Contents of Gurdjieff's Beelzebub
Contents of Gurdjieff's Beelzebub
Contents of Gurdjieff's Beelzebub
1 The Arousing of Thought w
Opening prayer.
Crash. / Disease of ‘tomorrow’.
Don’t do as others. / Destruction of hypnotic illusion.
Everybody is writing these days.
G’s birth.
Mullah Nassr Eddin (‘MNE’).
English & Russian. / G most at home in Russian & Armenian.
“Every stick always has two ends” 11
Deterioration of Armenian / Ancient cultures become degenerated.
Idea arises as sensation in right side of body, then as feeling, then in mind.
Law of association.
2 kinds of mentation: — by thought/words & — by form
Form (which is dependent on upbringing) dictates thought.
Subjective notions of form — No consensus on word meanings/ideas.
You may lose your appetite for your favourite dish.
The reader is to blame for any misunderstandings.
Wiseacring writers diminish the people’s psyche.
This chapter is pre-commitment trial.
the Transcaucasian Kurd & the red pepper pods 19-
G swears on his genuine soul or his ‘English soul’.
Names which are (/should be) sacred to one’s inner life.
The ‘subconscious’ ought to be the real consciousness
This book to implant ideas in subconscious via the ‘conscious’ mind
‘Man’ has 2 independent consciousnesses.
the 3 (secondary) formatory data in G’s preparatory age
1. “In life never do as others do.” (grandma’s edict) 27
Little G’s individuality begins… He acts inappropriately.
Urge not to ape mechanical ‘actions’ of others.
From chubby mite to little rascal.
Catching pigeons — Toe debate.
G’s remarkable tooth demonstrates light spectrum
Oozing cavity arouses interest in ‘suspicious phenomena’.
(Alan Kardec) — “If you go on a spree then go the whole hog including the postage.”
3 properties fuse in G(?) — something funny going on
G’s individuality formed
The Brotherhood of the ‘Originators of making butter from air’.
Germ of a soul? / G’s actions acquire vivifyingness.
Earth shall be put in its place in the grand scheme of things.
‘Men’ not as they should be.
Beelzebub chosen as chief hero.
B will be flattered, so help G — greasing the palm.
Till Eulenspiegel, sage: “If you don’t grease the wheels the cart won’t go.”
G’s ‘I’.
“There is no offence which with time will not blow over.”
Both of G’s recently-discovered souls.
Karapet of Tiflis — the station whistle-blower.
Awakening whistle. / Feels uneasy after the blowing.
“Dreams & Witchcraft.”/ Barber-surgeon/dog-catcher
Stray dogs become soap and fertiliser.
The people’s curses send vibrations of malice to whistle-blower.
Those who lie in the sphere of idiocy, between sleep and drowsiness (2nd state).
Curse them before they curse you. (Tzvarnoharno.)
2 Introduction: Why B Was in Our Solar System w
B’s youth as attendant to ENDLESSNESS
poverty of Ors formations (at low end of Ray of Creation)
Ashiata Shiemash petitioned for B’s pardon
B’s counsel requested
3 The Cause of the Delay in the Falling of the Ship
Karnak w
ship construction (58)
3BBs & HBBs (souls)
physical description of Martians
Moon beings
Earth maintains Moon
the old spaceships (attraction/repulsion)
4 The Law of Falling w
St. Venoma’s work on law of falling (attraction)
5 The System of Archangel Hariton x
how ships like the Karnak work
6 Perpetual Motion x
pointless human pursuits
the fourth way will always work in the world
more about Hariton’s system
7 Becoming Aware of Genuine Being-Duty x
things have not always been this way
past efforts & suffering have yielded benefit for future generations
morning preparation/sitting
8 The Impudent Brat Hassein, B’s Grandson, Dares to
Call Men “Slugs” x
9 The Cause of the Genesis of the Moon y
mistake from on high — comet Kondoor hits Earth — 2 fragments become satellites.
Earth sends ‘askokin’ to feed Moon
10 Why “Men” Are Not Men y
Kundafucked so we don’t realise cause (reason?) for our existence
the 2 functions of the Kundabuffer
our lost tails
Kundabuffer removed
side-effects, more breeding, murder
Saturn beings were B’s favourites in Ors
9th commandment of our CREATOR 93
11 A Piquant Trait of the Peculiar Psyche of
Contemporary Man y
indignation rampant in dull times
legal trials
cursing, anathematising undesireables
12 The First “Growl” y
books aint what they was — new-formation books degenerate reason
the Gospels
wiseacring a new ‘gospel’
possibly ‘wakening’ book suppressed
bad publicity breeds interest
aggrandised public image of mediocre beings
13 Why in Man’s Reason Fantasy May Be Perceived as
Reality z
Kundabuffer not responsible for lack of being-Partkdolg-duty
we created the evil god of Self-Calming
14 The Beginnings of Perspectives Promising Nothing
Very Cheerful z
Atlantis swallowed
negative human traits, eg. suggestibility
15 The First Descent of B upon the Planet Earth z
one of B’s tribe had migrated to Earth
pact between king and kinsman
unwillingness of subjects to pay tax
kinsman’s ‘non-threatening’ tax-collection plan fails
revolt inevitable if tax regime reinstated
B’s kinsmen replace important humans who will be in danger
16 The Relative Understanding of Time z
time is the only wholly subjective phenomenon
tiny cosmoses — Microcosmos
subjectivity/objectivity of time
small cosmos is fast
3-brained Karatas beings’ time is 49 times quicker than on Absolute
Karatas year = 389 Earth years.
decreased lifespan
humans changed from Fulasnitamnian to Itoklanoz
blind ignorance
17 The Arch-absurd: According to the Assertion of B, Our
Sun Neither Lights nor Heats {
Earth: shame of the system
arising of the Trogoautoegocrat
concentrations formed from crystallisations
Etherokrilno — the prime-source substance
the Sacred Triamazikamno
Okidanokh — cosmic unit = Djartklom
one’s own Triamazikamno
Okidanokh facilitates Remorse
emanation V. radiation
Okidanokh in ‘food’
Djartklom proceeds in the Okidanokh of a being’s presence — due to being-Partkdold-duty
— or is actualised (automatically/unconsciously) by Nature
Djartklom produces being-Impulsakri which coat HBBs
taking in finer hydrogens through the extra ‘shock’ of self-remembering/effort
Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen; Fire, air, water
acquiring Individual non-accidental I
unrealised human potential
head (affirming), spine (denying), solar plexus (etc.) (reconciling)
re: reciprocal feeding
humans are expendable cattle for the moon to use up
18 The Arch-preposterous {
to consciously trust
G Harharkh’s experimental appliance
controlled, artificial ‘Djartklom’
normal processes with Okidanokh cannot be perceived
experiment in vacuum
artificial light if + & - destroy each other (no ~)
the 3 forces blending — imperceptible
‘space suits’
apparatus to ‘see’ in vacuum
awareness of self & of external objects
‘non-space’ — outside the world
B’s uniqueness
felt like each of his 3 centres was ‘dying’
experiencing purely by essence
whole being transferred to thinking centre — ~“the driver awakens”?
no gravity
no artificial light inside
if you misblend (without ~), can’t see it yourself, only reflected in others
localised phenomena (mineral crystallisations)
the arising of different hydrogens
19 B’s Tales About His Second Descent onto the Planet
Earth {
flood of Atlantis
self-crystallisation/obtaining clairvoyant abilities
Earth unbalanced after Earth split
satellites/direct action
the Moon’s problem
religious sacrificial offerings on the increase
excess of what the moon(s) need
3 population centres on Earth
night spots
compassion is a virtue
human sacrifice
function of faith
by killing you make yourself less able to self-perfect
all life has value as part of cosmic processes
self-perfection of the 3-brained is God’s hope
His hope rests with one of our HBBs
18th commandment: Love everything that breathes.
‘clean’ animals — easy to kill
cats’ superiority to dogs
priest buried on Mars
fate of Abdil’s soul
Arrival of B’s (arranged) wife.
20 The Third Flight of B to the Planet Earth {
An illusory directing factor was crystallised in the Reason of ordinary beings from which is formed
in our whole presence the Reason of our ‘waking-existence’, which is the chief cause of frequently
changing convictions.
On Atlantis, the powdered horn of Pirmarals (kind of deer) said to be a cure-all.
Group of hunters go to Asia (shores of Sea of Beneficence (to become Maralpleicie)).
Fruit still principal product for 1st-being-food. \ A member of Akhaldan already there.
Members of Akhaldan had left Atlantis to investigate astral phenomena prior to submergence.
Formation of the 2nd group of beings on Asia.
King Konuzion of city Gob descendant of original leader.
