago, Francisco, (3647)
Rouget, Gilbert, (fig. 34) (I2I2a, 1524, 3498- Sapir, Edward, (234, 1725, 3648-365, 391I),
3502C), 24, 26, 27, 28, 35, 36, 63 I6
Roumain, Jacques, (3503) Sarasvati, Bala, 27
Rousseau, M., (3503a) Sarathchandra (3651)
Routledge, K., (3504) Sargeant, Winthrop, (3652-3654)
Routledge, W. S., (3504) Sarkis, S. J., (3655)
Roy, Carmen, (3505) Sarkistan, Leo, 34
Roy, Claude, 26 Sarma, Turaiyur M. Rajagopala, 29
Roy, Dilip Kumar, (3506) Sarnga Dev (3099)
Roy, Hemendralal, (3507) Sartiaux, Po, (3655a)
Roy, Robindralal, (3508-351I) Sas, Andre, (3656-3657)
Roy, Trina, (35IIa) Sastri, K. Vasudeva, (3657a, 3657b)
Rubec, A., (3512) Sastri, Pandit So Subrahmanya, see: Subrah-
Rubin, R, (3513) manya Sastri, Pandit So,
Rudyar, D., (3514) Satyadeva, Geeta, (3658)
Rue, Jan la, (3515, 3516) Saul, Patrick, 2I
Ruehl, Father Theodor, (3517) Saulnier, Tony, 35
Ruelle, C. E., (3518) Saunders, William, (3659)
Rullins, Vera, (3519) Saussine, R de, (3660)
Runge, Paul, (3520) Savart, 4
Rusic, Branislav, (3521) Saville, M. H., (3661, 3662)
Ryckmans, A., (3522) Sax, C. von, (3663)
Rycroft, David R, (3523, 3523a) Sayer, Thos., (3664)
Ryden, Stig, (3524) Saygun, Ahmed Adnan, (fig. 38) (3665-3668),
Sa'adyah Gaon (1I81) Sbircea, George, (3670)
Sachau, Eduard, (3525) Scarborough, Dorothey, (3671)
Sachs, Curt, (fig. 3) (8, 1575a, 1913,3526- Schad, Gustav, (3672)
3579h), 5, 9, I7, 3Z, 46 , 49 ff., 55, 56 ,58, Schaden, Francisco S. Go, (3673)
59,60,6I,6z, 65,66 Schadenberg, Alex., (3674)
Sachse, F. J. P., (3578i, 3579j) Schafer, Ho, (3675)
Sachsse (3580) Schaefer, K. L., (3992)
Saefthingen, W. van, (3580a) Schaeffner, Andre, (fig. 15) (714, 3676-
Save, P. A., (3030) 3692b, 4543b),24,35,58, 59, 60
Safi ed-Din 'Abd el-Mumin (591) Schebesta, Paul, (3693, 3694)
Safford, W. E., (3581) Scheepers, Will D., (3695), ZI
Sahukar, Mani, (3582) Scheierling, K. (3696)
Saindon O. M. 1., Rev. J. Emile, (3583) Schellong, 0., (3696a)
Sainte-Fare Garnot, Jean, (3584) Scherber, F., (3697)
Saint-Saens, Camille, (3585) Scherman, Christina, (1981)
Saionji, Yoshikazu, (3586) Scherman, Lucian, (1981, 3697a)
Salaberry, J. D. J., (3587) Scherrer, M., (3697b)
Salas, Samuel, (3588) Scheurleer, F. Do, (3698)
Salasc, Leon, (3589) Schiffer, Brigitte, (3699)
Salazar, Adolfo, (3590) Schimmerling, H. A., (3700)
Saldivar, Gabriel, (3591),64 Schindler, Kurt, (3701)
Salmen, Walter, (3592-3602, 4409) Schinhan, Jan P., (3702)
Salvador-Daniel, Francesco, (363, 364, Schi0rring, Nils, (fig. 4) (136, 3703-3705), 63,
360 4a ) 68
Sambamurthy, P., (3605-3623b), 63 Schipper, Ary, (3706)
Sami, Abdel Rahman, (3624) Schirmunski, V., (3707)
Saminsky, Lazare, (3625, 3626) Schlager, Ernst, (3708, 3709)
Sampson, Mitto, (3127a) Schlesinger, Kathleen, (87, 1343, 3710--3719),
Sanchez de Fuentes, Eduardo, (3627-3634) I8
Sanden, Heinrich, (3635) Schletterer, H. M., (4544)
Sanderson, Stewart F., 2I Schmaler, Johann Ernst, (1627)
Sandvik, O. M., (fig. 40b) (3636-3643), 32 Schmeltz, J. D. E., (3720--3725)
Sanjuan, Pedro, (3644) Schmidt, Leopold, (3726, 3726a)
Sankarananda (2974) Schmidt, Father Wilhelm, (3727,3728),48,62
Sannemann, Friedrich, (3644a) Schmidt-Ernsthausen, Vo, (3729)
Schmidt-Lamberg. Herbert, (3730, 3731) Sicard. Harald von, (3833, 3833a)
Schmitz, Hans Peter. (3732) Sichardt, Wolfgang, (3834)
Schneerson, G., (3733). 74 Sichel. A., (3835)
Schneider, Bernard, (2314) Siebold, Ph. F. von, (3835a)
Schneider. Manus, (fig. 25) (175,27 85.3734- Siegmeister, Elie, (3836)
3774b. 4545), I3, I9. 45, 48 69 Siedersbeck, Beatrice Dohme, (3837)
Schneider, Thekla. (3775) Sihleanu, Stefan, (3837a)
Schoen. Max. (165, 3081, 3776, 3780) Sihorkar, K. S., (3838)
SchOnberg, Bessie. (3563) Simbriger, Heinrich, (3839, 3840), I9
Schole, H., (3777) Simmons, Donald c., (3841)
Schott, S., (3778) Simon, Fran~ois, (3842)
SchottHinder. J. W.. , (3735. 3779) Simon, Richard, (3843-3846)
Schubart. W . (3537) Simpson, George Eaton, (3847). 30
Schiinemann, Georg. (3781-3784a) Sin'as, Ibn, (1640)
Schullian. D. M.. (3780) Sinclair, A. T., (3848)
Schuyler Matthews. F . (2790) Singh, jaideva, (3848a)
Scott, A. C., (3785, 37 86 ) Singh, Rai Bajrang Bahadur, (3849)
Scott, J. E., (37 87) Singh, Samar Bahadur, (3850)
Scott. J. G., (274 2 37 88 ) Sinha, Tribhuvana Nath. (220)
Scott. Nora E . (3789) Sirola, Bozidar, (3851-3858)
Scott. R R, (3790) Sivan, Maha Vaidyanatha, (4001)
Scripture. E. W., IO Skeat, W. A., (3859)
Scully, Nora. (3791) Skinner, Alanson, (3859a)
Scully, William Charles. (379 2) Skinner, H. D., (3859a)
Seaga. Edward. 30 Skjerne, G., (509)
Seashore, Carl E . (3793, 3794) Slavenski. Josip, (3860)
Seder. Theodor A. (3795) Slocomb, Marie, 2I
Seeger. Charles, (3796-3800a). 36, 4I. 77 Slonimsky, Nicolas, (3861-3863)
Seeger. Peter, (3801) Slotkin. J. S. (2798)
Seemann, Erich. (3802), 2I Smeding, H., (3864)
Seewald. Otto, (383) Smend (3865)
Seidel, j., (384-3806) Smetana, Robert, (4165)
Seidenfaden, Erik. (3807) Smirnov, P., (3866, 3867)
Selden, Margery Stomme, (3807a) Smith, B. j., (3868)
SeIer, Eduard. (3808, 3809) Smith, C. Alphonso, (3869)
Seligmann, C. G., (2947, 3810, 3968 ) Smith, Carleton Sprague, (3869a)
Selvas, Eduardo, (38Il) Smith, H., (3870)
Se-Ma Ts'ien (630, 4506e) Smith, M. E., (3871)
Semenov, A. A. (3812) Smith. Marian W., (1746)
Sempebwa, E. K. K., (3813) Smith, Peter Kite, 29
Sen, Vuong Hong, (3 81 4) Smits van Waesberghe, joseph, (3872-3874)
Sen, Prodyot, 33 Smyth, H. Warington, (3875)
Sena, Devar Surya, (3 81 5) Snelleman, Joh. F., (254 8, 3876)
Sendrey. Alfred, (3 816) Snethlage, Emil Heinrich. (3737, 3877)
Sereghy, Elemerrel, (4021C (No. 28)) Snowden. A. D., (3878)
Serov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic, (3 81 7) Sobieska, jadwiga, (fig. 39) (3879, 3882)
Servier, jean H., (3 818 ) Sobieski, Marian, (fig. 39) (3880-3882)
Seshayyar, Pallavi, (3 62 3) Sobolewska, Maria, (3881)
Shaffer; Mrs. j. M., (3819, 3820) Sobtchenko, A. I., (3882a)
Shankar, Ravi, (4314), 27, 33 Soderberg. Bertil, (3883, 3883a, 3883b, 3884,
Sharp, Cecil J., (2143, 3821-3824, 4546) 3884a, 388 4b )
Shastri, Budalur Krishnamurti, 27 Soepardi-Handjakiswara (3885)
Shastri, M. R., (3825) Soerjadiningrat, Soewardi, (3886)
Shaw. George Bernard, (fig. la) Soerjowinoto, Raden, (3886a)
Shaw, Margaret Fay, (3826, 382 7) Sohne, L. S., (3887)
Shay, Felix, (3828) Sokoli. Ramadan, (3887a)
Shelford, R, (3829) Sokolov, F. V., (3888)
Shen Tsung-Wen (3829a) Sokolskaja, T., (3889)
Shiba. Sukehiro, (470a, 3829b) Solecki, Ralph S., 3I
Shirali. Vishnudass, (3830) Solomons, E. V., (3890)
Shochikubai (3830a) Solorzano, Armando. (38goa)
Shuldham Shaw, Patrick, (3831) Solvijns. F. BaJtazard. (2387, 3891)
Shyamala. Kumari, 29 Somanatha (962a, 3274, 3520, 3844, 3845)
Somervel, T. Howard, (3892) Stone, Doris, 29, 32
Sonne, Isaiah, (4358) Stone, William H., (3968)
Sonner, Rudolf, (3893) Stooke, Herbert J., (3969)
Sonnerat, Pierre, (3894) Stowe, G. W., 55
Sosrosuwarno, Suhendro, (4463) Stowel, H. M., (3970)
Soulie, Georges, (3895, 3896) Strang, Gerald, (3971)
Souriau, E., (3897) Strangways, A. H. Fox, see: Fox Strangways,
Sousberghe, L. de, (3898) A.H.,
Southgate, T. L., (389g--3903) Strauberg, K, (4004a)
Sowande, Fela, (394, 3904a) gtrekelj, K, (397Ia)
Spanke, H., (3905) Strelnikov, J. D., (3972)
Spannaus, Guenther, (3906) Strehlow, T. G. H., (3973)
Spasow, Vasil, (397, 3908) Strickland-Anderson, Lily, (3974-3981)
Speck, Frank G., (1727, 390g--3912) Struck, Bernhard, (3982)
Spector, Johanna, (3913-3915a) Stumme, H., (3983)
Speight, W. L., (3916, 3917) Stumpf, Carl, (fig. 2) (1951, 3984-3999), I,
Speiser, Felix, (956, 3918) IO, I8,4 I ,44,46 , 47,48
Speiser, W., (3919) Sturtevant, William C., (737)
Spencer Pryse, G., (3920) Style, E., (4000) .
Spencer, T. B. W., 5, 7 Subandhu (3318)
gpicak, J., (3806) Subba Rao, Sri B., see: Rao, Sri B. Subba,
Spier, L., (1709) Subba Rao, T. V., see: Rao, T. V. Subba,
Spies, Walter, (2391, 3921-3923, 4498), 24 Subrahmanya Iyer, see: Iyer, Subrahmanya,
Spreen, Hildegard N., (3924) Subramanya Sastri, Pandit S., (41)
Springer, George P., (3925) Suchy, Frantisek, (42)
Sremec, Nada, (4484) Sunaga, K, (4003), 63
Sri B. Subba Rao, see: Rao, Sri B. Subba, Suri, Samanna, (3291)
Srinivasa (953) Susil, Franticek, (4004)
Srinivasan, M. A., (3926) Suwanto, R., 28
Srinivasan, R., (3927, 3928) gvabe, A., (4004a)
Stafford, William C., (3929) Svensson, Sven E., (4005)
Stainer, John, (3930) Swadesh, Morris, (3451), 65
Stankovic, Zivojin, (3931) Swan, A., (4006)
Stannus, Hugh, (3932, 3933) Swanton, John R., (4007)
Starkie, Walter, (3934-3938) Swartz, J. F. A., (4008)
Statius Muller, Wim, (3939) Swarup, Rai Bahadur Bishan, (4009)
Stauder, W., (3939a) Swets, W., (4009a)
Stayt, Hugh A., (3940) Syama Sastri (3297, 3618)
Stearns, Marshall W., (3940a), 26, 30 Sykes, M., (4010)
Steblyank022 Syoti Tudi (1949)
Stechenko-Koufina, V. K, (3940b) Syus, A. S. Bedelog P., (3049)
Steenhoven, Geurt van den, (1132) Szabolsci, Bence, (2272, 4012-402Ia)
Stefaniszyn, B., (3941) Szego, Julia, (4548) .
Stein, Aurel, (3715) Szendrey, Zsigmond, (4021 b)
Stein, 0., (394Ia) Szollosy, Andras, (402IC)
Stein Callenfels, P. V. van, see: Callenfels,
P. V. van Stein, Tagore, Rabindranath, (172-175, 180,3974)
Steinen, Karl von den, (3942) Tagore, Surindro Mohun, (422-432)
Steinitz, Wolfgang, (3943, 3944) Taig, Th., (4033)
Steinmann, Alfred, (3945, 3946, 3946a) Takacs, Jeno von, (4034)
Stephan, Ruth, (128b) Takano, Kiyosi, (435, 4036), 63
Stephan, S. H., (3947) Takeda, Chuichiro, (4037)
Sterling Adeline, (3948) Taki, R., (4038)
Stern, Philippe, (3949-3952) Tan Sen (665)
Stern, Theodore, (4547) Tanabe, Hideo, (441, 4042)
Stern, W., IO Tanabe, Hisawo, (4043-4045)
Steszewski, Jan, (355a) Tanaka, S., (4046),63
Stevenson, Robert, (3953) Tanghe, Joseph, (4047-4049)
Stewart, J. L., (3954) Tannery, P., (4050)
Stockmann, Erich, (3954a, 4318) Tantawi, Gawhari (451)
Stoin, Elena, (3955-3957), 63 Tappert, Wilhelm, (45 2). 45
Stoin, Vasil, (538, 3958-3965). 64 Tarenne, G., (4053)
Stoll, Dennis Gray, (3966, 3967) Tasseel, M., (4506a)
28 9
Tate. H . (4054) Trilles. Henri. (4149)
Tauern. O. D. (4055) Trimborn (3773)
Tavares de Lima. Rossini, (4056) Trivic, Ljubomir. (2884. 2885)
Tax. Sol. (4309) Trog. F . (4150)
Taylor. C. R. H . (4057) Trowell, Margaret. (4258)
Taylor. M. (4058) Troyer. Carlos. (4151)
Taylor. W. H . (4059) Trubetskoy. Prince N. S. (4152). I7
Tcherepnin. A. (4060) Truka. Jaroslav. (4549)
Tchou-kia-kien (2052) Tsala, Th. (4152a)
Tegethoff. W .. (4061) Tschopik, Harry, 29. jo
Teirlinck. Is. (4507) Tsutsua. P . (202a)
Telang. Mangesa Ramakrishna. (4062) Tucker, A. N. (4153-4155)
Terada. T .. (4062a) Tudi. Syioti. (1949, 2136a)
Termer. Franz, 7 I Turnbull. Colin M.. (4156. 4157). 3I
Terry. Richard R.. (4063) Tvermose Thyregod, S. (4158)
Tessmann, G., (1914) Tyagaraja (19a, 3118, 3120. 3280. 3282. 3283.
Thakura, Saurindramohana. see: Tagore, Su- 3290. 3293, 3309. 33 17, 3335C. 333 6 3340.
rindro Mohun. 3340d.3479.3620)
Thalbitzer. William. (464-472)
Udry, Albert. (4159)
Thilenius (158Ia. 2824. 4072a)
Thirakava. Khan Sahib Ahmadjana. 33 Upadyaya. Krishna Deva. (4159a)
Upanishad Brahma Yogin (3308a)
Thorbecke, F . (1650)
Ursprung, Otto. (4160)
Thorbecke. M. (1650)
Uspensky. V. A. (3131.4161-4163)
Thornton. P . (4073)
Thorsteinsson. B.. (4074. 4075) Vaananen. Jorma. (4164)
Thuren. Hjalmar L. (4064. 4066. 4067, 4076- Vaclavek, Bedrich, (4165, 4166)
484) Vaisanen, A. 0., (fog. 16) (4167-4179a), 63
Thurow. Donald. 3I Vakarelski. Christo, (4180,4181)
Thurston Dart. R.. (4085) Valastan, Bohuslav. (418Ia)
Thyregod. S. Tvermose. see: Tvermose Thy- Valcarcel y Vizcarra. L. E . (4182)
regod. S.. Valen. Leigh van. (4182a)
Tiby. Ottavio. (1213. 1213a. 4085a) Valentijn, Fran.yois, (4183)
Tiersot. Julien. (486-491) Valentin. Afonso, (4184)
Tiessen. Heinz. (492), 47 Valentin. Karl, (4185)
Til. Salomon van. (4093) Vallas. S., (3232)
Tillema. H., (4094) Valle. Flausino Rodrigues, (4186)
Tillyard. H. Julius W .. (4095) Valle, Nicola. (4187)
Tinoco. Maria F. de. (496) Vandewalle. 1.. (4187a)
Tiren. K.. (1744a. 4097) Vandyopadhyama. Sri Pada, (4188)
Tirunal. Sri Svati. (2043a. 3274) Vansina. J., (4189)
Titiev. Mischa. (498) Varagnac. A.. (4190). 65
Tobler, Alfred. (4099. 4100) Vargyas. Lajos, (4191-4195b)
Tod, James. (4 101 ) Varley, D. H .. (4196)
Tornberg. Gerda, (4102) Varnoux, Jean, (4197)
Tomas (1003) VaSa. P., (2058a)
Tonkovic, Pavol. (4 Io 3a . 414) Vasanthakokilam, Sm. N. C. 33
Toor. Frances. (4105) Vasiljevic. Miodrag, (fig. 41) (4198-420Ia),
Torday. Emil, (4106-4109) 22.64
Torhout, Nirgidna de. (4110). 63 Vatter, Ernst, (4202)
Tomer. Eduardo Martinez. (4111-4113) Vattier, M., (4203)
Torre, Emilio de. 29 Vavrinecz, Bela, (4204)
T6th. Kalman Cs.. (4113a) Vaynraykh, M., (2127a)
Touze. M., (4114) Vazquez Santana, Higinio. (425)
Tracey, Hugh T., (fig., 24) (4115-4136j)' 25. Vechten. C. van. (4206)
27.3 6 . Veeder, P. V.. (4206a)
Traeger, P . (4137) Veenai Dhanam. see: Dhanam. Veenai.
Travele. Moussa. (2455) Veerabdhadrayya, Merattur, (3299)
Traynor, Leo. (4138) Vega, Carlos. (4207-4213), 64
Trebitsch. R., (4139-4141). I7 Vela. David, (4214)
Trefzger. Heinz, (4142-4146) Veldhuyzen, Marie. 2I
Trembley. J. C., (12I1) Venkatamakhin (3266)
Trend. J. B.. (4147) Venkatarama Iyer, Mudikondan C., see: Iyer,
Tricon. A. (4148) Mudikondam C. Venkatarama,
Venkatarama Iyer, To Lo, see: Iyer, To Lo Wang, Kuo Wei, (4293)
Venkatarama, Wang, Shih-Hsiang, (4295)
Verbeken, A., (4216-4218) Wang, Ti, (4295)
Verdeil, R. Palikarova, (4219) Wantzloeben, So, (4296)
Veress, Sandor, (2520j, 4220) Ward, Herbert, (4297)
Verger, Pierre, z6 Ward, William Ernest Frank, (4298-430)
Verney, Frederick William, (4221) Ware, James R., (4549C)
Vernillat, France, (244) Warlington Eastlake, D., (4301)
Verwilghen, Leo, (422Ia), z9 Warman, J Wo, (4302)
29 1
Willems, Edgar, (4381) Yafil, E. N., (3495, 4444)
Willems, J. F., (4382) Yamada, G., (3830a)
Williams, C. F. Abdy, (4550) Yamanouchi, Seihin, (4445,4446)
Williams, F. E., (4383, 4384) Yamase, S., (3830a)
Williams, Ulric, 29 Yang', Yin-Liu, (4455)
Williamson, Robert W., (4384a) Yang, Yin-Lu, (4447)
Wilson, Lady A. C., (2692, 4385) Yasser, J., (444 8-445 1)
Wilson, E. W., (4386, 4387) Yekta, Raouf, (4452,4453),63
Wilson, Thomas, (4388) Yeomans, W., (4454)
Wimsatt, G., (4389) Yin, Fa-Lu, (4455)
Windakiewiczowa, H., (4390) Yodh, Gaurang, 34
Wingert, Paul S., (1360) Yogin, Upanishad Brahma, (3308a)
Winne, J. L., (1596) Yoshida, Tsuenezo, (4457)
Winnington-Ingram, R. P., (4391, 4392) Yosio Nomura, F., (3554)
Winstedt, Richard, (4551) Young, R. W., (4456),8, IO
Winternitz, Emanuel, (4393), 63 Yuan-Ching, Li, (4458)
Wiora, Walter, (fig. 29) (3774, 4394-4420a), Yurchenko, Henrietta, (4459-4461),29,36
I9, 2I, 46 Yusuf, Zakariyya, (4462)
Wiranatakusuma, R. T., (2359b)
IJzerdraat, Bernard, (4463,4464). 35
Wirth, Herman Felix, (4421)
Wirz, Paul, (4422, 4423) laba, Zbynek, (4465)
Wisse, Jan, (44 24, 4425) Zagiba, Franz, (4466-4470a)
Witte, Father A., (4426) Zahan, D., (4470b)
Witte, Father Fr., (4427) Zalesak, Cyril, (4471)
Wittenwiler (1227a) Zamfir, Constantin, (4472, 4552)
Wodehouse, Mrs. Edmund, (30Il,4428) Zatayevitsh, A. V., (4473-4475)
Weber, 0., (4429) latko, Rudolf, (4476)
Wolf, Johannes, (4430--4432) Zaw, U Khin, (4477. 4478, 4478a), 64
Wolf, Siegfried, (4433) Zehnden-BOhm, E., (3938)
Wolfenstein, Martha, (2816) Zeiger, Jean, 33
Wolferen, M. D. van, (4434) Zen, Sophia Chen, (621)
Wolff, Ernst, 32 Zerries, Otto, (4479-4481)
Wolfram, Richard, (4435) tganec, Vinko, (fig. 35) (4482-4491b), 22
Wong, Raymond, 32 Ziehm, Elsa, (421, 4492, 4493)
Wood, Alexander, (4436) Zilevicius, Juozas, (4494)
Worms, S. A. C., (4437) Zivkovic, Milenko, (4495)
Wess, Margareta, (4438) Zlotea, Ion, (4472)
Woykowitz, R. Nebesky de, (4439) Zoder, Raimund, (4496, 4497)
Wright, R., (4439a) Zoete, Beryl de, (3923, 4498)
Wiinsch, Walter, (4440--4443b) Zuccalmaglio (4407)
Wundt, Wilhelm,48 Ziiricher, Gertrud, (4499, 4500)
Wustmann, Erich, (4443c) Zwinge, Hermann, (4501)
29 2
Anthropologie, L', (153. 2Il2, 2589, 269<>, Asia Magazine (1569)
2909) Asia Major (1644, 1645, 1982. 4293)
Anthropos (6, 100, Il3b, 149, 373, 44, 535, Asiana (22a)
570, 793, 844a, 1012, 1020, 1039, 1129, Asiatic Review, The, (182, 2371, 3966, 3967)
1250, 1489, 1496, 1646, 1897, 197, 1918, Ateneo (38Il)
1929, 1930, 1983, 1986, 1993, 2282, 2372, Athene (122)
2373, 2579, 28 59, 2903, 2961, 366, 3067. Atlantic, The. (4478a)
3069, 3761, 3839, 3945, 3946a 406 5, 4282 Atlantic Monthly (1580. 2838)
43 62 , 44 26, 44 27, 4437. 45 01 ) Atlantis (336, 419, 431.436, 437)
Antiquite Classique, L', (1552) Atlantisbuch der Musik (417, 3784a)
Antiquity and Survival (2612) Atlas, L', (2715)
Antropol6gica (4374( Auftakt, Der, (2465, 2467, 2468, 2487, 3941a.
Anuario de la Sociedad Folkl6rica de Mexico 434)
(28 36)
Anuario Musical (344a, 464, 724, 728a, 1000, Babylonian and Oriental Record (1504.2516)
1003, 104, 1005, l005a. 1005b, 2552a, Baessler Archiv (385b. 1947, 2275. 2357,
2784, 27 87, 3749. 375 1, 375 2, 3755, 375 8 346 , 33 82 , 33 86 , 3877)
3762 , 3764a , 377 2 3905) Band (448a. 3u9a)
Anzeiger der Phil.-Hist. Klasse der Oester- Bantu Studies (994, 2091, 2092. 2122, 2208.
reichische Akademie der .Wissenschaften 2214, 2216, 2217, 2221, 2225, 2227, 2228,
(1487,2482,2483.2484,2485,4466) 379 1, 435 1)
Apollo (2916) Beitrage zur Kolonialforschung (1684)
Arbok for Nord- og Midthordland sogelag Bergen's Museums Aarbok (368, 4516)
(3 6 7) Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin (1596)
Archeologicke Rozhledy (2775) Berichte des Forschungsinstituts fiir Osten
Archives de Folklore (239) und Orient (2472, 2474)
Archives Suisses d'Anthropologie Generale Bijdragen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor
(546a. 1507, 2907) Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (574. 2345.
