06-27-18 Edition
06-27-18 Edition
06-27-18 Edition
$2.8 billion
budget gets
county’s OK
Slowing growth and rising costs
mark concerns for future forecasts
By Anna Schuessler Manager John
supervisors to
Keeping an eye on potential evaluate their
threats to the county’s solid finan- priorities in the
cial position and examining how coming year
federal policy changes could affect before they head
local services were among the into another
steps county officials pledged to two-year budget
take in approving a nearly $2.8 John Maltbie cycle next
billion budget for the 2018-19 fis- spring. With
cal year Tuesday. property tax growth reaching 8
Citing concerns about the toll percent in recent years and
an economic downturn could take reserves projected to reach $200
on county revenue as well as the million in the coming months,
uncertain future of federal and state Maltbie acknowledged the coun-
funding streams for health care and
road maintenance, County See BUDGET, Page 18
Joe Capello helps two young customers at Romolo’s Cannoli Factory in San Mateo select which type of the
traditional Italian dessert they would like to take home. Capello’s grandparents started the business more than
Redwood City adopts guidelines
50 years ago, and the South San Francisco resident took over the business from them some 10 years ago. Capello
said cannoli shells can take up to three hours to make and require a day to ‘rest.’ for affordable housing money
Preserving a popular dessert tradition Council approves priorities, process for allocating fund
By Zachary Clark
priorities for the fund, which
include acquiring housing and
Romolo’s Cannoli Factory celebrates 50 years in San Mateo making it affordable, building new
developments, rehabbing existing
The Redwood City Council
By Anna Schuessler Bay Area each week, the many how to operate a 50-year-old units and refinancing to preserve
adopted guidelines for how the
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF steps they take to craft crunchy dough press, time the frying of the them at a below-market rate.
city’s affordable housing fund
shells and flavorful cream hearken shells and perfect the texture of the The affordable housing fund was
should be allocated after months
back to another time. cream that fills the traditional established in 2015 and since
Though Joe Capello and his of soliciting input from the com-
Italian desserts the business has then, the city has received about
team at Romolo’s Cannoli Factory Having been at the helm of the munity.
become known for in the last 50 $763,000 from two projects. It
in San Mateo fill dozens of orders business for some 10 years, The council voted unanimously
for tech companies throughout the Capello has spent hours learning See CANNOLI, Page 19 at a meeting June 25 to approve See FUND, Page 19
002 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:24 PM Page 1
“ ”
suggested by the above cartoon.
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Jumbles: HEDGE IRONY LOUNGE VOYAGE As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the family’s choosing if space allows. To submit
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003 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 7:38 PM Page 1
High court rules against California crisis pregnancy center law Arres t. A transient was arrested after he
stole a pair of pants and was found to be in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS traception, abortion and prenatal care, at ceed” in their constitutional challenge to possession of controlled substances and
little or no cost. Centers that are unlicensed the portion of the law involving licensed paraphernalia and had an active misde-
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on were required to post a sign that said so. The centers. That means that while the law is meanor warrant on Industrial Road, it was
Tuesday effectively put an end to a court struck down that portion of the law. currently on the books, its challengers can reported at 7:49 p.m. Wednesday, June 20.
California law that forces anti-abortion cri- Arres t. A San Mateo resident was arrested
The centers said they were singled out and go back to court to get an order halting its
sis pregnancy centers to provide informa- for driving under the influence of alcohol
tion about abortion. forced to deliver a message with which they enforcement. An attorney for the chal-
disagreed. California said the law was need- lengers said Tuesday that they expect to be without a valid license on Brittan Avenue,
The 5-4 ruling also casts doubts on simi- it was reported at 12:50 a.m. Wednesday,
lar laws in Hawaii and Illinois. ed to let poor women know all their able to do that quickly. California had not
options. June 20.
The California law took effect in 2016. It been enforcing the law, however.
requires centers that are licensed by the state Justice Clarence Thomas, in his majority
to tell clients about the availability of con- opinion, said the centers “are likely to suc-
004 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 2:21 PM Page 1
California lead paint liability clean up lead paint themselves in 10 $196,000 to nearly $202,000. Members of
California cities and counties that sued them. Around the state the Legislature will get a $3,500 raise to
initiative heads to ballot The paint companies financed the initia- salary will top $200,000 just before he about $110, 000, while Lt. Gov. Gavin
tive after court rulings declared lead paint to leaves office. Newsom will be paid $151,000.
SACRAMENTO — California voters can
be a public nuisance and required companies A citizen board on Tuesday approved a 3 The attorney general, controller, treasur-
expect to see an initiative to limit liability
to pay for cleanup. percent bay bump for Brown, state lawmak- er, secretary of state, superintendent of pub-
for lead paint companies on their November
The measure would shift the cost from the ers and other elected officials. It’s the sixth lic instruction and insurance commissioner
paint companies to California taxpayers. straight year their pay has increased. will also get raises, as will members of a
The California Secretary of State The initiative backers argue it would be good state tax panel, the Board of Equalization.
Brown’s salary will rise from roughly
announced Tuesday that the measure had col- for California residents. The new salaries take effect in December.
lected enough signatures to make the ballot.
It would authorize bond funding to clean up California governor,
lead paint in California buildings. It’s funded
by paint companies who will otherwise have lawmakers get 3 percent pay boost
to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown’s
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San Mateo armed robber sought beginning of the school year, accord-
Obituaries Local briefs ing to the Sheriff’s Office previously.
San Mateo police are seeking help Tran met with detectives and was
and police, accord-
Anthony Pellerano with identifying the suspect who com-
ing to prosecutors. arrested Nov. 27, 2017, but was able to
mitted an armed robbery at 7-Eleven bail out of jail on $300,000 before his
Anthony Alfred Pellerano died after a long, brave battle Fo l l o wi n g
last week. first court appearance. He was rearrest-
with Alzheimer’s on Saturday, June 16, 2018, at the age of Pellouchoud’s arrest
89. He will be lovingly missed by his Police responded Thursday, June 21, ed Nov. 30, 2017, after allegations he
at his home Nov.
wife of 65 years, Gloria, and his devoted around 11 p.m. to reports of an armed abused a third child surfaced, and since
28, 2017, an inves-
daughters, Carol, Linda and Christina. robber at the convenience store at 600 then, accounts of a fourth victim
tigation revealed he
He will also be missed by his two grand- E. Third Ave., where officers found a molested at a summer camp where Tran
had inappropriate
daughters, Samantha and Rebecca, and victim claiming they were held at gun- worked in July have come to light,
contact with the
his sons-in-law, Chris Weilert and Danny point by a masked gunman who stole according to prosecutors.
