Early Neolithic Executions Indicated by
Early Neolithic Executions Indicated by
Early Neolithic Executions Indicated by
The later phase of the Central European Early Neolithic witnessed a rise in collective lethal
violence to a level undocumented up to this date. This is evidenced by repeated massacres of
settled communities of the Linearbandkeramik (ca. 5600–4900 cal BC), the first full farming
culture in this area. Skeletal remains of several dozen victims of this prehistoric warfare are
known from different sites in Germany and Austria. Here we show that the mass grave of
Halberstadt, Germany, a new mass fatality site from the same period, reveals further and so
far unknown facets of Early Neolithic collective lethal violence. A highly selected, almost
exclusively adult male and non-local population sample was killed by targeted blows to the
back of the head, indicating a practice of systematic execution under largely controlled
conditions followed by careless disposal of the bodies. This discovery significantly increases
current knowledge about warfare-related violent behaviour in Early Neolithic Central Europe.
1 State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt/State Museum of Prehistory, Richard-Wagner-Str. 9, 06114 Halle (Saale), Germany.
2 OsteoARC, OsteoArchaeological Research Center, Rammelsberger Str. 26, 38644 Goslar, Germany. 3 Institute of Anthropology, University of Mainz,
Saarstr. 21, 55099 Mainz, Germany. 4 Curt Engelhorn Centre Archaeometry gGmbH, D6 3, 68159 Mannheim, Germany. 5 Center of Natural and Cultural
Human History, Danube Private University, Steiner Landstr. 124, 3500 Krems, Austria. 6 Integrative Prehistory and Archaeological Science, University of
Basel, Spalenring 145, 4055 Basel, Switzerland. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to C.M. (email: [email protected])
n Central Europe, the first full Neolithic farming culture is the were wilfully destroyed by unknown attackers, most likely
Linearbandkeramik (LBK; ca. 5600–4900 cal BC), which widely members of other groups labelled today as LBK, possibly even
replaced the Mesolithic foraging way of life. While the LBK close neighbours. The recent interpretation of the Kilianstädten
has long been considered well-researched1–3, recent studies have mass grave as a further violence-related mass fatality site that
revealed substantial differences between the genetic compositions shows similar patterns to Talheim and Asparn/Schletz again
of Mesolithic and Early Neolithic populations. These major dis- strengthens the interpretation of these massacres as warfare-
continuities were caused by an influx of Neolithic farmers origi- related24.
nating from southeastern Europe, where the LBK itself Signs of careful funeral ritual, clearly evident in the regular
developed4–7. Spreading from there, LBK farmers introduced graves of the LBK, are absent for the massacre victims. While
domesticated animals and crops to Central Europe as the eco- some younger women might have been captured rather than
nomic basis of a new way of life in this region. With time these killed, which is suggested for all three massacre sites currently
new settlers colonised large parts of Central Europe, mainly tar- known23–25, the victimised population samples seem to be
geting the fertile loess soils1, 2. By firmly establishing the Early representative of settled LBK communities, including balanced
Neolithic agricultural system these people significantly changed numbers of children and adults of both sexes. The high percen-
their natural environment by clearing forests and establishing tage of subadults among the massacre victims and their burial
permanent settlements and farming plots, in which considerable within settlement areas are both strongly indicative of surprise
amounts of time and effort were invested8. It is assumed attacks on villages, a practice encountered among many different
that kinship and membership in probably pioneering lineages societies26, 27. One further LBK mass grave at Wiederstedt, Ger-
played an important part in the organisation of LBK many is even dominated by subadult individuals (80%; N = 10),
communities2, 3, 9, 10. Specific patterns known so far from bio- but in the absence of recognisable perimortem injuries another
molecular studies include differentiation in the funeral rite con- cause of death seems more likely in this case. However, like the
nected to the place of origin and very likely virilocal residence other mass graves, it was located in a settlement context12, 28,
patterns in addition to the large-scale genetic changes during the thereby demonstrating again the close association of LBK chil-
Mesolithic–Neolithic transition4, 9. dren with village sites. This is also evident from the settlement
The skeletal remains of the overall LBK population form the burials where they generally dominate15, 29.
