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Web Application Development :

An Overview and Introduction to

Web Application Development
Week 1
Content of this Lecture
 Unit overview
 Web applications, architectural patterns and models
 Classic web application model
 A glance at a PHP example
 The Ajax application model
 Ajax component technologies
 A glance at an Ajax example

 Convenor / Lecturer
 Dr Wei Lai, EN510b, [email protected]

 Tutors
 Dr Shibli Saleheen [email protected]

 Dr Rafi Sadat [email protected]

 Ms Naurin Afrin [email protected]

 Consultation times : please make appointment by email

Teaching Materials
 Lecture Slides are available on Blackboard.
 I recommend that you download and print and bring to
 I will use Blackboard for all communication about the

 Weekly lab exercise and check (weeks 2 – 12)
 1.5% for each lab exercises, checked at the end of the lab or the beginning of
the next lab;
 11 labs, capped at 15%

 2 assignments (12%, 18%)

 All individual
 See BB for details

 Final Exam (3 hours : 55%)

 To pass an FSET unit, you must achieve:
 achieve at least 40% in the final exam, and
 achieve an aggregate mark for the subject of 50% or more.
If you do not achieve at least 40% for the final exam, you will receive a maximum of
44% as your total mark for the unit.

Recommended Reading Materials
 PHP/MySQL - Gosselin, Kokoska and Easterbrooks, PHP
Programming with MySQL, 2nd Edition, Course Technology, 2011.
 Ajax – Ullman and Dykes, Beginning Ajax, WROX, Wiley
Publishing, Inc., 2007.
 On-line books / eBooks / hard copies:
 There are many good books on-line, as eBooks, available through the
Library. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/lib/
 Hard copies of the above book are also reserved in the library.

 On-line References:
 Primary references about the Web, Web Servers, PHP, and MySQL are
online: see “Blackboard” resources for some useful links.

 Each student will have an allocated lab (using Allocate +)
 Labs start next week (Week 2) with in-lab exercise
completion check
 Lab marks count (15%) !
 Lab solutions will be released 1-2 weeks after

Web Applications
 This unit is all about how to BUILD web applications
 We will focus on the technologies & techniques used
 We will NOT focus very much on “good interface
design”, although in assignments I will expect students
to produce systems with “decent” interfaces! (I assume
that most, if not all, students, have studied or will study
the unit on “Usability”.)

Practical Work
 This is a DEVELOPMENT unit
 You will only achieve the desired outcomes if you write lots of programs!
 Documentation is also important to help you and others understand the
structure and behavior of your programs!
 You really must do all the practical work, and you really must do the
assignments yourself!
 The assignments are designed to help you learn
 You will have trouble on the exam if you do not do the assignments
 Warning: We will carefully check for unauthorised collaboration on
assignments, with students enrolled in this semester or previous
semesters, and will apply the most serious penalties allowed by the
 Use mercury (ICT server) for assignment work; I have arranged
accounts for all enrolled students
 You can set up Apache, PHP & MySQL on your own PC or Mac –
I will not give you instructions on how to do this, but strongly
suggest that you do it in order to get easy access to a test-bed for
your practical work. Consider using XAMPP – probably the
easiest way to do this. (Just google “XAMPP”)
 Use the BB discussion group to share knowledge about this with
one another – that’s your best bet if you are having difficulties in
getting things to work!
 You can use whatever tools you like – get a good web editor

Provisional Schedule: refer to unit outline
Week Teaching and Learning Activity Student Task or Assessment
1 Feb 26 Lecture: An Overview and Introduction to Web Application
Tutorial lab: None

2 Mar 5 Lecture: PHP1 - data types, operators, functions and Tutorial Lab 1 exercises and Lab 1 completion in-lab
control structures check
Tutorial: Lab 1 - Introduction to Web Application Assignment 1 released

3 Mar 12 Lecture: PHP2 - strings, files, directories and arrays Tutorial Lab 2 exercises and Lab 1/Lab 2 completion in-
Tutorial: Lab 2 – PHP1 lab check

4 Mar 19 Lecture: MySQL and Manipulating MySQL with PHP Tutorial Lab 3 exercises and Lab 2/Lab 3 completion in-
Tutorial: Lab 3 – PHP2 lab check