Anthony child and sent or
Cruise. cash from the register. Tran will be required to register as a
Born on April 4, 1929, in San The suspect, who ran before officers Pellouchoud exhibited pornog- sex offender for life and is in custody
raphy to her,
Francisco, Anthony was adored by all arrived, was described as an adult according to police and sheriff’s on $1 million bail, according to pros-
that knew him. In the 1960s, he owned Hispanic man, in his early 20s, about records previously. ecutors.
his own Italian restaurant Pietro’s and, even after it closed, 5-foot-8-inches tall and weighing Prosecutor Sharon Cho allegedly
he made pasta every single day. He continued to work hard about 150 pounds. He was last seen argued Pellouchoud’s actions took Fatal crash victim identified
his entire life to support his family, often working two to wearing a dark hoodie, light mask and advantage of a particularly vulnerable
dark jeans. A man who died in a car crash in
three jobs. He also served in the Korean war as a combat victim and constituted a serious breach unincorporated San Mateo County on
medic. Those who may have information of trust, according to prosecutors.
about the crime or suspect are encour- Friday has been identified by the San
Anthony will be fondly remembered for his nightly District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe Mateo County Coroner’s Office.
Manhattan, his infectious and frequent laugh and his pas- aged to call Detective John Rink at commended Garratt for doing what she
522-7617, or email jcrink@cityofsan- Tai Ping Yu was a 43-year-old man
sion for watching sports with his son-in-law, Chris. felt was right and issuing a sentence from San Jose. His loved ones shared
Together, they would shout at the TV and indulge in tradi- mateo.org. Those who wish to remain that would keep a predator behind bars.
anonymous may call the secret witness photos of him on social media on
tional antipasta. He was a loving and devoted father who “She brought justice to this case Sunday, saying they remembered many
was courageous and full of life even through his illness. hotline at 522-7676 or visit with her sentence,” he said.
http://tinyurl.com/SMPDTips. fond memories with him. Family mem-
Anthony was put to rest at Woodlawn Memorial Park and Pellouchoud’s defense attorney Jeff bers have organized a memorial serv-
Funeral home at 1000 El Camino Real, Colma. Jackson declined to comment.
Rest in peace, Papa. We love you. Millbrae man receives prison ice for him in San Jose on July 1.
San Carlos after-school aide The collision was reported at 4:50
term for lewd act with teen p.m. at 6605 Pescadero Creek Road,
An after-school aide employed by pleads no contest to lewd acts according to the California Highway
the city of San Bruno was sentenced to A 19-year-old after-school aide Patrol.
three years in state prison Tuesday accused of inappropriately touching A preliminary investigation showed
after he pleaded no contest to two four victims — one that the car collided with a motorcycle
counts of lewd acts upon a child in as young as 5 years and went into a creek, but the investi-
May, according to the San Mateo old — pleaded no gation is ongoing.
County District Attorney’s Office. contest to two
Though probation officers recom- counts of felony Man, 24, woman, 19,
mended Anthony Pellouchoud, 26, child molestation die in I-380 crash Saturday
receive one year in county jail and pro- Tuesday, according
bation, Judge Stephanie Garratt sen- to the San Mateo Two people who died in a car crash in
tenced him to a three-year prison term County District San Bruno on Saturday night have
instead, according to prosecutors. Attorney’s Office. been identified by the San Mateo
Hoang Tran County Coroner's Office.
Having previously denied accusa- Emerald Hills res-
tions of inappropriate contact with a ident Hoang Tran will be sentenced to Taylor Benjamin Vogel, a 24-year-
12-year-old girl at the Parkside three years in state prison when he old man from Lancaster in Southern
Intermediate School campus, comes back for sentencing Aug. 24, California, and Madhunila Chandra, a
Pellouchoud, who has been in custody according to prosecutors. 19-year-old woman from Saratoga,
on $1.15 million bail, will receive Tran was placed on leave from died in the crash.
232 days credit for time served and will Brittan Acres Elementary School after The solo-vehicle crash happened on
be required to register as a sex offender a 6-year-old girl told authorities he had the westbound Interstate 380 off-ramp
for life, according to prosecutors. inappropriately touched her at an after- to El Camino Real at 8:50 p.m, accord-
Around 6 p. m. Nov. 17, 2017, school program. An investigation ing to the California Highway Patrol.
Pellouchoud was seen alone with the began in September and a second vic- A four-door BMW rolled over and
girl in a locked computer lab on the tim, a 7-year-old girl, came forward Vogel, the driver, died at the scene.
school campus by a custodian, who and said Tran allegedly inappropriate- Chandra died after being taken to San
also saw him hugging and kissing the ly touched her at some point during the Francisco General Hospital, according
girl before notifying school officials to the CHP.
Live Tastefully
ould Republicans in from Mr. Trump’s trade war is.
By not allowing trade votes, main.” — John Donne.
Congress stay mute if a It seems that these days we are surrounded by people
This is the law that lets a President Republicans are giving Mr. Trump
President imposed income who have no thought of how their actions (or lack there-
impose more or less whatever tariffs free rein to impose tariffs that are
or sales taxes on U.S. industries on an of) can affect others. This came to mind while driving
he wants with an elastic definition of doing substantial economic harm to
arbitrary whim? We doubt it, so it’s along some residential streets in Millbrae and noticing
national security. Mr. Trump has used many of their constituents. Farm state
dispiriting to see Senate Republicans again the many houses that have grossly neglected front
this open-ended authority to inflict Senators deserve a chance to vote
let Donald Trump impose tens of bil- yards. They display tall weeds, dried-up bushes and trees
his 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 against tariffs that are spurring retali-
lions of dollars in border taxes with- that face those who live across the street from them who
percent on aluminum, and he’s threat- ation against U.S. agricultural
out so much as a vote of protest. must view these atrocities every day. I ask: What is hap-
ening a 25 percent levy on imported exports of everything from pork to
That’s the sad story as GOP pening to civility, thoughtfulness and manners? Why are
cars under the same law. His new apples. So do Senators who represent
Senators last week blocked a vote on there so many people who obviously have no thought for
China tariffs are based on a different U.S. manufacturers. The fear of a
Bob Corker’s amendment to reclaim anything but their own interests? It makes me especially
legal rationale (Section 301). Trump tantrum is precluding an
at least some of the power to impose grateful for our neighbors across the street who keep their
“I would bet that 95 percent of the important fight about what the party
tariffs that Congress has ceded to yards neat and tidy. These people have respect not only
people on this side of the aisle sup- of free enterprise supposedly
Presidents. Perhaps Mr. Trump took for others and the community, but also for themselves.
port intellectually this amendment,” believes.
the silence as assent because he is A newspaper editorial I
Mr. Corker said on the floor with
escalating. On Monday he threatened The economic fallout may also hurt found among my collection
some acidity. “And a lot of them
tariffs on up to $450 billion in the GOP’s chances of holding the lamented the lack of the
would vote for it if it came to a vote.
