It's A Wonderful World!: New Headway Intermediate - The New Edition

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Tenses •
1 It’s a wonderful world!
Auxiliary verbs • Short answers • What’s in a word? • Social expressions

page Activity/exercise number Skill

6 Test your grammar 1 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately
2 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4a express clearly
statements of fact
3 Sc/E3.4a express clearly statements of fact
6–7 What do you know? 1 Rw/E3.8a read every word to obtain specific information Lr/E3.2a listen for detail
Tenses and Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
auxiliary verbs 2 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain information
7 Practice (Negatives, 1 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately Lr/E3.2e listen for phonological detail
intonation, tenses, auxiliary 2 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately Lr/E3.2d listen for grammatical detail
verbs) 3 Lr/E3.2d listen for grammatical detail
8 Making conversation 1 Lr/E3.6a recognise a variety of feelings expressed by another speaker
Short answers 2 Lr/E3.6a recognise a variety of feelings expressed by another speaker
3 Lr/E3.2d listen for grammatical detail
4 Sd/E3.1a take part in social interaction
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus Lr/E3.5b respond to requests for information
5 Sc/E3.4b give personal information Lr/E3.5b respond to requests for information
9 Practice (Short answers) 1 Rs/E3.1b use knowledge of syntax and grammar to work out meaning and confirm understanding
2 Rw/E3.8a read every word to obtain specific information Sc/E3.4b give personal information
Lr/E3.5b respond to requests for information
3 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4a express clearly
statements of fact
10–11 Reading and speaking 1 Rw/E3.1a recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
Wonders of the modern world 2 Rt/E3.1a understand and identify how meaning is built up in chronological, continuous descriptive
and explanatory texts of more than one paragraph
3 Rt/E3.7a scan different parts of text to locate information
4 Sc/E3.4a express clearly statements of fact
12 Listening and speaking 1 Lr/E3.7a listen for the gist of a discussion
My wonders 2 Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
3 Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
4 Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
12–13 Vocabulary 1 Rw/E3.5a use a variety of reading strategies to help read and understand an increasing range of
What’s in a word? unfamiliar words
2 Ww/E3.1b apply knowledge of strategies to aid with spelling
3 Ww/E3.1a apply knowledge of spelling to a wide range of common words
4 Ww/E3.1a apply knowledge of spelling to a wide range of common words
5 ✧ collocation focus
6 Ww/E3.1b apply knowledge of strategies to aid with spelling
13 Everyday English 1 Sd/E3.1a take part in social interaction
Social expressions 2 Sd/E3.1a take part in social interaction
3 Sd/E3.1a take part in social interaction
103 Writing 1 Wt/L1.7a use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for general meaning and
Correcting mistakes 1 accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation
2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
4 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
Workbook further practice of auxiliary verbs, contractions, taking part in social interaction (extending conversations), grammar revision, spelling
strategies (suffixes), prepositions, and word stress.

