Figure 1, Table I. Periodic Checks (Gygax 1975, Pg. 3)
Figure 1, Table I. Periodic Checks (Gygax 1975, Pg. 3)
Figure 1, Table I. Periodic Checks (Gygax 1975, Pg. 3)
Always begin the first level of your dungeon in the middle of your sheet of graph paper and
start with a room (go straight to Table 4 and follow the instructions there).
Use your discretion and common sense in any situation that arises. For example, if the die
results indicate that a part of the dungeon will need to be drawn beyond the edge of the
graph paper and you don’t want this to happen, you could re-roll the dice until you get
something that fits the page or simply reduce the size of the result.
18 Dead end (walls left, right and ahead can be checked for secret doors)*
20 Wandering monster, check again immediately to see what lies ahead so the
direction of the monster's approach can be determined
* A secret door might exist, and a search may be made if desired. For every 10’ of wall space
checked, roll a 12-sided die - a 1 indicates a secret door has been found, a 12 indicates a
wandering monster has come in.
Table 2. Doors
# Location of Door # Space Beyond Door
If no room is beyond a door then check again on Table 1, 30’ after passing by or through a
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
9 T shaped passage
10 Y shaped passage
11 Four-way intersection
Table 4. Turns
# Result (check width of passage on Table 3)
1 to 4 Left 90 degrees
7 to 10 Right 90 degrees
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
12 Unusual shape and area, see sub table (Table 5A) below
*Draw the shape that you desire or one that will fit the map.
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
Table 5B. Exits: Number
Roll for the number of exits (Table 5B), their location and direction (Table 5C). The exits are
always passages in chambers and doors in rooms.
# Room Area Number of Exits
1 Up to 600’ 1
1 Over 600’ 2
2 Up to 600’ 2
2 Over 600’ 3
3 Up to 600’ 3
3 Over 600’ 4
4 Up to 1200’ 0*
4 Over 1200’ 1
5 Up to 1600’ 0*
5 Over 1600’ 1
*A secret door might exist and a search may be made if desired. For every 10’ of wall space
checked, roll a 12 sided die - a 1 indicates a secret door has been found, a 12 indicates a
wandering monster has come in.
If a passage or a door is indicated in a wall where the space immediately beyond the wall has
already been mapped then the exit is either a secret door (1 or 2) or a one-way door (3 to 6).
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
Table 5D. Chamber or Room Contents
# Contents
1 to 12 Empty
13 or 14 Monster only (Determine from D&D Basic Set Dungeon Master’s Rulebook)
15 to 17 Special* or empty
*This is an opportunity to have a willing person indicate the room contents for you. An
exchange of special rooms could be done via social media. Alternatively you could roll up a
room from a table, set of tables or any other desired method from another solo roleplaying
resource. Possibilities for generating special rooms are endless.
98 to 100 Magic (roll on Magic Item Sub Tables in D&D Basic Set
Dungeon Master’s Rulebook)
If a passage or a door is indicated in a wall where the space immediately beyond the wall has
already been mapped then the exit is either a secret door (1 or 2) or a one-way door (3 to 6).
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
Table 6. Stairs
# Result
1 to 5 Down 1 level*
6 Down 2 levels*
7 Down 3 levels***
*1 in 12 has a door which closes for the day after descending the steps
**1 in 10 has a door which closes for the day after descending the steps
***1 in 8 has a door which closes for the day after descending the steps
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Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
Table 7. Trick/Trap
# Result
1 to 5 Secret door unless un-located: non elf locates 1 in 6, elf locates 2 in 6, magical
device locates 5 in 6 (then see Table 2). Un-located secret doors see 6 or 7 below.
9 Elevator room, 20’ by 20’ (the party has entered the door directly ahead and is in
the room) descends 1 level and will not ascend for 30 turns
11 As 9 above, but room ascends 2 to 5 levels, 1 upon entering and 1 additional level
each time an unsuccessful attempt at opening the door is made or until it
descends as far as it can. This will not ascend for 60 turns
12 to 14 Wall 10’ behind slides across the passage, blocking it for 10 to 60 turns
15 Arrow trap, 1 to 6 arrows, roll for each arrow to see if it hits. 1 in 6 is poisoned
16 Spear trap, 1 to 3 spears, roll for each spear to see if it hits, 1 in 12 is poisoned
17 or 18 Gas, party has detected it but must breath it to continue along the corridor as it
covers 60’ ahead. Mark map accordingly, regardless of whether you turn back or
not (see Gas Sub-Table below)
20 This is an opportunity to have a willing person indicate the trap contents for you.
An exchange of could be done via social media. Alternatively you could roll up a
trap from a table from another solo roleplaying resource or make one up yourself,
a good resource is the list of typical traps produced in the D&D Basic Set Dungeon
Master’s Rulebook
1 to 5 The only effect is that the gas obscures your vision when passing through
7 The gas causes fear, run back 120’ unless a successful saving throw versus magic is
8 Sleeping gas, the party are sound asleep for 2d6 turns
9 or 10 Strength gas, add 1d6 points of strength to all fighters in the party for 10 to 40
12 Poisoned gas, a successful saving throw versus must be made or the exposed
character(s) are dead
Twitter: @CrawlerSolo
Solo Dungeon Crawler Dungeon Generator
Gygax, G, 1975, Table I. Periodic Checks, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 3.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table II. Doors, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table III. Side Passages, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table IV. Turns, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table V. Chambers and Rooms, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Unusual Shape and Size, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Exits: Number, Location and Direction, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Chamber or Room Contents, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Treasure, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 4.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table VI. Stairs, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 5.
Gygax, G, 1975, Table VII. Trick/Trap, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 5.
Gygax, G, 1975, Gas Sub-Table, Strategic Review Vol.1, No.1, TSR Hobbies Inc, pg. 5.
Twitter: @CrawlerSolo