Chinese goods, and financial markets Senate in November. Democrats Heidi above as related to actions
But, no, no, no. ‘Gosh, we might
are finally losing their foolish com- Heitkamp (North Dakota) and Claire such as reckless driving,
poke the bear’ is the language I’ve
placency. Shares in exporters vulnera- McCaskill (Missouri) are running littering and annoying cell-
been hearing in the hallways.”
ble to retaliation like Boeing and against the tariffs as a way to oppose phones. The question was
Mr. Corker is right that GOP leaders
Caterpillar fell more than 3.6 percent Mr. Trump and defend their states’ whether we need a law to
fear a Trump tweet in the middle of
Tuesday. agricultural interests. The longer prevent such disrespectful
election season. Some of them are
Mr. Corker’s bipartisan measure Republicans shrink from standing up behavior. But how do you
also griping in private that Mr.
would have required Congress to to Mr. Trump’s protectionism, the legislate thoughtfulness?
Corker has the luxury of bucking the
approve trade restrictions that Mr. more voters will conclude that Consider the amount of
President because he isn’t running for
Trump is imposing under Section 232 Republicans in Congress are complic- trash on so many freeways
re-election. But Mr. Corker’s modest
of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. it in the damage. and city streets. There is a
law against littering. All
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011 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:45 PM Page 1
in Group D and allowed the soccer-mad nation driven pass over the defense as the forward’s
exquisite control on his left thigh, another
to forget about the 3-0 loss to Croatia last
touch with his left foot, and then a cool
week that sparked days of soul-searching right-footed finish into the corner. As Messi
within the squad and back home. fell to his knees, Argentina great Diego
Argentina will play France in the last 16 in
Kazan on Saturday, keeping alive Messi’s
quest for a first world title. He might have
retired from international soccer for a second
Maradona — sitting in a corporate box
inside the stadium — placed his arms on
Lionel Messi, top, celebrates Marcos Rojo’s
game-winning goal in a 2-1 win over Nigeria
See SOCCER, Page 14 that sent Argentina to the round of 16.
staying alive
NBA at forefront of diversity hiring in D52 9-10s
By Terry Bernal
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “The NBA remains the industry leader among men’s
sports for racial and gender hiring practices.” It took a while for Hillsborough’s bats to
get going in the District 52 9-10s All-Star
The NBA leads the way in men’s profes- — Richard Lapchick, director The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport Tournament. Two mercy-rule wins later, the
sional sports when it comes to racial and ’Borough boys have hit their stride.
gender hiring practices, according to a in Sport. cent (357 of 980) employment rate. After opening the tourney with a 1-0 walk-
diversity report released Tuesday. “The NBA remains the industry leader The league, which was first to have three off loss to Pacifica American, Hillsborough
The league earned an A+ for racial hiring among men’s sports for racial and gender team owners who are people of color, had has stormed through the elimination bracket
practices and a B for gender hiring practices hiring practices even with the increased seven women who served as team presi- with wins of 17-1 over Redwood City-West
for an overall grade of an A. That keeps the grading scales introduced last season, ” dents/CEOs during the 2017-2018 season and 10-0 over Foster City.
NBA “significantly above” other profes- Lapchick said. — the highest among men’s professional Tuesday’s five-inning victory over Foster
sional sports, according to Richard The report states that the NBA league sports. City was fueled by leadoff hitter Archer Horn,
Lapchick, the report’s author and the direc- office has the best record for people of color
tor of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in men’s professional sports at a 36.4 per- See DIVERSITY, Page 15 See 9-10s, Page 16
012 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 11:09 PM Page 1
Denmark advances at World missed the tournament because of a doping would win its group with
World Cup roundup suspension, scored the second goal early in a perfect record, some-
Cup in drab 0-0 draw with France on France on Saturday in Kazan. the second half to give his team an honor- thing it has never
MOSCOW — A game neither France nor Fielding a side filled with reserves after able finish after two opening losses. achieved in its long
Denmark needed to win produced the World already being assured of a spot in the round Tim Cahill, a 38-year-old striker who World Cup history.
Cup’s first 0-0 draw amid boos and whistles of 16, Croatia started to take control of the entered the match in the second half, could- It’s exactly the kind of
from fans on Tuesday. match in the second half. n’t give Australia a boost as it tried to reach big dreams that 30-year-
A slow-paced game out of step with a Milan Badelj, moments after hitting the the round of 16 for the first time since 2006. old forward Javier
vibrant tournament ensured already-quali- bar, scored the opening goal in the 53rd Hernandez was criticized
fied France won Group C and Denmark minute. He sprinted into the area and sent a
Rudy ruled out of Germany’s Javier for prior to the tourna-
advanced as runner-up. bouncing shot past goalkeeper Hannes final World Cup group match Hernandez ment when he said win-
A draw ensured that outcome, though Halldorsson. ning this year’s World
Peru’s 2-0 victory over Australia playing at KAZAN, Russia — Germany midfielder Cup was a possibility.
“The fact that we’ve brought on nine new Sebastian Rudy has been ruled out of the
the same time meant the Danes would have On Tuesday in advance of El Tri’s final
players and won is another sign of our team’s final group game against South
advanced to the round of 16 even had they Group F match against Sweden, he doubled
strength and depth, and we have to be proud Korea at the World Cup after suffering multi-
lost to France. down.
of that,” said Badelj, who was man of the ple fractures to his nose.
A French team with six starters resting “The best thing to do with dreams is to
match. Coach Joachim Loew said Tuesday on the
barely tested Denmark share them with people who are dreamers,”
Iceland equalized in the 76th when Gylfi eve of the match that he said. “We are brave enough not only to
goalkeeper Kasper Sigurdsson scored from the penalty spot
Schmeichel until substi- Rudy hadn’t recovered dream, but to work on those dreams so that
after substitute Dejan Lovren handled the after undergoing surgery. we can make them true.”
tute Nabil Fekir tried two ball.
long-range shots. Rudy picked up the Hernandez notched his 50th international
Defender Sverrir Ingason twice threatened injury during his team’s goal in Mexico’s 2-1 win over South Korea
Much of a 78, 011 for Iceland, hitting the crossbar with a head-
crowd in Luzhniki 2-1 win over Sweden last on Saturday. With one more, he can become
er in the second half. week. He was forced to Mexico’s all-time leading scorer in World
Stadium whistled mis-
“There is too much quality in Croatia,” leave the pitch after a Cup play with five, breaking a tie with Luis
placed passes and slow
Iceland coach Heimir Hallgrimsson said. “I Swedish player’s boot Hernandez.
play as the game pro-
Kasper am disappointed but I am really proud of the slammed into his nose in Javier said no one inside Mexico’s locker
gressed and Denmark Sebastian Rudy the first half as he was on
Schmeichel character and the performance of the boys. room is disappointed about not having
protected its point —
likely aware Australia had no chance of win- the ground. already earned its place in what would be its
Australia eliminated, Peru Loew said it wouldn’t make sense to make seventh consecutive spot in the round of
leaves World Cup on high note Rudy play with a protective mask. 16.