Archiv fiir Anthropologie (1239, 4246, 4315) 25 84, 3017. 4363)
Archiv fiir Musikforschung (254, 418, 795, Bilten Institut za Proucavanje Folklora u
IlI0, 1988. 3738, 3740. 374 1 3744, 37 84, Sarajevo (3422)
40 36 ,4040) Boletin Bibliografico Universidad Nacional
Archiv fiir Musikwissenschaft (801. 84, 1653, Mayor de San Marcos (3048a)
1920. 2008b, 2008c, 2496, 2497. 3535, 353 8, Boletin da Sociedade de Estudios da Colonia
3541, 354 8, 37 81 , 3782 ) de M~ambique (UIl, 4136a)
Archiv fiir vergleichende Phonetik (3748) Boletin de la Sociedade Venezolana de Scien-
Archiv fiir Volkerkunde (1486, 3367a) cias Naturales (2629)
Archivio per l' Antropologia e la Etnologia, Boletin de la Uni6n Panamericana (501)
Firenze (1412, 2310) Boletin del Instituto de Folklore (125, 126)
Archiv Orientalni (1795) Boletin del Museo Nacional de Arqueologia
Archivos del Folklore Cubano (604) (282 7)
Archivos del Instituto de Estudios Africa- Boletin Indigenista (446o, 4461)
nos (1042) Boletin Latino-Americanode Musica(44,45.63,
Archivos Ethnos (401) 95a, 25 2a, 385d, 493 a , 606. 712 759, 9 27.
Archivos Venezolanos de Folklore (127, 127a, 1472, 1550a. 1580a, 1696, 1699, 1]01. 1735.
33 26) 2033, 2824a, 2832, 2836a, 3008a 3154.
Archivum Europae Centro-Orientalis (273) 36 31, 3657. 3890a )
ArchiviJm Linguisticum (688a) Brage (83)
Arquinos (1234) Britain and Holland (2396)
Art and Archeology (869,175 2) British Journal of Psychology (2944,363)
Art and Letters: India and Pakistan (Con- British Museum Quarterly (Il48a)
tinuation of Indian Art and Letters) (2397, Brousse (Il2C, 385, 44oa, Il38, 1532a)
333) Budkavlen (92)
Artibus Asiae (2443) Biicken, Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft
Art in New Zealand (78) (1667, 2503, 3106, 3550)
Art populaire (56, 496, 2957, 3240, 34 19, Buletin per shkencat shoquerore (3887a)
4 Il2 ) Bulgarie d'Aujourd'hui, La, (2155a)
Arts Asiatiques (1685a) Bulletin de l' Academie des Sciences de Cra-
Arts et Traditions populaires (2737, 2737a, covie (1900)
273 8) Bulletin de I' Agence Generale des Colonies
Arv (3065) (3 161 )
Aryan Path (1351) Bulletin de la Societe d' ArcMologie Copte
Asia (2604, 3980) (1755)
Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Camerou- Bulletin of the Pan-American Union (57)
naises (2740a) Bulletin of the Raffles Museum (566)
Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Indochi- Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
noises (968, 1447, 1448, 1449, 2418b, 2519, Studies of the University of London (198b.
381 4) I053a, 275 6a, 3453, 3453 a )
Bulletin de la Societe des Etudes Oceanien- Bulletin of the Ohio State University (4534)
nes (848, 1450, 145 1, 4513) Bulletin of the United States National Mu-
Bulletin de la Societe des Recherches Congo- seum, Washington D. C. (4530)
laises (I041a)
Bulletin de la Societe Neuchateloise de Geo- Caecilia (Mainz/Brussels/Antwerp) (4525)
graphie (II26, II31) Caecilia en het Muziekcollege (3, 1362)
Bulletin de la Societe Royale BeIge de Geo- Cahiers Charles de Foucauld (2606)
graphie (701) Cahiers de Radio-Paris (3682b)
Bulletin de la Societe Suisse des Americanis- Cahiers d'Histoire Egyptiennes (1788, 1799,
tes (1607a) 1804, 181 4)
Bulletin de la Societe 'Union Musicologique' Cahiers Musicaux (2731b)
(3549, 36 37) Calcutta Review (3981)
Bulletin de I'Ecole Fran~aise d'Extreme Canon, The, (457, 4054)
Orient (736, 1459, 1463,3112, 3II3) Caribbean Quarterly (590. 767, 3127a, 3239a)
Bulletin de I'Egypte (129) Central Africa (2918)
Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte (1793, 1794, Century (351)
1800, 1812, 1813, 1829a, 1830) Chesterian (2564)
Bulletin de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes China (4320)
Marocaines (2590) China Magazine (1474)
Bulletin de l'Institut d'Etudes Centrafri- China Pictorial (3829a)
caines (3150) China Reconstructs (1846a, 4295. 4458)
Bulletin de l'Institut Fran~ais d'Afrique China Review (632, 1036,4301)
Noire (2594, 3691, 4230) Chinesische Musik (Richard Wilhelm) (1969,
Bulletin de I'Union des Femmes Coloniales 2645,4289,4375,4376)
(1565a, 2728) Christoffel (3939)
Bulletin des Amies du Vieux Hue (505, 506) Chronique d'Egypte (1780, 1825)
Bulletin des Recherches Soudanaises (2584a) Chor, Der, (3730, 3731)
Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales (441) Colloques de Wegimont, Les. (30, 467, 538,
Bulletin du Comite d'Etudes Historiques et 725. 726 , 15 13, 25 25, 27 29, 273 6 , 3499,
Scientifiques de I' Afrique Occidentale 3692, 3771, 4416)
Fran~aise (2452) CommonWeal, The. (2789)
Bulletin du Musee National d'Ethnographie Communities (1389)
(39 6 4) Comptes rendues des Seances de l'Institut
Bulletin et Travaux de l'Institut Indochinois Fran~ais d'Anthropologie (969a, 3502b)
pour l'Etude de I'Homme (1978) Congo Mission News (3226a, 3884a, 3884b)
Bulletin International de l' Academie Yougo- Congo, Revue Generale de la Colonie Beige
slave des Sciences et des Beaux ArtS(3854) (384, 1456, 1992,2701,4216)
Bulletin of the American Musicological So- Contact (978)
ciety (1467, 1724, 1733, 1736, 173 8, 1743, Contemporary Japan (2788, 3234)
2811,37 2,397 1,4459) Courier de l'Unesco (688b, 2517)
Bulletin of the British Institute of Recorded Crisis (1610)
Sound (169, 2882a) Cuadernos Americanos (2768, 2769, 2770,
Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnolo- 277 1)
gy (857, 865, 871, 872, 896, 897, 906, 907, Cultureel Indie (2377, 2378, 2379, 2381, 2384,
923,925,926,932,2420,2433. 2438a) 23 87, 238~ 239 1, 3940
Bulletin of the Colonial Institute of Amster- Cultureel Nieuws (II42)
dam (3742) Curtain Call (2840)
Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians (Thomp-
Institute (II3b, II3C) son) (29II)
Bulletin of the Folk Song Society (17 I I) Cypriot Studies (140)
Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology of the
Academia Sinica (2015, 4325a) Dance Index (2813)
Bulletin of the International Folk Music Dance Observer (2422)
Council (745) Dansk Musiktidsskrift (783, 2090, 2266)
Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Debreceni Szemle (2520C)
(37 89, 4393) Deutsche Instrumentenbauzeitung (4243)
Bulletin of the New York Public Library Deutsche Literaturzeitung (1926, 1938)
(278m) Deutsche Militar-Musiker-Zeitung (2313)
Deutsche Musikkultur (4395) Ethnomusicology Newsletter (768. 1879.
Deutsches Jahrbuch fiir Volkskunde (1860, 224 1, 2290, 2438, 2802, 2993, 3388, 3401.
33 13, 3944) 4262 )
Deutsches Kolonial-Lexikon (1917) Ethnos (1091, 1092, 1095, 1096, 1097. 1098,
Deutsche Tonkiinstlerzeitung (4431) 1536 , 161 3, 17 25. 1844a, 1962, 1994, 2395,
Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift fiir Literatur 26 19. 27 66 , 342, 3 173, 3650, 3833. 388 3,
(IlI5) 4 102 )
Deutsche Volkslied, Das, (2242) Etude (141, 1999.3868)
Dictionnaire de la Bible (1402d) Etudes Asiatiques (850)
Diliman Review (2696, 2697) Etudes Camerounaises (1552a, 1553, 3137)
Discovery (1752) Etudes Dahomiennes (769, 1354a)
Djawa (472, 473, 474, 475, 47 6, 477, 480, 483, Etudes Melanesiennes (4244)
48 4, 485, 486, 4 87, 488 , 489, 2359a , 2359b, Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua (4170)
2359C, 2359d, 2378a, 285, 2806, 287, Exotic Music Society, Pub!. of., (4504a,
3 182 , 3921, 39 22 ) 4549 a )
Douro Litoral (341, 4184) Experientia (3369)
Dufourcq, Norbert, La musique des origines Exploration (133)
a nos jours (4Il, 610, 661, 713, 1021, 1372, Exploration and Fieldwork Smithsonian In-
1605, 2679, 2680, 2681, 2682, 276, 2733, stitute (859, 862, 870, 874. 876, 877, 881,
2734, 2914, 3685, 3686 ) 886. 893, 898 , 904, 910, 915)
II98-l205a. 1209. 1210. 1289. 1299. 1344- Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters (19.
1347. 1402. 1480. 1581. 1985. 2012a. 2142. 1237. 1912. 2001. 2002. 2293. 4337)
2173. 2199. 2200. 2237. 2640. 264 1 2735. Jahrbuch der Musikwissenschaft (3579h)
2879. 2893. 301I 3012. 387, 3122 3174, Jahrbuch des Bemischen Historischen Mu-
3 175. 33 89, 34 24, 3668. 370 4. 3796. 3862 seums (3463)
386 3. 3934. 4085. 4095. 4 129, 4147. 4226 J ahrbuch des Museums fiir Volkerkunde zu
43 29. 435 8a. 439 2. 44 12 44 28 449 6) Leipzig (385c. 1013. 1252, 1397c. 3201.
Guardian. The, (4494a) 4 266)
Guide Musical, Le. (Brussels) (693. 694. 696) Jahrbuch des Oesterreichischen Volkslied-
Guide Musical. Le. (Paris) (410. 2256, 2257.
werkes (3596. 4467, 4469)
25 6 7)
Jahrbuch fiir Lithurgik und Hymnologie
Handbuch der Musikgeschichte (Adler) (8. (44 18 )
202 4.4344) Jahrbuch fiir Volksliedforschung (4394. 4396)
Handbuch der Musikwissenschaft (Biicken) Jeune Afrique (2266b. 2850. 2860a. 3139.
(166 7. 25 0 3. 3 106, 3550) 3250a. 3655 a )
Harvard African Studies (3933) Jewish Music Forum (1726, 1739)
Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion (2545. Jewish Music Notes (3914)
3190. 3233. 4366,4504b) J ezuiten-Missies (o03c)
Hebrew Union College Annual (4356 4357. Jong-Java (3885)
435 8) Journal Aesth. Art. Crit. (12II)
Heimatleben (1019. 1563. 1990) Joumal Asiatique (607. 729. 1979. 2079.
Hawaiian Annual (562, 2753. 2754. 2774) 26 58. 3 153)
Hesperis (644. 645. 3414) Journal de la Societe des Africanistes (1348.
Hessische Blatter fiir Volkskunde (3889) 15 17. 15 18 , 3 I09a , 3495 a . 368 4. 447 0b )
Hindu music of various authors (S. M. Tagore) Journal de la Societe des Americanistes (98.
(414. 571, 761, 831. 1280. 1305. 1453. 2107. 833, 1128. 1603, 1604. 1606. 2045, 2868.
2965. 43 1, 4 101 4379) 3 101 )
Hinrichsen's Musical Yearbook (2648. 3084) Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes (1551a,
Hobbies (2882) 37 2)
Hojas de Cultura Popular Colombiana (3156) Journal de la Societe Internationale de Musi-
Homo (429. 778a) cologie (Section de Paris) (807. 2573)
Hudebnl Rozhledy (676) Journal de Psychologie (2646)
Hug's Musikkurier (4145) Journal de Psychologie Normale et Patholo-
Hygeia (873) gique (3690)
Journal des Luxus und der Moden (1989)
Illustrated London News (1313. 3920. 4058) Journal Mensuelle de la Federation Nationale
Illustrated Weekly of India (1085) des Jeunesses Musicales de Belgique (2727.
Illustrazione Vaticana. L. (48) 273)
Independant Journal of Columbia University. Journal of American Archeology and Ethno-
The. (1732) logy (1438. 1440)
Indian Antiquary (351. 631) Journal of American Folklore (286. 302. 304a.
Indian Art and Letters (174. 177. 179. 184. 378,379.512.686.1240, 1304a, 1572, 1702.
2375.3 608 ,3949) 1704, 1721. 199 8. 2320, 2427. 2571b. 2655.
Indian Culture (969) 2981. 2986. 2998, 3208. 3430, 343 1. 343 8
Indian Review (3301) 3648. 3800a, 3848)
Indische Gids. De. (22) Journal of Biblical Literature (2912)
Indo-Asian Culture, The. (2886a) Journal of East Asiatic Studies (4532b)
Indonesia Monthly (194) Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Indonesia Weekly (ed. Perhimpoenan Indo- (122 7a)
nesia) (2386) Journal of Genetic Psychology (2867)
Information Coloniale (243) Journal of Health, Physical Education and
Internationale Litteratur (11I9) Recreation (2426. 2429. 2430)
Internationaler Wochenschrift (3994, 3995) Journal of Hellenic Studies (3903)
International Review of Missions (596. 597a) Journal of Musicology (922)
Internationales Archiv fiir Ethnographie Journal of Music Theory (296Ia)
(125~ 1635, 163~ 1865. 186~ 2085. 211 9. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (2607)
3394. 3530. 37 21 37 22 . 37 2 3, 3724. 3725. Journal of Negro History (3847)
3840. 4263, 45 06a) Journal of the African Society (3359)
Inter-Ocean (3948) Journal of the American Musicological So-
Isis (II70. II95, 4549C) ciety (II8. 469, 470, 47 0a, 14 69. 1747. 1750,
Islam. Der. (3427, 3428) 28 46, 297 8. 2979. 299 2. 2997. 35 16. 3574.
Islamic Culture (31, 352, II90. 1577a) 3375. 3798 4310. 4537 b )
Journal of the American Oriental Society Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korean
(742. 1628. 2013) Branch (393a)
Journal of the Burma Research Society Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ma-
(2202a. 2758. 2759. 4477) layan Branch (381, 2626, 4551)
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. North
University of Tokyo (4062a) China Branch (854. 1410, 2081, 225, 2923,
Journal of the East African Swahili Commit- 2926, 4000, 4011)
tee (253Ia) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Straits
Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Branch (3829)
Society (1111) Journal of the Royal Historical Society of
Journal of the Folk Song Society (1275. 3822) Ceylon (225)
Journal of the Galpin Society (1776, 3179, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts (689.
3 181 ) 1055, 1082)
Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art Journal of the Science Society of China (263 I)
(3 26 3) Journal of the Siam Society (2365)
Journal of the International Folk Music Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic
Council (185. 191, 241, 295, 363. 438. 438a, Music (1557, 1876, 21 47, 2202. 2239, 2439,
515. 606a, 705, 719. 771. 780, 783b. 1001, 268 5, 3083. 309 1 4037. 4038, 4043. 44 6,
1101, 1246, 1399. 1400, 1497, 1745, 1781. 4 138, 444 6 , 4457)
1836. 1974. 2030, 2073. 2074. 2103. 212 7, Journal of the University of Gauhati (2974a)
2266a, 232, 2419, 2441, 2637, 2723, 2748, Journal of the University of Pennsylvania
2749, 2752, 2779. 2878. 2880. 3005b. 3128 , Museum (1231)
3142, 3178 3200. 3387. 3388a. 3405a, 34 23, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sci-
35 13, 3597, 362 4. 366 5. 3666. 366 7. 3797.' ences (892, 894. 895. 3581)
3800. 3815, 3831. 3973, 4 128 4 178, 4 195 b , Journal of the Welsh Folk Song Socfety
4225. 4256, 4260, 4 262a . 4420. 4435. 4443, (434 8)
4488, 449 Ia) Journal of the West China Border Research
Journal of the Irish Folk Song Society (2031) Society (24)
Journal of the Manchester Geographic Socie-
ty (2905) Kalevalaseuran Vuosikirja (4167)
Journal of the Music Academy Madras (2.5, Kashmir (32)
34-40, 115. 438c, 611, 611a, 616, 790, 809, Katholieke Illustratie. De, (1870)
810, 812, 813, 814, 816, 818a, 822. 822a, Keleti Szemle (2356)
Kemi (1810. 1811)
1353a. 2038, 2039, 2040b. 241. 24 2, 243,
2043a, 2043c, 2185a, 2204. 2280b. 2323a, Kengele (448c)
2323b. 2756, 2838. 2938. 2973, 3 116, 3 189, Koloniale Rundschau (423, 3982)
3252, 3253, 3254, 3257, 3260, 3261, 3262, Koloniale Studien (471)
3265, 3266. 3267, 3268, 3270-3279, 3282. Kongo-Overzee (749b. 2049, 2050. 2704,
3284-3288, 329 1, 3293, 3294. 3295, 3296 . 2796a)
Korean Survey (1212a)
329 8, 3299, 3300, 33 05, 3306, 3307, 3308a,
Kosmos (1502)
3308b , 3310, 33 14. 33 18 , 3320, 33 20a, 3330,
Kroniek van Kunst en Kultuur (207a. 2380)
3335 b , 3335c , 3336 , 3337, 3339. 3340.
Kultur und Schallplatte (1945, 2508)
3340a-334 0e , 334 1, 334 2-334 2d , 3348,
3350-3353. 35 09. 3510. 3511, 3609-3612. Kwartalnlk Muzycky (1127, 4390)
3614, 3615, 362 3. 3657a, 3915a, 39 28 a.
Lakshya Sangeet (229. 666, 2267, 2899, 2939,
4 1 97)
Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 2940. 3354, 3355. 335 6. 3357)
Lantern (109, 4304)
(95 2, 2057) Larawan (27I1a)
Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society Lavignac, Histoire de la Musique (39, 564,
(3947) 750, 75 1, 1089, 1294. 1373. 1535. 1599,
Journal of the Polynesian Society (5 27, 547. 1980, 2250, 2251, 2253, 2262, 2263, 2548,
551, 992, 1060, 1966. 2571. 33 62 a, 3443. 2550, 2659. 2906, 3132. 349 1, 3492, 35 85,
3444,397) 3835, 4240, 4452)
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institu- Leaflet Series (4509)
te of Great Britain and Ireland (208. 212. Leven en Werken (2608)
217, 219, 1621, 2114a, 2219. 2232, 417, Liineburg 1950, Kongressbericht, (190. 144,
4 108. 4 155, 4259) 1099. 1598a. 1614. 2403. 3802)
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Luister (1436. 1437. 4 247)
Britain and Ireland (43. II58, 1159. 1164,
II65, 1166, 1167, II75. 1176. II 77, 1178. Macmillan (2124)
1186, 1187, 1188. 1193, 1287, 1768, 1796, Magasin Pittoresque (960, 963)
254 6 26 75, 29 25. 3170, 321 9. 33 24) Magyar Miiveszet (2520d)
Magyar Muzsika Konyve (2520j) Mitteilungen des Seminars flir Orientalischen
Mainzer Zeitschrift (310) Sprachen zu Berlin (563, 1846, 3231)
Maitre Phonetique, Le, (620) Mitteilungsblatt der Gesellschaft flir Volker-
Man (62, 2Il, 213, 37, 329a, 443, 642, 668, kunde (1680)
774, 775, I052a, Il35, Il4 6, Il47, Il4 8 , M~ambique (291, 292, 4Il9, 4120, 4136b,
1506, 1568, 1971, 208o, 2192, 2630, 26g8, 4 1 36e )
27 0 3, 2881, 2917a, 3128a, 34 16, 3454, 387, Modern Music (456, 283, 2812, 3644)
3841, 393 2 , 4010, 4106, 4Il6, 4154, 4156, Mois de l' Afrique Equatoriale Fran~aise
4 1 57, 4 28 4) (3 135)
Mankind (2189, 2190, 2191) Monatschrift flir die Wissenschaft des Juden-
March of India, The, (2962, 348o, 3506, turns (2025)
3 62 3b , 3848a, 4535 a ) Monatshefte flir Musikgeschichte (715, 1271,
Mariner's Mirror, The, (2613, 2725) 3520)
Marg (33, 3623a) Monthly Musical Record (2639, 2643)
Masterkey, The, (916, 939, 945) Monumenta Nipponica (1615, 1618)
Meddelelser om Gmnland (2577a, 466, 4078) Munsey's Magazine (6g0)
Melanges offerts a. Zoltan Kodaly a. l' occasion Musee Vivant (3503a)
de son 60ieme anniversaire (139, 279, 460, Museum Journal, The, (Philadelphia) (1578,
770, 799, 1192, 1315, 1586, 2160, 2339, 286 5)
25 20P, 3683, 3747, 385 6, 4 17, 4 175) Music (2347)
Melos (427, 1921, 1936, 3374) Musica [1933] (1277)
Memoires de la Societe Finno-Ugrienne (2336) Musica (Madrid) (2786)
Memoires de l'Institut Fran~ais d'Afrique Musica [1948] (426,428,434, 784, 1612, 1779,
Noire (306) 1803, 2442, 414, 4288) .