Opium addiction (chewing poppy (Gulgulian/Papaveroon) seeds) — degenerating society
imposing drug laws rather than Reason
religion is the opium of the masses
religion invented by King to combat laziness
B adds ‘respect animals’ clause to religion
people easily convinced
21 The First Visit of B to India |
expedition to Pearl-Land
water — blood of the planet
Buddha speaks
unforeseen Kunda after-effects
Kundafucked humans have no Being
several avatars have failed
diluted 2nd-generation data
suppression of external negative emotions
“reciprocal feeding”
this is God’s “hope”
direct master to pupil continuation was ineffective
samsara / being between 2 stools
The avatar Saint Kirmininasha.
another unforeseen consequence
something of Kundabuffer physically remains
22 B for the First Time in Tibet |
wild animals & domesticated
nocturnal/diurnal creatures
losing cattle to wild animals
Buddhist sect: The Self-Tamers
isolationism/solitary confinement
walled in, working on emotns & thought
Tibetan landscape
Tibet’s mountains growing
cause of earthquakes
protruding atmosphere
Lama requests help/Looisos will look into it
Martians start canal-building
23 The Fourth Personal Sojourn of B on the Planet Earth
Harharkh taken from Saturn to Mars (similar atmospheres)
powerful telescope
ordinary theory of evoln: people from apes (Darwin)
genesis of apes:
days of shifting land
sperm — final result of every kind of evolved being-food
the 2 funcns of sperm
(2: conscious transformn to coat higher b-body)
on not releasing sex energy at proper time
wanking and buggery satisfy males
wanking and dykeness don’t satisfy females
change made to Triamazikamno
men can’t mate with animals
difft ape-form dependg on woman’s quadrupd partner
ape’s psyche that of woman
(-- posture & inner-functng that of animals)
contemporaries to study apes
tax do-gooder
3 angel-demons on Earth
Egyptian astronomy
astrology degenerates into astronomy
astrologers tell good time for conception
planetary influence
astrology guides everyday life
conjugal pairs matched
ppl w/ harmful vibrns
lasting ‘thought forms’ in Earth atmosphere
Asoochilon’s recorded thought-docu on Akhaldan genesis
reading Akashic (— the state in which one can read the tapes)
Belcultassi — founder of Akhaldan
on beginning Work on oneself
starting self-obs
individual ropes other into work
some friends not dead to work
Society takes form
detailed knowledge needed
first objv science on Earth
society splits into 7 sections
disaster predicted -- society dispossessed
social climate makes work difficult (-- separateness needed)
Akhaldans move to proto-Egypt
relatns continue betw Akhaldan & B’s tribe
initiates survive
some attainments hereditary
enhanced perceptn
humans given animal senses
when we can see something
mechanics of Egyptian observatory
5 surface openings converge to chamber
B’s 7 overground pipes
weather control & astronomy
Sphinx & Conscience (Samlios)
bull body, lion legs, eagle wings, virgin breasts via amber ‘neck’
:dogged labour; self-courage/faith; meditatn; inner/outer love thru impartial seperateness of funcn
:conscious love w/o intl considg predominates
3 forces in amber
B’s sorrowful reflectns
periodic destructv tendencies
Southern Africa for apes
B to be godfather to Harharkh’s son
24 B’s Flight to the Planet Earth for the Fifth Time |
to investigate war & decreasing lifespan
Moon’s new atmosphere causes winds on Earth
sands come
transmigration of races
why war?
decreasing lifespan
our relation to Heropass alters
Faith, Hope, Love
human psychic deterioration
true learned beings V those of ‘new formation’
Persian king decrees gathering of learned beings
fiscal greed as a motivation
spoils of war — land, women, wealth
exoteric (outer) V. true (inner) alchemy
king wants to get rich thru alchemy
the learned tortured for the secret
frequency of vibrations decreases — more needed
higher birth rate / more deaths reqd from specific area of Earth
Egypt raided
Akhaldan descendants taken
the learned stranded in Babylon / wiseacring meetings
burning question, “Does the soul exist?”
some of ‘learned’ w/ true potentl
Hamolinadir — initiate of Egyptian School of Materialising Thought
two convincing yet contradictory theories
cunning theorising
Hamolinadir’s rant — the Instability of Human Reason
suggestibility — belief in others’ theories
belief that we ‘know something’
Tower of Babel
wiseacring with past events
angel on right shoulder, devil on left
‘Judgement Day’
‘Paradise’ & ‘Hell’
2 differing ideas of ‘good & evil’
Good is according to Conscience — Bad causes Remorse
fickle ‘morality’
atheism & mechanical causality
subjective perception of cause & effect
destruction of Ashiata traces
Lentrohamsanin, one of 313 Eternal Hasnamusses
25 The Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, Sent from Above
to the Earth }
emissaries from the Absolute, ‘avatars’
Ashiata incarnated as poor Sumerian
unique results by unique methods
only initiatic transmission
only The Terror of the Situation & one marble tablet survive
the Atlantean transmission method — Legominism
the objective merits of true initiates can be sensed by others
the ‘info hotchpotch’ of the ordinary mass of beings
26 The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the
Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of “The
Terror-of-the-Situation” }
Faith, Hope & Love — 3 bases of ways of self-perfecting
…but are they enough to save us? (Kunda-consequences well crystallised)
special state Ashiata entered to ponder question
our ‘faith, love & hope’ similar to real thing
faith should functn independently
tickle a Kunda-consequence & we will believe anything
subjective ‘love’ is different in everyone
hope in something paralyses possibilities
a trace of Conscience remains in subconscious
how to stimulate unformed dormant Conscience in man?
Ashiata’s ‘holy motto’ tablets
surviving tablet, ‘Faith,’ ‘Love,’ and ‘Hope’
abnormal ‘hope’ causes the disease of tomorrow
we don’t make efforts today (ordinary life also affected)
sensing one’s nullity
Kunda consequences diminish approaching death
the 11th hour is too late
how to raise submerged Conscience into waking consciousness? — they can only be saved if it
manifests through every aspect of their waking consciousness for a long period.
27 The Organization for Man’s Existence Created by the
Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash }
a brotherhood founded by 2 initiates
Ashiata teaches the initiates
brotherhood now called Heechtvori
brethren sent out to preach of submerged Conscience
more students
100 others must be brought up to your level
ordinary manifestations atrophy the data in our presences which evoke Love in others
objective learning spread
? principles of being renewed
sorrow & suffering — emanations of the Creator
the great necessary inner struggle between physical body and ‘coating’
desires V. nondesires
majority of ordinary local people begin to strive
more brotherhoods founded — most of Asia
the Work progresses
no state organisations
‘castes’ or ‘classes’ had caused egoism
egoism possible with a dual psyche — a divided ‘I’
Conscience should be actualised through universal sorrow
false ‘individual initiatives’ arise
our conscious and subconscious conflict —> insincerity
parents (society) encourage deceit 378
Conscience driven within by education
Faith, Love, Hope degenerated — Conscience hidden and so spared
the ‘divine I’ and egoism are enemies
divine impulse still manifests in us — remorse
Remorse radiates crystallisations into atmosphere
Shame temporarily halts our associations, and Conscience freed
Conscience suppressed through self-calming measures
Rise of the Ashiatian epoch
personal & reciprocal being-existence
wise men come to power
all begin striving for Conscience in the consciousness
5 being-obligolnian-strivings — transubstantiation
people become ‘masters’ — objective attainments attract others’ attention
enlightened rule — people want to obey
war in Asia ceases
increased lifespan & decreased birthrate
better equilibrium of vibrations
contemporary ‘man’ dismissive of the distant past
28 The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very
Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash }
Lentrohamsanin —
objective-Reasoned but… double centre of gravity
313 higher ‘demons’
Lentrohamsanin the 1st born to rich elderly parents
ex-abortionist mum’s fake shrine
Lentrohamsanin’s Kashireitleer
in praise of freedom from obligation
against esotericism — lack of faith in chiefs
desire for ‘proof of the miraculous’/facts
representative democracy
gala banquet ‘essay launch’
intellectual adulation
Lentrohamsanin gains followers
‘the new word’ spreads
revolution — republic formed
‘states’ reborn
some Ashiata customs remain in Lentrohamsanin’s wake
Lentrohamsanin’s great-grandson
some (mad) learned beings return home from Babylon
unrest spreads due to ‘questions of the soul’ — state organisations
pockets of hope remain
Alexander of Macedonia sweeps Asia clean
the Endlessness now does nothing without Ashiata’s permission
‘Hasnamuss’ definition
a Hasnamuss is coloured by the spectrum of Naloo-osnian-impulses (~7 deadly sins)
if you’re sinful, you will suffer — ~karma
4 types of Hasnamuss
1 (w/o soul) —> 3 can still be saved
type 4 is an Eternal-Hasnamuss-Individual
‘eternal recurrence’/samsara
type 1 Hasnamuss dies centre by centre
type 2s must reincarnate, often as an animal
type 3 must suffer until cleansed
4 (disharmonised) Hasnamuss planets: Retribution (for 313 type 4s), Remorse-of-conscience,
Repentance, Self-Reproach
34 Russia
B’s new acquaintance — Russian power-possessor.
Tackling countrywide alcoholism.
‘Temperance’ society formed.
Multiplicity of controlling groups.
Politician wants B to help sober up Russia.
B & politician go to St. Petersburg.
Russian ego-individuality is particularly dual.
Duality because their way of thinking doesn’t correspond to their place of existence.
B’s visit with Mullah Nassr Eddin
Passing cavalcade.
Europeans are peacocks — gorgeous exterior
Others are crows — dirty good-for-nothings
Russians are turkeys, as are those who’re born on one continent but live on another.