Croatia reserves repel The German coach will also be without That’s mostly because nothing is settled
SOCHI, Russia — Already-eliminated Peru defender Jerome Boateng, who is suspended
Iceland 2-1 at World Cup ended Australia’s hopes of advancing to the yet in Group F. If Sweden beats Mexico on
after getting sent off against Sweden. Wednesday and Germany beats South Korea,
ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia — Croatia knockout round at the World Cup with a 2-0 Germany is guaranteed to qualify for the
victory on Tuesday. three teams would be tied atop Group F with
ended Iceland’s chances at the World Cup last 16 if it wins by at least two goals. six points, sending it to tiebreakers that
and helped out Argentina at the same time. The Australians had to beat Peru and hope
Denmark lost to France in the other Group C Hernandez, Mexico happy to start with goal difference.
Ivan Perisic capitalized on a defensive Having something to play for in this
match, but neither result happened. France
error to score a 90th-minute winner Tuesday,
and Denmark drew 0-0 in Moscow.
be dreamers during World Cup final group stage game fits right into this
giving Croatia a 2-1 win over Iceland and team’s mentality, Hernandez said.
first place in Group D on Tuesday. Andre Carrillo’s first-half goal — a half- YEKATERINIBURG, Russia — With back-
volley from inside the area — was Peru’s to-back victories to open the World Cup, “This is the group of death,” Hernandez
Iceland could have finished second in the
first in a World Cup since 1982, the last including one over defending champion said. “People can say whatever they want
group with a victory because Argentina beat
time the South Americans played in the tour- Germany, Mexico’s national team has there, but we have a magnificent opportuni-
Nigeria 2-1 at the same time. Instead, the
Croats will face Denmark on Sunday in nament. Peru hadn’t won a World Cup match already been anointed by some back home ty to break that ceiling and to demonstrate
Nizhny Novgorod and Argentina will take since defeating Iran in 1978. as the best in the country’s history. that we can do this after working hard. And
Peru captain Paolo Guerrero, who almost If Mexico beats Sweden on Wednesday it let’s let football speak for itself.”
Mascherano lost possession in front of his knockout stage. KEY TO SUCCESS
own defense.
And it was Mascherano who gave away GROUP DYNAMICS Messi delivered his best performance of
Continued from page 11 the penalty with a pull on Leon Balogun at Nigeria was minutes away from advancing the tournament, with his goal allowing
a 49th-minute corner. Moses converted — to the knockout round of a World Cup for the Argentina to take early control of the game.
opposite shoulders and looked to the sky. and marked the goal with a somersault — to fourth time. As it finished, the African
put Nigeria back in control of the race for nation ended up third in the group — a point Yet the standout player might have been
Messi, who later hit the post off a free second place in the group. behind Argentina. Banega, who was recalled to midfield after
kick, and the recalled Banega ran the game Argentina was facing finishing a World Argentina has four days to prepare for its being on the bench for the first two games
in the first half for Argentina. The team’s Cup without a win for the first time since last 16 match against France. It is the first and impressed with his work rate and range
biggest problems arose whenever 1934, but instead they are headed to the game of the knockout stage. of passing.
015 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:58 PM Page 1
Continued from page 11
Giuliacci said. “I
kept waiting for
someone to do
‘What’s the game plan?’” Giuliacci
said. “You look for that as coach.
You want your star player to say that
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
the Barry Bonds to you.” New York 52 25 .675 — Atlanta 45 33 .577 —
and walk her with A coach also wants a player who Boston 53 27 .663 1/2 Philadelphia 41 36 .532 3 1/2
for third in home runs with six. the bases loaded. knows what works for them.While Tampa Bay 39 40 .494 14 Washington 41 37 .526 4
“Coaches just feared her (offen- … [St. Ignatius] those pitchers who throw a ton of Toronto 37 42 .468 16 New York 32 45 .416 12 1/2
sively),” Giuliacci said. walked her in the strikeouts tend to get a lot of acco-
Baltimore 23 55 .295 29 1/2 Miami 32 48 .400 14
The fact of the matter is, as well as bottom of the lades, McLemore was confident
McLemore was offensively this sea-
Mailey Central Division Central Division
McLemore seventh in a 1-1 enough in her style of pitching and Cleveland 43 35 .551 — Milwaukee 46 32 .590 —
son, she could have been even better game.” the play of the Carlmont defense Minnesota 34 41 .453 7 1/2 CHICAGO 42 34 .553 3
considering she got the Barry Carlmont would win that season- behind her to remain a pitcher and Detroit 36 44 .450 8 St. Louis 42 36 .538 4
Bonds Treatment for most of the opening game 2-1 as McLemore not just a strikeout artist. Chicago 27 51 .346 16 Pittsburgh 37 42 .468 9 1/2
year — getting one pitch an at-bat, homered in the fourth. Kansas City 24 55 .304 19 1/2 Cincinnati 33 46 .418 13 1/2
“She doesn’t have overwhelming
or per game, to actually hit. From the pitcher’s circle, speed, so she has to spin the ball a West Division West Division
To see her true value to the Scots’ McLemore emerged as one of the lot,” Giuliacci said. “And she spins Houston 53 28 .654 — Arizona 45 34 .570 —
offense, look no further than the 22 best in CCS. Her 18 wins this sea- Seattle 49 31 .613 3 1/2 LOS ANGELES 42 35 .545 2
the crap out of it.”
walks she was issued this season. son was fourth-best in the entire A’s 42 38 .525 10 1/2 Giants 41 39 .513 4 1/2
No. 2 on Carlmont’s walks list? Said McLemore: “I just have to Angels 41 39 .513 11 1/2 Colorado 38 41 .481 7
section, while her ERA of 1.11 was remind myself that what I do works.