Memoirs of the American Folklore Society Musica (Revista Mexicana) (601)
(17 13) Musica Disciplina (154)
Memoirs of the Manchester Literary Society Musica Divina (433 2, 4333, 4334, 4335, 433 6 )
(20 4 8) Musica Sacra (4338)
Menestrel, Le, (649, 651, 652, 3676, 368o, Musical America (222, 891, 6g8, 2808)
4533) Musical Antiquary (2948, 3162)
Mens en Maatschappij (256, 4434) Musical Courier (221, 829, 937, 4448)
Mens en Melodie (2IlO, 2389, 2390, 2404, Musical Journal (1022, 1742)
2410, 43 05, 43 06 , 36g5, 44 6 4) Musical Monthly Record (266g)
Mercure de France (1223, 2259) Musical News (3901)
Mercure Musical (146, 2248c, 2254, 2526, Musical Opinion (684)
349,46 4) Musical Quarterly (235, 237, 271, 280, 31,
Messages de St. Joseph (3393b) 3 19, 3 20 , 321 , 3 25, 39 1, 500 , 5 14, 545, 56 1,
Mexico en el Arte (2834, 2835) 740, 752, 754, 755, 77 8 , 858, 860, 890, 900,
Mexican Folkways (996, 2828) 9Il, 991, 1222, 1228, 1317, 1325, 1328,
Mexican Magazine (1395) 13 29, 1330, 1331, 133 2, 1424, 1465, 15O,
Meyer's Grosses Konversationslexikon (1908) 1505, 1598, 1616, 1622, 16g8, 1710, 2022,
Michigan History (3001) 2083,2089,2182,2213,2292,2437,2558,
Micro Magazine (2731a) 2751, 2761-2765, 281 4, 28 48 , 2936, 2955,
Mid-Pacific Magazine (1087) 29 89, 2995, 3009, 3060 , 3 12 1, 3 181 , 3439,
Midwest Folklore (34, 2421, 2425, 2434, 3479, 35 08 , 35 15, 35 61a , 35 6 2, 35 66 , 35 68 ,
2629a,2801,2983,2990,4159a,4159b) 357 1, 3576 , 362 5, 36 5 2, 36 53, 3659, 386g,
Minnesota Archeologist, The, (934) 3916, 3974-3979, 406 , 460 , 409 1, 4350)
Minotaure (2667,3679) Musical Standard (Il57, Il62, 3717, 3718)
Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen SChiitzge- Musical Times (3245, 3714, 3892, 4299)
bieten (347) Music and Letters (193, I I 12, 1284, 1285,
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesell- 1326, 1339, 1340, 1343, 2010, 2011, 2638)
Music and Medicine (936)
schaft Wien (794, 1493, 1495, 2489, 2494, Music and Youth (883)
4 2 76 ,4 2 77) Musicki Glasnik (3860)
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Music Supervisors Journal (1520)
Natur- und Volkerkunde Ost-Asiens (143, Music Therapy (3005, 4312a)
2927,4265,4511a) Musik, Die, (3Il, 559, Il02, Il03, 1221, 1945,
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen 2249, 25 82 , 37, 36 97, 44 29, 444 8)
Instituts, Athenische Abteilung (957, 16g1) Musikalischer Kurier (2464)
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen MusikbHitter (425, 3381)
Instituts, Kairo'sche Abteilung (1834b) MusikbHitter der Sudetendeutschen (5Il)
Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Auslandsbe- MusikbHitter des Anbruchs (4340, 4341)
ziehungen (1840b) Musik der Zeit (272, 275, 278)
Musikeniehung (3726) Norden, ner. (4176)
Musiklorschung, Die, (430. 803, 1770, 1771, Nordisk Musikkultur (781)
1807, I84C. 1862, 1964, 1965. 2005. 2006, Norsk Musikkgranskning (3639)
2007, 2444, 2445, 3000, 3375, 3376, 3371. Norveg (556. 557. 1560)
3383. 3599. 3756, 3070, 3775, 4224, 4331, Notes (2991. 3,,00, 4307, 4308)
<j.470) Notes Africaines de l'Institut Franorais d'Afri
Musiki Mecmuasi (:U39) que Noire (16a, 30.5, 3398. 339C .564a,
Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Die, 283730. 2g68a. 4535)
(116, Il7, IS<j.b, 198a, 3<j.3. 399a, 492. 537, Nouvelle Revue de Hongrie (25200)
662, 9903, 999, 1006, 1009. 100930, IOH, Nova Guinea (3736)
10500, lI30. 12<j.8a, I"on. 1.577, 168630, Nuestra Musica (3.590)
1783, 178<j., 1785, 1787, 1805, 1815, 1816, Nyasaland Journal (33348)
1817, 1818, 1823, 1824, 2004, 223<j., 2235, Nyugat (2.520h)
235630. 24II, 2413, 2414. 2415, 2416. 2'P7,
2,,18. 257130, 3OO5a, 315, 316, 34930, Oceania (830,1063, 1063a, 2106, 336z)
342430, 3455,3579,3579 b ,3708,373 2.3754, Ochanomizu Joshi Daigaku Jombun Kagaku
3766, 3767. 3774b. 3837, 3874. 4179, 4223, Kiyo (:I:l99a)
4323, 43Z4, 4325, 4399,44zoa, 444z. 449 Ib, Odt! (390430)
4511.4517,4518, "5"5) Oesterreichische Monatschrift fiir den Orient
Musildeben, Das. (3380, 3600, 3601) (22Soa.2457)
Musik und Volk (4z68) Oesterreichiscbe Musikzeitschrift (4438)
Musikwelt, Die. (Shanghai) (4044) Olympia (247)
Musique des origines a nos jours {Dufourcqj Onze Stem (758)
("n. 610, 661. 713, 1021, 1372, 1605, z679, Cost en West (4z80)
2680. :2681. :2682, 2706. 2733, :273", 2914, Opetatud Eesti-Seltsi Toimetused (2650)
3685.36 86) Orgaan der Federatie van Nederlandscbe
Muziek. De, (479, 1220. 1686) Toonkunstenaarsvereenigingen (2373)
Muziek en Religie (173) Oriens (620a)
Muzsika (:25200, 2S2of) Oriens Christianus (2078, 4339, 434Z)
Orient (4516b)
Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissen.schaf- Oriental Economist (ZI36c)
ten in GOttingen (1692) Orientalische Literatuueitung (l80z. 1948)
Nada (853, :2046b, 2648a. 301330. 3878, 4II7. Orientatie (1636, 4380)
4118, 413M. "136f. 4136g, 4136h) Orient Review (1478b)
National Geographic Magazine (3828) OrpMe (965, 966)
Native Teacher's Journal (4US) Ostasiatische Zeitschrift (79Z. 3697a)
Natural History (359. 444, 621a, 1472a, 1997, Oversea Education (40.59, 4300)
3434. 3"5IC, 3460)
Nature (1960, 4257) Paideuma (Jozza, 4481)
Nature. La. (3367) Pakistan Review (2900)
Naturwissenschaften, Die, l3528a) PaIastina-Jahrbucb (786)
Nederlandsch,Indie, Dud &; Nieuw (206, 478, Papers of the American Musicological Socie-
ZOI4, 2364, 3022, 388630) ty (1.59. 1734, 3S6Z, 3.56.5)
Neprajzi Kozleml!nyek (3128b, 419Sa) Papers of the Peabody Museum of American
New Asiatic Mi~ellany (1452) An:haeology and Ethnography (z800)
New Oxford History of Music, The. (196, PasttortUt (252on)
1206, 1207, 1208, 1689. :237. 3177, 3768, Paulistania (3673)
37 8 7, 43Si) Peabody Bulletin (17Z9)
New Statesman, The. (2644) People's Cbina (liZ, z713, 4455)
New York 1939, Papers Intern. Congress Perspective (<139)
of Musicology, (33, 5:2:2, 536, 1468, 1740, Philosophical Review (1439)
:2047, :2532, 3568. 3634) Phylon (I3", 772)
New Zealand Official Yearbook (345) Polyphonie (464, z683, 3897, 4190)
Newberry Library Bulletin (J08)
Prace Ethnologizne (r031)
Neza (1549, 265:2) Praehistorica Asiae Orientalis (146I)
Nieuw Afrika (2S93a, 3S80a, 418730)
Nigeria (2.549) Pr6cis de Musicologie (Chailley) (46730, 369zb,
Nigerian Field, The, (1522, 16198. 2543, 4506d, 45nb, 4.53330, 4533b. 4S33C, 4543b)
2687, 2688b, 43(9) Pr~nce Africaine (134a, 23, 403. 4330,
NigTizia, La, (603e, 1443a) 73230, 306.5a, 3136, 349.5b. 3"98, 3S 02C)
Nippon, An:hiv zur Beachreibung von Japan Presses Missionnaires (415230)
(3 83530) Primitive Man (3583)
Nord-Sud (2714) Pro Arte Musical (3629)
3 00
Problemes d'Afrique Centrale (720, 1377, Revista do Arquivo (II4, 2794, 2826)
137 8, 15 65, 18 56, 27 26, 3152, 4 131) Revista. do Museo Paulista (3407, 4480)
Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences Revista Internationale de Estudios Vascos
of Philadelphia (761b) (13 6 7)
Proceedings American Academy of Sciences Revista Mexico en el Arte (2834, 2835)
(3 649) Revista Municipal de Guayaquil (634, 635,
Proceedings American Philosophical Society 33 2 5)
(737) Revista Universitaria (Peru) (68)
Proceedings of the Music Teachers National Revue Africaine (2600)
Association (1458, 2206, 3450, 3475) Revue Bulgarska Musika (2172, 2181)
Proceedings of the Musical Association (54b, Revue Coloniale Beige (1367a)
181, 189, 837, 1327, 1334, 1336,2220,2372, Revue Congolaise (385a, II22a, 2699)
3 176 , 3246 , 3899, 39O , 43 02 ) Revue d'Afrique (3412)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Revue d'Asssyriologie (1018)
(414, 1081) Revue d'Ethnographie (332)
Prometheus (1308) Revue d'Ethnographie et des Traditions Po-
Pro Musica (223a, 2340,4542) pulaires (585, 2II6)
Pro Musica Quarterly (4449) Revue de l'Histoire des Religions (3166)
Psychological Review (3440, 3451b) Revue de Folklore Franc;ais (1017)
Publicac;oes Culturais Museu do Dundo Revue de la Societe Beige de Musicologie
(33 66a) (1826)
Publications du Musee de l'Hermitage (2781) Revue de Madagascar (3347)
Publications of the Exotic Music Society Revue de Musicologie (406. 48, 459. 656,
(1977. 42 48) 65 8, 137 1 1769, 2678. 368 9)
Publications of the Musical Association (1076. Revue de Paris. La, (845)
1077. 1078, 1079) Revue de Psychologie des Peuples (967, 1374)
Publications of the Royal Society (1070, Revue des Etudes Grecques (4050)
1071, 172, 173) Revue des Etudes Islamiques (47, 49, 412)
Publications of the Smithsonian Institute Revue des Etudes Roumaines (466)
(1394) Revue du Clerge Africain (603a, 603b, 603d,
II5 1a)
Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions Revue du Monde Noir (141)
(18 47) Revue du Monde Nouveau (2400)
Quarterly Journal of Inter-American Rela- Revue et Gazette Musicale de Paris (954)
tions (3075) Revue Franc;aise, La, (564b)
Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society (636) Revue Gregorienne (824)
Quarterly Statement, The, (3363) Revue Internationale de Estudios Vascos
(13 67)
Rapport Annuel de l'Institut d'Etudes Cen- Revue Internationale des Etudes Balkani-
tre-Africaines (3147, 3148) ques (989)
Rayons (II2d) Revue Mediterranee (951)
Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte (3557a) Revue Musicale, La, (103, 148, 26o, 335,
Reconstructionist, The, (3913, 3195) 564d, 699, 955, 1116, 1118, 1150, 1314,
Record Changer (2860b) 14II. 1442, 1602, 1694, 1751, 2II5, 2530,
Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist (209, 2531, 25 68 , 3168 , 3489, 3493, 3494, 3556,
1335) 366o, 3677. 3950, 3952, 4 II 4, 4 149, 4249)
Rencontres (4549) Revue Musicale. Bulletin Franc;ais de la So-
Repertorio Americano (145) ciete Internationale de la Musique (374)
Review of Western Humanities. The, (76) Revue Musicale de Lyon (2255)
Revista Braziliera (3461) Revue Musicale du Maroc (648)
Revista de Antropologia (3759) Revue Musicale Mensuelle (2297)
Revista de Arqueo- y Etnologia (3078) Revue Nationale (448)
Revista de Estudios Musicales (232. 577. Revue Sincere, La, (4049)
1701. 2285, 2286, 2831, 2964. 4378) Revue Tunesienne (5)
Revista de Folclor (54a, 201, 588, 680, 680a. Rheinisches Jahrbuch fUr Volkskunde (3593)
988a, Iowa, 2054, 2740b, 3216a, 3228a, Rhodes-Livingstone Journal (3065b, 4124,
3239, 3670, 4 25 1) 4 1 36c )
Revista de Instituto de Etnologia (2046) Ricreazione (4187)
Revista de la Raza (28) Riemann's Musiklexikon (357ge, 3579f,3579g)
Revista del Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionaies Rivista di Etnografia (3054. 4179b)
(16) Rivista Musicale Italiana (15, 47. 49, 1235,
Revista del Centro de Estudios Extremenos 2258,2264,2265,2721,2796,3167,4245)
(1415. 1416, 1417, 14 18) Roopa-Lekha (2941)
Sackbut, The, (259, 318a, 76, 1054, 3917) 15,160,245,299,3 24,723,733,802,1010,
Sammelbande der Internationalen Musik- 2055, 271, 2143, 217~ 2193, 2321~ 2271,
gesellschaft (531, 639, 843, 1215, 1251, 3180,3312,3827,3857,4195,4415,4486)
1257, 1258, 1282, 1333, 1583, 1871, 1882, Studier i Modern Sprakvetenskap (1310)
1885, 1889, 1891, 1895, 2017, 2252, 2294, Studium Generale, Delft (3014)
2330, 2332, 2625, 2691, 2951, 3232, 3526, Sud-Est (442, 2739)
3710, 476, 4088 , 4 26 7, 4360) Sudan Notes and Records (1443C, 2134a,
Sammelbande ftir Vergleichende Musik- 345 2)
wissenschaft (263, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1890, Stidostforschungen (122a)
1891, 18 9 2, 1894, 19 24, 2537, 37 83, 3985, Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seura Aikakausk (2580)
39 87, 3990, 3993) Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seura Toimituksia
Sangeet Natak Akadami Bulletin (613, 614, (2931,4168,4171)
33 08 , 382 5) Suomen Kansan Savelmia (2328, 2333, 2562,
Sbornik Musei Antropol. i Etnogr. pri Ross. 4 169)
Akad. Nauk. Petrograd (2718) Survey Graphic (3869a)
Sbornik za narodni umotvoreniya (539) Svenska Landsmil (81, 386, 587, 1303, 3038)
Schweizer Annalen (533) Svensk Missionstidskrift (4349)
Schweizerische Musikzeitung (II25, 1562a, Svensk Tidskrift for Musikforskning (1312,
1594, 4 144, 45 06f) 28 92 , 28 94, 28 96, 33 1, 333, 3034, 30 35,
Schweitzer Zeitung ftir Instrumentalmusik 4 05,453 8)
(106) Svenska Utar (82)
Science (879, 977, 1441) Svete Secilije (980, 2746)
Scientific American (688, 866) Syntheses (844)
Scientific Monthly (237, 943, 2424, 2433)
Semaine Egyptienne, La, (1764) Tagesbote (Brno) (II)
Senegal (2567a) Tagespost (2244)
Sinica (2274, 4142 , 4143, 4290, 4375) Tagore, Surindro Mohun, Hindu Music from
Sinologica (145, 1048, 1976) various authors (414, 571, 761, 831, 1280,
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie 1305, 1453,217,2965,431,4101,4379)
der Wissenschaften Wien, Phil.-Hist. Tanganyika Notes and Records (1559, 1996a)
Klasse (1219) Tauta ir Zodis (494)
Sitzungsberichte der Oesterreichischen Aka- Tautosakos Darbai (682)
demie der Wissenschaften Wien, Phil.- Teacher's Journal (Gold Coast) (72)
Hist. Klasse (2460, 2461, 2473, 2476, 2478, Terpsichore (2942)
2479, 2480, 2495, 4359) Theatre Arts Monthly (3130)
Slawische Rundschau (1404) Theoria (4129d)
Slovensky Narodopis (4476) Thompson's Cyclopedia of Music and Musi-
Sociologus (3373, 3385) cians (29II)
Sociology and Social Research (4286, 4287) T'ien Hsia Monthly (2601)
South African Archaeological Bulletin, The, Tijdschrift van Nederlandsch-Indie (1862)
(4543 a ) Tijdschrift van de Vereniging van (Noord-)
South African Journal of Science (229, 22II, Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis (1361)
2215, 2218, 2224, 2229, 2231, 2233, 2236, Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Aardrijks-
2301 ) kundig Genootschap (2344, 2346, 3018,
South African Museum's Association Bulletin 3019, 3020, 3021)
(4527, 45 28 ) Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Bataviaasch
South African Railways Magazine (2212) Genootschap (1863, 1864, 2341, 2342,
Southern Folklore Quarterly (622, 944, 1722, 23 61 , 2363, 2365a, 2822, 3473)
1730, 2438d, 2985, 4 182a , 4387) Tijdskrif vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Die, (450,
Southern Workman, The, (568) 45 2 )
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology (1579, Timboel (482)
2980, 2984, 2996) Tlalocan (3186)
Sovetskaia Etnografiia (3250) Togo-Cameroun (1278, 3589)
Sovetskaya Muzyka (2029, 2635, 3866, 3867, Tohoku Psychologica Folia (435, 4039)
3882a, 3894 a , 4238, 4239, 4 25 2, 4473) To-Morrow (3224, 3403)
Spanische Forschungen (3770)
T'oung Pao (1845, 2374, 2529, 2791)
Speculum (20, 375a)
Sphynx (2660) T6y6-ongaku-kenkyu (58 la, 4529)
Steyler Missionsbote (1314a) Trabalhos da Sociedade Portugesa de Antro-
Stimmen (3235, 3236, 3570a) pologia e Etnologia (2120, 2121)
Straight Texas (918) Trait d'Union (448b)
Studia Ethnographica Uppsaliensia (3833a) Transactions of the American Philosophical
Studia Memoriae Belae Bart6k Sacra (52, Society (3451)
Transactions of the Glasgow University Ymer (388)
Oriental Society (1180)
Transactions of the Gold Coast and Togoland Zaire (749, 749a, 28 49, 28 52, 28 56, 3522.
Historical Society (3428a) 4 221a )
Transactions of the New Zealand Institute Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen
(77, 79, 3010) Gesellschaft (1623)
Travel (2712) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Musikgesellschaft
Tribune de St. Gervais (405) (12 95, 3843)
Tribus, Jahrbuch des Lindenmuseums (250, Zeitschrift der Internationalen Musikgesell-
1973a , 3763) schaft (1886, 1887, 1905. 1906, 199, 2575,
Tropiques (3138, 3143) 3902, 4067, 4082 , 4082a , 4083)
Tropisch Nederland (4094) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft
Turismo (3467) fiir Asienkunde (4439)
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Paliistinavereins
Uganda Journal (757a, 266 7, 3813, 4255) (3580)
Ukrainian Trend. The, (2987) Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir Volkskunde (2276,
Ultra (27) 4497)
Unesco Courier (688b, 2517) Zeitschrift fiir Aegyptische Sprache und
Ungarisches Jahrbiichlein (273, 4015) Altertumskunde (1809, 3558)
United Asia (3658) Zeitschrift fiir Aesthetik und Allgemeine
United Empire (1383. 412ge) Kunstwissenschaft (1922)
Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia (3563a) Zeitschrift fiir Angewandte Psychologie (498,
Universitas (4146) (193 8)
Varmland Forr och Nu (3059) Zeitschrift fiir Deutsche Philologie (4413)
Vedanta Kesari (3283) Zeitschrift fiir die Alttestamentischen Wis-
Velhagen und Klasings Monatshefte (3549a) senschaften (529)
Verhandelingen der Koninklijk Nederlandse Zeitschrift fiir die Oesterreichische Gym-
Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Let- nasien (2459)
terkunde (1144, 2532b) Zeitschrift fiir Eingeborenen-Sprachen (1637)
Verhandlungen der Naturforscher Gesell- Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie (97, 167, 402. 800,
schaft. Basel (4423) 97 6 , 157, 12 49, 12 53, 18 74, 1875, 1883.
Vie et les Arts Lithurgiques, La, (702) 1884, 190 3, 19 13, 2000. 2311, 2574. 2702,
Vierteljahrschrift fiir Musikwissenschaft (675, 3085. 3 126 , 337 8, 353 2, 36 74, 3737, 3739,
2537, 37 29, 39 84. 3985, 39 86 , 3990) 3745, 3809, 3809a, 4377)
Visva-Bharati Quarterly, The, (170, 2448) Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenbau (420, 1839a)
Voix du Congolais (100a, 3425a) Zeitschrift fiir Laryngologie (1946)
Vox (1581a, 1649. 1654, 1664, 1666, 1669. Zeitschrift fiir Missionswissenschaft (3517)
1670, 1675, 1677, 2824, 4072a) Zeitschrift fiir Musik (387, 1659. 1660, 2128a,
Weekblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie(1 I I, I 12b) Zeitschrift fiir Musikwissenschaft (257, 258,
Welt des Orients, Die. (1767) 3 12 , 1389, 1651, 1652, 1655, 1657, 1658,
Wereld der Muziek, De, (1429, 143 I, 1432,1433) 1661, 1662, 1668, 1949, 2021, 2335, 2490,
West-Africa (223) 25 82a, 3 15, 3534, 3537, 3545, 3547. 3557,
West African Review (77la. 1320, 138o, 1381, 4 14, 4 16o , 4330)
1382, 1384. 208 7, 3360) Zeitschrift fiir Phonetik und Allgemeine
Westermann's Monatshefte (104) Sprachwissenschaft (433)
Western Folklore (2428) Zeitschrift fiir Physik (534, 1923)
West-Indische Gids (734. 735. 1454, 1455, Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiologie
3 102 , 3103. 3706 ) der Sinnesorgane (1931. 2876a, 3989. 3991.
Wiener Beitrage fiir Kunst und Kulturge- 3998 )
schichte Asiens (175) Zeitschrift fiir Rassenkunde (424, 1683)
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift (2463, Zeitschrift fiir Semistik (334)
2466. 247 1, 249 1) Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Musikwissen-
Wiener Volkerkundige Mitteilungen (1492, schaft (415. 550, 653, 654, 657, 743. 1286,
2136a) 157 6 , 1693. 178, 17 16, 1950, 1951, 1952.
Wiener Zeitsc~rift fiir die Kunde des Morgen- 1954. 195 6 . 1957, 195 8, 1959, 1995. 1996,
landes (2355, 245 8, 3846) 259, 2510. 2511, 2512. 34 26 , 344 8, 3559.
Worter und Sachen (2320a) 35 60a, 3735,3779)
Wood'wind Magazine (4132) Zeitschrift fiir Volkskunde (798, 4408, 4409)
Word (1741, 1744b) Zenei Szemle (2267. 2520b)
Y Cerddor (1632a) Zvuk, Jugoslovenska Muzicka Revija (2063,
Yeda-Am (2599) 4495)
Yenching Hsiieh Pa'o (4447) Zuschauer, Der. (2488)
to tbe tbird edition of
Second edition
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Training possibilities for ethnomusicologists. . . . . . . . . . I
Selection of L.P.-records of authentic ethnic music issued in 1958. 5
Bibliography. . . 8
lllustrations 65-72. . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 25
Index of subjects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Index of peoples and regions the music of which has been studied
andlcr recorded. . . . . . . . _ . . . 30
Index of authors, collectors and musicians. . . . . . . . . . 34
Index of periodicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Addenda et Corrigenda in the 3rd edition of 'Ethnomusicology' . 42
'Ein Studium an der Philosophischen Fakultat der Freien Universitat setzt
das Abitur einer deutschen Hoheren Schule oder ein gleichgeordnetes
Examen einer auslandischen Schule voraus. Falls das Zeugnis nicht das
sogenannte groJ3e Latinum einschlieJ3t, muJ3 dies vor der Promotion nach-
geholt werden. Fiir das Magisterexamen geniigt das kleine Latinum. Vor
Beginn des Studiums ist die Zulassung zu dem gewahlten Fach zu be-
Beim Studium der l\Iusikethnologie (1. Hauptfach) muG als zweites
Hauptfach M:usikgeschichte gewahlt werden, AuGerdem wird ein mehr-
semestriger Besuch von Vorlesungen und Obungen in Systematischer
Musikwissenschaft, die durch einen weiteren Dozenten vertreten ist, er-
wartet. Als Nebenfach, das auGer den beiden Hauptfachern im Examen
gepriift wird, kann jedes beliebige Fach der Philosophischen oder einer
anderen FakuWi.t gewahlt werden, doch empfiehlt es sich, die Fachzu-
sammenstellung yom Philosophischen Dekanat genehmigen zu lassen. Ais
Nebenfach bieten sich sinngemaG beispielsweise Ethnologie, Geographic,
Psychologie, Philosophie, Religionswissenschaft oder irgend rin sprach-
philologisches Fach an.
Die Teilnahme an den musikethnologischen Obungen, die die europaischc
Volksmusik (meist 2 Wochenstunden) und die Musik auGereuropaischer
Volker (2 bis 6 Wochenstunden) umfassen, ist an keine Bedingungen ge-
kniipft. Fiir diese Studien, fUr Transkriptions-Obungen usw. stehen den
Studierenden unter anderem die reichhaltigen Bestande und Gerate des
Phonogramm-Archivs des Museums fiir Volkerkunde mit angegliederter
Instrumentensammlung zur Verfiigung. Der vorgeschriebene Besuch
bestimmter musikhistorischer Seminare (2. Hauptfach) ist erst nach Ab-
legung von Aufnahmepriifungen moglich, bei denen folgendes gefordert
wird: Proseminar: Klavierspiel (vorbereitet und prima vista), evtl. Spiel
cines zweiten Instrumentes bzw. Vorsingen, Vomblattsingen, vierstimmige
Harmonisierung einer Melodie. Seminar: (erst nach drei Semestern Pro-
seminar): schriftliche Fugenexposition, Partiturspiel (4- bis 6-stimmig in
alten Schliisseln), Musikdiktat, Aussetzen eines Generalbasses, Colloquium
in l\fusikgeschichte, schriftliche Obertragung einer Mensuralnotation,
Obersetzung aus einem lateinischen Musiktraktat.
Folgende AbschluGpriifungen sind nach achtsemestrigem Studium
r) Magisterpriifung, mit deren Bcstehen die Verleihung des Grades eines
l'\'lagister artium (M.A., dem Namen nachgestellt) verbunden ist; besteht
aus einer schriftlichen Hausarbeit im ersten Hauptfach, aus je ciner
Klausur und der miindlichen Priifung in allen drei Studienfachern.
2) Promotion zum Dr. phil. nach Annahme einer wissenschaftlichen
Dissertation, miindlicher Priifung in allen drei Fiichern (HaupWi.cher je
I Stunde, Nebenfach t Stunde) und Drucklegung der Arbeit.'
U.s.A. IV
a fine Korean dancer who lives here) and help plan the class in Hawaiian
If I can manage to get everything ready, we will start a class in the
Chinese butterfly harp in September.
I. Issued by the American Columbia (799, 7th Avenue, New York):
WL 1I9. The sounds of India (musicians: RAVI SHANKAR, CHATUR LAL and
NODU MULLICK) (instr.: sitar, tabla, tampura) (notes: ALAN HOVHA-
WL 123. From the land of the Golden Fleece (regions: Pontos, Crete, Dodeca-
nesos, Thrace) (instr.: lira, violin, lute, santuri, pipiza, cornamusa,
aulos, drums, bells, tamburine, wooden spoons);
II. issued by the Boite a Musique (133, Boulevard Raspail, Paris):
LD 54. Musique de Japon imperial (instr.: koto, shakuhachi);
LD 325. Musique Pygmee de la Haute-Sangha (tribes: Babinga Babenzele
and Babinga Bangombe) (rec. A. DIDIER; notes: GILBERT
LD 350. Musique Dayak de Kalimantan (tribes: Lepo Maut, Punan)
(instr.: kledi (kediri) , odeng (mouthharp), lotong kawat (6-str.
zither), sampeh (3-str. pinched lute) (rec.: GUY PIAZZINI);
LD 353. Musique Touareg (tribes: Tuareg, Haussa) (instr.: drum, agaita,
tendi, mandoline, kakaki) (rec.: J. BILTGEN and G. ROYER);
LD 355. Musique Aymara de Bolivie;
LD 363(M). Musique turque (instr.: accordeon, clarinet, zurna, davul, nay,
kudum, kemenche);
EX 245. Chants et danses Peaux-Rouges (Arizona: flagstaff songs;
dances of the Indians) (tribes: Cochiti, Jemez, Kiowa, San Juan
Sioux, Zuni) (rec. by M. ISY-SCHWART);
III. issued by 'Chant du Monde' (32, rue Beaujon, Paris 8e):
LDY 4040. Chants et danses de Chine (instr.: shao na (oboe), sheng (mouth-
organ), pan (castanets), hsiao kou (small drum), ti-tzon (trans-
versal flute)) (notes: CLAUDE Roy);
LDY 4092. Chants de I'Inde (folk music from the Punjab, Assam, Bengal,
Nepal, Kerala) (ree. by ROBERT MORILLERE; notes by MIREILLE
LDY 4148. Chants et danses du Maroc (instr.: tbel (drum), qraqeb (cymbals),
rhaita (oboe), turija (tamburine), qasba (flute), guenvri (2-str.
bowed lute);
LDY 4151. Abkhazie (= Abchases) (instr.: archapane (flute), apkhertza
(2-str. bowed lute), chongur (2-str. pinched lute));
LDU 4152. Chants et danses Ossetes (instr. a.o.: balalaika, accordeon,
tamburine) ;
LDY 4153. Uzbekistan (instr. : dutar (2-str. pinched lute), chang (beaten
string-instr.), nay, doira);
LDU 4173. Tadjikistan (kochnai (kind of double aulos), doira, rubab, tanbu1
(pinched string-instr.), panchor (id.). tablak);
LDM 820. Derriere la Grande Muraille (partly folkmusic) (instr.: flutes,
p'i-p'a, a.o.) (rec. and notes: ROBERT MENEGOZ);
IV. issued by 'Contrepoint' (52, rue Hauteville, Paris JOe):
MC 20.159. Ogoun, dieu du fer. Chants d'Afrique occidentale (tribes and
regions: Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Nago, Senegal, Yoruba)
(instr.: iron bells, 4-str. lute (tidinit), drums, wooden bell,
rattle, beaten piece of iron) (rec. GILBERT ROUGET and PIERRE
VERGER, with collab. of JEAN KOROMA);
EXTP 1.056. Central Australia (tribe: Pitjantjara) (rec. by JACQUES VILLE-
V. issued by Ducretet-Thornson (41, rue Washington, Paris 8e):
320 C 126/8. Anthologie de la vie Africaine (tribes: Bembe, Bongo pygmees,
Congo, Fang, Galoa, Hubu, Kukuya, Kuyu, Kwele, Lali,
Ngombe pygmees, Nkomi, Pongwe, Punu, Teke, Viii) (instr.:
accordeon, bark-zither, blown bottle, bull-roarer, different
drums, earth-harp, frame drum, friction drum, guitar, different
harps, harp-zither (mvet) , horns, ivory hom, lute, ocarina,
pluriarc, rattles, sanzi (sanza) , scrapers, slit drum (talking
drum), whistle, xylophones) (rec. and notes: HERBERT PEPPER);
\'1. issued by Ethnic Folkways (Folkways Records and Service Corp.) (I17 W, 46th
Street, New York 36 (N.Y.)):
FE 4456. Traditional music of Peru (tribes: Huaraya, Canka, Icho, Piro,
Bora) (instr.: different flutes, pinquillo (reed-instr.), shell trumpet,
panpipes, horn, chillador (str.-instr.), drums) (rec.: BABS BROWN
FE 4457. The pygmies of the Ituri forest (rec. by COLIN TURNBULL; ed. by
FG 3530. Ragas. Songs of India (perf. by BALAKRISHNA (sitar) and ANAND
MOHAN (tabla) (languages: Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu (comp.
by TvAGARA] A));
VII. issued by 'His Master's Voice':
ALP 166j. Music of India. Ragas and Tiilas (perf.: RAVI SHANKAR (sitar) and
ALLARAKHA (tabla));
7 EPE 57 and 59. Music of India (perf.: VILAYAT KHAN (sitar) and ALLA-
RAKHA (tabla); .