1 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

2 Get happy!
Present tenses, Simple or Continuous? • Passive • Sport • Numbers and dates

page Activity/exercise number Skill

14 Test your grammar 1 Rs/E3.1b use knowledge of syntax and grammar to work out meaning and confirm understanding
14–15 What makes people happy? 1 Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
Present tenses 2 Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
3 Rt/E3.4a extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
4 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain information
Lr/E3.5b respond to requests for information
5 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4b give personal
16 Practice (Present tenses) 1 Lr/E3.1a recognise context and predict meaning in a range of listening texts and oral interactions
2 Lr/E3.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 Lr/E3.2a listen for detail in narratives and explanations Sc/E3.4f give a short description and make
17 What do you do? 1 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4b give personal
Simple or continuous? information
2 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4b give personal
3 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4b give personal
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
17 Practice (Present Simple 1 Rs/E3.1b use knowledge of syntax and grammar to work out meaning and confirm understanding
or Present Continuous) 2 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately
18–19 Reading and speaking 1 Sc/E3.4a express clearly statements of fact
I’m a clown doctor! 2 Rt/E3.4a extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context
3 Rt/E3.9a relate an image to print and use it to obtain meaning
4 Rt/E3.4a extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context
5 Rt/E3.7a scan different parts of text to locate information
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
6 Rt/E3.7a scan different parts of text to locate information
7 Ws/E3.2a use basic sentence grammar accurately Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
What do you think? Sd/E3.1d express views and opinions
20–21 Vocabulary and listening 1 Rw/E3.1a recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
Sport and leisure 2 Rw/E3.1a recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
3 Rw/E3.3a use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
4 Lr/E3.2a listen for detail in narratives and explanations
5 Sc/E3.3b ask questions to obtain personal or factual information Sc/E3.4b give personal
21 Everyday English 1 Rw/E3.1a recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
Numbers and dates 2 Rw/E3.1a recognise and understand relevant specialist key words
3 Lr/E3.2a listen for detail in narratives and explanations
4 Sc/E3.4a express clearly statements of fact
104–105 Writing 1 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
Letters and emails 2 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
3 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
4 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
5 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
6 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
7 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
Workbook further practice of Present Simple and Present Continuous, adverbs of frequency, sentence grammar (questions, statements, negatives),
pronunciation (plurals), Present passive, and vocabulary (adjectives, phrasal verbs with look and be).

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 2

Past tenses • Passive
3 Telling tales
• Art and literature • Giving opinions

page Activity/exercise number Skill

22 Test your grammar 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
22–23 A native American folk tale 1 Rt/E3.9a relate an image to print and use it to obtain meaning
Past tenses 2 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
3 Lr/L1.2e listen for phonological detail
24–25 Practice (Past tenses) 1 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
2 Sc/L1.2b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Sc/L1.2b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
4 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
5 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
6 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
7 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3b give factual accounts
8 ✧ accuracy focus
25 Vocabulary 1 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
Art and literature structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
2 ✧ collocation focus
3 ✧ accuracy focus
26–27 Reading and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
The painter and the writer 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
5 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
6 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
28 Listening and writing 1 Sd/L1.1c express likes, dislikes, feelings, hopes, etc.
Books and films 2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating
4 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
5 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
29 Everyday English 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
Giving opinions meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 ✧ accuracy focus
3 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
106–107 Writing 1 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
A narrative 1 paragraphed texts
2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
3 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
paragraphed texts Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
4 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of past tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect), reading skills (shorter texts), vocabulary (time expressions,
adverbs), sentence grammar, passive/active sentences, prepositions, and pronunciation (homophones).

3 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

4 Doing the right thing
Modal verbs 1 – obligation and permission • Nationality words • Requests and offers

page Activity/exercise number Skill

30 Test your grammar 1 ✧ accuracy focus
30–31 Teenagers and parents 1 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of
have (got) to, can, and varying length
be allowed to 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
31–32 Practice (have (got) to, 1 ✧ accuracy focus
can, and be allowed to) 2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
4 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
5 Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
appropriate strategies to work out meaning Rt/L1.3a understand how images are used to infer
What do you think? Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
32–33 Planning a trip 1 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of
should and must varying length
2 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Sc/L1.1a use stress and intonation so that
meaning is clearly understood
3 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
4 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Sd/L1.2b give advice, persuade, warn, etc.
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
33 Practice (should, must, 1 Sd/L1.2b give advice, persuade, warn, etc.
have (got) to, can, and 2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
be allowed to) 3 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of
varying length
4 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
5 ✧ accuracy focus
34–35 Readingand speaking 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
How to behave abroad meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 Rt/L1.3a understand how main points and specific detail are presented and linked, and how images
are used to infer meaning that is not explicit in the text
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions Sd/L1.2b give advice, persuade, warn, etc.
36 Vocabulary 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
Nationality words meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense Lr/L1.2e listen for
phonological detail
2 Ww/L1.1a apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling
36 Listening and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3b give factual accounts Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
Come round to my place! 2 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of
varying length
3 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
4 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
37 Everyday English 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
Requests and offers meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 Lr/L1.6d recognise features of spoken language Lr/L1.6a listen for the gist of a discussion
3 Lr/L1.6a listen for the gist of a discussion Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Roleplay Sc/L1.2a make requests Sd/L1.1a take part in social interaction
108 Writing 1 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
For and against 2 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
paragraphed texts
3 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
4 Wt/L1.1a apply appropriate planning strategies
5 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of modals of obligation and permission, giving advice with should, spelling (word class), clarifying, and sentence
grammar (phrasal verbs).

