03-21-17 Edition
03-21-17 Edition
03-21-17 Edition
Officials hope to rejuvenate downtown project by transitioning developers You have to be fair
Someone refused to pay a cab driver near
By Austin Walsh once officials parted ways with Brookwood 27th Avenue and Corte de Flores in San
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Comment on Equities, which had always faced financial Mateo before 10:52 a. m. Tuesday,
uncertainties in the quest to finance the March 14.
or share this story at
South San Francisco officials are trying development.
www.smdailyjournal.com In a dynamic environment in terms of
to breathe life into affordable housing pro-
posed downtown by working with a new construction prices rising month by SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO
developer considered better positioned to cessor to the former redevelopment month, Brookwood had difficulties putting Di s turbance. People were screaming on
finance the project. agency owns the Grand Avenue site which together the financing and equity to make Rockwood Drive before 8:31 a.m. Tuesday,
The South San Francisco City Council has been entitled for 46 units spread above the project work, said Greenwood. We March 7.
will examine Wednesday, March 22, enter- commercial space at the ground floor, as worked with them, at a certain point Reckl es s dri v i ng . A blue Ford Mustang
ing an exclusive negotiating agreement well as a leasing office and resident though, we decided it would be better to end was speeding near Miller and Magnolia
with ROEM Development to build 84 lounge. our initial agreement with them and see if avenues before 7:47 a.m. Tuesday, March 7.
units, nearly half of which would be afford- With the new builder comes also a pro- there is anyone else on the market who As s aul t. A man was attacked by several
able, on two publicly owned lots. posal to boost the amount of affordable could proceed with the project quicker. people on South Airport Boulevard before
Under approval, the new builder will take units in the project from 17 under the pre- If entering the exclusive negotiations is 3:31 a.m. Tuesday, March 7.
the baton from Brookwood Equities, which vious agreement to 38 distributed evenly approved, a four-month window would Di s turbance. A man was calling people
was dispatched last year after encountering between the two properties. The below- open to strike a deal. Once the negotia- immigrants and saying to go back where
difficulties in penciling out the project. market rooms would be set aside for those tions close, the developer has 45 days to they came from near Grand Avenue and
Officials believe the new builder has the earning less than 60 percent of the areas provide proof of the ability to finance the Forest View Drive before 9:20 p.m. Monday,
requisite ambition, experience and means median income. project, according to the report. March 6.
to develop the project originally approved Greenwood said beyond the new develop- Considering the visibility of the proper- Vandal i s m. A blue Toyota Corolla was
in 2015, which aims to construct apart- er showing greater capacity than the previ- ties downtown and the citys need for more scratched on Commercial Avenue before
ments at parcels spanning 201 through ous applicant to build the project, officials affordable housing, Greenwood said offi- 2:15 p.m. Monday, March 6.
219 Grand Ave., and 418 Linden Ave. also appreciated the willingness to make cials see the project as a potential key-
They are able and willing to step into a more of the units affordable. stone development. SAN MATEO
previously designed and entitled project That was interesting to staff and council Its a gateway to the Grand Avenue dis- Di s turbance. A man was being threatened
and take it over and move it forward very with the urgent need for moderately priced trict, so these set the tone and the architec- by his neighbors on South Norfolk Street
quickly, said Alex Greenwood, Economic housing for our workforce, this seemed ture and design is important. And we want- before 9:53 p.m. Tuesday, March 14.
and Community Development director. like that was a selling point for the proj- ed to see just the effective investment of Theft. Someone stole a vehicle near East
ROEM has offered $2.2 million for pur- ect, he said. capital to keep forward momentum on our Bellevue and North Ellsworth avenues
chasing the two sites, as well as a Should all go as planned, the project downtown revitalization, he said. So we before 3:46 p.m. Monday, March 13.
$200,000 down payment which is due once could come before the City Council for have a developer that is capable, experi- Hi t-and-run. A pedestrian was struck by a
the exclusive negotiating deal is struck. final approval this summer, according to a enced and able to make it to the finish driver who left the scene near Edison Street
The Linden Avenue property is owned by city report. Greenwood said he believed the line. and 36th Avenue before 12:23 a.m. Monday,
the city, and targeted for 38 units, with development could break ground before the The South San Francisco City Council March 13.
some additional flexibility for live and end of the year. meets in a special session 6 p. m. Theft. A vehicle was stolen at Lakeshore
work spaces. Only blocks away, the suc- ROEM Development was picked from a Wednesday, March 22, 33 Arroyo Drive. Park on Marina Court before 7:22 a.m.
handful of builders bidding on the project The regular meeting begins an hour later. Friday, March 3.
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Local briefs
Two arrested for suspicion of auto burglary
Federal surveys trim LGBT
Two people were arrested at Bridgepointe Shopping Center
in San Mateo Sunday afternoon after police were alerted to
one of them looking into parked unoccupied vehicles and
another waiting for him in a parked car, according to police.
questions, alarming advocates
By Matt Sendensky
At about 3:30 p.m., San Mateo police responded to the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In an age when LGBT rights are such a part of the
shopping center and found the car, a Nissan, occupied by
Stacy Hawthorne, 24, of San Francisco, and Priscilla NEW YORK LGBT advocates are
national discussion, the Trump administration is choosing
McClure, 25, of Daly City. questioning the Trump administrations to not only ignore us but erase us from the discussion.
Both were both arrested for outstanding warrants for bur- quiet deletion of questions on sexuality Laura Durso, vice president of the LGBT Research
glary and theft related violations. Additionally, Hawthorne from two federal surveys. and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress
was charged with identity theft and he also provided false Combined with the withdrawal of
information to a police officer. It was determined that another planned survey evaluating the draft of this years National Survey of saying the data has already provided
Hawthorne and McClure were also in violation of attempted effectiveness of a homelessness project Older Americans Act Participants, some insight into LGBT elders.
auto burglary, possession of burglary tools (window punch- for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen- released this month, removes a single A draft of the Older Americans Act sur-
es, flashlights and gloves), and possession of a stolen vehi- der youth, the moves have alarmed query asking whether a respondent is vey included no other question
cle (the Nissan). Hawthorne and McClure were transported to watchdogs who worry they may point gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual changes. After Mack said Friday that
San Mateo County Jail where they were booked in on various to a manipulation of government data from a battery of demographic ques- the orientation question was one of sev-
charges, according to police. collection to serve the ideology of a tions. eral being eliminated, the Associated
Shopping centers are the most targeted locations for crim- government they view as hostile to A second HHS-sponsored survey, the Press asked her to identify the other
inals to conduct auto burglaries, according to police. their causes. Annual Program Performance Report questions. She responded Monday say-
In an age when LGBT rights are such for Centers for Independent Living, ing a portion of a question on survey
S.F. bars travel to South Dakota for city employees a part of the national discussion, the gathers feedback on counseling, skills respondents date of birth was being
Trump administration is choosing to training and other services provided to cut, though the survey draft still includ-
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. South Dakota has landed on San not only ignore us but erase us from the
Franciscos list of places where city workers arent allowed the disabled. A revised draft posted four ed that query.
discussion, said Laura Durso, vice days after President Donald Trumps The LGBT question was introduced on
to go on official business because the state passed a law president of the LGBT Research and inauguration included a question on the survey in 2014, a move heralded by
allowing religious-affiliated adoption agencies to not place Communications Project at the Center sexual orientation, but the survey was gay rights groups because of the dearth
children with unmarried or same-sex couples. for American Progress, a nonprofit lib- subsequently edited, with the deletion of federally-collected data of their com-
City employees will be barred from traveling on state or eral advocacy group. She worried offi- of the sexuality question the only munities and the potential to validate
city-subsidized business to South Dakota or from contracting cials might be rolling back such data apparent notable change. programs or identify areas where serv-
with South Dakota businesses, said Jack Gallagher, a collection elsewhere. Kelly Mack, a spokeswoman for the ices may be inadequate.
spokesman for the San Francisco city administrator. The pro- Each year, a survey done by the Administration for Community Living, An administration official said Trump
hibition is part of an ordinance blocking travel to states that Department of Health and Human the HHS division which oversees the political appointees at the agency
approve legislation that discriminates against the lesbian, Services gathers data from those two surveys, said Monday the orienta- reviewed the OAA survey but targeted
gay, bisexual and transgender community, the Argus Leader receiving transportation, homemaker tion question was included in past sur- only LGBT questions. The official
reported Monday. and meal services, visiting senior cen- veys as part of a pilot test, but that the spoke on condition of anonymity
There are four other states on the list Kansas, ters, or taking part in other programs sample size was insufficient to be reli- because he is not authorized to com-
Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee. funded by the Older Americans Act. A able. Advocates reject that explanation, ment on behalf of the agency.
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Around the state
Spring showers, gusty
winds expected to hit California
SAN FRANCISCO After several weeks of dry weather,
the start of spring will bring rain showers throughout
California this week, forecasters said Monday.
The storms will not be as significant as those in January
and February, which dropped enough rain and snow in the
state to end a five-year drought.
Three storms will visit the northern region through the
weekend, the National Weather Service said. Windy condi-
tions are expected Monday, increasing Tuesday.
The early systems will bring up to 3 inches in the North
Bay with less than an inch expected in most parts of the San
Francisco Bay Area. The spring storms could dump up to 2
inches in the Santa Cruz mountains with potential flooding
when the third system moves in Friday.
Two storm systems will impact the southern region of the
state starting Tuesday, the weather service predicted.
Thunderstorms are possible mainly north of Santa Barbara
on Tuesday. Widespread showers, thunderstorms, and highly
variable rain amounts and intensities will follow through
Wednesday as the storm center moves through the state.
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6 Tuesday March 21, 2017 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL
Gorsuch: Ill be unbiased or hang up the robe he and his siblings had to set aside portions of their
allowances for charitable giving.
That lesson lasted throughout his life; to mark his 100th
By Mark Sherman But my decisions have never Court might need to resolve. The birthday in 2015, Rockefeller gave 1,000 acres of land next
and Erica Werner reflected a judgment about the people courts eight current justices are rough- to a national park to the state of Maine.
before me, only my best judgment ly divided ideologically between con- Rockefeller died Monday in his sleep at his home in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pocantico Hills at age 101, according to his spokesman,
about the law and facts at issue in each servatives and liberals.
particular case, Gorsuch said. That The Russian story line as well as Fraser P. Seitel.
WASHINGTON Supreme Court was his opening statement a day ahead Trumps verbal attacks on federal He was the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D.
nominee Neil Gorsuch pledged to be of expected pointed questioning from judges both during the campaign and Rockefeller and the youngest of five sons and one daughter
independent or hang up the robe as committee Democrats. as president have fed into Democratic born to John D. Rockefeller Jr.
the U.S. Senate began rancorous hear- A Supreme Court confirmation hear- efforts to force Gorsuch to break pub-
ings Monday on President Donald ing is a major occasion on Capitol Hill licly with the man who nominated
Trumps conservative pick to fill a the last one was in 2010 but him. Gorsuch already has told some 10th Annual
Supreme Court seat that has been Mondays was overshadowed by a sep- senators in private meetings that he
vacant for more than a year. arate event in the Capitol complex. On found the criticism of the judges dis-
Belmont Idol Talent Show
Gorsuch sought to take the edge off the House side, FBI Director James heartening. But Blumenthal said the Saturday, March 25th, 2017
Democratic complaints that he has Comey was testifying that the bureau nominee needs to make a statement Presented by the Belmont Lions Club
favored the wealthy and powerful in is investigating Russian meddling in publicly and explicitly and directly.
more than 10 years as a federal judge. last years election and possible links For their part, Republicans uniform- We are looking for
The 49-year-old Coloradan told the and coordination between Russia and ly portrayed Gorsuch as a genial, prin- Singers t Musicians t Dan rs
Senate Judiciary Committee he has associates of Trump. cipled judge whose qualifications make
tried to be a neutral and independent Blending the two hearings, him eminently suitable for the In All Age Groups
judge and has ruled both for and against Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal nations highest court. Im looking Kids (6-12)
disabled students, prisoners and work- of Connecticut referred to a looming for a judge, not an ideologue, Sen. Teens (13-17)
ers alleging civil rights violations. constitutional crisis that the Supreme John Kennedy of Louisiana said.
Adults (18 & up)
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8 Tuesday March 21, 2017 LOCAL/WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL
D O R OT H E A L A N G E Lillian Banti
Lillian Banti, born July 10, 1917, died March 16, 2017.
