Bioinformatics Anna University Question Paper

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S . E (Full time) D E G R E E E N D S E M E S T E R E X A M I N A T I O N S , N O V / D E C 201%^




R € G U L A T I O N S 2008
Time : 3 hr Max Mark : 100
Answer ALL Questions

Part - A { 10x2 = -20Marks.)

1. What the need of bio informatics technologies?

2. What are the structural domain resources?
3. List the three major DNA sequence databases.
4. Give the analogy between BNN & ANN and the functions of their components
5. List out the major steps used in PHMM generation.
6. What is molecular mechanics?
7. What are the important problems in ONA and protein sequence analysis?
8. Give the unique function of promoters.
9. What are the methods used to extract the significant modes of variation from the large
array of time series expression data?
10. How can be the accurate block segmentation achieved?

Part - B ( 5x 16 = 80 M a r k s )

11. (i) How can the secondary resources and associated algorithms be grouped?
Discuss in detail. (12)
(ii) Explain in detail about the need .of bioinformatics technotogies (6)

12. a (i) How can the data be transformed to knowledge? With neat sketch, explain data
warehousing architecture in detail (8)

(ii) Explain in detail about DNA data analysis (S)

b (i) Expiain in detail about protein data analysis (8)
(ii) With necessary diagrams detail about fuzzy system. (8)

13.a. Discuss about comparative model for biological data analysis (16)


b. Detail molecular modeling for biological data analysis (1-6)

14. a.(!) Discuss about fractal analysis in detail (12)

. (ii) Discuss the strategies for motif detection in a protein sequence (4)


b.(i) Explain two dimensional portrait representation of DNA sequences (12)

(ii) Discuss about gene regulation in detail " <4)

15. a Discuss in detail about data analysis for pattern discovery. (1-6)


b Explain Image analysis used in data extraction.

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