BRF+ Doc 1 PDF
BRF+ Doc 1 PDF
BRF+ Doc 1 PDF
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A key trend in application architectures is the externalization of the policies and rules that
drive key decision points in application logic. Externalization exposes rules to policy subject-
matter experts for explicit development and maintenance. Business rules processing enables
rule management by business-side experts. Applications based on business rules processing
are moving from niche into mainstream as rules enable the creation of more-responsive, more-
personalized experiences based on more-complex conditions. Rules engines with the
appropriate configuration management infrastructure enable business managers to maintain
rules and more quickly explore ways of optimizing business processes.
Business processes, in whatever form they take, depend heavily on business rules. Rules
drive the activities, coordinate data movement and workflow, and provide decision automation in
complex situations.
For enterprises, BRMSs provide great agility not only because they automate decisions but
also because they enable organizations to modify policies or implement new programs quickly.
The quality of rules engines in BPM solutions will likely emerge as a competitive
Enterprises that create value through rapid process changes are beginning to define a market
opportunity for a pre-integrated suite of tools that supports intelligent business performance
No organization can be more effective than its systems. Systems must be aligned with the
organization, its goals and its people. A business process orientation shows how an
organization really operates and positions it for continuous improvement. Adding decisioning
to business process-oriented thinking creates simpler and more agile processes, and
more flexible business applications. Externalizing decisions and applying business rules
technology to effectively manage those decisions improves visibility, builds in a capacity
for change and helps ensure business/IT alignment.
In each case simpler processes, more flexible business applications, an increased capacity
for change and improved alignment decisioning enhances a business process orientation
to deliver greater value to the business. Focusing also on the decisions within processes and
applications, making them explicit, giving the business control over how those decisions
are being made, is critical.
SAP has developed two robust business rules management platforms, supporting both its
Java and ABAP environments. These technologies can be used to ensure that decisions are
effectively managed and integrated throughout an SAP enterprise backbone.
of user
How can I deliver
importance of
immediate externalizing
How can I enable the innovation? How can I bring
business expert to immediate value to
business rules
On demand drive IT decisions? our organization?
How can I deliver How can I avoid the risk
business content at and cost of big bang
low cost? implementations?
Part of SAP NW
Central business ABAP stack
rules repository
Processes Rules
Usage of Usage of
Rules Database BPMS and
Data Data
Separate data and application logic by putting an applications data into a database managed by a
database management system (DBMS)
Put business rules into a Business Rules Management System (BRMS) and business processes
into a Business Process Management System (BPMS)
Once the connection between application code and BRMS is established, programming skills and
code changes for updates of the business rules are not required
With a BRMS business rules can be centrally managed, easily found and compared
Business Process Version 1 Process Version 2 Process Version 3
Loan Approval
Calculation of Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules
Rule credit score Vers. Vers. Vers. Vers. Vers. Vers. Vers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 min
Business Rules Management Benefit
Separation of business rules Agile and maintainable systems
Roles and code Workflow
& Task
Modeling of complex business Create Claim
Automation of key business
Manage Refine
logic decisions
Analyze Analyze
Budget Resource
Impact Impact
How do I ensure that It is critical that our policies are How do I gain greater control
business logic can be transparent and consistently over the rules that affect our
implemented efficiently, enforced in our business business operations?
consistently, and timeless? operations. How can I reduce time to
How can I secure on-going value?
