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001 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 9:29 PM Page 1


Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Wednesday • June 27, 2018 • XVIII, Edition 265 www.smdailyjournal.com

How much is too much development?

South San Francisco officials weigh growth opportunities against community concerns
By Austin Walsh transformation. Community Development direc- with market forces that are enor- The employers lining the
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF In recognition of the challenges tor, detailed the difficulty for deci- mous and go far beyond our little Bayshore helped establish South
associated with striking the right sion makers charged with delicate- city,” he said. San Francisco as a destination,
Amidst a commercial and resi- balance between capitalizing on ly managing the potentially Most notable among those mar- bringing with them droves of
dential building boom invited by a growth opportunities while pre- opposing forces. ket forces is the city’s booming work crews constructing millions
humming local economy, South serving a high quality of life, offi- “It’s tough, because we are not biotechnology hub, nestled east of square feet of new apartments
San Francisco officials are facing cials will host a discussion on the playing a video game of ‘Sim of Highway 101 and home to and workspaces.
pushback from residents con- matter Wednesday, June 27. City.’ We are dealing with peo- industry titans such as Genentech,
cerned over their community’s Alex Greenwood, Economic and ples’ lives. And we are dealing Merck, Google and more. See GROWTH, Page 18

$2.8 billion
budget gets
county’s OK
Slowing growth and rising costs
mark concerns for future forecasts
By Anna Schuessler Manager John
supervisors to
Keeping an eye on potential evaluate their
threats to the county’s solid finan- priorities in the
cial position and examining how coming year
federal policy changes could affect before they head
local services were among the into another
steps county officials pledged to two-year budget
take in approving a nearly $2.8 John Maltbie cycle next
billion budget for the 2018-19 fis- spring. With
cal year Tuesday. property tax growth reaching 8
Citing concerns about the toll percent in recent years and
an economic downturn could take reserves projected to reach $200
on county revenue as well as the million in the coming months,
uncertain future of federal and state Maltbie acknowledged the coun-
funding streams for health care and
road maintenance, County See BUDGET, Page 18
Joe Capello helps two young customers at Romolo’s Cannoli Factory in San Mateo select which type of the
traditional Italian dessert they would like to take home. Capello’s grandparents started the business more than
Redwood City adopts guidelines
50 years ago, and the South San Francisco resident took over the business from them some 10 years ago. Capello
said cannoli shells can take up to three hours to make and require a day to ‘rest.’ for affordable housing money
Preserving a popular dessert tradition Council approves priorities, process for allocating fund
By Zachary Clark
priorities for the fund, which
include acquiring housing and
Romolo’s Cannoli Factory celebrates 50 years in San Mateo making it affordable, building new
developments, rehabbing existing
The Redwood City Council
By Anna Schuessler Bay Area each week, the many how to operate a 50-year-old units and refinancing to preserve
adopted guidelines for how the
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF steps they take to craft crunchy dough press, time the frying of the them at a below-market rate.
city’s affordable housing fund
shells and flavorful cream hearken shells and perfect the texture of the The affordable housing fund was
should be allocated after months
back to another time. cream that fills the traditional established in 2015 and since
Though Joe Capello and his of soliciting input from the com-
Italian desserts the business has then, the city has received about
team at Romolo’s Cannoli Factory Having been at the helm of the munity.
become known for in the last 50 $763,000 from two projects. It
in San Mateo fill dozens of orders business for some 10 years, The council voted unanimously
for tech companies throughout the Capello has spent hours learning See CANNOLI, Page 19 at a meeting June 25 to approve See FUND, Page 19
002 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:24 PM Page 1

2 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“It is no simple matter to pause in
the midst of one’s maturity, when life
is full of function, to examine what are the
principles which control that functioning.”
— Pearl S. Buck, American author

This Day in History

New York and Boston were linked by

1846 telegraph wires.

In 1 7 8 7 , English historian Edward Gibbon completed

work on his six-volume work, “The History of the Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire.”
In 1 8 4 4 , Mormon leader Joseph Smith and his brother,
Hyrum, were killed by a mob in Carthage, Illinois.
In 1 9 0 5 , the Industrial Workers of the World was founded
in Chicago.
In 1 9 2 2 , the first Newberry Medal, recognizing excel-
lence in children’s literature, was awarded to “The Story of
Mankind” by Hendrik Willem van Loon.
In 1 9 4 4 , during World War II, American forces liberated the
French port of Cherbourg from the Germans.
In 1 9 5 7 , Hurricane Audrey slammed into coastal Louisiana
and Texas as a Category 4 storm; the official death toll from
the storm was placed at 390, although a variety of state, fed-
eral and local sources have estimated the number of fatalities REUTERS
at between 400 and 600. Cast member Evangeline Lilly attends the premiere of the movie ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ in Los Angeles.
In 1 9 6 6 , the Gothic soap opera “Dark Shadows” premiered
on ABC-TV. In other news ...
In 1 9 7 4 , President Richard Nixon opened an official visit
to the Soviet Union. Suburban Detroit mayor: branches. Crane smashes through home,
State police initially pulled the man
In 1 9 8 5 , the legendary Route 66, which originally Don’t disturb me while I jog over off Interstate 91 on June 20 in nearly hitting people inside
stretched from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, passed Springfield for carrying an uncovered
into history as officials decertified the road. WARREN, Mich. — The mayor of NORTH SMITHFIELD, R.I. — It was
Michigan’s third-largest city has a array of chairs and shelves. a close call when a crane came smash-
In 1 9 8 8 , at least 56 people were killed when a commuter Chicopee police say the man was
train ran into a stationary train at the Gare de Lyon terminal message for residents: If he’s jogging, ing through the roof of a Rhode Island
do not disturb. stopped for an unsecured load, home, nearly hitting the residents.
in Paris. obstructed tail lights and obstructed
Warren Mayor Jim Fouts felt a need Jack Fandetti says he was inside his
to get the message out on Facebook plate, and labeled the photo on North Smithfield home with his wife
Birthdays Tuesday after a resident complained
that he didn’t speak to her while jog-
Facebook, “from the files of some just
do not get it.”
around 3 p.m. Monday when the crane
tipped over, sending the outrigger
ging. Fouts says he didn’t recognize through the roof and into the room
her and typically listens to radio or
Giant tech-inspired egg they were in.
takes calls on his mobile phone when sculpture heading to Harvard Fandetti says he and his wife jumped
he’s exercising. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A giant egg- out of the way, avoiding injury. The
Fouts says he’s “available 24/7 but shaped sculpture that drew complaints crane was extracted from the home
NOT when I’m jogging.” He says some from officials in a Silicon Valley city about an hour later.
residents believe he’s “obligated” to is moving to Harvard University. Fandetti says crane is owned by
stop and talk. The Boston Globe reports the Palo Mike’s Tree Service, and it had been
Fouts is in his 70s, and he says he’s Alto Public Art Commission voted in removing trees from their backyard.
Writer, producer, Actor Tobey Reality TV star trying to keep his heart in good shape. November to remove Adriana Varella’s
director J.J. Maguire is 43. Khloe Kardashian He’s been mayor of Warren, a Detroit Digital DNA sculpture following Northern California dinner
Abrams is 52. is 34. suburb, since 2008. claims it was deteriorating and cost
too much to maintain. Varella’s 7-foot-
party shooting leaves one dead
Business executive Ross Perot is 88. Former Interior
Secretary Bruce Babbitt is 80. Singer-musician Bruce Oversized load: Driver gets tall (2.1-meter), 300-pound (136-kilo- SANTA ROSA — Santa Rosa police
gram) egg is made of computer circuit are investigating after a man allegedly
Johnston (The Beach Boys) is 76. Fashion designer Vera reputation after second citation boards and steel. barged into the home of his estranged
Wang is 69. Actress Julia Duffy is 67. Actress Isabelle Adjani
is 63. Country singer Lorrie Morgan is 59. Actor Brian SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — A driver is A Harvard Business School graduate wife and shot at his son and his son’s
Drillinger is 58. Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., is 50. becoming famous in Massachusetts for living in Silicon Valley recently pur- friends during a dinner party. A 43-
Olympic gold and bronze medal figure skater Viktor Petrenko an unlikely skill — being pulled over chased the piece for an undisclosed year-old Santa Rosa man was killed.
for uncovered cargo. amount and decided to donate it to his The Santa Rosa Police Department
is 49. Actor Edward “Grapevine” Fordham Jr. is 48. TV per-
sonality Jo Frost is 48. Actor Yancey Arias is 47. Actor The unnamed driver has been pulled alma mater. reported that 65-year-old Walter Ross,
Christian Kane is 44. Rock singer Bernhoft is 42. Gospel over twice in the past week and given School spokesman Brian Kenny said of Colorado unexpectedly arrived at
citations. The latter stop happened in a statement the school was “fortu- the home shortly before 8 p.m. on
singer Leigh Nash is 42. Christian rock singer Zach Williams
Monday in Chicopee for what looks nate” to inherit the unique piece. Sunday and fired multiple rounds at his
is 40. Musician Chris Eldridge (Punch Brothers) is 36. Actor like an overgrown Chia Pet growing Varella says she was upset with the son, his daughter-in-law, and their
Drake Bell is 32. Actor Sam Claflin is 32. Actress India de out of the back of a red pickup truck. city’s decision but adds that Harvard is friends. Ross’ wife was not home at the
Beaufort is 31. Actor Ed Westwick is 31. Actor Matthew Lewis The truck bed was piled high with leafy the “best place” for the sculpture. time.
(Film: “Harry Potter”; TV: “Ripper Street”) is 29.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Local Weather Forecast
June 23 Powerball Fantasy Five
Unscramble these four Jumbles, We dn e s day t h ro ug h S at urday :
one letter to each square, 43 56 5 13 27 28 32 Mostly cloudy. Patchy fog. Highs in the
to form four ordinary words.
16 29 45 25
Powerball 50s to upper 60s.
OZARR June 26 Mega Millions Daily Four Lows in the lower to mid 50s.
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Saturday ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the

17 25 29 39 60 19 5 5 2 2 evening then becoming cloudy. Patchy
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Mega number
Daily three midday fog after midnight. Lows in the lower to
All Rights Reserved.
mid 50s. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph.
June 23 Super Lotto Plus Sunday : Mostly cloudy. Breezy. Patchy fog in the morn-
UFDIL 6 5 8
2 6 9 13 23 22 ing. Highs in the upper 50s to mid 60s. Southwest winds 15
Daily three evening to 20 mph... Becoming 20 to 30 mph in the afternoon.
Mega number

8 5 2 Sunday ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the evening then becom-

ing mostly cloudy. Breezy. Patchy fog. Lows in the lower
GSUUFN The Daily Derby race winners are Winning Spirit, No. 50s.
9, in first place; Solid Gold, No. 10, in second place; Mo nday : Cloudy in the morning then becoming partly
and Lucky Star, No. 2, in third place.The race time was cloudy. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs in the upper 50s
clocked at 1:46.15. to mid 60s. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph.
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003 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 7:38 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Wednesday • June 27, 2018 3

State lawmakers advance data privacy bill Police reports
Snack attack
By Sophia Bollag Ap p ro p ri at i o n s initiative and urged future changes.
Committee, a spokes- “Although AB375 is deeply flawed, the pri- Someone stole candy and popcorn from
woman for co-author Sen. vacy initiative is even worse,” chamber lob- a business on Broadway in Redwood
Bob Hertzberg, D-Van byist Sarah Boot said. City, it was reported at 5:06 a. m.
SACRAMENTO — California state sena- Sunday, June 24.
tors advanced a last-minute internet privacy Nuys, said. The full The bill has unclear language and could pre-
bill Tuesday ahead of a deadline while Assembly and Senate each vent companies from providing loyalty pro-
acknowledging it would need changes if it plan to vote on the bill grams and notifications to customers, Boot
becomes law. Thursday. Gov. Jerry said.
The bill would let consumers ask compa- Brown’s office has not The bill would let consumers ask compa- Vehi cl e theft. A vehicle was stolen on
nies what personal data they collect and opt Jerry Brown said whether he will sign nies such as Google and Facebook what per- Catamaran Street, it was reported at 9:04
out of having their data sold, among other it. sonal data has been collected, why it was col- a.m. Sunday, June 24.
privacy provisions. Lawmakers can more easily amend laws lected and what categories of third parties Petty theft. Someone stole packages on
Lawmakers voted to pass the measure, they pass than alter voter-enacted initiatives. have received it. East Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported at
AB375, out of the Senate Judiciary Lawmakers say the legislation will affect Consumers could also ask companies to 9:27 p.m. Saturday, June 23.
Committee. every California consumer and will likely delete their information and refrain from sell- Sus pended l i cens e. A Watsonville resi-
The bill is aimed at keeping a related initia- inform legislation throughout the country. ing it. dent was cited and released for driving with
tive off the November ballot. Lawmakers Mactaggart said he supports the bill and his Companies could offer discounts to cus- a suspended license on Bridgepointe
negotiated it with San Francisco housing initiative, though he believes the legislative tomers who allow their data to be sold and Parkway, it was reported at 8:28 p. m.
developer Alastair Mactaggart, who spent process is better tailored for enacting such could charge those who opt out a reasonable Saturday, June 23.
millions of dollars to place the initiative on policy. He said he has been pushing legisla- amount based on how much the company Arres t. A Watsonville resident was cited
the ballot. He said he would pull the measure tors to address the issue. makes selling the information. and released on a San Jose bench warrant
from the ballot if the bill is signed into law by Those who spoke against the bill, The bill would also bar companies from for $5,000 on Bridgepointe Parkway, it
the Thursday deadline to withdraw initiatives. including the California Chamber of selling data from users under 16 without con- was reported at 7:40 p.m. Saturday, June
The bill now moves to the Senate Commerce, said they favored it over the sent. 23.

High court rules against California crisis pregnancy center law Arres t. A transient was arrested after he
stole a pair of pants and was found to be in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS traception, abortion and prenatal care, at ceed” in their constitutional challenge to possession of controlled substances and
little or no cost. Centers that are unlicensed the portion of the law involving licensed paraphernalia and had an active misde-
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on were required to post a sign that said so. The centers. That means that while the law is meanor warrant on Industrial Road, it was
Tuesday effectively put an end to a court struck down that portion of the law. currently on the books, its challengers can reported at 7:49 p.m. Wednesday, June 20.
California law that forces anti-abortion cri- Arres t. A San Mateo resident was arrested
The centers said they were singled out and go back to court to get an order halting its
sis pregnancy centers to provide informa- for driving under the influence of alcohol
tion about abortion. forced to deliver a message with which they enforcement. An attorney for the chal-
disagreed. California said the law was need- lengers said Tuesday that they expect to be without a valid license on Brittan Avenue,
The 5-4 ruling also casts doubts on simi- it was reported at 12:50 a.m. Wednesday,
lar laws in Hawaii and Illinois. ed to let poor women know all their able to do that quickly. California had not
options. June 20.
The California law took effect in 2016. It been enforcing the law, however.
requires centers that are licensed by the state Justice Clarence Thomas, in his majority
to tell clients about the availability of con- opinion, said the centers “are likely to suc-
004 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 2:21 PM Page 1

4 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

005 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:08 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL STATE Wednesday • June 27, 2018 5

Lake County wildfire grows, 1,500 under evacuation orders
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ty has just a few roads into and out of the
region, which can hinder response time.
SPRING VALLEY — A wildfire in Steele said the area has also been suscepti-
Northern California that forced about 1,500 ble to fire for many decades because of dense
people to flee their homes grew overnight brush and trees, but the severity of the latest
and was heading toward a sparsely populat- blazes is unexpected.
ed area in a region hit hard by wildfires in “What’s happened with the more warming
recent years, authorities said Tuesday. climate is we get low humidity and higher
The fire in Lake County north of San winds,” Steele said.
Francisco is now nearly 18 square miles, The blaze is the latest in the county of
said Emily Smith, a spokeswoman with just 65,000 people in the last few years. In
California’s Department of Forestry and 2015, a series of fires destroyed 2,000
Fire Protection. buildings and killed four people. The fol-
The blaze burning through dry brush, lowing year, an arsonist started a fire that
grass and timber has destroyed 12 homes wiped out 300 buildings.
and 10 other buildings since it started on Last year, the county was among those
Saturday. It is threatening another 600 ravaged by a string of fires that ripped
buildings. through Northern California wine country.
Authorities over the weekend said resi- “I think we’re all just so traumatized and
dents had to evacuate all homes in the town overwhelmed with all these fires year after
of Spring Valley, where about 3,000 people year, this whole community is at a break-
live. Officials clarified Tuesday that only ing point,” said Terri Gonsalves, 55, who
half of the residents faced mandatory evacu- evacuated her home around midnight
ation orders. Sunday.
Spring Valley resident Deborah Edwards, More than 230 firefighters were battling
67, was seven hours out of town when her the Lake County fire in a rugged area that
neighbor called to alert her about the REUTERS FILE PHOTO made it difficult to get equipment close the
mandatory evacuation — the third evacua- A photo of the devastation left behind from the North Bay wildfires north of San Francisco. blaze, Smith said.
tion order Edwards has had to follow in the the neighbor knew what to take.” Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday declared a Residents also fled wildfires in Shasta and
past few years. She and her husband drove California officials said unusually hot state of emergency in rural Lake County. Tuolumne counties. At least a dozen blazes
back to collect their Labradors from an weather, high winds and highly flammable The declaration will enable officials to are burning throughout California. No cause
evacuation center where the neighbor had vegetation turned brittle by drought helped receive more state resources to fight the fire has been determined for any of the fires.
taken them. fuel several blazes that began over the and for recovery. Last year, California’s costliest fires
“We’ve done this enough times so we can weekend, the same conditions that led to the Jim Steele, an elected supervisor, said the killed 44 people and tore through the state’s
go ahead and go,” she said. “I had all my state’s deadliest and most destructive fire county is impoverished and its fire-fighting wine country in October, causing an esti-
important papers in a place beforehand so year in 2017. equipment antiquated. He also said the coun- mated $10 billion in damage.

