Draft TOR of EIA Study For The Preparatory Survey On The Project For Improvement of Intersections and Plan of Traffic Control Center

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11 April 2017

Draft TOR of EIA Study for the Preparatory Survey on the Project for

Improvement of Intersections and Plan of Traffic Control Center

1. Introduction
This terms of reference is prepared to implement the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study for the
Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of Intersections and Plan of Traffic Control Center
(hereinafter referred to as “the Project”). EIA Study must be conducted in accordance with EPA (Environmental
Protection Act) and EPR (Environmental Protection Rules) as well as JICA guidelines for environmental and
social considerations (2010, JICA).

2. Objectives
The main objectives of the Study are;
1) Task1-Preparation and submission of the Project Brief to the Authority and to the lead agency,
2) Task2-To collect the data of the existing environmental baseline data around the project area for EIA,
3) Task3-To identify and assess potential impacts on physical, natural, and social environment caused by the
4) Task4-To implement field survey,
5) Task5-Impact identification and assessment,
6) Take6-To propose necessary mitigation measures on predicted impacts for the project,
7) Task7-To prepare preliminary Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan for the project,
8) Task8-To assist Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to organize stakeholder meeting and prepare
necessary documents for the meeting; and
9) Task9-To prepare EIA report

3. Study Area
See the attached PDF document.

4. Description of the Project
4.1 Objective
The objective of the Project is to improve seven intersections to reduce the traffic congestion within the CBD.
Seven intersections will be controlled by traffic signals and controlled by traffic control center. Traffic control by
signals assures efficient intersection operation.

4.2 Outline of the project (Under Studying)

Civil Works
1) Traffic Control Center (area is 350m2)
2) Improvement the intersections which signalized and widening (7 places)

5. Scope of Work
5.1 Task1- Preparation and submission of the Project Brief
The Project brief shall be prepared and submitted to the Authority and the related agencies in accordance with the

5.2 Task2-Collection of relevant information

Data listed in the following table, if any, shall be collected and analyzed based on existing data.

Table 1 Baseline data

Items Data
Social Settlement social - Population, Density - Distribution of settlement
Conditions structure - Land use condition - Source of Income
- The poor, indigenous and ethnic people
Economic - Major economic activity
Social - Water supply system - Wastewater collection system
infrastructure - Electricity distribution system - Telecommunication system
and public - Distribution of public facilities (medical facilities, educational facilities, religious
facilities facilities, cultural facilities, tourism spots, etc.)
Land acquisition - Prediction of land acquisition by the project

Heritage - Name and geographical location of approved natural and cultural heritage and proposing
heritages if any
Sanitation -Public health status
- Morbidity of epidemic disease
- Morbidity of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS
Hazard - Pasts and others hazardous items
Natural Protected Area - Information of National Park, Wild life Sanctuary, Reserved forest, mangrove, etc
Environment Topography - Outline of topography and distribution of environmentally fragile spots such as steep
slope, land slide, soil erosion etc.
Geology - Outline of geology, and distribution of environmentally critical areas such as faults, etc.
Hydrology - Outline of hydrological condition
Climate - Statistical data of temperature, precipitation, humidity, and wind
Flora and Fauna - Record of endangered and endemic species of wildlife (plant, mammal, bird, and fish)
Landscape -Outline of landscape
Pollution Environmental - Existing environmental monitoring data if any (air quality, water quality, noise and
quality and vibration, soil contamination, subsidence, odor)
monitoring - Existing environmental monitoring system

Items Data
Legal and Environmental - Environmental standards and regulations related to air quality, water quality, noise,
Institutional standards and vibration and soil contamination (if any)
Aspects regulation - Regulation related to Resettlement and Rehabilitation
- Regulation related to solid waste management (if any)
- Regulation related to working conditions (if any)
Procedure of EIA - Institutional arrangement for EIA implementation
- Law and regulation concerning with EIA implementation
- Procedures of EIA implementation

5.3 Task3- Preliminary assessment

To identify environmental and social items to be examined for implementation of the Project in further study
phase, direction (positive or negative) and magnitude of environmental and social impacts shall be evaluated.
The project description shall be provided from JICA Study Team. For evaluation, existing information and
data collected shall be utilized. The evaluation results shall be summarized by a matrix shown below. This
matrix is based on JICA Guidelines for environmental and social Considerations (2010, JICA). If necessary,
this matrix can be arranged according to Uganda EIA system.