biogenic basis of these summary studies, but the specific contexts Lacking from the massacre or mass grave sites is a clearly
in which they are discovered also hold key information for focussed and patterned postmortem treatment like that found for
characterising their actual life and death experiences as a example at Herxheim. Although targeted destruction of the lower
bioarchaeological record11. Detailed analyses of how and why the leg bones was observed at Kilianstädten, this apparently occurred
deceased became part of their respective burial features allow within the context of the massacre itself and thereby likely ante-
important insights into the complex interplay of actors, factors, mortem. It does not fit within a framework of complex long-term
and events that shaped the contemporary LBK experience of cyclic actions like at Herxheim. Mutilation and torture are well
communities and individuals12. Usually, LBK burials are found as known to occur as part of massacres, which are clearly defined as
individual inhumations or cremations in dedicated cemeteries13. being limited in time30. Once the victims expired, their physical
Overall, there is a large variety but left-crouched inhumation remains likely held no more meaning for the aggressors and
burials are consistently encountered, often equipped with grave apparently were disposed of without further ritual treatment12.
goods. The most common grave orientation is roughly This postmortem neglect again suggests that the massacre victims
East–West, but extended, right-crouched, unfurnished, or dif- were casualties of intergroup warfare rather than part of complex
ferently orientated burials do occur as well14. A substantial part of ritual actions charged with greater meaning31.
the LBK skeletal record stems from settlement burials, which do Into this tableau of LBK collective lethal violence and mass
not differ greatly from the cemetery burials15. Multiple burials of burial we add a new site: the mass grave of Halberstadt, Germany.
carefully arranged bodies are rare16. It contained the skeletal remains of irregularly deposited and
Also found in various LBK contexts are isolated human body severely traumatised individuals. Careful excavation of the block-
parts and partial skeletons. These occur scattered within settle- lifted feature and subsequent laboratory analyses revealed some
ment pits, in natural caves, or in enclosure pits and ditches and similarities to the other LBK mass fatality sites, but, more
might be the remains of disturbed older burials or have had importantly, also significant and currently unique deviations from
ritualistic significance. This last point is exemplified by the large them. By applying osteological, palaeopathological, taphonomic,
enclosure site of Herxheim, Germany, where human bodies were and isotope analyses (strontium, carbon and nitrogen), this study
subjected to complex postmortem manipulation and disarticula- adds important and previously unavailable information to the
tion before being deposited in mixed assemblages with selected discussion of the scope and frequency of Early Neolithic violence
animal bones and various artefacts17. The highly intense and its contextual interpretation.
manipulation of corpses and possible ritualistic cannibalism
practised at Herxheim represent behaviours that are still difficult
to unravel, but knowledge about them has affected the inter- Results
pretation of other sites that have long been considered as evidence The archaeological site and feature. The mass grave was dis-
for LBK warfare and, more specifically, massacres18, 19. These covered in 2013 during archaeological excavations prior to
sites are the mass grave of Talheim, Germany and the enclosure at housing development in the southern outskirts of Halberstadt, a
Asparn/Schletz, Austria20–23. Both yielded human skeletal town located just north of the Harz mountains in the German
remains bearing clear signs of perimortem lethal violence such as state of Saxony-Anhalt (Supplementary Fig. 1). This part of the
blunt force cranial injuries and possible arrow wounds. While the Halberstadt area, called “Sonntagsfeld”, is rich in archaeological
bodies at Talheim had been quickly collected and deposited in a remains from various periods and has been settled since the Early
disorganised mass grave, those at Asparn show signs of carnivore Neolithic; traces of six LBK longhouses have previously been
gnawing and partial disarticulation that occurred before natural identified here32. In the same area, at least 38 regular LBK
sedimentation in the ditches23. Recently, a third massacre site has inhumation burials have been excavated so far, which relate
been analysed: the mass grave of Schöneck-Kilianstädten, Ger- spatially mainly to the houses and therefore are examples of
many24. It is assumed that at these three sites LBK communities settlement burials. Overall, these graves represent a carefully
deployed LBK burial site including subadults and adults of both Demography. The pit contained nine individuals, seven of them
sexes32, 33. diagnosed as male (78%). The remaining two are a probable male
The mass grave was located in the southeastern part of the (11%) and a probable female (11%). The youngest male was ca.
currently known LBK settlement area at the site. As most other 16–20 years old, the probable female ca. 21–26 years (Table 1).
