.Time Management
.Time Management
.Time Management
Enlist cheerleaders - One of the best ways to make it to the other side is to enlist people who will give you loads of positive feedback for any
action steps in the right direction. This affirmation along the way will increase your motivation to progress toward your goal even if the final
completion and the accompanying rewards still stand a long way off.
Gathering additional information always comes at a cost. We’re better off setting our criteria for making a decision in advance (as in, “I’ll
make the call once I know X, Y, and Z”). Once you have that information, make the choice and move on.
Look for ways to enjoy whatever you are doing. By finding some enjoyment in every task, you will do a better job and do it quicker.
Aproksimetly 30-50 minutes is generally the amount of time most people can concentrate before needing a quick break. Work for twenty-five minutes,
take a break for five, repeat: this is the premise of the Pomodoro technique.
Poštujte tuđe mišljenje! Ne znači da je uvijek vaš način najbolji, a i stalno sukobljavanje s drugima bespotrebno troši energiju. Budite spremni na
kompromis. Ponekad raspravljanje jednostavno nije vrijedno stresa koji prouzrokuje.
Rather than making a list of projects or goals that we intend to accomplish, to-do lists should consist of simple one-step tasks that need to be
accomplished in order to complete a project or goal. Instead of writing, "Clean the house," which is a goal, break it down into smaller steps, such as
"Load the dishwasher," "Dust the furniture," etc. Once a task is done, scratch it off the list and move on to the next task.
Eat and work out at the same time every day: The fewer decisions you need to make on a daily basis, the better. Wasting time on trivial stuff like what
to wear and when to exercise and what to eat draws on your decision-making reserves, which, like willpower, have a very finite cap. Making any kind of
decisions requires a certain amount of time and energy, and if you want to be able to save more time and energy for the things that really matter, that
means spending less time on the things that don’t.
Handle things once (saves 15 to 20 minutes). When it comes to e-mail, voice mail, or paperwork, take instant action—i.e., read, answer, delete, file—
so you don't have to come back to it. The accumulated time saved can add up to ten hours a month.
Complete one task before you go on to the next. Eliminate half-work at all costs. Completing a project fuels your energy and gives you motivation to
tackle the other items on your to-do list.
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MYTH: “Time management involves getting more done in less time.” Some people may believe that, but effective time management refers to
getting done fewer things of greater importance.
Don’t try to figure out what someone meant in a confusing email, go straight to the source and ask. This saves on time, energy and mistakes. Asking
for, and giving, clear communication is key.
Deal with mail on a daily basis. Set aside a few minutes each day to deal with the mail.
If a task takes less than five minutes, do it right away. If it takes longer, put it on the list.
Have a reminder system to tell you of when you need to do what: don't try to remember everything in your head as this is a recipe for disaster
Kada ne stigneš sve što želiš, smanji neku aktivnost. Ne trebaš je potpuno izbaciti. Npr. čitaj samo 20 minuta i zatim otiđi s nekime na kavu.
Keep a time log. Write down what you do and for how long each day for the next week. The idea is to get a good sense for where your time goes.
Choose. Realize that you don’t have to do everything you do. And that the sky may not fall if you do/don’t do something.
Avoid facebook and e-mails during your high-energy time.
Express clearly and share details. A major waste of time is caused by misunderstandings between people about roles, goals, and responsibilities.
People do not know what they are expected to do, how to do it, and by what time. Misunderstandings lead to inefficiencies, anger, frustration, and
unhappiness. It often requires an enormous amount of time to clear up a misunderstanding and get matters back to normal.
Invite sunlight to your bedroom. It is probably the most powerful thing you can do to force your body awake in the mornings.
Avoid the "feel like its." Poor time managers base their actions on their feelings and moods. You know the type, "Yeah, I know the garbage can is
overflowing, but I don't feel like taking it out right now." Effective time management is more about habit than feelings. Most people do the easy and
simple elements of their job first... like reading their email, scanning the newspaper, cleaning off their desk etc. Good time managers do what is
important first, irregardless of their feelings. As Nike says, "Just Do It!"
ABC analysis:
A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important,
B – Tasks that are important but not urgent,
C – Tasks that are neither urgent nor important.
Consolidate errands. Making several trips in the car to run errands wastes time and money. With a little planning you may find you can do it all in one
trip instead of two or three.
Cut back on possessions. Bigger living spaces and more stuff come with a double price: the cost to purchase them and the time to maintain them.
Postpone unnecessary activities until the work is done! This can be the most difficult challenge of time management. As learners we always meet
unexpected opportunities that look appealing, then result in poor performance on a test, on a paper, or in preparation for a task. Distracting activities
will be more enjoyable later without the pressure of the test, assignment, etc. hanging over your head.
Pripremite se unaprijed. To možete primijeniti kod kupnje odječe i rođendanskih poklona. Nema potrebe da trčite u dućan u zadnji trenutak. Također se
pripremite navečer za sljedeći dan.
Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they show up. Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give
people your attention unless it's absolutely crucial
Include time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercise, and socializing in your schedule.
Work in a team or build one. Then delegate. Figure Out Where You’re Needed; Don’t Be Anywhere Else
Put everything in its place. One of the biggest time-wasters is looking for lost items.