Bianca Vitale, who walked six Texas 35 46 .432 18 San Diego 36 46 .439 10 1/2
fifth-best in CCS. Clearly, it’s working pretty well.”
times. And while not known as a strike- Tuesday’s Games
So not even a 3-1 loss to Mitty in Tuesday’s Games
If anything, all those walks made out pitcher, McLemore still finished Tampa Bay 1,Washington 0 Tampa Bay 1,Washington 0
her even more focused at the plate, in the top 10 of CCS with 123. the first round of the CCS Open N.Y.Yankees 6, Philadelphia 0
N.Y.Yankees 6, Philadelphia 0
as she had an onbase-plus-slugging “I love being able to [make a dif- Division could dampen an otherwise Seattle 3, Baltimore 2 Arizona 5, Miami 3
percentage mark of 1.693 and only ference] on both sides of the ball,” outstanding season. In fact, Boston 9, L.A.Angels 1 N.Y.Mets 4, Pittsburgh 3, 10 innings
struck out once. McLemore said. McLemore had a very reasoned reac- Oakland 9, Detroit 7 Cincinnati 5, Atlanta 3
“I had to step up and take advan- This was the first year that tion. San Diego 3,Texas 2 San Diego 3,Texas 2
Chicago White Sox 8, Minnesota 4 Milwaukee 5, Kansas City 1
tage. I knew I was only going to get McLemore was the unquestioned No. “I honestly feel that the CCS Houston 7,Toronto 0 St.Louis 11, Cleveland 2
one pitch to hit, so I had to be ready 1 starter, as she split time her first game was one of the best game we Milwaukee 5, Kansas City 1 San Francisco 3, Colorado 2
when I got it,” McLemore said. three seasons. Her freshman year, played,” McLemore said. “It just did- St.Louis 11, Cleveland 2 CHICAGO CUBS AT L.A.DODGERS,LATE
Giuliacci said he had heard anoth- she made 14 starts, going 10-3. Her n’t go our way.” Wednesday’s Games Wednesday’s Games
Everything else, however, went KC (Duffy 3-7) at Milwaukee (Suter 8-4), 11:10 a.m. Cincinnati(Castillo5-8)atAtlanta(Newcomb8-2),9:10a.m.
er coach was planning on walking sophomore year she went 7-0 in just
Toronto (Estrada 4-7) at Houston (Keuchel 4-8),11:10 a.m. KC (Duffy 3-7) at Milwaukee (Suter 8-4), 11:10 a.m.
McLemore every time the clean-up nine starts. Last season, she went McLemore and Carlmont’s way in Yankees (Cessa 0-0) at Philadelphia (Eflin 5-2),4:05 p.m. Yankees (Cessa 0-0) at Philadelphia (Eflin 5-2),4:05 p.m.
hitter came to the plate. Giuliacci 13-1 in 15 starts. Her final season, 2018. Seattle (LeBlanc 3-0) at Baltimore (Cobb 2-9), 4:05 p.m. Arizona (Ray 2-0) at Miami (Chen 2-4), 4:10 p.m.
countered that by batting McLemore she started 20 of the Scots’ 25 “I just wanted to end senior year Angels (Heaney 4-5) at Boston (Porcello 9-3), 4:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Nova 4-5) at Mets (Wheeler 2-6), 4:10 p.m.
leadoff. games, winning 90 percent. with a bang,” McLemore said. A’s (Manaea 7-6) at Detroit (Fiers 5-4), 4:10 p.m. San Diego (Richard 7-6) at Texas (Minor 5-4), 5:05 p.m.
“[The opposing coach] did not “This year, she really wanted it. “Leave it all out on the field.” San Diego (Richard 7-6) at Texas (Minor 5-4), 5:05 p.m. Cleveland (Bieber 2-0) at St.Louis (Flaherty 3-2),5:15 p.m.
Minnesota (Gibson 2-5) atWhite Sox (Shields 2-9),5:10 p.m. Cubs (Hendricks 5-7) at Dodgers (Wood 3-5),7:10 p.m.
Cleveland (Bieber 2-0) at St.Louis (Flaherty 3-2),5:15 p.m. Colorado(Freeland7-6)atGiants(Bumgarner1-2),7:15p.m.
10 percent (3 of 30) to 20 percent (6 to the assistant coach level, where
DIVERSITY of 30), which puts the NBA well
ahead of other men’s sports leagues.
the percentage of people of color
increased from 45.4 percent (74 of
Thursday’s Games
Oakland at Detroit, 10:10 a.m.
Minnesota at Chicago White Sox, 11:10 a.m.
Thursday’s Games
Arizona at Miami, 9:10 a.m.
Chicago Cubs at L.A.Dodgers, 12:10 p.m.
That’s a big positive, Lapchick 163) in 2016-2017 to 45.7 percent Seattle at Baltimore, 12:05 p.m. Colorado at San Francisco, 12:45 p.m.
Continued from page 11 Houston at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m.
said. (79 of 173) this past season.
Angels at Boston, 4:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m.
The report states there are also Nine of 30 NBA head coaches were Likewise, there was an increase in
more NBA general managers and people of color last season. But fol- the percentage of people of color as TRANSACTIONS
head coaches of color than in the lowing changes at the end of this vice presidents at the team level,
past. past season, one-third (10 of 30) of increasing to 25.4 percent (148 of BASEBALL National League
all NBA head coaches are now people 583) this past season, up nearly six American League NEW YORK METS — Announced general man-
The general managers who are peo- of color. percent (86 of 442) from the previ- CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Assigned OF Trayce ager Sandy Alderson is taking a leave of absence for
Thompson outright to Charlotte (IL). Signed RHP health reasons. Optioned INF Luis Guillorme to Las
ple of color doubled last season from The same trend has trickled down ous season. Isaiah Carranza to a minor league contract. Vegas (PCL).
016 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:38 PM Page 1
umph over the Red Sox. and Adam Zimmer tabbing consecutive RBI
Arkansas takes 9-10s It was the last official
game Smith pitched until
Tuesday’s outing.
infield singles. Jack O’Connor and Tyler
Crawford followed with RBI singles. A
bases-loaded walk to Horn forced home the
Cafe Florian
Mon - Fri 5pm - 7pm
Early Bird SpecialĄ
Per Person
017 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 4:58 PM Page 1
black pepper
Diverse & Delicious Southeast Asian Cuisine
more difficult in the case economic growth gate the impact of stock market fluctua- supervisors to consider making funds avail-
Continued from page 1
slows, or decreases in state and federal
funding and increases in the county’s pen-
sion liability take shape. Maltbie pegged
tions on the county’s existing obligations.
