9960 MICROCODE VERSION 01-19-99-00/00 RELEASED 01/22/06 Newly Supported Features and Functions For Version 01-19-99-00/00
9960 MICROCODE VERSION 01-19-99-00/00 RELEASED 01/22/06 Newly Supported Features and Functions For Version 01-19-99-00/00
9960 MICROCODE VERSION 01-19-99-00/00 RELEASED 01/22/06 Newly Supported Features and Functions For Version 01-19-99-00/00
1. Common
2. Mainframe System
3. Open System
3-1 Inquiry Page83 Updated
Description Inquiry Page83 for DKC410I/415I has been updated as follows:
1. With System option mode 140 ON and system option mode 293 ON the descriptor of Identifier
Type = 3 will be added.
2. System option mode 140 ON and system option mode 293 OFF, the descriptor of Identifier Type
= 3, 1 will be added.
3. With System option mode 140 OFF and system option mode 293 ON, no change.
4. With System option mode 140 OFF and system option mode 293 OFF, no change.
(1) BUSY Response when Tru64/OPEN VMS I/Os w/ & w/o Tags
Item Description
Contents Busy response sent with a Tru64/OPEN VMS connection while issuing I/O with and without
tags simultaneously.
Conditions The problem occurs with all the following conditions met.
Tru64/OPEN VMS connection,
The host issues I/O with and without tags simultaneously.
Category OPEN