Born in Stockton, California, and a San Mateo resident
BurlingameFree Admission Wife, mother and grandmother, she is
survived by her daughter Vickie, son-in-
0 1 . 2 9 . 1 7 - 0 4 . 0 9 . 1 7 | W E D - S U N D AY | 1 1 A M - 5 P M law Erick Craig and granddaughter Maryn
Craig. Predeceased by husband Bruno
Banti and sons Martin and Steven
Graveside service is 11:30 a.m. March
21 at Skylawn Memorial, lunch to follow
at Poplar Creek.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Tuesday March 21, 2017 9
Letters to the editor A lesson we should
heed from history
Trumps budget was effectively a reimbursement to In my opinion, Her The Hon. Cantril-
PFS for services they were already ren- Sakauye should reconsider her posi-
Editor, dering to SHD residents. The marginal tion.
For all of you that voted for Donald benet to district residents is likely Thank you very much for attention
Trump and told me to give him chance, less than 20 cents on the dollar. and consideration.
I invite you to go outside and breathe am continually reminded of the historical quote that
A facade was developed to create an those who cannot remember the past are condemned
the air that has been cleaning up for illusion. See
years and enjoy it because if this budg- to repeat it. This quote rings out for me particularly
peninsulafamilyservice.org/.../click- Clayton Rich
et goes through it will change for the this time of year as I reect on one of the darkest times in
call.../ South San Francisco
worse. Take a look at our Bay and our modern history: the beginning of the Nazi regimes perse-
The 70 Strong program is redundant,
lakes and the same applies. If your since PFS has been providing this cution of Jewish people living in Europe in the early
children are in school start wondering 1930s.
why teacher are quitting and supplies
service and district funds, in large part,
are being spent outside district bound-
Caltrain electrification contracts I often wonder whether we have learned the lessons from
are dwindling. Again blame this budg- aries. Sequoia Healthcare District Editor, the persecution and extermination of nearly 6 million
et. should be dissolved. It has no state How could the Caltrain administra- innocent Jews during World War II, but persecutions
You want me to give him a chance mandate to continue collecting proper- tors sign contracts for the electrica- across the globe in the decades following have me con-
but I just cant agree at the cost of edu- ty taxes to pursue philanthropic pur- tion project before the funds were vinced otherwise. Furthermore, a recent anti-Semitic inci-
cation, the environment and the arts poses. available? Sounds like malfeasance to dent at one of Californias most respected universities has
not to mention health care through me. Also, who authorized the $20 mil- conrmed for me that religious persecution is still alive
Planned Parenthood for women who Jack Hickey lion payout to those same contractors and well across our world, as well as within our local com-
cant afford insurance. The money that when the deal went sour? The public munities.
will be spent on that silly wall and Emerald Hills In March of 2015, I was sad-
deserves a full investigation. This one
increasing our military could be used smells bad. dened to hear that anti-Semitic
to solve our health problems and remarks were directed at Rachel
improve our environment and help
Health care, part two Beyda, a sophomore student at
reconstruct our infrastructure. I respect Editor, Tim Donnelly UCLA, in her conrmation
and stand behind our military but beef- The non-partisan Tax Policy Center Burlingame hearing as a nominee for the
ing it up along with our nuclear capa- says 90 percent of the savings of schools Judicial Board of the
bilities only sends one signal to the repealing the Obamacare investment Undergraduate Students
rest of the world and it is not peace. tax on high earners would go the top 1 Hero of the left Association Council. During
You voted for him if you want to percent earners, in an amount of the hearing, members of the
believe what comes out of him, go $700,000 or more yearly. Repealing wing: George Soros council insinuated a conict of
ahead, I simply cant. the Affordable Care Act would hurt Editor, interest between Beydas identi-
lower income Americans, but we must If you do not know the name George ty as a Jewish student and active Jonathan Madison
Robert Nice consider the hardship the current tax Soros, you might remember after read- member of Hillel with her abili-
imposes on millionaires. ing this letter. ty to act appropriately in serving the schools best inter-
Redwood City If the tax is not repealed, these peo- It is the best kept secret of the left ests.
ple may have to consider buying a wing and Democratic party. I call him One councilmember asked Beyda the following in her
Lexus instead of a Mercedes. The
Peninsula Family 5,000-square-foot vacation house in
the master of disaster to the United nomination hearing: Given that you are a Jewish student
States of America. Soros is a multi-bil- and very active in the Jewish community, how do you see
Service and 70 Strong Palm Springs may have to be down-
lionaire that wants to bring socialism yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view? The
Editor, sized to a 3,000 square feet, barely $1
million property in the hills in Desert to the United States. He has given council rst rejected her nomination, with four members
As an elected director of the Sequoia countless amounts of money to groups opposing. Thankfully, a UCLA faculty employee ultimate-
Healthcare District, I have a responsi- Hot Springs.
Poorer neighbors may suffer and that want to destroy our great country. ly intervened, and Beyda was unanimously placed onto the
bility to ensure that grants made by Soros had his name changed along schools Judicial Board. This instance of anti-Semitism
the district from property tax dollars even die from lack of medical insur-
ance. The rich can mitigate this some- with his religious backgroundfrom has resulted in a pointed dialogue at the university about
obtained from district residents are Jewish to Catholic; this happened in the way that Jews and other minorities are treated by their
what by subsidizing local bakeries to
beneting those residents. 1944. His father did this when the student peers and faculty. Needless to say, it is an unfortu-
bake cakes for the poor to help offset
Last April, over my objection, the Nazis occupied Hungary. Soros father nate reminder that anti-Semitism is alive and well. So how
having to spend their food money on
board approved a two-year grant of had given young George to a phony did we get here?
medical bills. Hes my brother, but
$1,544,000 to the Peninsula Family godfather who was a tool for the As March comes to an end, I am reminded that April
hes heavy.
Service for a program called 70 Strong Nazis. Soros assisted in locating marks the beginning of a dark era for European Jews at the
(It was originally called Sequoia 70 Jewish Hungarians. They took their hands of the Adolf Hitler. In April 1933, Hitlers Nazi
in recognition of the districts 70th homes and property, and then sent regime instituted a series of laws that stripped Jewish citi-
anniversary). John Dillon
them on rail cars to the death camps. zens from fundamental rights, such as enrolling in public
Extract from SHD Meeting Agenda San Bruno
This was a changing moment in his schools and procuring meaningful work. You will recall
April 6, 2016: that this was the rst in a series of horric acts that were
life, according to his CBS 60-Minutes
New Business perpetrated against the Jewish people throughout Western
a. Grant request from Peninsula Obedience to the law Interview in 1998. Soros said, I have
Europe at the hands of the Nazis, and culminated with the
Family Service for Sequoia 70 in the no regrets.
Editor, execution of nearly 6 million Jews by the conclusion of
amount He has made his money destroying
I was only moderately surprised to World War II.
of $813,000 for 2016-17 and read in your edition of March 17 that world currencies and economies. Soros
has a hedge fund called Quantum Fund, Following the liberation of Nazi concentration camps
$731,000 for 2017-18 Mr. Croce the chief justice of California, the and the establishment of the United Nations, our world
My objection was based on the fact Hon. Cantil-Sakauye, has insisted that which is illegal in the United States,
according to the 1998 60-Minutes leaders vowed in 1948 that never again would we allow
that PFS, which operates in four coun- federal authorities (ICE) desist from atrocities like those to happen again. Sadly, in the years
ties, already had a program in place exercising their sworn duties under the Interview with him. Soros is in his
late 80s, but sadly his children have since, the world community has sat idly by as grave perse-
using unrestricted funds which law under what she considers her cutions and mass executions have occurred, proving that
included residents of the district. See purview, that is, the municipal courts his political beliefs on world social-
ism. YouTube has the 1998 CBS 60- our world has yet to learn from our dark history.
peninsulafamilyservice.org/.../older- of the state of California. The Hon. Former U.N. secretary-general Ko Annan said it best in
adult.../ Cantil-Sakauye is, as a member of the Minutes Interview. You will be sur-
prised who is also in this video: an address to the U.N. on the 60th anniversary of the lib-
Lee Michelson, CEO of the SHD, State Bar of California, an Ofcer of eration of the Auschwitz death camp, that on occasions
would have you believe that the the Court. She has taken a solemn https://youtu.be/HXqty2rkUDY.
such as this, rhetoric comes easily. We rightly say never
$1,544,000 in grant money was oath to uphold the law. I understand again, but action is much harder. Since the Holocaust the
restricted for use which beneted dis- her concerns about access to courts for Mark De Paula
world has, to its shame, failed more than once to prevent
trict residents. In actuality, that is not illegal immigrants but her rst duty is San Mateo or halt genocide. For examples of this, look no further
the case. Most of that grant money to uphold the rule of law in this state.
than Bangladesh, East Timor and Cambodia in the 1970s;
Guatemala in the 1980s; Bosnia and Rwanda in the 1990s;
OUR MISSION: and most recently in Sudan. In each instance, thousands,
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most (and in some cases hundreds of thousands), of individuals
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. have been exterminated for their identity. Thus, our world
By combining local news and sports coverage, community has yet to come together to mitigate the more
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, recent acts of genocide that plague our consciences and
Michael Davis Henry Guerrero lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to will continue to stain our history in the years to come.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality While I do not know that it is possible for us to prevent
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Bruce Scannell information resource in San Mateo County.
Joy Uganiza Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we the next genocide or humanitarian crisis abroad, I do
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer know that religious persecution is allowed to escalate
choose to reflect the diverse character of this
INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community.
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager
Renee Abu-Zaghibra Robert Armstrong when those who witness it fail to do their part to identify
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Jim Clifford Dan Heller it and eliminate it immediately. We must remember that
Samantha Weigel, Senior Reporter
Tom Jung Brian Miller SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM the anti-Semitic treatment of Ms. Beyda for her faith and
Mona Murhamer Karan Nevatia cultural afliations could happen anywhere. As
REPORTERS: Jeanita Lyman Brigitte Parman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook:
Terry Bernal, Anna Schuessler, Austin Walsh Adriana Ramirez Nick Rose facebook.com/smdailyjournal
Californians, we must do our part to wipe out systemic
Andrew Scheiner Joel Snyder discrimination amongst our friends, in our communities
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Megan Tao Gary Whitman twitter.com/smdailyjournal
Cindy Zhang
and at our esteemed universities.
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal
Honor roll
Miranda break a 35-year-old school record in a 2-1 win over Pioneer-San Jose. Then,
in the 3,200 meters with a time of 9 min- against Fremont, he doubled three times
utes, 19.42 seconds the previous record before singling in the bottom of the sev-
of 9:24.5 was set by Scott Marconda in enth amid a comeback rally; with Cap trail-
1982 Miranda also set a new WBAL ing 4-3, Max Stines led off with a single and
record, topping the leagues previous best OMahony followed with a knock.
of 9:20.97 set by Sacred Heart Preps Daniel Christian Colmenares ultimately delivered
Hill in 2015. the game-winner to end it. OMahony now
Max Ti ng , Menl o Scho o l bo y s leads the Mustangs with a .545 (12 for 22)
g o l f. The junior led the Knights to a 206- batting average.
233 win over Crystal Springs in a West Bay Jack Tag l i afi co , Arag o n bas ebal l .
Athletic League match at Peninsula Golf and The senior pitcher threw a complete-game,
Country Club. Ting drained birdie putts on five-hitter in the Dons 11-1 PAL Ocean-
the par-3 third and the par-4 seventh to fin- opening win over Kings Academy.
ish with the low round of the day with a 37. Aubri e Bus i ng er, Mi l l s s o ftbal l .
