Charting A Path To The Cloud: No Exceptions
Charting A Path To The Cloud: No Exceptions
Charting A Path To The Cloud: No Exceptions
Housing bill
raising local
control fight
San Francisco senator’s most recent bill drawing
mixed perspectives from elected officials, others
By Austin Walsh Wiener, who
Francisco and a
The ongoing battle between slice of north-
local control advocates and a law- ern San Mateo
maker seeking to overhaul state County, said
housing policy ramped up over a the bill loosen-
recent proposal seeking to incen- ing density
tivize residential development r e g ul a t i o n s
near public transportation. Scott Wiener near public
Senate Bill 827, authored by transit stops
Three county basketball teams celebrated with Central Coast Section championship victories Saturday. Francisco, served as the most ability crisis. Most notably, the
Left: Half Moon Bay’s Ethan Menzies, above, hugs Danny Mack after the Cougars captured the CCS Division IV recent catalyst for debate between bill aims to boost allowable
boys’ title with a 72-58 win over Santa Cruz at the Leavey Center. Top right: South City swarms the court at the local legislator and those building height limits in certain
Piedmont Hills High School after claiming the CCS Division III girls’ title with a 66-50 win over Soquel. Bottom wishing to preserve the authority cases to a maximum 85 feet, while
right: Sacred Heart Prep’s Grace Battles, left, and Megan Norris hug after the Gators won the CCS Division IV of local elected officials when
girls’ crown with a 55-35 victory over Notre Dame-Belmont at the Leavey Center. SEE STORIES PAGE 11 considering housing proposals. See FIGHT Page 18
South City speed crackdown nets 80 shelter officials encourage people to bring it to the shel-
Local briefs ter’s Wildlife Care Center or call the center.
South San Francisco police issued 80 citations Saturday Shelter officials suggest dog owners keep dogs on a
as part of an effort to reduce speeding in areas where there health of our families and neighbors inside and outside our
homes,” Broadbent said. leash to prevent them from finding a coyote or other ani-
are high injury or fatal traffic collision rates, police said. mal den. Mothers protecting their babies may be aggres-
Officers fanned out across the city with lidar devices that The 2017-18 season included long stretches of alerts, up
to eight days in a row in December, because of unusually sive with dogs.
can record a driver’s exact speed and allow officers to target If a mother chooses to have its babies in an area that’s
the fastest vehicle. stagnant weather, air officials said. All 19 alerts were
called in December and January. not ideal for humans, shelter officials ask that residents
Police said drivers were issued citations if they were driv- leave the animals alone until the mother feels her babies
ing 15 mph or more over the speed limit. National Guard rescues man from ocean are able to move.
The mother will probably move in a few weeks, accord-
$100 million loan fund targets affordable housing The California Air National Guard unit in Silicon Valley ing to shelter officials.
rescued a man today from a Panamanian container ship 675
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission commit- Locking the mother out or closing up the den may harm
nautical miles off the coast of California, military officials
ted $10 million Wednesday to establish a loan fund to help the babies. Anyone who wants more information can call
nonprofit developers acquire and preserve existing San the humane society’s Wildlife Care Center at (650) 340-
The guard’s 129th Rescue Wing returned to Silicon
Francisco Bay Area housing, MTC officials said. 7022, ext. 314.
Valley at about 4:30 p.m. and transferred the patient, a 54-
The money can be used for multi-family housing that is year-old Croatian man, to San Jose Regional Medical
in high-frequency transit service areas and would be afford- Center.
1906 film of San Francisco
able for low- and middle-income renters. The man was suffering from a life-threatening illness. after quake found at flea market
The $10 million will be supplemented with $39 million National Guard spokesman Capt. Roderick Bersamina said
from two other funds known as the Enterprise Community SAN FRANCISCO — More than a century after San
the man was stable on the flight to California as a Guardian Francisco’s deadly 1906 earthquake, a film reel with nine
Loan Fund and the Low Income Investment Fund. Angel pararescue team cared for him. minutes of footage capturing the city two weeks after the
Nonprofit developers and joint venture partnerships can The container ship MSC FLAVIA was more than 1,000 devastation surfaced at a flea market and it will soon be
tap the fund for loans of up to $7 million for terms as long miles west of the San Francisco Bay Area when the women shown to the public, according to a newspaper report.
as 10 years to buy non-subsidized apartment buildings and men of the guard accepted the assignment. Since 1977, The long-lost find portrays some of the city’s post-quake
with at least four units. the 129th Rescue Wing has saved 1,134 lives. decimation, including City Hall with its dome nearly
Rents for at least three-quarters of the units must be
destroyed, the San Francisco Chronicle said Saturday.
affordable for households whose annual income is no more Baby animal safety tips offered Much of the city was flattened and thousands were killed in
than 80 percent of the Bay Area’s median income. Officials with a Burlingame animal shelter are offering the so-called “great quake” and ensuing fire on April 18,
In the Bay Area the median income ranges from $64,300 several tips so people can avoid unintentionally harming 1906.
to $105,350 depending on the county. nesting mammals and birds this spring. The nitrate film reel discovered at San Francisco’s
Borrowers can also use a loan to fund an operating Officials with the Peninsula Humane Society & Society Alemany Flea Market was shot by early filmmakers the
reserve for the acquired property, perform life safety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are asking resi- Miles Brothers. The footage is a bookend to their most
upgrades and limited other rehabilitation work. dents to wait to trim or remove trees and bushes or make famous work “A Trip Down Market Street,” a 13-minute
sure there are no birds or squirrel nests before doing the silent film shot from a cable car days before the earthquake,
Spare the Air winter season over work. said film historian David Kiehn.
