ICCFA Magazine July 2018
ICCFA Magazine July 2018
ICCFA Magazine July 2018
ICCFA 2018 Convention & Expo Coverage: Great ideas, products & services
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
J U LY 2 0 1 8
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60 Update 36 LEGAL
58 Supply Line 36 Learn to apologize the right way
65 Convention speaker index, 36 Put GPLs on the showroom door
contact information 38 HUMAN REL ATIONS
66 Calendar, Classifieds, Ad Index 38 Make your meetings meaninful
38 Add millennials to your team
ICCFA news 38 Review your onboarding process
61 WWS: New ‘TED Talk’ format 42 FUNERAL SERVICE
Call for 2019 WWS presentations: 42 Be open-minded about your role, ready to personalize ceremonies
Proposals due July 20, 2018 42 Expand your idea of ritual
61 Proposals to speak at 42 Always assume there’s a camera
2019 Annual Convention 42 Be prepared to answer questions
Proposals due July 10, 2018 46 MANAGEMENT
62 ICCFA University 2018 is ready for U! 46 Ask questions and guide families
Eight colleges to choose from 46 Emotionally prepare families and make your firm one of the best
62 2018 PLPA College: Going back to the 48 Develop new skill sets
future, August 22-24 48 Know your average sale (funeral) or average yield (cemetery)
63 Foundation awards 31 ICCFAU 48 Consider possible upgrades
scholarships 48 Find a banker who ‘talks funeral’
64 Thank you to our 2018 49 Hire people who fit your culture
Annual Convention Sponsors 49 Get everyone to sign the contract
52 Be aware of what therapy dogs must learn to do—and not do
52 Use high-quality images on your website to make families select you
52 Think about how you will handle pick-ups if you start a pet business
54 Investigate alkaline hydrolysis
54 Create videos for Facebook
To support the ICCFA’s goal 54 Answer the phone properly
of raising money to fight 54 CPLP certifications
lung cancer, today’s #1 56 Tom Flynn accepts Golden Paw Award
killer of women, go to
56 Market to millennials who spoil their pets
56 Know how to approach veterinary clinics based on their practice size
ICCFA calendar
go to www.iccfa.com for program, registration & scholarship information
Catch the WIRELESS newsletter in your
inbox for industry news, stories about colleagues 2018 ICCFA University
making headlines and updates on ICCFA July 20-25, Fogelman Conference Center, University of Memphis, Memphis,
educational events & conferences Tennessee Chancellor: Jeff Kidwiler, CCE, CSE
8 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Washington Report
by ICCFA General Counsel
Robert M. Fells, Esq.
ICCFA files comments with IRS on
revenue recognition of burial lot income
[email protected]
1.800.645.7700, n May 2018, the ICCFA filed the sale of a burial plot as revenue for
ext. 1212 comments with the Internal Revenue financial reporting purposes under FASB
direct line: 703.391.8401 Service in response to an IRS notice Topic 606 prior to the transfer of title to
➤Fells is ICCFA general seeking public comment on changes and possession of the plot to the purchaser
counsel, responsible for made in revenue recognition for taxation. (some cemeteries follow this method
maintaining and improv The notice was triggered in response to today), the cemetery may be required to
ing relationships with changes in tax regulations by the Tax Cut report the entire sales price, without a
federal and state govern and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), and FASB deduction for the cemetery’s basis in the
ment agencies, the news Topic 606. plot, for tax purposes at the same time that
media and consumer organizations. It is a complex subject, but a basic the net income is reported for financial
➤ Fells has worked on behalf of the ceme example will make the point: Where all reporting purposes.
tery and funeral service profession on legal or a portion of the proceeds from the sale Prior to the enactment of TCJA,
and legislative issues since 1975 and joined of burial plots are retained by the seller, the financial reporting treatment of the
the ICCFA staff in 1983. He is retired from or if proceeds originally contributed to a sales proceeds was irrelevant to its tax
his position as the association’s executive trust are subsequently distributed from the treatment, so this is an entirely new impact
director, which he held for six years. trust to the seller, the sales proceeds are from the new tax reform law.
➤ He has published taxable to the seller. In that case, the tax The ICCFA is filing comments with
a number of books. treatment of the sales proceeds is affected the IRS to attempt to influence the IRS’s
His latest, “The Curse by whether the seller uses the cash or the interpretation of the provisions in TCJA in
of the Tomb,” brings accrual method of accounting, and if the a manner that is favorable to the industry
back Maj. Alexander
accrual method is used, when the seller and to enable our members to better
Armstrong, who featured
in two previous books.
reports the sales proceeds as revenue in the understand the tax consequences under
The discovery of the seller’s financial statements. the new tax law and financial reporting
royal tomb of King Under FASB Topic 606, cemeteries that rules. To access the ICCFA comments
Tutankhamen creates a sell burial plots are permitted or required filed with the IRS, and an explanatory
huge black market in forgeries of antiquities to defer the revenue from the sale of a “Decision Tree” memo drafted by tax
where the stakes include murder, and the burial plot until the full sales price is paid attorney Les Schneider, go to https://
British government seeks assistance from by the purchaser, and the current version s3.amazonaws.com/iccfa-media/2018/05/
the Americans. of the prepaid income rules will prevent Govt-Legal_Decision-Tree-for-ICCFA-
any deferral of the progress payments Members-re-Tax-Treatment-of-Sales-of-
for tax purposes. If a cemetery reports Burial-Plots-002.pdf. r
he Government and Legal Affairs what has become an annual tradition with the
Committee held a series of meetings ICCFA Capitol Hill meetings.
on Capitol Hill on May 9 and 10, ICCFA members also met with Federal
2018. With the help of ICCFA’s lobbying Trade Commission staff to discuss the
firm, Dykema, appointments were scheduled upcoming Funeral Rule review, and the
with 25 congressional members. These were body broker controversy. The FTC will
almost evenly divided between 13 senators likely propose posting funeral prices online,
and 12 representatives. Party-wise, the group although staff was unclear whether such
met with 17 Republicans and 8 Democrats, a requirement would be proposed as a
including three key leadership offices. mandatory obligation or optional.
Four main subjects dominated the ICCFA General Counsel Bob Fells, left, Another development: After several years
discussions: confers with Mary Beth McGowan of of the ICCFA urging FTC staff to disclose
• impacts of tax reform on the death care Dykema, the association’s lobbying the name of the funeral home employee who
industry, especially installment revenue firm. Watching are ICCFA members Tom failed to provide a GPL as required by the
recognition and trust advisory deductions; Daly, CCE, and Larry Anspach, CCE. Funeral Rule, the staff said that they would
• the upcoming 2019 FTC Funeral Rule • increasing veterans’ funeral benefits (the now provide the identity of the employee on
review; proposed BRAVE Act). request. This is an important concession to
• the growing controversy over trafficking One evening, Mike Doherty, Fairfax help funeral providers to stay in compliance
in non-transplant tissue/body donation (the Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Fairfax, and avoid costly penalties that are now over
proposed LATTS Act); and Virginia, hosted a dinner for the group in $40,000 per violation. r
10 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Design Department
Private Estate
Bronze Memorials
Foundry On Site
President’s Letter
2018-2019 Honored to serve as president of
President Christine
progressive group of professionals
Toson Hentges, CCE
hat an amazing adventure we are all
a part of! The journey of our lives is
what we make it, and most of us in this
profession realize the changes the journey brings.