A turkey is neither fish, flesh nor fowl — is ½ with ¼ plus ¾.
Turkeys are ‘between two stools’.
Asians have clean organic and psychic heredity.
Pride & fantasy.
Germans to blame — aniline dyes.
Dyes can’t colour crows, so Russians can’t become peacocks.
Solioonensius + worse living conditions = Bolshevism.
B wants to set up lab for experiments on human psyche.
Power structures based on habit.
Kafkaesque ‘procedure-dependent’ bureaucrats thanks to Solioonensius.
Chemists have acquired permits through non-official channels.
The police.
Bureaucracy / The necessity of acting against the law in contemporary society.
B’s giveaway planetary body.
Back to Russian alcoholism.
Trusteeship revolts against B’s suggestions through prejudice.
Self-calming — the inner overlord.
Less misunderstandgs w/ hereditary power-possessors than w/ those of ‘new format learned’.
(Mixed up 3-in-1 psyche.)
Upstarts begin intrigue — subterfuge spreads — Trusteeship splits.
Maleficence of different ‘parties’.
Members realise B is not a part of or controllable by their intrigues.
‘Corporate feeling’ is strong.
Russian power-possessors necessarily involved in intrigue.
B’s aim: mass experiments on human psyche.
The opening of the big building.
Preparation for meeting the Czar.
Czar’s right-hand comes to instruct B on protocol… but doesn’t. (automatic associations)
Delegation of unfulfilled duty.
Condescending mama’s darling with superior attitude.
Two hours’ protocol briefing — & told to practise.
General subjugates B’s will to his own automatic habit.
Outer absurdity provides good friction.
The perfection of a being depends on
the quality and quantity of his inner experiencings.
Ordinary importance of outer ephemeral appearance.
B now ‘esteemed’ having met Czar.
B gets his permit. / Locals bending over backward for B.
Czar directed by advisers in all he says and does.
Maintaining illusion of being in charge of oneself.
Czars must prepare and practise for every occasion.
Solioonensius — a periodic planetary tension causes feelings of religiousness.
Neighbouring solar system affects our sun.
Religious feeling —> desire to self-perfect.
Planetary tensions cause desires & intentions we aren’t aware of.
Between Kunda removal and loss of Atlantis, religiousness was felt normally.
Under self-calming, unrest caused instead of religiousness —> Desire for external change.
Desire for chaotic revolution due to lack of conscious Conscience.
Castes were initially set up consciously, but now continue to exist automatically.
Why social classes form.
‘Cunning men’ with weapons become rulers & order underlings.
Underlings order their underlings.
‘Cunning’ power play filters down pyramid of society.
Hatred of beings of other castes.
Solioonensius causes — ‘need for freedom’
— hate of others
— fearlessness of power-possessors.
Birth of revolution.
It begins with a few rabble-rousers.
Revolutions have good intentions.
Following war/revolution, things return to ‘normal’ (only more so).
New rulers worse than hereditary ones.
Qualities of a leader.
New leaders have more vanity, pride, conceit, self-love.
More destructive parasites under new leaders.
All events concerning human relations ordinarily take place w/o anyone’s conscious intention —
they just happen.
No awareness of future or past. / Ignorance.
Fallacy of ‘evolution over time’. (Darwinism)
Egypt is the centre of Solioonensius influence/war impulse.
Education implants a store of data (passive learning).
Why did Egyptian family names change so often?
Bob-tailed reason: “a pharaoh gets tired of his reign.”
“wants to protect his weak son from tiring business of ruling”
Great wars in ancient Egypt.
Some ppl see ludicrousness of war/revolution.
Indignation deranges Kesdjan.
No sense of perspective./ No instinctive sense of objective reality.
Men aren’t the cause of war.
Solioonensius perverted b/c Conscience not part of consciousness.
Revolution in ancient Egypt: ‘killing aristocrats’ competition / eye trophies.
Winner of blue-blood massacre is new chief.
Metal ‘sacred cable’ crowd-control ropes.
Shish-kebab of ‘pharaohs’.
H’s question: “Why couldn’t proper habits form in man simply over time?”
Year by year humans’ psyche and essence diluted.
Influence or be influenced — ‘suggestibility’.
Russians adopt customs of older cultures.
Without being-Partkdolg-duty, suggestibility increases.
Without ‘independent existence’ must be under one influence or another.
Russians cease to be influenced by Asia — now under -ve French influence.
Two good Asiatic habits — chewing gum after meals
— Turkish bath / ’hammam’
We breathe through nose & pores.
Pores excrete oily something & clothes hinder natural air purge.
Grease concentrated in pores is waste product of 2nd food.
Artificial means to rid oily something. / Slow warming to dissolve it.
Humans smell.
Everything either evolves or involves.
During the evoln/involn of transitory arisings,
secondary AEs are temporarily crystallised by momentum of vibrations.
Poor sense of smell.
Only working-class ‘bumpkins’ still go to hammams in Russia.
Dirty French.
USA chews gum — gets keva from the Caucasus.
New habits.
Humans unconsciously/unintentionally influence each other.
To follow &/or set examples is necessary — with discrimination.
Not only Russians are turkeys.
The longer a community exists the better it gets.
War means our communities are short-lived.
37 France
Unfounded stereotype of French — depraved, immodest, immoral.
The French are the most patriarchal and modest Europeans.
B in Grand Cafe with Persian acquaintance.
Paris full of foreigners.
Americans had replaced Russians as dominant foreigners in Paris.
Foreigners visit Paris to have a good time (& learn how to dance and make hats).
Whores (foreign) / Rent boys.
Former Russian visits.
Homosexual abnormality — a common periodic evil.
Night restaurant variety shows — fake ethnicity.
Russian ruling class had enjoyed shows, now their (grand)children are the poor performers.
Fathers & sons.
Sudden solitude allows sorrowful reflection.
B contemplates all that has gone wrong on Earth.
Angelic error — all this was avoidable.
Cycle of samsara. — Eternal recurrence.
Despite avatars having been sent, nothing has improved on Earth in 10,000 years.
Comparing contemporary types with those of Koorkalai culture.
Pub life. / A few ancient people(s) still survive.
Transitoriness of our cultures.
The germ of a soul arises in some humans.
Another new acquaintance; American —on to another restaurant.
Owner of fox-trot dance school.
Americans long to visit Paris, for vanity.
Money in US is hard-earned.
Unlike Europe, in the US each work is judged on its merits.
Tourist bus tours: Book & Son.
Profiting from others’ stupidity.
‘Paris dresses’ scam. / Made in Germany.
“International exchange of goods.”
Female on female violence.
Everything in Paris is assumed to be French.
A child’s formation.
Our brains are to perceive & accumulate impressions & the
results of conscious being-awareness.
A child’s brains are pure and perceptive. / Dulling of brains.
We do not embrace new impressions as a whole — they only passively serve as shocks for
Inability to process new impressions.
We don’t feel the need to sense/understand the outer or inner.
‘Perception’ without effort.
2 bases of objective morality:
French still have data for: Patriarchality (love of family) & organic-shame.
The evil god — Self-Calming. Desire for “easy life”.
If evil-god reigns inside one, surrounding beings are negatively influenced.
Idleness — satisfying whims — just killing time.
Fashion — shallowness.
Women with short hair — English & Americans.
Hair of females is for exchange of cosmic substances.
‘3rd-sex’ females gets diseases.
Short-haired women undesireable.
Females queue for haircuts as Russians used to queue for flour.
Triads / Is this only women?
Women are neither independent nor responsible.
Means of the rulers of keeping the masses placid — Russian vodka & English sport.
Fairs aid French self-calming — give temporary relief from ill effects of fascination with fashion.
Fairs held in squares where once were religious-moral discussions.
B enjoyed the fairs, thinking nothing. Many cheap means for putting oneself in a stupor. Tasty food
but bad for stomach. All kinds of gambling.
38 Religion
Major cause of dilution of psyche.
Hasnamusses invent religions to confuse surrounding beings.
40 B Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About
the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh
(III.3) 813
Hassein’s question.
Every human born with objective possibilities, but ordinarily, a baby soon falls.
A few who arise retain a germ of possibility.
We become slaves to automatic perceptions from infancy.
The totality of unreal impressions connects with our functions.
What is ‘a good tutor’?
Frequent Partkdolg enables impulses of Conscience in our waking state.
Theophany’s discovery.
The 7 aspects of every whole phenomenon.
Twins Choon-Kil-Tez & Choon-Tro-Pel (great-grandsons of Konuzion) rediscover law of 7.
Twins migrate East to China.
Re: iraniranumange there are 3 classes of formations; those which transform substances of
their own planet; of their own solar system also; of other systems also.
Poppy studies — this plant transforms substances from other stars.
Opium the dream-maker & subordinate octaves.
Twins study 3 cosmic results (phenomena): opium, the white ray & sound.
7 primary & secondary fundamental aspects of each whole (stopinders) named.
Standard units used for (relative) measurement:
Nirioonossian-world-sound & smallest part which still has vivifyingness of all 3 forces.
What is indivisible on Earth may be divisible in other spheres.
Hydrogen is one of 7 cosmic substances of Ors’s inner-Ansapalnian-octave.
“2 out of 3” Mdnel-Ins of an octave discovered by twins.