Charl o tte Lev i s o n, Sacred Heart The senior shortstop tore it up in the
Prep g i rl s bas ketbal l . The wing capped Vikings 19-10 win over Menlo-Atherton in
her standout freshman season with a team- the Peninsula Athletic League Ocean
best 22 points in the Gators 69-59 loss to Division opener last Friday. Businger went
St. Joseph Notre Dame-Alameda in the Nor 5 for 6, falling a double shy of the cycle,
Mailey McLemore fired a two-hit shutout to Cal Division IV semifinals. with two home runs, a triple and seven RBIs Nick Garcia stranded the bases loaded in
lead Carlmont to a 2-0 win over Homestead. Abby Cl audi us , Hal f Mo o n Bay on the day. Serras 4-2 win over rival St. Francis.
s o ftbal l . The freshman drove in four runs, Zachary Smi th and Cade Rees , Serra
ai l ey McLemo re, Carl mo nt DiPaola of American-Fremont, who pro-
s o ftbal l . With the Lady Scots with a single and double, leading the way in bo y s v o l l ey bal l . The teammates each duced a throw of 36-7. Incidentally, Brucker
improving their undefeated the Cougars 11-0 non-league win over had 10 kills to give the Padres their first road set the meet record in both events last year,
record to 9-0 last week, McLemore led the Sequoia. win against a West Catholic Athletic League recording a throw of 172-3 in the discus,
teams most contentious victory of the sea- Co o per Way mi re, Menl o -Atherto n team since the 2014 season when they beat and 53-7 in the shot put.
son, a 2-0 win over Homestead, by firing a bo y s l acro s s e. The Bears goaltender Mitty 25-21, 25-17, 21-25, 25-22. Ni ck Garci a, Serra bas ebal l . The
two-hit shutout. Locking up with made 12 saves during M-As big 7-4 win Teme Fang una, Mercy -Burl i ng ame left-handed hitting Garcia was 2 for 8 with
Homestead senior starter Brittany Prock over rival Menlo School. Waymire has g i rl s track and fi el d. With the gradua- three RBIs through three victories last week
who took a tough-luck loss against allowed an average of just four goals per tion of Valley Christians superstar thrower as the Padres improved their current win-
Carlmont last season in the Central Coast game through the teams first five games. Elena Bruckner in 2016, the shot put and ning streak to five games. But the seniors
Section Division I playoff semifinals Mat t h e w O Mah o n y , Cap uc h i n o discus competition has come back down to biggest contribution was on the mound in a
McLemore walked five but allowed just two bas ebal l . The Mustangs ran their current earth this season. Fanguna, a senior at 4-2 win over rival St. Francis in the West
hits while striking out seven. winning streak to five games with back-to- Mercy-Burlingame, set the bar for the girls Catholic Athletic League opener. Garcia
Ro b e rt Mi ran da, Me n l o S c h o o l back walk-off wins last week. Not only did discus throw Saturday at the St. Francis entered amid a bases-loaded, no-out jam in
bo y s track and fi el d. Poised for a spec- OMahony go 5 for 8 through the two wins, Invitational. Not only did Fanguna place the sixth inning and recorded three straight
tacular junior year after garnering national including a four-hit performance in a 5-4 first with a throw of 132 feet, 4 inches, the strikeouts to strand all three inherited base
acclaim on the winter indoor club circuit, victory over Fremont, the senior scored the mark now stands as the best throw in CCS runners. The right-handed throwing Garcia
Miranda made his mark on the West Bay game-winning runs in both games. His sin- this season. Fanguna also placed second in closed out the game, retiring all six batters
Athletic League record books last week at gle in the bottom of the eighth set the table the shot put with a throw of 35-3, finishing he faced, to earn the first save of his varsity
the Dublin Distance Fiesta. Not only did for Leonardo Espinozas game-winning hit back of first-place winner junior Amelia career.
senior season in 2015, Sangha followed suit, In the finals, Sangha held steady in the
Sangha is never one to succumb to pres-
sure, simply taking everything in stride. resulting in her only having played half the early going. Trailing by 1 hole heading into
Any nerves she experienced going into the 15 campaign as a sophomore then not play- the par-5 fourth hole, Sangha hit an exquisite
tournament, she battled through in the qual- ing at all this season as a junior. birdie with a pitching wedge from 50 feet
Continued from page 11 ifying round. Shooting a 79 in the regula- Sangha declined to comment on the rea- out. Iqbal bogeyed the hole, leaving the two
tion 18 holes, she finished tied with six sons she quit the San Mateo team. She said tied, a deadlocked score that lasted until the
other golfers for five spots. She proved it is unlikely she will return next season seventh hole. Iqbal won the seventh and the
just kept my focus throughout the win. steady by shooting par on the extra hole ninth to take a two-hole lead, then went on a
The semifinal win was a victory worth cel- during her senior year.
though, qualifying for the top 16 bracket I think I wont play on the team, tear from holes 13-20, winning seven of the
ebrating though. Sangha was trailing early for the third straight year. eight to take a commanding lead.
by three holes but made up the deficit on the Sangha said.
back 9. Advancing to extra holes, she and I was really happy that I made it and Sangha and her sister did not meet in The So, Sangha looks to next years S.F. City
Shim each shot par on the par 4, 19th hole. that I made it to the finals, Sangha said. City though as Aman, the No. 7 seed, was Golf Championship in her quest to win the
Then on the 20th hole, Sangha caught a upset by Bedi in the opening round. Sangha title. Still, talking about the possibility of
After winning the first round against Shim,
break. She opened with a drive down the mid- said she had mixed emotions about not bouncing back next year at Harding Park to
Sangha looked to be on a collision course
dle of the fairway, but Shim sliced into the playing her sister in the quarterfinals, the win The City is as animated as Sangha gets.
with her older sister Aman. The two have
trees. It ended up being the difference in a plenty of experience playing as teammates, same round in which Aman defeated the I will play next year and if I do win the
decisive 1-stroke differential with Sangha partners and even opponents. Before Aman younger Sangha two years ago. final Ill be really happy and excited,
shooting par and Shim shooting a bogey. graduated from San Mateo and took to the col- I think it was a little bit of both (relieved Sangha said.
I wasnt under pressure or anything and legiate circuit in 2016 at Caada College, the and disappointed), Sangha said. If I Just dont expect her to go jumping into
she made some mistakes and I took advan- two were teammates with the Bearcats. But played my sister, that probably would have Lake Merced if she wins.
tage of that, Sangha said. when Aman quit the team midway through her been a pretty good match. No, Sangha said. It will be too cold.
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Feldy named Reds She was lights out, CSM head coach
Nicole Borg said. She did a great job.
Jones had all her pitches working from the
There has been a bit of a transition for
Jones this season with freshman catcher
Mackenzie Driscoll taking over behind the
opening-day starter get-go, a departure from her struggles in
recent weeks. After serving as College of San
plate. Jones said there was no correlation
between her recent slump and Driscolls
By Gary Schatz Mateo softballs primary starting pitcher last DAILY JOURNAL FILE PHOTO catching prowess, but that she does miss last
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS season, the sophomore had made just eight CSM sophomore Morgan Jones recorded a years catcher, Harlee Donovan, as both were
starts through CSMs 22 games prior to five-inning perfect game Saturday vs. Yuba. Half Moon Bay High School graduates and
GOODYEAR, Ariz. The Cincinnati Reds Saturday. She previously threw a two-hit shutout in an played together since they were 5.
chose newcomer Scott Feldman to start on Its just a little pitching slump, Borg 8-0 win over Gavilan Feb. 4. In the perfecto, With Donovan having transferred to
opening day against the Philadelphia said, and shes been working extra hard at she started the day with a strikeout of Yubas Southern Oregon University, Jones said the
Phillies. practice. Her first few outings were little leadoff hitter and never looked back. She two are slated to play together again next year
Itll be the third opening day start for the tough. Sometimes that happens. totaled three strikeouts and induced nine as the sophomore pitcher has already com-
33-year-old Feldman. The right-hander also There was no trace of a slump Saturday as groundball outs. mitted to transferring to the program in
opened seasons for Texas in 2010 and Jones matched her longest outing of the year. Im definitely a groundball pitcher, Jones Ashland, Oregon as well.
Houston in 2014.
Injuries have depleted the Reds rotation
for the second straight spring training.
Homer Bailey had surgery to remove bone
spurs from his elbow and is expected to miss
World Baseball Classic
Puerto Rico tops Netherlands 4-3
Raiders sign Manuel, Jenkins, Condo
the first two months of the season. Anthony THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Downing was Manuels position coach in
DeSclafani, who was in line to start the open- in 11 innings to advance to WBC final 2014 and a big attraction in coming to
er, will go on the disabled list with a sore ALAMEDA The Raiders have signed for- Oakland.
LOS ANGELES Eddie Rosarios sacri- mer first-round pick EJ Manuel as a backup
pitching elbow. Jenkins started 34 games with Miami the
fice fly drove in Carlos Correa with the win- quarterback and linebacker Jelani Jenkins.
Feldman the all-time career wins leader past four years. He had 219 tackles, 3 1/2
ning run in the 11th inning, giving Puerto The Raiders also brought back long snap-
at College of San Mateo signed a one-year sacks, three forced fumbles and one fumble
Rico a 4-3 victory over per Jon Condo on Monday.
deal with the Reds on Jan. 26 that guarantees recovery. He will compete to fill the void of
the Netherlands on Manuel was picked 16th overall by
him $2.3 million. He has a chance to make an departed free agent Malcolm Smith.
Monday night and a berth Buffalo in 2013, but started just 17 games
additional $2.2 million based upon starts. Condo is the second-longest tenured
in the World Baseball in four seasons with the Bills. Current
He was chosen over Brandon Finnegan to Raiders player and will begin his 11th sea-
Classic championship Raiders offensive coordinator Todd
start the game on April 3 at Great American son as long snapper in 2017.
Ball Park, where hes pitched only one other Correa hit a two-run
time in his career.
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homer in the first inning,
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NFL brief Fourteen years is a long time and I think Knights have had a fair amount of success,
Spike Lee calls lack of suitors for LOUNGE we did some cool things, Lavorato said. I
give all the credit to my staff, to Matt
Moran and Mark Modeste. They were huge
with a couple down years a few seasons ago,
so its not like Lavorato is going into a
rebuilding situation.
quarterback Colin Kaepernick fishy Continued from page 11 in what weve done. And, of course, the Truth be told, it probably didnt matter
NEW YORK Spike Lee says its fishy kids. where Lavorato ended up. He wanted to con-
that former 49ers quarterback Colin Its a great opportunity for someone else I dont know how much longer Ill coach. tinue to coach football but, at the same
Kaepernick remains an NFL free agent. to come in and build on the foundation Im going to be 65 this year. [The decision] time, he wanted to do so closer to home and
Kaep ern i ck s s eas o n l o n g p ro t es t o f here, Rodriguez said. was all about lifestyle and my own personal family. If the opportunity at Kings
Th e St ar Sp an g l ed life. Sometimes its good to try something Academy didnt present itself, there is a
Lavorato had posted 14 straight non-los- new, something different. good chance Lavorato would still be a Gator.
Banner ahead of 49ers ing seasons (he went 5-5 in 2006) before
games became a topic Lavorato will be taking over a Kings But as they say, God works in mysterious
going 3-9 last season. But he said it was Academy program that saw its two-year
of national debate last one of the most gratifying seasons of his ways.
season. Kaepernick was coach, Michael Johnson, jump to the col- Now I get to share with a bunch of new
career. lege game, joining the University of
protesting police treat- people who dont know my story, Lavorato
ment of minorities in I was happy with last year. I was OK with Oregon program as a wide receivers coach.
last year, Lavorato said, who still guided said. My greatest hope, other than Kings
t h e co un t ry. He h as Johnson had spent several years at the Academy doing well, is that Sacred Heart
i n di cat ed h e p l an s t o the Gators to the CCS seminals where they major-college and professional level before
lost to eventual CCS champ Half Moon Bay. Prep continues to be successful.
s t an d fo r t h e an t h em taking over the Kings Academy position.
Colin We still competed. When our kids walked Joining him in Eugene is his son,
Said Rodriguez: Nothing but wishing
next season. him the best and thanking him for every-
Kaepernick Lee wrote on on the eld, they were respectful and they Michael Johnson Jr., who became a bur-
played the game the right way. Thats what thing hes done for our community. After
Instagram Sunday that he had brunch with geoning college prospect during his two
football should be about. [14] years, he left his mark.