Our positions allow us to capture that within
the few precious days or hours of a memorial
or funeral service, within a committal service at
the cemetery or on a memorial stone that will
be visited for many generations. There is no
room to take this responsibility and opportunity Hentges moderates the annual State Associa-
lightly. This is a sacred trust that we bring to our tion Luncheon, a chance for state association
communities. representatives to network and share con-
With that being said, our communities do cerns, at the 2018 ICCFA Convention & Expo.
[email protected] not always recognize how important each of efforts to help our profession adapt so that we can
these roles are in their lives. We are working in stay relevant and important in our communities.
➤Hentges is president and
CEO of The Tribute Compa
a rapidly changing society that has lost some Serving as your president is an honor. This
nies, Hartland, Wisconsin. understanding of our profession, that is looking next year is going to be an adventure for me, and I
for something different. Likely they don’t know look forward to meeting many of the progressive
what that is, but they seek a unique way to grieve cemeterians, funeral directors, service providers
a loss or deal with a death or celebrate a life. and other end-of-life professionals who fill this
Are we ready to accommodate them, to provide association with vision and whom I have not yet
what they are seeking? Most of us within this had the privilege to meet. And, of course, I look
amazing association realize that we need to be forward to connecting with colleagues and dear
able to adapt quickly to please our current and friends I have made over the years who help raise
future clients. The vision and determination of me—and others—up to be the best we can. Finding
our members is why I am so proud to represent our way together, within the sacred obligations we
the ICCFA. make to the families we serve, is where each and
Our members’ ability to progress, to adapt, every member can find the value I have found over
to be in front of the tidal wave of change is how the years I have participated in the ICCFA.
they create the energy they do for this profession. Thank you all for allowing me to serve as
They work together to share ideas, values and the president of this fine organization. Connect
visions—they do not hold back due to any fear or on linkedin or send me an email at christieh@
selfishness. This association has always had that tributeinc.com if you would like to discuss
philosophy, and at a very young age, I knew this anything pertaining to your ICCFA membership;
association was where I wanted to contribute my I’m happy to support you however I can. r
12 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Call/email to request your complimentary sample!
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Follow Up After the
Service is Over
per family
1 Erik Qualman, one of the three keynote
speakers, talks about trends.
2 The First-Timers Reception gives first-
time attendees a chance to meet both
other “newbies” and ICCFA officers and
board members, as well as others who
want a chance to get to know some of
the newcomers. 3 First-timers Shan-
telle Holts and Cynthia Hightower with
long-timer Randy Horton. 4 Past Presi-
dent Greg Easley, CCE, with first-timers
Harold Giddons and John Ebey. 5 First-
timers Zach and Brienna Smith with Mat
Forastiere, who is co-chairing the 2019
ICCFA Annual Convention, April 2-6, in 1
Charlotte, North Carolina.
3 4 5
14 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
F UN ER A L A S S OC IAT ION 2 0 1 8 CO NV E NT IO N & E X P O What did you
think of your
first ICCFA
Kathleen Jurasky
Palm Springs
Cemetery District,
6 Cathedral City,
I have taken away
a lot of valuable
information. It was
a little overwhelm-
ing at first, being a
newbie and jumping
in, meeting people
and spreading my
7 8
6 In the Expo Hall. 7 Speaker Nancy Drapeau at the IMSA
(International Memorialization Supply Association) meeting
held during the ICCFA Convention & Expo. 8 IMSA mem-
bers listen during the meeting. 9 IMSA 2018-2019 President
Jordan Yearsley. He is also the IMSA representative on the
ICCFA board. 10 Erik Qualman got the audience up and inter-
acting during his keynote presentation.
Matthew Cress
Cress Funeral &
Cremation Service,
Madison, Wisconsin
I thought it was
wonderful, very
all the speakers
were great.
11 Attendees in Stacey Hanke’s breakout session, sponsored by Women in Leadership, take turns record-
ing each other so they can see how they come across to others. 12 Attendees relax between presentations.
Cathy Vail
Holy Sepulchre
Cemetery, Roches-
ter, New York
I like it. The ses-
sions are very
engaging. I think the
people are genuine,
and it’s very
11 12 educational so far.
Above left, Andy Lopez and Ray Frew, CFuE, co-chairs of the ICCFA Veterans Committee, which also includes ICCFA 2017-2018
President Scott Sells, CCFE; Gino Merendino; ICCFA Past Presidents Rich Sells, CCE, and Bill Wright, CCE; Jim Price, CCFE,
CCrE; and ICCFA General Counsel Robert Fells. Above right, ICCFA Past President Hap Bledsoe, CCE, (seated) presents a
signed copy of the original art he commissioned from Vern Krutein to Scott Sells in tribute to his military service and efforts
to recognize veterans who belong to the ICCFA by establishing the Veterans Committee. Bledsoe commissioned the work to
honor veterans. Standing behind Bledoe are, from left, Krutein, Cynthia Bledsoe, Rich and Scott Sells and Merendino.
16 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
At the Educational Foundation Reception, veterans gathered for a photo with Tom Flynn, Lasting Impact Award recipient and
Air Force veteran, seated front and (almost) center with grief therapy dog Soloman Flynn.
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ICCFA 2018-19 officers President Christine Toson Hengtes, CCE; President-elect Jay Dodds, CFSP; Vice President Andrés
Aguilar; Secretary Robbie Pape; Vice President Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE; and Treasurer Gary Freytag, CCFE, at the annual
meeting of members at the 2018 ICCFA Convention & Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.
20 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I had no family in the business or employee ready They did exactly what they said, and I’m forever
to tackle ownership. There was no one prepared indebted to them. I get emotional thinking about
to succeed me, and protecting my employees and how they embraced me. The business has grown
continuing to care for my community was extremely dramatically, and my employees and my community
important. Other potential partners presented welcomed the change. When looking ahead, ask
options, but I felt like they didn’t want me - they yourself, “Is my potential partner going to do what
wanted the business. At Foundation Partners Group, they promised years down the road?” At Foundation
they valued me, and the business. Partners, the answer is a resounding yes!
22 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
Donors give
$210,000 to
he ICCFA Educational Foundation
accepted donations totalling $210,000
at the ICCFA 2018 Convention.
ICCFA 2017-2018 President Scott
Sells, CCFE, was on hand to announce
the $110,000 donation from Service
Corporation Interna Above, from ASD-Answering Service for Directors, Kathy Kelly and Marty Czachor,
tional, Houston, Texas. Educational Founda-
Sells is market director tion President Jim Price,
CCFE, CCrE, and ASD’s
for SCI’s Bay Area.
Kevin Czachor. ASD
Representatives of donated $100,000 to the
the Czachor family— Educational Foundation.
