NGA ISO 6974 Manual
NGA ISO 6974 Manual
NGA ISO 6974 Manual
AC Analytical Controls BV
P.O Box 10054, 3004 AB Rotterdam
Innsbruckweg 35, 3047 AG Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Phone : +31-10-462 4811
Fax : +31-10-462 6330
E-mail : [email protected]
Pre-installation Requirements
Pre-installation Requirements
This chapter contains pre-installation procedures for the AC Analytical Controls
Natural Gas Analyzer. Because AC Natural Gas Analyzers are based upon the
Agilent 6890 Series gas chromatograph (GC), make sure your laboratory meets
the environmental, weight, power, and gas requirements as described in the Site
Preparation and Installation Manual for the Agilent GC. This section contains
gas requirements, physical requirements, electrical requirements, a pre-installation
checklist for the AC Natural Gas Analyzer, and a record form.
Gas Requirements
Gas Purity
Some gas suppliers furnish “instrument” or “chromatographic” purity grades of
gas that are intended specifically for chromatographic use. We recommend only
these grades for use with Agilent GC detectors.
Only very low ppm levels (≤0.5 ppm) of oxygen and total hydrocarbons should be
present in the gas supplies. Oil-pumped air supplies are not recommended because
they may contain large amounts of hydrocarbons. The addition of high-quality
moisture, hydrocarbon, and oxygen traps immediately after the main tank pressure
is highly recommended. Refer to the section "Assembling the Gas Plumbing" of
the Agilent GC Site Preparation and Installation Manual for more information on
using traps.
Table 1-1. Gas Purity Recommendations
Hydrogen 99.995 5 / 75
1When the gas purity is according the recommendation, no filters are needed,
however it might be advisable to install the recommended filters, to avoid any
problems due to contamination.
NOTE It is preferable not to combine the air for valve switching with the air for the FID.
Physical Requirements
• Width - Approximately 2.1 meters (7 feet) for the complete system.
• Height - Approximately 0.8 meters (2 feet 8 inches) for the complete system.
Electrical Requirements
For North America and geographical areas that use 110 - 120 VAC :
• Gas chromatograph: 110 - 120 VAC, 20 Amp grounded service. Please refer
to the Agilent manual for additional information if required.
• All accessories: 110 - 120 VAC, 6 standard 3 prong grounded outlets, the
MAXIMUM TOTAL current requirement for all of the accessories is 7.5
For Europe and geographical areas that use 220 - 240 VAC :
• Gas chromatograph: 220 - 240 VAC, 10 Amp grounded service. Please refer
to the Agilent manual for additional information if required.
• All accessories: 220 - 240 VAC, 6 grounded outlets, the MAXIMUM TOTAL
current requirement for all of the accessories is 7.5 Amps.
NOTE Do not turn on the oven until all electrical and gas connections have been
completed and checked for correctness and leaks.
• For each computer listed above, the following are also required:
- Hard disk drive 1 GB or more, larger disk
allows more data storage
- Floppy disk drive 3.5-inch for software loading
- CD-ROM For software loading
- Mouse Supported by Microsoft Windows
- Printer Hewlett-Packard LaserJet or DeskJet
- Video monitor SVGA or USVGA
• Microsoft Windows NT
• Agilent G2070AA ChemStation revision A.07.01 higher
• Agilent G2071AA ChemStation additional instrument software
NOTE The Agilent G2070AA ChemStation software consists of "core" software plus one
Agilent GC instrument driver (either for the Agilent 5890 Series II or Agilent
6890 Series GC). Each additional Agilent GC requires the Agilent G2071AA
additional instrument software, up to a maximum of three add-ons for four
instruments per system.
NOTE When using Windows NT, the HP-IB card must be of type 82341C and the
Agilent-IO library software must be installed.
Installing the Hardware
Cabling (General)
The Agilent GC communicates electronically with other instruments through
cables. Refer to the section “Connecting Cables” of the Site Preparation and
Installation Manual of the Agilent GC.