Kaepernick in New York. The director ques- seasons at quarterback for the Knights.
tioned what crime Kaepernick has commit- Lavorato was adamant he could not have Kings Academy and SHP have been pretty
ted. He says the quarterbacks lack of suit- accomplished what he did without the help much joined at the hip for the last decade or
ors smells mad fishy to me. of his coaching staff, especially Matt so, rst as rivals in the North Coast Section Nathan Mollat can be reached by email:
[email protected] or by phone: 344-5200
Lee is suggesting his hometown New Moran and Mark Modeste, his two, long- Bay Football League. They both came into ext. 117. You can follow him on Twitter
York Jets take a look at Kaepernick. serving lieutenants. the PAL beginning in the 2008 season. The @CheckkThissOutt.
said. Dont let him out of your sight. Dorsett told the Fort Worth Star Telegram the same NFLPA press gathering where Smith
The link between football and brain damage last month that hes fighting CTE and had no spoke, Giants linebacker Mark Herzlich
is by now well documented. After decades of idea that the end was going to be like this. who survived cancer to play in the NFL
denial a top NFL executive belatedly That the players of Dorsetts era didnt talked about suffering his third concussion in
Continued from page 11 acknowledged to Congress last year that there know how they might end up isnt surprising. a November game against the Browns.
is a link between football and neurodegenera- The NFL paid little attention to how hits to Yet Herzlich came back to play. He still
It was part of a disturbing weekend for both tive diseases such as chronic traumatic the head might affect players in their later wants to play, no matter how uncertain his
fans of football and the players who risk their encephalopathy. lives, and the science about the effects of head future might be.
future in the sport. The same day Clark Jeff Miller, the NFLs senior vice president hits and concussions was still young. Football players are tough guys. They have
announced his diagnosis, columnist Vahe for health and safety, said he based his opin- Thats changed, and now every player who to be to survive in a sport where the toughest
Gregorian wrote a piece in the Kansas City ion on the work of Boston University neu- comes into the league should be aware of the always come out on top.
Star about spending seven hours at the house ropathologist Ann McKee, who as of last danger. Concussion protocols have also Some play the game because they love it.
of Gale Sayers. month had diagnosed CTE in the brains of 97 changed drastically, though nobody knows Others play it because it can make them
Sayers, the Chicago running back consid- out of 101 former football players examined for sure how much protection that offers. wealthy
ered one of the greatest NFL players ever, after death. This used to be a different league, Unfortunately, most dont see 30 years into
barely spoke during the visit. Hes battling Some former players have been diagnosed DeMaurice Smith, head of the NFL players the future. They think theyre invincible, and
dementia, and his wife said some days are bet- with CTE-like symptoms while still alive. union said last month at the Super Bowl. If that bad things will only happen to other
ter than others. That includes Tony Dorsett, the Dallas you stumbled to the sideline, somebody guys.
Just before dinner, Gregorian wrote, Sayers Cowboys running back who is ninth on the maybe pushed you back in. But with each new and terrible diagnosis
went to wash his hands with carpet cleaner. all-time career list with 12,739 rushing Still, players continue to risk their health, were reminded of the price our football
It keeps you on your toes, Ardie Sayers yards. even knowing the possible consequences. At heroes continue to pay.
By Cliff Brunt
Warriors 111, Thunder 95
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16 Tuesday March 21, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
STOCKTON REGION pointers, and fourth-seed UCLA rout-
ed Texas A&M. Monique Billings Stanfords lead swelled to 47-24
in a second-round rematch of last and Jordin Canada each added 12 before the Wildcats managed their
Quinnipiac 85, Miami 78 years national championship game. points for the Bruins. first basket of the third quarter
CORAL GABLES, Fla. Continued from page 11 with 4:11 remaining. Kansas State
Morgan Manz scored 22 points Oregon 74, Duke 65 OKLAHOMA CITY REGION proceeded to run off nine straight
and made six 3-pointers, Aryn needed to rally from nine down to points in its best stretch of the
DURHAM, N.C. Ruthy Hebard
McClure added 15 and 12th-seeded
had 20 points and 15 rebounds, and Louisville 75, Tennessee 64 win beat No. 15 seed New Mexico game, but Karlie Samuelsons 3-
Quinnipiac is headed to the Sweet State. It was an ugly, disjointed pointer got the Cardinal back on
Oregon earned its first Sweet 16 LOUISVILLE, Ky. Asia Durr track.
16, stunning fourth-seeded Miami. performance that led Hall of Fame
berth by upsetting Duke. Maite scored 23 points, Mariya Moore
coach Tara VanDerveer to muse They coasted through the fourth
Cazorla added 17 points and Lexi made all five 3-pointers for 19 points
BRIDGEPORT REGION Bando finished with 14 points to and Louisville beat Tennessee. afterward that nearly two weeks off quarter and right into the Sweet 16.
help Oregon (22-13) become the may not have been good for them.
UConn 94, Syracuse 64 first No. 10 seed in a decade to Washington 108, Oklahoma 82 Two days off seemed to suit the
Big picture
STORRS, Conn. Kia Nurse reach the round of 16. SEATTLE Kelsey Plum scored Cardinal much better. Kansas State has made strides in
scored 29 points and tied an NCAA 38 points, adding another record They quickly shook loose of the three years under Jeff Mittie, but
Tournament record with nine 3- UCLA 75, Texas A&M 43 to her career resume, and No. 3 Wildcats with hounding defense the Wildcats coach still has never
pointers to lead UConn to a 94-64 LOS ANGELES Kari Korver seed Washington raced past No. 6 and pinpoint perimeter shooting, made it to the tournaments second
win over Syracuse on Monday night scored 21 points, hitting seven 3- seed Oklahoma. using a 13-0 run late in the first weekend. The Wildcats have been
quarter and early in the second to bounced in the second round the
take a 28-12 lead. And when past two years, and five of his
WHATS ON TAP NBA GLANCE NHL GLANCE McPhee hit a 3-pointer moments teams at TCU were eliminated in
later, she had nearly as many the same round.
Baseball Atlantic Division Atlantic Division points (13) as the Wildcats (14). Stanford missed out on having
Valley Christian at Serra, San Mateo at Half Moon W L Pct GB GP W L OT Pts GF GA Kansas State went on a brief run home games the opening weekend
Bay, Aragon at South City, Menlo School at Kings Boston 45 26 .634 Montreal 72 41 23 8 90 199 180
Academy, Mills at Jefferson, El Camino at Harker, Toronto 41 29 .586 3 1/2 Ottawa 71 39 24 8 86 188 185 to trim its deficit to 34-21 with 2 because of a conflict at Maples
Westmoor at Crystal Springs, 4 p.m. New York 27 43 .386 17 1/2 Boston 72 38 28 6 82 207 192 minutes left before halftime, but Pavilion, but it ultimately didnt
Softball Philadelphia 26 44 .371 18 1/2
Half Moon Bay at Aragon, Capuchino at Carlmont, Brooklyn 13 56 .188 31
Toronto 71 33 23 15 81 216 210
Nadia Fingalls basket in the paint matter. Now, the Cardinal head to a
Hillsdale at Sequoia, Burlingame at Woodside, 4 p.m. Tampa Bay 71 34 28 9 77 194 197 neutral floor as they attempt to
Boys tennis Southeast Division Florida 71 31 29 11 73 180 204 and McPhees fourth 3 of the half
Harker at Menlo School, Nueva at Sacred Heart Prep, Washington 42 28 .600 Buffalo 73 30 31 12 72 182 211 restored order. reach the Final Four for the first
Crystal Springs at Priory, 3:30 p.m.; Serra vs. St. Fran- Atlanta 37 33 .529 5 Detroit 71 28 32 11 67 178 212 time since the 2013-14 season.
cis at Cuesta Park, 2:45 p.m.; San Mateo at Hillsdale, Miami 34 36 .486 8 The Wildcats had six turnovers
Woodside at Mills, Burlingame at Carlmont, Menlo- Charlotte 31 39 .443 11 Metropolitan Division in the first quarter and nine by
Atherton at Aragon, El Camino at Oceana, Sequoia
at Capuchino, 4 p.m.
Orlando 26 45 .366 16 1/2 x-Columbus 71 47 18 6 100 228 164
halftime, while the Cardinal had
Up next
x-Washington 71 46 17 8 100 228
Badminton Central Division 159 already built a 20-9 rebounding The Cardinal head to Lexington
Aragon at Westmoor, Burlingame at South City, San x-Cleveland 46 23 .667 Pittsburgh 71 45 17 9 99 249 198
Mateo at Sequoia, Carlmont at Mills, Terra Nova at Indiana 36 34 .514 10 1/2 N.Y. Rangers 72 45 24 3 93 231 189
advantage by that point despite to face the Longhorns.
Hillsdale, Crystal Springs at Capuchino, Woodside Milwaukee 34 35 .493 12 N.Y. Islanders71 33 26 12 78 210 218
at Jefferson, El Camino at Menlo-Atherton, 4 p.m. Detroit 34 36 .486 12 1/2 Philadelphia 71 33 30 8 74 186 213 There were six lead changes
Boys lacrosse
Menlo-Atherton at Menlo School, 5:30 p.m.
Boys volleyball
Valley Christian at Serra, 6 p.m.
Southwest Division
x-San Antonio
37 .471
13 1/2
Carolina 70 30 27
New Jersey 71 26 33
Central Division
CAL between Baylor and Cal in the first
3 minutes of their game, including
five baskets scored in a 45-second
Baseball Memphis 40 30 .571 13 1/2 x-Chicago 72 47 20 5 99 218 178 Continued from page 11 span. But Davis strong drive for a
Burlingame at Sequoia, Sacred Heart Prep at Wood- Dallas 30 39 .435 23 Minnesota 71 43 22 6 92 232 178 layup put the homestanding Bears
side, Carlmont at Hillsdale,Terra Nova at Capuchino, New Orleans 29 41 .414 24 1/2 Nashville 72 36 25 11 83 212 202
4 p.m. up 8-7, and started a 9-0 run.
St. Louis 71 38 28 5 81 197 193 game against the Big 12 champi-
Northwest Division Winnipeg 72 32 33 7 71 217 230
ons on their home court. California had a longer scoring
Mills at South City, Terra Nova at Menlo-Atherton, Utah 43 28 .606 Dallas 72 29 33 10 68 196 233
Jefferson at El Camino, 4 p.m. Oklahoma City 40 30 .571 2 1/2
drought in the second quarter,
Colorado 71 20 48 3 43 138 234 Baylor (32-3) took control with a
Badminton Denver 33 37 .471 9 1/2 going 6 1/2 minutes between their
Hillsdale at Menlo-Atherton, 4 p.m. Portland 32 37 .464 10 13-0 run in the second quarter,
Track and field Minnesota 28 41 .406 14
Pacific Division only field goals of the quarter
Serra at Mitty, Burlingame at Menlo-Atherton, 3 p.m. Sharks 72 42 23 7 91 196 166 including freshman Natalie Chou while Baylor put the crowd and its
Boys volleyball Edmonton 72 39 24 9 87 209 186
Pacific Division
Anaheim 72 38 23 11 87 186 178
hitting consecutive 3-pointers in a coach into a frenzy.
Marin Catholic at Serra, 4:30 p.m.; Capuchino at Hills- z-Warriors 56 14 .800
dale, Carlmont at Mills, San Mateo at Aragon, L.A. Clippers 42 29 .592 14 1/2 Calgary 72 41 27 4 86 201 193 17-second span during which coach Wallace had the ball and moved
Menlo-Atherton at South City, 6 p.m. Sacramento 27 43 .386 29 Los Angeles 72 34 31 7 75 175 181 Kim Mulkey emphatically pumped
Phoenix 22 48 .314 34 Vancouver 71 28 34 9 65 161 207 to the right side, near Chou, and
THURSDAY L.A. Lakers 20 50 .286 36 Arizona 72 26 37 9 61 173 230 her fists. After a California timeout motioned the freshman to move to
Baseball x-clinched playoff spot and then a missed shot, Prince hit a the other corner. A couple of pass-
El Camino at Westmoor, Jefferson at Harker, Mills at z-clinched division Mondays Games
Crystal Springs, South City at Menlo-Atherton, Kings run-ending jumper that put Baylor es later, Chou buried the long shot
Toronto 4, Boston 2
Academy at Half Moon Bay, Menlo School at Mondays Games Buffalo 2, Detroit 1 up 35-16. from in front of the Cal bench, and
Aragon, 4 p.m. Charlotte 105, Atlanta 90
Softball Nashville 3, Arizona 1 then on the next trip down the
Indiana 107, Utah 100 Dallas 1, San Jose 0 After their 12th consecutive
Carlmont at Aragon,Sequoia at Capuchino,Woodside
at Hillsdale, Half Moon Bay at Burlingame, 4 p.m. Orlando 112, Philadelphia 109, OT Edmonton 2, Los Angeles 0 NCAA Tournament victory at home, court hit a 3 from the right wing.