California lead paint liability clean up lead paint themselves in 10 $196,000 to nearly $202,000. Members of
California cities and counties that sued them. Around the state the Legislature will get a $3,500 raise to
initiative heads to ballot The paint companies financed the initia- salary will top $200,000 just before he about $110, 000, while Lt. Gov. Gavin
tive after court rulings declared lead paint to leaves office. Newsom will be paid $151,000.
SACRAMENTO — California voters can
be a public nuisance and required companies A citizen board on Tuesday approved a 3 The attorney general, controller, treasur-
expect to see an initiative to limit liability
to pay for cleanup. percent bay bump for Brown, state lawmak- er, secretary of state, superintendent of pub-
for lead paint companies on their November
The measure would shift the cost from the ers and other elected officials. It’s the sixth lic instruction and insurance commissioner
paint companies to California taxpayers. straight year their pay has increased. will also get raises, as will members of a
The California Secretary of State The initiative backers argue it would be good state tax panel, the Board of Equalization.
Brown’s salary will rise from roughly
announced Tuesday that the measure had col- for California residents. The new salaries take effect in December.
lected enough signatures to make the ballot.
It would authorize bond funding to clean up California governor,
lead paint in California buildings. It’s funded
by paint companies who will otherwise have lawmakers get 3 percent pay boost
to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown’s

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006 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:15 PM Page 1

6 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

McMaster wins in South Carolina for Trump; Around the nation

Voter registration error
Democrat veteran Crowley out in New York triggers confusion in Maryland
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — A major voter-registration slip-up
caused confusion in an important primary Tuesday as officials
By Steve Peoples and Meg Kinnard
prepared for as many as 80,000 voters to cast provisional bal-
lots that won’t be counted until next week, but state elections
COLUMBIA, S. C. — One of officials said they believe they were able to alert affected vot-
President Donald Trump’s earliest and ers in time by email so they could cast ballots.
strongest supporters, South Carolina State officials were still assessing the fallout from a com-
Gov. Henry McMaster, survived an puter error at the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.
unusually tough challenge from a The problem relates to changes voters made in address and
political newcomer on Tuesday. But a party affiliation on the administration’s website or self-serv-
veteran Democratic House leader was- ice kiosks, information that wasn’t sent to the state elections
n’t so fortunate. board.
Linda Lamone, the state elections administrator, said vot-
Rep. Joe Crowley of New York lost
ing appeared to go smoothly as of 7:20 p.m.
to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-
“If there are things, they’re little things,” Lamone said.
year-old former aide to the late
“Because we were able to reach out to these voters by email,
Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, in
I’m hoping that will allay a lot of the potential confusion.”
the first defeat of the primary season
Holly Mirabella, an attorney and social worker in
for a Democratic incumbent.
Baltimore, received the email Monday that she was one of the
In Utah, Mitt Romney, the former
affected voters. But she said she did not have an easy time vot-
GOP presidential nominee and one-
ing in Baltimore. When she went to vote, she said the first
time face of the “Never Trump” move- REUTERS FILE PHOTO election judge she spoke to did not appear aware of the com-
ment, won the Republican nomination South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster at a rally in West Columbia, S.C. puter error. When she spoke to someone at the provisional
to run in November to become a 71-
Donovan beat former Rep. Michael preferred candidates have suffered ballot desk, Mirabella said she was told she shouldn’t have
year-old freshman senator.
Grimm, stinging losses in Alabama and west- been making address changes in an election year.
Crowley is the fourth-ranking
Democrat in the House and had been Voters also went to the primary polls ern Pennsylvania in recent months.
considered a possible candidate to in Oklahoma, Mississippi, Maryland The South Carolina gubernatorial Officials: N.C. university
replace Nancy Pelosi as the party’s and Colorado. race headlined the latest series of pri- mishandled sexual assault claims
leader in the chamber if the Democrats No contest mattered more to Trump mary contests across seven states. RALEIGH, N.C. — The University of North Carolina’s flag-
should win control in November and than South Carolina, where McMaster With the November general election a ship school violated Title IX anti-discrimination law because
Pelosi should step aside. had faced the possibility of losing his little more than four months away, of the way it handled sexual-assault and harassment com-
Crowley was backed by many seat to self-made Republican million- more than half the states will have plaints, a federal civil rights office has found.
unions, while Ocasio-Cortez was aire John Warren. The White House selected their candidates after the day’s The decision by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office
endorsed by several liberal groups, went all-in for the governor in recent final votes are counted. for Civil Rights came after an investigation of more than five
including MoveOn. days, dispatching the president and the History suggests that Trump’s years into complaints at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Also in New York, Trump got his way vice president to the state in an effort Republican Party, like the parties of The civil-rights officials said they were concerned about
where his preferred candidate defeated a to prevent a political debacle. virtually every first-term president dat- whether the school provided “prompt and equitable responses
convicted felon in the president’s Trump has a mixed track record when ing back to Ronald Reagan in 1982, to complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence, of
home city. Incumbent Rep. Dan campaigning for other candidates: His will suffer losses this fall. which it had notice; and, if not, whether such failure allowed
individuals to continue to be subjected to a sexually hostile
The office sent a letter Monday night to four former students
and a former administrator who filed a complaint in January
2013. The office determined the school did not adopt and pub-
lish proper grievance procedures for the resolution of sexual
discrimination complaints as required by Title IX.

Woman accused of leaking U.S. secrets pleads guilty

AUGUSTA, Ga. — A woman accused of leaking U.S. secrets
to a news outlet pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court in
Reality Winner, 26, entered her guilty plea after reaching a
plea agreement with prosecutors that calls for her to serve five
years and three months behind bars, news outlets reported. A
judge will sentence her later.
“All of these actions I did willfully, meaning I did them of
my own free will,” she told the court, The Atlanta Journal-
Constitution reported .
Winner has been held without bail since she was arrested in
June 2017 and charged under the Espionage Act. Her trial had
been set to start Oct. 15.
007 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:03 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Wednesday • June 27, 2018 7

High court OKs Trump’s travel Around the nation
Family separations
ban, rejects Muslim bias claim bring call for rare language interpreters
PHOENIX — As word spread that the Trump administration
was separating migrant families, urgent calls went out across
By Mark Sherman
the internet: Interpreters were needed at the U.S.-Mexico bor-
der to help immigrants understand their legal cases.
WASHINGTON — A sharply divided But this call was not for Spanish speakers. These inter-
Supreme Court upheld President preters needed to speak the lesser-known indigenous lan-
Donald Trump’s ban on travel from guages of Guatemala and Mexico, including Mayan lan-
several mostly Muslim countries guages and Zapotec.
Tuesday, the conservative majority Messages filled social media. An online fundraiser generat-
taking his side in a major ruling sup- ed more than $12,000. Translators quickly began impromptu
porting his presidential power. A dis- legal training.
senting liberal justice said the court “The Interpreter Brigade is springing into action again!”
was making a historic mistake by Esther Navarro-Hall, of Monterey, California, wrote on her
refusing to recognize the ban discrimi- group’s Facebook page.
nates against Muslims. Guatemalans have been the largest group of immigrants
The 5-4 decision was a big victory apprehended at the Mexico border this year, with almost
for Trump in the court’s first substan- 29,300 families arrested from Oct. 1 to May 31, according to
tive ruling on one of his administra- the U.S. Border Patrol.
tion’s policies. It also was the latest
demonstration of a newly invigorated
conservative majority and a bitter
defeat for the court’s liberals.
The ruling came on an issue that has Caitlyn Sanger, 13, is wipes tears as immigration rights proponents react outside
been central for Trump, from his cam- the U.S. Supreme Court after the Court upheld Donald Trump’s travel ban.
paign outbursts against “radical only after Republicans blocked part on Trump’s own tweets and state-
Islamic terrorism” through his presi- President Barack Obama’s nominee for ments over the past three years.
dency. He tweeted a quick reaction — the last 10 months of Obama’s term. But Roberts was careful not to
“Wow!” — and then celebrated at Roberts wrote that the travel ban was endorse either Trump’s statements
greater length before TV cameras. well within U.S. presidents’ consider- about immigration in general or
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the able authority over immigration and Muslims in particular, including his
majority opinion for the five conser- responsibility for keeping the nation campaign call for “a complete and
vative justices, including Trump nomi- safe. He rejected the challengers’ claim total shutdown of Muslims entering
nee Neil Gorsuch, who got his seat of anti-Muslim bias that rested in large the United States.”

GOP set for showdown immigration vote

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS members agitated The broader bill includes trade-offs,
for action. Now they including a multi-year path to citizen-
WASHINGTON — House Republicans are facing almost ship for young immigrants who have
are set to vote Wednesday on a hard- certain defeat, stung been living in the U.S. illegally since
fought immigration compromise by their own divi- childhood and $25 billion for Trump’s
between conservative and moderate GOP sions and President border wall. It also would stem family
flanks, but the bill has lost any real Donald Trump’s separations at the border by doing away
chance for passage despite a public out- wavering support. with longstanding rules that prevents
cry over the crisis at the border. It remained minors from being detained for more
Instead, lawmakers are expected to Paul Ryan unclear late Tuesday than 20 days; instead, children could be
turn toward a narrow bill to prevent what the final ver- held in custody with their parents for
immigrant family separations in hopes sion of the immigration legislation longer stretches. House Speaker Paul
of addressing that issue before leaving would contain. GOP negotiators had Ryan insisted the drawn-out effort has
town for the Fourth of July recess. been working over the weekend on an been worthwhile and could lay the
GOP leaders set out to pass the sweep- amendment to tack on provisions to groundwork for an eventual legislative
ing immigration measure on their own, draw more support. But it was not package. But that outcome is unlikely to
without Democratic input, after some expected to be included. happen anytime soon.

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008 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 7:48 PM Page 1

8 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

San Mateo armed robber sought beginning of the school year, accord-
Obituaries Local briefs ing to the Sheriff’s Office previously.
San Mateo police are seeking help Tran met with detectives and was
and police, accord-
Anthony Pellerano with identifying the suspect who com-
ing to prosecutors. arrested Nov. 27, 2017, but was able to
mitted an armed robbery at 7-Eleven bail out of jail on $300,000 before his
Anthony Alfred Pellerano died after a long, brave battle Fo l l o wi n g
last week. first court appearance. He was rearrest-
with Alzheimer’s on Saturday, June 16, 2018, at the age of Pellouchoud’s arrest
89. He will be lovingly missed by his Police responded Thursday, June 21, ed Nov. 30, 2017, after allegations he
at his home Nov.
wife of 65 years, Gloria, and his devoted around 11 p.m. to reports of an armed abused a third child surfaced, and since
28, 2017, an inves-
daughters, Carol, Linda and Christina. robber at the convenience store at 600 then, accounts of a fourth victim
tigation revealed he
He will also be missed by his two grand- E. Third Ave., where officers found a molested at a summer camp where Tran
had inappropriate
daughters, Samantha and Rebecca, and victim claiming they were held at gun- worked in July have come to light,
contact with the
his sons-in-law, Chris Weilert and Danny point by a masked gunman who stole according to prosecutors.
Anthony child and sent or
Cruise. cash from the register. Tran will be required to register as a
Born on April 4, 1929, in San The suspect, who ran before officers Pellouchoud exhibited pornog- sex offender for life and is in custody
raphy to her,
Francisco, Anthony was adored by all arrived, was described as an adult according to police and sheriff’s on $1 million bail, according to pros-
that knew him. In the 1960s, he owned Hispanic man, in his early 20s, about records previously. ecutors.
his own Italian restaurant Pietro’s and, even after it closed, 5-foot-8-inches tall and weighing Prosecutor Sharon Cho allegedly
he made pasta every single day. He continued to work hard about 150 pounds. He was last seen argued Pellouchoud’s actions took Fatal crash victim identified
his entire life to support his family, often working two to wearing a dark hoodie, light mask and advantage of a particularly vulnerable
dark jeans. A man who died in a car crash in
three jobs. He also served in the Korean war as a combat victim and constituted a serious breach unincorporated San Mateo County on
medic. Those who may have information of trust, according to prosecutors.
about the crime or suspect are encour- Friday has been identified by the San
Anthony will be fondly remembered for his nightly District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe Mateo County Coroner’s Office.
Manhattan, his infectious and frequent laugh and his pas- aged to call Detective John Rink at commended Garratt for doing what she
522-7617, or email jcrink@cityofsan- Tai Ping Yu was a 43-year-old man
sion for watching sports with his son-in-law, Chris. felt was right and issuing a sentence from San Jose. His loved ones shared
Together, they would shout at the TV and indulge in tradi- mateo.org. Those who wish to remain that would keep a predator behind bars.
anonymous may call the secret witness photos of him on social media on
tional antipasta. He was a loving and devoted father who “She brought justice to this case Sunday, saying they remembered many
was courageous and full of life even through his illness. hotline at 522-7676 or visit with her sentence,” he said.
http://tinyurl.com/SMPDTips. fond memories with him. Family mem-
Anthony was put to rest at Woodlawn Memorial Park and Pellouchoud’s defense attorney Jeff bers have organized a memorial serv-
Funeral home at 1000 El Camino Real, Colma. Jackson declined to comment.
Rest in peace, Papa. We love you. Millbrae man receives prison ice for him in San Jose on July 1.
San Carlos after-school aide The collision was reported at 4:50
term for lewd act with teen p.m. at 6605 Pescadero Creek Road,
An after-school aide employed by pleads no contest to lewd acts according to the California Highway
the city of San Bruno was sentenced to A 19-year-old after-school aide Patrol.
three years in state prison Tuesday accused of inappropriately touching A preliminary investigation showed
after he pleaded no contest to two four victims — one that the car collided with a motorcycle
counts of lewd acts upon a child in as young as 5 years and went into a creek, but the investi-
May, according to the San Mateo old — pleaded no gation is ongoing.
County District Attorney’s Office. contest to two
Though probation officers recom- counts of felony Man, 24, woman, 19,
mended Anthony Pellouchoud, 26, child molestation die in I-380 crash Saturday
receive one year in county jail and pro- Tuesday, according
bation, Judge Stephanie Garratt sen- to the San Mateo Two people who died in a car crash in
tenced him to a three-year prison term County District San Bruno on Saturday night have
instead, according to prosecutors. Attorney’s Office. been identified by the San Mateo
Hoang Tran County Coroner's Office.
Having previously denied accusa- Emerald Hills res-
tions of inappropriate contact with a ident Hoang Tran will be sentenced to Taylor Benjamin Vogel, a 24-year-
12-year-old girl at the Parkside three years in state prison when he old man from Lancaster in Southern
Intermediate School campus, comes back for sentencing Aug. 24, California, and Madhunila Chandra, a
Pellouchoud, who has been in custody according to prosecutors. 19-year-old woman from Saratoga,
on $1.15 million bail, will receive Tran was placed on leave from died in the crash.
232 days credit for time served and will Brittan Acres Elementary School after The solo-vehicle crash happened on
be required to register as a sex offender a 6-year-old girl told authorities he had the westbound Interstate 380 off-ramp
for life, according to prosecutors. inappropriately touched her at an after- to El Camino Real at 8:50 p.m, accord-
Around 6 p. m. Nov. 17, 2017, school program. An investigation ing to the California Highway Patrol.
Pellouchoud was seen alone with the began in September and a second vic- A four-door BMW rolled over and
girl in a locked computer lab on the tim, a 7-year-old girl, came forward Vogel, the driver, died at the scene.
school campus by a custodian, who and said Tran allegedly inappropriate- Chandra died after being taken to San
also saw him hugging and kissing the ly touched her at some point during the Francisco General Hospital, according
girl before notifying school officials to the CHP.

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009 0627 wed:1030 FRI 64 6/26/18 8:22 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Wednesday • June 27, 2018 9

Trump’s tariff war
The Wall Street Journal bill isn’t the political threat to
Loss of civility!
Other voices Republicans. The growing damage
o man is an island entire of itself: every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the

ould Republicans in from Mr. Trump’s trade war is.
By not allowing trade votes, main.” — John Donne.
Congress stay mute if a It seems that these days we are surrounded by people
This is the law that lets a President Republicans are giving Mr. Trump
President imposed income who have no thought of how their actions (or lack there-
impose more or less whatever tariffs free rein to impose tariffs that are
or sales taxes on U.S. industries on an of) can affect others. This came to mind while driving
he wants with an elastic definition of doing substantial economic harm to
arbitrary whim? We doubt it, so it’s along some residential streets in Millbrae and noticing
national security. Mr. Trump has used many of their constituents. Farm state
dispiriting to see Senate Republicans again the many houses that have grossly neglected front
this open-ended authority to inflict Senators deserve a chance to vote
let Donald Trump impose tens of bil- yards. They display tall weeds, dried-up bushes and trees
his 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 against tariffs that are spurring retali-
lions of dollars in border taxes with- that face those who live across the street from them who
percent on aluminum, and he’s threat- ation against U.S. agricultural
out so much as a vote of protest. must view these atrocities every day. I ask: What is hap-
ening a 25 percent levy on imported exports of everything from pork to
That’s the sad story as GOP pening to civility, thoughtfulness and manners? Why are
cars under the same law. His new apples. So do Senators who represent
Senators last week blocked a vote on there so many people who obviously have no thought for
China tariffs are based on a different U.S. manufacturers. The fear of a
Bob Corker’s amendment to reclaim anything but their own interests? It makes me especially
legal rationale (Section 301). Trump tantrum is precluding an
at least some of the power to impose grateful for our neighbors across the street who keep their
“I would bet that 95 percent of the important fight about what the party
tariffs that Congress has ceded to yards neat and tidy. These people have respect not only
people on this side of the aisle sup- of free enterprise supposedly
Presidents. Perhaps Mr. Trump took for others and the community, but also for themselves.
port intellectually this amendment,” believes.
the silence as assent because he is A newspaper editorial I
Mr. Corker said on the floor with
escalating. On Monday he threatened The economic fallout may also hurt found among my collection
some acidity. “And a lot of them
tariffs on up to $450 billion in the GOP’s chances of holding the lamented the lack of the
would vote for it if it came to a vote.
Chinese goods, and financial markets Senate in November. Democrats Heidi above as related to actions
But, no, no, no. ‘Gosh, we might
are finally losing their foolish com- Heitkamp (North Dakota) and Claire such as reckless driving,
poke the bear’ is the language I’ve
placency. Shares in exporters vulnera- McCaskill (Missouri) are running littering and annoying cell-
been hearing in the hallways.”
ble to retaliation like Boeing and against the tariffs as a way to oppose phones. The question was
Mr. Corker is right that GOP leaders
Caterpillar fell more than 3.6 percent Mr. Trump and defend their states’ whether we need a law to
fear a Trump tweet in the middle of
Tuesday. agricultural interests. The longer prevent such disrespectful
election season. Some of them are
Mr. Corker’s bipartisan measure Republicans shrink from standing up behavior. But how do you
also griping in private that Mr.
would have required Congress to to Mr. Trump’s protectionism, the legislate thoughtfulness?
Corker has the luxury of bucking the
approve trade restrictions that Mr. more voters will conclude that Consider the amount of
President because he isn’t running for
Trump is imposing under Section 232 Republicans in Congress are complic- trash on so many freeways
re-election. But Mr. Corker’s modest
of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. it in the damage. and city streets. There is a
law against littering. All

Letters to the editor that trash is tossed out by

people who have absolutely no concern for anyone else
and costs Caltrans millions of dollars that could be used to
fill potholes.
Another fiasco to be dealt with down the road. The Let us all hope and pray that basic
The editorial listed self-absorption, loss of community,
appropriate name for the gangs? How honesty and simple common sense
Editor, a sense of being too crowded and the feeling of anonymity
about “DT-18” after the creator of this may soon prevail.
Donald Trump and his narcissistic as some of the reasons for such blatant disregard for oth-
disaster. ers. But where does this come from? It basically boils
regime have once again created a
conundrum largely due to their imme- down to a culture that values interests other than the wel-
Mike Turturici Michael Traynor fare of its citizens and glorifies self-indulgence and greed.
diate “feel good” behavior. As a nar-
cissist, you think the world revolves San Carlos Burlingame As we have all been caught up in the whirlwind of con-
around you and never think about the sumerism, we are, more than ever, losing sight of the
unintended consequences of how your importance of modeling standards of behavior that pro-
actions affect others. Yes, it is the Gun violence Healing separated mote civility and community.
ripple effect which is beyond the Editor, immigrant families Dana Chidekel, Ph.D. explains it well in her book,
thinking of the current administra- The students at Marjory Stoneman “Parents in Charge.” “You cannot create a kind child by
Dear Editor, simply explaining kindness to him. You cannot create a
tion. Douglas Senior High School in The recent executive order is not
Trump has played right into the Parkland, Florida, will never forget kind child simply by sending him to religious school and
enough to right the wrongs of sepa- indoctrinating him in your religion’s values and princi-
hands of the immigrants. How so? the nightmare they experienced last rating undocumented children from
Think about it for a moment. These Feb. 14. Or should our country ever ples. You cannot create a kind child by punishing him
their families at the southern border. when he is unkind. If you want a child who is compassion-
folks are trying to protect their chil- forget what these youngsters have Interning families together is not the
endured. ate, treat him with compassion. If you want a child who is
dren from murderers and gangs in solution, we should not be interning
This summer, many of these stu- confused and conflicted, explain to him that he should be
their country. Their mission is the any undocumented immigrants at all. caring and generous toward others while you make it clear
safety of your children even at the dents will embark on a nationwide The order also does not address how that you resent his needs.”
expense of never seeing them again. summer bus tour to keep the problem we will reunite already separated chil- As standards of decency and manners are ignored, and we
Like World War II, when families sent of gun violence in the forefront of the dren with their families. In order to mindlessly give license to the producers of more and more
their children away to safe havens, nation’s conscience. Perhaps their move forward, we must reunite all movies, TV shows and computer games that glorify the
these folks from south of the border mission will take them to Chadds separated children from their families aggressive, the crass, crude, vulgar, self-obsessed and
are doing the same thing: sending Ford, Pennsylvania, where last month and ensure undocumented families are egocentric, we are embracing the dark side of freedom of
them to a safe haven. Their children at an eighth-grade graduation the stu- not criminalized and detained in expression and we are encouraging the kind of behavior
will be out of danger, fed, provided dents were presented with ballistic internment camps at all. that draws us apart. The attitude of, “I don’t need you, so
with medical assistance and housed at shields (donated by a firm called It is our duty to keep families get out of my way — I’ll do as I please” is evident, espe-
the U.S.’s expense. The children will Unequal Technologies) to presumably together and treat all immigrants with cially in the White House where egocentrism is rampant.
continue to be sent here in droves keep them safe in their classrooms in human dignity and respect. There are It is very disturbing so many Americans voted for a man
knowing that they will be taken in the years ahead. Does anything several important bills to cosponsor who is the epitome of self-obsession and disregard for
and eventually, due to the outrage of demonstrate more dramatically the on both sides of Congress, including others, a man who lies with alacrity and with no remorse,
the citizens of our country, be given disconnect between those who advo- House Resolution 2572. Keep fami- a man who obviously feels no empathy and compassion
an environment that they could only cate for responsible gun regulation lies together! for migrant children snatched from their parents and
dream about. Presently, keeping them and those who are beholden to the allowed to suffer in detention centers.
locked up together in cages will cer- gun lobby and are mired in a murky Such a belligerent attitude can do nothing but widen the
Jamin Shih
tainly create gangs, which is another debate about their Second Amendment gap that separates us — not only from other nations, but
unintended consequence that will have rights? San Jose
from each other. And, as such arrogance suffuses our cul-
ture, it fosters indifference and even hostility and surely
discourages a sense of community — locally and interna-
OUR MISSION: tionally. As David G. Myers wrote in “The American
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010 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 6:07 PM Page 1