features there, the mass grave pit was partially disturbed by later Although still subadult in biological terms, as epiphyseal fusion
(pre)historic activities. This made it difficult to precisely define was not complete, the youngest male could have been a social
the edges of the actual feature (Fig. 1), which likely had a adult in Neolithic society34. The remaining seven individuals all
diameter of about two metres. Apart from the human skeletal fall between 25 and 40 years of age. This highly peculiar, almost
remains, the pit contained few other finds, mainly small pottery exclusively adult male demography (89%) deviates significantly
fragments, some of which show typical LBK ornamentation. from that of the nearby settlement burial site32, 33, which shows
These fragmentary finds are interpreted as settlement refuse that the standard demography of almost equal numbers of male and
accidentally became part of the infill. The individuals in the mass female and adult and subadult individuals (Fisher’s Exact Test;
grave were not equipped with durable grave goods. Their body sex: p = 0.04; age: p = 0.03). The absence of children from the
positions differed widely between prone and supine, extended, Halberstadt mass grave is especially noteworthy, as these usually
crouched and irregular with no pattern apparent. All this is in are numerous in the regular individual and irregular mass burial
stark contrast to regular LBK burials, including those from the sites, as well as in other non-standard deposition types12, 13, 24, 35.
same site32, but is very similar to the other LBK mass graves12. Six For example, both massacre mass graves of Talheim and
radiocarbon samples of human bone give an overall dating range Kilianstädten have balanced ratios of subadults to adults from
of 5289–4856 cal BC, which can be refined to 5214–4911 cal BC and which the Halberstadt mass grave significantly differs (Fisher’s
probably even to 5080–4997 cal BC, confirming the attribution of Exact Test; p = 0.04 and p = 0.05, respectively). The difference to
the mass grave to the late LBK. This dating range also the child-dominated mass grave of Wiederstedt is even more
demonstrates chronological overlap with the nearby settlement, obvious (Fisher’s Exact Test; p = 0.00). In contrast, the encoun-
which contains both earlier and later inhumations (Supplemen- tered sex ratio with a pronounced lack of females is reminiscent
tary Table 1; Supplementary Figs 2 and 3). of the massacre sites of Asparn/Schletz and Kilianstädten23, 24.
Fig. 1 The mass grave feature in situ. Individual skeletons have been coloured and numbered for better visual differentiation
But overall, the mass grave of Halberstadt clearly represents a the median plane and measures ca. 23.4 × 16.8 mm; the fracture
population sample different from all other attritional or cata- in ind. 9 is slightly to the right of the same plane and measures ca.
strophic LBK burial assemblages known so far. The clear dom- 24.4 × 17.7 mm. Several other fractures with incompletely pre-
inance of younger adult males and the absence of children have to served margins located in the occipital bone appear to have been
be especially stressed, as these characteristics, in combination, of roughly similar sizes, measuring between ca. 19.4 and 21.4 mm
indicate important contextual differences from the other sites of in one of their dimensions. In general, the identified cranial
LBK mass burial and/or collective lethal violence. injuries show the known characteristics of perimortem blunt
force trauma, with internal bevelling, concentric and radiating
fracture lines, and depressed external fracture margins36.
Palaeopathology. The analysis revealed perimortem blunt force In addition, at least three major limb bones of three different
cranial injuries as the most numerous lesions in the assemblage individuals show perimortem fractures. The right femur of ind. 7
(Fig. 2). All seven individuals with extant cranial remains show at (Fig. 4a) and the left humerus of ind. 8 are fractured about mid-
least one perimortem cranial trauma (Table 1). Individuals 5 to 8 shaft. The right humerus of ind. 6 has a fracture in the distal third
have one cranial injury, ind. 9 likely suffered two, and ind. of its shaft (Fig. 4b). All three fractures are complete. Two likely
4 shows at least five or, more likely, six separate traumata. As the cases of similar fractures are present in one fibula fragment and
skeletal remains are incompletely preserved, it is possible that one forearm bone fragment, both of which had been collected as
more injuries had originally been present. Also, due to the frag- loose finds from the mass grave prior to the block-lift. One
mentary and fragile condition of some of the bones, cranial further perimortem trauma has been identified in two neighbour-
trauma has initially been subdivided into securely identified ing left ribs in ind. 8. In contrast to all other injuries, these lesions
perimortem trauma (9, 69%) and likely perimortem trauma (4, resulted from sharp force trauma and seem to have been caused
31%). All instances of the latter are found in ind. 4, who also by a single cut orientated vertically to the axis of the affected
shows two securely identified perimortem cranial fractures. The bones (Fig. 4c). Besides the perimortem traumata, very few other
recognised injuries as a whole are almost exclusively located in pathological conditions could be identified, none of which seem
the posterior half of the skull (12, 92%), affecting the posterior to be related to the specific burial context under consideration
parts of the parietal (7, 54%) and the superior parts of the occi- here. These lesions consist of isolated Schmorl’s nodes in the
pital bones (5, 38%) (Fig. 3). Only one perimortem trauma is vertebral column of ind. 2, healed avulsion injuries of lumbar
found on a frontal bone (1, 8%). This injury is again found in ind. vertebrae 3 and 4 in ind. 8, and a single caries lesion of the lower
4 and represents one of the securely identified fractures. The right first molar in ind. 9.