• The Agilent 6890 Series GC is connected to the computer via HP-IB or
NOTE If you have additional HP-IB devices (GCs and automatic samplers) connected to
the computer, connect the HP-IB cables in sequential order. Do not connect all
HP-IB cables to a single HP-IB connector. Please refer to the appropriate Agilent
Computer Printer
GC rear side
3 1 Argon carrier
2 Argon reference TCD
5 4
6 3 Argon makeup FID
10 4 Air FID
5 Hydrogen FID
6 Air valves
9 Remote
10 Oven cooling
Column Installation
NOTE AC Natural Gas Analyzers come with pre installed and checked-out columns.
Please refer to the appropriate chapter in the Agilent GC manual for correct
installation of the capillary column.
For operating the various Agilent parts, please refer to the appropriate Agilent
NOTE It is possible that the computer does not start in Microsoft Windows but in MS-
DOS. This is shown with a black screen with a DOS prompt ">". To start
Microsoft Windows from MS-DOS, type “WIN” after the DOS prompt.
2 Insert the AC Report Generator software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
3 From the Microsoft Windows 95 or NT main screen, click the Start icon (bottom
left-hand corner of screen), and select Run....
4 In the Run dialog, select d:setup, and click the [OK] button.
5 The program starts and will ask several questions. Follow the instructions on the
AC Report Generator
AC Report Generator
Installing the AC Report Generator Software
For the various Agilent parts, please refer to the appropriate Agilent manuals.
NOTE It is possible that the computer does not start in Microsoft Windows but in MS-
DOS. This is shown with a black screen with a DOS prompt ">". To start
Microsoft Windows from MS-DOS, type “WIN” after the DOS prompt.
2 Insert the AC Report Generator software disk into the disk drive.
3 From the Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT main screen, click the
Start icon (bottom left-hand corner of screen), and select Run....
4 In the Run dialog, select a:setup, and click the [OK] button.
5 The program starts and will ask several questions. Follow the instructions on the
This section describes the software of the AC Analytical Gas Analyzers. The AC
Gas Analyzers are controlled by dedicated software—the AC Report Generator
integrated with the Agilent ChemStation operational software. Refer to the
appropriate Agilent ChemStation manual for more information.
A standard data base for compounds constants is included. An edit mode allows
you to change the data base; however, the use of passwords prevents unauthorized
use of the data base. Several data bases for different temperatures and pressures
can be created.
The calculation formulas for the physical properties are stored in a data base as
well. This data base can be expanded with customized calculations with the aid of
a separate program.
The AC Report Generator is an external program that can be executed from the
Agilent ChemStation environment. A special menu view is added to the Agilent
ChemStation for this purpose.
This chapter describes the main components and features of the AC Report
Generator for the AC Gas Analyzers that will help you understand this software.
You should know MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and Agilent G2070AA
ChemStation to use the AC Report Generator successfully.
For the various Agilent parts, please refer to the appropriate Agilent manuals.
Creating Reports
The AC Report Generator is started automatically after the analysis and will print
a customized report on the default printer.
NOTE The AC Report Generator can also be used as standalone software for
reprocessing purposes.
The AC Report Generator uses the integration report of the Agilent ChemStation
and a report template file that you create. This template is linked to a data base
file containing a list with compounds and their physical constants and relative
response factors. You specify the template name in the GC method under the
“Runtime Checklist”. The data base also specifies a calibration mechanism that
will be used for the calculations.
Special calculations for gas analysis are implemented in a formula data base. You
can select these calculations in the customized report template. The formula data
base can be expanded with your calculations using a separate program.
NOTE The formulas may not contain iterative constructions. Contact AC Analytical
Controls bv for those calculations.
Short Menus
NOTE These commands are also available in different views of the Agilent ChemStation;
however, do not use the commands in these views if operating with the AC Report
To switch between the short or full menus, select View / 1 Method and Run
Control, then View / Short Menu or Full Menu, and then View / AC Report
What Is a Sequence?