At an estimated 84 percent funded, Maltbie
said the pension liabilities could be paid
able to residents in need of them on the
coast since they may not be able to travel
to resources located further inland. She
the county’s health care costs as a primary down as early as 2023, which Pine thought added many may not consider English to be
concern since recent changes made by the could help avoid making cuts other cities their first language, which may further iso-
ty’s fiscal health yet warned officials about president’s administration to the and counties have had to face. late them from helpful resources.
the effects of even small decreases in rev- Affordable Care Act could boost the number “We’re in better shape than virtually any- “Our immigrant neighbors on the coast-
enue as they weigh other costs expected to of county residents who are uninsured. He one because of our efforts to make these side are truly isolated and there are a lot of
increase, such as a 2 percent yearly hike in added the rising cost of providing care for prepayments,” he said. them,” she said.
salaries and benefits for existing staff. seniors, a growing subset of the popula- But Pine anticipated more difficult discus- In other business, supervisors approved a
“I think you’re going to need to begin to tion, could also put a strain on the county sions to come with regard to allocation of recommendation from the 19-member
prioritize the things that you do because I budget. Measure K, a half-cent sales tax extension Charter Review Committee to amend the
don’t think you’re going to have the Maltbie also looked to an effort to repeal voters approved in 2016 and used toward county’s charter outlining the process for
resources to do everything just as you’re Senate Bill 1, a gas tax increase state legis- projects like affordable housing and a plan- selecting a county manager so a require-
doing today,” he said. “You just have to lators passed last year, to create headaches ning process for the North Fair Oaks com- ment to select a panel able to evaluate can-
weigh what are the priorities and benefits for officials with the county’s Public Works munity in unincorporated San Mateo didate qualifications and submit a list of
of each of those things in relation to the Department counting on the funds to sup- County. Though Measure K revenue is set to five to seven of the most qualified candi-
other, in order to make this budget work.” port road maintenance. generate $90 million in the coming year, dates to the board is removed from the doc-
In outlining the last budget he will sub- Maltbie said those leading county depart- Pine said officials would have to take a ument. The deleted section is expected to be
mit to the board before he retires from his ments were asked to factor in a 2.5 percent close look at the effectiveness of programs replaced by a requirement that the county
role in December, Maltbie commended reduction in their budget as they crafted this funded by the tax down the road should manager will be appointed by the board of
supervisors for their commitment to year’s budget and recommended they sales revenue fall. supervisors on the basis of executive and
addressing homelessness, improving read- include those reductions in the next cycle. In response to concerns from residents administrative qualifications and experi-
ing skills for young children and ensuring Supervisors agreed county officials should across the county about how immigrants ence and can be removed by a vote of three
youth in the county’s foster care system are continue looking for places where they can and those seeking asylum in the United of the board’s members, should voters
receiving a high school education. He cut expenditures, but agreed they should States are being treated, supervisors agreed approve the change on the November bal-
acknowledged the county’s success in mak- closely examine the concerns Maltbie out- to allocate some $764,000 to create an lot.
ing summer reading programs available lined in the next year to ensure they under- immigrant defense fund, which Maltbie The committee also reviewed the possi-
through the county’s library system as well stand the potential risks those changes estimated could fund hiring of attorneys, bility of consolidating the offices of con-
as the some $100 million spent in the last pose to the county’s fiscal position. support staff and outreach for a year. They troller and treasurer-tax collector but voted
five years or so on affordable housing proj- Board President Dave Pine acknowledged agreed to discuss the parameters of the work against putting the change on the ballot.
ects to create an estimated 1,770 units in the county’s efforts to make payments that would be supported by the new fund at They opted against separating the respon-
the near future as signs of progress. toward pension liabilities as quickly as their July 10 meeting. sibilities of the assessor-county clerk-
But he said future decisions may become possible, which Maltbie said helps miti- El Granada resident Joanne Rokosy urged recorder into separate offices as well.
In the interim, officials plan to work schools and natural resources. impacts on the city, and so there is a con-
Continued from page 1
alongside residents to give them a better
understanding of the development which
has occurred recently.
As it stands, the South San Francisco
Unified School District lost 670 students
over the last 10 years. Some of those
sensus on the council that a very modest,
reasonable commercial linkage fee is
appropriate,” he said.
A city report showed construction of near- declines should be addressed through the Relating to issues more broad than the
ly 7.2 million square feet of biotechnology residential development, which is slated to budget, Greenwood said the upcoming com-
But after nearly 15 years of building, projects are underway or planned, along generate about 470 new students over the munity dialogue will grant officials an
longtime residents are growing exhausted. with 620 units of new residential units and next six years, according to the report. opportunity to consider their position on
Recent council meetings have featured long 360 new hotel rooms. growth and its impacts.
lines of public speakers calling on officials As for the environment, outside agencies
The development has brought a slate of such as CalWater track the city’s demand for “I think it is important we go into this
to take their foot off the gas pedal in their with an open mind,” he said. “It may be that
drive toward more development. repercussions which some residents are water needing to accommodate the new
growing increasingly frustrated with, noted developments. Assessments suggest there we are looking at regional issues and that
The issues came to a head earlier this year no change is needed at the micro level. Or it
when dozens of community members railed Greenwood. is sufficient water needed for the growth,
according to the report. might be that we need to take into account
against a proposal to build more than 800 “I think when you talk about the develop- when we get to our General Plan whether we
units on public land, claiming the ambi- ment that is happening in South San Developers must also pay fees to the have the right policies.”
tious plans were too metropolitan for the Francisco, it’s important to acknowledge school district and city to offset the costs Ultimately, Greenwood said he is opti-
Industrial City. the issues like the cost of housing and associated with enrollment growth and mistic over the opportunity to have an open
From the upcoming discussion at the spe- transportation are regional issues. But hav- increased water demand, according to the conversation about the quality of life
cial City Council meeting, officials are ing said that, there’s a conversation to be report. issues.
hoping to set direction toward crafting poli- had about what the right balance is for con- Regarding finances, Greenwood suggest- “I hope this provides the opportunity for
cies which could fairly accommodate com- tinued growth in our city,” he said. ed officials may be interested in establish- an honest discussion about the develop-
munity members and local businesses alike. Acknowledging such concerns, the South ing development fees paid by builders inter- ment that is happening. And not to over-
Greenwood said the perspectives shared San Francisco City Council asked for the ested in constructing new projects in South state the impacts, but to be honest about the
could inform the forthcoming update of the smart growth discussion to be hosted during San Francisco. He said officials recently impact that is happening on the community
city’s General Plan, which will set the future the study session in advance of the regular- have held off on introducing the fees for fear — both good and bad,” he said.
development and growth guidelines. He said ly scheduled meeting, said Greenwood. of discouraging economic growth, but with
the master planning document was last Beyond the traffic congestion and afford- the success of the local biotechnology The South San Francisco City Council
updated in 1999, but has been amended to be ability issues to be addressed in the conver- industry, he said it is likely time to require meets 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 27, in the
kept current. Greenwood expects the plan sation, a city report notes additional atten- such payments. Municipal Serv ices Building, 33 Arroy o
update process to formally begin next year. tion should be paid to the toll taken on local “A lot of these developments do have Driv e.