SHARPEN THE SAW. This is the habit of self-renewal, which has four elements. The first is mental, which includes reading, visualizing, planning and
writing. The second is spiritual, which means value clarification and commitment, study and meditation. Third is social/emotional, which includes
service, empathy, synergy and intrinsic security. Finally, the physical element includes exercise, nutrition and stress management.
Give yourself permission to quit. Just as it makes sense to stop eating when you’re full, it makes sense to stop projects when they’re no longer
satisfying to you. Reevaluate any project that has been lingering on your to-do list in a state of partial completion. Ask yourself this question: Given
what I know today, if I hadn’t already started this project, would I choose to start it again? If the answer is no—give yourself permission to quit. You’ll
free up your time for more important projects and activities.
Što će se dogoditi ako ....?
Hoće li svijet zaustaviti, ako nešto ne učinite ili to učinite na drugačiji način? Nemojte se zavaravati mišlju da je vaš posao od neprocjenjive vrijednosti
ili savršen.
Do not tell your employee that you'll handle it, you just put his monkey on your back. He leaves relieved because it's now your problem. Instead take a
few minutes to guide him on how to manage his own monkey. He learns from this while you avoid the stress of overloading yourself.
Stop Micro Managing - Avoid delving into the detail of the work. With software development projects, it's not necessary for the project manager to get
involved at code level, leave this to the developers.
Find a Mentor or Coach
Have shorter meetings - Dogovori se za vrijeme sastanka. Ako je u pitanju važan sastanak, predvidi rezervno vrijeme za produžetak. Također nikad ne
planiraj sastanke u nizu da ne budeš u stresu ako se neki malo produži.
Take a break and exercise for a few minutes, even if it is stretching at your workstation. This short break will help clear your mind and allow you to
focus better.
Change clothes immediately after coming home from work. After you shed your work clothes, you’re ready to face the demands at home.
Try to leave earlier in the morning. Even 5 minutes can make the difference between frantically rushing to your desk and having time to ease into your
day. Don’t add to your stress levels by running late.
Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Many things at work are beyond our control—particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out
over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems.
Početak dobrog upravljanja vremenom: Jasna procjena stanja. Ne ulazite u nešto što uopće ne treba raditi. I ne radite pogreške tamo gdje ih uz malo
razmišljanja možete izbjeći.
Planirajte svoje ponašanje kada ste u zaostatku. Kako ćete to odraditi a da si ne zatrpate dane ispunjene novim obavezama?
Partners can do chores together. Daily chores may take a lot of time every day. But by working together and finishing up chores, it’ll be faster and still
give both of you more time to spend with each other and talk about your individual lives.
Understand the Time, Budget, and Quality Triangle - most of the time you can choose only one or two of them. What will you choose? You can also
present it when you work something for others:
o I can do it quickly and to a high standard, but then it will not be cheap.
o I can do it quickly and cheaply, but it will not be of high quality.
o I can do it with high quality and cheaply, but it will take a long time.
Forgive yourself. We all fail at some point or get derailed by the unexpected. Learn from it. Fix what you can. Apologize when you need to, then
move on.
Do One Thing You Love Each Day - For ongoing optimal energy, invest in something you love every day. Even a few minutes of pure bliss can keep
you uplifted.
Make quicker decisions and act: Paraliza od analiza - ako se previše vremena provodi u planiranju nego u realizaciji, troši se vrijeme i često ne
napravimo niti prvi korak jer se iscrpimo pripremom.
Vježbajte govoriti “ne” na ljubazan, uljudan i pozitivan način. Nije sama riječ “ne” ono što nam stvara nevolje, već mnogo češće način na koji to
Pripremite protumjere za tehničke probleme: npr. Rezervni mikrofon za snimanje videa ako jedan prestane raditi.
Prilikom kupovine čarapa birajte uvijek one iste boje i modela kako ne biste gubili vrijeme tražeći pravi par.
I feel that the best way to study is to read the text and then read again and make notes.
Try to take showers before going to school or work. You'll be more refreshed, alert, and relaxed as you start the day.
Create 3 checkboxes: agree, disagree, or “let’s discuss.” Learn the difference between "Do I need to do this now?" and "Do I need to do this at all?"
Experienced leaders learn how to quickly answer this question when faced with a new task.
Anticipate excuses and prepare for them. Write what you really want and the reason why each excuse is bullshit.
Consider a more public form of accountability, such as forum thread, NaNoWriMo (for writers), or telling your blog readers/Twitter followers about your
plan and progress. If you need funding, how about a crowdfunding platform such as Kickstarter? When you make a public statement and/or take
people’s money you tend to feel very accountable.
Log Interruptions
The average person is interrupted 50 times a day, and the average interruption takes 5 minutes. Many interruptions are crucial; some are anything but.
For one week, log every interruption, noting who perpetrated it, how much time it took, and a rating of importance: A=crucial, B=important, C=little
value, and D=no value. Evaluate the results, then take action to eliminate some of the C and D interruptions.
Follow the 20/20/20 rule: Focus on an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds, after every 20 minutes that you spent looking at screens.