A sequence is a series of instructions that automate the analysis of samples. A
sequence can be used to inject each sample automatically and to acquire and
analyze the data according to the method you have specified for the sample. A
sequence can also include calibration samples to calibrate your system.
When the sequence starts, it will show information on the screen about the sample
to be injected. After pressing the GC Start button, the analysis will be started.
NOTE For full automation of gas analyses with a sequence, you will need a gas sampling
For more information about how to use the sequence editor, refer to the Agilent
multitechnique ChemStation manuals or Help screens.
You are authorized to start the AC Report Generator to set up data bases or report
templatesby selecting Setup / AC Report Generator Setup. Also calibration or
recalibration of the GC method can be performed manually. The latter can be
necessary when creating or editing GC methods.
The next sections describe in detail how to use the AC Report Generator to set up
data bases and/or report templates.
You can create new data bases and/or report templates or switch to a different
Agilent ChemStation instrument.
File View Help
New Toolbar Contents
Open... Status Bar How to use help
Select Search for help on...
Exit About AC Report generator
The AC Report Generator Data Base Menus
The data base window contains information about the physical constants of the
compounds and the way they are calibrated.
File Options View Window Help
New Calibration Toolbar New Contents
Options Window
Open... Convert Status Cascade How to use help
standards Bar
Close Edit Variables Tile Search for help on...
Print... Arrange About AC Report
Icons Generator
Save As...
Protect database/
Enter password
This window displays your report template, and you are able to change it.
File Functions Options View Window Help
New Select Options Toolbar New Contents
Database Window
Open... Select Status Cascade How to
Agilent Bar use help
Close Edit font Tile Search for
help on...
Save Edit report Arrange About AC
field Icons Report
Save As... Add
Protect Add Report
template/Enter header
password items
Store Add special
calibration field
Print Preview
Print Setup...
New Creates a new empty data base or report
NOTE Once a file has been loaded or created, the menus will change to the
corresponding file type (data base or report template).
Toolbar Switches the toolbar On or Off
These menu commands give you online assistance when operating the AC Gas
The Calnr area is used as a reference number to the calibration table of the GC
method. Each compound must be entered in the GC calibration table and must
have the Calnr in the Grp field. This will identify the peak in the calibration and
link it to the data base.
The Compound area is shown in the report template when selecting a compound
for the report. Each compound must be assigned to a signal group. This is a
number entered in the Signal area. For each signal group, one compound must be
marked as Absolute Compound. This area can be checked or unchecked by
clicking the area or pressing the space bar. You must calibrate this compound for
the Absolute Response using an external standard. You can enter a value here or
do this automatically using a calibration level. Refer to the section “Calibrating
Data Bases” for more information.
NOTE The signal numbers are renumbered automatically after a calibration analysis.
The Absolute Response area can also be entered as a formula. Start the field with
an “=” sign. The formula can consist of standard operators such as:
* : multiply by
/ : divide by
+ : add to
- : subtract from
area[calnr] : The integration area of the compound with
calibration number calnr.
mol[calnr] : The unnormalized mol percentage of the compound with
calibration number calnr.
NOTE When referring to mol percentages of other compounds, these compounds must be
able to calculate the mol percentage.
The Relative Response area is used in combination with the Signal area. The
integration area of the compounds in the same Signal group will be multiplied
with the Absolute Response of the Absolute Compound and the Relative
Response factor. This final result will be the molar percentage of the compound.
Relative response factors can be found in the appendixes. They depend on the
type of detector used.
The Metering constants area is where the physical constants of the compound
can be entered. Make sure you enter the constants in the appropriate units. It is
possible to add new physical constants to the area for user calculation purposes.
Refer to the section “The Formula Editor.”
NOTE Many physical constants can vary depending on the units used or the conditions
(temperature and pressure) under which they were determined. When editing a
data base, you must be aware of this because this can influence the outcome of the
New Creates a new empty data base or report
Save As... Saves a new data base on disk and names the
data base
NOTE There can be an unlimited amount of data base files. This is only limited by the
amount of disk space available.