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 4

Future forms •
5 On the move
The weather • Travelling around

page Activity/exercise number Skill

38 Test your grammar 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
38–39 Ben’s list 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
Future forms 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 Sc/L1.2a make requests
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
40–41 Practice (Future forms) 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
4 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
5 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
6 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
7 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
8 Sc/L1.2c plan action with other people
42–43 Reading and speaking 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Hotels with a difference 2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
5 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
Language work Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
appropriate strategies to work out meaning
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
44 Listening and vocabulary 1 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
A weather forecast structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
2 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
3 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
4 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
45 Everyday English 1 Lr/L1.6a listen for the gist of a discussion
Travelling around 2 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Sc/L1.2a make requests
Roleplay Sc/L1.2a make requests Sd/L1.1b take part in more formal interaction
109 Writing 1 Wt/L1.5a select format and appropriate structure for different purposes
Making a reservation 2 Wt/L1.5a select format and appropriate structure for different purposes
3 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of future forms, making offers, vocabulary (personal pronouns), pronunciation (vowel sounds), and prepositions of

5 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

like • Verb patterns
6 I just love it!
• Describing food, towns, and people • Signs and sounds

page Activity/exercise number Skill

46 Test your grammar 1 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
46–47 A student visitor 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
Questions with like 2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
47 Practice (Questions 1 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
with like) 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
48 A thank-you letter 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
Verb patterns meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
49 Practice (Verb patterns) 1 ✧ accuracy focus
2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 ✧ accuracy focus
4 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
50–51 Reading and speaking 1 Lr/L1.6c follow and participate in a discussion
The world’s favourite food 2 Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
appropriate strategies to work out meaning
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
5 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Language work ✧ accuracy focus
52 Vocabulary 1 Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
Adjectives for food, towns, appropriate strategies to work out meaning
and people 2 Ww/L1.1a apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling
3 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
52 Listening and speaking 1 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
New York and London 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying length
3 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
53 Everyday English 1 Rt/L1.2a understand how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
Signs and sounds 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying length
110–111 Writing 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
A description 1 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus
4 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
5 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
6 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of asking for information (questions with like), sentence grammar (question formation, verb patterns), using a
dictionary, vocabulary (antonyms, synonyms, phrasal verbs), and pronunciation (sentence stress).

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 6

7 The world of work
Present Perfect active and passive • Phrasal verbs • On the phone

page Activity/exercise number Skill

54 Test your grammar 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
54–55 The job interview 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Present Perfect 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
3 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
4 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
56 Practice (Present Perfect) 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
4 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
5 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the
56–57 It’s in the news 1 Rt/L1.2a distinguish how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
Present Perfect active Rw/L1.1a use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
and passive 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
57 Practice (Present Perfect 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
active and passive) 2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 ✧ accuracy focus
4 ✧ accuracy focus
58–59 Reading and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
Dream jobs 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
4 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Language work Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
Roleplay Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
60 Vocabulary 1 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
Phrasal verbs structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 ✧ accuracy focus
61 Listening and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3b give factual accounts
The busy life of a retired man 2 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of
varying length
3 ✧ accuracy focus Ws/L1.1a write using complete sentences
4 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
61 Everyday English 1 Lr/L1.1b extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation face-to-face or on the
On the phone telephone, and respond
2 Lr/L1.1b extract relevant information from a narrative or explanation face-to-face or on the
telephone, and respond Sd/L1.1b take part in more formal interactions
112–113 Writing 1 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
A letter of application 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Wt/L1.2a select how much to write and level of detail to include
4 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially
and coherently
Workbook further practice of Present Perfect and Past Simple (active and passive), time expressions, job interviews and CVs, vocabulary
(homonyms), and pronunciation (word stress).