5 Mar 26 Mar 29 (Thu)-Apr 4 (Wed): Easter Break Tutorial Lab 4 exercises and Lab 3/Lab 4 completion in-
lab check
Apr 2 Lecture: Client-Side Processing – JavaScript and DOM
Tutorial: Lab 4 – MySQL

6 Apr 9 Lecture: Ajax Techniques and Working Tutorial Lab 5 exercises and Lab 4/Lab 5 completion in-
lab check
with XML
Tutorial: Lab 5 – JavaScript and DOM Assignment 1 due on Friday
Assignment 2 released

7 Apr 16 Lecture: Ajax Server-Side Technologies and Managing Tutorial Lab 6 exercises and Lab 5/Lab 6 completion in-
State Information lab check
Tutorial: Lab 6 – Ajax Techniques and XML
Provisional Schedule: refer to unit outline

7 Apr 16 Lecture: Ajax Server-Side Technologies and Managing Tutorial Lab 6 exercises and Lab 5/Lab 6 completion in-
State Information lab check
Tutorial: Lab 6 – Ajax Techniques and XML

8 Apr 23 Lecture: XPath and XSLT Tutorial Lab 7 exercises and Lab 6/Lab 7 completion in-
Tutorial: Lab 7 – Ajax Server-Side Technologies and lab check
Managing State Information

9 Apr 30 Lecture: Web Services and APIs Tutorial Lab 8 exercises and Lab 7/Lab 8 completion in-
Tutorial: Lab 8 – XPath and XSLT lab check

10 May 7 Lecture: Debugging, Patterns, Object-oriented PHP and Tutorial Lab 9 exercises and Lab 8/Lab 9 completion in-
more on Regular Expression lab check
Tutorial: Lab 9 – Web Services and APIs

11 May 14 Lecture: JSON and Framework for Web Application Tutorial Lab 10 exercises and Lab 9/Lab 10 completion in-
Development lab check
Tutorial: Lab 10 – Debugging, OO PHP and Regular Assignment 2 due on Tuesday

12 May 21 Lecture: Unit Review and Exam Matters Tutorial Lab 11 exercises and Lab 10/Lab 11 completion
Tutorial: Lab 11 – JSON and Patterns in-lab check
Teaching Style
 Interactive:
 I will ask you questions at certain points to help you think
deep; these questions may appear in the final exam; so be
active and attentive!
 You are welcome to ask questions in class, if time allows, I
will try to give you a detailed answer, otherwise let’s discuss
 Examples and demonstrations
 Don’t forget to turn off/down your mobile phone or other
computing equipment

Review : The Internet
 millions of connected computing devices:
hosts = end systems router
 running network apps
 communication links mobile
 fiber, copper, radio, satellite local ISP
 transmission rate = bandwidth
 routers: forward packets (chunks of data)
 protocols control sending, receiving of regional ISP
 e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP, PPP
 Internet: “network of networks”
 loosely hierarchical
 public Internet versus private intranet
Review : Web and HTTP
 Web page consists of objects
 Object can be HTML file, JPEG image, Java applet, audio file,…
 Web page consists of base HTML-file which includes several referenced
 Each object is addressable by a URL
 HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol - Web’s application layer protocol
 client/server model
 client: browser that requests, receives, “displays” Web objects
 server: Web server sends objects in response to requests


Review: Web Architecture
NB : We will not How are web sites constructed?
focus on security
in this unit.
TIER 4 Server


A Simple View of Web Apps
 User clicks on a URL in a browser, which points to a file on a web server
 Client-side page is downloaded from server, and is loaded within web browser
 User interacts with this page
 Interaction causes requests to be sent to server, to execute programs on the
server – or possibly even sends requests to external sources (eg Google, to
access Google maps)
 The server processes these, and sends responses, (including data In various
formats), back to the client
 This may include the server going off to other external places, eg a database
server, or some third-party provider
 It may potentially involve the server-side program itself being distributed to run on
a grid or cloud computing installation, invisible to the user
 Client receives this data, processes it, does whatever it needs to, and then gets
ready for next interaction. This may result in the client page being modified.
A Simple View of Web Apps
 We want all of this to be smooth
 No jerky visuals
 No user hold-ups waiting for server response
 User can continue to interact with the user-interface whilst waiting for
response (as encountered in many popular web systems – eg

 We want all the user-interaction modes that we are used

to on PC software to be available
 Mouseovers, animations, dynamic menus, command
completions, etc

The Challenges of Web Development
 How do we partition processing between client and server?
 What should we do on the server?
 What should we do on the client?