Table 2 Matrix for Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts (Example)

Pre-Construction Construction Operation phase
phase phase
Social Involuntary Resettlement
Local economies(employment, livelihood, etc.)
Water right
Land use and utilization of local resources
Social institutions and community
Existing social infrastructures and services
Poor, indigenous, or ethnic people
Misdistribution of benefits and damages
Local conflicts of interest
Gender and Children’s rights
Cultural heritage
Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS
Public Hygiene
Working conditions (including occupational
Accident and Hazard
Natural Geographical Conditions
Environment Geological Conditions
Soil Erosion
Faunal and Flora
Ground Water
Water Body (River, Lakes, etc)
Coastal Environment
Natural/Ecological Reserves and Sanctuaries
Local Climate
Global warming
Pollution Air pollution
control / Water pollution
Public Soil Contamination
Nuisances Odor

Solid Waste and/or Industrial Discharge
Noise and vibration
Ground subsidence
Note) A+/-: Significant positive/negative impact is expected.
B+/-: Positive/negative impact is expected to some extent.
C+/-: Extent of positive/negative impact is slight or unknown.
(A further examination is needed, and the impact could be clarified as the study progresses)
D: No impact is expected.

5.4 Task4- Field Survey

The following field survey shall be conducted. But survey items may be modified as necessary.
Table 3 Proposed Field Survey
Field survey Location duration Survey items
Air Quality 7 sites (Intersection) 24 hours for one SO2, CO, NOx, TSP, Pb
Measurement (The detailed survey locations including location (1
numbers shall be decided through weekday)
consultation among parties concerned)
Noise and Vibration 7 sites along roads 24 hours for one Average noise level (LAeq(dB)) and
Level Measurement (The detailed survey locations including location (1 vibration level (L10(dB)) per 10
numbers shall be decided through weekday). minutes with traffic volume for 10
consultation among parties concerned) minutes.

Water Quality 2 sites, 2 sample per site Dry season Temperature, pH, color, smell, BOD5,
Measurement (The detailed survey locations including COD, Total dissolved soil (TDS),
numbers shall be decided through Total Suspended Solids(TSS),
consultation among parties concerned) Electric Conductivity (EC), Total
phosphate(T-P), Total nitrogen(T-N),
Oil and Grease, Detergent, Phenol,
Fecal coliform, Total coliform
Roadside Trees Along the Project site Location, Numbers, Species, Height,
Measurement (The detailed survey locations including Diameter, Photography, Ownership
numbers shall be decided through (incl. illegal)
consultation among parties concerned)
Wind speed and 1 location 1 week Wind direction and speed at 10m
direction (if height from the ground level

5.5 Task5- Impact identification and assessment

Kinds and magnitude of possible impacts on social and natural environment shall be examined and evaluated
based on the collected data and information, and field survey results. Impact identification and assessment shall be
implemented by construction phase and operation phase, and be evaluated by rating matrix like the one in Task 3.
Compare and evaluate alternative options, including non-project (zero option) alternative, using multiple criteria

5.6 Task6- Examination of environmental mitigation measures and social consideration

Available mitigation measure to prevent or reduce the negative impacts predictable in the result of assessing
impacts shall be proposed. The proposed mitigation measures shall include method, expected effect, timing, and
institutional arrangement and rough cost. These mitigation measures must be covered all items which categorized

as A-, B-, or C- in the aforesaid matrix.

5.7 Task7- Preparation of environmental management and monitoring plan

An environmental management and monitoring plan for optimal project packages shall be prepared (Including the
cost estimate, implementing/responsibility organization, personal, equipment, items, the number of monitoring
points, detail of locations, methodology, frequency and duration). This plan should be prepared in each of
Pre-Construction phase, Construction phase, and Operation phase.