10 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks inch higher a day after sharp losses

By Marley Jay again in November. The State
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS Department official said the U.S.
High: 24,384.21 is telling Asian and European gov-
NEW YORK — U. S. stocks Low: 24,241.22 ernments that they should com-
bobbed higher Tuesday as technol- Close: 24,283.11 pletely eliminate their oil imports
ogy and consumer-focused compa- Change: +30.31 from Iran before the grace period
nies regained a sliver of their loss- expires on November 4.
OTHER INDEXES Exxon Mobil jumped 1.1 per-
es from the day before. Oil prices
and energy companies jumped as S&P 500: 2723.06 +5.99 cent to $80. 64 and Chevron
the U.S. pressed its allies to stop NYSE Index: 12,510.55 +28.98 picked up 1.3 percent to $124.16.
importing oil from Iran. Nasdaq: 7561.63 +29.62 Apple climbed 1.2 percent to
Coming off their worst loss NYSE MKT: 2762.87 +42.83 $184.43 and Facebook gained 1.3
since early April, stocks were on Russell 2000: 1668.53 +11.02 percent to $199. Technology
track for hefty gains Tuesday after- Wilshire 5000: 28,494.21 +87.79 stocks were hammered Monday as
noon but weakened late in the day. investors reacted to reports that
Technology companies like Apple 10-Yr Bond: 2.88 +0.00 the Trump administration might
bounced back after abrupt losses Oil (per barrel): 70.45 +2.37 bar technology companies from
on Monday. General Electric led Gold : 1,260.70 -8.20 selling certain high-tech products
industrial companies higher after to China and other countries and
it said it would shrink even further putes the U. S. is having with Monday. The Dow Jones Industrial increase demand from other coun- limit investment in tech compa-
by spinning off its health care many of its biggest trading part- Average gained 30.31 points, or tries, which would likely produce nies by Chinese firms. Stocks
business and its oil service unit. ners. 0.1 percent, to 24,283.11. The more oil to pick up the slack. recovered some of those losses
Banks and other financial com- “The economy is strong as it Nasdaq composite added 29. 62 Benchmark U.S. crude added 3.6 after a top U. S. trade adviser
panies took losses as bond yields stands now and earnings are great, points, or 0. 4 percent, to percent to $70.53 a barrel in New rebutted those reports.
and interest rates remained well off but when all of the psychic energy 7,561.63 after it plunged 2.1 per- York. Brent crude, used to price Consumer focused companies
their highs from last month. and all of the focus is on the trade cent a day ago. The Russell 2000 international oils, rose 2.1 per- also rose. Amazon jumped 1.7 per-
Household goods makers also war, as it was in late March and index picked up 11.02 points, or cent to $76. 31 per barrel in cent to $1,691.09 and Netflix rose
slipped. early April, the market has 0.7 percent, to 1,668.53. London. 3.9 percent to $399.39 after they
Julian Emanuel, chief equity and responded accordingly,” he said. A senior State Department offi- President Donald Trump with- both dropped on Monday.
derivative strategist for BTIG, The S&P 500 index gained 5.99 cial said the Trump administration drew the U.S. from the Iran nuclear Homebuilder Lennar climbed 4.9
said the stock market is going to points, or 0. 2 percent, to wants allies to stop importing oil deal in May, so sanctions on percent to $51.61 after a strong
be volatile as long as investors 2, 723. 06. It fell 1. 4 percent from Iran. If they do it would Iran’s energy sector will kick in quarterly report, and its competi-
are concentrating on the trade dis- tors also climbed.

Trump denies he’s to blame Business briefs

for Harley-Davidson decision shipped back to the U.S. for sale.
Apple CEO intends to keep
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump
denied Tuesday that his trade policy is to
blame for Harley-Davidson’s decision to shift
AeroVironment reports
4Q net income of $18.3M
speaking out on social issues
some motorcycle production overseas, say- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Cooks listed educa-
ing on Twitter that the company is using MONROVIA — AeroVironment Inc. on tion, privacy rights, the
“Tariffs/Trade War as an excuse” to hide previ- Tuesday reported fiscal fourth-quarter net SAN FRANCISCO — Apple CEO Tim environment and human
ously announced plans to move jobs to Asia. income of $18.3 million. Cook intends to continue lambasting U.S. rights as other key
The Milwaukee-based company said On a per-share basis, the Monrovia, immigration policies and other issues that issues for him and Apple.
Monday it came to its decision because of California-based company said it had net trouble him to avoid falling into an Immigration is a sen-
retaliatory tariffs it faces in an escalating income of 77 cents. Earnings, adjusted to “appalling silence.” sitive subject that can
trade dispute between the U. S. and the account for discontinued operations, were Cook outlined his views on when CEOs also affect Apple’s busi-
European Union. The company had no 85 cents per share. should protest government policies during a ness because it relies on
immediate response Tuesday to the presi- The results beat Wall Street expectations. Monday evening appearance at a business Tim Cook a pipeline of employees
dent’s assertions. The average estimate of four analysts sur- conference hosted by Fortune magazine.. who come from outside
Trump warned Harley-Davidson that any veyed by Zacks Investment Research was His remarks came a week after he condemned the U.S. to fill thousands of the engineering
shift in production “will be the beginning for earnings of 52 cents per share. the Trump administration’s since-reversed jobs required to design and program the
of the end.” “The Aura will be gone and they The maker of unmanned aircrafts posted practice of separating children from parents iPhones, Macs, iPads and other gadgets that
will be taxed like never before!” Trump said revenue of $117.4 million in the period, accused of crossing the U.S. border illegally have turned it into the world’s most valuable
in one of several tweets Tuesday. He was which also beat Street forecasts. Four ana- in an interview with The Irish Times. company.
referring to tariffs Harley-Davidson would lysts surveyed by Zacks expected $113.2 Leaders at other major U.S. technology
face on motorcycles produced overseas and million. If he had dodged the politically charged companies that rely heavily on foreign-
subject, Cook said he would have been cast born programmers have also decried
into “the appalling silence of the good peo- President Donald Trump’s crackdown on
ple category and this is something that I immigration since taking office last year.
never want to be a part of.”


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011 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:45 PM Page 1


<<< Page 12, Giants rally past Rox to

win opener in key three-game series

Scots’ McLemore does it all

By Nathan Mollat

There was no doubt Carlmont’s Mailey

McLemore was going to be a star on the soft-
ball diamond.
Verbally committing to University of Santa
Barbara during her freshman year with the
Scots, McLemore went about showing the
Peninsula Athletic League and the Central
Coast Section that such an early commitment
was warranted.
This spring, McLemore put an exclamation
point on her high school career, leading the
Scots to an undefeated Bay Division title
while being among the best in CCS in the
pitcher’s circle and at the plate.
Her performance has earned McLemore the
Daily Journal’s Softball Player of the Year
“Mailey (pronounced: My-lee) really does-
n’t have a weakness in her game. Offensively,
pitching, defensively. She’s just an all-around
player,” Carlmont head coach Marco Giuliacci
An outstanding hitter her entire Carlmont
career, McLemore finished second in the PAL
Bay Division with a .516 average, but was
first in slugging with a 1.064. Her 34 RBIs
were third in the league while she finished tied

See AOTS, Page 15

Argentina moves on with late strike

By Steve Douglas time — and for good this time — if it wasn’t
Messi’s teammates poured off the bench
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Lionel Messi to celebrate with him after the final whistle,
and Argentina finally got things going at the forming a circle around him. Messi
World Cup. exchanged a long hug with teammate Javier
Messi scored an exquisite 14th-minute Mascherano, who clinched him tightly.
goal to give the two-time champions While Gonzalo Higuain cried nearby,
the lead in a must-win game against Messi clinched his fist as he turned
Nigeria on Tuesday, but it wasn’t until toward the Argentina fans.
Marcos Rojo’s 86th-minute strike that Messi’s name adorned the back of
Argentina was assured of a place in the most of the Argentina jerseys that
round of 16 with a 2-1 victory. dominated St. Petersburg ahead of the
Victor Moses scored from the penalty game, and received the biggest roar when
spot in the 51st minute for Nigeria, put- the teams were read out.
ting Argentina in danger of being elimi- He kicked the ball out of play with
nated without winning a match in Russia. his first touch, was tackled with his
It took an unlikely goal by Rojo next, but then he started to put on a
Hillsborough’s Archer Horn slides home in the
— a center back — to save show.
Messi’s 65th interna-
third inning in Tuesday’s 10-0 win over Foster
Argentina with a cushioned City in the District 52 9-10s All-Star
volley into the corner. tional goal owed as much
to Ever Banega’s long, Tournament at Burgess Park Field.
The win gave the Argentines second place

in Group D and allowed the soccer-mad nation driven pass over the defense as the forward’s
exquisite control on his left thigh, another
to forget about the 3-0 loss to Croatia last
touch with his left foot, and then a cool
week that sparked days of soul-searching right-footed finish into the corner. As Messi
within the squad and back home. fell to his knees, Argentina great Diego
Argentina will play France in the last 16 in
Kazan on Saturday, keeping alive Messi’s
quest for a first world title. He might have
retired from international soccer for a second
Maradona — sitting in a corporate box
inside the stadium — placed his arms on
Lionel Messi, top, celebrates Marcos Rojo’s
game-winning goal in a 2-1 win over Nigeria
See SOCCER, Page 14 that sent Argentina to the round of 16.
staying alive
NBA at forefront of diversity hiring in D52 9-10s
By Terry Bernal
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “The NBA remains the industry leader among men’s
sports for racial and gender hiring practices.” It took a while for Hillsborough’s bats to
get going in the District 52 9-10s All-Star
The NBA leads the way in men’s profes- — Richard Lapchick, director The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport Tournament. Two mercy-rule wins later, the
sional sports when it comes to racial and ’Borough boys have hit their stride.
gender hiring practices, according to a in Sport. cent (357 of 980) employment rate. After opening the tourney with a 1-0 walk-
diversity report released Tuesday. “The NBA remains the industry leader The league, which was first to have three off loss to Pacifica American, Hillsborough
The league earned an A+ for racial hiring among men’s sports for racial and gender team owners who are people of color, had has stormed through the elimination bracket
practices and a B for gender hiring practices hiring practices even with the increased seven women who served as team presi- with wins of 17-1 over Redwood City-West
for an overall grade of an A. That keeps the grading scales introduced last season, ” dents/CEOs during the 2017-2018 season and 10-0 over Foster City.
NBA “significantly above” other profes- Lapchick said. — the highest among men’s professional Tuesday’s five-inning victory over Foster
sional sports, according to Richard The report states that the NBA league sports. City was fueled by leadoff hitter Archer Horn,
Lapchick, the report’s author and the direc- office has the best record for people of color
tor of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in men’s professional sports at a 36.4 per- See DIVERSITY, Page 15 See 9-10s, Page 16
012 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 11:09 PM Page 1

12 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Lowrie, A’s rally for another comeback win in Detroit

By Noah Trister make it 6-3.
A’s 9, Tigers 7 Hicks rebounded a bit with an RBI single in
it back up the middle.” ished for his 19th save in 21 chances. the bottom of the fourth, but Hardy didn’t
DETROIT — Jed Lowrie didn’t need a home It was Lowrie’s fourth The Tigers scored four runs in the first. retire a batter in the fifth. Pinder hit a two-run
run this time. A single up the middle was hit of the night. Joyce had Nicholas Castellanos hit an RBI double, and homer, and Lowrie followed with a solo shot
plenty. doubled off Shane Greene Niko Goodrum drove in two runs with a dou- to make it 7-6. Hardy was taken out after a
Lowrie drove in the tiebreaking run in the (2-5) to lead off the ninth. ble of his own. James McCann’s RBI single walk to Khris Davis, and Buck Farmer came
top of the ninth inning for a second straight Lowrie also came in to made it 4-0. on in relief and shut the A’s out for two
game, and the A’s rallied from six runs down score an insurance run on Dixon Machado added a two-run triple in innings.
to beat Detroit 9-7 on Tuesday night, handing Jed Lowrie a single by pinch-hitter the third for Detroit. Oakland finally tied it in the seventh. With
the Tigers their seventh straight loss. Dustin Fowler. Oakland starter Frankie Montas allowed six rain coming down hard at times, Detroit
A day after his ninth-inning homer gave the Detroit led 6-0 after three innings. runs and eight hits in three innings. reliever Louis Coleman had all sorts of prob-
A’s a victory at Detroit on Monday, Lowrie Chad Pinder and Lowrie hit consecutive Blaine Hardy was breezing along for the lems. He got only one out and allowed a sin-
singled home Matt Joyce to break a 7-all tie. homers in the fifth for the A’s, who extended Tigers until he gave up three unearned runs in gle and two walks. Alex Wilson took his
“I’m trying to, bottom line, get the guy their record streak to 27 straight road games the fourth. First baseman John Hicks mis- place with the bases loaded and allowed a run-
over — by hitting a groundball to the right with a home run. handled a throw for an error with two outs. scoring grounder by Matt Olson.
side,” Lowrie said. “He left a two-seamer over Ryan Buchter (2-0) pitched a scoreless Mark Canha followed with an RBI double, and Hicks struck out with the bases loaded to
the middle of the plate and I was able to drive eighth for Oakland, and Blake Treinen fin- Jonathan Lucroy added a two-run double to end the eighth.

at it on the merits, I’m not sure coming back

MLB brief is warranted.” Giants 3, Rockies 2
Asked whether he would like Alderson to
Mets GM Sandy Alderson
steps down after cancer returns
NEW YORK — Choking back tears at a sur-
resume his GM duties if his health eventually
allowed that, Wilpon answered the same way
twice: “I think his health and his family are
Gorkys comes up clutch
first and foremost.” By Jamie McCauley the eighth before Sam Dyson closed out
prise news conference, Sandy Alderson Colorado for his third save.
revealed what he had just told his team Assistant general manager John Ricco and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
special assistants J.P. Ricciardi and Omar The Giants loaded the bases in the eighth
moments before. against Adam Ottavino (3-1), whose score-
His cancer has returned, he’s taking a leave Minaya will run the club’s baseball opera- SAN FRANCISCO — Gorkys Hernandez is
tions in Alderson’s absence. Minaya preced- hitting for power, grinding through long at- less streak ended at 15 innings with his first
of absence — and his up- run allowed since May 8 at home against the
and-down tenure as New ed Alderson as Mets general manager, and bats and moving baserunners with timely
Ricciardi was GM of the Toronto Blue Jays bunts — and his teammates are taking notice. Angels.
York Mets general man-
from 2001-09. Hernandez drew a go-ahead, bases-loaded Andrew McCutchen had a go-ahead sacri-
ager is essentially over.
Alderson was hired by the Mets after the walk in the eighth inning after his earlier fice fly in the seventh inning before the
With the team in a mas-
2010 season. He was diagnosed with cancer solo home run, and the Rockies tied it at 2 on Ian Desmond’s two-
sive tailspin, chief oper-
at the end of the 2015 season and had surgery San Francisco Giants beat out double in the eighth off Mark Melancon.
ating officer Jeff Wilpon
but stayed on the job. He reduced his work the Colorado Rockies 3-2 Austin Slater and pinch-hitter Hunter
and the 70-year-old
schedule at times but remained in a full-time on Tuesday night. Pence had consecutive singles to start the
Alderson made the
role while undergoing chemotherapy treat- “We’re going to be seventh before advancing on a sacrifice
announcement before
Sandy ments. talking about him for a bunt by Hernandez, who homered to tie it in
Tuesday night’s game
Alderson Wilpon said Alderson informed him of his while,” Giants starter the third. Rockies starter Chad Bettis inten-
against Pittsburgh.
decision Sunday. Derek Holland said of tionally walked Buster Posey to load the
“With respect to the
According to players, Alderson broke Hernandez. “He’s been bases for McCutchen, and Ottavino relieved
future, I would say two things: One is,
down a bit as he spoke to his teary-eyed team doing outstanding this and gave up the go-ahead run. Slater just
notwithstanding the good prognosis, my Gorkys
in the clubhouse before addressing the media. year, he’s been a huge beat center fielder Gerardo Parra’s throw to
health is an uncertainty going forward,” said Hernandez
Mets captain David Wright, sidelined by part of this team.” the plate.
Alderson, who agreed to a contract extension
in December. “And secondly, if I were to look injuries for more than two years, said players Tom Murphy doubled to start the ninth for Bettis gave up two runs and six hits in a 6
stood and gave Alderson a round of applause. the Rockies on a hit that sliding Hernandez 1/3 innings, struck out four and walked four.
couldn’t secure in center field, and the ball He had allowed five or more runs in his
kicked back toward the infield. San previous five starts but hadn’t lost, a streak
Francisco left third base uncovered, but that is tied for the longest in major league
despite base coach Stu Cole wildly gestur- history with Rube Walberg from June 1-18,
ing, Murphy never looked up and stopped at 1932. All of Bettis’ decisions have come
second. DJ LeMahieu wound up grounding away from Coors Field.
into a game-ending double play that was Desmond hit a one-out solo homer in the
confirmed on replay. second to put Colorado ahead before
“There’s a lot of chaos going on at that Hernandez tied it.
point. Rarely do you see that type of situa- Four of Hernandez’s 10 home runs have
tion occur where you have three guys cover- come against the Rockies. His previous
ing second base,” Rockies manager Bud career high was three, and he didn’t hit any
Black said. “Pitcher, third baseman, first last year.
baseman end up going over there.” “It feels great, last year having nothing
Tony Watson (2-2) recorded the final out of (homers) to this year having 10,” he said.
013 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:26 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • June 27, 2018 13

Bettman, Brodeur, O’Ree top Hockey Hall of Fame class
By Stephen Whyno expansion into a multi- in revenue. It’s been an playoff games and had a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS billion-dollar industry occasionally bruising 2.02 postseason goals-
and Brodeur piled up the ride, with three work against average. Brodeur
most wins and shutouts stoppages, including one also scored two regular-
Willie O’Ree didn’t know he had broken of any goaltender in NHL that canceled the entire season goals and another
the NHL’s color barrier when he made his history. 2004-05 season and led in the playoffs — more
debut in 1958. Martin Brodeur couldn’t see “This is an exciting to the salary cap. But than any other goalie.
the three Stanley Cup titles and jaw-drop- class to be around Bettman has been noth- The Montreal native
ping career ahead when he played his first because everyone has ing if not a strong leader, was the last real standup
game in goal for the New Jersey Devils in
1992 and, a year later, Gary Bettman didn’t Willie O’Ree tried to take their game Gary Bettman and all-time great Wayne Martin Brodeur goaltender as the posi-
to the next level,” Gretzky said the efforts tion moved almost
know he would end up growing the league by Bettman said Tuesday. “I really wasn’t to help each club compete have made the exclusively to the butterfly technique, and
leaps and bounds over the next 25 years as focused on whether this was happening now; game stronger. his puck-handling prowess led the NHL to
its commissioner. I was really focused on whether Willie O’Ree “His leadership and love for hockey is institute the trapezoid behind the net as a
All three will go into the Hockey Hall of was going to be selected because that to me very evident,” Gretzky said. “Hockey has way to increase scoring.
Fame together as the headliners of a trail- was a very important act for the Hall to become more entertaining year after year, “You play your whole career and you don’t
blazing class of 2018 that also includes take.” thanks in part to his passion for the game.” expect to get this phone call, but when it
diminutive forward Martin St. Louis, four- Bettman has been commissioner since Brodeur lifted the Stanley Cup three times does, it definitely does feel pretty good,”
time gold-medal-winning Canadian 1993, during which time the NHL has with the Devils between 1995 and 2003. He said Brodeur, the Blues assistant GM who
women’s national team star Jayna Hefford expanded its footprint across North America leads all goalies with 691 wins and 125 was sitting alongside Hall of Fame defense-
and Russian Alexander Yakushev. and increased from 24 to 31 teams. In that shutouts in 1,266 regular-season games with man Larry Robinson at prospect camp in St.
O’Ree was the first black player in the time, the league has gone from a $437 mil- the Devils and St. Louis Blues, and he won Louis when he got the news. “I want to thank
NHL, Bettman has overseen the league’s lion business to one with almost $5 billion the Vezina Trophy four times. He won 113 the committee for putting me on so early.”

before finishing his college career at North

Sports brief
Magic: I’ll step down if Body found in house where
Alabama. He was drafted in the second round
by the St. Louis Rams in 2012. He played
four seasons with the Rams and the last two

I don’t land free agents NY Giants’ Janoris Jenkins lives

FAIR LAWN, N.J. — A body has been
found at a New Jersey home where New York
seasons with the Giants.

