Hall Ticket Number:: III/IV B.Tech (Regular/Supplementary) DEGREE EXAMINATION

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Hall Ticket Number:

III/IV B.Tech (Regular/Supplementary) DEGREE EXAMINATION

April, 2018 Information Technology
Sixth Semester Bio Informatics
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 60 Marks
Answer Question No.1 compulsorily. (12X1 = 12 Marks)
Answer ONE question from each unit.(4X12=48 Marks)
1. Answer all questions (12X1=12 Marks)
a) Define Bio Informatics
b)What is genome project?
c) List the differences between homology and analogy.
d) What is EST?
e) What is dynamic Programming?
f) Describe Scoring Matrices.
g) What is pair wise alignment?
h) List the secondary databases in bio informatics
i) Describe phylogenetic analysis
j) What is Micro Array?
k) List the names of packages in DNA Analysis
l) What do you mean by commercial software?
2. a) Describe the central dogma of Molecular Biology 4M
b) Discuss about Biological databases and Primary Sequence databases. 8M
3. a) Describe the applications of Bio Informatics. 4M
b) Explain Structure Classification of databases and specialized genome resources. 8M

4. a) Discuss importance of DNA Analysis 4M
b) Explain Dot Plot and Global Similarity algorithm with example 8M
5. a) Explain different approaches to EST Analysis. 4M
b) Describe Smith-waterman algorithm with example 8M

6. a) Discuss about PSI-BLAST? 6M
b) Explain the methods of Phylogenetic Analysis 6M
7. a) Discuss the tools for Phylogenetic analysis 4M
b) Discuss Fingerprints and Blocks of Secondary Database. 8M

8. a) How to analyze gene expression Profile 6M
b) Write applications and tools of Microarray Database. 6M
9. a) Describe the packages of DNA Analysis 6M
b) Explain the differences between intranet and internet packages. 6M


April, 2018 Information Technology

sixth Semester Bio Informatics

1. Answer all questions (1 X 12=12 Marks)

a) Define Bio Informatics?

Ans) Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field of seicnce of collecting and analysing biological data such as genetic
codes(or)Bioinformatics means the computer application in the biological data for the analysis

b) What is genome project?

Ans) The human genome project was a project with a goal to identify and map all the genes of human genome and
of detecting the sequence of nucleotide base pairs that make up human DNA.Its is multiple DNA.

c) List the differences between homology and analogy

Ans) Homalogy analogy

1.it follows divergent evolution 1.it follows convergent evolution

2.species having same sequence 2.species having different sequence but
but different structures same structure
3.having same ancester 3.does not belong to same ancestor
d) What is EST?

Ans) estimated sequence tag is a database

e) What is dynamic Programming?

Ans) In the bioinformatics sequence comparsion,gene recognition,RNA prediction and several hundreds of other
problem use dynamic programming to de reduce the complexcity by dividing into sub-programs

f) Describe Scoring Matrices

Ans) scoring matrix is used for the alignment of the sequence/used to find the consensus sequence from the given

g) What is pair wise alignment?

Ans) pairwise sequence alignment means identify the regions of similarity/finding the consensus sequence.

h)list the secondary databases in bioinformatics?

Ans) prosite,profile,prints,blocks,pfam,identify.

i) Describe phylogenetic analysis.

Ans) phylogentic analysis is the technique of methodically demonstrating family relationship b/w specices.
(or)philogentic analaysis analaysics hereditary molecular differences in DNA sequence to gain information about
organisms evolutionary relationship,result is expressed as philogentics tree.

j) What is Micro Array?

Ans) in DNA spots that are placed on a chip to measure the levels of that spots or genotype multiple regions.
k) List the names of packages in DNA Analysis
Ans) sequencher,vectornti,mac vector

l) What do you mean by commercial software?

Ans)it can be able to supply or purchased which is used by molecular biologists to help analyze,design,research and
document their experiments(mac vector)

2. a) Describe the central dogma of Molecular Biology 4M

2. b) Discuss about Biological databases and Primary Sequence databases. 8M

Biological databases: [2M]
a. Primary databases
b. Secondary databases
c. Structural databases
Primary databases: [4M]
a. PIR
e. NRL-3D
3. a) Describe the applications of Bio Informatics. 4M

a. Microbial genome applications

b. Molecular medicine
c. Personalised medicine
d. Preventative medicine
e. Gene therapy
f. Drug development
g. Antibiotic resistance
h. Evolutionary studies
i. Waste cleanup
j. Biotechnology
(A brief Explanation of above mentioned applications is to be mentioned)

b) Explain Structure Classification of databases and specialized genome resources. 8M

[3 categories 3x2=6M,Specialized genome resources 2M]

specialized genome resources
a. SGD.
b. UniGene
c. TDB
d. ACeDB


4. a) Discuss importance of DNA Analysis 4M

Silent mutations

4. b) Explain Dot Plot and Global Similarity algorithm with example 8M

[Algorithm 6M,Dot Plot 2M]



5.a) Explain different approaches to EST Analysis. 4M

5. b) Describe Smith-waterman algorithm with example 8M


6. a) Discuss about PSI-BLAST? 6M

6. b) Explain the methods of Phylogenetic Analysis 6M

Distance methods:
1.UPGMA method [3M]
2.Neighboring distance method [3M]

7. a) Discuss the tools for Phylogenetic analysis 4M


b) Discuss Fingerprints and Blocks of Secondary Database. 8M




8. a) How to analyze gene expression Profile 6M

Expression profiling provides new information about what genes do under various conditions. Overall,
microarray technology produces reliable expression profiles.[27] From this information one can generate new
hypotheses about biology or test existing ones. However, the size and complexity of these experiments often results
in a wide variety of possible interpretations. In many cases, analyzing expression profiling results takes far more
effort than performing the initial experiments.
Most researchers use multiple statistical methods and exploratory data analysis before publishing
their expression profiling results, coordinating their efforts with a bioinformatician or other expert in DNA
microarrays. Good experimental design, adequate biological replication and follow up experiments play key
roles in successful expression profiling experiments.

8. b) Write applications and tools of Microarray Database 6M

Database Applications
GeneChords Retrieve conserved gene cluster data from a number of microbial genomes as well as perform
searches based on genomic context
GENEVA Catalogues SVGs (segmentally variable genes) in several complete microbial genomes.
HuGE Index Database of gene expression in normal human tissues
Inverted Repeats Finder Public repository of information on inverted repeats in genomic DNA
ORChID The ∙OH Radical Cleavage Intensity Database (∙ORChID) stores hydroxyl radical cleavage data of
DNA sequences
Operons Functional Gene Clusters, Operons with applications to bacterial microarray analys, pathway
reconstruction, functional annotation, and system biology based on graph matching


9. a) Describe the packages of DNA Analysis 6M

9. b) Explain about intranet and internet packages.6M

Intranet packages:-The packages which are used locally with in an area .
There are some restrictions for the access of these packages.

Internet Packages: The packages which are used globally .
There are no restrictions for the access of these packages.


Signature of internal Examiner Signature of HOD,IT


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