Boston 110, Washington 102 Tuesdays Games
Boys tennis
Golden State 111, Oklahoma City 95 including that record-setting 119-30 The Golden Bears started the sea-
Menlo School at Crystal Springs, Harker at Sacred Calgary at Washington, 4 p.m.
Heart Prep, Pinewood at Nueva, 3:30 p.m.; St. Ig- Houston 125, Denver 124 Ottawa at Boston, 4 p.m. win over Texas Southern on son by winning their first 13
natius vs. Serra at CSM, 3:30 p.m.; Aragon at L.A. Clippers 114, New York 105 Pittsburgh at Buffalo, 4 p.m. Saturday, the Lady Bears are headed games, a school record. They then
Carlmont, Mills at Burlingame, Hillsdale at Wood- Tuesdays Games
N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, 4 p.m. to Oklahoma City for their third went 6-13 against Pac-12 teams
side, Menlo-Atherton at San Mateo,Westmoor at El Chicago at Toronto, 4 p.m.
Detroit at Brooklyn, 4:30 p.m. Carolina at Florida, 4:30 p.m.
Camino, Oceana at Sequoia, 4 p.m. Detroit at Montreal, 4:30 p.m. Sweet 16 matchup against Louisville before a win over LSU in the first
Swimming Phoenix at Miami, 4:30 p.m.
St. Francis at Serra, Woodside at Carlmont, Menlo- Memphis at New Orleans, 5 p.m. Arizona at Tampa Bay, 4:30 p.m. in nine seasons. The fourth-seeded round of the NCAA. They have
Atherton at Hillsdale, Sequoia at Aragon, San Mateo Golden State at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. Philadelphia at Winnipeg, 5 p.m. Cardinals advanced with a 75-64 vic- been to five NCAA Tournaments in
at Burlingame, South City at El Camino, Terra Nova San Antonio at Minnesota, 6:30 p.m. San Jose at Minnesota, 5:30 p.m.
at Westmoor, Jefferson at Capuchino, Half Moon Milwaukee at Portland, 7 p.m. Vancouver at Chicago, 5:30 p.m. tory at home earlier Monday over six years under coach Lindsay
Bay at Mills, 3:30 p.m. L.A. Clippers at L.A. Lakers, 7:30 p.m. St. Louis at Colorado, 6 p.m. fifth-seeded Tennessee. Gottlieb.
THE DAILY JOURNAL HEALTH Tuesday March 21, 2017 17
Health briefs
Whos happy, whos not: Norway tops list, U.S. falls
Already in peril, rural hospitals unsure on health bill
WASHINGTON If you want to go to your happy place, I would have never lasted to
you need more than cash. A winter coat helps and a sense CLAXTON, Ga. Talmadge
of community. Yarbrough had just sat down at his desk
get to Savannah or Statesboro. ... I firmly
A new report shows Norway is the happiest country on and opened a box of pecans when he let believe if that hospital wasnt here, I wouldnt be here.
Earth, Americans are getting sadder, and it takes more than out a gasp that could have been his last Talmadge Yarbrough
just money to be happy. breath. Hed gone into cardiac arrest in
Norway vaulted to the top slot in the World Happiness his office, a co-worker called 911, and than-normal percentage of Medicaid backed by President Donald Trump.
Report despite the plummeting price of oil, a key part of its an ambulance drove him 2 miles to the patients; expected cuts to the federal At Evans Memorial, many blue-col-
economy. Income in the United States has gone up over the small hospital that serves this rural program for low-income residents will lar workers are unable to afford insur-
past decade, but happiness is declining. community in southeast Georgia. affect facilities everywhere, but experts ance but are too well-off for Medicaid,
The United States was 14th in the latest ranking, down I would have never lasted to get to and administrators are particularly wor- said chief financial officer John
from No. 13 last year, and over the years Americans steadi- Savannah or Statesboro, Yarbrough ried about rural areas. Still more rural Wiggins. Such uninsured patients are
ly have been rating themselves less happy. said of the biggest cities near Claxton patients are on Medicare, for those 65 perhaps the No. 1 problem for rural
Its the human things that matter. If the riches make it each 30 to 60 miles away. I firmly and older, but both programs reim- hospitals: Evans Memorial has been
harder to have frequent and trustworthy relationship believe if that hospital wasnt here, I bursements are lower than the cost of saddled with $3 million or more in
between people, is it worth it? asked John Helliwell, the wouldnt be here. care. unpaid medical bills in recent years.
lead author of the report and an economist at the University But like Yarbrough, the 10-bed Evans Now, as Republicans in Washington But the hospital cant and wont turn
of British Columbia in Canada (ranked No. 7). The materi- Memorial Hospital has fought to sur- put forward long-anticipated plans to away the uninsured federal law pro-
al can stand in the way of the human. vive. That story is reflected nationwide get rid of President Barack Obamas hibits it in emergencies. Recently, Dr.
rural hospitals have long struggled, Affordable Care Act, rural hospitals and Kyle Parks performed an urgent gall-
Home health aides: Minimum-wage with patients who are older, suffer from communities are watching the debate bladder operation on an uninsured
chronic illnesses, and face few insur- closely. But if they didnt fare too well woman. It is what weve always done
hikes could deepen shortage ance options, if theyre insured at all. under the ACA, many question whether
WEST CHAZY, N.Y. Only 17 snowy miles from the Most rural hospitals have a higher- theyd be better off under the plan See RURAL, Page 19
Canadian border, Katie Busheys most basic needs are met
by traveling health aides who come into her home to
change her diapers, track her seizures, spoon-feed her fet-
tuccine Alfredo and load her wheelchair into the shower.
But thats only if someone shows up.
Bushey, 32, who lost her vocal and motor skills shortly
after birth, is one of more than 180,000 Medicaid patients
in New York who are authorized to receive long-term, in-
home care, the most in the states history. But there are
increasingly too few aides to go around, especially in
remote, rural areas.
When there arent enough aides for Bushey over a
recent two-day stretch there were workers for only four of
the 26 hours of care for which she is authorized her moth-
er must stay home from her job at an elementary school,
forgoing a days wages and scraping her savings to pay the
Implant, Abutment, and Crown
(does not include extraction)
budget during the May revise but, in the whether they own it or whether they rent it, Reliant on disability insurance, she said
Continued from page 1
meantime, Rogers predicted the loss of the
coordinated care initiative could have direct
impacts on local residents.
its very hard to get it back again, certainly
very hard at the same price, Rogers said.
trying to get back into the rental market
after being in a nursing home would likely
dry up her financial resources. Then theres
The program links the in-home care with Reducing nursing home stays the emotional toll that goes along with
the medical planning that has to go on and The coordinated care initiative has also being bed-ridden which she was for three
changed her life for the better. were really concerned that the governors months or in a nursing facility.
helped reduce the number of days people
I can do more for myself than I could proposal will eliminate that collaboration were in skilled nursing facilities by 33 per- Ive been in a nursing home and maybe
before; that program is great. Now, with it and have it take longer for people to get the cent, allowing them to spend more time in even though Id have my physical needs
being in jeopardy, its devastating, she care they need, she said. their own homes, said Lisa Mancini, direc- met, emotionally you deteriorate and your
said. Although the entire $101 million in- tor of the Health Systems Aging and Adult spirit dies, she said.
Earlier this year, the governor proposed home support services program isnt going Services. Eight years after her accident, Andrade-
eliminating funding for the pilot program, away, losing coordinated care would result Through in-home support services, we Zuniga hasnt been able to return to her old
which San Mateo County initiated almost in cutbacks to services for clients who keep people in their homes on average job working for the countys juvenile pro-
three years ago as a way to provide quicker might be on the brink of being unable to eight years longer than if they hadnt bation department. Instead, shes thrown
and more coordinated care for disabled remain in their homes. And theres evidence received our services, Mancini said. herself into an array of community-oriented
adults. Browns proposal is an effort to help of the initiatives success. Since the county With about 5,000 county residents receiv- positions serving on multiple advisory
balance projected state deficits, but it could began the pilot three years ago, 140 people ing in-home support services, the initiative committees including for the countys
have life-changing effects on clients who have been able to remain at home, Rogers focuses in on about 300 clients at a time Commission on Disability, and as treasurer
receive enhanced services through the said, noting that opens up resources for oth- whose needs are complex, but who are able for the Center for Independence of
health care program. ers. to remain at home with the right care, Individuals with Disabilities.
Although San Mateo County stands to Theres a shortage of skilled nursing Mancini said. Not only living a life in which she relies
lose $6.9 million from the state due to the beds in the Bay Area and its really critical With Californias senior population on in-home support services, but working
cut, because the pilot is matched with feder- the beds that are available be used for peo- expected to double to 12 million by 2060, with others in need, she hopes recognition
al and local funds, the countys entire $28 ple that really need that care, and that peo- Rogers said its critical to think about what of the overarching benefits behind the coor-
million program is at risk, said Louise ple who can remain in their homes can do are the systems of care that allow people to dinated care initiative will curb cuts to state
Rogers, chief of San Mateo Countys Health that, Rogers explained. remain in their homes. Because theres no funding.
System. Rogers said the state budget reduc- Additionally, when faced with the pres- way there will ever be enough [skilled nurs- Its just more involved care for people
tions along with threats to the Affordable sures of the real estate market, seniors and ing] beds. that need more care. Im pretty good at nav-
Care Act are one-two punch against efforts the disabled are acutely at risk of being Andrade-Zuniga, who was raised in igating the system, but I cant imagine for
to support those in need. priced out after a temporary stay at a nursing Redwood City before her spinal cord was people that cant advocate for themselves,
home, she said. severed in a car accident when she was 28, she said. If we dont advocate, people will
Direct impact Housing is a huge crisis in the Bay Area couldnt have imagined needing the level of die, people wont get what they need, and
More will be fleshed out in the governors and, once someone loses their home, care on which shes now dependent. its not right.
by helping cover non-tuition related doesnt think college should be excessive- The wealthiest 1. 5 percent of
Continued from page 1
expenses and expanding aid for community
college students. Eggman said she thinks
her bill and that proposal will complement
ly expensive, he doesnt support making
college tuition free because he believes stu-
dents should make a contribution toward
Californians generates roughly half of the
states income tax revenue. Voters
approved Proposition 55 in November to
each other. their education costs. continue taxing that group at a higher rate
The bill requires a two-thirds vote in the The new tax would give California citi- until 2030 to provide education and health
heels of a separate proposal by other Legislature because it would create a new zens who have done well one more reason care funding.
Assembly Democrats to make college more tax. It would also be put on the ballot so to move out of California, he said. In 2004, California voters approved a 1
affordable. voters can weigh in, Eggman said. Eggman said she doesnt believe the new percent tax on people earning more than $1
That plan, which was introduced last week, Jon Coupal, president of the Howard tax would drive wealthy people out of the million per year to fund mental health pro-
aims to make college debt-free for students Jarvis Taxpayers Association, said while he state. grams.
Continued from page 1
concrete and building materials slated for
construction projects in and out of the Bay
when dredging would minimally affect
marine life in the Bay. If the dredging proj-
ect is pushed much farther beyond its
budget cuts to the Coast Guard, as well as
any other Bay Area ports such as the Port
of San Francisco, Port of Oakland and Port
Giari said he expects the future for the scheduled start date, the port may be forced of Richmond, would have an effect on all of
ports dredging project, which is scheduled to request an extension to the environmen- the other organizations involved with
In the press release, the AAPA mentioned for September and October, to remain tal window, which could delay the project operating vessels in the Bay Area.
dock and road improvements and security uncertain until the U.S. Army Corps of even further. That concerns us because we work
enhancements, among other measures Engineers sets its budget, which is expect- Among the other organizations whose together with the other ports in the Bay
implemented by agencies such as the ed to take the federal budgeting process budgets Giari plans to keep an eye on are Area, he said. [Whether] they have fund-
Department of Transportation, the into account, in May. Because the U.S. the U.S. Coast Guard, with whom the port ing for projects that are necessary, it
Department of Homeland Security and the Army Corps of Engineers typically begins works closely to ensure the port is secure, impacts the industry generally and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, supporting an environmental review and bidding and other Bay Area ports. In conjunction whole Bay Area.
port operations across the United States. process for an operator a few months prior with the U.S. Coast Guard, the port has Though Giari acknowledged the limita-
How the budget process might affect the to the projects start date, Giari expressed developed a maritime security plan map- tions of projecting too far in the future
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ability to concern about the uncertainty the proposed ping out everything from lighting and sur- given the many steps ahead for the budget-
dredge the Redwood City shipping channel budget is creating for a project with sever- veillance cameras at the port to emergency ing process, he said the port could also see
is most urgent for Giari. Ensuring the al steps. preparedness equipment and training for the effects of the cuts should the economy
ports water is deep enough to accept large Its compounded a little bit by the fact port staff and those working on docked shift for construction projects or building
vessels loaded with heavy materials, which that theres an environmental window for vessels. Giari noted the critical role the materials, two of the industries driving the
might otherwise sink or get stuck in Bay dredging in the Bay Area, he said. agency plays in placing aids to naviga- ports activities.
mud, allows the port to accept a range of Giari also noted the environmental win- tion, such as lights, buoys and other mark- If that commerce is restricted or affect-
vessels at its docks. In recent years, the dow sketched by a group of federal and state ers, throughout the Bay, letting those nav- ed, it could affect those jobs downstream,
port has become a destination and critical agencies outlining the period of time, igating ships know where they are no mat- he said.