Floyd Mayweather Sr. found

By Greg Beacham where, Johnson and the Lakers will pursue the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS large crop of 2019 free agents. Giants cornerback Janoris Jenkins lives. not guilty in Vegas battery case
And if he strikes out with every big name, The Bergen County prosecutor’s office LAS VEGAS — Boxer Floyd Mayweather
EL SEGUNDO — Magic Johnson is betting Johnson said he will quit. says it is investigating a death at the house Jr.’s father has been acquitted in Las Vegas
his job on his free-agent recruiting skills for in Fair Lawn, about 10 miles north of of a misdemeanor battery charge after a trial
“Like I told you when I took the job, it’s
the Los Angeles Lakers. MetLife Stadium. Property records show before a judge.
going to be a two-summer thing for the
Johnson declared Monday that he will step Jenkins has lived at the house the last two Floyd Mayweather Sr.’s lawyer, Nicholas
Lakers,” Johnson said. “This summer, and
down as the Lakers’ president of basketball years. Wooldridge, said testimony took several
next summer, and that’s it. And if I can’t deliv-
operations if he can’t persuade an elite free er, I’m going to step down myself. She won’t The prosecutor’s office says the dead man hours before Justice of the Peace Harmony
agent to sign with the 16- have to fire me. I’ll step away from it. Because isn’t the house’s owner. His identity wasn’t Letizia reached the not guilty verdict on
time NBA champions with- then, I can’t do this job. But so far, so good.” immediately released. The office didn’t say Tuesday.
in the next two summers. where Jenkins was when the death occurred. Wooldridge called allegations that the 65-
Although the Lakers are mired in the worst
“Next summer, if nobody A spokesman for the Giants says the team year-old Mayweather Sr. pulled a woman
five-year stretch in franchise history and
comes and I’m still sitting is monitoring the situation but didn’t com- from his vehicle, punched her in the leg and
haven’t made the playoffs since 2013,
here like this, then it’s a ment further. left her after a boxing event last September
Johnson and general manager Rob Pelinka
failure,” Johnson said after have been successful in achieving their initial Jenkins played at Florida from 2008-10 an attempt to get money from his client.
a news conference to intro- goals since they took over 16 months ago.
duce draft picks Moe
Wagner and Svi They have solidified a decent core of talent-
Magic Johnson Mykhailiuk. ed young players — Brandon Ingram, Lonzo
Johnson was put in Ball, Kyle Kuzma and Josh Hart — to provide
charge of the Lakers’ front office by owner their potential free-agent signees with sup-
Jeanie Buss in February 2017, and the former port. They have made several slick trades and
superstar point guard immediately announced personnel moves to clear enough salary cap
his plans to revive the struggling franchise by room to offer two mammoth free-agent con-
enticing the game’s best players to join as free tracts this summer.
agents. Now comes the tough part: Persuading
With Paul George and potentially LeBron George or James or other big names to move
James headlining the market this summer, to Hollywood. Johnson said he has no idea
Johnson is leading the Lakers’ efforts to land whether the Lakers’ pitch will be well-
both players this weekend. If they sign else- received, but he also feels confident in his

Renters Insurance Rates

014 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 8:27 PM Page 1

14 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Denmark advances at World missed the tournament because of a doping would win its group with
World Cup roundup suspension, scored the second goal early in a perfect record, some-
Cup in drab 0-0 draw with France on France on Saturday in Kazan. the second half to give his team an honor- thing it has never
MOSCOW — A game neither France nor Fielding a side filled with reserves after able finish after two opening losses. achieved in its long
Denmark needed to win produced the World already being assured of a spot in the round Tim Cahill, a 38-year-old striker who World Cup history.
Cup’s first 0-0 draw amid boos and whistles of 16, Croatia started to take control of the entered the match in the second half, could- It’s exactly the kind of
from fans on Tuesday. match in the second half. n’t give Australia a boost as it tried to reach big dreams that 30-year-
A slow-paced game out of step with a Milan Badelj, moments after hitting the the round of 16 for the first time since 2006. old forward Javier
vibrant tournament ensured already-quali- bar, scored the opening goal in the 53rd Hernandez was criticized
fied France won Group C and Denmark minute. He sprinted into the area and sent a
Rudy ruled out of Germany’s Javier for prior to the tourna-
advanced as runner-up. bouncing shot past goalkeeper Hannes final World Cup group match Hernandez ment when he said win-
A draw ensured that outcome, though Halldorsson. ning this year’s World
Peru’s 2-0 victory over Australia playing at KAZAN, Russia — Germany midfielder Cup was a possibility.
“The fact that we’ve brought on nine new Sebastian Rudy has been ruled out of the
the same time meant the Danes would have On Tuesday in advance of El Tri’s final
players and won is another sign of our team’s final group game against South
advanced to the round of 16 even had they Group F match against Sweden, he doubled
strength and depth, and we have to be proud Korea at the World Cup after suffering multi-
lost to France. down.
of that,” said Badelj, who was man of the ple fractures to his nose.
A French team with six starters resting “The best thing to do with dreams is to
match. Coach Joachim Loew said Tuesday on the
barely tested Denmark share them with people who are dreamers,”
Iceland equalized in the 76th when Gylfi eve of the match that he said. “We are brave enough not only to
goalkeeper Kasper Sigurdsson scored from the penalty spot
Schmeichel until substi- Rudy hadn’t recovered dream, but to work on those dreams so that
after substitute Dejan Lovren handled the after undergoing surgery. we can make them true.”
tute Nabil Fekir tried two ball.
long-range shots. Rudy picked up the Hernandez notched his 50th international
Defender Sverrir Ingason twice threatened injury during his team’s goal in Mexico’s 2-1 win over South Korea
Much of a 78, 011 for Iceland, hitting the crossbar with a head-
crowd in Luzhniki 2-1 win over Sweden last on Saturday. With one more, he can become
er in the second half. week. He was forced to Mexico’s all-time leading scorer in World
Stadium whistled mis-
“There is too much quality in Croatia,” leave the pitch after a Cup play with five, breaking a tie with Luis
placed passes and slow
Iceland coach Heimir Hallgrimsson said. “I Swedish player’s boot Hernandez.
play as the game pro-
Kasper am disappointed but I am really proud of the slammed into his nose in Javier said no one inside Mexico’s locker
gressed and Denmark Sebastian Rudy the first half as he was on
Schmeichel character and the performance of the boys. room is disappointed about not having
protected its point —
likely aware Australia had no chance of win- the ground. already earned its place in what would be its
Australia eliminated, Peru Loew said it wouldn’t make sense to make seventh consecutive spot in the round of
leaves World Cup on high note Rudy play with a protective mask. 16.
Croatia reserves repel The German coach will also be without That’s mostly because nothing is settled
SOCHI, Russia — Already-eliminated Peru defender Jerome Boateng, who is suspended
Iceland 2-1 at World Cup ended Australia’s hopes of advancing to the yet in Group F. If Sweden beats Mexico on
after getting sent off against Sweden. Wednesday and Germany beats South Korea,
ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia — Croatia knockout round at the World Cup with a 2-0 Germany is guaranteed to qualify for the
victory on Tuesday. three teams would be tied atop Group F with
ended Iceland’s chances at the World Cup last 16 if it wins by at least two goals. six points, sending it to tiebreakers that
and helped out Argentina at the same time. The Australians had to beat Peru and hope
Denmark lost to France in the other Group C Hernandez, Mexico happy to start with goal difference.
Ivan Perisic capitalized on a defensive Having something to play for in this
match, but neither result happened. France
error to score a 90th-minute winner Tuesday,
and Denmark drew 0-0 in Moscow.
be dreamers during World Cup final group stage game fits right into this
giving Croatia a 2-1 win over Iceland and team’s mentality, Hernandez said.
first place in Group D on Tuesday. Andre Carrillo’s first-half goal — a half- YEKATERINIBURG, Russia — With back-
volley from inside the area — was Peru’s to-back victories to open the World Cup, “This is the group of death,” Hernandez
Iceland could have finished second in the
first in a World Cup since 1982, the last including one over defending champion said. “People can say whatever they want
group with a victory because Argentina beat
time the South Americans played in the tour- Germany, Mexico’s national team has there, but we have a magnificent opportuni-
Nigeria 2-1 at the same time. Instead, the
Croats will face Denmark on Sunday in nament. Peru hadn’t won a World Cup match already been anointed by some back home ty to break that ceiling and to demonstrate
Nizhny Novgorod and Argentina will take since defeating Iran in 1978. as the best in the country’s history. that we can do this after working hard. And
Peru captain Paolo Guerrero, who almost If Mexico beats Sweden on Wednesday it let’s let football speak for itself.”

Mascherano lost possession in front of his knockout stage. KEY TO SUCCESS
own defense.
And it was Mascherano who gave away GROUP DYNAMICS Messi delivered his best performance of
Continued from page 11 the penalty with a pull on Leon Balogun at Nigeria was minutes away from advancing the tournament, with his goal allowing
a 49th-minute corner. Moses converted — to the knockout round of a World Cup for the Argentina to take early control of the game.
opposite shoulders and looked to the sky. and marked the goal with a somersault — to fourth time. As it finished, the African
put Nigeria back in control of the race for nation ended up third in the group — a point Yet the standout player might have been
Messi, who later hit the post off a free second place in the group. behind Argentina. Banega, who was recalled to midfield after
kick, and the recalled Banega ran the game Argentina was facing finishing a World Argentina has four days to prepare for its being on the bench for the first two games
in the first half for Argentina. The team’s Cup without a win for the first time since last 16 match against France. It is the first and impressed with his work rate and range
biggest problems arose whenever 1934, but instead they are headed to the game of the knockout stage. of passing.
015 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:58 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • June 27, 2018 15

walk her,” She came up to me this year and said:

Continued from page 11
Giuliacci said. “I
kept waiting for
someone to do
‘What’s the game plan?’” Giuliacci
said. “You look for that as coach.
You want your star player to say that
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
the Barry Bonds to you.” New York 52 25 .675 — Atlanta 45 33 .577 —
and walk her with A coach also wants a player who Boston 53 27 .663 1/2 Philadelphia 41 36 .532 3 1/2
for third in home runs with six. the bases loaded. knows what works for them.While Tampa Bay 39 40 .494 14 Washington 41 37 .526 4
“Coaches just feared her (offen- … [St. Ignatius] those pitchers who throw a ton of Toronto 37 42 .468 16 New York 32 45 .416 12 1/2
sively),” Giuliacci said. walked her in the strikeouts tend to get a lot of acco-
Baltimore 23 55 .295 29 1/2 Miami 32 48 .400 14
The fact of the matter is, as well as bottom of the lades, McLemore was confident
McLemore was offensively this sea-
Mailey Central Division Central Division
McLemore seventh in a 1-1 enough in her style of pitching and Cleveland 43 35 .551 — Milwaukee 46 32 .590 —
son, she could have been even better game.” the play of the Carlmont defense Minnesota 34 41 .453 7 1/2 CHICAGO 42 34 .553 3
considering she got the Barry Carlmont would win that season- behind her to remain a pitcher and Detroit 36 44 .450 8 St. Louis 42 36 .538 4
Bonds Treatment for most of the opening game 2-1 as McLemore not just a strikeout artist. Chicago 27 51 .346 16 Pittsburgh 37 42 .468 9 1/2
year — getting one pitch an at-bat, homered in the fourth. Kansas City 24 55 .304 19 1/2 Cincinnati 33 46 .418 13 1/2
“She doesn’t have overwhelming
or per game, to actually hit. From the pitcher’s circle, speed, so she has to spin the ball a West Division West Division
To see her true value to the Scots’ McLemore emerged as one of the lot,” Giuliacci said. “And she spins Houston 53 28 .654 — Arizona 45 34 .570 —
offense, look no further than the 22 best in CCS. Her 18 wins this sea- Seattle 49 31 .613 3 1/2 LOS ANGELES 42 35 .545 2
the crap out of it.”
walks she was issued this season. son was fourth-best in the entire A’s 42 38 .525 10 1/2 Giants 41 39 .513 4 1/2
No. 2 on Carlmont’s walks list? Said McLemore: “I just have to Angels 41 39 .513 11 1/2 Colorado 38 41 .481 7
section, while her ERA of 1.11 was remind myself that what I do works.
Bianca Vitale, who walked six Texas 35 46 .432 18 San Diego 36 46 .439 10 1/2
fifth-best in CCS. Clearly, it’s working pretty well.”
times. And while not known as a strike- Tuesday’s Games
So not even a 3-1 loss to Mitty in Tuesday’s Games
If anything, all those walks made out pitcher, McLemore still finished Tampa Bay 1,Washington 0 Tampa Bay 1,Washington 0
her even more focused at the plate, in the top 10 of CCS with 123. the first round of the CCS Open N.Y.Yankees 6, Philadelphia 0
N.Y.Yankees 6, Philadelphia 0
as she had an onbase-plus-slugging “I love being able to [make a dif- Division could dampen an otherwise Seattle 3, Baltimore 2 Arizona 5, Miami 3
percentage mark of 1.693 and only ference] on both sides of the ball,” outstanding season. In fact, Boston 9, L.A.Angels 1 N.Y.Mets 4, Pittsburgh 3, 10 innings
struck out once. McLemore said. McLemore had a very reasoned reac- Oakland 9, Detroit 7 Cincinnati 5, Atlanta 3
“I had to step up and take advan- This was the first year that tion. San Diego 3,Texas 2 San Diego 3,Texas 2
Chicago White Sox 8, Minnesota 4 Milwaukee 5, Kansas City 1
tage. I knew I was only going to get McLemore was the unquestioned No. “I honestly feel that the CCS Houston 7,Toronto 0 St.Louis 11, Cleveland 2
one pitch to hit, so I had to be ready 1 starter, as she split time her first game was one of the best game we Milwaukee 5, Kansas City 1 San Francisco 3, Colorado 2
when I got it,” McLemore said. three seasons. Her freshman year, played,” McLemore said. “It just did- St.Louis 11, Cleveland 2 CHICAGO CUBS AT L.A.DODGERS,LATE
Giuliacci said he had heard anoth- she made 14 starts, going 10-3. Her n’t go our way.” Wednesday’s Games Wednesday’s Games
Everything else, however, went KC (Duffy 3-7) at Milwaukee (Suter 8-4), 11:10 a.m. Cincinnati(Castillo5-8)atAtlanta(Newcomb8-2),9:10a.m.
er coach was planning on walking sophomore year she went 7-0 in just
Toronto (Estrada 4-7) at Houston (Keuchel 4-8),11:10 a.m. KC (Duffy 3-7) at Milwaukee (Suter 8-4), 11:10 a.m.
McLemore every time the clean-up nine starts. Last season, she went McLemore and Carlmont’s way in Yankees (Cessa 0-0) at Philadelphia (Eflin 5-2),4:05 p.m. Yankees (Cessa 0-0) at Philadelphia (Eflin 5-2),4:05 p.m.
hitter came to the plate. Giuliacci 13-1 in 15 starts. Her final season, 2018. Seattle (LeBlanc 3-0) at Baltimore (Cobb 2-9), 4:05 p.m. Arizona (Ray 2-0) at Miami (Chen 2-4), 4:10 p.m.
countered that by batting McLemore she started 20 of the Scots’ 25 “I just wanted to end senior year Angels (Heaney 4-5) at Boston (Porcello 9-3), 4:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Nova 4-5) at Mets (Wheeler 2-6), 4:10 p.m.
leadoff. games, winning 90 percent. with a bang,” McLemore said. A’s (Manaea 7-6) at Detroit (Fiers 5-4), 4:10 p.m. San Diego (Richard 7-6) at Texas (Minor 5-4), 5:05 p.m.
“[The opposing coach] did not “This year, she really wanted it. “Leave it all out on the field.” San Diego (Richard 7-6) at Texas (Minor 5-4), 5:05 p.m. Cleveland (Bieber 2-0) at St.Louis (Flaherty 3-2),5:15 p.m.
Minnesota (Gibson 2-5) atWhite Sox (Shields 2-9),5:10 p.m. Cubs (Hendricks 5-7) at Dodgers (Wood 3-5),7:10 p.m.
Cleveland (Bieber 2-0) at St.Louis (Flaherty 3-2),5:15 p.m. Colorado(Freeland7-6)atGiants(Bumgarner1-2),7:15p.m.
10 percent (3 of 30) to 20 percent (6 to the assistant coach level, where
DIVERSITY of 30), which puts the NBA well
ahead of other men’s sports leagues.
the percentage of people of color
increased from 45.4 percent (74 of
Thursday’s Games
Oakland at Detroit, 10:10 a.m.
Minnesota at Chicago White Sox, 11:10 a.m.
Thursday’s Games
Arizona at Miami, 9:10 a.m.
Chicago Cubs at L.A.Dodgers, 12:10 p.m.
That’s a big positive, Lapchick 163) in 2016-2017 to 45.7 percent Seattle at Baltimore, 12:05 p.m. Colorado at San Francisco, 12:45 p.m.
Continued from page 11 Houston at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m.
said. (79 of 173) this past season.
Angels at Boston, 4:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m.
The report states there are also Nine of 30 NBA head coaches were Likewise, there was an increase in
more NBA general managers and people of color last season. But fol- the percentage of people of color as TRANSACTIONS
head coaches of color than in the lowing changes at the end of this vice presidents at the team level,
past. past season, one-third (10 of 30) of increasing to 25.4 percent (148 of BASEBALL National League
all NBA head coaches are now people 583) this past season, up nearly six American League NEW YORK METS — Announced general man-
The general managers who are peo- of color. percent (86 of 442) from the previ- CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Assigned OF Trayce ager Sandy Alderson is taking a leave of absence for
Thompson outright to Charlotte (IL). Signed RHP health reasons. Optioned INF Luis Guillorme to Las
ple of color doubled last season from The same trend has trickled down ous season. Isaiah Carranza to a minor league contract. Vegas (PCL).
016 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 10:38 PM Page 1

16 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

umph over the Red Sox. and Adam Zimmer tabbing consecutive RBI
Arkansas takes 9-10s It was the last official
game Smith pitched until
Tuesday’s outing.
infield singles. Jack O’Connor and Tyler
Crawford followed with RBI singles. A
bases-loaded walk to Horn forced home the

Game 1 of CWS Continued from page 11

who set the table all night long.