The experimental apparatus Alla-attapan.
The stopinder of one cosmic result acts on the corresponding stopinder of another (AoV).
When Moon (chief bearer of evil to Earth)’s atmos was being formed, winds on Earth
brought sand and snow to poles.
Opium, sound and light share like manifestations and are formed from the same factors.
These transitory cosmic results have affinity in their inner mutual relations.
All the higher vibrations of one result always give the direction to all the lower vibrations of
other ‘transitory cosmic results’. 840
Following the twins, ‘octave knowledge’ was passed down (by initiatic transmission) & even honed
for 2/300 years.
We can take advantage of this knowledge to ease our almost-impossible inner struggle.
‘Learned beings’ of new formation have organic-psychic-need to be considered such by others.
Due to Solioonensius the impulses of sensing and foreseeing are weakened in genuine initiates.
A few fragments of octave knowledge survive, eg. (Mendelejeff) some named AEs of opium.
Persians knew of law of combination of colours until recently.
When they get home B will demonstrate to H ‘the successiveness of the processes of the mutual
blending of vibrations’ on the piano.
King-Too-Toz and experiments with piano-type apparatus (Lav-Merz-Nokh).
The totality of 7 octaves, sacred Hanziano, gives the Nirioonossian-world-sound.
The totality of vibratns of the notes of 1 octave corresponds to that of the cosmic substances issuing
from 7 indept sources , composing 1/7 of the fundaml common-cosmic Ansapalnian-
The 7 octaves named. The 7 notes named. 850
Vivifyingness of vibratns of sound corresponds with that of cosmic sources of substances.
Despite being cut off on Earth, by their own Partkdolg duty the twins found much objective truth.
Horse-tail hair strings (chaotic vibratns) in the mi-fa & si-do ‘gaps’.
Horse-tail strings’vibratns depend on; 1. surrounding vibratns from other strings; 2. ‘atmosphere’s
temperature’; 3. radiatns of beings present.
Red quarter-tone notes also on LMN — can be adjusted to blend with shifting hair strings.
New formation learned being invents dumbed-down 2 octave keyboard w/o red or hair strings.
Spin-off degenerated instruments use same principle: the alternation of gravity centre sounds.
From the flow of some vibratns from others, cosmic subtstances arise of differing
density/vivifyingness, and (dis)uniting with each other form large & small
relatively-independent concentrations — hence Iraniranumange is actualised.
Humans are not inspired by hearing ‘some obtained from the other & harmoniously-flowing gravity
centre vibratns’ in music — our quickness of instinct is weakened.
The law of vibrations is the most important scientific branch & gives the possibility of recognising
Greeks divided octave into 5 — the two systems seem equally plausible to modern man.
Gaidoropoolo’s ‘mathematical’ explanation re: how both 5 and 7 notes are plausible.
‘Chinese divided octave according to placing of their ‘restorials (centre of gravity) of the voice’.’
Really it is the Greek 5-tone scale that was based on the restorials/light sounds of the voice.
Restorials/’light sounds’ of the voice are formed by surrounding inner & outer conditions.
These organic restorials obtained when the tempo of the result of a manifestation fully harmonises
with other functionings of one’s common presence.
Some existent groups can reproduce the gravity-centre notes in the octave in 13 & 17 whole notes.
One group in Asia can produce 40 separate definite sounds with only 3 restorials.
Their manifested restorials evoke ‘centralisation’ and echo in a being’s whole presence. 865
LMN can demonstrate vibrations of all Ansanbaluiazar, but piano can demonstrate 1/7 part.
If scale taken into account, each cosmos (& each independent 1/7th part) is similar to Megalocosmos.
Vibrations mutually help each other to evolve or involve.
Standard unit — smallest particle of Theomertmalogos which still has full vivifyingness.
Nirioonossian-world-sound should be taken as ‘absolute vibrations’ of do of instruments.
Mysterious periodic sound.
Aerial vibrations of inertia are generally formed in the atmospheric space by natural vibrations.
Just as 1st-food acquires vivifying power after transformation into Piandjoëhari; a chord’s vibrations
don’t acquire theirs till fusion with preceding vibrations, starting from sol’s
If mi & si produced in hermetically-sealed room, they involve to do or fa respectively then cease.
41 The Bokharian Dervish Hadji-Asvatz-Troov
(III.61) 871
Shat-Chai-Mernis — ancient Chinese science is fragments of octave knowledge.
Visit to Bogga-Eddin’s friend — secret isolated ‘underground’ research facility.
Ordinary people are interested only in what they often see or hear about.
Being-property of sensing the inner feeling of similar beings in relation to oneself has atrophied.
Now ‘amiability’ (‘verbal amenity’) — empty words without any result of inner benevolent impulse.
The repercussions of our degenerated psyche has spoiled one- and two-brained beings.
Wild animals perceive fear in other beings as ill-will towards them.
The impulse which should exist, instinctively to show respect & sympathy to all beings.
Perfecting oneself, one 1st senses that all breathing beings equally near to ENDLESSNESS;
2nd, one loses cowardice before other forms of being, evoking respect in them.
True friendship — my friend’s friends & relatives are also my friends.
Asvatz-Troov was instrument-making expert.
Particular sensations evoked corresponding to text of sacred canticles played during mysteries.
Project to make a mechanical instrument.
Asvatz-Troov’s queer friend, Kerbalai-Azis-Nuaran;
“On the Earth only gravity is still, & then only in half the space occupied by its volume.”
A watch that works by the Earth’s movement?
The principle; “Number of string’s vibrations is inversely-proportional to its length” only sometimes
coincides with obtaining a common blending harmonic consonance.
Don’t let one obsession rule all.
Mechanical zimbal produced, with ¼ tones — reed-bundles like pianola rolls.
Kerbalai-Azis-Nuaran was killed by a stray bullet on Amu Darya due to shots between Russians &
Felt-lined soundproof cave — A-T’s experimental lab.
A-T & K-A-N studied all theories of vibrations; of
Malmanash (Assyrian), Selneh-eh-Avaz (Arab); Pythagoras; & Chinese.
A-T’s vibrosho (experimental apparatus like Pythagoras’ monochord).
“Saying grace” over re-vivifying green tea.
Sirens count number of revolutions corresponding to pitch of sound but…
Sound can be obtained from 2 causes:
1. from natural world-vibrations (the action of genuine creative vibratns) — metal/goat gut strings;
2. simply from the flow of air (& from other strings) — momentum (mechanical?) vibrations.
Experiment: monotonous 5-note melody with pipes for 10 mins — no effect on flowers.
: same melody on piano withers flowers.
In tuning the piano, many external factors considered, including human radiations of those present.
Experiment: ‘boil music’ — 2 notes of lowest octave repeated monotonously on piano.
A-T distraught at B’s boilless leg — He tells his life story.
Decides not to commit suicide not to hurt mother (he puts himself in her place).
Good-carrying vibrations remove boil — alternating a high and a low note.
A-T decides to become dervish; tries a couple of orders before finding good one.
The science of vibrations became his ‘new divinity’.
Ancient great prophet Issi-Noora said,
“An individual is not responsible for his manifestations only when in death agony.”
B pities A-T; & can reveal his nature to him due to his attainments (but not to Bogga-Eddin).
Shiemash forbade mental knowledge to be imparted to ordinary beings.
Without knowledge-of-being, even true information diminishes possibilities of true understanding.
Knowledge-of-being is the only thing that can liberate us from the Kunda consequences.
Experiment with dog, sheep, goat, A-T & B-E. Re: a life form’s “total” of vibrations.
‘Chord of vibrations’ depends on how intensely variously-caused vibratns transformed by
corresponding sources/organs. 904
B-E has more vibrations than A-T due to his youth — some organs function more intensely.
The function of emotion actualises most vibrations.
Colours affect vibration numbers of each life form.
Fabric made from the plant Chaltandr —
its colour doesn’t affect other nearby sources, nor is it affected by other vibrations.
Tent of special material used to investigate ‘architecturally’ how interior forms affect beings.
Surrounding vibratns affect 3BBs more than 2 & 1BBs, due to our abnormal inner/outer conditions.
All life forms’ radiations (& voices & other causative actions) form vibrations which affect others.
Harmful effects of modern ‘works of art’ &, especially, of medicine.
Subjective destiny applies where lots of relatively-independent individuals arise & exist together.
Destiny for one person can be very unjust, but b/c of this, just for those beings living with him.
Cosmic truths (discovered/passed down by ancestors) should be transmuted in oneself.
These truths are automatically concentrated in A-T’s underground kingdom/domain for further
perfection/elaboration by future beings.
Gas lighting in A-T’s caverns — from shrine of Herailaz who was taken up alive into Heaven.
Underground stream washed minerals, causing gas (via clay pipes & bamboo into cave).
Story of the electric lighting —
Young European seeker interested in laws of vibratns wrt causes of disease.
By a certain mode of life/preparation one can consciously elaborate vibratns to destroy cancer.
Wife got cancer but European unable to actualise cure due to surrounding conditions.
Due to jostling caused by a demonstration, he is run over —
unable to consciously/intentionally direct wife’s ordinary life.
Resorts to ‘modern medicine’ — X-rays - other concentrations/gravity centres of cancer appear.