B 10544. Appalachian mountain songs (instr.: dulcimer) (perf. JEAN
HLP I. Ancient and Oriental music I (Bali, Cambodia, China, Laos,
Madagascar, Tahiti, Tibet);
HLP 2. Ancient and Oriental music II (Algeria, Ancient Greece, India,
Iraq, Japan, Jews, Morocco, Near East, Tunis);
V II 1. issued by Infor Congo:
099.812 DE. Voix et rithmes d'Afrique Centrale (tribes: Chokwe, Ngbandi,
Ruanda/Urundi peoples) (instr.: chikttvu (drum), sanza, bowl-
6 FAB 28. Changwe Yetu (tribes: Luba, Pende, Chokwe, Songhai, Hemba)
(instr.: marimba, sanza, royal drums);
IX. issued by the Musee de I'Homme (Palais de Chaillot, Place du Trocadero, Paris
16e) :
LD 45. Musique populaire des Indiens Mam (Maya actuels) (rec. by H.
I.D 18. Musique des Indiens Kalina et Oyana (rec. by S. VIANES);
X. issued by the Philips Concern (Baarn, Holland):
421.215 NE. Spain (instr.: pandereta, gaita);
427.005 NE. Macedonia (instr.: gajde, jrula, kaval, darabuka);
XI. issued by the Radiodiffusion de la France d'Outre-Mer:
E 2. Danses et chants Bamoun (Cameroun) (instr.: mvet, sansi, rattles, drums,
iron bells (bamilCke) (rec.: JEAN GLENAT; notes: LOUIS C. D. Joos);
XII. issued by Riverside Records (125, La Salle Street, New York 27 (N.Y.)):
The English and Scottish popular ballads (sung by EwAN MACCOLL
Great British ballads not found in Child (sung by EwAN MACCOLL
Saturday night and Sunday too. A week-end with the Richies of
Kentucky (instr.: dulcimer, violin, banjo) (perf. by JEAN RICHlE,
with the collaboration of ROGER SPRUNG; rec. and ed. by KENNETH
XIII. issues by Topic Records:
lOT 12. Rumanian folk music (rec. and ed. by A. L. LLOYD).
XIV. issued by the Victor Company of Japan Ltd.:
EV 4009. Koto music.
XV. issued by 'Vogue' (see also Contrepoint). (54, rue Hauteville, Paris IOe):
LDM 30.087. Ruanda/Urundi. Les troubadours des Haut-Plateaux (tribes:
Tutsi, Bagogwe, Hutu, Twa) (instr.: sanza (likcmbc or kimbili),
trough-zither (inanKa) , musical bow (ibubura). horns, pellet
bells) (rec.: ROGER BARBAGLlA);
XVI. issued by the Wattle Recordings (131, Cathedral Street, Sydney (N.S.W.),
Australia) :
W.A. Series 2. Music of New Guinea (regions: New Guinea, New Britain, New
Ireland, Solomon Islands, Admiralties (Manus)) (instr.: end-
blown and transversal flutes, drums, bull-roarer, stamping
water drums, trumpets, mouth-harp, slit drums, stamping
tubes, rattles, nunut, pan-pipes) (rec. and notes by RAY
XVII. issued by the World Pacific Records:
WP. 1248. Indian Music (perf. by RAVI SHANKAR (sitar), CHATUR LAL (tabla)
and NODU C. MULLlCK (tambura));
I the Library of the British Museum, London;
J the Library of the Horniman Museum, London SE 23, Forest Hill;
K the Royal Library, Copenhagen;
L the Institute of Musical Sciences
L1 the Library of the University
L2 the Library of the Ethnographical Museum (Rauten-
strauch-Joest-Museum) of Cologne
L3 the Seminary of Ethnographical Studies University
L4 the Seminary of Oriental Studies
Ls the Library of the Museum of East-Asiatic Art
L6 the Library of the Institute of Prehistory
M the Library of the Congo Museum, Tervueren
4552a. Achille, L., Les Negro spirituals, 4565. Antonowytsch, Miroslav, Bandura ('AI-
musique populaire sacree ('Rythmes du gemene Muziekencyclopedie' I, p. 326),
Monde' XXXII), 1958. Antwerp, 1957. AC
4553. Adriaansz, Willem, Enkele aspecten vande 4566. --Byzantijnse muziek (ibid. I, p. 635
muziek van West-Afrika, in het bijzon- ff.), 1957. AC
der van Dahomey (Manuscript, 1958). A 4567. Anzalaz, F. A., Musica tradicional
4554. Ala-K6nni, Erkki, Die Polska-Tttnze in argentina. La 'zamba de Vargas'
Finnland. Eine ethno-musikologische (' Archivos venezolanos de Folklore'
Untersuchung (Helsinki, 1956). II/III, p. 53 ff.), 19531'54
Alender, I. Z., see No. 4742. 4568. Arabe. Recueil des Traveaux du Congres
4554a. Alford, Violet, Introduction to English de musique (Cairo, 1934)' A
folklore (London, 1952). 4569. Archaimbault, C., Les tambours de
4555. Allen,W. F., Ch. P. Ware and L. pagodes ('France-Asie' XII, Nos. 118-
McKim Garrison, Slave songs of the 120, p. 868 ff.), March/May 1956.
United States (1867, 3/1951). 4570. Arseven, Veysel, C;ok sesli halk turkUleri
4556. Ames, R., The story of American folk (= Harmonized folk songs), Istanbul,
song (New York, 1955). 1957. A
4557. Anderson, Hugh, Goldrush Songster 4571. - - Karadeniz bOlgesi halk turkuleri
(The Ram's skull press, Ferntree Gully (= Folk songs from the Black Sea
(Vic.), und.). A region), Istanbul, before 1957.
4558. Andreopoulou, A. N., Greek dances and 4572. Arsunar, Ferruh, Turkten TurkUle,.
folksongs (Salonica, 1932). (= Folk songs of the Turks), Istanbul,
4559. Angadi, Ayana Deva, La musique de 195 8 .
I'Inde ('La musique dans Ie monde', *4573. Aubry, Pierre, Esquisse d'une biblio-
issued by 'La Revue Musicale' 1958, p. g,.aphie de la chanson populai,.e en
75 ft.). DGK Europe (Paris, 1905).
4560. Anonymous, 0 j6go da capoeira (Bahia 4574. Aufenanger, Heinrich, Children's games
und.). and entertainments among the K umngo
4561. - - Ghana's teacher of music (Mr. tribe in Cent,.al New Guinea ('Anthro-
Ephraim Amu) ('West Africa' No. 2064, pos' LIII, p. 575 ff.), 1958 (sub 5
p. 871), 3 Nov. 1956. Various pastimes e-j). ABDIGHKLIL2M
4562. - - Bibliographie ('Aequatoria' XIX 4575. - - Irdene Gefttssfloten bei den Kuman
fasc. I, p. 37 ff.), 1956. L2M im Waghi-Tal (Zentral-Neuguinea)
4563. Anoyanakis, Fivos, Survivances de ('Anthropos' 1946-'49, p. 877 ff.).
l'ancienne rythmique dans la musique BDIGHKLIL2M
populaire grecque ('Cahiers d'Art' 4576. Axman, E., Morava v leski hudb~ 19.
XXXI/XXXII, p. 247 ff.), 19561'57. stoleti (= Moravia in music of the 19th
4564. - - Folk dance instruments: lyra or century), Brno, 1929.
kemenche of Pontos ('The Folklorist' IV 4577. Azevedo, Luiz Heitor Correa de, Dois
NO.3, p. 78), Autumn 1957. A pequenos estudos de folclore musical
4564a. Antoni, Lorenc, Folklori muzikuer (Rio de Janeiro, 1938).
Shqiptar (Pristina, 1956). 4578. Bajie. Isidor, Srpska crkvena narodna i
igracka muzika (= Serbian church folk 4594. Bonaccorsi. A. II folklore musicale in
and dance music) ('Brankovo kolo' Toscana (Florence, 1956).
VIII, p. 239 H.), Beograd, 1902. 4595. Bonito, R., Cancioneiro de Cil/facs
4579. Barjaktarovit, M., Stevanija Dragas (Oporto, 1950).
guslar (= S.T., a female gusle player) 4596. Bose, Fritz, Siidamerikanisclte Musik-
('Glasnik t'tnografskog Muzeja u Beo- forschung ('Acta Musicologica' XXIX,
gradu' XVII, p. 141 ff.), 1954. p. 43 ff.), 1957 ACDEFGHIKLLI
4580. Barkechli, Mehdi, Sasanian music (in 4597. Bottee de Toulmon, Auguste, Disser-
Persian) (Teheran University publi- tation sur les instruments de musique
cation). employes au moyen-age (Paris, 1844).
458r. Barras, Robert, Musiques exotiques ('La 4598. Bourgault-Ducoudray, L. A., 30 melo-
Revue Musicale' No. special 236, p. 60 dies popalaires de Grece et d'OriC1l1
ff.), 1957. GK (Paris, 1876). A
4582. BartOk, Bela, Das ungarische Volkslied 4599. - - Confirmce sur la modaliU dans la
(Berlin, 1925). musique grecque (Paris, 1879).
4600. - - 11Ulodies de Basse-Bretagne (Paris,
4583. Bascom, William, Main problems of 1888). A
stability and change in tradition (' Afri-
4601. Bourgeois. G., Vieilles chansons du
can Music' II No. I, p. 6 H.), 1958.
Boca{:e Vendeen (1931).
ACJM 4602. Bouveignes, Olivier de, Les danses negres
4584. Basil(e), Brother, Wandering from ('African Music Soc. Newsletter' NO.5,
pitclt ('African Music' II No. I, p. 54 p. 21 ff.), 1952. ACJM
ff.), 1958 ACJM 4603. Bouws. Jan, Die Afrikaanse volkslied
4584a. - - Lc dilemme de la musique reli- (Johannesburg, 1958). A
gieuse indigene en Afrique du Sud 4604. Bozovic, Grigorije. Narodna umetnosl
('Rythmes du Monde' XXXII), 1958. Juzne Srbije (= Folk art of Southern
4585. Bayard, Samuel Preston, Miscellany of Serbia). Skopje, 1935.
tune notes (in: Indiana Univ. Publ., 4605. Brailoiu, Constantin, Un probteme de
Folklore Series NO.9), Bloomington tonaliU (la metabole pentatonique) ('Me-
(Ind.), 1957. langes d'histoire et d'esthetique musi-
4586. Beauquier, Ch., Chansons populaires cales offerts a Paul-Marie Masson' p. 63
recueillies en Franche-ComU (Paris, ff.), Paris, 1955. FM
1894). 4606. Breman, Paul, Spirituals (The Hague,
4587. Beier, H. Ulli. Obatala festival ('Nigeria' Servire, 1958). A
LII, p. 10 H.), 1956. GL2M 4607. Bright, William, Singing in Lushai
4588. Bemba, 5., L'evolution de la musique ('Indian Linguistics' XVII, p. 24 iL),
Congolaise ('Liaison' No. 58, p. 37 ff.), 1957. CDIGKL
1957. M 4608. Brown, J. C. Sitan and Palaultg jew's
4589. Bernatzik, H. A., Musikinstrumente der harps from the Northern Shan States
Bergv61ker Hinterindiens ('Atlantis' (J. and Proc. of the Asiatic Soc. of
fasc. V, May 1940), p. 152 H. Bengal' N.S. VII, p. 521 ff.), 191I.
4590. Bernouilli, Eduard. Volksinstrumente in 4609. Buchner, Alexander, ZanikU Dfevene
Zeich1lltngen und Holzschnitten von Hans Dechove Ndstroje 16. Stoleti (= The
Holbein und Urs Graf ('Festschrift- extinct wooden instruments of the 16th
Hermann Kretschmar', p. 18 H.), century) ('Acta Musei Nationalis Pra-
Leipzig, 1918. AC gae', vol. VII A, Historia No.2).
459r. Bharati, Swami Agehananda, A com- Prague, 1952. A
parative study of Indian and Western 4610. Buetic, Todor, and Stevan Mokranjac,
music ('The Journal of the Siam Soc.' Srpske narodne pesme i igre s melodija-
XLVI, p. 21 H.), Bangkok, June 1958. ma iz Levca (= Serbian folk songs and
B dances with melodies from Levac)
4592. Blagodatoff. G. I., Muzikalnije instru- ('SEZ' III), Beograd, 1902.
menti ~/arodov Siberi ( = Musica I 4611. Cabrera, A. 5., Musica folkl6rica, SI
instruments of the peoples of Siberia) propiedad ante la ley ('Boletin de la
('Sbornik museja antropologiji i etno- Asociaci6n Tucumana de Folklore' III,
grafiji' XVIII, p. 187 ff.). Moscow! p. 70 ff.), 19551'56.
Leningrad, 1958. AB 4612. Camara Cascudo, Luiz da, Vaqueiros e
4592a. Blanco-Barzaga, Margarita, La mtsica cantadores (Porto Alegre, 1939).
de Haiti (La Habana, 1953). 4613. Campos. O. R. de, A arte negra de
4593. Bobu Florescu, Fl., Confeclionarea Morambique ('Portugal em Africa'
fluirelor cu aplicalii de alamd ('Revista XIII, p. 78,337 H.), 1956. M
de FolcIor' III NO.3, p. 83 ff.), Buca- 4614. Cansler, L. D., What folksongs reveal
rest, 1958. A about our cultural heritage ('Southern
Folklore Quarterly' XX No.2, p. 126 4633. Correia Lopes, E. A., Cancioneirinho de
H.), June 1956. FoscQa (Coimbra, 1927).
4615. Carpitella, Diego, Ritmi e Melodie di 4634. Cowell, Henry, An American composer
Popolar; in Italia (Rome, 1956). on Yugoslav folk music ('Balkan
4616.._ - Problemi alluali della tntlsica Herald' 1935, vols. 4 and 5).
popolare in Italia ('Ricordiana' II fasc. 4635. Creighton, Helen, Folk-song in Nova
9, p. 417 ft.), ~ov. 1956. Scotia ('Canon' X NO.4, p. 123 fL),
4617. Carrington, J. F., La transmission de 1956. A
messages par 'tam-tam' (' Problemes 4636. Critico, M., Folk dance instruments: the
d' Afrique Centrale' IX, p. 86 H.), 1956. Tzimbalun, Roumania (The Folklorist'
GJKM III, No.6, p. 155 H.), 1957. A
4618. Carvalho, Gerardo A. de, as instrumen- 4637. Cruxent, J. M., Tres ritmos negros en el
tos tnllsicais primitivos afro-brasileiros agua (' Archivos venezolanos de folk-
no lUuseu HistDrico Nacional ('Anais do lore' III NO,4, p. 85 H.), 19551'56.
Museu Hist6rico Nacional' IX, p. 139 4638. Cubelic, Tvrtko, Die Ttinze der Volker
ft.), 1958. A Jugoslawiens ('Yugoslavija' VI, p. 2
4619. Castillejo, Roberto, Sones y bailes de fL), 1952.
gaita ('Divulgaci6nes Etnologicas' V, p. 4639. Dahlback, Karl, New methods in vocal
Il7 H.), 1956. folk-music research (Oslo, 1958). AC
4620. Cernik, Josef, a slovenski pisni (= 4640. Dal, Erik, Vore folkemelodier ('Dansk
About Slovakian songs) ('Czechoslo- Kirkesangs Aarsskrift' 1957, p. 7 fL).
vakian Folklore-Museum' II), 1921. 4641. Danckert, Werner, Europese volksmu-
462 I. - - Zdleslle pisne (Prague, 1957). ziek ('Algemene Muziekencyclopedie'
4622. Chailley, Jacques, La chanson populaire II, p. 496 H.), Antwerp, 1958. AC
fran,aise (Paris, 1942). 4642. - - Der Tiger als Syniboltier der
4623. Chilibec, Chiri, Folk dance instruments: Musik in Altchina ('Z. f. Ethnologie'
Bagpipe in Southern Bohemia ('The LXXXIII, fasc. I, p. 86fL), 1958.
Folklorist' IV, No.2, p. 47 ft.), 1957. A BDtGHKLIL2M
4624. Chowdhuri, B. K. Roy, The Veena 4643. DanieIou, Alain, Tableau comparatif des
paddhati of Hindustani music ('The J. intervalles musicaux (Pandicherry,
of the Music Academy, Madras' 1958). A
XXVIII, p. 72 ft.), 1957. AC 4644. Dart, R. A., South Africa and the pre-
4625. Christensen, A., Persian melody-names of history of Music ('South Afr. Journ. of
the Sasanian period (in: Hoshang Me- Science' LIII NO.7, p. 192 ft.), 1957. GM
morial volume, p. 369 H.), Bombay, 1918. 4645. Davies, E. Harold, Aboriginal songs
4626. Christoff, Dobri, Obschto utschenie sa ('University Papers in Anthropology
musikata (Sofia, 1921). in Central Australia' No. 4), Adelaide,
4627. Clausen, Raymond, A musicological 1927. A
study of the Layard collection of recorded 4646. Dean-S~ith, Margaret, Jig ('Die Musik
Malekulan music in its social and ritual in Geschichte und Gegenwart' VII, col.
setting (diss., typed), Exeter College, 46 H.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL
Canberra, 1958. 4647. Dehlavi, S. A., Music in Pakistan
4628. Closson, Ernest, Chansons et danses ('Pakistan Quarterly' VI No. I, p. 43
serbes (Ziirich, 1917). fL), 1956.
4629. - - Chansons populaires serbes ('Le 4648. Denisov, Z.; A. Nikolaev and A.
Flambeau' III), Brussels, Nov. 1920. Pirumov, Po Altaju. Zametki ytastnikov
4630. - - Introduction dans melodies popu- ekspedicii po sobiraniju i izuteniju muzo
laires serbes (Skopje, 1928). folk lora (= In the Altai. Notes of the
4631. Coffin, Tristram P., 'Mary Hamilton' participants in the expedition for the
and the Anglo-American ballad as an art collection and study of musical folklore)
form (' J. of American Folklore' LXX, ('Sovetskaja Muzyka' XII, p. 61 ft.),
p. 208 ft.), July/Sept. 1957. GK 1955
4631a. Cohen, Marcel, Sur la nota/ion musicale 4649. - - and A. Nikolaev, Sibirskaja pesaja.
ethiopienne ('Studi orientalistici in Zametki 0 pesennom folklore Tomskoj
onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida' vol. oblasti i Altaju kraja (= Siberian songs.
I p. 197 H.), Rome, 1956. Notes on the vocal folklore of the
4631b. --La grande invention de fecri/ure Tomsk Government and the Altai
(paris, 1958), pp. 2, 23, 389 H. district) ('Sovetskaja Muzyka' XII, p.
4632. Collaer, Paul, Bantoe (' Aigemene Mu- 55 fL), 1956.
ziekencyclopedie' I, p. 3:28), Antwerp, 4650. Densmore, Frances, Music of the
1957. AC Indians in our Western states (,J. of
4632a. Conran, Michael, The national music American Folklore' LXX, p. 176 H.),
of Ireland (London, 1850). April/June 1957. GK
4651. Deva, Indra, Modern social forces in 4669. --Musique et danses classiques indien-
Indian folk songs ('Diogenes' XV, p. 48 nes au service de I'Evangile ('Rythmes
if.), autumn 1956. du Monde' V, Nos. 3 and 4, N.S., p. 267
4652. Diamant, Ernest, Yougoslavische muziek if.), 1957.
en dans ('Danskroniek' V No. 12, p. 136 4670. Edvi-Illes, S., Bela Bart6k's Magyar
if.), Oct. 1951. A folk-song elaborations ('Canon, Australi-
46.H. Dick, Friedrich, Bezeichnungen fur an Music Journal' VIII, NO.5, p. 200
Saiten- und Schlaginstrumente in der if.), 1954. A
altfranzosischen Literatur (Giessen, 4671. Elkin, A. P., Aboriginal music ('Canon,
1932). Australian Musical Journal' X, NO.4,
4654. Dittmer, Kunz, Ethnologie und Musik- p. 112 if.), Sydney, Nov. 1956. A
ethnologie (' Kongressbericht Ges. f. 4672. Embree, John F., Japanese peasant
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Hercegnovi) ('GEM' IV), 1929. Anthrop. Inst.' XXIII, p. 360 if.).
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('Nova Evropa' VI, p. 79 if.), Zagreb, ments and weapons of the Aligator tribe,
19 2 3. Port Essington, North Australia ('The
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(= Turkish elements in our music) Fletcher; p. 242: trumpets), Linnean
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sica (ibid. V, fasc. 4), Sofia, 1932. 4675b. Flood, William H. Grattan, A history
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Prague, 1958. 4677- - - The folk music of Po"tugal ('Music
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which in vol. I: aulos (p. 237 if.). 4678. Gangoly, Ordhendra Coomar, Relation
bandurria (p. 326); in vol. II: crwtll and affinity between folk and classical
(p. 204), draailier (p. 346), echiquier (p. Indian music ('Music-Mirror', March
418), fluit (p. 579 if.); in vol. III: 1958). '
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(in progress). AC 4680. Gauthier, Judith, Les musiques biza"res.
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Chapter XV: Tibetan music and poetry. SlezskC pisn~ (= Silesian songs) (Prague,
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American songs and dances: an anno- *4684. Gennep, A. van, Manuel de folklore
tated selected list 01 popula" aHd lolk IraH.a;s. Vol. IV. French lolk music
,music (Washington D.C., 1942). bibliography (p. 768 if.).
4668. Edmond, P., Indian music and Indian 4685. Geraldo de Sousa, Jose, Contribu~40
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Review' (Ranchi) XIII, p. 268 fl.). musica popular Brasilei"a ('Musica
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Valle Valdesi ('Lares' XX, p. 123 if.). if.).
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4687. Gielge, Hans, Klingende Berge (Vienna, Loango-Neger ('Z. f. Ethnologie' VIII,
1937) p. 203 if.), 1876 (especially p. 215 if.).
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the 'Algemene Muziekencyclopedie', 4697. Gubler, Studien i4ber alte Metall-
among which in vol. I: Afrika (p. 95), Trommeln (' J. of the Thailand Research
Afro-Amerikaanse muziek (p. 95 if.). Soc.' XXXV, p. 17 if.), 1944.
Amerika (p. 159 if.), Arabisch-Perzisch- 4698. Habig, J. M., De tonaliteit van de Afri-
Turkse muziekcuUuur (p. 192 if.), kaanse samenzang ('Kengele' XXXVI,
Armenie (p. 210 if.), Atlantische volks- p. 3, fiche 15), 1956. M
melodie (p. 227 if.), Australie (p. 240 4699. - - A la decouverte du tam-tam.
fL), Azie (p. 258 fl.). Babylonische L'intime emprise du tam-tam (Trait
muziek (p. 263 if.), banjo (327 if.), d'Union' XL, p. 6, fiches 9 and 10),
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muziek (in collab. with K. Sass) (p. 618 4700. Hamza, Ernst, FolklO1'istische Studien
if.), Burmaanse muziek (p. 624 if.); in aus dem niederoesterreicllischen Wechsel-
vol. II: chang (p. 74). Chinese muziek gebiet ('Z. d. Deutschen u. Oesterr.
(p. 92 if.), Derwisjen-muziek (p. 281). Alpenvereins' XLIV), 1913.
Egyptische muziek (p. 430 if.), Eskimo- 4701. Harcourt, Margherite (Bedard-) d',
muziek (p. 479), Ethiopische muziek (p. Chansons folkloriques franfaises au
487 if.), ethno-musicologie (p. 489 if.), Canada: leur langue musicale (Quebec/
e.rotische muziek (p. 503), Faringse volks- Paris, 1956).
muziek (p. 521), Filippijnse volksmuziek 4702. Harries, Lyndon, Cultural verse-forms in
(p. 550 if.); in vol. III: Criekse volks- Swahili ('African Studies' XV, fasc. 4,
muziek (p. 180 if.), Itido-ClIinese 176 if.), 1956. KM
muziekculturen (p. 477 if.), Indonesische 4703. Hartmann, Henrike, Die Musik der
muziek en volksmu::iek (p. 482 if.), Sumerische Kultur (thesis). Frankfurt
lndo-Pakistaanse muziekcultuur (p. 502 a/M., 1958.
if.), Japanse muziekcultuur (p. 597 if.) 4704. Heinitz, Wilhelm, Bericht aber den
and many short descriptions of exotic siebenten Kongress der Internationalen
musical instruments (Antwerp, 1957; Cesellschaft fiir Musikwissenschaft in
in progress.). AC K61n (23. bis 28. Juni I958) ('Mittei-
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sua tecnica e acustica (Bologna, 1957). Tonkiinstler u. Musiklehrer, Haupt-
4689. Giuganino, A., La musica tlella filosofia gruppe Hamburg e.V.' VII NO.3, p. I
e nella poesia dell' antica Cina ('eina' if.), Hamburg, 1958. A
IV, p. 7 if.). 1958. 4705. - - Hamburg und die vergleichende
4690. Grar, Walter, Oesterreichs Beitrag zur M usikwissenschajt (' Kongressbericht
Musikethnologie ('Beitrll.ge Oesterreichs Ges. f. Musikforschung, Hamburg,
zur Erforschung der Vergangenheit und 1956. p. 109 if.). Kassel/Basel, 1957.
Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit', p. ACEL
148 if.), 1958. A 4706. Helffer, Mireille, For a knowledge of
469 I. Grickat, Zinaida, 0 narodnoj pesmi Indian music ('La Revue Musicale
(= On folk song) ('Muzitki glasnik' Suisse'), Dec. 1958.
III/IV, p. 41 if.), Beograd, 1934. 477. Hemsi, A., La musique orientale en
4692. Grosu, M., Caracterul general istoric al Egypte (Alexandria, 1930). A
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Folclor' III NO.3, p. 39 if.), Bucarest, wildernis ('Ontwakend Afrika' XXII,
1958. A No. 71, p. 7 if.). 1957. M
4693. GrundstrOm, H., and A. O. Viiisilnen, *4708a. Henry, Mellinger E., A bibliography
Lappische Lieder. Texte und Melodien for the study of A merican folksongs
aus Schwedisch-Lappland. I. Jonas (London, 1937).
Eriksson Steggos Lieder ('Schriften des 4708b. Hermanns, M., Die Nomaden von Tibet
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Uppsala' 2nd series No.2), Uppsala/ 237 if. (Musikinstrumente).
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4694. Griitzmacher, M., and W. Lottermoser, Charles G. Blooah, Jabo proverbs from
Ueber ein Verfahren zur tragheitsfreien Liberia (London, 1936). A
A ufzeichnung von M elodiekurven 4708d. Herzog, George, Review of Frances
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('Z. L vergleichende Musikwiss.' I, p. Bulletin' XII, No. 47, p. 102 ft.), 1957.
91 ft.), 1933. ACK B
4709. Hickmann, Hans, La chirollomie dans 4726. Hulstaert, G., Chants de portage ('Ae-
I'Egypte ancienne ('Z. L Aegyptische quatoria' XIX, p. 53 if.)' 1956. L2M
Sprache u. Altertumskunde' LXXXIII, .4727. Hummel, Dominik, Bibliographie des
p. 96 if.), Berlin, 1958. AD1GHK weltlichell Volksli~des in Niederoester-
4710. - - La castagnette egyptiemw ('Bull. de reich ('Jahrbuch f. Landeskunde von
la Soc. d' Archeol. copte' XIV, p. 37 Niederoesterreich', Vienna, 1931).
if.), Cairo, 1958. AGK 4728. Huyser, J. G., Indonesische muziek-
4711. - - Die Rolle des Vorderen Orients in instrumenten ('Nederlandsch-Indie Oud
der abendliindischen Musikgeschiclzte & Nieuw' XIII p. 235 ft. and 266 ft.),
(... ? ... , p. 19 if.)' 195. . A 1928. BCDIGHL2
471~. Himmelheber, Hans and Ulrike, Die 4729. Hyman, Stanley Edgar, The Child ballad
Dan,ein Bauernvolk im westafrikanischen ill A merica: some aesthetic criteria
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harp, sansa, musical bow, drums), p. 235 ft.), July/Sept. 1957. GK
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School of Oriental and African Studies' I, p. 31 if.), 1958. ACJM
XX, p. 343 if.), 1957. ABM 4731. - - Kenya's Colony music and Drama
Hoang-Yen, see: Yen, Hoang. officer ('African Music' II No. I, p. 37
47 I.j. Hood, Mantle, Review of J aap Kunst if.), 1958. ACJM
and Ernst Wolif, 'Living folksongs and 4731a. Idelsohn, A. Z., Der Kirchengesang der
dance-tunes from the Netherlands' J acobiten (' Archiv f. Musil(wiss.' IV, p.
('Midwest Folklore' VII, p. 180 if.), 369 ft.), 1922 CDFHIKLLI
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1715. - - Javanese gamelan in the world of mnimoj. K probleme narodnosti v
music (Jogjakarta, 1958). A muzyke (= Imaginary and genuine
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if.), June 1941. IX, p. 144 if.), 1956.
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Journal of Sociology' LXII, p. 569 ft.), I), Sofia, 1933.
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4718. Hostinsky, 0., Ceska lidova pisen (= Makedoniji (= The music in Ancient
Czech folk song), Prague, 1906. Serbia and Macedonia) ('Muzicki glas-
4719. Howard, James H., The Dakota.heyoka nik' IV). Beograd, 1922.
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193 8 . y otros instrumentos indigenas ('Boletin
4722. Hristoff, D., Ritmiclmi osnovi na del Museo y de la Sociedad Arqueol6-
bulgarskata narodna musica (= Rhyth- gica de La Serena (Chile)' NO.9, p. I.l
mic bases of the Bulgarian folk music), ft.), Dec. 19.57.
Sofia, 1913. 4738. Iyeki, J. F., Essai de psychologie du
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4724. Hrovatin, Radoslav, Pomen ritmicnih p. 251 fL), 1956. M
kvantitet v slovenskih ljudskih napevih 4739. Iyer, Mudikondan Venkatarama, Re-
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(pp. 70, 72, 77, 100, 161-J64, J8J, 4754. Kaplan, Arlene E., A study of folk
J94-J96, J98, 272-273, 33J, and s.v. singing in a Mass society ('Sociologus'
bron2e drums). A V, p. J4 ff.). J955. DIGHKLlLllL3
4741. Jacques, Y., En Oubangui-Chari. De 4755. KarakaAcvic, Vladimir, Gusle i guslari
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M (Paris, 1857).
4742. jan In-Lu, Muzykalniye instrumenti 4757. Katzarova-Koukoudova, Raina, Gaiditi
I(itaya (= The musical instruments of na edin Shoumenski maistOf' (= The
China) (Russian transl. from the Chine bagpipes of a Shoumen master) ('Bull.
se by Swi I and E. G. Chaverdian and du Musee National d'Ethnographie'
ed. by I. Z. Alender), Moscow, J958. AC XII), Sofia, 1936.
4743 jan Yun-Hua, The traces 01 ancient *4758. - - and Kiril Djenev, Bulgarian lolk
Indian music in China ('The J. of the dances (Sofia, 1958). A
Music Academy, Madras' XXVIII, p. 4759. Kaumudi, Music 01 Kashmir ('Music-
92 ff.), 1957. AC Mirror' March J958).
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collection (J90J). (diss.), 1931.
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Some parallel leatures in dance and ('France-Asie' XII Nos. 118-120, p, 897
music tradition 01 Yugoslavia and India ff.), March/May J956.
('The Folklorist' V No. J, p. J9J ff. and 4762. Kengele, lets over muziek in Alrika
No.2, p. 204 ff.), 1958. A ('Nieuw Afrika' J956, fasc. 6, p. 259
4746. jans, P., A. Walschap and j. de Knop, ff.). M
Douze chants indigenes sur texte latin ou 4763. Kennedy, Keith, Instruments 01 music
lonkundo. La messe bantoue. (' Aequa- used by the Australian Aborigines
toria' XIX, fasc. I, p. 18 ff.). J956. M ('Mankind' I NO,7, p. 147 ff.). Aug.
4747. japan Broadcasting Corporation, Nihon 19D. V
Min'Yo Taikan (= General survey of 4764. Khe, Tran-Van-, La musique vietna-
Japanese folk song). I. K want6hen (= mienne traditionnelle (thesis) (sten-
Documents from Kant6 district), 1944 cilled). Sorbonne, Paris, 1958.
and 1953; II. T6hoku-hen (= Docu- 4765. Khoi, U\ ThAnh, La chanson populaire
ments from the North-east), 1952; III. vietnamienne ('Syntheses' IX, No. 106,
T6hoku no Min'Y6, Iwate-hen no maki p. 190 ff.), March 1955.
(= North-eastern folk songs, docu- 4766. Kidson, Frank, and Mary Neal, English
ments from Iwate), 1942; IV. T6hoku lolk-song and -dance (Cambridge, J915).
Min'Y6shu (= Folk songs of T6hoku A
Area, Akita-ken), 1957, (ed. by Chlli- 4766a. Kirby, Percival R., A communication
chiro Takeda). on the "lithotone" discovered in I ndo-
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and popular music: a study in the soci- Science' IL p. 2), 1952. M
ology 01 taste (' American Journal of Soci- 4767. Klier, Karl, Bericht uber phonographi-
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melodije (= Serbian folk melodies) Wien' 1929).
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4750. jones, Arthur Morris, On transcribing steiger' May 1937).
Alyican music ('African Music' II No. I, 4769. Koczirz, Adolf, Albrechtsbergers Kon-
p. I I ff.). 1958. ACjM zerte lur M aultrommel und M andora
4751. joshi, D. T., A(ll) I(ndia) R(adio)'s ('Festschrift-Hermann Kretschmar', p.
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('The March of India' X, NO,7, p. I I 4770. KodMy, Zoltan, M dtyusloldi gyujtes (=
ff.), July 1958. B Folk song collection from Moityusfold)
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ancient music and dance hold labled lore 477J. - - A magyar ntlpdal str61aszerkezete
01 past ('Musical Courier' March 1st, (= The strophic structure in Hungarian
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4752. Kamburov, Ivan, Bulgarska narodna J906).
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('Illyustrovan musicalen Rechnik' = ben (= Pentatonic scales in the
Illustr. Musical Dictionary). p. 95 ff. Hungarian folk music) ('Zenei Szemle'
4753. - - Balgarskata musika, minalo J9 1 7)
ssawremennost (Sofia, 1936). 4773. - - A magyar nepdal muveszi jelento-
sege (= The artistic worth of Hungarian 479:l I{uhinka, Ernest Gajary, Zigeuners.
folk song) ('Neptanit6k Lapja' 1929). Geschiedenis C1I folklore van een zwervend
4774. - - N ePrai zes zenetortinet ( = Folklore volk (Rotterdam, 1957).
and musical history), Budapest, 1933. 4793. Kunban Raja, C., Sangita Uatnakara of
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misz nepzeneben (= Remarkable melo- the Sanskrit by C. Subbarayada), Ady-
dic structure in Cheremiss folk music), ar, Madras, 1945.
Budapest, 1935. 4794 Kunst, J., Some remarks on the music of
4776. --- Nepzene Is miiune (= Folk music Ihe Papuas at the Mappi River (Soutlt
and art music), Budapest, 1941. .Yew Guillea) (in: J. I3oelaars, 'Papoea's
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letopisi' 1828, p. 114), Budim, 18~/;. .1795. Kuppuswami, S. R., Sltort surlley into
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lerliedes (2 vols.), Klagenfurt, 1935. (Coimhatore, 194~)'
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193 1). 479H. Laeh, Robert, lJic Melodiell zur Ballade
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va vrednost, {istota i inlerpretacija (=" kundc' XVIII), I()U~. D'GHK
Musical folklore, its value, purity and 4799. --- Die Tonkunst ill dell ./If>ell (in: H.
i~terpretation) ('Srpski knjizevni glas- Lcitmeicr, 'Die osterreichischen AI-
nik' V, p. 368 H.), Beograd, 1930. pen'), Vienna, 1928.
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notowania melodii ludownych (= Kol- Musik ('Vossische Zeitung' dd. 13th
berg's method of noting folk melodies) Sept. 1925, Musikblatt).
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ti sulla musica dei popoli _11,' ordici Literaturzeitung' dd. 16. Aug. 1930,
(' Archivio per I' Antropologia e la co!. 1570 H.). DIGIKH
Etnologia' XXXVII, vo!. I), Florence, 4802. - - Heview of Henry George Farmer,
1907. CL2 'A history of Arabian music to the 13th
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4785. Krstic, Petar, 0 harmcniziranju narod- 4803. - - Review of Andreas Eckardt,
nih melodija (= On harmonization of 'Koreanisehe Musik' (1930) ('Deutsche
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Beograd, 1922. p. 742 H.). DIGIKH
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men Kansan Savelmia' IV). platten ('Die Musik' XXIV, NO.4, p.
4787. - - Kantele und louhikko Melodien 254 H.), Jan. 1932. CDFKL
(ibid. V), 1933. 4805. - - Review of A. Chottin, 'Corpus de
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4789. Kuba, Ludvik, Srpska i starogrtka 4806. - - Review of R. d'Erianger, 'La
muzika (= Serbian and Ancient Greek musique arabe' I. AI-Farabi, Grand
music) ('Brankovo kolo' VI, p. 182 fl.), Traite de la musique (1930) (ibid. I, p.
Beograd, 1899. 20), 1933. ACK
4790. Kuha~, F., Zadata melografa i vrijednost 4807. - - Review of Henry George Farmer,
putkih popijevaka (= Melograph's task 'Collection of Oriental writers on
and value of folk songs), Zagreb, 1892. music. I. A Moorish lute tutor' (1933)
4791. - - Starogrlki motivi u na~oj narodnoj (ibid. I. p. 62 H.), 1933. ACK
glazbi (= Ancient Greek motives in our 4808. - - Review of Curt Sachs, 'Eine Welt-
folk music) ('Nada' I fasc. 3, p. 5.1 fl.), geschichte des Tanzes' (1933) (ibid. T,
Zagreb, 1895. p. 93 H.), 1933. ACK
4809. - - Review of A. H. Fox Strangways, l'olkslied um I53a (Stuttgart, 1925).
'Cecil Sharp' (1933) (ibid. II, p. 64 ft.), Ling Roth, Henry, see: Roth, Henry Ling.
1934. ACK 4826. List, George, The Indiana University
4810. - - Review of Marius Schneider, Archives of Folk and Primitive Music
'Geschichte der Mehrstimmigkeit' 1. ('The Folklore and Folk Music Archi-
Die Naturvolker (1934) (ibid. III, p. vist' I, fasc. 3). March 1958. A
38 ff.), 1935. ACK 4827. Lizardi Ramos, E., La musica pre-
4811. - - Review of Walter Wunsch, 'Die cortesiana ('Cuadernos Americanos' XV
Geigentechnik der sudslawischen Gus- No. I, p. 193 H.), Jan./Febr. 1956.
laren' (1934) (ibid. III, p. 45 ft.). 1935 4828. Lloyd, Llewelyn S., Intervals ('Grove's
ACK Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. IV, p. 519 H.).
4812. Lambelet, G., La musique popuiaire 1954 (especially p. 523 on cents).
grecque (ed. by the Greek Ministry for ACFH1K
Foreign Affairs), Athens, 1934. 4829. Loeb, Edwin M., Tribal initiation and
4813. Land, J. P. N., Note sur la tnusique de secret societies ('University of California
fIle de java ('Extrait des actes du Xe Publications in American Archaeology
Congn!ls Intern. des Orientalistes, Ses- and Ethnology' XXV, p. 249 H.),
sions de Geneve'), 1896. G Berkeley/London, 1929. A
4814. Larrea Palacin, Arcadio de, Cancionero 4830. Lomax, Alan, Nuova ipotesi sui canto
j udio del Norte de M arruecos. Vol. I, folcloristico italiano nel quadro della
Romances de Tetuan (Madrid, 1952). musica mondiale ('Nuovi Argomenti'
4814a. - - Canciones del Africa Occidental XVII/XVIII, p. 109 H.), Nov. 1955-
Espanola (' Archivos del Instituto de Febr. 1956.
Estudios Africanos' X No. 44, p. 21 4831. Lombard, J., A perfu sur la technologie
ff.), March 1958. BM et l'artisanat Bariba. (Section 6: musical
4815. Lawson, J., European folk dance, its instruments) ('Etudes Dahomeennes'
national and musical characteristics XVIII, p. 7 H.). 1957. M
(London, 1955). 4832. Longstreet, Stephen, The real iazz old
4816. Laya, J. C., La gaita ('Boletin del and new ('University Station: Louisiana
Instituto de Folklore' II, p. 227 H.), State Univ. Press' 1956).
July 1957 4833. Louw, Johan K., African music in
U ThAnh Khoi, see: Khoi, U ThAnh. Christian worship (' African Music' II
4817. Lebedinskij, L., Uzun-Kiui - baIkirska- No. I, p. 51 H.), 1958. ACJM
ia narodnaia muzikalno-poetileskaia 4834. Maceda, Jose, Western idiom in Eastern
klassika (= The Uzun-kjuj, a Bashkir music (Paper read at the Southeast
folk musico-poetical classic) ('Sovets- Asia Music Conference, Manila 1955,
kaja Etnografija' II, p. 46 H.), 1956. unintentionally omitted from the
4818. Le~a, A., Musica popular portuguesa Proceedings). A
(Oporto, n.d.). 4835. - - The music of the Bukids of Mindoro
4819. - - The historical stratification of folk ('P(hilippine) W(omen's) U(niversity)
music (' J. of the Intern. Folk Music Filipiniana' p. I ff. and 19 ff.). Manila,
Council' VII, p. 21 H.), 1955. ACKL 1958. A
4820. Leichtentritt, Hugo, Was lehren uns die 4836. - - Chants from Sagada mountain
Bilderwerke des I4-I7 jahrhunderts Province (Philippines), Part II
uber die Instrumentalmusik ihrer Zeit? ('Ethnomusicology' II, p. 96 H.), Sept.
('Sammelb. der Intern. Musikges.' VII, 1958. AGL
p. 315 H.), 1906. CDFH1L 4837. MacLaud, Notes sur quelques mani-
4821. Levy, Paul, Origine de la forme des tam- festations musicales observces en Haute
bours de bronze du type I ('Dan Viet- Guinee ('Revue Musicale' X, No.2, p.
nam' No.2, p. 17 H.), Dec. 1948. A 49 fl.), Jan. 15th 1910.
4822. - - Geschichte des Begriffes Volkslied 4838. Maerker, B., Gregorianischer Gesang und
(Berlin, 1911). deutsches Volkslied ('Jahrbuch f. Volks-
4823. Leydi, Robert, Musica popolare e liedforschung' VII). 1941. D1L
musica primitiva. Guida breve alla 4839. Maes, Joseph, Sculpture decorative ou
conoscenza degli stili musicali spontanei symbolique des instruments de musique
('L' Approdio musicale' I, p. 100 H.; II, du Congo Beige (' Artes Africanae').
p. 105 H.), Rome, 1958. Brussels, 1937. M
4824. Lies, H., Eine Tontrommel der ii,lterell 4839a. Malan, B. D., A rock gong-rock slide in
M egalithkultur von Gerwisch, K reiz Burg the Parys district ('South African Jour-
bei Magdeburg ('Jahresschr. fUr mittel- nal of Science' LV, p. 29 fL). 1952. M
deutsche Vorgeschichte' XXXVIII, 4840' Mangahas, K., and Jose Maceda,
p. 34 ff.), 1954 Philippine life: music (Manila, Cult.
4825. Liliencron, R. von, Deutsches Leben im Found. of the Philippines). 1956.
4841. Manojlovic, Kosta, Jugoslovenska na- 4859. Meier, Johtl, Minllesang u'ld Volkslied
rodne muzika (= Yugoslav folk music) ('Jahrbuch ftir Volksliedforschung'
('I<:njiga 0 Balkanu' II), Beograd, 1937. VII), 1941.
4842. - - Muzilke karakteristike naseg Juga 4860. Mendoza, Vicente T., El rilmo de los
(= Musical characteristics of our cantares AI exicanos rccoleetados por
South) ('Svete Cecilije' 1925). Sahagun ('Miscellanea Paul Hivet
4843. Marcel-Dubois, Claudie, Les instruments octogenario dicata' (= Pmc. XXXI.
de musique et quelques cris chanUs dans Intern. Congress of Americanists' II,
les rues de Paris ('Bull. de la Federation p. 777 fl.), Mexico, 1958.
folklorique de I'Ile de France', Paris, 4861. Menil, F. de, Musique Zouloue ('Le
1939, p. 47 H.). Progres artistique'), Paris, 1895.
4844. - - La tache du folklore musical 486z. Mercier, M., Chants du territoir saharien
('Revue de folklore frans;ais et colonial' ('Cahiers Charles de Foucauld'
IV, NO.3). 1935 XXXVIII 2nd. trim. 1955, p. 189 fl.).
4845. - - and R. Lecotte, Chants de cam- 4863. Merriam, Alan P., The Bashi Mulizi and
pagnonnage (Paris, 1951). its music: an end-blown flute from the
4846. - - Un point d'organologie. Le hautbois Belgian Congo (' J. of American Folk-
d'ecorce franyais ('P.ll.F.' 1957, p. 317 lore' LXX, p. 143 H.), April/June 1957.
H.). GK
4847. Marinus, Albert, Essais sur la tradition 4864. - - Music-bridge to the super-natural
(Brussels, 1958). ('To Morrow' V, p. 61 H.), 1957.
4848. Markovic, Z., Izrada feSljeva, hbuka i 4865. - - Yovu songs from Ruanda ('Zaire
svirala u Godusi kod Visokog (= The XI, p. 933 fl.), Xov./Dec. 1957
manufacture of combs, reeds and flutes DIGVL2M
among the Godushi at Visokog) ('Glas- 4866. - - Africa Soulh of Ihe Sahara
nik zemaljskog Muzeja u Sarajevo (In trod. and notes to Ethnic Folkways
Istorija i Etnografija' X, p. 161 ff.). Record FE 503). A
Sarajevo, 1955. 4867. Milojevic, Miloje, Muzirki folklor, nje-
4849. Martin, T. S., Slovenske spevy (3 vols.), gova kulturno-muzilka vainost (= Musi-
1880, 1890, 1899. cal folklore, its cultural-musical im-
4850' Masoli, B., The Bamto and music portance) ('Muzicke studije i cIanci' p.
('Basutoland Witness' I, p. 6 H.). 1956. 137 H.). Beograd, 1926.
4851. Massignon, Genevieve, Une noce ma- 4868. - - Nekoje odlike muzitkog folk lora
raichine avant I900 d'apres un vieil Srbije (= Some qualities of musical
accordeoniste de Saint-Jean-de-Monts folklore of Serbia), Beograd, 1932.
('Arts et Traditions Populaires' vol. 4869. - - Tragom narodne melodije naseg
V Nos. 2-4, p. 285 H.), Paris, 1957. Juga (= Tracing folk melodies of our
4852. Massola, A., Drum types of Eastern New South) ('Muzicki studije i cianci' p. 143
Guinea ('Anthropological Series' III), H.), Beograd, 1933.
Melbourne, 1957. 4870. - - 0 muzilkom nacionalizmu (= On
4853. Mas't!dl, AI-, Les prairies d'or (Text musical nationalism) ('Muzicke studije
and translation by Barbier de Meynard i cIanci', p. 27 ff.), Beograd, 1933
and Pavet de Courteil), 9 vols. (Paris, 4871. - - Narodna melodija kao dokaz rasne
18611'77) (II p. 153, 158; VIII p. 88 H.). snage i izvor muzilkog naeionalizma (=
4854. Matetic, Ronjgov Ivan, Muzilki folklor Folk melody as proof of racial strength
Istre (= Musical folklore of Istria) and source of musical nationalism)
('Spomen knjiga J ugoslav matice' 1930). (,Politika' VI-IX), Beograd, 1937.
4855. Matsubara, Iwao, Folk-songs: the voice 4872. Mitchell, J. C., The Kalela dance
of common humanity ('Oriental Econo- ('Rhodes-Livingstone Papers' No. 27),
mist' XXVI, p. 148 H.), 1958. 1956.
4856. Matthews, R. H., Bull-roaYe1's used by 4873. Mitsukuro, Shukichi, Japanese scales
the A ustralian aborigines (' J . of the and their harmonic treatment (Tokyo,
Royal Anthrop. Inst. of New Britain 1958). A
and Ireland' XXVII, p. 58 H.), 1898. 4874. Mokranjac, Stevan, Srpske narodne
DIGIKLIL2 pesme (Ljubljana, 1903).
5857. McHarg, James, African music in 4875. Moser, Hans Joachim, Die Entdeckung
Rhodesian native education ('African der Germanenmusik ('Germanen' 1940,
Music' II No. I, p. 46 ff.), 1958. ACJM fase. II), p. 401 H.
4858. Meer, J. H. van der, Het clavecytherium 4876. Mosztnski, K., Kultura ludowa Slowian
('Mededelingen van de Dienst voor (3 vols.), Cracow, 19341'35
Schone Kunsten, The Hague' XII 4877. Mtlller-Blattau, J., Das deutsche Volks-
(1957), p. 21 ff. and XIII (1958), p. 57 lied (Berlin, 1932).
ff.). AC 4878. - - Musik und Musikgeriit ('Hand-
buch der deutschen Volkskundc' vol. 4896. Nketia, J. H., The organization 01 music
II), Potsdam, undo (about 1940). in Adangme Society ('llniversitas' (Ac-
4879. - - Das defttsche l'olkslied (ibid. vol. cra) III, p. 9 ft.), Dec. 1957. D'KL'
II), Potsdam, undo (about 1940). 4896a. - - The ideal in African folk music:
4880. Muhatov, V., .Vekotorye voprosy razuitija. a note on klama ('Universitas', Univ.
turkmellskoj muzykalnoj kultury (= College of Ghana, vol. III No.2, p. 40
Some problems concerning the develop- if.). 1958.
ment of Turkmenian musical culture) 4896b. - - Traditional music 01 the Ga people
('Kommunist Turkmenistana' III, p. (ibid. vol. III ~o. 3, p. i6 ft.), 1958.