Kathy Kelly, Marty Left, the “checks” rep-
Czachor and Kevin resenting the donations
Czachor—signed from Service Corporation
a giant “check” International and ASD—
ICCFA 2017- for $100,000 from Answering Service for
2018 President Directors.
Scott Sells,
Service for Directors, in 2018, 47 scholarship have been awarded, legacy videos easily accessible to assist
CCFE, announ
ces the $110,000 Media, Pennsylvania. including two Women in Leadership scholar in mentoring and positively influencing
gift from his The family-owned ships to ICCFA University. particularly newcomers to our profession.”
employer, Ser- company is making “In addition to awarding scholarships,” The Educational Foundation’s trustees
vice Corporation a major commitment Price said, “We are committed to providing are Jill Muenich, National Guardian Life
International. to education, said our profession’s future leaders with personal Insurance; Rich Darby, Trigard; Wanda
Educational Foundation business perspectives from past and current Sizemore, Homesteaders Life; Jay Dodds,
President Jim Price, CCFE, CCrE. successful leaders. The program is called the CFSP, Park Lawn Corp.; Ken Varner, CCFE,
Such major donations have made it Honored to be Asked to Share series. Crypress Lawn; Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE,
possible for the foundation to greatly increase “ICCFA University and all future The Woodlawn Cemetery; and Chris Trainor,
the number of scholarships it awards. So far educational events will have a library of Batesville. r
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The following pages include information gleaned from presentations made at the ICCFA 2018 Convention. If you’d like to hear
more from a particular speaker, you can order recordings of many conference sessions at www.iccfa.com. And mark your calendar
now for the ICCFA 2019 Convention & Expo at the Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 2-6, 2019!
r Accept that privacy is dead world, which we’re now living in, they’re one
Erik Qualman, author of “Socialnomics” and exactly the same, because the light will
Privacy is dead. Don’t shoot the messenger. shine on everything that’s out there—which
I’ve been talking about this for five years, is great for everybody in this room who’s
but now it’s really at the forefront with been doing the right thing all along. So this
(Facebook’s) Mark Zuckerberg testifying change is actually a benefit to you.
before Congress. Privacy is dead; that genie’s
not going back in the bottle. r Stop trying to multi-task
One thing that goes along with privacy How many of you have had to become
being dead is that all of us have what’s called pretty good at multi-tasking? We actually
a digital stamp, comprised of two things: can’t multi-task. We say we’re multi-
Our digital footprint—anything we upload tasking, but our brain can’t parallel process
about ourselves, about our company, about two things at once, so we’re actually
our business, about our funeral home, about switching tasks.
our product, about our service. We somewhat We’re multi-tasking because we want
have control over that. to get ahead of the competition, we want to
Technology changes every second; hu-
But the more important piece is your get more out of 24 hours. But we’re actually
man nature never does.—Erik Qualman
digital shadow. That’s what other people post becoming less efficient, so we’re doing the
about you, your product and services on a Parents are excited; they post sonograms, exact opposite of what we’re trying to do.
day-to-day basis. Together, those two things they post names. In the moment that we multi-task, our IQ
form our digital stamps. Integrity and reputation used to be two drops 10 points. That’s the equivalent of not
Ninety-two percent of kids under the age different things: Integrity, what you stand for sleeping for 36 hours.
of two already have a digital stamp. Twenty- behind closed doors, and reputation, what the One of the easiest ways to simplify in this
five percent of the babies who will be born public perceives you to be. In the past, those crazy, hyper-connected digital age is to focus
tomorrow already have a digital stamp. could be different. But in a fully transparent on one thing at a time. r
24 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
If crypt flies don’t keep you
up at night, maybe this will.
It’s bad enough that crypt flies are probably inhabit-
ing your mausoleums right now. (Those little guys
love to breed and feed in these sacred spaces.) But it
can go from unsightly to completely unimaginable for
your business. Just see what happened at one location
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Zontec is your best defense against crypt flies: safe,
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(Watch at www.ZontecSolution.com)
Doves TM
Hanke also presented the Women in Leadership breakout session, which included time for attendees to coach each other in
putting into practice her advice about how to make your body language match what you say. Above left, Michelle Krassow, Santa
Cruz Memorial Park & Funeral Home, Santa Cruz, California, and Karissa Madison-Levine, Evergreen Memorial Funeral Home,
Dallas, Texas. Above center, Yvonne Smith-Larkin and Luis Viegas, Smith Funeral Home, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Above right, Mei
Santos, LMS Guam, Hagatna, Guam, and Howard Kaplan, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks & Mortuaries, Los Angeles, California.
r Record yourself to make sure you networking, all those conversations that you’ve
are coming across the way you want to had, how many of you in a conversation ever
Stacey Hanke, communication expert thought, “Hmm, I wonder what my hands are
I am going to give you practical and immediate doing?” “Wonder what my eyes are doing?”
how-tos to make sure that you have influence You’re thinking, “Seriously? Who thinks about
Monday to Monday. Because when you have that stuff?”
influence Monday to Monday, I promise you Yet go back to the definition of what influence
it’s going to change the way that you build your really is, to build that trust and to build it quickly
relationships, the way that you build trust—I know —the body language has to match the conversa
that’s so, so critical the first time you interact with tion, and if it doesn’t, you start confusing people.
any family—and the way that people follow you. And when you start confusing people, they get
There’s a big misperception of what influence frustrated, and usually where they go is down in
is and what it’s not. Most people believe that it’s their technical gadgets.
turning it on and turning it off when you need it
the most. r Only speak when you see eyes
Here’s what influence really is: Influence means Only speak when you see eyes. No eyes, no talk.
that your body language and your message are Please don’t leave here and say, “That woman on
consistent Monday to Monday, that people never stage was saying we should stare at each other.”
have to guess who’s going to show up. That’s not what I’m saying; I’m saying, connect
Those definitions of influence—and this is the with people.
other one that’s really important for the work that I want you to check out Dr. Josh Packard,
you do—is that influence also means that you’ve a professor at Northern Colorado University.
got the ability to move people to trust you, because He’s doing all this research around connection
when they trust you it moves them to action. engagement.
How many of you, in the last three months, He talks about the fact if you ask CEOs, 81
have videorecorded yourself in some sort of percent are hiring for interpersonal skills over
conversation or interaction, or audiorecorded technical skills. He also talks about the fact that
yourself for professional reasons. Look at how few an individual and a company’s level of connection
hands are raised. and engagement is going to define their success by
Here should be your concern: If you are not 2020.
experiencing yourself through the eyes and ears of We are losing the art of looking at people when
your teams and the families you’re trying to build we talk, to make that person feel so important.
Every time you get done trust with, are you completely basing how you Here’s the deal: It’s free. You can build trust for
with a gesture, come come across on your feeling or on facts? Could free, and how you do that is through the eyes. Only
home (arms at your
you be sabotaging your level of trust through your speak when you see eyes.
sides). You gesture the
way you want to gesture.
communication and have no idea you’re doing it? You can look away—just don’t talk when you
After the gesture, to You get to determine how people perceive you. do it. Only speak when you see eyes.
make sure it matches the You get to determine the level of trust, credibility, I see that eye connection is a struggle no
message, give your confidence—whatever adjective you’ve brought matter what generation we’re talking about—
listener a chance to catch up—but I bet a lot of you have not thought about boomers, now we’ve got the Zs coming in, the
up.—Stacey Hanke this: How many of you, this week, as you’re millennials—I see it everywhere. r
26 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
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r Don’t just talk; use pictures the average adult in the United States is not a Why don’t you cover your place up with
If your entire success or failure in this good listener, and we’ve relegated the whole pictures of things we can do to remember
transaction is based on your verbal skill, the success or failure to this transaction occurring your mom? And now we can do it with flat
transaction is at risk. On the worst day of in this manner. There’s not even a picture screens. Have a flat screen in every public
your life, what I want you to do is get all the on the wall in your arrangement office that space that has a constantly rolling video of
information you’re going to gather from me shows me what the alternatives might be. No, every cool thing you’ve ever done here so
by me talking and you listening. we’ve got a picture of a duck up there—that they can have a mental image of what the
There are all kinds of studies that say that ought to help us. possibilities are. r
r Develop options so cremated Wherever you are, you’re some action. “You’ve got 30 days, just go
remains aren’t kept at home going to have your own over there, there’s no obligation or charge.
