Signavio - BPMN Modeling Conventions

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The document discusses various modeling conventions and best practices for creating BPMN diagrams including checks on syntax, structure, naming conventions etc.

Some of the modeling conventions discussed include usage of supported task types, consistent naming, usage of start and end events, definition of required element names etc.

Some of the checks performed on diagrams according to the document include absence of deadlocks, absence of multi merges, consistency between super processes and sub processes, correct usage of gateways etc.

Modeling Conventions Page 1 of 3

Modeling Conventions

Signavio Workflow Accelerator BPMN 2.0 conventions

Level Name Description Desired value(s)

Absence of deadlocks Checks if the diagram is free of deadlocks.

Absence of multi merges Checks if the diagram is free of multi merges.

Absence of split and join behavior on one

Checks if all gateways are either splitting or merging.

Signavio Workflow Accelerator BPMN 2.0

conventions Checks if the diagram follows the conventions required for interchange with
Signavio Workflow Accelerator.
> Usage of supported task types

Usage of a defined BPMN subset

Checks if the defined BPMN sub set is used in the diagram.
> BPMN 2.0 for Signavio Workflow

Usage of correct syntax Checks if all diagrams are modeled using correct syntax.

BPMN Method and Style Conventions

Level Name Description Desired value(s)
"Method and Style"-conform labeling of Checks if all triggered start events, all intermediate events and all end events
events (in diagrams with several end states) are labeled.

Absence of deadlocks Checks if the diagram is free of deadlocks.

Absence of multi merges Checks if the diagram is free of multi merges.

Consistency between super processes and sub


> Boundary events

Checks if errors, escalations and messages are consistent between super-
and subprocesses.
> Pools

> Message flows

Checks if collapsed subprocesses have the same name as the embedded

Consistent naming of subprocesses

Consistent usage of signals Checks if throwing and catching signal events are used consistently.

Consistent usage of start and end events Checks if start and end events are used in consistent combinations. consistent usage

Correct usage of OR gateways Checks that an OR gateway does not merge exclusive alternative paths.

Correct usage of conditional and default Checks if conditional and default flows are only used if it is semantically
flows correct.

Definition of required element names

> Activities Checks if elements are named.

> Message flows

Distinct Names for end events Checks if all end events of the diagram have distinct names.

Subprocesses with more than one non-Error end state must be followed by
Test of subprocess end states
a gateway that tests the end state.

Usage of activities in pools Checks if every none-blackbox pool contains at least one activity.

Usage of consistent XOR gateway naming Question with answers,

Checks if XOR gateways are named using a consistent style.
style Options only

Usage of correct syntax Checks if all diagrams are modeled using correct syntax.

Usage of different names for diagram and Checks that the diagram does not contain any elements with the same name
elements as the diagram.

Usage of meaningful gateways Checks if all gateways have splitting or merging behavior.

Usage of message flows only on correct

Checks if all message flows are annotated to sender and receiver elements.
Checks if only one start event is used in a process or a subprocess. 12-03-2018
Modeling Conventions Page 2 of 3
Usage of only one start event

> Within subprocesses

Usage of start message events in

Checks if there is a start message event in a subprocess.

Usage of unique element names Checks if element names are unique within a diagram. Tasks, End events

Signavio Best Practices for BPMN 2.0

Level Name Description Desired value(s)

Absence of deadlocks Checks if the diagram is free of deadlocks.

Absence of edge overlays Checks if all edges run next to each other instead of overlaying each other.

Absence of multi merges Checks if the diagram is free of multi merges.

Absence of multiple incoming sequence flows

> Activities Checks if all elements have only one incoming sequence flow.

> Intermediate events

Absence of multiple outgoing sequence flows

> Activities
Checks if all elements have only one outgoing sequence flow.
> Start events

> Intermediate events

Checks if all nodes lie next to other elements instead of overlapping each
Absence of node intersections
Absence of split and join behavior on one
Checks if all gateways are either splitting or merging.
Checks if all collapsed subprocesses only link diagrams contained in lower
Absence of subprocess relation cycles
process levels.

Consistency between super processes and sub

processes Checks if errors, escalations and messages are consistent between super-
and subprocesses.
> Pools

Consistency with attributes of the linked dictionary


> Roles

> Events
Checks whether element attributes match linked dictionary attributes i.e. the
element has no local changes.
> Activities

> Data objects

> IT Systems

Consistent edge folding

> Sequence flows Perpendicular

Checks if the layout of edges is either straight or right-angled.
> Associations Straight

> Message flows Horizontal/ Vertical

Consistent incoming and outgoing behavior of

Checks if the modeled edges behave as defined by the modeling direction
> Sequence flows on diagram level.

> Message flows

Checks if collapsed subprocesses have the same name as the embedded

Consistent naming of subprocesses

Consistent usage of start and end events Checks if start and end events are used in consistent combinations. mandatory usage

Correct usage of boundary events Checks if boundary events are correctly attached to an activity.

Correct usage of conditional and default Checks if conditional and default flows are only used if it is semantically
flows correct. 12-03-2018
Modeling Conventions Page 3 of 3
Definition of mandatory attributes
Checks if all mandatory attributes are set.
> Activity Documentations

Definition of required dictionary links

> Roles Required

Checks if elements are linked to dictionary entries.
> Data objects Required

> IT Systems Required

Definition of required element names

> Roles

> Activities Checks if elements are named.

> Events

> Data objects

Checks if the diagram's modeling direction matches the configured modeling

Definition of the correct modeling direction Horizontal

Incorporation of open comments Checks if all comments have been incorporated into the diagram.

Checks if each pool exchanges messages with other pools modeled in same
Message exchange between pools

Usage of a restricted diagram size Checks if the diagram's size is smaller than a certain maximum size. a3

Usage of a restricted number of expanded Checks if diagrams are modeled not using more than a maximum number of
pools expanded pools.
Usage of consistent XOR gateway naming Question with answers,
Checks if XOR gateways are named using a consistent style.
style Options only

Usage of correct syntax Checks if all diagrams are modeled using correct syntax.

Usage of meaningful gateways Checks if all gateways have splitting or merging behavior.

Usage of message flows only on correct

Checks if all message flows are annotated to sender and receiver elements.

Usage of multiple edges between nodes. Checks if there are edges that have the same source and target node.

Usage of only one start event

> Within subprocesses Checks if only one start event is used in a process or a subprocess.

> Within processes

Usage of sufficient distances between Checks if a minimum distance between two elements is used in the
elements diagrams.

Usage of the defined edge direction

Checks if the direction of edges matches with the configured modeling

> Sequence flows orientation.

> Message flows

Usage of unique diagram names Checks if all diagram names are unique.

* Manual Rule 12-03-2018

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