maintenance and
adjustments due to legal
changes at low cost and low
Ensure that business logic can be implemented and maintained efficiently,
transparently, and consistently at low cost
Hard coded business logic, where Business rules management system Reduced costs
IT involvement is needed for any allows for transparent and well
changes defined business logic Sustainable solutions
SAP Solution
SAP Differentiators
Rules modeling: Business users are enabled to model and deploy business logic without IT support
Integration: BRFplus is the only BRM solution natively integrated into SAPs technology and
application stack, allowing for easy implementation of business rules services
Flexibility, extensibility: Flexibility of modeled business logic and extensibility of rules expression types
TCO: Very low costs for administration, maintenance, and setup due to being part of
SAP NetWeaver
Enforce policies transparently and consistently in our business operations
Business rules are often unclear, Business rules management system Transparent and consistent
based on documents, tacit allows for transparent and well business rules and decisions
knowledge, or hidden in the defined decision making processes
system. Compliance with policies and legal
Intrinsic tracking and tracing regulations
Tracking of decision making capabilities ensuring the compliance
processes is not possible with policies and legal regulations Modeled business knowledge
SAP Solution
Rules Application
SAP Differentiators
Integration: BRFplus is part of the SAP system, being fully integrated into all business processes, providing
for access to all business data
TCO: BRFplus is covered by SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications license, no
additional license needed, no additional hardware needed, no administration effort
Gain greater control over the rules that affect our business operations
Business rules often unclear, Business user enablement to Become more flexible and allow for
based on documents, tacit understand and maintain business instant changes
knowledge, or hidden in the logic
system Become owner of the end-to-end
Gain control over decision making process
Business needs to involve IT processes
department for process changes Modeled process knowledge,
Transparent and documented accessible by business users
Process changes very time and business decisions allowing for
money consuming enhanced reporting Enhance reporting capabilities
SAP Solution
Business enablement
SAP Differentiators
Business enablement: Modeling business logic based on business knowledge in human language, no
development skills required
Business User
Empowerment Transparency of rule
execution and tracing for
Graphical approach and audit
business semantics for
intuitive rule composition
and management (modeling
rather than programming)
Rapid Time-to-Value
Rapid prototyping with feedback-
based build cycle (build, simulate, Personalization and
optimize) leading to reduced segmentation of rules
project durations (up to 60%
BRFplus is covered by No Hardware
SAP NetWeaver
Foundation for Third Party No additional hardware
Applications license required: BRFplus is
part of SAP NetWeaver
(the SAP technology
platform) and runs on
High Performance the same server
No Setup
High performance and nearly
no footprint (<100 kB) Zero initial setup effort
Installation and
Connection Hardware
40.000$ 10.000$
(for separate server)
(10 interfaces)
External License
Rules Varying
All numbers estimated based on a work rate of
Middleware Engine $1.000/person/day
Rules Engine to run in conjunction with SAP system
Customer has valid SAP license
None (included
in administration
of SAP System)
Installation and
Connection Hardware
None None (BRFplus runs
on NW ABAP server)
Banking: Relationship based Pricing, Education: Fee Calculations, Healthcare: Claims, Patient
Scorecards, Credit Decisioning Course Selections Monitoring, Fraud Detection
Logistics and Shipping: Parts Public Sector: Tax Calculations, Insurance: New Products, Claims
Management, Duties Calculations, Customs Duties, Land Regulations, Settlement, Agent Commissions
Pricing Calculations License Fee Calculations
Public Sector Grantor Management - Tax and Revenue Management Banking Incentives
and Commis sion Managemnt - Benefit Decision Making -
Process Loyalty Management Territory ManagementReal-time Offer Management - Offer
Banking UI framework Management - CRM Freight Costs Calculation -
Tech Services Printer determinationGeneric FIN Entitlement Calculation
SRM Agile Defense GDS RM FI Events GRC
Access Controlseld Report Human Capital ocial Services - Incurance Claims nagement
Management Field Control iness Workflow Context
Viewer - Service Social Application
Processing managem Risk Management
- Order Management Dedu Plan Processing WorklfowBenefit Decision Making
Process Approval Demand Management - Revenu ABMaster
Data Governance - GRC BYD - BuRule based event management -Loading/Unloading
duration determination of freight units - Advanced Metering Infrastructure Dunning GDS-
- Freight unit filtering - Automated Incident Dispatching - Service Request & Order
Management - Field Control Expense Report Business Workflow - Rule based event
Management Loading /Unloading duration determination of freight units - Advanced
Metering Infrastructure PS-CD - Freight unit filtering - Automated Incident Dispatching -
Service Request & Order Management - Master Data Governance - Access Controls
Translate answers
to risk probability Analyse risk
Trigger Survey Obtain responses
and impact situation
Reduce Segregation of Duties violations and critical access risk across SAP and non-SAP
Streamline compliance processes
Deliver immediate visibility into current access risk
Embed compliance into business processes and minimize audit time and audit-related costs
User triggers
authorization Determine agent Trigger workflow
workflow routing
The Monetary Social Benefits scenario combines front office social decision making processes
with an automated back-office solution to execute financial
The solution leverages key functionalities of the Social Case
Management component in SAP CRM and the Public Sector
Collection and Disbursement (PSCD) component in SAP ERP
Expert pulls Expert works Expert
User reports dispatching
incident from on incident provides
incident to team
queue report solution