 What judgements should we make about load, security,

technologies available on each side?
 How should we manage the server-side data so that it is sent to
the client in an appropriate form?
 How should we manage the data when it reaches the client?
 What languages and technologies should we use?
 How do we deal with different web browsers on the client side?

 The network – indeed the whole internet - is the
 We will use the following major technologies
 Client-side (universal)
 Browser (which provides a virtual machine)
 (X)HTML and JavaScript

 Server-side (example)
 Principally PHP, XML and Database (e.g., MySQL)
 Alternatives to PHP are ASP.NET, Java

Architectural Pattern for Application Design
 Model View Controller (MVC) Model
 Model is the domain-specific representation of the information on
which the application operates. Many applications use a persistent
storage mechanism (such as a database) to store data
 View renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically
a user interface element
 Controller processes and responds to events, typically user actions,
and may invoke changes on the model
 MVC separates model and view by decoupling data access
and business logic from data presentation and user
interaction, by introducing an intermediate component: the

MVC and Web Applications
 Many web application frameworks follow the MVC to
separate the data model, business rules and user
 In a web application
 the view is the actual HTML page (for user input)
 the controller is the code which gathers dynamic data and
generates the content within the HTML (handles the input
event, accesses/updates the model)
 the model is represented by the actual content, usually
stored in a database or XML files, with various operations
Fat Client vs. Thin Client
 Web systems follow the model of Client/Server computing –
basically the browser handles the user interface and a server
(or servers) handles the model (data and logic). However, with
web applications, the division of labour is not quite so simple.
 For business logic, there are two basic options:
 Fat Client: the browser does most of the computational work, using
scripting languages (JavaScript). The server mainly hosts the data, and
serves it up to the client for processing.
 Thin client: the server at the other end does most of the processing, as
well as hosting the data, using server-side technologies such as

Fat Client vs. Thin Client
 Determining where to host the processing of data is a decision-
problem for all systems
 A number of issues need to be considered
 How busy is the server? Does it have the capacity to host the
processing from many concurrent users?
 How much data needs to be transmitted if processing is on the client?
 Is security an issue, making minimised transmission of data
 How complex is the program logic – in particular, to what extent is it
made complex by the need to consider possible browser differences?

Classic Web Application Models
 are broadly based on the server-side method
 enter your inputs
 send the page to the server, which processes the inputs, and then sends a
new page back to be rendered on the client
 The user waits for a response before the next client action

 This is a “click, wait, and refresh” user interaction model

 It is a synchronous “request/response” communication model; the
user waits idly for the server to respond
 There are some problems
 slow performance: full page replacement; waiting synchronously
 Limited interactivity

A Simple Example – Fetching Data with PHP

https://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/wlai/Lec1/simplephp.php 26
Show the Result in a New Page

User Interface
<!– file simplephp.php -->
<HTML XMLns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xHTML">
<title>A Simple Example</title>
<H1>Fetching data with PHP &nbsp;</H1>
<form method=“get">
<label>User Name: <input type="text" name="namefield"> </label>
<label><br>Password: <input type="text" name="pwdfield"> <br><br></label>
<input name="submit" value = “Send to server">
<p> The result data will refresh current page.</p>
Embedded PHP
// get name and password passed from client
if(isset($_GET['namefield']) && isset($_GET['pwdfield']))
$name = $_GET['namefield'];
$pwd = $_GET['pwdfield'];
// sleep for 5 seconds to slow server response down
// write back the password concatenated to end of the name
ECHO ($name." : ".$pwd);
} In PHP, a dot represents string
?> concatenation. So this
concatenates the name, with a
</HTML> colon, with the password