— experiments to find out why.
Unreliable electric current of Bunsen elements — more stable current required.
3 kinds of ore laid in underground stream in certain order — uniform vibratns but low amperage.
Condensers made from various materials to increase force of current.
This energy source requires neither attention nor any outside material.
By using selective switches & energy conservation, enough electricity stored in accumulators.
Sweet-sour taste announces Karnak approaching planet (Deskaldino).
G’s proposed book The Opiumists to expand upon topics in this chapter.
42 Beelzebub in America
(III.108) 918
H wants to hear about Americans; those who exist opposite the place where civilisation flourishes.
B visited USA just before leaving Ors.
Americans are occupied with ‘dollar businesses’ — Immigrants with necessary trades & professions.
Americans themselves couldn’t even bake bread. 2 causes;
The rights of parents over their kids. / Implanting in children a love of money.
— the predominant urge during their feverish existence.
Americans are governed by their ‘dollar businesses’, rather than the other way round.
B confines himself, to rest H from active mentation, to MNE’s form of mentation for a while…
Current prohibition of alcohol. Booze made on old barges off the shores of America.
3 acids (sulphuric, nitric & muriatic) + German Prof. Kishmenhof’s ‘incantation’.
1000 bottles of the liquid turned into the desired by one real bottle.
Kishmenhof’s 1st conjury: making chicken soup. Chicken chased through kitchen.
Non-hypocritical chicken ceased to wish to breathe the air any longer. (Eaten.) \ Steiner.
Increased interest in ‘the supernatural’; theosophists etc make the opaque look transparent.
Prohibition encourages consumption (even by those who normally wouldn’t).
It’s as with chewing poppy seeds in Maralpleicie (213—), except now booze is faked.
Now, illicit consumption is cunningly covert.
Orangeade destroys mucus membranes and deteriorates digestive function.
B has seen meals prepared many times, even in his own home.
B wants to see how 78 dishes can be offered on one menu. Tinned food served in restaurant.
B goes to Chatterlitz language school to learn US dialect.
3 forms of language taught: conversation for one who has to earn dollars;
for one who likes to do business & for social standing; & for one who wishes to procure whisky.
Five words needed: Maybe; Perhaps; Tomorrow; Oh, I see; All right.
Another tip: say a European language’s word imagining a hot potato in your mouth — sounds
— imagine potato sprinkled with red pepper — sounds like AmE.
B taken by Chicago acquaintance Mr Bellybutton to a ‘story party’. (The Decameron)
B at a ‘petting party’ thinks a girl is stroking his neck cos she has noticed a flea.
Advertising has caused the sane instinct to believe in reality to be replaced with doubt everything. 938
(See Meetings chapter 1) \ Meat is murder — humans hooked on animal flesh.
Abattoir hype. \ Tiflis abattoir much cleaner & better organised than Chicago’s.
The being-function conscience is atrophied in journalists & reporters.
On seeing a genuine American elephant, one has to remember oneself with the whole of one’s being
not to get the impression that it’s only a fly.
Almost 50% Americans have disharmonised digestive organs, & almost 25% impotent.
Boston is ‘the city of the people who escaped race degeneration’.
If these sicknesses continue, Americans will go the same way as monarchic Russians; except
for latter, death from abnormal Reason of leaders; former, death from the ‘stomach & sex’.
In general, we can only live a long time depending on normal action of
digestion & sex organs — the 2 chief motors of our existence.
America is still quite young, so, like an infant, all is ‘peaches & cream’.
The degree of the further movement for the purpose of blending
again with the Infinite will depend on the direction and degree of
the forces obtained from the initial impetus.
One must always guard against the initial impetus, because on
acquiring momentum it becomes a force which is the fundamental mover
of everything existing, leading everything back to Prime Being.
[Leitoochanbros interruption]
Americans eat already-decomposed food, whose AEs have been ‘volatised out’.
AEs are essential for taking in the power needed for a normal existence (Okidanokh?).
Even w/o true knowledge, w/ being-efforts, data crystallised such that maleficent manifestns
sensed instinctively.
As soon as any product’s connection with Nature is severed, it changes its form, decomposes in
same order it was formed.
When the time comes, AEs making up cosmic formations (completely- and half-spiritualised
arisings) begin separating.
When hermetically-sealed tin opened, all AEs concentrated in little bubbles evaporate & disperse
to their corresponding places. [cf. Again-Tarnotoltoor]
American fruit is just a ‘feast for the eye’.
A surplanetary formation that’s artificially grafted/manipulated reaches state Absoizomosa wherein
it can only absorb medium cosmic substances to coat its automatically-self-reproducing subjv
Fundamental commandment given to 3BBs from Above: 948
Strive to acquire inner & outer purity.
Only 1 aspect (of the 7) of this commandment is kind of followed in contemporary civilisation:
Help everything around you, both animate and the still
to acquire a beautiful appearance.
Shop window displays a confusing riot of colour & shape — B compelled to buy fruit preserves.
In US, the combination resulting from intermixture of former independent races means they
‘appreciate’ German aniline and alizarin & French perfumery.
N/S American continent formed by; 1. 2nd great cataclysm not according to law & 2. place re:
common systematic movement. Soil excellent for producing the ‘divine grain’.
Used consciously, this soil could in a good season produce the ‘fullness of a complete process of
Heptaparaparshinokh’, ie. a 49-fold harvest.
America got rich & began to feel superior to rest of world.
Making bread, wheat now ‘polished & combed’ so all AEs beneath husk on grain surface destroyed
— best bit given to pigs or destroyed. What is eaten by humans is just to connect/maintain AEs. Now
this bread just gives you gas & worms.
This doesn’t aid conscious service . of Nature, but more worms aids 1 serve Trogoautoegocrat -.
‘Comfortable seat’ WCs are 2nd factor in disharmonisation of digestive function.
The greatest possible sensation of pleasant tranquility — a new incentive for the jealous service of
the god self-calming (almost the chief evil engendering and evoking all abnormalities of psyche).
Due to WCs, the required posture not used, begin discharging this function automatically —
muscles atrophy, obstructions form — diseases exclusive to 1.
A ruling passion among Americans to be as often as possible in Europe.
The appendix aids 1st-food digestion. Gathers connective substances (as gas) from food which
helps excretion.
12 days to a month round trip journeys to Europe cause daily change of time to regular defecation
habit so gas gradually escapes unproductively, making ships smelly. Constipation.
Previously in Tikliamish, ‘wonder beds’ used to sleep and lounge & shit without effort.
‘Comfortable beds’ invented by the rich & power-possessors
— “if you wish to enjoy felicity then enjoy it with a bang.”
As they were being invented, Chirnooanovo happened (1’s centre of gravity shifted) — beings
usually thus feel ‘remorse of conscience’ (Blagonoorarirnian sensation).
But on 1, epidemics (reciprocl destructn of Microcosmoses in the Tetarto-) instead of remorse.
Hasnamussian ‘revolutionaries’’ propaganda: bourgeois got diseases b/c of beds then spread to rest.
The suggestible masses lose “sensation of self” & rise up, destroy the beds & their users.
Maralpleicie food-preservation experiment: habitual consumers’ organic shame atrophied.
If c-sealed, not exposed to effects of atmosphere so should escape process of decomposition.
Sheep’s tail fat now used on Asia for preservation and also as food.
American tins exude poisonous AEs i/s which fuse with food elements according to ‘kinship of
class by number of vibrations’ (AoV) then later is eaten.
US preserve food raw, Asia roasted or boiled, hence slower decomposition.
When a product cooked, an artificial chemical (permanent) fusion of AEs -- they remain for longer.
B advises H to study both types of fusion in Megalocosmos — chemical & mechanical.
The significance of a fusion in 3-sourced cosmic substances — bread: water (+); flour (-); fire (~).
When water (itself a natural mechanical mixture)’s connection w/ Nature cut, starts to decompose.
When dough baked, a new totality is obtained which will resist the Heropass (for a while).
Even when dried and crumbled, bread’s AEs still endure.
On Asia, Haoorma is roast meat in jars or Boordooks with melted sheep tail fat to preserve.
Yagliyemmish: Fruit strung on necklace, boiled, fat dipped, hung to dry in air current.
Descendants of long-existing ancient communities inherit possibilities for instinctive sensing of
Contemporary Brother Asiman, member of group working on their inner slavery. From
Hindustan, some brethren to Tibet, Asiman to Hindu Kush valleys.
Eating wastes Work time — Asiman, knowing alchemy, makes chemical food powder.
After 5 months, funcng of perceptv organs & of manifns of their ableness & sensitiveness weakened:
eg. voices, sight & hearing weaker — & changes of character, eg. irritability.
[B explains character changes in the manner of MNE] 972
Gurdjieff will be hated by full-bodied materialists, 96-carat deists & ‘full-stomach optimists’.
Although G usually follows MNE’s sayings, now he’s naively telling the truth in his book.
Disharmony of sex funcn in US (& Europe) due primarily to not keeping genitals clean — this
negligence engendered in their essence is already quite fused with their nature.
Venereal diseases epidemical on Europe & America, almost unheard of in Asia.
Asians’ following customs circumcision & ablution insures them against ‘sex l abnormalities’, eg.