Chris Keller personality and style. Too Even if you’re going to take dad up to the
One in five American households has often we as an industry national cemetery in Santa Fe, put his name
move in this monolithic
cremated remains at home—human cremated on the wall here, too.”
block where all of us are
remains. It’s more in high cremation areas, expected to have the same A lot of families came over right away to
like where we are in Albuquerque, where style. There’s a whole gen- get their free cenotaph. But if they didn’t, we
we’re at about 65 percent cremation. It’s eration of people out there held onto those names for three weeks. Then,
more if you include pet cremated remains. that don’t like that style, and they’re not if the family had not come in, I handed those
The Albuquerque metro area has about coming to the cemetery.—Chris Keller names to our family service consultants.
750,000 people in it. Do the math: It’s tens of They would call the family and say,
thousands of sets of cremated remains sitting We heard that and thought, “We could do “My understanding is we were able to serve
at home. Sitting on mantlepieces. Sitting in that.” On January 1, 2017, I put up six huge you through French mortuary. I’m so sorry
attics. Sitting in basements. Forgotten. Stolen colored granite panels on a bare wall. I went about your loss. I believe the funeral director
in home thefts. Destroyed in home fires. to the local stone company and found bright you met with gave you a certificate for a
This first one, not our idea: John Williams colored scraps, had the edges finished off and complimentary cenotaph on the wall here at
from Venice, Florida, started doing this to hung them on the wall. It cost next to nothing. Sunset. We would love to be able to place
capture more of the cremated remains coming We started handing every single family your dad’s name there. Because we have
out of his mortuary over to his cemetery. French serves who chooses cremation—that’s different colors, different panels, we’d love
He had two cemeteries between his about 1,800 a year—a certificate for a free for you to pick where you’d want it. What
cemetery and his mortuary. So how could cenotaph at our cemetery. would be a good day for you to come in?”
he get his families to go to his cemetery? We have a scattering/memorialization When the consultants started actually
What he came up with is “I have a beautiful option at the cemetery that includes the meeting with families, here’s what happens.
fountain in my cremation garden with bare scattering and placing the name and birth Those panels are sitting right in the middle of
sides. I’m going to let any of those cremation and death date on the wall. We valued the our Centennial Urn Garden. They have to go
families who want to come to my cemetery certificate at less than that, because all we’re through all of those cool cremation options
and I’ll put a cenotaph up, free of charge.” putting on the wall is dad’s name. But they we have to get to those panels.
In the first five years since he started doing get to choose which color panel. And along the way, they’re saying,
that, his capture rate from his mortuary to his We said you have to come within 30 days, “What’s that? I’ve never seen that before.
cemetery increased 200 percent. so there’s a sunset time horizon on it to incite What’s that blue thing over there?” r
28 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Child Caskets
Embroidded Panels
Embroidded Piiow
& Vinyl
r Speak up for memorialization r Rethink your cremation strategies How you treat people is
Michael Harens John Bolton, CCE, CCrE, CSE what creates the most
“Cremation doesn’t minimize We need to rethink our strate value. It’s going to overtake
the need to memorialize.” It’s gies. We need to understand price and product. Think
about that: The way you
a phrase that can build a lot of who the cremation consumer
treat your families is going
value, and can also change a is, what drives them. Instead to be more important than
conversation. of thinking about us, we need what you sell them and
“Grandma didn’t want to to think about them. We need how much it costs. Eighty-
be a bother, we’re just going to establish relevant product six percent of customers are willing to
to cremate her, take her home, do a scattering offerings that focus on pre- pay more for better customer experi-
at the next holiday gathering.” need, at-need and post-need. ence.—Lori Salberg
“OK, but cremation doesn’t minimize the Remember the people who are in the
need to memorialize.” closets? We need to educate our consumers r Expand your outreach programs
“What do you mean?” better. We need to use YouTube and e-mail Lori Salberg
“Can I take you on a park tour and show marketing and things like that to educate You have to enhance your education and
you what cremation options we offer, as them about the options—most people don’t outreach program. You have to make sure that
well as some of the custom things we can do have a clue what their options are. you are doing all of those fun, cool events but
around cremation?” We need to establish a better culture inside also make them charitable.
our organizations about cremation. We need Make sure that people see that you care
r Ask about plans for the urn to say, “We’ve got pre-need counselors and about their community as well as being
We talk a lot about “five, 15 and 50.” If you we’ve got community service counselors, do welcoming.
can, get families to think about what are you we have cremation concierge people on staff You have to get involved in these Death
going to do with that urn five years, 15 years who are specialists with cremation and the Cafes. You have to find out if they’re
and 50 years down the road. Get them to things that relate to the cremation consumer?” happening, and if they’re not, then start one.
think about that: What is going to happen to And how do we relate hospitality and Go look up what they’re all about and then do
that urn? From a legacy standpoint, from a catering to the cremation consumer, because them, be in the conversation about death in
heritage standpoint, that’s where that role of a folks, guess what, they’re one and the same— every way you possibly can be. If someone’s
memorialist comes into play. r they go hand in hand now. talking about death, you are there. r
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N FIRS T-T IM E RS
H O S P I C E PA N E L / S E L F - C A R E Ashley Johnson
student, St. Petersburg Col-
r Seek a balanced life But we have eliminated most of the lege, St. Petersburg, Florida
Jim Monahan turnover within the funeral home, which Amazing. I love the variety
I’m going to talk about how is extremely costly for small-town funeral you have, from pets to
hospice workers keep on homes. With the time it takes us to train funeral homes—amazing
going day after day. We have people, get them out into the community, if variety in topics.
the same stresses, I believe, they leave that’s very, very difficult for us.
that funeral directors do. Try Micah Galvez
to keep a balance; it really can r Build a respectful Newell-Hoerling’s Mortuary,
exist. relationship with hospice Centralia, Washington
The director of our bereavement services Jason Troyer, PhD It’s been great; I’ve learned
said she looks at how many hours a day she I see two key areas where a lot.
does really painful things, and she tries to hospice and funeral service
do that much happy or fun things outside of overlap. One is literally being
work. in the same physical space at
Veronique Desrochers
“I don’t watch movies where somebody’s the same time. A little bit of
Gregory & Desrochers,
dying of cancer—I like comedies.” She sits conflict can occur when hospice and funeral Victoriaville, Quebec
around a lot, so she moves and goes outside professionals are in that same physical space It was very fun. Nice
after work, does a lot of dancing, goes to the at the removal or transferal. Who’s in charge speakers. I really liked
beach. She tries to balance life. here? Which rules are we following? everything.