Toolbar Switches the toolbar On or Off
These menu commands can organize the display of your windows (data base and
report template windows). For more information, refer to the manual supplied
with Microsoft Windows.
These menu commands give you online assistance when operating the AC Gas
Note This operation should be performed before editing the data base.
The Name area lists the name of the physical constant. The Unit area lists the unit
of measure of the constant. The Variable area lists the internal name of the
variable. This name can be used in the formula data base for calculations.
Note Do not change these names without changing the formula data base. Never change
the names Compressibility, MolWeight, and Density because these are used for
the calculations of the weight %, gas vol %, and liquid volume %.
The Decimals area lists the precision of the variable, and the Max area lists the
maximum allowable value you can enter for the constant.
When you click the [Add] or [Delete] button, constants can be added or removed
from the table. The constants will always be added to the end of the table.
The report can be set up for one or more pages. Each page contains a number of
lines and a number of characters per line depending on the chosen font size.
A caret refers to the current position on the report page. Each object can be
selected by clicking it with the mouse button. The text will show up as white text
on a black background. Pressing the Delete key will remove the object. To move
an object, click it with the right mouse button, drag it to another position, and then
release the mouse button.
Some areas in the dialog can be converted with small calculations. The standard
operators that can be used in such areas are: multiply by (*), add to (+), subtract
from (-), divide by (/), natural logarithm of x
(Ln(x)), and the inverse natural logarithm of x (InvLn(x)).
2 Select Report template file from the dialog box, and click the [OK] button.
3 Select Functions / Select Database name, select the appropriate data base file,
and click the [OK] button.
4 Click with the left mouse button in the top left area of the report template window
to position your caret.
6 Select a header item (e.g., Data File Name) from the Report option area, and
click the [OK] button.
7 Repeat steps 4–6 for every item you want to include in your report.
8 Select a position with the left mouse button to add a section below the header
items, containing some calculations.
10 Select a calculation (e.g., Ideal density of gas) from the Type area, and click the
[OK] button.
11 Repeat steps 8–10 for every calculation you need to include in your report.
12 Select a position with the left mouse button to add a list of compounds with the
concentrations to the report.
15 Select the concentrations to be displayed and other fields by checking them in the
Check area.
17 Select a position below the last compound name in the template to add a line with
the totals of each column in the compounds list.
19 Select the same concentration areas as in step 15, and enter in the name field a
width of approximately 46 to align the columns better.
23 Now directly click a compound name from the list box, and enter a “+” sign.
24 Repeat step 22 for all compounds, but do not put a + sign after the last compound.
27 Select the first line in the template to add a user text at the top of the report.
30 Type the necessary text (e.g., Customized report) in the Name area, and click the
[OK] button.
NOTE There can be an unlimited amount of report template files. This is only limited by
the amount of disk space available.
Select Database Connects the report template with a data base
NOTE This will erase the contents from the report template.
Edit report field Opens the appropriate dialog for the selected
field on the report template
Options Sets the number of pages of the report
template and an option to report to comma-
separated file format (CSV)
Toolbar Switches the toolbar On or Off
These menu commands can organize the display of your windows (data base and
report template windows). For more information, refer to the manual supplied
with Microsoft Windows.
These menu commands give you online assistance when operating the AC Gas
NOTE Multiple compound objects can be created only if the dialog is entered through
Functions / Add compounds.
The Name area lists the name of the compound. It can be used to change the
default name from the data base. The Formula area can be used to enter a simple
calculation. The standard operators that can be used are: multiply by (*), add to
(+), subtract from (-), divide by (/), natural logarithm of x (Ln(x)), and the inverse
natural logarithm of x (InvLn(x)).
NOTE Make sure that your calculation equation is legal and does not contain unknowns.
The result will otherwise be reported as “E304” during calculations.