* Conversation quoted with young Persian (a petticoat chaser) in Paris.
Only drunk can he look calmly upon obscenity going on here — at 1st felt shame/embarrassment.
With booze — feeling self-justified — his depression lessened & even wished to take part, though
opposed to his nature.
e Persians have 2 definite organic attitudes/instinctive feelings toward d: 1. present/future mother;
2. woman-female — this began quite recently, ~250 years ago.
At that time, war increased & feeling of piety declined.
Men away at war either went mad or killed themselves, who had no faith in their subconscious.
But men who periodically performed the ritual of intercourse not affected.
Prostitution introduced in Asia. Chiefs w/o remorse get d into this job ‘repulsive’ to the feelings.
These poor d not to blame — parents & husbands allowed the arising in them of laziness.
Active principle (e) must unfailingly participate in every initiative & good manifest n of theirs.
Contemporary ‘equal rights’ movements are naive, but unconsciously accepted by most e.
Intensive process of imagination & enthusiasms in young d should help develop their good sense.
Takes time for shame to atrophy so whores work abroad w/o any inner discomfort.
‘Organic essential need to do nothing except enjoy oneself’ in d & e — more prostitution.
To a normal Persian e, a d-mother is as his sister; a d-female is an animal he feels aversion to.
In Europe, attitude toward d is purely mental, not organic.
In polygamy, feeling of infidelity doesn’t arise with other wife/ves, only w/ strange d.
Monogamy doesn’t work. e & d flock to Paris to ‘put horns on’ their other halves.
Even husbands who can’t afford to sustain mistress(es) are unfaithful in their thoughts/feelings.
In Persia, can have up to 7 wives — e‘s thoughts/feelings always occupied how best to arrange their
inner/outer lives — and they are absorbed in him & try to aid him in his life duties.
On the 1st night a European d makes e ‘her own’, but after still innerly pursuing an ‘ideal’.
European d lack that s’thing which disposes them to ‘organic shame’, which prevents immorality.
W/o this shame, distinctions of d-mother & d-female have merged.
Young Persian hunted by d in Europe like ‘big game’ — he fell for 1st time, behaving vilely.
Having a ‘burning question’ (why he hasn’t got any STDs) has helped the Persian’s inner ‘odious life’
flow endurably — the serious observation & study of these diseases has animated & justified the
sense of his life.
Observations & studies made at all times w/ his whole real inner I while (semi-)drunk & sober.
Abdest (w/ cold water) adhered to particularly strictly by Shiite Muslims (w/ ‘Ibrkh’ bowl).
Modern WCs not good for ablution — only good for reading the Decameron. 1000
No good customs in European everyday life.
In Middle Ages, church elders treated Christianity as Bluebeard did his wives, derided them &
changed all their beauty and charm. Used to be in it many more good customs (eg. e circumcision).
All genuine religions are created by men of equal attainment of Reason, based on same truths —
only the regulations and rituals vary according to the degree of Reason of the people.
Christianity was almost wholly based on Judaism — for contemporaries but suitable also for
people of later epochs.
(From Chaldean MS) Moses introduced circumcision into Judaism to stem masturbation which he
noticed (during journey to Canaan) widespread among youths of ppl confided to him from Above.
(From Moses’ book Tookha Tes Nalool Pan, ‘The quintessence of my reflections’) Human body
perfect in its defence against externals. If anybody’s organ malfunctions, it is their fault.
In Chapter 6, Verse 11; ‘smegma’ substances collect & due to clothes are not separated & volatised
naturally. Sweat; germs; itching; rubbing; masturbation.
He introduced a rite for e & one for d. His medical knowledge came from Akhaldan via Egypt.
The uncircumcised masturbate, & if a kid orgasms just once, normal future mentatn impossible.
Since Solomon, rite hasn’t been performed on d.
If Christ’s teachings were carried out as intended, it’d be the best of all possible religions.
Learned Arab, Naoolan El Aool, introduced polygamy into everyday life.
Islam’s contents were intentionally restricted by its creators to stress certain everyday customs.
Contemplation is the state in which the truths in religious teachings can be understood.
Thanks to polygamy — a reciprocal psycho-organic maintenance of the foundation of family life.
Periodic fasting (to produce a shock) is the only good remaining Christian custom.
Russian Orthodox Christians got their religion entirely from the Greek Orthodox.
Conversation with Russian Orthodox ‘Old Believer’: (terms of endearment after 2nd vodka)
Fish feasts during Lent — incl. a lyrical ‘prayer’ to fishes! (Venus & Psyche?) 1014
Greek Orthodox still do not eat fish at Lent except once in memory of a day associated with Christ.
Judaic-Essenian MS: In AD 214 the secret Kelnuanian Council introduced fasting into Christianity.
At this time Christians were being persecuted b/c if teaching became widespread rulers wouldn’t
have reason to display their power anymore & so the shocks which please their self-love would cease.
Dispute: Greek Veggendiadi advocated vegetarianism. Hertoonano (alchemist) disagreed —
All 1 will never follow one religion. If only some don’t eat meat, their ‘will power’ will cease.
Veggies’ bodily health increases, yet, mixing with omnivores, their psychic state deteriorates.
Carnivores’ ‘character’ (due to Eknokh consumptn) deteriorates in terms of positiveness &
H’s experiments on thousands of ppl with his 2 helpers & Arostodesokh apparatus.
People in general are stimulated by example, aroused by envy, and influenced magnetically — but
w/o a common planetary religion/government, a compulsory prohibiting influence impossible.
* Abstention at certain times from animal products will bring some benefit, hence fasts.
Some good customs are still in use by contemporaries.
Fox trot degenerates the psyche — the experience’s process in one is the same as for masturbation.
Kolenian Loors (betw Persia & Afghanistan) have lice but no VD, thanks to Gypsy self-fumigation.
Keeziak (cattle dung) burnt in Tandoor (pit), stand on Ateshkain (stool) & say prayers, lower/raise
yourself, warm your bits, family sings sacred canticles.
Similar for Toosooly Kurds nr Mt Ararat (who often pay social visits). Entering hut, in a Mungull
purify yourself from influence of evil spirits which surround us during honest work.
Many similar customs in Asia, either to 1. destroy carriers of disease; 2. strengthen moral shame.
European customs are to please each other; conceal reality (incl. one’s nullity) & increase duality
of personality & mind.
Modern education decrystallises ancient data for the Being of an image of God, not just an animal.
This & lack of patriarchal customs means we’re living mechanical puppets; pieces of pressed meat.
We only become animated & manifest outwardly if by accident our buttons are pushed corresponding
to previously mechanically received impressions.
This is largely due to onanism, which arises b/c it’s “improper” to mention sex to children.
On his last sojourn, B’s friendship with St. Petersburg 12-yr-old alert & thoughtful public
schoolgirl — Lesbianism rife (reading Sappho) — “men’s club” (dominant girls) & “women’s club”.
In Middle Ages, ‘bon ton’ devised & introduced into everyday life (now survives by heredity),
giving us idea of ‘decency’ & destroying the real meaning of Christ’s teachings.
Another St. P school, 2 undeveloped . girls driven to suicide following one saying, “A bull!” on
May Day — rich spring impressions (1039/40) & memories evoked following oppressive city
existence. Elizabeth curses the old maids.
American continent has largest %age of those who still have possibility of developing Being.
Generally ‘simple beings’ immigrate to US, lacking the ‘inner swagger’ of ruling caste which
would stop blending with general mass for common striving towards Being.
Few ‘ruling caste’ offspring;
one isn’t under influence of (-ve) local radiat ns from others which act on subjvly natural inner
Closing chord: last day in New York — Childs cafe, Columbus Circle.
Americans are periodically the fundamental source of new abnormalities on 1.
All passersby’s “totality of subjv appearance” is imitation of beings on other continents yet seeming
alike in inner content.
But free beings (who have experienced & been disappointed in all ordinary life) of those
continents know these manifns are unworthy.
Inner subjective significance engenders external manifestations.
B actively pondered while appearing an automatic observer of surroundings, inconspicuous.
Humans think that our civilisation (& our Reason) right now is most developed/perfected.
B recalls former impressions, both consciously received & incidentally/automatically.
Contemporaries sometimes wiseacre with ancient truth, leading their descendants to destruct n.
Myth of linear ongoing evolution is the gravity-centre cause of most major unfavourable events.
Maleficent practice: ‘progress’. We think other cultures live rightly, so we jealously imitate.
In inner content & outer manifestation they consist just of what is bad among foreigners.
Possibility of future rectification of already-actualised maleficences?
In US the worst invention (harmful to common presence) is spending so much time in high houses.
Under Itoklanoz, externals affect us, incl. how dense (condens d) our 2nd-being food’s vibratns are.
Air’s composn — (+) a’s emanatns; (-) substances transformd on 1; (~) other planets’ radiatns.
Substances of 2nd part (of 1) subject to gravity.
# B able to rest in Americans’ midst — If H ever goes to NY he must ‘give thanks’ aloud for B.
H is B’s heir, receiving all he has attained, but must be worthy through his own efforts — B’s
unfulfilled obligations also devolve to H, eg. question of how epidemic ‘writing itch’ will develop.