44 fL). 1956. 4897. - - Traditional music 01 the Ga people
4881. Musick, Ruth Ann, Ballads and lolk- ('African Music' II No. I, p. 21 if.),
songs from West Virginia ('Journal of 1958. ACJM
American Folklore' LXX, p. 247 ff.). 4898. - - Yoruba musicians in Accra ('Ouu',
July/Sept. 1957. GK Journal of Yoruba and related studies,
4882. Nabokov, Nicholas, The origins 01 ~o. 6), 1958. M
Western music ('The J. of the Music 4899. Nomura, Mitsuro, Treatise on the three
Academy'Madras' XXVIII, p. 77 ft.), instruments of the sankyoku (=
1957. AC chamber-trio) : koto, shamisen and
4883. Nagy, D., Egy munkasdal eredete es shakuhachi (Tokyo, 1958). A
vdltozatai (= The origin and variants of 4900. Obata, Jiiichi, and Rydji Kobayashi, A
a worker's song) (' Ethnographia' LXVI, direct-reading pitch recurder and its
p. 427 if.), 1955. B applications to music and speech (' J. of
4884. Nef, Karl, Zur Geschichte des Volkslied- the Acoustical Soc. of America' IX, p.
interesses ('Festschrift-Hermann Kret- 156 if.), 1937.
schmar', p. 105 fL), Leipzig, 1918. AC 4901. - - An apparatus lor direct-recording
4885. Nejedly, Z., Dejiny predhusitskilzo the pitch and intensity 01 sound (ibid.
zNvu (= History of the Pre-Hussite IX, p. 242 if.), 1937.
song in Bohemia). Prague, 1904. 4902. Oehler, Fritz, Die Weise des nel/erm
4886. - - Polatky husitskiho zplvu (= The deutschen Volksliedes (Wtirzburg, 1943).
beginning of the Hussite song). Prague, 4903. Olbrechts, Frans M., Ba-Pende Iluitjes
190 7. en Europese sleutels. Een interessant
4887. - - Dljiny husitskiho zpevu za valek geval van acculturatie ('Wetenschappe-
husitskych (= The history of the lijke Tijdingen XVII NO.3, p.206 ft.).
Hussite song after the Hussite wars), 1957. M
Prague, 1913. 4904. Olivier, P., Les chants de metier (Paris,
4888. Nerval, Gerard de, Les vieilles ballades 1910).
Irall~aises ('La Sylphide' IV), Paris, 4905. Onwona-Osafo, F., Talking drums in
18 4 2 . the Gold Coast ('Gold Coast Teacher's
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music ('The Folklorist' V No.2, p. 211 4906. O'Neill, Francis, Irish 101ln1lusic (Chi-
ff.), 1958. A cago, 1910).
4890. Nett!, Paul, A Ite judische Spielleute und 4907. - - Irish minstrels and musicians
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4891. Neves, C. Das, and G. de Campos, espatiolas. Orlgenes de la jota ('Cuadros
Cancioneiro de musicas populares (3 Americanos' XV No. I, p. 149 ft.).
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4892. Nicolas, Fran~ois-J.,Origine et valeur du 4909. Ortiz, Fernando, La a/roamericana
vocabulaire designant les xylophones "Marimba" ('Anales de la Sociedad de
alricains ('Zaire' XI p. 69 if.), Jan. Geograffa e Historia, Guatemala'
1957. DIGLIL2M XXVII, p. 310 ff.), 19531'54.
4893. Niederle, L., Siovanski staroiitnosti 4910. Pakhtikos, G. D., 260 Greek folksongs
(= Slav antiquities), Prague, 1925. (Athens, 1905).
4894. Niekraszowa, Stefania, Polskie ludowe 49II. Pandey, G. A. C., The problem of micro-
instrumellty muzyczne ('Dotatek tygod- 1I0tes in Indian music ('Music-Mirror',
niowy 'Ostatnich wiadomosci" IX, No. March 1958).
37, Weekly Supplement), Mannheim, 4912. Panoft', Peter, A llfgaben und Ziele eiller
1956. A ErlorschulIg del' ostslavischen M usik
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chez les anciens et chez les Franfais. 4913. Paranjpe, V. G., Indian music and
Essai historique suivi d'une etude"mr la a.estlletics ('The J. of the Music Acade-
la chanson des Tttes contemporaine my, Madras' XXVIII, p. 68 ft.), 1957.
(Paris, 1867). AC
4l)14. Paroissin, R., Musique et mIss lOllS Afaya en la musica de Mexico ('Camet
('Afrique Ardente' XXIX ~o. 101, p. Musical' XIV, p. 152 ft.), April 1958.
21 H.), 1957. M 4936. Putnam, John F., The plucked dulcimer
4915. Patino, Victor Manuel, Aspectos especia- of the Southern Moulltains (Berea,
les de la. vegetaciol! llatural en America Kentucky, Council of the Southern
equinoccial. Guaduales y M anglares Mountains), 1957.
('Revista Colombiana de Antropolo- 4937. Rabearivelo, J. J., Notes sur la musique
gia' VI, p. 159 ff.). Bogota, 19.17 (p. 182 malgache ('Revue d' Afrique' IV), Paris,
H.: Instrumentos llIusicales). B 1931.
4916. Pearson, Arthur A., Comedv and drama 4938. Radhajar, D., The rebirth of Hindu
in folksong (' Proc. of the iII usical music (Adyar, Madras, 1928).
Association' L). 1923. 4939. Raghavan, V., The popular and classical
4917. Pepper, Herbert, Musique Centre-A- in music ('The J. of the Musical Acad.,
fricaine ('Encyc\. Co\. et Maritime', vo\. Madras' XXVIII, p. 100 ft.). 1957. AC
'Afrique E'luatoriale Fran'Yaise'). M 4940. Rajeczky, Benjamin, Deszendenzmelodik
4918. Perez Vidal, Jose, Endechas populares in Choral und unsere absteigenden
en Iristrofos monorrimos siglos X V -X VI Perioden ('Acta Ethnographica' VI,
(La Laguna, 1952). fasc. 3-4). Budapest, 1958.
491l). Peterson, Frederick, A IIcient Mexico 4941. - - Este a szekelyeknel ('Ethnogra-
(London, 1959) Chapter XI (p. 202 fl.) : phia' LXVIII NO.4), Budapest, 1957
Music, Song and Dance. B B
4920. Pettazoni, Raffaele, Un rombo australia- 4942. Ramasamy Aiyar, M. S., Swara mela
110 (' Archivio per I' Anthropologia e la kalanidhi (trans\. from the Sanskrit),
EtnoJogia' XLI, p. 257 fl.), 191 I. L2 Annamalai University, Chidambaram,
4921. Piclten, Laurence, A note on Ethiopic 193 2 .
church music ('Acta Musicologica' 4943. - - The Kalakshepam, its origin
XXIX, p. 41 H.), 1957. growth, etc. (Madra~ 1932).
ACDEFGHIKLLI 4944. Ramon y Rivera, Isabel, and Luis
4922. Pincherie, Marc, La harpe ('Encyc\. de Felipe Ramon y Rivera, Resumen de un
la l\'lusique' Part II, vo\. III, p. 1892 estudio sabre las expresiones en el folk-
H.), 1922. CDEFHJK lore musical y coreogrdfico de Venezuela
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lallde, canti narrativi, strambotti e No. 4, p. 65 ft.), 19551'56.
nit/nenanne ('Folklore' IX, Nos. I and 4945. Ramon y Rivera, Isabel (Aretz-Thie1e),
2, p. 63 ff.), Naples, Apr/Sept. 1954. El maremare como expresi6n musical J'
4924. Poloczek, Frantiek, Das Riiubervolks- coreografica ('Boletln del Instituto de
lied in dem Gebiet des Tatra-Gebirges Folklore" III, p. 45 ft.), Caracas, July
('Kongressbericht Ges. f. Musikfor- 195 8 .
schung, Hamburg, 1956', p. 172 ff.). 4946. Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe, El ritmo
Kassel/Basel, 1957. ACEL sesquialtero. Su difusi6n y conexi6n can
4925. Pommer, Helmuth, jodler des deutschen otros ritmos en America ('Archivos
Alpenvolkes (Leipzig, 1936). venezolanos de folklore' II/III, p. 23
4926. Pommer, Josef, jodler und juchezer ft.). 19531'54.
(Vienna, 1890). 4947. - - Cantos de trabajo del pueblo
4927. - - jodler lmd juchezer aus Steirmark venezolano (Caracas, Fundaci6n Euge-
(Vienna, 1902). nio Mendoza). 1955.
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wie man es findet (Vienna, 1907). 4949. - - et aI., Sobre la fiesta dedicada a San
4930. Pop, Mihai, N oi orientari in studiile de Benito (BC1Iito el Moro, a San Benito de
folclor ('Revista de FolcIor' III No. 4, p. Palmero) ('Boletin del Instituto de
7 ft.), Bucarest, 1958. AC Folklore' II, p. 149 ft.), Caracas, Dec.
4931. Pratt, C. C., Musicology and related 195 6 .
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4933. Psachos, K., Folksong of Skyros (Athens 4951. Rasheed, B. S., Egyptian folk songs
1910). (Cairo, 1958).
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1957 ACEL 4972. Salmen, Walter, Das Volkslied in West-
4953 Reichenbach, Hermann, The tOllality 01 lalell (MUnster, 1958).
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star)', song and dance (Stories, songs and 4974. Sambamurthy, P., Music in India
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495.'). Remanta, A., and P. D. Zacharia, Arion the Philippines), Manila, 1956 (p. 77
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4956. Ribeiro Fortes, J. M., 0 lado (Oporto, 4975, Sampaio, G., Cancioneiro minhoto (Opor-
187) to, 1944).
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i nilialion {uemony among the Bemba 01
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.Vol'theru Rhodesia (London, Faber &
1938, p. 68 ff. and 1939, p. 53 fL). K
Faber, 1956).
4977, - - Melodier til I<ingos salmebok (ibid.
4')51> Richl'z, P., La jeunesse ella musique en
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.1.0.F. ('Tropiques' LV, No. 41, p. 80
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fl.), It)57. M
dien: ell kildesludie (Oslo, 1950),
4')5'). Rieger, A., Zagadl1ienie leksykaillego
4979. - - Setermelodien ('Norsk Turistfore-
lIIdehsowa/lia l1lelodi i ludowych (=
ning Arbok', 1956).
The probll'm of lexicographical in-
4979a. Sansom, G. B., Japall: a short cultural
dexing of folk tunes) ('Lud' XLII ~o. 2,
history (New York, 1931).
p. 5.14 ff.), J()5 6.
4<)60. Riftin, B. L., Novye materialy po 4980. Santos Junior, Norberto dos, Algunas
can~oes indigCllas ae Afarracuene ('Gar-
tradicionlloj dlllu;anskoj narodnoj pesne
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ff.). 1956. Lisbon, 1957. A
49(11. Rivet, Paul, La musique des Incas (' J. 4981. - - A chitata (ibid. VI No.2, p. 347
de la Soc. des Amcricanistes' N.S. ff.), Lisbon, 1958. A
XVIlI, p. 349 fl.), Paris, 1926. GL2 4982. - - 0 pango 01' panco (ibid. VI NO.3,
4962. - - La musique Indienne en Amerique p. 527 fl.), Lisbon, 1958. A
('La ;'I1ature' LXIX, p. 244 ff.), Paris, 4983, Sarisl)zen, Muzaffer, Halk tUrkiileri (=
Folk songs), , before 1957.
1~7. V 4984. - - Yurltall sesler (= Voices from the
49bj. Robles, Fernando, /I/imos y juglares de
la tJUerta de Tanger ('Africa' (Madrid) home land). Ankara, 1952.
XIV, p. 6 fl.), June 1957. 4985. Sas, AJ;ldre, A series of articles in the
4964. Ross, James, A classilication 01 Gaelic 'Algemene Muziekencyclopedic', among
lolk songs ('Scottish Studies' I, p. 95 which in vol. I: Bolivia (p. 528 ft.);
ff.), Jan. 1957. A in vol. II: Colombia (p. 141 ft.), Domi1li-
4965. Roth, Henry Ling, Auslralian tunes ('J. Ctla/lse republiek (p. 331), Ecuador (p.
of the (R.) Anthropo1. Inst.' XVI, p. 421 ff.); in vol. III: Haiti (p. 233 ff.),
425 ff.), 18861'87. ABCDIGIKLIL2M lndiaanse lIliuiek (in collab. with Will
4966. Rotter, Curt, Der SchnadahuPfI-Rhyth- G. Gilbert) (p. 468 ff.). Antwerp, 1957;
mus (Berlin, 1912). in progress. AC
4966a. Rozing, P., La 1I1usique en lndone- 4985a. Sastre, R., Le sacre et la musiqHe negro-
sie ('Rythmes du Monde' XXXII), alricaine ('Rythmes dll Monde' XXXII)
195 8 . 195 8 .
4967. Rubin, R., A treasury 01 Jewish folksong 4986. Savlii!, N., Kara-{oko i Deliba~a Allifo
(New York, 1950). ('Glasnik etnografskog Muzeja u Beo-
4968. Rybak, Shulamith, Puerto Rican child- gradll' XVII, p. 119 ff.), 1954.
ren's songs in New York ('Midwest 4987. Saygun, Ahmed Adnan, Bartok in
Folklore' VIII, p. 5 ft.), Spring 1958. Turkey ('The Musical Quarterly'
4969. Sagers Hzn., Frans, A msterdamsche XXXVII, No, I, p. 5 ff.), Jan. 19SI.
straatroepcn ('Tijdschrift der Ver. v. ACDFKLI
;'IIedcrlandsche Muziekgeschicdenis' X,' 4987a. Seelies, J., S ote sHr la In usique sacree
bIz. 1>7 ff.), 1919. ACFHI ell I slam 1II0/?hrabin ('Rythmcs du
4970. Sain, K., A n old manuscript OIl Iranian Monde' XXXII), 1958.
music (' Indo-Iranica' VI II NO.3, p. 29 4988. Schaeffner. Andre, Musique el danses
fl.). Sept. 1955. lunt!1'aires chez les Dogan de Sanga (in
497 J . Salazar, Adolfo, La musica ell llt edad preparation ?).
4989. Schinhan, Jan P., The Frank C. Brown 5005. Souvanna-Phouma, Prince, Music of
Collection of North Carolina Folklore Laos ('The J. of the Music Acad.,
vol. IV. The music of the ballads (Duke Madras' XXVIII, p. I I I fl.), 1957. AC
Univ. Press, 1957). 5006. Starkie, Walter, The Gypsy in Anda-
4990. Schopp, J., Das deutsche Arbeitslied lusian folk-lore and folk-music ('Proc.
(Heidelberg, 1935). of the Mllsical Association' LXII.
4991. Scotti, Pietro, Nuovi reperti di con- Session, p. I ft.), 1936.
chiglie musicali nel folclore e nei musei 57. Stockmann, Erich, Albanische Volks-
etnografici d'Italia (' Atti della Societa. musikinstrumente ('Kongressber. In-
I taliana di Scienze naturali e del Museo tern. Ges. f. Musikwiss., Wien, 1956',
Civico di storia naturale in Milano' p. 612 ft.), Cologne, 1958.
LXXIX, fasc. 3, p. 199 ft.), Sept. 1940. 5008. - - Kommission lur Instrumenten-
A kunst. I nventarisierung von Volksinstru-
4992. Seashore, Carl E., Some new instruments menten ('Kongressber. Ges. f. Musik-
in the Iowa Laboratory (' J . of the forschung, Hamburg, 1956', _po 245),
Acoustical Soc. of America' II, p. 75), Kassel/Basel, n.d. ACEL
193 5009. Stoin, Vasil, Narodna pessnopojka
4993. Seeger, Charles, Music and class struc- (Sofia, 1930).
ture in the United States ('American 5010. - - Balgarskata narodna muzika (Se-
Quarterly' IX, p. 281 ft.), autumn, 1957. fia, 1956).
4994. - - Singing style ('Western Folklore' 501 I. Str5mbAck, D., The realm of the dead on
XVII No. I, p. 3 ft.), Jan. 1958. A the Lappish magic drums ('Studia
4995. - - Prescriptive and descriptive music ethnographica uppsaliensia' XI, p. 216
writing ('The Musical Quarterly' XLIV, ft.), 1956. K
No.2, p. 184 ft.), April 1958. CDEFKLI 5012. Swarup, S., The arts and crafts of India
499Sa. Seidel, Hans, Horn und Trompete im and Pakistan. A pictorial SHrvey of
alten Israel unter Berucksichtigung der dancing, music, painting, sculpture,
"Kriegsrolle" von Qumran ('Wissen- architecture, arti-crafts and ritual deco-
schaftl. Zeitung der Universitllt Leip- rat-ions from the earliest times to the
zig' VI. Heft 5), 19561'57. present day (The Hague, 1958).
4996. Seppilli, T., and D, Carpitella, Note su un 5013. Swend, Von, Negermusik und lIfusik-
recente contributo di Fernando Ortiz alia instrumente in Togo ('Globus' 1908).
musicologia, alia etnologia acculturativa 5014. Swets, Wouter, Maat en muziek in de
e al folklore ('Lares' XXI, Nos. 3-4, p. Balkan en Levant (Pub!. No. 13 of the
74 ft.), July/Dec. 1955 (1956). Exotic Music Soc.). Amsterdam, 1958.
4997. Shahinda, Indian music (London, 1914). A
4993. Sichardt, Wolfgang, Alpenlltndische 5015. - - Development 01 unusual me---erical
Volksmt4sik im Lichte musik-ethnologi- types in the folk music of the Balkans and
scher Forschung ('Anthropos" XXXII, Asia Minor ('Antiquity and Survival'
p. 773 ft.). Vienna, 1937 II No. 4, p. 387 ft.), 1958. ABDIGHK
ABDIGHJKLIL2M 5016. Sychra, A., Slovo a hudba (= Word and
4999. Skalska-Zunova, Konstrukcii arfii i music), Prague, 1948.
igra na arle v drevnem Egypte (= The 5017. Tampere, H. T., Estonskie narodnye
construction of the harp and harp pesni s melodijami (= Esthonian folk
playing in Ancient Egypt) ('Archiv songs with melodies), Tallin, 1956.
Orientaln!' XX, p. 457 ft.), 1952. ABGK 5018. Tegethoff, P. W., Das Kirchenlied bei
sooo. Smetana, R., Ustni podani lidove den Negern ('Z. f. Missions- und
melodie (= Oral tradition of folk Religionswiss.' XL, fasc. 2, p. I12 ft.),
melodies) ('Musicologia' I), Brno, 1938. 195 6 .
501. - - and B. Vaclavek, Folksong ('Ot- 5019. Tessmann, GUnter, Die Bubi auf Fer-
tOY'S Encyclopedia' Suppl. (Dotatky) nando Poo (Hagen i. W./Darmstadt,
III). 1923), p. 203 ft.: Musik und Tanz. B
5002. Sobieski, Marian, Kolberg ('Die Musik in 5020. Tischner, Herbert, Kulturen der Sudsee
Geschichte u. Gegenwart' VII, col. (Hamburg, 1958), p. 142 ft.: Musik-
1401 ft.), 1958. ACDEFGHIKL instrumente. B
5003. Sokoli, Ramadan, Les danses popula.ires 5021. Tokei, F., Notes prosodiques sur quelques
et les instruments musicaux du peuple chants de travail chinois (' Acta Orien ta-
albanais (Tirana, 1958). lia Academiae Scientiarum Hungari-
5004. South Pacific Commission, Clearing cae' VI, p. 53 ff.), 1956.
house service lor broadcast recordings 5022. Tomas, P. F., Canylles populares da
(Technical Paper No. 93), Noumea, Beira (Figueira da Foz, 1896).
New Caledonia, July 1956; id. Supple- 5023. - - Velftas canflles e romances popu-
ment No. I (Oct. 1957). A lares portugueses (Coimbra, 1913).
5024. - - Cantares do povo (Coimbra, 1919). 5043. VAclavik, A., Slovanske prvky v teske
5025. - - Can~~es portuguesas (Coimbra, lidove kulture (= Slav trends in Czech
1934)' folklore), Bmo, 1947.
5026. Torrance,G. W.,MusicoftheAustralian 5044. Vandermeersh, L., Bronze kettledrums
Aborigines (' J. of the (R.) Anthropol. of Southeast Asia ('Journal of Oriental
Inst.' XVI, p. 335 ft.), 1887. Studies' III, p. 291 ft.), Hongkong,
5027. Torrend, J., Specimens of Bantu folk- 5045. Vargyas, Lajos, Das Musikleben im
lore from Northem Rhodesia (London, ungarischen Dorf und die II{ ethoden
1921). seiner Erforschung ('Deutsches Jahrb. f.
5028. Toyotaka, Komiya, japanese music and Volkskunde' III, p. 447 ft.), 1957. Ll
drama in the M eiji era (' Japanese 546. Vaughan Williams, Ralph, English folk
culture in the Meiji era' III), Tokyo, songs (London, 1913).
1956. Part I. Music and drama in the 5047. - - The English Folk dance and song
Meji era by Komiya Toyotaka; Part II. society ('Ethnomusicology' II, p. 108
Gagaku, by Furukawa Hisachi; Part VI. ft.), 1958. AGL
japanese music and dance by Machida 5048. Vavtik, J., Lidovd pisell ve Slezsku (=
Kasho; Part VII. Occidental music by Folksong in Silesia), Ostrava, 1931.
Nomura Koichi). 5049. Veenstra, A. J. F., The begu Zulu
5029. Tracey, Hugh T., Tres dias com os vertical flute ('African Music' II No. I,
Bachopi ('Mo~ambique' No. 24, p. 23 p. 40 ft.), 1958. ACJM
ft.), 1940. 5050. Verinaud, J., Musique indienne et
5030. - - Recordings in East Africa and Liturgie ('Bulletin des Missions Etran-
Northern Congo ('African Music Soc. geres de Paris' 1956, pp. 135 ft., 199 ft.,
Newsletter' No.6, p. ft.), 1953. ACJM 425 ft. and 611 ft.).
5031. - - Short survey of Southern African 5051. Veselinovic, Milojko, Sprsko oro (=
folk music for the International Catalogue Serbian kolo) ('Bratstvo' XXI, p. 145
of folk music records (ibid. No.6, p. 41 ft.), Beograd, 1906.
ft.), 1953. ACJM 552. Vlanney, John J., La musica Somala
532. - - Bantu culture in South Africa. A ("Somalia d'Oggi" II, p. 37 ft.), Oct.
study in sound, form and colour (Pre- 1957
toria, State Inform. Oftice, Fact paper 5053. Vicol, A., ContribuJii la studiul ritmului
47). Nov. 1957 in Cntecele populare din Muscel( =
5033. - - Towards an assessment of African Contributions to the study of the
scales ('African Music' II No. I, p. 15 rhythm of the folk songs in the Muscel
ft.). 1958. ACJM district), 'Revista de Folclor' III NO.3,
5034. - - African Music within its social p. I I ft. (Bucarest, 1958). A
setting ('African Music' II No. I, p. 56 5054. Vidya, Mrs. S., Krithis of Syama Sastri,
ft.), 1958. ACJM Subbaraya Sastri and Annaswami Sastri
5035. - - A tribute to Ralph Vaughan (with Sa-Ri-Ga in Sanskrit and Tamil
Williams (I872-I9S8). Gustav Holst notation with Gamaka signs), Madras,
(I874-I934) and Percy Scholes (I877- n.d.
I9S8) ('African Music' II No. I, p. 59 5055. Violant y Simorra, R, Instrumentos
ft.), 1958. ACJM musicos de construcci6n infantil y
Tran-Van-Khe, see: Khe, Tran-Van-. pastaril en Cataluna ('Revista de dia-
5036. Triebels, H., Baskische muziek (' Alge- lectologla y tradiciones populares' X
mene Muziekencyclopedie' I, p. 359 NO3, p. 331 ft.), 1954.
ft.), Antwerp, 1957. AC 556. V1ahovic, M. S., Kosovac jovan ('Glas-
5037. Trojanovic, Sima, Muzitki instrumenti nik etnografskog Muzeja u Beogradu'
Srpskog etnografskog muzeja (= Musical XVII, p. 114 ft.), 1954.
instruments in the Serbian ethno- 5057. Vlam, Chr. C., Volksmuziek in Frankrijk
graphic museum). ('Svetlost' II), Beo- (' Algemene Muziekencyclopedie' II, p.
grad, 1909. 617 ft.), Antwerp, 1958. AC
538. Troncoso, R Fernandez, La marimba, 5058. Voegelin, C. P., and Robert C. Euler,
su origen y leyenda (Mexico, 1957). Introduction to Hopi chants (' J. of
5039. Tsoukalas, Nicholas, The castanets and American Folklore' LXX, p. 115 ft.),
how to play them (Detroit, 1957). April/June 1957. GK
5040. Tucci, Guiseppe, Tibetan folk songs 5059. Vujovic, Velimir, Crnogorsko oro (=
(Suppl. to 'Artibus Asiae' No. VII), 19... Montenegrian kolo), Beograd, 1933.
5041. U1ehla, V., l.ivd pisen (= Living song), 5060. Wales, H. G. Quaritch, Prehistory and
Prague, 1949. religion in Southeast Asia (London,
5042. Drsu, Nicolae, Cintece ~i jocl4ri din 1957), Chapter III (p. 48 ft.); Bronze
Valea Almajului (Bucarest, 1958). age religion. B
S061. Waley, Arthur, Chinese-Mongol hylwid India's music (an introduction to the
songs ('Bull. of the School of Oriental music of India with suggestions for its
and African Studies' XX, p. S81 if.), use in the churches of India) ('The
1~7. ADM Christian Students' Library' !\o. 14),
S062. Warmelo, Willem van, Liederwysies van Madras/Mysore, 1957. . A
vanslewe (Amsterdam/Kaapstad, 19S8). 5072. Wiora, Walter, Zur Grundlegung der
A A llgemeinm Musikgeschicltte (' Deut-
S062a. Weiss, Paul, Usbekische Musik ('Die sches Jahrbuch cler I\Iusikwissenschaft
Musik' XXIII, p. 831 if.), 1931. flir 1950' p. 76 fL), Leipzig, 1957.
CDFKL 5073. --- Ueber den Volkston bei Mo::art
S063. Wellesz, Egon, Die 'Struktur des serbi- (' J ahrbuch des oesterreichischen Volks-
schen Octoechos ('Z. f. Musikwiss.' 1- liedwerkes' VII, p. 185 fL), 1956.