019 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 9:16 PM Page 1
Calendar CANNOLI
Continued from page 1
mers helping customers at his grand-
parents’ shop. He said their commit-
ment to high-quality, authentic
Comment on
or share this story at
Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Pet Virtual Reality at the Library. 10 Sicilian cannoli also meant they were
Food Express, 6925 Mission St., Daly a.m. to 1 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 guarded in sharing their recipes, even
City. Free spaying and neutering clin- Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Sign years since his grandparents started it. with Capello. very popular among customers who
ic hosted by the Peninsula Humane up for a 30-minute block by calling And in hosting a 50th anniversary are interested in adding filling to the
Society. Surgery performed by a the Belmont Library and making a “When it was time to take over, they
licensed vet in an SPCA surgery vehi- reservation. Ages 13 and older. For celebration last weekend at the store basically just brought me back there shells just before they serve them at
cle. One pet per family. Cats and dogs more information contact bel- his grandparents, Romolo and Angela and showed me how to do everything,” home or give them as gifts. And after
only. For more information call 340- [email protected].
7022. Capello, purchased in 1968, Capello’s he said. “And even then, I didn’t get to making cannoli of all shapes, sizes
Dental Implants Can Reverse family was able to celebrate the tradi- know the recipes until a year and a half and flavors, he hasn’t seemed to find
Drop-In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to Aging Process. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30
Noon. Redwood City Public Library, a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 tions and the clientele — old and new or so, I kind of had to earn it.” one that disappoints.
1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. — that have allowed it to keep its “People want it all now,” he said. “I
City. Free. For more information call Learn how dental implants can make doors open for so many years. To be able to deliver hundreds of feel like we’ve opened a Pandora’s
780-7098. you look and feel younger. carefully prepared desserts to cus-
Registration required. For more infor- “It’s nice to have a party once in a box.”
Computer Coach. 10:30 a.m. to mation call 522-7490. while,” said Capello. “We had a line tomers across the Bay Area and pre- Capello has also continued making
noon. ESL Club. 10:30 to noon.
out the door, which is what it used to pare dozens more for customers who
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de B ay Area Discovery Museum. 1 his grandparents’ homemade ice cream
las Pulgas, Belmont. Relaxed and wel- p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 be.” come to his store daily, Capello said
Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. Use he gets the best results from starting in flavors ranging from caramel sea
coming tutoring session with one-
on-one help. For more information different levels of technology to Though word about the establish- salt and mint chip to spumoni, an
explore ideas and designs. For more ment spread by word of mouth when early in the morning to make cannoli
contact [email protected].
shells — which take some three hours Italian ice cream dessert with three fla-
information contact ssfpladm@plsin-
fo.org. his grandparents ran the store, vors echoing the colors of the Italian
Toastmasters Public Speaking and
Capello said many orders are coming to make from scratch and need a day to
Leadership Sk ills Development.
“rest” after they are fried. He said flag — pistachio, vanilla amaretto
Noon to 1 p.m. BKF Engineers, 255 Table Talk: Open Gaming at the in from those coordinating events and
Shoreline Drive, Suite 200, Redwood Library. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. South San cocoa and red wine are behind the and strawberry. Though his grandpar-
Shores. Join us in a friendly and sup- Francisco Main Library, 840 W. company meals or from those who ents made almost everything in the
portive atmosphere while learning Orange Ave., South San Francisco. find the store as a recommendation for shells’ aroma and color, and he coats
to improve your communication and Free. Learn how to play the board the insides of many of the shells with shop when they ran it, Capello said he
leadership skills. For more informa- games Takenoko, Hot Shots and dessert or ice cream from Yelp! or has enjoyed hiring a team of almost
tion call (202) 390-7555. more. Play with the library’s collec- Google maps in recent years. He said chocolate, a step his grandfather added
tion of games, or bring your own to to the process some 20 years ago, 20, many of whom have attended local
a good portion of those who visit the
San Mateo Professional Alliance share. For more information call 829- both for the taste and because it keeps high schools and come back during
Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. 3860. store travel more than an hour to get
the shells crunchier longer. summers and during the holiday rush
Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth Ave., there to buy them as gifts or simply
San Mateo. New speakers, great net- Science Club: Slime. 4 p.m. South
as a made-to-order, decadent dessert, He said the cream filling can be to help.
working. Repeats every week on San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Wednesday until Dec. 19. For more Orange Ave., South San Francisco. noting there aren’t many businesses made in much less time using a special Capello said his wife Yelena Capello
information call 430-6500. Test, observe and record scientific
that specialize in cannoli, especially ricotta cheese he purchases from New and 4-year-old son, Nicholas, have
findings while making slime. For
The Bible and Current Events. 1 more information contact ssf- in the Bay Area. York — the one ingredient Capello is joined him in the shop for countless
p.m. to 2 p.m. Hope Evangelican [email protected].
“The cannoli is like a cult dessert,” willing to bet makes his cannoli num- hours, adding his grandparents have
Lutheran Church, 600 W. 42nd Ave., ber one.
San Mateo. For more information Cheers, Summer! Cheers for he said. “People take it so seriously.” been very happy to see the business
contact [email protected]. Charity at Devil’s Canyon Brewery. In 1958, Capello’s grandparents “That’s what makes our filling the continue on in the family. And after
4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Devil’s Canyon
Better Choices, Better Health. 5:30 Brewery, 935 Washington St., San moved to the United States from Sicily best,” he said. “It’s all about texture.” years of perfecting the many steps to
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. San Mateo Senior Carlos. Live music, food trucks, raffles, — where Capello said the dessert orig- He said in recent years he has exper- making cannoli, Capello said he’s
Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, beer and root beer. A portion of beer
San Mateo. Learn about stress man- sales on this day will support critical inated some 2,000 years ago — and imented with making cream in several come to look forward to the three
agement, dealing with pain and programs provided by Peninsula over 10 years saved enough money as flavors, including chocolate amaretto, hours it takes each day to prepare
fatigue, weight management and Family Service to children, individu-
decision making. Registration als, families and older adults in our a seamstress and a baker to purchase pistachio and strawberry, learning shells.
required. For more information con- community. Minors must be accom- the store at 81 37th Ave., which previ- each time how the ingredients affect “At first, it used to be a chore, but
tact [email protected]. panied by a parent or guardian at all ously held a Swenson’s ice cream par- the consistency of the cream. Capello now, it’s like my three hours,” he said.
times. Free. For all ages. For more
Coloring Story Time. 6 p.m. Grand information call 403-4300. lor. Capello, now a 37-year-old South said the cannoli kits his shop started “It’s really like a mind-clearing exer-
Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Ave., San Francisco resident, grew up in selling a few years ago have become cise for me.”
