Hardware Activity L1&2 2 - ICT Homework 3

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Input, Process & Output Devices

Name: Sol Class: 9h

Lesson 1

What is a Computer?

A computer is an electronic device that you could use to search stuff on the internet and can collect data (infor-
mation). You could also use the computer to solve problems and to create programs.

Use the internet to obtain an image, write your own definition of the device and identify/describe/explain how and
where the device is commonly used.

Device How and Where used Input, Output or Stor-

Image Definition
A web camera is a video You use a webcam when input
camera connected to a com- you want to video chat
puter or a webcam can be someone
Web Cam already integrated into the

Its a devise that you have to You use a touch screen input
touch the screen to be able devise wherever you go
Touch screen to use it for example an i pad because a touch screen
device is a touch screen device. devise can be a phone
and you could take your
phone anywhere.

A biometric reader is an This devise can be used in input

electronic device used to an airport to see if you
Biometric scan people fingers. have the same fingerprint
Reader as your passport.

The motherboard is like the It is used in every single input and output
body of a person, everything computer.
Motherboard in a computer is connected
/CPU to it.
It is a devise that copy and It is usually used in offices input and output
digitalise a document or a and places where they
Flat Bed image and convert it into a design stuff.
Scanner file that can be opened by a

Extension Activity: Obtain images, definitions and How and Where used for the following more obscure devices

Device How and Where used Input, Output or Stor-

Image Definition
It is a flat bored that contains it could be used for ex- input
a grid of buttons in which perimental programming
Concept Key- each key can be
board programmed as convenient
for the user

A trackball is a device that It is used as pointer de- input

has ball that you can roll vice.
with your hands to control
Trackball the movement of the arrow
on your laptop screen .

It is a scanning device that its used to capture hu- input

can see where the pencil man data documents for
Optical Mark marks are on special de- example the euromillions
Reader signed documents. (the lottery)

It is a device that recognises Its used mainly in banks input and output
Magnetic Ink characters through the use
Character of a magnetic field.

It is a devise that a person It is used for physically input

wears to puff and suck to disabled people.
Puff Suck select options through the
Switch use of appropriate software
in a computer.
Lesson 2

1. Identify whether each of the devices above are an input or output device.

Storage Devices

2. Research some storage devices and complete the table below.

Device How and Where used Input, Output or Stor-

Image Definition



Find the capacity of different types of storage devices and where they are suitable to use.

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