III). 1918 if. CDHIKL 5074. Yen, Hoang, La musique d Hue ('Bulle-
S064. - - Die orientalische Musik im Rah- tin des Amies du Vieux lIue' VI, p. :!33
men der musikgeschichtlichen Forschung if.), July/Sept. 1919.
('Festschrift-Hermann Kretschmar', p. 5075. Yeomans, W. H., The Inca scale ot mllsic
172 if.), Leipzig, 1918. AC ('New World Antiquity' CVl I, p. 10
S06S. - - Zur Erforschung der byzantinisch- if.), 19S4.
orientalischen Mllsik ('Z. L Musikwiss.' 5076. Young, A. W., The jew's harp in Assam
II), 19191'20. CDHIKL (' J. and Proc. of the Asiatic Soc. of
S066. - - Die armenische Messe und ihre Bengal' ~.S. IV, p. ~34 fL), 1905.
Musik ('Jahrbuch d. Musikbibl. Peters' 5076a. Zabala, Enrique, Prilller metodo ele-
XXVII, p. I if.), 1920. CGKLLI mental para apprender arpa india (sin
S067. - - Studien zur Palaographie der by- 1Ilusica, con a sin maes/ro) , Buenos
zantinischen Musik ('Z. f. Musikwiss.' Aires, Ricordi Americana (und.,
XII), 19291'3. CDEHIKL presumably 1956).
S068. - - Early Byzantine neumes ('The *,'iO 77 Zibrt, C., Bibliograficki' preMed
Musical Quarterly' XXXVIII, p. 68 t'esk-ych narodnich pisni (= Bibli-
if.), 19S2. CDEFKLI ographical survey of Czech folk songs).
s06g. - . - Epilegomena zu dm "Eastern ele- Prague, 189S.
ments in Western chant" ('Die Musik- S078. Zoder, Raimund, Die melodisch-stichi-
forschung' V, p. 131 if.), 19S2. sche A nordnung von LandlermelodiC1l
ACEFIKLLI ('Das Deutsche Volkslied' XVI), 1914.
S070. Westarp, A., Musique iaponaise (Paris, 5079. - - Volkslied. Volkstanz. Volksbrauch
Ed. Leroux). in Oesterreich (Vienna, 1950).
*S07I. White, Emmons E., Appreciating
Fig. 65. CHARLES SEEGER (b. 1890) Fig. 66. Father A. M. JONES
(b. 1899)
Fig. 71. \VALTER GRAF (b. 1903) Fig. 72. CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU (1893-1958)
accordeon 5, 6 chongur 5
acculturation (4596, 4736a, 490 3, 4996) choreographic script (4758 (p. 74 ff.))
agaita 5 clarinet 5
aksak (rhythm) (4758) classification systems for melodies (4959.
American Columbia 5 49 66,50 78)
apkhertza 5 clavecytherium (4858)
archapane 5 Contrepoint firm 5
archives of recorded music: id. of the ljni- copyright in folk songs (4611)
versity of Indiana (Bloomington) (4826) cornamusa 5
aulos (4663). 5 crwth (4663 (vol. II, p. 204))
bagpipe (4623,4757, 4816) cymbalon (4636)
balalaika 5 cymbals 5
ballads (4631. 4665, 4692. 4729, 4798, 4881 , dar(a)buka 6
4888 ,4989) da vul 5
bamboo zither (tubular zither) (4915) death, songs of, (4918)
bamileke 6 Derwish music (4688 (vol. II, p. 281))
banduria (4663 (vol. I, p. 326)) doira 5
banjo (4688 (vol. I. p. 327 H.)), 7 double oboe 5
bark hom, see: midwinter hom double transversal flute (4589)
bark idiophone 6 drums (4569, 4852), 5, 6, 7
bark oboe (4846) Ducretet-Thomson firm 6
bark-zither 6 dulcimer (4936), 6, 7
bar-zither (stick-zither) (4589) dutar 5
bells 5, 6 earth harp 6
birimbau (4560) eschaquiel (4663 (vol. II, p. 418))
blown bottle 6 Ethnic Folkways 6
Bolte a Musique (B.A.M.) 5 fado (4956)
bowed lute 5 flutes (4593, 4663 (vol. II, p. 579 fl.), 4848,
bowl zither (= trough zither) (4982),6,7 4863),5.7
brass (bronze) drums (4697, 4740, 4821,544, frame drum 6
5060 ) friction drum 6
bull-roarer (4829, 4856), 6, 7 frula 6
bush-songs (4557) gagaku (5028)
buzzing nut (4574) gaita (4619, 4816),6
capoeira, jOgo da, (4560) gajde 6
carangano (4915) gameka (5054)
cartography and ethnomusicology (4889) Gregorian chant (4685, 4838)
castanets (5039), 5 guenvri 5
cents system (4828) guitar 6
chang (4688 (vol. II. p. 74)), 5 guslar(4579,4755)
Chant du Monde firm 5 gusle (4755)
cheironomy, see: chironomy harmonization (4785)
chikuvu 6 harp(4999,5076a),6
children's songs (4968) harp-zither 6
chillador 6 His Master's Voice 6
chitata (4981) horn (4995a), 6, 7
Figures between brackets refer to the Bibliography (p. 8 H). As a rule a literature reference
is only given when the keyword after which it appears is mentioned in the title of the work
concerned or is treated extensively in it. - Figures in italics refer to the pages of this book.
hsiao kou 5 oboe (4846).5
hurdy-gurdy (Drehleier. vielle) 4663 (vol. II. ocarina (4575, 474 1).6
p. 346 ). 4664) octoechos (5063)
ibubura 7 odeng 5
inanga 7 oro (551. 5059)
indexing. see: classification systems pandereta 6 .
Infor Congo 6 pandore (pandura) (4565)
interval measurement (4643.4828) pan 5
ivory horn 6 panchor 5
jazz (4832) pango (4982)
jew's harp (mouth harp) (4574. 4589; 4608. pan-pipes (4574. 4737). 6. 7
47 69, 50 7 6 ), 5. 7 pellet bells 7
jig (4646) pentatonic scales (4605, 4772)
jocuri (542) Philips Concern 6
j(u)oik (4787) philosophy and music (4689)
jota (4908) pincollos (pinquillos) 6
juchezer (4926,4927. 4928) p'i-p'a 5
kakakis pipiza 5
kalakshepam (4943. 571 (p. 48 H.)) pitch (4584.4695,4900,4901)
kantele (4787) pluriarc 6
kaval6 polska (4554)
kediri 5 prehistoric music (4824. 5060)
kemence (4564). 5 psychology and music (4738)
khen (4761) pup ming (4574)
kimbili 7 qasba 5
kirtan (571 (p. 48 H.)) qrageb 5
kledi 5 race and music (4614. 4675a, 4732, 4815.
kochnai 5 4871 )
koto (4899). 3, 5, 7 RadiodiHusion de la France d'Outre-Mer 6
kudiim 5 raga 6
lapka. see: Iivika rattle 6. 7
launut. see: livika reed-instruments. see: nay and shao na
likembe 7 religion and music (4552a. 4584a. 4627. 4668.
lira 5 46 69. 474 6 , 48 33, 49 66a . 498 5a , 498 7a ,
lithophones (4725a. 4766a. 4839a) 5018 ,57 1)
livika (lapka. launut. nunut). 7 rhaita 5
lotong kawat 5 rhythm (4563. 4615. 4722. 4724. 4758 (p.
lute 5. 6 62 H.). 4946. 4966.514.515.553)
lyra. see: kemenche Riverside Records 6/7
magic and music (4699. 4829, 4864. 5011 ) rubab 5
mandora (4769) sampeh 5
marimba (balafon) (4909. 4915). 6 Sangita ratnakara (4793)
medieval European musical instruments sankyoku (4899)
(4590. 4609) santuri 5
mengagi tal tsi tal tsi pup (4574) sanza 6.7
micro-notes (4911) See also: sruti Schnadahiipfl (4966)
mission and music (4914) scrapers 6
modality (4599) shakuhachi 5
mouth organ (4589.4761) shamisen (4899)
mulizi (4863) shao na 5
Musee de I'Homme 6 shell trumpets (4716), 6
musical bow (4741). 7 sheng 5
musical script (general) (463Ib) sitar 5.6.7
Byzantium (5067. 5068) slit drum 6, 7
Ethiopia (463Ia) sociology and music (4627. 4651. 4717, 4748.
mvet (mv6t) 6 4993)
nay 5 songs of death (4918)
neums (567, 5068) spirituals (4552a, 4606)
noh music (4800) sruti (4911.4950)
notation. mechanical methods of, (4639. stamping tubes 7
4694.4695.4900.490 1,499 2) street cries (4756. 4843, 4895, 49(9)
notation of ethnic and folk music (4782) svirale (4848)
nunut, see: livika symbolism in music (4642.4839)
tahla(k) 5. 6. 7 trumpets (4589. 4995 a ), 7
tala 6 turiya 5
talking drums upigl-apigl (4574)
Central Africa (4617, 4699. 4708. 4708b. Victor Company of Japan Ltd. 7
4736).6 vina paddhati (4624)
West Africa (4905) violin 5. 7
tambagl (4574) Vogue firm 7
tambura (tampura) 5. 7 water drum 7
tamburine 5 Wattle Recordings 7
tambur 5 West Africa 5
tbelS whistle 6
tendi 5 work and music (4883. 4947)
tidinit 6 World Pacific Records 7
ti-tzon 5 xylophone (4892.4909.4915). 6
tonality (4698. 4704. 4953) yodelling (4925. 4926. 4927. 4928)
Topic Records 7 zamba (4567)
transcription of phonograms (4750) zither 5
transversal flute (4589. 5049). 5. 7 zurna 5
trough-zither. see: bowl-zither
Crete (4933) Hopi (5058)
Cyprus (4933) Huaraya 6
Czechoslovakia (incl. Bohemia. Moravia. Hubu 6
Slovakia) (4576. 4609. 4620. 4621. 4662. Hue (5074)
4718. 4744. 488 5. 4886 . 488 7. 4890. 5001 . Hungary (4582. 4670. 4770-4774. 477 6 488 3,
54 1.543.577) 494.494 1.545)
Dahomey (4553. 483 1 ) Hussites (4885. 4886. 4887)
Dakota (4719) Hutu 7
Dan (4712) Icho 6
Dayak. see: Borneo Ifni (48I4a)
Denmark (4640) Incas (4961. 5075)
Dodecanesos 5 Indian subcontinent (excl. Assam. Ceylon.
Dong-s'on (5060) Kashmir. Nepal. Sikkim):
Dungan (4960) A. Before the Moghul period. and in
Dyak. see: Borneo general: .
Ecuador (4985 (vol. II. p. 421 fl.)) a. tribal and folk music (4716), 5. 6
Egypt (ancient) (4688 (vol. II. p. 430 fl.), b. classical music (4559. 4591. 4651. 4668.
4999) 4669. 4678. 4688 (vol. III. p. 502 fl.).
Egypt (modern) (4688 (vol. II. p. 432). 4707) 475.4739.4743.4745.475 1,49 11 .4913.
England (4554a. 4766. 4953. 5046 5047). 6 493 8. 4939, 494 2, 4943, 4950. 5012 ,
Epiros (4933) 55).5. 6
Eskimo (4688 (vol. II. p. 479)) B. North India in and after the Moghul
Ethiopia (4631a. 4688 (vol. II. p. 487 fL). period:
49 21 ) b. classical music (4624. 4795. 4997), 6
Ewe. see also: Yoruba C. South India in and after the Moghul
Faeror (4688 (vol. II. p. 521)) period:
Fang 6 b. classical music (4793. 4795. 5054. 57 1).
Fernando Po (5019) 6
Finland (4554. 47 8 7) Indochina (4569.4589.4681.4688 (vol. III.
France (4586. 4600. 4601. 4622. 4684. 4843. p. 477 fl.). 4740. 4761. 47 66a)
4844, 48 45. 4846 . 48 51. 4888. 4895. 494, Indonesia (general) (4688 (vol. III. p. 482 fl.).
557) 4728. 49 66a)
Franche Comte (4586) Iraq 6
French Canadians (4701) Ireland (4632a. 4646. 4675b. 4906, 4907)
French Equatorial Africa (4696. 4917) Istria (4854)
French Guinea (4837) Italy (modern) (4594.4615.4616.4686,4760,
French Guyana 6 48 3.499 1)
French West Africa 5/6 Ivory Coast 6
Further India (4589) Jabo (4708d)
Ga (4898) Japan (4672. 4688 (vol. III, p. 597 fL). 4736a.
Gabon (incl. Baduma. Bawanji. Boungomo. 4747. 4779a . 4800. 4873. 4899. 4979a.5028.
Fang. GaiDa. Hubu. Nkomi. Okandi. 57).5. 6
Pongwe. Viii) Java (4680, 4813)
Gaels (4953. 49 6 4) Jemez Indians 5
Galoa 6 Jews 6
Germany (4665.4798.4824.4825.4838.4859. Kalimantan, see: Borneo
48 75. 48]7. 48 78 48 79. 490 2, 497 2. 4973. Kalina 6
4990). I Karinthia (4778)
Gogwe 7 Kentucky (4936). 6. 7
Gold Coast (4561. 4896. 4896a. 4896b. 4897. Kenya (4730, 4731)
48 98 ,4905) Kerala 5
Gortynia (4934) Kiowa 5
Great Britain 7 Kuba (= Bushongo)
Greece (ancient) (4673. 4789. 4791. 4971). 6 Kukuya 6
Greece (modern) (455 8 4563. 4598. 4599. Kuman (4575)
4688 (vol. III. p. 180 fl.). 4812. 4933. 4934, Kumngo (4574)
4955).5 Kuyu 6
Gypsies (4655) Kwele 6
Haiti (4592a. 4985) Lahu (4589)
Haussa 5 Lali 6
Hawaii (475Ia). 3 Lamet (4740)
Hebrews (4995a) Laos (4589. 5005), 6
Hemba 6 Lapps (5011)
Lepa l\Iaut 5 Pitjantjara 6
Liberia (4708d) Poland (4725.4849. 4876. 4894. 5002)
Lisu (4589) Pongwe 6
Loango (4696) Pontic Greeks 5
Lorraine (4665) Pontos (4564). 5
Luba 6 Portugal (4633. 46770 4818. 4891. 4956.4975.
Lushai (467) 522-525)
Macedonia (47.14. 4933).6 Pueblo Indians (9454)
Madagascar (4937). 6 Puerto Rico (4968)
Magdenburg (4824) Punan 5
Maghreb (4987a) Punu 6
Malekula (4627) Pygmies. African. 5. 6. 7
Mam Indians 6 Ruanda/Urundi (4865). 6. 7
Manus 7 Rumania (4593. 46 36 . 4692. 542 5053). 7
Mapi Ri\'cr Papuans (4~4) Sahara (4862).5
Mauritania 6 San Domingo (4985 (vol. II. p. 331))
Maya (4935). 6 Sanga (4gS8)
Mbanu (4741) San Juan Indians 5
Mexico (4827. 4860. 4919. 4935) Sasanids (4580. 4625)
Michigan Indians (4796) Scotland 7
Mindoro (incl. Bukid. Hanun06) (4835) Senegal 6
Moke (4589) Serbia (4578. 4604. 4610. 4628. 4629. 4630.
Mongo (4726) 46 55. 47 21 . 4734. 4735. 4749. 4777. 4789.
Mongolia (5061) 484 2 4868 4869. 4870. 48 74. 4986 50 37.
Montenegro (5059) 55 1 50 5 6 5063)
Moors (4807) Shan States (4608)
Moravia (4576. 4662. 5001) Shi (4863)
Morocco (485.4814.4963). 5. 6 Siberia (general) (4592. 4648. 4649)
Mozambique (4613. 4980. 4981.4982.529) Silesia (4683. 5048)
:\iago 6 Sioux 5
Near East (ancient and modern) (general). 6 Skyros (4933)
Netherlands (4969) Slavs (4893. 4912. 5043)
New Britain (= Neu Pommern) (inc. Gazelle Slovakia (4620. 4744. 49 24)
Peninsula). 7 Slovenia (4724)
New Guinea (4574. 4575. 48 5 2 5004). 7 Solomon Islands 7
New Hcbrides (incl. Futuna. Malekula) Somali (552)
(4 62 7) Songhai 6
New Ireland (= Neu Mecklenburg) (incl. Sorbes (4952)
Tombara).7 South Africa (4584a. 4603. 4644. 4725a.
Ngbandi 6 4839a.4850.5032.5049.5062)
Niederoesterreich (4700. 4727) South America (general) (4596. 4667. 4737.
Kigeria (4587) 4946.4962.4985 (vol. III. p. 468 if.). 5076a)
:\ikomi 6 South East Asia (4697. 4821. 5044. 5060)
:'lorth American Indians (4650. 4985) South India. see: Indian subcontinent sub C.
North American Negroes (4555. 4606) Southern Rhodesia (4857)
North Carolina (4989) Spain (4908. 4918. 5039. 5055). 6
Northern Rhodesia (5027) Spanish West Africa (48I4a. 5019)
North India. see: Indian subcontinent sub B. Sumerians (4703)
:\iorway (4976. 4977.4978.4979) Swahili (4702)
Nova Scotia (4635) Switzerland 3
Nyasaland (4833) Syria (473Ia)
Oayana (Oyana). 6 Tadjik 5
Oceania (5004. 5020) Tahiti 6
Ossetes 5 Tatra (4924)
Pakist.an (4647. 4688 (vol. III. p. 502 if.)) Teke 6
Palaung (4608) Tctuan (4814)
Pende (4903). 6 Thrace (4933). 5
Persia (4580. 4625. 4688 (vol. I. p. 192 ft.). Tibet (4666. 47oSb. 5040). 6
4853.497) Togo (5013)
Peru (5075). 6 Tomsk (4649)
Philippines (4688 (vol. II. p. 550 ff). 4840. Triest (4923)
4835.4 83 6) Tuareg 5
Piro 6 Tunisia 6
Turkey (incl. Anatolia. Pontos) (4564. 4570. Virginia (4881)
4571. 4572, 4658. 4688 (vol. I. p. 192 fl.). Waldensian Valley (4686)
4982.4983,4984.4987).5 West Africa (general) (4553, 4958)
Tuscany (4594) Westphalia (4972)
Tutsi 7 West Virginia (4881)
Twa 7 Yabo (4708b)
Ubangi-Chari region (4741) Yaqui (4708c)
United States (general) (4556.4968) Yoruba (4587), 5
Upper Sangha 5 Yovu (4865)
Uzbekistan (5062a), 5 Yugoslavia (general) (4579,4634.4638, 46Yl,
Valdenses (4686) 46 57. 4682 . 4745, 4755. 479 1, 484 1. 484 2 )
Vendee (4601) Yuman (4708c)
Venezuela (4637. 4944. 4945. 4947, 4949) Zulu (4861, 5049)
Viet-nam (4764. 4765) Zuni 5
Viii 6
Cubelic, Tvrtko, (4638) Gregorius, Karl, see: Karl Gregorius,
Dahlback, Karl, (4639) Grickat, Zinaida, (4691)
Dal, Erik, (4640) Grosu, M., (4692)
Danckert, Werner, (4641,4642) Griitzmacher, M., (4694, 4695)
Danielou, Alain, (4643) Grundstrom, H., (4693)
Dart, R A., (4644) Guesfeldt, Paul, (4696)
Davies, E. Harold, (4645) Guhler, (4697)
Dean-Smith, Margaret, (4646) Habig, J. M., (4698, 4699)
Dehlavi, S. A., (4647) Hamza, Ernst, (4700)
Denison, Z., (4648, 4649) Harcourt, Margherite (Beclard)-d', (4701)
Densmore, Frances, (4650, 4708c) Harries, Lyndon, (4702)
Deva, Indra, (4651) Hartmann, Henrike, (4703)
Diamant, Ernest, (4652) Heinitz, Wilhelm, (474,475)
Dick, Friedrich, (4653) Helffer, Mireille, (476), 5
Didier, Andre, 5 Hemsi, A., (4707)
Dittmer, Kunz, (4654) Henry, B., (4708)
Djenev, Kiril, (4758) Henry, Mel1inger E., (4708a)
Djordjevic, Timohir, (4655) Hermanns, M., (4708b)
Djordjevic, Vladimir R, (4656, 4657, 4658) Herzog, George, (4708c, 4708d)
Djoudjeff, Stoyan, (4659,4660,4661) Hickmann, Hans, (479, 4710, 4711)
Dobrovolny, FrantiSek, (4662) Himmelheber, Hans, (4712)
Douillez, J., (4663) Himmelheber, Ulrike, (4712)
Drltger, Hans Heinz, (4664) Hisachi, Furukawa, (5028)
Dragas, Stevanija, (4579) Hla Pe, (4713)
Driiner, 0., (4665) Hoang-Yen, see: Yen, Hoang
Duncan, Jane E., (4666) Holbein, Hans, (4590)
Duran, Gustavo, (4667) Holst, Gustav, (5035)
Edmond, P., (4668,4669) Hood, Mantle, (4714,4715)
Edvi-Illes, S., (4670) Hornel1, James, (4716)
Elkin, A. P., (4671) Horton, Donald, (4717)
Embree, John F., (4672) Hostinsky, 0., (4718)
Emmanuel, Maurice, (4673) Hovhaness, Alan, 5
Erlanger, Rodolphe d', (4806) Howard, James H., (4719)
Estreicher, Zygmunt, 3 Howes, Frank, (4720)
Etheridge Jr., R, (4674, 4675) Hristic, Stevan, (4721)
Euler, Robert C., (5058) Hristoff, D., (4722, 4723)
Farmer, Henry George, (4802) Hrovatin, Radoslav, (4724)
Fernandez Troncoso, R, (5038) Hudec, Konstantin, (4725)
Fetis, Fran~ois-Joseph, (467sa) Hughes, A., (472Sa)
Fischer, Kurt von, 3 Hulstaert, G., (4726)
Flood, William H. Grattan, (4675b) Hummel, Dominik, (4727)
Fox Strangways, A. H., (489) Huyser, J. G., (4728)
Gal1op, Rodney, (4676,4677) Hyman, Stanley Edgar, (4729)
Gangoly, Ordhendra Coomar, (4678) Hyslop, Graham H., (4730, 4731)
Gaspar, D., (4679) Idelsohn, A. Z., (4731a)
Gauthier, Judith, (4680,4681) Ignateva, M., (4732)
Gavazi, Milovan, (4682) Ikonomoff, B., (4733)
Geering, Arnold, 3 Ilic, Pera, (4734)
Gelner, Jaromlr, (4683) Ilitch, S. L., (4735)
Gennep, A. van, (4684) Ilunga, Camille L., (4736)
Geraldo de Sousa, Jose, (4685) Inazo, Nitobe, (4736a)
Ghisi, F., (4686) Iribarren, Ch.-Jorge, (4737)
Gielge, Hans, (4687) Isy-Schwart, M., 5
Gilbert, Will G., (4663, 4688, 4985) Iyeke, J. F., (4738)
Giorgetti, Filiberto, (4688a) Iyer, Mudikondan C. Venkatarama (4739)
Giuganino, A., (4689) Izikowitz, Karl Gustav, (4740)
Glenat, Jean, 6 Jacques, Y., (4741)
Goldstein, Kenneth 5., 7 Jan In-Lu, (4742)
Goswami, 0., (4739) Jan Yun-Hwa, (4743)
Graf, Drs, (4590) Janacek, Leos, (4744)
Graf, Walter, (4690). I Jancovic, Danica 5., (4745)
Grattan Flood, William H., see: Jancovic, Ljubica 5., (4745)
Flood, William H. Grattan, Jans, P., (4746)
Japan Broadcasting Corporation, (4747) Le~a, A., (4818, 4819)
Johnstone, John, (4748) Lecotte, R., (4845)
Joksimovic, Boza, (4749) Lehmann, Henri, 6
Jones, Father Arthur Morris, (fig. 66) (4750) Leichtentritt, Hugo, (4820)
Joos, Louis C. D., 6 Levy, Paul, (4821,4822)
Joshi, D. T., (4751) Leydi, Robert, (4823)
Kalei-o-Kuaihelani (475Ia) Ling Roth, Henri, see: Roth, Henri Ling,
Kamburov, Iwan, (4752,4753) Lies, Ii., (4824)
Kaplan, Arlene E., (4754) Liliencron, R. von, (4825)
Karaka~evic, Vladimir, (4755) Lindeman, L. M., (4978)
Kasho, Machida, (5028) List, George, (4826)
Kastner, Georges, (4756) Lizardi Ramos, E., (4827)
Katz, Elihu, (4748) Lloyd, A. L., 7
Katzarova-Koukoudova, Raina, (4757,4758) Lloyd, Llewelyn S., (4828)
Kaumudi (4759) Loeb, Edwin M., (4829)
Keller, W., (4760) Lomax, Alan, (4830)
Kene, T., (4761) Lombard, J., (4831)
Kengele (4762) Longstreet, Stephen, (4832)
Kennedy, Keith, (4763) Lorenc, Antoni, see: Antoni, Lorenc,
Khe, Tran-Van-, (4764) Lottermoser, W., (4694, 4695)
Khol, Le Thanh, (4765) Louw, J. K, (4833)
Kidson, Frank, (4766) MacColI, Ewan, 7
Kingo, (497 6 , 4977) MacCda, Jos6, (4834-4836,484)
Kirby, Percival R., (4644, 4766a) Maclaud (4837)
Kishibe, Shigeo, (fig. 69) Maerker, B., (4838)
Klier, Karl, (4767,4768) Maes, Joseph, (4839)
Knop, J. de, (4746) Malan, B. D., (4839a)
Kobayashi, Ry(lji, (4900,4901) Mangahas, Ruby K., (4840)
Koczirz, Adolf, (4769) Manoylovic, K P., (4841,4842)
Kodaly, Zoltan, (477-4776) Marcel-Dubois, Claudie, (4843-4846)
Koichi, Nomura, (5028) Marinus, Albert, (4847)
Kolarovic, Emanuil, (4777) Markovic, Z., (4848)
Kolberg, 0., (4782) Marti, Samuel, 6
Kollitsch, Anton, (4778) Martin, T. S., (4849)
Komitas (4779) Masoli, B., (4850)
Komiya, Toyohashi, (4779a) Massignon, Genevieve, (4851)
Kommerell' Hilde, (4780) Massola, A., (4852)
Konjovic, Petar, (4781) Mas'udi, Al-, (4853)
Koroma, Jean, 6 Matetic, Ronjgov Ivan, (4854)
Krajewski, K, (4782) Matsuhara, Iwai, (4855)
Kraus, Alex., (4783,4784) Matthews, R. H., (4856)
Kristic, Petar, (4785) McAllester, David P., (fig. 68)
Krohn, Ilmari, (4786,4787) McHarg, James, (4857)
Krustev, Venelin, (4788) McKim, Garrison L., (4555)
Kuba, Ludvik, (4789) Meer, J. H. van der, (4858)
Kuhac, F., (4790,4791) Meier, John, (4859)
Kuhinka, Ernest M. Gajary, (4792) Mendoza, Vicente T., (4860)
Kunban Raja, C., (4793) Menegoz, Robert, 5
Kunst, Jaap, (4794) Menil, F. de, (4861)
Kuppuswami, S. R., (4795) Mercier, M., (4862)
Kurath, Gertrude Prokosh, (4796) Merriam, Alan P., (4863-4866)
Labastille, Irma G., (4796a) Meynard, Barbier de, (4853)
Labrique, J., (4797) Milojevic, Miloje, (4867-4871)
Lach, Robert, (4798), I Mitchell, J. C., (4872)
Lachmann, Robert, (4800-4811) Mitsukuro, Shukichi, (4873)
Lal, Pandit Chatur, 5, 7 Mohan, Anand, 6
Lambelet, G., (4812) Mokranjac, Stevan, (4610, 4874)
Land, J. P. N., (4813) Morillere, Roger, 5
Larrea Palacin, Arcadio de, (4814, 4814a) Moser, Hans Joachim, (4875)
Lawson, J., (4815) Moszynski, K, (4876)
Laya, J. c., (4816) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, (5073)
Le Thanh Khoi, see: Khol, Le Thanh, Miiller-Blattau, J., (4877,4878,4879)
Lebedinskij, L., (4817) Muhatov, V., (4880)
Muller, W. 5., see: Statius Muller, Wim, Rawp-Raupp, Jan, (4952)
Mullick, Nodu, 5, 7 Reichenbach, Hermann, (4953)
Musick, Ruth Ann, (4881) Reinhard, Kurt, (fig. 70), Z
~abokov, Nicholas, (4882) Reisberg, 5., (4954)
Nagy, D., (4883) Remanta, A., (4955)
:'Jeal, Mary, (4766) Ribeiro Fortes, J M., (4956)
Souvanna-Phouma. Prince. (SOOS) Veenstra. A. J. F . (s049)
Sprung, Roger. 7 Verger. Pierre, 6
Starkie. Walter. (Soo6) Verinaud. J .. (soSo)
Stockmann, Erich. (S007, Soo8) Veselinovic. Milojko. (SOSI)
Stoln. Vasil. (SOO9. SOlO) Vianes, S. 6
Stromb:l.ck, D. (SOIl) Vianney. John J . (SOS2)
Subbaraya Sastri (SOS4) Vicol, A., (soS3)
Subbarayada. C., (4793) Vidal, Jose Perez. see: Perez Vidal. Jose.
