Permasalahan Umum Kesehatan Anak Usia Sekolah

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Group 7

Ade Ramadhan 2116030005

Yunus Rachmat Sentosa 2116030012
Karvin Setiawan 2116030024
Hamzah Asadullah 2116030051

General Problems of School Age Children's Health

The child's age is the period that determines the quality of an adult human will. Currently
there is still a difference in determining the age of the child. According to Law No. 20 of 2002
on Child Protection and the WHO said incoming is before children ages 18 years old and
unmarried. American Academy of Pediatrics in 1998 gave a recommendation about the child's
age limits ranging from the fetus (fetus) until the age of 21 years. The age limit of the child is
determined by the physical and psychosocial growth, child development, and health
characteristics. Age school children are divided into preschool, school age, adolescence, early
adulthood until it reaches the stage of the development process is complete. Parents and teachers
are accompanying figure when children perform daily life activities. Their role is very dominant
and largely determines the quality of life of children in the future. So it is important for them to
know and understand the problems and health problems in school-aged children are quite
extensive and complex. Growth and Development School Age Children. Understanding child
development actually encompasses two different things but the conditions are interrelated and
subtle that growth and development. The growth is related to the problem in a large change, the
number, size and dimensions of the level of cells, organs and individuals that can be measured by
the size of the weight, length, age, bone and metabolic balance. The development is the increased
ability (skill) in the structure and function of the body is more complex in a regular pattern and
can be predicted as a result of the maturation process. This involves the process of differentiation
of the cells of the body, the body's tissues, organs and organ systems are developing such that
each can fulfill its function. These include the development of the emotional, intellectual and
behavior as a result of interaction with the environment. Growth impact on the physical aspect,
while developments related to the maturation of individual organs and functions. Both conditions
occur very interrelated and influence each other in every child.

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