Hillsborough totaled 14 hits as a team with
“I was happy I was
pitching because I like to
pitch, ” Smith said. “I
final run of the inning.
In the fifth, Hillsborough produced the
10th run to invoke the mercy-rule on an RBI
By Eric Olson like to start.” double by Zimmer to drive home Salama.
the left-handed hitting Horn reaching base in Hillsborough jumped
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Foster City’s only hit came in the first
all four of his plate appearances, going 2 for
2 with two walks, two doubles, an RBI and Christian Louie out to an early lead cour- inning on a single through the middle by
OMAHA, Neb. — Arkansas didn’t hit tesy of a pair of doubles. Parker Jessup, another regular-season
much against Luke Heimlich and Christian three runs scored. Horn led off by powering the second pitch champion as his Foster City Little League
Chamberlain in Game 1 of the College Horn is now hitting .444 (4 for 9) in the of the game for a two-bagger. No. 3 hitter Muckdogs won the league title. Jessup said
World Series finals. In fact, the Razorbacks tournament. Jack Callen followed with a one-out double he was upset with himself for letting a good
struck out 16 times. “I like leading off because I set the tone to give Hillsborough a 1-0 lead. pitch go by in the at-bat. When he got
Somehow, some way, they sit on the cusp for the team,” said Horn, who only started Foster City starting pitcher Christian another one, though, he did not miss it.
of their first national championship in base- hitting leadoff this season for his regular- Louie settled in though, keeping it at 1-0
season Hillsborough Little League “I was looking for a strike,” Jessup said.
ball after beating Oregon though two innings. The left-handed Louie “I saw that first one go low. Then I saw
State 4-1 Tuesday night. Cardinals. pitched in two games in the tournament. He
Starting pitcher Brody Smith was the ben- another one go by, it was a strike, and I got
They capitalized against also worked three innings in Saturday’s mad. Then I saw another one and I hit it.”
a faltering Heimlich in a eficiary of the mighty run support, and made tourney opener, an 11-1 win over Palo Alto
it count. The right-hander worked three Hillsborough opened the tournament
four-run fifth inning, got a National.
shutout innings, and along with reliever Ian Saturday with a tough 1-0 loss to Pacifica
strong start from Blaine “Christian is solid,” Foster City manager
McMahon combined on a one-hit shutout. American. The two teams took a scoreless
Knight with shutdown Mark Copus said. “He’s solid every time.
During one stretch spanning through the tie into the sixth before Pacifica won on a
relief pitching and mixed He’s the rock in our lineup. And we’re
second to the fifth innings, Smith and walk-off sacrifice fly by Kagan Plumb to
in a few big defensive always going to get good pitching from
McMahon combined to set down 10 him.” score Jason Balmy. On the mound for
plays. That enabled the Pacifica, Balmy, A.J. Delaney and Alex
Blaine Knight Razorbacks to win on a straight batters. During the streak, they did- In the third inning, Hillsborough chipped
n’t allow a ball out of the infield, totaling away for two more runs. Horn led off the Winegar combined for the shutout.
night when they mustered just five hits. In Sunday’s elimination game against
Nothing turned the game more than the three strikeouts, six groundouts and a foul frame with a crisp double up the right-center
infield popup. gap. Then after a one-out walk to Callen, RWC-West, Hillsborough rallied for a 10-
sudden collapse of Heimlich. After failing
“I felt very comfortable,” Smith said. cleanup hitter Ben Salama drilled an RBI run third while Salama dominated on the
to get out of the third inning in both of his
previous CWS starts, the Beavers’ ace was “And my catcher (McMahon), he got the single to center. Drew Gall followed with an mound. The right-hander fired a three-
in full command while striking out five and good frames when they were out of the RBI grounder on the infield that resulted in inning complete game while striking out
limiting the Razorbacks (48-19) to one hit box.” a Foster City error. eight.
through four innings. Smith was informed earlier in the day he’d Then Hillsborough broke through in the With four more rounds in the elimination
In the fifth, though, the senior left-han- be starting Tuesday, and said he was imme- fourth, sending 12 batters to the plate. Leo bracket remaining to reach the champi-
der issued a walk and hit two batters. diately nervous. The nerves subsided by Rhen and Horn led off with back-to-back onship round, Hillsborough advances to
Knight (14-0) went back to the mound with game time, probably because he is accus- walks, followed by a McMahon single to play San Carlos Thursday at Burgess Park
a 4-1 lead, pitched another inning and left tomed to pitching in big games. load the bases. With one out, Salama lifted a Field at 5:30 p.m.
having allowed seven hits with six strikeouts. With his Hillsborough Little League sacrifice fly, which saw both the back run- Despite the uphill climb ahead of them,
Barrett Loseke and Matt Cronin combined to Yankees, Smith started the league champi- ners move up. the Hillsborough boys remain confident.
pitch three scoreless innings of relief. onship game, earning the win in a 10-5 tri- Then came the ground attack, with Gall “We’re gonna win this,” Rhen said.

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017 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 4:58 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD Wednesday • June 27, 2018 17

Serve this grilled Caesar steak

salad at a Fourth of July picnic
By Sara Moulton Grilled sliced rustic bread for garnish.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sprinkle the salt on all sides of the steak
and set the steak aside for 1 hour at room
Let’s say you wanted to land a luxurious temperature.
rib-eye steak at the center of your Fourth of In a medium bowl, whisk together the
July picnic, but worried about being able to mayonnaise, cheese, anchovies, mustard
afford it. Here’s a simple way to make it and garlic. Add the buttermilk and lemon
happen: Instead of serving every guest a juice; whisk until combined well. Set aside.
huge slab of steak, slice up a smaller por- Preheat the grill to medium. Pat the meat
tion, fan it out on the plate to make it look dry, brush it with oil on both sides and sea-
more substantial, then pair the steak with a son it with pepper. Put the steak on the
hearty dressing and some salad topping so grate over direct heat. Cover and grill for 5
that it is actually more substantial. It’s all minutes. Turn the steak over and grill, cov-
in the presentation. At the end of the day, ered, until the internal temperature registers
nobody is going to notice a 12-ounce brick 120 degrees on a meat thermometer (for
of meat. medium rare), about 6 to 7 minutes. Transfer
In this case, we’re teaming up the steak the steak to a platter and let it rest for 10
with all the elements of a Caesar salad. The minutes before slicing. While the steak is
creamy dressing boasts the usual all-star resting, brush both sides of the romaine
cast: lemon, garlic, oil, Parmigiano- with the oil and grill the romaine on direct
Reggiano and anchovies. (Yes, anchovies. heat until it is lightly browned, about 1
Please do not leave them out. Anchovies add minute a side. Transfer to a cutting board
powerfully to the savory flavor of this dish and coarsely chop.
in a way that no one’s going to identify as To serve: Pour all the juices that accumu-
“fishy.” In fact, my fish-hating daughter late on the meat plate into the dressing and
scarfed down a whole plate of it without whisk well. Slice the steak about 1/4-inch
even suspecting there was an “enemy” lurk- thick and arrange on a platter. Top with the
ing within.) I’ve used low-fat buttermilk to This recipe calls for grilling not just the steak, but also the romaine lettuce. Doing so gives the lettuce and tomatoes and drizzle with the
make the classic recipe slightly less rich, greens a tasty char around the edges, adding even more depth of flavor to the dish. dressing. Serve the rest of the dressing in a
but if you don’t want to buy buttermilk for don’t tell you that the fireworks on this Olive oil for oiling the steak and romaine pitcher on the side. Serve with grilled bread.
this recipe alone, you’re welcome to swap great day weren’t confined to what they saw Black pepper Nutrition information per serving: 391
in plain yogurt. in the sky. 3 hearts of romaine, cut in half length- calories; 214 calories from fat; 24 g fat (6 g
The recipe calls for grilling not just the wise, leaving the leaves attached to the saturated; 0 g trans fats); 121 mg choles-
steak, but also the romaine lettuce. Doing GRILLED CAESAR SALAD STEAK stem terol; 590 mg sodium; 3 g carbohydrates; 1
so gives the greens a tasty char around the Start to finish: 1 hour, 45 minutes (30 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes g fiber; 2 g sugar; 41 g protein.
edges, adding even more depth of flavor to minutes active)
the dish. Afterward, the romaine is chopped Servings: 4
and tossed with the dressing and topped Kosher salt
with sliced cherry tomatoes. (By then, 1 1/2 pounds 1 1/2-inch thick boneless
we’ve enhanced the sauce by whisking in rib eye steak
the juices from the resting steaks, which 1/4 cup mayonnaise
marries the meat to the sauce.) Finally, 1/4 ounce grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
we’ve replaced the crunchy croutons that are (about 1/4 cup if grated on a microplane)
standard in a Caesar salad with grilled bread 2 anchovy fillets, minced
— the perfect tool with which to soak up all 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
the yummy dressing on the plate. 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
Are you convinced this presentation is 1/4 cup low-fat buttermilk
worth a whirl? Try it and see if your guests 1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice


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018 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 9:10 PM Page 1

18 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

more difficult in the case economic growth gate the impact of stock market fluctua- supervisors to consider making funds avail-

Continued from page 1
slows, or decreases in state and federal
funding and increases in the county’s pen-
sion liability take shape. Maltbie pegged
tions on the county’s existing obligations.
At an estimated 84 percent funded, Maltbie
said the pension liabilities could be paid
able to residents in need of them on the
coast since they may not be able to travel
to resources located further inland. She
the county’s health care costs as a primary down as early as 2023, which Pine thought added many may not consider English to be
concern since recent changes made by the could help avoid making cuts other cities their first language, which may further iso-
ty’s fiscal health yet warned officials about president’s administration to the and counties have had to face. late them from helpful resources.
the effects of even small decreases in rev- Affordable Care Act could boost the number “We’re in better shape than virtually any- “Our immigrant neighbors on the coast-
enue as they weigh other costs expected to of county residents who are uninsured. He one because of our efforts to make these side are truly isolated and there are a lot of
increase, such as a 2 percent yearly hike in added the rising cost of providing care for prepayments,” he said. them,” she said.
salaries and benefits for existing staff. seniors, a growing subset of the popula- But Pine anticipated more difficult discus- In other business, supervisors approved a
“I think you’re going to need to begin to tion, could also put a strain on the county sions to come with regard to allocation of recommendation from the 19-member
prioritize the things that you do because I budget. Measure K, a half-cent sales tax extension Charter Review Committee to amend the
don’t think you’re going to have the Maltbie also looked to an effort to repeal voters approved in 2016 and used toward county’s charter outlining the process for
resources to do everything just as you’re Senate Bill 1, a gas tax increase state legis- projects like affordable housing and a plan- selecting a county manager so a require-
doing today,” he said. “You just have to lators passed last year, to create headaches ning process for the North Fair Oaks com- ment to select a panel able to evaluate can-
weigh what are the priorities and benefits for officials with the county’s Public Works munity in unincorporated San Mateo didate qualifications and submit a list of
of each of those things in relation to the Department counting on the funds to sup- County. Though Measure K revenue is set to five to seven of the most qualified candi-
other, in order to make this budget work.” port road maintenance. generate $90 million in the coming year, dates to the board is removed from the doc-
In outlining the last budget he will sub- Maltbie said those leading county depart- Pine said officials would have to take a ument. The deleted section is expected to be
mit to the board before he retires from his ments were asked to factor in a 2.5 percent close look at the effectiveness of programs replaced by a requirement that the county
role in December, Maltbie commended reduction in their budget as they crafted this funded by the tax down the road should manager will be appointed by the board of
supervisors for their commitment to year’s budget and recommended they sales revenue fall. supervisors on the basis of executive and
addressing homelessness, improving read- include those reductions in the next cycle. In response to concerns from residents administrative qualifications and experi-
ing skills for young children and ensuring Supervisors agreed county officials should across the county about how immigrants ence and can be removed by a vote of three
youth in the county’s foster care system are continue looking for places where they can and those seeking asylum in the United of the board’s members, should voters
receiving a high school education. He cut expenditures, but agreed they should States are being treated, supervisors agreed approve the change on the November bal-
acknowledged the county’s success in mak- closely examine the concerns Maltbie out- to allocate some $764,000 to create an lot.
ing summer reading programs available lined in the next year to ensure they under- immigrant defense fund, which Maltbie The committee also reviewed the possi-
through the county’s library system as well stand the potential risks those changes estimated could fund hiring of attorneys, bility of consolidating the offices of con-
as the some $100 million spent in the last pose to the county’s fiscal position. support staff and outreach for a year. They troller and treasurer-tax collector but voted
five years or so on affordable housing proj- Board President Dave Pine acknowledged agreed to discuss the parameters of the work against putting the change on the ballot.
ects to create an estimated 1,770 units in the county’s efforts to make payments that would be supported by the new fund at They opted against separating the respon-
the near future as signs of progress. toward pension liabilities as quickly as their July 10 meeting. sibilities of the assessor-county clerk-
But he said future decisions may become possible, which Maltbie said helps miti- El Granada resident Joanne Rokosy urged recorder into separate offices as well.

In the interim, officials plan to work schools and natural resources. impacts on the city, and so there is a con-

Continued from page 1
alongside residents to give them a better
understanding of the development which
has occurred recently.
As it stands, the South San Francisco
Unified School District lost 670 students
over the last 10 years. Some of those
sensus on the council that a very modest,
reasonable commercial linkage fee is
appropriate,” he said.
A city report showed construction of near- declines should be addressed through the Relating to issues more broad than the
ly 7.2 million square feet of biotechnology residential development, which is slated to budget, Greenwood said the upcoming com-
But after nearly 15 years of building, projects are underway or planned, along generate about 470 new students over the munity dialogue will grant officials an
longtime residents are growing exhausted. with 620 units of new residential units and next six years, according to the report. opportunity to consider their position on
Recent council meetings have featured long 360 new hotel rooms. growth and its impacts.
lines of public speakers calling on officials As for the environment, outside agencies
The development has brought a slate of such as CalWater track the city’s demand for “I think it is important we go into this
to take their foot off the gas pedal in their with an open mind,” he said. “It may be that
drive toward more development. repercussions which some residents are water needing to accommodate the new
growing increasingly frustrated with, noted developments. Assessments suggest there we are looking at regional issues and that
The issues came to a head earlier this year no change is needed at the micro level. Or it
when dozens of community members railed Greenwood. is sufficient water needed for the growth,
according to the report. might be that we need to take into account
against a proposal to build more than 800 “I think when you talk about the develop- when we get to our General Plan whether we
units on public land, claiming the ambi- ment that is happening in South San Developers must also pay fees to the have the right policies.”
tious plans were too metropolitan for the Francisco, it’s important to acknowledge school district and city to offset the costs Ultimately, Greenwood said he is opti-
Industrial City. the issues like the cost of housing and associated with enrollment growth and mistic over the opportunity to have an open
From the upcoming discussion at the spe- transportation are regional issues. But hav- increased water demand, according to the conversation about the quality of life
cial City Council meeting, officials are ing said that, there’s a conversation to be report. issues.
hoping to set direction toward crafting poli- had about what the right balance is for con- Regarding finances, Greenwood suggest- “I hope this provides the opportunity for
cies which could fairly accommodate com- tinued growth in our city,” he said. ed officials may be interested in establish- an honest discussion about the develop-
munity members and local businesses alike. Acknowledging such concerns, the South ing development fees paid by builders inter- ment that is happening. And not to over-
Greenwood said the perspectives shared San Francisco City Council asked for the ested in constructing new projects in South state the impacts, but to be honest about the
could inform the forthcoming update of the smart growth discussion to be hosted during San Francisco. He said officials recently impact that is happening on the community
city’s General Plan, which will set the future the study session in advance of the regular- have held off on introducing the fees for fear — both good and bad,” he said.
development and growth guidelines. He said ly scheduled meeting, said Greenwood. of discouraging economic growth, but with
the master planning document was last Beyond the traffic congestion and afford- the success of the local biotechnology The South San Francisco City Council
updated in 1999, but has been amended to be ability issues to be addressed in the conver- industry, he said it is likely time to require meets 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 27, in the
kept current. Greenwood expects the plan sation, a city report notes additional atten- such payments. Municipal Serv ices Building, 33 Arroy o
update process to formally begin next year. tion should be paid to the toll taken on local “A lot of these developments do have Driv e.
019 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 9:16 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Wednesday • June 27, 2018 19

Southern California, but spent sum-

Calendar CANNOLI
Continued from page 1
mers helping customers at his grand-
parents’ shop. He said their commit-
ment to high-quality, authentic
Comment on
or share this story at
Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Pet Virtual Reality at the Library. 10 Sicilian cannoli also meant they were
Food Express, 6925 Mission St., Daly a.m. to 1 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 guarded in sharing their recipes, even
City. Free spaying and neutering clin- Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Sign years since his grandparents started it. with Capello. very popular among customers who
ic hosted by the Peninsula Humane up for a 30-minute block by calling And in hosting a 50th anniversary are interested in adding filling to the
Society. Surgery performed by a the Belmont Library and making a “When it was time to take over, they
licensed vet in an SPCA surgery vehi- reservation. Ages 13 and older. For celebration last weekend at the store basically just brought me back there shells just before they serve them at
cle. One pet per family. Cats and dogs more information contact bel- his grandparents, Romolo and Angela and showed me how to do everything,” home or give them as gifts. And after
only. For more information call 340- [email protected].
7022. Capello, purchased in 1968, Capello’s he said. “And even then, I didn’t get to making cannoli of all shapes, sizes
Dental Implants Can Reverse family was able to celebrate the tradi- know the recipes until a year and a half and flavors, he hasn’t seemed to find
Drop-In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to Aging Process. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30
Noon. Redwood City Public Library, a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 tions and the clientele — old and new or so, I kind of had to earn it.” one that disappoints.
1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. — that have allowed it to keep its “People want it all now,” he said. “I
City. Free. For more information call Learn how dental implants can make doors open for so many years. To be able to deliver hundreds of feel like we’ve opened a Pandora’s
780-7098. you look and feel younger. carefully prepared desserts to cus-
Registration required. For more infor- “It’s nice to have a party once in a box.”
Computer Coach. 10:30 a.m. to mation call 522-7490. while,” said Capello. “We had a line tomers across the Bay Area and pre- Capello has also continued making
noon. ESL Club. 10:30 to noon.
out the door, which is what it used to pare dozens more for customers who
Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de B ay Area Discovery Museum. 1 his grandparents’ homemade ice cream
las Pulgas, Belmont. Relaxed and wel- p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 be.” come to his store daily, Capello said
Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. Use he gets the best results from starting in flavors ranging from caramel sea
coming tutoring session with one-
on-one help. For more information different levels of technology to Though word about the establish- salt and mint chip to spumoni, an
explore ideas and designs. For more ment spread by word of mouth when early in the morning to make cannoli
contact [email protected].
shells — which take some three hours Italian ice cream dessert with three fla-
information contact ssfpladm@plsin-
fo.org. his grandparents ran the store, vors echoing the colors of the Italian
Toastmasters Public Speaking and
Capello said many orders are coming to make from scratch and need a day to
Leadership Sk ills Development.
“rest” after they are fried. He said flag — pistachio, vanilla amaretto
Noon to 1 p.m. BKF Engineers, 255 Table Talk: Open Gaming at the in from those coordinating events and
Shoreline Drive, Suite 200, Redwood Library. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. South San cocoa and red wine are behind the and strawberry. Though his grandpar-
Shores. Join us in a friendly and sup- Francisco Main Library, 840 W. company meals or from those who ents made almost everything in the
portive atmosphere while learning Orange Ave., South San Francisco. find the store as a recommendation for shells’ aroma and color, and he coats
to improve your communication and Free. Learn how to play the board the insides of many of the shells with shop when they ran it, Capello said he
leadership skills. For more informa- games Takenoko, Hot Shots and dessert or ice cream from Yelp! or has enjoyed hiring a team of almost
tion call (202) 390-7555. more. Play with the library’s collec- Google maps in recent years. He said chocolate, a step his grandfather added
tion of games, or bring your own to to the process some 20 years ago, 20, many of whom have attended local
a good portion of those who visit the
San Mateo Professional Alliance share. For more information call 829- both for the taste and because it keeps high schools and come back during
Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. 3860. store travel more than an hour to get
the shells crunchier longer. summers and during the holiday rush
Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth Ave., there to buy them as gifts or simply
San Mateo. New speakers, great net- Science Club: Slime. 4 p.m. South
as a made-to-order, decadent dessert, He said the cream filling can be to help.
working. Repeats every week on San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Wednesday until Dec. 19. For more Orange Ave., South San Francisco. noting there aren’t many businesses made in much less time using a special Capello said his wife Yelena Capello
information call 430-6500. Test, observe and record scientific
that specialize in cannoli, especially ricotta cheese he purchases from New and 4-year-old son, Nicholas, have
findings while making slime. For
The Bible and Current Events. 1 more information contact ssf- in the Bay Area. York — the one ingredient Capello is joined him in the shop for countless
p.m. to 2 p.m. Hope Evangelican [email protected].
“The cannoli is like a cult dessert,” willing to bet makes his cannoli num- hours, adding his grandparents have
Lutheran Church, 600 W. 42nd Ave., ber one.
San Mateo. For more information Cheers, Summer! Cheers for he said. “People take it so seriously.” been very happy to see the business
contact [email protected]. Charity at Devil’s Canyon Brewery. In 1958, Capello’s grandparents “That’s what makes our filling the continue on in the family. And after
4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Devil’s Canyon
Better Choices, Better Health. 5:30 Brewery, 935 Washington St., San moved to the United States from Sicily best,” he said. “It’s all about texture.” years of perfecting the many steps to
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. San Mateo Senior Carlos. Live music, food trucks, raffles, — where Capello said the dessert orig- He said in recent years he has exper- making cannoli, Capello said he’s
Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, beer and root beer. A portion of beer
San Mateo. Learn about stress man- sales on this day will support critical inated some 2,000 years ago — and imented with making cream in several come to look forward to the three
agement, dealing with pain and programs provided by Peninsula over 10 years saved enough money as flavors, including chocolate amaretto, hours it takes each day to prepare
fatigue, weight management and Family Service to children, individu-
decision making. Registration als, families and older adults in our a seamstress and a baker to purchase pistachio and strawberry, learning shells.
required. For more information con- community. Minors must be accom- the store at 81 37th Ave., which previ- each time how the ingredients affect “At first, it used to be a chore, but
tact [email protected]. panied by a parent or guardian at all ously held a Swenson’s ice cream par- the consistency of the cream. Capello now, it’s like my three hours,” he said.
times. Free. For all ages. For more
Coloring Story Time. 6 p.m. Grand information call 403-4300. lor. Capello, now a 37-year-old South said the cannoli kits his shop started “It’s really like a mind-clearing exer-
Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Ave., San Francisco resident, grew up in selling a few years ago have become cise for me.”
South San Francisco. Explore colors SATURDAY, JUNE 30
while reading and singing. For more Last Saturday of the Month
information contact ssfpladm@plsin- Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The
cilmembers, who celebrated the guide- events, including roundtable and pop-