The winter Spare the Air season ended Wednesday, and 19 Residents are encouraged to check for rabbit holes and The new footage captures a similar journey down the
Spare the Air alerts were called from November through birds’ nests before mowing the lawn. city’s main thoroughfare, but shows many of the buildings
February, Bay Area Air Quality Management District offi- Shelter officials also suggest residents avoid leaving pet collapsed to the ground. The reel also features a mob of
cials said. food outside and to use trashcans with tight-fitting lids or horse wagons and carts, people waiting to get on a ferry to
Dry weather throughout the season allowed wood smoke metal trashcans to make it less likely animals will build cross San Francisco Bay to Oakland and damaged buildings
pollution to build up, air officials said, because of a per- nests or dens in basements or garages. being blown up with dynamite.
sistent high-pressure ridge blocking storms that otherwise Shelter officials suggest securely closing crawl spaces “Miles Brothers footage shot after the earthquake is
would have cleared the air. and air vents and capping chimneys. extremely difficult to find,” Kiehn told the Chronicle.
“Despite the recent rain, dry, still winter weather has If a baby bird or squirrel is on the ground, shelter offi- They shot nearly two hours of post-quake film but almost
become the norm in the Bay Area, which significantly cials suggest trying to place it back in the nest if the situ- none of it had been known to survive, he said.
increases wood smoke pollution health impacts through- ation doesn’t seem dangerous. Kiehn has spent the past eight months preparing a digi-
out the region,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of Otherwise, let the animal be because mothers will con- tal version that will premiere at the Niles Essanay Silent
the Air District. tinue to feed the babies on the ground below the nests. Film Museum in Fremont on April 14, just a few days shy of
“Cleaner heating solutions are needed to protect the But if the baby appears to be in danger or abandoned, the quake’s anniverary.
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Democrats seek to help the United States, the sweeping indictment injured two people and closed Squaw Valley
Around the nation served the added purpose of increasing the ski resort.
wealthy in response to tax changes public’s awareness about the elaborate for- Heavy storms have drenched coastal
Tem Kevin de Leon, a Democrat sponsor-
CHERRY HILL, N.J. — Resistance to eign campaign to meddle in American areas and dumped more than 6 feet of snow
ing the bill there, said the state budget
the Republican tax overhaul comes with an democracy, legal experts have said. For in some higher elevations.
would take a big hit if wealthier residents
ideological twist for some Democratic years, the Justice Department has support-
flee California because they pay the bulk
state officials: They’ve styled themselves of the taxes.
ed indicting foreigners in absentia as a Authorities say man shoots
as champions of the working class but are way to shame them and make it harder for himself to death near White House
“We have to offer services like schools,
pushing hard for measures that would them to travel abroad.
like health care, like resources for senior WASHINGTON — Authorities said a man
reduce taxes mostly for the wealthy. citizens who have Alzheimer’s,” he said.
Democratic governors and lawmakers in Ski resort open shot himself to death outside the White
House on Saturday.
a handful of high-income, high-tax states Putin: Russia will ’never’ a day after avalanche The District of Columbia Police
are promoting policies that are intended to
spare their residents the pain of the new extradite citizens accused by U.S. MAMMOTH LAKES — California’s Department says in a tweet that “adult male
$10,000 cap on deductions for state and WASHINGTON — Russia will “never” Mammoth Mountain ski resort is open a has been declared deceased. We are working
local taxes. Connecticut, New Jersey and extradite any of the 13 Russians indicted day after it was shut down when an ava- to notify next of kin.”
New York are even planning to sue the fed- by the United States for election-med- lanche partially buried three people. That tweet comes about two hours after
eral government over the new cap, which dling, Russian President Vladimir Putin The Mono County Sheriff’s department the Secret Service first reported that it was
was a key provision of the Republican tax said, even as he insisted they didn’t act on said none of the three were hurt when the responding to reports of a self-inflicted
overhaul adopted in December. behalf of his government. snow rushed down the slopes Saturday. shooting along the White House’s north
The legislative workarounds have moved Putin’s comments in an NBC News inter- Resort spokeswoman Lauren Burke says fence.
swiftly through state Senate chambers in view airing Sunday illustrated the long a chairlift in the area of the avalanche The incident took place before President
California and New Jersey. A bill with sim- odds that the Russian operatives will ever remains closed Sunday as crews inspect it Donald Trump’s scheduled late afternoon
ilar components passed the Oregon Senate appear in U.S. court to answer charges of for damage. return to the White House from Florida.
and House in the last two weeks. The con- running a massive, secret social media The rest of the mountain, she says, is The White House says it was aware of the
cept is under consideration in Connecticut, trolling and targeted messaging operation open and skiers and snowboarders are situation and that Trump was briefed.
Maryland, New York, Rhode Island and the to interfere in the 2016 presidential elec- enjoying sunny conditions. The Secret Service says there were no
District of Columbia. tion. The United States has no extradition To the north, an avalanche on Friday other reported injuries.
Proponents say the cap on state and treaty with Moscow and can’t compel it to
local tax deductions disproportionately hand over citizens, and a provision in
affects states controlled by Democrats and Russia’s constitution prohibits extradit-
raises the cost of living. They say that has ing its citizens to foreign countries.
the potential to drive well-off residents to “Never. Never. Russia does not extradite
other states. its citizens to anyone,” Putin said.
California state Senate President Pro Even if the Russians never face justice in
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Fixit Clinic
Saturday, February 24, 2018 11 am - 2 pm
San Bruno Library, 701 Angus Ave W., San Bruno
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