locations of the likely injury zones of ind. 4, the most traumatised
individual in the sample, are within the same areas as in all other
individuals, thereby supporting the overall pattern. Therefore, Taphonomy. The bodies appear to have been dumped into the pit
both trauma categories are pooled again for all further discussion. without care for their individual positions, which differ from
More injuries are found on the right side (8.5, 65%) than on the those encountered in carefully arranged LBK burials14, 15. The
left side of the cranium (4.5, 35%), which is also the case at spread of the corpses followed the outline of the pit, the limbs
Talheim and Asparn20–22. Due to incomplete preservation of apparently remained as they had fallen. This is exemplified most
fracture margins and missing bone fragments, size and shape clearly by the aberrant positions of the perimortem fractured arm
could not be precisely determined for all traumatic lesions, but at and leg bones of two of the individuals (Fig. 5). The complete
least two of the best preserved traumata appear very similar in fractures of the shafts acted like additional joints in these cases
their dimensions (Fig. 2d–f). Both are roughly triangular in shape which resulted in ca. 90° angles between the fracture ends. Their
and are located in the horizontal midline of the occipital bone spatial relations also indicate that, although complete osteological
slightly above the external occipital protuberance and the discontinuity occurred, soft tissue connections were still in place.
superior nuchal line. The fracture in ind. 7 is slightly to the left of In the right femur of ind. 7, the distance between both fracture
a b c
d e f
Fig. 2 Examples of cranial perimortem blunt force trauma identified in the mass grave. a Trauma in the right half of the frontal bone in ind. 4. b Trauma in
the left parietal bone of ind. 9. c Trauma in the midline of the occipital bone (near bregma) in ind. 5. d Trauma in the left half of the occipital bone of ind. 7.
e, f Trauma in the right half of the occipital bone in ind. 9. Panels a–e in ectocranial view; panel f in endocranial view. Scale bar length is 2 cm
9 4
6 4
8 9
7 4
4 2
9 5
4 4
8 6
2 4
4 4
9 5 4
Fig. 3 Compilation of the approximate locations of cranial trauma. Signature size represents general trauma size (large vs. small), darker shading
represents securely identified trauma, lighter shading represents likely trauma. Signature locations indicate approximate points of initial impact. Numbers
indicate the affected individuals with skulls preserved (ind. 2; inds 4–9)
a b c
Fig. 4 Examples of postcranial perimortem trauma identified in the mass grave. a Shaft fracture of the right femur in ind. 7. b Shaft fracture of the right
humerus in ind. 6. c Cutmarks in two left ribs in ind. 8. Scale bar length is 2 cm
ends implies that these soft tissue connections were not wholly bones, ind. 6 the left leg bones including the left pelvic bone and
complete anymore, allowing the proximal end of the distal part of sacrum, ind. 8 the bones of both forearms, the left femur and all
the limb to rotate away from the distal end of the proximal part right leg bones. In ind. 9, all bones distal to the fifth cervical
upon deposition, while still remaining partly attached. vertebra are absent. There is a possibility that the remains labelled
Upon excavation, several major skeletal elements were already ind. 1 and ind. 9 are actually part of the same individual, but the
missing (Fig. 1). These include the complete skulls of inds. 1 and distance between these partially preserved remains and their
3, and most of the skull of ind. 2. The upper half of the body of different orientation rather suggest that they belong to different
ind. 1 is absent, as well as its left lower leg bones. Ind. 2 is missing individuals, as all other major body parts actually present in the
the bones of its right leg and most parts of the left lower leg, while feature were still articulated upon deposition.
the proximal part of the left tibia is still present and articulated. Many smaller elements, especially of the hands and feet, but
Ind. 4 is missing the left leg bones, ind. 5 the right lower leg also cranial fragments, ribs and vertebrae, are missing as well.