One of the people I spoke with was a Hospice feel very passionately about
funeral director. She said some of the younger “We’ve been caring for this family quite
funeral professionals do things like mountain a while.” Just as appropriately, funeral Jeffrey Schuetz
climbing, hiking, camping. She said, “I’ve professionals feel, “We’ve been serving this (with some cool
been around a while; we just dealt with it by family for several generations.” We each feel swag)
drinking.” I don’t think she was joking. ownership—which generally is a good thing. Scheutz Funeral
We take very personally the quality of service Home, Mingo
r Find ways to limit long hours we provide. Junction, Ohio
I think we can build this relationship and I like it. A lot
Lauren Blevins, CCFE
of informa-
We hired a gentleman whose in effect share this burden by doing some
tion, a lot of
entire job is to go on removals. things to build a relationship of respect. I
things to see,
He gets a salary and he lives think it starts with, quite simply, checking learn, vendors.
on call. in with hospice, having conversations with Everything is
That saved us all from a them, whether it’s professional or outside great.
lot of night duress. It saved us of serving families. Talking with them at a
10 or 20 hours sometimes a removal situation. Recognizing them: “I’m
week per person. It changed the course of the appreciating that you’ve worked with this
funeral home life a little bit. We try to keep family for weeks, months, maybe a year or
our employees to 40-45 hours a week, and more in rare cases.” Acknowledge that their
that’s very hard. job is stressful, too. r
r Model a balanced life and keep and less all the time.” When we’re look- what I’m going to do to take
an eye out for compassion fatigue Your duties do put ing at change, we care of myself on my days
Jason Troyer, PhD you at a higher risk for tend to overes- off.” Acknowledge and share
If you are looking to your family’s next compassion fatigue and timate our fears those reactions, and model
and underesti-
generation or a key employee who you burnout, so we must inten that self-care.
mate the cost of
would love to take over your firm, if they tionally work to reduce Look for situations
not changing.—
see your lifestyle as something that is not that. Dr. Jason Troyer that might be intense
sustainable, they won’t want to step into Disaster responders compassion-fatigue
your shoes. They won’t want to take over take burnout seriously. I situations. If your embal
if your lifestyle is the example of what know someone in my community who has mer is embalming a 6-year-old and they
they’re going to be doing for the next 20 or worked with the US Marshal Service for have a 6-year-old at home, you need to
40 years. decades. He told me that in Tennessee, my have a conversation with them about
It’s not about not wanting to work hard, state, there are 700 people trained to help first whether they’re the right person to do that
and it’s not about expecting 8-5 hours and to responders and police officers with burnout— embalming, and check in before and after.
never work overtime. It’s about having some that’s how seriously they take it. It doesn’t have to be a counseling session,
small semblance of life balance. Owners and managers, you set the tone for it can be a quick conversation. “I know that
If you’re trying to recruit a retired teacher professionalism, for how families are served. this might have been tough for you. You
or military person to be a funeral assistant, You also set the tone in terms of burnout and want to chat about it and we can grab some
or to try them out at the funeral home, if they compassion fatigue. coffee?”
see an example of that old school mentality I would encourage you to acknowledge
of “just suck it up,” they’re not going to work and share your own reactions. That doesn’t r Put down the smartphone
for you, or they won’t last long in the job. mean you have to be an open book to your I’m glad that all of you were able to take
We have high turnover within the staff and say, “Boy, I’m two days away from time away from your place of work to come
field, and worse, people suffering without being burned out and selling this place.” I here, but I think it’s much more difficult for
support. “Yeh, I make it day by day, but don’t mean that. But I mean if you’ve had a funeral and cemetery professionals to be
I’m far from thriving, and I’m far from tough day or tough week, instead of being psychologically away from work, because we
happy about it and the satisfaction that I tight-lipped about it, please mention it. As have these wonderful devices—smartphones.
get from doing this job seems to be less simple as “It’s been a rough week, and this is We can keep track of every single death
➤to page 33
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
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medicine because after we laugh, we feel
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The thing about laughter is our bodies
don’t know the difference between real
laughter and fake laughter. So fake it until
you can make it. We don’t feel stressed when
we laugh. Laughter is like a mini-vacation
from our worries, our cares and our fears, and
we come back renewed and refreshed. r
Gayosso Network 100 Black Women of Funeral ASD’s Lego giveaway: a Lego hearse to go with The Price Shopper
Service the Lego cemetery and Lego funeral home.
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
r Put GPLs on the showroom door I see a lot of funeral home my waiting room is in the showroom?
Marty Ludlum, PhD invoices where the big- Can I tell the family to go in there and sit
It’s 33 years old, and we’re still having gest item on it is “other.” and wait, because the funeral director is
huge problems about people following the What do you suppose the coming here from another location?
consumer thinks when
FTC Funeral Rule. This can be fixed. The FTC ruling was that no, you can’t
the biggest item on the
What’s the most common violation ticket is “other?” “Other go in the showroom at all unless you’ve
of the Funeral Rule? This was a shocker. what? Maybe I don’t want given them the price list.
Not giving—or, what I think is even more other—especially if it’s that How do you avoid this problem? A lot
ironic—refusing to give a price list to the expensive!”—Dr. Marty Ludlum of it is just building in a habit. Get one
consumers when they’re there. casket room, you’ve got to offer them the of these hanging folders and put it on the
Going into the showroom—that’s the price list. What if I have a small funeral door of the showroom and fill it full of
magic moment. Before you show them the home, I don’t have a waiting room, or price lists. r
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
Speaker Cate Collins (below) had audience members interacting (above) during her lively presentation.
r Make your meetings meaningful from my firm early on?” Are you kidding?
Cate Collins When something happens, grandma or
You must have meaningful meetings. grandpa dies, or their mom or aunt or uncle,
So often when I work with firms or their guess who’s doing the research? Millennials,
directors or administrators, they say, “Yeh, and 72 percent of their information is coming
we’re having another meeting. I don’t know strictly from their smartphone.
why; they go on too long, you just yak and It’s a different lens they’re looking
I’ve got things to do. Now I’m stressed out through. I’m sure it had nothing to do with
because my list has gotten longer.” the fact that you probably put in 12- or 14-,
Make sure there’s an agenda. Make sure maybe 15-hours a day, and they watched you.
there’s a timeline, there’s accountability—it’s This is a big one as a leader for credibil- And they watched that your life was sucked
ity. You must take 100 percent responsi-
put on the agenda at the next meeting, what right out from underneath you. Maybe your
bility for your mistakes, for your words,
we’ve accomplished. This is going to help for your actions—it is critical. The com- marriage broke up or has problems, or you
for time management, this is going to help panies that really sustain employees have addiction issues. I’m sure that has had
for accountability, this is going to help your are the ones that say, “You know what, I no effect on why they want to have balance in
credibility. blew it. That was a bad call. I apologize their life and a sense of meaning.
and this is what I’m going to do differ- They have been brought up in an era of
r Add millennials to your team ently.”—Cate Collins information overload. Google has become
Just to remind people, millennials are the recommend you do. They’re the largest their best friend. These consumers and
people born between 1980 to 1996. Does generation is history. They are changing employees are more educated than ever
anybody have millennials on their team right consumerism radically. before. Do you think it’s important for you to
now? For those of you who don’t, I highly “But what are the chances of them buying have that edge, as a firm? I really think so. r
First-timer r Review your onboarding process give some tangible expectations about what
Brittany Carrington Mark Jorgensen competencies are expected and what the job
Putnam Funeral Home & I would suggest that starting requirements might be.