7 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

Conditionals •
8 Just imagine!
Time clauses • Base and strong adjectives • Making suggestions

page Activity/exercise number Skill

62 Test your grammar 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense ✧ accuracy focus
2 Sd/L1.3a express statements of fact
62–63 A place in the sun 1 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
First conditional and 2 Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
time clauses 3 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
63 Practice (First conditional 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
and time clauses) 2 Sc/L1.2b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
64 Winning the lottery 1 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
Second conditional 2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
65 Practice (Second 1 Sc/L1.2b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
conditional) 2 ✧ accuracy focus
3 Sc/L1.2b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
4 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
5 ✧ accuracy focus Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
66–67 Reading and speaking 1 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
Who wants to be a millionaire? 2 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.3a understand how main points and specific detail are presented and linked, and how images
are used to infer meaning that is not explicit in the text
5 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Language work Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
appropriate strategies to work out meaning
68 Vocabulary and speaking 1 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
Base and strong adjectives structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
2 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
3 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
68–69 Listening 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Charity appeals 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
69 Everyday English 1 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
Making suggestions 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Roleplay Sd/L1.2b give advice, persuade and warn, etc.
114–115 Writing 1 Wt/L1.1b make notes to aid planning
A narrative 2 2 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
paragraphed texts
3 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
4 Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
5 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
paragraphed texts
6 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of conditionals and time clauses, vocabulary (money, phrasal verbs), and pronunciation (oo and ou).

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 8

9 Relationships
Modal verbs 2 – probability • Character adjectives • So do I! • Neither do I!

page Activity/exercise number Skill

70 Test your grammar 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 ✧ accuracy focus
70–71 I need help! 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
must, could, might, can’t 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 ✧ accuracy focus
4 Sc/L1.4b include detail and develop ideas where appropriate
5 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
71 Practice (must, could, 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
might, can’t) 2 Lr/L1.6a listen for the gist of a discussion
3 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
72–73 A holiday with friends 1 Lr/L1.6a listen for the gist of a discussion
must have been/ 2 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
can’t have been meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
3 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
4 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy focus
73 Practice (must have been/ 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
can’t have been) 2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose ✧ accuracy focus
74–75 Reading and speaking 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
A father and daughter 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Language work Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
76 Vocabulary and speaking 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Character adjectives 2 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
3 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
4 ✧ vocabulary focus
5 Ww/L1.1a apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling
6 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
77 Listening and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
Brothers and sisters 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
77 Everyday English 1 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
So do I! Neither do I! 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
3 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
4 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
116 Writing 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
A description 2 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
4 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially
and coherently
Workbook further practice of modals of probability (present and past), vocabulary (word class and formation, adjective + preposition), and
pronunciation (connected speech).

9 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

10 Obsessions
Present Perfect Continuous • Time expressions • Compound nouns • Quantity

page Activity/exercise number Skill

78 Test your grammar 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
2 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
78–79 Tony’s phone bill 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Present Perfect Continuous 2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus
79 Practice (Present Perfect 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
Simple and Continuous) 2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Sc/L1.2b ask for information
3 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
4 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
5 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
80–81 A lifelong passion 1 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
Time expressions 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
3 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
81 Practice (Time expressions) 1 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
4 Rt/L1.4a use organisational and structural features to locate information
5 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
6 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
82–83 Reading and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
A big name in Hollywood 2 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
5 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
6 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
84 Vocabulary 1 ✧ vocabulary focus
Compound nouns 2 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
3 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
4 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
84–85 Listening and speaking 1 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
Collectors 2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Lr/L1.2a listen to an explanation or narrative
4 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
5 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
85 Everyday English 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
Expressing quantity 2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
117 Writing 1 Rt/L1.1a understand and identify the different ways in which meaning is built up in a range of
A biography paragraphed texts
2 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
4 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently Rt/L1.5b use reference material to find
Workbook further practice of Present Perfect Continuous, time expressions, vocabulary (suffixes and prefixes), pronunciation (diphthongs), and
prepositions of time.