5.8 Task8- Assistance of a series of stakeholder meeting

A series of stakeholder meetings which will be conducted by the Project executer should be assisted and arranged
in accordance with the guidelines. Tentatively, planned consultation meetings are as follows.
- Stakeholder meeting will be held at least three times,
- Expected number of participants: Approximately 50 persons each meeting
Assistance shall contain sending of invitations, arrangement of the meeting place, preparation of materials,
operation of the meeting, simultaneous interpretation and records of minutes.

5.9 Task9- Reporting

The Contractor shall prepare and submit the following outputs of the work.
Report Number Content
1 Inception Report Five (5)sets in English
2 Progress Report 1 Fifteen (15)sets in English Project Brief
3 Progress Report 2 Five (5) sets in English Result of Field Survey
4 Draft Final Report (Draft EIA Five (5)sets in English and One Result of impact assessment and
Report) (1) set of CD-ROM monitoring plan
5 Final Report (Final EIA Report) Fifteen (15) sets in English and Result of the Stakeholder
One (1) set of CD-ROM Meetings

6. Organization of Study Team

The contractor shall organize a study team consisting of a team leader, social experts and natural
environmental experts who are qualified criteria for environmental impact assessment experts or any
conditions stipulated in relevant laws and/or regulations. The team leader and experts shall have good
communication skills in English. In addition, adequate number of the field surveyors, who have skills for air
quality measurement, noise and vibration measurement, water quality measurement and reconnaissance
survey on natural conditions, and supporting staffs shall be also included in the team.

7. Tentative Work Schedule

The EIA Study will be conducted along with the JICA Study. Overall schedule of the EIA Study is shown
Work Items
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7

Preparation and
submission of the
Project Brief
Collection of relevant
Preliminary assessment
Field survey
Impact identification
and assessment
Take6 Examination of
environmental mitigation
measures and social
consideration measures
Preparation of
management and
monitoring plan
● ●
Stakeholder Meeting
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
Note: IC/R: Inception Report, P/R: Progress Report, DF/R: Draft Final Report, F/R: Final Report

Cost Estimation Form for Environmental Impact Assessment

I.1. Experts & Supporting Staff
Task-1 - Preparation and submission of the Project Brief to the Authority and to the
lead agency,
1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0
2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Task-2 - Collect the data of the existing environmental baseline data around the project
area for EIA,
1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0
2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Task-3 - To identify and assess potential impacts on physical, natural, and social
environment caused by the Project for area development with land readjustment
method which is planned
1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0
2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0

Task-4To implement field survey,

1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0

2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0

Task-5Impact identification and assessment,

1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0

2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0

Task-6To propose necessary mitigation measures on predicted impacts for the project,

1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0

2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Task-7 - To prepare preliminary Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan for
the project,

1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0

2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Task-8 To assist KCCA to organize stakeholder meeting and preparing necessary
documents for the meeting; and
1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0
2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Task-9 Reporting
1 Team Leader/ Environmental Management P erson x day x = 0
2 Natural/Social Environment Expert P erson x day x = 0
3 Supporting Staff P erson x day x = 0
Total Cost I 0 0

Cost Estimation Form for Environmental Impact Assessment


1 Rent car for operational (incld. fuel + driver) C ars x M onth x = 0
2 x = 0
Sub Total II.1
1 Office, computer, printer rent . Etc S et x M onth x = 0
2 x = 0
Sub Total II.2
1 Survey & laboratory analysis of Air Quality Site x = 0
2 Survey & measurement of Noise and Vibration Site x = 0
3 Survey & data reduction of Tree Inventry Line x = 0

Sub Total II.3

II.4 Stakeholders Meetings
1 Public Announcement Kampala x = 0
2 Prepare and holding Stakeholders Meetings - at Hotel where lunch and transport refund would be provided.
Kampala x = 0
3 Record and reporting of Stakeholders Meetings Kampala x = 0
Sub Total II.4
II.5 Reporting
1 Inception Report Set x = 0
2 Progress Report Set x = 0
3 Draft Final Report (5 set ansd One set of CD-ROM) Set x = 0
4 Final Report (5 set ansd One set of CD-ROM) Set x = 0
Sub Total II.5
Total Cost II 0 0

Total Cost I + Total Cost II 0 0

TAX 0 0


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