 It’s simple! PHP code embedded in HTML (simplephp.php)
 User enters data in a simple form
 User clicks on button
 The client sends the data as “parameter” to call the embedded
PHP, and waits there
 The PHP “executes” on the server extract the data sent,
concatenates the two data fields (we could do more here!), and
sends a new page back! You cannot see the context information
(i.e., the inputted user name and password)

Not Embedded PHP
<!– file simpleForm.htm -->

<form action=“getInfo.php" method=“get">

User Name: <input type="text" name="namefield "><br>
Password: <input type="text" name=" pwdfield "><br>
<input type="submit">

// get name and password passed from client
if(isset($_GET['namefield']) && isset($_GET['pwdfield']))
$name = $_GET['namefield'];
$pwd = $_GET['pwdfield'];
// sleep for 5 seconds to slow server response down
// write back the password concatenated to end of the name
ECHO ($name." : ".$pwd);
} In PHP, a dot represents string
?> concatenation. So this
concatenates the name, with a
colon, with the password

Embedded PHP

To show the values in the input fields after the user

hits the submit button

Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>">

E-mail: <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>">

Website: <input type="text" name="website" value="<?php echo $website;?>">

Comment: <textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="40"><?php echo


 Various techniques have been devised to resolve some of the
issues of the classic web model
 The aim is to allow dynamic change in the interface presented
to the user, and to allow the user to continue interacting with
the system whilst the server is busy responding to an earlier
 “AJAX” – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML – now refers to
a collection of technologies that allow the above.

The Ajax Application Model
 Original web page remains displayed in the browser
 Messages are sent to server to do some processing,
asynchronously (ie the browser does not wait for response,
and can still be used for other tasks before data comes back
from server – but beware : the user may do something that
will interfere with the previous request!)
 Results are sent back from the server when they are ready
(as text or XML)
 JavaScript in the browser is essentially waiting for these, and
when the data arrives back, it interprets these, and updates
sections of the web page that is being displayed – triggered
by receipt of the data from the server
Ajax : How
 There are several options available to implement the
Ajax Model
 XMLHttpRequest Object – our main focus, as this is now
the standard technology used to manage asynchronous
communication with the server, and is designed to
handle XML
 Other options: Hidden Frames, Hidden iFrames (not
introduced in lecture)

The Ajax Application Model – User Interaction
 “Partial screen update” user interaction model
 During user interaction within an AJAX-based application,
only user interface elements that contain new information
are updated; the rest of the user interface remains
displayed without interruption.
 This "partial screen update" interaction model not only
enables the continuous operation context, but also makes
non-linear workflow possible.
 The partial update is effected through dynamic change of
the internal representation of the “document” displayed in
the browser

The Ajax Application Model - Communication
 Asynchronous communication model
 For an AJAX-based application, the request/response can
be asynchronous, decoupling user interaction from server
interaction. As a result, the user can continue to use the
application while the client program requests information
from the server in the background.

Ajax vs. Classic Web Application Models

Ajax vs. Classic Communication Models

Popular Examples using Ajax
 Yahoo’s flickr
 Basecamp
 Amazon
 Google Suggest
 Google Maps

Ajax Component Technologies
 XHTML and CSS for standards-based presentation
 Document Object Model for dynamic display and
interaction on the client, and management of XML on both
client and server
 XML and XPATH/XSLT for data interchange and
 XMLHttpRequest for asynchronous data retrieval
 JavaScript for binding everything together
 and also need a server-side language to handle any
interaction with the server (PHP, ASP.NET*, or Java)
 (XHTML) - the more exacting version of HTML.
 HTML standard specified as an XML document.
 HTML is fairly easygoing, XHTML is more strict and
follows XML’s rules
 well formed (tags are correctly opened and closed, and
 is required to use the DOM (Document Object Model)

 Cascading Style Sheets - describe the presentation and layout of
the text and data contained within an HTML page.
 web application design criteria - clear division between the
content/structure of the page and the presentation.
 changes made to the style sheet are instantly reflected in the
display of the page.
 linked into the document commonly with the HTML <link> tag,
 possible to specify style attributes for each individual HTML tag
on a page.
 can also access CSS properties via the DOM.