Look ing up: Discovering and

studying planets beyond our solar
system. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Burlingame
American Legion Post 409, 757 San
Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Breakfast with
drinks is $10 for adults and $6 for
children 12 years old and under.
Repeats every last Saturday of the
Continued from page 1
lines and priorities, and emphasized a
need for nimbleness. Councilman Jeff
Gee mentioned one example in which
up conversations as well as an online
survey. During those events, residents
suggested more housing options for
Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, month until Oct. 27. For more infor- the city had the opportunity to help a families, seniors and the homeless, as
Burlingame. For more information mation call 345-7388.
call 558-7400.
nonprofit acquire housing, but could- well as those serving the community,
Connect to your Core Organically. has also spent $2.2 million from the n’t provide the loan in time. such as teachers, nurses, police offi-
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mela Yoga, 851 N. fund via loans to finance two afford- Councilman John Seybert also cers and firefighters. Residents also
Presents ‘Native Gardens.’ 7:30 p.m. San Mateo Drive, San Mateo. Learn
how to connect to your core in a nat- able housing projects, so the fund cur- called for a well-defined process for the called for regional collaborations on
Mountain View Center for the
Performing Arts, 500 Castro St., ural way with simple and therapeutic rently has a deficit balance of $1.4 off-season cycle between May and housing and transportation, housing
Mountain View. Cost $40 to $100, movements. $45 cost. For more infor- million. Housing and Grants Manager
savings available for educators, sen- mation call (209) 769-2992. November. on city or school district property and
iors and patrons 35 and under. For Rhonda Coffman said $4 million in Beyond the approved guidelines, communal housing, among other
more information contact boxof- Scholastic Summer Reading Road the fund is expected to be available Councilwoman Alicia Aguirre said she ideas.
[email protected]. Trip. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reading Bug,
785 Laurel St., San Carlos. There will this coming fiscal year, and other proj- wants to see more aggressive planning In other business, the council unani-
THURSDAY, JUNE 28 be an activity tent filled with reading ects under review could yield as much so that the affordable housing fund mously approved the city’s budget for
ESL Club. 10:30 to noon. Belmont activities, a giveaway table, a prize
wheel and an appearance from as $20 million over the next two translates into housing faster, and fiscal year 2018-19 and agreed to
Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Belmont. Practice speaking and lis- Clifford the Big Red Dog. Free. For years. Councilwoman Janet Borgens allow cannabis nurseries and delivery
tening in English. For more informa- more information call (212) 343- Also, some developers have opted to
tion contact [email protected]. 6876. expressed a need for some mechanism operations, which can currently set up
build affordable units instead of pay- to help residents facing eviction keep shop in the city’s industrial zones, to
Supervised Play. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. San Bats in the Library. 3 p.m. South San ing into the fund, which has resulted in their homes. also open up in the commercial-office
Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Must have Orange Ave., South San Francisco. 188 new affordable units since 2015, The council passed two renter pro- zoning district. That district totals
completed Play of the Hand course Learn and meet live California bats. according to the report. tections recently, but further short- about 43 acres, but only a fraction of
For more information contact ssf-
or have basic knowledge and experi-
[email protected]. The council also approved the term emergency housing assistance that would actually be available to
ence with the game. Cost $115 to
$140. Registration required. For more process whereby affordable projects also came up throughout the communi- prospective businesses considering
information call 522-7490. Taste of Summer — B iennial are awarded funding. Each December,
Auction and Wine Tasting ty outreach process. the required 600-foot setback from
Transform Your Life in 90 Days: Hal Fundraiser. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. San the city will issue a notice of funding That process entailed 11 community youth centers.
K ataok a. 2 p.m. Grand Avenue Carlos Adult Community Center, 601 availability and request for proposals
Library, 306 Walnut Ave., South San Chestnut St., San Carlos. All funds go
Francisco. Lean steps to transform back to the community in the form for the affordable housing
your life while being on unemploy- of scholarships, support for youth fund, and the Housing and A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\\P]hf f^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
ment. For more information contact sports, senior activities, community
Human Concerns Committee 1 D ? 7 [TccTabdd_SS^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SSSXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
projects and school programs. Cost ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
_P_TaH H^d\\Ph^ ^][hd dbTT
[email protected].
$45. For more information contact will handle the initial review F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
f^aS? ?[PhffXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT
Book Munchers Book Club. 4 p.m. [email protected]. of submitted proposals 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
06 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1 1>66;4


South San Francisco Main Library, between January and March.

840 W. Orange Ave., South San United Premier Soccer League ?>8=CB B20;4 A0C8=6
Francisco. Kids ages 5 to 8. For more Playoffs. 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Red The committee will then
information contact ssfpladm@plsin- Morton Community Park, 1400 "[[TccTab,
, __^X]c $   , 2W WP\_
fo.org. Roosevelt Ave., Redwood City. First determine which proposals #[[TccTab,,!
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac
round of the UPSL Wild West Division most closely align with the 1h3 3PeXS; ;77^hcPP]S99TUU: :]daTZ $[[TccTab,,"
_^X]cb %    ,  ?  a^
playoffs will begin this weekend as
Music In the Librar y: The Sun
K ings. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Millbrae JASA Redwood City will host the AFC city’s funding priorities and %[[TccTab,,#
_^X]cb "  % %, , 6 6P\Ta
goals, and it will make rec- &[[TccTab,,%
_^X]cb !  " ", , A A^^ZXT

1 B 7
San Francisco Hearts. Free. For more

Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
Performance at the Millbrae Library information call 339-2367. ommendations to the City '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb  !
!, , 0 \PcTda
by Beatles cover band, the Sun Kings.
SUNDAY, JULY 1 Council after the Planning ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb  , , Caah PVVPX]
Free. Refreshments will be served. For
Burlingame Music in the Parks — Commission confirms the
1^VV[T1 1aPX]1dbcTab1 1^]db
more information call 697-7607. A
Urban Outlaws. Washington Park,

A 5
proposed projects comply

D 4
The Peralta Consort Musical 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame.
FT_ _dcb
b_TRXP[Q QaPX]QdbcX]Vf f^aSbXX]c^ccWTVVaXS
Per formance. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Food will be available to purchase with the city’s general plan. ^U[[TccTab22P]h h^dUUX]SccWT\.
and there will be face painting avail-
Museum of American Heritage, 351 The Planning Commission
Homer Ave., Palo Alto. $10. Wine and able. The Burlingame Art Society will
be on-site hosting open houses at will weigh in on the propos- 5X]S0 0C; ;40BC5 58E4F F>A3B
light refreshments will be served. For A 4 ; 0 C 4 3 CC > ?
? ; 0 = CBXX]ccWTV VaXS^ ^U

each concert to display artwork. Free.

3 0 ;
more information call 321-1004. als in March before they go
For more information, call 558-7312. [TccTab
‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’:
TheatreWork s Silicon Valley
before the council in April.
Exceptions to these guide- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
PG-13. 8:45 p.m. Courthouse Square,
Presents ‘Native Gardens.’ 2 p.m.
2200 Broadway, Redwood City. Free.
Mountain View Center for the lines can also be considered

For more information call 780-7311.

= 6 4 1
Performing Arts, 500 Castro St., by the city on a case-by-case
Mountain View. Cost $40 to $100,
basis to ensure it has the
Community Coffee with savings available for educators, sen-
Assemblyman Marc B erman, D- iors and patrons 35 and under. For flexibility to invest in
Palo Alto, and Por tola Valley more information contact boxof- affordable housing as excep-
Mayor John Richards. 8 a.m. to 9:30 [email protected].
a.m. Roberts Market, 4420 Alpine
tional opportunities arise. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7 7PbQa^88]R %!& '
Road, Portola Valley. Free. For more For more events visit That flexibility was espe- !! '7
0]bfTabcc^C CdTbSPh´b1 1^VV[T1

information call 691-2121. smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar. cially appreciated by coun- ffffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ <>DB4; ;4<DA: :>0;07 7>AB4F F70;4
020 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 2:19 PM Page 1

20 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL




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021-026 0627 wed:Class Master Odd 6/26/18 3:27 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • June 27, 2018 21

104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment


The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
bility shall be limited to the price of one
Project Manager, IT, Genentech, Inc.,
South San Francisco, CA. Bach in Comp
Sci or rltd +3 yrs exp. Apply:
(Job ID: 201805-107994)
carEgivEr nEEdEd (pacifica) We
are looking for caregiver for our Mom,
who is in Pacifica, CA (94044). She
needs help with cooking, room cleaning,
managing proscribed medication
Process Engineer II (Chemical Engi-
neer), Drug Product Process, Genen-
tech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA.
Req. Bachelor's deg. in Chemical Engnrg

intakes. She is not limited in any activi-
insertion. No allowance will be made for
ties, but has a short memory due to re- or closely rltd & 3 yrs exp. as Chem.
errors not materially affecting the value Senior Data Study Mgr, Genentech Inc.,
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- South San Francisco, CA. Req: Bach in cently suffered light stroke. Engnr, Biotechnologist or closely rltd occ.
4 hours per day, Mon-Fri, $12.5/hour Apply:
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- Biology or rltd +5 yrs exp. Apply: Please contact Natalie at (650)279-0021
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate http://applygene.com/201806-109420 http://applygene.com/201806-110997.
Card. (Job ID: 201806-109420)

Start up to $16 Exp. up to
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650-367-6500 fX: 367-6400

[email protected]
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22 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment Tundra Tundra Tundra

BIOTECH/SCIENCES - MEDALLIA, INC. has following opportu-
Gilead Sciences, Inc., a biopharmaceuti- nities in San Mateo, CA: Senior Software
cal company, has openings in Foster Engineer: Work on industry-leading
City, CA for Sr. Statistical Programmer SaaS platform to impact innovation of
(SP50): Work collaboratively with Clinical enterprise APIs that power core products
Development staff to meet project deliv- and 3rd party developers. Solutions Prin-
erables and timelines for statistical data cipal: Create new consulting offerings in
analysis and reporting and Sr. Clinical areas related to operational customer ex-
Data Management Associate (CDMA02): perience management (OCEM) based on
Review study protocols and assist in the emerging needs from the market. Posi-
planning and implementation of the data tion is based at headquarters and may
management portions of clinical research be assigned to unanticipated work sites
projects. Ref. code and mail resume to throughout the United States as deter-
Gilead, Attn: HR, #CM-0819, 333 Lake- mined by management. Travel up to 50%
side Drive, Foster City, CA 94404. of the time, domestic and international
required. Senior Staff Software Engineer:
Build analytics frameworks and algo-
rithms using Java, and other high level
object-oriented languages. To apply, mail
resumes and ref. job title to K. Martinez,
CAREGIVERS Medallia, Inc. 450 Concar Dr., San Ma-
teo, CA 94402. Background check re- Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
2 years experience
Immediate placement JOURNALISM
on all assignments. The Daily Journal is looking for in-
terns to do entry level reporting, re-
Caregivers Wanted
Caregivers Wanted search, updates of our ongoing fea-
Call Home
Home CCare
are Jobs tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome.

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eight hours a week for at least four
mail: jobs@starligh
EEmail: [email protected]
tcaregivers.com months. The internship is unpaid, but
intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
w ww.starlightcaregivers.com terns have progressed in time into
pply online or w
alk-in paid correspondents and full-time re-
CENTER 4600 EEll CCamino
amino Real
Real,, # 211,, LLos
os Altos
San Mateo, CA College students or recent graduates
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
*Customer Service experience is preferred but not neces-
Are you... Dependable, Please send a cover letter describing The following person is doing business The following person is doing business CASE# 18-CIV-02675
friendly, detail oriented, your interest in newspapers, a resume as: Andino Construction, 339 Commer- SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
Day or Night
Day Night Shifts,
ts, Immediate
Immediate Placement
Placement cial Ave. Unit # A, SOUTH SAN FRAN- as: South City Machine and Engineering COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
willing to learn new skills? and three recent clips. Before you ap-
Required: 2 years
Required: years paid experience
experience ply, you should familiarize yourself CISCO, CA 94080. Registered Owner: Services, 573 Cherry Ave., SAN BRU- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
with our publication. Our Web site: Delmer Ernesto Andino Pastiana, same NO, CA 94066. Registered Owners: REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
Do you have .... Good current CNA Certification;
or current Certification; www.smdailyjournal.com. address. The business is conducted by 1)Russel Jay Bernard, same address PETITION OF
communication skills, a M an Individual. The registrant com- 2)Christopher Loza, 124 Claremont Ave., Michael Taylor Anderson
IT Send your information via e-mail to menced to transact business under the TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
desire for steady S. San Francisco, CA 94080. The busi- Petitioner: Michael Taylor Anderson filed
Guidewire seeks in Foster City, CA: Sr. [email protected] or by reg- FBN on 06-06-18. ness is conducted by Copartners. The
employment and Application Security Analyst-Define, dev, ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- /s/Delmer Ernesto Andino Pastiana/ a petition with this court for a decree
employment benefits? drive creation/adopt of app security pro- gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 This statement was filed with the Asses- registrants commenced to transact busi- changing name as follows:
gram. Reqs MS in CS, Eng, Math, IS, sor-County Clerk on 6/6/18. (Published in ness under the FBN on N/A. Present Name:
Physics or rltd and 3 yrs exp. (Alt: BS+5 the San Mateo Daily Journal 6/13/18, /s/Russell Jay Bernard/ Michael Taylor Anderson
Please call for an Proposed Name:
yrs) (Job ID: TCK399). Scrum Master- 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18). This statement was filed with the Asses-
Appointment: (650)342-6978 Plan, initiate, manage IT projects. Reqs Taylor Solomon Hughes
sor-County Clerk on 6/13/18. (Published
MS in CS, Eng, Math, IS, Physics or rltd PREP COOKS - Learn to be a Sushi
and 3 yrs exp. (Alt: BS+5 yrs) (Job ID: Chef ! $14-16.50+/hr (DOE) Available at in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME interested in this matter shall appear be-
TCJ308). Sr. SW Engineer-Design & dev Genji Sushi within Whole Foods Market. STATEMENT #277887 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18).
Director, Finance (Head of Clinical Oper- InsuranceSuite™ integration compo- Locations in Los Alto Los altos, Redwood fore this court at the hearing indicated
ations Finance), Genentech, Inc., South
The following person is doing business below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
nents. Improve efficiency, scalability, sta- City, San Mateo and Palo Alto! Benefits as: Samer Fanek Music, 636 Southgate
San Francisco, CA. REQ.: Master's deg bility of services. Reqs MS in CS, Eng, include medical, dental, and vision cover- tition for change of name should not be
in Bus. or Finance & 6 yrs exp as Fin'l Ave, DALY CITY, CA 94015. Registered FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME granted. Any person objecting to the
Math, IS, Physics or rltd and 3 yrs exp. age, paid vacation, commuter savings Owner: Samer Raed Toma Fanek, same
Mngr. or closely rltd. Apply: (Job ID: TCP376). Salesforce Developer- account, tuition reimbursement, internal STATEMENT #278124 name changes described above must file
http://applygene.com/201806-109670 address. The business is conducted by The following person is doing business a written objection that includes the rea-
Customize, dev & support promotions, and more! Kitchen experi- an Individual. The registrant com-
(Job ID: 201806-109670) force.com platform. Reqs MS in CS, Eng, ence preferred, must be 18 +. Please as: Savvy Social Strategies, 708 South- sons for the objection at least two court
menced to transact business under the days before the matter is scheduled to
Math, IS, Physics or rltd and 3 yrs exp. send resume to [email protected] or wood Drive, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,
call 513-238-0680 for this opportunity! FBN on 04/29/2018. be heard and must appear at the hearing
ENGINEERING - (Alt: BS+5 yrs) (Job ID: TCN397). Sr. CA 94080. Registered Owner: Angela
Software Engineer-Design & dev SW /s/Samer Raed Toma Fanek/ to show cause why the petition should
Coupa Software Incorporated has an This statement was filed with the Asses- Silva, same address. The business is not be granted. If no written objection is
opening for Software Developer - Ruby apps & components. Reqs BS in CS or
rltd and 3 yrs exp. (Job ID: JGS250). TO SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales sor-County Clerk on 5/31/18. (Published conducted by an Individual. The regis- timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
on Rails in San Mateo, CA: Design & de- in the San Mateo Daily Journal 6/13/18, tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
velop object oriented solutions in APPLY: Email resume to: Representative needed to sell newspa- trants commenced to transact business
[email protected] per print and web advertising and event 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18). petition shall be held on 07/13/18 at 9
Ruby/Rails for Coupa Enterprise SaaS
marketing solutions. To apply, please call
under the FBN on 1/1/2018. a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
Platform. Design & develop REST APIs. and refer to Job ID. EOE. /s/Angela Silva/
650-344-5200 and send resume to Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
Implement unit and feature tests using FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME This statement was filed with the Asses- Order to Show Cause shall be published
Rspec & Capybara. Background Check [email protected]
STATEMENT #278065 sor-County Clerk on 6/25/18. (Published at least once each week for four succes-
and Reference Checks required. Email JOB TITLE: Financial Systems The following person is doing business sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
resume with Job# DEVRED to SALES/MARKETING in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18,
Analyst (Full-Time) as: Half Moon Bay Essence Distributors, ing on the petition in the following news-
[email protected]. View job details at INTERNSHIPS 119 Retiro Lane, MOSS BEACH, CA
7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18). paper of general circulation:
www.coupa.com Job Location: Belmont, CA The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking San Mateo Daily Journal
94038. Registered Owners: 1)Eduardo
for ambitious interns who are eager to Sillas-Ramirez, same address 2)Rosario Filed: 5/31/2018
GROUNDSPERSON NEEDED-65 acre Requirements: MS or equiv. in CIS, CS, jump into the business arena with both Xolocotzi, 630 S. El Camino Real #6, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
private property in Woodside is looking Electr.Engg. etc. + 2 yrs. feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs San Mateo, CA 94402. The business is STATEMENT #278113 Judge of the Superior Court
for 1 full time person for grounds mainte- exp. reqd. (or BS + 5). of the newspaper and media industries. conducted by a General Partnership. The following person is doing business Dated: 5/31/2018
nance and event set ups. Call Carl 650- Exp. w/ NetSuite Financial This position will provide valuable The registrants commenced to transact (Published 6/13/18, 6/20/18, 6/27/18,
experience for your bright future. as: Morrison Corporate Travel, 800 Air- 7/4/18)
851-1457 for appointment. SE HABLA Mgmt S/W, MS SQL business under the FBN on 6-18-18. port Blvd, Ste 410, BURLINGAME, CA
ESPANOL. Server, Javascript, C#, Email resume /s/Eduardo Sillas-Ramirez/
CSS, HTML & ASP.Net [email protected] This statement was filed with the Asses-
94010. Registered Owner: Morrison
Sr. Quality Engineer (SQE-CP) Imple- reqd. sor-County Clerk on 6/18/18. (Published Travel Corporation, CA. The business is
ment & maintain US FDA Quality System in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/20/18, conducted by a Corporation. The regis-
Regs & software lifecycle processes. Mail Resume: RingCentral, Inc. 203 Public Notices 6/27/18, 7/4/18, 7/11/18). trants commenced to transact business STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF
MS+3 yrs exp or BS+5 yrs exp. Send re- Attn: HR Dept. under the FBN on April 15, 2017. THE USE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
sumes to Helix Employment, Attn: Romi- 20 Davis Drive, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME /s/Cheri De Lacy/ NAME STATEMENT M-271655
na Moore, 1 Circle Star Way, Fl 2, San Belmont, CA 94002 STATEMENT #277914 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Name of the person abandoning the use
Carlos, CA 94070. Must ref title & code. The following person is doing business This statement was filed with the Asses- of the Fictitious Business Name: Amy Y.
as: Silicon Valley Construction, 751 Lau- The following person is doing business sor-County Clerk on 6/22/18. (Published Pun. Name of Business: Absolute Beau-
rel St. Ste. 537, SAN CARLOS, CA as: Say Sales, 470 North Idaho St. #206, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18, ty. Date of original filing: 12/7/2016. Ad-
94070. Registered Owner: Jelani Tyler SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Registered 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18). dress of Principal Place of Business: 47
Anderson, 1717 Wood Land Ave. #308, Owner: Juciany Alencar Dos Santos, Skyline Plaza, DALY CITY, CA 94015.
Palo Alto, CA 94303. The business is same address. The business is conduct- Registrant: New Absolute Beauty Inc.,
conducted by an Individual. The regis- CA. The business was conducted by a
ed by an Individual. The registrants FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Corporation.
trant commenced to transact business commenced to transact business under STATEMENT #278045
under the FBN on N/A. the FBN on N/A. /s/Amy Y. Pun/
/s/Jelani T. Anderson/ The following person is doing business This statement was filed with the Asses-
/s/Juciany Alencar Dos Santos/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- as: Imperial Beauty Salon, 805 Linden sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
sor-County Clerk on 6/5/18. (Published in Ave, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA County on 6/1/18.
sor-County Clerk on 6/15/18. (Published (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
the San Mateo Daily Journal 6/6/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/20/18, 94080. Registered Owner: Ma. Teresa nal, 6/6/18, 6/13/18, 6/20/18, 6/27/18).
6/13/18, 6/20/18, 6/27/18). 6/27/18, 7/4/18, 7/11/18). Romo Castillo, 647 2nd Ave, South San
Francisco, CA 94080. The business is
STATEMENT #277845 STATEMENT #278123 trants commenced to transact business CHANGE OF NAME
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business under the FBN on 6-14-18. CASE# 18-CIV-02927
as: Arcadia Home Care & Staffing, 670 as: ABASANJONAS, 124 Barneson /s/Ma. Teresa Romo Castillo/ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
Woodside Rd., REDWOOD CITY, CA Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94402. Regis- This statement was filed with the Asses- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
94061. Registered Owners: 1)PRAC tered Owner: Ayman Asfour, same ad- 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
sor-County Clerk on 6/14/18. (Published REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
Holdings Inc., DE 2)Professional Relia- dress. The business is conducted by an in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18,
ble Nursing Inc., CA. The business is Individual. The registrants commenced PETITION OF
conducted by a Corporation The regis- to transact business under the FBN on 6- 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18). Jesus R. Moroyoqui Vega
trant commenced to transact business 25-2018. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
under the FBN on N/A. /s/Ayman Asfour/ Petitioner: Jesus R. Moroyoqui Vega
/s/Dirk Allison/ This statement was filed with the Asses- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filed a petition with this court for a decree
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 6/25/18. (Published STATEMENT #277837 changing name as follows:
sor-County Clerk on 5/29/18. (Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18, The following person is doing business Present Name:
in the San Mateo Daily Journal 6/6/18, 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18). as: Fleurs Romantiques, 77 W. 41st Ave, Miriam Gabriela Fragoso