The results of the compounds can be obtained by first clicking in the Formula
area, then entering an operator, and clicking the necessary compound. If the
Formula area is empty, an operator is not required. A string will be added to the
Formula area such as “C[10].” The number refers to the calibration number of the
compound. You can also type in “C[10]” instead of selecting it. The formula
calculation will be performed on the concentrations that are checked in the Check
The Add Column Header area adds a descriptive text at the top of the selected
compound objects explaining the columns. This area will be disabled when an
existing compound object is being edited.
The Field area lists what properties can be displayed for a compound. You can
select a property by checking the Check area of the field. The Width area
specifies the width of the column field to be used. This is expressed in the number
of characters and is an approximation depending on the type of font chosen. The
Decimals area sets the number of floating point decimals for the concentration
and area fields.
You select the required feature in the Report option area. The Tabstops area can
be used to specify the width of the columns. A default value will be used
automatically. The column widths must be separated by a comma. For example
“15,20” sets the width of the first column (the name of the feature) to 15
characters and the second column (the result) to 20 characters.
Each calculation object consists of three fields: its name, the calculated value, and
the unit of measure in which it is expressed. The widths of the fields can be
altered in the Tabstops area, but a default will be used automatically. The result is
formatted to the specified number of floating point decimals in the formula data
base. You cannot, therefore, alter that here.
You can select the required calculation in the Type area. The Name and Unit area
are set automatically with the appropriate name and unit of measure, but you can
change them anytime.
A variable will be set in the Formula area. This variable can be converted to
another unit of measure or value by editing the Formula area. You can use the
standard operators for this purpose (+, -, *, /, Ln, and InvLn). You can even use
other variable names when multiplying variables.
Example: The real density of a gas mixture is the ideal gas density divided by the
compressibility of the gas mixture. Entering “DGas/Zmix” in the Formula area
can perform this.
The total to be displayed and printed pages can be set with the Number of Pages
area. You will not lose the objects on the second page if you accidentally set the
number of pages to 1. Simply set the number of pages to 2 again, and the objects
will reappear.
Check the Spool results to CSV file check box to create a “REPORT.CSV” in
your data directory. This is a special comma-separated file format with the results
of your analysis. The file can be read into Microsoft Excel or other programs
using an import filter for comma-separated file format.
Each report object is entered in the file as a separate line. The order that the lines
will be arranged is in the time order that you created the objects to be in the report
template. Once you have created the template, the order will stay the same;
however, as soon as you alter the contents of the template, the order can change.
Setting Up a GC Method
What Is a ChemStation GC Method?
In the Agilent ChemStation, an analysis is performed by running a method. This
can be done either by running a sequence for multiple sample analyses or by using
the start run option for a single analysis.
The Agilent ChemStation creates two report files on disk when the analysis is
finished. The AC Report Generator uses these files for its calculations. Therefore,
several settings of the GC method are required to work with the AC Report
Creating a GC Method
To create a GC method, you should enter several requirements. In the next
section, a full explanation is made about the requirements. There are, however,
more options available in the dialogs. For more informa-tion about these, please
refer to the Agilent multitechnique ChemStation manuals.
Figure 3-10. The Specify Report dialog box of the ChemStation method.
Some items must be set or selected to operate correctly together with the AC
Report Generator. Set Calculate: to “Norm%”, Based On: to “Area”, and Sorted
By: to “RT” in the Quantitative Results group. The Report Style: area must be
set to minimal on “Short”.
In the Default Calibration Curve group, make sure that the Type area is set to
“Piecewise” or “Linear”.
Figure 3-12. The Calibration Table Options dialog box of the Agilent
ChemStation method.
The RT area lists the retention time. The Signal area lists from the detector. This
area is different from the Signal area in the AC
The Grp area is a unique number. It refers to the compound in the data base with
the same Calnr. The Lvl area lists the calibration level. You can have multiple
calibration standards. Each standard must be assigned to a calibration level. The
Amt mol % area lists the concentration of your standard.
The Post-Run Command / Macro area contains information about which macro
command will be run after the analysis. The AC Report Generator will be run
from the macro “gas_run”, and this macro has a parameter that specifies the name
of the report template file. Figure 3-13 shows that the AC Report Generator will
be executed after the analysis and that it will create a gas report based on the
template file “ISO6976”.
