prim 4 E
prim 4 E
prim 4 E
4th.Primary - 1st.Term2024/2025
Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﺳﻤﻴﻦ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.أ-ﺟﺮوب ﻓﺮﻳﻖ أﺻﺪﻗﺎء اﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ
First Axis - (The role of ICT in our lives) Some types of computer:
Lesson 1: Explorer in Action 1-Personal Computer (PC)
Albert Lin is an archeologist that thinks of “how to explore 2-LapTop
the archeological sites without digging (drilling)” 3-Smart phones (iPhone and the tablet)
There are different types of technology that enables Computer units are also divided into two parts:
archeologists to explore (where to dig and what they will A. Hardware.
Different Types of Technology: B. Software.
Tools under the ground Computer units are divided into two parts:
1-The GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar): is a way to find the A. Input devices. B. Output devices.
buried objects underground. 1. Input devices 2. Output Devices
2-The Magnetometer: is a device that measures the magnetic Allow input of Display image, video
under the ground. Keyboard text - Letters Screen visual information:
Tools above the ground and numbers. text,
3-The GPS (Global Positioning system): a means of locating Text in Braille for blind
something. Mouse or
interaction with
Way convert letters
4-Satellite: is used to take pictures of different places, as well and select Braille
Touch into
as for communications. information. terminal
screen prominent symbols
5-Drone: is used to take picture of the different places. that can be read by
You don't have to be a scientist or archaeologist or even an touching.
adult to be able to use technology Allow input of
Allow output of audio.
Microphone audio - Sound Speaker
and music.
Lesson Three: Computer Components Allow input of
Allow non-verbal to
The Computer: is an electronic device that receives the data images. Speech
Camera speak
Images or Synthesizer
and transforms it into information. Audio
You can use your computer to write documents, send e- Allow input of
Allow output of text
mail, play games, surf the internet. Scanner text and images Printer
and images on paper.
from paper.
You can also use your computer to edit or create
spreadsheet, presentation and even video.
2 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025
Lesson Four: Software and operating system
we do many things with our devices, we play games, write
notes and go on the internet. But how does this all happen?
Assistive Technology Function
Computer components are divided into:
1- Hardware: It is the touched parts that make up a computer
Enlarge everything on computer
and it is divided into input units, output units, and the central
processing unit. Screen magnification
Allows people with poor vision or
The Central Processing Unit )CPU( is responsible for / zoom
visual impairment to interact with
processing and controlling data and converting it into software
computer, read digital /e-book, e-
information that it sends back to the operating system.
2- Software: - It helps the user to do the tasks he needs
Software includes Help people with speech and
a) Operating System: Responsible for running the computer Alternate language disabilities to
and helping the user to run various programs, such as communication communicate. Example software
Windows. software turns text to speech and speech to
b) Programs and applications: such as presentations - word text.
processor - Google Chrome browser - gaming applications
Hearing Aids Help people with hearing troubles.
Lesson Five: Support people of determination
Para climbing tools allow climbers
People of determination: are people who could not do Sporting tools
with limb difference.
something or found difficulties to do something.
The assistive technology: The technology that helps the Footballs that make a
for blind people
people of determination to do difficult things. noise
Albert Lin:
He has a limb difference but he didn't let that stand in the ، Hand bike that has 3 which powered by hands and also
way of his success. wheels Running blades
Stephen Hawking:
physicist who used the robotic chair to move, and was
equipped with a system that enables him to speak.
3 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025
Lesson Six: common problems and solutions Lesson Seven: Data collection, analysis, and
graphic representation
: Technology tools, such as a PC, laptop, or tablet, help you 1) Collecting data: common sources to collect data are
D o the tasks that assigned to you by your teacher Books and articles (digital or print)
Search for information on the internet Records (such as logs and reports)
Writing reports and assignments using word processing Surveys
software Use it in games Experiments
It's very important to certain the information you
Problem Solution collected is accurate and always be sure to use sources
1. Restart computer and try again can be trusted.
1. App won't 2. Check software updates. 2) Analyzing data:
open 3. Uninstall and reinstall the app. When you analyze data, review your findings. Then
4. Ask your teacher or family for help. interpret what findings mean.
1. Make sure you connect the mouse cable to
2. The mouse correct place in the motherboard and restart
The best way to interpret a lot of data is to look for trends
cursor your device. in information.
isn't working 2. Replace the mouse 3) Graphing information:
3. Ask your teacher or family for help. Common graph is bar / column graph
1. Check Downloads folder. Bar / column graph: clearly present and compare
3. You can't find If you looking for word file, look in Documents
folder. different categories of information.
a If you looking for photo, look in Pictures folder. You can draw graphs on paper or make them on
file 2. Use Search box next to start button. computer using software like excel.
3. Ask your teacher or family for help. 2) The "Excel" program: is a program from the Microsoft Office
1. Press and hold "Ctrl + Alt + Del" buttons group to sort and analyze your data in tables or charts
4. Your screen together.
2. Try to power off computer and restart. 3) To open the "Excel" program:
3. Ask your teacher or family for help. Start All Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel
1. Make sure you connect the keyboard cable to 4) The home page components:
5. The keyboard correct place in the motherboard and restart 1-Title bar 2-Menu bar 3-Tool bar 4-Excel sheet
isn't your device. 5) The excel sheet contains:
typing 2. Replace the keyboard
3. Ask your teacher or family for help.
1-Rows 2-Columns 3-Cell
6) The cell: is the intersection between the row and the column
Insert your data in the excel sheet
4 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025
Second Axis - (Digital safety and securityprecautions ) your information; So check the site you are downloading
Lesson 2: Online dangers and how to be safe the files from.