Swarup. S., (S012) Vidya. Mrs. S. (soS4)
Swend, Von, (SOI3) Vilayat Khan 6
Swets, Wouter. (SOI4. SOlS) Villemino. Jacques. 6
Syama Sastri (soS4) Violant y Simorra. R.. (SOSS)
Sychra, A., (soI6) Vlahovic, M. S. (soS6)
Tampere, H. T., (SoI7) Vlam. Chr. C.. (soS7)
Tegethoff, \~'., (soI8) Voegelin, C. P., (soS8)
Tessmann, G., (SOI9) Vujovic. Velimir, (soS9)
Tischner, Herbert, (S020) Wallaschek, Richard. I
Tokei. F., (S021) Wales. H. G. Quaritch. (So6o)
Tomas. P. F., (S022-S02S) Waley, A. (S061)
Torrance, G. W., (s026) Walschap. A.. (4746)
Torrend, J .. (S027) Ware. eh. P., (4SSS)
Toyoyotaka, Komiya, (s028) Warmelo. Willem van. (S062)
Tracey, Hugh T, (S029-503S) Waterman, Richard A., (fig. 67)
Tran-Van-Khe, see: Khe. Tran-Van. Weiss. Paul, (s062a)
Triebels. H., (s036) Wellesz. Egon. (s063-So69)
Trojanovic. Sirna, (s037) Westarp, Alfred. (s070)
Troncoso. R. Fernandez. (s038) White, Emmons E . (s071)
Tsonkalas, Nicholas, (s039) Wiora, Walter. (s072. S073)
Tucci, Guiseppe, (S040) Wolff. Ernst. (4714)
Turnbull, Colin M., 6 Wunsch, Walter. (48I1)
Tyagaraja 6 Yen. Hoang. (s074)
Ulehla, V.. (5041) Yeomans. W . (S07S)
Ursu. Nicolae. (S042) Young. A. w.. (s076)
Vaclavik, A. (5043) Yu. Hsiang. see: Hsiang Yu
Vals:l.nen. A. 0 .. (4693) Zabala. Enrique. (S076a)
Vandermeersh. L. (,')044) Zacharia. P. B.. (49S5)
Vaughan Williams, Ralph. (S03S, S046. S047) Zibrt, C.. (5077)
Vavffk, J . (S048) Zoder. Raimund. (s078. S079)
France-Asie (4569. 4761) Musical Courier (475Ia)
Garcia de Orta (4980-4982) Musical Quarterly (4890. 4987. 4995; 5068)
Germanen (4875) Music and Letters (4677, 4953)
Glasnik etnografskog Muzeja u Beogradu Musicki Glasnik (4691, 4734. 4749. 47 85)
(4579, 4986, 5056) Music-Mirror. The. (4678. 4759, 4911)
Glasnik zemaljskog Muzeja u Sarajevo Isto- Musicologia (5000)
rija i Etnografija (4848) Musik. Die, (4804)
Gold Coast Teacher's Journal (4905) Musikforschung. Die. (5069)
Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Die.
(4828) (4646, 5002)
Hamburg 1956, Kongressbericht (4654, 4705. Nada (4791)
49 24, 4952, 5008 ) Nature, La, (4962)
Handbuch der Deutschen Volkskunde (4878. Nederlands-Indie Oud & Nieuw (4728)
4879) Neptanit6k Lapja (4773)
Indian Linguistics (4607) New World Antiquity (5075)
Indo-Iranica (4970) Nieuw Afrika (4762)
Jahrbuch der Musikbibliothek Peters (5066) Nigeria (4587)
Jahrbuch des Oesterreichischen Volkslied- Norsk Musikkgranskning (4976. 4977)
werkes (5073) Norsk Turistforenings Aarbok (4979)
Jahrbuch fur Landeskunde von Niederoester- Nova Evropa (4657. 4658)
reich (4727) Nuovi Argomenti (4830)
Jahresschrift fur Mitteldeutsche Vorge- Nyelotud. Kozlemenyek (4771)
schichte (4824) Odu (Journal of Yoruba and related studies)
Jahrbuch fur Volksliedforschung (4838. 4859) (4 89 8 )
Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic So- OlIov's Encyclopedia (5001)
ciety of Bengal (4608. 5076) Ostatnich Wiadomosci (4894)
Journal de la Societe des Americanistes Ontwakend Afrika (4708)
(49 61 ) Oriental Economist (4855)
Journal of American Folklore (4631. 4650. Pakistan Quarterly (4647)
4881 ) Politika (4871)
Journal of Oriental Studies (Hongkong) Portugal em Afrika (4613)
(5 0 44) Problemes d'Afrique Centrale (4617)
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Proceedings of the Musical Association
(49 00 , 4901 499 2) (4720. 49 16)
Journal of the International Folk Music Publications of the Exotic Music Society
Council (4596. 4819) (4720, 5014)
Journal of the Music Academy Madras (4624, Revista Colombiana de Antropologfa (4915)
4739. 4743. 4882 49 13. 4939. 495 0 , 500 5) Revista de dialectologia y tradiciones popu-
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Insti- lares (5055)
tute of Great Britain and Ireland (4674, Revista de Folclor (4930. 5053)
4856, 4965. 5026 ) Revue Musicale Suisse (4706)
Journal of the Siam Society (4591) Rhodes-Livingstone Papers (4872)
Journal of the Thailand Research Society Ricordiana (4616)
(4 6 97) Rodna Pessen (4659. 4660, 4661. 4733)
Kengele (4698) Rythmes du Monde (4552a. 4584a. 4669.
Kommunist Turkmenistana (4880) 4966a. 4985a , 4987a )
Lares (4686. 4996) Sammelbande der Internationalen Musik-
Lavignac. Histoire de la Musique (4922) geselIschaft (4820)
Liaison (4588) Sbornik Museja antropologiji i etnografiji
Lud (4782, 4950) (459 2)
Mankind (4763) Scientific Monthly (4719)
March of India. The, (4751) Scottish Studies (4964)
Mededelingen van de Dienst voor Schone Slovenski Etnograf (4724)
Kunsten, Den Haag (4858) Sociologus (4754)
Melanges d'Histoire et d'EstMtique musi- Somalia d'Oggi (5052)
cales offerts a. Paul-Marie Masson (4605) Some aspects of Musicology (4931)
Midwest Folklore (4714. 4968) South African Archaeological BulIetin
Mitteilungsblatt des Landesverbandes der (47 2 5a )
TonkunstIer und Musiklehrer. Hauptgruppe South African Journal of Science (4644.
Hamburg e.V. (4704) 4766a. 4839a )
Mo~ambique (5029) Southern Folklore Quarterly (4614)
Musee de Geneve (4741) Sovetskaia Etnografiia (4817)
Musica Sacra (Brazil) (4685) Sovetskaja Muzyka (4648. 4649)
Sovetskoe Vostskovedenie (4960) Voix du Congolais (4736, 4738)
Srbske letopisi (4777) Vossische Zeitung (4800)
Srpski knjitevni glasnik (4781) West-Africa (4561)
Studia Ethnographica Uppsaliensia (50Il) Western Folklore (4994)
Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi Wetenschappelijke Tijdingen (4903)
della Vida (4631a) Wissenschaftliche Zeitung der Universitat
Suomen Kansan Savelmia (4786, 4787) Leipzig (4995a)
Svete Secilije (4842) Yugoslavia (4638)
Sylphide, La, (4888) Zaire (4865, 4892)
SyntMses (4763) Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Oesterreichi-
Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor (Noord-) schen Alpenvereins (4700)
Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (4969) Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir Volkskunde (4798)
To-Morrow (4864) Zeitschrift ftir Aegyptische Sprache und
Trait d'Union (4679, 4699, 4797) Altertumskunde (4709)
Tropiques (4958) Zeitschrift ftir Ethnologie (4642, 4696)
Universitas (4896, 4896a, 4896b) Zeitschrift fiir Missionswissenschaft (5018)
University of California Publications in Zeitschrift fiir Musikwissenschaft (4912.
American Archaeology and Ethnology 563, 5065. 5067)
(4 82 9) Zeitschrift ftir vergleichende Musikwissen-
University Papers in Anthropology in Central schaft (4708c, 4805-48Il)
Australia (4645) Zenei Szemle (4772)
Vienna 1956, Kongressbericht (5007)
in the third edition of "Ethnomusicology"
A. In the P"e/ace
p. VII, line 2. Instead of: abusively, read: unintentionally.
B. In the I nt"oduction
p. 2, line 7 from the bottom. Instead of: im, read: in.
p. 10, line 3 (text) from the bottom. Add, after (1560): and KARL DAHLBACK (4639)
p. 16, line II from the bottom. Add, after D.C.: (1090).
p. 17, penultimate par. Replace the first sentence by:
The Berlin Archives used to be far more substantial, some 12.000 phonogra-
phic records once being kept there. Serious losses, however, were sustained as
a consequence of World War II.2)
p. 17, replace footnotes 2 and 3 by:
2) Nowadays the Archives still contain 2240 old records (on 1748 cylinders).
After the second world war the Russian occupation authorities appropriated
well over 5000 cylinders, which have till the present day not yet been made
available again. The remainder, which may be estimated at about one third of
the entire collection, was destroyed in post-war days, consequently it must be
considered a total loss. The reconstruction of the Archives was taken in hand
again in 1948, and has progressed to such an extent that at present, apart
from the phonographic records which could be saved, and numerous grammo-
phone records, as many as 5000 tape recordings made by own and other expe-
ditions could be added. - Cf. also 3376 and 3383.
3) Since 1948 the Archives have been in charge of KURT REINHARD (3370-
3388b), who is also occupying the chair of ethnomusicology in the "Free Uni-
versity" which was founded in the same year. He now tries to revive this
Berlin centre.
p. 23, line 10 from the bottom. Instead of: eligibe, read: eligible.
p. 23, line 9 from the bottom. Instead of: intensificaton, read: intensification.
p. 23, line 8 from the bottom. Instead of: trafic, read: traffic.
p. 24, line 10. Instead of: equivalent, read: equiponderant.
p. 32, line 27. Instead of: JAIRAZBHON, read: JAIRAZBHOY.
p. 41, line 7. Add, after: GURVIN'S: and KARL DAHLBACX'S.
p. 41, line 7. Add, after (1560): and 4639.
p. 41, line II. Add: and by Father A. M. JONES, On t"ansc"ibing A/"ican music (4750).
p. 50, line 4 from the bottom. Instead of: rest, read: remnant.
p. 51, line 7. Instead of: 45, read: 46.
p. 51, line 23. Instead of: scoping, read: scooping.
p. 52, line 23. Instead of: "largest" and "deepest", read: "larger" and "deeper".
p. 63. line 5 from the bottom. Instead of: 1867, read: 1868.
C. In the Bibliog"aphy
Delete Nos. 215, 1718, 1749, 1824a, 1834a, 2418b, 2694, 3125a, 4549b and 4681.
p. 83, No. 113b, last line. To be read: pos' 1959, p. 761 ff.).
p. 86, No. 226. Instead of: BANDOPADHYAYA, read: BANDOYPADHYAYA.
p. 86, No. 228. Instead of: BANDOPADHYAYA, read: BANDOYPADHYAYA, and, in-
stead of: c. 1947, read: 1957.
p. 87, No. 251. Instead of: Marruedos, read: Marruecos.
p. 95. No. 547. Instead of: Burrows, Edwin G., read: Smith, S. Percy.
p. 98, No. 624. Add: (Spanish edition, Buenos Aires, 1943).
p. 98, No. 627. Instead of: 1943, read: 1945.
p. 98, No. 641. Instead of: CHINNASWAMY, read: CHINNASAMY.
p.102, No. 765. Instead of: VII, read: VIII.
P.l07, No. 946. Instead of: (in preparation), read: Los Angeles, 1958.
p. 120, No. 1405. Add: new revised edition by Joran Sahlgren, 3 vols. (Uppsala, 1957-
p. 124, No. 1546. Instead of: (und., 1930 ?), read: Ann Arbor, 1957.
p. 126, No. 1598a. Instead of: Tzigane-Hongroise, read: TZigano-Hongroise. Instead
of: Llineburg, 1950, read: Llittich 1933.
p.129, No. 1702. Instead of: 48, read: XLI.
p. 132, No. 1828. Instead of: n n, read:' Zeitschrift flir Agyptische Sprache und
Altertumskunde, 83. Band, Heft 2. (Leipzig, 1958).
p. 132, No. 1830. Instead of title, read: Catalogue d'Enregistrements de Musique
folklorique Egyptienne, precede d'un Rapport preliminaire sur les Traces de
l'Art musical pharaonique dans la Melopee de la Vallee du Nil. (Strassburg/
Baden-Baden, 1958).
p. 132, No. 1831. Instead of title, read: Musicologie Pharaonique. (Strassburg, 1956).
p. 132, No. 1832. Instead of title, read: Musikgeschichte in Bildern, Band II: Musik
des Altertums. Lieferung I: Agypten. (Leipzig, 1961).
p. 132, No. 1834. Instead of title, read: Musik, Musiker, Musikinstrumente. (in: W.
Heick and E. Otto, "Kleines Worterbuch der Agyptologie", Wiesbaden, 1956).
p. 141, The Nos. 2122 and 2124 are not written by HENRy-A. JUNOD, but by HENRY-
p. 149. No. 2362. Add: second revised and enlarged edition in English. (The Hague,
p. 149, No. 2366. Add: 2nd rev. English ed. incl. nos. 2367 and 2402, with title: Music
in New Guinea. (Nijhoff, The Hague, 1967).
P.149, No. 2367. Add: 2nd rev. English ed. incl. Nos. 2366 and 242, with title: Music
in New Guinea. (Nijhoff, The Hague 1967).
P.150, No. 2402. Add: 2nd rev. English ed. inc!. Nos, 2366 and 2367, with title: Music
in New Guinea. (Nijhoff, The Hagz, 1967).
P.151. No. 2456. Delete: p. 93 ff.
p. 158, No. 2651. Add: 3rd ed. 1958.
p. 164, No. 2836b. Instead of: 1956, read: 1958.
p. 166. No. 2923. After: "Journal of the North-China Branch of The Royal Asiatic
Soc." XXXIX, add: p. 1-160.
p.166, No. 2926. Instead of: CHINNASWAMY. read: CHINNASAMY.
p. 169, No. 3011 is not written by ROSA NEWMARCH. but by Mrs. EDMUND WODE-
p. 176. after No. 3246. Instead of: QUARITSCH, read: QUARITCH.
P.176, No. 3250. Omit: "Sovetskaia Etnografiia" 1956. p. 142 ft.
p. 178, No. 3326. Read: "Archivos Venezolanos de Folklore" I: p. 5-29.
p. 183, No. 3502. Instead of: 195, read: 1946.
p. 199, No. 49. Instead of: 1933. read: 1935. Add after 1935: 2nd ed.. Allahabad 1950.
p. 199, No. 4021C. Add at the bottom: In the 2nd. ed. (Budapest. 1956) the Nos. 5.
10.14 and 28 of the 1st. ed. are omitted, but added are: p. 15: Nepdalkutatas
Kelemeur6paban (= The study of folk song in East Europe) (d. No. 283a);
p. 18 : Magyar parasztzne (= Hungarian peasant music); p. 63: Zenei jolkldr
(= Musical folklore); p. 96: Nepdal gyuites TorOkorszagban (= On folk song
collecting in Turkey) (d. No. 275); p. 112: A nepzene (= On folk music);
p. 151: A Ygoslav nepdalgyuitemeny bevezetes (= Introduction to the col-
lection of Yugoslav folk songs) (cf. No. 282); p. 357: A Parry-jele iugos1dv
nepzenegyuitemeny (= The Parry-collection of = Yugoslav folk songs).
p. 207, No. 4269a. Instead of: QUAIUTSCH. read: QUARITCH.
p. 27, No. 4284. Instead of: XVI, read: LVI.
P.207, No. 4285. Instead of: WALY, read: WALEY.
p. 213/4, No. 4506b. Instead of: p. I, read: p. 149.
Add the library-symbol A after Nos. 99, 112f. 227, 228. 548, 549, 552a, 566, 641. 769,
783a, 1016, 1026. 1086, 1159, 116o, 1163. 1168. 1171, 1194, 1253. 1383. 1392,
1618a. 1621, 1834b. I 844a, 1876, 2008a. 2080a, 2147, 2325. 256o, 2577, 2582~
2693, 28 44, 3 128a, 3 159, 3 166, 33 88b , 3534, 353 6 , 354 2. 3579 c , 37 16, 3773,
381 4, 3858, 3877, 393 1, 3939, 3954 a , 4 09, 4021C , 4037, 4 153, 4 17 1, 4 179 a ,
43 83, 4443 b , 4454, 4455, 45 29, and 453 6 .
Add the library-symbols AB after Nos. 1016, 1086 and 3347.
Add the library-symbols A and I after No. 1383.
Add the library-symbol B after Nos. 134a, 203. 208, 217, 219, 43, 566, 593, 629. 732a,
732b, 101 3, 1016, 1086, 1197 (sub B) 1086, 1252, 1397c. 1768, 1846a, 2014.
2080a, 293, 2096, 2~32, 2454, 2588b, 2962, 306 5a, 3136. 3399, 3498, 3495b,
349 8,394 1, 4 295, 4 266 , 4 295 and 4423.
Add the library-symbol C after Nos. 467a, 730, 84, 818f, 907, 985, 1105. 1133, 1255,
1397 b , 1402d , 14 11 , I 560a, 2105c. 2279, 2577, 2577a, 2596, 27 19. 2731, 2767.
3449,34 80a, 357ge , 3579f . 3579g, 3692b,3969,4306,4533a,4533b,4533c,4543b
and delete this same symbol after Nos, 139,279,460,524,77,799, 1192, 1315
15 86 ,2160,2339, 25 20 P, 3683, 3747, 3856, 4017. and 4175.
Add the library-symbol Dl after Nos. 208, 212, 217, 219, 1531, 1621, 2114a, 2219.
2232, 2532b, 4155, 4259, and delete this same symbol after Nos. 13, 3489,
3493 and 4 149.
Add the library-symbols DL after No. 1748.
Add the library-symbol E after Nos. 801, 84, and 3752.
Add the library-symbol F after Nos. 699, 3556, 3950, 3952 and 4306.
Add the library-symbol G after Nos. 208, 552a, 1531, 1998, 2532b, 2571b, 2741a, 3106,
3208, 4171, 4383, and delete this same symbol after Nos. 103, 1998, 3208,
and 4149.
Add the library-symbols G and K after No. 2571b.
Add the library-symbol H after Nos. 26o, 574, 1314, 1531, 1602, 1926, 2345, 2530,
2532b, 2568, 2584, 3017, 3950, 4114, 4363, and delete this same symbol after
Nos. 103,955, 1118, 1694, and 3677.
Add the library-symbol J after Nos. 538, 725, 726, 1212a, 1383, 1513,253,2525,2736,
3771, 3499, and 44 16.
Add the library-symbol L after Nos. 552a, 2503 and 3168.
Add the library-symbol L2 after Nos. 32, 304a, 3106, 3385, 3451a, and delete this
same symbol after No. 4149.
Add the library-symbol I after No. 208.
Add the library-symbol K after Nos. 2571b and 4249.
Add the library-symbol M after Nos. 967, 1013, 1042, 1365, 2731, 3025. 3138, 3143,
and 3502.
D. In Index I
P.241, Add, between "mutivi" and "myth and music": mvet (mvot) (1914),27,66.
P.241, Add, between "notation of ethnic and folk music" and "notched rattle":
notched flutes (2399 (vol. I, p. 377)). 53.
p. 244, Add, between "strakharpan" and "stress": street cries (1361).
P.244, s.v. talking drums, Central Africa. Add: 1423 and 1532a.
E. -In Index II
P.247, coL I. Delete, after "Africa (South of the Sahara) (general)": No. 2183.
P.251, col. 2, after "Caucasus", instead of: 2928, read: 2493.
p. 251, col. 2. Delete after "China" No. 4549b.
p. 253, col. I, Czechoslovakia: delete 4004a.
P.253, col. 2, after: "Egypt (ancient)", leave out: 1824a and 1834a.
P.253. Add. under "Fatu hiva": Fernando Po (578, 4063a).
P.254, col. I. Add, after "Formosa" the number 49I1a.
p. 254, col. 2, after "Georgia", instead of: 2928, read: 2493.
p. 255, col. 2. Instead of "Hema", read: Hemba.
p. 258, col. I. Add, after "Kashmir": 2183.
p. 258, col. 2. Add, after "Lapps": 802, 804, 805, I lOla, 4179.
P.258, col. 2, add after "Livonia (Livland)" : 4004a.
P.259, col. I. Delete, after "Madagascar": No. 289, and, instead of: 1212b, read:
p.261, col. I, after "New Guinea", instead of: 2538, read 2539.
p.261, col. 2, after "North American Indians (general)"leave out: 1718.
p. 262, col. 2. Add, after "Pawnee": 1263.
p. 265, col. 2. Add, after "Tahiti": 1451.
p. 266, col. I. Delete, after "Tibet": 1869.
p. 267, col. I. Add, after "Viet Nam": 505 and 506.
F. In Index III
G. In Index IV
p. 294, col. 2. Add, after "Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin" the Nos. 528a, 548,
549, 55 2, 1595, 2628, 3437
p. 294, col. 2. Add, after "Biicken": 4506c.
p. 295, col. I. Add, between "Bulletin de la Societe Union Musicologique" and "Bulle-
tin de l'Ecale Fran<;aise d'Extremc Orient": Bulletin de l'Association Fran-
<;aise des Amis de rOrient (667).
p. 296, col. 2. Add, after 'Exotic Music Society, Publ. of',: 4248.
P.297. coL I. Add, between 'Guide Musical, Le' and 'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte':
Hamburg 1956, Kongressbericht (1618a, 2008a, 3388b, 3954a, 4179a, 4443b).
P.297, col. I. Add, between 'Hessische Blatter fUr Volkskunde' and 'Hindu Music
of various authors': Hibbert Journal (2741).
P.297, col. I. Add, after 'Hindu music of various authors': Nos. 376 and 3120.
p. 298, col. I. Add, after' Journal of the Royal Society of Great Britain and Ireland':
No. 1973.
p. 299, col. I. Add, between 'Meddelelser om Gronland' and 'Melangers offerts a Zoltan
Kodaly': Melanges d'histoire et d'esthetique musicales offerts a Paul-Marie
Masson' (1365, 1516).
P.3OO, col. I. Delete, after 'Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' Nos. 399a and 1577,
and, instead of: 3049a, read: 3049b.
p. 3, col. 2. Delete, after 'Presence Africaine': No. 403a.
p. 31, col. 2. Add, after 'Revue d'Ethnographie': No. 585.
P.301, col. 2. Add, directly after 'Revue Musicale, La', in square brackets: [1920-
.... J, and delete Nos. 103,2115,3489,3493 and 4149.
P.301, col. 2. Add, between 'Revue Musicale Mensuelle' and 'Revue Nationale':
Revue Musicale (Revue d'Histoire et de Critique) [1901-1909J (103, 2115, 3489,
3493, 4 149).
p. 302, col. I. Add, after 'Sitzungsbericht der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaften etc,': Nos. 4152 and 4359.
p. 302, col. 2. Add, to the Nos. after 'Tagore': No. 3120.