These elements have most likely been displaced and removed Stable isotope analyses. Strontium isotope analysis (87Sr/86Sr) on
over time by small burrowing animals. Evidence for rodent tooth enamel and carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses (δ13C
activity is manifold, and includes smaller bones and pottery and δ15N) on bone collagen disclosed non-local origins and
fragments scattered throughout the feature. Infilled rodent distinct dietary habits of the individuals interred in the mass
tunnels were observed entering the mass grave in different grave in comparison to the regular settlement burials at the same
places, rodent skeletal remains were found within the grave fill site (Fig. 7; Supplementary Tables 2–4). The isotopic composition
and several human bones show clear traces of rodent gnawing37 of strontium, which substitutes for calcium in the hydroxyapatite,
(Fig. 6a). Bone damage typical for perimortem carnivore gnawing depends on the geologic conditions in the area from where food
activity is evident in several individuals37 (Fig. 6b, c; Table 1), and and drink were obtained during enamel formation in childhood.
is securely identified in skeletal elements along the north-western Isotope ratios that differ from local baseline data reveal non-local
edge of the mass grave feature. All affected bones are elements of individuals, while isotopic differences between subsequently
limbs that are missing their distal parts, for example the left tibia formed teeth point to residential changes during childhood38.
of ind. 2 or the right femur of ind. 5. Both of these gnawed bone 87Sr/86Sr ratios were determined for a first and a third molar each
ends came to rest right at the edge of the feature in the same spot. from the six individuals where dentitions were available. First
It is highly likely that the parts missing distal to securely molars represent a time span between birth and about 3 years of
identified carnivore gnawing traces have been removed by these age, while the crowns of third molars form between about 7 and
animals. In cases where no carnivore damage was observed, 14–16 years39.
animals might have been responsible for missing bones as well, The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the individuals in the mass burial ranged
but later human activity might also have accidentally removed between 0.70841 and 0.71151. While individuals 4, 5, 6, and 8
these elements over the millennia. This is quite likely for example exhibited more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios than most of the
for the right leg bones of ind. 8 and the left leg bones of ind. 4. In settlement burials and individual 7 had a rather large difference of
this area at the southeastern fringe, the edge of the mass grave 0.00140 between his first and third molar, only the Sr isotope data
feature could not be determined anymore, as there is evidence for of ind. 9 were well comparable with those of the settlement
a later disturbance of significant extent (Fig. 1). As both of these burials as a whole (Fig. 7a). Assuming that the regular settlement
legs have been detached at the hip joint, it can be assumed that burials represent the local population, this suggests that the
the bodies had already been skeletonised when this disturbance individuals in the mass grave were largely non-local to the site.
occurred. Recent mechanical bone damage is evident in several Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen reflect
cases, which affected the topmost layer of bones. This damage can dietary compositions including the contribution of C3 and C4
in large part be attributed to the routine preparatory utilisation of plants, meat and dairy products, freshwater and marine fish40, but
heavy machinery during the first steps of the excavation before also manuring8. The δ13C values of the bone collagen from the
the presence of the mass grave was known. individuals in the mass grave ranged between −20.2 and −19.9‰
(vs. V-PDB), while the δ15N exhibited values between 8.6 and
10.2‰ (vs. AIR). They form a narrow data cluster of distinctly
lower δ13C and higher δ15N values than the settlement burials41
(Fig. 7b). Both the Sr and the C and N isotope data characterise
the individuals in the mass grave as clearly distinct from the
settlement burial population.
The number of LBK sites showing unusual burial practices and
lethal collective violence is slowly but steadily growing20–24, 28, 35.
The mass grave of Halberstadt represents the most recent addi-
tion in this regard that can be placed into the general context of
Early Neolithic warfare, defined here as violent organised conflict
between independently acting and likely territorial groups42, 43.
Although the general occurrence of warfare in the Early Neolithic
of Central Europe is now largely accepted25, 44, 45, its scope and
overall impact are still sometimes disputed18, 19, 46. It is therefore
Fig. 5 Examples of aberrant positioning of perimortem fractured limbs. In important to briefly consider the general context in which LBK
situ positions of the perimortem fractured right upper limb in ind. 6 warfare likely occurred. In the Early Neolithic, political power
(humerus; yellow) and right lower limb in ind. 7 (femur; red) was not centralised. Rather, local communities, or groups of
a b c
Fig. 6 Examples of animal damage to the bones from the mass grave. a Typical rodent gnawing damage above the right orbit in the skull of ind. 7. b
Carnivore gnawing damage to the distal right tibia in ind. 3, partly overlain by root etching. c Carnivore gnawing damage to the proximal left tibia in ind. 2.