In many writers is atrophied the impulse; instinctively to refrain from all manifns which may lead
surrounding beings similar to oneself into error.
Books which can be fully u/stood just by reading them through (— no pondering required.)
New formation in d‘s bodies — narrower pelvis, Caesarians necessary (accidental conceptions
formed haphazardly).
[Interruption — crosscurrent/agitation in the ether summons them to the Djamdjampal for
2nd & 1st foods.]
“U/standing” — (+) new impress s of centre which is ‘the centre of gravity func ng’ at moment; (-)
The whole individuality of every man indispensably consists of four definite distinct personalities:
1. the totality of automatic funcng whose data consists of a) the total results of previously-received
impressions & what’s intentionally implanted from o/s; b) from the result of ‘daydreaming’
(what we call ‘consciousness’/’mentation’). [the coachman]
2. (In most cases this funcns independently of #1.) The sum of the results of data deposited & fixed in
the presence thru the 6 ‘receivers of various qualities of vibrations’ from new impress ns.
Sensitivity depends on heredity & upbringing.
3. The prime funcng of the organism, & its motor-reflex reciprocally-affecting-manif ns. The quality of
these manifns also depends on heredity & upbringing. — “organic instinct” [the
4. The manifn of the total results of the automatised funcng of the other three personalities. This part,
in a being, is called ‘I’. [the passenger]
There’s a ‘gravity-centre localis ’ in the c-presence for the spiritualisn & manifn of each of the 3 parts.
Each localisation has its own system, & for its actualis n, its own peculiarities & inherent predispositns.
Each part needs its own corresponding education for the rounded perfecting of a man
— only then can a man have his own ‘I’.
4 fully-determind personalities should be correspondgly developd so in one’s manifns they’re
An analogy to show the varied sources of arising & varied qualities of personalities’ manif ns —
A carriage (cart), horse & coachman to convey a passenger = a man’s common presence.
In a real man, the passenger is the owner of the carriage. In a “man” w/ pseudo-‘I’, it’s a changing
The body w/ its motor-reflex manifns is the carriage.
All funcngs & manifns of feeling are the horse harnessed to the carriage & drawing it.
The coachman, directing the horse, is ‘consciousness’ or ‘mentation’.
The passenger, commanding the coachman, is the ‘I’ —
The fundamental evil among contemporary ppl is that this ‘I’ is missing due to abnormal educ n.
In ordinary ppl the 3 parts are formed arbitrarily of themselves, just anyhow — the horse is a nag;
the coachman is a tramp who sits round daydreaming awaiting a chance passenger.
Each of the 3 has its own separate needs, habits, tastes, psyche, notions, subjv supports, viewpts, etc.
The coachman isn’t very literate. He’s an ignorant rustic, but rubs shoulders w/ ppl in the
capital so has picked up phrases embodying certain notions, & now looks down on
anything rural.
He considers himself competent in every sphere. He likes to teach those below him, argue
w/ his equals, & flatter his superiors in a servile way.
One of his weaknesses is to lust after local maids and cooks, but he especially enjoys filling
his belly then drowsing, satisfied.
To gratify these vices he uses for himself part of the money given him to feed the horse.
He works only when s’one makes him, or when hoping to get a tip. Desiring the latter, he’s
learnt to play on ppl’s weaknesses, cunningly flatter & lie.
Every free moment, he slips into a bar to daydream, chat w/ similar types or read the paper
w/ a drink.
He tries to appear imposing by wearing a beard or padding himself out.
The horse was neglected during its youth, living in solitude — it’s locked up i/s itself, w/ its inner life
driven i/s. For its external manifns is has only inertia.
It grew up w/o proper educn, just under the influence of constant thrashings & abuse.
Instead of the food it needs (oats & hay) it’s just been given straw, worthless to its real needs.
Never having received any real love/affection, it’s now ready to surrender to the slightest caress.
Deprived of all interests & aspiratns, the horse’s inclinatns are just concentrated on food, drink &
yearning for the opposite sex — so it automatically veers towards where it can get any of
If it sees a place where previously it’s gratified one of these needs (even just once or twice), it’ll run
off in that direction given half the chance.
Although the coachman has a very feeble u/standing of his duties, he can at least think logically a bit.
He remembers tomorrow, fears losing his job & desires reward, so s’times makes an effort.
But no data have been formed in the horse for manifg aspiratns reqd for responsible existence —
it can’t u/stand why it need do anything. From fear of a beating it may inertly fulfil an
The cart is of complicated design & various materials. It was made to carry all kinds of burdens, not
just a passenger (as we ordinarily use it).
The cart was built for use on back roads. Grease spreads over its metallic parts from jolts.
Travelling on city roads w/o shocks, there’s no uniform greasing & parts rust & cease funcng.
W/ too little grease, parts gets red-hot & other parts are spoiled. Too much & cart’s gen l movt is
impaired. Either way it’s hard for the horse to draw it.
The coachman knows nothing about greasing — if he tries, he’s guided by hearsay.
Our cart is now adapted for urban travel so if it has to go on a back road, s’thing will go wrong.
It can’t now be used for its intended purpose w/o risk. If repairs begun, the whole cart must be
stripped, the parts cleaned, etc. — parts (inexpensive or very costly) may need to be replaced.
Thanks to lack of right upbringing, contemporary man is a confused & ludicrous s’thing —
The latest-model brand-new carriage is harnessed to a worthless horse. The coachman is unkempt &
shabby, wearing an old discarded cloak he’s found — but w/ a new top hat & big
The 3 centres haven’t been trained in the requisite reciprocal maintenance, assistance or u/standing.
When concerted manifns are later reqd, they don’t appear.
‘Educn’ is based on repetitn, sensing almost empty words/expressions & recognising just by their
consonance the ‘reality’ they signify.
The coachman is able roughly to express his desires to similar types, & approximately u/stand them.
He picks up ‘sophistication’/‘worldliness’ thru gossip w/ other cabbies & flirting at the gate w/ maids.
He gradually automises himself to recognise one street from another & work out direct ns & diversns.
As maleficent ‘educn’ doesn’t include the horse, its inherited possibilities are not atrophied.
But it’s grown up ignored like an ill-treated orphan & learns nothing of what the coachman knows,
nor u/stands the forms of reciprocal relationship which are usual for him.
During its life the horse may’ve picked up some of the coachman’s language, but he suspects nothing.
Shafts connect the carriage to the horse (= blood) & reins the horse to the coachman (= Hanbledzoin).
As it stands, the coachman may just be able to affect the horse w/ the reins; ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘stop’ — but
in rain the reins swell & lengthen, in heat the opposite, affecting horse’s sensitivity of
This means some impressn changes density & tempo of Hanbledzoin thoughts can’t affect feelings.
At the Institute, pupils’ parts are educated separately & in their reciprocal relationships
— & one’s own ‘I’ is begotten & fostered.
Man is a being who can do (act consciously & by one’s own initiative).
But e’thing from start to end does itself in & through contemporary ‘man’ (a victim of civilisn).
‘Exact-positive-science’ says man has evolved into a complex organism reacting to ext l impressns such
that his responsive movts s’times appear spontaneous.
But no matter how far apart the evoking/conditioning causes & the man’s actions, he is still incapable
of independent manifn — Man is a transforming machine, a transmitting station of forces.
Will cannot be in the c-presence of the avergae man.
In s’one who can do, will is a combinatn of the results of properties specially elaborated in oneself.
Compared to ordinary man, real will is a signof a very high degree of Being.
Ordinary ppl are automata, acting as long as the spring wound by external conditions works.
G’s photographically exact snapshot from nature of an ordinary day of a ‘man’. 1204-7
A man enters the world as a clean sheet of paper & all around dirty it w/ educn, morality, info,
feelings of duty, honour, conscience, etc. — dinned into him or by suggestion.
The dirtier the paper, the more stuffed w/ trivia, the cleverer he is considered & so he begins to regard
his own dirt as merit.
Man should be the acme of creation — he has the possibilities for acquiring all the data as in the
1st work on an all-round knowledge of oneself w/ a desire issuing simultaneously from all 3 centres.
At the same time struggle with my personal weaknesses.
My consciousness gets results re: my established subjectivity’s defects & possible means of
struggling against them — Strive w/o mercy for the eradication of my defects.
One must think deeply & impartially from every aspect about one’s mechanicality & its
Right self-observatn is to study me & my mechanicity practically, to u/stand sensibly w/ my whole
being (Psychopathically is w/ just part).
I must 1st decide to be unconditionally sincere w/ myself — shut my eyes to nothing.
The elucidation of the principles of self-obs must be properly perceived & transubstantiated in one.
I need courage not to lose heart — continue self-observation with the crescendo of persistence.
Inferences from self-obs may upset prior beliefs & also the order of one’s ordinary mentation.
The values which made up one’s calm & serene life may be lost.
W/ self-obs I establish my impotence in the face of literally everything around me.
E’thing either attracts or repels me. Anything can influence the arising of some association in me.
W/o self-imagination or -calming, I see my life is just a blind reacting to attractions/repulsions.
Our ordinary arbitrary use of words conveys indefinite & relative notions, perceived ‘elastically’.