Crematory, Kingsland, Texas any job relationship is about It also adds utility for onboarding, because
The convention was very
an onboarding process. The it makes this process really simple. We can
educational. I enjoyed each
onboarding process is based take the job description and sort it by when
of the speakers and the dif-
ferent pieces of information on the idea of what a new you would reasonably expect an employee to
they brought to the conference. I also employee with relevant job have a particular competency that’s in the job
really enjoyed the networking aspect, experience should be expected description.
getting to meet other people who are to do with a family on day one. Very simply, take all the elements in the
just as passionate as I am about serving An onboarding process, I would suggest, job description, break them down and decide
families and learning from them. I am is best organized chronologically. If we take what you would expect this new employee
newly licensed in the state of Texas, so the assumption that the onboarding plan is to be able to do competently by the end of
building this network here with experi- something we directly control in the process the first week of employment, by the end of
enced funeral directors is valuable to me. of bringing a new employee on and keeping the first month and in the first 90 days, which
And, of course, cultivating and continu-
them viable, we would start with the job most of us think of as a probationary period
ing to get to know the people I’ve met
description. I hope you have one, because for an employee.
previously from the mortuary school, the
companies and vendors I’ve worked with it’s a very versatile tool for you. It certainly This then sets the groundwork for your
for many years, has been very valuable. is involved when you decided to advertise six-month or annual performance review.
So it’s been a very enjoyable experience the position, when you begin screening Certainly more frequent is considered better
for many reasons. and interviewing candidates, to be able to by most management scholars today. r
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
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I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N FIRS T-T IM E RS
River Valley Gateway,
r Hire people who fit your culture schooling, their past employment history, Grand Junction, Colorado
Stan Engh, CCFE what kind of experience they have. But the It has been an eye-opening
We hire our team members, important questions are: What do you do after experience, very well put
our employees, for our culture. work? What are your hobbies? What takes together, tons of informa-
Policies and procedures can up the rest of your time when you’re not at tion.
be taught. The insurance agent work? That’s where you start learning and
is going to get a license from figuring out if this person is going to fit your
the state to sell. We can’t culture. Henry Kerns
teach culture; that comes from Culture is what is going to keep that Weeks Edline-Yahn &
Covington Funeral Chapel,
inside, that’s on who that individual is. It’s person happy. So are we using those talents?
Kent, Washington
who we are; it’s what makes us tick. We hire That’s what we want to do. We want It was fantastic. There
for our culture. to know who people are, and we want to was a great diversity of
When we hire someone there’s a long list have all of that person, not just what they’re topics and I learned a lot
of questions we might ask. We look at their assigned to do. r of things.
Deana Kelly
r Get everyone to sign the contract You want somebody who has money and Cumby Family Funeral
Marty Ludlum, PhD lives in your state. If not, “Sorry, I don’t want Service, High Point,
I don’t know if this comes to loan money to you—because that’s what North Carolina
from mortuary school or what, you’re asking.” You’re not saying, “Please I thought it was fabulous;
I’m very excited to be here.
the notion that if the family sign here.” You’re saying, “I’m loaning
The expo was wonderful,
owes you money, you need you money.” Because I’m going to pay my
and I got so much out of
one and only one person to employees, I’m going to pay for the car bill, the classes I attended. It was a great
sign the contract. Trust me, I’m going to pay for everything. You’re just experience for me.
if the group of you owes me promising someday you’re going to pay me.
$5,000, I’m not having one of you sign, I’m If it comes down to it and you’ve got to Max Francois-Poncet
getting everybody to sign. try to collect the money, you can only go after Wharton MBA,
You have the family come in and grandma people who either signed the contract and the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
who’s on Social Security is the only one who estate, if there is one. Very few people have We’re MBA students look-
wants to sign the contract. No. I don’t think an estate that gets probated. Maybe 1, 1 ½ ing into potentially buying
grandma’s Social Security is ever going to be percent of people have a probated estate. companies in the over-
able to pay you off. All those ads you see in the newspaper arching death-care space,
What’s worse is Jobless Joe, yeh, he’ll about estate planning? They can make it so so we’re here both to
sign the contract for the family. Or the guy even if you’re very wealthy and own lots of learn and meet people—learn about the
from a long way away is willing to sign stuff, you’ll never need probate. industry trends and also maybe find po-
tential acquisition targets. We thought it
it. Trust me, if you’re across state lines, Who ends up having to be probated?
was great.
you might as well be in Australia—it is Somebody who either has a bank account
that difficult to sue somebody who lives in in just their name or owns land in just their
another state. name. r
This is what
when his
wife is back
at the office
and Dan Isard FuneralTech FuneralScreen The Davis Whitehall Co.
(The Fore-
sight Com-
panies) takes
advice from
Jeff Harbeson.
50 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
Glenn & Tiffany
Funeral Home,
Tiffany: We’re
meeting a lot
of people in part of the industry that
we’re not too familiar with—cemeteries
and crematories—because we just own
funeral homes. Glenn: We got a very
warm reception from the JFDA. They
invited us to dinner last night and that
was a lot of fun. It’s been good so far.
Dr. Simcha
Raphael speaks
at the JFDA
program about
Jewish beliefs
concerning the
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54 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
r Market to millennials r Know how to approach veterinary showed up and you’re wonderful. They’re
who spoil their pets clinics based on their practice size going to recommend a change because you’re
Coleen Ellis, CPLP Richard Hobart, DMV showing up multiple times, listening to them,
Twenty-five percent of our You’ve got to prepare more being nice and finding out about them.
population is millennials. Less than ever when you’re dealing You have to study these practices. You
likely to be homeowners, car with veterinarians, because have to find out what their needs are, and you
owners or parents than their of the diversity of the type of also have to find out what mistakes the other
predecessors, but they do lead practices: small practices with providers have made before you get your foot
in one category: pets. only a single, maybe a second in the door.
They weren’t like the boomers who said, part-time veterinarian; practices On this side there will be slightly more
“One of the things we’re going to get into where there are multiple veterinarians or emphasis on your fees, but service is
right away when we adult is get a house, and owners; and corporate chains. important. By service I mean timeliness,
fill it with children. This group is saying, In small practices there’s likely one turnaround, appearance of your workers.
“We’ll stay a little more fluid.” This is going decision-maker. The nice thing about small Then there are large practices. They’re
to play into some marketing. practices is they tend to be more loyal. Once going to give a lot of business. In my
Seventy-five percent of millennials have you have them as clients, they’re very good experience, they make the worst long-term
dogs; 51 percent have cats. This compares to clients. They appreciate what you do. They’re clients, because it’s a business manager or,
50 percent of the overall population with dogs not going to bolt on you. very often, someone in a totally different
and 30 percent with cats. You still have to get to know them. Every geographic location who’s making that
A majority of millennials—76 percent— practice has different needs; every practice is buying decision.
say they’re more likely to splurge on their looking for something. There’s going to be more of an emphasis
pets than for themselves, including expensive In medium-sized practices, likely it’s the on fees, and a willingness to downgrade
treats or a custom bed. So start to think about head technician or an office manager who’s your service for a lower price. You can
your merchandising within your showrooms going to recommend to the owner that you be be doing a totally wonderful job and lose
Because the millennials are saying, “these are their service provider. Changes are difficult. because someone else has come in with a
our first kids,” so they want to spoil them. r They’re not going to change just because you lowball bid. r
56 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
Rat Pack Glamour
The closing reception and dinner for the ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition,
April 18-21, 2018, drew people dressed to bring back 1960s Las Vegas, Nevada, style.