 The Document Object Model – API
 lets developers create and modify HTML/XML documents as sets
of program objects (in a hierarchy), which makes it easier to
design web pages that users can manipulate.
 defines the attributes associated with each object, as well as the
ways in which users can interact with objects.
 works with JavaScript, XHTML, and CSS to dynamically change
the appearance of Web pages, and make Ajax applications
particularly responsive for users.
 DOM techniques are applicable to the client side, and as a result,
the browser can update the page or sections of it instantly.
 Supported by most browsers: IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and

 interacts with HTML code and makes web pages and Ajax
applications more active
 can be embedded in HTML pages
 Ajax uses asynchronous JavaScript, allows an HTML page calls
the server asynchronously, retrieve new XML data, and
simultaneously update the web page partially in the background,
all while the user continues interacting with the program.
 JavaScript is a cross-platform scripting language  Ajax
applications require no plug-ins

 the standard markup language that is used to describe and
structure data exchanged on the internet
 allows developers to customise own elements (i.e., tags) to
structure data and provide it meaning, while HTML has pre-
defined tags and fixed tag semantics
 an XML document contains no information about how it should be
displayed or searched; it needs other technologies to search and
display information from it
 Ajax uses XML to encode data for transfer between a server and
a browser (although plain text can also be used)

XML Technologies
 XML documents – have to be well-formed
 DTD and XML Schema – define what is a “valid” document
 Xpath - a language for selecting parts of an XML document
according to criteria
 XSLT - a language for transforming XML documents into another
format (e.g. XHTML, XML, or text)
 XQuery
 ……

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) Object
 plays a major role in Ajax applications
 allows a developer to transport the data backward and forward
behind the scenes
 Can provide the asynchronous part of the Ajax application by
using the onreadystatechange event to indicate when it has
finished loading information.
 IE 5/6 uses ActiveX control called the XMLHttp object
var xhr = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
 Firefox, Netscape 7, Safari 1.2+, Opera, Chrome and IE 7+ use a
“native” XMLHttpRequest object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

Server-Side Technologies
 J2EE
 We will learn PHP programming in week 2 and week 3,
and manipulating MySQL databases with PHP in week 4

Other Technologies Examined
 Web services and APIs
 Reuse of existing software components (written by others)
 Patterns
 A solution to a common problem
 Reuse again!
 JSON – JavaScript Object Notation
 Alternative to XML; send JavaScript objects in text form, and evaluate in
 Ajax Frameworks

Reconsider the Simple Example in Ajax

https://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/wlai/Lec1/simpleajax.htm 52
Show the Result on the Same Page

Behind the Scenes, as the User Imagines It
 User goes to URL (http://mercury.ict.swin.edu.au/wlai/Lec1/simpleajax.htm)
 User enters data in a simple form
 User clicks on button
 Onclick event handler for button causes data to be sent to server as
“parameter” to call of the URL of the PHP file

 This PHP file “executes” on the server extract the data sent,
concatenating the two data fields (we could do more here!), and sends it
back to the client
 When client has received the data, it displays the data received from the
server in a “div” set aside in the browser document for that purpose –
thus the document is itself changed

What Do We Have to Develop?
 Main (X)HTML file to display user interface, to handle interaction and to
display outcome
 XHR object creation function (in an external JavaScript “library” function
to handle browser differences in creating an XHR object) - the XHR
object is used for handling communication, i.e., pass some data to the
server, and later receive back some data created by a PHP program on
the server.
 JavaScript file to drive the client side – react to user input, communicate
with server, process data returned from server
 PHP script on server to receive data from client, process it, and send
data back to client
 Note that all files reside in same directory on the server – we will see
later that data stored on the server should be in a separate directory, for
access control purposes.
“Main” HTML File
<!– file simpleajax.htm -->
contains XHR
<HTML XMLns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xHTML"> object creation
function that
caters for browser
<head> differences

<title>A Simple Ajax Example</title>

<script type="text/javascript“ src=“xhr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="simpleajax.js"> </script>
JavaScript code
<body> To follow on
for this example

next slide

“Main” HTML File
<H1>Fetching data with Ajax &nbsp;</H1> getData is in
the file
<form> simpleajax.js