Modern educn of the rising generatn & consequent lack of u/standing the pith of words’ meaning has
led to diminishing capacity to ponder & reflect upon what I & others say.
In everyday life we need to convey our thoughts but lacking exactness, have to borrow words from
other languages or coin new ones, & one’s never certain if one’s choosing the right word.
We’ve also lost the capacity to concentrate active attention for any length of time.
Uttering or hearing a word, involuntary emphasis is given to one aspect of its meaning, according to
the concurrent flow of automatic associations in one.
A conversation is a ‘tragicomic feast of sound’ or a ‘symphony of words w/o content’, perceived by
an impartial observer as what the 1001 Nights describes as ‘cacophonous-fantastic-nonsense’.
Ppl believe they’re communicating, yet mutual comprehension is impossible at an
ordinary level. impressn
Every man has inner experiences (maybe painful) engendering mentation & getting o
logical results, which might benefit others. assocn
But this material is not manifested outwardly, is only transformed into an enslaving o
factor for oneself. impulse for
The isolatn of each man’s inner life increases, & the mutual instruct n necessary to experiencg
(see p.486)
collective life is lost.
The word, eg., “world” carries no definite meaning in us. If forced to define it, we’re
embarrassed, then recall & offer as our own the 1st definition that comes to mind.
Ordinary definitions of ‘world’ — in terms of, 1. astronomy; 2. physics (theory of similitude betw
atoms/electrons & suns/planets); 3. philosophy; 4. dimensions; 5. religious dogma; 6.
spiritualism; 7. theosophy (7 interpenetrating worlds of increasingly rarefied
matter).Ordinarily, the inner psychic life of man is just an automatised contact of 2 or 3 series
of previously-perceived assocns of impressns fixed under the action of some
impulse then arisen in all 3 centres.
When corresponding impressns are repeated (assocns act anew) — they begin to
constate (influenced by inner/outer accidental shock) that similar impress ns evoked in
another centre are repeated. {‘centres work in unison’?}
The sequence of the impulse proceeding when new impress ns are perceived, and the
established automatism for the arising of the process of those impressns’ repetition (= assocns)
account for his particular world-view & features of individuality.
This causes the ‘incongruity’ observable even in the ordinary passive-waking state that several
unrelated associations flow thru him at any time.
Impressns are received into one’s c-presence w/ the 3 centres which are perceivers of all 7
The structure of each ‘perceptive apparatus’ (centre) is the same, like a clean wax phonograph disc —
a ‘reel’ or ‘roll’.
Impressions received are recorded on these discs from before birth, during formation in the womb.
Each impressn is inscribed in several places at once; alongside previously-perceived & similar, and
also those perceived at the same time.
When these impressed perceptions have contact w/ a similar quality of vibrations, they are
‘roused’/evoked again as on their 1st arising.
This re-running of impressed perceptions is association, & the parts of repetition entering the field of
attention we call memory.
Under hypnotism, even the reels hidden in the most obscure corners of the mechanism can work.
Often, some experience provides overt or hidden shock to influence a reel to spontaneously unwind.
G interrupts the lecture being read with; 1219
Ordinary man is an unconscious slave (blind tool) to all-universal purposes alien to his individuality.
Yet Nature gives possibility to still serve Her, but also to work simultaneously for his own egoistic
individuality — such relatively-liberated ppl are necessary for the equilibrium of objv laws.
Some ppl don’t have this possibility due to, eg. heredity & upbringing.
I must eradicate from my presence the fixed consequences of Kunda-properties (& the predisposition
towards those consequences) with self-initiated persistent intention & by my own efforts.
Kunda was originally to protect us from the possibility of seeing/feeling what proceeds in reality.
Altho K was ‘removed’, the law “the assimilation of the results of oft-repeated acts” applies to every
‘world concentration’ under certain conditions.
So a predisposition to produce similar results is transmitted to us by heredity, & established
conditions of ordinary life are congenial to this.
I may die at any moment, yet I cannot picture to myself & ‘experience’ in my consciousness my
I can partially picture the death of another.
Can I contemplate, feel, ponder, live thru, enter deeply into the despair of my death’s inevitability?
Ppl who’ve never sown anything in their responsible life have nothing to reap for the future — no
objv possibilities. Kunda means we don’t cognise these genuine terrors.
Peacefully they serve Nature’s nearest aims, having lost possibility of serving higher purposes.
For self-quieting we invent explanations for what we do & do not sense, eg. our ‘will’ saves us from
experiencing these unpleasant terrors.
“Mind-fornicatn” has become the dominant inherency of ppl, & subjv emotionalness fixed in us.
Imagine I get into bed tonight & suddenly a mouse runs across my body — I experience terror. And
also about similar trifles which might never even occur — yet death doesn’t trouble me.
Our ready-made ordinary ‘common knowledge’ is from those who’ve become ‘authorities’ due to the
naivety & herd instinct of others.
The totality of our ‘childish experiencings’ (ie. obj v fleabites seeming terrifying) arise/flow in us to
make up/sustain our life & to disallow us the possibility/time to see/feel reality.
If I knew the date of my death, everything filling my life would lose its sense & significance.
If I look my death in the face, I may ask, “Why then should I live & toil & suffer?”
Nature saw we’d ceased being-Partkdolg-duty, so gave us the protective possibility not to sense
Life is given to us not for ourselves, but for Higher C-Cosmic Purposes.
As we tend sheep & pigs, Nature keeps us comfy & ensures we don’t die prematurely.
All ppl are slaves of this Greatness (the all-universal Actualising), compelled to fulfil what’s destined
for each, according to his heredity & acquired Being.
Both a real man & “man” are slaves, yet the former (w/ his own ‘I’) is conscious of his position has
the possibility of applying part of his manifns to acquire imperishable Being for himself.
The “man” doesn’t cognise his slavery, serves merely as a thing, & disappears forever when used up.
Human life compared to a large vari-sourced river flowing on 1’s surface, each man a drop of water.
1st the river flows along a level valley — it parts where Nature’s undergone an unlawful cataclysm.
The active stream flows into a more level valley unhindered by surrounding majestic scenery, finally
into the vast ocean. (The sphere of general Nature which has reciprocal exchanges of
substances betw various great cosmic concentratns, giving the possibility of evoln to the
next higher concentr .)
The other stream continues over land broken up by cataclysm, ultimately into crevices & 1’s bowels.
(Then takes part in continuous involutionary constructn, becoming steam & distributed into
corresponding spheres of new arisings.)
After the water divides, the streams stay independ t w/o mingling, yet often so close that results of
their flows blend. S’times atmospheric phenomena move splashes or drops between streams.
The dividing of the water is when s’one reaches adulthood. After this, one’s in the general totality of
the river, so any considerable movement of the river applies also to each drop.
The drop itself is subject to accident — predetermined fate is for the whole river only.
Pre-divide, in drops which have inner subjv struggles of their own self-denial, a “s’thing” may arise
(their own ‘I’) giving the possibility of entering active stream.
The flow of each stream proceeds according to the same laws, but the results are subjectivised for
each stream, and these subjv 2nd-grade results can under certain conditns spread to certain drops.
Chief evil for contemporary ppl is that (b/c of educn) our presences are such that we remain passive,
drifting along w/o pondering the consequences.
In the passive stream, 1. we just end up as raw material; but also
2. in life we’re subject to the caprice of blind events {the law of accident}.
But even if one’s drifted into the passive stream on reaching majority, it’s still not too late
— one can still acquire the kernel of one’s essence (— own ’I’).
Given certain inner & outer conditions, one can cross over — “the first liberation of man”.
You must 1st consciously crystallise data in yourself to engender in your c-presence a constant
unquenchable impulse of desire for the crossing — followed by long preparation.
Renounce all automatic & slavishly-acquired habits. Become dead to my ordinary life.
Without death, no resurrection. — Death (in my life) of the Tyrant from whom proceeds my slavery.
All misu/standings in collective life, all disagreements, hasty decisions, wars etc happen b/c of the
property in our c-presence, “the reflecting of reality in our attention upside-down.”
If I think seriously, w/o identifying w/ my passions, I see that as my mood changes, “a fly becomes an
elephant & an elephant a fly.” — a ‘stark terror’ becomes not worth a brass farthing.
This phenomenon is especially sharply manifested during times of mass psychosis.
Ordinary ppl (their feeble mentation even weaker than usual) receive shocks from the maleficent
stories of a lunatic (the media?) & manifest automatically — their Conscience ceases to func n.
Nature has now ceased to need mass psychosis, so she adjusts w/ changes of birthrate or in the tempo
of the general psyche.
In former epochs, humanity stayed unified in one flowing river — we’ve divided since Tikliamish.
Now the organisation of mankind can only flow tolerably if we’re divided into masters & slaves.
This is unworthy among our collective existence as children of \, but abnormal conditns force us to
reconcile to this compromise, corresponding to our welfare yet not against holy
Certain ppl must set themselves the chief aim to acquire data to become masters among others.
“To really be a just & good altruist it’s inevitably required 1st of all to be an out & out egoist.”
A master is one who, thanks to his objvly devout acts towards others (manifested according only to the
dictates of his Reason, w/o Kunda properties), acquires s’thing which constrains others to
bow before him & obey.