Many attendees packed
gowns and fedoras, in-
cluding (far right) con-
vention Co-chairs Andy
Lopez and Shawna de
la Cruz; (bottom right)
ICCFA Vice President
Mitch Rose, CCFE,
CCrE, and wife Nimia;
and (below) Bill and
Barb Toson, parents of
2018-2019 ICCFA Presi-
dent Christine Toson
Hentges, CCE.
58 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
guished Partner Award. Justin O’Keefe,
Bradford O’Keefe Funeral Homes, Biloxi,
Mississippi, received the Sales Leader
Award. Shirley Johnson, Ivers & Alcorn Fu-
neral Home, Atwater, California, received
the Lifetime Achievement Award. Spencer
Roylance received the Precoa Field Man-
ager of the Year Award.
n THE DODGE CO., Billerica, Mas-
sachusetts, has added Lincoln Plain to its
team of sales representatives. He takes
over the Minnesota and North Dakota
territory from Gregg Bright, who has
retired. Plain has a bachelor’s degree in
mortuary science from the University of
Minnesota and has been in funeral service
for 28 years, 20 of them with O’Halloran
and Murphy Funeral Home, St. Paul,
Minnesota. He also spent many years as a
trade embalmer/reconstruction specialist in
Western Wisconsin.
1.800.443.6343; www.dodgeco.com
n COLDSPRING, Cold Spring, Minne-
sota, has received sustainability certifica-
tion for its operations in Milbank, South
Dakota. It has received Gold-level ANSI/
NSC 373 sustainable production of natural
dimension stone certification. Developed
in accordance with American National
Standards Institute guidelines, the rigorous
and voluntary ANSI/NSC 373 standard
establishes criteria to determine the degree
to which natural dimension stone is ex-
tracted and manufactured sustainably. The
Milbank operation produces Carnelian and
Prairie Brown varieties of granite.
n PASSARE, San Francisco, California,
has released “check writing” and added TAP INTO the dynamic
inventory management. Check writing online supplier network
allows funeral homes to print and manage Optimized. of the ICCFA with the
check payments to vendors for services ICCFA Supply Link.
and cash advance items. This feature will Powered by MultiView,
help funeral homes improve efficiency,
the ICCFA Supply Link
is the premier search tool
streamline check writing for multiple for your industry. All the
locations, and save time for administrative products and services
staff. The feature can be used to prepare you need, all within the
checks for vendors such as casket suppli- supplier network of the
ers, marketing agencies and fluid suppliers,
associaton you trust.
n Dylan Duncan, an emploee of WHITE In 2010, while deployed during Op- Duncan was awarded the Bronze Star Medal
HAVEN MEMORIAL PARK, Rochester, eration Enduring Freedom, the 101st 3rd with the Valor Device. This is the fourth
New York, was honored at a New York Brigade Rakkasans entered into a three-hour highest military decoration for valor. He also
Yankees game. Listening to Kate Smith engagement along the Afghanistan-Pakistan received the Purple Heart for being wound-
sing “God Bless America” has become a border. They took on heavy fire and an ex- ed by an instrument of war in the hands of
7th inning tradition at Yankee Stadium. The plosion from an enemy RPG hit a tree near an enemy.
Combat Wounded Veterans of America and Duncan and another member of his platoon. Following his military service, Duncan
the Yankees have been honoring a veteran Shrapnel entered Duncan’s arm and hand used the Army GI Bill to attend Monroe
during that time. Duncan was recognized and critically injured his assistant gunner. Community College and joined the interment
for his contribution to the nation and fellow He ignored his wounds helped his platoon crew at White Haven Memorial Park, where
members of the 101st Airborne Division, member. Duncan and his unit were able to he says he takes a lot of pride in preparing
known as the Screaming Eagles. medevac his injured friend, saving his life. burials, especially those of local veterans. r
been members of or supported the Conway FPG President and CEO Bob Bukala. Flahiff
Center for Family Business. Funeral Chapels was founded in Caldwell in
n LEGACY FUNERAL GROUP, Hous- 1952 by Charles and Lucy Flahiff. In 1964,
ton, Texas, has purchased Charlie Marshall they expanded west to Homedale with their
Funeral Homes, Rockport and Aransas second full-service chapel, and added a
Pass, Texas. Charlie Marshall built his first freestanding crematory in 1984. Owner and
funeral home in 1949 and died in 2014, General Manager Adam Krause purchased
having asked his family to sell to Legacy. the business from the Flahiff family in 2010
Legacy, which was founded in 1998, has and will continue to work with the firm post-
more than 100 funeral homes and cemeteries acquisition.
Randy, David, Michael and Kevin
in nine different states. n The annual concert in honor of Scott
n FOUNDATION PARTNERS GROUP, Joplin, who is interred at ST. MICHAEL’S
n SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL AND Orlando, Florida, has hired CEMETERY, East Elmhurst, New York, re-
CREMATION SERVICE, Columbus, Mike Bischoff as vice presi- ceived favorable news coverage, including
Ohio, has been inducted into the inaugural dent, business development. a front page article in The New York Times.
class of the Central Ohio Family Business Bischoff has more than 20 The cemetery offered attendees barbecue; a
Hall of Fame by the Conway Center for years of business development lecture by Ed Berlin, who wrote a biography
Family Business. For 20 years, the Con- experience in the funeral ser- of Joplin; and music by Dan Levinson’s
way Center for Family Business has been vices industry. Prior to joining Canary Cottage Dance Orchestra at the
Central Ohio’s resource for education and Foundation Partners, Bischoff concert in honor of the King of Ragtime. The
programming dedicated to the success of was director of strategic ac- Bischoff
Victorian Vaudeville Quartet sang a special
family-owned businesses. To celebrate this counts for Batesville. number at Scott Joplin’s grave.
milestone, 20 of the region’s most success- FPB also has acquired Flahiff Funeral n PARK LAWN CORP., Toronto, Ontario,
ful family businesses were inducted into the Chapels and Crematory, Caldwell and recently elected the following directors:
inaugural class of the Hall of Fame. Inductees Homedale, Idaho. “The acquisition of Andrew Clark, Joseph Leeder, John Ward,
are family-owned businesses with a legacy of Flahiff Funeral Chapels is a great example of Steve R. Scott, Timothy Powers, Winz Mar-
success which have successfully transitioned our strategy to expand our existing networks tina Casagrade, Paul G. Smith and Deborah
to the next generation and beyond, and have in key markets like Southwest Idaho,” said Robinson. r
In memoriam and employees for cemeteries contracted he was asked to address the National Funeral
with SASS. In 1968, he moved to New Directors Association Conference, making him
Thomas J. Gardner Sr. Orleans, Louisiana, to accept a job with the first cemeterian to do so.
Thomas J. Gardner Sr., 90, who in Stewart Enterprises, where he worked as Survivors include a son, two grandchildren,
1985 was elected as president of the national sales director and vice president, two stepgrandchildren, a great-grandchild
American Cemetery Association, pre- and served on the board. After many and two stepgreat-grandchildren. His wife of
decessor to the ICCFA, died Septem- years serving as national sales direc- 71 years, Peggy Gardner, died on November
ber 4, 2017. tor, he changed positions to build and 21, 2017. A visitation and funeral services
He was born in Thomasville, North increase sales in the New Orleans market. were held at the chapel of Mobile Memorial
Carolina and served in the U.S. Army from He served as president of the Louisiana Gardens Funeral Home, Mobile, Alabama.