<label>User Name: <input type="text" name="namefield"> </label>

<label><br>Password: <input type="text" name="pwdfield"> <br><br> </label>
<input name="submit" type = "button" onClick = "getData('data.php',
'targetDiv’, namefield.value, pwdfield.value) " value = "Fetch from server">
When button is clicked,
<div id="targetDiv"> execute function getData,
telling it : which PHP file to
execute, where to place the
<p>The fetched data will go here.</p> data that comes back from
the server , and what data to
</div> send to PHP

</HTML> 57
Discussion : Normal Synchronous Processing
 Suppose that the system used conventional synchronous processing.
 When the button is pressed in the user-interface, the event-handler attached to
the button simply has to make a direct remote procedure call to the server, and
then process the received data appropriately. The parameters passed would be
the name and the password.
 When the remote procedure is called, the client would then WAIT for the
remote procedure to return the result of its processing, as always happens in
normal sequential (synchronous) computing. The fact that the called procedure
is remote, on another machine, is irrelevant.
 The remote procedure on the server would accept the parameters sent to it,
would concatenate the strings, and would RETURN the resulting string as the
result of the procedure call.
 When the procedure result was received back at the client, as a result of the
procedure call terminating, it would be assigned to the appropriate place in the
document (within the code of the button event-handler).
Discussion : Asynchronous Processing
 With the asynchronous model, it works in a different way!
 This time, when the button is pressed, the event-handler should make the
remote procedure call to the procedure on the server, but the event-handler
should then immediately terminate, so that the client may accept on-going
interaction from the user whilst the server is doing its work.
 We need to specify what is to occur once the remote procedure has sent its
result back, as the client is not simply waiting for that to happen. The client will
accept further user interaction, BUT IS ALSO WAITING TO RESPOND TO
 The way this is done is that the event-handler must not only make the call to
the remote procedure on the server, but also it must specify how the client is to
respond when the result from the server is eventually received by the client.
 In other words, we need to specify an event-handler for the client-side event
that it has received a message that the server has signalled it has done its
Discussion : Asynchronous Processing

 How does the client handle the returned data?

 The way we manage this is that we use an XMLHttpRequest object (XHR
object) that sits in the client and serves as the communication link between the
client and the server.
 We create this object, and set up the link to the file on the server that has to be
“called”, and include the parameters that have to be passed to it – it’s a bit like
plugging a device into a power outlet.
 We then specify what is to occur when the result from the server is eventually
received by the XHR object. This is specified as an event-handler attached to
the onreadystatechange event of the XHR object
 Finally, we initiate the remote call – this is a bit like switching the device on.

Discussion : Asynchronous Processing

 Note that in the client, the browser is forever monitoring the objects that have
associated events. Thus for example, button presses are picked up.
 The XHR object is also monitored. Thus the onreadystatechange event of this
object is monitored, and if this event occurs (or “fires”), the event-handler for
THIS event executes.
 Unfortunately this event simply signifies that the readyState property of the
XHR object has changed. It does not directly signify that the data has been
received from the server.
 The event-handler thus must check if the data HAS been received, and that
processing has completed properly. If not, it should do nothing. If so, it should
pick up the received data, and process it as required.

Our JavaScript Code : simpleajax.js
var xhr = createRequest(); // from file xhr.js
function getData(dataSource, divID, aName, aPwd) {
if(xhr) {
var place = document.getElementById(divID);
var url = dataSource+“?name="+aName+“&pwd="+aPwd;
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
Only do this if xhr was xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { protocol.
The “true”
successfully created. If
means that
it was not, then in fact alert(xhr.readyState); // to monitor progress asynchrono
nothing happens! There
us access
is no connection to the if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { is
server, no data
returned, and the user
will see nothing! To be
place.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
honest, we should
include an else } // end if
alternative, that alerts
the user to an error. } // end anonymous call-back function
} // end if
} // end function getData() 62
Alternative, with named call-back function
var xhr = createRequest(); // from file xhr.js
function getData(dataSource, divID, aName, aPwd) {
if(xhr) {
var place = document.getElementById(divID);
var url = dataSource+“?name="+aName+“&pwd="+aPwd;
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
Here we provide a named
xhr.onreadystatechange = placeData(place); function as the call-back, and
xhr.send(null); supply a parameter as we do
need to pass the location for the
} // end if data display in to this function
} // end function getData()

function placeData(location) {
We only ever use this function for
alert(xhr.readyState); // to monitor progress the one purpose, and it really
does not need to be named. So
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
the typical programming practice
location.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; is to use the anonymous function
approach of the previous slide.
} // end if
Creating the XHR Object – Use of External File