CEO who doubles as chief nursing officer, saw his strongest support in the state. But implemented. He took a part-time job driv-
Continued from page 17
in part to cut costs. I dont think well be
in that comfortable position anytime
Evans CFO Wiggins said many of his unin-
sured patients would have qualified under an
ing a school bus, with health benefits. He
wakes up at 4:45 a.m. for his morning
route, then heads to his insurance office at
Meantime, other rural hospitals have The ACA was intended to slash the number 8. Hes back on a bus at 2 p.m. for his after-
shuttered 80 since 2010, mostly in the of uninsured patients seeking care they school route, and then sells insurance for
we take care of people, payer or no South and Midwest, according to the North could never afford at hospitals. It succeeded another hour or so.
payer, Parks said. Carolina Rural Health Research Program. A in rural areas, where overall the rate of unin- I thought it was a very good plan, Lewis
But were fighting a struggle to keep our wave of closures also hit in the 1980s and sured people fell by 8 percent since full said, if you can stand the hours.
little hospital open. early 90s with changes in Medicare reim- implementation of the law in 2014, said But not all rural residents can and many
Evans Memorial, which opened in 1968, bursement, though Congress eventually Brock Slabach, of the National Rural Health cant find jobs with insurance at all. At
has managed to keep operating by seeking increased that. Association. But it fell more in urban areas, Evans Memorial, 10 percent of patients are
new revenue for example, a new wing for At Evans Memorial, about half the in part because of the dearth of choices in uninsured.
dementia patients scheduled to open soon. patients are covered by Medicare; 10 per- the exchanges set up under the ACA. Thirty Beyond the insurance, Medicare and
But the hospital was in the red for four years cent are on Medicaid. An uneven, state-by- to 40 percent of rural communities have Medicaid problems, rural hospitals face
before finding itself $50,000 in the black state expansion of Medicaid has been a only one company from which to pick. death by a thousand paper cuts: a nationwide
this year. problem there and elsewhere. Georgias Snap Lewis has been selling property and trend toward outpatient care, trouble recruit-
We do not have fear of the doors closing, among 19 states that didnt expand the pro- casualty insurance in Claxton for nearly ing staff, industry consolidation, low-
but we remember those days and we never gram under the ACA. Its never been a popu- four decades, and he said even he couldnt patient volume, and a preference by private-
get comfortable, said Nikki NeSmith, the lar proposal in rural Georgia, where Trump find affordable coverage after the ACA was insurance clients for newer hospitals.
The area is zoned transit oriented square feet of office space. Business Legal Structure. 7 p.m. to and awards ceremony celebrating
a designation covering developments Across the street from Station Park 8:30 p.m. 480 Primrose Road, the accomplishments of Key Club
Burlingame. Learn about the key and Kiwanis. For more information
that encourage people who live or Green, Hines has nearly completed issues to starting a business. For contact (415) 309-6467.
work nearby to use public transporta- 300,000 square feet of Class A office more information contact
Continued from page 1 [email protected]. Post-Election Economics. 7:30 a.m.
tion rather than cars. space between two four-story build- Crystal Springs Golf Course, 6650
At one point, Caltrain considered ings straddling the State Route 92 on- Peninsula Rose Society Meeting. Gold Course Drive, Burlingame. $15
Station Park Green mixed-use develop- doing away with the Hayward Park sta- ramp. The Palo Alto-based software 7:30 p.m. 1455 Madison Ave., with breakfast. For more information
ment and down the street from the near- Redwood City. Steve and Dianna call 787-5595.
tion as people were more likely to hop company Medallia plans to lease about Steps talk about the trials and
ly complete Hines office complex. aboard at other locales. Now, the 70 percent of the new 3.3-acre Hines rewards of building a low-mainte- Redwood City Now and Then
This Thursday, a community meeting influx of new workers and residents is complex along Concar Drive. nance rose garden. For more infor- Photo Editing Workshop. 10 a.m. to
will be held on the pre-application mation visit 11 a.m. Veterans Memorial Senior
expected to enliven the area. Real estate developers active in the peninsularosesociety.org. Center, 1455 Madison Ave., Redwood
that includes demolishing the existing The AAA site is considered transit area have long cited the location of the City. Bring your photos of San Mateo
structure to create a five-story building WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 County Courthouse and join for a
oriented and the preliminary redevel- site as a prime opportunity. Its cen- Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to workshop on basic photo editing.
at the property just north of the inter- opment proposal isnt seeking a zon- trally located between San Francisco noon. 1044 Middlefield Road, Free. For more information call 780-
section of State Route 92 and Highway ing change, said San Mateo Associate and San Jose, a short jaunt from the Redwood City. Answering questions 7035.
101. The mix of one- and two-bedroom regarding various different types of
Planner Roscoe Mata. If it complies Caltrain station, and at the juncture of electronics. For more information Senior Peer Counseling Volunteer
units would be spread in four stories contact [email protected]. Opportunity. 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. 101
with existing codes, that means the Highway 101 and State Route 92. Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City. Offer
atop a 94-space ground-floor parking
Planning Commission, not the City Even the regional transit agency has SWA Mills High School Student Art confidential emotional support to
structure at the nearly 1-acre site, seniors facing various difficulties. For
according to documents filed with the Council, would oversee the entitle- turned its attention to redevelopment Show. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 527 San
more information contact glusten-
Mateo Ave., San Bruno. The gallery
city. ment process, he said. opportunities in the area. Caltrain is will be open through March 31. For [email protected].
The proposal by Four Corners This weeks neighborhood forum in the midst of negotiating with devel- more information contact 737-6084.
Author Event: Brandon Mull. 5 p.m.
Properties to demolish the AAA build- will precede a commission study ses- oper Sares Regis to construct a multi- San Mateo Professional Alliance The Reading Bug, 785 Laurel St., San
ing is the latest to capitalize on the sion April 25. The applicant would family apartment complex with Networking Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. Carlos. New York Times bestselling
Mimis Restaurant, 2208 author of the Fablehaven series will
citys transit-oriented plans for areas then file a formal application before between 100 and 150 units atop 2.7 be signing copies of his new sequel
Bridgepointe Parkway, San Mateo.
surrounding the commuter rail line. studies regarding traffic, parking and acres of its surface parking lot. For more information email series, Dragonwatch. For more infor-
the environment are conducted. Negotiations over the terms of a long- [email protected]. mation email
Construction is already well under- [email protected]
way at the 12-acre Station Park Green The 52-foot tall apartment complex term ground lease are expected to last a Living with Lifes Unanswered om.
project that will include 599 housing would include 64 apartments, 96 park- few more months, after which formal Questions. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
1095 Cloud Ave., Menlo Park. Come Reel Great Films: Goodnight and
units; Hines is wrapping up construc- ing spaces and 106 bike storage planning documents would be submit- watch a filmed interview with Gary Good Luck. 7 p.m. Belmont Library.
tion on 300,000 square feet of office spaces. The building would also ted to the city, according to Caltrain. McMahan, an eyewitness to an In the early 1950s, the threat of com-
unsolved killing. For more informa- munism created an air of paranoia,
space at the corner of Concar Drive and include a fitness center as well as a liv- The 1650 S. Delaware St. redevelop- exploited by Sen. Joseph McCarthy
tion call 854-5897.
Delaware Street; and Caltrain is in the ing and game room for tenants, ment proposal was initially submitted of Wisconsin. Watch how two men
according to plans submitted with the to San Mateos Planning Department NAMI SMC March General challenged McCarthy and exposed
process of looking to develop 2.7 Meeting. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 100 S. him for the fearmonger that he was.
acres of its own surface parking lot city. last September. Four Corners San Mateo Drive, San Mateo. Special For more information email bel-
into a mixed-use housing project. If all The newly proposed units would be Properties bought the site from AAA in guest Susan Manheimer, Chief of [email protected].
immediately north of the massive March 2014 for an estimated $4.13 Police of San Mateo. For more infor-
of three housing plans were to come to mation contact nami@namisanma- Peninsula Symphony presents
fruition, nearly 800 new homes could Station Park Green, the former Kmart million, according to documents filed teo.org. FORTISSIMA 68th Season
Concert No. 3 Mary Elizabeth
be added a roughly 16-acre area just and Michaels Arts and Crafts property. with the county. Bowden. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. San Mateo
Mystery Book Club. 7 p.m. San
west of the 19th Avenue Park neigh- Under development by Essex Property Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Carlos. Performing Arts Center, 600 N.
borhood. and Trust, Station Park Green will The neighborhood meeting is 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. For Delaware St., San Mateo. For more
more information call 591-0341ext. information, contact karen@even-
Representatives with Four Corners include 599 units, 2 acres of parks and to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 23, at San 237. tures.net.
Properties did not return requests for open space, as well as 25,000 square Mateo Garden Center, 605 Park side
How Will Sea Level Rise Impact SATURDAY, MARCH 25
comment. feet of commercial space and 10,000 Way, San Mateo. Free Compost Giveaway. 8 a.m. to 5
You, Your Family and Your
Community? 7 p.m. Burlingame p.m. Boat Park, Bounty Drive and
Public Library, 480 Primrose Road, Foster City Blvd., Foster City. Foster
Burlingame. Learn what sea level rise City residents may take up to 1 cubic
means for Burlingame and the Bay yard of compost at no charge. For
Area and how to make a difference. more information call 286-3223.
No admission charge. Everyone eligi-
ble for free raffle prize. Presented by San Bruno American Legion Post
the Citizens Environmental Council 409 All-You-Can-Eat Monthly
of Burlingame. For more information Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 757
email [email protected]. San Mateo Ave., San Bruno. $10 for
adults and $6 for children 12 and
Wellness Wednesdays. 7 p.m. to 8 under. Breakfasts are on the last
p.m. New Leaf community class- Saturday of the month.
room, 150 San Mateo Road, Half
Moon Bay. Program is every Electric Bike Expo. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday and costs $5. For more San Mateo Event Center, 2495 S.
information visit Delaware St., San Mateo. Parking is
www.newleaf.com/events. $12. For more information email
[email protected].
Knitting with Arnie. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San Ancestry. 11 a.m. South San
Carlos. Free and open to the public. Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
For more information call 591- Orange Ave., South San Francisco. For
0341ext. 237. more information email valle@plsin-
Club Fox Blues Jam. 7 p.m. to 11
p.m. 2209 Broadway, Redwood City. Free Prom Dresses and Makeovers.
Featuring Wee Willie Walker and the 11 a.m. South San Francisco Main
Eight-Piece Anthony Paule Soule Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
Orchestra. $7 cover charge. For more San Francisco. Participants must reg-
information visit rwcbluesjam.com. ister by calling 829-3860. For more
information email [email protected].
Book Munchers Book Club. 4 p.m. Easter Bunny Arrival. 11 a.m. The
South San Francisco Main Library, Shops at Tanforan, Lower Level near
840 W. Orange Ave., South San J.C. Penney, San Bruno. Featuring a
Francisco. For more information spectacular magic show and special
email [email protected]. guests. For more information visit
Documentary Film Screening and
Discussions: Painted Nails. 7 p.m. For more events visit
South San Francisco Main Library, smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
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www.homebridgeca.org The leading local daily news resource for the You will be offering a wide variety of This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/8/2017. (Publish-
1660 S. Amphlett Blvd. #115 in San Mateo SF Peninsula seeks an entreprenuerial marketing solutions including print advertising, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17).