GOT JOBS? 6/13/18, 6/20/18, 6/27/18).


The following person is doing business
The following person is doing business
as: Pinnacle Heating and Air, 2602 Ci-
priani Blvd., BELMONT, CA 94002. Reg-
SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered
Owner: Irina Low, same address. The
business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrants commenced to transact
business under the FBN on N/A.
Proposed Name:
Maria Gabriela Moroyoqui Fragoso

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons

interested in this matter shall appear be-
fore this court at the hearing indicated
as: AES Construction, 1312 Dix St., SAN /s/Irina Low/ below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
The best career seekers MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner:
Allen E. Steinmetz, same address. The
istered Owner: Matthew Joseph McMi-
chael, same address. The business is This statement was filed with the Asses- tition for change of name should not be
sor-County Clerk on 5/25/18. (Published granted. Any person objecting to the
read the Daily Journal. business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrant commenced to transact
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18, name changes described above must file
under the FBN on N/A. 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18). a written objection that includes the rea-
business under the FBN on N/A. sons for the objection at least two court
We will help you recruit qualified, talented /s/Allen Steinmetz/ /s/Matt McMichael/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
individuals to join your company or organization. sor-County Clerk on 5/8/18. (Published in sor-County Clerk on 6/21/18. (Published
the San Mateo Daily Journal 6/6/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18,
7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18).

6/13/18, 6/20/18, 6/27/18).
The Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide
range of qualifications for all types of positions. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
For the best value and the best results, The following person is doing business The following person is doing business Fictitious Business Name Statements,
as: 1)Pixcbooth 2)Vankulture 3)Hella as: Karson Wealth Manangement, 533
recruit from the Daily Journal... PhotoBooth, 324 Heathcliff Dr., PACIF- Airport Blvd Ste 400, BURLINGAME, CA Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
ICA, CA 94044. Registered Owner: So-
catoc Industries Limited Liability Compa-
94010. Registered Owner: Paul Karson,
605 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
Contact us for a free consultation ny, CA. The business is conducted by 94010. The business is conducted by an Notice of Public Sales and More.
an Limited Liability Company. The regis- Individual. The registrants commenced
trants commenced to transact business to transact business under the FBN on 6-
Call (650) 344-5200 or under the FBN on 6/7/2018. 19-2009. Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
/s/Paul Cotaco/ /s/Paul Karsonr/
Email: [email protected] This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/07/2018. (Pub-
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 6/12/18. (Published
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 6/27/18, Email them to: [email protected]
6/13/17, 6/20/17, 6/4/17, 7/7/18). 7/4/18, 7/11/18, 7/18/18).
021-026 0627 wed:Class Master Odd 6/26/18 3:27 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • June 27, 2018 23

203 Public notices 203 Public notices 203 Public notices 298 Collectibles 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For Sale
days before the matter is scheduled to ing on the petition in the following news- The name and address of the court is (El STAR wARS Action figure: Qui-Gon SOFABEd, VElOuR, tan, Excellent CASh REGiSTER Parts; Much Skin Not
be heard and must appear at the hearing paper of general circulation: nombre y dirección de la corte es): SU- Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 Guts $500 (415)269-4784
to show cause why the petition should San Mateo Daily Journal PERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA Steve (650)518-6614. condition. $75. (808)631-1365.
not be granted. If no written objection is Filed: 6/12/2018 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, 400 COUN- COSTCO PlAY Pen with travel bag.
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ TY CENTER, REDWOOD CITY, CA SOlid wOOd Dining table with exten- Used once $35 (650)591-2981
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Judge of the Superior Court 9406-1655. The name, address, and tel- 299 Computers sion great piece great condition black
petition shall be held on 07/24/18 at 9 Dated: 6/11/2018 ephone number of plaintiff's attorney, or dRuM -déCOR ONLY Brass cylinder &
plaintiff without an attorney, is (El nom- 19" COlOR Monitor with stand VG con-
$80 (650)364-5263 fittings, wood frame. Has age. $25.00
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, (Published 6/27/18, 74/18, 7/11/18, bre, la dirección y el número de teléfono
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this 7/18/18) dition power cord/owners manual includ- (650)344-4756
del abogado del demandante, o del de- ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 SOlid wOOd Entertainment Center-
Order to Show Cause shall be published mandante que no tiene abogado, es): liOnEl ChRiSTMAS Holiday expan-
at least once each week for four succes- Harlan M. Reese, 118226 TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- i-PAd KEYBOARd. $25.00. (650)588-
Joseph M. Pleasant, 179571
0842 Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
ing on the petition in the following news- Dana N. Meyers, 272640 liOnEl wESTERn Union Pass car and
paper of general circulation: ORdER TO ShOw CAuSE FOR
James E. Delaney, 292600
X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
ChAnGE OF nAME RECORdABlE Cd-R 74, Sealed, Unop- (925)482-5742
San Mateo Daily Journal CASE# 18CIV02975 REESE LAW GROUP ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
Filed: 6/11/2018 3168 Lionshead Ave. lOREx 14” B&W Surveillance System
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, (650) 578 9208 Model SG14S1042C-A $75 (415)407-
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, CARLSBAD, CA 92010 TABlE 24"x48" folding legs each end.
Judge of the Superior Court (760)842-5850 2360 RWC loction.
Dated: 6/11/2018
FILED: 01/19/2018 300 Toys Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 luGGAGE, REd, 21" NEW Samsonite
(Published 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18, PETITION OF DATE (Fecha): 01/19/2018 $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
Clerk (Secretario) by, Rodina M. Catala- 100 ThinGS for little children to do on a Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000
7/11/18) Nadine Lynnette White
no trip. 4"X6" cards with instructions. Used.
Deputy (Adjunto) Antonio R. Geronimo FREE (650)595-3933 ThREE inCh egg crate foam twin bed
Petitioner: Nadine Lynnette White filed a MAKES 6"x6" potholders, frame and
petition with this court for a decree NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: mattress for sound sleep, perfect condi-
ORdER TO ShOw CAuSE FOR You are served loops included. FREE. 650-595-3933
changing name as follows: AMERiCAn FlYER locomotive runs tion, $20, 650-595-3933
ChAnGE OF nAME Present name: - as an individual defendant good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 MEilinK SAFE-FiRE Proof,
CASE# 18-CIV-02826 Nadine Lynnette White (SEAL) 50”x31”X31”, 2200lbs $1200
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Proposed Name: lARGE STuFFEd ANIMALS - $3 each Twin BEd frame-black wrought iron www.elo.deals (415)309-3892
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, Nadine Lynnette Redd Blackburn (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons nal: 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18, 7/11/18)
STAR wARS Celebration 3 Darth Vader
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 interested in this matter shall appear be- $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 Twin BEd, mattress, box spring, frame nEGRini FEnCinG Epee mask size M
PETITION OF fore this court at the hearing indicated & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
Wendy Young Convery below to show cause, if any, why the pe- $ 50. (650)598-9804. (415)260-6940
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: tition for change of name should not be 302 Antiques
Petitioner: Wendy Young Convery filed a granted. Any person objecting to the uSEd BEdROOM Furniture, FREE. Call ROOF RACK FOR VAN / ALUMINUM
name changes described above must file 100 Y/O family heirloom, hand sewn, (650)573-7381. BOX $90 (650)948-4895
petition with this court for a decree hexagon pieced quilt. 8ft. sq. $99.
changing name as follows: a written objection that includes the rea-
sons for the objection at least two court (650)556-9708 SAMSOniTE 26" tan hard-sided suit
Present Name: Wendy Young Convery days before the matter is scheduled to wAll uniT/ROOM Divider. Simple case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
Proposed Name: Wendy Beth Young be heard and must appear at the hearing MAhOGAnY AnTiquE Secretary desk, lines. Breaks down for transportation. $45. (650)328-6709
to show cause why the petition should 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- $25.(650)712-9962 leave message
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons not be granted. If no written objection is elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. SilK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
interested in this matter shall appear be- $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
fore this court at the hearing indicated
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
210 lost & Found RECORdS wAnTEd: Buying Collec- wAlnuT ChEST, small (4 drawer with formation.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- petition shall be held on 8/2/18 at 9 a.m., lOST CAT. Black and White. Black tions-Jazz, Rock & Soul (LPs & 45s) also upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
tition for change of name should not be Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- Reel To Reel Tapes Call (no text please) SinK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet,
patch on right eye. REWARD. $15.00 (650)544-5306
granted. Any person objecting to the wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- Call (323) 439-7713. (510) 969-8988
name changes described above must file der to Show Cause shall be published at or [email protected] whiTE wiCKER Armoire, asking $100,
SlR lEnS Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6
a written objection that includes the rea- least once each week for four successive great condition, text for picture (650)571-
sons for the objection at least two court weeks prior to the date set for hearing on Books 0947
Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171
days before the matter is scheduled to the petition in the following newspaper of SlR lEnS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
be heard and must appear at the hearing general circulation: JAMES PATTERSOn hardback books. 303 Electronics Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171
to show cause why the petition should San Mateo Daily Journal 2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 wOOd - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
Filed: 6/20/2018 AnTARES dOllARS Bill Changer ma- 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 TRAin-COlOR PRinT by John Hugh
not be granted. If no written objection is /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ niChOlAS SPARKS hardback books. chines never used for small bus. $95
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756
Judge of the Superior Court 2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 (650)992-4544.
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Dated: 6/14/2018 unidEn hARlEY Davidson Gas Tank
petition shall be held on 07/24/18 at 9 (Published 6/27/18, 7/4/18, 7/11/18, quAliTY BOOKS used and rare. World BlAuPunKT AM/FM/Cd Radio and Re- 306 housewares phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, 7/18/18). & US History and classic American nov- ceiver with Detachable Face asking
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502
Order to Show Cause shall be published
$100. (650)593-4490 COMPlETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
311 Musical instruments
at least once each week for four succes- ThE hAlO Forerunner saga. 3 books. MOTOROlA BRAVO MB 520 (android 20-pieces in original box, never used.
Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587 1929 AnTiquE Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut-
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD $250 per box (3 boxes available). ter, Newly Refurbished $6,000 OBO Call
ing on the petition in the following news- SuMMOnS (CiTACiOn JudiCiAl) card Belmont (650)595-8855 (650)342-5630 (650)742-6776.
CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): V.lOGVinOV, unuSuAl Journey to the
paper of general circulation: Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus-
San Mateo Daily Journal 18ClJ00303 OnKYO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital CRYSTAl (lEAdEd glass) lamp $30.
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: GERMAN E sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, ChROMATiC hARMOniCA: Horner
Filed: 6/12/2018 Can send picture. (650)464-7860 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180,
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ OROZCO Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
295 Art JuliSKA hAnd-CRAFTEd 6 7/16" (650)278-5776.
Judge of the Superior Court YOU ARE BEING SUED BY SAMSunG FlAT TV 20" ex.co.incl. plates. 2 bxs, of 4 ea. NEW $15.00
Dated: 6/7/2018 PLAINTIFF: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544
BRuShEd FiniSh, 15" X 20" frame (650)344-4756
(Published 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18, EPiPhOnE lES Paul 100th
7/11/18) holds 18 various size photos. Never Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar.
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court used. $20. 650-369-2486. 304 Furniture lACE TABlEClOTh. 84" x 64". Like
may decide against you without your be- new and lovely. Rarely used. $35. San Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469
ing heard unless you respond within 30 Bruno. (650)794-0839
days. Read the information below. 296 Appliances 2 wAlnuT 3-drawer nitestands. Tops FEndER MuSTAnG I guitar amplifier
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after need work but very good cond. $20/ea MiKASA SET. White. Modern (square) 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover.
ORdER TO ShOw CAuSE FOR this summons and legal papers are AiR COndiTiOnER 10000 BTU w/re- (650)952-3466. Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152. $80. (650)421-5469
ChAnGE OF nAME served on you to file a written response mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
at this court and have a copy served on brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- AnTiquE dininG table for six people SinK dOuBlE cast iron. Good condi- FEndER MuSTAnG ll guitar amplifier
CASE# 18-CIV-02940 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover.
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not 0898 with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408
protect you. Your written response must $130.00 (650)421-5469
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, be in proper legal form if you want the
court to hear your case. There may be a
COFFEE MAKER $15.00 white, Kitchen
Gourmet, makes up to 12 cups (650)533- feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. 308 Tools FOR SAlE: Epiphone Les Paul Cus-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 tom Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint.
court form that you can use for your re- 0907 AnTiquE iROn Hand Drills. 3 available
PETITION OF sponse. You can find these court forms ARMChAiR GOOd condition $55. $625.00. (650)421-5469.
Chunghei Jane Chun (650)266-3184 at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
and more information at the California COlEMAn lxE Roadtrip Grill -
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Courts Online Self-Help Center Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 huGE ludwiG Drum Set Silver Sparkle
Petitioner: Chunghei Jane Chun filed a BEdSTEAd SinGlE, poster style, box BRiGGS & Stratton Lawn Mower with & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your (650)918-9847
petition with this court for a decree spring, mattress available. $40.00. Mulch rear bag-like new- $95.00. Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300
county law library, or the courthouse (650)593-7408 (650)771-6324.
changing name as follows: nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing ElECTRiC STOVE From Sears (650)369-8013.
Present Name: Chunghei Jane Chun fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver Excellent Condition $225 CRAFTSMAn 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
Proposed Name: Jane Chunghei Chun Please Call (650)244-9267 BEiGE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition PiAnO, uPRiGhT, in excellent condi-
form. If you do not file your response on (650) 315-2319 dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
time, you may lose the case by default, tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons and your wages, money, and property hOTPOinT hEAVY Duty Dryer excellent BunK BEdS for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 lG CRAFTSMEn shop vac 6.5hp $60 PiAnO-1955 BAldwin Acrosonic 36”
interested in this matter shall appear be- may be taken without further warning working condition Burlingame $50 Call years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or (510)943-9221 High, Free for anyone to pick-up
fore this court at the hearing indicated from the court. Dan (408)656-0958 B/O (650)685-2494 (650)295-9121.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- There are other legal requirements. You ShOPSMiTh MARK V 50th Anniversary
may want to call an attorney right away. MAYTAG wAShER excellent working most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
tition for change of name should not be condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan COMMOdE, GOOd condition. $20 obo. PlAYER PiAnO 1916 W/Bench 25 mu-
granted. Any person objecting to the If you do not know an attorney, you may Please call (650)745-6309 (650)504-0585 sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892
want to call an attorney referral service. If (408)656-0958 www.elo.deals
name changes described above must file you cannot afford an attorney, you may VinTAGE CRAFTSMAn Jig Saw. Circa
a written objection that includes the rea- COMPuTER dESK (glass) & chair. Like
be eligible for free legal services from a MFG h20lABS Model 300 exc cond new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 SAxOPhOnE- AlTO Silver with Case
sons for the objection at least two court nonprofit legal services program. You counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839.
days before the matter is scheduled to [email protected] $250.00 (650)948-4895
can locate these nonprofit groups at the VinTAGE ShOPSMiTh and BAnd
be heard and must appear at the hearing California Legal Services Web site ROOM hEATER Electric 1320 Watts, Ar- SAw, good shape. $300/obo. Call uPRiGhT PiAnO. In tune. Fair condi-
vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5. COMPuTER dESK For sale $99
to show cause why the petition should (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the Califor- (650)520-4650 (650)342-6993 tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886.
not be granted. If no written objection is nia Courts Online Self-Help Center (650)952-3500
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by COMPuTER SwiVEl CHAIR. Padded VinTAGE linGERiE Washboard circa
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the contacting your local court or county bar SEwinG MAChinE-ROYAl XL 6000 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for
Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409
petition shall be held on 07/26/18 at 9 association. NOTE: The court has a stat- wEldER- linCOln AC 220 amps 240 strumming $50 (650)369-2486
utory lien for waived fees and costs on (650)342-8436. dESK, Gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. volts $199.00 (650)948-4895
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this any settlement or arbitration award of (650)458-3578 YAMAhA ACOuSTiC Guitar, model
ShOwTiME ROTiSSERiE used once
Order to Show Cause shall be published $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
$90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave 309 Office Equipment FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469
at least once each week for four succes- court's lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han message. dininG TABlE (36"x54") and 4 match- ZilJiAn CYMBAlS with stands, 21”
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- lAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new. ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99
demandado. Si no responde dentro de ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
ing on the petition in the following news- 30 días, la corte puede decidir en su uniTAP STAndARd centerset bath- (916)826-5964
paper of general circulation: room chrome faucet, complete, $10, $250 .(650)-654-1930.
contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la in-
San Mateo Daily Journal (650)595-3933 310 Misc. For Sale
Filed: 6/13/2018
formación a continuación.
dRESSER 4-dRAwER in Belmont for 312 Pets & Animals
VACuuM ClEAnER (reconditioned) $75. Good condition; good for children. 500-600 BiG Band-era 78's--most mint,
/s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ spués de que le entreguen esta citación Call (650)678-8585
Judge of the Superior Court $20 Call Ed (415)298-0645 no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 AiRlinE CARRiER for cats, pur. from
y papeles legales para presentar una re- Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
Dated: 6/13/2018 spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer wESTERn wAShBOARd Sales made dRESSER w/MiRROR & chest, mid- (505)228-1480 local.
(Published 6/20/18, 6/27/18, 7/4/18, que se entregue una copia al deman- BESSY SMAll Evening Hand Bag With
of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C. century, blond/tan. Both for $99. Night- Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
7/11/18) dante. Una carta o una llamada telefóni- $75. phone 650-369-2486. stands also available. SSF. (650)392- OnE KEnnEl Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- 4841 BiFOld ShuTTERS 2x28”x79 $10.00
crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
whiRlPOOl wAShER DRYER, GE (650)544-5306 (650)593-2066
recto si desea que procesen su caso en Refrigerator all working and in good con- EnTERTAinMEnT CEnTER for $50.
la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. BlACKFRAMESEMi RiMlESS semi-
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx
ORdER TO ShOw CAuSE FOR (650)726-4102 wrap; Lens:GreyUV; UltraSleek; Light- 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
ChAnGE OF nAME spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- weight ; New w/case; $65.00.
CASE# 18-CIV-02904 larios de la corte y más información en el 297 Bicycles FREE wOOdEn Cabinet 73"Wide,
offer. (650)245-4084
Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- 16"Deep and 29"Wide. Built with 2X6
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, fornia (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblio- AdulT BiKES 1 regular and 2 with bal-
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, Lumber. Art at (415)467-7353 Brisbane.
teca de leyes de su condado o en la loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 GlidER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
puede pagar la cuota de presentación, BMx MOnGOOSE Outer Limit Bike, lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644.
PETITION OF pida al secretario de la corte que le dé looks almost new, $29 (650)595-3933
Maxwell Leon Brown un formulario de exención de pago de iKEA dRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a Child’S SChwinn BiCYClE, BluE in 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
Petitioner: Maxwell Leon Brown filed a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
petition with this court for a decree plimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su su- iKEA TABlE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
eldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverten- GiRl'S 24" Schwinn bicycle. Good con- $ 30. (650)598-9804.
changing name as follows: dition. $25 (650) 387-8121
Present Name: Maxwell Leon Brown cia.
Proposed Name: Max Ptah Msanii Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- lOVE ChAiR, velour, tan. $45.
nEw 12" girls bike w/ training wheels (808)631-1365.
mendable que llame a un abogado inme- $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, mes
puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a nEw dEluxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
interested in this matter shall appear be- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
fore this court at the hearing indicated gado, es posible que cumpla con los 298 Collectibles Sell! (650) 875-8159.
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- requisitos para obtener servicios legales
tition for change of name should not be gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- 80’S TOPS Complete Factory Set All nEw Twin Mattress set plus frame
granted. Any person objecting to the gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar $30.00 (650) 347-2356
name changes described above must file Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474.
estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio
a written objection that includes the rea- web de California Legal Services, niAGARA ViBRATinG Adjustable bed
sons for the objection at least two court (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro A-TEAM FiGuRinES Plus Jeep $20 good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
days before the matter is scheduled to de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (650)591-9769 San Carlos (408)656-0958
be heard and must appear at the hearing (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en
to show cause why the petition should contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- GinnY dOll 8" Carhop, uniform & OFFiCE TYPE 34"X 60" heavy solid
gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte apron,cap, skates & tray. Original wood with formica wood grain top $25
not be granted. If no written objection is (650) 787-9753
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los box.$15. (650)712-1070
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the costos exentos por imponer un grava-
men sobre cualquier recuperación de lEnnOx REd Rose, Unused, hand RETRO huTCh Needs refinishing other-
petition shall be held on 07/25/18 at 9 wise good condition. Top detaches from
$10,000 ó más de valor recibida me- painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, diante un acuerdo o una concesión de bottom $25. (650)712-9962
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
Order to Show Cause shall be published Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte SEwinG STORAGE cabinet, Custom
at least once each week for four succes- antes de que la corte pueda desechar el MillER liTE Neon sign , work good made wood perfect condition $75.
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- caso. $59 call (650)218-6528 (650)483-1222
021-026 0627 wed:Class Master Odd 6/26/18 3:27 PM Page 4