There are many ways to communicate via the Internet, such as Lesson 3: How to search on the Internet?
using computers, phones, and tablets. Posting information on the Internet:
You can communicate with your colleagues, through : - When you want to publish information about your friends on
instant text messages, e-mails, direct messages, and Make social networking sites and mention them in your posts
chatting through discussion forums. sure to ask their permission first, as this will show that you
You should pay attention: There are some people who - respect their privacy.
communicate via the Internet for bad purposes , or with the Tag : is the identification of a person in )post or photo .or a
aim of stealing your personal information, and make sure you video clip)
know the identity of the person you are talking to online. This hashtag or mention includes a link to that person's profile
If you come into contact with an unkind person online, you So you have to make sure that the person you are referring to ؛
can block them from contacting you. does not object to it
If you block Block someone, you won't be able to do this the
person who communicates with you or see your account Before publishing any post, ask yourself the following
Be careful and do not click on links whose content you do question:
not know. 1- Is the content of this publication good?
Sharing data and information on the Internet: 2- Does it harm anyone?
Do not share your personal information online without the If you are not sure about it, do not post it
consent of your teacher or family. Crediting Others: When you are looking for information to
If you share your personal data on the Internet, you may publish on the Internet or for inclusion in a Power Point
receive spam and unsolicited messages PresentationIt is important that Document the source of the
Spam messages: They are unwanted messages to advertise a information you share and mention theowners. By mentioning
product or obtain information from you and may contain the source of the information, you are telling others that this
viruses or unknown hyperlinks. information is Ownership of the owner of the source
Note : Spam may include a title , unknown electronic links , or individual or company( and its preference belongs to him(
texts written in capital letters. Respecting the law:
Download files: You can save and download the files you - Whether you are publishing information on the Internet or
want while you are using the Internet; To be able to open it at a researching topics, make sure to respect the law. Do not go
later time without need to connect to the Internet. to prohibited sites that publish inaccurate or harmful topics.
Think carefully before you download any file. Some of
them contain viruses that may harm your device or track
5 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025
Positive effects of using ICT Negative effects of using ICT Search Results:
A list of results is collected and displayed as a result of
View the news with one Maybe you see something on the search process.
click of the mouse the Internet that annoys you Lesson 6: Who can help you solve your problems while
download videos and You may feel tired in your using the Internet?
photos, to your device, and eyes or a headache as a result Internet bullying and how to stop it
watch them whenever you of using electronic devices
want Bullying: When one person behaves badly towards another
Communicate with your Some people rely on Google to person, repeatedly
friends and family find answers to all their Bullying can include:
members wherever they questions
are anywhere in the world texts messages posts
Lesson 4: How to search on the Internet? A bully can share these posts, messages, or texts with you
Smart Search: alone or with others, and it is difficult to escape from this type
Type long sentences when searching for better results. of bullying
If you are looking for information about a specific image, Always be careful not to communicate with unknown people
you should use the image instead of the word you are For you, and to inform your guardian of any situation that you
searching for by pressing the Google Camera button and may be exposed to so that he can help you
entering the image.
Identity theft on the Internet
Add the (+) symbol before the word you enter to ensure
It is possible for a person to steal your identity or the identity of
that your search is covered.
Add the symbol (-) before the word that you do not want to a member of your family via the Internet , and at that time the
include in your search. thief can use your personal information and can access your
If you are looking for a specific sentence, put it in quotation accounts on social networking sites, your home address, e-
marks " " to shorten the results. mail, or phone number
Internet Browser: Lesson 7: Personal Digital Security Plan
It is a program used to browse the Internet. Create strong passwords :
Search Engine: It is important to have strong passwords, if they are easy to
A program used to access information on the internet such predict, some people hackers , computer hackers may be able
as to access your computer or the Internet, and this is what is
known as piracy or hacking
6 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025
Do not use one password to access all your accounts, if Lesson 8: Practicing what you learned
someone knows your password, He will be able to access all Researchers or explorers prepare digital reports on the
of your accounts subject of their study using:
It is difficult to remember many passwords, so use a
password management system or prepare a list of these Advertising video clips Presentations with
words and keep them in a safe place posters powerpoint
1- Power point program
Consider the following to create a strong password : A program produced by Microsoft, whose task is to prepare
presentations through presentation slides
To include The password should The password It is a great way to present your ideas to others, as you can
letters and consist of eight does not include make your texts great usingword art . Add text and images to
numbers characters your name or any your presentation fun……… sound effects to it
7 Prepared & Designed by/ﻳﺎﲰﲔ ﺷﻌﻴﺐ.ﺃ-ﺟﺮﻭﺏ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﺃﺻﺪﻗﺎء ﺍﻟﻜﻤﺒﻴﻮﺗﺮ 2024 - 2025