Scale bar length is 2 cm
a 0.713 b 11.0
Mass grave
0.712 6 4 2
1 8
9.5 Mass
0.707 6.0
Settlement –20.4 –20.2 –20.0 –19.8 –19.6 –19.4 –19.2 –19.0 –18.8
burials δ13 C (‰ vs. V-PDB)
Mass grave
Male Female?
Mass grave Settlement burials Settlement burials
Male molar 1 First molars and Infans I Female
Male molar 3 decidous teeth Infans II Male
Fig. 7 Results of the strontium, carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. Strontium isotope ratios of enamel (a) and carbon and nitrogen isotope data of bone
collagen (b) of the individuals from the mass grave in comparison to data from regular LBK and likely LBK settlement burials at Halberstadt. Both analytical
methods show the mass grave individuals to be different from the regular interments implying both non-local origins and distinct dietary habits. Individuals
subsequently identified as non-LBK have been removed from the settlement burial dataset published previously41
communities, or maybe even subgroups within settled commu- participant or as a surviving victim, they may also stem from
nities, probably connected by kinship ties regardless of the level of interpersonal violence on an individual or familial level. But taken
organisation47, very likely acted independently from each other as together, there is now ample evidence that collective violence was
separate political units. Therefore, Early Neolithic warfare as such a major societal issue at least for later LBK populations.
was necessarily restricted to the same local or regional level and The mass grave of Halberstadt now adds previously unde-
local LBK communities, or possibly alliances of communities, are scribed features to LBK collective violence, its context, con-
thought to have been perpetrators and victims alike of the mas- sequences, and repercussions. The demography is clearly different
sacres known so far. These also represent the best physical and from the other violence-related mass fatality sites and especially
only direct evidence for actual LBK warfare. In this general noteworthy is the lack of children. This indicates a context very
context, the massacres have to be taken primarily as separate different from the other sites, as children would undoubtedly
instances of warfare occurring largely independently from each have been present in a settlement which came under attack.
other and not as part of an all-encompassing, simultaneously Children are numerous throughout the known examples of
occurring pan-LBK conflict. However, as the massacres are not massacres and ritual mass dismemberment20–24, 35. This clearly
randomly distributed through time, but apparently cluster near shows that children were not exempt from a violent death but
the end of the LBK sequence in the decades before 5000 cal BC, it were in fact common casualties34. As the Halberstadt mass burial
is very likely that they have to be regarded as stark symptoms of was placed in an LBK settlement area, sound reasons need to be
profound changes that affected the interlinked social and natural identified for why no children are included. The obvious dom-
landscapes of large parts of the LBK universe during this inance of younger adult males is equally striking. In contrast to all
time24, 44. Climate-induced drops in agricultural production, the other sites of LBK regular or irregular burial, the Halberstadt
mounting consequences of inherited claims to agricultural land mass grave sample is highly selected towards this group. In fact,
and increasing hierarchical differentiation are among the likely the demographic profile rather fits an attacking than an assorted
factors for furthering the rise of social tensions and, ultimately, of assaulted group51. This interpretation is supported by the isotope
lethal conflicts between independently acting groups3, 9, 10, 24. data, which show that the males in the disorganised mass grave
In addition to the skeletal evidence for perimortem collective differed from the carefully interred settlement burials regarding
lethal violence, as well as possible torture, mutilation, dis- geographical origins and dietary habits. Judging from their
memberment and cannibalism35, healed injuries are known from bioarchaeological profiles, especially the radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr
skeletons from various LBK burial contexts. These mostly include ratios of their enamel, the killed men can be regarded as non-
isolated traces of blunt force and arrow injuries48, 49, the same locals, originating from outside the regular marriage networks
kind of wounds encountered unhealed in higher numbers in the and/or recruitment areas of the Halberstadt LBK community.
