Identity 2. Interaction 3. Expansion 4. Concentration 5. Order 6. Freedom
Identity 2. Interaction 3. Expansion 4. Concentration 5. Order 6. Freedom
Identity 2. Interaction 3. Expansion 4. Concentration 5. Order 6. Freedom
2. Interaction
3. Expansion
4. Concentration
5. Order
6. Freedom
Stanza 1
So easy to threaten my wifes Identity
Just two-way slanging, no real Interaction
Self-pity and anger like hot gas Expansion
Awareness is nowhere, no calm Concentration
Could balance bring harmony, relative Order?
In childishness hiding, in dream without Freedom
Stanza 2
Robotic reaction, no space left for Freedom
Self-knowledge alone can yield our true Identity
With mind brought to bear, impartially Order
Between us, inside us grows clear Interaction
Warm feelings emerge which attend Concentration
By Jove are we ruled under free loves Expansion
Stanza 3
Contraction of ego and carings Expansion
Habitual grievances give way to Freedom
Attention brings energy, joys Concentration
Sweet sufferings forge will and a stronger Identity
No fear, no hate in this quiet Interaction
Emotional chaos resolves towards Order
Stanza 4
As equals we speak without needing to Order
Can trust be the basis of lustful Expansion
As bodies come closer in flesh Interaction?
Let go trepidation, grab ecstasys Freedom
With egoless peace comes our gentler Identity
Good will in the heart undergoes Concentration
Stanza 5
The soul of sensation born of Concentration
Acceptance of weakness a hopeful new Order
To merge with great Being, a higher Identity
Dualitys seen and theres third-force Expansion
Submission to Highers not bondage but Freedom
Below as above is divine Interaction
Stanza 6
Exchanges of substances feed Interaction
Distilling our essence in pure Concentration
External and inside a chance of real Freedom
Related and upright in natural Order
encompassing consciousness spreads in Expansion
new Self or old Self become wholly Identity
Interaction of lesser, perfection of Order
Concentration of energy, understandings Expansion
Increasing our Freedom, rebirth of Identity