1946 to 1948. He worked as a cemetery sales Cemetery Association and the Southern Cem- Entombment was in Mobile Memorial Gar-
manager for Southeastern Advertising and etery Association before being elected to lead dens. Memorial donations may be made to the
Sales System, traveling to hire sales managers the ACA. While serving as ACA president, Alzheimer’s Association. r
60 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I C C FA N e w s
o-chairs Mat Forastiere and John Gouch Jr. are looking for presentations for
the ICCFA 2019 Annual Convention, April 2-6, 2019, at the Charlotte
Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. If you have expertise in
a particular area of cemetery, cremation and funeral service, we would like to hear
from you! We are also interested in sessions on marketing, human resources, time
management and the 21st century workplace. Proposal guidelines:
• Include your name, title, company name, address, phone, fax and email
• Include the title and description of your session (approximately 100 words).
Session descriptions should name at least two or three specific skills, techniques COURTESY OF CHARLOTTESGOTALOT.COM
or ideas the attendee will take away from the session. We are most interested in
sessions that share concrete, proven techniques and programs, as opposed to theory or opinion.
• Include a brief bio regarding your experience and qualifications within the industry as well as any speaking experience you may have.
• Include information on which areas of our profession are the intended audience, e.g., cemetery owners and managers, funeral home own-
ers, funeral directors, sales managers, etc.
• Include a list of anticipated handouts.
• Note that we ask that speakers refrain from speaking about prices or other issues subject to antitrust legislation. In addition, we ask that
speakers refrain from any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service.
• Any requests for compensation must be included in your proposal or it will not be granted.
We typically receive many more proposals than we can fit into the program, so be sure to follow the guidelines and clearly explain the value
proposition for attendees.
Submit your proposal by July 10, 2018, to Kirsten Kase, [email protected]. Questions? Call her at 703.391.8402. q
CCFAU 2018 starts July 20-25 at the Fogelman Execu- College of Funeral Home Management
tive Center at the University of Memphis in Memphis,
Tennessee. Designed by top cemetery, cremation and funeral
Dean Todd Van Beck, CFuE
service experts, ICCFAU offers a unique blend of intensive, Too many managers consider “creativity” someone else’s
practical classroom training and continual informal idea-sharing. department. In funeral service, creative management is the key
ICCFAU is considered by many to offer the most compre- to differentiation. You’ll learn Dr. W. Edward Deming’s creative
hensive funeral service education outside of attending a mortu- service management system and its specific applications to our
ary school. There are eight colleges to choose from, each with profession.
courses that combine proven business theory with practical
operational instruction. Among the colleges available: College of International Studies
Dean Jim Hammond
College of 21st Century Services Globalization is making the world a much smaller place in
Dean Glenda Stansbury, CFSP, CC which to live. Are you sure you know how to serve families of
How do you respond to a family who says, “We don’t want a all nationalities and religious backgrounds in your community?
traditional funeral”? You’ll learn how to go beyond tradition with Learn about the funeral customs of all major religions and
innovative offerings and become certified as a funeral celebrant population groups from around the world. q
trained to provide meaningful alternatives to clergy-led services.
62 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
64 ICCFA Magazine “Like” the ICCFA on Facebook & friend “ICCFA Staff ”
I C C FA 2 0 1 8 C O N V E N T I O N
Phyll The Love Withum, Smith & Brown Funeral Directors Life Insurance Co.
Albrecht, Emily Ann (p. 36), Betts, Pat Solutions, Kenner, Louisiana, Louisville, Kentucky,
terson & Mines, Seattle, Washington, [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Gray, Dianne (p. 32), Hospice and Pollock, Justin (p. 39), Core Scientific,
Blevins, Lauren (p. 31), Williams Funeral Healthcare Communications, Nashville, [email protected]
Home & Crematory, Columbia, Tennessee, Tennessee, [email protected] Posie, Walker (p. 48), Posey Funeral
[email protected] Harens, Michael (p. 30), Coldspring, Directors, North Augusta, South Carolina,
Bolton, John (p. 30), Blackstone Cemetery [email protected] [email protected]
Development, [email protected] Higgs, Michael (p. 36), Cave Hill Cemetery, Raphael, Simcha (p. 51), DA’AT Institute,
Butler, Kim (p. 54), The URL Doctor, Louisville, Kentucky, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Hobart, Richard (p. 56), Pembroke Animal Ray, Lance (p. 42), Pierce Chemical, Dallas,
Clock, Jodi (pp. 52), Clock Funeral Home/ Hospital, Pembroke, Ontario, Texas, [email protected]
Clock Timeless Pets, Muskegon, Michigan, [email protected] Rubin, Gail (p. 33), A Good Goodbye,
[email protected] Jorgensen, Mark (p. 38), Global Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Collins, Cate (p. 38), Powerful Journey Recruiters of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, [email protected]
Consulting, Columbus, Ontario, [email protected] Salberg, Lori (p. 30), Johnson Consulting
[email protected] Keller, Chris (p. 28), French Funerals & Group, Scottsdale, Arizona,
Cooney, Kathy (p. 54), Cooney Animal Cremations, Albuquerque, New Mexico, [email protected]
Hospice Consulting, Loveland, Colorado, [email protected] Seyler, Paul (p. 54), Competitive
[email protected] Kandt, Jennifer (p. 39), Nevada State Resources Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana,
Creedy, Alan (p. 48), Creedy + Co., Raleigh, Funeral Board, [email protected] [email protected]
North Carolina, [email protected] Knauf, Roberta (p. 52), Heritage, Shank, Dave (p. 42), Batesville, Batesville,
Czegledi, Jim (p. 33), Toronto, Ontario, Pennsylvania, [email protected] Indiana, [email protected]
[email protected] Lemasters, Poul (pp. 30), Sherbekow, Mike (p. 39), Garfield Refining,
de la Cruz, Damon (p. 42), Cypress College, The Poul Lemasters Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, [email protected]
Cypress California, [email protected] Troyer, Jason (pp. 31, 32, 46), Mount Hope
[email protected] Longmuir, Stephanie (p. 42), Grief Services, Maryville, Tennessee,
Dunn, Stephanie Castagnier (p. 48), First [email protected] [email protected]
Bank, Southern Pines, North Carolina, Ludlum, Marty (pp. 36, 49), University of Wasserman, Brad (p. 39), Implant
[email protected] Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Recycling, [email protected]
Ellis, Coleen (p. 56), Two Hearts [email protected] Watkins, Mike (p. 46), The Signature Group,
Pet Loss Center, Southlake, Texas, McKay, Kevin (p. 39), Mid-States Houston, Texas, [email protected]
[email protected] Recycling, [email protected] Wiedeman, Nicole (p. 54), Dead Ringers,
Engh, Stan (p. 49), Memorial Mortuaries & Monahan, Jim (p. 31), Community Hospice [email protected]
Cemeteries, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Palliative Care, Jacksonville, Florida, Yamasaki, Tyler (p. 52), Parting Pro,
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] r
Gober, Doug (p. 28), Gober Strategic Mooney, Gwen (p. 36), Cave Hill Cemetery,
➤For continually updated meeting listings, go to www.iccfa.com,
click on Events and then go to View Full Calendar of Events.
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