The name of an integration method is listed in the Analysis Method for Second
Signal area. This GC method will only be used to integrate the second signal of
the Agilent ChemStation. It does not program the oven and temperature zones. It
Calibration of a gas chromatographic system must be performed on a regular basis
to establish response factors. A gravimetric calibration standard, containing
known amounts of the compounds in it, is used for the calibration.
You should also calibrate if you injected sample in a loop under atmospheric
conditions. The barometric pressure will then influence the total amount of sample
in the loop. For those systems, a day-to-day calibration is required to compensate
for barometric pressure differences.
You need to calibrate all compounds that are checked as Absolute Compound in
the data base editor except for those that are based on a response formula.
You need to create a GC method calibration table containing concentrations for all
those marked compounds. The concentrations must be entered in mol percentages.
If the calibration standards are in weight % or gas vol %, you can convert these by
selecting Options / Convert standards in the data base editor.
NOTE You are allowed to use multiple calibration standards by defining various
calibration levels. But only one-point or linear calibration techniques may be
A special calibration report is created in the AC Report Generator when you open
a standard ChemStation calibration report. This calibra-tion report is a fixed
template, so it cannot be altered. It consists of a list of compounds, their found
concentrations (mol %), the concentrations in the standard, and the difference
between those two. Both values are underlined and displayed in red if the
difference exceeds a criteria specified by the user. Refer to the “Calibration
Options” section.
The absolute response factors found are compared to the factors from the previous
calibration, and if the difference exceeds the user-specified percentage, those
response factors are underlined and displayed in red as well. These new absolute
response factors will be stored in the data base if you are calibrating automatically
via postrun. The specifications can be entered in the data base under the
Calibration Options dialog.
In the Sequence Table dialog box in figure 3-14, you can see an example of how
you can set an analysis as a calibration run. The Cal Level area lists the reference
number for the recalibration table in the GC method. This level contains the
concentration information of the calibration standard. For more information on
this, refer to the Agilent multitechnique ChemStation manuals and Help screens.
5 Enter a calibration level for your standard. If there is only one standard, it will
probably be 1.
6 Check Average option button if the response factors need to be averaged with the
last responses. Check the Replace option button if the response factors can be
8 On the message box “Calibrated peak(s) missing. Update the identified peak(s)”,
click the [OK] button.
10 On the message box “Do you want to remove lines with a zero amount ?”, click
the [No] button. The GC method is now calibrated. The next step is to calibrate
the data base connected to your report template.
15 Now the calibration will be listed on the screen. Select File / Store Calibration.
This stores the response factors in the connected data base.
There are two ways that the program can be used, either automatically with the
postrun option or manually by direct processing.
The Formula Editor is located in the subdirectory “GASPROG” under the Agilent
ChemStation root (usually “C:\AgilentCHEM’). The calculations are stored in the
same directory in the file “RGAFORM.FOR.” You can enter the Formula Editor
dialog by double-clicking the file “FORMEDIT.EXE.”
You can use the natural logarithm to raise numbers to a power. Ln(x) will take the
natural logarithm from “x”. InvLn(x) will reverse this process. For example, “xy
can be expressed as “InvLn( y*Ln(x) )”.
Each compound is stored in the data base. Each percentage and each physical
constant has a unique variable name. To access these variables, a special function
is available called Sigma. The sigma function will summate the result of the
“function” for each compound in the data base.
NOTE You are not allowed to use the sigma function twice in one formula.
For example the “inferior molar calorific value” for the sample is calculated as:
max compounds
Molar Calorific Value = ∑ ( mol * InfCal )
j j
This means it is the sum of the function “mol fraction multiplied with the inferior
heating value” for all compounds. In the data base, this would be entered as
“Sigma(mol% * InfCal)/100”. The factor 100 is to convert the mol percentage to a
mol fraction.
Each calculation result will be assigned to a variable name. You can use these
names again in different formulas.