When trying to describe something to another person, a photo is worth a thousand words. Don’t try to detail something when you can send a picture via
text or email.
Always Have Reading Material With You – You never know when you may have a wait or some unexpected downtime.
You should check your list a minimum of three times a day. These checkpoints with your checklist will ensure that you are working on your top
priorities and recall all tasks that need to be done.
Parkinsons Law: Posao duže traje ako damo više vremena za njega.
Svaki vikend pregledaj i nadogradi svoj raspored. Mijenjaj ga u skladu sa svojim spoznajama, iskustvima i odlukama.
De-Clutter Your Mind and Space to Become More Productive – učini sve čistim i jednostavnim, izbaci što se ne koristi, pohrani važne stvari, te učini
važno organiziranim i preglednim.
identify up to five things—no more—that you want to focus on for the year. You should spend about 80 percent of your time on those things.
Be in the moment.
When watching football, it seems to me that most missed catches are the result of a receiver thinking about running with the ball instead of first
focusing on catching it. Thinking ahead like this is not planning, it's multitasking. Planning is a scheduled activity, not a mindset. When you are working
on a task you should be focused on that task.
Before taking a break, use a time bit to start a new task. One of the most difficult aspects of getting things done is getting started. I find it can be
incredibly difficult to get back “into the zone” after taking a break, or when shifting from one task to another. Therefore, I try not to align my tasks on
discrete boundaries like hours. Rather, I use my time bits to start a new significant task.
Create time buffers in between scheduled activities. I recommend scheduling a 50% time buffer for any activity. If you think a meeting will take 20
minutes, schedule 30. If you think an activity will require 60 minutes, schedule 90.
Meditate. For many people the mind keeps scanning even when there is nothing to process and this
creates a “busy mind”– boredom, a feeling of restlessness, of searching for something to do
and it also affects the body by constantly keeping it in a state of nervous tension. It seems that meditation can slow down the mind and perception of
VAŽNO - PROUČI: When you can tell that you’ve been showering for 10 minutes, and not 15, you can thank your hippocampus. But when you sense
the difference between 1 and 1.5 minutes, or 20 minutes and an hour, other brain regions have taken over as internal time-keeper.
Hide! If people can’t find you, they can’t distract you: go to the library, for example.
Multitasking studies show that we actually lose efficiency and time at the rate of about 20% in the switching time between tasks.
I place the shopping list on the fridge with a magnet and as food items run out the appropriate column is ticked and the estimated price is entered.
Be sure before you start the day you have full of energy just take your breakfast meal it is the most important meal so dont skip your breakfast.
Adrenaline addiction- many creatives use the adrenaline of a very close deadline to fuel their work. Over the long term this probably won’t produce the
best work/good life balance.
Underestimating required time- many projects/responsibilities take more time than we expect to do well. Always add on extra time-particularly if it is
something important.
Guilt That You Have More Time Than Others. The Solution: Just because you’re working on a personal project, it doesn’t mean that you have free
time. You must remember that any “extra” time has already been allocated toward your important goals.
Guilt That You’re Not Making Money . The solution: Remember why you decided to take this time in the first place. Remind yourself of how hard
you found it to do your creative work when you had lots of other professional responsibilities. Also, decide to look at this as a long-term investment
where you can have a larger pay-off in the end.
Guilt That You Are Progressing Too Slowly. The Solution: Just because you have what you consider loads of time, doesn’t mean that you can get
everything done at once. It took Michelangelo four years to paint the Sistine Chapel. Instead of getting discouraged, record what actions you do on a
daily and weekly basis and celebrate what you did accomplish. Also, try to find ways to get a sense of completion faster, such as publishing an excerpt
of your book as an article, exhibiting the first painting in something that will become a series, or giving a presentation on your findings so far.
Being overextended:
Is it humanly possible to meet all the obligations you currently have? If not, can you omit or reschedule some of these obligations?
Low motivation:
Is the task relevant to you personally? Is it another person's goal rather than your own? Try to find some personal reward or relevance for your
completing the task. Are you really interested in the project? If not, can you find a way to make it interesting or let go of it?
Lack of training:
Are you unprepared or incapable of completing the task? On a new task, do you find you’re afraid of the unknown? Are the expectations ambiguous?
You may want to ask for guidance, support, or a new perspective from someone who is more familiar with the process or skilled in the area.
Faulty assumptions:
Are you assuming that if you ignore the task long enough it will disappear? Do you tend to underestimate how much time and effort the job will take?
Do you have a tendency to over-estimate the difficulty of getting the task done? Try sitting down and writing out each step of the job, how long each
step will take, and then tackling the job one step at a time.
Are fears of doing a less than perfect job interfering with your productivity? Remember that perfection is unobtainable. Often it will feel worse to not do
a job at all instead of doing it in a less than perfect manner. Ask yourself "what level of performance on this task would I expect from a friend/co-
Fear of evaluation:
Are you over concerned with another individual's response to your performance. Try to assess how much total impact upon your life this one reaction
will have. No one performs highly all the time, or in every area. Try to focus on completing the task with a goal of lessening your workload and anxiety,
regardless of the evaluation.