24 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

312 Pets & Animals 345 medical equipment 620 Automobiles 645 Boats 670 Auto Service 670 Auto Parts
Pet CArrier for small dog or cat in ex- driVe 3-in-1 commode with seat,buck- SeA rAY 16 ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs mini CooPer- Hood Best offer-
cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10 don’t lose money Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
WeSt CoASt www.elo.deals Call Don(415)309-3892
6059 (510)770-1976
on a trade-in or Auto Services
Pet tAxi Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux driVe deluxe two button walker $10 consignment! 650 rVs PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few
Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for (510)770-1976 Cash discounts, DMV times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
$25. Call (650)349-6059. rV toW bar blue ox 2" ball model b330 Services obo. (650)745-6309
homediCS duAl Shiatsu Massage Sell your vehicle in the $90 (650)948-4895
Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162 786 El Camino Real
316 Clothes daily Journal’s 670 Auto Service South San Francisco, CA 94080
rimS-Chrome, 17” Set of 4 with caps,
medline exCel K1 Wheelchair fold- Auto Classifieds. Off ’02 GMC Truck $200.00 (650)333-
5 BoxeS male & female square dance down back 18” desk length elevating leg (415)588-8993 0303
clothing. Excellent Condition. As a rests $50 (510)770-1976
bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439.
rAdiAtion ProteCtion 1/2-apron
Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
Just $45
We’ll run it
AA Smog White StAr Tire Chains, never used.
P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
BeAutiful SilVer clutch evening
ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227- Complete Repair & Service 670 Auto Parts
bag. Never used. $20 (650)794-0839 ‘til you sell it!
7742. $29.75 plus certificate fee 1960S CAdillAC hub caps $40
Box of used men's Levi's and misc. (most cars) (650)592-3887 680 Autos Wanted
jeans $99.00 or best offer fair condition garage Sales reach 83,450 drivers 869 California Drive .
(650)589-0764 Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
from South Sf to Burlingame
BridgeStone AlenzA 235/65R17,
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty, Novas, running or not
dAWgS BrAnd Kaymann black and Palo Alto used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 Parts collection etc.
white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25
(650)369-2486 gArAge SAleS Call (650)344-5200 (650) 340-0492 ford 1950S 3 speed trans $50
So clean out that garage
Give me a call
fAux fur Coat Woman's brown multi eStAte SAleS [email protected] (650)592-3887 Joe 650 342-2483
color in excellent condition 3/4

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

length $50 (650)692-8012 make money, make room!
genuine lAdieS Mink Fur Jacket, BmW ‘11 328i Coupe, M package, white
$50.00 Call: (650)368-0748. List your upcoming black, $12,700. (650)302-5523

golf ShoeS, FootJoy, black & white garage sale, CheVrolet ‘86 ASTROVAN, 63K
saddle, 91/2, good condition, $5; moving sale, miles, $3800 (650)481-5296
(650)591-9769 Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
estate sale, CheVY ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT
KAYAno men’S Running shoes size 11 CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284.
good condition $20 (650)520-7045 yard sale, 30 Hershey bar 47 Wintry mix
CheVY 2007 Malibu 4-Door Sedan Grey
lAdieS Clothing, some w/tags.
rummage sale, 200K Miles Excellent condition Premier
1 Far direction? 1 Bolivian leader in a red-and- component
$99.00 (650)589-0764. clearance sale, or coated protection $1,800 (650)871-8596 5 Frankfurt’s river Morales yellow 48 Therefore
lAdieS Sequin dress, blue, size XL, whatever sale you CheVY hhr ‘08 - Grey, spunky car 9 Word repeated in 2 Prefix with wrapper 49 Bayou music style
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
have... loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. a historic FDR dynamic 34 Mall event 50 __ mining
men'S StetSon hat, size large, new, quote 3 Headliner 35 Bygone apple 51 Midwestern hub
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
Reach over 83,450 readers
dodge ‘99 mAintenAnCe Van, , 13 Formal “no” from 4 Weight-training spray 52 Lear daughter
(650) 578-9208 $2,500 OBO Good condition. Call
from South San Francisco (650)481-5296 14-Across activity 37 Skirt 55 Half a fish
minK Stole - Excellent condition. Was 14 White House VIP 5 Bar gadgets 38 Fireplace bit 57 Jacob’s twin
rarely worn. $50. San Bruno. (650)794- to Palo Alto. hYundAi 2013 Tucson Limited Edi-
0839 in your local newspaper. tion White, Automatic 6-cyl, naviga- 16 Tomb Raider’s 6 Egg qty. 41 Sound from the 58 Quibbles
neW With tags Wool or cotton Men's
tion, heated front seats, panoramic __ Croft 7 Bastille Day pasture 61 Bottom line
pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each Call (650)344-5200 roof, leather interior 79k miles excel-
lent condition $11,950 OBO. Text or 17 Marmalade saison 44 Stuck with, as a 62 Singer Sumac
(650)952-3466 leave msg (650)533-0671. 8 Fall color


ingredient friend 63 Saigon holiday
tuxedo Size 40, black, including white 19 Takes the stage 9 Diving gear
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 10 Prop for Picasso
mAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 20 Hunter
WilSon leAther Lady Jacket. Small, 379 open houses dition One owner Fully loaded Low constellation 11 Came up
like new. $45. (808)863-1136. miles reduced $16,995 obo (650)520-
4650 21 Violent 12 Flies off the
WilSon leAther, burgundy lady jack- handle
et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136 windstorm
oPen houSe mAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per- 23 Ceaselessly 15 Shorthand
318 Sports equipment liStingS fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles
$19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 26 City in Florida or expert, for short
15 Sf Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, Italy 18 Cause for an
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4 List your Open House PontiAC 1997 Passenger Van. Alumi-
27 Sign near school “Oops!”
each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno in the Daily Journal. num Rims with good tires. Needs engine
work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell playgrounds 22 “Don’t be such a
BoW flex Max Trainer M-3-Very Good Reach over 83,450
31 Geological period baby!”
Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
potential home buyers & toYotA ‘13 Corolla - Black, Excellent 32 __ trap 24 Must
$1200 asking $800 Call Michael
(650)784-1061. renters a day, condition Like new, Automatic, One own-
33 Bear in two 25 Nuts and bolts,
er, $7,995.00 (650)212-6666.
from South San Francisco constellations so to speak
CAmPing Bed, inflatable. "Lazy sofa".
Like new. $15.00 (650)588-0842 to Palo Alto. toYotA 1999 4Runner SR5. 179K. 27 Cotillion girl
in your local newspaper. Good condition. $2900. Message: 36 Symbol of rank
CAmPing tent, pop up sleeps 2-3 (650)740-2221 39 Former U.N. 28 Katy Perry hit
"Quechua, Fresh Black. Co. Waterproof.
Call (650)344-5200 leader with the lyric
Like new. $70.00 (650)588-0842 625 Classic Cars “Louder, louder
ComPetitor Weight BenchNever CAdillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado than a lion”
used Still in box. $35.00 (650)593-1261 40 Biblical song
44,632 original miles. Needs body work 29 PC command
42 Division on a
and headliner $2,975 OBO (650)218-
eASton Aluminum bat.33 inches, 30 470 rooms 4681. after an “Oops!”
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513 Clue board
eVerlASt 80# MMA Heavy Bag and hiP houSing CheVY ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard 43 Sardine holders
Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966 Non-Profit Home Sharing Program Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 45 Philosopher __-
San Mateo County obo. (650)952-4036.
golf BAg travel protector, black, $5; (650)348-6660 tzu
(650)591-9769 CheVY ‘86 CorVette. Automatic.
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
46 Theoretical
golf BAllS, good condition, 100 for obo. (650) 952-4036. lowest
$10; (650)591-9769
515 office Space CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50K
golf CluBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
$90.00 (650)341-8342 mileS. $19,000 OBO or trade for ‘50 50 Brownish horse
-VirtuAl offiCeS- Oldsmobile Cpe.. (650)481-5296.
golf CluBS, used set with Cart for
53 Yarn
$59 - $150 merCedeS ‘74 450 SEL, One owner, 54 Mathematical
$50. (650)593-4490
No Accidents, Needs Engine, Pale Yel-
guthY-renKer PoWer Rider,Ever- *Business Internet *Phone Answering low, $4,000 (650)375-1350. proposition
*Conference Rooms *Offices
last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex-
*Complete IT Services * Mail 56 City near the
erciser $20 (510)770-1976 merCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- Great Salt Lake
(650) 373-2000 0878
heAlth rider. Exercise machine. Ex-
Bay Area executive offices 59 Prego
cellent condition. $95. San Bruno.
(650)794-0839 www.bayareaoffices.com competitor
635 Vans
heAlthrider (originAl 90's equip-
60 “Careful now” ...
ment). Good condition. $25 (650) 387- toYotA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con- and a hint to
dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
8121 620 Automobiles miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See what’s hidden in
men'S roSSignol Skis. $95.00, craigslist for pics. 17-, 27- and 46-
1994 mitSuBiShi 3000 GT- VR4 Twin
good condition, (650)341-0282. Turbo Perfect Cont. Asking $30,000 Across
(650)315-2959 (650)558-8555 640 motorcycles/Scooters
one dozen Official League Diamond 64 Turkmenistan
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger BmW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
(650)771-6324. 1999 CAdillAC DeVille Contour-Paid (650) 995-0003
$6,000 Sell $3,000 Good Condition 65 Green __
PrinCe tenniS 2 section nylon black (650)315-2954 or (650)558-8555 motorCYCle SAddleBAgS,
Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket- with mounting hardware and other parts
66 Actress Blanchett
$55.(650)341-8342 $35. Call (650)670-2888 67 Remain
got An older
totAl gYm XLS, excellent condition.
CAr, BoAt, or rV? undecided
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call 645 Boats 68 “Haven’t decided
(650)588-0828 Do the humane thing.
Donate it to the mAliBu 24 ft with tower. Completely re- yet”
By Bill Zagozewski
touredge reACtion ii uniflex sys-
tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons Humane Society. built and re-finished. Boat and Motor. 69 Topple from
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
new $75. Call May (650)349-0430 Call 1- 800-943-8412 20K obo. (650)851-0878. power
treAdmill in very good condition. Pic-
ture available on request. $50 obo.
650 322 9598.
treAdmill-horizon liKe New, limit-
ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO
VintAge nASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
WomAn’S SKi Boots, Nordica, size 8
$30 (650)592-2047.
YAmAhA roof RACK, 58 inches $75.

340 Camera & Photo equip.

niKon 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044

omegA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-

struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
ViVitAr V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
original manual. Like new. $99 SSF

345 medical equipment

AdJuStABle BAth shower transfer
bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976
021-026 0627 wed:Class Master odd 6/26/18 3:34 PM Page 5

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • June 27, 2018 25

Cabinetry Construction Construction Housecleaning Hauling Landscaping


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021-026 0627 wed:Class Master Odd 6/26/18 3:34 PM Page 6

26 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL


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Read the
notiCe to reaDers:
California law requires that contractors
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027 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 7:28 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION/WORLD Wednesday • June 27, 2018 27

Trump awards posthumous Medal Protests in Iran as Rouhani
says U.S. wants ‘economic war’
Around the world
impose sanctions on Iran, even though

of Honor to World War II Army officer Hours later, as swarms

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Angry
protesters in Iran’s capital held a third day of
demonstrations on Tuesday over the coun-
other world powers have pledged to stand by
the accord.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS try’s anemic economy as President Hassan Dutch PM calls van attack on
of German forces rushed Rouhani told the nation that it faces an “eco-
WASHINGTON — A battle that began 22 forward, Conner ordered nomic war” with the United States following
newspaper attack on free press
years ago ended at the White House on friendly fire onto his own America’s pullout from the nuclear deal. AMSTERDAM — A man rammed a van
Tuesday when President Donald Trump position, “courageously While online videos showed demonstra- into the Amsterdam headquarters of one of
awarded the Medal of Honor to a deceased choosing to face death in tors again confronting police on Tehran’s the Netherlands’ major national newspapers
Army intelligence officer from Kentucky for order to save his battal- streets and alleyways, the protests looked before setting the vehicle alight Tuesday, an
gallantry exhibited on the battlefield during ion and achieve victory far smaller than those on Monday, when attack that the Dutch prime minister called “a
World War II. for freedom,” Trump said. security forces fired tear gas on crowds in slap in the face of a free press and Dutch
Trump bestowed the nation’s highest mil- Donald Trump The artillery fire front of parliament. democracy.”
itary honor upon 1st Lt. Garlin M. Conner, Conner directed is credit- No one was injured in the pre-dawn attack
Earlier on Monday, demonstrators forced
who the president said now takes his “right- ed with killing 50 German soldiers and on the De Telegraaf building. The newspaper
the temporary closure of Tehran’s Grand
ful place in the eternal chronicle of wounding 100 more, ultimately repelling released video of the attack on its website,
Bazaar and on Sunday, protests forced two
American valor.” the assault. showing a man ramming a white van into the
major shopping centers for mobile phones
Conner’s widow, Pauline, accepted the Conner was discharged from the Army in building twice, before walking out and set-
and electronics to close in Tehran.
framed medal on her husband’s behalf. June 1945, and his family battled for the ting the vehicle on fire. He then moved away
Rage persists over the plunging of the
The lieutenant was honored for volunteer- past 22 years with the Army’s awards branch and drove off in a waiting car.
Iranian rial to 90,000 to the dollar — double
ing, despite being wounded, in January and eventually in the courts for the outcome It was the second attack on a media outlet
the government rate of 42,000 rials to $1 —
1945 to go to the front line near the town of that finally came Tuesday. Except Conner in as many weeks after weekly Panorama’s
as people watch their savings dwindle and
Houssen, France, during the Battle of the didn’t live long enough to see it. office building was hit last week with an
shopkeepers hold onto some goods, uncer-
Bulge to observe German enemy forces and He died in November 1998. anti-tank weapon. No one was injured and
tain of their true value.
direct artillery fire against them. He carried Trump said Pauline Conner, who is 89, one suspect was detained. Both companies
out the mission while lying prone in a shal- Part of the economic uncertainty comes
hoped and prayed that she would live to see are known for their robust coverage of
low ditch. from President Donald Trump’s decision to
Tuesday. organized crime.
pull America out of the nuclear deal and re-
028 0627 wed:0627 wed 265 6/26/18 2:55 PM Page 1

28 Wednesday • June 27, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Luxury retirement living across from Central Park

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