Odor Online

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The key takeaways are that international and German standards recommend chromatographic methods and ODOR on-line systems for measuring odorants in gas. Online monitoring provides the greatest safety and oversight of odorant concentration in gas networks.

According to the passage, the recommended method for measuring odorants in gas is the chromatographic method described in international standard ISO 19739 (ISO 6326 T2) and the German standard DIN 51 855-7-GC. Using the ODOR on-line measurement system is expressly recommended by DVGW in Germany.

Some benefits of online monitoring for odorant concentration mentioned are that it is the safest and simplest method for maintaining an overview of concentrations in networks. It also ensures the greatest safety by enabling remote transmission and alarm checks.


c o m m ended
l s t a n dard, r ants in gas
tiona odor
I n t e r n a o r m e a s u ri n g
met hod

ODOR on-line
Extra safety
through odorization control
and process monitoring

International standard ISO 19739 (ISO 6326 T2) and

the German standard DIN 51 855-7-GC describe
this chromatographic method of measuring and de-
termining odorants in gas. In Germany using ODOR
on-line is the method expressly recommended by
DVGW (German technical and scientific association
for gas and water) in their worksheet G280.

Therefore using the ODOR on-line measurement

system for odorization control provides the greatest
possible safety and the best possible audit record.
Online monitoring

Online measuring

In gas networks of a suitable

type continuous, automatic
measurement of the concentra-
tion of odorants is the safest,
simplest method of maintaining
an overview of odorant concen-
tration in the network. In many
cases, e.g. where the gas has
already been odorized by the
previous supplier or the gas is
odorized centrally at only a few
stations, the automatic measuring
technology ensures the greatest
safety by enabling remote trans-
mission, checks on the alarm etc.
The construction of the analyser
as a fully automated gas moni-
toring system cuts the opera-
tional costs and the maintenance
effort to the absolute minimum.

Quality control ODOR on-line

Alkyl sulphides

The total sulphur content in

unodorized natural gas for gas
storage facilities is examined.
All odorants
The required parameters are
All types of gas
concentrations of alkyl sulphides,
mercaptans and H2S, and the
SCENTINEL E Natural gas
concentration of carbonylsulfid
SPOTLEAK 1009 Coal gas
(COS). ODOR on-line fulfils this and others
Liquefied petroleum gas
requirement too.
The DIN 51624 standard deals Whichever odorant is used, the Gas-air mixtures
with the total sulphur content gas chromatograph ODOR on-
in natural gas used as fuel at line is suitable for monitoring all ODOR on-line can be used to
natural gas filling stations (CNG). common odorants and odorant control odorization in all types of
Here too ODOR on-line can be mixtures. gas: natural gas, liquefied petro-
used for taking the appropriate The required measuring time leum gas (LPG), coal gas, biogas
measurements. depends on the odorant used. and gas-air mixtures.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) A THT analysis takes approx. 5 In addition it can be used for
used as a propellant for cosmetic minutes. Analysing a mercaptan special purposes, e.g. monitor-
products should be sulphur-free mixture takes about 5 minutes ing biogas plants, gas filling
if possible, and is therefore using the quick method or ap- stations or chemical processes.
subjected to quality control by prox. 10 minutes if the substance All-important here is the fact that
means of ODOR on-line measur- is separated into its individual the measuring device is easy to
ing devices. components. operate and sturdily built.
MOBILE measurement

ODOR on-line
in mobile use

Gas sampling set

Mobile measuring

Installing ODOR on-line into

measuring vehicles is straight
forward. Many service compa-
Contract Measurements
nies have already equipped their
Training programmes
vehicles with ODOR on-line sys-
tems for checking odorant levels
on the spot. The acknowledged know-how of
Used in this way, the ODOR the specialists who work for Axel
on-line provides mobile ISO Semrau is based on around
reference analysis capability. The 30 years experience in odoriza-
measuring process is recorded tion control.
Offline measuring
and verifiable down to the last Well trained service technicians
calibration material. Every step carry out contract measurements
With ODOR on-line, gas sam- can be checked by third parties. in customers networks. Just one
ples taken from elsewhere in This meets all the prerequisites for service a year or every six months
the network can be analysed validity in audits. provides court-proof evidence that
at any time. This is fully in line In addition measuring can be the monitoring of odorant levels
with worksheet G 280 DVGW carried out straight from pump has been checked. Measuring
(German technical and scientific nozzles at natural gas filling sta- odorant levels in the natural gas
association for gas and water) tions by means of receptacle. This network is done on the spot at
which requires measurements to makes it possible to determine the chosen points. Should a vehicle be
be taken close to the end-user total sulphur content according to unable to reach a measuring point,
from time to time. The samples German DIN 51624 as well. it is possible to collect a sample by
are easy to collect by means of hand with the gas sampling bulbs.
gas sampling bulbs. Axel Semrau provides a service
The ODOR control software not only for THT and mercaptan
helps to measure the individual mixtures in natural gas, but also a
samples and manage data on measuring service for LPG.
the results obtained. In addition, the companys range
For taking individual operational of services includes high-class
measurements over a wide area training programmes and compre-
the ODOR handy hand-held hensive maintenance packages for
measuring device offers an its products. Detailed information
outstanding addition to ODOR on training courses is available at
on-line systems. ODOR handy to complement www.axelsemrau.de.
ODOR on-line
Control and data collection