South San Francisco. Explore colors SATURDAY, JUNE 30
while reading and singing. For more Last Saturday of the Month
information contact ssfpladm@plsin- Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The
cilmembers, who celebrated the guide- events, including roundtable and pop-
1 B 7
San Francisco Hearts. Free. For more
Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
Performance at the Millbrae Library information call 339-2367. ommendations to the City '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
!, , 0 \PcTda
by Beatles cover band, the Sun Kings.
SUNDAY, JULY 1 Council after the Planning ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , , Caah PVVPX]
Free. Refreshments will be served. For
Burlingame Music in the Parks — Commission confirms the
1^VV[T1 1aPX]1dbcTab1 1^]db
more information call 697-7607. A
Urban Outlaws. Washington Park,
A 5
proposed projects comply
D 4
The Peralta Consort Musical 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame.
FT_ _dcb
b_TRXP[Q QaPX]QdbcX]Vf f^aSbXX]c^ccWTVVaXS
Per formance. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Food will be available to purchase with the city’s general plan. ^U[[TccTab22P]h h^dUUX]SccWT\.
and there will be face painting avail-
Museum of American Heritage, 351 The Planning Commission
Homer Ave., Palo Alto. $10. Wine and able. The Burlingame Art Society will
be on-site hosting open houses at will weigh in on the propos- 5X]S0 0C; ;40BC5 58E4F F>A3B
light refreshments will be served. For A 4 ; 0 C 4 3 CC > ?
? ; 0 = CBXX]ccWTV VaXS^ ^U
each concert to display artwork. Free.
3 0 ;
more information call 321-1004. als in March before they go
For more information, call 558-7312. [TccTab
‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’:
TheatreWork s Silicon Valley
before the council in April.
Exceptions to these guide- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
PG-13. 8:45 p.m. Courthouse Square,
Presents ‘Native Gardens.’ 2 p.m.
2200 Broadway, Redwood City. Free.
Mountain View Center for the lines can also be considered
For more information call 780-7311.
= 6 4 1
Performing Arts, 500 Castro St., by the city on a case-by-case
Mountain View. Cost $40 to $100,
basis to ensure it has the
Community Coffee with savings available for educators, sen-
Assemblyman Marc B erman, D- iors and patrons 35 and under. For flexibility to invest in
Palo Alto, and Por tola Valley more information contact boxof- affordable housing as excep-
Mayor John Richards. 8 a.m. to 9:30 [email protected].
a.m. Roberts Market, 4420 Alpine
tional opportunities arise. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7 7PbQa^88]R %!& '
Road, Portola Valley. Free. For more For more events visit That flexibility was espe- !! '7
0]bfTabcc^C CdTbSPh´b1 1^VV[T1
information call 691-2121. smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar. cially appreciated by coun- ffffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ <>DB4; ;4<DA: :>0;07 7>AB4F F70;4
020 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 2:19 PM Page 1
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027 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 7:28 PM Page 1
he Stratford is the
impeccable retirement
community you’ve been
looking for. The Stratford’s
boutique community size
allows every independent living resident
to enjoy quality, personalized attention
from our tenured and professional staff.
The Stratford located in the heart of
downtown San Mateo, right across the
street from Central Park and close to
Draeger’s, restaurants, and shops.
Residents set their own schedules and fill
their days with the things they love doing Community and Building Amenities
We provide a number of luxury services at The Stratford
and amenities, including:
RQVWDIIZKRFUHDWHDILQHGLQLQJ executive chef, pastry chef, and wait staff,
H[SHULHQFHZLWKPDUNHWIUHVK with menus updated daily and meals
LQJUHGLHQWVDQGPHQXVXSGDWHGGDLO\ incorporating market fresh ingredients
7KXUVGD\ rooms with custom catering services
HYHU\6DWXUGD\HYHQLQJ and a wide variety of magazines and
5RRIWRSFOXEURRm features wraparound
&KDXIIHXUVHUYLFHLQRXUWZR terrace with 360-degree views of San
center and on-site beauty salon
+HDOWKDQG:HOOQHVV3ODQ landscaped courtyard with outdoor
When residents enter the dining room at rooftop garden, and greenhouse
The Stratford of San Mateo, they
immediately start to receive the VIP 7ZRSULYDWHJXHVWVuites available to
treatment. The evening’s wine selections reserve for overnight family members or
are specially selected to suit their guests
personal preference. As the first course of )XOOVHUYLFHhour concierge desk,
white truffle potato soup is served, the including package delivery, special
chef is adding accents to the medallions requests, and messages
of lobster and the Tournedos Rossini with
haricot verts bundle, and fine-tuning the 3HWVZHOFRPH and dog walking services
dishes to each individual’s palate. available
Nobody has to ask how they take their
after-dinner coffee, which accompanies a KRXUVHFXUity, including monitoring
vast array of fine desserts prepared by the cameras covering all common areas and
in-house Pastry Chef Analicia two-way communication available in
DeGuzman. As residents, they enjoy an aspects of life at The Stratford,” said California licensed CCRC and RCFE, so every residence
atmosphere in which exceptional dining community Executive Director Gayle as residents age in place, we provide care
Viola. “We take great pride in the little in the privacy of a resident’s own 6HFXUHWZROHYHOXQGHUground parking
and service aren’t reserved for a night out garage and additional private storage
on the town, it is the daily standard. That details, which are an essential part of the condominium and also offer respite care
is, if white truffle potato soup, personal service approach residents like in one of the private suites in our units
medallions of lobster, Tournedos Rossini, the Browns and Dr. Lee look forward to Assisted Living Wing. To learn more ([WHQVLYHRQJRLQJ building mainte-
and an array of fine desserts can ever be each day.” about the Stratford lifestyle, or to
All condos have full kitchens, nine-foot schedule a personal tour of our QDQFHDVZHOODVKRXUUHVSRQVHIRU
considered “standard” fare. “Once people emergency repairs
experience the high standards we set in ceilings, and European-style balconies. community, please contact us at (650)
our dining room, they start to understand Our smaller community size enables us 342-4106. We look forward to hearing 3RVWWHQVLRQFRQFUHte structure, on-site
the atmosphere we strive for in all to personalize our services to meet each from you soon! well, generator, and emergency supplies
resident’s individual needs. We are a