massacre samples. Generally, these healed injuries indicate that Massacres and warfare are generally male-dominated
violent interactions were not always fatal, but their specific con- activities30, 45, and the clear association of weaponry with the
text cannot be reconstructed anymore for individuals interred male sex supports this view also for the LBK9. Furthermore, no
long afterwards in regular cemeteries50. While such wounds may significant pathological conditions were found in the skeletal
have been received during massacres, either as an active remains that might have had a debilitating effect during life. In
contrast, the known Neolithic massacre samples usually contain included their previous torture and humiliation27, 59. The post-
several individuals handicapped for example by previous trau- cranial perimortem injuries in the Halberstadt individuals may
matic injuries or infectious disease20, 24, 52, just like regular have been caused by such actions, but in contrast to the Kilian-
attritional burial sites53, 54. Such physical handicaps will naturally städten sample they are far less common and not as systematic.
occur in a cross- or longitudinal section of a settled community as Alternatively, they may be concomitants of the capture of the
the consequences of an agricultural lifestyle55, but not so much in individuals with injuries occurring either accidentally or inten-
a group of younger men likely chosen for their warfare-related tionally during a violent struggle50, 52.
prowess56. Carnivore damage has also been found in the skeletal remains
Comparing the patterns of perimortem cranial trauma, the at Asparn23, which indicates a time of exposure of the bodies. But
Halberstadt sample is again set apart from the previously dis- in contrast to Asparn, the Halberstadt dead were collected into
covered LBK massacre sites. Injuries cluster almost exclusively at the mass grave a short while after death, as the bodies still
the back of the head at Halberstadt, with only a single deviation retained most of their anatomical integrity upon deposition. As
from this pattern in the most traumatised individual overall all securely identified cases of carnivore damage in the Halber-
(Fig. 3). Such a tightly circumscribed distribution of wounds is stadt sample have been found right at the edge of the grave fea-
not found at Kilianstädten, Asparn, or Talheim, where more ture in three different places, it is conceivable that the bodies were
blows hit the frontal than the occipital bones (Fig. 8). Still, it is not covered completely at first. Possibly, the distal parts of some
thought that the victims at Talheim and Asparn were mostly hit limbs remained accessible to carnivores and were gnawed off at
from behind, probably while fleeing from their attackers during the edge of the feature. Alternatively, the carnivore damage
the chaotic and uncontrolled massacre20–23. In contrast, the occurred prior to deposition in the mass grave.
tightly clustered injury distribution at Halberstadt indicates the The general presence of carnivore gnawing adds to the inter-
deliberate exertion of control and a clearly targeted application of pretation that the Halberstadt mass grave sample represents the
lethal blunt force trauma to the back of the head57. The regularity careless disposal of executed others31, 60, individuals that were not
in the placement of the killing blows fits the previously for- part of the local community. They might have been part of a
mulated expectations for Neolithic mass execution21, which have failed and partly captured raiding party attacking the local group
not been identified at the other mass fatality sites. Although the that then chose to deny them a regular burial, thereby making a
practice of execution has been suggested previously for the LBK statement out of their violent end11, 12, 27. Alternatively, they
and other Neolithic cultures35, 58, firm evidence in the form of might have been prisoners brought in from afar, although this
standardised cranial injury patterns coupled with a highly selected does not fit well with the evidence from the other LBK massacre
population sample has so far been lacking. sites, where only women seem to have been captured alive. The
The killing of people, e.g. captured enemies, under controlled lack of postmortem attention given to the bodies rather negates
conditions has been a feature of many societies and may have a very significant ritualistic component, as this usually is
34 11 6
8 8
31 23
27 12
Fig. 8 Comparison of perimortem cranial trauma distributions in two LBK mass grave sites. Numbers and respective shading depict approximate
percentages of overall blunt force cranial trauma identified at Talheim (top) and Halberstadt (bottom). Talheim data adapted from the literature70
recognisable in Neolithic contexts either in the careful arrange- by High-Resolution Multi Collector-ICP-MS (Neptune) at the Curt-Engelhorn-
ment or the modification of the remains themselves35, 61, 62. Centre for Archaeometry in Mannheim, Germany. Raw data were corrected
according to the exponential mass fractionation law to 88Sr/86Sr = 8.375209. Blank
Although it may be impossible to differentiate some sort of values were lower than 10 pg Sr during the whole clean lab procedure. The NBS
sacrifice from more pragmatic practises such as execution, the 987 and Eimer & Amend (E & A) standards run along with the human samples
overall evidence gleaned from the mass grave of Halberstadt yielded 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.71024 ± 0.00001, 2σ; n = 5 and 0.70802 ± 0.00001, 2σ;
supports a pragmatic rather than ritualistic interpretation in n = 4, respectively.
direct comparison to the other LBK mass fatality sites.