for control, data
collection and
measurement data

Measurement data management

Data acquisition

User-friendly ODOR control

ODOR control, the name of the
software specially developed to Flexible
control ODOR on-line, is a
32-bit Windows application.
The software is very easy to It is possible to export measure-
use and, needless to say, it can ment data (e.g. into Microsoft Safe
multitask. This means that it can Excel) for further processing.
perform all the functions such The method development module
as evaluating the measurement makes it ideally adaptable to Whether used for continuous
data, even while measuring is in the measuring task in hand. monitoring or mobile measure-
progress. Every system is delivered with a ment, ODOR on-lines data
A status screen displays the method which fulfils the specific management system guarantees
chromatogram currently online requirements of the particular maximum data security.
at all times. An assessment of the situation. Should these require- Chromatograms are stored and
sulphur components and compo- ments change, customers can evaluated automatically. An
sition of the gas can be made at easily adjust the method them- automated display of the meas-
a glance. selves. urement data in a format that
Important information such as ODOR control supports measur- conforms to the regulations pro-
the most recent valid calibra- ing methods not only for auto- viding proof at any time that the
tion or the last measurement mated measuring, but also for legal requirements for measuring
result are clearly displayed. measuring tasks done by hand. have been met.
Management of measurement
data allows for the review of
previous measurements. Here
all measurements are archived
in a database. A complete data
record including a chromato-
gram for every measurement
taken is stored. A filter system
with numerous functions fa-
cilitates searches over long time
Method editor Remote data transmission
ODOR on-line technology

System description

Chromatograph for analysing

sulphur compounds according
to the method conforming to
ISO 19739 (ISO 6326 T2) and
DIN 51 855-7-GC for hand-held
or automated operation.
10 ml gas loop for sampling
Connections for sample
gas, calibration gas, carrier
gas and gas outlet, all 1/8
Swagelok Specifications
Fine needle valves and rotam-
eters or mass flow controler to
regulate the flow of gas. ODOR on-line:
Group of solenoid valves (3
solenoid valves) for switching Measurement area: THT 0.1 mg/m3 to approx. 100 mg/m3
from sample gas to calibra- H2 S 0.1 mg/m3 to approx. 100 mg/m3
tion gas and regulating sam- Mercaptans 0.01 mg/m3 to approx. 100 mg/m3
ple injection (can be switched Note: Calibration gases and size of measuring loop adjusted to suit
manually or programmed to specific concentration range
switch automatically). Gas loop: 10 ml, smaller in special cases
Connections: calibration gas, measuring gas, 1/8"(1 bar)
Separation column and (iso-
carrier gas 1/8" (2 bar)
therm) heating for separation
extracted air 1/8"
column, injector for syringe
Carrier gas: air or nitrogen (1 l/h to 30 l/h)
injection of stock solution and
gas samples.
Electrochemical detector,
Signal amplifier: tunable: x1 to x10.000
electronic control of levels
A/D converter: to 19 Bit, 1 Hz to 10 Hz variable
and regulation, supply tank
Linearity: +/- 0.03% for 1/10 FS
0.9 l.
Drift: +/- 50 ppm FS/K
All pipes carrying gas are made Outputs: four relay outputs (30 V switching voltage and 5 A switching current)
of selected adsorption-free three current interfaces (0 - 20 mA, 4 - 20 mA, galvanically decoupled)
A separate PC or laptop is Dimensions: W 56 cm x D 36 cm x H 36 cm
used for control and evaluation. Weight: 14 kg
Communication between ODOR Power supply: 12 V DC, 110/120 V AC, 230/240 V AC
on-line and computer is via an Protection class: IP51
RS 232 interface. Standards: conforms to CE, VDE, ISO 19739 (ISO 6326 T2), DIN 51 855-7-GC

You need a PC with the following minimum configuration:

Pentium, CD ROM Drive, Super-VGA Graphics Card 256 colours 800 x 600, an independent serial
interface, Windows XP. See price list for installation of complete systems.
Specification and construction may be changed at any time and without prior notification.
Axel Semrau is one of Germanys largest distributors of
products and services in the field of analytical instruments.

Since 1981 the steadily growing team of specialists working for Axel Semrau
have been selling and maintaining special solutions for chromatography and
mass spectrometry. Since 2006 Axel Semrau has been selling one of the
most modern laboratory and information management systems on the mar-
The Natural Gas Analysis/Odorization Control division of our business serves
utility companies in the energy industry. Axel Semrau is a leading manufac-
turer and professional consultant for odorization control and sulphur analysis
in natural/liquid gas. The company offers a range of products and services
from an advisory service and measuring technology to calibration gases,
training programmes and measurement commissions as well as service and
maintenance. The company sells these throughout the world via an interna-
tional network of dealers.
Axel Semrau GmbH & Co. KG
Stefansbecke 42, 45549 Sprockhvel, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 2339/1209-0, Fax +49 (0) 2339/6030
[email protected]

The company undergoes regular

external audits. The last inspec-
tion related to the quality of its
technical service to customers
which achieved the mark 1.73 (1
= highest) in a survey conducted
by the TV (independent German
organisation which tests the safety
of technical installations, machin-
ery and motor vehicles).
In May 2008 the Axel Semrau
company was certified ISO
2009 by Axel Semrau 01C01/0209EN

9001:2000 by the international We sense good chemistry ...

certification company DEKRA.
80 % of our workforce have com-
pleted training in science and
technology. We provide them with
continuous training, thus guaran-
teeing a high standard of support
and maintenance.
If desired we adapt our solutions
to suit the customers specific re-

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