Advertising Account Exec to sell advertising inserts, graphic design, niche publications,
and marketing solutions to local businesses. online advertising, event marketing, social media FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
We are looking for a special person to join our and whatever else we come up with if as the
The following person is doing business
as: 1)Bolivar Crespo Notary Solutions
team for an immediate opening. industry continues its evolution and our paper dba BCNS 2)Crespo & Associates, 1325
Howard Ave. #202, BURLINGAME, CA
NEWSPAPER You must be community-minded, action- continues its upward trajectory. 94010. Registered Owners: 1)Viviana
Bolivar Crespo, 55 El Camino Real #103,
Burlingame, CA 94010 2)Jeremy Micheal
DELIvERY oriented, customer-focused, and without fail, a
self starter. You will be responsible for sales
Experience with print advertising and online
marketing a plus. But we will consider a
Crespo, 818 Athens, San Francisco, CA
94112 3)Anthony Daniel Bolivar, 55 El
Camino Real #103, Burlingame, CA
94010. The business is conducted by a
and account management activities associated candidate with little or no sales experience as General Partnership. The registrants
commenced to trans act business under
SAN MATEO with either a territory or vertical category. long as you have these traits: the FBN on n/a.
/s/Viviana Bolivar Crespo/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
t)VOHFSGPSTVDDFTTt"CJMJUZUPBEBQUUPDIBOHF sor-County Clerk on 3/10/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17).
The following person is doing business
Seeking Delivery driver to manage newspaper route
Join us, if you check off on these qualities and also believe in the future of newspapers. as: San Francisco Premier Consulting &,
103 Wharf Row, REDWOOD CITY, CA
Requires early morning work six days per week Mon-Sat. Please email your resume to [email protected] 94065. Registered Owner: Jennifer Ja-
cinto, same address. The business is
Papers are picked up early morning between 3am and 4:30am A cover letter with your views on the newspaper industry would also be helpful. conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to trans act business
under the FBN on 03/15/16.
Call Roberto 650-344-5200 /s/Jennifer Jacinto/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/9/2017. (Publish-
Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17).
24 Tuesday March 21, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 210 Lost & Found 298 Collectibles
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ing on the petition in the following news- FOUND: KEYS at Westwood Park in 1920'S AqUA Glass Beaded Flapper
STATEMENT #272734 STATEMENT #272812 paper of general circulation: SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) Redwood City, off of Fernside. Call to Purse (drawstring bag) & Faux Pearl
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business San Mateo Daily Journal CASE NUMBER (Nmero del Caso): claim (650)714-8893 Flapper Collar. $50. (650)762-6048
as: 1)Paradise Valley Spas 2)Sundance as: Sydney and Cali, 204 E 2nd Ave Filed: 3/1/2017 CIV535261. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT:
Spas, 1872 Rollins Rd, BURLINGAME, #108, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ ESCARLETTE GUDIEL OCHOA; and LOST - MY COLLAPSIBLE music stand, 1940 vINTAGE telephone bench maple
CA 94010. Registered Owner: Parad- tered Owner: Sydney and Cali Events, Judge of the Superior Court DOES 1 TO 30, INCLUSIVE, YOU ARE clip lights, and music in black bags were antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833
aise Valley Spas, CA. The business is LLC., CA. The business is conducted by Dated: 2/28/2017 BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: GRACIE- taken from my car in Foster City and may
a Limited Liability Company. The regis- (Published 3/7/17, 3/14/17, 3/21/17, LA SANCHEZ-CEJA have been thrown out by disappointed BILLY DEE Williams autographed Star
conducted by a Corporation. The regis- Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian,
trants commenced to trans act business trants commenced to trans act business 3/28/17). NOTICE! You have been sued. The court thieves. Please call (650)704-3595
under the FBN on 3/17/17. space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518-
under the FBN on 03/01/1986. may decide against you without your be- 6614
/s/Kathleen McKeon/ /s/Marilyn Huey/ ing heard unless you respon
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- d within 30 days. Read the information LOST - Womans diamond ring. Lost LENNOX RED Rose, Unused, hand
sor-County Clerk on 3/13/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish- below. 12/18. Broadway, Redwood City. painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after REWARD! (650)339-2410
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, CASE NUMBER (Nmero del Caso): $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17, 4/11/17). this summons and legal papers are
3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17). CIV535261. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: LOST CAT Our Felicity, weighs 7 lbs,
CARLOS SAMAYOA CANO and DOES served on you to file a written response MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good
at this court and have a copy served on she has a white nose, mouth, chin, all $59 call (650)218-6528
ORDER TO 1 TO 30, INCLUSIVE. YOU ARE BEING four legs, chest stomach, around her
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SUED BY PLAINTIFF: GRACIELA SAN- the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not neck. Black mask/ears, back, tail. Nice
SHOW CAUSE FOR protect you. Your written response must RENO SILvER LEGACY Casino four
STATEMENT #272613 CHANGE OF NAME CHEZ-CEJA REWARD. Please email us at rare memorabilia items, casino key, two
The following person is doing business NOTICE! You have been sued. The court be in proper legal form if you want the [email protected] or call 650-576-
CASE# 17CIv00684 coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974
as: Image Orthodontics, 2400 Westbor- may decide against you without your be- court to hear your case. There may be a 8745. She drinks water out of her paws.
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, ing heard unless you respond within 30 court form that you can use for your re-
ough Blvd, Suite #104, SOUTH SAN COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, SCHILLER HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta
FRANCISCO, CA 94080. Registered days. Read the information below. sponse. You can find these court forms graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00.
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after and more information at the California
Owner: Yan Kalika Dental Corporation, REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 LOST CAT. Black and White. Black (650)701-0276
CA. The business is conducted by a this summons and legal papers are Courts Online Self-Help Center patch on right eye. REWARD.
PETITION OF served on you to file a written response (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your
Corporation. The registrants com- Chien-An Cho Call (323) 439-7713. 299 Computers
menced to transact business under the at this court and have a copy served on county law library, or the courthouse
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not
FBN on 11/1/16. Petitioner: Chien-An Cho a petition with nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing LOST PHOTO Album. Small, green hard
protect you. Your written response must fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver cover wedding photo album around Bel- KOGI 15 inch computer monitor. Model
/s/Yan Kalika/ this court for a decree changing name be in proper legal form if you want the L5QX. $25. PH(650)592-5864.
This statement was filed with the Asses- as follows: form. If you do not file your response on mont's Carlmont Shopping Center near
court to hear your case. There may be a time, you may lose the case by default, Lunardis on March 1. Reward.
sor-County Clerk on 3/2/2017. (Publish- Present name: Chien-An Cho court form that you can use for your re- RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, and your wages, money, and property (650) 918-8241.
Proposed Name: Zero Chien-An Cho sponse. You can find these court forms ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
3/14/17, 3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17). THE COURT ORDERS that all persons and more information at the California may be taken without further warning (650) 578 9208
from the court. LOST SMALL gray and green Parrot.
interested in this matter shall appear be- Courts Online Self-Help Center Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303.
fore this court at the hearing indicated (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your There are other legal requirements. You
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME below to show cause, if any, why the pe- county law library, or the courthouse may want to call an attorney right away. 300 Toys
STATEMENT #272809 tition for change of name should not be nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing If you do not know an attorney, you may Books
The following person is doing business fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver want to call an attorney referral service. If 3-STORY BARBIE Dollhouse with spiral
granted. Any person objecting to the staircase and elevator. $60. (650)558-
as: Roberta Home, 1655 Roberta name changes described above must file form. If you do not file your response on you cannot afford an attorney, you may qUALITY BOOKS used and rare. World
DRIVE, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Regis- time, you may lose the case by default, be eligible for free legal services from a & US History and classic American nov- 8142
a written objection that includes the rea-
tered Owner: Roberta Corporation, CA. sons for the objection at least two court and your wages, money, and property nonprofit legal services program. You els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502
The business is conducted by a Corpora- may be taken without further warning can locate these nonprofit groups at the ALLOYED LINOTYPE (BNH ~18) for
days before the matter is scheduled to casting miniature/board-game figurines.
tion. The registrants commenced to be heard and must appear at the hearing from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You
California Legal Services Web site 294 Baby Stuff 10#, $10 (650) 591-4553
trans act business under the FBN on to show cause why the petition should (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the Califor-
Oct. 6, 1997. may want to call an attorney right away. nia Courts Online Self-Help Center FISHER-PRICE HEALTHY Care booster
not be granted. If no written objection is If you do not know an attorney, you may LARGE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each
/s/Alicia Paleracio/ timely filed, the court may grant the peti- (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by seat - $5 (650)592-5864. Great for Kids (650) 952-3500
This statement was filed with the Asses- want to call an attorney referral service. If
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the you cannot afford an attorney, you may contacting your local court or county bar
sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish- petition shall be held on 4/6/17 at 9 a.m., be eligible for free legal services from a association. NOTE: The court has a stat- 296 Appliances STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, Red- nonprofit legal services program. You utory lien for waived fees and costs on tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer-
3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17, 4/11/17). wood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Or- can locate these nonprofit groups at the any settlement or arbitration award of 1960'S AvOCADO Osterizer blender head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614
der to Show Cause shall be published at California Legal Services Web site $10,000 or more in a civil case. The excellent condition $20.00 (650)596-
least once each week for four successive (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the Califor- court's lien must be paid before the court 0513 STAR WARS SDCC Stormtrooper
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME weeks prior to the date set for hearing on nia Courts Online Self-Help Center will dismiss the case. Commander $29 OBO Dan,
STATEMENT #272810 the petition in the following newspaper of (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no re- AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- (650)303-3568 lv msg
The following person is doing business general circulation: contacting your local court or county bar sponde dentro de 30 das, la corte puede mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
as: Chesters Home, 825 Vine Court, San Mateo Daily Journal association. NOTE: The court has a stat- decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver- brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- 302 Antiques
SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Filed: 2/23/2017 utory lien for waived fees and costs on sin. Lea la informacin a continuacin. 0898
Owner: MMA Medical Supply, Inc., CA. /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ any settlement or arbitration award of Tiene 30 DAS DE CALENDARIO de- ANTIqUE BUFFET Cabinet, with 2 large
The business is conducted by a Corpora- Judge of the Superior Court $10,000 or more in a civil case. The spus de que le entreguen esta citacin AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 drawers w/skeleton key, needs refinish-
tion. The registrants commenced to Dated: 2/17/2017 court's lien must be paid before the court y papeles legales para presentar una re- BTU, Commercial Cool model ing. $700/obo.. ANTIqUE CHINA cabi-
trans act business under the FBN on Au- (Published 2/28/17, 3/7/17, 3/14/17, will dismiss the case. CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- net, with doors and legs, dark wood..
spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer sories plus remote included.
gust 16, 2001. 3/21/17). AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no re- $500/obo. (650)952-5049
sponde dentro de 30 das, la corte puede que se entregue una copia al deman- 20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345.
/s/Aurelia G. Navarro/ dante. Una carta o una llamada telefni-
This statement was filed with the Asses- decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver- (650)345-1835
sin. Lea la informacin a continuacin. ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- ANTIqUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70
sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish- crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor- (650)387-4002
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Tiene 30 DAS DE CALENDARIO de- CHEFMATE TOASTER oven, brand
spus de que le entreguen esta citacin recto si desea que procesen su caso en new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable
3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17, 4/11/17). ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR BEAUTIFUL AND UNIqUE Victorian
y papeles legales para presentar una re- la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763 Side Sewing Table, All original. Rose-
CHANGE OF NAME lario que usted pueda usar para su re-
CASE# 17CIV00852 spuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer wood. Carved. EXCELLENT CONDI-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME que se entregue una copia al deman- spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- CIRRUS STEAM mop model SM212B 4 TION! $350. (650)815-8999.
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, dante. Una carta o una llamada telefni- larios de la corte y ms informacin en el new extra cleaning pads,user manual.