 Note that xhr is just our chosen name for the XHR object that
communicates between client and server; any name could be
chosen, as in later examples
 We define the object via a call to an external function, that
handles browser differences (see later slide)
 The function createRequest, which returns a valid XHR object, is
defined in the JavaScript file xhr.js. That file is indicated as an
included script in our main HTML file.

XHR Object creation
// file xhr.js
// return a valid XHR object Check for native XHR
object first, as most
contemporary browsers
function createRequest() { have this. Use the native
object in IE where
var xhrObj = false; possible.

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xhrObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
xhrObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
Older versions of IE
} do not have the
native XHR object,
return xhrObj; so we then create
an appropriate
ActiveXObject that
} // end function createRequest() has similar
Defining the XHR Object – Browser Differences

 Our implementation is very simple, and just covers essential

differences between Firefox and older versions of IE. For IE7+, it
will use the native XMLHttpRequest object available rather than
the ActiveX object.
 A more sophisticated implementation is needed to give wider
browser availability.
 If neither condition in the code is satisfied, then no XHR object is
created, and the function returns false.
 The function call does not fail, but the possibility of false being
returned should be handled in the calling code.

Server Script : data.php
<!--file data.php -->
// get name and password passed from client
$name = $_GET['name'];
$pwd = $_GET['pwd'];
sleep(10); // simulate delay at server to make async obvious
// write back the password concatenated to end of the name
echo ($name." : ".$pwd)

What Happens?
 We start by loading “simpleajax.htm” in the browser
 When this loads, the JavaScript files in the header load
 xhr.js just makes available the function createRequest() that
creates an XHR object
 simpleajax.js is executable code, and when it is loaded
 The XHR object named xhr is created via a call to function
createRequest() {xhr.js is loaded first to enable this}
 The function getData() is made available – it does not execute until it
is called

 The body of the HTML now loads

What Happens?
 This basically displays the form for the user interface, and
prepares the location for the returned data (an HTML div).
Nothing happens – it is waiting for us to enter the data fields and
press the button
 When we press the button, the registered “onclick” event causes
the JavaScript function getData() to be called
 This function executes; it sets up variable “place”, opens up the
connection of xhr to the server, specifying that the “GET” protocol
will be used, specifies the PHP file on the server that will load to
xhr, specifies that processing is to be asynchronous (via the use
of “true” as the third parameter) - and defines the (anonymous)
call-back function that will execute when the ready state of xhr
What Happens?
 Next, start the client – server communication via xhr by “send”
request; this sends the data as part of the URL in the GET
 Then it activates the execution of the PHP script on the server,
which in this case simply takes the data passed as parameters,
concatenates them, sleeps for 10 seconds (to simulate heavy
load on the server – don’t do this in a real system!!) and echos
the result.
 This essentially writes the resulting string to xhr’s responseText
 Whilst the user waits for the response (s)he can interact with the
What Happens?
 As the communication continues, the server updates properties of
xhr, keeping xhr aware of the state of the communication; every
time the state changes, the onreadystatechange event is fired on
xhr, and the anonymous call-back function (mentioned on the
previous slide) executes – each time it executes we get an alert
box that shows the new value of the readyState property of xhr
 It is here to show how the event fires several times as the state
changes, before finally indicating that the communication has

What Happens?
 The conditional code in the call-back function checks the
readyState and status properties of xhr
 If the former is 4, and the latter is 200 (ie, the server has
completed sending its response, and the status of xhr is “OK”),
then the innerHTML property of the location represented by the
variable place is assigned the value of the responseText property
of xhr (which is the concatenated string sent from the server)
 Note that the state of xhr changes several times and
consequently the call-back function executes several times prior
to the completion of the communication.


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