FCS District Newsletter
FCS District Newsletter
FCS District Newsletter
Sue Lehmann
Permanent Improvement Funds tering into an OFCC co-funded
Past articles on the financial which generates approximate- project. On November 3,
state of our schools have pri- ly $225,000 annually. These 2015, voters approved the is-
marily focused on our general funds cannot be used to pay suance of bonds in the amount
fund and the five year fore- routine operating expenses of $9,446,893 to meet the
cast. This article takes a look like salaries, benefits, or need of the co-funded and LFI
at funds reserved for perma- utilities. P.I. funds may only portions of the building project.
nent improvement. Fostoria be used to purchase property, The ballot also included the
City Schools have two funds assets, or on improvements approval of an ongoing .5 mill
reserved for this purpose, with an estimated life of five CFAP tax levy.
the Permanent Improvement years or more. These funds The .5 mill levy generates ap-
(P.I.) Fund and the Classroom have historically been very P.I. dollars in recent years on proximately $85,000 annually.
Facilities Assistance Program helpful with large purchases
buildings that will be demol- These funds may not be spent,
(CFAP) Maintenance Fund. like roofs, boilers, and buses.
Not all districts have these Without these funds in re- ished eventually or are part of with the exception of local
types of funds as they must serve, the district would need the new construction. This has auditor fees, until either an
be approved by district voters. to rely on general fund dollars allowed the district to build re- interim or permanent approved
The district P.I. fund was to fund large maintenance serves in this fund. Presently, maintenance plan for the
approved as a continuing expenditures. the fund has an uncommitted district’s facilities is in place.
levy in November 1993. The Due to the construction of a balance of $956,634. The district presently holds
levy is currently authorized to new school, the district has The CFAP fund is a require- $214,637 in this fund for future
collect at a rate of 1.73 mills been cautious about spending ment under the law when en- maintenance of its facilities. See page 8 for more project
District Information
Tera Matz Jenny Abell
Curriculum Director Student Services
Striving Readers Grant write, and comprehend. These As we complete the 2017-18 school year for reinforcing grade-level skills and
Awarded struggles often lead to gaps in and look forward to the 2018-19 school remediating those areas where students
Fostoria City Schools is proud overall academic achievement, year, the Student Services Department is are not achievement at expectation.
to announce that the District PK-12. Driving the core mission of filled with excitement for what the future
has been selected by the Ohio Fostoria City Schools Local Liter- will bring. Some exciting initiatives will be FJSHS: Providing continued social-
Department of Education as a acy Plan is the belief that “literacy taking place to begin the school year: emotional and behavioral support to
recipient of a $457,726 Striving becomes the currency of other help implement necessary Behavior
Readers Comprehensive Literacy learning.” There is no better way District-wide: Providing additional Intervention Plans for students requiring
subgrant focused on raising liter- to open up opportunities for our support personnel across the district to more specialized intervention in this
acy achievement. Fostoria City students than to provide them with help provide strategies for regulating area as well as through more hours
Schools’ grant proposal is focused a strong foundation in literacy. A behavior, developing language and being provided by the Family Resource
on building teacher knowledge focus on literacy skills across the literacy, and increasing sensory-motor Center’s Mental Health Therapist and
and capacity within the FCS dis- language and literacy continuum strategies related to learning and behavior
is essential to meeting individual Case Manager.
trict in the area of language and
literacy. These efforts are aimed student needs. Beginning with Longfellow: A) Implementing a
our youngest learners, FCS will It is hoped that through continued support
at creating a comprehensive Preschool Motor Lab focused on a
literacy instruction program PK- focus on developing early literacy being provided through the Student
curriculum titled Ready Bodies, Learning Services department, research-based
12 centered on evidence-based skills, making it easier for chil- Minds where students will have focused
practices and interventions. dren to learn to read. Reading is and innovative practices can be provided
physical activities designed to build and behavioral and academic standards
These comprehensive language an essential skill for success in awareness of their own bodies and
and literacy skills are essential to school and later in life. Fostoria achieved to ensure that ALL children
provide movements that directly relate make progress towards their goals!!
improving academic achievement City Schools is excited about the to brain functioning and academic and
in all content areas. District data opportunities presented by this behavioral achievement!
illustrates a large number of stu- award, which will allow us to equip B) Increasing support from the Family Congratulations are in order for the
dents struggle with developing the FCS staff with the tools, knowl- Resource Center, specifically related to Fostoria City Schools in their commitment
necessary pre-literacy and literacy edge, and capacity to competently Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) to supporting students identified on the
skills needed to use and under- and confidently ensure all learners to obtain early identification of students Autism Spectrum!
stand language effectively, read, experience success in the class- who are experiencing social-emotional
room and beyond. concerns to then provide the necessary Through the Promedica Foundation of
support for students and families. Northwest Ohio, there is an initiative to
2018 Back to School Bash recognize agencies/entities in or near
Fostoria City Schools will be hosting their Annual Back to School Bash to Riley: By adding another full-time the communities of each of their 12 area
kick off the start of the 2018-2019 school year. This event will be held on Speech/Language Pathologist for the hospitals that are supporting various
Wednesday, August district, students at these younger grades mental health issues. This year, the
8th from 5:00 to 8:00 will receive more language and speech specific mental illness focus is Autism and
PM at the Fostoria intervention and staff may receive more Fostoria City Schools were chosen by
Junior/Senior High strategies for working with students with our local hospital board as their recipient
School. Families will speech and language concerns for supporting Autism awareness and
be able to enjoy and support!
evening of fun, food, FIES: A) Implementing a self-contained Because of this honor, we are being
prizes, and games as behavioral unit for students grades 2-6
well as gather free invited to an event in Toledo at Promenade
with significant social and emotional Park on September 6th entitled “See the
school supplies and needs related to an identified disability
information about Person” where we will have a table to
in this area. This will increase positive display how we are supporting these
the schools and the support for those students by providing
activities and services students and families. As one of the
an environment with less sensory recipients, we will receive a portion of
we offer. Several distractions, more adult interaction,
other community proceeds to help continue to fund any
structured routines and expectations, programming, services, or materials that
organizations will be practice of appropriate behaviors
on hand to provide will help us continue our service to our
and social interactions, constant and students identified on Autism spectrum
information as well! consistent progress monitoring, and
Please plan on and their families. For those interested in
frequent and immediate corrective attending, we will be soon selling tickets
joining in on the fun; feedback for improvement.
this event will be to the event. We are also working to
secure area sponsors for the event to help
held rain or shine. B) Hiring another full-time intervention
Any organization increase awareness and participation at
specialist to aide in providing multiple the event.
interested in having a
table or display at the educational environments for all special
Back to School Bash education students grades 3-6. This If anyone has interest in either buying
should contact Tera includes those students needing support tickets for the event and/or sponsoring the
Matz at 419-436-4100 in both the general education classroom event through a monetary contribution,
or via email tmatz@ through inclusionary practices as well as please contact Jenny Abell at (419) 436-
fostoriaschools.org. those needing the smaller group setting 4101.
Longfellow/Riley Elementary School 619 Sandusky St. 1324 Walnut St.
419-436-4135 419-436-4145
Grades PreK – 2 [email protected]
Now that summer is here, it is 8-11 cups of water, and even more
important to manage your athletes when they are active. Possible heat
from home as they are participating related illnesses that your child
in summer workouts and general could experience are heat stroke,
summer-time outdoor activities. heat exhaustion, heat cramps,
High temps and low hydration can sunburn, or heat rash. The table
put athletes in a very dangerous includes possible symptoms and
position. The USDA recommends how you should respond.
that teenage boys and girls drink