The following person is doing business ca no lo protegen. Su respuesta por es- Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali- $45. (650)588-5487 MAHOGANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk,
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, crito tiene que estar en formato legal cor-
as: JNL Productions, 163 Evergreen REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 fornia (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblio- 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
recto si desea que procesen su caso en teca de leyes de su condado o en la COLEMAN LXE Roadtrip Grill - elled glass, $350. (650)766-3024
Ave, DALY CITY, CA 94014. Registered PETITION OF la corte. Es posible que haya un formu- Red Brand New! (still in box) $100
Owner: Joel Igtanloc, same address. Samuel Antonio Schnuck corte que le quede ms cerca. Si no
lario que usted pueda usar para su re- puede pagar la cuota de presentacin, (650)918-9847 OLD vINTAGE Wooden Sea Captains
The business is conducted by an Individ- TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: spuesta. Puede encontrar estos formu- pida al secretario de la corte que le d Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65
ual. The registrants commenced to trans Petitioner: Samuel Antonio Schnuck filed larios de la corte y ms informacin en el ELECTRIC STOvE From Sears (650)591-3313
act business under the FBN on a petition with this court for a decree Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali-
un formulario de exencin de pago de Excellent Condition $225
9/30/2015. changing name as follows: fornia (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblio- cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a Please Call (650)244-9267
/s/Joel Igtanloc/ Present name: Samuel Antonio Schnuck teca de leyes de su condado o en la tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- 303 Electronics
This statement was filed with the Asses- Proposed Name: Samuel [Antonio corte que le quede ms cerca. Si no plimiento y la corte le podr quitar su su- EUREKA BRAvO II Upright Vacuum
sor-County Clerk on 2/27/2017. (Publish- Lyons] Schnuck puede pagar la cuota de presentacin, eldo, dinero y bienes sin ms adverten- Cleaner, Micron Filter System, Model 46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons pida al secretario de la corte que le d cia. 7683 $20. 650-952-3500 condition. $400. (650)261-1541.
3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17, 4/11/17). interested in this matter shall appear be- un formulario de exencin de pago de Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco-
fore this court at the hearing indicated cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a mendable que llame a un abogado inme- GOOD MICROWAvE 1100 watt $40 Da- ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma-
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum- diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, ly City (415) 231-4825. chine s never used for small bus. $95
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME tition for change of name should not be plimiento y la corte le podr quitar su su- puede llamar a un servicio de remisin a (650)992-4544.
STATEMENT #272822 eldo, dinero y bienes sin ms adverten- abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo- JACK LALANE'S power juicer. $40.
granted. Any person objecting to the Call (650)364-1243. Leave message.
The following person is doing business name changes described above must file cia. gado, es posible que cumpla con los ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma-
as: Javier Gardening & Landscaping, a written objection that includes the rea- Hay otros requisitos legales. Es reco- requisitos para obtener servicios legales chine s never used for small bus. $95
550 1st Ave. #7, SAN MATEO, CA sons for the objection at least two court mendable que llame a un abogado inme- gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- (650)992-4544.
diatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, UPRIGHT vACUUM Cleaner, $10. Call
94401. Registered Owners: 1)Jacquelin days before the matter is scheduled to gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar Ed, (415)298-0645 South San Francisco
puede llamar a un servicio de remisin a estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio AUDIO-TECHNICA (AT-PL50) Auto.
Pantoja Mendoza, same address 2)Luis be heard and must appear at the hearing abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abo-
Javier Pantoja, same address. The busi- to show cause why the petition should web de California Legal Services, WHIRLPOOL WASHER DRYER, GE Stereo TURNTABLE sys. $40
gado, es posible que cumpla con los Refrigerator all working and in good con- (650)344-4756
ness is conducted by a Married Couple. not be granted. If no written objection is requisitos para obtener servicios legales (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro
The registrants commenced to trans act timely filed, the court may grant the peti- de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240.
gratuitos de un programa de servicios le- BLAUPUNKT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re-
business under the FBN on 3-17-17. tion without a hearing. A hearing on the gales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o ponindose en
/s/Jacquelin Pantoja Mendoza/ petition shall be held on 4/13/17 at 9 contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- WHIRLPOOL. HIGH Efficiency Washer. ceiver with Detachable Face asking
estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio White. Like new. Top load. $250.00.
This statement was filed with the Asses- a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, web de California Legal Services, gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte $100. (650)593-4490
sor-County Clerk on 3/17/2017. (Publish- Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los (650)483-9226
(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Order to Show Cause shall be published de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, costos exentos por imponer un grava- BULOvA WINDUP Travel clocks.Vin-
3/21/17, 3/28/17, 4/4/17, 4/11/17). at least once each week for four succes- (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o ponindose en men sobre cualquier recuperacin de 297 Bicycles tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421-
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- contacto con la corte o el colegio de abo- $10,000 ms de valor recibida me- 5469
gados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte diante un acuerdo o una concesin de ADULT BIKES 1 regular and 2 with bal-
tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 COMPLETE COLOR photo developer
costos exentos por imponer un grava- Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte Besler Enlarger, Color Head, trays, photo
SAN MATEO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT men sobre cualquier recuperacin de CHILDS BICYCLE in good condition. tools $50/ (650)921-1996
antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
$10,000 ms de valor recibida me- caso. $30. (650)355-5189
diante un acuerdo o una concesin de IPHONE 5 Morphie Juice Pack with
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil.
The name and address of the court is (El NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels charger, Originally $100, now $85.
Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte nombre y direccin de la corte es): Supe- $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave (650)766-2679
REGARDING BY-TRUSTEE AREA ELECTIONS rior Court of California, County of San
antes de que la corte pueda desechar el mes
caso. Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood KINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the The name and address of the court is (El City, CA 94063. The name, address, and incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758
San Mateo County Community College District, at a Board nombre y direccin de la corte es): Supe- telephone number of plaintiff's attorney,
rior Court of California, County of San or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El LEFT-HAND ERGONOMIC keyboard
meeting to be held on March 22, 2017, will hold a public hear- Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood nombre, la direccin y el nmero de tel- with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20
ing pursuant to Elections Code section 10010 as it considers City, CA 94063. The name, address, and fono del abogado del demandante, o del (650)204-0587
transitioning to a by-trustee area election system. At the hear- telephone number of plaintiff's attorney, demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
or plaintiff without an attorney, is (El MOTOROLA BRAvO MB 520 (android
ing, public input will be solicited concerning the transition to nombre, la direccin y el nmero de tel- STATEMENT OF DAMAGES: 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
and the boundaries of the trustee areas. The public hearing fono del abogado del demandante, o del card Belmont (650)595-8855
will begin at 6:00 p.m. at Caada College, 4200 Farm Hill demandante que no tiene abogado, es): TO DEFENDANT:
Blvd., Redwood City, CA 94061, in Building 2, Room 10. Fur- Escarlette Gudiel Ochoa MOTOROLA BRAvO MB 520 (android
STATEMENT OF DAMAGES: 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
ther information concerning this hearing and the transition to a PLAINTIFF: card Belmont (650)595-8855
by-trustee area election system may be obtained from San Ma- TO DEFENDANT:
teo County Community College District Office, at (650) 574- NEW HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex-
Seeks damages in the above-entitled ac- tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234
6550 and online at http://smccd.edu/boardoftrustees/notice- PLAINTIFF:
GRACIELA SANCHEZ-CEJA tion as follows:
Seeks damages in the above-entitled ac- 1.General Damages: $500,000.00
tion as follows: 2.Medical Expenses(to date):
1.General Damages: $500,000.00
2.Medical Expenses(to date): 3.Future Medical Expenses: PENDING
$17.725.30 4.Loss of Future Earnings Capacity:
3.Future Medical Expenses: PENDING
4.Loss of Future Earnings Capacity: 5. Lost Wages: PENDING
PENDING 6. Other Damages: Not Calculated
5. Lost Wages: PENDING
6. Other Damages: Not Calculated Dated: March 16. 2017
Fictitious Business Name Statements, Dated: March 16. 2017 SOUTHWEST LEGAL GROUP
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, SOUTHWEST LEGAL GROUP
//S/Anthony R. Lopez, Jr., Esq./
Garage Sales 379 Open Houses 620 Automobiles 620 Automobiles 640 Motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Service
00 HARLEY Davidson
Dont lose money GOT AN OLDER Road King Burgundy Red Metallic LUXURATI AUTO REPAIR
Great Cond. New Tires, 32kmiles, one
owner, $10,500 (415)866-9985. Smog Check
ESTATE SALES LISTINGS consignment! Do the humane thing. Repair Services
Donate it to the Collision and Body Work
Make money, make room! List your Open House Humane Society. 89 GOLD WING. 1500 CC. 39K miles. Burlingame & San Mateo Locations
Sell your vehicle in the Call 1- 800-943-8412 Call Joe (650)578-8357
in the Daily Journal. Daily Journals
List your upcoming (650) 340-0026
garage sale, Reach over 83,450 Auto Classifieds. LEXUS 97 ES300, 147K, clean. $3,800
size 14 good cond. $75. (650)345-5642
potential home buyers & (650)302-5523
moving sale, renters a day, Just $45 BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
estate sale, from South San Francisco Well run it
LINCOLN 02 Navigator, excellent condi-
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. (650) 995-0003 670 Auto Parts
yard sale, to Palo Alto. til you sell it! (650)342-4227.
in your local newspaper. MOTORCYCLE SADDLEBAGS, with BRIDGESTONE ALENzA 235/65R17,
rummage sale, MAzDA 12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- mounting hardware and other parts $35. $50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
clearance sale, or Call (650)344-5200 Reach 83,450 drivers dition One owner Fully loaded Low
miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520-
Call (650)670-2888 used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
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have... Palo Alto Flat) 205/55/16 EL 42 All Season Like
TOYOTA 06 Prius, 149K, clean. $6,400 16 FT SEA RAY. I/B. $1,200. Needs Up- New $100. (650)483-1222
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Reach over 83,450 readers
440 Apartments [email protected]
COBRA CABLE chains for radial and
from South San Francisco ROOM FOR Rent, $1,300, For Female, vOLvO S60 2.5T 04. Excellent mechan- 2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat, regular tires, never used $65.00
to Palo Alto. San Mateo, Call Mona (650)451-2222. ical condition, new tires, all records, excellend condition. $5,500. Call (650)593-1780
150k miles $2,249. (650)347-2559
in your local newspaper. 470 Rooms BMW 07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- Text/Call (415) 793-4099.
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- GOODYEAR TIRE P245/70R-15 Like
Call (650)344-5200 duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650
625 Classic Cars 650 Rvs New. $40. (650) 637-9791
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program Rv - 2013 WINNEBAGO ITASCA Na-
San Mateo County CADILLAC 02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per- 1955 CHEvY BEL AIR 2 door, Standard vion, 25 with sideout. 4000 miles. Mer- NEW CONTINENTAL Temporary tire
(650)348-6660 fect condition, like new, cashmere out- Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 cedes Benz Sprinter chassis,. diesel, mounted on 5 lug rim Size T125/70/R17-
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000. obo. (650)952-4036. loaded, like new! $85,500. 98M $100. (650)483-1222
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86 CHEvY CORvETTE. Automatic. NEW SNOW Cables SZ327 $19 650-
620 Automobiles CADILLAC 99 DeVille Concours, 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 670 Auto Service 595-3933
98,500 miles, $3,500 or best offer. obo. (650) 952-4036.
01 TOYOTA Camry, limited, V6, 108K (650)270-6637
miles, $4,700. (650)302-5523 CORvETTE 69 50.000 miles. $19,000. SHOP MANUALS for GM Suv's
miles, $4,700. (650)302-5523 CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. FORD 64 Falcon. 4DR Sedan. 6 cyl. Complete Repair & Service 680 Autos Wanted
auto/trans $3,500.00. (650) 570-5780. $29.75 plus certificate fee
84 NISSAN 300zx Former Drift Car No CHEvY HHR 08 - Grey, spunky car (most cars) Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
engine/Transmission $1,200 loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. 635 vans 869 California Drive . Novas, running or not
(650)341-1306 (408)807-6529. Burlingame Parts collection etc.
CHEvROLET 06 Mini VAN, new radia- So clean out that garage
CHEvROLET 86 ASTROVAN, 63K DODGE 99 MAINTENANCE Van, , tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket. (650) 340-0492 Give me a call
miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 $2,500, call (650)481-5296 $1,500. (650)481-5296 Joe 650 342-2483
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