In any case, the controlled and sometimes public killing of Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Sample preparation for carbon and
nitrogen isotope analysis followed previously published protocols69 with omission
individuals or groups carries a serious message about who wields of the ultrafiltration step. Compact bone samples were cut, the surfaces removed,
power over life and death11. As shown, the Halberstadt mass and demineralised in 10 ml of 0.5 N HCl at initially 4 °C and later at room tem-
grave clearly deviates in content and context from the patterns of perature for 14 days, rinsed to neutrality and reacted with 10 ml of 0.1 M NaOH for
demography and trauma encountered in other LBK burial or 24 h at 4 °C, rinsed again to neutrality and gelatinised in 4 ml of acidified H2O (pH
massacre situations and indicates a controlled and systematic 2–3) for 48 h at 75 °C. Insoluble particles were separated using EZEE filter
separators, and the collagen frozen and lyophilised. C and N contents and the
killing of a selected group of non-local people21, 57. This site stable isotopic compositions were determined in triplicates using a Thermo Flash
therefore adds the previously discussed but so far unrecorded 2000 Organic Elemental Analyzer coupled to a Thermo Finnigan Mat 253 mass
feature of mass execution as a form of culturally sanctioned spectrometer at the Department of Applied and Analytical Palaeontology, Institute
violence to the known behavioural repertoire of the LBK. Despite of Geosciences at the University Mainz. The raw data were calibrated against the
international Standards USGS 40 and USGS 41. Interspersed samples of IAEA CH6
being rare and certainly dependent on a suite of predisposing gave a mean δ13C value of −10.35 ± 0.01‰ and IAEA N2 gave a mean δ15N value
factors, this behaviour may have had a significant impact by of 20.61 ± 0.06‰.
solidifying social cohesion and creating an image of a group
capable of successful retaliation27, 63. While the massacre sites of Radiocarbon dates. Two independent and securely attributed bone samples were
Talheim, Asparn and Kilianstädten show that warfare and the collected from inds 2, 3 and 7 each during excavation and were submitted for AMS
destruction of whole communities were indeed part of Early radiocarbon dating at the Klaus-Tschira-Laboratory for Radiometric Dating
Methods, Mannheim, Germany. Results were calibrated and further analysed using
Neolithic life, the mass grave of Halberstadt now elucidates fur- the online version of OxCal v4.3/IntCal13 (Supplementary Figs 2 and 3; Supple-
ther aspects of violent actions and reactions during the time of the mentary Table 1). Within the text, the 2σ date ranges are used.
first farming culture of Early Neolithic Central Europe.
Data availability. All relevant data are included in the manuscript and the sup-
plementary information. The human skeletal remains recovered from the mass
Methods grave (A6500/D879; feature 100202) are housed at the State Office for Heritage
Excavation and block-lifting. After the mass grave was unexpectedly discovered
Management and Archaeology of Saxony-Anhalt in Halle (Saale), Germany under
during regular excavation prior to construction work, the top layer of skeletal
catalogue numbers 6500:100202:1-154.
remains was exposed on site to assess the overall size and complexity of the burial
feature. Already displaced bone fragments were collected by the field team. It was
then decided to block-lift the complete feature in one piece to enable a later Received: 2 December 2016 Accepted: 24 May 2018
detailed bioarchaeological dissection of the block-lifted mass grave under con-
trolled indoor conditions. The subsequent further excavation and disassembly of
the feature was carried out in the central finds depot of the State Office for Heritage
Management and Archaeology in Halle (Saale), Germany and focused on osteo-
logically defined individuals until all skeletal remains and other finds had been
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48. Orschiedt, J., Häußer, A., Haidle, M. N., Alt, K. W. & Buitrago-Téllez, C. H. Author contributions
Survival of a multiple skull trauma: the case of an early neolithic individual C.M., V.D., H.M. and K.A. designed the overall study; V.D., H.M. and K.A. supervised
from the LBK enclosure at Herxheim (Southwest Germany). Int. J. the study; C.M. and N.N. excavated the block-lifted feature and collected samples; O.K.,
Osteoarchaeol. 13, 375–383 (2003). V.D. and H.M. provided background information and facilitated the in situ excavation
and analysis; C.M., N.N. and A.M. provided and analysed comparative data; C.M. and C. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
K. analysed primary data and wrote the manuscript with input from all other authors. Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
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