2 Determine which variables you need for the calculation and how they are named.
3 Proceed with step 5 if all variables are available in the compound data base. See
figure 3-2.
4 Add the necessary variables in the “CONSTANT.CSV” file. Refer to the section
“Editing the CONSTANT.CSV File.”
5 Write down the complete scientific formula in data base notation format (using
operators and the functions Sigma, Ln, and InvLn).
NOTE Make sure that the units of measure of the variables comply with each other in the
6 Split the formula into subformulas if more than one Sigma function is used.
~ o
(t1,V (t 2, p2)) =
o P2
H H (t1) *
R * T2
o o
H (t1) = ( x j * H j (t1)
j =1
2 You need the variables Xj and Hj, which are the mol fraction (mol %) and inferior
heating value (InfCal), and the metering constants P2 (Pres) and T2 (Temp).
The list box area, located in the lower part of the dialog, lists all available
calculations that exist showing you the variable name, the formula name, and the
unit. The calculations are ordered alphabetically on the variable name.
With the [Add] and [Delete] buttons, calculations can be added or deleted from
the list box. The current selected calculation is listed in the other areas where it
can be edited.
The Variable name area lists the name used in the calculations internally. You
can use any character you like; however, avoid the use of numbers and operators
such as *, /, +, and -.
NOTE Do not use variable names that are already assigned to constants variables.
The Order area is very important and specifies the calculation order. This must
be used when a variable is used in the formula, which itself is based on another
formula. The calorific value, for example, means that the “ideal molar calorific
value” will have order number 1 and, therefore, will be calculated first, and the
“ideal volume calorific value” must have order number 2.
The Number Format area lists the formatting string for the calculation result.
The number specifies the number of decimals the result displays.
The Variable Visible check box indicates whether the calculation will be visible
in the report template or not. This is useful if you are using subcalculations and do
not want the user to see them.
If you load a file, then the file can be locked with a password. You can edit its
contents; however, Save and Save As are disabled. First select File / Enter
Password, and type in your password. The Save and Save As commands will be
enabled if the password is correct.
If a calculation requires additional compound information, then you can add this
to the file. The file is in comma-separated format. Open the file with Microsoft
Each character string must be bracketed with quotation marks. Numbers should
not be bracketed.
The first string area lists the name that will show up in the compound data base
editor. The second is the unit of the constant. The third string is the calculation
variable that can be used in the formula data base to reference the constant. The
fourth area lists the number of decimals displayed in the constant in the compound
data base. The last two areas lists the minimum and maximum values of the
NOTE Do not change the order and variable names of the current CONSTANT.CSV file
because the existing compound data bases will contain incorrect information.
Add new constants to the end of the .CSV file on a new line. The maximum
number of constants in the file is 50.
This section describes the operation, configuration, and analysis of the AC
Analytical Controls Natural Gas Analyzer (NGA) ISO 6974. The AC system is
based upon the Agilent 6890 Series gas chromatograph (GC). Refer to the
appropriate Agilent manuals for detailed information on the Agilent GC.
The AC Analytical Controls Natural Gas Analyzer (NGA) ISO 6974 consists of an
Agilent 6890 Series gas chromatograph (GC) optimized for ISO 6974 natural gas
analysis, the ChemStation, and the AC Report Generator software. The AC NGA
6974 determines hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and
hydrocarbons from C1 up to C8. The AC NGA 6974 application complies with the
international standard ISO 6974 for natural gas analysis. The application incorporates
a high level of automation: the dedicated software controls all events within the
system, performs calibration, and reports the calculated physical properties and the
individual components’ concentrations of the natural gas streams.
Natural gas is a major energy source for domestic, commercial and industrial
customers. It can be used within change to its composition as found in the gas
reservoir. Natural gas generally consists of methane and other saturated
hydrocarbons and some non-flammable gases. Analysis of natural gas is required to :
Figure 4-1 to
Figure 4-5 illustrates the flow diagram, the column positions, the chromatogram, the
data base and the report for the AC NGA 6974.