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 10

Indirect questions •
11 Tell me about it!
Question tags • The body • Informal English

page Activity/exercise number Skill

86 Test your grammar 1 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
2 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
86–87 A stranger in town 1 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
Indirect questions Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus
2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
3 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
4 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
87 Practice (Indirect questions) 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
2 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Lr/L1.5a respond to questions on a range of topics
3 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
4 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
5 Sc/L1.3b ask for information
88 We like animals, don’t we? 1 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail Lr/L1.2e listen for phonological detail
Question tags 2 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Lr/L1.2e listen for phonological
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus
3 Sc/L1.3b ask for information Sc/L1.1a use stress and intonation, so that meaning is clearly
89 Practice (Question tags) 1 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose Lr/L1.2e listen for phonological
2 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others
3 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others Sc/L1.1a use stress and
intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood
4 Lr/L1.4a provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others Sc/L1.1a use stress and
intonation, so that meaning is clearly understood
89–91 Reading and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
How well do you know 2 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
your world? 3 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
4 Rt/L1.3a understand how main points and specific detail are presented and linked, and how images
are used to infer meaning that is not explicit in the text
5 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
6 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
7 Ws/L1.2a use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose
8 Rt/L1.5b use reference material to find information
92 Listening and speaking 1 Lr/L1.6b follow a discussion without participating Lr/L1.6a listen for gist in a discussion
The forgetful generation 2 Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
3 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
4 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
What do you think? Sd/L1.2a express views and opinions
92–93 Vocabulary and idioms 1 ✧ vocabulary focus
What can your body do? 2 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
3 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
4 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense Ws/L1.2a use sentence
grammar accurately to achieve purpose
93 Everyday English 1 Sd/L1.1a take part in social interaction Lr/L1.6d recognise features of spoken language
Informal English 2 Sd/L1.1a take part in social interaction Sc/L1.1c use formal language and register where
118 Writing 1 Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
Words that join ideas 2 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
3 Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially and coherently
Workbook further practice of indirect questions, question tags, vocabulary, and pronunciation (phonetic script, onomatopoeic words, phrasal

11 New Headway Intermediate – the new edition © Oxford University Press

Reported speech •
12 Life’s great events!
Reporting verbs • Birth, marriage, and death • Saying sorry

page Activity/exercise number Skill

94 Test your grammar 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
2 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
3 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail
94 The wedding 1 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
Reported statements meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
and questions 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
95 Practice (Reported 1 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
statements and questions) 2 Lr/L1.2d listen for grammatical detail Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 ✧ accuracy and concept focus
4 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
96 Go to prison! 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
Reported commands 2 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
and requests Grammar spot ✧ accuracy and concept focus
97 Practice (Reported 1 Rw/L1.3a recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word
commands and requests) structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings
2 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
3 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
4 Sc/L1.3a express statements of fact
5 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
98 Vocabulary and speaking 1 Rw/L1.2a recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using
Birth, marriage, and death appropriate strategies to work out meaning
2 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience
3 Sc/L1.3e describe and compare
98 Listening and speaking 1 Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
A birth 2 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
3 Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying lengths
Roleplay Sc/L1.3c narrate events in the past
99 Reading and speaking 1 Rt/L1.5a use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes
A death 2 Lr/L1.2a listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying
3 Rt/L1.2a distinguish how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes
Rw/L1.1a use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
4 Sc/L1.1a use stress and intonation so that meaning is clearly understood
100 Listening and speaking 1 Lr/L1.2a listen to an explanation or narrative Lr/L1.1a extract information from texts of varying
My Way lengths
2 Rs/L1.1a use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge along with own knowledge to predict
meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense
101 Everyday English 1 Sd/L1.1a take part in social interaction
Saying sorry 2 Lr/L1.2b listen and respond, adapting to speaker, medium and context
119 Writing 1 Wt/L1.7a use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for general meaning and
Correcting mistakes 2 accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation
2 Wt/L1.7a use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for general meaning and
accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation Ws/L1.1a write using complex sentences
3 Wt/L1.4a choose language suitable for purpose and audience Wt/L1.3a structure texts sequentially
and coherently
Workbook further practice of reported statements, questions and commands, vocabulary (birth/death/marriage, phrasal verbs), and
pronunciation (word stress).

© Oxford University Press New Headway Intermediate – the new edition 12

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