Table 4-3 to Table 4-7 shows the typical concentration ranges, comparison of
specifications, retention time repeatability, column descriptions, used valves,
positions, description and part numbers for the columns, the valves used in the
instrument, standard possible calculations, conversion factors, GC method setpoints
and the runtime table for the AC NGA 6974.
Column 1 Column 2
Front Inlet (Argon)
Front Detector
V2 V3 V4
1 1 1
2 6 2 6 2 6
Gas sample in V1 5 3 5
3 5 3
4 4 4 Back Detector
1 mL
Gas sample out
Column 2
Column 1
Table 4-3. Description and Part Numbers for NGA ISO 6974
Column Description Part No. for Maximum
Replacement temp °C
1 2 m x 1/8 in., HayeSep R 10.70.103 250
(80–100 mesh)
2 3 m x 1/8 in., Molsieve 13X 10.70.102 375
(80–100 mesh)
Sequence of Analysis
Elution column 2
Elution column 1
Figure 4-3 illustrates the chromatogram produced on an AC NGA 6974 system for a
natural gas sample analysis according to ISO 6974. Table 4-1 shows the typical
concentration ranges of the components analyzed.
TCD1 B, (D0831\SIG10002.D)
18.119 - Neopentane
19.685 - n-Pentane
16.249 - n-Butane
19.263 - i-Pentane
15.602 - i-Butane
5.486 - Methane
22.689 - n-Hexane
8.452 - Carbondioxide
4.311 - Nitrogen
9.416 - Ethane
12.515 - Propane
3.498 - Oxygen
0 5 10 15 20 25 min
The AC Report Generator defines many calculations for the analyst according to
methods such as ASTM D 2421, D 3588, ISO 6976, and GPA 2172. In addition to
these, you can add your own calculations. Table 4-5 shows the standard available
To reduce operator involvement, the software contains a standard data base (see
Figure 4-4) for components’ constants and formulas. A user-friendly edit mode
allows authorized users to edit the data base. The AC Report Generator software
includes several standard report formats, and you can create customized reports
easily. Table 4-6 illustrates some conversion factors for the units of the results.
The AC NGA ISO 6974 uses the AC Report Generator fully integrated with the
multitechnique ChemStation in a Microsoft Windows environment to control all
GC functions. This integrated software package automates all aspects of the
calibration, the gas analysis through customized data reporting. Refer to chapter 3,
“Understanding the AC Report Generator,” for more information about operation.
Oxygen is in the database but will not be reported. Oxygen is used as a correction
factor for sampling errors.
Conversion of the gross heating value from Btu/lbm to KJ/mole can be done with
the equation:
. kJ / btu
g / mol M r
1btu / lbm = value * * , KJ/mole
R *T
1 MJ / m3 = value * , KJ/mole
Mr : Molweight in g/mole
P : the pressure 101.325 Pa
R : 8.31448 J/mole.K
T : 288.15 K
For the ISO 6974 application, the following files are supplied:
NOTE The calculations of the ISO 6974 method are based on ISO 6974. The
ISO6974.RDB data base contains constants taken at a temperature of 15°C (288.15
K) and 1 at (101,325 Pa). Therefore, the calculations are based on this temperature
and pressure. If calculations are required for a different temperature, create a new
data base and report template.
Use the ISO6974.M GC method for analyses of your calibration standards and
samples. The AC Report Generator starts automatically after the analysis. The special
customized report is used for the final results.
Figure 4-5 shows the customized report for the ISO 6974 method. For information
about the GC method, refer to the Method description at the end of this chapter.
The Report Generator software calculates the results. The system has to be calibrated
as follows :
Reprocess a complete data file with the updated response factors and calibration
table and check the results with the concentrations on the label of the gas cylinder.
ISO 6974
Calculation results:
Real relative density of gas 0.6812
Real wobbe index (superior) 44.51 MJ/m3
Real superior cal. value 36.73 MJ/m3
Real inferior cal. value 33.19 MJ/m3
Compressibility of mixture 0.9976